Tag Archives: Prayer


Who knows, July and August will be recorded as the warmest and driest months in Europe since records began.

One can only hope that now, with all the fires and other natural disasters that are coming to our regions, there will be a greater awareness that something must be done to combat global warming.

Jewish Young Professional

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-brown-bare-tree-on-brown-surface-during-daytime-60013/

Grass grows patchy in bristling brown spikes
(if it grows at all).  The smooth-complexioned 
face of land now cracks 
under unrelenting heat.  Fields once flush
with fruits go barren, pleading

through parched throats and chapped lips 

that no kiss of water
or answered prayer
has yet come to soften,

for August doesn’t care 
about religion or rain dances.


FOWC, W3, dVerse. I took inspiration from Timothy Price.

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Filed under Ecological affairs, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Nature, Poetry - Poems, Prayers, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Truly, Truly – a #freeverse #poem by Leona

Leona's Creative Corner

Prayers my heart starts to

mumble as the dew

forms graceful drops

across the eyelashes

of the late summer trees

It sprang to mind the hopeful

and expectant posture of

a bride in waiting


oil filled lanterns

how we see the changing times

only to be reminded that

in life there is death

in love there is loss

truly truly say to you

the barren garden will

blossom as the noon day


creeps along the ground

there in the slanting rays

it is easy to remember that

goodness and favor

does come to those

who wait as the tides

change and the earth


Have I finally found my home?

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Overcoming The Terror Of War

From the Bible we know that there will come certain times which shall not be pleasant, but shall be bringing much division and horror in this world.

We are not sure if those Times mentioned in the Scriptures have started now and shall bring God’s Plan into fulfilment. In case it will become that Third World War spoken of in Scriptures, we more than ever should know where our place is and which direction we want to go.
At that prophesied time, there shall come false Christs, and people trying to get people away from God, whilst many shall be suffering. But we should stay strong in our faith, living by the assured faith of hope in the Lord.

But it shall be also a time that we shall have to proclaim the Gospel, the message of Good News, even when many will not be willing to give their ear to it. It is for them and for all people in the world that our prayers should be directed to the Host of host, Jehovah our God, Who shall be willing to guide His people in those troubled times.

Let us be Good News Breakers in these troubled times and ask God to give strength to all who love Him.


Find also to read

  1. About suffering
  2. Suffering
  3. Seems no future in suffering
  4. Learning from suffering
  5. Choices to make in suffering
  6. Words from God about suffering
  7. Clear words from God about suffering
  8. Different words from God about suffering
  9. Is God behind all suffering here on earth
  10. God’s instruction about joy and suffering
  11. Suffering continues
  12. Problems in the world
  13. Times to come
  14. Armageddon or the Great Tribulation
  15. Great tribulation and Armageddon
  16. Predictions
  17. Gospel or Good News
  18. Good News Breakers
  19. God’s Promises
  20. God’s promises to us in our suffering
  21. Looking for the blessed hope
  22. Hope for the future
  23. Offer in our suffering
  24. Miracles in our time of suffering
  25. Surprised by time in joys & sufferings
  26. Peace of Mind
  27. God’s Hope and Our Hope
  28. True Hope
  29. Working Of The Hope
  30. God’s Salvation
  31. Jehovah strength, armour and refuge
  32. Faith
  33. Faith – Concerning Faith and the Gospel
  34. Refuge of the saints
  35. Peace of God
  36. God’s coming reign

Becoming the Oil and the Wine

Uplifting Bible verses during times of war

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Prayers, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Poem 97 – Incomprehension

Ode for the Day

Today the sky is blue, a robin chirps
Flitting, his red breast skips into my view
And all is calm. Except it’s not. Somewhere
The tanks rumble forward. Missiles fire. Red stains.
How can this be? How can our world encompass
This contradiction? Why should I enjoy the sun
When members of my family unmet
Know only fear, uncertainty and try
To conjure up the bravery required?
To pour out verse cannot compare with what
Is asked of them, but what else can
I offer? I have no gun. Only prayer.
And so I call upon another who
Was subjected to unfair violence.
I cannot comprehend, but maybe he
Whose blood was also shed might understand?

The tanks rumble into Kyiv whilst here the sun shines.

© Ben Quant 2022

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Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Poetry - Poems, Political affairs

Thomas Merton’s Prayer in Uncertainty

Lots of people may have lost the track of the path and do not know to temper their fear for what might be coming in this coronacrisis.
We only can hope more people shall find some more time to meditate and to pray to the One Who governs everything.

Words on the Word

I’ve loved this prayer of Thomas Merton’s since I visited Abbey of Gethsemani as a teenager:

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.

But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it.

Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Prayers, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Uncategorized

Hineni for our Virtual Services

Whilst many in our regions are questioning if we can have virtual meetings or services or if we can create our own new texts, it looks like it that in the United States they are a lot of steps in front of us, recognising that we need new ways to gather but also should not be afraid to see that traditional texts of our familiar prayers need to be updated as well.

Cantor Matt Axelrod

Streaming services? Check. Virtual Choirs? Working on it.

But has anyone given any thought to the fact that the traditional texts of our familiar prayers need to be updated as well?

I therefore present my revised, COVID-era text for the iconic prayer of supplication and humility which is chanted by the cantor each year–the Hineni:

Here I stand, pixilated and buffering before You, streaming on behalf of your people Israel, even though my wifi is insufficient for the task. Therefore, as I stand frozen before you because my internet connection is unstable, I beseech you—the CEO of Zoom, the CEO of Facebook, and the CEO of Microsoft—I plead for help as I livestream my prayers for those I represent and who have entrusted me with the shul’s Zoom login credentials.

Do not judge them for my poor video quality, nor charge them because of my personal search history. Let there…

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Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Pandemic Anxiety Busters~

Continuation of

Anxiety Management During Pandemic Days~

Hope on the Horizon: Pandemic Anxiety Management II~


To remember

Have tools in your awareness => improve your mood + ease your anxiety

> practices boost immune system + improve our emotional + psychological health.

Committing to service of development of a relationship with an intelligence present within us > greater than our own = relating more deeply to our inner nature

In times of serious stress like a pandemic, turning inward spiritually, connects us outward, bringing calm and comfort


  • Spiritual Meditation/Prayer
    • paying attention to our inward self + inner voice > “introvert,” “extravert” and “synchronicity => real inner change, genuine achievement of a new attitude.
    • aim of the unconscious: the further filling out of ourselves; an increasing completeness in the unique being that we are.
    • Anima or Animus > our inner opposite sex figure & soul guide
  • Second Voice
    • practice listening for your second, more rational thought
    • have a second thought => giving a more helpful + accurate option
  • Exercise, Diet & Good Health Practices


    • Taking time to clear your mind of worries & concerns > focusing your attention on bigger picture
    • Prayer + spiritual meditation = connecting ourselves to greater whole => profoundly comforting.
    • Exercising creative pursuits + talents => spiritually connected.

Fully live in the moment + feel gratitude for being alive.

daily relaxing, distracting, + fun activities

Cindy Knoke

In the last two posts we started filling our anxiety busting toolbox and we are now down to our final three tools.*

Thank you to all the bloggers who added their own personal tools that work. They are most helpful and are incorporated into our toolbox. Choose any tool(s) that might work for you, and discard any/all that are not a good fit for you. Add more of your own resources that work. Adapt your toolbox to suit yourself. The most important thing, regardless of the specific tools, is to have tools in your awareness, to improve your mood, and ease your anxiety, when bad things happen.

Here is our toolbox:


Self Talk Reframing (Cognitive Therapy)

Guided Imagination/Visualization

Exposure Management

Progressive Relaxation

Distraction in Action

Self Soothing

Second Voice

Spiritual Meditation/Prayer

Exercise, Diet & Good Health Practices


Carl Jung emphasized the importance of paying attention to…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

Prayer not a withdrawal from the battles of life

Prayer is not a withdrawal from the battles of life.
Prayer is where we enter battle and call on the armies of heaven to fight
beside, before and within us.

In the words of an old song we,
‘Get down on your knees and fight like a man.’

We call up the big guns to fight the battle that we can’t win by ourselves.
Life is our attempt, in God’s strength,
to live out the victory won while in prayer.

Fight hard!


~ Alan Hermann


Filed under Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs

As always God has a Plan

We should know in life the things that come around us can tackle us. Life at certain moments can look just plain hard! Life at certain moments may even look unfair.

Whatever we dream of, it does not always want to turn out like our aspirations and often we do seem to miss the goal.



There are those who know God and dare to argue with Him, because they do not understand His Ways, nor why such horrible things can happen in this world and such bad things happen to them who love God.

How many of us would not like like Gideon a proof from God, Him shoulder tapping us.

You would think an angel would be evidence enough. It’s not like seeing angels were common occurrences. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}

Whatever happens in our life, whatever directions we do have to go, we always should remember that we are just little elements in the creation of God. We also should remember that when we are wiling to give ourselves in His Hands, Jehovah God shall be willing to help us. He already showed many times to be there for His people. At all times, even when they were not so honest to God or when they had forgotten Him, He always was prepared to come close to them when they were calling Him, or even when they were not thinking of Him, to remind them of Him or to send them a prophet or messenger.

People had asked God several times for certain things, like food but also kings and judges, and He gave it them.


Gideon from Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum

Gideon seemed a shaky kind of guy for a judge. I always assumed these God-chosen Judges would be natural leaders of the super-hero type. Like Samson, a not so ordinary guy with a hot temper, and Hulk-type strength. Or Deborah the wonder woman whose wisdom was legendary, and to whom men submitted. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}


Deborah as portrayed in Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum (1553)

For us human beings we would like to have an easy comfortable life without any problems. Be sure, that shall be possible … but we shall have to work for it …

God never promised me comfort and ease on this earth. He never promised an immunity to change. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}

We should remember it was mankind itself which reposted against God. Man did not think God was honest to them and kept something precious behind. In their rebellion they ate from the forbidden fruit to get to know “Knowledge of good and evil” and as such came to know that evil. And that is what we have to feel more than once in our life. The bad things surround us. But we must not always think when there is something we do not like, like having to move places or to go on, that it means that would be bad. It can be a next step in our life which can bring us so much more goodness. Therefore we, when in doubt sometimes do good to switch our prayer like interior designer Loree Johns the wife of preacher Randy does

Ok, Ok, I get it. You are opening the floodgates to a new opportunity, new souls to love and nurture. So help me to find peace about this, because like Gideon, I needed proof you really want to uproot and upend me. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}

Asking Jehovah God for guidance and comfort He shall show the way and make sure the proofs of His nearness and His Plan shall become clearer. Coming to trust in Him and hoping to fit in His Way your anxiety shall ease.

The sick feeling abated. And I could feel excitement for a new chapter warring with my pain of leaving those I love. I could do this. So, I met with my other designer and staff, and we figured a way for me to work in OKC half of the time. I’m thankful for such a great team who will keep the business thriving when I am three hours away. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}


God in his infinite wisdom only reveals what we need to know in the here and now.

It seems like God’s plans are rarely our plans, at least not in my world.

As always God has a Plan.

It’s time for that wall to come down once for all, and for me to be real with you. I will share my joys along with my pain and sorrows. I will give you insight into what helps me kept it all together on the rocky road of a broken world. I will open my heart and soul to you so we can complete this hard journey on earth together.
What I have found on my journey so far:

-God is the only place I can find true Peace.

-He says “BE STILL AND KNOW I AM GOD,” for people like me who have a hard time sitting.

–Joy is a choice.

-His amazing Grace releases me from my mess and allows me to walk forever free.

–He loves me fierce and reckless.

{How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}




What would you do if…?


Additional reading

  1. What is life?
  2. Monotomy of life
  3. Your life the sum total of all your choices
  4. When you don’t know what to do and hate yourself
  5. Struggles of life
  6. Good and bad things in this world
  7. Trouble is coming
  8. Profitable disasters
  9. Self inflicted misery #2 Weakness of human race
  10. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 3
  11. Out of the seed of Eve
  12. Suffering produces perseverance
  13. From pain to purpose
  14. From Despair to Victory
  15. Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life
  16. Only the contrite self, sick of its pretensions, can find salvation
  17. It is a free will choice
  18. Choose you this day whom ye will serve
  19. The business of this life
  20. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses
  21. Thirst for happiness and meaning
  22. Major challenges and great things happening in our life
  23. Looking to the East and the West for Truth
  24. The truth is very plain to see and God can be clearly seen
  25. Examining the world around us and of our own life, building up a legacyChange
  26. Leaving behind the lives we have touched.
  27. Inculturation today calling for a different attitude
  28. To create a great journey
  29. Power in the life of certain
  30. Created to live in relation with God
  31. We may not be ignorant to get wisdom
  32. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  33. Healthy life can be found in sacred books
  34. We should use the Bible every day
  35. Fragments from the Book of Job #1: chapters 1-12
  36. Fragments from the Book of Job #2: chapters 12-20
  37. Fragments from the Book of Job #3: chapters 21-26
  38. Fragments from the Book of Job #7 Epilogue
  39. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #4 Transitoriness #3 Rejoicing in the insistence
  40. Dealing with Disappointment
  41. Feeling Lost? Read This…
  42. Determine the drive
  43. Not holding back and getting out of darkness
  44. From Winterdarkness into light of Spring
  45. Life and attitude of a Christian
  46. Two states of existence before God
  47. Humility and the Fear of the Lord
  48. A Living Faith #8 Change
  49. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  50. Be happy that the thorn bush has roses
  51. Life in gratitude opens glory of God
  52. Not he who prays most or fasts most is the greatest saint



  1. The roles of Deborah, Gideon, and Jephthah
  2. Life: In Progress
  3. Mid-Year Realizations
  4. Goals without Plans are just wishes
  5. Living within a Battlefield
  6. Spiritual life or Spiritual Death and the Zombie Apocalypse!
  7. People leave
  8. Living Intentionally
  9. Ego vs Spirit
  10. 1061 Goodness
  11. 1062 Badness
  12. Pace
  13. When Childhood Isn’t Fun or Easy
  14. The Key to Successful Living
  15. Week 4: How You See Your Job
  16. Change for God
  17. Thought For The Day The Twelve Steps are foundation stones for the recovery process. Foundation stones are designed for building on.
  18. No Fear…
  19. Marching orders.
  20. God’s Way Works


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

O God, How Long? ~ Psalm 74

In this godless world there are also people who think they think they can ask their god or gods for things to happen. There are also people who call themselves ‘Christian‘ and wonder why God does not answer their prayers, though they do not see they have not taken them the right God of gods but pray to a man made god, a god son, and to people they call saints. Though the Elohim Hashem Jehovah is very clear that we should only have and worship the One True God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Jesus and his disciples, Who is an eternal Spirit God and not a fleshy god.

If you feel as though God is not watching or that He does not care you are perhaps better to search your heart, to see if you are really worshipping the right god, and not for example Jesus or any other human being or idols.

Today we can find lots of people who make a mockery of the God of Israel, also not willing to see the Biblical Truth. They most often see the false teachings of human ‘spiritual’ leaders or theologians, be it from Islamic or Christian groups, who destroy everything on their path, leaving nothing but pain and misery in their wake.

More people should follow Asaph his example, coming to look up at the real Only One True God, Jehovah the Elohim Hashem Divine Creator, and to cry out to that God of the universe, the Maker of heaven and earth, summer and winter. We all should know that it is That eternal God Who is prepared to be our rock and refuge, to defend Himself and those who really love Him and worship Him alone, that no matter what the enemy would love to do. They shall always come to know that This One True God is always the Most Mightiest god of all.

– Note: a pity the guest-writer of today, who calls herself a Born-again believer in Christ, wife, mother, teacher, artist, poet, blogger, pianist, singer, telling us she has praised God with her music ever since 1980, makes a strange twist at the end of the article, writing

“Then boldly make your requests known to Him, praising His name and trusting Him for the answer in His time.”

as if she thinks Jesus is God, and as such is forgetting that Jesus is the son of God and the Way to God.
But all the rest of the article, when you keep that only One God Who is One, in your mind is a worthy collection of words to remind people of that greatness of the Most High and how in the ancient times people looked up at Him.


To remember

  • Asaph felt lonely + alone > God silent => remembered days of old + God redeemed Israel from out of the hand of the enemy in Egypt, + brought them to Canaan, +gave them land for an inheritance, + established His name in their midst.
  • enemy had attempted to wipe out religion of Israelites by destroying their places of worship > temple + synagogue destroyed by the enemy
  • we can trust Jehovah God to know when enough is enough <=  God = never early, never late; always right on time, not limited by our calendar or clock.
  • God’s purposes are ever so much bigger than anything we can imagine.
  • Asaph did not ask God to defend His people, but His own holy and righteous name => to be preserved holy and blameless in the eyes of the enemy.
  • Asaph wanted deliverance, not for his own sake, or for the sake of his countrymen =  for the testimony of the God of mercy and grace.
  • not forget that God = still in control in affairs of men.
  • elements of Asaph’s prayer in psalm 74 should be present in all of our prayers
  • our guest writer compares Psalm 74 to the Model Prayer as recorded in Matthew 6:9-13.
  • When you pray > do not be afraid to let God know how you feel <= He already knows anyway
  • When you pray > Praise Him for who He is + for His will to be done, + for provision + forgiveness, deliverance


Additional reading

  1. Are you looking for answers and Are you looking for God
  2. The truth is very plain to see and God can be clearly seen
  3. God of gods
  4. God is One
  5. Attributes to God
  6. God should be your hope
  7. The Almighty Lord God of gods King above all gods
  8. God Helper and Deliverer
  9. Gods promises
  10. Belief of the things that God has promised
  11. God’s never-ending stream of much-needed mercies
  12. Gods salvation
  13. Believing in the send one and understanding that one does not live by bread alone
  14. Today’s thought “They did as Jehovah God commanded Moses” (April 17)
  15. Today’s thought “nonsense surrounding the many gods” (July 28)
  16. Have you also been deceived
  17. Walking alone?
  18. Does God hear prayer?
  19. Work with joy and pray with love
  20. Give your worries to God
  21. Praying For What We Want or Don’t Want
  22. Genuine prayer
  23. Does God answer prayer?
  24. People who know how to pray to move God to take hold of our affairs in a mighty way
  25. Gods measure not our measure
  26. God showing how far He is willing to go to save His children
  27. Extra verses to remember by The Name to be proclaimed
  28. Listening and Praying to the Father
  29. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #6 Words to feed and communicate
  30. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #4 Transitoriness #2 Purity
  31. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #7 Prayer #5 Listening Ear
  32. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #10 Prayer #8 Condition
  33. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #16 Benefits of praying
  34. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #18 Fulfilment
  35. God Feeds The Birds
  36. Displeasures and Actions of the Almighty God
  37. Prayer, important aspect in our life
  38. Worship and worshipping
  39. Praise and give thanks to God the Most Highest
  40. Praise the God with His Name
  41. Gods non answer
  42. Faithful to the leastening ear
  43. Wishing to do the will of God
  44. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  45. Golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters obedience
  46. Happy who’s delight is only in the law of Jehovah
  47. Rest thy delight on Jehovah
  48. 7000 to 20000 words spoken each day
  49. Biblical Prayer at Tabernacle Site Shilo
  50. Own Private Words to bring into a good relationship
  51. Old Man of Prayer
  52. Sometimes we face trials
  53. Being sure of their deliverance
  54. Prayer for the day

The Abundant Heart

sunset-over-lake God rules the day and the night, and He can be trusted with the details of my life too.

Does it seem as though this world could not get any more debauched than it is already? Do you feel as though God is not watching? that He does not care? I can assure you that He is, and He does. But perhaps He is waiting for His people to cry out to Him in humble prayer.

Asaph felt the same way. The enemy was having a heyday, making a mockery of the God of Israel and destroying everything in their path, leaving nothing but pain and misery in their wake. Asaph did the one thing he could do—he cried out to the God of the universe, the Maker of heaven and earth, summer and winter, to defend Himself in the presence of the enemy.

from Psalm 74
Maschil of Asaph

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, World affairs

3 Ways Prayer Connects Us to God

Access to Pray

What a privilege to have access to the throne of God. It was not our own doing, though, because we were cut off from God by our sins (Isaiah 59:2), but for everyone who’s repented and trusted in Christ, now

we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God”(Heb. 4:14),


with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16).

We can

have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19)


we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water” (Heb. 10:21-22).

Made to Pray

Sometimes God will allow all sorts of troubles to pile up on us if we’ve wandered away from Him. If we are humbled by our circumstances and brought low, we might then seek God and cry out to Him because we know that

the LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18)


many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19).

This proves that

when the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17).

Learning to Pray

I don’t know about you, but I need help at times when I pray to God because words sometimes fail me. Thankfully,

the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” (Rom. 8:26),


he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom. 8:27).

When words fail us, the Holy Spirit never will.


Prayer really is the link that connects us with God. Thankfully, through the access granted through Jesus’ shed blood, we can have direct contact with God. Perhaps He may humble us through trials and tribulations if we’ve wandered away from Him, but He wants us to draw near to Him. In times of need for what to pray about, God the Holy Spirit can give us the words when we don’t know what words to use.

  • “Prayer is the link that connects us with God.” – A.B. Simpson



Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Religious affairs

Preaching as Public Speaking

Jesus has given his followers the task to go out into the word to preach the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God.

2020 years after the master teacher his birth the Church has gone fare away from his teachings. In many church-groups or denominations we can find that human doctrines have won and that the people in the congregation or church community prefer to keep to human tradition instead of holding to the biblical teachings and Godly holy days.

"I want to preach a sermon. . ." - N...

“I want to preach a sermon. . .” – NARA – 514567 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Disappointed by the many contradicting teachings, ideas and having seen so many pastors, ministers and priests not living according to the Law of God and the law of human decency, lots of people got enough of the hypocrisy of those churches. Today we can only see (nearly) empty churches all over West Europe.

For sure the Body of Christ needs some fresh blood and some good ‘Punch’. Anno 2017 it looks like the church is gone ‘pubering’ again and in need of some acné products, trying to get rid of the puperal pimples or the sickness of the capitalist world where man has increased his position to godly status, so many thinking they are god themselves and play for god.

This world need preachers or speakers who are not afraid to give those immature consumers a tick on their bum. some even can use some figurative slap in the face to wake them up.

Most important to come over as some one sincere and credible is that the one who wants to speak for God he or she, himself or herself beliefs in the Most High and in His only begotten son. In the preacher has to burn the light of faith before he can go to others for trying to convince them to see that light in the darkness.
First there has to be conviction and persuasion in the preacher’s heart, glowing very strongly, to have the fire in the eyes, with such a kind and sweet heart that people would become eager to taste that sweetness and listen to what that person has to tell.

With the hate and vile language we can find lots of Christians spreading today on the internet and in common speech on the streets, they shall not be able to attract others to love them or to love what they tell.

Today we also find lots of Christians who preach there has a war started by the Muslims against the Christians. They forget that lots of Christians are setting themselves against the Islam. They do not see they have fallen in the trap of the false Muslims who not only have done a lot of damage to Islam but also want to destabilise the whole world.

It is up to the preachers who call themselves Christian to show the love of Christ and to share that agape love with all people around them, atheists, other believers (be them Muslims or from an other faith).

Without the love of Christ and without the burning fire of faith in the own heart, the preacher his gained ‘technique’ shall be quickly uncovered by the truth, so let him first get to the core of the Bible and teach that biblical Truth instead of human doctrines, and let he or she be unbiased, open to all people and not to just a few of a certain race or group.


To remember

  • preaching = divine task + form of public speaking
  • preaching involves spiritual dynamics + oratory skills = technical aspect of preaching < form of public speaking => skills revolving around use + proper utilization + creative use of voice, eye contact, facial expressions, gestures + movements.
  • no methodology holy
  • Only written words of God in Bible are holy


Preceding articles

Several Christians fail to recognise the Chosen ones of God and are not taking on a Christian attitude

To proclaim the day of vengeance

What makes you following Christ and Facebook Groups


Additional reading

  1. The business of this life
  2. The task given to us to love each other
  3. Parish, local church community – Parochie, plaatselijke kerkgemeenschap
  4. People who know how to pray to move God to take hold of our affairs in a mighty way
  5. Pulpit reserved for the pastor
  6. Notification and news feed for Facebook users
  7. Bring praise to the Creator
  8. The essence of church


Further reading

  1. Why are Christians so nosey about other peoples affairs
  2. What, we agree? Compatible issues in a disagreeable world
  3. Is a Religious War in Europe Imminent?
  4. Bias, and Disagreeing with Something
  5. Can we not be civil and simply disagree?
  6. “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give”
  7. Are you ready for this?
  8. On the Power of Hospitality…
  9. “When I Could Stand it No Longer….”
  10. Proclaim
  11. Politics and Preaching
  12. Good enough for ministry?
  13. What builds the Church?
  14. Back to Baby Steps
  15. Book Blurb: Biblical Preaching
  16. 3 Steps to Make the Message Stick
  17. 5 Lessons from the Mission Field
  18. Owen on Preaching, Sinclair on Children and Christ
  19. Finding My Voice
  20. The Foolishness of Preaching
  21. Jonah — Belief Contradicted by Behavior! (Part 3)
  22. Calvin: Ministers Ought Not to Steal
  23. Preaching to the Late Modern Mind: Five Cultural Narratives to Know
  24. Preparing to Preach
  25. Preaching and Faithfulness
  26. The Courage to Preach
  27. Pastoral Theology
  28. Reflections
  29. Charles Spurgeon on Spiritual Gleaning
  30. The Dispensation of Grace
  31. Stirring the Pot with Grace…
  32. Psalm 64:9 Pondering God’s Work
  33. How to Have a Successful Ministry


Worship and the Christian Life


True, preaching is a divine task, yet basically it is also a form of public speaking. A true preacher will eventually realise that as much as preaching involves spiritual dynamics, it also certainly includes oratory skills. These oratory skills constitute the technical aspect of preaching.

Before I tell about this technical aspect of preaching, or the oratory skills, which make us realise that preaching is a form of public speaking, let me tell first some important points to consider.

The first point is that though the technical side of preaching is important, still the spiritual side is more important. Preaching is firstly divine, then secondly it is public speaking. Preaching achieves eternal spiritual fruits, something that ordinary public speaking can never produce.

The second point to consider is that no methodology is holy, no matter how helpful it is in preaching. The techniques of delivering a sermon are never holy…

View original post 1,674 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

God’s Spirit is like a Broadcasting Station, broadcasting all the time. You Just have to learn to Tune In!

Lots of youngsters may like the bonke-bonk music and often do not listen to what is said in the lyrics. Often there is much noise going on, one ear in and one ear out,without much notice. But at God‘s station every note can work inspiring and uplifting, even the silence in between brings the necessary peace.


To remember:

Just like radio waves unseen in the air = God’s Spirit ever present all around you > waiting for you to make contact.  designed by your creator to receive those signals

. God’s power is always on. The  message is always there but in order to receive it you must turn on & tune in to His frequency!

Prayer = hand of faith that flips the switch & turns on power + hand of hope tunes with expectancy, feeling for the frequency upon which God is broadcasting

spiritual receiver continually turned on & tuned in to His frequency?



Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

God Loves All People

Having presented one prayer today for peace, lets look also at a that Divine Creator Who has a place in His Heart for all and wants nothing more than peace between all people.

The guestwriter forthis prayer is Mary Harwell Sayler who has placed 27 books in all genres with Christian and educational companies and over 2,000 poems, articles, devotionals, and children’s stories with traditional and online publications.

For her, in some of her texts it seems that God is the Only One, though at other places (and in the last part of this prayer) she also takes Jesus to be her god. Though looking at Deuteronomy she created the prayer saying:

Almighty God, You alone
are holy.
You are The One
to Whom all worship
and honor
and glory are due.

Nothing else can compare to You.

Nothing else can bless us like You
or love us like You
or redeem us like You
or forgive us like You can and do.

Help us to hear You. {Hear, O people of God}

but then suddenly goes into the mist of human doctrinal teaching of the Trinity. Though you would think she should know, by reading so many different Bible versions, and she herself saying

Regularly reading the Bible gives us much to say, and practice helps us to say it well, but what about credibility? With it, people pay attention.  They begin to trust our ability to handle God’s Word and their concerns rightly. They might even become more open to God’s Word and work in their lives.

She also writes

We can choose to believe The Word that God has no favorites and, therefore, asks us to love others as we love ourselves. If that’s a problem, keep in check a self-deprecating tone! According to The Word, God loves you, loves other people, and expects us to do the same. That doesn’t mean we have to like ourselves or other people all of the time, but, oh, please, please, never say we never will! {Credible words and The Word}

Let us therefore believe the Words of God, given to us in the Bible and from it come to see that Great Love He has for us, like Jesus also praying to That Most High, and we praying

Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your Word to us that shows us how to live and speak and write in a manner that’s credible, kind, and pleasing to You. Let Your Word to us be our word to ourselves and to those we address in love, truth, and Jesus’ Name.




Filed under Prayers, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs


Rattlesnake Pete from the Umatilla Indian Rese...

Rattlesnake Pete from the Umatilla Indian Reservation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Everyday we all should detach ourselves for a moment from this world and find a secluded place for some set apart time with God.

From East Texas we can get Ed Christian’s World from an Indian whom seems to have had a wise grandfather. This man told him several times

“You best learn from the mistakes of others for you just plain don’t have enough time to make them all yourself.”

Growing up on an Indian Reservation, that proved to be very good advice for him he and his family were constantly in hot water over something. However he did put his advice to task and has learned several lessons in life that saved his skin and kept him out of trouble. {Choices we make in life}

He is aware that sometimes we can become so mesmerized by a “golden carrot” that we overlook the risks that are associated when we do have to make the right decision. It is nice that we can have an outside voice speaking into the situation. If we are willing we shall be able to find answers to our questions spoken by a Voice which is much mightier than any human voice.

According to that blog’s writer that time of chat can bring us a sort of a miracle drug when we also take some time to pray for others.

Not only does it bring results to the person you are praying for, it also lifts your spirits at the same time. {On Prayer}

Through prayer he has learned never to under estimate the power of God!

His compassion and love is overwhelming to us here on earth, but it is through His love we are even here. He is the referee of our troubled hearts and the source of all our joy.
Prayer is our medium to talk with Him and the gentle whispers and nudges come from Him in answer. He will listen to our cries of sorrow and the tears of joy. He is always there to provide an answer or a path of guidance and He never turns a deaf ear. {On Prayer}

Paul encouraged the Colossians to “continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving” (Col. 4:2).

Our prayers are a powerful force in the universe! {Prayer and Love}

But he reminds us that faith and love are essential to each other and that we may not forget the Golden Rule. In the Sermon on the Mount, when speaking of the sixth commandment, the master teacher, rabbi Jeshua, taught his disciples that acceptable worship of the Father was impossible if everything was not right with one’s brother.

After having taught us to pray,

“Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors,”

Christ added,

“If you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

The writer of Ed Christian’s World is reminded of his younger days when his grandfather would tell him:

“Just because you don’t see His hand, don’t question His plan.”

God has a plan for each and everyone of us, we just have to be patient and listen to what He whispers to our hearts. {Silence}

In the bible every time Jesus prayed he went away from the crowd and prayed in seclusion. We are instructed in the bible to pray in a closet or some other place of privacy. The reason for doing this is so we can hear what His answer is. When He whispers in your ear or into your heart, it is best to be in a quiet place so you have no distractions from hearing His words. {Silence}

Are you willing to find some silence in the day where you take the time to be with the Most High? Are you prepared to follow Christ’s example and like him want to pray unceasingly?

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1Thessalonians 5:16-18)

For me this has been the most efficient way to talk with God. He is always there to guide my every move and I am always looking for ways to share the blessings He has given me. We are in continuous conversation with each other. {Prayer and Love}

At the close of the parable of the unmerciful servant, He applies His teaching in the words,

“So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses” (Matthew 18:35). {Prayer and Love}

Throughout the day we can ask the Most Almighty for guidance. When we come to a rough area it is Him we may trust and count on. He leads us through it. Let prayer be a continuous conversation. Come to see that His answers are always within reach.

The importance of listening can not be overstated. He is always there and always has the correct answer.


further reading

  1. Be Still and Know I am God
  2. Keeping promises
  3. Quote of the day
  4. Sunday Worship: Proverbs 27:17
  5. From the Slavery of our Desires to the Slavery of Allah
  6. Call to Worship
  7. Five Important Moments
  8. In Time
  9. Sunday: Morning Prayer
  10. 5 Reasons Why I Can’t Wait for Sunday
  11. rest
  12. Anxiety Attacks and Peace Pleas
  13. 10 Prayers for Great Parenting
  14. Study: Prayer Reduces Temptation to Drink Alcohol
  15. How Simple Faith and Prayer Can Lead Others to the Lord
  16. Invitation
  17. Should We Pray to Jesus?
  18. Praying For Your Significant Other
  19. A Prayer Through the Storms
  20. Morning Prayer
  21. Just a thought on God’s care (05/29/16)
  22. Daily Bread – Call Upon The Lord



Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Luther’s misunderstanding

In our series looking at the faith of man and what he does with it or what faith should make him doing, it is good to look how some denominations got influenced by certain theologians who interpreted something not exactly in the right way.


All Christians should come to understand that though we are given the Grace of salvation for free, we shall not be free for doing works according to the faith.

In several denominations of Christendom Paul’s letter to the Romans is frequently used to support the doctrine of justification by faith alone.


In the articles January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works and Our life depending on faith we tried to show the importance of people having to find the way to God and once they found it how they have to act or react when they do come in the faith for God.

When we look at the many works written in Christendom we also find works which speak about the Sola fide a human doctrine of justification by faith alone. In those clergy works where is asserted that God’s pardon for guilty sinners is granted to and received through faith alone, excluding all “works” there is sand thrown in the eyes of those who look for God and want to serve Him well.

It is not because all mankind would be fallen and sinful, under the curse of God, and incapable of saving itself from God’s wrath and curse. In the previous posting you can see that certain people say God, on the basis of the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ alone (solus Christus), grants sinners judicial pardon, or justification, which is received solely through faith according to those theologians.

For them “Faith” is seen as passive, merely receiving Christ and all his benefits, among which benefits are the active and passive righteousness of Jesus Christ. Christ’s righteousness, according to the followers of “sola fide,” is imputed (or attributed) by God to the believing sinner (as opposed to infused or imparted), so that the divine verdict and pardon of the believing sinner is based not upon anything in the sinner, nor even faith itself, but upon Jesus Christ and his righteousness alone, which are received through faith alone.


It should be known that in Christendom there are also several believers who are convinced that such a “Justification by faith alone” is not telling the truth to people or at least is only saying half of the matter, because some of them though saying we should not do any work to be saved in other writings do speak about “other graces of salvation” and speak about things believers should take part of , which they call sacraments. They then believe in a series of conceptual steps within the Christian doctrine of salvation which is often called Ordo salutis, (Latin: “order of salvation”).


De Maria of CatholicBibleTalk shows us here that for him as a Catholic it is clear, from Scripture, that unless someone keeps the Commandments and does the Will of God, he will not be justified.

Having sought God‘s Face, for him it is the believer who first of all had done the work by studying to show himself approved. On the way to coming in the faith the work of prayers is already at that time necessary. We namely have to come to a prayerful relationship with God. Once having come into the faith the believer has to allow God to wash his or her soul with the washing of regeneration and renewal which is Baptism by water and the Holy Spirit.

He says

“we don’t do anything at that moment”

but agrees

“We only believe.”

Forgetting that to believe requires an act of setting our minds on God. Also coming to the baptism the person first of all has to repent, which demands action as well. Further the person has to arrange his or her baptism, which again shall demand some works to be done.


At our baptism we do have to give ourselves to God Who sees our faith and credits it to us as righteousness and that is why we are called the children of Abraham or Abraham’s seed (Genesis 15:6).

The Catholic writer understands that it was because Abraham obeyed God His Voice, and kept His charge, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws, all works, that made Him righteous in the eyes of God. Also we, when baptised, shall have to step in the footsteps of patriarch Abraham and have to look for continuing on the Way the Nazarene master teacher Jeshua, Jesus Christ, laid out for us. Then we do have to put on the helmet of salvation.

We have to find ways of Godly understanding by being Faithful to the listening ear.


De Maria his theory is that the 16th century German friar credited with initiating the Protestant Reformation, simply did not see the Sacramental Teaching which St. Paul was making when he wrote these words. He believes

that when St. Paul said, “we are justified by faith apart from works”, he was describing that justification which occurs in Baptism. But Luther was led astray. And the prophecy of 2 Peter 3:16-17 was fulfilled in him:

In Romans 4 and the Sacraments De Maria continues writing

There was no ministry of reconciliation in the Old Testament. David’s reconciliation was the exception and it was to show the blessedness to come. It was a foreshadowing of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


Lets not forget that love is a something that needs works. Loving is a verb. We should continually love God, which means we do have to come into an intimate position with God the Father. God also asks us to recognise His sent one, and like He is one with this person, we do have to become one with Jesus Christ.

Christianity is a love relationship and It’s love language is pursuit.  Just like God has pursued us He calls us to live a life in striving to come to know God better and to become like Christ, which shall demand lots of work.



January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works

Our life depending on faith


Additional writings

  1. Looking for a primary cause and a goal that can not offer philosophers existing beliefs
  2. Souls and Religions with Nirvana and light
  3. Between Alpha and Omega – The plan of creation
  4. God is the strength of my heart
  5. Creator and Blogger God 7 A Blog of a Book 1 Believing the Blogger
  6. He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
  7. Not about personal salvation but about a bigger Plan
  8. Finding God amid all the religious externals
  9. Seeing or not seeing and willingness to find God
  10. People Seeking for God 1 Looking for answers
  11. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  12. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions
  13. People Seeking for God 4 Biblical terms
  14. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life
  15. People Seeking for God 6 Strategy
  16. People Seeking for God 7 The Lord and lords
  17. Daily Spiritual Food To prepare ourselves for the Kingdom of God
  18. Isaiah 55-56, Revelation 11
  19. Al-Fatiha [The Opening] Süra 1: 4-7 Merciful Lord of the Creation to show us the right path
  20. Marriage of Jesus 8 Wife of Yahweh
  21. A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it
  22. Believing in the send one and understanding that one does not live by bread alone
  23. Being in tune with God
  24. Faithful to the listening ear
  25. To find ways of Godly understanding
  26. Being Justified by faith
  27. Obeying the King
  28. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  29. Faith and works
  30. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #8 Prayer #6 Communication and manifestation
  31. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #16 Benefits of praying


Find also

  1. Romans 4 and the Sacraments
  2. January 25 – Clarity
  3. Hope is Strength – It Starts with Faith
  4. God’s Love Language: Christianity is A Love Relationship & It’s Love Language is Pursuit
  5. 21 Day Fast | Day 17- Removing Sneaky Idols & Refocusing Our Hearts



I have a theory about Luther’s misunderstanding of justification, see if it makes any sense to you.

1st: Before the advent of Martin Luther, the Father of the Protestant Revolution, some very prominent and influential Catholics also said that justification was by faith alone.

Basil of Caesarea (329-379) “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord, that Christ has been made by God for us righteousness, wisdom, justification, redemption. This is perfect and pure boasting in God, when one is not proud on account of his own righteousness but knows that he is indeed unworthy of the true righteousness and is (or has been) justified solely by faith in Christ.”

Ambrose (c. 339-97) “Therefore let no one boast of his works, because no one can be justified by his works; but he who is just receives it as a gift, because he is justified by the washing of regeneration. It…

View original post 530 more words


Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Helping each other with prayer to start the new academic year

It is a tragedy, as we will read tomorrow, that

“the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel …” (2 Corinthians 4:4).

We have no other choice than to live in this world where so many are blinded. We also do have to do with the many pains we may have to endure. Though we should know many pains and discomforts could be helped to be lessened or being softened by others.
Each of us is here in this world to help the other. Though not many are interested in doing that.

File:2014 – 2015 school year opening ceremony at Hanoi – Amsterdam High School (20140905 065058).jpg

2014 – 2015 school year opening ceremony at Hanoi – Amsterdam High School

Once again a new academic year has started and we are off again on the roads, having the children back to school, having the parents back to work after their Summer holiday.

How many of them can see which wondrous blessings we have that

“God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’,

has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ? (verse 6).

2 Corinthians 4:5-10 UKJV  (5)  For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.  (6)  For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  (7)  But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.  (8)  We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;  (9)  Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;  (10)  Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

Our world was created out of the void when there was only darkness, but God called for light. That ‘light’ shone physically as creation began so long ago, but the wondrous fact for us is, as we will read in chapter 5,

“if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (verse 17).

The apostle Paul in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians makes so many points which also requires our attention in this 21st century. He shows the interaction of events and the great value of prayers in all the difficulties they and he are experiencing.

All the kids who went back, or for the first time to a ‘new’ school’ shall have to learn to face different situations which are not always pleasant. Even for those who became a Christian there is no escape, they too shall have to share abundantly in Christ’s suffering. But we can give our kids some hope because we also do know that through Christ, we share abundantly in comfort too.

2 Corinthians 1:2-5 UKJV  (2)  Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  (3)  Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;  (4)  Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.  (5)  For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds by Christ.

It is, writes Paul,

“the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction …” (verses 3,4).

This is a comfort we have a responsibility to pass on to others.

This passing on to others is too much and too often forgotten. Many do want to have the blessings, but do not want to do anything in return. They want the grace but do not ask them to tell others about it.

To find people who are willing to preach is very difficult. To find people who are willing to share their knowledge about certain things of this world, like geography, history, ways of constructing a house, or how to keep a healthy family seems to be very difficult. For some time we have been looking for some extra writers on this website, though nobody seems to be interested to join us and to share his or her knowledge for free.

Let us meditate and reflect on the interaction of events we have personally experienced. It seems when we start talking about God and about his son and show others our love for them, we seem to get a negative response and to be kept aside. Suddenly co-operation or interest seems to stop at all sides.
The more we have been active in the service of Christ, the more clearly we will perceive this.

In Paul, the Corinthians saw the most outstanding example of service.

“The afflictions we experienced”,

writes Paul, was such that they were so utterly burdened beyond their strength that they despaired of life itself. We in our regions do not have to be worried so much about that, but several people in several countries, like Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and many African countries are facing prosecution. We may not be unaware of the affliction many experienced in Asia and Africa.

2 Corinthians 1:6-8 UKJV  (6)  And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.  (7)  And our hope of you is steadfast, knowing, that as all of you are partakers of the sufferings, so shall all of you be also of the consolation.  (8)  For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life:

We, in our safer regions also have to undergo problems, shunning and are not always facing a nice life. But we have set our hope that Jesus will return and that he and his God, Who is also our God (the God of Abraham), will deliver us again. Though we have to remember that like at the time of the apostles,  they had to be helped by prayer, so that many will give thanks on their behalf for the blessing granted them through the prayers of many, we too need such help.

2 Corinthians 1:9-10 UKJV  (9)  But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raises the dead:  (10)  Who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us;

We cannot just rely on people. We like Paul have to realize that we must rely not on ourselves but on God (verse 9).

2 Corinthians 1:9-11 UKJV  (9)  But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raises the dead:  (10)  Who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us;  (11)  All of you also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.

Having set our hope that he will deliver us again, (verse 10), does not mean that we do not need each other, and that we should not help each other. We still have to be loving for each other and helping each other.

Paul makes an appeal that we should specially take notice of. He tells the Corinthians,

2 Corinthians 1:11-12 UKJV  (11)  All of you also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.  (12)  For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly toward you.

Other apostles came with similar requests to their flock.

Romans 15:30-32 UKJV  Now I plead to you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, and for the love (o. agape) of the Spirit, (o. pneuma) that all of you strive together with me in your prayers to God for me;  (31)  That I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judaea; and that my service which I have for Jerusalem may be accepted of the saints;  (32)  That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed.

As in the early centuries of this common era there was a need of preaching, the apostles going around in the region to tell the Good News, we too today need some people full of hope who are willing to go into the ‘fields’ and to let others know about that Good News. We do want to tell others the Gospel of the Good News, but we too need help from others. We can use some backing.
Not only could we use some additional authors willing to share writings with people from all over the world. We, like the apostles need also your help with prayer.

As the apostles asked for help we also dare to say like the apostle Paul did:

“You also must help us by prayer so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us by the prayers of many” (verse 11).

Many are aware today through the almost instant communication the internet provides of the desperate situations some Iranian believers have experienced. There are also Pakistani believers who are experiencing persecution, and a few truth seekers who have felt it wise to return to Afghanistan. Let us help them by prayer.

Also, may we, as Paul writes in chapter 2, spread

“the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved …” (verses 14,15).

We may be unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish, but should we also not show that we are willing to step in the footsteps of that masterful rabbi?

As of God, in the sight of God we should not hesitate to speak in Christ and to show others the Way to God.

It is not because we can see so much tragedy, having so many people living in a way God would turn His eyes away, that we can not live according to His ordinances and want to show others there is a different way than the way this world has chosen.

On this platform we do want to show others this different way. To do it just on our own is not so easy. We could do with some extra hands.

Everybody has some field in which he or she is good. So everybody should be able to find something to write about which could be enlightening and educating for the others.

Having a new academic year, would this not be a good start to provide your input?

From your professionalism is there nothing you can contribute to our community and to bring some more knowledge to others, believers and non-believers in God?

Is the time not ripe to take up the pen and to join those who believe we should share more with others? It is out of love that we should share more with others. And believe it, there is lots to share about, and it has not all to do with religion.

In case you are not good at writing, you too can help, by praying for us and by letting others know our site. Promotion is always something that can help as well and motivate to continue our work. (Be sure it does not harm to motivate others now and a while.)

We do hope we can go into a fruitful new academic year in which we shall find some interested souls to join us and to share with us the love for this globe where we may reside in peace.

Please do pray for all those in need and also pray for our work, that we also may reach people in need and help them.


You may find about prayer:

Praying and thinking positively

Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything

God, my father, my closest friend

Laboring in the Vineyard or Sitting on the Hillside with Jonah?

What moves mountains?



Additional readings:

  1. Walking alone?7000 to 20000 words spoken each day
  2. Natural inclinations and Praying and asking
  3. Praying and acts of meditation without ceasing
  4. Praying is surrendering in all circumstances
  5. Be sound in mind and be vigilant with a view to prayers
  6. Be vigilant with a view to prayers
  7. Looking for True Spirituality 6 Spirituality and Prayer
  8. Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious
  9. Do You Expect God’s Answer
  10. Being sure of their deliverance
  11. Old Man of Prayer
  12. Biblical Prayer at Tabernacle Site Shilo
  13. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #15 Exposition before the Creator
  14. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #16 Benefits of praying
  15. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #17 Sorts of prayers
  16. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #18 Fulfilment
  17. Praise Jehovah
  18. Always rejoicing
  19. Praying constantly Giving thanks for everything


Further reading of interest:



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Laboring in the Vineyard or Sitting on the Hillside with Jonah?

The defender of both the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the young and the old is calling onto all and want to see that all the world may hear about His Name and His wonderworks.

In the previous centuries we have seen many monasteries being build all over the western hemisphere. Many convent groups were created and had so called religious people who segregate themselves from the country folks. Not all of those who detached themselves from ordinary day-life got to do some work for God that brought some positiveness and something extra to the Christian community.

To seclude oneself from the world does not resolve anything. It will not let the Christian community grow. They may pray a lot for expansion of that community but that is not what God requires from His children to repeat continuously the same words or prayers.

The son of God also did not demand to enisle oneself. To dissociate of the community not making efforts to reach them with the Word of God, will not bring more people to God.

We always have to remember what Jesus asked his disciples, to go out into the world to preach the gospel-message.

There may be those people who think isolation will bring them closer to God, but sharing the Word of God with as many as we can shall bring us even closer to God.

To get harvest there has to be the labour. Without labour no harvest.


SonShine's Journal -

prov 18 laboring vineyard2Just as there are two sides to a coin there are two sides to every story. Note vs 1 of Proverbs 18: “One who has isolatedhimself seekshis own desires;he rejectsallsound judgment.” (NET). Note this is self-imposed not God imposed as in the case of Moses (Ex 3:1), the plain for Ezekiel (Ezek 3:22), the wilderness for John (Luke 1:80), Arabia for Paul (Gal 1:17) and the wilderness for His Blessed Son (Mark 1). And that is where we find the two sides to every story.

There are those who seek isolation due to a need or desire to grow closer to God but vs 1 clearly indicates that this is not the case. These are people who have a “Jonah complex.” They fail to see the ramifications of their isolation and God’s plan and purpose for…

View original post 135 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything

“Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything. Unless in the first waking moment of the day you learn to fling the door wide back and let God in, you will work on a wrong level all day; but swing the door wide open and pray to your Father in secret, and every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God.”

Oswald Chambers, on Prayer

English: Oswald Chambers (1874-1917)

English: Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Filed under Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs

What moves mountains? Trust!

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry near Montreal, Canada (May 1942)

Antoine de Saint Exupéry was a passionate searcher. He was passionate about life, about spirituality, the depth of mystery. But, for a long time, for him too the skies remained silent. Notwithstanding all his sustained trials, his prayers were not heard. Until one day he discovered that the biggest mercy of prayer consists in – not being heard.
Prayer itself  is mercy.
Every human being  sooner or later is confronted with sorrow, suffering, saying goodbye, and come across questions that are not answered or are confronted with problems that cannot be solved. We try everything, but nothing succeeds, nothing works, nothing moves – not through willpower, not through sustained prayer. Sooner or later we ask ourselves: why?

We want an answer.

Español: Interior del Museo Antoine de Saint-E...

Interior Museum of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in Tarfaya (Morocco) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A sign. In this way in spite of ourselves, we imagine what is good for us. We create an image  that we need to be helped and how and when this should happen. It is exactly at this point that de Saint Exupéry discovered that the answer to his prayer did not coincide with the images he had in mind. He realised that the answer to his prayer exceeds the image created by us. It does not allow to be steered, or the use of words and is only  to be understood by the heart. From a heart that exists through… trust.

Only belief that trusts completely can accept the holy ground of ‘not understanding’.
When we touch the bottom of  intense doubt with our problems – and yet trust – true belief surges. Something becomes visible and tangible which we would otherwise never see, feel or experience.

Then we may discover with surprise, with an inner certitude that does not need a rational explanation, that -in essence- we are inspired.

And stronger : right through the agony of doubt, paradoxally enough, we find inner peace.

BZN Movement Without a Name Proverb of the month


Additional reading:

  1. A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow
  2. Rejoice even though bound to grieve
  3. The soul has no rainbow if the eyes have no tears
  4. Trouble is coming
  5. Do not be so busy adding up your troubles
  6. Life’s challenges may not paralyse you
  7. A small trouble is like a pebble
  8. Remembering from times of trouble
  9. Anxiety is the gap between the now and the later
  10. If your difficulties are longstanding, try kneeling
  11. A problem not worth praying about isn’t worth worrying about
  12. Give your tears to God
  13. Crying and trusting ones do not get disappointed
  14. Call unto God so that He can answer you
  15. Let God’s promises shine on your problems
  16. Don’t put a question mark where God put a period
  17. Don’t wait to catch a healthy attitude
  18. Fearing the right person
  19. Trust the future to God
  20. Stick to one God
  21. Trust God to shelter, safety and security
  22. God is my refuge and my fortress in Him I will trust
  23. Be convinced that we are loved
  24. Love been perfected with us
  25. Faithfulness when most necessary
  26. Have a little talk with the Potter
  27. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  28. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses
  29. A Living Faith #1 Substance of things hoped for
  30. What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?
  31. Confidence
  32. Hope begins in the dark
  33. It is not try but trust


  • Secret ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (misssfaith.com)
    Throw away all the worries about being not perfect – you are perfect just the way you are and a big smile from a happy heart is much more worth than a fake laugh of a wrinkle-less face.
  • In Search of the Little Prince (kirkusreviews.com)
    A scene of Saint-Exupéry working on the manuscript for Le Petit Prince includes a peek at his imagined characters; the delightful back cover depicts the Little Prince and Tonio, shoes off, sitting in opposite chairs, apparently deep in speculative conversation.
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: The Little Prince (headbutler.com)
    When Robin Williams died, my Facebook screen lit up with one quote after another from “The Little Prince.”I didn’t understand why so many people responded with lines from this book.
  • Why Did “The Little Prince” Quotes Suddenly Appear After Robin Williams’ Death? (goodmenproject.com)

    One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

    You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

    All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.


    those Facebook friends mourning a grown-up who never lost his connection to the child within? They knew just where to look.
  • 7 Best Book Covers Of All Time (whytoread.com)
    Few stories are as widely read and as universally cherished by children and adults alike as The Little Prince. Richard Howard’s translation of the beloved classic beautifully reflects Saint-Exupéry’s unique and gifted style. Howard, an acclaimed poet and one of the preeminent translators of our time, has excelled in bringing the English text as close as possible to the French, in language, style, and most important, spirit. The artwork in this edition has been restored to match in detail and in color Saint-Exupéry’s original artwork. Combining Richard Howard’s translation with restored original art, this definitive English-language edition of The Little Prince will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.
  • The Little Prince And The Better Parts Of Javascript (greenido.wordpress.com)
    The little price“It seems that perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to subtract.”
  • It’s a Little Lonely (bronwendeklerk.com)
    “Where are the people?…It’s a little lonely in the desert…”
    “It is lonely when you’re among people, too”
  • Inspired by His Love (enteringthepromisedland.wordpress.com)
    Indwelt by the light of God that continually produces good works springing from that love God has poured into our heart before (Rom 5:5), we can experience that there is nothing greater in this world and beyond than His Love offers. God’s Love is better than being right, better than being successful, better than being known, and better than possessing all material things one could wish for.
  • Storytelling, Culture, and Revolution (goodmenproject.com)
    A story might simply be a story if it stands by itself — in a vacuum. Yet, a story rooted in our life experiences is not just a story. It is much more. In it we find revealed the particular relationship that we, the storytellers, have with our environment. Individual stories are part of the fabric that is our worldview. Stories, whether fictitious or true, spring forth from our values, believes, perceptions, dreams, imaginations or wishes, all of which are bound to our life experiences, which in turn are fundamentally shaped by our particular environment. The stories, then, that we tell ourselves are bound up in a feedback system whereby our lives find expression in stories which are in turn enacted by us. If, as Ishmael tells us, we believe that the world was made for man (i.e. man as the climax of the whole cosmic drama of creation) and that we are at odds with nature’s distasteful, dehumanizing elements (i.e. moving beyond the wretchedness of the animal condition), then the stories that we will write and enact are stories of conquest, progress, and an alienation from nature.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Movement Without a Name, Spiritual affairs