Author Archives: Marcus Ampe

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".

10 years of guestwritings

Today, we may congratulate ourselves. WordPress has sent us a “Happy Anniversary”.

10 Year Anniversary Achievement
Happy Anniversary with!
You registered on 10 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

Ten years ago I wanted to create a kind of “Readers Digest”, in order to make a selection among the many publications that come our way and get to know articles worth reading to others.
This means that I have been trying to present fascinating articles for a decade now. Hopefully, my experiment may have been a little successful. However, I must admit that I am very disappointed that more writers have not offered to help propose a selection of articles here. Especially with articles published on WordPress, it is not that difficult to reblog them on this platform. But apparently, not many people want to do that on someone else’s website.

In 2014 I started off with 3.124 views by 1847 visitors. Climax was 2020 with 32679 views by 9477 visitors. In 2021 it was back down to 14414 views by 5835 visitors.
In 2017 I got 485 likes. The Corona year brought 606 likes onto this platform. For 2023 with only 5537 views and 3835 visitors, we got 659 likes.

In the meantime, in addition to my personal blog, several Christian blogs have emerged from my mind, which also require attention and material. This may mean that less can be published than originally thought, but I hope I have not neglected the intention to post articles about our lifestyle. We regularly propose some health items here. In addition, I continue to look forward to fascinating poems and life wisdom that can inspire us.

We may count on 395 subscribers (which does not seem to be much, according to me).

All-time stats

  • Views 102,968
  • Visitors 51,997
  • Posts 3,800
  • Comments 931

In any case, I will continue with this site and hope that it will continue to grow, in addition to the many other sites that I still maintain.

I hope to find you here in the future with many other visitors and wish you a lot of reading pleasure.





  1. I’m On My Own Today
  2. Effective Blog Promotion: Strategies to Increase Your Reach
  3. Building a Loyal Blog Audience: Strategies for Engagement
  4. Never Run Out of Ideas: Top Tips for Generating Fresh Blog Topics
  5. Maximizing Your Blog’s Reach: SEO Tips for Bloggers
  6. Of a poet quest for perfection
  7. Today’s quote
  8. Something To Write About
  9. 400 post milestone
  10. Website Makeover and Completely Revamped!
  11. Community
  12. Today’s Motivational Quote and Words of Encouragement
  13. WordPress and the Data Liberation Project
  14. How to launch WordPress on Google Cloud
  15. Demystifying WordPress: Unveiling Its Software Essence
  16. Writer’s Tips – March Edition – #Editing, #Writing Dialogue,
  17. Webflow vs WordPress 2024: Understanding the Key Differences
  18. I wonder what WordPress’s data liberation feature will look like…
  19. WordPress prompt 1890 • 20240327
  20. Please Don’t Gift Me a WordPress Plan
  21. Hello 2024.. I’m Back
  22. Day 42 @rtCamp
  23. Exploring the Music Artist Theme on WordPress
  24. A quick review of WordPress Theme: Twenty Twenty-Four
  25. WordPress Theme Development: Functions


Filed under Announcement, Cultural affairs, Headlines - News, Lifestyle

10 jaar voor gastschrijvers

Tien jaar geleden wenste ik een soort van “Readers Digest” te creëren, om zo tussen de zeer vele publicaties die op ons afkomen, een selectie te maken en lezenswaardige artikelen aan anderen te kennen leren.

Vandaag kreeg ik van WordPress een aankondiging dat ik al 10 jaar aangesloten ben. Dat houdt in dat ik dus nu al een decennium probeer om boeiende artikelen naar voor te brengen. Hopelijk mag mijn experiment toch wel een klein beetje geslaagd zijn. Ik moet echter bekennen dat ik zeer ontgoocheld ben dat er niet meer schrijvers zich hebben aangeboden mee te helpen om een selectie van artikelen hier voor te stellen. Vooral met artikelen gepubliceerd op WordPress is het namelijk niet zo moeilijk om deze te herbloggen op dit platform. Maar klaarblijkelijk willen niet veel mensen dat op een website van een ander doen.

