Tag Archives: Falsehood

Taking a dog by the ears

When we browse the internet to find interesting articles, we come across a lot of junk that we ignore further. But there are also sites that touch us because of the attitude they dare to adopt towards other people.

A multitude of articles are placed on the net against believers, be they Christians, Jews or Islamists. Certain people are not afraid to adopt an ugly and sometimes degenerate attitude towards believers.
People seem to be ugly, especially against Christians. Bad enough, those who speak very negatively and even go too aggressive towards other Christians can also find people who call themselves Christians.

Of course, the ex-Christians are the most Christian-hating group, which are underpinned and encouraged by atheists, who don’t like anything else to ridicule Christians. It doesn’t bother them, even if they have a business to do such a thing. Strangely enough, they often do like to get as much money out of people with religious traditions to sell their products based on such occasions. Take the South African Ark, for example, which takes every opportunity to ridicule Christians, while she does not even seem to bother, to get to know those people’s thinking on a religious level, plus also on a political or civil level and would like to have her readers to follow her business site.  When you take only that one site with articles like:

  1. ”It’s all a matter of evidence, M’lud.”
  2. The hypocrisy of cancel culture
  3. A-theism is …?
  4. The love of Christianity ….
  5. Christianity: When Intelligence is optional but Stupid is obligatory.
  6. Seth Andrews: Christianity Made Me Talk Like an Idiot
  7. Evangelical Christianity – trigger warning!

you can get a fairly good picture of such a shameful attitude to other thinkers and human beings. What is also striking about negative judges of Christianity is that they mainly look at American evangelical Christians and do not look further at what other Christians believe or how they practice their life of faith.

Ark herself points her finger rightly to the biggest cause of problems. She writes:

…if, as kids, we were each given a KJV bible as part of our school curriculum and told to read it …. ”there will be a test!” {I wonder ….}

The biggest problem of those that criticise Christianity and/or Christendom (them not even seeing the difference between it) is that they never have taken enough time to read the most important Book of books which should be the basis of such faith and for society. In case several believers actually take up the Bible and read the entire book, many more people would leave a certain group of faith because they will have insight into the many false doctrines in that faith community.

Another question some could have asked.

would any of us have believed what we read or become Christians simply on the strength of being told we were reading the ‘Divine Word?’ {I wonder ….}

But we also notice that a lot of atheists and critics of certain faith groups even do not bother to look carefully what those groups believe. Some who call themselves Christian even attack other Christians and tell all sorts of lies about them. One such blog has even as title “The Bible & Exposing Cult Error Darkness Into Light” were the writer wants his readers to believe he exposes errors of others, but in fact does nothing more than presenting his own errors, ignorance or lack of knowledge. For certain groups, like Christadelphians calls them a cult, without really having studied their teachings. Others prefer to stay anonymous. We also can find so-called Christians who hate Jews and preach anti-semitism.

Several of those so-called Christian sites even do not let readers reply on their articles or in case they do they delete all reasonable answers shedding a true light on the Bible or do not allow reply which are not according their idea or oppose the sayings in the article.

From some articles we can find on the net we would think the blogger conciders the other the enemy, though he does not dare to talk nicely to that enemy, what he better would. Desmond Tutu once said;

“If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friends, You talk to your enemies.”

Also the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi could not understand why there was so much hatred by Christians against other Christians whilst in case they would follow the example of the master teacher they say they follow, there would be much more peace in the world.

We may not forget that most wars originated from greed, often people using religion or a gruesome event that happened before as an excuse.

There is quite honestly probably no country or emirate or society that has not, at one time or other in their history (including any country that has made a concerted effort to wipe out indigenous peoples) done the very same thing, mostly for greed or revenge or because their god commanded them to do it. {Judy Thompson‘s reply to Islam: Can you feel the love?}

The blogger Nora Marie has been been on both sides…both sides of the grass… and has experienced rejection from God’s people as well as the people closest to her. She looks at the problem of false accusations or people not looking at the matter closely.

She writes:

Now, why would he believe anything the person said as gospel when he himself caught the person on a false accusation? Because we humans tend to be drawn to and believe the negative, especially with people we don’t like or are in competition with. Betrayal and getting stabbed in the back hurts when the falsehood comes from an acquantience, crushes when it comes from a friend, and destroys when it’s a relative. Gossip destroys. {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

Several name Christians do forget that a Christian should be a real or true follower of Christ, having the same God as Christ, and trying to become like Christ.

Instead of loving other Christians, some make it a sport to blacken others and even incite people to hate those other Christians.

Nora Marie writes:

Why do we (yes, especially so-called Christians) stick our noses in other people’s poop?

Why do Christians feel the need to spread stuff around that they know will hurt others? {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

and gives a good answer:

Two reasons:

1. Pride and arrogance in thinking they are more righteous than others, and

2. Revenge, thinking they will straighten out the person, not realizing that God will always put the gossiper in their place! {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

It is often because they cannot tolerate something from the other party that they go against it so much. Most vehemently they go against non-trinitarian Christians and their churches because they cannot stand up to the dignity of those God-loving persons who base themselves totally on the Bible and not on the doctrines of certain popular churches.

Much too often, certain Christians forget the words of the Bible concerning their attitude against others and worse in their way of living go far away from the essence of Scriptures.

We are fools when we fly far from God’s precepts, when we are lazy, and when we use our tongues to hurt others in order to build ourselves up. {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

correctly reminds her readers.

God has given His Word to anyone who wants to hear, to provide instruction and insight so that one can build a perfect life full of respect for others.

God’s word is genius. God’s word flows together into every area of our lives. Yes, it is possible to live right with only the Ten Commandments, but thankfully, God gave us a whole Cannon to explain to us dumb sheep how to treat others, and more importantly, to draw closer to the Lord! {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}

Naive or inexperienced and gullible persons are easily misled and believe every word they hear, but the prudent man [is discreet and astute and] considers well where they are going, sifting and weighing every word. Therefore, let’s think carefully about some bible texts like these:

He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own
Is like one who takes a dog by the ears. ~Proverbs 26:17

“The simpleton believes every word he hears, but the prudent man looks and considers well where he is going.” Proverbs 14:15

Remembering also

“You are not mature if you have a high esteem of yourself. He who boasts in himself is but a babe in Christ, if indeed he be in Christ at all.
Young Christians may think much of themselves. Growing Christians think themselves nothing. Mature Christians know that they are less than nothing.
The more holy we are, the more we mourn our infirmities, and the humbler is our estimate of ourselves”
{ Charles Spurgeon}


Let’s live in love instead of arrogance. {Grab a Dog by the Ears?}



Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups

The written, the spoken, and the audible a part of the soul and a blessing to humanity but also the trigger to those who love Crusades and the Inquisition

Need to reject an archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible and animosity against other believers

Are Christianity and Capitalism Compatible?

How Many Gods?

When does your day begin and when begins God His day

This is Church Unity?

Preaching as Public Speaking

Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?

Passover 7 days of meditation opening a way to conversion

Culture War Christianity in American history

Americans their stars, pretension, God, Allah and end of times signs #3 Cyberwars and prophesy

Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

Seeds from the world creating division and separation from God

Preventing conflicts and war

Contemplation for the month of April……Falsehood darkens the pure knowledge of God!


Additional reading

  1. A Book to trust #17 Biblical archaeology vs Historical science or study #2 Relevance of Biblical record
  2. Missional hermeneutics 5/5
  3. An attitude taken to those who attack us and other unitarians
  4. Gates to different belief systems in this world
  5. How willing are people to stand up for their values and beliefs
  6. Are you religious, spiritual, or do you belong to a religion, having a faith or interfaith
  7. Religion and believers #1 Lots of groups and forms of belief to be taken interest in
  8. Religion and believers #2 Different forms of Truth
  9. Religion and believers #7 Independent and organised form of existence of a religion
  10. From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah
  11. The Most Appropriate teacher and Scoffers in our contemporary age
  12. Exodus 9: Liar Liar
  13. Why is it that Christians don’t understand Muslims and Muslims do not understand Christians?
  14. Think before you speak
  15. The naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie
  16. God’s forgotten Word 5 Lost Lawbook 4 The ‘Catholic’ church
  17. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  18. Sometimes we face trials
  19. Who are the anti-Jehovah people
  20. Those willing to tarnish
  21. We are ourselves responsible
  22. Westboro Baptist Church and Catholic Truth against Nelson Mandela
  23. The Most Hated Family in America
  24. Antichrist and The Most Hated Family in America in crisis
  25. Today’s thought “Be aware of what went on” (August 15) He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him.
  26. The Big conversation – Recognition and refocus
  27. 1st thought for today “The world may be wicked” (January 16)
  28. Dave Norris and his writings on the Belgian Bible Students
  29. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  30. Place for a fifth and sixth house in Christendom
  31. A convinced voice to debunk false allegations….
  32. a powerful way to put the universe on notice….
  33. A Secret of our Enemy :Inter-Ethnic Fault Lines Among the Jews (Full Article)
  34. A vibrant and inclusive movement within the American Jewish community
  35. From nothingness to a growing group of followers of Jeshua 5 What’s in a name
  36. Three Weeks of sadness but also of hope
  37. More than seven anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S.A. per day
  38. In a time when we must remain in our place
  39. Is it time for UK Jews to pack the bags?
  40. Tel Aviv University study found a record-high number of reports of antisemitic activity throughout the world in 2021
  41. Public reaction demanded against increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes
  42. Not everything looks so good of the Zionist movement
  43. This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #6
  44. Memorizing wonderfully 55 Exchanging the truth of God for a lie
  45. Today’s thought “Folly and Wickedness of Men” (January 06)
  46. Shall Artificial intelligence transform religion
  47. What I would change about modern scoiety


Further related

On ReligionWhat is ReligionThe Value Of Religion and the Problem With AtheismCarl Jung Thoughts on AtheismWhen Atheists Criticize ReligionThe Bottom Line on AtheismChurchianity Versus Christianity By Former AtheistAmerica’s New ReligionsThe Truth on Religion and ViolenceThe Polarizing Effect Of TruthAddams Family Values (Part 1) on March 29, 2013Addams Family Values (Part 2) on April 1, 2013Is Your Jesus Gospel-Centred? on May 13, 2013“Your punishment must be more severe”


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Looking at a “Man from the North” endangering the world

From poetry and philosophy to political points of views. Pretty Much almost anything that can be blogged about will be eventually blogged about {About One Lifetime Blog}

at the One Lifetime Blog of . Like us he claims

not to be anything but fools in search of wisdom with the hope of eventually being less foolish and a bit more wise before our time is up on this blue planet. {About One Lifetime Blog}

and looks at matters we are confronted with regularly. For him it

Seems the world is full of anger, fear and distrust now days, Hard to know where to turn for the facts and truth. We have such a vast array of sources of information but unfortunately very few are reliable and the majority is opinion based far more than fact. {Random Thoughts 1-5-2022}

In this world of information overload but also disinformation, one of the difficulties is to distinguish truth from misinformation. There are certain people who are very adept at sending misinformation out into the world as true facts. Some years already, certain people leading a nation were not afraid to call others liars whilst they themselves did nothing more than sending one false message after the other and denying what others said about them. The term “Fake News” seemed to have become the new fashion word.

In the last few years, we could find political chaos happening across the globe. There were not only political unrest and disagreements that ran high; we in many countries could find the politicisation of almost every issue involved with the pandemic. In states where many are proud of the “freedom” racial tensions and all the conspiracy theories floating around caused nothing but trouble in a time when their president instead of uniting the country created more division than ever before.

 On top of all that you have the major super powers playing sabre rattling games on top of it, seems to be times of uncertainty to say the least. {Random Thoughts 1-5-2022}

We first had a health problem disturbing the world order.

The pandemic has had many side effects when dealing with society, it has caused much distrust in science, governments and amplified the social problems we were already facing in the world. Watching people argue over mask wearing, vaccinations, political policies and social values is very disappointing during a time we should come together to face the challenges before us as a world. {Random Thoughts 9-06-2021}

When that virus seemed to run on its last legs, we came to face an even more dangerous virus.

The virus of selfishness and lust for power {Marcus Ampe}

You would think that

Most of us take big and small risks in our lives every day. But COVID-19 has made us more aware of how we think about taking risks. {An ancient Greek approach to risk and the lessons it can offer the modern world}

But out of the North seems regularly to come certain danger. Marcus Ampe a few years ago had to suffer the consequences of such a “man from the North” and his organisation, who attacked his church community from the North. He spoke of the “Man from the North” at that time, not referring to the same “Man of the North” he refers to today. The one he refers to today is much much more dangerous than the previous one. This time it is also someone who might not be so clear in his head but bringing not only his nation and its neighbour land in danger but the whole world. By this man, like the other one from the North, it is also a problem of not being satisfied with the power he has. The ‘Aim for Power’ is a serious cancer that can spread very fast.

Watching a Superpower such as Russia invading their neighbor Ukraine seems like a high school fight between the Quarterback on the football team and the average-sized kid who doesn’t play sports. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

, like us, could

not see what Russia would have to fear {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

because it would have taken many years of debate and preparation for

“possibly joining N.A.T.O. or possibly the EU“. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

We can only hope that all the parties involved know the danger that looms behind the corner and how a person with a deranged mind could suddenly reach out unexpectedly.

Considering Russia’s Military strength and nuclear arsenal Mr. Barbier thinks that

Even if the U.S. were to go to war with them the use of nuclear weapons would be off the table (I would pray). Since there are no winners in a Nuclear war. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

File:Kernkraftwerk Saporischschja.JPG

Two power stations at Enerhodar, about 50 km from Zaporozhye in Ukraine, viewed from across the Kakhovka Reservoir on the river Dnieper. Photo taken from the “Nikopol” shore. The nearer power station is Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the biggest nuclear power station in Europe, consisting of two cooling towers (one largely obscured by the other) at the left and 6 VVER reactor buildings. The large building between the cooling towers and the reactors, and the two tall smokestacks, are at the Zaporizhzhia thermal power station about 3 km beyond the nuclear plant.

But it would be foolhardy as well as unwise to resign oneself to the fact that this “Man of the North” would not (mis)use his power to press the red button and start a nuclear conflict. That he is not even afraid of exposing his own people to atomic radiation he proved last week with the attack on two important nuclear power plants, the one in Chernobyl and on the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, in southern Ukraine’s city of Enerhodar, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

We got to see pictures of those attacks, but also stories from the other side, twisting the facts. At the same time, we should think:

What kind of things do they want you to think about what kind of people as a result of them telling you this??

What is their reason for sharing the story?” {Ask yourself why they’re telling you the story.}

From all sides, certain groups want to bombard the West with messages of doubtful content, by which they aim that bloggers and vloggers would use those messages to increase their attention and likes and as such spread fake news, but also would come to set up people against eachother.

All that disinformation is not helping at all. The other way around, it can help to give others reasons to attack other countries and to enter Europe in a new world war.

Barbier does believe though,

the 3 superpower nations and most nations, in general, do not desire a world war or the destruction of the planet we live on along with all life. Only if world leaders could put aside their differences long enough to work together on the things they all agree on, could you imagine how much as a species humankind could achieve? {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

He definitely dislikes war and does believe

there is always an alternative to war, though the parties involved would be required to be more understanding and be willing to find a compromise that is fair and balanced. The War or Military exercise as it’s been called by one side is decimating the poor civilians of Ukraine, be it intentional or unintentional they are getting caught in the crossfire. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

We can see how many beautiful buildings and art pieces are destroyed. Many artefacts gone for ever, only to be in our memories by pictures we have of them. However, that loss of artefacts does not outweigh the loss of human life.

Regardless of which side you are on or support, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and the loss of lives on both sides militarily should be enough of an incentive to find a peaceful solution to this conflict. Human Lives are a cost that is permanent, buildings, infrastructure, etc can be replaced and rebuilt but once a person dies it is gone. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

Before this awkward affair with Russia and Ukraine completely degenerates, we hope that common sense will prevail, and that diplomacy will be able to steer everything in the right direction in time to bring everything back to a peaceful situation.

But Putin with his language of war does not make it easy. He is saying that Western sanctions are equivalent to war, adding that he wants a neutral, “demilitarised” and “denasified” Ukraine, adding:

“These sanctions that are being imposed are akin to a declaration of war but thank God it has not come to that.”

It is to God that we may pray to ask Him to talk sense into those heads of world leaders.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

“The world is too big for Europe and America to isolate a country, and even more so a country as big as Russia. There are many more countries in the world.”

We can only hope those countries shall also point their finger at Russia, demanding it to be careful before taking actions that can not be turned back.

With Ray Barbier we

pray for peace, world stability, and the return to some form of normalcy. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

Like him, we are sure, that many

desire the peaceful, harmonious, and happy co-existence of all people on earth. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

Together we should be united to aim for peace and brotherhood

Be Blessed, Be Safe and may you all find happiness and show compassion to one another {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

Photo by Katie Godowski on Pexels.com



US bolsters Europe with 3,000 extra troops

Make Ukraine A Buffer State Between Russia & the EU

The biggest ground offensive in Europe since World War II


Additional reading

  1. Putin plays dangerous poker game
  2. A useless but very dangerous challenge game
  3. Ukraine and Estonia taking further steps to intensify bilateral cooperation
  4. Russian bombers fly over Belarus as border crisis deepens
  5. Restrictions in Russia because of sanctions from the West for peace mission in Ukraine.
  6. Will Ukraine Escape Russian Domination?
  7. Will the Russian War in Ukraine reset World diplomacy?
  8. Ukraine keeps standing strong despite Russian predictions
  9. Russian forces fired at Europe’s largest Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
  10. Peace Takes You



  1. Geopolitics and War
  2. Russia-Ukraine war: the vulnerabilities of strategic thinking in Europe
  3. WATCH: Rubio Reveals the One Thing That Could Trigger World War III Amid Worsening Russia-Ukraine War
  4. The world is too big for Europe and America to isolate Russia – Peskov
  5. Propaganda of War… Czekmate
  6. Re-reading “Foucault’s Pendulum” in the Age of Q-Anon: Pt. 2 – Ur-Fascism and the Russia-Ukraine Connection
  7. The First Great Information War 
  8. Ukraine crisis: How to spot misleading information online | CBBC Newsround
  9. Misinformation
  10. Misinformation & Infographics
  11. Misinformation madness
  12. Debunking Misinformation: Images
  13. Debunking information on Ukraine’s war – An analysis of Russia’s false narratives
  14. Lies for Likes
  15. Unblurring the truth
  16. Audrey Watters on the technology of wellness and mis/disinformation
  17. Lose Money, Restore Humanity
  18. TikTok Suspended Live Streaming in Russia Due to its Fake News Law
  19. TikTok Never Signed Up To Be War Propaganda
  20. Twitter to show ‘Birdwatch’ community fact-checks to more users, following criticism
  21. Twitter Expands Birdwatch Pilot Program to US Users For Testing
  22. Twitter Banned Over 100 Accounts Spreading Pro-Russian Content
  23. Twitch will ban streamers who frequently share misinformation
  24. WE are the fake newsmakers
  25. Stamp out Fake News
  26. Ukraine: have we reached peak fake news?
  27. As Russia’s War Grinds On, Media Obsessed With “What Would Donald J. Trump Do?”
  28. Media, “Culture Wars” And Rural Voters
  29. Stop fake news: fake news destroys
  30. Is this fake news?
  31. Fighting misinformation in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – BBC News
  32. Resiliency Through Strength
  33. Teaching Students When to Believe What They Read on the Internet
  34. Ads join the resistance
  35. Watching War
  36. The ‘West’ as a whole suffers from a lack of credibility even as they unite in their opposition to war.
  37. Ukraine Crisis Shows Fault Lines of Multipolar World
  38. Communicators must sever ties with Russia
  39. Mental Health On Demand
  40. BBC Radio WM interview on social media and’fake news’ during Ukrainian conflict   
  41. Putin thinks he’s shooting fish in a barrel
  42. What is Putin Afraid Of?
  43. Backdoor Diplomacy: Russia’s Pivot to China and its Consequences for the Future
  44. Sanctioned Con Men
  45. Understanding India’s neutrality on Russia and Ukraine
  46. Ukraine war ǀ China feels uncomfortable with Putin’s methods — Friday
  47. Our So-Called Foreign Policy: Utterly Incoherent Polling on Ukraine
  48. The Screws Tighten on Russia. Might It Accept a Diplomatic Solution to Ukraine Crisis?
  49. Ukraine’s foreign minister confirms meeting with Lavrov – Politics –
  50. UK plots attack on Putin and Russian oligarchs
  51. Anti-NATO Activism: Is Now The Time?
  52. All the wars of the world…
  53. To Paraphrase President Kennedy: ”I am from Kyiv.”


Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Consequences of our digital environment

On “Some View on the World” there is given some attention to “fake news”.

It looks like we have arrived in the age of populism and of authoritarian tendencies, cultural backlash, economic anxiety, ideological polarisation, and widespread conspiracy theories, democratic malaise, support for own gain and popularity.

Concerning religious matters “fake news” and untrue messages is nothing new. Already many decades non-religious groups and  trinitarian groups do everything to keep people away from non-trinitarian groups. But concerning the way of living we got a new era with the treatment of the Corona virus.

The problem with all the news which gets to us is that it is not always easy to recognise a message is a valuable correct informative article versus misinformative or mendacious reporting.

For a few years we have had the blessing of the personal computer and by the years several groups and bloggers offering news and comments on the events of the day. The digital environment became huge and today can mostly come unfiltered in millions of houses. At the beginning people where pleased with the new medium and were loving to spread new serious articles and thoughts about many matters. After a few years, others saw in the internet a very good means to disinform or misinform people. Today this misinformation threatens real news that allows us to become informed citizens.

Today there is also a lot of sharing on social media which brings press releases but also frequent human fabrications up to our daily plate. Disinformation spread via messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Signal are becoming more difficult to track and intercept because of end-to-end encryption. We can call it a blessing but it can also be a curse how social media allows space for uncensored opinions/ concerns as well as a space for mass groups to convene to address these opinions/concerns. It is incredible how many youngsters receive fake news through private messaging apps regularly and do not mind checking the article but just goes by the title or just believes what is multiplied or liked the most. For lots of people, it has become really very difficult to recognise the truth and false messages. We are unable to determine falsehoods from the truth, and some are quick to believe anything that looks credible. When messages align with their held opinions or views, people much easier shall consider them trustworthy.

While it is definitely worth allocating resources to combating disinformation using AI, caution and transparency are necessary given the potential ramifications. New technological solutions, unfortunately, may not be a silver bullet. (The Conversation)

To remember

A free society depends on the free exchange of ideas and honestly, the most important issues are the ones that are most controversial.




Please find to read:

  1. A busy 2017 #3 Fake, gossip and real news
  2. To protect our democratic system #1 Danger of fake and malicious social media accounts
  3. Defeating populism in the EU by education of the young people
  4. 2019 was #3 a Year of much deceit in the News World
  5. Manipulated content on social media
  6. Hollowness of democracy
  7. Undermining security and democracy via the Internet
  8. Safeguarding freedom of expression
  9. Gossip and fake news, opposite fact checking and facts presenting
  10. Conspiracy theories in plenty-fold
  11. Media Literacy


Additional reading

  1. Here is the truth or the lie
  2. Gates to different belief systems in this world
  3. Non-religious opposing religious people
  4. A convinced voice to debunk false allegations



  1. The Age of Disinformation
  2. Barnum Circus or European Parliament?Between Freedom of Speech and Stigma
  3. Interview #15 – Going Negative: Causes and Consequences of Attack Politics
  4. Populism in Power: Law & Justice vs liberal democracy
  5. Interview #14 – The Strange Case of Dr. Populist and Mr. Corruption
  6. Robert Fisk on journalism, fake news and truth
  7. Dealing with Fake News: The Social Responsibility of Big Tech and Possible Solutions
  8. Media Literacy
  9. Can AI help in stopping the spread of fake news? May be not
  10. New York Times Complains That Cat Videos Are Being Used to Spread “Misinformation”
    Fake news, zombie papers and fabricated evidence: A thoroughly modern pandemic?
  11. Share This Now! How Conspiracy Theories Swamped North Macedonia
  12. Two-thirds in North Macedonia believe COVID was created to control humans: study
  13. Breaking: Marjorie Taylor Greene To Introduce Legislation That Would Hold Fake News Accountable – “The freedom of press is not the freedom to lie. And that is the biggest thing we have to focus on. There needs to be accountability, and I think that’s something we really need to look at.”

Ali's Almanac

The digital environment today allows a voice for all. While this gives us the opportunity to be agents of change, emerging from it are fake news, cancel culture, and outrage culture.

If you weren’t living under a rock during the years 2016-2020, you might’ve heard the term fake news. This misinformation threatens real news that allows us to become informed citizens. NPR names this time as a “post-truth era.” We are unable to determine falsehoods from the truth and some are quick to believe anything that looks credible because 1. sources take time to verify and it’s easier to believe what you see/hear without fact-checking 2. people will believe something right away if it aligns with their held opinions or views. This is problematic especially in such a polarized political landscape and a time where social media is an outlet for so much misinformation. Being skeptical is so important…

View original post 417 more words


Filed under Cultural affairs, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, World affairs

Dear Mr. President

Clearly after some months in his chair D. Trump proved already he was the first president to get so fast so much division in those many States of America which became more and more divided as time past.

Wine and Cheese (Doodles)

mr-presidentDear Mr. President,

You won! Congratulations. Now that you’ve installed yourself in the Oval Office and surrounded yourself with a cabinet that appears to be mined from the nightmares of the liberal left, a few things, if I may.

Please don’t speak of the MAJORITY. The fact is, the majority of Americans voted against you. Sure, you won the election, and there is plenty of back and forth over the system that allowed that victory, but at the end of the day, the MAJORITY of Americans don’t want you there. In fact, I’d say the MAJORITY of Americans loathe you, both personally and the policies you stand for. Of course, I have no proof of that, but if I had to guess, I’d say at least 1 to 1.5 million more Americans actively loathe you than don’t. I’ll get the National Parks Department on it right away for proof.

So, in…

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Filed under Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters


Philip Dodd, Author of Angel War Blog


Those who have got will get more,
those who have not will stay poor.
A few are loved by millions for a song.
Many are loved by no one
and never will belong.
If you think that’s not right,
tell me where it’s wrong.
If your path leads to light,
fight to remain strong.

Truth is a thin, upright line,
sewn on bare cloth,
unmistakable, once found.
Falsehood is a mesh,
a tangle of wire, rusted rods,
burnt signs, dusty flags,
inwoven, bolted to the ground.

The fields are green on the Somme now,
as they ought to be.
One hundred years gone
since men fought to be free of war,
for children in peace
to play with the tides on the shore.

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

From Guestwriters 2015 in review

From the start in 2014, April the 26th

On 2014 April 26 we started offering a readers digest to you. We wanted to have different writers presenting their selection of most interesting articles found on the net. We regret we did not find enough people interested in co-operating to create a free lifestyle magazine where people could find uplifting stories.

We started talking about the dreams we all have or have to have, because he who beams never walks in the dark, and looked at our position in this world and how positivism should enter this world more. Our invitation to you reader to share those read articles you liked is still counting. We would love to present more interesting articles people can find on the net. For this reason we started the Reblog section in 2014, when we looked if we or you have something to say or not.

At the opening of 2016 we would like to remind you that you too are invited to share with us. You too may be sharing your words with us and many more readers. You don’t have to stay in the shadow.

At this site we want to speak about feelings and started to look at the worst feeling, the one which pulls us down. Depression is when we can’t walk in the light of life any more. Our intention is to show that each of us matter in this world and that we can get fate in our change to positiveness. You and us we all can contribute and help to create a positive attitude. You have to get the right attitude of an unstoppable success, and once more we do bring a call to help to create a positive attitude.

You may consider your own journey in life but we dared to ask which kind of attitude you want to take. In 2014, when we started we asked our readers to begin their day by living their positive attitude and in started also to point out to look at the way to come to the truth. We went in defence of it. For that, we also started looking at Who should be your closest friend.

Though we may be lonely in the crowd we wanted to build up a place where many could find each other and could overcome hurt feelings. we do not ask people to be some one else, but would love to see you smiling and with a positive attitude or positive disposition.

Perhaps what we hope for is what you hope for. In September 2014 we repeated our call to come to write for us and to share what you think interesting. A year after our question what our readers are seeking we did not receive many answers. We expressed our love to find more contributors who could show ways of fulfilling our dreams. We do hope you could find inspiration here and follow your dreams.

In 2015 finishing our first year

On the first of January we, like many others looked back at the previous year and presented our first review: 2014 in review.

Our first year we got visitors from 71 countries in all. 13 countries were added in 2015 bringing the total to 84 countries in all, with most visitors again coming from The United States (2467). Netherlands (351) & United Kingdom (341) were not far behind. Based in Belgium we only could get the attention of 181 viewers in Belgium in 2015, which is not much, but which can be caused by not many writings being in Dutch, French or German. We are pleased we also got 141 viewers from Down Under.

Knowing that we need light on our path in life, near the end of 2015 we also started placing some reflections or meditations texts, which we shall continue to do. Because we did so often got questions why we referred to some ones website article, or got requests to take some listed article out of the list of “Further reading” we shall enter less references or note lesser further readings. Normally you would think people would be pleased when there is placed a link to their site, but at several of our websites we got an other impression, hearing people not being pleased they being mentioned on one of our sites. Not being appreciated we bringing others to their writings or commenting on their writings, plus they not understanding we are helping them to get more readers and to get higher on the Google ranking, whilst we take them away from our own website, we will not any more invest so much time in looking for appropriate articles worth mentioning. Therefore in the future you will find lesser links and we shall be pleased keeping you more to our own websites.

Treats, fear and discussions in 2015

2015 was again a year were many civil rights were tread under foot. The Syrian war continued for its fourth year and brought many war refugees into Europe, a region where many do not seem to know themselves very well because kindness to others seemed to be far off. Though we are born to shine, not to fear, lots of people got over-manned by fear. At a time where there is not much knowledge of the truth, but lots of doubt and/or blindness, we tried to convince that less is still enough.

While viral moments and trends or fads, that took up lots of people their time and their Twitter feeds included viral phenomenon The Dress, pizza rat, dad bods and adult coloring books we looked at the major refugee crisis in Europe as well as numerous instances of terrorism and mass shootings. Whilst July, Caitlyn Jenner made her big debut via a sexy and scantily clad Vanity Fair cover shot…and her new reality was officially underway we also look at how we human beings manage with birth, our being and our behaviour and acceptance or not of certain situations. Bringing articles around abortion and life we were pleased to have as our 5 most active commenter  Blackhorn33 who is Comanche – Irish and a half-breed that’s Full Blooded American, who with “Our Circle of Friends” met on Google and was willing to contribute about Child Abuse -The Facts, and show the world the importance of the unborn life.

A place for a Higher Being and for His Creation

Svenska: "Stockholmsfyrens" ungefärl...

“Stockholmsfyrens” ungefärliga utseende vid Ropsten med vy från hotell Forestas entréplan på Lidingö. Det runda 187 m höga tornet innehållande både bostäder och kontorslokaler är föreslaget att uppföras omkring 2014-2015. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With less for more we looked at one of the major discussed issues of the year, bringing global warming and climate change at the second place and the refugees at the first place as major topics for 2015. Pointing out that it is important that we do know that we have to find the meaning of life and reach a state of peace, of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something, we brought to the attention that we have our duties in this world and have to take our responsibility,making the right engagement in an actual two way conversation with your deities or more important to build up a good relationship with the Only One True God, the Divine Creator.

Throughout the year on this and our other sites we wanted to bring to understanding that we do have to come in a good relationship with others and with the Most High, even when we sometimes have to deal with the silence of God.

We asked not to forget that falsehood darkens the pure knowledge of God and that we should always turn to the Book of books, the Bible, to find the truth and Guidance. But to come to know the Creator and His creatures and creation, we do have to look with our eyes and to see with our heart. Some may think “God plays hide’n seek“, but He is always around us and sees everything we do.
The Almighty God above all other gods greater than all gods has given us His infallible Word, the Bible, helmet of salvation, God’s Words put in the mouth of prophets for perfecting, to reprove and correct. Searching or overlooking God’s presence more people do have to find His Word and take up that book that is Written by inspiration of God for our admonition, to whom it shall be imputed if they believe.

2015 once more showed to the world that human beings need a lot of correction. It was good to see that in France many nations also came to conclusion we have urgently to take care of mother earth. In this world were many have to learn that stuff is just stuff, it became time that man takes his position about materialistic desires.

The terrors which came over Europe should make those who call themselves Christian to think and have them remind and hear God’s voice, bringing them into the habit of dealing with God about everything.

Statistics for 2015

In 2015, there were 295 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 525 posts. On the 12th of January in total 534 articles have been published on this site. 

The busiest day of the year was October 19th with 175 views. The most popular post that day was Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion. But the most commented on post in 2015 was Bible, helmet of salvation, God’s Words put in the mouth of prophets for perfecting, to reprove and correct.

For 2016

We are thankful that you came along on this site and do hope to find you more than once at this and some other of our sites. We wish you all the best for 2016 and do hope you may be like a tree planted by streams of water.

Have faith in your faith…doubt your doubts and don’t throw a curtain across tomorrow… the star of its performance just may be you !

There still has to be done a lot before we shall have sustainable, green habits as a second nature, but at this site we do hope to bring incentives to work at it.

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,300 times in 2015. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.


Preceding: 2014 in review


Additional reading

  1. A look at materialism
  2. Our you taking a step back to think
  3. US must do more to protect its children
  4. A year coming to its end and our Spiritual Senses
  5. Summary for the year 2015 #1 Threat and fear
  6. Summary for the year 2015 # 2 Strewn with corpses and refugees
  7. 2015 In the Picture
  8. 2015 Human rights
  9. 2015 Health and Welfare
  10. 2015 Ecology
  11. Vatican against Opponents of immigration
  12. Greenpeace demands scale up of ecological farming
  13. Building a low-carbon world: the sixth industrial revolution
  14. Republican member of Congress from Arizona to boycott pope’s address over climate change
  15. Vatican meeting of mayors talking about global warming, human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  16. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #1
  17. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #2
  18. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #3
  19. 2015 Summit of Consciences for the Climate
  20. A Miracle of Unity at COP21
  21. Charlie Hebdo
  22. Belgian Bible Students review of 2015
  23. Bijbelvorsers Blogging annual report and 2015 in review
  24. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  25. Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris
  26. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  27. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  28. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  29. Hidden potential for helping others
  30. Only one person who has the power to cast the deciding vote that will kill your dream
  31. Have faith in your faith…doubt your doubts
  32. The inspiring divine spark
  33. Healthy life can be found in sacred books
  34. No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation
  35. A Bible Falling Apart Belongs to Someone who isn’t
  36. A heart in the right place and brightly burning faith
  37. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness
  38. If you want to go far in life
  39. Spread love everywhere you go
  40. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  41. The truest greatness lies in being kind
  42. Kindness
  43. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness
  44. Be kinder than necessary
  45. He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass
  46. Taking care of mother earth
  47. No curtain placed over tomorrow


Further about what happened in 2015

  1. MSN 2015 in review
  2. 2015 in review: Memorable Journeys on EP
  3. 2015 Wrap Up!
  4. My most difficult travel moments of 2015
  5. The 2015 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 2: The Hobbyists
  6. Stay within the lines – or not!
  7. coloring to de-stress; I’ve joined the craze!
  8. Art and the Holidays
  9. Whatever Is Lovely
  10. Intuitive Coaching 101–Zen & The Art of Coloring Books
  11. Adults Coloring Kaleidoscopic Creatures
  12. Unique Sugar Gliders Chinchillas Reptile Adult Coloring Books
  13. Adult Coloring Worldwide & Tangle With Jessica Palmers Hidden Treasures
  14. What Amazon’s 2015 Bestsellers Say About Us
  15. Winter 2015: The rest of the field…
  16. Grandad, I can smell you …
  17. Kaleidoscope of 2015
  18. Reflecting on 2015
  19. My 2015 In Year Review
  20. 2015 In Review… (adventuretimealpacamybag)
  21. 2015 In Review (ingridandjimmy)
  22. 50 Things that made me smile in 2015
  23. The Year That Was…2015
  24. Favorite-est things from #2015
  25. Be Looking at 2015 in review
  26. 2015 in Review: Paradise River, Dusk
  27. The Obsessive Viewer Podcast – Ep 148 – 2015 in Review – Best and Worst Movies of the Year and Viewing Stats
  28. Looking Back at 2015
  29. Year in Review
  30. New Zealand’s 2015: the year we hid from a world in need
  31. End of the Year Survey 2015!
  32. 2015 in transit
  33. A New Year: 2015 In Review and Plans for 2016!
  34. Bye bye 2015 and welcome 2016
  35. Start 2016 with a Backwards Slide
  36. Let’s Commence to Coordinate our Sights
  37. Flee from Idolatry



Filed under Aankondiging & Introductie, Announcement, History, Introduction, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Nature, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Contemplation for the month of April……Falsehood darkens the pure knowledge of God!

Français : Portrait de Thalès issu d'une éditi...

Portrait of Thales from a edition of Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius, 1761. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


How many people like it to be at their ease not to worry or to think themselves, finding it easier to live by human doctrines allowing them to enjoy human traditions and be part of the majority.
How many are not blinded by such human doctrines?





Photo & Text credit: Garden of Illumination on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Garden-of-Illumination/1433140463620723

“Every doctrine that is caught up with some sort of lie is enough to cast people into misfortune!
It doesn’t always have to be related to cruelty and vice.
Falsehood darkens the pure knowledge of God.
It is like dark clouds covering the sun.”

(The Great Pyramid Reveals its Secret – Roselis von Sass)

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Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs