Tag Archives: Hatred

#Peace . . . Yes there still is the time to turn around!

* Peace Poem There’s a name for war and killingthere’s a name for giving inwhen you know another answerfor me the name is sin but there’s still time to turn aroundand make all hatred ceaseand give another name to livingand we could call it peace And peace would be the road we walkeach step along […]

#Peace . . . Yes there still is the time to turn around!

And today, I hope you wake up with love, love for life, love for others, and most importantly, love for yourself.
May every breath you take, every step you make, be filled with peace, joy and serenity! To find peace in the darkness and holiness in it all, this I wish for you.
~ Mitra Shahidi

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Those wanting to break us

In our life we may encounter people who do not like us or even want to break us.

There are very few instances in our personal life where the need to prove our worth – is worth it.
If you run up against this situation and you have been ‘judged’ wrongly – perhaps they really aren’t entitled to your presence.

Perhaps those people wanting to break you, have a grudge about you because they are jealous or do not want you to have the place you got.

Perhaps they shall try to do everything to get you away from the job or place you are taking in.

Be stronger than they are, by not letting know your anger. Stay calm and assured. Let not play with you, but also do not let yourself be carried away in a state of hatred. They are not worth it.

Keep up, making the best of your work. Try to ignore their bad remarks, but are also not afraid to examine what they say about you. Where you come to see you are wrong or weak, correct it. Examine your work and work attitude, and make the best out of it. Making sure nobody else shall be able to give you bad remarks.

To make your head clear of all the bad energy your adversary wants to give, go take some walks in green pastures and take enough time to put your mind at rest.

Perhaps your rightness is just too much for them.
Remember, if they need to tear you apart to feel better about themselves, they have a huge void in their heart.

Always stay on the right path. And even when it might be difficult, always show your love to everybody, even to your aggressor.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Make it a habit to tell people thank you…

* “Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly …

Make it a habit to tell people thank you…

In the previous posting I mentioned to focus on the good things in life and leaving those who can not stand you aside. Be stronger then their degrading attitude and show the people around you love and kindness.

Let others know how you appreciate their presence, but also what they do. Be kind to those who you encounter and do not hesitate to show your thankfulness.

Make of every bit of your life a good bit and a treasure to carry you further in life.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Life is so transient…

* Life is so transient, finite and fragile hat there is no time to hate anyone. photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/people/jaegerundsammler/ BlackTailedSkimmer * * * * Text and image source: The birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0XCrQkeyyjmMq8qLK2o3fuACxpixRaKJgYcodAPtvVzeDiqxZHJrcdpx2ebXz3k4el&id=100050245220194&mibextid=Nif5oz

Life is so transient…

In a lightflash life can so be ended. Much too often we loose too much energy on negative vibes and having our mind on actions and people who are not worth our concerns. Their jealousy, negativeness and hate against us can only pull us down. So we better focus us on the better things in life, and concentrate on the positive side of life.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

So-called own sacred values under threat

The last few years we have seen populist politicians becoming more popular and getting a stronger following who wanted to cause a fuss here and there. Often they want to have their people believe their nation was great but got damaged by the many immigrants. They say the immigrant population weakens the country and brings democracy in danger.

On the other side there is also a contemporary myth that European societies used to be homogenous. Europe has always been a blanket of a lot of diversity. Always it has been a mixture of all sorts of people and cultures. Throughout the ages we could find a battlefield in the Low Countries. Lots of pieces of land changed hands many times, once belonging to the Romans, than to the Germans, the Austrians, the French, the Dutch. Even the languages and religion changed more than once.

Threat to the security and stability of the nation

Today we can find lots of people who say the land belongs to them and others bring their Judaeo-Christian values in danger. Though many of those crying about their values, do not have any of such juedo christian values at all. The 2016 Islamist fundamentalist attacks showed clearly how far countries as France wanted to go putting liberty of thought, freedom of expression and clothing at the side. France and Belgium so secularised took measures which went totally against real democratic rules and humanitarian freedom.

Big problem in Europe today is that lots of people do not worship God any more and do not keep to the essential commandments of God and as such do not mind not telling the truth, not loving the other, not taking care of others their goods or of nature, they even enjoy being better than the other wanting to have more than they have. For many, hatred and envy are the order of the day. We notice that hatred under Christians is nothing new any more. In the previously Chrisitan countries, we also come to see more hatred against religions in general, many thinking religion is the cause of all the problems. In West Europe we find many that much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism have become No God Zones.

The last few years we also could see that several countries did not mind to take up again very discriminatory laws.  We could see that even in the so-called most free country of Europe: France; and also in the so-called most progressive liberal country Denmark where they even went so far to go for Nazi-laws.

Too many people do forget our world evolved to a world where lots of people go from one place to another and influence each other. There are already many influencers on the net who cross many country borders and bring people to change their normal and consumption habits, plus eating and clothing customs.

Best examples which show how it is going wrong at the moment, are the United States of America, Brazil, Hungary and Hong Kong. The States takes the cake by having a president who goes in against everything the founders of that State stood for. That country was built on the aspiring hopes of people who came from all sorts of countries, all sorts of cultures and different religious denominations. The land is created or grown by a mixture of peoples. In the few years the 45th president of the U.S.A. ruled he managed to destroy a lot what was build up in the previous decades and created a lot of division between the inhabitants of those states which should be unified.

Instead of all trying to come to one unified Europe we do find more and more people going against the tendency for unification. Several politicians want to create such hammock in the country people get fed up with politics and start wanting to do their own thing in the way they want to do it.

A few years ago there was the beginning of fear created by Islamist fundamentalists. Now an other fear was added. This time it is not the clash between Islam and the West, but the power of a virus, which destroys our free way of life as well. Religious conflict was the norm in the old so-called homogenous Europe. Often the Roman Catholics were the killers to be afraid of. They had a terror regime that forced everyone to Catholicism. The people having most to fear then were the ones who worshipped the Only One True God and not Christ. Many brethren and sisters in the faith had to hide their faith or even had to hide in less easy to reach regions.

The English philosopher John Locke put it, ‘to a foreign prince’, the Pope, whose values were incompatible with those of liberal democracies, and who posed a threat to the security and stability of the nation.

At one point in European history we have two centuries where Jews were seen even more of a threat to European identity, values and ways of being, so much so that they became victims of the world’s greatest genocide. Today many forget that the treatment of Jews as the ‘Other’ was not confined to Germany. It was a central theme in most European nations, from the Dreyfus affair in France to Britain’s first immigration law, the 1905 Aliens Act, designed principally to stem the flow into the country of European Jews. And up in the North lots of Jews got burned in their homes by Russian attacks against them.

In all cases we see that governments and people want to find a victim, someone or some people to point with the finger, to cast them as the cause of all misery.

In the previous centuries high society also looked downwards to the working class. The working class and the rural poor were seen by many as racial distinct.
The French aristocratic anti-egalitarian diplomat, writer, ethnologist, and social thinker Arthur de Gobineau, in his Essai sur l’inégalité des races humaines, 4 vol. (1853–55; Essay on the Inequality of Human Races), remarked already that

‘Every social order represents a racial variety’.

Joseph-Arthur, comte de Gobineau.

Arthur de Gobineau, French diplomat, writer, ethnologist, and social thinker whose theory of racial determinism had an enormous influence upon the subsequent development of racist theories and practices in western Europe.

In the Essai Gobineau asserted the superiority of the white race over others and labeled the “Aryans”—i.e., the Germanic peoples—as representing the summit of civilization. That idea is not killed yet. Also today in Europe as well as in the United States we do find people who cling to that idea, that the fate of civilizations is determined by racial composition, that white and in particular Aryan societies flourish as long as they remain free of black, brown and yellow strains, and that the more a civilization’s racial character is diluted through miscegenation, the more likely it is to lose its vitality and creativity and sink into corruption and immorality.Donald Trump does find this enough reason to make sure everyone comes to understand that, and that it are the white federal troops which are the ones who can and should have everything in control.

Gobineau insisted that

‘We imagine that we are one nation, but we are two nations on the same land’,

each a distinctive race with

‘perpetually contradictory spirits’.

The Christian socialist Phillipe Buchez, giving a talk to the Medico-Psychological Society of Paris in 1857, wondered how it could happen that

 ‘within a population such as ours, races may form – not merely one but several races – so miserable, inferior and bastardised that they may be classed below the most inferior savage races, for their inferiority is sometimes beyond cure.’

The races that he was talking of were not, of course, from Africa or Asia, but the working class and the rural poor. In this century some reflect similar words now also referring to those who work on the fields (seasonal workers) and those who do the jobs the ‘nationals’ do not want to do.

