Tag Archives: no Favoritism

Diversity and Equality

Andrew McFarland Campbell

Diversity and equality are two things that we hear about a lot today. Both are terms that most of us probably understand, but they are curiously hard terms to define. An organisation can be said to be diverse if it has a wide range of different viewpoints on a particular issue represented among its members, or it can be diverse if it has a wide range of people who are members. For example, an organisation could be politically diverse if some of its members were politically right-wing, some were politically left-wing, and some were politically middle-of-the-road. An organisation could be racially diverse if it contained people who came from a wide range of different races.

An organisation can be said to have equality on a particular issue if an individual’s beliefs or attributes on that issue do not affect the individual’s standing within the organisation. An organisation has political equality…

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Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

God Loves All People

Having presented one prayer today for peace, lets look also at a that Divine Creator Who has a place in His Heart for all and wants nothing more than peace between all people.

The guestwriter forthis prayer is Mary Harwell Sayler who has placed 27 books in all genres with Christian and educational companies and over 2,000 poems, articles, devotionals, and children’s stories with traditional and online publications.

For her, in some of her texts it seems that God is the Only One, though at other places (and in the last part of this prayer) she also takes Jesus to be her god. Though looking at Deuteronomy she created the prayer saying:

Almighty God, You alone
are holy.
You are The One
to Whom all worship
and honor
and glory are due.

Nothing else can compare to You.

Nothing else can bless us like You
or love us like You
or redeem us like You
or forgive us like You can and do.

Help us to hear You. {Hear, O people of God}

but then suddenly goes into the mist of human doctrinal teaching of the Trinity. Though you would think she should know, by reading so many different Bible versions, and she herself saying

Regularly reading the Bible gives us much to say, and practice helps us to say it well, but what about credibility? With it, people pay attention.  They begin to trust our ability to handle God’s Word and their concerns rightly. They might even become more open to God’s Word and work in their lives.

She also writes

We can choose to believe The Word that God has no favorites and, therefore, asks us to love others as we love ourselves. If that’s a problem, keep in check a self-deprecating tone! According to The Word, God loves you, loves other people, and expects us to do the same. That doesn’t mean we have to like ourselves or other people all of the time, but, oh, please, please, never say we never will! {Credible words and The Word}

Let us therefore believe the Words of God, given to us in the Bible and from it come to see that Great Love He has for us, like Jesus also praying to That Most High, and we praying

Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your Word to us that shows us how to live and speak and write in a manner that’s credible, kind, and pleasing to You. Let Your Word to us be our word to ourselves and to those we address in love, truth, and Jesus’ Name.




Filed under Prayers, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs