Tag Archives: Positivism

Positive Things

Who does not know the song “Look at the bright site of life”from the movie “the Life of Brian”? Something great and positive is prepared for us, so we better do not loose time with negative people or those who do not want to hear but want to be contrary. Let us surround ourselves with positive people and with positive things.


Read also:

Deleting Negative People

Orlando Espinosa

You can’t spend all of your time with negative people and expect positive things to happen in your life! positive things orlando espinosa

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

In every difficulty, see opportunities

“A negative mind sees the difficulties in every opportunity.
A positive mind sees the chances in every difficulty. ”
Luang Phi Ruben Visalo

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > In elke moeilijkheid kansen zien

Last Thing on My Mind

Last Thing on My Mind (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Life Is A Marathon

Orlando Espinosa, a former educator, signed up to have an amazing life, regardless of the obstacles he may have to face. He is convinced that

Having a positive attitude is the key and moving forward is essential!

He has blog has some great images on his blog and offers a lot of pictures we all remember well from childhood. For him

Life is an amazing journey, too often taken for granted! It’s great being able to enjoy the simple things it offers! It feels great to be alive with a purpose!

Though in order to keep the momentum going in our life we shall need to maintain the pace, energy and enthusiasm from when we  first started! {Keep the Momentum} But we should be fully ware that we may not back down! {Don’t Back Down}. Always we should be prepared to believe in ourselves.


There has to come a point in life when you need to believe in who you are and what you have to offer.

Believing in yourself is one the key to achieving success in life.

You have to do what you want because there’s no one who can stand in your place.

You have to know that you are so much better than what they say…

If someone says you can’t do anything, don’t believe them, let it be a driving force to prove them wrong.

Be confident!

Get to know yourself and grow with new experiences.

Don’t be held back by a “fear”.

Don’t let people knock you down with their words of doubt! {Believe}

Believe-in-Yourself-Motivational-Orlando Espinosa



Defining what we value begins by recognizing who we value. {The Journey!}

He also warns not to

allow others to hold you captive because you don’t know what freedom feels like!
Some people feel the need to imprison others with their words and by their actions!

Orlando Espinosa

Life isn’t a sprint, but a marathon! In order to finish a marathon you need stamina and consistency: you will need to hold a steady pace in order to cross the finish line!life is a marathon-orlando espinosa

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

What would you do if…? Continued trial

When you are diagnosed with a disease which doctors say you shall have to live with it for as long as you can live, it does not mean you have to give in to it and let your self go. Be realistic also not to think you shall be able to get rid of it. No way! sorry for those who have put their hope in a possibility to get that horrible monster out of their body and to be free of any such malignant adversary.

Any illness of the bones and muscles which is considered for life, has to be looked at in that way. Though you shall not be able to cure it you might postpone the badness of it or get to learn with the limitations it brings over you.

I do agree sometimes the pain and the horrible prison you might find yourself can be so much threatening that you wish you were not born or that you would not mind having an end to your life.
The pain sometimes can be so horrible you want to break the walls or explode.

But than I would advice you to try to do the same as I try to do. To speak to the Most High Who gives and takes life and let us not be tempted over that what we really can cope. And you would be surprised that can be a lot. Though sometimes others may feel the pressure even more than you yourself. Once my family had to wait for two days before they got the news I was going to survive. Be sure, it was not me, who had tried to take my life away, but some aggressive road user who had pushed me from the motorway. At the moment of the accident I asked God to be able to stay here on this earth, and I am convinced He allowed it.

0510 Spondylitis ankylosans (morbus bechterew) anagoria.JPG

An ankylosing spine in which the vertebrae become fused together.

At that time I had already fought many years against Ankylosis Spondilitis (AS, Bekhterev spondylitis or Bechterev or Marie-Strümpell arthritis) after having got Rheumatic fever or rheumatoid arthritis. My job was my salvation. Being a dancer having lots of physical training every day was a battle against my own ‘corps’. But it was also not accident free, so sometimes I was put back or remembered how weak our body can be.

It did not stay with the earliest symptom of chronic lower back pain and when in 1999 two vertebra‘s were broken and I was paralysed for six months I had time enough to be busy with trying to get my body on track again. Certain doctors noticing the destruction of intervertebral disks and the growth of spurs on the vertebrae themselves wanted me to accept I had to stay the rest of my life in a wheelchair and should have enough rest. I resisted the idea to stay the rest of my life in a wheelchair and with help of the Belgian government and health-service I started one of my biggest battles in life, now applying the Kounovsky technique, which I had, for several years, taught and used to help other people with physical and mental problems, for my self. Application of heat, and lots of exercises to learn to move my fingers and the rest again to a point where I could try to maintain a normal range of movement, brought me ten years later to a point where I could say I was ‘the old one’ again, though still more limited than I was before the accident.  But we also should take into account the normal deterioration by age.

After everything seemed to go better we shall be confronted more than once by moments of declension. They may not let you down. Your mind should always be stronger than your body. You have to govern your body by your mind. You can read lots of scientific books about that, but may I advice you to take up a very strange old book perhaps? At first you will perhaps not see the reason to read such very old books, but once you started your adventure going from one book into an other, you will come to see the light and start finding answers.

Before my 1999 accident I was already busy with God. In the 1960s I even wanted to become a priest, but had most difficulty not being able to have a wife and children. The trinity matter and all the pagan rites in the Old Roman Catholic Church in which I grew up disturbed me also a lot. So much that I even went church shopping I had a look at all sorts of denominations and different faith groups.

After some long studies about religion in 1974 I became a non-trinitarian and in 1976 found myself at ease by the Baptists. But a little bit more than ten years later the American Southern Baptists got stronger and stronger and pressed their trinitarian way of thinking, so that thousands of my Baptist brethren and sisters went looking for other congregations. Most of them moved over to the Jehovah Witnesses and to the Church of God, whilst others found their way to the Church of Abrahamic Faith, the Restoration Church, and the Nazarene Friends.

1999 was a turning point and a year of many doubts, me wondering if I had chosen the right way and the right faith. then after my many doubts and my close talk to God, requesting Him to stay alive to take care of my family, I was granted an other life opportunity and got enough time, lying on my back to study once again the Bible and to do research on everything what is written in it.

Now I even became more convinced of the reality of that master-work and good reasons to believe that bestseller.

I was already convinced of our duty to care of mother earth, had been active in the green movement and also stood on the barricades in 1968 fighting for a more righteous society.

Back in the running, the biggest frustration I have to cope with is not being able to dance any more, or not able to enjoy movement, because moving demands a lot of my being (offering me ‘pain for free’). I let not others notice it and do not complain about it, but it is in me, and I know it shall stay with me. To operate my back is too dangerous, thus as long as I can cope with the pain that is my best option, to continue to do whatever I want to do, moving around and doing things I like to do.

And that is what every person should do when trapped in his own body. Not letting it become master of the inner soul, but letting it be a carrier of strive and war-zones of positivity, going forward as long as we can. Never mind that those around us not always see the struggle we have to go through and sometimes do not seem to comprehend us. For the youngsters it is often very difficult to grasp it is sometimes something we can not cope with ourselves. To apprehend the deeper undercurrents of life is not always given to the young ones. Often they also do not understand the work we do and get not paid for, can also be considered work or something necessary. And when it has to do with faith, for them it seems all a waste of energy and time. Hopefully they shall come to learn the value of it.

We can only hope that enough motor neurons shall reach from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and that they can stay enough elastic and reactive to react properly to signals we want to get to them. But also our mind has to be able to think properly. Also that is not always acceptable for the youngsters that we forget things or at certain moments can come up the right word any more. Wear and tear gets master over us, but also that should not get us to stop to continue our ‘battle’.

Having had several unpleasant and painful experiences, I had to learn the hard way that “Life is hard”. Previous to my serious accident I had put lots of energy in many people and lots of cases. Having for a third time to build up my life, this time like beginning from scrap again, because I had memory loss, and had to learn everything about what happened in the past again. This was an incredible difficult task, to take loss of languages, which still gets me frustrated at moments.
But I also learned not to loose energy any more in ‘lost cases’ and to stop in time to stay in contact with certain people or tackling certain subjects. I found out that it is better to stay in contact with the right people. It is much easier to surround oneself with people who can ‘energeticise’, those who can bring something positive to our life as well, by not pulling it down and by not considering us ‘lower’ or ‘disabled’ or ‘not performant’ any more. Yes it is much better to get positive people around you. People that won’t only rejoice with you in the good times but and who will not stay away when it goes bad with you. People who are willing to support us in the difficult times are the ones we better have around us.

For that reason I also wanted to spread more positivism and share positive ideas, and therefore created this lifestyle magazine, also in the hope people shall find some articles which can strengthen and courage them as well give them more hope and perhaps also shall get them to know other people with similar problems who can help them further.

Often it helps when we do know we are not alone and that others have foudn solutions which can be good for us as well. From each-others experiences and from sharing ideas we also can learn a lot.

But not only the people are important. Also the things we do and the things we eat.

I am convinced that what we eat and think is very important. So we should take care we try to eat and use as much as possible natural materials not burdening our body with animal material. We do not need meat and to much meat is eaten in our greedy society. A huge variety of fruit and vegetables will help you on your way to have less pain whilst avoiding as much as possible the synthetic medicinal drugs. If you never tried it, please do it, go to a homeopathic doctor and see what he can offer you to reduce your ‘hell’ to something you can bear.

With a good natural diet and natural drugs (homeopathy and phytotherapy) you shall notice life will be so much easier. Ad to it a daily dose of some walking and daily exercise and you shall go a step higher.

And yes, why should you not think about some other part of life, the spiritual life?

What would you do if you know your body is hurting you so much or luck does not seem to have come your way?

Why would you not reconsider everything that happened to you and those you love and come to see that there is more behind it all?

Would it be nice to know that there is some promise which can become a reality for you and me as well?

In the Bible are promises given to individuals and to people or nations. Prophesies have come true so why not shall the last ones which are not fulfilled yet, not come true?
Have a look at them. Think about them. Think also about some one who had a body which seemed normal and not affected by pains or limitations. That man from Nazareth walked for miles and could not stop talking about the One he loved and trusted. He showed why we too should trust Him Who is much mightier than that man who walked through desserts and was tempted more than once, but did not give in. He managed to put his own will aside, to do the will of his heavenly Father.
Why should we also not try to listen to that Father and give our hands, our life also in His hands?

You better be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you and choose for the right people around you. Always remembering that self-preservation is the highest law of nature and that being angry upon yourself or a situation is not going to help. And remember that

You only lose energy when life becomes dull in your mind

Know there is a good foundation to go your way but be always careful where you want to put down your steps or leave your marks or sow your seeds.

And most important to remember:

Never give up or never give in. Keep running the battle.


Preceding articles

What would you do if…?

What Are You Seeking?

Denis Wright looking at the world of human beings

Mourners Celebrate Life Of Inspirational Cancer Teen

Searching for fulfillment and meaning through own efforts, facing unsatisfaction and depression

Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still

See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory

May we have doubts


Additional reading

  1. What would you do if…?
  2. Meaning of life 
  3. The business of this life
  4. When discouraged facing opposition
  5. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places
  6. When you don’t know what to do and hate yourself
  7. Do not be so busy adding up your troubles
  8. Be Not Thou Weary
  9. Confidence
  10. Hope begins in the dark
  11. Suffering
  12. Suffering continues
  13. Offer in our suffering
  14. Suffering – through the apparent silence of God
  15. Relapse plan
  16. God’s instruction about joy and suffering
  17. God’s promises to us in our suffering
  18. Emotional pain and emotional deadness
  19. From pain to purpose
  20. Suffering leading to joy
  21. Surprised by time in joys & sufferings
  22. Allowed to heal
  23. Old story to inspire and to give hope to those who are oppressed
  24. An anarchistic reading of the Bible (2)—Creation and what follows
  25. 1 Corinthians 15 Hope in action
  26. End of the Bottom Line
  27. Light going on in darkness
  28. Solution for Willing hearts filled with gifts
  29. Luck
  30. Shelter in the morning
  31. Vision blurred by cumulative burden of divisions
  32. Never too late to start going to the right end
  33. Not words of any organisation should bind you, but the Word of God
  34. I Only hope we find GOD again before it is too late !
  35. Give your worries to God
  36. Call unto God so that He can answer you
  37. Trust the future to God
  38. Does God answer prayer?
  39. Make a joyful noise unto Yahweh, rejoice, and sing praise unto Jehovah
  40. God loving people justified
  41. God my fence, my hope for the future
  42. God is my refuge and my fortress in Him I will trust
  43. Separation from God in death, the antithesis of life
  44. Seeing the world through the lens of his own experience
  45. Knowing where to go to
  46. A Living Faith #1 Substance of things hoped for
  47. A Living Faith #5 Perseverance
  48. A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
  49. Final forming of a person’s character lies in his own hands
  50. Happy is the person who knows what to remember of the past
  51. To have fire in yourself to warm others
  52. Blessed are those who freely give
  53. Words must be weighed, not counted
  54. Honor your own words as if they were an important contract
  55. Obstacles to your goal
  56. Foundation to go the distance
  57. Remember there’s a light in the next day
  58. Let tomorrow be sufficient
  59. Fear not tomorrow. God is already there
  60. A time for everything
  61. People should know what you stand for
  62. Finish each day and be done with it
  63. Character is built
  64. Patience is the ability to count down before blasting off
  65. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks away
  66. Weapons of our warfare
  67. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  68. You God hold the future
  69. To belong to = toebehoren
  70. Possibility to live
  71. Don’t Envy the World
  72. Walking alone?
  73. Careful what you sow, it might grow
  74. Be a ready giver
  75. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  76. Joy: Foundation for a Positive Life


Further reading

  1. The unfairytale
  2. He Is Disabled???!
  3. Disabled entrance
  4. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Awareness Month
  5. 9 Top Rehab Centers for Spinal Cord Injuries
  6. Blind
  7. Invisible Strength
  8. Life, reality and fairy dust
  9. My “illness”
  10. The “web”
  11. Infinite Inhibition
  12. The Amygdalin Explosion
  13. A Spoonful of Sour
  14. The Struggle
  15. Eleven.
  16. Jaini’s Diaries turns One!
  17. Habits
  18. Riot Erupts At Wheelchair Basketball Tournament
  19. Yeshiva Invites Their CP Friends for Shabbos
  20. Prompt for the Day: “Diverse”
  21. Prompt for the Day: “Chaos”
  22. Prompt for the Day: “Stroll”
  23. Disabled and Pregnant
  24. Creative solution helps him work in the arts
  25. Oaklands: Part 1
  26. 13 Days To Go!
  27. The Wait
  28. Falling in love
  29. I’m Back.
  30. I’m not THAT old…
  31. Keeper of Sunlight
  32. A break in your workout routine causing you troubles?
  33. Frustrated, Confused and Under the Weather
  34. Dear Patience…
  35. I Can’t Resist A Good Challenge!
  36. What the heck is Stress anyway?| Ataraxia Series 07 | Understanding the Biological Reality of Stress
  37. Frustrating Transition
  38. Trapped?
  39. Trapped 2
  40. The wall…
  41. Caitlyn Jenner might de-transition back to a Bruce? claims Biographer
  42. Cold Bones
  43. When You Feel Trapped
  44. Not much to say
  45. Life Goes On
  46. Stop Running
  47. When God Intervenes
  48. The True Nature of God
  49. Standing Up For What You Believe



Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Sacred formula of positivism

“The sacred formula of positivism: love as a principle, the order as a foundation, and progress as a goal.”
Auguste Comte

Nederlandse vertaling / Dutch translation: Voornaamste formule van het positivisme

Français : Auguste Comte, grand esprit de son ...

Français : Auguste Comte, grand esprit de son temps, le fondateur du positivisme, a construit une des plus grandes philosophies systématiques du XIXè siècle. Sa philosophie positive se compose : – d’une philosophie des sciences qui réordonne toute l’encyclopédie et y ajoute la sociologie, – d’une philosophie politique et sociale qui veut réorganiser la société en France, en Occident et dans le monde. http://www.augustecomte.org/ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Preceding articles:

Stop worrying about what you have to loose

Curious creature or Positivist man

I and Thou


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Filed under Positive thoughts, Reflection Texts

Curious creature or Positivist man

Positivist man is a curious creature who dwells in the tiny island of light composed of what he finds scientifically “meaningful,” while the whole surrounding area in which ordinary men live from day to day and have their dealings with other men is consigned to the outer darkness of the “meaningless.” Positivism has simply accepted the fractured being of modern man and erected a philosophy to intensify it.

Existentialism, whether successfully or not, has attempted instead to gather all the elements of human reality into a total picture of man. Positivist man and Existentialist man are no doubt offspring of the same parent epoch, but, somewhat as Cain and Abel were, the brothers are divided unalterably by temperament and the initial choice they make of their own being.”

William Barrett, Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy


English: Historical quotes commemorating the B...

Thoughts ideas and will can bring man far in life. – Historical quotes commemorating the Berlin Wall. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Reflection Texts, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters

From Guestwriters 2015 in review

From the start in 2014, April the 26th

On 2014 April 26 we started offering a readers digest to you. We wanted to have different writers presenting their selection of most interesting articles found on the net. We regret we did not find enough people interested in co-operating to create a free lifestyle magazine where people could find uplifting stories.

We started talking about the dreams we all have or have to have, because he who beams never walks in the dark, and looked at our position in this world and how positivism should enter this world more. Our invitation to you reader to share those read articles you liked is still counting. We would love to present more interesting articles people can find on the net. For this reason we started the Reblog section in 2014, when we looked if we or you have something to say or not.

At the opening of 2016 we would like to remind you that you too are invited to share with us. You too may be sharing your words with us and many more readers. You don’t have to stay in the shadow.

At this site we want to speak about feelings and started to look at the worst feeling, the one which pulls us down. Depression is when we can’t walk in the light of life any more. Our intention is to show that each of us matter in this world and that we can get fate in our change to positiveness. You and us we all can contribute and help to create a positive attitude. You have to get the right attitude of an unstoppable success, and once more we do bring a call to help to create a positive attitude.

You may consider your own journey in life but we dared to ask which kind of attitude you want to take. In 2014, when we started we asked our readers to begin their day by living their positive attitude and in started also to point out to look at the way to come to the truth. We went in defence of it. For that, we also started looking at Who should be your closest friend.

Though we may be lonely in the crowd we wanted to build up a place where many could find each other and could overcome hurt feelings. we do not ask people to be some one else, but would love to see you smiling and with a positive attitude or positive disposition.

Perhaps what we hope for is what you hope for. In September 2014 we repeated our call to come to write for us and to share what you think interesting. A year after our question what our readers are seeking we did not receive many answers. We expressed our love to find more contributors who could show ways of fulfilling our dreams. We do hope you could find inspiration here and follow your dreams.

In 2015 finishing our first year

On the first of January we, like many others looked back at the previous year and presented our first review: 2014 in review.

Our first year we got visitors from 71 countries in all. 13 countries were added in 2015 bringing the total to 84 countries in all, with most visitors again coming from The United States (2467). Netherlands (351) & United Kingdom (341) were not far behind. Based in Belgium we only could get the attention of 181 viewers in Belgium in 2015, which is not much, but which can be caused by not many writings being in Dutch, French or German. We are pleased we also got 141 viewers from Down Under.

Knowing that we need light on our path in life, near the end of 2015 we also started placing some reflections or meditations texts, which we shall continue to do. Because we did so often got questions why we referred to some ones website article, or got requests to take some listed article out of the list of “Further reading” we shall enter less references or note lesser further readings. Normally you would think people would be pleased when there is placed a link to their site, but at several of our websites we got an other impression, hearing people not being pleased they being mentioned on one of our sites. Not being appreciated we bringing others to their writings or commenting on their writings, plus they not understanding we are helping them to get more readers and to get higher on the Google ranking, whilst we take them away from our own website, we will not any more invest so much time in looking for appropriate articles worth mentioning. Therefore in the future you will find lesser links and we shall be pleased keeping you more to our own websites.

Treats, fear and discussions in 2015

2015 was again a year were many civil rights were tread under foot. The Syrian war continued for its fourth year and brought many war refugees into Europe, a region where many do not seem to know themselves very well because kindness to others seemed to be far off. Though we are born to shine, not to fear, lots of people got over-manned by fear. At a time where there is not much knowledge of the truth, but lots of doubt and/or blindness, we tried to convince that less is still enough.

While viral moments and trends or fads, that took up lots of people their time and their Twitter feeds included viral phenomenon The Dress, pizza rat, dad bods and adult coloring books we looked at the major refugee crisis in Europe as well as numerous instances of terrorism and mass shootings. Whilst July, Caitlyn Jenner made her big debut via a sexy and scantily clad Vanity Fair cover shot…and her new reality was officially underway we also look at how we human beings manage with birth, our being and our behaviour and acceptance or not of certain situations. Bringing articles around abortion and life we were pleased to have as our 5 most active commenter  Blackhorn33 who is Comanche – Irish and a half-breed that’s Full Blooded American, who with “Our Circle of Friends” met on Google and was willing to contribute about Child Abuse -The Facts, and show the world the importance of the unborn life.

A place for a Higher Being and for His Creation

Svenska: "Stockholmsfyrens" ungefärl...

“Stockholmsfyrens” ungefärliga utseende vid Ropsten med vy från hotell Forestas entréplan på Lidingö. Det runda 187 m höga tornet innehållande både bostäder och kontorslokaler är föreslaget att uppföras omkring 2014-2015. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With less for more we looked at one of the major discussed issues of the year, bringing global warming and climate change at the second place and the refugees at the first place as major topics for 2015. Pointing out that it is important that we do know that we have to find the meaning of life and reach a state of peace, of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something, we brought to the attention that we have our duties in this world and have to take our responsibility,making the right engagement in an actual two way conversation with your deities or more important to build up a good relationship with the Only One True God, the Divine Creator.

Throughout the year on this and our other sites we wanted to bring to understanding that we do have to come in a good relationship with others and with the Most High, even when we sometimes have to deal with the silence of God.

We asked not to forget that falsehood darkens the pure knowledge of God and that we should always turn to the Book of books, the Bible, to find the truth and Guidance. But to come to know the Creator and His creatures and creation, we do have to look with our eyes and to see with our heart. Some may think “God plays hide’n seek“, but He is always around us and sees everything we do.
The Almighty God above all other gods greater than all gods has given us His infallible Word, the Bible, helmet of salvation, God’s Words put in the mouth of prophets for perfecting, to reprove and correct. Searching or overlooking God’s presence more people do have to find His Word and take up that book that is Written by inspiration of God for our admonition, to whom it shall be imputed if they believe.

2015 once more showed to the world that human beings need a lot of correction. It was good to see that in France many nations also came to conclusion we have urgently to take care of mother earth. In this world were many have to learn that stuff is just stuff, it became time that man takes his position about materialistic desires.

The terrors which came over Europe should make those who call themselves Christian to think and have them remind and hear God’s voice, bringing them into the habit of dealing with God about everything.

Statistics for 2015

In 2015, there were 295 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 525 posts. On the 12th of January in total 534 articles have been published on this site. 

The busiest day of the year was October 19th with 175 views. The most popular post that day was Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion. But the most commented on post in 2015 was Bible, helmet of salvation, God’s Words put in the mouth of prophets for perfecting, to reprove and correct.

For 2016

We are thankful that you came along on this site and do hope to find you more than once at this and some other of our sites. We wish you all the best for 2016 and do hope you may be like a tree planted by streams of water.

Have faith in your faith…doubt your doubts and don’t throw a curtain across tomorrow… the star of its performance just may be you !

There still has to be done a lot before we shall have sustainable, green habits as a second nature, but at this site we do hope to bring incentives to work at it.

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,300 times in 2015. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.


Preceding: 2014 in review


Additional reading

  1. A look at materialism
  2. Our you taking a step back to think
  3. US must do more to protect its children
  4. A year coming to its end and our Spiritual Senses
  5. Summary for the year 2015 #1 Threat and fear
  6. Summary for the year 2015 # 2 Strewn with corpses and refugees
  7. 2015 In the Picture
  8. 2015 Human rights
  9. 2015 Health and Welfare
  10. 2015 Ecology
  11. Vatican against Opponents of immigration
  12. Greenpeace demands scale up of ecological farming
  13. Building a low-carbon world: the sixth industrial revolution
  14. Republican member of Congress from Arizona to boycott pope’s address over climate change
  15. Vatican meeting of mayors talking about global warming, human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  16. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #1
  17. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #2
  18. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #3
  19. 2015 Summit of Consciences for the Climate
  20. A Miracle of Unity at COP21
  21. Charlie Hebdo
  22. Belgian Bible Students review of 2015
  23. Bijbelvorsers Blogging annual report and 2015 in review
  24. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  25. Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris
  26. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  27. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  28. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  29. Hidden potential for helping others
  30. Only one person who has the power to cast the deciding vote that will kill your dream
  31. Have faith in your faith…doubt your doubts
  32. The inspiring divine spark
  33. Healthy life can be found in sacred books
  34. No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation
  35. A Bible Falling Apart Belongs to Someone who isn’t
  36. A heart in the right place and brightly burning faith
  37. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness
  38. If you want to go far in life
  39. Spread love everywhere you go
  40. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  41. The truest greatness lies in being kind
  42. Kindness
  43. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness
  44. Be kinder than necessary
  45. He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass
  46. Taking care of mother earth
  47. No curtain placed over tomorrow


Further about what happened in 2015

  1. MSN 2015 in review
  2. 2015 in review: Memorable Journeys on EP
  3. 2015 Wrap Up!
  4. My most difficult travel moments of 2015
  5. The 2015 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 2: The Hobbyists
  6. Stay within the lines – or not!
  7. coloring to de-stress; I’ve joined the craze!
  8. Art and the Holidays
  9. Whatever Is Lovely
  10. Intuitive Coaching 101–Zen & The Art of Coloring Books
  11. Adults Coloring Kaleidoscopic Creatures
  12. Unique Sugar Gliders Chinchillas Reptile Adult Coloring Books
  13. Adult Coloring Worldwide & Tangle With Jessica Palmers Hidden Treasures
  14. What Amazon’s 2015 Bestsellers Say About Us
  15. Winter 2015: The rest of the field…
  16. Grandad, I can smell you …
  17. Kaleidoscope of 2015
  18. Reflecting on 2015
  19. My 2015 In Year Review
  20. 2015 In Review… (adventuretimealpacamybag)
  21. 2015 In Review (ingridandjimmy)
  22. 50 Things that made me smile in 2015
  23. The Year That Was…2015
  24. Favorite-est things from #2015
  25. Be Looking at 2015 in review
  26. 2015 in Review: Paradise River, Dusk
  27. The Obsessive Viewer Podcast – Ep 148 – 2015 in Review – Best and Worst Movies of the Year and Viewing Stats
  28. Looking Back at 2015
  29. Year in Review
  30. New Zealand’s 2015: the year we hid from a world in need
  31. End of the Year Survey 2015!
  32. 2015 in transit
  33. A New Year: 2015 In Review and Plans for 2016!
  34. Bye bye 2015 and welcome 2016
  35. Start 2016 with a Backwards Slide
  36. Let’s Commence to Coordinate our Sights
  37. Flee from Idolatry



Filed under Aankondiging & Introductie, Announcement, History, Introduction, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Nature, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Watch out

Expectations have to be build on hope, believe and faith. Without believe in him or herself a person shall not be able to get somewhere hoped so easily.

Believing in yourself is the first requirement to get forwards. Having a positive attitude and willingness to dream is the second requirement to get somewhere. Every human being shall have to face difficulties. It is how he or she can cope with it which is going to influence his or her life in the positive or negative way. Going through quite a lot of struggles even can make somebody stronger, more resistant. What is important then is ‘to never give up!’

Others may consider you to be a clown, a swaggerer, a dreamer, or a loony or stupid one. Let no negative reactions stand in the way and go for what you want to achieve. Without dreams nothing can be build up.

If things would not go how you want it, you should try to adjust them so that they can work for you. No matter what you try, how it works out, how negative reactions may be, keep trying, keep going forward trying to pursuing your dream.
Whatever happens try to see the positive in it and always be ready to pursue your happiness. That is the positive lesson in our life where we should keep at.

There always have to be motivation to may the dreams work, but some kind of realism is also necessary to not fall to deep in a well. We always should be careful not pursuing our goal out of greed or lechery. Leering at something materialistic can bring us in a spiral where we do not have an eye for the human thing and spiritual matter. A person can become overtaken by the power of money by the desire to have financial gain, more than spiritual gain.The desires of the flesh can break a person instead of building him up to become a better person. We always have to be careful where we want to set our priorities in life.

Today we can find more people who love wealth and modern gadgets? Wealth has become their biggest motivation. when they are young it may be working very well, and they can love it to swim in their fulfilling dreams of material wealth. But what about their spiritual wealth? Are they interested in that also?

It is not by going to have the latest model of phone or pc tablet a person is going to find the real luck and staying happiness. Soon the phone shall be an old model and the person shall be feeling again not so happy because he has not the newest model any more.

It is good to see and to know you need your “best friends” for ever, around you, because they will be there at the more difficult times and they shall be ready to catch you when you fall down. Because each person has to grow up and learn things by falling and standing up again. And that last bit is very important. Never to get so frustrated that you do not want to get up any more. Everybody can mess up things. To start over again is what you have to dare. Do not stand still by what happened, but get up to try again and go every-time in a new adventure.
You have to keep believing in your dreams and aspirations, no matter what negative things may happen or others may say. But never forget also to be realistic and be taken in account others around you. Never go over death bodies to reach your goal and always stay honest to make it come true.

The biggest difficulty to conquer when trying to build up a financial wealthy life, shall be the ‘sharing bit’. Without willing to give also to others, without allowing others also to have part of what you have, no real happiness shall come into your life. Around the corner shall always be the material egoism and the avarice, which by some even can turn in the acquisitive and stingy. We always should be careful not to become so greedy or money-grubbing. That is not going to bring happiness, though it may be very attractive at a young age. the jealousy of others can also bring bullying with it, making you feeling so alone, being cast out. And people do need other people.

By changing yourself to fit in for others it never is going to work. A person has to stay his Own. You have to believe in yourself, accept yourself for who and what you are. Without the love for yourself you can not give the right love for the other. Also be sure that in case the others only would become your friend because you changed yourself to their way of thinking, than they would not be the right friends. Good friends are those who are willing you for what you are and respect your own personality, your real ‘I’.
Adapting to people is not the right way and shall not bring the solution. Trying to impress people is what many today try, with their gadgets, their capital gain, their way of clothing and their loose way of living. Presenting their world better than it really is. Look at so many Facebook postings which try to present ‘the would like to be’ people and would like to be ‘friends‘. Always try to stay your own self, being honest to yourself and being honest to others, respecting them, also if they do not fit your plan or dreams, or would not agree with your personality. By time they will turn by and get to know your true self and shall come to respect you too.

Without dreams, hopes and aspirations no new worlds can be build, so keep dreaming, keep going forwards, and above all always stay positive.


Please do find also:

  1. Greed more common than generosity
  2. Misleading world, stress, technique, superficiality, past, future and positivism
  3. Intellectual servility a curse of mankind
  4. Gender connections
  5. Within despair
  6. Preparedness to change
  7. Getting fate in your change to positiveness
  8. Helping to create a Positive Attitude
  9. With Positive Attitude
  10. Not holding back and getting out of darkness
  11. Your struggles develop your strengths
  12. Pain and Suffering is inevitable but Misery is optional
  13. Your struggles develop your strengths
  14. When discouraged facing opposition
  15. Begin your day by, Living your positive attitude
  16. Science, scepticism, doubts and beliefs
  17. How we think shows through in how we act
  18. Don’t be the weakest link
  19. Be a ready giver
  20. 30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.
  21. Count your blessings
  22. God should be your hope
  23. Always set a place in your life for the unexpected guest


Other articles of interest:

  1. Celebrating diversity by looking the same?
  2. Gender Roles & Self Sacrifice
  3. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
  4. Positivism and The Quantity Theory of Money
  5. If you’re afraid to do it, do it afraid.
  6. Positivism for Millennium 3


  • Global education and the ‘American Dream’ (universityworldnews.com)
    Put most simply, the ‘American Dream’ is the belief that everyone has a reasonable chance – although not a guarantee – of achieving success through means under their own control. It is the assurance that personal qualities such as hard work, frugality, honesty and self-discipline can make for a good life, however you (or I) may define that.
    Poorly conceived, however, global education, like the American Dream itself, can overemphasise the pursuit of material wealth and leave learners ignorant of how systemic and structural inequalities in most, if not all, societies frustrate so many dreamers and so many of their dreams.
    The recent movement by some scholars to calculate the gross domestic happiness of a country, in contrast with a simple financial measure, both expands the universe of goods constituting success and allows for cultural variety within this expanded universe.Other cogent criticisms of the American Dream focus on the socio-economic and institutional obstacles to the achievement of success by disadvantaged or disenfranchised groups, which may include women, racial, ethnic or religious minorities, the poor or their children.

    From this perspective, the American Dream offers a false promise of fair and equal opportunity to achieve success by ignoring the many ways in which the social order fails to recognise and reward merit.

  • What is your dream job ? (beautiful69.wordpress.com)

    Most people I know have a dream. In fact, I’ve asked hundreds, if not thousands, of people about their dream. Some willingly describe it with great detail and enthusiasm.
    Others are reluctant to talk about it. They seem embarrassed to say it out loud. These people have never tested their dream. They don’t know if others will laugh at them. They’re not sure if they’re aiming too high or too low. They don’t know if their dream is something they can really achieve or if they’re destined to fail.

  • A Journey Toward Your Goals (robertjrgraham.blogspot.com)
    Too many of us assume if we just have a larger goal in mind and work towards it then success will follow. Well, guess what?! This rarely works in practice. All of us have dreams, but to be truly effective at goal achievement we need to focus on the path toward the goal and let the ultimate dream be our motivation.
    Set realistic goals. This doesn’t mean that you should not aim for the stars. However, keep a realistic state of mind, taking into account your level of talent and capabilities, as well as, your individual situation. If you presently don’t possess the talents or qualifications to reach your goal, make sure that one of your short-term goals is to acquire some of those skills so that you can reach your long-term goal.
  • Sebastiano Serafini 030 – Dream a little every day – (sebastianoserafini.wordpress.com)
    In order to live our lives without limits we must be willing to never let our imaginations die, and we must never forbid ourselves from dreaming at least a little bit every day. Without our dreams we have nothing in our lives to reach for or to go after.
  • 10 Habits Of People Who Follow Their Dreams (theunboundedspirit.com)
    People who are true to their purpose and are really successful didn’t always get there because they had the financial means to do so or were just lucky enough to have been brought up in a confidence boosting environment. There are actually a few common habits that have helped them get to where they are.

    People who are true to their purpose and are really successful didn’t always get there because they had the financial means to do so or were just lucky enough to have been brought up in a confidence boosting environment. There are actually a few common habits that have helped them get to where they are. The best part is that these are habits that anyone can attain! – See more at: http://theunboundedspirit.com/10-habits-of-people-who-follow-their-dreams/#sthash.lfFd7SzI.dpuf
  • Greed is Wrong, But What About Wealth Itself? (palamas.info)
    Is it morally wrong to pursue wealth? The question was asked because both of my conversation partners had heard from different priests that in fact, yes, the pursuit of wealth is wrong. Christians especially, we are frequently told, should not seek to become wealthy but focus our lives on more noble goals.  On the one hand I agree with this. Wealth is not an end in itself and to make becoming wealthy the sole, or even central, goal of one’s life is not compatible with a wholesome human life much less the Gospel. While granting that working to become wealthy simply for the sake of becoming wealthy is immoral, does this mean that is it morally wrong to pursue wealth? In other words, it is sinful to want—and so to work to become—wealthy?
  • Virtuous egoism (profitableandmoral.com)
    Egoism is virtuous because it makes possible the achievement our long-term well-being and happiness without initiating physical force on others. The moral justification of egoism is that it makes it possible for us—who don’t have automatic knowledge about the goals we should pursue and about the means to reach them—to achieve our values in the long-term: to survive and to be happy. It is a moral code for living and flourishing.
    Starting from the premise that the pursuit of self-interest is moral and necessary for our well-being and happiness, Ayn Rand identified seven egoist virtues—principles that define the actions required to achieve long-term self-interest: rationality, independence, integrity, honesty, justice, productiveness, and pride. Rand and others have written much about these virtues, so here I focus only on rationality, the primary virtue on which the others rest. Rationality guides us to use reason—to adhere to reality through observation and logic—as “our only means of knowledge, our only judge of values, and our only guide to action.”
  • Chasing Your Dreams (landeniv.wordpress.com)

    “Go after your dream, no matter how unattainable others think it is.”

    “Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.”

    “It’s not enough to dream your dreams. You’ve got to pursue your dreams.”
  • Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams (sarahcolevaondemand.wordpress.com)
    Every day you are faced with a choice and that is, do you pursue your dream with determination and zeal or do you sit and wait for that dream to materialize by itself?  I believe in taking action steps every day in order to be a participant in the realization of our dreams.
  • Pursuing the Guyanese dream (guyanatimesgy.com)
    Hundreds of Guyanese are now in a position where it is possible for them to pursue the Guyanese dream, regardless of their socio-economic circumstances, ethnicity or political beliefs.The Guyanese dream refers to a situation in which nationals possess the ability to access equal opportunities to work and recreation. It also refers to the ability to achieve prosperity and a higher standard of living through hard work and determination.

    The Guyanese dream is founded on the principle of a realistic society where there are high levels of religious, political and social tolerance. It contemplates a situation where a largely mixed, plural and diverse cultural and ethnic society can co-exist with little or no conflict.

Anthony's au pair experience

I realized something.
It came to me rather slow.
I was pursuing a thing,
I barely even know.
Living up to people’s expectations.
Doing what others think is best.
Handling a lot of limitations.
Maybe this was all a test?
I must say, by all means,
Realizing this is not the way.
Living other peoples dreams,
While mine are slowly fading away.
Missing out on opportunities.
Missing my life because others take it away.
Being part of all those communities.
Being part of something where I have nothing to say.
Time to step up my game and live my life.
Not the one other’s tell me to live.
Time to step it up and go all in on my thrive.
Believe me, I have a lot to give.
My motivation is enormous,
My dedication is grand.
Watch out for my performance,
‘Cause everything is going as planned.
You can be…

View original post 128 more words


by | 2014/07/15 · 12:00 pm


When we are willing to look in ourselves and are willing to change ourselves so that a positive attitude can be our master, than we shall be able to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. taking on a positive attitude brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful.

With a positive attitude you not only will see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen, you shall be able “to soar”. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing.

  • Getting A Positive Attitude Is Simple; It´s Just Not Always Easy (thinkbrilliantly.com)
    If there´s anything I believe it´s that we have the power to define our future. It´s up to us whether we live a life full of happiness and abundance or misery and loneliness.
    You have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, day by day and stop worrying about the missteps that happen along the way. They´re just  a normal part of life.
  • Instant Positive Attitude (thepragmaticreport.com)
    Your thoughts are much more powerful than you think – like a massive iceberg that is mostly hidden beneath the surface, yet the part that is underwater is usually what sinks ships!

    A positive attitude brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking.

    If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and over the long run make you happier and much more successful.
    It is time to get rid of all your negative thoughts and behaviors and take the steps you need to begin leading a happy and successful life.

  • Fact: Optimistic People Make More Money (robertjrgraham.com)
    Influential optimism means you see the positive in all situations. You look for ways to move forward. You don’t focus on disappointment or negative feelings. People want to spend time with individuals who have a positive view on life. As an optimist, you see the world as a series of exciting challenges. You inspire positive feelings about everything you stand for. This mindset is contagious and helps empower people to believe in themselves and in you. In other words, as an optimist, you help others see failure or setback as temporary. Success will happen. In contrast, a pessimist sees that temporary setback as permanent failure. Optimists know that when failure arises they have something in their life they need to change. A pessimist calls it a weakness and never moves on. Optimism then is the ability to bounce back sooner rather than later or not at all.
  • Positive Attitude-Part 1 (bensonkiragu.wordpress.com)
    If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life. Why not start today?
  • Optimism in services industry soars (manchestereveningnews.co.uk)
    The CBI’s quarterly survey of the sector found that in May 56% of firms were more bullish about prospects than three months ago and only 2 per cent said they were less optimistic.
  • Positivity forever. (supremeeducators.wordpress.com)
    Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening. Believe in God who is the author and finisher of your life you gonna be strong and keep on moving.
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Orlando Espinosa

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. A positive attitude can provide you with a new level of hope and understanding. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results allowing you to soar and reach new heights.

Soar-Orlando Espinosa

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Praying and thinking positively

Think Positive

Think positive
Is what always echo in my ears,
Do no think otherwise
This will wipe away your fears.

The moment anything negative
Comes to your mind,
Immediately strike it out
By thinking about something positive.

While praying do not bring
Any negative words in your mind,
Keep chanting only positive
Peace and solace then you will find.

Say, we are stuck in the midst of a bad traffic,
We pray, ‘Oh God! I should not get late! ‘
See a negativity running in our mind
And by God, we are really late!

Our whole day goes bad
We keep blaming the fate like mad,
Instead, a positive prayer, Oh God, May I reach early
Might have worked out fairly!

As one says, its always easier said than done!
As its not really easy to eliminate negative thoughts from our mind,
But surely its possible to strike out the negative,
And thereby make our disturbing thoughts unwind.

Kavya …
  • My Prayer (polyphonyof1voice.wordpress.com)
    I need your help in dealing with injustice.
    I know that I must forgive.
    I know you know what is best for me
    Even if I cannot see it.
  • I can only pray (olizbhet.wordpress.com)
    I say a prayer for the crying
    May their cry end in rejoicing
    I say a prayer for those who feel unshaken
    May they see that rocks can become stones
  • How to Pray When Tragedy Kills (averageus.com)
    In the tragedy’s wake, a #PrayforSouthKorea hashtag exploded on Twitter, driven mostly by South Korean teens who can’t fathom the drowning death of scores
  • On a wish and a prayer (thehindu.com)
    The old man laughed and picked up the water-hose. “Baby, this world is full of magic,” he said. “But you need special eyes to see it. That’s why I tell God, Show me the magic.” And Chinnu mali went back to watering the flower beds.
  • When You Pray, Pray! (poetryetal.wordpress.com)
    When we pray, we must pray; giving reverence to The lord Almighty. We must put everything aside and realise who we are kneeling before. It isn’t enough to “just” pray. Do it in humility and with respect.
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Religious affairs

What kind of attitude do you have?

Choosing the people around us is important. We can become influenced by them, but we also can influence them. Those who are full of negativism can become transformed by our positivism.



  1. Evaluate people, places and things in the right way
  2. Form your attitudes through life experiences in a good way
  3. Show your feeing
  4. do not hide you way of thinking
  5. dare to show your acting
  6. Create a positive environment => be more positive = have a positive attitude
  7. learn about positive thinking and practice what you learn => develop habit of being positive.
  8. !   Negative people can pull down your mood and make you very unhappy.
  9. Do not have to their bad mood get to you.


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Couple Sharing Bread in Seaside RestaurantAn attitude is how you evaluate people, places and things.   Attitudes are formed through life experiences and show how you feel, think and act.

Depending on the environment you grew up in, the people you surround yourself with and how immersed you are in the media, you may have developed a more positive or a more negative attitude.  When you are in a positive environment, you will tend to be more positive and likely have a positive attitude.  When you are in a negative environment, you will tend to be more negative and likely have a negative attitude.

The good thing is, you don’t have to keep the attitude you have.   If you learn about positive thinking and practice what you learn, you will develop a habit of being positive.

When you meet someone who has a negative attitude, how does it make you feel?  If they are being nasty, mean…

View original post 85 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Begin your day by, Living your positive attitude

Positive Attitude

Begin your day by,
Living your positive attitude with
a smile on your face,

A happy heart stays in
A Day In, A Day Out,
Let us be positive in everything we do.

Lawrence CH Hiun

Lawrence CH Hiun is a management consultant and trainer by profession, having a B.Sc. (Hon.) in Chemistry from USM Penang, West Malaysia and MBA from Open University UK.


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  • If you can dream it, you can achieve it. (clownjeca.com)
    The realization of a dream is ninety percent of imagination and ten percent of attitudes. We can imagine, design, stand in the realization of the dream twenty-four hours a day, but unless we have at least ten percent of attitudes, our dreams will even stay in the dream world. To realize a dream, we must believe that it possible imagine how it will be when we get there and we take constant actions to achieve it. Accomplish our dreams is not a desire but an action.
  • Stay Positive! Maintain a Positive Attitude and Relieve Stress (massageenvy.com)
    Expressing appreciation requires you to take stock of the blessings in your life, which in turn reminds you to acknowledge that so much good regularly comes your way.If you’re stuck on what exactly to be grateful for, take a few seconds before you get out of bed each morning to value the potential in each new day, suggests Gloria J. Burgess, a Seattle-based leadership development expert. Tell yourself, “I’m grateful to be here,” and you’ll find that thought will improve how you treat yourself and others.
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    Having a positive attitude will enable you to see the brighter side of any situation you may be enduring.Having a positive attitude can provide you with a new level of hope and understanding.
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Quotations or Citations

Not following the tradition of man

Looking for having success we can follow different paths. To come to the most positive way to get somewhere we best look into the very Old book of books, the bible where we can find a lot of advice, better than that of man of today.

English: the first of the Epistles to the Colo...

The first of the Epistles to the Colossians (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, following the tradition of men according to the rudiments of the world, and not in accordance with Christ.” (Colossians 2:8 KJ21)

The apostle Paul tells the Colossians,

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition …” (Letter to the Colossians 2:8);

telling them that

“they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh” (Colossians 2:23).

What is of value?

It is by

“holding fast to the head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God” (Colossians 2:19).

And how does this happen?

By reading the word of God; it provides essential spiritual nourishment that we need every day. But it is not so much a case of trying to stop ourselves doing things that our human nature inclines us toward thinking and doing, but rather trying to occupy our thoughts to a greater degree with spiritual things. The result will be that we will be less and less inclined to indulge in fleshly thoughts and activities, but will grow “with a growth that is from God” as we appreciate his word to an ever greater degree.

Reading the Word of God we can come to get to know the Works of God, His Plan, how He has chosen Himself a people and how we too can become partakers of the promise God made in the Garden of Eden. There a positive message was given to those who had broken the relationship with God. The Creator saw the faults of the 1° Adam and took care that there would come a 2° Adam to save all people. But it would be up to the people themselves to accept or to ignore the Good News of the Saviour.

The promised one was the son of God, the Nazarene Jeshua (Jesus Christ). Under his blessing a person can come “in the light of Christ” and can get a positive mind. To come to more knowledge and mature in faith and spirit the person has to open his mind  in such a way that Christ can come in him or her. The one who got to know Christ wants to build a relationship with him and with his followers.

Central to our relationship with God is “Christ in you” (Colossians 1:27). “Him we proclaim”, writes Paul, “that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28).

How is your maturity developing? Absorbing the true sense of the divine word is a foundation for this. May we all increase day by day in the “knowledge of God” and become “mature in Christ” so his way of thinking becomes more and more our way of thinking.

Such a right way of thinking shall also create a right way of living and having us taking on the right attitude for living and for having good relationships with others and to become successful in our life. We also can see that like at the beginning of the world the 1° Adam rejected the right of God to be the Master in the world, we do find lots of people who take such an adversary attitude against the Creator as well. They mostly bring lots of negative elements against those who believe in the Creator. They also shall try to do everything to get those believers a negative feeling.

From Scriptures we learn that we should not envy others, but we also come to see how the world develops and which position human beings are going to take in it and how we are set to chose. We also have to make up our choice to whom we want to belong.

Note in the dramatic account of Paul’s experience of shipwreck on the way to Rome in Acts 27 that Paul says

“the God I worship”

and then significantly adds,

“to whom I belong.”

Do we view our God in that way?

Those who are baptised commit their lives into the service of God and of Jesus Christ His son. In the same way, the people of Israel under Moses entered into a covenant with God. Moses told them,

“For thou art a holy people unto Jehovah thy God: Jehovah thy God hath chosen thee to be a people for his own possession, above all peoples that are upon the face of the earth.” (Deuteronomy 7:6 ASV)

Sadly, most of the people in the generations that followed failed to have the sense of belonging to God possessed by those entering the promised land. If we make no commitment to belong to God, then we belong to the world – a world which is facing an awesome shipwreck!

Isaiah has a vision of our days; it describes a time when the kingdoms of men come to an end and “the lofty pride of man shall be humbled” (Isaiah 2:11). It is a message against “every high tower” (Isaiah 2:15) and never have buildings been built higher than today. Later Isaiah sees in vision:

We should be conscious that there shall come a day thta we shall not have to face the day of man but the day of the Adonai, divine Creator Who shall bind up the wounds of His people and shall heal the bruise caused by the blow they received from other man. at that day those who did not want to know of the Name of the Most High shall have to hear that Holy Name of the Adonai, the Most High Lord the elohim Hashem Jehovah. At that day those who did not want to know of Him shall hear and see from afar, his anger burning, in thick rising smoke. they than should know it is too late to avoid His lips full to the brim with fury, His tongue a consuming fire. His breath shall race over them like a tornado or like a racing torrent that rises up to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of destruction, and put a bridle in the peoples’ mouths to lead them astray. Shall you be ready and shall your song be like one that is sung on a night when a holy feast is kept, and will your heart be happy, as if walking to the sound of the flute, to the mountain of Jehovah, the Adonai, to the rock of Isra’el?

“24 the oxen likewise and the young asses that till the ground shall eat savory provender, which hath been winnowed with the shovel and with the fork. 25 And there shall be upon every lofty mountain, and upon every high hill, brooks [and] streams of waters, in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. 26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that Jehovah bindeth up the hurt of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
27  Behold, the name of Jehovah cometh from far, burning with his anger, and in thick rising smoke: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue is as a devouring fire; 28 and his breath is as an overflowing stream, that reacheth even unto the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of destruction: and a bridle that causeth to err [shall be] in the jaws of the peoples. 29 Ye shall have a song as in the night when a holy feast is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come unto the mountain of Jehovah, to the Rock of Israel.” (Isaiah 30:24-29 ASV)

Those who do not know God’s word will indeed be terrified. But those who know God’s word, although their faith will be tested – as “man is humbled and each one is brought low” (Isaiah 2:9) – they will then rejoice in the total wonder of those days. Will you be there? You make the answer now!

Therefore it is important that you make the right choice and take the positive route. Not getting afraid of man around you, making you shy and withdrawn, or getting you down even to become depressed, but standing strong not getting intimidated by man, but believing and trusting in the Hand which is much more Powerful than any human person, remembering:

“The lofty looks of man shall be brought low, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and Jehovah alone shall be exalted in that day.” (Isaiah 2:11 ASV)


Additional reading:

  1. What is life?
  2. Greatest single cause of atheism
  3. Do not be afraid. Good news because a Saviour has been born
  4. Fear not tomorrow. God is already there
  5. When discouraged facing opposition
  6. Our relationship with God, Jesus and eachother
  7. Relationship with God (articles)
  8. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  9. God’s wisdom for the believer brings peace
  10. True riches
  11. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  12. Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies) by Chris Tomlin (video)
  13. 8 fears caused by the fear of Man
  14. Fearing the right person
  15. Anxiety is the gap between the now and the later
  16. God become master of our passions
  17. Power in the life of certain
  18. Being sure of their deliverance


  • Colossians 2 (zachscripturestudy.com)
    Paul warns the Colossians in Colosse about men who will come to them and attempt to confuse them with ‘doctrine of men’
  • Colossians Chapter 2 (pofw.wordpress.com)
    That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
  • Does Paul Condemn Philosophy? (pastorbrianchilton.wordpress.com)
    Some Christians have criticized the use of philosophy due to Paul’s statement against philosophy in Colossians 2:8. Yet, Christianity teaches is knowledgeable, is based on truth, defines the nature and meaning of life, holds great logic, teaches aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. Paul himself gives lessons in most of the previously mentioned systems. So, does Paul refute himself? Or is there a problem with the way many interpret Colossians 2:8? So, the question must be asked: does Paul really criticize the use of philosophy? In this article, Paul’s statement in Colossians 2:8 will be exegetically examined and in its proper context and the article will answer whether Paul really condemns philosophy after all.
    Paul uses a form of philosophical apologetics to demonstrate that empty arguments and bad philosophy does not represent the truth. If one places his or her faith in any system that leads one away from the truth, that person will slowly erode into a system of erroneous trust and hedonistic living. That is not to say that one may not have elements of truth, but holding elements of truth does not necessitate that one holds full truth. A little bit of error can lead down a pathway of huge problems.
  • Practise it! (genesisone.wordpress.com)
    We are called and expected to live accordingly, empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Life. He looks to guide us closer to God, into the meaning and freedom of our true relationship with Him and upwards to our God-given potential and purpose.
  • Colossians 2:8-10 How easy can we be deceived? (ashesofdiversity.wordpress.com)
    If we call ourselves Christians, are we not followers of Christ, and what does that mean? Do we spend time knowing God’s word so we can discern what is a deceit or what is truth?
    How about using fear as a reason to not do things right. How about following your heart? Keeping yourself so busy you do not have time to study. How about liking certain philosophies even if they are secular, but we spend a lot of time trying to make it work with Christianity because it is more modern.
  • Colossians 2:2-15 (olgatodd.wordpress.com) > Colossians 2:2-15
    See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.

    When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

  • Moving Through Time: Timeline of Religion (pcr.wpengine.com)
    Since the beginning of time, mankind has formed beliefs of the unexplainable and unknowable. Over thousands of years, these beliefs became traditional, customary, and institutionalized within regional societies. People continue to express an interest in spiritual matters from all corners around the world. Everybody has pondered the meaning of life, what happens after we die, what existed before us, and whether any other life exists in the universe. Mankind may never know concrete answers regarding the spiritual. In fact, humans may destroy the planet before we can discover the remaining life in unexplored regions. Nevertheless, we continue to seek spiritual enlightenment and a connection with our Creator.
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Filed under Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs

Getting fate in your change to positiveness

From all the previous writings on the subject of getting over bad thoughts and feeling depressed, coming to more positiveness in our lives, we could see the importance of the influence of circumstances and other persons in our life.

The Mind of Evil

The Mind of Evil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We should be aware that bad people can influence us very negatively and can bring decay in our life-world. Living in this world we shall more than once have to bite the bullet and have to see that we do not find a rotten apple which can spoil the whole barrel. every person in this world sends out some energy. This can be negative or positive energy. We best choose to have more contacts with those who send such positive energy.

Martina McGowan who tries to  help people transform their lives; some physically, many mentally, writes:

One of the best ways to achieve your goals is to surround yourself with positive people. The energy these people have to tap into never seems to let them down, and they are achieving the great goals in life that they desire and dream about.

Positive people can help you stay on track and energize you toward your own goals. Many times these successful people share the same goals that  you have and are happy to pass on their wisdom and their techniques. So how do you find these positive, like-minded people? {How to Surround Yourself with More Positive People}

In Attitude of Unstopable Success we and Anil Singh looked at some elements which can contribute for a common cause of humanism, like Purity, Peace, Power, Patience, Positivism and Perfection. Anil Singh likes to speak about F.A.C.E. as the index of our mind, which is not a bad idea.

In student’s perspective, FACE can be redefined as:
F- Focus… on what we want to do.
A- Awareness… of huge knowledge that may help us.
C- Concentration… on what we are getting.
E- Execution… of knowledge in the best possible way. {Check the fate of your FACE.}

We told you already a person first of all had to find the right focus, looking in him or her self and aiming for a goal. To be able to do this the person has to open his or her heart and listen to his or her inner soul. In case we would love to grow in a positive way we have to be willing to open our mind and hearth and to let streams of the world fertilise our ground. We should be prepared to listen to others their advice and to weigh the pros and cons. We should be willing to turn over many things more than once in our mind, avoiding we got stuck or glued on conservatism or chained to our past.

With the willingness to learn we should always try to have an open mind and be willing that nothing in this world is clearly “black and white”. We must accept all shades of colour. In that colourful world we should never want everything to turn around us, but on the other hand should reach out to others.

Reach out to people at your work, in your circle of friends, or even to people you don’t know well who seem to exemplify positivism. Ask them what it is that makes them continue to have such a positive outlook and persona while reaching their objectives. {How to Surround Yourself with More Positive People}

Opening ourselves to others does not implement that others should come to ‘eat us’ and ‘crush us’. those people who would love to break us, we best leave them soon at the side. they are not the right company for us. Life is too short to waste energy on such negative people who love to crush others.  Their attitude, the same as our attitude can make or break you.

It is virtually indisputable that your attitude determines how far you will go in life, and a positive mental outlook can help you achieve optimal success. {Your Attitude Is the Win!}

Life is too precious to let it ruined by others. do not give them a chance by being one line in front of them. Do not worry leaving them behind. But as we also warned, do not stay put. You do not have to give your place up, but you also should know you could also share places in this world where many thoughts could live next to each other. Respect all those around you and find ways to connect with them in a positive way. And those you do not think would fit in your cupboard, allow them to be there and tolerate them. Open your heart and network with good people showing to all your willingness to come forward.

Positive Mental Attitude 2012

Positive Mental Attitude 2012 (Photo credit: nme421)

Having a positive mental attitude helps you cope better with challenges. When you are put to the test, and you will be, you are much  more likely to find your inner strengths and overcome adversity. And that strength often rises from your winning attitude. Whether or not you believe that you have all of the right tools, skills, knowledge, or resources, your attitude can get you through the toughest of times and help you come out on top. {Your Attitude Is the Win!}

On the other hand, an attitude filled with negative overtones makes everything much harder to get through. You cannot win when you go into the contest if you go in with a mindset prepared to lose! If you expect to do well, your attitude will create positive, winning thoughts that will help you persevere. {Your Attitude Is the Win!}

Running the race does not have to be done on your own. It is much more fun to run with others. It also has not to be a race with a competition for life or death, in one way. We all should know we all shall end up in the same place. The sepulchre shall be waiting for us. One or the other day the light shall go out for us and for those around us; for each, on an other time. We should best always be ready. Prepared that in case the light-switch is turned over tomorrow we shall not have to regret we have not done something. When the moment come we should be able to say we are ready to face that death, and have not to fear for what we would have done wrong.
If death comes tomorrow, are you ready to face it?

Always make sure you are in the clear, having nothing to regret and without guilt.

No matter how discouraging things may get or how intently others may try to dissuade you, do not envy the others and always stay calm. Not let you be intimidated by those who have other goals in their life than yours. Do try to go for the most precious, but perhaps the goal where the least persons are interested in.

With your winning attitude firmly in place, you will be unstoppable.

A positive outlook helps you maintain your focus on your goals with a tunnel vision that eliminates many of the negative distractions and keeps you on a chartered course to success. {Your Attitude Is the Win!}

At the Lifestyle magazine Stepping Toes you might find different articles giving you advice to direct your goals and to find ways to make the best out of your life. There as here is given the advice to find the best goal for your life. There are the normal challenges offered to everyone in life, having to grow up, study, work, making a family, a.o., goals we are all presented. Those goals of the world change. At Stepping Toes and on this site you might find that there is also a better specific goal which does not change and is laid out in front of everybody in this world, but most people do not seem to see it. Though we do agree that that goal is also perhaps the most difficult one to reach, because we all do have to find the path to the very small gate. When we will be able to find it, we shall be able to see what the writer Isaiah saw already in a prophetic vision.

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping (Photo credit: sirwiseowl)

Before we shall be able to come to that gate we shall have to manage the play-field here in this world. Living in this universe we shall find many challenges which can enrich us but also which could be so dangerous, giving us an impression of being very luxurious, but making us more poor. Those challenges may bring us lots of material gain but make us spiritually empty.

We should build up our life looking for quotes and affirmations that better reflect our new path so that we can gain the inspiration to persevere in our new and right direction.

All the stress which may surround us we do have to put aside. Stress, tension and pressure are the negatives we should try to minimise in our lives. To do that we should be prepared to have a listening ear, a watchful eye, and a searching spirit, examining all things laid our in front of us. Prepared to continuously learning things we should be pleased we can go every day on a ‘challenge trip’ and enjoy every excursion life offers each day.

By recollecting the state of being, keeping an open mind willing to absorb knowledge, but what is very important at the same time having the willingness no only to learn but also to change, according the new knowledge is understood. Exercising the action plan we then should come to execute the mind power. {Check the fate of your FACE.}

Life may be like a ten-speed bike where we have to learn that suffering produces perseverance we should try to put aside our bad experiences and should try driving forward instead of backwards, trying to make our dreams with a plan whereby nothing can stop us to have the right mental attitude from achieving our goal. When we love and cultivate that which is pure and try to sow good seeds and harvests in the garden of our heart, we shall, when we try to nurture the goodness with patience, be able to succeed. But then there may be no bitterness in the heart.

We should not be afraid to fail, if we really try to do our best, because we should know that God doesn’t call the qualified and everybody receives a place in His heart. We do not have to fear human beings and should rest our delight on Jehovah, trying to find the inspiring divine spark by going to look for light and guidance in the Word of God, provided in the Holy Scriptures or the Bible. When we get up in the morning and pray for the Lord’s blessings he shall grant them.

When we do give ourselves in the hands of God and are willing to change ourselves, He shall mould us in a good shape like the best sculptor. For Him able to bring us in the good shape and coming to success in our life, we shall have to understand that such a change will demand an unending process, a continuous state and conditional approach that needs to be monitored at regular intervals for a greater change.

Time is the most powerful, dynamic and perfect change than any other change. It teaches us lot for a greater change in life. {Change for Gain….}

Anil Singh rightly says:

1. When we learn to change along with change, we survive.
2.When we do not change with change we die (fail).

The Supreme Being demands a change in our heart. to become successful in our life we do have to put away all the negative feelings, the ones we do have from our selves and the ones others try to impose on us. Getting older and wiser we normally should get more knowledge to change. In this world we do see that lots of people are afraid to change. Such fear is in a way ungrounded and build on distrust instead of on trust. therefore to be able to progress we not only do need the trust in ourselves, in our Maker, but in such situation we need more courage for change.

When we have learned the benefit of change but not changed, we need more education for change.
When we have experienced the change but not changed, we need more practice for change.
When we have suffered by change but not changed, we need more determination power for change. {Change for Gain….}

It is not bad to take in consideration what Mr. Singh writes further:

• People who will change before change will rule.
• People who will change after change will survive.
• People who will change with change will succeed.
• People who will cause the change will lead.
• People who will not change on change will fail. {Change for Gain….}

We do have to make the right choice if we would like to succeed in life. this will require regular change, a good attitude to change and a positive view in such change. Creating a positive view in ourselves we should not be afraid to have bigger dreams, and having greater ambitions.  We would have to like to climb higher on the ladder, not only with a greater belief in our selves, but also with a growing belief in the One Who can bring us much further than we would ever be able to do on our own.

Wanting to get some progressive change to positiveness our aim should be to look for the better, growing in knowledge, getting more wisdom by looking at the right places, willing to do more than we at the beginning would think we could do. Having the will to change and to commit our selves to that change, our commitment should be deeper, willing to go further than most people. Fro being able to reach our goal we should make our efforts wider and vigorous.

Anil Singh points out that those changes have to be made in our mind, for

If we can dream it we can do it,
If we can think it we can initiate it,
If we can visualize it we can create it,
If we can execute it we can complete it. {Change for Gain….}

to be able to dream we have to clear our mind of bad thought and frustration and liberate it so it can go on adventurous routes. We should allow ourselves to pounder around in a world where everything is possible.

If we can manage to do every thing with accuracy, attention, adjustment, belief, courage, cooperation, commitment, creativity, determination, devotion, discipline, egoless, emotional, enthusiasm, freedom, faith, forgiveness, greatness, hope, honesty, intimacy, intigrity, initiative, inspiration, justice, kindness, knowledgefull, leadership, lovefull, lawfull, learning, meaningfull, optimistic, openness, purity, peace, power, positivism, patience, perfection, quality, respect, responsible, simple, sensible, servicable, secrifice, truth, tolerance, temperament, unity, understanding, vision, values, willingness & attitude of gratitude then we can achieve highest level of success in life. {Our success in our hand}

In each of us, the Creato has implanted lots of possibilities; We do have to make them true. Being created in the likeness of God, we ourselves should allow ourselves to grow in that likeness, and allow ourselves to be changed by the Upper Hand of the Maker. then we are going to see that

Change is 100% possible by:
• Willingness to change,
• Courage to face the change,
• Determined mind to make change,
• Purity of thought power for a change.
• Continuously trying till change has occurred. {Change for Gain….}

Take on the good attitude from today onwards:

Make your mind up that from now on you are going to paint mental pictures of yourself that are successful and positive. Picture yourself as being successful in each task and mentally wipe out any thoughts of failure. You are the world’s number one product and you will become what you think. Have faith in yourself and believe that good is going to come your way. Don’t fill your head with discouragement; think of yourself as a strong loving, and helpful person who is in control. It will make it easier to sell yourself to others regardless of who you are trying to influence or for what purpose. Make peace with yourself and move forward to become a more complete person both at home at and your job. {Attitude spoken of by }


Find additional literature:

  1. Move forward, not standing still
  2. Food as a Therapeutic Aid
  3. Accommodation of the Void
  4. Not holding back and getting out of darkness
  5. A New Perspective
  6. Looking for True Spirituality 2 Not restricted to an elite
  7. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  8. How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice
  9. Searching for fulfillment and meaning through own efforts, facing unsatisfaction and depression
  10. A bird’s eye and reflecting from within
  11. How we think shows through in how we act
  12. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory
  13. A goal is a dream with a plan
  14. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  15. Running away from the past
  16. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  17. Let us not forget it was God who chose us
  18. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal
  19. A Living Faith #2 State of your faith
  20. A Living Faith #8 Change
  21. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  22. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  23. Be holy
  24. Love and cultivate that which is pure
  25. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  26. Try driving forward instead of backwards
  27. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits
  28. Control and change
  29. Control your destiny or somebody else will
  30. Only I can change my life
  31. Change
  32. How should we react against the world
  33. Whom can we trust to govern us?
  34. When discouraged facing opposition


  • Positivism (aroojbhattiblog.wordpress.com)
    Positivism, or positive philosophy, is a philosophical doctrine that denies any validity to metaphysics or speculation. It is sometimes associated with empiricism because it maintains that there is no answer to metaphysical questions and that scientific knowledge is the only knowledge. The works of English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Anglo-Irish philosopher George Berkeley (1685-1753), and Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) contain the basic tenets of positivism in an implicit form. However, the term is specifically applied to the system of French philosopher and social scientist Auguste Comte (1798-1857), who developed the coherent doctrine and is the acknowledged founder of positivism.
  • Whats luck got to do with it? (hiscox.co.uk)
    Dr Stephann Makri, a lecturer at London’s City University, likes to use the term “serendipity” for what is essentially self-made luck. He says it contains three key ingredients: unexpected circumstances, insightful “a-ha moments”, and a valuable unanticipated outcome.We can increase our chances of enjoying serendipity by making our minds more adept at having “a-ha moments”, and to take action to turn those unexpected circumstances into valuable outcomes, said Makri.
  • The Future Of Modern Marketing Is Human-Centered (business2community.com)
    Before the turn of the 20th century into the 21st century, a movement began. This movement called for a more user-centered approach, or also commonly referred to as human-centered, to designing products, software, digital interactions, and design concepts. It is rooted in the belief, which is by understanding human goals and behaviors; we can design concepts empathetic to the user – or humans. More than a decade later, these concepts are becoming increasingly important to marketing.
  • The Power of a Positive Attitude (tominvestor.wordpress.com)
    dopting a positive attitude is a matter of learning to acknowledge your abilities and conveying from within that you are more than capable of expanding on your talents. Once you achieve this powerful first step of self-appreciation, your renewed confidence in yourself will start to inspire others. I’ve found that others are very drawn to positive people, and the same is just as true for a positive person. I don’t want to be around those who are always negative, so I try to help by giving them tips that have helped me.
    A positive attitude will set the stage for thriving in the workplace, effectively dealing with challenges at home and be successful at keeping you healthy. When life throws you a curve ball, you will find yourself surrounded by a support network of those who have benefited from your positive attitude to help you through those hard days. Being a member of a group that strives to be uplifting and successful will offer you a front row seat to witness the ultimate power of a positive attitude.
  • Are You Mentally Tough? (therapypons.wordpress.com)
    One of the first descriptions of mental toughness was made by sports psychologist James Loeher. Based on his extensive work with elite athletes and coaches, he proposed seven dimensions of mental toughness that he argued are developed: self-confidence, attention control, minimizing negative energy, increasing positive energy, maintaining motivation levels, attitude control, and visual and imagery control.
  • Gov. Brownback Declares May Mental Health Awareness Month (wibw.com)
    ov. Sam Brownback wants the state to dedicate itself to increasing awareness for and understanding of mental illness as well as the need for services for people suffering from mental health conditions.“We are here today to remind Kansans that mental illness is a common, painful experience for many people and their families,” Governor Brownback said. “My administration is working to strengthen the community and institutional supports our state offers those in need of help.”On Thursday, he signed the proclamation declaring May Mental Health Awareness Month in Kansas.
  • Appreciate What You Have (robertjrgraham.com)
    The key to success in any endeavor starts with a positive mental attitude. There is a saying that goes ‘if you think you can you can and if you think you can not you are right’ and this is so true. Have you ever noticed that people with positive attitudes are always so upbeat and motivated? In fact it can be said that a positive mental attitude is the best motivation you can have since it is based upon believing in yourself. Whether it is business or personal your best chance to become successful at Anything begins with a strong inner belief you will succeed.
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts

Attitude of Unstopable Success

When people do want to get rid of the negativeness in their life they should come to the understanding that they shall have to change their attitude and direct their choices in the good direction.
To be able to find a path to success we get to put away our memories of the bad things. We have to chose to let go bad memories and most of all the fear for what happened in the past to us and for what still could happen to us. We must be aware that we may have to walk on a hard road, the one less travelled but the one with less hurt.

We perhaps have to choose to go into other directions than most people do want to go and we have to chose the better friends to walk with us. There is no reason at all to cling to the past nor to people who are not meant to stay with us.

For sure there will be haters of all sorts of thing and mostly of those who do not like us. But why keep worrying about them? Why wanting to walk around with those who so often doubt? We may doubt, but it may not catch us like a virus. When we do face the Non-Believers and the Unbelievers, we should stand strong in our own shoes, going for what we feel in our inner guts.

We better dare to stand strong in the heavy waters of the sea of this demanding world and have the strong feeling that we will and shall prove them wrong.

Positivism demands first a strong change in ourselves. First we do have to believe in ourselves before we can start constructing.
The attitudes given here are one step to the start-blocks to do the relay race of our life.


Additional reading

  1. Happy is the person who knows what to remember of the past
  2. Running away from the past
  3. Rejoicing in the day


  • Unstopable (cloud10site.wordpress.com)
    Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
  • Look in My Mirror (thetimesofrefreshing.wordpress.com)
    Each day you look in your mirror to see how you look; oftentimes you don’t notice the beauty that I’ve imparted into your life.  You see only the negative things about yourself; the wrinkles, dark circles, blemishes and imperfections.  You don’t take the time to see the joy, beauty or the marvelous workmanship that I so lovingly poured into you.
  • Talent Is Not Enough (9/30/13) (tworiversblog.com)
     Each and every one of us is given natural gifts and talents.
    When our talents and gifts are moving in the same direction as God’s will and anointing we are unstoppable. So what is His will and for what purpose is His anointing? To proclaim good news to the poor, comfort for the brokenhearted,  release for the captives, freedom for the prisoners and and blessing for those who mourn.
  • Rejoice in the potential that lies before you! (megnocero.wordpress.com)
    There has to be something or someone to hold onto and give you hope. Make the decision to find that one person or thing. And until you find it, embrace your thoughts laced with love, kindness and optimism for yourself and others. Making this one small choice could give you the strength to snap out of any gloomy and dismal hypnotic trance and find what you need to see the world in an entirely different light. You may face challenges, it is a part of every life. Remember when you are going through them, there is beauty to be found there.
  • On a Positive Mental Attitude and the Soundtrack of My Life (dailytwocents.com)
    According to my husband, a positive mental attitude is the most important part of his productivity. In order to achieve this attitude, he said he constantly reminds himself of the good things in his life. He makes up his mind to be happy and productive each day, and that’s how he gets so much done, he said. Perhaps I could learn something from my husband. Perhaps we all could! 

    Are you like my husband, or do you approach each day a bit more tentatively? If you are a gusto kind of person, what helps you get up and get going each day?  (48)

  • Attitude..!!! (spongebobz14.wordpress.com)
    Attitude is little thing that makes a big difference” said Winston Churchill. When we have a difference of opinion with others and get into a conflict, it either leads to having a positive or negative effect on the relationship.Your positive attitude gives a positive result whereas the negative, gives a negative result.
  • A Winning Attitude (buildingleaderseveryday.wordpress.com)
    Your attitude can give life, raise esteem and signal hope. Your attitude can bring destruction, loss and hopelessness.Positive attitude is so much more than feeling a certain way. Positive attitude must be enacted through kind gestures and soft words; through praises and recognitions.
  • It’s a Great Day! (emmanuelayeni.com)
    It’s a great day because we are alive. The fact that we are living souls today is good enough reason that today is a great day. No matter your situations, no matter the circumstances surrounding you being alive means you own the day, it’s your day and because there is greatness in you, It can never be less than a great day! Step into it there is hope for you again today to become all you have ever dreamed of. It’s a bright and wonderful day!
  • Meditate on Positivity (inspiringentrepreneur.wordpress.com)
    To win the battle of your mindset and try to remain as positive as you can use mediation. Meditation is a powerful weapon. You can focus and read affirmations, positive quotes, listen to inspirational speakers, inspirational music, follow inspirational blogs and so much more.
  • Does it matter where Positivism come’s from ? (thoughtsummary.wordpress.com)
    Today Positivism has filled every corner of our life its there at the work or in our home, where the need and demand is growing at a very fast pace just as the technology is making our live’s vulnerable and stressful. The global life of an average person is being run over by stress , confusion, crises, tension, unfulfilled needs, desires complexities, problems, pain, suffering, and delusions that has become more or less an identity if that very person.
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Spiritualism for Excellence

“Attitude is a matter of Choice and not a Chance”.

Alphabetically let’s learn to practice in life.

  1. Adjust with people and situation
  2. Bear every thing to achieve any thing
  3. Communicate clearly as desired
  4. Develop confidence in people
  5. Engage your self always
  6. Forget and forgive
  7. Give love to all
  8. Help all in difficulty
  9. Influence every one with your nature
  10. Judge people’s feelings
  11. Keep your promises alive
  12. Lead from front
  13. Motivate every one
  14. Network with good people
  15. Open your heart
  16. Pass on all odds
  17. Qualify your elegibility
  18. Respect all
  19. Stay connected to needy people
  20. Tolerate all
  21. Unite all
  22. Value people
  23. Willingness to learn
  24. X-ray all weakness
  25. You propose and people support
  26. Zip your thoughts

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

You Matter

In our lives there might be things looking justifiable and sometimes unsubstantiated. Most people would love to see a perfect life. There does not exist something like total perfection. This for at least until the return of Jeshua, the Messiah. After the World War III, the biggest difficulty we shall have to face (according the Bible) we shall be able to put away our utopian vision, because than the prophesies of Isaiah would become a reality.

Those already aware of those very old writings may already look forward to the magical prospect of the Kingdom of God. In it they might find the hope and the reason to live positively.

Believers in the Only One True God should tell others about the works of this Divine Creator God and about the Good News His son brought into the world. The followers of the Nazarene man do have all the hope and can bare their difficulties, facing all the problems which are put in front of them. For them there is a Book of books which can guide them and give them assurance for that what shall come. They know that they shall have to prepare themselves and shall have to be ready for when the moment of the Big Struggle (Armageddon) comes.

Many people might think they can brake those positive looking persons, full of hope of the resurrection. Those adversaries of the One True God may have made themselves many gods, and spit on the lovers of that God of gods, but believers know that they can not do so much to them as God can do to us; Him we should fear, but what can man?

The bad is just a temporary thing we have to learn to cope with. Every day we live we can face every challenge and at times we may feel broken, but we should know it will only be temporarily.

As much as it may seem, there is definitely something waiting which is much much better. Therefore do not keep struggling with what you perhaps cannot cope on your own. Do not keep fighting to to mend the cracked. Let it be.

When we are facing darkness in our mind, let us look through the fog and see the sun-ray of the promises made to all in this world. Many do not want to see the Maker of those promises but he is the One Who created out of the void and takes away the void dwelling inside us.

That those who hear the Voice of That Holy One, the Most High, get others to hear Him too. That more people come to follow His son his teachings and spread the Gospel message. The Good News which should make so many people to look positively.


The original article is also reposted on Marcus’s Space with extra comment > Value Positivism

Kingdom of God what will it be like

Armageddon, har and megiddo, an action or a place

God of gods


  • Without Hindsight: A New Eye on Easter (bloodofinnocents.wordpress.com)
    The difficulty that his disciples were still having with his counter-cultural message was clear to Jeshua as he approached Jerusalem. Just days from his final confrontation with the governing powers of politics and religion John and James, two of the first disciples that he ever called, asked him if they could sit to his left and right (Mark 10:32-45) “when you are there in all your glory.”
  • “…To It Shall The Gentiles Seek:….” The Nazarene Part II (mjseymour1959.wordpress.com)
    Every Christian should study, and make themselves familiar with Isaiah Ch. 7, through 11. For within these chapters, the Christian will gain an understanding of the Messiahship, of Our Lord, and Redeemer, Yehoshua of Natser, Jesus Christ.  We are still living in, “The Day of the Nazarene!”  It is late in the Day, but not too late to gain a greater understanding of what God Almighty is doing with all of His Children then, and now.  This will give you a greater, and deeper insight to the Work of God, for both the Jew, and the Gentile!
  • Ascension Now: Ascension Steps According to Isaiah! An Invitation! (spiritualinsightsradio.wordpress.com)
    Ascension Steps According to Isaiah, An Invitation offers all of humanity an invitation to reunite with your Higher Self, that part of God in you. If your life is falling apart, this book may be for you. Many of us feel out of control, as if life has no purpose. We are all searching for answers. Ascension is happening NOW and it’s up to us to decide whether to struggle with it or embrace a more loving reality filled with purpose.
  • FFOZ TV Review: The Restoring the Kingdom (mymorningmeditations.com)
    Christian Pastors often criticize the ancient Jewish disciples for misunderstanding what Jesus taught. In the eyes of many modern believers, the Kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom, not a physical reality. But even today, devout Jews believe that one of Messiah’s major tasks is to restore the nation of Israel as a physical Kingdom on Earth, return all of the exiled Jews to their Land, and elevate Israel as the head of all the nations.This is one of the reasons why most Jewish people don’t believe Jesus could have been the Messiah. They don’t believe he was resurrected and that he died without restoring and redeeming physical Israel. Even from a believing Jew’s point of view, Jesus as Messiah left before completing his work. That means he must come back at some point to finish the job. Otherwise, he can’t be Messiah.
  • The Passion of the Messiah – The Anointed One – The Christos… (lamarzulli.wordpress.com)
    As a man He asked his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, If there is a way to let this cup pass from me so be it, nevertheless your will be done….As the Chosen one, the Messiah, He knew that without the shedding of His blood there could be no redemption from the sin that plagues and enslaves the human race.We are told that darkness covered the land for three hours as Jesus hung on the cross.  When Jesus uttered His last words, It is finished, and gave up His spirit, there was a great earthquake, the Temple veil was torn in two and people saw the dead walking in the streets of Jerusalem.
  • Easter without Hindsight, Resurrection: “We know this can’t happen, but this is what we saw.” (bloodofinnocents.wordpress.com)
    When the gospels use the word ‘resurrection’ the meaning is quite specific: a dead body coming back to life in this world. The concept of an ‘afterlife’ was quite different. There were also beliefs, like reincarnation, (not shared by Jews) in other cultures nearby. The Jewish belief (shared by the disciples, cf. John 11:24) was that ‘resurrection’ would only happen to righteous people at the end of the world. Hence the disciples’ initial assumption that they were seeing Jeshua’s ghost. Ghosts, whether or not one believes in them, are at least a known concept. The point is that none of Jeshua’s disciples expected him back from the dead into this world.
  • Legal Theory Lexicon: The Nature of Law (lsolum.typepad.com)
    Contemporary debates over the nature of law focus on a revised set of positions.  Legal positivism is represented by analytic legal positivists, like H.L.A. Hart, Joseph Raz, and Jules Coleman.  The natural law tradition is defended by John Finnis.  And a new position, interpretivism is represented by Ronald Dworkin.
    When the positivists articulated the theory they were criticizing, their articulations of natural law theory were neither charitable nor true to the natural law tradition.  When Holmes referred to a “brooding omnipresence in the sky” he was not offering a sympathetic or charitable reading of the natural law tradition.
    Inclusive legal positivism is the view that moral facts can play a role in determining legal content, but only if there are some social facts that give the moral facts this role.  For example, a constitution might include an clause that make a moral conception of human equality a legal rule.  This would give the morality of equality a role in determining legal rights, but this role would exist because a social fact (the Constitution) made it so.
  • Nihilism Cannot Be Disproved (Except by Positivism) (pensatwar.wordpress.com)
    Nihilism can only be disproved by Positivism. Its a purely democratic philosophical clash. There is no arguing against Nihilism, or for it. A nihilist shouldn’t argue for nihilism or they are not true nihilists. Why would a person who believes in no truth care if others do? Nihilism such as this tends to lead to hedonism instead, or any other form of belief. Sometimes it simply leads to Negativism, not a belief in no truth, but a belief that the only truth is that truth is bad. Its a paradoxical stance, but a popular one nonetheless.
  • Positivism and Utilitarianism (arulinside.wordpress.com)
    Positivism is related to Analytical Jurisprudence which its renown chief exponents in is Jeremy Bentham and John Austin. Bentham advocated an imperative theory of law which the key concepts are those of sovereignty and command. He expounded these ideas with far greater subtlety and flexibility than Austin. In addition, he illuminates aspects of law largely neglected by him. Sovereignty in Austin’s concept is postulated as an illimitable and indivisible entity, whereas in Bentham’s concept it is neither.
  • Difficult or Easy is a matter of our conscious choice. (bkanil.wordpress.com)
    Those who have succeeded in life were failure once upon time, before they got success. The history is full of such people like Thomas Edition, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and the list is unending….They could do it because they were courageous, determined, emotional, faithful,hopeful and  were willing to do. They kept trying till they reached their final destination.
    Impurity leads towards difficulty and difficulty creates failures, but purity leads towards easy and easy creates success. Failures leads towards loss of health, wealth and happiness but success leads towards gain of health, wealth and happiness. Loss and profit, good and bad are based on law of karmic action i.e as you sow so shall you reap.
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Benefits of Positive Thinking

How often do we hear ‘it is all in the mind‘? In a certain way we should find the truth in it that we ourselves do have a lot in our own hands by adjusting our own mind and making the right choices.

Everything in life for ourselves depend how we look at it ourselves and how we want to tackle it ourselves.

Once born and being in this world we have to face many challenges. When growing up we come to understand those opportunities in front of us demand us to make the choice either to be in this world but not part of it, or to prefer to do like most of the human beings and to be taken by the mainstream, putting aside the own personality to be part of the masses.
The majority does not want to see many things, but the positive person does not have close his eyes for the bad things that happen. Those can be challenged with a positive outlook. Instead of avoiding or ignoring the bad things, we should involve ourselves making the most of potentially bad situations, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing ourself and our abilities in a positive light. We should stimulate others also to put on the right glasses,which colour this world as a rainbow, with many various colours and brightnesses.


To take in mind:
  • give yourself and the other adequate credit for successful outcomes, when good things happen
  • do not blame outside forces for bad outcomes, but be realistic and knowing that not always one person has to be blamed and that everything can overcome
  • blaming yourself for events outside of your control makes no sense
  • do not take unfortunate events as a persistent part of your life
  • try to see the positiveness in everything
  • belief in yourself
  • belief and trust those around you
  • always stay realistic
  • always keep moving forward
  • do not stay with your thought in the past
  • put the bad things behind you
  1. Positive Thinkers Cope Better With Stress
  2. Optimism Can Improve Your Immunity
  3. Positive Thinking Is Good for Your Health
  4. It Can Make You More Resilient


  • Pump Up Your Happiness by Strength-Training Your Emotions (psychologytoday.com)
    Frustrated because you can’t get what you want? Has someone turned you down for a date, a work request, or just a favor? It can get pretty annoying if not breakdown-worthy for you to be blocked from one of your goals, either large or small. Fortunately, by applying these evidence-based tools of emotional strength training, you can turn down your stress meter and make the best out of bad situations.

    The cornerstone of emotional strength training is cognitive therapy, in which clients seeking to overcome depression, anxiety, or problems in relationships build mental toughness by recognizing their triggers and then turning off the switch that would normally lead them to meltdown. However, it’s not necessary to have a diagnosable condition in order to apply its basic principles to improve your own ability to tolerate life’s many annoyances and dilemmas.

  • Swimming in a Rainbow (socialbridge.wordpress.com)
    I thought of the inspirational words of Christy Brown, so full of hope, that my mother used to quote and often sent to me when she knew I was troubled about something:

    And there are rainbows

    There are and there always will be rainbows.  Be sure you appreciate them!

  • Emotional resilience: it’s the armour you need for modern life (telegraph.co.uk)
    Zen-like poses and deep breathing are no longer relics of the New Age. Instead, they’re being practised by today’s business leaders, celebrities and politicians.
    “Emotional resilience” is more hard-hitting than many of the other methods promising to keep us cool, calm and collected. Originally developed to help victims of natural disasters and massacres cope with catastrophe, it’s reached our shores and is slowly infiltrating offices, schools and communities.
  • Optimist Or Pessimist? Brain Scans Show Positive And Negative People Really Do Think Differently (medicaldaily.com)
    Some optimists will believe anything they hear, read or see as long as it goes along with their positive viewpoints on life. Granted this is probably a bit of an extreme, but it is feasible that an optimist can be taken advantage of because they wish to believe in the good they choose to see in everyone. This can lead to trouble if the optimist finds themselves in the wrong situation where their unwavering positivity meets with inevitable negativity that does exist in the world.
    While the optimist generally believes in the positive and favorable aspects of life, the realist will sometimes disagree taking the stance that we live in an unpredictable world that can be as bad as it is good. While the optimist realizes that there are situations, people, and incidents that are by definition bad, they tend to focus on what positive elements can be taken from those incidents. The realist will usually acknowledge (and accept) those positive elements but they will also focus on why bad things happen, i.e. – there are bad people in the world/stuff happens/life isn’t perfect, etc.
    “It’s the first time we’ve been able to find a brain marker that really distinguishes negative thinkers from positive thinkers,” Dr. Jason Moser, lead author and a researcher at Michigan State University, said in press release.

    The new study, which is published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, sought to investigate the difference between positive and negative brains by asking 71 female volunteers to put a positive “spin” on graphic images. For example, participants would be shown an image of a man holding a knife to a woman’s throat and asked to assign a better outcome, such as the woman breaking free and escaping. Moser and colleagues also conducted individual interviews to determine whether subjects were more likely to be positive or negative in everyday life.

    By monitoring each subject’s brain profile throughout the experiment, the team discovered that negative participants displayed much more activity compared to those with an overall positive attitude. “The worriers actually showed a paradoxical backfiring effect in their brains when asked to decrease their negative emotions,” Moser said. “This suggests they have a really hard time putting a positive spin on difficult situations and actually make their negative emotions worse even when they are asked to think positively.”

  • How Optimism Can Be Learned (psychologytoday.com)
    Optimism, it turns out, isn’t just defined as the tendency to expect things to turn out better than probability predicts, nor is pessimism defined only as the tendency to expect things to turn out more poorly. Both terms are also used to describe the way we think about the causes of adversity, pessimism in particular being defined as the tendency to think about them in a way that makes us feel powerless. A pessimistic self-explanatory style, then, describes the tendency to attribute the causes of adversity to forces that are internal (“This is all my fault”), universal (“This affects absolutely everything”), and immutable (“This isn’t changeable”).
  • The Successful Optimist (entrepreneur.com)
    Optimists make more money and are more loyal.
    The optimist with high reality testing is a gold mine.
    Pessimists are more accurate about reality than optimists.
    There is nothing wrong with being a pessimist.
    Pessimists are more likely to become depressed than their optimistic counterparts.
    Optimists keep moving forward because they believe there are options.
  • Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism (hayeskaufman.wordpress.com)
    While the optimist generally believes in the positive and favorable aspects of life, the realist will sometimes disagree taking the stance that we live in an unpredictable world that can be as bad as it is good. While the optimist realizes that there are situations, people, and incidents that are by definition bad, they tend to focus on what positive elements can be taken from those incidents. The realist will usually acknowledge (and accept) those positive elements but they will also focus on why bad things happen, i.e. – there are bad people in the world/stuff happens/life isn’t perfect, etc.
  • An easy way to change how you think (the1bigthing.com)
    In the past 15 years Psychologists have turned their attention to what makes us happy in life. The research is loud and clear, your thinking has a huge impact on this. This post looks at what the research shows is ‘good’ thinking, what is not and shows an easy way to change how you think.
  • Learned optimism personal_transformation3 (slideshare.net)
  • Which one is better: Optimist or pessimist? (umsenglish2011.wordpress.com)
    Human personality traits can be inherited and learned. Nativists believe personality traits are inherited and empiricists believe personality traits are experienced.
    Both nativists and empiricists still argue whether personality traitsare inherited or experienced.

    Being optimists are also taught in religion. For instance Islam, of course, our religion taught us to be optimists.
    As moslems, we are also taught that being positive can have big impact on our body and longevity.
    It has being said that positive thinking is not only broader our future but also prolong our lifespan. It is self-evident that being positive is not only for our health and well-being but also for our achievement in life.

    Finally, what should we choose? Either way could be disappointed depends on yourself.
    Then, I recommend you to be an optimist person because some researches, even our religion,
    have shown that being positive can reduce stress, increased immune system, prolong your life,
    and above all the very quality of your life.

Motivation & Inspiration

You have probably had someone tell you to “look on the bright side” or to “see the cup as half full.” Chances are good that the people who make these comments are positive thinkers. Researchers are finding more and more evidence pointing to the many benefits of optimism and positive thinking.Image

Such findings suggest that not only are positive thinkers healthier and less stressed, they also have greater overall well-being. Even if positive thinking does not come naturally to you, there are plenty of great reasons to start cultivating affirmative thoughts and minimizing negative self-talk.

Positive Thinkers Cope Better With Stress

When faced with stressful situations, positive thinkers cope more effectively than pessimists. In one study, researchers found that when optimists encounter a disappointment (such as not getting a job or promotion) they are more likely to focus on things they can do to resolve the situation. Rather than…

View original post 609 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Misleading world, stress, technique, superficiality, past, future and positivism

I am convinced that in case we try to bend all our negative thoughts into the direction of good thoughts we can manage better. Very important to avoid stress situations simply is avoiding those people who could bring us into such a situation. We best avoid negative influences and associate better more with people who can contribute positiveness in our life.

Eliminative Materialism

Eliminative Materialism (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We should be careful not to be taken in, by not be focusing on the distribution of material power because that are the matters which can bring us down.  Materialism in the end always will kill the person. Always being aware that no way we ever shall get a good working system or any political system that can solve everything. For that we shall have to wait until the return of Christ, when the Kingdom of God shall at last become a full reality. Before that the reality of a perfect world is an illusion. The reality that surrounds us is not in itself a product of the objective forces but one of our shared perceptions, ideas, social values and understanding. We would be fooling ourselves if we believed the state and the inter-state systems, would not be artificial constructs, meaning that they are constructed by humans, and they can be changed and developed in new ways in extreme cases leading to anarchy and a huge security dilemma.

We all should work on coming to understand how the world evolves and what for influence we as human beings have on nature. when you look how we treat nature it more seems that we are very good at destroying it instead of living in symbioses with it.

At the moment how people are making a mess of the world they are also putting stress on the whole community, using everything and every one to get as much material gain as they can. Not many people are really interested in the spiritual site of life. Most people are also not interested to come to know or to come to an understanding of the universe and the world around us.

All the things that happened in the past can never be undone. This can be hard to swallow and it can bring much sadness to us. But it has no use to linger on such bad events, sad happenings and to keep facing depressing thoughts. the world must go on, and we with it.

Instead of having people to succeed to push us in a hole, getting us not believing in ourselves any more, we better try to understand why such people became so envious, jealous, and so frustrated that they like to bully others. They would like to kill all initiative others would take, because that would put them in the shadow. Often such people looking to get all the power would not mind putting all those on their path, standing in their way,to not only put them in the shadow, but to get them in the dark, not having to play any significant role any more. it is all a matter of control. And when we lose control we might come into a phase of stress and they think they also would come in a phase of no power any more.

Sharing  control and sharing tasks has not to mean you would or the other would loose control. Together more can be managed than on your own. Often when people start feeling their loosing control they do come in afraid to loose their position in the comfort zone. Some may take on the defence mode and try to suppress the other, others may come in the discomfort zone and feeling stress. at first the one feeling the pressure at work might thing he or she could solve the problem with working harder, giving himself or herself more for the job, but many of such hard-working and optimistically minded individuals have lost their jobs and have come so depressed, taken over by the stress or worries.

We best take care we do not get in a position were we could start dwelling on the negative spiral to nowhere. It leads to nihilism. We too can avoid that others get in a stress situation and loose their optimism. By encouraging others to focus on the positives is an act of ‘brotherly love‘. It also shows a faith in other individuals as well as a faith in what is around you or in the organization you are working for.

English: Captain Edward Rickenbacker, America'...

Captain Edward Rickenbacker, America’s premier “Ace” officially credited with 22 enemy planes and the proud wearer of the French War Cross as he appeared upon his arrival on board the Adriatic. Underwood and Underwood., ca. 1919  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We all should remember  what World War I ace and aviation entrepreneur, Eddie Rickenbacker said:

Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in experience and achievement.” That is an attitude worth maintaining and nurturing especially when times are so severe.

A big problem today is that most people are so focused on the materialism they do not see that there are more important matters and they think somebody else can destroy them. Several people consider atheism as being more useful for the development of life forces and the worldly satisfaction of the larger masses of mankind. {“Materialism Destroys the Eternal Spirit.” Articles by and on Berdyaev, Returning to Berdyaev at the Return to Materialism}

The triumph of the bourgeois spirit led Berdyaev to declare that history was a story of failure. Berdyaev lamented that the will to power and affluence had triumphed over the will to holiness and genius.” (Peter Maurin: Prophet in the Twentieth Century, Paulist Press, l98l.) {Nicholas Berdyaev, Prophet for the Catholic Worker Movement Materialism Destroys the Eternal Spirit}

This world is taken over by materialism, idolatries of power, lust and comfort. Normally you would think all the luxury would bring much satisfaction to the people, but by comparing what others have and what they do not have the  jealousy took them down in a spiral of envy and bring them in a stress situation. Lots of people have created their own god. They do not understand that the for them useful and practically effective god of capitalism cannot be the True God. When you look at their god or gods you might come to see that it is no problem at all to unmask their new and popular gods. We can see that many adore the money and have put away The Only One God of religious revelations far away. For them That God can not be seen nor felt and therefore has no value for them. You could ask them: whenever did you try to look for Him and tried to see Him?

We have become surrounded by technique and many are totally taken by it and also have become very dependant on it. Their relationship with all that technical stuff however did not help to bring them into closer communion with their inner life and soul of nature. they might think it brought them closer together, and has created them having more ‘friends’ on the social networks. But they do not see that many of them are ‘virtual friends’ and have not a real social connection at all. We even see that more people become more isolated in their environment of Linked-in and Facebook relatives. They might have many so called ‘friends’ in their circles but they are very lonely … on their own. They, in their isolation, also seem to loose track of their own possibilities.

The machine sets its stamp upon the human spirit and all its manifestations. Thus civilization has neither a natural nor a spiritual, but a mechanical foundation. It represents par excellence the triumph of technique over both the spirit and organism.

The machine and technique are the product of the mental development and discoveries of culture; but they sap its organic foundations and kill its spirit. {Nicholas Berdyaev, Prophet for the Catholic Worker Movement Materialism Destroys the Eternal Spirit}

With all the focus on material goods not much interest can be found for culture. those working in the cultural field may be tampered and losing positivism as well. They have to find a way to earn their living and are persuaded to greater concessions. Many artists having lost the artistic soul, becoming part of the mainstream ‘civilization’ where spiritual matters are discounted and where quantity has displaced quality.

The assertion of the will to “life,” power, organization and earthly happiness, brings about mankind’s spiritual decline; for the higher spiritual life is based upon asceticism and resignation. Such are the tragedy and fate of historical destinies. {Nicholas Berdyaev, Prophet for the Catholic Worker Movement Materialism Destroys the Eternal Spirit}

Vyacheslav Ivanov, Lev Kobilinskij-Ellis, Niko...

Vyacheslav Ivanov, Lev Kobilinskij-Ellis, Nikolai Berdyaev (standing) and Andrei Bely (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I do not think like that civilization as opposed to culture, which is given up to the contemplation of eternity, tends to be futurist. I do agree that machinery and technique are chiefly responsible for the speeding up of life, but that some might have lost the reason why we could make advantage of such tools. and its exclusive aspiration towards the future. the technique should have helped our society to come more at ease and to be less stressful. Many let the machine take over and concentrated more on the material gain it could bring instead of making use or advantage of the time it could make free for them to do other things.

Organic life is slower, less impetuous, and more concerned with essentials, while civilized life is superficial and accidental; for it puts the means and instruments of life before the ends whose significance is lost. The consciousness of civilized men is concentrated exclusively upon the means and technique of life considered as the only reality, while its aims are regarded as illusory. {Nicholas Berdyaev, Prophet for the Catholic Worker Movement Materialism Destroys the Eternal Spirit}

may think that spiritual culture is unreal, but for me culture is fundamental for a healthy community. Culture is is not a mere instrument of technique, it is the gear transmission of society. It is the sociological controller and instigator for a good relation between end and means. Culture is also the mirror for man to put everything in perspective and the golden thread in history. Today we may see the loss of any sense of purpose in human life, culture and religion.

All historical tendencies which have striven to create harmony, to overcome the dark premise, to subdue the turbulence of freedom and supersede it by compelled and necesary good, are concerned only with the secondary signs of the unique and primal mystery of divine freedom. {Nicholas Berdyaev, Prophet for the Catholic Worker Movement Materialism Destroys the Eternal Spirit}

We as human beings should remember we are only a very tiny element in the universe. We would love to believe that everything turns around us, but we are thoroughly mistaken.

21st Century Materialism

21st Century Materialism (Photo credit: tomislavmedak)

I do agree with Berdyaev that humankind has a solution in front of them, which was already given to them early from the start. And that it is this fundamental moral contradiction we are facing today that invalidates the doctrine of progress, turning it into a religion of death instead of resurrection and eternal life.

There is no valid ground for degrading those generations whose lot has been cast among pain and imperfection beneath that whose pre-eminence has been ordained in blessedness and joy. No future perfection can expiate the sufferings of past generations. Such a sacrifice of all human destinies to the messianic consummation of the favoured race can only revolt man’s moral and religious conscience. A religion of progress based on this apotheosis of a future fortunate generation is without compassion for either present or past; it addresses itself with infinite optimism to the future, with infinite pessimism to the past. It is profoundly hostile to the Christian expectation of resurrection for all mankind, for all the dead, fathers and forefathers. This Christian idea rests on the hope of an end to historical tragedy and contradiction valid for all human generations, and of resurrection in eternal life for all who have ever lived. {Nicholas Berdyaev, Prophet for the Catholic Worker Movement Materialism Destroys the Eternal Spirit}

Our habit of breaking up time into the past, present and future does not entitle us to endow the last with more reality than the first. From the standpoint of the present, the future is no richer in reality than the past, and our efforts should be with reference, not to the future, but to that eternal present of which both future and past are one. {Nicholas Berdyaev, Prophet for the Catholic Worker Movement Materialism Destroys the Eternal Spirit}

More people in this world should make the choice on what they really want to focus. Too much we have forgotten the importance of the choices we have to make and on the direction we have to focus our eyes and mind. We should all be convinced how much we ourselves can regulate our own life and how much depends on the focus on what we want is directly proportional to what we can achieve.

To many of us are more concerned to prove ourselves for man, instead of proving ourselves for the Higher Being. How many of us are not willing to change themselves, just for the sake of wining someone’s approval.

Geetika Garg, who is trying to know more about everything around her, writes on her blog:

You don’t have to prove yourself worthwhile by doing what others wish; it’s certainly not your job. Be confident for who you are, for who you had been all those years, stand strong for all the decisions that you have made and have faith in yourself.  You are enough for your ow. {You Matter}

Too many people have forgotten to be their own self and to dare to speak out for themselves.  A lot of people who would have loved to have more affinity for the spiritual have been pressed against the wall by the materialists. they put their own inner soul aside, thinking they would be less than the other. they looked for ways outside themselves to prove themselves by doing what others wished them to do. they should know that is not the right way and is neither to help them nor the ones they are hoping to please.

May I quote the lady who believes whatever we are seeking is seeking us too, and has hopes that the day the two will meet, it will be complete, perfect as it is meant to be!

Be confident for who you are, for who you had been all those years, stand strong for all the decisions that you have made and have faith in yourself.  You are enough for your own self; you are capable of achieving what all you desire and you require absolutely none to tell you how worthy you are. Instead of focusing on what critics have to say why not concentrate on those who praise you.  Those people are the ones with all positivism and happiness. We often tend to forget that they exist and keep believing on all bad about us. They are the people who matter. Let go of rest. Don’t let your ears used to of those cruel words that inhibit your growth, that steal a part of you and things that change your entire being. {You Matter}


Recommended readings:

  1. Social Constructivism and Positivism in the Context of International Relations
  2. Put Positivism to Work
  3. Returning to Berdyaev at the Return to Materialism
  4. Berdyaev on the Nature of Spirit and Reality in Relation to Apologetics
  5. The Practice of Philosophy and Modes of Knowing: Hart’s Rejoinder to Zuidervaart?
  6. Searching for fulfillment and meaning through own efforts, facing unsatisfaction and depression
  7. Depression, Anxiety, Pressure and megachurches
  8. Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality
  9. Aligned
  10. Malefactors becoming your master
  11. Control your destiny or somebody else will
  12. Control and change
  13. Science and God’s existence
  14. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  15. Getting out of the dark corners of this world
  16. Value Positivism
  17. Patience is the ability to count down before blasting off
  18. He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger
  19. To whom do we want to be enslaved
  20. Power in the life of certain
  21. Know Who goes with us and don’t try to control life
  22. God is my refuge and my fortress in Him I will trust


  • Nihilism Cannot Be Disproved (Except by Positivism) (pensatwar.wordpress.com)
    Pure nihilism (and not any of the subcategories of it) can be defined simply as: The belief that there is no truth. Positivism is the opposite; that there is truth.
    Nihilists, pure nihilists, do not have a profound effect on society. They can’t. If one truly believes in 100% Nihilism, why do anything? If a person is dedicated to nihilism all the time for their entire life, they will have had no extra effect on reality whatsoever. They will have simply existed and passed, with no meaning.
    Nihilism can only be disproved by Positivism. Its a purely democratic philosophical clash.
  • Positivism and The Quantity Theory of Money (syesworldview.wordpress.com)
    The doctrine of positivism is a form of arch-empiricism that tries to crystallise the supposed process of ‘scientific thought’. An adherent of positivism believes that there are general ‘laws’ of cause and effect in the natural/social sciences and the only way to uncover these ‘laws’ is via the tool of research. An adherent of positivism believes that objective analysis – whatever is meant by this – is the only form of analysis; indeed there exists a zero possibility of the observer influencing the observed. Nature is orderly and regular; scientific knowledge is cumulative in character and all objective phenomena are eventually knowable – all characterize the approach of positivism.
  • If you’re afraid to do it, do it afraid. (carolynhughesthehurthealer.com)
    What are you frightened of? Anything that stops you living your life to the full, whether it’s fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the future can all impact on your life. Yet it is possible to overcome that detrimental negative thinking. You may never be completely fearless but you can learn to break out of your comfort-zone and find the freedom to take your life to a new level.
  • Positivism for Millennium 3 (politicalpipeline.wordpress.com)
    Positivism describes a process to discover and authenticate knowledge (within reality) via the scientific method, which examines and then verifies (it’s positive). There is an initial hypothesis: this is a folded piece of paper, all swans are white, democracies start wars, etc., and then verification would validate or invalidate the hypothesis. Knowledge, in this manner, forms—and there is something for scientists to teach.In order for this scientific method to move forward, we have come to know six basic understandings of positivism. They are: unified science (created an ideology of a one-layered world, reality may be reduced to physics), empiricism (knowledge gained through mental or physical experimentation), objectivism (uninvolved observer), value freedom (no normative value is placed on the object of study), instrumentalism (observing it as a thing in the world), and technicism (value methods over results) (PSS, 13-14). Positivism took root in western philosophy in the 18th century and decayed in the winters and sprang in the summers of the 20th century.
  • The Future of Capitalism according to Nikolai Berdyaev (channelclimate.wordpress.com)
    Most educated people in the West have heard of Fyodor Dostoevsky. But how many have heard of Nikolai Berdyaev? He was a Russian religious philosopher of the first half of the 20th century. And he had some interesting (albeit controversial) insights regarding the future of Capitalism. In his book The New Middle Ages (1933) that I’m currently reading he made several important observations on the issue.

    First, in Berdyaev’s view development of society resembles cycles rather than spirals (in his view, it is somewhat similar to the day-night pattern). Second, the terms progressive and reactionary are relative if not utterly meaningless in a debate; for example, Christianity was progressive compared to the Old Gods but reactionary compared to the Capitalist New History. Third, the philosopher predicted that the 20th century frontier would be between Communism and Capitalism, or between
    God and The Godless (and he wasn’t referring to the production possibilities frontier). Fourth, he claimed that Russia had never fully embraced the Western way of life, including its rationality, laws, and norms. In fact, Russia has stepped directly from the old Middle Ages into the new Middle Ages. How, you’ll ask? By way of the Bolshevik revolution. According to Berdyaev, Communism is a Satanic religion, but a religion nonetheless, that sent Russia back into the Middle Ages (but note: when he used the term “the Middle Ages”, unlike modern Liberals he didn’t think of it in a condescending way).
  • Legal Positivism and the Common Law (allenmendenhallblog.com)
    Legal positivism, in the most basic sense, holds that laws are the manifestation of sovereign commands. It stands in contradistinction to natural law or the judicial conformity with human reason that supposedly defines the common law.
    What distinguishes the common law from a civil law system is the doctrine of stare decisis (“let the decision stand”), which requires judges to follow precedents established by prior decisions or to distinguish the facts of new cases from the facts of previous cases in order to reach an applicable rule.
  • Surrendering to positivism (thehimalayantimes.com)
    The world is progressing in the field of science and technology, but peace cannot be attained through that. The fact is that peace can be acquired only through spiritual ideas. Until one imbibes the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, peace cannot be understood.
    In today’s context, everybody is striving to be perfect, but there still is inequity everywhere. That is the reason why revolution took place in Nepal and other places — because there is lack of proper attention to every individual’s need. People who lead the country should be selfless, but unfortunately, they are corrupt. They lack spiritual ideas.
  • Negative Positivism (hasarla.wordpress.com)
    Help arises when you arises. But if you stand and watch, they will do the same and feel your loss and you been d positive dude/girl programmed to rise after every fall (which is right), stay positive when all looks downright bleak, just keep moving on.
  • Positivism and Utilitarianism (arulinside.wordpress.com)
    According to Dias the positivist movement started at the beginning of the 19th century. It represented a reaction against the a priori methods of thinking which turned away from the realities of actual law in order to discover nature or reason the principles of universal validity. Hart pointed out that the term positivism has many meanings which one of them is that laws are commands. Law as command is associated with Jeremy Bentham and John Austin that both are the founder of the British positivism.
  • Logical Positivism and the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (unfspb.wordpress.com)
    Logical positivism is a more or less loose collection of philosophical theses- some of which are incompatible- which have their genesis in the scientific inclinations of the Vienna Circle members (on this see Friedman 1999 and Uebel 2009). However, one may identify two broadly unifying themes within logical positivism: (1) a verificationist epistemology and (2) an instrumentalist stance toward scientific theories.
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Filed under Cultural affairs, Economical affairs, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs

See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory

In life we encounter many people and between work and taking care of the household we do have to find time for reading interesting things. On television and in the printed media we can find lots of flashy or attracting things, but not always worth to spend our precious time.

Man thinking on a train journey.

Man thinking on a train journey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We can watch hours to the little screen, with or without being bombarded with loads of commercials. When we are not at work we can meet lots of people and choose or choose not to have a conversation with. How many times did we not loose precious time trying to explain what we mean or to bring over our thoughts.

Marc Chernoff from Marc and Angel Hack Life tells us never to waste our time trying to explain ourself to people who have proven that they are committed to misunderstanding you. He ads:

And don’t define your intelligence or self-worth by the number of arguments you have won, but by the number of times you have said, “This needless nonsense is not worth my time!” {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

Marc and Angel are the authors of 1000 Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently.

With over 95 million page views to date, the articles at Marc and Angel Hack Life speak for themselves in terms of the quality and value.

you could say.

Who would not like to discover their life purpose and embark on a life path they can be proud of? On this platform we would also look into these matters. We would love to find writers who do not mind sharing with others how they found their purpose in their life and how others can find their purpose. We are convinced we can and should help each other to find our purpose in this universe and to take action on our goals and dreams.

Therefore we would like to send a message in the world of the message of peace that was given the world, but also of the matters we have in our own hands as well. Because e we all have much more in our own hand than we think. We all can realise more if we only would believe more in our selves. We also could do more in case others would not mind to help us and to stand ready to bring others in action as well to make a better world for us all. As an individual we might be not much , but with many we might be of more value and more heard by others.

Therefore we we would love to invite others to come and contribute and to pursue what they truly love.

The Way to Happiness

The Way to Happiness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By coming here with many we should be able to learn how to cultivate our own happiness and to learn and apply productive goal achievement strategies that work. Not the same shall be able to work for an other, but when more people show more paths, more ways to reach something, there will be something to choose from the diversity of propositions.

Looking at what others believe and want to strive for this might give others also inspiration and have them thinking about things they did not before. Bringing life-stories, meditations and texts to pounder, we shall be able to examine the many thoughts but also the fears, limitations, and emotions that are getting in our way. As such we shall be able to become more productive, effective, and efficient.

In this world there are already enough bad thoughts, messages of violence and pictures which bring horror in front of our eyes. Why would we not try to get more positive news in the picture? Why would we not dare to come forwards with more positive things and hope giving news?

We are convinced that by eliminate negative thoughts and emotions we can much easier go forwards, enjoy life and become a more positive thinker, who can produce better. By quitting bad habits, cultivating new habits, we can bring a positive train going and revamp our lifestyle in a positive way.

We would love to find here people you also might enjoy, who love and appreciate you, and who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways. They are the ones who make you feel more alive, and not only embrace who you are now, but also embrace and embody who you want to be, unconditionally. We better are part of such a group of people who would like to share their wisdom with each other and build up something constructive for all.

Here we do not mind that we face our problems or that others may face our inefficiencies. We know that it are not our problems that define us, but how we react to them and recover from them. Problems will not disappear unless we take action. We can try it on our own, but we can also use the knowledge of others to help us. On this website we do hope to find more people who would not mind helping others to find inspirational thoughts and to direct them to interesting articles which possibly also could help or contribute to our being capable enough to grow strong in this world. We only can do what we can, when we can. But we also should acknowledge what we’ve done. It’s all about taking baby steps in the right direction, inch by inch. These inches count, they add up to yards and miles in the long run.


Sadly, some people just won’t be happy until they’ve pushed your ego to the ground and stomped on it.  What you have to do is have the nerve to stand your ground.  Don’t give them any leeway.  Nobody has the power to make you feel small unless you give them that power. {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

That is a fact. But being in the minority we might feel pushed in the corner and let the others trample over us. Sometimes we might feel as if we have to face and overcome some of life’s biggest obstacles. Many think that they are alone. They should know that many, many, face the same problems and has to overcome the same obstacles. Defeat can be in front of our eyes. Deep in ourselves we do have to see the conquest and believe that we can  gain the victory over that what is put in front of us.


Many of us should dare to reconnect with our true self and our inner genius. We should accept that nobody is infallible and that we all can have something good but also have something bad. By helping each-other, letting see our own dreams and sharing our thoughts, we can become more confident and break away from limiting beliefs.

If someone fools you once, shame on them.  If someone fools you twice, shame on you.  If you catch someone lying to you, speak up.  Some people will lie to you repeatedly in a vicious effort to get you to repeat their lies over and over until they effectively become true.  Don’t partake in their nonsense.  Don’t let their lies be your reality.  {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

Surviving the ups, downs, and lightning storms of other people’s moodiness can be quite a challenge.  It’s important, though, to remember that some moody, negative people may be going through a difficult stage in their lives.  They may be ill, chronically worried, or lacking what they need in terms of love and emotional support.  Such people need to be listened to, supported, and cared for (although whatever the cause of their moodiness and negativity, you may still need to protect yourself from their behavior at times). {7 Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People}

Here we want to give a listening ear and would love to find more people who want to share how they got rid of the negative influences. We would advice to delete toxic people from your environment. You shall see by putting away all negative thoughts and by avoiding negative people you shall find it easier to breathe and also to meet more interesting people who can ad something positive to your life.

About those who bring negativeness in the air, we would say like Marc Chernoff:

If the circumstances warrant it, leave these people behind and move on when you must.  Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough!  Letting go of toxic people doesn’t mean you hate them, or that you wish them harm; it simply means you care about your own well-being. {7 Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People}

We have to dare to break away from relationships that have been holding us back. It is very important in our life whom we want around us. We should be fully aware it is also important where we want to preside in which company. Others will also judge us on what they can see and on what they can hear from those around us.

A Good Dog Can Bring Happiness to Your Life

A Good Dog Can Bring Happiness to Your Life (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So we better  enter new relationships with dependable, honest people who reflect the person we are and the person we want to be.

Choose friends you are proud to know, people you admire, who show you love and respect – people who reciprocate your kindness and commitment. And pay attention to what people do, because a person’s actions are much more important than their words or how others represent them. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

some may say

“It is all lies, darling.”

Well, it is up to you to find out. When it are lies, you should say so. When it is something you or we do not understand, you should say so too. Some may say a coin has two sides, we would say “it has three sides”. And we also would like to look at that third side of life. The layer between ‘head and tails’.

We would love to find more people who want to be honest about what’s right, as well as what needs to be changed. who do not mind to open their mouth and to speak out. Even when he or she may be considered a ‘loony” or a “noop” or that others say he or she is a “nerd”. The ones who stay quiet, seated on their ass, shall not be able to do much wrong but also not much good. We prefer to find people who undertake something. It may not always be successful, but better to see something happening instead of letting the world go on like now.

Be honest about what you want to achieve and who you want to become. Be honest with every aspect of your life, always. Because you are the one person you can forever count on. Search your soul, for the truth, so that you truly know who you are. Once you do, you’ll have a better understanding of where you are now and how you got here, and you’ll be better equipped to identify where you want to go and how to get there. Read The Road Less Traveled. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

On the site of Property investment hack you may find very beautiful photographs. Have a look at the article: {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.} and think about it, considering also what you might signify for somebody else.

Do you really have nothing positive to share? Do you really think you can not contribute something positive?
If you think so keep at least following us and do find inspiration to get more positive ideas and fulfilment.

In case you think you can also contribute positive messages, why would you wait to join us? Why hesitate? Do it now! Do contact us. Dare to offer your services to us and our readers, why not? Why not be  a person bringing Helping words?

The mind must believe it Can do something before it is capable of actually doing it. The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful. Listen to your self-talk and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Regardless of how a situation seems, focus on what you Do Want to happen, and then take the next positive step forward. No, you can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react to things. Everyone’s life has positive and negative aspects – whether or not you’re happy and successful in the long run depends greatly on which aspects you focus on. Read The How of Happiness. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

Everybody who is willing to contribute something positive is welcome.


Find also to read:

  1. Helping words
  2. Spark of Positivism
  3. We all have to have dreams
  4. Wisdom not hard to find nor hiding in remote places
  5. Wisdom lies deep
  6. Happiness is like manna
  7. Fear knocked at the door
  8. 8 fears caused by the fear of Man
  9. How do you keep people from stealing your joy?
  10. Suffering produces perseverance
  11. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  12. A Living Faith #5 Perseverance
  13. Everything that is done in the world is done by hope
  14. Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.
  15. Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  16. Hope does not disappoint us
  17. The work I do, let it be done good
  18. Be an Encourager
  19. Bloggers For Peace




Become a co-author of “From Guest-writers” and join the Bloggers for peace
and find 5 Steps to Peaceful Resolution, plus
striving for happiness
regardless of material conditions, relationship status, or past history,
Re-hydrating Your Spirit,
sharing the miracles of everyday life to inspire, instruct, and supporting others and ourselves,
as one big family of this universe.
Friends and Enemies: The Malleable Keys to Peace


peace not warWe Can Make a Difference–Right Here, Right Now
Letting others know that
The Universe Is All of Us


  • AOL Revamps Homepage To Highlight Video Content (jeremiahtillman.wordpress.com)
    AOL.com is getting a new look today. It’s not a dramatic change, but it brings one big addition to the homepage, a carousel of videos from AOL (which owns TechCrunch) and content partners like Condé Nast Entertainment, ESPN, E!, HSN, WWE, and The Wall Street Journal.
    “People wanted more and more video,” AOL.com and AOL Lifestyle President Maureen Sullivan told me. “We weren’t doing a good job of putting video front and center.”
    While there were videos on AOL.com before, they weren’t really highlighted in the same way. The new video carousel sits right under the top stories on the homepage, and clicking on a video opens up a new video player. The content comes from existing partnerships, new distributions deals, and from across the sites that AOL owns. As part of the revamp, AOL is creating creating new programming around “experts” like Tim Gunn, Tiki Barber, Molly Sims, and Rachel Zoe.
  • How To Make A Plan Work For You (peanutbutterplank.com)
    If you are about to start a new workout plan, do not go into it thinking you can get away with “kind of” following the plan. Half the time you do what you want and half the time you do what the plan says. Wrong. Have faith in the fact that someone took the time to sit down and think about what’s in your best interest to get you to your goals. Stick to the plan 100%.
  • 12 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Get Focused on What Really Matters (thehealersjournal.com)
    The irony of attempting to simplify your life is that it can end up being quite complicated.  It should be easy right?  Just let go of what is not important and doesn’t contribute positively to your quality of life.  However, we tend to have emotional attachments to many things in our lives that keep us bound to them far longer than is necessary or even beneficial.  There is a saying that people will work harder to keep from losing something than they will to gain something new.  This is often the case with simplifying your life– you are (in a sense) losing something that you once valued or felt like you needed that has now outlived its usefulness.
  • Moving Forward – Dare To Soar (jscicchitano.wordpress.com)
    If you want to Dare To Soar and move on to better things, you have to give up the things that weigh you down – which is not always as obvious and easy as it sounds.
    Starting today, give up…
  1. Letting the opinions of others control your life.
  2. The shame of past failures.
  3. Being indecisive about what you want.
  4. Procrastinating on the goals that matter to you.
  5. Choosing to do nothing.
  6. Your need to be right.
  7. Running from problems that should be fixed.
  8. Making excuses rather than decisions.
  9. Overlooking the positive points in your life.
  10. Not appreciating the present moment.
  • 7 things you need to stop doing… (snickerdoodles.ca)
    Try as you might, you can’t do it all.   I work so hard to keep things simple and mellow but life is complicated…things can get heavy.
    I know we are all busy and burdened by the complications life throws at us I thought I would share as a wee little way of showing I am thinking of you all.  This is all stuff we have most likely read and heard before but sometimes we just need a little reminder….a helping hand to grab hold of ours  and pull us out of surging spring streams as we are getting washed away in our own chaos.
  • How Buffer’s Blog Posts Get Shared Thousands of Times (contently.com)
    the trick was to tell stories that struck a nerve with people who had an audience. This new approach led to posts about psychology, creativity, and general life hacks. Some examples include:

    After the shift in strategy, Buffer’s blog posts quickly quadrupled their social reach from 250 shares per post to more than 1,000 shares per post.

    Guest blogging was another important factor driving Buffer’s early growth. Widrich wrote approximately 150 articles for other blogs in less than a year. The result? They acquired around 100,000 users during that time, according to Widrich.

    Over the past two years, many businesses and agencies have tried to use guest-posting to gain more back-links and improve their search engine rankings; as a result, it’s tainted the practice, turning guest-posting into a borderline-gray-hat SEO technique. “Back in the day, guest blogging used to be a respectable thing, much like getting a coveted, respected author to write the introduction of your book,” wrote Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team. “It’s not that way any more.”

    But for Buffer, guest blogging was more about reaching a larger audience than looking for back-links. “Relationships are hard to track, but are actually the most valuable things that you gain from guest posting. At the end of the day, if you do a lot of guest posting you simply make a lot of friends,” Widrich told Search Engine Watch.
    “If you are writing something that’s unique that people might have a feeling of otherwise missing out on, then this is a fantastic trigger to get people interested in your content,” wrote Widrich.

  • Let Me Love You (imperfectionismybeauty.com)
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Cosmina Craciunescu looks on Positivism

Positivism and its developments in Europe

Positivism is a philosophy of science based on the view that information derived from sensory experience, logical and mathematical treatments, being the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge, stating that only in science there is a valid knowledge or truth.

Positivism is an older quarrel between philosophy and poetry later being described as a middle way between the humanities and the sciences. It was laid out by Plato , and it states that the only authentic knowledge is the one that allows for positive verification and assumes that valid knowledge exists only in science.

Auguste Comte

Auguste Comte (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Among the most important Enlightenment thinkers, we can refer to Auguste Comte, who was a French philosopher and sociologist. He followed the creation of a positivist philosophy, and embraced the concept of the evolution of the modern society and of the people through time. The idea of progress was central to Comte’s new science, called sociology, which will eventually lead to the historical consideration of every science.

The positivist phase requires a complete understanding of the universe and the world around us and states that the society should never know if it is in this positivist phase.

As for scientific positivism, it was considered one of the most influential ideologies of progress in the early modern period and had a powerful impact in Europe during the course of 19th Century. It took form in France and had a great impact over other European movements.
The contemporary positivism actually meant the use of scientific methods to uncover the laws according to which both physical and human events occur, while sociology would tend to synthesize all knowledge in order to make a better society.
Positivism is a way of understanding based on science, (Auguste Comte) in which people do not rely on the faith in God, rather on the science behind humanity.

Moritz Schlick, the founding father of logical...

Moritz Schlick, the founding father of logical positivism and the Vienna Circle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Logical positivism, later called logical empiricism, is a school of philosophy that combines empiricism, the idea that the observational evidence is indispensable for the knowledge of the world, along with a version of rationalism, being the idea that our knowledge includes a component that is not derived from observation.
Logical positivism developed in a group of discussions called the First Vienna Circle that was organized after the end of the First World War. Some of the important names that tried to support this movement were Hans Reichenbach, Otto Neurath and Rudolph Carnap. The main idea that was supported by them was called synthetic a priori propositions – meaning that the rejection of metaphysics had no meaning, without actually being wrong. In the end, this project did not seem to last for too long.

Stephen Hawking is a recent high profile advocate of positivism, regarding the physical sciences. In his work, called The Universe in a Nutshell , –

English: NASA StarChild image of Stephen Hawking.

English: NASA StarChild image of Stephen Hawking. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

– “…a scientific theory is a mathematical model that describes and codifies the observations we make. A good theory should describe a large range of phenomena on the basis of a few simple postulates and will make definite predictions that can be tested…if one takes the positivist position, as I do, one cannot say what time actually is. All one can do is to describe what has been found to be a very good mathematical model for time and say what predictions it makes…”

Through the Vienna Circle, the positivist movement emerged in Europe in the late 1920s. The members of the Vienna Circle had a great antipathy toward the German speculative philosophy and toward sweeping metaphysical theories that had flourished on the continent all throughout the 20th Century.
An interesting aspect of the positivist movement was that the positivists regarded women as being superior to men. Comte praised women as being the vehicles of feelings over reason, of morality over politics .

 Positivism in the Frame of International Relations

In international relations, positivism has been the dominant epistemological point of view. In the theory of the International Relations, positivism tends to create knowledge that is being supported by four foundational assumptions.
The first one is that methodologies that apply in the scientific world can be assumed to perform the same in the non-scientific world. This is referred to as the unity of science .
The second assumption would constitute the fact that there is a clear delineation between values and facts , as well as the belief that facts remain neutral between various theories.
The third assumption is that both the natural and the social environments have regularities that can be uncovered by theories, being the same kind of process that is used when a scientist approaches the natural world, also being used in the context of the social research.
Positivism has a major role to play in international relations theory. It is considered to be one of the explicit alternatives among many, but rather as the implicit Gold Standard which stands against all values that were known before this particular time, along with all of the approaches that were evaluated in the past decades.
International theory underpins and informs international practice even if there is a lengthy lag between the major theories all the way to their absorption in the social, political and economic life.
In the context of international relations, positivism is regarded by scientists in different manners. Based on the works of John Locke and David Hume , the central premise of positivism is that science must be based on a Phenomenalist Nominalism expressing the notion that only statements about a particular phenomena which can be directly experiences can count as knowledge, and that any statements that do not refer to independent atomized objects cannot be granted the status of justified knowledge.

 – Cosmina Craciunescu

  Continue reading: Social Constructivism and Positivism in the Context of International Relations


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