Gobineau’s writings were quickly praised by white supremacist, pro-slavery Americans like surgeon, anthropologis and slaveowner Josiah C. Nott and the Swiss American propagandist for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War, Henry Hotze, who translated his book into English. They omitted around 1,000 pages of the original book, including those parts that negatively described Americans as a racially mixed population.

In the 19th century in many countries, the poor were

‘a race of whom we know nothing, whose lives are of quite different complexion from ours, persons with whom we have no point of contact.’

explained an article on working-class life in East London in The Saturday Review, a well-read liberal magazine of the era.

‘Distinctions and separations, like those of English classes’,

the article concluded,

‘which always endure, which last from the cradle to the grave, which prevent anything like association or companionship… offer a very fair parallel to the separation of the slaves from the whites.’

Just before the pandemic struck our regions there were already enough signs we were evolving back to a segregation position of modern slaves, the working class.

With the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, we will have to be very careful that politicians and CEOs do not take advantage of this situation in order to corner the workers and exploit them even more because of the emerging economic crisis.

In the States, we see already how the president got so many people to believe that we should ignore this virus or Chinese disease and should all go back at work making our economy great again. For him, the economy comes first. Human lives are not so important and when they are black or brown they are even less important. For him as for some in Europe as well there should not be Corona restrictions, because they go against our liberty. All such matters to protect the health of people undermine the economy and therefore (according to them) should be annulled. Inc ase there are people dying from Covid-19 they should be considered as just ‘accidents de parcours’.



Tribes Redux

Trans-ability and Identity and Political correctness

Seeds from the world creating division and separation from God

Denmark votes in favour for a Discriminatory Nazi law

American Christians have to think twice before going to vote

Tolerance Ends When There Is No Tolerance Shown Towards Us

Francis Fukuyama and ‘The End of History?’


Additional reading

  1. Belgium, Belgicae and the fertile floodland
  2. Disturbing language inbalance
  3. Catholicism, Anabaptism and Crisis of Christianity
  4. Morality, values and Developing right choices
  5. Subcutaneous power for humanity 2 1950-2010 Post war generations
  6. 2014 Religion
  7. Europe and much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism becoming No God Zones
  8. 2016 in review Politics #1 Year of dissonance
  9. Negative views of immigrants, Muslims and Jews
  10. Migrants to the West #5
  11. Built on or Belonging to Jewish tradition #1 Christian Reform
  12. President Trump shall have to recognise that Immigrant Workers Are Vital to the U.S.A.
  13. Secularism in France becoming dangerous for freedom of religion
  14. Christians, secularism, morals and values
  15. Being Christian in Western Europe at the beginning of the 21st century #2
  16. Need to Embrace People Where They Are
  17. 500 Years of Reformation Divisions Have Lost Much of Their Potency
  18. American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder
  19. What Steve Bannon really wants
  20. Is Europe going to become a dictatorial bastion
  21. Challenges of the Post-Pandemic period


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Where It All Needs to Start

Uninterestedness, self-centredness, self-assurance, lust are characteristics of all times. But as time goes by, it is important that man pays more attention to how he lives and how he relates to the environment, the other creatures that the Creator has provided for man.


Read also

“We must think critically…” to check what to nurture and leading yourself towards love – guiding to a place of courage and compassion, generosity and hope, joy and kindness and forgiveness and integrity.



Looking forward to a year full of Kindness

Kindness to Yourself

Adventures of the Madcap Christian Scientist

You know, this stuff didn’t start with Trump. The greed, the racism, the me-firstness, the bullying, the dishonesty, the corruption, the mean-spiritedness – that stuff has been a part of our society and politics for a long time – the only difference in the last couple of years is that it’s come out in the open – people almost seem proud of their hate and greed and dishonesty now. And to see all of that being played out in front of us – in the open – is disheartening, yes. But… here’s what gives me hope: It seems to me that if there’s been a rise in acts of hatred, there’s also been a rise in acts of kindness in the last couple years – people seem, to me, to be more conscious and deliberate about kindness.

And that’s where it all needs to start, doesn’t it? The healing and…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Ecological affairs, History, Lifestyle, Nature, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Need to reject an archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible and animosity against other believers

In Belgium and France we see a growing hatred against lovers of the One and Only One True God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah. Several Jews have been attacked physically or were made afraid by all kinds of threats or intimidations. That made many of our brethren and sisters leave for Israel. In France Jehovah’s Witnesses, Bible Students and Christadelphians are prohibited to proclaim the Good News or the Gospel of the Kingdom in public, for example by speaking to people on the street or by billing leaflets. In several regions people look down at Muslims or show their hate, giving the impression that they must be all so terrible or be believers of the faith IS promotes.

The Netherlands for years already had their very conservative Calvinist groups, but the last 30 years they were joined by other radical Christians. Many of those follow the Bible literally and can’t read in between the lines nor showing understanding Hebrew thinking or Hebrew way of talk.

As a college professor, the writer of Help from Heaven looks at this world and sees how we have come to a period people want to have eye-flaps, but also finds that the present youngsters could perhaps be more interested in and learning from stories that illustrated the teachings he was bringing but also about the teaching the Holy Scriptures wants to bring to mankind.

Is it

Archaic, bygone, ancient, passe, primitive, old. {Bonkers away blog: daily-prompt: Archaic}

that makes us not fitting in this world any more, giving us the impression it is becoming less accepting, more limited of views, less free thinking, more prudent, less receptive to other opinions. We clearly feel how youngsters today look more hostile to different thinking people, otherwise believers and to those who belong to a different culture.

Also certain communities are guilty of bringing limitations to free thinking. We even do not have to go far. In our own regions we have very conservative Jews who want to have the children over protected and also want them to believe in literal Biblical interpretation, holding fast on a six day creation and as such with their thought on the same line as the growing group of Christian Creationists. You may call it a response to modern evolutionary theory, which explains the emergence and diversity of life without recourse to the doctrine of God or any other divine power. Mainstream scientists generally rejecting creationism may find several believers in God joining them too, but worse is to see how by the growing pressure of certain religious groups trying to get diversion or war between other religious groups, we can see many more people getting fed up with religion and putting it aside.

Certain people want to to overwrite history and think they can make for it a better picture that covers the archaic marks and portray a new picture. They have the impression the strokes that they shall strike this time shall be much stronger and sharper just like the person they have become in the journey of their life … {“Life is like an Old Sketch”}

The article “The Racist Bible” brings a view of the recent problems our world is facing. There is written:

We live with such an archaic interpretation of the Bible. People interpreted the Bible in different ways 100 years ago, 500 years ago, and 1500 years ago. We need to know why those interpretations came into being. Once we do, we can see how it is hurting us. Only then can we move on to a powerful Biblical interpretation, one that is vibrant and appeals to the modern non-Christian. {The Racist Bible}

In several of the Jeshuaists their articles they try to bring a view how the ancient Hebrews saw the beginning of the world and how the Adonai handled the rebellion of man. We can see how by the years ‘Church‘ made use to bend words or twist interpretations to get people under the spell or in their ban. Several religious groups love to have control over their flock and found it most appropriate to do that with fearmongering and with hard language (sometimes even going so far to use abusive language or enormity). Scaring people or trying to intimidate them has become more popular these days. We can find certain preachers (like Mr. Dave Norris) happy to present all sorts of lies about other religious groups than their own church, (for Mr Norris: the Bible Church), which must be the only one true church every one should have to become a member, because otherwise they shall have to burn in hell for ever. Strangely enough in several articles he attacks groups which say we are saved but still have to do works.  He then claims (like Mr. Cross Roman)  we do not have to do any works any more because we are saved by Christ his blood. Norris also knows about the problems of human tradition and writes

All this is ridiculous and pits Apostolic Authority against scripture. Judaism regards the Torah or the first five books of the Bible highly but not quite as high as the Talmud which is Jewish tradition. Tradition can be classified as a philosophy written by men. Whether you believe it or not the Bible was not written by men per se but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Christadelphians and Bible students also follow their own traditions which supersedes the word of God and each Congregation of those bodies believe differently as there is no uniform Doctrine. Just like in the Book of Judges when everyone did what was right in their own eyes yes. I follow the word of God and place very little impetus on tradition. {Precious Spiritual Children- 2}

He tells others lies about the Belgian Biblestudents and Christadelphians, so called claiming Jesus would return a certain day or year (what they certainly do not)  but he himself writes that the Jewish people will accept a guaranteed peace covenant secured by the countries of the now 80% Islamic Roman Empire.

Norris on return of Christ + Jews+ Islamic world + doctrine of imminence+end-time prophesies

Some preachers, because they believe the world shall come to an end, try to call others false prophets and try their believers to belief that those groups would have prophesied such dates for the end of the world, whilst those groups, like the Belgian Bible Students and the Christadelphians already have spend many articles saying that we should be careful with people claiming that Jesus would return on such or such a day, because even Jesus did not know it and we also can not know the exact day of the return of Jesus. But for sure we may be sure that the world shall not come to an end, not because the Belgian Bible students and the Christadelphians belief so , but because that is just the biblical truth and God’s promise  to our Patriarch Abraham, that we may look forward to a big state of united people under God’s King his reign her on earth and in heaven.

Lots of present teachers attacking Jews, Non-Trinitarian Christians and Muslims do have much self-esteem and though they seem to recognise it as part of the possible signs of the end-times do not see the beam in their own eyes but blame the splinters in someone else’s skin, claiming that at all dates setters fail to do is to rely on the words of the scripture which they only are able to do, them being able to see how fast Satan is working to cause chaos and evil, deceiving this world (like Mr. Norris is doing), because all others are “kindergartners” or “have no brains” (Norris his words).

The kettle blames the pot that it looks black but does not see the beam in its own eyes while it complains about the splinters in someone else’s skin. Mr. Dave Norris blaming others to tell and warn about end-times sings, but giving himself also some recognition to those signs in his series over the The End Times (namely part 4)

It might look honourable when people try to talk about that nice prospect of their Messiah coming back. But then they would have to follow the footsteps of that Nazarene master teacher Jeshua, Jesus Christ, who preached peace and not war, like they are doing. So many preachers may be happy with the contemporary technology making it very easy to bring the Word of God all over the nations. To our regret we also find lots of people finding in it a tool to spit their gal and to do everything to have their poisonous words to obscure all reality and decency.

Internet evangelism is how the nations will have an opportunity to hear and receive the Good News. No longer can one person reach only as many as he knows or comes into contact with. Today one person, right out of the comfort of his home, can reach millions of people in places he has never been and most likely, never will go. One person can invest a little time, without investing thousands of dollars in travel expenses, and can do much more, plant more seeds, and encourage more brethren than if he were to board a plane and go somewhere. {Today’s “Roman Road” – the Internet}

But at the same time we can see how one person can manage to bring all sorts of writings on the different denominations which exist in the world of religion, to break them. He even attacks the people of God and let his readers believe that we give more attention to human teachings and traditions than to the Torah.

Dave Norris of the Bible Church on Jews + Talmud + Rabbinical teaching

Mr Dave Norris of an American bible Church wanting his readers and all people in the world to believe the Jews are using the goyim as their slaves and would find raping women and killing whites ok, clearly wanting to create hatred against the Jewish people (Picture from The Shocking Jewish Talmud Revealed)

Concerning founders Mr. Norris has shown, about other denominations too, he also has a strange view, him believing it were the Hebrews who founded Judaism, though it was the Most Almighty Elohim Who has chosen us as His people and promised us by the seed of Abraham a great nation.

He also seems to forget one of the main points of a monotheist religion, which according to him our ancestors would have created. In Judaism part 101-1 he mentions the essence of a monotheist religion, namely worshipping only One True God above all gods, whilst he is a worshipper not of “One and Unique” God, but of the trinity and as such worships three gods: a God the Father, god the son and god the Holy Spirit, and by doing so should fall under the polytheists. When he considers the Hebrew religion as the mother religion of his religion, we would like to ask him why he went so far away from his mother and betrayed her?

Judaism – Jews chosen by God practising and teaching monotheism

For Mr. Norris it seems to be clear that all those who preach peace between Jews, Christians, Muslims and non believers are oxymorons.

Mr Dave Norris finds all those who want to live in peace together and accept the other religious groups “biblical oxymoron” finding they falter between two opinions following Baal considering that (according to him) God and Baal are oxymorons as is this question of the agreement the temple of God has with idols. (Though he himself belongs to a church with several idols or gods.) (picture of his article: The Coexist Movement- 2)

Like he does not seem to see the many differences between the Bible students he also does not seem to know much about the different forms of Judaism, only mentioning three.

Dave Norris limited vision on Jewish groups

Though people like him are being followed by many as if they are the gurus of truth.

Perhaps he, living in the United States, feels united with the many creationists and conservative and fundamentalist Christians. Him also for the whites, thinking Jews love to kill them, can find  confirmation in the writing of the professor who writes

In fact, it was not until Luther that people started taking the Bible more literally. The Creationist movement, though, including the world-wide flood didn’t really take root until the southerners of 1850+ started promoting it. Thus, we had a racist theology demand that their interpretation was the only one. Many were convinced to write on it, without referring to slavery. Slowly the arguments strengthened, until many who are not racist accept the arguments. This, though has saddled us with a theology that contradicts science. Now, we have to invent miracles that are not mentioned in the Bible to fit this theology. For example, a single flood doesn’t leave layers, it jumbles up everything.  {The Racist Bible}

For the professor it might be clear that certain Western Christians have perhaps taken a too restricted look at the Scriptures and perhaps in their thought that the King James Bible is the only true Bible, many Americans even thinking those Hebrews, like Abraham, Isaiah and Jesus all had English Names and as such find, it can not be that the rebbe his name is Jeshua or that God is called Jehovah.

Perhaps it is getting time that people from the West Northern hemisphere start looking at the Bible with other eyes. They also should start questioning their attitude to Jews, real Christians, Muslims, other and non-believers. If they want to win souls or if they want to convert people, loving to see them as members of their Christian faith, it will certainly come down not to follow the way of preachers like Dave Norris serves his community of the Bible Church, because I think he is at the moment getting more people away from faith and religion than getting them in his group or into becoming a Christian. The way we see many Christians act against other Christians and how there is a growing number of Christians reacting cruel against other faith groups or pushing others not to believe in the existence of dinosaurs or that the earth is flat and that NASA would be fooling us about the round earth, it is understandable why so many Christians are leaving the Christian Faith.

We need to reject the archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible. We need to look at it afresh. The interpretation I suggested is not necessarily right, but is a reasonable alternative. Right now, because we are stuck with the racist inspired creationism, we are losing Christians when they go to High School and college and study science. They see how the two conflict, and are rejecting the Bible in great numbers. If we study the Bible fresh, we will see that there are literal interpretations that do not conflict with science, and we can then focus on talking about Jesus without people saying, “I don’t believe that stuff. It is just an archaic myth that science has shown to be wrong.” {The Racist Bible}



Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups

The written, the spoken, and the audible a part of the soul and a blessing to humanity but also the trigger to those who love Crusades and the Inquisition


Additional reading

  1. Dave Norris and his writings on the Belgian Bible Students
  2. Trusting present youngsters who are not necessary evil
  3. Overprotection and making youngsters drifting away
  4. The way of looking at the Scriptures and the people in this world
  5. Knife-trust in democratic sore back
  6. Pushing people in a corner danger for indoctrination and loss of democratic values



  1. The Watchtower Belgian Biblestudents
  2. Comfort Zone Gospel
  3. Jonah; Wake Up
  4. The Missing Piece to Salvation
  5. Saved From What?
  6. Selling Jesus
  7. Think About It…
  8. Entering the Trail to True Freedom
  9. Main Reason to Share the Gospel
  10. Evangelism as a lifestyle
  11. How to Overcome Fear of Sharing the Gospel – The Story of the Waldensians
  12. Forgetting that the Gospel is Good News, Romans 1:7
  13. Salty Agape
  14. Communicating the Wondrous Truth of God’s Love and Mercy
  15. Eschatology for beginners (part 1)
  16. The Return of Yeshua Ben Joseph, also known as Jesus – by New Dimension – 12-23-17
  17. Exit Strategy End Times: “Unforgiveness and the Band Aid of agreement.” “
  18. This is NOT the Time to be SILENT
  19. Eastern Lightning | The Awakening of a Deceived Spirit (Part 2)
  20. Keep Racing!
  21. How to Teach About the Second Coming
  22. Today’s “Roman Road” – the Internet
  23. The Antichrist in the Holy Place Church
  24. The Historical Lesson Historians Need to Learn
  25. Scoffers
  26. Why Is Christ’s Return Not Widely Taught?
  27. The Beginning and the Ending
  28. Seven Reasons For Six Day Creation
  29. The Creationism
  30. Elmore Fundamentalism, Part 1: Matter
  31. More on Evolution: From the Mail Room, by Fred Reed
  32. Is There Biological Evidence of Life’s Recent Creation? – Part I
  33. Scientists Identify a Key Cognitive Error that Could Explain Why People Believe in Creationism and Conspiracy Theories
  34. Why Evolution is True Review
  35. Teleogical views predict not just creationism, but conspiracy theories
  36. A Creationist Surprise
  37. Is Creationism racist?
  38. God and Science
  39. Eric Hedin, prohibited from teaching intelligent design at Ball State, retires and moves to a Christian university
  40. Claim of creationism taught in school linked to National
  41. School response on creationism, claims evolution ‘controversies’
  42. School response on creationism, claims evolution ‘controversies’ — Your NZ
  43. Origin Story: A Big History of Everything
  44. There IS Purpose!
  45. Your Mythology is not Science
  46. Where Were You Radicalized?
  47. The Ends of the World
  48. Civil Debate? Catcall? Or Creationist Ruse?
  49. Faith abates reason at Edmonton’s first Flat-Earth International Conference
  50. #1: Inexplicable Species and the Theory of Evolution
  51. Evolutionary psychology: The naturalistic and agency fallacies
  52. A creationist makes the dumbest criticism of evolution ever
  53. Noah’s ark: the most ridiculed story in the Bible
  54. Tel Aviv’s new natural history museum (built to look like Noah’s Ark) deliberately omits mentioning evolution
  55. Why Do the Fundamentalists Love Tracey Ullman Now?
  56. InfightingNon-Physical Fighting 2
  57. Sikh Radicalisation in Britain
  58. Waitress Denied Tip for ‘not loving Jesus’
  59. Christian-hating transgender VT gubernatorial candidate DUPED by satire site: ‘Some evangelists just crazy!’
  60. The Nashville Statement (A Plain Language Translation)
  61. Love and Hate


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, History, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, World affairs

Loving your neighbour as yourself and Israel and Palestine

“Loving your neighbour as yourself.”

When Nas Daily went home this time, he was fed up with the amount of hate coming out from both sides. So he  wanted to add his take to this conflict and keep it positive while also hinting at the negative.

Nas Daily writes

Making these videos has not been easy. There has been push back from both sides, and that’s great! Is this an accurate reflection of the situation? No, it’s not. I didn’t cover the settlements, violence, attacks, etc. Nas Daily is not a news organization. I wanted to make videos of what I believe in. I don’t believe in making blame-y videos because these usually go nowhere and add nothing to the conversation. I don’t believe in Kumbaya let’s all be happy and merry kind of shit either. I wanted to strike a balance: highlight the positive and the negative without making you feel negative!





Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Pictures of the World, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Video

Nas Daily his experience in Jerusalem

Nas Daily finds we need to get more Jewish content in front of Arab Facebook newsfeed. It’s just as necessary.
There are no multiple races. There is only the Human Race. If we only realized this, there will be no wars.
Marcus Ampe writes
More people should show there is a big difference between the lesser group of extremists and fundamentalists and those who are willing to live in a multicultural society where there is place for each other to live in peace and brotherly love.




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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Pictures of the World, Social affairs, Video, Welfare matters

Writing from the heart

living in love

light and darkness in constant conflict

fighting for a finite force inside a man

that weights who we are counting as human

animals have a heart too, can’t we have a better one?

building fences, digging trenches, owning ocean, lands, and potable water

where once it was free, delightfully refreshing putting in a bottle causing cancer. 

someone owns everything taking even from those who have nothing, such the way of life.

other’s gloat over their big enterprise while half of the planet eats mud to suffice hunger

such a way of life, bullying those who do differently, laughing at other’s mistakes forgotten they too have foul fart. Words leave a wound that scars for life, a soul will strive to rise, but eaten by his hatred inside. Societies can be so demeaning that causes a life to end. 

Others think differently, we do our own battles with different tactics some are born weak…

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Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

High time to show the way to peace

Vagabonds of the Western World

Vagabonds of the Western World (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The world has always known people who had problems with their relationship and even went to fight with each other because they wanted things of the other person. Wars have been a common thing for humanity. In the West we may be pleased after World War II the fighting was less than in previous centuries, but still lots of internal battles make many lives sour.

In the West, though, there are many who call themselves Christian and even say the Western World belongs to the Christians and Is or should be Christian. When they are afraid Muslims would take over they should more question themselves how it is possible that so many people do want to leave Christendom for that other religion.

This year we do remember that it is 2020 years ago that rabbi Jeshua, Jesus Christ, was born. At that special occasion we should better question what mankind made of that man and what they did with his teachings.

Rabbi Jeshua was a man of peace, who did not favour one for the other but thought and treated everybody likewise. For a good or even a bad person this rabbi had always an ear and was always ready to help. All his teachings were about an unmistakably Great Love. The great master teacher, who came to be known in the West as Jesus Christ, was a man of action and not of words only. His words were like balsam. In his words there was no place for hatred or jealousy. He was an example of humbleness, tenderness, full of love and kindness. He was not a bringer of war but a bringer of peace.

When people also would follow his teachings they would have less problems and there would be less friction or peevishness.

This image was selected as a picture of the we...

This image was selected as a picture of the week on the Malay Wikipedia for the 44th week, 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today, we have reached an era of which the Bible warns mankind. We too should take heed and see what is going on, as signs prophesied in the Book of books, the Bible. Noticing all those signs of coming troublesome times we should be fully aware that we best make work of those tidings Christ Jesus has brought to mankind.

When all those who say they are Christian, which should mean they are willing and doing what Jesus asks from them, following his teachings and his example, they should know that as all different body parts together they should make one strong healthy body, the Body of Christ.

When all Christians would start in their own surroundings already trying to create that peace of Christ, also trying to accept other Christians and willing to work together with them, the world would become a much better place.

Christians should show others that Jesus is not only the Way to God but also the Way to life and to  world peace. With Jesus we shall be able to find a (restored) kingdom, where there shall be no grudges, no jealousy, no fighting. One might be surprised how it could still be in reach.

Please do not wait any longer. Do not postpone. Tell others about that man born 2020 years ago and show them why we should put our eyes on him. Let others see why that Nazarene man was so important for mankind and let them understand he is the only working solution for mankind. Jesus is the way, and all should know it!

How more people shall come to Jesus how more people shall be sharing that similar love of Jesus with each other, and as brothers and sisters of each other in the Body of Christ they shall be able to bring soft gently swaying waves of peace. and that peace shall be much stronger than what others try to get with their fighting.

All will have to know that Jesus will conquer, and that he will become the new King of kings. In him we do have our mediator between God and man and our high-priest. He has ear and eyes for us and in him we should trust.

Let us proclaim who he is, what he has done and why the whole world need him. In him is our peace, which we should radiate so that others also become affected with it.

It is really “, plus “High time to go out telling the world about Jesus” and hight time to join hands for showing the world that those who love Jesus can come together in peace and co-operate with the best intentions to come to a better world, were peace shall reign.


Preceding articles:

High time to go out telling the world about Jesus


Additional articles

  1. In a few days time it will be 2020 years ago that the Messiah was born
  2. 2020 years since
  3. 2020 years ago, the road was opened
  4. When Bad Things Happen
  5. Redemption #1 Biblical doctrine of salvation
  6. Redemption #2 Biblical solution
  7. Redemption #7 Christ alive in the faithful
  8. Redemption #8 Righteousness by Faith
  9. Redemption #9 Only way
  10. The Right One to follow and to worship
  11. Knowledge of Christ and fear for God
  12. Through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe
  13. The stone of essential truth
  14. the Way to life
  15. Relating to God is it possible + Relation with God
  16. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  17. Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water
  18. Be humble like Christ
  19. Humbleness
  20. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  21. If you want to go far in life
  22. Kindness
  23. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  24. God let my compassionate affection be tolerant and kind
  25. Kingdom of God what will it be like
  26. True riches


