Tag Archives: Christendom

A Christian interested in Islam

I’m a Christian who’s always been pretty religious and but I’ve been really interested in Islam because I have a lot of Muslim friends and I love how they follow their religion. Can somebody give me some good reasons why I could convert to Islam?

In any case, it is good to question or at least ask questions about your faith. Daily, we need to examine and weigh ourselves, our thinking and our beliefs against the data we can find in the Holy Scriptures.

To your question, some might react and ask that person with such a question or remark

Why would you exchange the truth about God for a lie?

Others might say

I can’t think of good reasons why you would want to convert to Islam but I can understand why your Muslim friends’ devotion would make you wonder.

Some Christians consider Islam a threat to their faith. In doing so, they do not ask why that faith needs to be a threat to our society.

About God, there are no lies in Islam. Like in Judaism Islam teaches about the Only One True God, Who is One and not Three, like lots of Christians think. When coming to know the God of the Bible it is understandable that you might think you come to serve that God to your best of your ability.

You should know that, in Christianity, not all Christians worship the Trinity. There are masses of Christians who worship only That One True God and keep away from any idolatry, like praying to saints or keeping pagan festivals (like Christmas and Easter).

Even when you see all the wrong doctrines your Christian denomination brought to in its faith, you should not step away from Christianity, though you could leave Christendom aside.

There are no good reasons to convert to Islam.

The fact you’re considering it, actually makes us wonder whether you actually believe in Jesus. We do know that there are many atheists, because they do not believe in God, that say that Christ did not exist; But that does not make any sense. Jesus Christ is a historical figure, like the world knowns so many historical figures about whom nobody would doubt, even when there is less material evidence of their existence than about the existence of Jeshua ben Josef, (the son of Josef) who is better known as Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

Jesus said,

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

It is God Himself Who provided this Nazarene man, born in Bethlehem. That Islam denies the deity of Jesus is not bad and totally justified, because Jesus is not God but the son of God. The fact that Islam denies Jesus died on the cross for your sins is another matter which is a shame. Because they do not believe Jesus really died, naturally Islam can only deny Jesus’ glorious resurrection from the dead. For Christians who believe Jesus is God, there is also a problem, because God has no birth and can not die according to the Holy Scriptures. But all Christians are convinced that Jesus died and was resurrected.

You need to think about what you’ll be rejecting if you decide to convert to Islam.

Without Jesus, where would your salvation come from? Here’s a Bible verse for you to think about:

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 (ESV)

It is not bad to have friends in all sorts of faiths, but that does not give yet one reason to change faith. One can have a lot of Muslim friends and one may love how they follow their religion. They do tend to be faithful to their faith and do not disregard as many precepts as Catholics and Protestants usually do.

Why would you exchange the truth about God and HIs son for a lie?

There are no good reasons to convert to Islam.

More than once we’ve read of priests and ministers who converted to Islam because Muslims take prayer so seriously and pray so often. They forgot they too could pray more often. We are all free to pray as much as we want.

In the Netherlands they are so afraid Islam would take over their country. Do they neve ask themselves how it would come that so many of their compatriots, Calvinists, Lutherans and other Protestants and Catholics made steps to leave their congregation and to go more regularly to the mosque instead of the church. Is it not because so many Dutch, Belgian French and English people are so much dissatisfied with their Christian faith that they go looking for other solutions and come up to the Muslim faith. If these churches in our area had enough to offer to the people, they would not be running away from them.

In Belgium we also heard it more than once that people were cross with the fact that in the schools of their children or at work Muslims were demanding and getting a special room set aside for prayer. Ditd they ever asked the school or their employer for a special prayer room?
Our response would be

“great for them – why aren’t you doing the same?”

So again is it not our own fault when Islam is getting a bigger denomination than all the Christian denominations?
Why is there not something people may find appealing in Islam/Muslim practice to challenge them to grow in their own faith and faith practice as a Christian?


Find also to read

  1. Are people allowed to have doubts
  2. How Many Persons Created the Heavens and the Earth?
  3. Christians saying Jesus is God giving food for atheists to prove there exist no God
  4. Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the Bible
  5. Nazarene Commentary Luke 3:1, 2 – Factual Data
  6. Matthew 2:1-6 – Astrologers and Priests in a Satanic Plot
  7. The place where Jesus was brought up
  8. A rebellious movement founded on a fake?
  9. Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #2
  10. Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #3


Additional reading

  1. The habitual misreading of John 1 and the ‘Word being God’ #2
  2. A Father Who begat a son



  1. The Atheist Jesus: Man, Myth, or Mix?
  2. Did Jesus Actually Exist?
  3. Did Jesus really exist
  4. Did Jesus Really Exist? – Christmas is around the corner
  5. Jesus never existed?
  6. Did Jesus Exist…
  7. Did Jesus Exist? (Part One)
  8. Evidence for Jesus – Was Jesus a Real Person?
  9. Do Scholars and Historians think Jesus never existed?
  10. Why Do Scholars Think Jesus Christ Existed Historically?
  11. Are there historical documentations of Jesus outside the Bible?
  12. What evidence should we expect about Jesus?
  13. Jesus : Myth or Reality
  14. #8: The Strongest Historical Evidences for Jesus and the Resurrection, Pt. 1
  15. Did Jesus Exist? 18 Parallels to Fictional Hero Narratives
  16. Did Jesus Just Admit He Was a Fictional Character?
  17. What about pre-Christ resurrection myths?
  18. Living a lie or Desiring God?

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Filed under Questions asked, Religious affairs

Taking a dog by the ears

When we browse the internet to find interesting articles, we come across a lot of junk that we ignore further. But there are also sites that touch us because of the attitude they dare to adopt towards other people.

A multitude of articles are placed on the net against believers, be they Christians, Jews or Islamists. Certain people are not afraid to adopt an ugly and sometimes degenerate attitude towards believers.
People seem to be ugly, especially against Christians. Bad enough, those who speak very negatively and even go too aggressive towards other Christians can also find people who call themselves Christians.

Of course, the ex-Christians are the most Christian-hating group, which are underpinned and encouraged by atheists, who don’t like anything else to ridicule Christians. It doesn’t bother them, even if they have a business to do such a thing. Strangely enough, they often do like to get as much money out of people with religious traditions to sell their products based on such occasions. Take the South African Ark, for example, which takes every opportunity to ridicule Christians, while she does not even seem to bother, to get to know those people’s thinking on a religious level, plus also on a political or civil level and would like to have her readers to follow her business site.  When you take only that one site with articles like:

  1. ”It’s all a matter of evidence, M’lud.”
  2. The hypocrisy of cancel culture
  3. A-theism is …?
  4. The love of Christianity ….
  5. Christianity: When Intelligence is optional but Stupid is obligatory.
  6. Seth Andrews: Christianity Made Me Talk Like an Idiot
  7. Evangelical Christianity – trigger warning!

you can get a fairly good picture of such a shameful attitude to other thinkers and human beings. What is also striking about negative judges of Christianity is that they mainly look at American evangelical Christians and do not look further at what other Christians believe or how they practice their life of faith.

Ark herself points her finger rightly to the biggest cause of problems. She writes:

…if, as kids, we were each given a KJV bible as part of our school curriculum and told to read it …. ”there will be a test!” {I wonder ….}

The biggest problem of those that criticise Christianity and/or Christendom (them not even seeing the difference between it) is that they never have taken enough time to read the most important Book of books which should be the basis of such faith and for society. In case several believers actually take up the Bible and read the entire book, many more people would leave a certain group of faith because they will have insight into the many false doctrines in that faith community.

Another question some could have asked.

would any of us have believed what we read or become Christians simply on the strength of being told we were reading the ‘Divine Word?’ {I wonder ….}

But we also notice that a lot of atheists and critics of certain faith groups even do not bother to look carefully what those groups believe. Some who call themselves Christian even attack other Christians and tell all sorts of lies about them. One such blog has even as title “The Bible & Exposing Cult Error Darkness Into Light” were the writer wants his readers to believe he exposes errors of others, but in fact does nothing more than presenting his own errors, ignorance or lack of knowledge. For certain groups, like Christadelphians calls them a cult, without really having studied their teachings. Others prefer to stay anonymous. We also can find so-called Christians who hate Jews and preach anti-semitism.

Several of those so-called Christian sites even do not let readers reply on their articles or in case they do they delete all reasonable answers shedding a true light on the Bible or do not allow reply which are not according their idea or oppose the sayings in the article.

From some articles we can find on the net we would think the blogger conciders the other the enemy, though he does not dare to talk nicely to that enemy, what he better would. Desmond Tutu once said;

“If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friends, You talk to your enemies.”

Also the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi could not understand why there was so much hatred by Christians against other Christians whilst in case they would follow the example of the master teacher they say they follow, there would be much more peace in the world.

We may not forget that most wars originated from greed, often people using religion or a gruesome event that happened before as an excuse.

There is quite honestly probably no country or emirate or society that has not, at one time or other in their history (including any country that has made a concerted effort to wipe out indigenous peoples) done the very same thing, mostly for greed or revenge or because their god commanded them to do it. {Judy Thompson‘s reply to Islam: Can you feel the love?}

The blogger Nora Marie has been been on both sides…both sides of the grass… and has experienced rejection from God’s people as well as the people closest to her. She looks at the problem of false accusations or people not looking at the matter closely.

She writes:

Now, why would he believe anything the person said as gospel when he himself caught the person on a false accusation? Because we humans tend to be drawn to and believe the negative, especially with people we don’t like or are in competition with. Betrayal and getting stabbed in the back hurts when the falsehood comes from an acquantience, crushes when it comes from a friend, and destroys when it’s a relative. Gossip destroys. {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

Several name Christians do forget that a Christian should be a real or true follower of Christ, having the same God as Christ, and trying to become like Christ.

Instead of loving other Christians, some make it a sport to blacken others and even incite people to hate those other Christians.

Nora Marie writes:

Why do we (yes, especially so-called Christians) stick our noses in other people’s poop?

Why do Christians feel the need to spread stuff around that they know will hurt others? {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

and gives a good answer:

Two reasons:

1. Pride and arrogance in thinking they are more righteous than others, and

2. Revenge, thinking they will straighten out the person, not realizing that God will always put the gossiper in their place! {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

It is often because they cannot tolerate something from the other party that they go against it so much. Most vehemently they go against non-trinitarian Christians and their churches because they cannot stand up to the dignity of those God-loving persons who base themselves totally on the Bible and not on the doctrines of certain popular churches.

Much too often, certain Christians forget the words of the Bible concerning their attitude against others and worse in their way of living go far away from the essence of Scriptures.

We are fools when we fly far from God’s precepts, when we are lazy, and when we use our tongues to hurt others in order to build ourselves up. {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

correctly reminds her readers.

God has given His Word to anyone who wants to hear, to provide instruction and insight so that one can build a perfect life full of respect for others.

God’s word is genius. God’s word flows together into every area of our lives. Yes, it is possible to live right with only the Ten Commandments, but thankfully, God gave us a whole Cannon to explain to us dumb sheep how to treat others, and more importantly, to draw closer to the Lord! {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

Naive or inexperienced and gullible persons are easily misled and believe every word they hear, but the prudent man [is discreet and astute and] considers well where they are going, sifting and weighing every word. Therefore, let’s think carefully about some bible texts like these:

He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own
Is like one who takes a dog by the ears. ~Proverbs 26:17

“The simpleton believes every word he hears, but the prudent man looks and considers well where he is going.” Proverbs 14:15

Remembering also

“You are not mature if you have a high esteem of yourself. He who boasts in himself is but a babe in Christ, if indeed he be in Christ at all.
Young Christians may think much of themselves. Growing Christians think themselves nothing. Mature Christians know that they are less than nothing.
The more holy we are, the more we mourn our infirmities, and the humbler is our estimate of ourselves”
{ Charles Spurgeon}


Let’s live in love instead of arrogance. {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}



Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups

The written, the spoken, and the audible a part of the soul and a blessing to humanity but also the trigger to those who love Crusades and the Inquisition

Need to reject an archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible and animosity against other believers

Are Christianity and Capitalism Compatible?

How Many Gods?

When does your day begin and when begins God His day

This is Church Unity?

Preaching as Public Speaking

Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?

Passover 7 days of meditation opening a way to conversion

Culture War Christianity in American history

Americans their stars, pretension, God, Allah and end of times signs #3 Cyberwars and prophesy

Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

Seeds from the world creating division and separation from God

Preventing conflicts and war

Contemplation for the month of April……Falsehood darkens the pure knowledge of God!


Additional reading

  1. A Book to trust #17 Biblical archaeology vs Historical science or study #2 Relevance of Biblical record
  2. Missional hermeneutics 5/5
  3. An attitude taken to those who attack us and other unitarians
  4. Gates to different belief systems in this world
  5. How willing are people to stand up for their values and beliefs
  6. Are you religious, spiritual, or do you belong to a religion, having a faith or interfaith
  7. Religion and believers #1 Lots of groups and forms of belief to be taken interest in
  8. Religion and believers #2 Different forms of Truth
  9. Religion and believers #7 Independent and organised form of existence of a religion
  10. From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah
  11. The Most Appropriate teacher and Scoffers in our contemporary age
  12. Exodus 9: Liar Liar
  13. Why is it that Christians don’t understand Muslims and Muslims do not understand Christians?
  14. Think before you speak
  15. The naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie
  16. God’s forgotten Word 5 Lost Lawbook 4 The ‘Catholic’ church
  17. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  18. Sometimes we face trials
  19. Who are the anti-Jehovah people
  20. Those willing to tarnish
  21. We are ourselves responsible
  22. Westboro Baptist Church and Catholic Truth against Nelson Mandela
  23. The Most Hated Family in America
  24. Antichrist and The Most Hated Family in America in crisis
  25. Today’s thought “Be aware of what went on” (August 15) He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him.
  26. The Big conversation – Recognition and refocus
  27. 1st thought for today “The world may be wicked” (January 16)
  28. Dave Norris and his writings on the Belgian Bible Students
  29. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  30. Place for a fifth and sixth house in Christendom
  31. A convinced voice to debunk false allegations….
  32. a powerful way to put the universe on notice….
  33. A Secret of our Enemy :Inter-Ethnic Fault Lines Among the Jews (Full Article)
  34. A vibrant and inclusive movement within the American Jewish community
  35. From nothingness to a growing group of followers of Jeshua 5 What’s in a name
  36. Three Weeks of sadness but also of hope
  37. More than seven anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S.A. per day
  38. In a time when we must remain in our place
  39. Is it time for UK Jews to pack the bags?
  40. Tel Aviv University study found a record-high number of reports of antisemitic activity throughout the world in 2021
  41. Public reaction demanded against increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes
  42. Not everything looks so good of the Zionist movement
  43. This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #6
  44. Memorizing wonderfully 55 Exchanging the truth of God for a lie
  45. Today’s thought “Folly and Wickedness of Men” (January 06)
  46. Shall Artificial intelligence transform religion
  47. What I would change about modern scoiety


Further related

On ReligionWhat is ReligionThe Value Of Religion and the Problem With AtheismCarl Jung Thoughts on AtheismWhen Atheists Criticize ReligionThe Bottom Line on AtheismChurchianity Versus Christianity By Former AtheistAmerica’s New ReligionsThe Truth on Religion and ViolenceThe Polarizing Effect Of TruthAddams Family Values (Part 1) on March 29, 2013Addams Family Values (Part 2) on April 1, 2013Is Your Jesus Gospel-Centred? on May 13, 2013“Your punishment must be more severe”


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Preachers belonging to the Whore of Babylon calling Judeo-Christians the anti-Christ

Preachers giving false ideas

On the net, we do find lots of people who claim to be Christian but belong to the Whore of Babylon, according to the Scriptures.

Fritz Berggren writes about the real Bride and a False Bride (the Great Whore).

Too many “Christians” — Judeo-Christians —have joined themselves to the wrong body.Like Eve, they are deceived. {The False Bride (the Great Whore)}

The writer of the site Christian Nations notices

This is the False Wife, the Whore of Babylon who believes she cannot be touched and falsely claims to be the Bride, the Chosen people,  when in fact she is the whore who sits on many waters (is in many nations) {The False Bride (the Great Whore)}

When we look around us, everywhere we can see and hear people who claim to be Christian, but who do not follow the teachings of Christ Jesus and do not worship the God of Jesus, but have made Jesus and other human beings in their gods.

For him

The False Wife is like those call call themselves Jews, but are not, and are rather of the synagogue of Satan. {The False Bride (the Great Whore)}

by which we do hope he sees those Christians who are not Jews but call themselves Messianic, though do not worship the God of the Messiah, nor God of the Jews, because those Messianics worship the Trinity. We have the impression Berggren does not see the difference between the Messianic Gentiles, Trinitarians who call themselves Messianics, Jews who call themselves Messianics, Jews for Jesus and Jeshuaists.

On the other hand, we do hope he does not have it about the Messianic Jews who do not adhere the false doctrine of the Trinity or does not point the finger to the Jeshuaist Jews, who are Jews who accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

Strangely he writes

the Great Whore of Babylon, the harlot, the antiChrist, those who murdered Jesus Christ

as if it were the Jews who killed the Jew, Jesus.

and those who persecute His Church, those who call themselves Jews (but lie) are all manifestations of their true father Satan, who was a liar and deceiver from the Beginning. {The False Bride (the Great Whore)}

Giving with that last bit the impression he really has it about the Jews who came to accept Jesus as their saviour. He seems to live in the same sort of groups which are indentified by the Bible messages as the Whore of Babylon, like the Roman Catholic Church.

We are also living in a time the Bible spoke about, when we would come to see a drying up of support for Christendom and/or Christianity, along with other religions, in our day.

“And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.” (Re 16:12 KJ21)

“And he saith unto me, “The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples and multitudes, and nations and tongues.” (Re 17:15 KJ21)

The King of the North or Gog has started the invasion of Ukraine. But the Scriptures also foresaw that some would abandon false religion not merely because of dissatisfaction or disillusionment but because of a positive purpose. Them leaving the main churches let those who belong to the Whore being angrier. The of away church members makes those churches rise and go even more against those who worship the True God. The Bible prophetically urges:

“Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins.” (Revelation 18:4)

Getting out of “her” refers to the Biblical symbolic religious whore, “Babylon the Great,” which embraces all the religions of the world, including those of modern Christendom. The “my people” are sincere seekers of truth who leave Babylon the Great because they want to serve God in the way Jesus taught. Christendom has strayed so far from true Christianity that sincere people must get out in order to serve God acceptably.

Though in Fritz Berggren his introduction page the author of that blog seems to be an American who has everything against what smells like a social entourage, or the friendship and peace Christ taught. As such, he considers Marxism, socialism, social justice progressivism to be more than a faith. He writes

it is a hard core religion; it demands total, faith, submission and obedience. It is worse than wrong — it is evil. It dehumanizes those within it. {About}

clearly not seeing that the Nazarene Jesus was a communist avant la lettre.

We do not have any idea where he gets it from that

The Left has a faith. Part of their faith is to deny that it is a faith. They claim their thoughts are “scientific,” and based on “material” facts. But it is neither scientific nor materialist except when it is convenient for them. {About}

That saying betrays his conservative fundamentalist beliefs that give no room for the social attitudes Jesus observed. Politics are not a faith or religion. There might be political parties that demand total, faith, submission and obedience, but that is not so by Marxists or several leftish groups. That is why there is so much variety in Left Wing groups.

He does not explain why his argument would be right, when he consider such people and their believes

worse than wrong — it is evil. It dehumanizes those within it. {About}

That Marxists would dehumanise people is just the opposite what they do. For a Marxist has the person to come in the first place, and not the material, like we see happening so much by the Capitalists.

We notice that in the United States of America there are a lot of very conservative Christians who hate everything that brings something social to the foreground. They do not want to share anything with others. Unlike a Christian should be open to help others, they are not willing to pay for the sick and the poor. Christians who dare to ask to be more social, are then called ‘Communist’ and shunned, being seen as the anti-Christ or devil.

It looks like the writer of the above-mentioned blog wants to see bloodshed, instead, like any Christian should do, aiming for peace, and avoiding bloodshed. But he writes

Blood is primary. Without blood there is no present, past or future. There are no ancestors, no self, no progeny. {About}

For him, the left being against bloodshed and against killing people, even when they have murdered someone, makes him say

The goal of the Left is to destroy blood and faith so that (Marxist) religion alone becomes master and enslaver of all. {About}

which is strange, because most left people want nobody to be a slave of one another. The Communists and Marxists as well as the Socialists are continuously fighting against modern slavery. They are aiming for equality under all people, no matter what sort of culture, race, colour or sex. Fritz Berggren not seeing this, probably because he is so breath in the American Capitalist culture he is blind for reality and probably places himself before all others, calling on the so-called amendments and free rights, not willing to give freedom to others (like asylum seekers, handicapped etc.). The American healthcare system, and how Trumpists and American evangelists are against ObamaCare and other social measures, says it all

He wonders

Why do many Christian hide their name and face on social media? {Anonymity and the Christian}

The problem is there are many name-Christians, people who say they are Christian, but often do not believe in God or have Jesus as their god. It are people who prefer to walk after the flesh instead after the spirit. The majority who call themselves Christian are really not worthy partakers of the Body of Christ. It is mostly people who do not let themselves be guided by the Hand of God, nor by the Word of God, but stick to the human traditions of Church fathers and continued false teachings. They forget that the righteous man runs into the Tower of God and follows the Jewish master teacher Jeshua ben Josef, Jesus Christ from Nazareth.is safe. It are people who might be thirsty but do not go to the Spring of living water.

The blog writer thinks

Nothing has changed in two thousand years, same tactics, same enemy, same self-righteous hypocrisy of the New Pharisees like the ADL — those who call themselves Jews but lie, and are of the synagogue of Satan. {Anonymity and the Christian}

ADL logo (2018) cropped.svgWe do not know if with ADL he means the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the international Jewish non-governmental organisation based in the United States specializing in civil rights law. They not being a religious organisation as such, but certainly no church. But here we can see why the writer is so much against that non-profit organisation, becaus they too try to take up one of those social teachings of Jesus.

The immediate object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens. {“Our Mission”. Anti-Defamation League. Archived from the original on October 30, 2018. Retrieved December 10, 2019.}

He does not want to believe that many Christian claim to want genuine New Testament Christianity as revealed in the book of Acts. He thinks he does not live in a free country any more. He claims that he served his country, which according him is taking over by the church, the children of Satan, who are evil. In one of his podcasts he agrees that all those standard established American churches reduced the gospel of Jesus Christ to the scope of the anti-christ.

He wrongly says that

It was Jesus Christ who gave us the Ten Commandments, He is One with the Father and is the Creator. {Sunday: The Ten Commandments and Christian Nations}

Saying this he goes in against the sayings of God that there is only One God and taht Jesus is His beloved son. Telling people that Jesus gave the ten commandments whilst he himself does not keep to those commandments is making him an anti-Christ and an anti-God. He should know that

The Then Commandments are eternal; {Sunday: The Ten Commandments and Christian Nations}

and that they should also be the foundation of Christian Nations.

He, in one of his podcast, says that when one wsays to be a Christian, that means you have to swear leageons by the words of Jesus Christ. So why does he not keep to the words of Jesus Christ, we wonder, when he is so against Judeo Christians and Christians who do not wordhip like him that threeheaded god?

In that American PhD writer’s attack, we can very well notice how he wildly rants against those who do not adhere to the Trinity doctrine. As an anti-Christ, he goes wild, or rants, like a lion and wants others to believe that those true followers of Jesus are the evildoers in this world. According to him, they are devils when in reality they are children of God and follow the teachings of Jesus.

Let us be fully aware that there have been and still shall come many deceivers who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. They say God has come into the flesh, instead of believing that God provided His beloved son and accepted his ransom offer. The majority of churches we see today, as well as the church where that writer seems to belong to, do not keep to the doctrine of Christ, but prefer to keep to the human traditions and false teachings.

“7  For many deceivers have entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we may receive a full reward. 9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son. 10  If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed; 11 for he that biddeth him Godspeed is a partaker of his evil deeds.” (2Jo 1:7-11 KJ21)

Therefore let us be aware what others say about those who want to be in and with Christ. Coming closer to the endtimes we see how many raise their voice against the true followers of Christ. We should not be sad, but rejoice, because true Christianity is alive and flourishing all around the globe. All over the world we can find true followers of Jesus Christ, who worship the Only One true God.  In spite of their imperfections, those non-trinitarian Christians, Judeo Christians and Jeshuaists are following Christ’s teachings and practices.

In case you believe that Jesus is the son of God, the sent one from God, who came to liberate you from the chains of this world, let yourself not be captivated by those who are calling you an anti-Christ, because most of the time they are the ones who are the anti-Christ, or belong to an anti-Christ cult the ones warned for in the Scriptures.

You are not expected simply to accept that assertion. Why not examine the beliefs of those who really follow Christ, them being Brothers in Christ or Christadelphians or Jeshuaists, in the light of the Bible, and see for yourself. Learn from God’s Word the Christianity of Jesus’ apostles, as opposed to what Christendom’s churches have taught and practiced for centuries. This will, as the apostle Paul explained, bring you benefits for “the life now and that which is to come.”

“For bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” (1Ti 4:8 KJ21)



A vital question for believers

A Theology of Culture War Christianity

Culture War Christianity in American history

Hitler and Christianity: Some Trends in Interpretation

Looking at an American nightmare

About a fleshless diet

Submarine ‘treason’ shows Britain is vassal state of US, say fuming French

Knowing The Truth and Loving The Truth


Additional reading

  1. A famous individual by the name of Jesus of Nazareth
  2. Christian in Christendom or in Christianity
  3. How adversaries of God twist the word of the Bible and want to tell about heir Jesus
  4. Not able to see Jesus working wonders
  5. Act of Faith held on February 6, 1481
  6. Growing rift between observant parents and their children
  7. American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder
  8. Fundamentalism is fertile soil for gullibility and denial of scientific fact
  9. Christian fundamentalists feeding Into the Toxic Partisanship and driving countries into the Dark Ages… #1
  10. Christian fundamentalists feeding Into the Toxic Partisanship and driving countries into the Dark Ages… #2
  11. American fundamentalists win
  12. Building Babylon the Great
  13. Only six of ten commandments of God still important to British Christians
  14. How to Save the American Church
  15. Points to rescue America
  16. For in a single hour all this great wealth …
  17. Today’s Thought “God’s servant will succeed! He will be raised up, exalted, highly honoured!” (Weekend of 2020 June 27-28)
  18. From nothingness to a growing group of followers of Jeshua 5 What’s in a name
  19. Contents of the Book of Revelation
  20. Jerusalem and a son’s kingdom
  21. This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #7
  22. From Jewish Christians to Gentiles and origin of Christianity
  23. Charles Taze Russell and what he started
  24. Evangelizing in the “Time of the End”
  25. Dark times looking like death is around the corner – but Light given to us
  26. Thought for today (January 17): Walking not after the flesh, but after the spirit
  27. Germinating small seeds, pebble-stones, small and mega churches and faith
  28. A new decade, To open the eyes to get a right view
  29. Calvin’s view on taking up the cross
  30. Relating to God is it possible
  31. How do people want to grow and come closer to the Real God
  32. Tri-union gods and Pagan, Christian, Muslim and Jewish views on the Creator God
  33. Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #3
  34. From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name
  35. Difference between a Messianic Gentile, a Messianic Jew and a Christian
  36. Jews and Christians against Messianics and Jeshuaists
  37. Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews
  38. Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water
  39. How should we worship God? #14 True worship
  40. Our openness to being approachable
  41. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  42. Worthy partakers of the body of Christ
  43. Not trying to make the heathen live like Jews #1
  44. Not trying to make the heathen live like Jews #2
  45. Being a follower of the true Jesus or as a Christadelphian being a Jeshuaist
  46. Troubles testing your faith and giving you patience and good prospects
  47. After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative
  48. Small churches of the few Christadelphians



  1. We Can Right This Sinking Ship
  2. The Fate of the Nation is Our Hands
  3. Favorite Color – Red or Blue?
  4. Joy Reid Now Thinks Floridians are “Far-Far-Far-Right”Wing
  5. Letter to the American Church – Chapter 14
  6. Some socialist wishes for the new year / by Zoltan Zigedy
  7. Welcome 2023 – You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
  8. Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!
  9. What Will It Take?
  10. Have We Forgotten What a World War Would Be Like?
  11. God is in your suffering…
  12. Religions Are Not Infallible
  13. Fireworks: Not religious; it’s a health issue.
  14. Chinese – Godless People?
  15. Healthcare in America: Income over Outcomes!
  16. The Monsters of American Capitalism | The Smirking Chimp
  17. Sad: Trump just favored American Capitalists over everyday Americans trying to scrape by
  18. American Health Care…… isn’t


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Van waar halen bepaalde gelovigen dat Paulus de Wet (van Mozes) dood verklaarde

Als wij bepaalde Christenen maar ook sommige moslim zouden moeten geloven, zou de apostel Paulus de Thora dood verklaard hebben, wat zeer vreemd is want Paulus als Farizeeër (Saul) was juist een zeer devote Jood.

In “Typdenken over … Reacties op Islam” geeft de blogster Mariam dat ook aan. Maar nergens geeft zij de mogelijkheid aan lezers hierop te reageren of vragen te stellen. Dat valt wel meer voor bij Trinitariërs, eerder dan bij Moslims.

Als zij schrijft

We bekeken zelfs foto’s in de godsdienstles – zelfs aan het seminarie, als ik me goed herinner – over de mooie gebedshouding van de Muslim tijdens zijn smeekbede.

krijg ik de indruk dat zij uit een Trinitarisch midden komt en dat zij zelfs er aan gedacht had zich meer op het geestelijke te richten, doordat zij naar het seminarie  (een instelling of universiteit voor de opleiding van geestelijken) is gegaan. Ik vermoed dat het daar om de Rooms Katholieke Kerk gaat.

Ik vraag mij ook af waarom zij niet eerder tot de Niet-trinitarische groeperingen is overgegaan in de Christenheid in plaats van het Christendom volledig de rug toe te keren en over te gaan tot het Islamitisch geloof.

Zij schrijft

gek genoeg ging ik dankzij de Islam ook inzien dat God in die àndere Openbaringen niets anders had gezegd… Wel hadden mensen hun eigen visie gewoon in Zijn teksten verwerkt, hun beeld van Hem vernauwd tot wat hen het beste lag, om te ontsnappen aan regels die ze te lastig vonden (Zoals Paulus, die besloot dat hij de Wet (van Mozes) gewoon dood verklaarde aangezien hij anders, omwille van die wet, een zondaar was … terwijl Jezus nochtans duidelijk heeft gezegd dat hij die Wet kwam bevestigen!). {Typdenken over … Reacties op Islam}

Dat doet mij toch afvragen waar zij zoiets vandaan haalt dat de apostel Paulus de Wet zou verworpen hebben, of dat hijzelf zo maar de regels van God zou veranderd hebben. De reden die zij opgeeft, lijkt me ook zeer vreemd. Natuurlijk wist Paulus dat ook hij, zoals de meeste mensen, een zondaar was en dat hij zelfs lange tijd zijn zonden probeerde te verbergen. Ook was hij er van bewust dat hij onterecht de volgers van de Nazareen Jeshua (Jezus Christus), zwart gemaakt en vervolgd had. Maar daar had hij spijt over betuigd.

De ergste beschuldiging die bepaalde Christenen en Moslims aan Paulus toe schrijven is dat hij de Drie-eenheid zou geprezen hebben. Nooit, maar nooit te immer heeft Paulus zulk een wandaad gedaan. Nooit heeft hij mensen die andere goden aanbaden dan zijn Ene Ware God, tot zijn geloofsgemeenschap laten toe treden. Formeel was hij met al de andere apostelen dat zij die deel wensten uit te maken van de groepering De Weg, de God der Joden moesten aanbidden. En Die God is de God van Jezus, de God van Abraham en de God van Mozes, welke een Enige God is en geen drievoudige of drie-enige, zoals zo velen beweren.

Die Christenen die beweren dat Paulus leerde de Drie-eenheid te aanbidden hebben het helemaal mis en kunnen die leerstelling niet staven met Bijbelse teksten.

Graag had ik te weten gekomen waar zulke stellingnames vandaan kwamen zoals Mariam aanhaalt

Destijds was het gelukt om de Drievuldigheid erdoor te drukken, de leer van Paulus die Jezus niet had gekend, en die dan nog eens werd aangepast aan wat de zonnevereerder Constantijn oplegde via het concilie van Nicea. {Typdenken over … Reacties op Islam}

Verder schrijft zij verder ook

Eeuwenlang werd het argument aangevoerd dat de Trinitaire Christenen veel meer de theologie van Paulus dan de leer van Jezus volgen. Deze beschuldiging kan moeilijk worden ontkend, aangezien Jezus de Wet van het Oude Testament onderwees, terwijl Paulus geloofsmysteries onderrichtte, waarbij hij de Wet – waarvoor de Profeten hebben geleden en zich hebben opgeofferd om die over te brengen – verloochende. {De theologie van Paulus}

Vanwaar haalt zij dat Paulus de Wet verloochende, terwijl hij zich er altijd strikt aan gehouden had.

Dat Paulus zich meer zou geconcentreerd hebben op Jezus zijn dood, is mij ook wel een vraagteken, maar als dit zo mocht wezen, hoeft dit niet iets negatiefs te zijn of te betekenen dat de Wet van geen tel meer zou zijn.

Zij haalt ook Lehman aan die het als volgt, verwoordde:

“Het enige wat Paulus belangrijk vindt, is de dood van de Jood Jezus, die alle hoop op een bevrijding door een Messias teniet deed. Hij maakt van de falende joodse Messias de zegevierende Christus, hij maakt de dode levend en van de Mensenzoon maakt hij de zoon van God.” {Lehmann, Johannes pag. 125-6}

Verder beweert zij ook dat

Meer dan enkele geleerden beschouwen Paulus als de belangrijkste bederver van het apostolische Christendom en van de leer van Jezus.

“Wat Paulus als ‘Christendom’ verkondigde was pure ketterij, die niet kon gebaseerd zijn op het Joodse of Esseense geloof, noch op de leer van Rabbi Jezus. Maar, zoals Schonfield zegt:

‘De ketterij van Paulus werd de fundering van het orthodoxe Christendom en de legitieme Kerk werd als ketters verloochend’.” {Lehmann, Johannes pag. 128}

Het mag wel gezegd worden dat de Apostel Paulus de weg opende voor goyim om ook toe te treden tot de groep van Jezus-volgers. Maar het is totaal verkeerd te denken dat Paulus daar iets zou gedaan hebben wat de Rabbijn Jezus nooit heeft gedaan of ook zou hebben geweigerd te doen. {De theologie van Paulus}

Dat bij de uitbreiding van de verlossingsbelofte van God tot de heidenen, hij de Wet van Mozes zou afgeschaft hebben is een brug te ver.

Ook dat Paulus de directe toegang tot God voorkwam door bemiddelaars in te voeren [Lehmann, Johannes pag. 134]} is een opvatting die geen steek houdt en Schriftuurlijk niet kan bewezen worden. Zo ook dat Paulus een totaal nieuwe godsdienst zou gecreëerd hebben is onterecht. ^[(Weiss, Johannes. 1909. “Paul and Jesus”. (vertaald naar het Engels door Rev. H. J. Chaytor). London and New York: Harper and Brothers. pag. 130.]

Paulus legt juist bloot wat Jezus ook duidelijk wenste te maken, dat alle zondaars, dus ook niet-Joden tot God kunnen komen. Maar hij legt het in het kamp van ieder individu. Elkeen is namelijk volgens hem verantwoordelijk voor de eigen keuzes. Ieder mens moet er zelf toe komen om ‘te keren’ of ‘zijn oude persoonlijkheid’ opzij te zetten. Nergens geeft Paulus aan dat zij ‘De Wet’ opzij zouden moeten zetten. Integendeel laat hij verstaan dat het fijn zou zijn als mensen Jezus aanvaarden als de gezondene van God en als hun bemiddelaar bij God, maar zodoende zich dan ook zouden houden aan de leerstellingen van die leermeester en zijn God.


Aanvullende lezing

  1. Christenen
  2. Een Drievoudige God of simpelweg een éénvoudige God
  3. Drie-eenheid
  4. Drie-eenheid – God de zoon of Zoon van God
  5. Heeft men bewijs nodig?
  6. Gods vergeten Woord 20 Volk van het Boek 3 Voorbeelden in het Nieuwe Testament
  7. Overdenking: De verrezen Christus in het leven van Paulus
  8. Bijbels geloof en heidense filosofie
  9. Zonder de wet van Mozes zélf weten wat goed en wat kwaad is
  10. Als de tijd ten einde loopt …… Vragen naar het goede
  11. Fundamenten van het Geloof 8 De dood. Gods vonnis over de zonde
  12. Als de tijd ten einde loopt …… Slechts een klein deel gered
  13. Gods vergeten Woord 4 Verloren Wetboek 3 Vroege afdwalingen en de ‘Constantinische’ omwenteling
  14. Hoeft men Jood te zijn of niet om waardige volgeling van Jezus Christus te zijn 3 De Weg – een Joodse sekte
  15. Hoeft men Jood te zijn of niet om waardige volgeling van Jezus Christus te zijn 4 Trinitariërs en Niet-trinitariërs

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Filed under Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Vragen van lezers

Omarm secularisatie. Beschouw kerken als culturele instellingen. In ruil voor subsidie kunnen ze hun politiek-maatschappelijke claim op de samenleving inruilen

Het Christendom mag misschien minder aanhangers krijgen, maar mag niet verward worden met de christenheid waarbij de ware volgers van Jezus Christus nog altijd stand houden en zoals beschreven in de Bijbel, naar het einde der tijden meer aanwinst zal maken.

Grotendeels zijn het die kerkgemeenschappen uit de Trinitarische richting die alom meer leden verliezen omdat hun bedrieglijke leerstellingen ontkracht worden en omdat zij met hun heidense feesten (o.a. Kerstmis, Pasen) niets extra bieden dan zij die ook gewoon die heidense feesten onderhouden, maar niet in God geloven.

Als wij als secularisatie de verwereldlijking of de activiteit mogen zien waarbij iets (kunst of onderwijs of maatschappij of moraal enz.) zodanig wordt veranderd dat het niet langer onder de controle of invloed van religie staat, kan men dat alleen maar toejuichen. Veel te veel eeuwen lang hebben kerkelijke instanties hun macht misbruikt om mensen te onderdrukken en hen geld te ontfutselen.

De Kerk of het Lichaam van Christus, dat onderdeel vormt van de volgelingen van de ware Christus, dus niet van een valse drievoudige godheid, maar waar de mensenzoon en zoon van God, Jezus Christus de hoeksteen vormt, heeft helemaal geen wereldse macht nodig. Waar zij wel een deel onder lijdt, is dat zij als onderdeel van het maatschappelijk gebeuren en vasthangende aan wereldse zaken, zoals noodzaak van financiële voorzieningen, soms met handen en voeten gebonden is aan die geldelijke verplichtingen (huurgeld bijvoorbeeld voor gebouwen, bureaus enz.)

Ook al willen kerken zich tot de kern van het geloof dat ze verkondigen terugkeren, hoeven ze spijtig genoeg toch nog bezig te houden met hun levensbehoud of inkomen om de kosten van hun werking te kunnen vergoeden.
Maar in het verleden heeft zulk een afhankelijkheid van gelden getoond hoe hierdoor kerken konden afwijken en in een val trappen. Men kan zo voor meerdere kerken niet naast zien betreft belangenbehartiging, fondsenwerving, beïnvloeding van de politiek en publiciteit.

Door dat de Grote Kerken of ‘mainchurches’ met staatsbescherming konden floreren bleven de kleine kerken altijd ‘vechten’ voor hun overlevingskansen. Toch zijn die dikwijls door de Trinitarische Kerken aangevallen niet-trinitarische kerken blijven door werken en blijven bestaan.

Indien er kerkbelasting zou geheven worden zou het voor hen veel eerlijker en makkelijker zijn om hun werking te verzekeren. Want dan zou men zien dat de grote Katholieke Kerk en Belgische of Nederlandse Protestantse Kerk niet met het grote voor de kerk voorziene belastinggeld zou gaan lopen omdat dan de mensen zelf zouden kunnen kiezen aan wie hun ‘levensvisie’ geld zou mogen toekomen, een kerk, humanistisch verbond, milieu of mensenrechtenorganisatie, enz..

Vreemd dat de auteur van het onderstaand artikel schrijft

“Nederland kent alleen religieuze minderheidsgroepen”

terwijl de gelovigen in België toch de indruk hebben dat de Gereformeerde en Calvinistische Kerk naast de Rooms Katholieke Kerk toch nog sterk in de schoenen staan, gevolgd door de Pinkstergemeenten, wat toch geen minderheidskerken zijn. Zelfs de Evangelische Gemeente heeft een grote aanhang in Nederland.

Vast staat dat hoe meer traditionele kerken worden weggespeeld door nieuwe demografische en sociologische ontwikkelingen andere groepen meer bewegingsvrijheid, maar ook meer gekendheid zullen krijgen en dat is juist wat die grote kerken afschrikt. Zij zouden niet willen dat hun nu al erg tanende populariteit nog eens zou gaan verminderen en in hun geldelijke middelen zou gaan snijden.


Vindt ook te lezen

  1. Tijd rijp voor een debat over een kerkbelasting
  2. Hongaarse ondermijning van Europese vrijheden
  3. Valse profeten en leraren als roofzuchtige wolven in schaapskleren #1 Stromen van gelovigen
  4. Wanneer u een ware volger van Jezus wil zijn #5 Volgers van een godheid Jezus of navolgers van de ware Jezus
  5. Mogelijkheid de Bijbel zelf ter hand te nemen

George Knight

De conservatief-christelijke zender Family7 heeft het (na 4’24’’) over secularisatie in de Nederlandse katholieke kerk. Met vergrijzing zou dat leiden tot financiële problemen.Bij de video heb ik onderstaande reactie geplaatst:

Het is onduidelijk wat de gesprekspartners onder secularisatie verstaan. Is dat het afnemen van de greep van de georganiseerde religie op de maatschappij? Is dat de scheiding tussen kerk en maatschappelijk leven? Is dat wat anderen ontkerkelijking noemen? Is dat het inboeten aan betekenis van godsdienst ten gunste van rationeel denken en hedendaagse motieven?

Jan-Henry Seppenwoolde van de katholieke Stichting in de Rechte Straat noemt secularisatie tragisch omdat volgens hem ‘de christenheid kleiner wordt’. Het is in Nederlandse context een opvallende uitspraak van een katholiek, omdat vanaf het begin van de 19de eeuw de katholieken in een overwegend protestant Nederland voorstanders waren van secularisatie omdat het de godsdienst uit de overheidssfeer trok en de katholieken daarom konden emanciperen dankzij de…

View original post 598 more words


Filed under Economische aangelegenheden, Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Levensstijl, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Sociale Aangelegenheden, Wereld aangelegenheden

This is Church Unity?

At the beginning of the Christian church there was already the difference in the different Jewish families. Many had difficulties to come to read between the lines and come to grab the intention of certain words. Today there are still lots of people and church groups who have difficulties in interpreting the Scriptures. Today there are still the literalists as well as Pharisaic groups.

But the worst matter in Christendom today is still the schism of the 4th century when the majority wanted to go by the Greco-Roman traditions and the will of Constantine I. From the moment those leaders and false teachers agreed to make up creeds that were not in line with biblical teaching, making Jesus into their god, all problems started and made certain people and churches go for power and taking care with their false human doctrines that they could keep people under control.

Jesus never claimed to be God nor wanted to create a new religion. As a Jew he worshipped the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, and wanted all his followers to do the same.
Jesus did not want a restricting church. He came to liberate the people of all chains and especially of the curse of death.

Jesus wanted that people would come to know his God, the God of the Hebrews Who is One (and not two or three) and wanted a church true to his word and his way of life in accordance with the Will of God, in line with God’s Word.

We must grow towards this word of God as brothers and sisters in Christ, following the teachings of Christ and not particularly following the teachings of people, even if they call themselves theologians, bishops or popes.



Many looking for the church of the world instead of the Church of God

Christian denominations as pots in the desert

Having to learn and benefit from other Christian denominations


Additional reading

  1. Gates to different belief systems in this world
  2. Religion and believers #1 Lots of groups and forms of belief to be taken interest in
  3. Religion and believers #7 Independent and organised form of existence of a religion



  1. About the different denominations
  2. Christian denominations (sects)
  3. Are denominational differences a blot on the church?
  4. Denominations Losing Internal Influence
  5. Why are there so many splits in the Presbyterian Church? Here’s an Explanation
  6. Do Denominations Divide Us?
  7. Which Church Would Jesus Choose?

The #Heb10 Church

If you watched the series, The Chosen, then you’re familiar with the character of the Pharisee, Shmuel. This Pharisee did everything he could to create division within the synagogue and the Sanhedrin itself!

In the Sanhedrin, there were two schools of thought – the school of Hillel, which was the liberal wing of Judaism, and the school of Shammai, which was the more conservative side of Judaism.

Both schools observed the Law of Torah, but had differing interpretations. This is how the Oral Law came into being – this oral tradition became law based on which school had control of the Sanhedrin at the time. The rabbis would write their interpretation of a specific law, which would be added to the Talmud – taking 613 laws and creating thousands of laws that were required to be followed.

Growing up in this tradition, I’ve seen this firsthand.

Where did the prohibition…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, World affairs

Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?

In our previous article, we looked at one of the great possibilities of diversity in Christendom and Christianity, many ‘theologians‘ interpreting the bible and introducing human doctrines into their religious groups or churches.

In every church, we can find preachers telling the flock to do this or that and to believe this or that. In all those churches their clergy claims that they are showing the only One God, though many preach about a Triune or three-headed god, in contradiction to the Biblical teaching that there is Only One True God Who is a Singular Spirit Being no man can see.

When we hear the question

Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?

we would say that each individual in a church or in a community of believers always should investigate what is really said in their community and always should compare the teachings of their leaders with what they can find in the Book of books, the Holy Scriptures or the Bible. To the above mentioned question, we would add

Who or what do you want to believe most, the Word of the Bible or the sayings of the priest, pastor or preacher of your church?

It is not cultural Christianity that “often suffocated authentic faith and facilitated superficial religion“, but it were those who went with the schism of 313 and the Nicene Creed, preferring to go for a triune god instead of keeping to the God of the Bible. First it was the Roman Catholic Church who ‘suffocated’ the real followers of Christ and even went after them to burn them at the stake. Later the protestants, instead of going back to the Biblical teachings continued in the tradition of the Catholic Church instructing their members the human doctrines instead of Biblical doctrines. They created rules and regulations which are not at all in the Bible. Some of them teach about dispensationalism, by which the seven dispensations and very names of the dispensations are also manufactured. Several protestant churches bring forth a system that contradicts the Scripture.

The System says the age of the Law lasted until the Day of Pentecost. The Bible says the Law and the prophets were until John – not Calvary. Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. {The Scriptures Versus the System}

Many churches also created a hierarchy and gave a special position to their leaders which is not described nor encouraged to have, according to the Scriptures. Some even go so far to place themselves in the place of the Jews, calling themselves the Chosen People of God, then forgetting that the Jews for ever will be the People of God.

Lots of churches do not spend much attention to what is really written in the bible. They seem to forget that divine illumination shall come to those who read the Bible and are willing to listen to God’s Voice. Though this requires are right attitude and our faith in those Sacred Writings. If we believe the Bible is the Word of God, and that the Bible is the ultimate authority over our lives then our eyes shall be opened and we shall come to see and understand what others are telling is according to the bible or not.

We always should trust God more than human beings and should refer to their sayings with the material we can find in the Holy Scriptures.

Theologians may do a lot to have you to believe that you would not be able to understand what is written in the Bible. Those implying that those without a PhD aren’t qualified to speak or write publicly about religion, are misleading the people and are wanting people to believe that God is partial and only wants to give insight to those who are learned. Those people who have gone to a theological college are closing ranks.

“It looks like clericalism… This kind of elitism may be more subtle than language of schisms and wounds and splits, but it has its own unpleasant implications.” {Who is qualified to write theology?}

However, one should know that God does not exclude anyone. Anyone can come to God, and Jehovah God is ready to nurture and provide insight to anyone who is open to receive His Wisdom.

The traditional goal of Christian theology might have been to develop a better understanding of God so that we could think and speak rightly about God within the context of a life governed by our faith in Christ and our discipleship to him in community with other Christians, but already for centuries the study of theology has concentrated more on the many writings of human beings who were priests, bishops or theologians, but only a few hours a week are given to the Word of God.

Under Christendom, politicians mouthed pieties they didn’t believe, and persons attended church for business contacts and socialising. Whilst in those churches those present did not hear so many words from Scripture, but got to hear lots of words written and said by human beings.

Lots of those speaking in church count more on those writers from the past instead of going by the anointed ones from God. They rely on the knowledge of their predecessors without questioning their words or comparing them with what is really in the Bible.

A bible student, Shawna N. writes

Some are so set on their interpretation that to suggest any new insight or different perspective will get you shot down pretty quick usually with scriptures that remind you that only God is God and we are not.

That we are but mere serveants who should not make ourselves out to be more than that. That we should not add or take away from the scriptures, that we should repent etc.etc.etc. and I think it has caused many to retreat and to isolate.

Many believe they have the Bible figured out. That their interpretation of the scriptures is the right interpretation and any challenge of it is to add to it or take away from it or that perhaps you are thinking you are higher than God.

The attitude and saying of certain preachers made people think about their church. This way lots of people left their church for what it is. Many do not attend church anymore, not because they cannot find one that worships the God of the Bible but because they cannot find a church of the Bible.

Shawna N. writes

I believe that it is crucial in studying Gods word to meditate on the scriptures. To slow way down and to meditate on every word in every scripture and to pray for God to help us to understand it .To know that our ways are not His ways our thoughts are not His thoughts .

Many of us grew up being taught that Jesus is going tocome crashing through the sky one day and thatbChristians will just vanish one day though the bible says that we are to Live by Faith Not by Site we are to expect a physical rapture and as long as we do and as long as we expect Jesus to show up in the physical to save the day the day will not be saved Is He not already with us and in us are we not His hands and feet?

Michael Hickenbotham, member of the Church of Jesus Christ for over 65 years the above first mentioned question a good question. He writes

I believe we all, even the most devoted disciples, lean to our own understanding most of the time. The phrase is found in Proverbs 3:5:

5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3

Notice that the verse starts with “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart”. If we always do that first, the second part of the verse will take care of itself. Trust or faith in the Lord needs to the primary guiding principle in all the important decisions in our lives.

In order for us not to lean to our own understanding, we need to be influenced by and follow the inspiration of Lord through the Holy Spirit all the time. For most of us, that seems to be more a goal than a commandment.

Not relying on the arm of flesh (Jer. 17:5; 2 Cor. 5:7; 2 Nephi 4:34; D&C 1:19) is another way of saying the same thing.

Benson’s Commentary indicates that we should

“Wholly and securely rely upon God’s wisdom, power, and goodness, and upon his providence and promises, for direction and help in all thine affairs and dangers. Lean not to thine own understanding

— Think

And that thinking is what a lot of people prefer not to do. They expect others to think for them and to take action for them. In many churches we can find lots of passive members, just sitting quiet, following the Sunday service, never reacting to what is said in church by that one who is standing in front or on the pulpit.

Michael Kern, B.A. Applied Linguistics & Biblical Languages, Moody Bible Institute replies affirmative to the question if we should question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible

Absolutely! The pastor’s first and foremost responsibility is to lead his congregation. If he is leading them down the wrong path, then he is failing at his job. Those in positions of great authority are held greatly accountable for their leadership.

I will say this, though: he may be teaching something that is biblical, even if you don’t see it. Some Scriptures are very difficult to interpret, and we have multitudes of different doctrines and denominations to prove it.

Before you challenge your pastor, take the time to research the subject yourself. You may find that he knew what he was talking about. If you find that the subject doesn’t align with Scripture in any way that you can see, then there is a likely chance that he is leading you astray.

If that’s the case, I would advise approaching your pastor one-on-one and asking him how he came to the doctrine in question. Maybe his explanation will make sense, maybe it won’t. Have a discussion with him and try to reach a consensus on the issue regarding what he has been teaching.

If he absolutely refuses to listen to biblical proof that he is wrong, and can provide no satisfactory answer for his teachings, then you move on to the last resort: bring your findings to the elders of the church, and ask them to speak with him. If all else fails, disciplinary action may need to be taken.

Sheryl Powell replies

If they are lovers of truth and they come across scripture that contradict what they have heard something is wrong. Now they may have it wrong and need to be adjusted with proper scriptures. If that is not the case and the ideology of the Pastor is wrong, perhaps it is time to seek love elsewhere.

The Catholic Sister Julie Distel her idea is that

church members of any denomination should free to question, in my opinion. I would suggest questioning in the proper environment – perhaps an appointment – not challenging the preacher during a service!

Now be mindful that some Christian groups, particularly the Catholic Church, has always honored tradition as a valid and rich source for our faith. Many condemn this and will quote Scripture about “no source but the Bible.” That is their belief and God bless them. We believe differently – and God bless us too.



If the Bible tells us not to lean upon our own understanding, are preachers, and Bible professors, leaning upon the theirs’?

When looking for God or wanting to relate to the Most High Divine God

Rhetoric and Biblical Truth

7 Ways To Become A Better Christian


Additional reading

  1. Looking to the East and the West for Truth
  2. Concern needed for the one who has no questions
  3. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  4. Have you also been deceived
  5. Why is it that Christians don’t understand Muslims and Muslims do not understand Christians?
  6. Challenging claim 1 Whose word
  7. Divine revelation mediated by Moshe and other selected people
  8. Vital importance of reading and following the Kitvei Hakodesh
  9. Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading
  10. One of the most important Truths
  11. Bible Inspired Word of God
  12. Everything from the Bible is useful for humans
  13. Importance to read the Bible regularly and gain understanding
  14. Bible exceptional Book of books where nothing can be taken away or added
  15. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #1 Pre King James Bible
  16. Deep sense of consciousness of the brokenness of our system
  17. Face to Face
  18. Preparing for the Kingdom
  19. Good or bad preacher
  20. Looking for a primary cause and a goal that can not offer philosophers existing beliefs
  21. An unbridgeable gap
  22. Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #2
  23. Constantine a brutal sociopath getting the believers in a God man on his side and creating a Christian church
  24. Mental Enslavement and Sins Syndrome (MESS)
  25. Redemption #8 Righteousness by Faith
  26. Different wineskins
  27. Not many coming out with their community name
  28. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  29. When seeing a biblically sound church
  30. As a small church needing encouragement
  31. Invest in Faith working together arm in arm



  1. On Religion
  2. Celebrating Christendom’s Demise?
  3. The Scriptures Versus the System
  4. Who is qualified to write theology?
  5. Theology as Discipleship
  6. The Shifting Paradigms of the Gospel
  7. Father, Holy Spirit, & Son: When the Trinity is Out of Order
  8. three times a day
  9. what’s in the Bible?
  10. The Struggle to Believe the Bible
  11. Fitting The Right Pieces
  12. Five Reformation Principles
  13. In the Midst of Every Plague, God is Still A Mighty Fortress
  14. They Dreamed a Dream
  15. It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible
  16. The Polarizing Effect Of Truth
  17. What I Love About the Bible Despite My Misgivings About It.
  18. To Show God’s Truthfulness
  19. The Christian’s Struggle to Be Good


Filed under Questions asked, Religious affairs

If the Bible tells us not to lean upon our own understanding, are preachers, and Bible professors, leaning upon the theirs’?

In our world, there are lots of people who consider themselves the only appropriate people to talk about the Bible, because they have studied at the university of theology and/or philosophy. The clergy with their priests and pastors in a variety of denominations all try to convince those coming into their church, that their church is the only true one.

Though we can find lots of denominations in Christendom, of which there are many where the clergy are not exactly behaving like Christ Jesus instructed. In Why there are so many denominations in Christendom we tried to give a short answer to a question many times posed. What is striking about many denominations in Christianity (or better: in Christendom) is that often not much attention is paid to the biblical texts. It is as if the Bible is only a small faits divers within religion.

The absence or minimisation of biblical content means that by paying more attention to human doctrines, more conflicts have also arisen, leading to splits in groups and thus to the emergence of multiple denominations.

So the question may be asked, why is it that the clergy of these denominations do not resort to the Book of Books, which can indeed give them the best information and teachings?

At the question:

If the Bible tells us not to lean upon our own understanding, are preachers, and Bible professors, leaning upon the theirs’?

We think that is the whole problem in Christendom, people leaning upon their own understanding, following more the philosophical and theoretical theologian writings of human beings instead of going by what is written black on white in the Holy Scriptures.

Profile photo for D. Paul Walker D. Paul Walker, An Elder with many years in the faith, writes

Many reject the teaching of the Bible based on their own faulty belief such as that something is impossible when the Bible says there is nothing impossible for God.

According to Theodore Tsistinas

the understanding of the bible is plain to those who read it with the purpose of not challenging it. That’s why the language has been changed from time to time because people wanted their own opinion to be expressed. The entire bible is the history of the people of God from the Jews to the Christians. There is one god spoken of in the bible. Its people and their personal interpretation that has challenge the understanding spoken very clearly in scripture. But then stupid is what stupid does and the mass of humanity would rather listen to the opinions of men rather that the wisdom of God.

Michael Ballai writes

There’s a certain amount of, hopefully, Biblical understanding that a student of the Bible can readily bring to a given text of scripture or how the Bible explains an appropriate worldview. I know stuff after more than three decades that are bedrock to the Bible and I have no intention of putting my personal two cents in on what God says.I revisit passages regularly and seek to consider them afresh each time because I know there is more in there than I have seen previously. People who are lazy simply deprive themselves of the depth of treasure.God is perfectly ok with how an individual preacher chooses to explain something in their own style as long as it doesn’t get in the way of the message.A preacher is called to cut it straight. It lines up with God’s understanding. The reason we do it is to tell it according to the way God sees it. And that is how God wants to sanctify us in getting us to line up our understanding with Him.

Scott Bissell sees one of the difficulties in what we think is a major issue in many churches, namely when they quote half a verse, or as we would add, take just part of a verse and use it out of context. In case people would check more what is taught at their church with was is written in the Bible, more people would grow closer to a unity of Bible-reading people.We may not forget that the attitude to the Bible is of paramount importance.Robert Hoge reacts to this by writing

Scripture is subject to endless interpretation, some of which is purely tendentious. I recently got a comment from someone who was gushing over the Bible as the greatest collection of symbolism in the world, or something to that effect. My own principle when reading and teaching the Bible comes out of a book I read long ago but no longer own:“When the literal meaning makes sense, seek no other meaning.”Not only does this save a lot of effort, it also ensures that we don’t add or take away anything. Rev. 22:18–19 says,“18 I warn every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,19 and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”For all I’m concerned, these last words of the Bible apply to the whole of the Bible, not just to its last book, Revelation.

That warning may make it very difficult to teachers of the Word of God, preachers and/or pastors, having them to be very careful what they say and how they say it. They always should control if their teaching is in accordance with the teaching of the Bible.For those who read the Scriptures, there is the danger that they got into the trap of their church to which they belong and that they cannot do away of their own indoctrinations or doctrines of their own church. They are so used to think in the same way as their church teaches that it has become very difficult to read the words like they are written in the Bible. For example when there is written in the bible about Jesus “the son of God“, many read “god the son“, which is something totally different from what there is written and from what God said on several occasions when He declared Jesus to be His only begotten beloved son.According Michael Abernathy

most people approach the Scripture with a certain bias. Before they even open their Bible, they have creeds and denominational positions that they force upon a text. On the other hand, most of the preachers I know spend a great deal of time searching the Scripture and praying for God’s enlightenment. Yes, they use their minds to help them understand what God has written. But anyone who says they don’t do that is either lying or deluded.

Profile photo for Matthew HeadyMatthew Heady likes to extend the above question and asks

Does not everyone, including the questioner “lean” on others? Why restrict the question to just preachers and professors?What the biblical teaching refers to is not facts and conclusions which are known to or drawn from the minds of humans. The biblical teaching refers to how a person is actually informed about the Triune God of the Bible.

Here in his answer already gives a big sign of how he himself fell for the human doctrinal teaching, because in the Bible there is no such information on a Trinity, though there is a clear teaching we may have no other gods than the Divine Creator God, Who is a Singular eternal (= having no birth + no death) all-knowing Spirit Being Who is the Almighty God above all gods.Heady continues

There is nothing a sinful human being with a corrupt (and limited) understanding and reason of all things may do. There is not any thought, word, or action, that will allow a person to recognize the Triune God, they may only realize that a god is, but not the Triune God.

People when willing to give their full attention to the Words of the Bible, shall come to see clear and understand that there is no such thing to worship as a three-headed god. There may be many gods in the world but people should only keep to that Only One True God God of gods of the Bible, Jehovah, Who is the God of Israel.

It is this knowledge of God, revealed in His Word, the Holy Scriptures, that is what a person must “lean” on. Not the thought and practices of humans. They will get us nowhere. Our minds come into play after we are gifted by faith in Christ and are then able to properly understand and explain to others Biblical teaching and practices.

writes Matthew Heady.


Continues with: Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?


Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups

Daring to speak in multicultural environment

Many opportunities given by God

Christian denominations as pots in the desert

Having to learn and benefit from other Christian denominations

Preaching as Public Speaking

Maybe it is About Me

Hitler and Christianity: Some Trends in Interpretation


Additional reading

  1. A world with or without religion
  2. Science, belief, denial and visibility 2
  3. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  4. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  5. Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians
  6. Digging in words, theories and artefacts
  7. Catholicism, Anabaptism and Crisis of Christianity
  8. Protestant denominations of the Low Countries and Abraham Kuyper
  9. Counterfeit Gospels
  10. Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26
  11. Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water
  12. Denominationalism exists because?
  13. Why the church keeps losing it’s grounds.
  14. Why there are so many denominations in Christendom
  15. Tri-union gods and Pagan, Christian, Muslim and Jewish views on the Creator God
  16. Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading
  17. Literalist and non-literalist views
  18. From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah
  19. Exceptionalism and Restricting Laws
  20. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritualy
  21. Pastoral discipline and dissent from papal teaching
  22. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  23. Good or bad preacher
  24. Many churches
  25. Religion and believers #7 Independent and organised form of existence of a religion
  26. Looking for a biblically sound church
  27. In all circumstances preaching Christ
  28. You Are The Truth
  29. The Most Appropriate teacher and Scoffers in our contemporary age
  30. From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name
  31. A Book to trust #1 Background book for debate
  32. Challenging claim 1 Whose word
  33. Divine revelation mediated by Moshe and other selected people
  34. Vital importance of reading and following the Kitvei Hakodesh
  35. Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading
  36. One of the most important Truths
  37. Bible Inspired Word of God
  38. Everything from the Bible is useful for humans
  39. Importance to read the Bible regularly and gain understanding
  40. Bible exceptional Book of books where nothing can be taken away or added
  41. Bible in the first place #1/3
  42. Where to learn the truth
  43. Lovers of God, seekers and lovers of truth
  44. Engaging the culture without losing the gospel
  45. By the closing down of the Association for Biblestudy
  46. Challenging claim 4 Inspired by God 3 Self-consistent Word of God
  47. Different wineskins
  48. Manifests for believers #5 Christian Union
  49. The Bible: is it contradictory?
  50. Those willing to tarnish
  51. Follower of Jesus part of a cult or a Christian
  52. Those who call the Christadelphians a cult
  53. Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews
  54. Jeshuaists, Carrying the name of Christ
  55. About Three-in-Ten U.S. Adults Are Now Religiously Unaffiliated
  56. When there is secrecy involved




  1. What is faith and is it the only thing required
  2. What Do We Mean by the Word Christian?
  3. Variations of Christianity
  4. Religious Population Is Growing
  5. The Problem with Christianity
  6. One Body
  7. TRUTH – I believe that God’s greatest disappointment in the Christian Church is our lack of solid unity
  8. Catechesis 101 | Church: Did Jesus intend one Church or many denominations?
  9. Which Church Would Jesus Choose?
  10. A Call for Unity
  11. Unity
  12. This is Church Unity?
  13. Simple Difference
  14. About the different denominations
  15. Division Among Christians
  16. From One Religion To Another
  17. Christian denominations (sects)
  18. Denominations 2 We are divided on the question of authority
  19. Denominations 3 It seems there are some Catholics who feel free to discard the teachings of their Church when they conflict with their lifestyle.
  20. Denominations Part 3.
  21. Denominations part 4
  22. Denomination’s 5..Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  23. The Difference in Denominations
  24. Are Different Denominations Okay?
  25. Do Denominations Divide Us?
  26. Are denominational differences a blot on the church?
  27. Does Denominationalism Blind You to the Truth?
  28. Denominational ABC’s: Advantages, Burdens and Controls (Part One)
  29. Putting Denominational Disagreements in Perspective for the World and the Church
  30. Denominational Dialogue
  31. Denominations Losing Internal Influence
  32. Bethel, the BGC, and the Decline of Denominational Financial Support for Christian Higher Education
  33. We’re All Heretics Now
  34. Roger Olson on Denominations and Christian Unity
  35. Faith/Belief
  36. Is religious faith madness?
  37. Declining Denominational Support for Evangelical Colleges?
  38. Charlottesville and storms
  39. thoughts on the death of the Church
  40. By What Authority? – A Non-Denominational Response
  41. Rethinking Scripture
  42. Please don’t call me a Christian
  43. Why My Family Is Changing Churches (and Denominations)
  44. Are Pastors Lying to You?
  45. There are many Trinities!
  46. Christianity vs. Catholicism
  47. Baptists, Catholics, and the Protestants
  48. Are you a “hypenated-Christian”?
  49. Embrace diversity by embracing tribalism. It’s okay to be different
  50. Being Religious Is Not The Way
  51. Deceived
  52. Can Christians now remain in the Methodist Church?
  53. Why are there so many splits in the Presbyterian Church? Here’s an Explanation
  54. Self Deception Part III – Wolves Among Us
  55. On the Intersection of Differences and Unity in the Body of Christ
  56. Throwing Away The Wrong Thing
  57. Christianize Christianity (6)
  58. Isolation of the Church
  59. My church History (Part 2)
  60. Is There Life After Leaving Church?
  61. If I Were Starting A Denomination From Scratch
  62. Nuanced beliefs
  63. Many Christians Are Known for What They Are Against…Unfortunately
  64. The Holy Struggle
  65. Brand Ambassador or Christ’s Ambassador?
  66. Can I attend an InterVarsity Christian Fellowship instead of a church while at college?
  67. What Does It Mean To Be Non-Denominational?
  68. Am I angry at Christianity?
  69. Letter to a Friend (2o3)
  70. How to Avoid Being a Lazy, Arrogant Christian
  71. After I was lost in sin, I was lost in church…
  72. Experiencing More of the Church
  73. I Am Not A Denomination – Episode #101
  74. Can you find your religious practices in the Bible?
  75. How Many Gods?
  76. Swiss Cheese Theology
  77. Unity (Ephesians 4:1-10)
  78. On belongingSo whose right?
  79. Warning! Get Out of Her – My People!
  80. The American Gospel


Filed under Questions asked, Religious affairs, Vragen van lezers

Christenen die andere christenen vervloeken

Vreemd genoeg kreeg ik enkele berichten onder mijn ogen die mij toch verontrust maakten en waarbij ik mij afvroeg hoe zo iets kon voorvallen.

Het moet gezegd zijnde dat ik wel al enkele keren zulke geruchten had gehoord, maar dat ik ze altijd terzijde had geschoven als haatpraat en fake news om anderen zwart te maken. Maar als ik het blog van een Nederlandse  schrijfster tegen kwam, die theologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht had gestudeerd, gevolgd door Wereldreligies en Interreligieuze Dialoog aan de KU Leuven, en Journalistiek aan de KU Leuven, kon in niet anders dan toch een gevoelen te hebben dat ik hier even dit moest aanhalen.

Mevrouw Kelly Keasberry, die in Antwerpen woont en voor het Vlaams katholiek opinieweekblad Tertio werkt, heeft het in enkele artikelen over een ontwikkeling die de wereld raakt, namelijk de opkomst van een harteloos christendom. Onze gemeenschap is het al eeuwen gewoon om vervloekt te worden, maar nu blijkt volgens haar artikelen, en ook dingen die ik in de Nederlandse kranten kon lezen, dat er ook vloeken worden uitgesproken door mensen die zich Christen noemen, wat zou moeten inhouden dat zij Jezus Christus zouden volgen. Maar aan de houding van die mensen te zien kan dat helemaal niet zo zijn.

Zij schrijft:

Niet alleen onder rechtse politici, maar ook in kerken grijpt het harteloze christendom om zich heen. De wereld lijkt te wemelen van de zelfverklaarde “Bijbelgetrouwe” christenen die hun hand er niet voor omdraaien anderen te demoniseren. De vijand, dat zijn de linkse politici, de liberalen, homo’s, vrouwelijke predikanten, de elite, andersgelovigen of -denkenden, atheïsten, evolutionisten. De Franse filosoof Jean-Paul Sartre zei het al: “L’enfer, c’est les autres“. De hel, dat zijn de anderen. {Harteloos christendom}

Wij weten wel van Katholieke kerken en websites waar nog altijd wordt verteld dat wij Jezus zouden vermoord hebben en waar de gelovigen worden opgeroepen om ons te mijden. Van vele van hen die zich “Bijbelgetrouwe Christenen” noemen, valt niet enkel op dat zij heel weinig van die Bijbel kennen, die zich trouwens meestal beperkt tot het Nieuwe testament. Aan de andere kant zijn er bij die zogenaamd Bijbelgetrouwen ook heerschappen die allerlei voorspellingen maken en andere christenen tot de verdoemenis spreken.

Ook weten wij van enorm veel schandalen in de Katholieke, maar ook in sommige protestantse kerken, die een smet leggen op het blazoen van Jezus Christus (de Nazarener Jeshua ben Josef). In het begin van deze eeuw was trouwens dat schandalen circus en de bescherming door de kerkelijke en  burgerlijke overheid van die klerikale zedenschenders een grote reden voor vele Christenen om van het geloof in Christus of in God af te stappen. Atheïsten en agnosten konden toen hun rangen goed zien aangroeien.

Historicus Jan De Zutter word aangehaald en zegt

“Voor het godsbeeld dat er werd ingeramd op de scholen en in de kerken, mogen katholieken wel enige verantwoordelijkheid nemen. Je kweekt de atheïsten die je verdient. Het helpt ook niet als vandaag massagraven met inheemse kinderen ontdekt worden in Canada, nadat de afgelopen jaren duidelijk werd dat priesters, paters en nonnen tienduizenden kinderen seksueel misbruikt hebben. Ik neem het handjevol integere katholieken dat ik ken, niets kwalijk. Maar het is uiteraard wel een feit, dat ertoe bijdraagt dat veel mensen – geheel en al terecht – gillend weglopen en atheïst worden.”  {Harteloos christendom}

Wat ook opvalt, is dat tijdens de Coronacrisis de situatie nog verergerd is doordat men de tegenstelling kreeg van de antivaxers en zij die vonden dat men niet bijeen kon komen zonder voldoende beschermingsmaatregelen en zonder gevaccineerd te zijn.

De voorbije maanden sprak de blogschrijfster enkele gedesillusioneerde ex-leden van een megakerk in het Nederlandse Utrecht, die door hun leiders onder druk waren gezet om de coronamaatregelen te negeren en een stem uit te brengen op de extreemrechtse partij Forum voor Democratie.

Voor hun verhaal, bedenkingen of gedachten was geen enkele aandacht, laat staan respect. Toen deze mensen gedesillusioneerd de kerk verlieten, verloren ze nagenoeg al hun vrienden en geliefden. Er zat niets anders op dan hun verlies in stilte te dragen. Als ik me een harteloos christendom moet voorstellen, is dat een schoolvoorbeeld. {Harteloos christendom}

Gebedsgenezer en evangelist Jan Zijlstra, van de Levensstroom in Leiderdorp, in actie.

Gebedsgenezer en evangelist Jan Zijlstra, van de Levensstroom in Leiderdorp, in actie. © Hollandse Hoogte / Jean-Pierre Jans

Ook over de Nederlandse evangelist Jan Zijlstra, die met zijn stichting Wings of Healing bekend is geraakt, is er al heel wat inkt gevloeid in christelijke middens. Uit allerlei hoeken is deze Nederlandse evangelist die tot de Pinksterbeweging behoorde en aan gebedsgenezing deed op zeer onchristelijke manieren aangevallen geweest. Een zekere Jean-Jozef die zich “Sleuteldrager in de Naam des Heren” noemt, bekende trots dat hij een vervloeking over Zijlstra had uitgesproken en dat:

“Het resultaat is bekend”.

Daarmee refereert hij aan donderdag 9 september 2021, toen de gebedsgenezer Jan Zijlstra op 82-jarige leeftijd overleed aan de gevolgen van het coronavirus. De evangelist, die met zijn gebedsgenezingsdiensten volle zalen trok, was zowel omstreden als geliefd en na zijn overlijden gonsde het op sociale media van positieve maar ook negatieve berichten met al of niet aanvaardbare taal voor gelovigen. Er reageerden wel honderden gelovigen bedroefd en ontroerd op het overlijden van hun  ‘broeder’ Jan Zijlstra.

,,Een van Nederlands grootste geloofshelden is nu thuis”,

zei collega-evangelist David de Vos bij het heengaan.

Jean–Jozef heeft niet enkel een vloek over Zijlstra uitgesproken, hij gaat er prat op ook hetzelfde met die andere voorganger uit de pinksterbeweging, en populaire gebedsgenezer, televisie-evangelist Benny Hinn gedaan te hebben.

Omdat deze

“ook een predikant van de vader der leugen, zijnde satan”.

zou zijn.

De bedoeling is blijkbaar dat de Amerikaanse televisiedominee Benny Hinn een soortgelijk lot tegemoet gaat. Want Jan Zijlstra en Benny Hinn hebben iets gemeen: charisma, een enorm bereik, zowel fans als vijanden en de “wonderen en tekenen” waarmee hun openbare optredens worden geassocieerd.  {Zegent en vervloekt niet}

Opvallend bij dat zootje die andere ‘Christelijke’ predikers uitmaken, zwart maken of zelfs verwensen, is dat het altijd gat om figuren die veel aandacht krijgen terwijl zij (naar hun zin) minder aandacht krijgen.

Wie zich niet in zijn eigen kerk opsluit maar publiek zichtbaar wordt, is een tikkeltje gevaarlijk. Zo iemand krijgt publiciteit en publieke aandacht, heeft een groot bereik en is in staat om mensen te beïnvloeden en dingen gedaan te krijgen. En ja, dat wekt reacties. Soms positief, soms minder – haat, afkeer, wantrouwen, afgunst en jaloezie loeren altijd om de hoek van wie het maaiveld ontstijgt. Dat Jean-Jozef publieke predikers vervloekt, is omdat hij meent als “sleuteldrager” God aan zijn zijde te hebben.   {Zegent en vervloekt niet}

Schrijft Keasberry, hierbij opmerkend

Het mag dan menselijk zijn te denken dat je in je recht staat door tegenstanders te vervloeken, Bijbels is het niet. In de Romeinenbrief spreekt de apostel Paulus zich heel duidelijk uit tegen vervloeken:

“Zegent wie u vervolgen, zegent en vervloekt niet. (..) Vergeldt niemand kwaad met kwaad, hebt het goede voor met alle mensen. Houdt zo mogelijk, voor zover het van u afhangt, vrede met alle mensen. Wreekt uzelf niet mijn geliefden, maar laat plaats voor de toorn, want er staat geschreven: ‘Mij komt de wraak toe, Ik zal het vergelden, spreekt de Here.’”

Romeinen 12, 14-21   {Zegent en vervloekt niet}

Hoe men het draait of keert, een liefhebber van God, wat een christen zou moeten zijn, getuigt van Gods liefde. Ook bij een liefhebber van Christus, wat een christen ook zou moeten zijn, moet er de ahavah of liefde van Christus zijn en moet die persoon ook de liefdesboodschap van Christus Jezus uitdragen.

Wat we ook doen, altijd maant de Eeuwige ons om in de liefde te blijven wandelen. Dat wandelen in de liefde is de hoofdlijn die de Bijbel doortrekt, en die prachtig uiteen wordt gezet in Het hooglied van de liefde (1 Kor. 13). Wandelen in de liefde is de grootste en soms ook meest enerverende opdracht die de mens op aarde is meegegeven. Je zou het een “liefdevolle onwankelbaarheid” kunnen noemen, die zelfs geldt als de ander onze vijand wordt. Sterker nog: juist dan wordt ons vermogen tot liefhebben op de proef gesteld.   {Zegent en vervloekt niet}

In het Lucasevangelie spreekt Jezus deze woorden:

“Maar tot u, die Mij hoort, zeg Ik:  hebt uw vijanden lief, doet wel degenen, die u haten; zegent wie u vervloeken; bidt voor wie u smadelijk behandelen.”

Lucas 6, 27-28   {Zegent en vervloekt niet}

Verder wijst de blogster er op dat er geen enkele tekst in de Bijbel gelovigen op roept tot het actief vervloeken van anderen.

In plaats daarvan zijn wij als navolgers van Christus voor de taak geplaatst in Zijn voetsporen te wandelen en in alles wat wij doen en zeggen, de naastenliefde vorm te geven en uit te dragen. Er is geen andere weg, want God is Liefde, en wie in de Liefde blijft, blijft in Hem.   {Zegent en vervloekt niet}

Op stap op de weg naar God?



Voor Katholieken ook een jaarthema rond barmhartigheid

Liefde geneest mensen

Wat betreft het “Getal van de duivel”

Niet “de Moslims” maar de fundamentalisten zijn een probleem

Over de ‘normaliteit’ van antisemitisme in Europa

De aanduiding door Paulus en Jacobus van de werken die wij horen te doen

Één zijn met Jezus zoals Jezus één is met God



  1. Waarom vele van onze broeders zich stil houden voor de buitenwereld
  2. Wanneer angst leidt
  3. Europees spilland en antisemitisme
  4. Wat betreft het “Getal van de duivel”
  5. Gods vergeten Woord 5 Verloren Wetboek 4 De ‘katholieke’ kerk
  6. Gods vergeten Woord 6 Verloren Wetboek 5 Ketters
  7. Bijbeldeskundige Allen Barber is eensluidend dat op het jaar 2017-2018 Jezus Christus zal terugkeren naar de Aarde



  1. Met elkaar de crisis door – hoe doe je dat?
  2. Don Carson over de terugkeer van gevallen christelijke voorgangers
  3. Wie van de drie? Een christelijke stem op CDA, ChristenUnie of SGP
  4. Een stemadvies voor christenen
  5. Verstikking en vergeving
  6. De manier waarop
  7. 144.000 Evangelisten en Bijbelgetrouwe christenen
  8. Waarom een ontsnappen van Bijbelgetrouwe christenen
  9. Kan een gelovige zondigen?
  10. Geloof en belijd
  11. Is mens ten diepste God?
  12. Geraakt door het scherm
  13. Zaaien en oogsten in geloof
  14. Fijn he. “De Heer beschermt ons”. En daar moeten, oh “naastenliefde”, anderen maar de dupe van worden “.
  15. Druppels liefde: Maak ons meer christen
  16. De Vrede van God


Filed under Activisme & Vredeswerk, Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Levensstijl, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Sociale Aangelegenheden, Wereld aangelegenheden

Hitler and Christianity: Some Trends in Interpretation


Ryan Buesnel

A question was recently put to me by a reader who was curious to hear my thoughts on whether Hitler should be considered a “Christian” or an “atheist.” What had spurred this on was this reader’s consideration of the somewhat ambiguous topic of “Positive Christianity” — the allegedly Aryanized form of Christian doctrine that was to have served as National Socialism’s official form of religion.

Issues surrounding Hitler’s views on the person of Jesus Christ and the institution of the church are frequently obscured by prior ideological or religious commitments. On the one hand are those who have sought to restore the integrity of Christianity in light of accusations that it played an important historic role in the justification for anti-Semitism. This process of reconstruction required identifying occasions where Nazi ideology was opposed to the normative framework of Christian ethics. The suggestion was that the outcomes of Nazi policy were…

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, History, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Een Bijbels antwoord op uw vraag naar aanleiding van ons geloof dat Jezus niet God was van in het begin

Regelmatig bereiken ons vragen en reacties naar aanleiding van ons geloof dat Jezus niet God was van den beginne, maar de Zoon van God, 2000 jaar geleden verwekt uit de heilige Geest in Maria. Deze keer daarom wat stof tot nadenken over deze kwestie die het Christendom al meer dan 1600 jaar verdeeld doet zijn.

De woorden in Jesaja 9 worden vaak aangevoerd als ‘bewijs’ dat het beloofde kind God Zelf is:

“en men noemt hem: Wonderbare Raadsman, Sterke God, Eeuwige Vader, Vredevorst” (Jes. 9:5, NBG’51).

Maar de woorden even daarvoor:

“Een kind is ons geboren, een zoon is ons gegeven”

kunnen toch moeilijk betrekking hebben op Jehovah, de Allerhoogste God.
Want zoals een zoon moet worden onderscheiden van een vader, moet dit Kind worden onderscheiden van God de Vader. Het zou toch onredelijk zijn van u te vragen dat u gelooft dat Jehovah (of Jahweh), de HERE, de machtige Schepper en God van Israël, de belofte deed dat Hij als Zoon (van Zichzelf?) zou verschijnen?

Neen, er wordt de zoon uit de dynastie van David bedoeld, die door geloof en gehoorzaamheid recht heeft op de troon
(Jes. 9:6; Ezech. 21:27; Luc. 1:32). Deze zoon wordt elders in Jesaja de knecht of dienaar van Jehovah genoemd (Jes. 53:11). God en zijn knecht worden duidelijk onderscheiden. Dat onderscheid maakt Jezus zelf ook (Joh. 17:3). Jesaja noemt hem

‘Wonderbare raadsman, Goddelijke held, Eeuwige vader, Vredevorst (Jes. 9:5 NBV).

Jezus vertegenwoordigt zijn God en mag in die zin ‘God’ of ‘Goddelijke Held’ worden genoemd. Uiteraard niet in absolute zin, anders zou Jesaja in meerdere Goden hebben geloofd – wat volledig indruist tegen zijn boodschap (zie ook Jes. 45:5). De dienstknecht van God is gehoorzaam geweest tot de dood aan het kruishout, en dat bewijst dat hij niet God was maar mens
(zie ook de prediking van Petrus en Paulus, Hand. 2:22,23,32; 17:31).

Jezus zal als een ‘vader’ zijn voor zijn volk. Hij heeft volmacht gekregen om zijn volk te leiden. Zoals God de Herder is van zijn volk, heeft Jezus macht ontvangen om herder te zijn van allen die in Hem geloven. Het kwam vaker voor dat een koning ‘vader’ was voor Gods volk (Jes. 22:21). Een zoon eert zijn vader, een dienaar zijn heer (Mal. 1:6). Uiteindelijk is er maar één God, één Vader (Jehovah).

“Hebben wij niet allemaal dezelfde vader, heeft niet een en dezelfde God ons geschapen?” (Mal. 2:10).

Jezus is Gods zoon en zo schilderen alle nieuwtestamentische schrijvers hem! Het hoeft dan ook niet te verbazen dat Jezus
zich nooit ‘God’ heeft genoemd!


Aanvullende lectuur

  1. Overdenking voor vandaag: Al of niet luisterend naar de mensenzoon Jezus en de Waarheid opzoekend
  2. God versus goden
  3. Rond God de Allerhoogste
  4. Eigenheden aan God toegeschreven
  5. God is Één
  6. God de Vader (1)
  7. God de Vader (2)
  8. God Helper en Bevrijder
  9. God heeft nooit Zijn Naam veranderd en zal deze ook niet veranderen
  10. Geloven in God
  11. Geloof in slechts één God
  12. God boven alle goden
  13. Jehovah wiens Naam Heilig is
  14. Erkenning van Jehovah’s soevereiniteit
  15. Afstraling van Gods heerlijkheid
  16. De verkeerde held
  17. Lang Aangekondigde
  18. Gezondene van God
  19. Rond Jezus
  20. Hij die komt – de Mensenzoon
  21. Voorbestaan Jezus
  22. Het begin van Jezus #1 Menselijke aspecten
  23. Het begin van Jezus #7 Een Nieuwe Adam, zoon van Abraham
  24. Het begin van Jezus #8 Beloofde Gezalfde zoon van God
  25. Het begin van Jezus #11 Goddelijk verwezenlijkt en niet geïncarneerd
  26. Het begin van Jezus #13 Een te komen mens
  27. Jezus Christus in het vlees gekomen
  28. Betreffende Christus # 1 Een god of de God, een mensenzoon en zoon van God
  29. Jezus is Niet God
  30. Jezus Christus De Zoon van Adam, de Zoon van God
  31. Zoon van God
  32. Jezus van Nazareth #3 De Zoon van God
  33. Jezus zoon van God
  34. Christus Jezus – de zoon van God
  35. Christus Jezus: de zoon van God
  36. Eigenheden aan Jezus toegeschreven
  37. Betreffende Christus # 1 Een god of de God, een mensenzoon en zoon van God
  38. Betreffende Christus # 2 Goddelijke bron, verband en goddelijk mens
  39. De Ekklesia #4 De troon van David en De gezalfde des Heren
  40. Verkondiger Jezus ook de redder
  41. De Verlosser of Terugkoper
  42. De Verlosser 1 Senior en junior
  43. Jezus moest sterven
  44. Een losgeld voor iedereen 2 Een verheven persoon van vlees en bloed
  45. Zoenoffer
  46. Lam van God -Voorspeld
  47. Onschuldig Lam
  48. Lam van God – offer gebracht ter verzoening
  49. Opstanding van Jezus Christus
  50. Terugkeer van Jezus
  51. Een koning die zijn onderdanen wetten oplegt waarvan hij weet dat zij zich er nooit aan kunnen houden
  52. De god zoon, koning en zijn onderdanen
  53. Hij die zit aan de rechterhand van Zijn Vader
  54. Christus Koning
  55. Geloof in Jezus Christus
  56. Heilige Drievuldigheid of Drie-eenheid
  57. Overdenking: De ware Christus: een mens als wij en toch volmaakt
  58. Overdenking: Gemeenschap met de Vader en met Zijn Zoon Jezus Christus
  59. Geloof voor God aanvaardbaar
  60. Geloof volgens eerste eeuw patronen
  61. Geloofspunten van de Christadelphians
  62. Een Credo of geloofsartikelen van de Broeders in Christus
  63. Christadelfiaanse geloofspunten #2 Jezus de zoon van God
  64. Christadelfiaanse geloofspunten #6 Redding uit vrouw van het nageslacht van koning David
  65. Christadelfiaanse geloofspunten #7 Jezus de Emmanuel of God met ons
  66. Christadelfiaanse geloofspunten #8 Boodschap van Jezus wiens vergoten bloed vergeving van onze overtredingen brengt
  67. Christadelfiaanse geloofspunten #13 Koninkrijk van God na vernietiging van wereldse machten gegeven aan Zijn uitverkoren zoon
  68. Voor de Wil van Hem die groter is dan Jezus
  69. Hellenistische invloeden

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Filed under Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Vragen van lezers

Stel dat het waar zou zijn dat Jezus geboren is


Stel dat het waar zou zijn dat Jezus geboren is

Stel dat het waar zou zijn dat Jezus in Bethlehem

geboren is

Stel dat het waar zou zijn dat….

Stel dat het waar zou zijn dat Jezus 2000 jaar geleden
geboren zou zijn

Stel dat dat waar zou zijn dat Jezus bestaat

Stel dat het waar zou zijn dat Jezus echt bestaat

Een mens van vlees en bloed….

Stel dat het woord van God mens werd

Stel dat Jezus dit woord is….

Dan was Hij niet van eeuwigheid tot eeuwigheid


Dan was Hij niet God uit God

Maar wat zou dat?

Hij zou toch Gods Zoon zijn

zoals Adam zoon van God was.

Maar in dat geval anders gedefinieerd dan gewoonlijk wordt gedaan.

Hij zou de Zoon zijn die God vanaf het begin beloofd had

De tweede Adam!

De beloofde Zoon

Uit het geslacht van Adam en Eva

Degene die om en voor onze zonden stierf aan het kruishout.

En uit doden is opgewekt

Stel dat dit de bevrijdende boodschap van God zou zijn

Goed, dan zou Hij niet de eeuwige God zijn

Dan zou Hij een ander dan God zijn

Een ander dan JHWH, de God van Israël

Maar dan zou Hij precies dezelfde zijn die vanaf Genesis beloofd is

Dan vallen alle puzzelstukjes op zijn plaats.

Dan is Hij mens

de nakomeling die de slang zou vermorzelen.

Stel dat dit waar zou zijn

Dan zullen een heleboel teksten geherinterpreteerd moeten worden.

Dan zouden wij een ander christendom hebben.

Zonder in strijd te zijn met de Bijbel!

Martin Rozestraten


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Filed under Bezinningsteksten, Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings

Één zijn met Jezus zoals Jezus één is met God

Velen die zich Christen noemen en beweren dat Jezus God is halen aan dat Jezus zegt dat hij één is met God en daarmee wel God moet zijn. Zij vergeten echter dat Jezus zijn leerlingen en zijn volgers verzoekt om ook één te zijn met hem zoals hij één is met zijn Vader.
Jezus gaat zelfs zo ver om aan zijn hemelse Vader te vragen dat zijn volgelingen ook één zouden zijn zoals Jehovah God in Jezus is. Hij gaat zelfs nog verder, om te vragen dat zijn volgelingen zelfs zo zouden worden zoals zij (Jezus en God) zich verhouden. Jezus verzoekt God hen ook in hen te zijn, opdat de wereld gelooft dat Jehovah Jezus heeft gezonden.

“ opdat zij allen een mogen zijn zoals Gij, Vader, in Mij en Ik in U: dat ook zij in Ons mogen zijn opdat de wereld gelove, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt.” (Joh 17:21 WV78)

Jezus is er van overtuigd dat zijn hemelse Vader de mensen aan hem heeft gegeven. Aan die mensen die God aan Jezus heeft gegeven laat de hemelse Vader, Jehovah God, Jezus kennen en in aanschouw nemen. Zij zijn het die tot geloof kunnen komen in die mensenzoon die God naar de wereld heeft gezonden en wiens zoenoffer Hij aanvaard heeft, om verlossing aan die gelovigen te geven.

“ Gij hebt Hem immers macht gegeven over alle mensen om eeuwig leven te schenken aan allen die Gij Hem gegeven hebt.” (Joh 17:2 WV78)

“ Ik heb uw Naam geopenbaard aan de mensen die Gij Mij uit de wereld gegeven hebt. U behoorden ze toe; Mij hebt Gij ze gegeven en zij hebben uw woord onderhouden.” (Joh 17:6 WV78)

“ Vader, Ik wil dat zij die Gij Mij gegeven hebt met Mij mogen zijn waar Ik ben, opdat zij mijn heerlijkheid mogen aanschouwen, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt, daar Gij Mij lief hebt gehad voor de grondvesting van de wereld.” (Joh 17:24 WV78)

Ware Christenen zijn zij die geloven dat Jezus de eniggeboren zoon van God is die uit liefde geschonken is aan ons. Zij vereren hem niet als God, maar nemen aan dat deze mensenzoon zijn loskoopoffer als zoon van God aan de Allerhoogste aanbood om ons vrij te kopen.

“ Zozeer immers heeft God de wereld liefgehad, dat Hij zijn eniggeboren Zoon heeft gegeven, opdat alwie in Hem gelooft niet verloren zal gaan, maar eeuwig leven zal hebben.” (Joh 3:16 WV78)

“ en een stem uit de hemel sprak: ‘Dit is mijn Zoon, mijn veelgeliefde, in wie Ik welbehagen heb.’” (Mt 3:17 WV78)

“ zoals ook de Mensenzoon niet gekomen is om gediend te worden, maar om te dienen en zijn leven te geven als losprijs voor velen.’” (Mt 20:28 WV78)

“ die zichzelf gegeven heeft als losprijs voor allen: op de vastgestelde tijd legde Hij zijn getuigenis af.” (1Ti 2:6 WV78)

Door Jezus Christus ten volle te willen erkennen, kan de vrede van God over u komen. Jehovah roept iedereen op om via Zijn zoon naar Hem toe te komen. Jezus is de weg tot leven, het licht en de vrede maar ook de weg naar God.

“ Jezus zei haar: ‘Ik ben de verrijzenis en het leven. Wie in Mij gelooft, zal leven, ook al is hij gestorven,” (Joh 11:25 WV78)

“ Jezus antwoordde hem: ‘Ik ben de weg, de waarheid en het leven. Niemand komt tot de Vader tenzij door Mij.” (Joh 14:6 WV78)

“ Want door Hem hebben wij het leven, het bewegen en het zijn; zoals sommige van uw eigen dichters hebben gezegd: Want wij zijn van zijn geslacht.” (Hnd 17:28 WV78)

Vandaag zijn  er nog massa’s mensen die God en Zijn zoon niet geloven wanneer zij over elkaar praten. Ondanks dat God verklaarde dat Jezus zijn welbeminde zoon is, verkiezen de grote meerderheid van de zich christen noemenden, Jezus als hun God te nemen in plaats van de God van Christus Jezus te willen aanvaarden.

Echt geloof in God en echt geloof in Jezus bestaat er in eerst en vooral de woorden van God en de woorden van Jezus als waarheidsgetrouw te aanvaarden. Er kunnen heel wat mensen wel geloven in één of andere god, maar het komt er op aan in Dé Enige Ware God te geloven. De onzichtbare Alleswetende en Alleskunnende Geest Die hemel en aarde geschapen heeft, maar toch door geen enkel mens kan gezien worden.

Laten wij er ons bewust van zijn dat wij slechts één God mogen aanbidden, en dat is de God van Jezus, die de God van Israël is en slechts één is.


Lees ook

  1. Rond God de Allerhoogste
  2. Onze hemelse Vader
  3. Drie-eenheid – God de zoon of Zoon van God
  4. Geloof in slechts één God
  5. De Enige Ware God
  6. Gezondene van God (Christadelphians)
  7. Gezondene van God (Broeders in christus)
  8. Jezus de Gezonden Afgezant van God
  9. Hij die komt – de Mensenzoon
  10. Zoon van God
  11. Zoon van God – Vleesgeworden woord
  12. Zoon van God – de weg naar God
  13. Zoenoffer



  1. Aanwijzingen voor redding te vinden
  2. Christus in de Tora: In de boekrol staat van mij geschreven
  3. Verkondiger Jezus ook de redder
  4. Bijbelteksten bij de op het hart geschreven teksten en toepassing van het nieuwe verbond
  5. Het nieuwe verbond in het evangelie en de koninkrijkstijdperken
  6. De verbonden – samenvatting
  7. De Verlosser 2 Zijn goddelijke kant
  8. Betreffende Christus # 2 Goddelijke bron, verband en goddelijk mens
  9. Niemand leeft voor zichzelf
  10. Geen plaats voor Jezus volgende Joden in Nederlandse Kerk noch in Israël
  11. Christenen die het juiste hart hebben om anderen te roepen om naar God te komen
  12. Een huis bouwen voor God
  13. Christadelfiaanse geloofspunten #2 Jezus de zoon van God
  14. Christadelfiaanse geloofspunten #8 Boodschap van Jezus wiens vergoten bloed vergeving van onze overtredingen brengt
  15. Ware Christenen of volgers van de ware Christus Jezus of volgers van Jeshua #3 Volgers van de ware Jezus
  16. Overdenking: Ik bid niet alleen voor hen, maar ook voor allen…



  1. Atheïst of toch gelovig?
  2. Ik Geloof Er Niks Van
  3. Midden in de winternacht …
  4. Christenwappies in de Oudheid
  5. Christenen en moslims: getuigen van hoop
  6. Begrip tussen de religies
  7. Ketters
  8. Eenzaam samen met God
  9. De Vrede van God
  10. Verkrij rustigheid
  11. Julle moet geloof in God hê.
  12. Waarom glo jy nie?
  13. Wat is echt geloof in God?
  14. Het heilige ogenblik
  15. De externe projectie (2)


Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Bezinningsteksten, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Religieuze aangelegenheden

Jurgen Mettepenningen mag dan door sommigen een idioot gevonden worden, hij heeft wel gelijk.

Uit de oude doos: een reactie op een opinie-stuk van Jürgen Mettepenningen op redactie.be.


Vandaag verscheen op de redactie.be een opinie-stuk van Jürgen Mettepenningen. Terwijl ik het stuk vrij goed kon smaken wil ik het niet zozeer hebben over zijn opinie-stuk, maar wel over de reacties die het op facebook teweeg bracht, vooral natuurlijk door de man met de pet die steeds hoog van de toren blaast, zolang het maar veilig van achter zijn PC is.

Eerst en vooral wil ik ten stelligste ontkennen dat Mettepenningen een idioot zou zijn, of dom zou zijn. Mettepenningen is theoloog verbonden aan de KU Leuven en tevens bisschoppelijk afgevaardigde Onderwijs in het aartsbisdom Mechelen-Brussel. Geloof maakt iemand niet noodzakelijk dom, en zeker niet op dit niveau van de wetenschap. Zoals Polkinghorne ook al stelde (een fysicus en Anglicaans priester): wetenschap en geloof kunnen hand in hand gaan. De faculteit theologie aan de KU Leuven is misschien een kleine, maar het zit boordevol mensen op zoek naar zingeving…

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Filed under Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religieuze aangelegenheden

Three basic commands

At the (internet) service this morning brother Eric Lowe spoke about people at first following up the CoViD-19 measures strictly. At the first lockdown, the governments of the West-European countries had been giving very clear instructions. That way lots of people kept to the measures and seemed to have fewer difficulties following those instructions than by the second lockdown.

When the governments started to relax the measures and then started giving different signals people started to get confused and we could see that many people were not any more prepared to follow the social restrictions. So many months after the beginning of the corona crisis, people start getting tired and less interested to listen to the advice of the epidemiologists.

In Christendom we can see a similar attitude as in the citizen world. Today we see a lot of people who are not so much interested in listening to wise, and even less to old and new sensible advice. Mr. Lowe said the less people are listening they go by, and remarked:

If you are not listening you can not hear.

And that is just the problem by a lot of people who call themselves Christian. We better would look to the examples in Scriptures, which would all make it so much easier to pass those difficult times of isolation.

If we care not to listen then our listening shuts down.

That is what we see what happened with lots of Christians, not to say with the majority. For many so-called Christians, there is not any more such a good connection with God. They have forgotten that the experience with God depends on our nearness to God and all that would happen in His presence. Many wait for God’s presence to happen, and in the meantime try out their own gods and saints to bow down for and pray for.

Billy Graham warned:

“God doesn’t want us to waste our latter years or spend them in superficial, meaningless pursuits. Instead, He wants us to use them in whatever ways we can to influence those who will come after us. God wants us to finish well. . . .”

When being a Christian people should be as a disciple of Christ, following his teachings and worshipping the same God a Christ. Though many, who call themselves Christian, do not worship the same God as Jesus Christ worshipped. They even do not want to accept the Words of God, Who Himself said that Jesus was His beloved son. God, Who is no liar, never said He is Jesus or never held back to say that He would be Jesus. In case God would be Jesus, then he would naturally have told the people around Jesus a lot of lies, but also to His prophets He would have told lies more than ones.  Already in Jesus time, when there was a genuine and powerful work of God, men did not like to be apart from it, especially if they were religious leaders. Consequently we find both Pharisees and Sadducees coming to John’s baptism. He met them however with prophetic insight. He unmasked them as having the characteristics of the serpent, and warned them that wrath lay before them. He knew that they would boast of being in the proper Abrahamic succession, so he knocked that prop from beneath them, showing that it would not count with God. Nothing would do but repentance, and his baptism was with a view to that; but it must be genuine and manifest itself in fruits that were suitable. James, in his Epistle, insists that faith, if it is real and vital, must express itself in suitable works.

When Jesus got baptised the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, the God of Israel made clear who that Nazarene man standing in the river Jordan was:

3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of יהוה, make his paths straight. (Matt 3:3, NRKJV)

13 Then cometh Yahushua from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? 15 And Yahushua answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. 16 And Yahushua, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Matt 3:13-17, NRKJV)

Some months later Jehovah would repeat it and say:

18 Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles. 19 He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. 20 A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. 21 And in his name shall the Gentiles trust. (Matt 12:18-21, NRKJV)

Also today we are in times that many do not want to hear God’s Word and do give preference to words of theologians and people who say they are from God. But they are often wolves in sheep clothes and people fall for their words instead of believing the simple words of the Bible.

Though our brother Eric Lowe, had it this morning about man’s attitude in corona times, we can interpolate it also to the behaviour of many people who call themselves Christian today. The majority of those belonging to Christendom care not to listen to God’s Word. That makes their listening shuts down.

One example of a young girl (teniiiola) who writes:

I know that they’re two different people because the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is seated at the right side of God. Nevertheless, they are the same. As per, they are one. Praising God is equal to praising Jesus (one can’t even access God without Jesus anyway) and praising Jesus is the same as praising God.  {comment on 4 misconceptions that need to be cleared about being a Christian.}

On one side she seems to understand that Jesus and God are two different persons. Though then she, like some other people, sees a proof of Jesus to be God, when is written:

that Jesus is seated at the right side of God

clearly not seeing and not understanding Jesus is not sitting on the throne of God, but is sitting next to God, which indicate he, as another person than God takes the place on the seat next to God.

For following up the Covid-rules simple messages worked, but as soon as complex messages were given confusion started to take master of many people. The same when in Christianity several teachers started using Roman-Greek philosophy and twisted several words of Christ, to please the people who were so used to heathen rites and festivals.

The young girl on her website also says:

Calling Jesus God does not equal to calling God’s name in vain…Jesus wasn’t even on Earth as at the time this instruction was given.   {comment on 4 misconceptions that need to be cleared about being a Christian.}

giving the idea when people were not on earth when a Bible text was written the calling of their name as a god would not be wrong or would be acceptable. That is closing the eyes for reality and for the meaning of God’s Words. Those who have Madonna as their goddess today and honour her name are doing the same fault as those in ancient times, who honoured Apollo as their god.

Today with the pandemic lots of people are like in the wilderness. After Jesus his baptism, after God had declared him to be His son, this son of man also went into a wilderness. There he told the adversary of God “not to tempt God”, something we see many do. Lots of ministers and priests calling their flock to come to gather in their churches, not having to worry, because God would protect them. Some even dare to say:

 Those people who are catching CoViD-19 are those who do not believe enough in Jesus, who saves all who believe in him.

The Bible tells us God can not be tempted and that man can do nothing to Him. But Jesus, all should know, was tempted more than once. When in the wilderness Jesus told a tempter:

7 Yahushua said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt יהוה thy Elohim. (Matt 4:7, NRKJV)

Those who say they are a Christian should pick up such words of Christ. They also should remember Jesus words when the tempter offered an opportunity for Jesus to be worshipped and praised:

10 Then saith Yahushua unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship יהוה thy Elohim, and him only shalt thou serve. (Matt 4:10, NRKJV)

Not Jesus should be worshipped, but all glory, worship and praise should be given to the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, the God Who is above all gods. From his time in the wilderness, we should remember three words as memory joggers. From the story of Jesus in the desert, we should remember three basic commands, which should be the fundamentals of Christian faith.

  1. obey the commands
  2. don’t test God
  3. fear Jehovah God and worship only Him

A true lover of God can’t be double-minded and always shall take the following words of God at heart.

16 Ye shall not tempt יהוה your Elohim, as ye tempted him in Massah. (Deut 6:16, NRKJV)

Being in difficult days we should remember how God was with His people and how He is willing to be with us, in case we want to be with HIm.

8 Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: 9 When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work. 10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways: 11 Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest. (Ps 95:8-11, NRKJV)

7 Wherefore (as the Holy Spirit saith, To day if ye will hear his voice, (Heb 3:7, NRKJV)

13 Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! (Ps 81:13, NRKJV)

29 O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever! (Deut 5:29, NRKJV)

Jehovah God told very clearly to what we have to keep:

6 I am יהוה thy Elohim, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 7 Thou shalt have none other elohim before me. 8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I יהוה thy Elohim am a jealous El, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. 11 Thou shalt not take the name of יהוה thy Elohim in vain: for יהוה will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (Deut 5:6-11, NRKJV)

Several who call themselves Christians have difficulty with

3 Thou shalt have no other elohim before me. (Exod 20:3, NRKJV)

and have taken Jesus as their god and as if that was not enough also have taken his mother as a goddess and several other human beings as saints to whom they pray and hope they shall fulfil some of their wishes. Praying to someone else than Jehovah God is also taking God’s Name in vain and desecrating it.  Nobody should forget:

11 Who is like unto thee, O יהוה, among the mighty ones? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? (Exod 15:11, NRKJV)

24 O Sovereign יהוה, thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, and thy mighty hand: for what el is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to thy works, and according to thy might? (Deut 3:24, NRKJV)

Even Jesus who did such wonderworks could not do anything without God.

19 Then answered Yahushua and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. (John 5:19, NRKJV)

Jesus very well knew Who had saved his People and by Whom he could do all things he did. Jesus as the previous prophets feared and wanted to serve God.

11 And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full; 12 Then beware lest thou forget יהוה, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 13 Thou shalt fear יהוה thy Elohim, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name. 14 Ye shall not go after other elohim, of the elohim of the people which are round about you; 15 (For יהוה thy Elohim is a jealous El among you) lest the anger of יהוה thy Elohim be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth. 16 Ye shall not tempt יהוה your Elohim, as ye tempted him in Massah. 17 Ye shall diligently keep the commandments of יהוה your Elohim, and his testimonies, and his statutes, which he hath commanded thee. 18 And thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of יהוה: that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest go in and possess the good land which יהוה sware unto thy fathers. 19 To cast out all thine enemies from before thee, as יהוה hath spoken. (Deut 6:11-19, NRKJV)

From his followers, Jesus also demanded that they would follow God’s commandments and that they would do God His Will, like Jesus also did God His Will. For following the commandments of God is for the good of man.

26 Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; 27 A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of יהוה your Elohim, which I command you this day: 28 And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of יהוה your Elohim, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other elohim, which ye have not known. (Deut 11:26-28, NRKJV)

15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of יהוה thy Elohim, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: (Deut 28:15, NRKJV)

The chosen ones by Christ also asked their followers to fulfil the Wish of God and warned what could happen to them who do not keep to God’s commandments.

8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, (Rom 2:8, NRKJV)

29 O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever! (Deut 5:29, NRKJV)

As with Israel we should also know what Jesus and his God require from us.

12 And now, Israel, what doth יהוה thy Elohim require of thee, but to fear יהוה thy Elohim, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve יהוה thy Elohim with all thy heart and with all thy soul, (Deut 10:12, NRKJV)

Like Petrus once was a satan, resisting what God wanted, we too should be very careful not to resist God and not to go against His Laws.

10 Then saith Yahushua unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship יהוה thy Elohim, and him only shalt thou serve. (Matt 4:10, NRKJV)

14 Now therefore fear יהוה, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the elohim which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye יהוה. (Josh 24:14, NRKJV)

It is a simple message and we should not complicate it. We only have to have One God Who is One, and not two or three.

35 Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that יהוה he is Elohim; there is none else beside him. (Deut 4:35, NRKJV)

6 Thus saith יהוה the King of Israel, and his redeemer יהוה of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no Elohim. (Isa 44:6, NRKJV)

Humanity wants to reverse the complexity and reject the simple because it is too simple and confronting. All people should know that Jesus is getting to the essence of the Old Tetament. Jesus is the way to God and we should be thankfull he managed to do the will of God, putting his own will aside. (In case he would be God he would not have to put his will aside because than he would always have done his own will.) Jesus also was not a schizophrenic god who would say he was someone else and pray to someone else when he would be praying to himself. Jesus did not pray to himself and learned others also not to pray to him, but to his heavenly Father.

Matt 6
1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. (Matt 6:1-9, NRKJV)

39 And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him. 40 And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation. 41 And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, 42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. 43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. 44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. 45 And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow, 46 And said unto them, Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. (Luke 22:39-46, NRKJV)

2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. (Luke 11:2, NRKJV)

Jesus prefered to do the Will of God, and that is what a Christian, or follower of Christ also should do. We should look forward to God’s Kingdom to come. As followers of Christ we should remember and do likewise Jesus Christ.

38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. (John 6:38, NRKJV)

34 Yahushua saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. (John 4:34, NRKJV)

30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. (John 5:30, NRKJV)

Real Christians shall or should follow the teachings of Christ and shall take up the task given by him, namely to go out into the world spreading God’s Word and spreading the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God. Those who want to call themselves “Christian” should do as Jesus Christ asks them to do.

Jesus asks his disciples to make up their mind and to be clear sighted, not about others, but about themselves.

To be clearsighted about ourselves, is to be aware of our own shortcomings, limitations, and challenges. But it also means to be aware of our own gifts and talents. {Seeing Clearly – Br. James Koester}

But Jesus demands a full breath true insight, a proper choice of oneself! He does not want you to follow him because others say so or because others are following him. You have to do it out of own choice and by believing in him and even more important, believing in Him Who sent him.

24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24, NRKJV)

16 For יהוה so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For יהוה sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17, NRKJV)

It is by believing it was God Who sent His own son, and not that God Himself would have come down to earth to fake His birth, torture, death and resurrection (all parts which do not belong to God).

18 And all things are of יהוה, who hath reconciled us to himself by Yahushua the Messiah, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 To wit, that יהוה was in the Messiah, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 20 Now then we are ambassadors for the Messiah, as though Elohim did beseech you by us: we pray you in the Messiah’s stead, be ye reconciled to יהוה. 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of יהוה in him. (2Cor 5:18-21, NRKJV)

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to יהוה by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. (Rom 5:10, NRKJV)

The gospel may be very simple, do not make it complicated. The Bible speaks a clear language, but we should be willing to hear ait and to see the underlying essence and message.

Faith is simple {Check Yourself, Christian}

so keep it simple and do not unnecessarily complicate things by twisting the words of the Bible; Just take those words like they are written down.

Are there ways in which we may be externally religious—doctrinally sound, outwardly well-behaved, “godly” in character and lifestyle—yet insincere behind the curtain, and before the Lord? {Check Yourself, Christian}

When we are not careful, we can get carried away by all those theologians and people who prefer to keep to human doctrines instead of keeping to Biblical doctrines. Many of them are able to carry a lot of Christians away from the Biblical Truth.

Seeing Biblical truth is only possible when one is willing to listen to God His Word as it is written in the Book of books, the Bible.

Being a good and real Christian requires to see who Christ Jesus is and to believe he is the sent one from God, who really died for the sins of others. God can not die, so in case Jesus would be God he would not only always have done his will, but also would not ever had to be afraid of what the Romans would do with him, because he could not die, so any impalement would not harm him. Al those who say Jesus is God, make of his impalement (or crucifixion) a big farce and make of his appearance on earth a whole farce.

Real Christians recognise what Jesus realy has done, and know what a horrible fear he must have had. Real Christians are also aware how much pain Jesus must have had and as such appreciate it so much more, that he was undergoing all that torture for people he did not know and at a time he could have been unsure if God would be going to help him or taking him out of the dead. At one moment the fear became so high he even cried to his heavenly Father (and not to himself);

46 And about the ninth hour Yahushua cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My Elohim, my Elohim, why hast thou forsaken me? (Matt 27:46, NRKJV)

A person can not leave himself, so Jesus did not ask to himself why he had left himself, but asked his heavenly Father Why He (God) left him (Jesus):

34 And at the ninth hour Yahushua cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My Elohim, my Elohim, why hast thou forsaken me? (Mark 15:34, NRKJV)

Yes, after Jesus in fear called to his Father in heaven, as if He would have forsaken Jesus (which He did not), Jesus gave up the spirit, which means that Jesus really died. (Remember that God as an eternal Spirit can not die.) It was not in his own hands that Jesus gave his life, but in the Hands of his heavenly Father, the Only One True God.

46 And when Yahushua had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the Spirit. (Luke 23:46, NRKJV)

When Jesus died, his life finished, but not his story. He had always kept to the three basic commands and lived according to those fundamentals he tried to explain and which each true follower of him should follow.

As society may go further away from God’s command and from Christ’s teachings, real followers should give the example and prepare the way, so that more people may come to see that Jesus is the way to God.

6 Yahushua saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6, NRKJV)

Let us take a piece of advice from a Trinitarian at heart, though even he might not see how he himself is caught up in the chains of this world.

We cannot accept the lies that are popularly accepted, even when progressive “Christians” around us conform to them. The only source of truth is the Word of God and we know that His Word will never change! {Progressive Christianity}

Working full-time as a witness “for his Savior” we only can hope he with his wife Brittany, shall come to recognise the work Jesus did and shall come to follow him wholeheartedly. And that is always possible because people have to grow in the Word of God. We all live in a world where many things are said and where many satans or adversaries of God are at work. Because of the main churches being so strong and so eager to get their false teaching of the trinity across, it is very difficult for people to see the trees in the wood. Though if they would be willing to open their eyes for the simple things and the simple words, clarity will be near.

That is the hope the lovers of God can have. It is never too late to spread the gospel and to show people the real Christ who bore witness of his heavenly Father. the Bible tells us also that this shall happen when we come closer to the end times, and as such we can live by the hope in Christ. He, who even did not know when he would be coming back, because such thing is only known by God (and Jesus not being God as such did not know it) gave us the hope that one day when the kingdom of God would be preached all over the world the Day will arrive that he shall be allowed to judge in the name of God.

19 Then answered Yahushua and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. 20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. 21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. 22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: 23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him. 24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. 25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of יהוה: and they that hear shall live. 26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; 27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. 28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. 30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. 31 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. 32 There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true. 33 Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth. 34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. 35 He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. 36 But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me. 37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. 38 And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. 39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. 41 I receive not honour from men. 42 But I know you, that ye have not the love of Elohim in you. 43 I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. 44 How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from Elohim only? 45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. 46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. 47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? (John 5:19-47, NRKJV)

When we call ourselves “Christian”, let us believe in that sent one from God, who is authorised to speak and act in the Name of God and follow up his given task to instruct all the nations, immersing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe and to give heed to all as much as Jesus has given and commanded his disciples.

18 And Yahushua came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age. (Matt 28:18-20, NRKJV)



Do you really know what you say you believe in?

Not About The Name Of The Godhead Of Jesus

Rhetoric and Biblical Truth

Religion and the essence of devotion

The false prophets in the present world

O God, How Long? ~ Psalm 74


Additional reading

  1. Words in the world
  2. Let us make sure we are not stiff-necked
  3. The Almighty Lord God of gods King above all gods
  4. El-Shaddai God Almighty Who no-one may see and live
  5. Relating to God is it possible
  6. No man see the Almighty God and live
  7. When there is a God is it possible to relate to Him
  8. Only One God
  9. God is One
  10. The Trinity – the Truth about God
  11. How did the Trinity Doctrine Develop
  12. Altered to fit a Trinity
  13. First Century of Christianity
  14. Hellenistic influences
  15. History of the acceptance of a three-in-one God
  16. Preexistence in the Divine purpose and Trinity
  17. The habitual misreading of John 1 and the ‘Word being God’ #2
  18. Yeshua a man with a special personality
  19. Sayings of Jesus, what to believe and being or not of the devil
  20. Entrance of a king to question our position #2 Who do we want to see and to be
  21. Why did Christ not reveal the exact time of his second coming?
  22. Followers with deepening
  23. What Does it Really Mean to Be a Radical Follower of Jesus?
  24. A small company of Jesus’ footstep follower
  25. If you have integrity
  26. Attitude to others important for reaching them
  27. Love and cultivate that which is pure
  28. Who are the Christadelphians


Related articles

  1. Seeing Clearly – Br. James Koester
  2. Running and pausing with Jesus – Br. Todd Blackham
  3. It’s a privilege
  4. What Does It Mean to be a True Christian?
  5. Being A Cultural Christian Is Not Enough
  6. Being Christian
  7. Effective Christianity
  8. Progressive Christianity
  9. They Will Know We Are Christians By…What?
  10. The History of the Development of the Trinity Doctrine
  11. Is Jesus God? Debate between Pastor Stanley Sjoberg and Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
  12. The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven
  13. Do As I Say
  14. Christians
  15. Peace at any price?


Filed under Being and Feeling, Headlines - News, Health affairs, History, Lifestyle, Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs, World affairs

Religion and the essence of devotion

Necessary parts in the daily walk with God

A proud Christ-follower who believes that we are all on a journey in life writes:

Religion is the essence of devotion. Our religious activities are to be an outpouring our our absolute devotion to God. Religion and relationship are necessary parts in the daily walk with God. And in speaking of religion in this way we can get a better glimpse at Christianity in a global sense. There are many traditions throughout Christendom that seem quite strikingly different than what any one of us may be used to, but they are simply unique ways to express the relational devotion we have to God. {The R&R of Christianity}

In the previous two writings, we talked about people who have a very restricted view of what a Christian would or should be. Lots of Christians are convinced that people who do not believe the human doctrine of the Trinity may not or can not call themselves Christian. They forget that the word Christian is made up of “Christ” and the suffix” ian”, denoting a follower of Christ. Then they should come to see and know who Christ is. For non-Trinitarians Christ is the Nazarene Jewish master teacher (or rebbe) Jeshua ben Yosef, Jesus the son of Mary (Miriam) and Joseph, born in Bethlehem. The word Christian gives an indication that it is about a follower of Christ or Kristos, the anointed Messiah. Naturally, it depends on what or whom, one wants to accept as a “follower”.

Christians, Lutherans, Wesleyans, and other followers

Normally a follower is considered to be someone who believes in a particular system of ideas, or who supports a leader who teaches these ideas. In the case of Christians it are people who follow the opinions or teachings of Christ Jesus, in particular, those teachings notated in the Messianic Scriptures (or New Testament: the four gospels and writings of the apostles and the revelation of St. John).

As the world accepts a Lutheran is a follower of Luther or a ‘belonger’ or accessory and supporter of the Lutheran community or Lutheranism, around that what was started by the German theologian and religious reformer who was the catalyst of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther. When we speak about a Lutheran we think of a person of or relating to the religious doctrines of Martin Luther, or relating to the Protestant denomination adhering to these doctrines. especially the doctrine of Sola fide or justification by faith alone.

According to similar usage, a Christian is a follower or someone who has a strong interest or pays close attention to Jesus Christ and is willing to follow his guidance, command, or leadership. For that guidance of Christ the person must Not follow the rules of other human beings, but can follow the trusted Word like it is notated in the Holy Scriptures.

A Lutheran should follow the writings of Luther, but when we look at the Lutheran Church we can see there are a lot of changes in that church which would not be liked by Luther (take for example the role of the women in that church today.) With Christians we see a similar gross deviation from the teachings of the teacher Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus leading his followers out of a system of oppression

It should not be forgotten that Jesus came along to lead his followers out of the ungodly Roman system. He also wanted to show to Jews and non-Jews how important it is to come back to the Divine Creator and to worship only One True God instead of the many gods of that time. Jesus was a very devout Jew, who did not worship himself (as several name Christians want us to believe). Jesus remained faithful all his life to the God of Israel, Who is a Singular Eternal Omniscient Supreme Spirit Being. No man can see God, but Jesus wanted everybody to figuratively come to see God and to accept Him as their heavenly Father.

There was not only the Roman oppressor; there were also the priests, Pharisees and Sadducees, who wanted to have power over the people. Like many theologians today, they too wanted to make Scriptures more complicated than they really are. Jesus explained the scrolls and showed how people have to live more to the spirit of the letter, than to the interpretation of those temple workers. Jesus also preached an alternative form of government, speaking of a jurisdiction outside the Roman state, based on the perfect law of freedom, outside the tyranny of men who would rule over their brothers and neighbours. He first chose Jewish people who believed in One Singular God, (the God of the Jews), the God of Abraham, Who is One and not two or three. A real Jew never would agree with the Trinity. At first, the people who joined the Jewish sect (or group) the Way, were all Jehudiem or Jews who did not betray their Jewish faith. It was only later when goyim or people from other nations, cultures and other faiths started joining the group of followers of Christ, problems raised under the Jewish community, of which many did not want non-Jews in their ranks and in their synagogues or prayer houses.

First-century Christians

The Way to God

Jesus always said people had not to thank him but God. He always said he was less than God, but that he was the way for people to come to God and the way to life, and that people should believe in him and be in union with him, like he is in union with God.

“I am the door; by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” (Joh 10:9 KJ21)

“But if I do, though ye believe not Me, believe the works, that ye may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.”” (Joh 10:38 KJ21)

“Jesus said unto him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” (Joh 14:6 KJ21)

“9 Jesus said unto him, “Have I been so long a time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself; but the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me; or else believe Me for the very works’ sake.”

“12  Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth in Me, the works that I do he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto My Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

“15  “If ye love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever” 17 even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him. But ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

“18  “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while and the world seeth Me no more, but ye see Me. Because I live, ye shall live also. 20 At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 21 He that hath My commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me; and he that loveth Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will manifest Myself to him.”” (Joh 14:9-21 KJ21)

“that they all may be one, as Thou, Father, art in Me and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me.” (Joh 17:21 KJ21)

“by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” (Ro 5:2 KJ21)

“for through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” (Eph 2:18 KJ21)

“by a new and living Way, which He hath consecrated for us through the veil (that is to say, His flesh),” (Heb 10:20 KJ21)

Following teachings based on Jesus his teachings

In the first century of this common era, more and more people came to follow the apostles their teachings, which were based on those of their master teacher Jeshua (Jesus Christ). They all agreed with the teachings of Jesus and became unified, forming the early Christian church with a system of charity, hope and respect for the rights of each other, requiring that each person would love their neighbour as themselves in a system of mutual, not governmental support.
Those joining the movement of The Way did agree to those Jewish teachings of Jesus and his apostles. For them, it was also clear that Jesus was showing a way to untangle people from the captivity of the social contracts they had made with the state of Rome and Judea, and the tribute and obligations they had become snared by. He proclaimed to call no man “Father”, as they called their Roman benefactors, but stated that the One Who made them alive is their Father Who is in heaven. The perfect law of freedom indicated that man’s unalienable rights stemmed from God and nature, and not governments of men. This was a system of anarchy, by strict definition, without the complex system of tribute that led to the decadence and decline of society, and the corruptible force of the state to back it up.

Not believing in a different God than the Jews

The early Christian church was not persecuted for their belief in a different God or a Kingdom in Heaven, but for their opting out of the mutual taxation system and seeking to live apart from the kings and overlords, the gods many, who demanded their tribute.

Path to walk

For those early followers of Christ it was important to give worship to the same God Jesus worshipped and to leave all those other gods at the side, non touched and not glorified. For them, it was clear that all glory belonged to God. They knew they had not to bow down in front of graven images, and always had to keep their soul diligently, all the time loving Jehovah as their God of gods, and not somebody else. It was also clear they, like God’s People (the Jews), had to walk in God His ways and not following human traditions which were not according to God’s Will,  for they had to keep Jehovah God His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances. Their devotion should fully be for Jehovah God and not for any other god, be it the Caesar, Baal, Apollo, Zeus or any other.  Those who were drawn away, and came to worship other gods, and came to serve them, were turning aside from the way which Jesus and his God have commanded mankind. Though God warned already in the past that the world would turn away from God and shall have false worship. He warned that evil will befall mankind in the latter days; because they will do that which is evil in the sight of Jehovah, to provoke Him to anger through the work of their hands.

“”Only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life; but teach them to thy sons and thy sons’ sons,” (De 4:9 KJ21)

“16 in that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply; and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. 17 But if thine heart turn away so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away and worship other gods and serve them,” (De 30:16-17 KJ21)

“For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you. And evil will befall you in the latter days, because ye will do evil in the sight of the LORD to provoke Him to anger through the work of your hands.”” (De 31:29 KJ21)

“For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.” (Ps 96:5 KJ21)

“He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul, but he that despiseth His ways shall die.” (Pr 19:16 KJ21)

“Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God.” (1Co 7:19 KJ21)

A God demanding exclusive devotion

Today we see how lots of people have made or taken themselves other gods than the Only One True God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah. Even from those who call themselves “Christian” there are many who bow down in front to graven images or kisses books and pictures as a sign of their devotion. They should know that Jehovah God requires exclusive devotion.

“But I had pity for Mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen whither they went.” (Eze 36:21 KJ21)

“”Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Now will I bring back the captives of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for My holy name” (Eze 39:25 KJ21)

“God is jealous, and the LORD avengeth; the LORD avengeth and is furious. The LORD will take vengeance on His adversaries, and He reserveth wrath for His enemies.” (Na 1:2 KJ21)

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I, the LORD thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me,” (Ex 20:5 KJ21)

“For thou shalt worship no other god; for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God,” (Ex 34:14 KJ21)

“For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.” (De 4:24 KJ21)

“And Joshua said unto the people, “Ye cannot serve the LORD, for He is a holy God; He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins:” (Jos 24:19 KJ21)

“And further, my son, by these words be admonished: of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness to the flesh.” (Ec 12:12 KJ21)

“For as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription: ‘To the Unknown God’. Whom therefore ye worship in ignorance, Him I declare unto you.” (Ac 17:23 KJ21)

The God greater than Jesus

Jesus not able to do anything without God

Jesus, his talmidim and the apostle Paul declared The God Who is greater than Jesus and without Him Jesus could not do anything.

“Then answered Jesus and said unto them, “Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do; for what things soever He doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” (Joh 5:19 KJ21)

“Ye have heard how I said unto you, ‘I go away and come again unto you.’ If ye loved Me, ye would rejoice because I said, ‘I go unto the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I.” (Joh 14:28 KJ21)

Jesus submissive to his God

Jesus his disciples also knew and wanted others to know that even their master was submissive to God and also submitted to Him whom he beheld as the only True God.

“5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in the fashion of a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death—even the death of the cross.” (Php 2:5-8 KJ21)

“But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.” (1Co 11:3 KJ21)

“And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son Himself also be subject unto Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.” (1Co 15:28 KJ21)

The churches and gods of man

But today many have several gods, like “material possession” (Mammon) or find themselves under slothful tribute to an emperor and a system that is not for their benefit. For many, their eye and worship is on material goods or on people who can gloriously show off their acquired wealth. Many covet their neighbour’s goods in a vain pursuit of “free” health care, education, welfare, unemployment benefits, social security and government protection. They have traded their inalienable God-given rights through social contracts both implied and explicit. Their churches are not ordained by God, but are corporations granted status by the state. Many want even bigger churches and want to spread hate for those churches which do not want to align with them. In many of those main churches they denounce the followers of whom they consider an anarchist, because for them Jesus is God and all who contradict that are not just contradictors but objectionable individuals. Those Trinitarians do not want to see that real followers of Christ have to be like Christ, united with Jesus and be one with him the same way as Jesus is one with God.

God in Christians

For real followers of Christ, there is the belief that God is in all of them, and that they have to attract others to come also under Christ, to become children of God.

“3 Know ye not that as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, so we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6 knowing this: that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. 7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.” (Ro 6:3-7 KJ21)

“And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” (1Co 15:49 KJ21)

“But because of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who from God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption,” (1Co 1:30 KJ21)

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2Co 5:17 KJ21)

“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” (Ga 6:15 KJ21)

United in Christ serving the God of Christ

Those in Christ should be united and serve the same God Jesus served. They should fully be devoted to Jehovah God, having no other gods than Him. Real Christians are those willing to have only One God and to study His Word, His ordinances so that they too can do God’s Will, like Jesus did not his own will but did the Will of his heavenly Father and asked his followers also to do the Will of his heavenly Father, Jehovah God. In case Jesus is God he naturally would always have done his own will and then he was all the time misleading people and praying to himself.

Jesus not knowing many who call themself Christian

Several people, calling themselves Christian forget that at the end times, when they would be coming in front of Christ, there could be a possibility that Jesus shall say not to know them, because they did not do the Will of his Father. To call oneself Christian or to become part of the Body of Christ one has to do the Will of God and be as a brother or sister of Christ Jesus and those following him.

“But the field, when it goeth out in the jubilee, shall be holy unto the LORD, as a field devoted; the possession thereof shall be the priest’s.” (Le 27:21 KJ21)

“And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven. This sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.” (Ec 1:13 KJ21)

“”Not every one that saith unto Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father who is in Heaven.” (Mt 7:21 KJ21)

“For whosoever shall do the will of My Father who is in Heaven, the same is My brother, and sister, and mother.”” (Mt 12:50 KJ21)

“And He went a little farther, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.”” (Mt 26:39 KJ21)

“He went away again the second time and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if this cup may not pass away from Me, unless I drink it, Thy will be done.”” (Mt 26:42 KJ21)

“For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is My brother, and My sister, and mother.”” (Mr 3:35 KJ21)

“And He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto Thee. Take away this cup from Me; nevertheless not what I will, but what Thou wilt.”” (Mr 14:36 KJ21)

“And that servant, who knew his lord’s will and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.” (Lu 12:47 KJ21)

“saying, “Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Thine be done.”” (Lu 22:42 KJ21)

“Jesus said unto them, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work.” (Joh 4:34 KJ21)

“38 For I came down from Heaven, not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me. 39 And this is the Father’s will who hath sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the Last Day. 40 And this is the will of Him that sent Me: that every one who seeth the Son and believeth in Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the Last Day.”” (Joh 6:38-40 KJ21)

“but bade them farewell, saying, “I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem, but I will return again unto you, if God wills.” And he sailed from Ephesus.” (Ac 18:21 KJ21)

“Take them and purify thyself with them, and bear their charges with them, that they may shave their heads; and all may know that those things of which they have been informed concerning thee are nothing, but that thou thyself also walkest orderly and keepest the law.” (Ac 21:24 KJ21)

Picking and choosing like a kid

Lots of people who call themselves “Christian” not at all follow the teachings of Jesus and pick and choose texts from Sriptures how it soots them best.

But you don’t pay attention to that do you my little lambs? No, you pick and choose like a kid going through a candy store deciding what to spend his quarters on. You choose what fits your sick sense of morality, and then toss the rest like it never existed. The fact that you become utter hypocrites apparently doesn’t bother you. Neither does the fact that it doesn’t fit my morality. But you care just as much about my definition of morality as I do yours. The only difference between us, is I’m not forcing you to try to live by my morality. {Of Christianity and Modern Morality}

rightly remarks someone who calls himself The Bastards 2013 (Where The Bastards come to share the word!) He, like lots of atheists saw how a bunch of Evangelical pastors were laying hands on Donald Trump in the White House and how one prominent evangelical leader immediately tweeted out the image with the caption:

“President Trump is bringing God back to America.” {In God We Obfuscate}

This “Bastards 2013” also wrote:

You talk about love and tolerance and yet your actions speak of hate and seclusion. You talk about America needing to find it’s moral center and returning to respecting one another and finding joys in the diversity of America. Then you back a man who is none of those. Donald Trump is your reflecting God. He is the face of your fake bullshit religion and from this day forth you will be forever known as the frauds and charlatans you are. Your speeches about god and love will be laughed at and ignored. Your attempts to say that this is Christianity will be endlessly mocked by those of us who know better. More importantly, when your god falls, and his presidency is nothing but a pile of ashes, you will have nowhere to run. Your sins will be laid bare and the scarlet letter of hypocrisy will be forever tattoed onto your forehead. While you preach the word of a megalomaniac, he is busy mocking Puerto Ricans as they struggle to survive after back to back hurricanes. As you attempt to speak about love and kindness (which you know nothing about) your god calls black men who are peacefully protesting inequality “Sons of bitches” and “traitors.” Meanwhile he speaks in front of a group of neo nazis and homophobes and says “It’s so nice to be around friends. So many friends.” You are the lowest form of human. ISIS is evil and should be eradicated, but at least they own who they are. They make no false speeches about love and acceptance when they don’t believe in it. They don’t shake the hands of the people while silently prepping to stab them in the back. You are nothing but low level talentless snake oil salesmen. You prey upon those who have been stricken desperate by your shitty unethical policies. You sell them a cure and make them believe that you and only you can help them. Then you sit back in your six homes, watching the peasants stumble around trying to find some sort of relief. {The Reflecting God}

Traditions of man

Throughout the ages, mankind had several gods and had celebrations for them. The Roman Catholic Church willing to capture as many heathen as they could, integrated many heathen festivals in their system. Christmas and Easter are the two most important ones still celebrated by the majority of Christians.

Lots of human traditions entered the life of those who call themselves Christian, though not many of them seem to wonder if they would be all right in the Eyes of God. That way Christendom became totally different from first-century Christianity.

A Religion of a relationship

Bringing a “Thought from a Pilgrim of Truth”, , a father, husband, and a pastor writes

There is another thing that tends to happen when someone views Christianity as a relationship rather than a religion. The terms of the relationship begin to get a bit blurry. God and King, Master and Lord, get discarded for the much easier to handle Friend. When God becomes solely our friend, we lose the fear of the LORD, and our relationship with Him becomes unbiblical. Again, this is where religious devotion comes in. We are His servants, His children even. We must remember that God has been and will always be great, higher and holier than we are. {The R&R of Christianity}

Christianity should be a religion of a relationship with Jesus Christ and with Christ his God, Jehovah the God above all kings and gods, but also about the relationship with others and other things (human beings, nature – plants and animals).

Fear God

Many who have made Jesus as their god have lost the fear of God or fear for God. Our religion should be an expression of that fear for God. In the end it will be Him that preserves the faithful, and plentifully shall reward him that deals proudly with the Truth, having the courage to speak out and show the world That Only One True God, the God of the kings David, Solomon and Christ. Strangely enough Trinitarians are giving the word Christian an othe meaning than then “ian” to the “Christ” would suggest. They do not see the fundamentals connected to being a Christian, nor the need to know about the God of Christ, Who is the God of the Bible. Those Trinitarians minimalise the act of Christ and do not value Jesus his act of submission to God and his complete sacrifice for humanity. Strangely enough many who call themselves Christian but worship a three-headed god dare to say, like the pharmacy student Teni:

God wanted His people to stand out from the people around them.

The bible makes us understand that God Almighty the creator of the whole universe is the One and Only true God. That means, every other god, is actually non-existent and made up by people’s imagination and craftiness. {4 Mmisconceptions that need to be cleared about being a christian}

though they do not believe in that Only One True God.

Bringing honour to the Only Right God

Bringing honour to such false gods is at the same time dishonouring God and misusing God’s Name and God’s Title. those who call themselves Christian should witness to the goodness of God in a world that has ceased to acknowledge His existence, let alone His sovereignty over the Cosmos. It was God’s son, Jesus who gave his followers an assignment to tell those around them about the Divine Creator and His promises, the good news of the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God.

Those calling themselves Christian, should as followers of Jesus Christ, not only keep to his teachings, but follow the example of Christ, being servants of God, Jesus and others, and this even to their own peril. We should have a friendship realtionship with Christ as our brotherbut we are not to consider ourselves as equals with God, in the same way Jesus never considered himself equal with God. We owe only Jesus his God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, all of our devotion and allegiance.




Not About The Name Of The Godhead Of Jesus

Rhetoric and Biblical Truth

Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups

Religions and Mainliners


Additional reading

  1. People are turning their back on Christianity
  2. Blindness in the Christian world
  3. Not liking your Christians
  4. Not all christians are followers of a Greco-Roman culture
  5. Christian in Christendom or in Christianity
  6. Christianity is a love affair
  7. To be chained by love for another one
  8. Many forgot how Christ should be our anchor and our focus
  9. Jesus and God
  10. Only one God
  11. A Father Who begat a son
  12. Jahushua, Joshua, Jeshua or Jesus an Immanuel or God with us an incarnated God or a human being?
  13. The sent one from God
  14. Knowing Jesus Rabboni
  15. Jesus son of God or God the son
  16. Jesus son of God
  17. Jesus Christ the Messiah
  18. Seeing Jesus
  19. Reasons that Jesus is Not God
  20. God son king and his subjects
  21. Not saying Jeshua is God
  22. Sayings of Jesus, what to believe and being or not of the devil
  23. Jesus begotten Son of God #19 Compromising fact
  24. On the Nature of Christ
  25. The Son can do nothing of his own accord
  26. The son of man given authority by God
  27. The Nazarene master teacher learning people how they should behave
  28. Doctrine of Christ
  29. One Mediator
  30. Commandements of Christ
  31. Statutes given unto us
  32. Relationship with God, Jesus and each other
  33. Memorizing wonderfully – Additional verses: Psalm 34 Tasting and blessing Jehovah God
  34. Extra verses to remember by the reading of Psalm 45 A Great name to Praise God
  35. Not words of any organisation should bind you, but the Word of God
  36. A learning process for each of us
  37. Paul’s warning about false stories and his call to quit touching the unclean thing
  38. Matthew 15 Calvin’s view
  39. Matthew 20 It is never too late
  40. Matthew 20 Are you willing to work for Jesus?
  41. Matthew 25 Jesus ministry drawing to its dramatic conclusion and warning to be ready
  42. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  43. As brothers and sisters showing that you are followers of the real Jesus or being a Jeshuaist sharing responsibilities
  44. Demanding signs or denying yourself
  45. Attitude of a Christian
  46. As Christ’s slaves doing the Will of God in gratitude
  47. A heart full of love is a fundamental requirement
  48. Christianity without the Trinity
  49. Doubting and going astray
  50. Main churches losing population share
  51. How do trinitarians equate divine nature
  52. Europe and much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism becoming No God Zones
  53. Thought for today November the 6th: Indifference
  54. Is it a Jewish or a Christian faith
  55. Religious imagery used by pop artists
  56. Avoiding friction and distraction in the body of Christ
  57. Today’s thought “Fools despise wisdom” (March 23)
  58. False opposite true worship which exalts the God of Israel
  59. How should we worship God? #14 True worship
  60. In a time when we must remain in our place
  61. Memorizing wonderfully 18 Proverbs – Fear of God, Wisdom and instruction
  62. Symptom of tzara’at a white spot on the flesh
  63. Today’s thought “Folly and Wickedness of Men” (January 06)
  64. Today’s thought “Sound an alarm for the day of Jehovah that comes” (November 19)



Further related

  1. Pouring Into Others (comeawake.org)
  2. Being Christian
  3. Being Christian Takes Practice
  4. Being Christian On Day One
  5. What Does It Mean to be a True Christian?
  6. Being A Cultural Christian Is Not Enough
  7. The Quiet in the Land
  8. Martin Luther’s Seal
  9. ROFLMAO — what would Luther’s 95 Theses sound like in an corporate office email memo to all staff?
  10. Swedish Lutherans: Synodical and congregational minutes on baptism and membership in the 1850s
  11. A Bonhoeffer moment and a barstool conversation between Luther, Bonhoeffer and a Finnish theologian — links and quotes for future reference
  12. Lutheran Women and Their Impact on History
  13. Luther an’ Me
  14. Dear Church’: A tapestry of discipleship and a call for white folks to ‘do good white folk work’ to help dismantle racism
  15. Progressive Christianity
  16. Check Yourself, Christian
  17. Unchurched
  18. Come To Me To Have Life
  19. Sheep and Goats, Faith and Mercy
  20. Reformation 2020. The Righteousness of God at the Present Time
  21. It Matters
  22. Commitment to Christ Means Commitment to His Church (Blogs Revisited)
  23. What the Coronavirus Reveals about Protestant Piety
  24. Lutherans vs. Coronavirus
  25. Attitude is Everything
  26. Is the Trinity scriptural – or is it pagan nonsense
  27. Fully God and Fully Man
  28. December 11,2020: Finding the “O’s” in God’s message
    Satan’s Lie: You Can Become God
  29. Is Jesus God? – Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green
  30. Proof that the disciples did not preach the trinity!
  31. How the Trinity Debate has Influenced Our Reading
  32. A Trinitarian Christian claims he can explain the trinity…guess what happens next?
  33. Mohammed Hijab vs David Wood, Tawheed vs Trinity
  34. Is Jesus God? Debate between Pastor Stanley Sjoberg and Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
  35. Trinity vs Tawheed, Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green (Part 1)
  36. Trinity vs Tawheed – Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green (Part 2)
  37. Of Christianity and Modern Morality
  38. 4 Mmisconceptions that need to be cleared about being a christian
  39. Matthew 20:26
  40. Heaven, work, and duty
  41. The Church – Body of Christ
  42. Funhouse God
  43. Our Heavenly Home 
  44. Listening While White: Respecting the Image of God in People of Color
  45. Deepening our Faith: 2nd Sunday of Advent 2020
  46. He is Faithful
  47. Catholicism – a False religion based on idolatry man made doctrines pagan traditions
  48. Completing the great commission
  49. Where is wisdom found?
  50. the high cost of not trusting God
  51. Above the voice of men
  52. Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
  53. Fear of God – Temor de Dios
  54. The Fear of God
  55. Fear Brings Contentment
  56. Pleasing and Not Pleasing People for the Glory of God
  57. You´ve overcome


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, World affairs

Diversity and Equality

Andrew McFarland Campbell

Diversity and equality are two things that we hear about a lot today. Both are terms that most of us probably understand, but they are curiously hard terms to define. An organisation can be said to be diverse if it has a wide range of different viewpoints on a particular issue represented among its members, or it can be diverse if it has a wide range of people who are members. For example, an organisation could be politically diverse if some of its members were politically right-wing, some were politically left-wing, and some were politically middle-of-the-road. An organisation could be racially diverse if it contained people who came from a wide range of different races.

An organisation can be said to have equality on a particular issue if an individual’s beliefs or attributes on that issue do not affect the individual’s standing within the organisation. An organisation has political equality…

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Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Instrumenten voor de vervulling van de profetie

We moeten christenen en moslims beschouwen als
instrumenten voor de vervulling van de profetie
dat de kennis van God zich op een dag over de aarde zal verspreiden.
Terwijl de volken vóór hen afgoden aanbaden, Gods bestaan ​​ontkenden,
en dus niet de kracht of vergelding van God erkende,
de opkomst van het christendom en de islam diende zich te verspreiden onder de naties,
naar de verste uiteinden van de aarde,
de wetenschap dat er Eén God is die de wereld regeert,
die beloont en straft en Zichzelf openbaart aan de mens.

~ Jacob Emden, ook bekend als Ya’avetz


Jacob Emden, waarschijnlijk rond 1760

De zoon van de Chacham Tzvi, en een afstammeling van Elia Ba’al Sem van Chelm, Jacob Emden (geboren Ashkenazi), was een traditionalist die reageerde op de idealen van tolerantie die in de 18e eeuw werden verspreid. Hij strekte de traditionele inclusivistische positie in universele richtingen en, zoals Maimonides, geloofde hij dat het christendom en de islam een ​​belangrijke rol spelen in Gods plan voor de mensheid,

Engelse tekst / English text: Instruments for the fulfilment of the prophecy


Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Wereld aangelegenheden

Torah Portion – Pesach B

Christianity really came out the Jewish sect The Way, those people being Jeshuaists or followers of Jeshua gathered in the name of Jeshua to honour the Only One True God and to remember how their master teacher Jeshua gave himself as a ransom for the sins of many.

Messiah Jeshua was a devout Jewish man of flesh and blood who managed to have many followers. Though soon false teachers came unto the platform, entering Roman Greek philosophies, going as far as agreeing with the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great to make Jeshua into Jesus (Hail Zeus) and making a god of him. From then onwards we saw Christendom with the trinitarians but always have been there real followers of Jeshua, not going for that Trinity but keeping worship solely to the Only One True God of Israel, like every Jew should also worship Only One True God above all.

You consider the “resurrection of Messiah” as “an inherently Jewish event” but it was the proof for the whole world that from then onwards a man of flesh and blood could be taken out of the dead. (Those who say Jesus is God, naturally still have no proof that man can come out of death, and often forget that God even can not die, so would have faked His death, fooling also mankind considering His all knowing, because telling people he does not know when he would return.

With his own will putting aside Jeshua did fulfil the Will of God and gave himself to his heavenly Father as an offering, shedding his blood as a lamb, this time not only for liberating or bringing a passover of houses of Jehudi, but for all people, making it possible for Jews and goyim to have a restored relationship with the Most High God.

For sure the Elohim HaShem Jehovah demanded to celebrate the Passover of the with blood sprinkled houses in Egypt, and Jesus also did remember that on the Seder night, demanding also to remember from then onwards how he (Jesus) as presented himself as a Lamb of God and a Lamb for God, to pay for the sins of all people and to inaugurate the New Covenant. Therefore we all come together on 14 Nisan to have a Memorial Meal in remembrance of those two special acts of liberation.


To remember

over the years the Lord has taught the blog writer how to celebrate Jeshua’s resurrection in an authentic Messianic Jewish way.

  • In Messianic Judaism, the resurrection of Yeshua = one of our most treasured truths.
  • significance of the resurrection > celebration of miraculous event = merited + necessary.
  • > faith in Yeshua + belief in His resurrection sets us apart from the rest of the Jewish community.

The death of Yeshua = extremely sensitive subject to most Jewish people.

  • resurrection of Messiah > Messianic Judaism shares in common with Christianity.

customary meal very much like a Havdalah meal in our day > inaugurates each week with the beautiful symbols of a cup of wine, fragrant spices, and the luminescent glow of a multi-wicked candle.

Parasha With Passion - Weekly Torah Portions

Parasha With Passion – Weekly Torah Reading Cycle – Pesach B

This week, in Parashat Pesach Matzot-B, God instructs Israel to observe Passover
through the generations.

Deuteronomy 16:1:

“Observe the month of Aviv and keep the
Passover to
Adonai your God, for in the month
of Aviv[
b]Adonai your God brought you out
from Egypt by night.

Yeshua’s Resurrection In An Authentic Messianic Jewish Way

As a Messianic Believer, one of my biggest struggles was learning how to
celebrate Yeshua’s resurrection in a Messianic Jewish context. However, over the years the Lord has taught
me how to celebrate Yeshua’s resurrection in an authentic Messianic Jewish way.

Yeshua is ALIVE proclaimed his disciples as they gazed in an empty tomb (Mark
). The
resurrection of Yeshua is an event that Jewish believers experienced before
Christianity even existed. In Messianic
Judaism, the resurrection of Yeshua is…

View original post 441 more words


Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Geen plaats voor Jezus volgende Joden in Nederlandse Kerk noch in Israël

Heel veel mensen nemen wel het woord ‘joods-christelijk’ in de mond zonder goed te weten waar ze het over hebben of zonder enige affiniteit te willen voelen met het Joodse volk of hun geloof.

Diverse politieke partijen, vaak juist niet-christelijke, willen nog weleens roepen dat de Europese beschaving joods-christelijke wortels heeft.

Die term ‘joods-christelijk’ mag ook nogal raar zijn wanneer men weet dat veel Christenen eeuwenlang Joden hebben onderdrukt, vervolgd en verketterd. Ook zijn er heel wat joden die niet veel van Christus en christenen moeten hebben. Ook voor de ware volgers van Jeshua of Jezus Christus (zoals hij door velen is gekend) is het dikwijls moeilijk om zich te vereenzelvigen met christenen of om zich er maar mee verwant te voelen, daar zij vinden dat de meerderheid van christenen Jezus verloochend door zijn ongelofelijke daad van overgave niet te willen erkennen en hem tot hun god te maken.

Men kan echter niet ontkennen dat Jeshua een bijzonder figuur was die van een enorme invloed is geweest op het gebeuren in Europa. Het valt niet te ontkennen dat de christelijke godsdienst de Europese geschiedenis diepgaand heeft beïnvloed. Hoe men het draait of keert is er ook heel wat gediscussieerd, gepalaverd maar ook gevochten rond die persoon Jeshua of Jezus, die ook de Christus wordt genoemd.

Ook al werd door de eeuwen heen er heel wat gedaan om het jodendom de mond te snoeren of te vernietigen, is het de enige geloofsgroep die zich als enige de repressie van andere godsdiensten heeft weten te overleven. Ontegensprekelijk moet men in dat Joodse geloof de wortels zien van het christendom en christenheid. De aartsvader Abraham, koning David uit wiens geslacht Jezus voortkwam, de schrijvers van de boekrollen en de vele profeten waren Joden. Zelfs het Nieuwe testament werd geschreven door Joden. De eerste volgelingen van Jeshua (de Jood Jezus) waren zoals hij ook Joden. Zonder hen was de beweging “De Weg” niet op gang gekomen en zou het Christendom niet ontstaan zijn.

Nederlandse kerkvaders zien echter niet graag een verbintenis met het Joodse geslacht. Er zijn ook meerdere Nederlanders die er iets op tegen hebben om te wijzen naar de term  ‘joods-christelijk’ omdat de twee onderdelen van de term namelijk ongelijk zijn. Voor hen slaat het woord ‘joods’ op een periode voor pakweg 100 na Christus, de term ‘christelijk’ op de overige 1900 jaar.

Daarmee wordt ‘joods’ antiek verklaard – een neiging die door heel de kerkgeschiedenis te vinden is. De contemporaine jood wordt daarmee niet in zijn waarde gelaten: hij is antiek, ouderwets, aanhanger van een achterhaalde godsdienst. Hij zelf is geen onderdeel van de term ‘joods-christelijk’, terwijl zijn identiteit daar wel genoemd is.

Ook wensen zij te benadrukken dat

Alles wat genoemd is aan joodse bronnen, Oude en Nieuwe Testament, worden in deze term door christenen geïnterpreteerd, ja zelfs van naam voorzien. Het Oude Testament heet alleen maar zo, omdat er een Nieuwe Testament bestaat in het christendom.

De Nederlandse gereformeerden vinden dat het jodendom hun Hebreeuwse geschriften op een geheel eigen wijze interpreteren en mits zij Jezus niet als God erkennen ook niet onder de zaligheid van God kunnen vallen. Door die typische Joodse interpretatie is in de term ‘joods-christelijk’ volgens hen dan ook geen ruimte.

Als dat namelijk wel zo zou zijn, zouden we in onze ‘joods-christelijke’ cultuur heel wat makkelijker omgaan met jongensbesnijdenis, met speciale voedingsvoorschriften, met het idee dat er geofferd zou kunnen worden, met sluiers of hoofddoekjes of pruiken, met noem maar op. Juist omdat het christendom het Oude Testament heel anders interpreteert en deze interpretatie al eeuwen als de enig geldende meeneemt, zijn deze joodse (en islamitische) instellingen vreemd aan de Europese cultuur. Kortom, ‘joods-christelijk’ is een term vanuit de macht, niet een term die gewaardeerd wordt door de minderheid. Het is een term die de werkelijkheid versluierd: het lijkt erop alsof ‘wij’ een meerderheid en een minderheid waarderen in Nederland, maar in werkelijkheid staan we op het standpunt van de meerderheid en sluiten we twee minderheden buiten. {Eveline van St}

De Messiaans Joodse theoloog Mark S. Kinzer vraagt aandacht voor wat hij noemt een ‘bipolaire ecclesiologie’. Dat wil zeggen dat er binnen de kerk als lichaam van Christus ruimte zou moeten zijn voor een kerk uit de besnijdenis, die zich kan houden aan de Joodse wetten. Hierop vinden de Nederlandse christelijke theologen dat wij helemaal niet meer aan oude voorschriften moeten houden en dat zulk een keuze voor Joodse wetten dan zou getuigen van een niet erkenning van Jezus Christus zijn godheid en zijn positie als vernietiger van de Mozaïsche wetten. Meerdere Joden die Jeshua als hun Verlosser hebben aanvaard vinden dan wel dat zij als Joden die Jezus als de Messias volgen niet moeten ophouden zich als Joden te gedragen. De vele Messias belijdende rabbijnen vinden ook dat wij ons aan de Thora moeten houden en dat wij volledig in ons recht zijn om ons te blijven onderscheiden van de heidenen in hun levenswandel. Zo is ook de stelling van Kinzer. Daarmee hebben volgen hem deze Messiaanse Joden een dubbele taak. Enerzijds verbinden zij het lichaam van Christus met het Joodse volk, anderzijds vormen zij binnen het Joodse volk een levende verbinding met Jeshua of Jezus die de Messias is en met de kerk als zijn lichaam.

Kinzer geeft toe dat de stem van Messiasbelijdende Joden tot nog toe nauwelijks gehoord is in het nadenken over het “Joods-Christelijk” gebeuren. Kinzer biedt een handreiking aan zij die geloven dat Christus de diepste grond is onder het specifieke verbond van God met Israël.
Volgens hem zijn Joden en heidenen binnen het lichaam van Christus verbonden, omdat zij horen één te zijn in hem. De Joodse volgelingen van Jeshua zijn één in Christus, maar daardoor niet hetzelfde geworden. Meerdere Christenen begrijpen die “eenheid” niet en denken dat die “eenheid van Jezus met God” inhoudt dat Jezus God zou zijn. Maar zulk een gedachte maakt de woorden van Christus Jezus die vraagt dat wij één zouden worden met hem zoals hij één is met de Vader, voor die vele trinitarische christen zeer moeilijk, want dan zouden wij ook Jezus worden maar eveneens God worden of zijn. Dat maakt het voor die theologen in het christendom even verwerpelijk als sommige farizeeën het verwerpelijk vonden toen Jezus over die eenheid sprak, en zich dan volgens hen gelijk stelde met God. Volgens dat denken zouden Messiaanse Joden Jesjoeanen (Jesjoeaansen) of Jeshuaisten zich dan ook gelijk stellen met God. Maar niets is minder waar. Jeshuaisten als volgers van Jeshua beseffen dat Jeshua niet God is en dat het volgen van Jeshua en één worden met Jeshua helemaal niet inhoudt dat men aan God gelijk zou kunnen worden.
Wel geloven Jeshuaisten dat zij die Jeshua als de Messias willen aanvaarden onder de gemeenschap van Christus vallen. Maar Jeshuaisten geloven ook dat Jeshua de weg heeft geopend naar goyim en dat zo heidenen ook mede-erfgenamen mogen zijn, of mede-leden en mede-deelgenoten. Dat is volgens ons namelijk het mysterie van het evangelie.

Wij geloven dat Israël Gods uitverkoren volk is en dat kan misschien moeilijk liggen in de harten van vele “Christenen” en zeker van bepaalde Katholieke en protestantse theologen, die vinden dat enkel ‘godsgeleerden‘ het Woord van God kunnen verduidelijken en beslissen wie tot het Christendom mag of kan behoren. Velen van de theologen schijnen te vergeten (of niet te willen zien) dat de christelijke kerk is voort gekomen vanuit de Joodse sekte die de eerste christelijke gemeente vormde en ondenkbaar is zonder Israël. Met de Joden die Jezus als Messias belijden zouden zij zich in het geloof verbonden moeten voelen als broeders en zusters.

In 2017 trokken spanningen tussen Israëls rabbinaat en de liberale stromen in het Judaïsme, zowel in Israël als in het buitenland de aandacht door geschillen over religieus pluralisme. Maar een andere groep, die van de Messiaanse Joden, werd voortdurend geboycot door zowel het hoofdstroom van het wereld-Jodendom als Israël.

Zo nu en dan bereikt een verhaal de media over iemand die zichzelf als Jood ziet, waarvan de immigratie-aanvraag naar Israël, oftewel alya, geweigerd werd op grond van het feit dat hij of zij een Messiaanse Jood of Jeshuaist is.

Dit was zo bijvoorbeeld het geval met de Zweedse psychologe Rebecca Floer (64) en de dochter van een Holocaust-overlevende, die in november 2017 uit Israël werd gedeporteerd. Hoewel ze zichzelf niet als een Messiaanse Jodin definieert, gelooft zij in Jeshua, de naam die door Messiaanse gelovigen en Jeshuaisten voor Jezus wordt gebruikt. Maar Jeshuaisten geven zich niet graag uit als Messiaanse Joden, omdat bij die groepen heel wat trinitarische gelovigen zitten of Joden die een andere Messias belijden dan Jeshua.

In Israël is het probleem dat Jesjoeanen of Jeshuaisten niet aangesloten zijn bij de Joodse gemeenschap waardoor zij uit de boot vallen voor immigratie, aldus een hoge ‘aliya’-ambtenaar van het Agentschap, Yehuda Scharf {aan The Jerusalem Post}.

“Als iemand verklaart dat hij in Jezus gelooft, dan is hij geen Jood – hij gelooft niet in ons geloof,”

voegt hij eraan toe.

“Het is simpel. Een Jood, die naar Israël wil emigreren, zal naar Israël verhuizen als hij zijn Judaïsme kan aantonen. Indien hij zijn Jodendom niet kan bewijzen, dan is het een ander verhaal.”

De Wet op het recht van Terugkeer was door de Knesset in 1950 tot wet verheven. Om die wet te omzeilen zijn er heel wat gelovigen in Jeshua die zich in Israël ook aansluiten bij een gewone Joodse synagoge en daardoor met hun geheimhouding van hun geloof in Jeshua toch hun geloof kunnen belijden maar ook aanvaard worden als Jood.

Opmerkelijk is dat Mevrouw Floer al drie jaar deels in het noorden van Israël had gewoond op een hernieuwd toeristenvisum, werd haar paspoort inmiddels op de zwarte lijst geplaatst en kon haar advocaat haar enkel waarschuwen dat het moeilijk, zo niet onmogelijk, voor haar zal zijn om naar het land terug te keren.

Zowel in Israël als in de Joodse wereld, is er een bijna algehele verwerping van Messiaanse Joden of Joden, die in Jezus geloven zoals Jeshuaisten (of Jesjoeanen). Zij komen niet in aanmerking voor aliya, want terwijl ze zichzelf als Joden beschouwen, wordt niet geaccepteerd dat een Jood in Jeshua of Jezus kan geloven. In 1970 werd Amendement 4A van de Wet op het recht van Terugkeer aangenomen, waarin staat:

“De rechten van een Jood in het kader van deze wet en de rechten van een oleh (immigrant) onder de Nationaliteitswetgeving, 5712-1952, evenals de rechten van een oleh krachtens enige andere wet, zijn ook van toepassing op een kind en een kleinkind van een Jood, de echtgenote van een Jood, de echtgenote van een kind van een Jood en de echtgenote van een kleinkind van een Jood, met uitzondering van iemand, die een Jood was en vrijwillig zijn/haar religie heeft veranderd.”

Aldus oordeelde de Hoge Raad in 1989 dat het geloof van Messiaanse Joden in Jezus hen Christenen maakt en dat ze dus niet in aanmerking komen voor automatisch Israëlisch burgerschap, maar die beslissing werd evenwel opengelaten voor toekomstige veranderingen.

“De ‘seculaire test’ bestaat uit verschillende onderdelen en het is mogelijk om onderling de fundamenten van de Joodse godsdienst, de Hebreeuwse taal, de geschiedenis van het Joodse volk en de herbouw van de onafhankelijkheid in de staat, op te noemen. Het gewicht van deze elementen is in de loop van de tijd veranderd en zal in de toekomst veranderen. De seculier-liberale voorstelling is een dynamisch concept, dat verandert met het levenspad van het Joodse volk gedurende de geschiedenis,”

is er geschreven.

In april 2008 oordeelde het Hof dat verscheidene Messiaanse Joden in Israël recht hadden op Israëlisch burgerschap, omdat zij de afstammelingen waren van Joodse vaders of grootvaders, maar zelf nooit Joods geweest waren en zich dus niet hadden bekeerd.

“Je moet er een onderscheid tussen maken, of zij in aanmerking komen als Jood of als familielid van een Jood (amendement 4A),”

legt Prof. Barak Medina, hoogleraar staatsrecht van de Hebreeuwse Universiteit van Jeruzalem, uit. Medina merkt op, dat indien iemand zichzelf definieert als een Messiaanse Jood, hij niet verkiesbaar is op grond van zijn eigen verdienste, maar op grond van de verdienste van zijn Joodse familielid – zolang hij niet vrijwillig bekeerd is. Iemand die zich vrijwillig bekeerd heeft, benadrukt hij, wordt beschouwd als zijn recht op aliya te hebben opgegeven.

”Ik denk niet, dat deze benadering in de nabije toekomst gaat veranderen,”

zegt Medina.

Groot probleem bij de kijk naar Jeshua volgelingen of Messiaanse Joden is dat anderen bang zijn dat dit groepen zijn die anderen volstrekt willen bekeren tot hun geloof.

Rabbijn David Rosen, adviseur voor interreligieuze zaken bij het Opperrabbinaat van Israël, die tevens fungeert als de directeur van het Departement van Interreligieuze Zaken van het Amerikaans Joodse Comité bij het kijken naar Jeshua belijdende Joden gaat een enorme vergissing aan te denken dat zij mensen zijn die zouden geloven dat Jezus één van de personen van de drie-eenheid van God is. Ware volgers van Jeshua geloven namelijk niet in de valse doctrine van de Drie-eenheid. Het is juist om die reden dat In Nederland en België kerkleiders zulke gelovige niet onder het christendom willen aanvaarden. Ook al zegt rabbijn David Rosen

“Ze kunnen dus zichzelf identificeren als etnisch Joodse Christenen of Joodse Christenen, als ze dat willen. Maar ze zijn Christelijk”

Kerkvader Hieronymus zei over Messiasbelijdende Joden.

„Terwijl ze verlangen zowel Joden als christenen te zijn, zijn ze geen van beiden.”

In de Jules Isaac Stichting (opgericht in 2015) vernoemd naar de Franse Joodse historicus Jules Isaac doen ze een poging om de ontwikkeling te bevorderen van een volwaardige christelijke theologie die volgens hen werkelijk vrij is van vervangingsdenken. Zulke vervangingstheologie staat voor het idee dat de kerk de plaats van het volk Israël zou hebben ingenomen. Voor hen zijn Jeshua volgende Joden al 1500 jaar lang volkomen buiten beeld en daarom vroegen zij zich op 23 maart af wat de belangrijke Messiaans Joodse theologen als Mark Kinzer de kerk te bieden hebben en hoe het komt dat deze gelovigen nu meer in het openbaar beginnen te komen.

Hen valt het op dat de sterke opkomst van het Messiaans Jodendom sinds de jaren zestig van de afgelopen eeuw zonder meer tot de meest opmerkelijke ontwikkelingen behoort van de laatste vijftig jaar. Bewust zijnde dat Messiaans Jodendom (Messianic Judaism) staat voor de internationale beweging van Joden die het geloof in Jezus niet in strijd zien met hun Joodse identiteit kijken zij wel op naar de reden om zulk een beweging of groep niet in het christendom te aanvaarden.

Men moet nagaan waarom vanaf de vierde eeuw voor deze Joodse Jezus gelovigen geen plaats meer binnen de Kerk bleek te zijn. Vanaf toen werden zij alleen nog slechts getolereerd wanneer ze volledig afstand deden van hun Joodse identiteit.

Als gevolg van deze kerkelijke maatregel waren Messiaanse Joden 1500 jaar lang volledig van het toneel verdwenen. Maar sinds de afgelopen eeuw zijn ze terug van weggeweest. Hun aantal wordt intussen geschat op 150.00 – 200.000. En dat aantal groeit gestaag, vooral in Israël en de Verenigde Staten. Het is fascinerend te zien, hoe de beweging waarmee de kerk 2000 jaar geleden begon, juist in onze tijd opnieuw groeit en bloeit. Redenen genoeg om een studiedag te wijden aan deze fascinerende en belangrijke ontwikkeling.

vond de Jules Isaac Stichting.

Jeroen Bol, voorzitter van de Jules Isaac Stichting, gaf in zijn lezing een historisch overzicht van het Messiaans Jodendom. Zoals de periode vóór de Reformatie gekenmerkt werd door sterke anti-Joodse trekken in kerk en theologie, is er volgens hem kort ná de Reformatie, met name in Engeland, sprake van een trendbreuk.

Théodore de Bèze (Theodorus Beza) in 1577

Het zijn de Engelse puriteinen geweest die in toenemende mate afstand begonnen te nemen van het anti-judaïsme in de theologie van de middeleeuwse rooms-katholieke kerk. Was de klassieke theologie tot dan toe doortrokken van wat men later de ‘teaching of contempt’ (‘catechese der verguizing’) is gaan noemen, bij de Engelse puriteinen zien we rond 1600 een ‘teaching of esteem’ ontstaan. Het begin van deze omslag wordt doorgaans gezien bij de kanttekening die Beza rond 1560 in de Geneva Bible plaatste bij Romeinen 11:25-26. Contra Calvijn die hij zojuist in Geeve had opgevolgd stelde Beza dat Israël hier niet staat voor de kerk maar voor het Joodse volk. In diezelfde periode rond 1560 doceerden de grote theologen Martin Bucer en Peter Martyr op grond van Romeinen 11 dat de kerk nog een toekomstige massale bekering van het Joodse volk staat te wachten. Steeds meer puriteinse theologen na hen brachten met name op grond van hun exegese van Rom.11:12-15 die toekomstige massale bekering in verband met een eveneens te verwachten massale wereldwijde opwekking van ongekende proporties. Ook de latere Humble Attempt van Jonathan Edwards moet helemaal in deze traditie gezien worden. Het is een bij uitstek optimistische theologie waarin een positieve (toekomstige) rol voor het Joodse volk is weggelegd. Dit staat in scherp contrast met het Middeleeuws scenario waarin de Joden doorgaans het bij uitstek voor altijd verdoemde volk waren.

schrijft Bol, die verder betoogt

Grote namen uit de tijd rond 1600 waren o.a. de puriteinse theologen Thomas Brightman en Hugh Broughton. Broughton was een groot geleerde op het gebied van het Hebreeuws en de geschriften van de rabbijnen. Hij was de eerste Engelsman die het plan opvatte om als zendeling onder de Joden in het Nabije Oosten te gaan werken. Hij stond ook in nauw contact met rabbijn Abraham Ruben van Constantinopel. Deze rabbijn had contact gezocht met Broughton omdat hij zijn hulp wilde bij het vertalen van het Nieuwe Testament in het Hebreeuws. De hele 17e eeuw wordt overigens in zowel Engeland, Holland en Duitsland gekenmerkt door een enorme belangstelling onder protestante theologen voor de studie van het Hebreeuws en van Joodse geschriften als de Talmud en de Mishna. Het Joodse volk stond, anders dan in de Middeleeuwen, voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van de kerk veel positiever op de radar in protestant West Europa.

In de 18 eeuw valt die intense aandacht voor de plaats van Israël terug, ze is dan veel minder prominent aanwezig. Maar het oude kerkelijke antijudaïsme wint niet opnieuw terrein in Engeland. Het is of het nieuwe denken over Israël even pas op de plaats maakt. De 18e eeuw is de eeuw van de grote internationale evangelical awakening. Een opwekking van een geografische en getalsmatige orde van grootte die tot dan ongeëvenaard was. Engeland, Wales, Schotland, Noord Ierland, Scandinavië, Duitsland en niet te vergeten het toen nog Engelse Noord Amerika, in al die landen was sprake van opwekking en kerkgroei. het was de geboortetijd van evangelicaal christendom.

De daarop volgende 19e eeuw wordt eveneens gekenmerkt door krachtige opwekkingen en verdere groei en ontwikkeling van de evangelicale beweging. Het is ook de eeuw van de grote doorbraken op het gebied van zending. Engeland is deze eeuw het brandpunt, maar ook piëtistisch Duitsland speelt een belangrijke rol. Het is in deze eeuw dat aandacht voor het Joodse volk weer volop in het middelpunt van de evangelicale agenda komt te staan. Zending onder de Joden en passie voor de in de Schrift voorzegde terugkeer van het Joodse volk naar Palestina, het was gemeengoed in het denken van vooral de calvinistische evangelicale christenen in het Engeland van de 19e eeuw. Sterk aanwezig was ook het bewustzijn dat de Joden met name van de hand van de Rooms Katholieke Kerk eeuwenlang onnoemelijk veel en verschrikkelijk onrecht was aangedaan. Deze evangelicale christenen wilden heel nadrukkelijk een heel ander gezicht van het christendom laten zien: werkelijke naastenliefde, daadwerkelijke hulp, opkomen voor gerechtigheid. In diezelfde 19e eeuw treffen we dit type opwekkingschristendom in Nederland aan in de kringen van het Reveil (Isaac Da Costa) en bij een beweging als het Heil des Volks (ds. Jan de Liefde). In Engeland was Lord Shaftesbury wel de bekendste onder hen. Andere bekende namen in Engeland zijn o.a. Charles Simeon en Robert Murray McCheyne. Uiteindelijk bleek dit geheel nieuwe protestante pro-Joodse christendom in Engeland zo sterk dat het zelfs in staat bleek de Balfour Declaration in het leven te roepen. En zo heeft het filosemitische Engelse evangelicale christendom aan de wieg gestaan van de huidige staat Israël

Als Jeroen Bol terugkijkt op vier eeuwen calvinistisch gestempeld opwekkingschristendom in de Engelstalige wereld valt er zijns inziens een lans te breken voor de idee dat deze grote opwekkingen mogelijk een bijzondere door God georkestreerde connectie hebben gehad met Gods plannen met het Joodse volk. Hij haalt aan

Zou het niet zo kunnen zijn dat de God van Israël de Reformatie en de daaruit voorkomende puriteinen en opwekkingsbewegingen mede in het leven heeft geroepen om een einde te maken aan de vreselijke dwaling van christelijk antijudaïsme en het lot van de Europese Joden positief te beïnvloeden?

En zou het niet zo kunnen zijn dat de God van Israël, die ook de Heer van de Kerk is, dit evangelicale christendom ook om die reden drie eeuwen lang zo onvoorstelbaar rijk heeft gezegend met enorme opwekkingen en doorbraken op het gebied van zending?

Hij vraagt zich af of God dit opwekkingschristendom destijds niet mede om die reden zo enorm sterk heeft gemaakt om zo een keer te brengen in het lot van Zijn uitverkoren volk Israël. Hij vraagt zich af

Sprak deze zelfde God al niet in Genesis 12 tot Abraham en over Abrahams hoofd ook tot de kerk der eeuwen:

“Ik zal zegenen wie u zegent en wie u vervloekt zal ik vervloeken”?

Bergt dit alles voor de kerk van vandaag niet zowel een belofte als een waarschuwing in zich ? Ligt er niet nog steeds, of wellicht juist nu, een belofte van grote zegen voor een kerk die het Joodse volk en Israël werkelijk tot zegen zoekt te zijn?

Maar vandaag zien wij juist dat meerdere kerken helemaal geen zegen zien in dat Joodse Volk noch in Joodse volgelingen van Jezus (zoals Jeshuaisten) of Messiaanse Joden.

Michael Mulder, universitair docent Nieuwe Testament en Judaïca aan de Theologische Universiteit in Apeldoorn die tevens Kerk en Israël aan de CHE in Ede doceert en directeur is van het Centrum voor Israël Studies, sprak over de identiteit van Messiaanse Joden in Nederland en Israël,en vond dat zij helemaal niet thuis horen in de kerk in Nederland heel eenvoudig weg omdat zij noch Christen noch Jood zijn volgens hem.


Filed under Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Juridische aangelegenheden, Levensstijl, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Nieuwsgebeurtenissen - Journaal, Politieke aangelegenheden, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Wereld aangelegenheden