In 2014 begon ik met 3.124 views door 1847 bezoekers. Climax was 2020 met 32679 views door 9477 bezoekers. In 2021 was het weer 14414 keer bekeken door 5835 bezoekers.
In 2017 kreeg ik 485 likes. Het Corona jaar bracht 606 likes op dit platform. Voor 2023 met slechts 5537 views en 3835 bezoekers kregen we 659 likes.

Ondertussen zijn er naast mijn persoonlijk blog nog verscheidene christelijke blogs uit mijn geest ontsproten welke ook aandacht en materiaal opeisen. Hierdoor kan er misschien wat minder gepubliceerd worden dan oorspronkelijk gedacht, maar de intentie om artikelen rond onze levensstijl te plaatsen hoop ik toch niet verwaarloosd te hebben. Regelmatig stellen we hier namelijk enkele gezondheidsartikelen voor. Daarnaast blijf ik verder uitkijken naar boeiende gedichten en levenswijsheden die ons kunnen doen inspireren.

Ik vind dat ik niet zo veel abonnees heb, maar die 395 geïnteresseerden zorgden er mee voor dat er wat bekeken kon worden over die tien jaar.

All-time stats

  • Views 102,968
  • Visitors 51,997
  • Posts 3,800
  • Comments 931

In ieder geval zal ik nog met deze site door gaan en hoop dat die ook nog verder zal mogen groeien, naast de vele andere sites die ik nog onderhoud.

10 Year Anniversary Achievement
Happy Anniversary with!
You registered on 10 years ago.

Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

Ik hoop jullie met nog veel andere bezoekers hier in de toekomst aan te treffen, en wens jullie nog veel leesplezier.





  1. Schrijven doe je voor jezelf én voor anderen.
  2. 4 Voordelen van schrijven met pen en papier
  3. Hoe je door te schrijven met pen en papier je hart laat spreken
  4. 5 Tips om een blog mee te beginnen
  5. Taal stopt niet bij het taalklaslokaal
  6. Heel goed schrijven. De kracht van geschreven woord.
  7. Bloggen is geen dialoog
  8. Het levensverhaal dat je nog niet hebt geschreven
  9. Hoe ziet jouw digitale footprint eruit?
  10. De magie van gedichten schrijven
  11. De kleuren top vijf in mijn blogs
  12. 10 Goede redenen om in een dagboek te schrijven
  13. Waarom schrijven in de herfst?
  14. Pas op de plaats
  15. Ik kan wel inpakken, als blogger
  16. Schrijfklas Nederlands
  17. Behoefte aan zen? Schrijf een haiku
  18. Bloggen – Nooit gedacht dat ik dat kon
  19. Schrijven voor de spin op de muur
  20. Ik Zou Willen
  21. Er gaat altijd een slapeloze nacht aan vooraf
  22. Hoe schrijf je de perfecte blogpost in 2023
  23. Een nieuw jaar voor jouw levensverhaal
  24. Het liefst stopt ze al haar studieboeken in een blog
  25. Wanneer het verleden vandaag wordt
  26. WordPress /
  27. Wat wordt haar schrijfplan?
  28. Een workshop, een hereniging en een Paasboodschap
  29. Hoe ik blogger werd bij Blogzinnig

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Filed under Aankondiging & Introductie, Culturele aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Nieuwsgebeurtenissen - Journaal, Publicaties + Uitgaven

Technology bringing words of encouragement into the world

How has technology changed your job?

Years ago one had to write letters to reach the beloved and members of an ecclesia or mission post somewhere in the world. It took some weeks before the letter arrived where it had to be.

Teaching that way took some time, but also had our heads sometimes wondering for weeks.

At the end of last century the computer came as a marvellous tool facilitating correspondence and preaching. We are now able to write something, and as soon it is published, people from all over the world can read it.

It is like magic, how words suddenly reach people and have them react straight ahead. It is like we can talk with each-other as if sitting in the same room. There is Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom, Handsout, and so many other electronic apps that give us the possibilities to communicate with each other easily.

It is a blessing, making life also so more connected and fruitful.

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Cultural affairs, Educational affairs, History, Knowledge & Wisdom, Questions asked, Religious affairs

Influencer in and for life

It is always nice to find people on the net who are influenced by Jesus Christ, the sent of God.

Throughout our lives, we are often first guided by things we think are important, but are not so important in our own right.
It is only later in life that many learn to see the true facts of things and begin to understand that they are better to follow the master storyteller from Nazareth.

In addition to the teachings of that Jewish Nazarene teacher Jeshua ben Josef, better known as Jesus Christ, the teachings of his heavenly father are even more essential. But with that teaching and with that Heavenly Father, many people still struggle in this world.
Fortunately, for us there is that son of God who shows us the way to his Father. If we listen to him carefully and think further about what he said at the beginning of our era, we will be able to grow further and really change in the right sense.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way…

* “….. Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way-the real joy of life must be to dwell on earth like a ray of light, warming and fructifying all things …

Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way…

Lots of people have chosen to live the way they want to live, without giving to much attention to others around them. Their selfishness has made them not to worry about mother earth, and lets them be deaf for the cries of that earth in need.

Lots of people do think they have an other opportunity to make the best of their life, in an afterlife. They ignore the writings of the men of God, who did their best to warn mankind for their position and limited time.

The Bible makes it clear

“It is here and now we have to make it!”

We are having only one life. We are born, and then we can use the given time as good as we can. But at a certain point, we shall have to face death in the eyes. When we die, everything shall be over and out for us. We shall not be able to do anything. Life shall leave us, leaving our bodies to deteriorate and become dust.

In death, no way to act or think anymore, we are just like dead animals, having come to our end, to deteriorate or by decay ending up in dust.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Shall you prepare some special meals the coming days

Do you or your family make any special dishes for the holidays?

Lots of people shall have a good reason to prepare some special meals for the coming holidays.

I don’t mind having some special food for these days. I am blessed with a fantastic woman, who does not mind preparing some special dishes. I myself also shall spend some extra time together with her in the kitchen to make something special for our guests, but also for us both, just two of us enjoying a glorious meal between us both.

I do hope you shall not have to sit on your own, or have to feel like on a desert island.

Shall you have something special for Hanukkah, Christmas or Old Year’s Eve?

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Filed under Food, Lifestyle, Questions asked, Social affairs, Welfare matters

De geest wordt niet zwak, maar het instrument verslijt – The mind does not become weak, but the instrument wears out

Erg genoeg kunnen wij bepaalde processen in het leven van de mens niet tegenhouden.

Het is heel mooi wanneer wij de pasgeborene de eerste geluidjes en bewegingen zien maken. De eerste stappen mogen ons ontroeren. Trots mogen wij zijn op die eerste verwezenlijkingen van die oh zo jonge mens.

De mens groeit op en wordt wijzer, steeds meer vaardiger om zich uit te drukken en uit de slag te trekken.

De wereld begint te vertragen nu de winter nadert en we hebben deze gelegenheid om dankbaar te zijn.

We hebben de tijd om de heiligheid van het leven te eren, tijd om blij te zijn met ons verleden en hoopvol voor onze toekomst, tijd om blij te zijn met de mensen in ons leven en tijd om eerlijk en oprecht te zijn in alle dingen ❤

Het komt zelfs zo ver dat niet enkel het lichaam de jaren begint te vertonen, maar dat ook de hersenen niet meer mee willen, zoals vroeger.

Met de jaren zou men denken, komt de wijsheid en kunde, maar ook begint men de weerslag te zien van meerdere tegenslagen en ziekten. Na een tijd kan men het verouderende lichaam zien.

Men gaat zich afragen hoe het gesteld is met de geest van die ‘bejaarde’.


Bad enough, we cannot stop certain processes in human life.

It is very beautiful when we see the newborn making its first sounds and movements. The first steps may move us. We can be proud of those first achievements of that oh so young human being.

Man grows up and becomes wiser, more and more skilled at expressing himself and getting out of the way.

The world begins to slow down as winter approaches and we have this opportunity to be thankful. 

We have the time to honour the sacredness of life, time to be happy with our past and hopeful for our future, time to be joyous with the people in our life, and time to be honest and truthful in all things ❤

Rudolf Steiner said:

As people grow older, they do not become weak or even feeble-minded, but they become more spiritual (German: geistig-seelischer). Only then the body is worn out and one cannot bring the spiritual-psychic, which one has formed, to revelation through the body.
This is similar to a pianist, who could become an ever better player; however, if the piano is worn out, one cannot notice anything. If you want to know his abilities as a pianist only from his piano playing, however, the piano is out of tune and has broken strings, you will not be able to tell much from his playing.

Thus, Kant, when he was an old man and feeble-minded, became, for the spiritual world, not feeble-minded but great (German: glorios) {Rudolf Steiner – GA 181 – Erdensterben und Weltenleben – Berlijn, 2 april 1918 (bladzijde 185)}

Als de mensen ouder worden, worden ze niet zwak of zelfs zwakzinnig, maar ze worden geestelijker (Duits: geistig-seelischer). Alleen is dan het …

De geest wordt niet zwak, maar het instrument verslijt


Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Being and Feeling, Gezondheid, Health affairs, Kennis en Wijsheid, Knowledge & Wisdom, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Sociale Aangelegenheden, Welfare matters

Un site d’actualités, où vous trouverez un point de vue libre sur des faits d’actualitédes sujets religieux.

Chers lecteurs,

Nous tenons à vous rappeler que nous proposons un site d’actualités, où vous trouverez un point de vue libre sur des faits d’actualité importants et des sujets religieux.

Outre les nouvelles générales du jour, nous y apportons des informations politiques et sociales, nous n’hésitons pas à dire à quel point notre nature va mal et ce que nous pouvons faire pour y remédier. Mais sur le plan religieux, les choses ne vont pas si bien dans ce monde et il est également nécessaire de ne pas fermer les yeux de temps en temps.

Notre propre existence est très importante et, ce faisant, nous devons tenir compte non seulement de notre environnement, mais aussi de notre propre corps, de ses besoins et de la manière de le nourrir physiquement et mentalement. C’est ce à quoi nous essayons de prêter régulièrement attention dans “Some View on the World” (Une certaine vision du monde), comme nous essayons également de le faire ici.

Nous sommes convaincus que “Quelques regards sur le monde” ou Some View on the World peut vous offrir, ainsi qu’à votre entourage, des pistes de réflexion et des sujets de discussion au quotidien.

Si nous vous trouvons ici, nous espérons aussi vous trouver sur Some View on the World. Vous pourriez trouver judicieux de vous y abonner également afin d’être automatiquement averti à chaque fois qu’un nouvel article est publié.


Trouver un autre article suggestif en néerlandais: Vergeet ons overzicht van dagelijkse feiten niet

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Filed under Actualités, Affaires sociales, Français - French texts, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Publications, Questions religieuses et spirituelles

Positiveness in judging the world

For the control of thought and feeling there is a further means of education in the acquirement of the faculty that we may call positiveness.

There is a beautiful legend that tells of how the Christ Jesus, accompanied by some other persons, passed by a dead dog lying on the roadside. While the others turned aside from the hideous spectacle, the Christ Jesus spoke admiringly of the animal’s beautiful teeth.
One can school oneself in order to attain the attitude of soul toward the world shown by this legend. The erroneous, the bad, the ugly should not prevent the soul from finding the true, the good, and the beautiful wherever it is present. This positiveness should not be confused with non-criticism, with the arbitrary closing of the eyes to the bad, the false, and the inferior.

If you admire the “beautiful teeth” of a dead animal, you also see the decaying corpse. But this corpse does not prevent your seeing the beautiful teeth. One cannot consider the bad good and the false true, but it is possible to attain the ability not to be deterred by evil from seeing good, and by error from seeing truth.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 13 – An Outline of Occult Science – V: Cognition of the higher worlds. Initiation

Translated by Maud and Henry B. Monges and revised for this edition by Lisa D. Monges

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Educational affairs, Health affairs, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs, Social affairs

For those in their older years…

* For those in their older years – Aging gracefully involves walking and attempting to get 7,000 steps each day, being mindful in managing stress, …

For those in their older years…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Those wanting to break us

In our life we may encounter people who do not like us or even want to break us.

There are very few instances in our personal life where the need to prove our worth – is worth it.
If you run up against this situation and you have been ‘judged’ wrongly – perhaps they really aren’t entitled to your presence.

Perhaps those people wanting to break you, have a grudge about you because they are jealous or do not want you to have the place you got.

Perhaps they shall try to do everything to get you away from the job or place you are taking in.

Be stronger than they are, by not letting know your anger. Stay calm and assured. Let not play with you, but also do not let yourself be carried away in a state of hatred. They are not worth it.

Keep up, making the best of your work. Try to ignore their bad remarks, but are also not afraid to examine what they say about you. Where you come to see you are wrong or weak, correct it. Examine your work and work attitude, and make the best out of it. Making sure nobody else shall be able to give you bad remarks.

To make your head clear of all the bad energy your adversary wants to give, go take some walks in green pastures and take enough time to put your mind at rest.

Perhaps your rightness is just too much for them.
Remember, if they need to tear you apart to feel better about themselves, they have a huge void in their heart.

Always stay on the right path. And even when it might be difficult, always show your love to everybody, even to your aggressor.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

May hope bloom in your heart in the way it can inspire and energise others

Even in bad times we still have to look for a better future, hoping for better times for ourselves and for those far away. May hope inspire you to reach out to others and to share your hope and love.
May hope give you the necessary energy to shine so that it also can bring energy to others around you and peace to their mind, love to their heart, and calmness to their spirit.

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Filed under Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

Not to be too sensitive

3D rendering of a stent in a coronary artery

When I got my third heart attack in a few weeks time, having had my first and second stent in Leuven (Belgium) I got my third stent in Barcelona (Spain).

In Leuven the doctors had warned me I had to take it easy and had to come to live more regularly, also drinking less coffee. So, as a good boy, I listened to the doctors. I stopped working as a security officer at the Brussels airport, not having to get up at 1.20 am or 2.20 am to go to work, not having to eat at irregular times.

I had received the “go” or “okay” for going on holiday, making a trip to Spain. My walks in France and Spain being monitored by my electronic watch and telephone app, giving alarms when my heartbeat or stress level became too high and when my probe had to be emptied. All the time I followed up the alarms and thought I took enough rest each time. In our first three stops in France, regularly I even had to go lie down, which I. It got my wife asking if we would not better go back home. However, I wanted to continue the trip to Spain, which we already once had to abandon (in 2021).

Roses (Rosas) municipality in the comarca of the Alt Empordà, located on the Costa Brava, Catalonia, Spain.

Tossa de Mar, municipality in Catalonia, Spain, located on the coastal Costa Brava, about 100 kilometres north of Barcelona and 100 kilometres south of the French border.

After a very nice time in Roses (Rosas) we went on to Tossa de Mar. The Catalonian coast being rocky, I had to go a lot up and down, and there I seemed to have done some “overwork”. A third heart attack got me from the First Aid post in Tossa to the hospital in Blanes, after one night there I was sent to a private and specialised hospital in Barcelona. There they placed my third stent and said I would have to stay a fortnight in the hospital to have a bypass being placed. This we did not like. My wife had already had to book extra night in Tossa de Mar, where my car with luggage was parked. (She can not drive.) At the same time we also had already booked and paid for our accommodation for the next hotel in France.

The hospital told us I could not stay longer than 2 hours in a car, and therefore it would take too long for my daughter to get us back into Belgium, plus having too many hotelnights extra to book.

In the end the hospital agreed to let me go when we would go by plane. Last minute, a plane was booked to bring me and my wife to Brussels, whilst our daughter would bring the car back to Belgium.

Back in Belgium, contact with the hospital Gasthuisberg in Leuven, was made and the following days scans and tests were done again.

Once more, I got to hear from the doctors I am too sensitive, and I bother too much about certain matters. So I should care a lot less about issues. Much more overlooking things, so as not to endanger my own health.

Also changing my inner mood, my thoughts and concerns about others I shall have to regulate better in the near future.

This situation lets me think about the following text:

#Peace . . . You don’t ever have to apologise for feeling sad


You don’t ever have to apologize for feeling sad.
You aren’t being too sensitive.
You aren’t imagining things or being overdramatic.
You’re being true to yourself by honoring your emotions, and that is never something you have to feel ashamed of.

Whether you have a need that isn’t being met, an old wound that’s been reopened, a person in your life who is making you feel small, a painful memory of something from the past, or an emptiness from the loss of someone you care about — there is always something underlying our sadness, and whatever it is, it’s important and valid.
Whatever it is, it deserves to be expressed and felt .

~ Daniell Koepke ~

Artist Credit : Wyanne Thompson


Text and image source: Serendipity Corner

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Filed under Announcement, Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Welfare matters

From Guestwriters passed 100,000 all-time views

Since 2014 I present From guestwriters. I did not notice until today, when I looked at the “messages”, that we passed the 100.000 views. In 2020 we managed to have most views for the year (32.677) in a year that we only post half of the articles the year after (which got only 14.477 views).

At the moment, I may welcome 389 WordPress and 6 e-mail subscribers for this website.

All-time highlights

All-time stats

Views 100,315
Visitors 50,239
Posts 3,610
Comments 910

Most popular time

Best day
Best hour
12:00 AM

Most popular day

December 19

Up to now, for this year we only got 4.376 view for 3.007 visitors, 507 likes and 76 comments. for 2023 we could notate:

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Filed under Headlines - News, Publications

Let us know your hobby

What is your favorite hobby or pastime?

We not often ask our readers something. But today I love to send the Jetpack question forward to the readers of this site.

I was able to make my hobby into my profession. Not many can say so. But for lots of people, like for me all love is given to the hobby.

I loved dance and I became a dancer. I love history and at one point I had my archive and also came to teach history of Ballet.

I love God and His Word and Works, so I came involved in proclaiming the Word of God and became responsible for the Christadelphian church in Belgium.

As you can see, my hobbies took a great part of my life and could also give me a lot of satisfaction.

Vragen - Questions
Blijf niet alleen afgezonderd op jouw eiland met je vragen zitten – do not stay isolated on your desert island with all your questions

What about your hobbies?

Did you find something in life that you love so much, you are willing to give it extra time out of your daily work?

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Filed under Lifestyle, Questions asked, Social affairs

Make it a habit to tell people thank you…

* “Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly …

Make it a habit to tell people thank you…

In the previous posting I mentioned to focus on the good things in life and leaving those who can not stand you aside. Be stronger then their degrading attitude and show the people around you love and kindness.

Let others know how you appreciate their presence, but also what they do. Be kind to those who you encounter and do not hesitate to show your thankfulness.

Make of every bit of your life a good bit and a treasure to carry you further in life.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Life is so transient…

* Life is so transient, finite and fragile hat there is no time to hate anyone. photo credit: BlackTailedSkimmer * * * * Text and image source: The birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees

Life is so transient…

In a lightflash life can so be ended. Much too often we loose too much energy on negative vibes and having our mind on actions and people who are not worth our concerns. Their jealousy, negativeness and hate against us can only pull us down. So we better focus us on the better things in life, and concentrate on the positive side of life.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Alles wat ruimtelijk beperkt is zal zijn betekenis verliezen

Alles wat ruimtelijk beperkt is zal zijn betekenis verliezen. Daarom kan degene die de gehele zin van de mensheidsontwikkeling begrijpt, ook …

Alles wat ruimtelijk beperkt is zal zijn betekenis verliezen

Het lijkt onvoorstelbaar maar als Jezus terug naar de aarde zal keren zal dat onder zijn spirituele vorm zijn. Hij zal niet gebonden zijn aan ruimtelijke grenzen maar eveneens niet aan een stoffelijk, fysiek lichaam. Overal op aarde zal men getuige kunnen zijn van de nieuwe verschijning van Christus die dan in naam van zijn hemelse Vader een oordeel zal vellen over de levenden en doden.

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Filed under Questions asked, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

#One-linerWednesday . . . If you want to fly…

* If you want to fly, you have to flap your own wings. ~ Claire Williams ~ ZebraSwallowtailButterfly * * * * Text and image source: The birds and the…

#One-linerWednesday . . . If you want to fly…

Never count too much unto others. Always try to take the steps in the direction you want to go. Never be afraid for the unknown.

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Filed under Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

One of the most shameful errors

What must above all become strong and forceful are the soul experiences we can call the eminently moral ones. These imprint themselves as soul …

One of the most shameful errors

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs