Tag Archives: Life

Learn to leave the leeches behind

People who take the blood from under your nails

Throughout your life,
there will be people who take the blood from under your nails
and treat you disrespectfully.
Learn to leave them behind.
Prevent them from pulling all the energy out of you
and hardening your heart.


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Dreams not like luggage that gets lost

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what life is all about

Life is not about what you will achieve or achieve in the future.
It is also not about what will happen next.
It’s about how you experience today.
How to make it a beautiful day today.


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts

Influencer in and for life

It is always nice to find people on the net who are influenced by Jesus Christ, the sent of God.

Throughout our lives, we are often first guided by things we think are important, but are not so important in our own right.
It is only later in life that many learn to see the true facts of things and begin to understand that they are better to follow the master storyteller from Nazareth.

In addition to the teachings of that Jewish Nazarene teacher Jeshua ben Josef, better known as Jesus Christ, the teachings of his heavenly father are even more essential. But with that teaching and with that Heavenly Father, many people still struggle in this world.
Fortunately, for us there is that son of God who shows us the way to his Father. If we listen to him carefully and think further about what he said at the beginning of our era, we will be able to grow further and really change in the right sense.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Life meanders like a path through the woods

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Filed under Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way…

* “….. Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way-the real joy of life must be to dwell on earth like a ray of light, warming and fructifying all things …

Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way…

Lots of people have chosen to live the way they want to live, without giving to much attention to others around them. Their selfishness has made them not to worry about mother earth, and lets them be deaf for the cries of that earth in need.

Lots of people do think they have an other opportunity to make the best of their life, in an afterlife. They ignore the writings of the men of God, who did their best to warn mankind for their position and limited time.

The Bible makes it clear

“It is here and now we have to make it!”

We are having only one life. We are born, and then we can use the given time as good as we can. But at a certain point, we shall have to face death in the eyes. When we die, everything shall be over and out for us. We shall not be able to do anything. Life shall leave us, leaving our bodies to deteriorate and become dust.

In death, no way to act or think anymore, we are just like dead animals, having come to our end, to deteriorate or by decay ending up in dust.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

When we don’t know how the next chapter will end

Day after day, we are confronted with all kinds of issues that can keep us busy at that moment, but also for longer than a day.

How we view all these issues will occupy and make us our day but also our many years of life…. We need to realise that we have a choice in how much we are influenced by the people and events around us.

Whether we should believe in miracles is another matter, but they can exist and they can happen to us. We must dare to believe in them and dare to move mountains.

“Life may cut you down, yet your roots are strong beneath.
You will rise once more.”

~ Alec Depledge ❤

Whatever happens to us, we have to keep holding onto hope.

image source: Mitra Shahidi

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

De geest wordt niet zwak, maar het instrument verslijt – The mind does not become weak, but the instrument wears out

Erg genoeg kunnen wij bepaalde processen in het leven van de mens niet tegenhouden.

Het is heel mooi wanneer wij de pasgeborene de eerste geluidjes en bewegingen zien maken. De eerste stappen mogen ons ontroeren. Trots mogen wij zijn op die eerste verwezenlijkingen van die oh zo jonge mens.

De mens groeit op en wordt wijzer, steeds meer vaardiger om zich uit te drukken en uit de slag te trekken.

De wereld begint te vertragen nu de winter nadert en we hebben deze gelegenheid om dankbaar te zijn.

We hebben de tijd om de heiligheid van het leven te eren, tijd om blij te zijn met ons verleden en hoopvol voor onze toekomst, tijd om blij te zijn met de mensen in ons leven en tijd om eerlijk en oprecht te zijn in alle dingen ❤

Het komt zelfs zo ver dat niet enkel het lichaam de jaren begint te vertonen, maar dat ook de hersenen niet meer mee willen, zoals vroeger.

Met de jaren zou men denken, komt de wijsheid en kunde, maar ook begint men de weerslag te zien van meerdere tegenslagen en ziekten. Na een tijd kan men het verouderende lichaam zien.

Men gaat zich afragen hoe het gesteld is met de geest van die ‘bejaarde’.


Bad enough, we cannot stop certain processes in human life.

It is very beautiful when we see the newborn making its first sounds and movements. The first steps may move us. We can be proud of those first achievements of that oh so young human being.

Man grows up and becomes wiser, more and more skilled at expressing himself and getting out of the way.

The world begins to slow down as winter approaches and we have this opportunity to be thankful. 

We have the time to honour the sacredness of life, time to be happy with our past and hopeful for our future, time to be joyous with the people in our life, and time to be honest and truthful in all things ❤

Rudolf Steiner said:

As people grow older, they do not become weak or even feeble-minded, but they become more spiritual (German: geistig-seelischer). Only then the body is worn out and one cannot bring the spiritual-psychic, which one has formed, to revelation through the body.
This is similar to a pianist, who could become an ever better player; however, if the piano is worn out, one cannot notice anything. If you want to know his abilities as a pianist only from his piano playing, however, the piano is out of tune and has broken strings, you will not be able to tell much from his playing.

Thus, Kant, when he was an old man and feeble-minded, became, for the spiritual world, not feeble-minded but great (German: glorios) {Rudolf Steiner – GA 181 – Erdensterben und Weltenleben – Berlijn, 2 april 1918 (bladzijde 185)}

Als de mensen ouder worden, worden ze niet zwak of zelfs zwakzinnig, maar ze worden geestelijker (Duits: geistig-seelischer). Alleen is dan het …

De geest wordt niet zwak, maar het instrument verslijt


Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Being and Feeling, Gezondheid, Health affairs, Kennis en Wijsheid, Knowledge & Wisdom, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Sociale Aangelegenheden, Welfare matters

Teachings to have a central point, around which our whole life revolves

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Make it a habit to tell people thank you…

* “Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly …

Make it a habit to tell people thank you…

In the previous posting I mentioned to focus on the good things in life and leaving those who can not stand you aside. Be stronger then their degrading attitude and show the people around you love and kindness.

Let others know how you appreciate their presence, but also what they do. Be kind to those who you encounter and do not hesitate to show your thankfulness.

Make of every bit of your life a good bit and a treasure to carry you further in life.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Life is so transient…

* Life is so transient, finite and fragile hat there is no time to hate anyone. photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/people/jaegerundsammler/ BlackTailedSkimmer * * * * Text and image source: The birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0XCrQkeyyjmMq8qLK2o3fuACxpixRaKJgYcodAPtvVzeDiqxZHJrcdpx2ebXz3k4el&id=100050245220194&mibextid=Nif5oz

Life is so transient…

In a lightflash life can so be ended. Much too often we loose too much energy on negative vibes and having our mind on actions and people who are not worth our concerns. Their jealousy, negativeness and hate against us can only pull us down. So we better focus us on the better things in life, and concentrate on the positive side of life.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

We are not meant to stay wounded

Life is a circuit of trial and error, where we get hurt or hurt ourselves ugly more than once.

* We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges and to help each other move through the many painful…

We are not meant to stay wounded

We encounter several moments of joy but also many things that bring sadness upon us. But the sadness we must put aside. It should give way to those rare moments of heartfelt joy.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Moments in Time

Each person’s life is just a sequence of personal and not-so-personal events in a time event determined by other people.

Roth Poetry

Dwight with Governor Mills Godwin 001 (2)

All of life is just moments in time

Experiences that stay forever in one’s mind

A childhood joy/trauma/ impression

The teacher who cared and made a difference

The first kiss //fireworks in your brain

Broken heart // pain of separation

Moments in time are all we have

A mosaic of color showing the whole

As we step back and look at the big picture

A wedding //the birth of a child

Stresses of life // work // love

Shape our lives // cementing tiles in place

Permanent pieces fixed in time and space

The death of a parent // loss of a spouse

Wonderful joy of grandchildren shouts

Good friends who come and go

Each adding a sparkle to the whole

Cemented together with love and compassion

Leaving our star on the walk of time


Photo of me receiving recognition from Virginia Governor Mills Godwin back in the 1970s.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Educational affairs, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Why choose? And can you choose?

Any adventure lies in a small corner. Sometimes, what begins as an adventure can turn into a disaster or a nightmare.

When there is no security or control, the adventure can become like a bowling game or Jeux de boulle.

We all are destined to make the best out of our life. Living in a certain way is for many already a sort of adventure. There is a guidebook for life, but lots of people do not want to know about that Book of books. Many also have difficulties following certain safe roads and dare to try out certain things that bring them more difficulties than bringing them in good, safe circumstances.



A bird’s eye and reflecting from within

The self and the other in times of insecurity

The Culture of Excesses- Losing Humanity

Silence: The language of Chaos


Additional reading

  1. God has not destined us for wrath
  2. Feeling-good, search for happiness and the church
  3. About the rate of confidence
  4. Loving adventure, but facing a fearful adventure
  5. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  6. The first boy to conquer my heart #2 The Russian boy’s upbringing

The Fallen Lady

Are you seeking security or adventure?

Sunday, July 16th. 2023

“Are you seeking security or adventure?”

I firmly be live that as humans we are programmed to seek both security and adventure, and that without security in our life the adventures turns into “trials!

Offcourse a positive mindset can
deceive you into thinking that, for an example “living in your car” is an
adventure, but if you don’t have the economic security to know where your next meal will come from, the adventurous “car-home” turns into hardship and the reality is that you are not on an adventure, you are homeless.

I speak from experience here.

I did live in my car for a while, and though it was fun to begin with,
the winter came and the fun part was replaced by freezing nights
and a body that did not function properly.

I love adventures, and I used to…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters


Sea turtle hatchling racing to the safety of the ocean. Photo by Christopher Farrugia from Unsplash. {I Am the Moment}

Roth Poetry

Life is such a short span when viewed from this end

Seems like we started out together just yesterday

And then I look in the mirror and wonder who that is

staring back at me and looking like an old man


For years we struggled to make a living and raise a family

We passed through several lifetimes it seems

Now, in retirement, looking back, the joys and difficulties

passed so quickly and the things we worried about are forgotten


Now that we are at the ebb and flow we begin looking forward

again to where we are headed and what it all might mean

Time it seems is that stretch of sand between the dunes and the ocean

where we wait for the Light to show us the way to the next paradigm


“We are all just baby turtles

scrambling through the sand

to the ocean

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

There’s more to life than work

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Filed under Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Welfare matters

The Necessity of Rest


To remember

  • time physically away = luxury
  • sabbath in rhythmic rejuvenation sense = regular rhythms of rest > to make space one day a week
  • Our society = a go-go-go society
  • we work best when we take the time to rest
  • choosing to rest one day a week = don’t keep pace with others who are willing to prioritize work over all else
  • life = marathon
  • no end > tasks to be done
  • we are the ones to protect quality of our rest
  • digital world cannibalizes time
  • Freedom =/=  absence of restrictions as finding the right ones > those that fit with the realities of our own nature and those of the world

Grace Begets Beauty

“Now I know that the best thing I can offer this world is not my force, but a well-tended spirit, a wise and brave soul.”

Shauna Niequist, Present Over Perfect

The dust has just settled from some glorious time on a vacation away from my phone. It was the kind of magical family affair out in the forest, miles from town, without cell service. The kind where the windows are perpetually open to let in the mountain breeze, and there was not the same frenetic keeping track of others as we so often have in our perpetually connected society. If someone wanted to go out, they went out – to run, walk, fish, hammock, or otherwise. Or if they wanted to stay in, they read on the porch, played a board game, puttered in the kitchen, or took a nap. There was no checking in, no “where are you’s”, simply …

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Filed under Health affairs, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Dig a Little Deeper

Before we know it, we are so much further along in life, married and our children out of the house, while we may have changed so much, yet some have remained the same, looking back on those many years that have flown by so much.

Roth Poetry

IMG_0649 (2)

When the honeymoon is over, and things have settled down

And the exhale that follows leaves you fully unwound

Dig a little deeper… create another round.


She’s pregnant with one and then there are two

And there’s no sleep at night and more work to do

Dig a little deeper… do your share too.


There are diapers to change and babies to feed

No time for you, life spins at warp speed

Dig a little deeper… let her know she’s the one you need.


When the kids have grown, and activities never stop

Enjoy those moments, help them come out on top

Dig a little deeper… cheer them on, enjoy their shouts.


When the empty nest is now your own

And all of your sweet children have long since flown

Dig a little deeper… as life moves on.


Time to rediscover who you are now

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters


Living Life in a Fish Bowl!

Because I have seen God:
bring beauty out of ashes
fill my heart with peace in the midst of intense situations
pour His grace into my life enabling me to move forward
fill the broken pieces of my heart with His unending love
and turn the bleakest situations around for good
I will praise Him!
I will serve Him!
I trust Him!
He amazes me!
Life is an adventure and because of God, I am clothed in strength and dignity.  I can smile at the future! (Proverbs 31:25)
When you look at your life, what do you find?
Comment  if you want to chat about how you too can experience the peace, joy, love and hope that Jesus offers.   Best decision I ever made!
Jesus tells us,  “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  John…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Paint me in the Shadows

Roth Poetry

EER_0139 (3)

When my time has come and I am gone

Take my ashes and paint me in the shadows

Under the oak tree where memories were made…

In the shadows with the fungi and let me watch it grow

And feel the coolness of the wind floating through the leaves


When my time has come and I am gone

Brush me smoothly under rocks of overhanging cliffs.

Paint me in the shadows where cool water

Trickles its way gurgling neath the trees

And deer quench their thirst on hot summer days


When my time has come and gone

Blend my ashes onto boardwalk pilings.

Paint me in the shadows where I can hear

Excited children walking as the waves roll in

Splashing in the shadows and rolling out again


When my time has come and gone

Take me to the farm I loved so long ago

Paint me…

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