Further reading

  1. God, Alone, Sovereignly Chooses His Eternal Family
  2. God’s Marriage: The Father And Son
  3. Unraveling Guilt With God’s Holiness
  4. Lent Day 23: I Declare My Ways Are Smooth, My Path Is Straight. I Will Not Stumble
  5. Only one way out
  6. The Way
  7. R.C. Sproul quote
  8. This is the way
  9. The Way home Psalm 56:3-4 Luke 13:22-30
  10. Discouraged? Run to Jesus!
  11. Jesus sees me as …
  12. Grace and Restoration
  13. “Flow through Me”
  14. “That They May Be One”
  15. Jew or Gentile: You Are All One in Christ Jesus
  16. Disciplinary Treatises—(4) The Communion of the Body, by Scott Cairns
  17. The Body of Christ
  18. The Body of Christ : God’s ultimate intention for our life
  19. Body of Christ: Nothing Will Be Wasted, by Francis de Sales Wagner
  20. The Living, Growing Body of Christ
  21. Becoming Community
  22. Who Runs the Church?
  23. Beware of a Spiritual Cancer in the Body of Christ
  24. Has the Church become a pathetic loser?
  25. The Apostasy
  26. Are We A Healthy Body?
  27. Measuring the Fullness
  28. Oneness of the Church
  29. Unify
  30. On marriage for priests.
  31. Sometimes, Instead of Bread, I Ask God for Stones
  32. What love is this?
  33. Until Christ Is Formed
  34. Standing in the Gap
  35. Prayer For Oct. 22nd
  36. “Do I have to pray, read the Bible, go to church, etc?”
  37. Revival, or something that looks like it
  38. Running Toward The Goal
  39. Ignatius of Antioch: “love incorruptible”
  40. The Perfect Wheel
  41. Spiritual Formation, Gossip and Presidential Campaigns
  42. October 26 – I Never Knew You
  43. Summing Up
  44. Horrendous Things are Under Authority
  45. Peace. Comfort. Love. Joy. Over coming the heartache.
  46. A Fresh Look at the Lord’s Prayer “Your Kingdom Come”
  47. No Matter
  48. Sunday Bun! At SAllome Point in the Future
  49. Religion vs Relationship
  50. Why Christianity Isn’t a Solo Act
  51. We have all the answers, we must go and answer all the questions!
  52. For the One whose name is higher than them all
  53. Kingdom???
  54. Thy Kingdom Come
  55. Know your saviour
  56. Kings and kingdoms
  57. 4 Shots From 4 Films: An Epic Birthday Salute
  58. Open Wide the Gates
  59. The Justice of God – Isaiah 33:22
  60. All Glory To Jesus
  61. Recapturing The Holy Awe






Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, World affairs

Fear for rebel groups and men

In this world, this system of things is coming closer to its end. We can see that by what is coming from the East and is entering our life.

Throughout history there always have been interesting people and human beings who wanted to be more powerful than others, even prepared to kill others to strengthen their power. We have many  great men in this world and can see the governors whose laws and policies determine the welfare of millions; the would-be world-rulers, the dictators and empire-builders, who have it in their power to plunge the globe into war.


Sennacherib during his Babylonian war, relief from his palace in Nineveh

Think of Sennacherib and Nebuchadnezzar; think of Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler. Think of Nixon and Mao Tse-tung…think now of Putin, Obama, Kim Jong-un, and others…  {J.I. Packer, in his classic book entitled Knowing God}

Today lots of people are fearing the power of ISIS. Many also want to believe that it are Muslims who are the ones they have to fear. They do not come to see that those fighters and Islamic terrorists are not real Muslims and are defiling the Ummah or Muslim community and slop God’s Name through the mud.

Do you suppose that it is really these men who determine which way the world shall go?
Think again; for God is greater than the world’s great men. {J.I. Packer, in his classic book entitled Knowing God}


“brings the princes to nothing; He makes the rulers of the earth as vanity” (Isaiah 40:23).

Pictured here is former Chinese Chairman Mao Z...

Pictured here is former Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong announcing the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1 1949. Italiano: Immagine di Mao Tse-tung che proclama la nascita della Repubblica Popolare Cinese l’1 ottobre 1949 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We should be well aware that at the end-times the religions shall go against each other, but that those who belong to the body of Christ, the believers in one God know that the ruler of this world shall go to fight hard against those who worship the only one True God, in the knowledge that their end will be near.

They may want to blind others and bring others to do lots of things which are against God’s wish. Therefore we should be very careful not to step in the booby trap, becoming overmanned by grief and hatred, taking on an attitude unworthy a follower of Christ.

All our hope should be on the return of Christ and on his heavenly Father Who is

“The only ruler of princes.” Behold your God indeed!



Tears for Belgium

A darker and stranger place

The Greatest Fear

Bringers of agony, Trained in Belgium and Syria

You might be an extrimist if …

Against cruelty in this world



Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters

Bringers of agony, Trained in Belgium and Syria

These days the west came to understand how seriously Islamic State group wants to launch “enormous and spectacular attacks,” as jihadis broaden their focus to target Western lifestyles.

The heart of Europe was severely hurt on the 22nd of March with up to 35 deaths and 396 wounded (as registered on the 31st of March).

The Paris and Brussels attacks have rightly caused outrage across the globe. However, while millions in the West took to social media to share their grief, there are numerous attacks across the world that go largely unreported in the mainstream media are which are forgotten or not remembered by lots of Westerners.

The “black flag of jihad” as used by jihadist militants since around the late 1990s

File:Régions naturelles de Belgique.jpg

Ardennes (in ‘darker’ green)

Our regions do know that IS is no longer content to simply radicalise people through propaganda, but is “trying to build bigger attacks.” for several months now that rebel group is also trying to bring jihadis trained in Syria into northern Europe to launch strikes, helped by those who are trained in West Flanders and in the Belgian Ardennes.

On 21 March, the Kurds celebrated the biggest cultural event of their year, Newroz or New Year, but once again they too were under attack by Turkey but also by groups of their own, namely the PKK.

Pro-Assad media hails recapture of ancient city as ‘strategic victory’ but others allege collusion between Damascus and retreating militants

A Syrian soldier looks at graffiti in Palmyra reading: “The Islamic State is staying’ (AFP)

Ruins of Palmyra

The ruins of Palmyra in 2010

The dramatic recapture of the ancient city of Palmyra by the Syrian army and its allies on Sunday prompted some commentators in the Arabic-language media to declare the beginning of the end for the Islamic State (IS) group, while others predicted a long and drawn out battle to come with regional and global consequences. {- See more at: Middle East eye}

Four days after the Brussels attacks the terrorists showed they were not at all only focussing on fakir Christians. At least 41 people were killed and 105 wounded when a teenage ISIS suicide bomber blew himself up at a small soccer stadium in the Iraqi city of Iskanderiyah, less than 30 miles south of Baghdad. The attack targeted the crowd watching an amateur soccer match on Friday evening in the mixed Sunni and Shiite town, and the city’s mayor, who was presenting awards to the soccer players at the time of the bombing, was among those killed. The BBC also reports that 17 of the dead were boys between the ages of 10 and 16. ISIS later claimed responsibility for the attack using its social media channels, according to the Site extremist monitoring group.


epaselect PAKISTAN SUICIDE BOMB BLAST AFTERMATHOn Sunday the 27th of March Pakistan got its share also with a bombing that killed 72 people and injured more than 350 at a crowded park on Easter Sunday. Though the violent Pakistani Taliban offshoot known as Jamaat-ul-Ahrar — which boasted that it targeted Christians in a crowded park in Lahore — once publicly declared support for ISIS, but has hit more Muslims and Hindy people than Christians.

Now it’s the subject of an intensive crackdown in the world’s second-most populous and only nuclear-armed Muslim nation. On dealing with the threat of Islamic State, Obama said he had invited participating nations to work on improving intelligence-sharing to prevent terrorist attacks.

“At our session on ISIL this afternoon there was widespread agreement that defeating terrorist groups like ISIL requires more information sharing,”

Obama said on Friday April 1, using an acronym for the militant group.

Pakistan, a country long considered an al Qaeda stronghold, feels more and more also the negative pressure of that group and similar related groups which want to govern lots of people, telling them what they can or not can do.

Those “cowardly” suicide attacks shall continue. And with them we can see the Biblical prophesies of having the religions coming up against religions, after the period when the people living in the land of Euphrates and Tigris would have fought against each other (Iran & Iraq).

Whilst US President Barack Obama called for a world without nuclear weapons yesterday after arriving in France for a Nato summit, where he won French endorsement of his new Afghanistan strategy, we should be fully aware that the war on terror continues and shall bring forth some other serious attacks form underground people or different cells which sprout up like ulcers.

It are those rebels who misuse the name of God and try to get religious people against each other. Believers in God should be very careful not to fall in the trap and going to one or another religious group. In Belgium, Holland, France and some other Western countries we can see movements from right as wall as extreme left wing organisations defiling the Muslim community.

Flag of Taliban

Flag of Taliban (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For sure the Western states do have to get a grip on rising violence by al Qaeda and Taliban militants driven from power in 2001 but never completely defeated. But Christians should be careful not to be carried away by hatred and should abstain from any violent action. They also should show their love for those who are different than them and who have an other faith than them, but who also sincerely believe in the Divine Creator.

We always should remember that those who rape and sell children, kill innocent people, burn Koran‘s, mosques and bring terror on so many places are all doing things which are against Koran teaching and as such against real Muslim faith.

They are not only misusing and defiling the Name of God, but they are bringing discredit to all those believers who belong to the Islam.


Attacks targeting civilians linked to or inspired by ISIS Since January 2015, outside Iraq and Syria.
Circles represent number of deaths of confirmed ISIS-related attacks.

Attacks by ISIS 2015-2016 March

Islamic State claimed responsibility for several explosions causing many deaths and severely wounded, creating lots of horror and pain


Preceding / Voorgaande

Tears for Belgium

A darker and stranger place

In tijden van gemeenschappelijk verdriet

Belangrijke onderbreking

Hoe te reageren op aanslagen in Brussel

peace not war



Find also to read:

  1. Daesh hits heart of Europe
  2. A Black day for Belgium – Brussels Airport ravage
  3. Knife-trust in democratic sore back
  4. ISIL will find no safe haven
  5. ISIS a product of American in-action or a product of direct action
  6. Condemning QSIS or the self-claimed Islamic state ruler, al- Baghdadi their extremist ideologies and to clarify the true teachings of Islam
  7. Al Qaeda regaining foothold in Middle East bubonic plague for American elections
  8. ISIS has released pictures of the destruction of St. Elian’s place in Homs and the Baalshamin Temple in Palmyra


Further related articles:

  1. Obama offers vision of world without nuclear arms
  2. Dundar: Turkish journalists are ‘freedom-fighters’ whose ‘fight has just begun’
  3. Suicide bomber kills dozens at football stadium in Iraq
  4. ISIS claims suicide attack on Iraqi stadium that kills 25

  5. IS Claims Suicide Bombing on Stadium in Iraq That Killed 29
  6. Suicide bomber kills 29 at football match near Baghdad
  7. Taliban splinter group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar forms in northwestern Pakistan
  8. Pakistan Militant Group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar Threatens Fresh Wave of Violence
  9. Lahore bombing: what is Jamaat-ul-Ahrar?

  10. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar: Group behind Lahore blast part of ‘saturated’ jihadist market
  11. Lahore Bombing Fuels Fears of ISIS Foothold in Pakistan
  12. ISIS Suicide Bomber Kills 41 at Soccer Game in Iraq
  13. Baghdad suicide attack: Death toll of Isis football stadium bombing rises to 41
  14. Where ISIS Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World


Related articles


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle

Solidarité: The Paris Attack and the Refugee Crisis

To remember

  • great paradoxical absurdity > appalling violence in Paris > parts of media + certain individuals + groups = advocating denial of sanctuary to refugees – people who have experienced very same violence (at the hands of very same fundamentalists) = as a daily reality
  • one must empathise with those refugees fleeing violence and terrorism
  • exploiting anger + fear felt by so many people across the world in the aftermath of these horrible attacks, purely to further own Islamophobic + xenophobic narrative = misdirected anger + hatred = inexcusable + entirely unhelpful.
  • solidarité which must prevail
  • our obligations > kind of violence + terror from which refugees are fleeing
  • observe somewhat selective humanity + relative silence from same people in relation to events in Beirut + similar violence across the world
  • emergence of refugee crisis + displacement of millions of people = considered a consequence, in part, of failings of incoherent + ineffective foreign policy of certain Western countries



Paris Attack and Ranting

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris

A husband’s heartbreaking tribute to his wife killed in the Paris attacks


Find also to read:

  1. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  2. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  3. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  4. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  5. French Muslims under attack


Reflections on Human Rights and World Affairs


The great paradoxical absurdity is that, because of the appalling violence in Paris on Friday night, parts of the media and certain individuals and groups are now advocating the denial of sanctuary to refugees – people who have experienced the very same violence (at the hands of the very same fundamentalists) but as a daily reality. For such people to express moral outrage and horror at the actions of the terrorists in Paris whilst simultaneously proposing that we withhold protection from refugees fleeing such violence in their own countries, it is entirely contradictory. If one genuinely feels outrage at the death of 129 people and injury of many more on Friday night in Paris, and empathises with the families of those killed, then one must empathise with those refugees fleeing violence and terrorism. Anything less is simply moral hypocrisy.

However, such moral outrage is not authentic, but opportunistic – exploiting the anger…

View original post 649 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

The Crusader Rifle

A few weeks ago we could see on the Flemish television a documentary on The Crusader Rifle.

It is unbelievable that people who are calling themselves Christians promote such weapons were the name of God and God His Own Words are misused.

Naturally those people using those weapons are contributing to the same weapon industry who provides weapons and money to the ones who want to go to battle. They do not seem to read the Bible in its entity but only keep repeating some phases taken out of context, doing the same thing as their radical Muslim fundamentalist counterparts.

Unbelievable but true. We wanted therefore to share one of those weird American ideas which help to promote hatred in this world.

Lots of Americans do forget that much more people are killed a day by cars and by weapons of their own so called Christian people. Lots of people do overestimate the killings by religious terrorists. There are more political and other hate terrorist actions than those motivated by religious reason.


  • A new AR-15 “assault” rifle model, made by Florida Gun Manufacturer Spike’s Tactical, = billed as one that would “never be used by Muslim terrorists.”
  • “Spike’s Tactical Crusader”  = standard AR-15 by design + undergone a few “cosmetic” modifications to make it reportedly “offensive” to those of Muslim faith.
  • The Bible verse, Psalm 144:1 has been laser etched into the rifle => “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”
  • including a few other “tweaks,” = laser-etched “shield and cross.”  + safety selector features the words “Peace,” for the safe setting, “War” for the semi-automatic mode, and “God wills it.”
  • The “reverse” site of the safety selector “bears” the Latin translations of those “words and phrases.”

The Crusader Rifle 02

  • They want to believe: one of the biggest threats in the world = Islamic terrorism
  • “former” military man + security “contractor” in the Middle East, Thomas understands well that many of the weapons “used” by terrorists are made in the United States and “paid” for by others.
  • Americans witnessed over 250 mass killings in 2015 alone > only one of those killings involved a self-proclaimed Muslim
  • escalating problem of gun violence
  • shameful marketing ploy = to profit from promotion of hatred, division, and violence.”
  • Florida owner of Florida Gun Supply his Inverness store =  “Muslim-free zone.”  => federal lawsuit, “violates” civil rights afforded to all Americans by the U.S. Constitution.



Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians


Find also to read

  1. Fear and protection
  2. Judeo-Christian values and liberty
  3. Christian values and voting not just a game
  4. Outreach to rednecks
  5. Maker of most popular weapon asks for repentance
  6. The trigger of Aurora shooting
  7. High time to review the right to keep and bear arms
  8. American Senate ignoring many voices and tears of their own people


Andelino's Weblog

The Crusader Rifle 00

A new AR-15 “assault” rifle model, made by Florida Gun Manufacturer Spike’s Tactical, is being billed as one that would “never be used by Muslim terrorists.”

The “Spike’s Tactical Crusader” is a standard AR-15 by design, but this particular model has undergone a few “cosmetic” modifications to make it reportedly “offensive” to those of the Muslim faith.

The Bible verse, Psalm 144:1 has been laser etched into the rifle. It says, “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”

The AR-15 also includes a few other “tweaks,” including a laser-etched “shield and cross.” The safety selector features the words “Peace,” for the safe setting, “War”for the semi-automatic mode, and “God wills it.”

The “reverse” site of the safety selector “bears” the Latin translations of those “words and phrases.”

The Crusader Rifle 02

Shooting “standard” .223 or 5.56 ammunition, the rifle may be modified further…

View original post 665 more words


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Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

Some may think

The world is telling Christians that they must be blindly tolerant of all things or they are haters. {Churches response to Radical Muslims}

The Christians who are asking to be tolerant do not ask to be tolerant to violence. They ask do be concerned about those in need, and they ask to sincerely investigate all things and not to make conclusions too fast, putting everybody on the same line. Like after the Parisian attacks, so many people getting to shout to get all the refugees out and to stop them entering the European Union because they would be bringing Islam over our regions.

Русский: скромная одежда для muslims и non-muslims

Русский: скромная одежда для muslims и non-muslims (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Most of the from violence fleeing people are not practising Muslims and they just want to be spared of any fundamentalist teaching reigning over their life. We should not straight ahead think those people would bring radical Muslim teaching to our regions. Even when lots of them may be Muslim it should not frighten us that they would convert people here. If they are able to convert people to Islam others should ask themselves

People may think they don’t have to tolerate everything that crosses their path or that we or others think they should tolerate. {Churches response to Radical Muslims} It is given to everybody in our democratic countries to utter their opinion. We always should make that clear to any body entering our regions and certainly to those who want to live in our regions. Those who come to live in our states should very well know that here there shall have to stay freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Such freedom of speech makes it also possible that there shall be people who take a stand against those teachings they consider false and against tolerances, that plague, divide and destroy the people of God.

Though what we see today is that certain Christians do think that those refugees would come in here in Europe or in other parts of the Northern hemisphere to

divide and destroy the people of God {Churches response to Radical Muslims}

But is that so?

No, it is an idea that many want to pose because they are afraid of their own identity being hurt. In case they would stand strong enough in their shoes they should not worry. Christians should even be joyful because this would give them more opportunities to preach their faith and convert others to their faith. Is it not because so many Christians do not preach any more and are themselves not active in the Witnessing process that they consider those who are preaching as a danger. As such we also find a lot of aversion and opposition against Jehovah Witnesses, Christadelphians, Mormons and other preaching believers.

Christians should know there is a Big Battle coming. They should prepare themselves and their children for it, but also should warn others around them for the dangers that shall come over our world. But they also should know that in the Holy Scriptures is written that one of the signs of the Last Days shall be that religion shall come to rise against religion. Those religious groups fighting against each other should not make us afraid but should make us even more prepared to go out in the world and to preach the Truth. In case our teachings are founded on the Truth, we should not have to worry. We also know that man can kill man but they shall not be able to take man away from God when that man is in God.

English: The Ethnic composition of Muslims in ...

The Ethnic composition of Muslims in the United States, according to the United States Department of State based on the publication of Being Muslim in America as of March 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We do know many Americans do think they are the centre of the world and that Islamic leaders saw America as the central power of Christianity. We have no idea where they got that from, but for sure it is true that radical Muslims do consider Christendom (and not Christianity) as their arch-enemy. In case they should know better Christianity than they should be more moderate and recognise that not all Christians do worship a threeheaded god. They should know that there are also many Christians who worship only the One True God, Allah, The Elohim Hashem Jehovah. If they knew their history they should be able to see why Mohammed was the right person in its time on that place, but that throughout history there have always been true worshippers of the Only One True God, the God of Abraham (Ibrahim).

Tom Harkness is right in saying

Everything about the West they view as Christian, all that we find valuable they hate; democracy, transparency, the rule of law, human rights, the separation of religion from governments are all discredited in the eyes of the jihadis (Wayne Grudem; Politics according to the bible). {Churches response to Radical Muslims}

That is today’s biggest problem, that those fundamentalist Muslims are doing exactly the same thing as the fundamentalist Christians from some centuries ago but also from those today.

Certain Christians do want to believe there are some extra-terrestrial demons hovering around, which they call devils, under the leadership of their head-devil Satan who organise a world-war against Jesus. They forget that according to the Holy Scriptures a satan is any adversary, like Peter was called a satan. so they teach people

so that you have a sound response either in your own mind or when people are attempting to discredit the truth that this is a battle between satan and the Jews and satan and Christians. {Churches response to Radical Muslims}

They are right in the fact that it is a satan who goes into battle with the world of God. The adversary of will trample hard. He knows the end shall be coming near and it is high time to go into the counter-attack. Real believers of God have to see that and should recognise the dangers of getting pulled in the trap to act also against the Will of God.

People like Imam Sheikh Muhammad Ayed,  who has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and

‘conquer their countries’.

are the ones who put oil on the fire and spread the lies which are fed with messages from negative reacting Christians and National Socialists.

‘Throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead, but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst,’ {Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’ }

God is a God of love and order. He wants us to feel respect for all creatures, including those who do not love God. We should not kill them but should present them a life full of hope and glory. With our strength of faith we should bring them over the line, getting them to see where the true expectations of God are.

The real reason radical Islamists attack America, may be born out of a want to create an Islamic State and to destroy Jews & Christians, but it is mainly also because they consider the West interfering with their politics and hindering their cause in their own regions, which do not belong to America nor Europe.

It’s important that we understand the background. These attacks are not caused by people experiencing poverty or oppression in poor nations. This was started and is maintained by well-educated upper class, largely college-educated mostly wealthy men. (Wayne Grudem: politics according to the bible) {Churches response to Radical Muslims}

We even should come to see who are really backing ISIS and providing them with the necessary funds to get all that weapon arsenal.

English: There are apparently as many Christia...

There are apparently as many Christians as Muslims in Lebanon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Please let us always remember

“There are peaceful Muslims in the world that simply want to live their lives just like you and want their children to live peaceful and successful lives. The problem is not the peaceful Muslims but the radical Muslims. There are 1.2 billion Muslims, not all are radical. The radicals are 15-25% according to all intelligence reports around the world. That leaves 75% who are relatively peaceful people.” {Churches response to Radical Muslims}

We should concentrate much more on those peaceful Muslims as well on the peaceful Christians and should react to those Muslims and Christians who want to destabilise the world by their messages of hate and intolerance.


Preceding articles:

Paris Attack and Ranting

Problematic Or Patriotic? Two Ways To Talk About Muslims

The World Wide Refugee and Migrant Crisis and a possible solution for it

Migration not something to fear

What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?

Social media and asylum seekers

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Real progress leaves nobody behind

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Don’t be Muslim

Children of Men

Tolerance Ends When There Is No Tolerance Shown Towards Us

My two cents on the refugee crisis


Find also to read:

  1. Meaning of life
  2. Our relationship with God, Jesus and eachother
  3. Suffering through the apparent silence of God
  4. If you have integrity
  5. Integrity of the fellowship
  6. More Muslim children than Christian children growing up in our cities
  7. Being Charlie 10
  8. 2014 Religion: with a.o. Global war against Christians
  9. Syrian but also Belgian connection to French attacks
  10. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  11. Paris attacks darkening the world
  12. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  13. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  14. French Muslims under attack
  15. Americans wrongly informed about situation in Europe
  16. Trump brand of migrant demonization #1
  17. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  18. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  19. Daring to speak in multicultural environment
  20. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  21. Faith related boycotts
  22. Mocking, Agitation and Religious Persecution
  23. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for
  24. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before
  25. Europe’s refugees just follow the ancient routes for the peopling of Europe in the Neolithic
  26. American atheists most religiously literate Americans
  27. Is Turkey attempting to resurrect the Ottoman Empire
  28. To freeze the fighting in Aleppo
  29. Is ISIS a product of American in-action or a product of direct action
  30. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  31. Funding of ISIS
  32. ISIL will find no safe haven
  33. Wrong choices made to get rid of Assad
  34. Cities not under fear but monuments feared
  35. Rampaging, demolishing sacred sites and cultural heritage
  36. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  37. If you want to go far in life
  38. God let my compassionate affection be tolerant and kind


Further related reading

  1. Syrian Tourists
  2. Syrian refugees: Nothing “Christian” about Fearing Muslims?
  3. Op-Ed: There is no “radical Islam” and there is also no “moderate Islam”
  4. The acts of war
  5. I.S.? We Haven’t Seen Anything Yet!
  6. Radical Muslims and Americans
  7. Remembering 9/11…14 Years Later: A United States President Stands Poised to Give Radical Islamists Nuclear Capability
  8. The Crusader Rifle
  9. Brits in Costa Del Sol, Costa Brava and Costa Blanca now ‘top targets for ISIS attack’
  10. ESPN Liberal Logic
  11. Muslim Takeover Of Bendigo Must be Halted
  12. Egypt by
  13. The UN Needs A Boot Up The Backside
  14. Violent extremists up to interpretation by homeland security chairman Mike McCaul
  15. “Extremists…have given Islam a bad name, but…have no connection with the religion” Really?
  16. Does Minnesota House ISIS’ “Farm Team”?
  17. ISIS or Daesh
  18. Will Bangladesh propaganda help Rohingya Muslims?
  19. The Time is Now to Stop Radical Muslims
  20. The Third Jihad
  21. Glenn Greenwald: Greatest threat to free speech comes not from terrorism, but from those claiming to fight it
  22. The argument for deluded losers
  23. Oops! Nemtsov killed by radical Muslims, not Putin fans
  24. Congress Defies Obama. Warns Iran.
  25. The Hidden Menace
  26. On Aggression
  27. Extremists and Terrorists Miss the Mark
  28. Oh Dear God: Copenhagen Shootings
  29. Still freedom of speech on Danish TV
  30. A special kind of hate
  31. A no–go zone For truth
  32. Why Would I Distrust Muslims Baroness Warsi?
  33. The RCT Talk Show
  34. to our 21 Christian Egyptians who fought for their Faith up to their last breath
  35. Are Christianity and Capitalism Compatible?
  36. Day Six: Hell House



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Religious affairs, World affairs

Paris Attack and Ranting

Quran, Mus'haf_Al_Tajweed.

Quran, Mus’haf_Al_Tajweed. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The world may not forget that those who abuse the name of Allah, rape children and young women, murder innocent people of different faith groups including Muslims, burn Qurans (the most sacred book for any Muslim) destroy mosques (the holy place of prayer for Allah)

We, who are all created in the image of Allah, should know that it is man who became an adversary of Allah and by doing that also turned against his fellow-man.

When something happens close by it may shock us more than the events far from our bed. But we may not let us be blinded by hate or revenge for what touched us deeply and always look at everything in proportion.

Every decent person has to have respect for the other person around him or her and should not allow anti-social behaviour get them down or lower themselves to the same level as such criminals.


not forgetting what’s happening in the world + what happened + what media didn’t cover
  • Lebanon: 43 killed by Isis + over 200 injured
  • Baghdad Isis killed 19 people
  • 7 people got their bodies decapitated
  • Gaza: Last year 2,104 Palestinians killed by Israel
  •  Syria: every single day for the past 5 years = gone through inhumane, terrible things
  • Isis killed more than 100,00 muslims in the past 2 years
Muslims getting a lot of hate for the Paris attacks > they condemn all these terrorist attacks
Allah swt says in the Quran ” … Whosoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if he has killed all of mankind” Quran 5:32
If ISIS were muslims => why kill their own people? >=> Islam doesn’t allow this.
refugees nothing to do with this > terrorists burned down their camps => running from
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un (إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ) ‘Surely we belong to God and to Him shall we return

Additional reading

  1. Wrath kills the foolish man, and envy consumes the covetous one
  2. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  3. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  4. Paris attacks darkning the world
  5. Trump brand of migrant demonization #1
  6. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  7. Islamophobic hate crimes rise in UK following terror attacks
  8. Europe and much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism becoming No God Zones
  9. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  10. State and attitude of certain people to blame for radicalisation
  11. The world Having to face a collective failure
  12. What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?
  13. Declaring a Jihad Against ISIS
  14. Propaganda war and ISIS


Further reading:

  1. Politics: How Americans Are Using Microaggresive Terminology to Strip Refugees of Their Dignity
  2. Refugees and the Ethics of Exclusion: Examining Ethics through Julie Bertagna’s Exodus
  3. The disguise
  4. Paris Attack Survivor’s Story Teaches A Powerful Lesson
  5. Fear of the “Other” – Get Rid of It!
  6. The song of Roland and the attack on Paris
  7. Churches response to Radical Muslims
  8. Some Thoughts on Prejudice in Wake of the Paris Attacks
  9. Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies
  10. Emotional Muslim Survivor Recounts Shooting That Killed His Two Sisters In Paris Attack
  11. Muslim Woman Called A ‘Murdering Muslim’ In Morrisons Supermarket
  12. #IstandwithParis but also #IstandwithBeirut
  13. Problematic Or Patriotic? Two Ways To Talk About Muslims
  14. NaBloPoMo – Day 15 of an entire month of has the whole world gone crazy?
  15. In regards to tragedy.
  16. Every life is equal
  17. A message to our students after the Paris Tragedy.
  18. Don’t be Muslim
  19. But they hate Americans
  20. Applebee’s customer smashes Muslim woman in the face for speaking Swahili
  21. Two Men Jailed For Assault In Exeter City Centre
  22. Muslim Men And Kids In Double Digits


Fahmida Aktar

RIP to all the people who got brutally murdered in Paris. My heart goes out to their families and communities of these individuals. What they went through was brutal and they did not deserve it.
that doesn’t mean everyone should forget what’s happening in the world.
Lets not whats happened in:
  • Lebanon on saturday 43 were killed by Isis and over 200 injured. The media didn’t cover this?
  • In Japan there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 which triggered a small tsunami
  • In Baghdad Isis killed 19 people at a funeral! How disrespectful is that? Its at the point where they attack funerals?
  • No one seemed to care when 7 people which included 4 men, 2 women and a 9 year old girl got thier bodys decapitated. How come the world isn’t going crazy over a child who got abducted and beheaded??
  • Or how about Gaza? Last…

View original post 312 more words


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, World affairs

Don’t be Muslim

With everything what is going on in Europe and the Middle East many who want to worship only One True God may think it is better not to become or to be a Muslim. For non-trinitarian Christians this might be a good thing to be able to welcome those who love the Divine Creator, the God of Abraham.

But fear is not always the right or good reason to change faith. When it is fear for God than it is very good to make the right choice going on the right path, following Allah‘s commandments and coming to an understanding of the sent one from Him.

All those who dare to call themselves Christian should be worried about the recent of Islamophobic reactions. The Parisian attacks did not help, neither the refugee crisis nor the Muslim community or Ummah.

Lots of people do forget under the victims were also non-believers, Christians but also Jews and Muslims. From several sites we do hear Jews and Muslims who are bullied, or have witnessed, or have been victims of racial crimes. Racial slurs, violent confrontations, verbal abuse; the full spectrum of hate crime has been on show.

We condemn every terrorist act but we also should condemn every antisocial behaviour. We must warn others and be careful not to become blind ourselves for what is really going on and how some may try to get more power in our society.

People should remember that those who call themselves Jew, Christian or Muslim should follow the Holy Scriptures. Torah (Law), Nebim (Prophets), Kethubim aleph (First Writings) Kethubim Bet (Second Writings or Messianic Scriptures = New Testament) and Quran or Koran condemn such violence and hatred. Those who are terrorising lots of people in the name of Allah are abusing the God’s title and God’s Name.

Too many people seem to be blind and deaf about Islam which says no to terrorism, It is up to the Muslim teachers, imams, preachers and followers of the prophet Muhammad to show the world that those terrorists are not representable for Islam and that the real Muslim faith is a very peaceful religion.


the writer her mind turns to her mum worrying about her every time she sees a post about an attack or abuse.

heart aches > anything happening to her +  anyone harming her + looking at her as someone other than who she is <=== loving, caring, selfless + humble human

cycle of violence numbes

here + Middle East + Asia = affected by violence

know people who have lost relatives in Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan. Iraq, Pakistan etc. etc. etc.

More Muslims are killed + affected by terrorist’s attacks than any other group of people

> unenviable position of being part of a group which is labeled both victim and perpetrator.


Preceding articles

What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Real progress leaves nobody behind

Migration not something to fear

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Poster: Please help the refugees



Additional reading:

  1. A world with or without religion
  2. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  3. Migrants to the West #1
  4. Migrants to the West #5
  5. Migrants to the West #10 Religious freedom
  6. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  7. ISIS cannot be presenters of the real Islam
  8. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  9. Malaysia requires sole use of God’s title for Muslims
  10. Shariah and child abuse – Is there a connection?
  11. Where do we stand in the backdrop of Charlie Hebdo Massacre ?
  12. Public not informed enough about Jihad terrorism in Belgium
  13. Quran can convert to Christianity
  14. Muslims should also Fear God
  15. Al-Fatiha [The Opening] Süra 1: 4-7 Merciful Lord of the Creation to show us the right path
  16. Islam says it admires faith based on logic, what about the others




Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Stabbed victim parent’s hope for less hatred and more tolerance

On Sunday night hundreds gathered in in Zion Square, Jerusalem for a memorial to the 16 years old high school student from Jerusalem, Shira Banki, who died from injuries suffered in a knife attack at the city’s gay pride parade.

Shira Banki, 16, one of six stabbing victims at the Jerusalem gay pride parade, died from her wounds at a Jerusalem hospital, August 2, 2015 (Facebook)

Shira Banki, 16, one of six stabbing victims at the Jerusalem gay pride parade, died from her wounds at a Jerusalem hospital. (Facebook)


Banki had died hours earlier at Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem, where she had been fighting for her life after being stabbed in the chest and stomach on Thursday. She was one of six stabbing victims. She was marching to support her gay friends, her family said in a statement. The family agreed to donate her organs, Hadassah hospital announced.


“Our magical Shira was murdered because she was a happy 16-year-old – full of life and love – who came to express her support for her friends’ rights to live as they choose,”


the family statement said.


“For no good reason and because of evil, stupidity and negligence, the life of our beautiful flower was cut short. Bad things happen to good people, and a very bad thing happened to our amazing girl.”


The statement also expressed


“hope for less hatred and more tolerance.”


Israeli politicians from across the spectrum expressed sorrow about the teen’s death.


Tel Aviv gay pride parade 2007.

Tel Aviv gay pride parade 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Filed under Crimes & Atrocities

Hatred and hostility against God

“Recently, I have had a lot of conversations with atheists.
Many express a strong hatred of God.
I have been at a loss to explain this. How can you hate someone you don’t believe in? Why the hostility?
If God does not exist, shouldn’t atheists just relax and seek a good time before they become plant food?
Why should it matter if people believe in God?
Nothing matters if atheism is true.
– Don Batten

Preceding posts:

Summerholiday season time to read the Bible

Holiday making and dreaming

Home-stayers and their to do lis

Genre – Playing by the Rules

The Need to Understand Genre

Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything

Great things, Voice of God and terrors

University of Alberta Atheists and Agnostics

University of Alberta Atheists and Agnostics (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Filed under Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs