Tag Archives: Challenge

New Week Inspiration 💕🌞 . . . Transcend what you believe to be possible…

Text and image source: Mitra Shahidi

* This Week …… Transcend what you believe to be possible by tackling every challenge coming your way with an “I Can Do” attitude. Take that self-…

New Week Inspiration 💕🌞 . . . Transcend what you believe to be possible…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Active hope

Many people feel worried about the future and believe things are getting worse in the world right now.
We cannot argue that there are many things today that we may or even should be concerned about.
The good news is that acknowledging these concerns is actually the first step to finding positive ways forward.

Since last Saturday, Marcus Ampe has given speeches in the Belgian ecclesiae of the Christadelphians, which will continue for a few weeks, about the circumstances from which we can leave, by going on a spiritual trek or pilgrimage together.

A new ecclesia has been founded in Anderlecht and to build an ecclesia it is, as it were, for members or visitors to go on a pilgrimage. To take part in such a trek one must be well prepared and bring the right luggage, all the ballast must be omitted.

Life offers many challenges that might come like overwhelming storms. Every day we are confronted with something that may bother us. Sometimes we have to face obstacles like crashing waves breaking over us. For many, their self-doubt and insecurities seem always to be their shadow. Preacher Marcus Ampe suggests stepping out of that shadow. He advises us to take a boat to calmer waters. At the same time, he warns us that we must be aware of the realities of life and death that may leave their mark. There will always be rocks below the surface of the water that we can run into.

With his words of advice and guidance to go on the path to a better life, he spreads hope for a better life in a better future. To some, it seems like we’re stuck with all the annoyances of this life. But Mr. Ampe is convinced that we can get rid of those annoying things in this world. By making the right choice, we can go out to a promised better world. However, for this, we must deliberately go in a certain direction, which many see as idiotic. But we should not care much about that, we should go straight ahead. And to this end we have an excellent guide, which also tells about a people who went straight through the opened Reed Sea, to be freed from slavery by the Egyptians.

Our modern passage through the ‘virtual Reed Sea’ – Red Sea -, is one we must go through together. United, we are also much stronger and can brave the fiercest storms. United we can also pull through the walls of water. If our faith is strong enough, the walls will stand.

Those who are weaker in faith must be drawn along by the stronger, and so we will be able to move on.

Brother Marcus also believes that we should not hide from the outside world and even less ‘we shouldn’t care about that world’. We must be very aware of what is going wrong and must also address others about it. We must be aware of the task that God has given man, namely to care for nature. Attracting us from nothing is an easy solution, but according to Brother Marcus it is not the right way. We must stand up for the weak, it can be said for the weak people, but also for the animals and plants whose voices are not heard by many and do not have their rights respected.

This world of injustice, much pain and poverty, full of desolation, cannot and will not remain. Those who believe in God and accept His Promises as true, are convinced that after the greatest coming horror, the Third World War will be the last. Not that there will then be a complete destruction of the earth. But when the End of Time comes, Jesus Christ will return to judge the living and the dead. After many millennia, the many expectations and searches will finally come to an end.

That in prospect and bearing in mind, is there enough nutrient to nourish our hopes and keep them active.





If Doubt

On the Affirmation of Scripture


Additional reading

  1. Dark times looking like death is around the corner – but Light given to us
  2. Two sides to every story
  3. … a time to gather things together.”
  4. Time for doing and gaining
  5. Life’s challenges may not paralyse you
  6. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  7. In defence of Doubt
  8. Life’s challenges may not paralyse you
  9. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  10. Finish each day and be done with it
  11. How shall the film of your life be?
  12. Don’t wait to catch a healthy attitude
  13. Walking the Walk or Stepping on the right Path
  14. Ecclesia – Church – Minding your reference
  15. January 6, 2024 official opening of the Anderlecht ecclesia
  16. Beginning of a Pilgrimage
  17. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #2 Words of God for life
  18. God’s Words for the Pilgrimage #3 A road on a global scale littered with obstacles
  19. A pilgrimage not exactly without obstacles or obstacles #3 Availability, encounters and exposure to change
  20. A pilgrimage not exactly without obstacles or obstacles #4 A good plan or guide to discover the Source of life
  21. Necessary formalities for the trek
  22. Fulfilling formalities for the trek
  23. Choose the right name for your travel registration
  24. A problem not worth praying about isn’t worth worrying about
  25. Give your worries to God
  26. Encouraging eachother

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Religious affairs

Transcend what you believe to be possible


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

New Week Inspiration 💕🌞 . . . When challenges come your way…

* Whatever challenges come your way this week, try to remain centred and keep a leash on fear.Breathe through anger and testing times until you reach…

New Week Inspiration 💕🌞 . . . When challenges come your way…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Unleashing the Power of Positive Thoughts: A Guide to Embracing Optimism and Happiness


In the realm of thoughts, where magic lies,
Positive sparks within us rise.
Like sunbeams breaking through the mist,
They embrace our souls with a gentle kiss.

With each dawn, a chance to renew,
To plant seeds of positivity, true.
Let go of worries, let go of fears,
Embrace the strength that optimism bears.

When dark clouds gather, and storms may brew,
Seek the silver lining, find a different view.
For in every challenge, a lesson hides,
And in every setback, potential resides.

Nurture gratitude, let it bloom and grow,
Count blessings like petals, watch them bestow.
Embrace self-love, with kindness and care,
For positive thoughts begin within, right there.

Radiate positivity, touch lives around,
A ripple effect, profound and profound.
Spread smiles and laughter, lend a helping hand,
For positive thoughts can change the land.

In this tapestry of life we weave,
Let positivity be the thread that won’t…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Good at understanding

To remember

  • Everything you desire = on its way to you => be patient =< your turn = coming
  • challenge > push you

Find also to read

tang. word press. com

What are you good at?

Good in understanding people’s emotions sometimes and most of the time trying to understand but I don’t get it as age small girl matters. But it’s all ok no problem. Understanding people is tough

Everything you desire is on its way to you. Be patient your turn is coming. Your struggles are here to strengthen you. Your limits are here to inspire you. Your challenges are here to push you.

Lows bring highs lessons bring blessings and setbacks and comebacks. Get excited to do something in life. Things are about to get better than ever imagined. Don’t go for imaginations.

Thanks for reading hope it helps someone. Have a nice day gn folks bye

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Loving One Another

Brian W. Johnson

Even though love for a particular person, or people, is sometimes easier than for others, followers of Christ are not called to ‘let love be genuine’ only to those for whom it is easy to love. Venturing outside biblically defined bounds of genuine love turns it into a squishy and nebulous force ushering from the seat of emotion.

Ill defined and emotionally driven love becomes fickle and empty. Not only is it a ill defined phenomena, it almost always becomes an ideal of romantic love. The notion of true love then becomes a one in a million incident only found by the fortunate. 

Love is so much more than romance. We are to let love be genuine and extend beyond the base level hormone response.

Followers of Christ are called to love their brothers in Christ, with great frequency. Loving brothers and sisters in Christ will not always come…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Raging calm and being in silence!

Every time the sun rises we may be glad when we notice that we are still alife. (Though perhaps some of us would have loved to have died in their sleep.)

Each new day brings tasks for us and has new endeavours and challenges in store for us. Like it or not, we have to face and deal with what comes our way throughout the day.

Sometimes we would love to halt the rushing time. In our dreams, we perhaps can stop the clock or go back in the past, whilst at the same time we endeavour to look in our imaginable future.



Not all who sit quietly are in silence!

One broods over everyday trifles…the next meal, rents, school fees, employment, health issues, on and on!

Another wages a stiff inner battle trying to muffle base desires, lusts, greed; trying to rein in obsessive ego! The good old Cherokee would say there are two wolves fighting each other inside him/her!

Yet another raises pure thoughts to welcome the threads of light coming from On High; to embrace the impulses and promptings of luminous helpers always ready to guide, protect and support whoever truly Seeks!
Time stands still, peace and sublime joy descend and the deep (spirit) reaches out to the deep in complete silence!

Of a fact, not all who sit quietly are in silence; many sit quietly in raging calm!

Image: tumblr photography shared by Zura Shishani on Facebook

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

It’s the Little Things that Matter

by: Alex Cervantes

It is so important to make time in our lives to feed our faith. Alex advocates how faith grows when it is exercised, when it is stretched and challenged. Much like how we grow physically and mentally through day-to-day work, our faith grows the same way. Whether it’s through reading our Bible and prayer, or how we interact with people we meet each day, our faith can grow by doing the little things.


Listen to Alex’s Faith Talk, and many more!




Why are you afraid?

You don’t have to walk through the fire


Find also to read

  1. Fear of failure, and fear of the unknown
  2. Faith antithesis of rationality
  3. Faith Launch 2020
  4. Looking for something or for the Truth and what it might be and self-awareness
  5. Are you religious, spiritual, or do you belong to a religion, having a faith or interfaith
  6. The longer you wait
  7. Gaining deeper understanding
  8. Faith because of the questions
  9. Have faith in your faith…doubt your doubts
  10. A heart in the right place and brightly burning faith
  11. Improving the world by improving the Faith
  12. Coming of Age in Christ
  13. The chosen ones to fear or not to fear
  14. Faith, storms and actions to be taken
  15. Many forgot how Christ should be our anchor and our focus
  16. Through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe
  17. Background of Faith
  18. Ability (part 2)
  19. When having taken a new direction in life, having become a Christian
  20. Summer time to spend some more time at the growing process of your faith
  21. United people under Christ


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

Straight roads can’t make you a good driver

Growing up we have to face different roads and more than once, need to make difficult choices which direction to take. That’s not always easy and sometimes we come to know much too late we took the wrong road.

Our path of life may be very bumpy and with a lot of difficult and even dangerous corners. Handling our own driving wheel we must learn from our experiences, but may never forget we can learn also from the experiences of others. Therefore, it is always also very important to have ear and eyes open for what others felt and did and to look back at historical facts.

Let us not only learn from own experiences but let us also from everything we can hear and see around us.


To remember

  • Life =/=  so easy >Every day facing new challenges + hardships => rarely a smooth + problem-free life.
  • always hurdles and difficulties in life +> making us stronger.
  • Life = challenge every passing day teaches us a new lesson.
  • Bumps in life, the problems, and challenges of life make us stronger to face every kind of situations.
  • Without these little hurdles, life would be meaningless for us.
  • Need to get out of your comfort zone + select a good milestone for your life.
  • Success requires to conquer many fields of difficulties.
  • For every problem in life, there is a solution
  • Difficulties in life make us learn that how much we are capable of facing those hard times in life.
  • After facing all challenges > feel proud of ourselves
  • Thoughts + fear in our mind > to tackle
  • Every day a new challenge to learn something new => will learn to live a life in a meaningful way.
  • Accept the challenges of life.
  • Always a positive + negative aspect of everything.
  • Negative parts of our lives teach us so many things that make us more sensible.
  • Hardships make us more mature to deal with the problems.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

”For The Moment Of Happiness”

To remember

smile because it happened

  • you need to be happy
  • striving for more ~~makes us great < never wise to make happiness dependent on it
  • unrealistic expectations = set us up for failure
  • addiction to toxic people + activities brings us down

lessons to be happier

1. Don’t start with profundities.  > start with basics

2. Do let the sun go down on anger. > notion of anger catharsis = poppycock.

3. Fake it till you feel it. Feelings follow actions.

4. Realize anything worth doing = worth doing badly. Challenge & novelty = key elements of happiness.

5. Don’t treat blues with a “treat.”

6. Buy some happiness. basic psychological needs include feeling loved, secure, and good at what we do.

7. Don’t insist on the best. 2 types of decision makers. Satisficers + Maximizers => Satisficers happier than maximizers.

8. Exercise to boost energy. Exercise = most dependable mood-boosters.

9. Stop nagging. replace nagging with persuasive tools


IMG_6614“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” 
― Dr Seuss

What do you need to be happy? All too often, we list the things we want: a bigger house, a cooler car, a trip around the world, money for retirement, a new friend or lover.

While striving for more is one of the things that makes us great, it’s never wise to make your happiness dependent on it. All too often, it’s hard to bring the things we want into our lives.

But one thing you do have the power to do is let go of things you don’t want or need. Whether out of habit or because of peer pressure or family pressure, we often cling to poisonous thoughts, feelings, and individuals.

Our unrealistic expectations set us up for failure, and our addiction to toxic people and activities brings us down. And then we wonder why it’s…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

What could happen when you follow your dream

Today we do not find many who can say they do the job for which they studied. Also a lot of people can not say they do what the had loved to do in first instance.


We would advice always to follow your dreams and to do only what you would love to do, but this always in respect to nature and into respect of the Will of the Divine Creator.

When following a dream, trying to make things as best as you can, this often requires to take measures and steps which are not always liked by others. Sometimes it also mean you have to leave place you love or where you have been born and grown up.

A wife and a mother of two boys, Nezel Yurong earned a degree in Business Administration but after more than a decade in the corporate world,  chose to freelance full time in writing and virtual assistant services and heed to her calling, with the knowledge that obstacles are inevitable, but

Whatever they may be, just have the faith and determination that you can overcome them. {The 5 Qualities You Need to Reach Your Biggest Goals}

She writes

I may not have gone to a faraway place, but I feel I’ve been to the deepest core of every human existence. This may sound weird, but yes, for more than a year, I’ve exposed myself to the ideas of what makes us who we are, why we do what we do.

Of course, I don’t have all the answers to all my questions because I feel I have only touched the tip of my beingness. But it’s enough to make me understand more of myself and more of others. {Home Again}

Life would be so much easier if we would know the answers. Everyday, we are confronted with questions and looking for answers and every day we shall have to face new challenges. Often it may loook like it has become too difficult for us or that we feel we have enough of it.

Be persistent. Strong successful people do not give up. Do not push too hard on people or on yourself. You may make it slow according to your capacity; just keep moving forward. {The 5 Qualities You Need to Reach Your Biggest Goals}

We want to do so much in our life. Getting older, reflecting on what we have done, we often see many failures or notice how many dreams were not fulfilled. It seem frustrating, is it not? Several times we also thought this or that way would be a good one. We took a new road or an other turn. Time passed … and once more it did not look  or did not turn up to what we had expected.

weekly photo challenge: satisfaction

How many times did we not look at the road and at the goal we wanted to reach. How many times we did not know to be patient.

According to Beverly Sills,

“there are no shortcuts to places worth going.”

Get into the mindset that the wait will be worth it. Always take massive action. And remember that great things take time. {The 5 Qualities You Need to Reach Your Biggest Goals}

In the end that’s all what we have to give ourself in life: time, endurance and being resilient.

Along your journey, especially if you are just starting, there are people who tell you you won’t make it. Those are just challenges that might want you to quit. Don’t listen to them. It’s your journey not theirs. You’re aiming for your success not theirs. Look for a support group or people who are willing to encourage you. Better yet, hire a coach or a mentor who is an expert in that area you want to excel in. {The 5 Qualities You Need to Reach Your Biggest Goals}

Nezel Yurong knows that

How liberating it is to allow others to lead us to take a peek of their perspective, of how they see things much differently from us. The greatest lesson I learn is, there’s no us versus them, there’s only we. {Home Again}

It is the “We” and the “I” we do have to face. Most important in the end you shall have to face the “I” of yourself and to look back at all the things you have done in your life. Then it shall be important that you can say

“i did it my way”

but also that you shall be able to say

“I did it in a right way”


“I did it in a way I would not have to shame myself for it”.

We all have to remember that

Life is short, we all know it. What is the best thing we could do to this short-lived existence? {What fuels your drive?}

seeing hearts 10: love in unexpected places.

It might well be (as said above) we had to leave something behind on our trip to the future life; something beautiful, something useful.

Many great and not-so-great souls had passed this way. The great ones left inspiration and hope. The not-so-great ones left fear and continuing cultural conflict. This is a sad reality. And it is up to us to do our fair share of legacy. {What fuels your drive?}

The above mentioned writer who calls herself a purposive ninja tells her readers

I thought I would stay there for long, but after learning some of the necessary lessons, I have to move on to another path. It’s what I feel I’m called to do. I also learned, discovering our passion can’t always be done in one step. We need to follow a series of steps before we’re finally ready to do that mission we’re called to do.

For this, I’m allowing the waters to take away what no longer serves me and to prepare me with a refreshed mind for the journey up ahead. {Home Again}


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Remember (an acrostic poem)

Never Short On Words

Reeling in grief at the loss of life

Embracing the challenge to overcome

Memories etched in our collective souls

Becoming stronger by becoming one

Elevating our eyes towards tomorrow

Reaching for a better future

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Not limiting others but sharing peace with all


When people would like to limit other people in the choice what they want to wear, those people should examine their real motives first and in case they think the other are haters of God than they better read about the Most High God about our comportment, our reactions against other believers and other people.

When we are afraid that other people their clothes would bring us in danger or would be a defiance for our faith we should wonder how strong we stand in the faith and dare to show in peace that our peaceful action is the best way to have a better forbearing world.

“Peace” in believing is what we all seek, but for some to achieve this is a real challenge, especially “in the latter days” in which surely we are living. Let us all, “Stand by the way and watch”.


Preceding article: Women in France running with naked bosom all right but with covered bosom penalised

English: A sculpture at the entrance to the pa...

A sculpture at the entrance to the palace of Versailles., “La Paix”, by Jean-Baptiste Tuby. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Religious affairs