Helping words

How many words are not spoken a day in the world? How many are filled with the breath of something positive?

Every day people run from one place to another, sometimes forgetting time. How many attractive lips can they notice, and how many speak words of kindness?

Over here we would love to bring sparkles in the world, though they may be very small, we do hope they shall contribute something positive by some who come along. We would love to meet others who might have lovely eyes, attractive lips, and like us would seek out the good in people. Perhaps we ourselves do not have so much, we still would like to come forward and share our food with the hungry.

We would like to run the race of life and train good poise, walk with the knowledge that we never walk alone. On our trip, we would love to meet others in this world and share our experiences. We would love to have our ears open for what others want to tell. Listening to others we do know that people, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, reviewed, reclaimed and redeemed.

We would be happy to have others walk with us and want to spread a message of love in the world, letting others know that if they ever need a listening ear they will find one at the end of our heads. In need of a helping hand, we would like to show that there might be many arms outstretched to be ready to take their hand.

As you grow older you, like us, will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself and one for helping others.

–  (Inspired by Sam Levenson)


  • Positivism (
    Once the tornados been by, and we all got our feet wet,
    Positivity really means I can get back up,
    And rebuild with what I have, and top my glass up. Because an exact half, or middle is so seldom to find,
    That half full or half empty remains in the mind.
  • Positivism In All Traditions (
    Traditions are an important part of our lives and I think many of us take for granted the ones that we do not care much for. Not all traditions are positive to each individual but we must not forget who the tradition is most important to.
    As humans we commonly  resist doing things that make us uncomfortable. Sometimes those uncomfortable rituals we partake in can have so much more meaning when you are involved and so hurtful when you are not.
    Don’t pay attention to how you feel but pay attention to how the person you are doing it for feels.  You are going to make them smile, you are going to make them happy. You are sending them positive vibes of acceptance instead of negative resistance. In return you can feel the joy and gratitude from them. Doing things for other people is very satisfying is it not? The feelings of happiness you receive from doing something for someone you love is unmatchable.
  • Social Constructivism and Positivism in the Context of International Relations (
    In international relations, the social constructivism played a major role, leading to the development of the most important theories. The concept of constructivism is considered to be the starting point of the institutionalization of values that eventually are developing into cooperative behaviors within the international society. Constructivism’s basic tenet is that most or even all important elements of the international affairs are the product of the social circumstances and historical processes, rather being an inevitable consequence of the nature of humans or of the nature of politics.
  • Positivism +Determination + Faith = Success (
    Positivism +Determination + Faith = Success. The first element of my formula is positivism, why? because if a person thinks positive in everything on what he/ she doing the end product will be a successful end. Positive energy blocks the negative vibes bringing positive outcome. Determination, no matter how hard, the thing is, if it seems that the world is against your action and everything seems unfavor your plans if you are determined no barriers can hinder you. Determination is a strong will in fighting all odds. Determination brings hope even in times of problems, a determined person is a fighter! The third element in my formula is faith. Faith means trust in almighty God. Lifting the things to God, on the other hand doing my part to accomplish a certain goal.
  • ‘Beauty Tips’ by Sam Levenson (
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
  • Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder… (
  • “For Attractive… (
  • A Helping Hand (
  • “For Attractive… (
  • “For Attractive… (
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