Tag Archives: Women

the curse of womanhood

The Ladies

i’ve always believed that womanhood was the biggest curse of all

god’s cruel joke to belittle his own masterpiece

the better half but not the preferred

to undermine every little thing we do

out of fear or out of


because as a woman

you must always know

that what all you touch

soon turns to fool’s gold

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

The Naked Truth

Roth Poetry



Mirror, mirror I wonder why

you never ever tell a lie

No matter what angle I am viewed;

same sharp image old and skewed

Women sometimes try to hide

behind a layered make-up façade

But when from their showers dance

wrinkles cannot be denied


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Posting for d’verse Quadrille night. Merril gave us a mirror prompt. 

 Join us at: https://dversepoets.com  









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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

The dilemma of gender neutrality

For centuries in our patriarchal society girls and women have been very much restricted in their movements, and opportunities on a social and professional level, having to protest a lot to have their say in politics.

Concerning the matter of relationships and body needs, both men and women did not get recognition for the differences that exist.

It is not God who created our society, but the selfish human that made a mess of the system of living.

The problem has also been the way people were educated and given stereotypical ideas about genders and their roles.


To remember

  • The Indian blog writer hates it when the person’s relation or gender is more important than the qualification or attitude or capability.
  • He wants to hate the other gender for stealing away his opportunities + positions because of policy of the firm or organizations
  • but he cant stay away from the fact that they had much more difficulty in being in the position where they are then a “general man”.



Gender, genderless, androgyny, bisexuality, cisgender and transgender

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Do the concepts of male and female need to have a formal official definition

Trans extremism, trans ideology, genderless a.o. categories and TERFs

Colours, men, women, genders, choices of words and political football

Personal Blog

When I think about women in the society, I always have an internal battle.

I see reservations given to the women both officially as a rule of law and unofficially as “boob quota”.
But then I also see people (even my friends) staring and discussing demeaning things about women and then, I can’t believe how difficult is the existence of a women or a girl is in this society.

I hate reservations because I am a General category, male and a middle class person who is born with a middle class family who cannot even get the economic reservation, recently introduced by the government because I am just a cut above the annual income category criteria (The discussion on why this income is not enough is a topic for future blog). Also, I hate when the person’s relation or gender is more important than the qualification or attitude or capability.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

Trans extremism, trans ideology, genderless a.o. categories and TERFs

How does our current society want to look up to men, women and those who want to go through life as ‘genderless’?

Every best artist nominee at the “gender-neutral” Brit Awards was male. Pandering to trans ideology is erasing women from sight

In a virtue-signalling effort to appeal to its “yooful” audience, the Brits decided to scrap the male and female categories for artist of the year to make it a “gender-neutral” event. This followed Sam Smith, the singer, coming out as non-binary.

But the result of the shift is a binary one: all of this year’s best artist nominees are male, while the album of the year category is also dominated by men, with Wet Leg the only female act out of the contenders.

Women who have worried about the encroachment of extreme trans ideology have been denounced as TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), scaremongers and even conspiracy theorists. But they have long feared that one of the consequences of giving in to some of the more radical demands of the gender ideologues will be the opposite of “inclusive”.

And their fears are fast becoming reality. In health, we are already witnessing the erasure even of the word “women” in favour of insulting terms such as “people who menstruate” and “chest feeders” – with potentially devastating consequences for people going for health screening. {}

Read more about it: Women are being erased by trans extremism


Filed under Being and Feeling, Headlines - News, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Social affairs

Why women, on the whole, are left to do more housework

In a lot of communities among peoples across the globe, women or females are assigned different roles to men. In some regions, women get to lead the highest word, but in the majority of countries, it is the man who usually gets to lead.

Cambridge philosophers investigated why women, on the whole, are left to do more housework than men and why men fail to see this imbalance.

The issue, they believe, is that men and women perceive what they see in different ways. They have dubbed this phenomenon the “affordance theory”.

“For any given domestic task, that task can afford acting on for an agent,”

the philosophers wrote in their paper.

“A floor can afford sweeping, dishes can afford cleaning, mess can afford tidying, a crying infant can afford nappy-changing, and so on.

“We suggest that for many domestic tasks, women are more likely to perceive the corresponding domestic task affordance.”

Prof Paulina Sliwa, a philosopher at the University of Vienna, who worked on the topic while at the University of Cambridge, said this mechanism is backed up by science.

“Neuroscience has shown that perceiving an affordance can trigger neural processes preparing you for physical action,”

she said.

“This can range from a slight urge to overwhelming compulsion, but it often takes mental effort not to act on an affordance.”

Every person sees a specific thing and perceives it differently. For example, one person might see a gap between two objects as jumpable, or a tree as climbable, while another might think both things are impossible.

In our society, we still often find different roles designated for men and women.

Women do most of the chores around the home because men do not see mess in the same way, University of Cambridge academics believe.

While men will look at a pile of dishes in the sink or crumbs on the counter as a mess, women view it as a job in need of doing and feel an urge to do so.

This comes from a deep-rooted social training which wires the brains of men and women differently from a young age, it is thought.

Read more about it: The real reason men don’t do the housework



First man’s task still counting today

Silencing Women – Of God or Men ?

The Things We Carry, by Penny

Parenting, self-interest and some ugly choices!


Winter and Spring wonders of nature showing the Master’s Hand


Additional reading

  1. 2015 Health and Welfare
  2. Poverty and conservative role patterns
  3. Milestones for women ordered
  4. Today’s thought “It is shameful for a woman to …” (March 1)
  5. Synod of Bishops concerning minors



  1. Suzerain-Vassal relationships in God’s Authority Structure
  2. Genesis 11 – Sin of the Passive Man
  3. What makes a Woman?
  4. The Role Of Women According To The Bible
  5. Roles of men and women
  6. Torah Portion: Beshalach (Exodus 13:17-17:16)
  7. Restoring Kol Israel: No more male or female?
  8. Prehistoric Humor
  9. Husband and Wife with God
  10. Recipe for a Perfect Wife by Karma Brown – 2 wives in the 1950s and contemporary America
  11. The Role of a Woman
  12. The Role of Women – Reasons to think again
  13. Role of Women
  14. The Role of Women
  15. Role of Women in Society
  16. The role of women in society
  17. The Impact of ‘Kinder, Küche, Kirche’ in Nazi Germany’s Attitudes Towards Women
  18. Freedom, By Jonathan Franzen (The ever-changing role of today’s woman)
  19. Im your GIRLFRIEND, NOT your MAID!
  20. Physical Planning – What Do We Miss Without Postmodernism and Development Feminism?
  21. Who’s Job Is It Anyway?
  22. 200615 – The Role of Man in The Home
  23. 11 Significant Role of Women
  24. A brief on feminism in planning and the ‘Lean In’ concept
  25. My Fair Lady- Gender Equality, and Gender Roles
  26. A Practical Theory
  27. Silencing Women 1 Cor. 14 & 11 – CARTOON
  28. Last Letter of Paul – Instructions to Timothy
  29. Women and the church: I Timothy 2
  30. The Biggest “But”
  31. 3 Reasons Why 1 Timothy 2:11-15 Should Not Limit Women
  32. Natalie Collins: Is Christianity Really Egalitarian?
  33. Context of Writings Silencing Women (notes)
  34. Things to do on a Saturday #3
  35. Mum’s Job
  36. A Conservative Outlook on Parenting, or, Why Your Daughter Is Weak
  37. Coping skill: tried/trying/to try
  38. How to exercise while doing the household chores
  39. Projects ‘N’ Progress
  40. To-Do’s… Ta da!
  41. Tidied cupboard
  42. A Public Service Announcement
  43. Collaborative social media and the Affordance theory
  44. Women’s day, a deciding day for women empowerment
  45. Who we are
  46. Equal but complementary
  47. The New Dirty Word – Feminism
  48. Femininity Gurus, Relationship Experts, and Various Other Quacks and Shysters
  49. Women’s Roles and Passover
  50. She’s An Ezer
  51. Refresh Your Family By Being the Homemaker
  52. A Heart To Serve
  53. A Woman’s Contribution to the Local Congregation
  54. On The Writing of Fairy Tales in the Real World
  55. Q&A: Women’s Roles, Head Coverings, When to Forgive, and more – Think Deeper
  56. Is it wrong for your mom or sister to lead prayers at home?
  57. Can a woman teach Scriptures through writing?
  58. Thomas Schreiner, “Does the Bible Support Female Deacons? Yes.”
  59. No Hierarchy In Church
  60. General Conference thoughts: Women and Gospel Learning in the Home and Parents and Children
  61. How Women Detox from Ministerial Significance
  62. Free on Kindle – Exploring the Role of Women in the Church
  63. Exploring the Role of Women in the Church – almost there…
  64. Looking for a Christmas gift? Exploring the Role of Women in the Church.
  65. Women were the unsung entrepreneurs behind successful businesspeople
  66. On Money and Happiness
  67. When gender inequality is good economics


Filed under Lifestyle

The growth of Wikipedia

Words and data to look for

For some years now, voluntary writers make the effort to provide enough serious information for all people to find for free on the net.

We have hardback copies and a subscription to Encyclopedia Britannica and provide links to it on our articles so that people also can find more information on subjects. Some of our writers also contribute to articles on the multilingual free online encyclopedia (or encyclopaedia) Wikipedia, started in 2001, to which our readers also can find additional links. It is a fantastic enterprise, that operates under an open-source management style and allows everyone to find sufficient background information on multiple topics.

Nupedia, the beginning of a free online English-language encyclopaedia

Nupedia 20030808 screenshot.png

Screenshot from the Wayback Machine Nupedia 2003

Homepage of Wikipedia, which runs on MediaWiki, one of the most popular wiki software packages

Perhaps inspired by objectivist “openness,” Jimmy Wales, a successful bond trader, founded a free online English-language encyclopaedia called Nupedia, which sought free contributions from scholars and other experts and subjected them to an intensive peer-review process. Frustrated by the slow progress of this project, Wales and Nupedia’s editor in chief, Larry Sanger, in 2001 turned to a new technology, a type of software called wiki, created by American computer programmer Ward Cunningham, to create Wikipedia, a companion encyclopaedia site that anyone could contribute to and edit.

Wiki software and Wikipedia

As a feature of Nupedia.com Wikipedia entered the world of the internet on January 15, 2001, but, following objections from the advisory board, got relaunched as an independent Web site a few days later. The Wiki engines allowed content to be written using a simplified markup language, sometimes edited with the help of a rich-text editor. Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally described wiki as

“the simplest online database that could possibly work”

It was incredible to see how many enthusiastic writers from all over the world could bring some 20,000 articles in 18 languages, including French, German, Polish, Dutch, Hebrew, Chinese, and Esperanto its first year. In 2003 Nupedia was terminated and its articles moved into the non-profit effort Wikipedia.

By 2006 the English-language version of Wikipedia had more than one million articles, and by the time of its 10th anniversary in 2011 it had surpassed 3.5 million.

The only regret we have to note is that too many readers insist that Wikipedia tells THE truth and that everything it says would really be so. They don’t realise that over the years certain writers have repeatedly taken advantage of it, to sell disinformation or totally untrue matters as well-founded. Luckily, several writer-readers are willing to invest their time to control the added articles so that individuals who will maliciously attempt to thwart the open-source website Wikipedia by introducing false or misleading content, shall be unmasked and excluded from the system. Rather than worrying about every user’s actions and intentions, proponents of wiki software rely on their community of users to edit and correct what are perceived to be errors or biases. The good thing about having continuous writers make additions and corrections is that the encyclopaedia can be kept very up-to-date. Very quickly, necessary background information can thus be delivered to the inquisitive public. Although such a system is certainly far from foolproof, wikis stand as an example of the origin of an Internet counterculture that has a basic assumption of the goodness of people.

The website’s coverage of the events of the day and controversial topics such as American politics and major events like the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine has received substantial media attention and has exposed weaknesses as the system’s strengths.

Wikipedia pages on female and minority scientists and engineers

It is incredible how many people use Wikipedia and trust it for its information. But one must realise that it is not an all-explanatory work that also does not reflect all information correctly balanced all the time.

Jess Wade - 2017 (cropped).jpg

Jessica Wade in 2017

Jess Wade a British physicist in the Blackett Laboratory at Imperial College London, specialising in Raman spectroscopy. noticed she could not find any information on Wikipedia about some very important people.

In 2017 after meeting American climatologist and professor Kim Cobb she wanted to know more about her and went on Wikipedia to be astonished not to find an entry on that very young but also a good professor and publisher with over 100 peer-reviewed publications in major journals.

Having the idea that Wikipedia is “used by pretty much everyone,” Wade realised that

“despite it being this incredibly important resource, it was suffering from a lack of content, particularly about women, but also about people of color.”

Since then, Wade has completed more than 1,750 pages for female and minority scientists and engineers, she often spends her evenings reading journals, scientific papers, archived documents, and social media to find potential subjects. It takes Wade a few hours to write each Wikipedia entry, but she’s not doing it all alone — she also teaches others how to research and put together pages during training workshops. Wade describes herself as a

“tiny fish in a massive sea,”

but she’ll

“keep doing everything I can to make science a more accessible and inclusive place to be.”

It is with people like her that Wikipedia is in a position to grow further into a place where people can easily go and look something up to find further more information about someone or about something.

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Cultural affairs, Educational affairs, History, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Publications, Social affairs, World affairs

When the mountains call, you listen

The boom that alpinism had in Europe in the 19th century did not pass by the women of the time – even if their alpine achievements were often not recognized to the same extent. 

The strongest enticement to engage in mountain adventures probably existed for those women who lived in the mountain regions or were wealthy enough to discover them while travelling. Physically, these women were in the thick of it, yet so far away due to social constraint. Still, some brave individuals defied convention. When the mountains called, these amazing women listened and plunged into daredevil adventures.

One of them was the Irish woman Elizabeth Alice Frances Hawkins-Whitshed. In 1880, she visited Chamonix and discovered her passion for the mountains.

Soon after, she stood on Mont Blanc for the first time and even made the first ascent of the Bishorn East peak, Pointe Burnaby.

She was also the founder of the “Ladies Alpine Club” in London in 1907, the first alpine club in Great Britain. Lucy Walker, the first woman on the Matterhorn, was also later a member of the Ladies Alpine Club.



For many female mountaineers, alpinism was an act of liberation, a sense of freedom from the constraints of the “dull” predetermined life, confined to clothes and stereotypes.

“It is one of the chief difficulties for women who undertake an expedition of this kind that any man thinks he knows better what ought to be done than they do.” 

– Annie Smith Peck, founding member of the American Alpine Club, after climbing Mt. Huascarán in Peru in 1908


An important day in the history of women mountaineers was September 3, 1838: on that day, Henriette d’Angeville (1794-1871) climbed Mont Blanc unaided. Although Marie Paradis had already been up 30 years earlier, she was supported with direct help at that time.


Fanny Bullock Workman already succeeded in setting an altitude record for women with her ascent of the 6952m Pinnacle Peak in the Himalayas in 1906.


A few years later, she made a clear statement with a photograph on a high glacier with the feminist magazine “Vote for women” in her hand.

The early mountaineers made an important contribution to overcoming social stereotypes and breaking through the narrow image of women. After all, isn’t that the beauty of the mountains: in front of them, gender and origin don’t matter, because they unite all mountain lovers with a sense of awe, freedom and enthusiasm.

For even more inspiring female mountaineers, check out the full story:

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Filed under Fashion - Trends, History, Lifestyle, Social affairs, World affairs

Feminism not about making women stronger

Feminism isn’t about making women stronger.
Women are already strong.
It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.’
– G.D. Anderson


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Filed under Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Picking up suitcases of pride

“Every woman that finally figured out her worth,
has picked up her suitcases of pride
and boarded a flight to freedom,
which landed in the valley of change.”
― Shannon L. Alder

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Koffers van trots inpakken en wegwezen


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

A dame that knows the ropes

“A dame that knows the ropes
isn’t likely to get tied up.”
― Mae West

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Een dame die de touwen kent

Mae West

Mae West (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Filed under Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Montañas de la Sierra de Agalta, Olancho. Hond...

Montañas de la Sierra de Agalta, Olancho. Honduras. Photo by Dennis Garcia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On Tuesday in Honduras lawmakers voted unanimously to ban child marriage, making it illegal in the Central American nation for children under the age of 18 to get married under any circumstances.

“The fight against child marriage is a strategic way of promoting the rights and empowerment of women in various areas, such as health, education, work, freedom from violence,”

Portillo, Plan’s Honduras country director, said in a statement.

Enforcing the law will be hardest in indigenous communities and poor rural areas in Honduras where child marriage is most prevalent, campaigners say.

A lot has still to be done all over the world where 1 in 5 women aged 15-49 are reported to have experiencing physical and/or sexual violence even by an intimate partner within a 12 month period.

Data on the prevalence of violence against women and girls is often lacking. This is especially true for women and girls with disabilities, ethnic minorities, migrant workers and older women. Even where the data exists, comparability across and within countries remains a considerable challenge for global monitoring.

It is each responsible citizen to take action when he or she sees something abnormal. Each of us has to take the responsibility to eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM).

The sensitive nature of FGM poses challenges in the reliable collection and comparability of such data, as families are reluctant to provide these details. In addition, prevalence levels among different groups and/or regions within countries are not always available, leaving only national prevalence rates which obscure differences.

Also lots of work has to be made to have woman put on the same scale as their male counterparts at work, having the same pay. Wages for the same work has to be equal for man and woman, with the only difference that those who do it already longer, have much more experience and as such can work faster, should be allowed a premium for their ‘seniority’.

Unpaid domestic and care work should be recognised by the governments and as such be accounted for the retirement rates. those women who spend time to bring up their kids should not be penalised. It should be taken into account that those who want to do a full-time job and put their children under the care of others, either should pay the prize for such service, or when getting it cheaper should share in the cost for a pensionfund for those who take care of their kids themselves and as such can not earn more money to live more in luxury.

On the job, in politics every woman should have the same say as their male counterparts. We do have to ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. For this we should see that it is already established in the local clubs and smaller groups in our society and is represented in the amount of active local politicians. Everywhere we should take care that every girl or woman counts and shall be heard.


Please read


Further reading

  1. Building / Raising the girl child
  2. Equality for women, really?
  3. Chinna chinna aasai 
  4. Gender pay gap explained by children and choice of field, study finds
  5. Reflections on the links between Johns and everyone else who sexually objectifies women.
  6. Reviewing Goal 5 at HLPF!
  7. What is HLPF?

types of feminism


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Economical affairs, Headlines - News, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

How To Spend the Women’s Strike & International Women’s Day

women sticking up for themselves + striving for equality

founders of the Women’s March > Round 2, a strike referred to as “A Day Without a Woman.” = to show exactly how extensive the value of women + their work are

women experience unequal pay in exact same role, discrimination, sexual harassment, + more in the work place


Preceding articles:

On Strike

Een keten van vrouwen tegen het besparingsbeleid van de regering!

Vrouwenbewegingen uit 46 landen roepen op tot Women’s Strike



Read also

Vrouwendag 8 maart 2017


Further related

  1. Did you know……..
  2. Women
  3. Women’s Equality Day, National Women’s History Project, A Day Without A Woman #womensequalityday
  4. International Women’s Day (by Get up the nerve)
  5. International Women’s Day (by Joanne Mulley)
  6. International Women’s Day (by measureevaluation)
  7. International Women’s Day
  8. International Women’s Day 2017
  9. Women’s Day (by Vaidika)
  10. IWD 2017
  11. Note 22…International Women’s Day..
  12. Celebration Of Sacred Femininity Poem
  13. Happy Women’s Day
  14. I do not always have my shit together
  15. Stop and Smell the Roses
  16. A Strong Woman….?
  17. 6 Things Happy Women Do
  18. The Girl Walking in Front of Me
  19. The Quint: The End of Women’s Day: Here’s What Our Future Looks Like!
  20. Letter from a sexually liberal girl – Destigmatising female sexuality
  21. A Nod To The Queens


Blog - V-Grits

Once again, women are sticking up for themselves and striving for equality! I know, crazy right? The founders of the Women’s March are coming back for Round 2, a strike referred to as “A Day Without a Woman.” The goal of the strike is to show exactly how extensive the value of women and their work are, despite that women are far more likely to experience unequal pay in the exact same role, discrimination, sexual harassment, and more in the work place. Although participating in the strike through choosing to abstain from work would be completely ideal, that may not be a realistic agenda for women of all backgrounds, demographics and jobs. But luckily, there are a plethora of ways you can be an active member of this strike! Here’s how:


  • Wear red!: Strikers will paint the country red in representation of “revolutionary love and sacrifice,” according to the organizers…

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Headlines - News, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Mothers’ May – 5/2/16

From the beginning of times the original or first man felt lonely and wanted a partner. The Creator provided a soulmate and made her to be the generator of next generations. Without women, without mothers there would not be any other generation. She has become the one who brings new life on earth and she is the one to be remembered for bringing up the child in a worthy adult.
The mother, or the woman, she is a personification of the act of love.

The mother is the one who walks at our side & shows what having strength, courage,  and power truly means.


Preceding articles:

May, for many a month for mothers and many celebrations


Parenting Made Simpler

Meet Sheridan Johnson— a wife, mother, and Registered Nurse. She blogs at Journey with the Johnsons. In honor of Mothers’ May, let’s salute all moms by sharing our stories of laughter, love, and life lessons. Join me in celebrating Sheridan’s mom. Enjoy her beautiful tribute! Happy Mothers’ May!

SheridanandMom Sheridan and her lovely mom

Everyone has a person,

someone who they can confide in,

cry , be accountable, and trustworthy with.

This person for me has done more,

 and has far exceeded my expectations of a friend.

This person has walked through

the valley right by my side,

and not watched me walk it alone.

This person has lifted me higher spiritually,

not knowing what she was truly doing.

This person has been at each and every single

major event that has occurred in my life.

Through the birth and death of my children,

this person has not left…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

About a human being or not and life

For many the argument against abortion may be in the answer to the question

“Is the foetus a human being or not?”

Rev. Richard C. Eyer, D.Min., who spent twenty years as hospital chaplain counselling, Concordia University Wisconsin, wrote  in his reading for the Lutheran Conference about abortion and the Gospel in 2000

Of all the women I counseled who were considering abortion I never had one tell me she did not believe the foetus within her was a human being. In fact, she would have thought it naive of me that I would even press the point. She would have said, “Of course, it is human, but I don’t want to be pregnant.” {Abortion and the Gospel, 2000}

too many people overlook that those women considering abortion are usually in crisis and that in first instance the crisis needs to be addressed with attempts at healing.

If addressed with compassion and truth spoken gently in the name of Christ who gave himself for desperate sinful men and women, the heart might be won over. Even if not, the path has at least been prepared a way for repentance to follow later. The Church needs to speak boldly against abortion, but more boldly still about the love of Christ for sinners considering and perhaps even participating in abortion. {Abortion and the Gospel, 2000}

writes Rev. Richard C. Eyer.

Not all those who look for abortion are people with a faith life. Lots of them are not having an active religious life, but that does not mean they will not be able to come to such a position that they would like to enjoy worship of God with many others. For them the church has to be ready to receive them with open arms.

English: Anti-abortion demonstrators taking pa...

Anti-abortion demonstrators taking part in the 5th Paris March for Life (Marche pour la Vie) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

God’s temporary permission of evil has afforded all of us the opportunity to show him what is truly in our hearts. We may see lots of evil in this world and we may encounter lots of things we personally do not like. How we cope with them is very important. Concerning abortion we do see in certain countries pro-life groups which manifest such a lot of hate against those people who want to visit or work in an abortion clinic that we can not call that an exemplary Christian attitude.

It is great to see that there are such people who have their mouth full of Jesus, but we would like to see them also taking on the same attitude as Jesus did. They should better know that Jesus is the Way to life and the Way to God and the way to salvation and God’s Kingdom. Jesus did not come for the good ones in this world alone. He came to bring salvation for all people and certainly was there and is there for those in big need.

Jesus was fully aware that he cannot do anything without his heavenly Father, the Only True God, Who is the One Who decides about the giving and taking of life. We do agree that it is not up to man to decide about life. But man is weak and has a spot on him that makes him fallible.
The God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as He is, Lord of heaven and earth, Lord above all lords, He is the Greatest and Most Almighty of all. Jesus who knew very well that this God is much grater than him and does not dwell in handmade temples, wanted all people come to know his heavenly Father, the God of Abraham. It is He himself Who gives to all people life and breath {+} and all things. This God made out of one every nation of men to live all over the face of the earth, determined their appointed seasons, ordaining prescribed epochs and the limitations of their residence. {Acts 17:26}

Instead of condemning those who are questioning themselves what to do with  that they  feel in their body, the pro-life groups better would talk to them lovingly and show them how God is the Source of life. {Psalm 36:9}

(Psalms 36:9 [CPDV]):  (35:10) For with you is the fountain of life; and within your light, we will see the light.

Not always we do know the reason why those women are faced for such a difficult decision. We do not have to judge them but should have to give them an ear and let them know that there are times in our spiritual experience when human counsel or sympathy, or religious ordinances, fail to comfort or help us, but that we still can try to come into contact with the Only One Who has all the answers. We can show them some answers and guidance God has given mankind to cope with the difficult situations.

Even those with a broken heart shall have to know that there will come a time that the tears they have will dry up and that they shall be able to rejoice again.

(Revelation 7:17 [CPDV]): For the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will rule over them, and he will lead them to the fountains of the waters of life. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

All should know that Jehovah views the life of a child as precious even during the very early stages of development after conception.

Psalms 139:13-16 (CPDV): 13  (138:13) For you have possessed my temperament. You have supported me from the womb of my mother. 14  (138:14) I will confess to you, for you have been magnified terribly. Your works are miraculous, as my soul knows exceedingly well. 15  (138:15) My bone, which you have made in secret, has not been hidden from you, and my substance is in accord with the lower parts of the earth. 16  (138:16) Your eyes saw my imperfection, and all this shall be written in your book. Days will be formed, and no one shall be in them.

Not only sees God the imperfection of the unborn baby but also of the bearer of the child. God also sees the heart of the woman with lots of questions and doubts. For her He is there to help if she wants and loves to hear His Voice. God has given man also brains and has also given talents to people. Those talents should be used rightly and in honour of God His creation.

The Pro-life or anti abortionists the same as the one arguing for abortion should also listen to those skilled in the medical field. But we also should know that not always medical opinions are right. It is not bad sometimes to ask an other opinion. We also should question if it would be right to kill a fellow human because that one might harm his fellowman? If at the time of childbirth a choice must be made between the life of the mother and that of the child, it is up to the individuals concerned to make that choice and not to outsiders who often do not know the situation. However, advances in medical procedures in many lands have made this situation very rare.

When ending the presence of the foetus in the mothers womb it is as ending a human life and taking part of God’s creation in own hands. Every human being should be fully aware that anyone taking life a way from a human being could be considered shedding man’s blood.

(Genesis 9:6 [CPDV]): Whoever will shed human blood, his blood will be poured out. For man was indeed made to the image of God.

It is true that the Bible says that every fatal striker of a soul should be slain as a murderer, but it also presents circumstances where there may not take place a killing of that person who took life from somebody else.

Numbers 35:11-15 (CPDV): 11 discern which cities ought to be for the protection of fugitives who have shed blood unwillingly. 12 And when a fugitive is in these, the kinsman of the deceased shall not be able to kill him, until he stands in the sight of the multitude and his case is judged. 13 Then, among those cities which are separated for relief to fugitives, 14 three shall be across the Jordan, and three in the land of Canaan, 15 as much for the sons of Israel as for newcomers and sojourners, so that anyone who has shed blood unwillingly may flee to these places.

Every person is responsible for his or her own body and for those around them. So often today our rights are trampled on by others; many just don’t care what happens to other people or they are very quick to judge the other person and do not mind condemning him or her. Only Jesus has received the authority to judge the living and the dead concerning life. The others who may judge in this world are the judges, which is a profession also instituted by God. As long as Jesus did not return it is their right to bring civil judgement.

People should trust the decisions made by judges who are given latitude to investigate and consider motives and attitude of violators, along with the circumstances surrounding the violation and who are not to oppress the people placed under them, nor widows and orphans, who seem to have no protector, for Jehovah is their fatherly Judge and Protector. (Le 19:33, 34; Ex 22:21; 23:9; De 10:18; 24:17, 18; 27:19; Ps 68:5)

It is good to know for us and for the one who has questions concerning life and abortion that the Bible provides guidelines that can protect us. To receive the benefits, though, we must also accept the responsibilities.’

In the past many mothers have been abandoned by the men who fathered their children. Throughout history we also find many cases of women who were the victim of sexual violence, got pregnant but did not want to loose that life which they felt in them. In the end we also can find women who decided not to have an abortion and were very happy they did make that decision. Others who got an abortion regretted it afterwards.

We always best avoid to have people brought in front of this terrible choice. The best way to do that is by creating an environment where many love the Word of God and are willing to live by Bible standards. In such places we can see that children will have respect for others and that people shall not use their sexual lusts to harm somebody else. In such places where from young age people grow up with the Word of God as guide we shall find more people with respect and genuine love for others. In such communities the husband will really love his wife and children and loyally stay with them and provide for them. (1 Tim. 5:8; Eph. 5:28-31)



Preceding articles:

  1. Fruitage of the womb
  2. Abortion: The expulsion of an embryo or foetus before it can live on its own
  3. The Risk Factors Associated with Abortions
  4. Should I Have An Abortion
  5. My Choice (by Jezabel Jonson)
  6. The Real ‘Choice’
  7. “They Told Me What I Wanted To Hear” – Real Abortion Stories
  8. The Things We Carry, by Penny
  9. Not an easy decision to make
  10. Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion
  11. Stop Burning Rape Survivors at the Stake
  12. How to heal after childhood sexual abuse
  13. “Til It Happens To You” by Lady Gaga
  14. Abortion — Not a Trouble-Free Solution

Next: The Catholic synod on the family and abortion



Additional reading:

  1. Youngsters, parents and the search to root in life
  2. About lions and babies
  3. Westboro Baptist Church and Catholic Truth against Nelson Mandela
  4. Always a choice
  5. A philosophical error which rejects the body as part of the human person


 Further reading:

  1. The Church of the Inappropriate
  2. Watch “The Silent Scream (Full Length)” on YouTube
  3. Dr. Ben Carson Opposes Abortions In Cases Of Rape Or Incest
  4. Ben Carson compares abortion to slavery
  5. Ben Carson Misogynist
  6. Ben Carson says women who have had abortions are like “slave owners”
  7. Desperate Ben Carson Resorts To Tired Abortion & Slavery Argument In Grab For Votes On Religious Right
  8. “Ben Carson: I would ‘love’ to see abortion ruling overturned”
  9. Richard Corriere’s “In Their Own Words.” FBI director clashes with Obama
  10. Putting on Monday Morning Combat Boots
  11. Homo-Lobby comes out in support of child butchering
  12. Heaven & Miscarried (+Aborted) Babies ♥ Part I
  13. Responsibility
  14. Lady Bits episode 35: Feminism is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
  15. Abortion, Homosexuality, Prostitution: Amnesty International Loses its Way
  16. Freakonomics Abortion Chapter
  17. He Told Me I Needed To “Get Rid of It” – Real Abortion Stories
  18. Hot Topic #3, Abortion!!
  19. Ways To Stop Abortion!
  20. Random Headlines — 10/25/15
  21. Random Headlines — 10/16/15
  22. GOP Inbreeding
  23. If you want to know what’s ahead for America, look north to Canada
  24. trajectories and closed loops
  25. “21 Thoughts” by Dr. Jerome Lejeune, the father of modern genetics
  26. How America Is Inured to Violence and Immorality
  27. The Tree of Life
  28. We Need To Change The Way We Deal With Abortion
  29. The Problem with Pro-life Politics
  30. Mis-shaped fruit is just as good for you
  31. Will America listen to this baby’s story?
  32. Abortion Rants From A Pro-Abortionist
  33. Why I’m Pro-Abortion
  34. #ShoutYourAdoption! Pro-lifers fight back against repulsive pro-abort hashtag [pics]
  35. How do Pro-Lifers care for the born? Let me count the ways….
  36. Abortion Advocacy Is Extremisim
  37. The #StandWithPP Roundup: Shutdown Narrowly Averted
  38. Court Rules to Keep Clinic Open
  39. When Choice Is Not An Option
  40. Anti-Abortion Attackers & Protesters of Planned Parenthood Exposed (Resources)
  41. I agree with Karl du Fresne… but not in the way you think
  42. Forensic Analysis Shows the Real Planned Parenthood Scandal Is the Videos Themselves | The Nation
  43. Rep. Elijah Cummings is Ready to FIght for Women
  44. Media Release: Politicians Must Act Now
  45. Why We Need to Talk About Later Term Abortions
  46. 4 November 2014. This Is Why I Oppose ALL “Personhood” Amendments Absolutely and Without Question



Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Health affairs, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Hillary Clinton Says Religious Beliefs About Abortion Have to be Changed

In reaction to what Hillary Clinton said at a recent Women in the World Summit on April 23:

“Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice – not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

It is a strange way of saying to have “Religious Beliefs About Abortion” to “Have to be Changed”. When one has a certain faith it is because those people belief in certain doctrines. When the rules of that faith were notated long ago there can only be a change in belief when one considers changes in interpretation.

It is a misunderstanding or mis-interpretation to think she demands a change of believes.

She clearly demands rights for women and want to see that they can get access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth. How can this be a demand of changing matters of faith when those who say they keep to a faith are following the rules of that so called faith?

If they call themselves Christian they should follow the teachings of Christ. But naturally they perhaps could call themselves better Methodist, Pentecostal, Evangelist or naming themselves to belong to an other denomination and not giving others the impression that all Christians would think like them.

Jesus never told anybody that a woman had no rights to her body and that others could decide for her.

In life every person has to decide for himself or herself. It is no different for female beings.

God gave permission to have judges and leaders to be installed and to have laws been written to organise a society. Hilary Clinton is right to say “Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will.”
When governments promise things they also have to keep their promises. When they want to respect their citizens they have to give them rights which are equal for all.

Though naturally those in charge can not demand that “deep-seated cultural codes can be changed when they are based on the Law of God. But in many societies we can see that lots of people have preferred to follow human doctrines and in such instance those deep-seated cultural codes are based on human doctrines, religious beliefs and structural biases which can and perhaps should have to be changed or to be looked at closer to see if they should not be accommodated.


Preceding articles:

Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion

My Choice (by Jezabel Jonson)

The Real ‘Choice’

“They Told Me What I Wanted To Hear” – Real Abortion Stories

The Things We Carry, by Penny


Further reading:

  1. “The Vital Fact that’s Been Lost in the Debate Over Those Planned Parenthood Videos” | History News Network
  2. “Empty the Uterus”
  3. Bodies that matter. Bodies that don’t.
  4. Crucial Abortion In Coppell TX Information That You Deserve To Know
  5. Vital Abortion In Grand Prairie TX Information That You Should Be Aware Of
  6. Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood
  7. Meat On Our Bones: The Next Four Years
  8. The Opportunistic Morality of a Nation
  9. New at Live Action: Pro-Abortion Republican Murkowski Carries Water for Planned Parenthood
  10. New at Live Action: The Most Blatant Pro-Abortion False Advertising Yet
  11. Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood
  12. Crucial Information On Abortion Options In Grapevine TX That You Need To Know
  13. A Lesson On The Heart . . . .
  14. From the Sidewalk Chronicles: Crime of the Unborn
  15. Same Logic, Same Result
  16. Move to defund Planned Parenthood only hurts Texas families
  17. God Fearing Women Do Not Kill Babies
  18. Texas cuts off Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood
  19. MSPs should hold abortion debate
  20. If we value life, we don’t get to choose which lives we value
  21. We Exist For Him
  22. The Church and violence
  23. Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood, Alleges Clinics Unsafe, Unsanitary
  24. Links for 10-19-2015
  25. Texas Cuts Planned Parenthood From Medicaid
  26. The Child I Didn’t Plan For
  27. Lawyer tried to keep pregnant refugee and rape victim in Australia, but government suddenly flew her out
  28. A False Choice
  29. A Revelatory Dream
  30. Missing Persons
  31. Why Should We Be Looking At The PP Defunding Debate? A Storify Assignment.
  32. How the investigation into Planned Parenthood affects student lives
  33. Can We Really Afford to Lose 700 Planned Parenthood Centers?
  34. Man Stabs His Pregnant Wife 17 Times to Try to Kill Their Unborn Child
  35. Abortion holocaust
  36. Shout Your Abortion
  37. Choices
  38. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
  39. Abortion and crime rates
  40. Support With Diagnosis
  41. Reading for Abortion in the Victorian Novel
  42. Planned Parenthood: another written question from the European Parliament – this time from a Socialist
  43. “But it’s Legal” – Does the legality of an act make it moral?
  44. What If Planned Parenthood Is Sincere?
  45. Republicans’ Love Hate Relationship With Waiting Periods



Filed under Health affairs, Juridical matters, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Women’s Groups Say Gender Equality is a Must for Sustainable Development

United Nations, Jun 24 2015 (IPS) – On the eve of negotiations on the political declaration for the United Nations Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda, the Women’s Major Group (WMG) calls on governments to define a transformative agenda to ensure just, sustainable and rights-based development.

Userpage icon for supporting gender equality.

Userpage icon for supporting gender equality. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The goal of the event “No Sustainable Development Without Equality”, held on Tuesday 2015 June 23, was to launch 10 Red Flags reflecting concern about gender equality and human rights and highlighting the areas that need to be strengthened to achieve a truly transformative agenda.

Gender equality and human rights are cross-cutting priorities but they have never received enough recognition,”

said Eleanor Blomstrom, WMG Organising Partner and Program Director of Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO).

“If we want the Post-2015 Development Agenda to be successful, these issues must be fully recognised as critical priorities,”

she added.

Women and girls comprise the majority of people living in poverty, experience persistent and multidimensional inequalities, and bear a disproportionate burden of the impacts of financial and environmental crisis, natural disasters and climate change.

According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), girls account for the majority of children not attending school; almost two-thirds of women in the developing world work in the informal sector or as unpaid workers in the home. Despite greater parliamentary participation, women are still out numbered four-to-one in legislatures around the world.

Gender equality and the full realisation of the human rights of girls and women of all ages are cross-cutting issues themselves but they’re also essential for poverty eradication and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Nurgul Djanaeva, WMG Organizing Partner and President of the Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan, stressed the importance of keeping the private and public sector accountable, especially on gender equality, in order to achieve gender equality and sustainable development.

“There must be regional, national and global reviews and constant data collection and analysis. Likewise, all the results need to be measured,”

she said.

“Transparent and inclusive processes, as well as effective monitoring and evaluative mechanisms, are a must here. A lack of accountability tools is considered as a violation of human rights”,

she added.

Speakers at the event also put special emphasis on the key role played by feminist organisations at both the grassroots and international levels, as well as the urgent need for international cooperation and public-private partnerships to achieve gender equality and therefore sustainable development.

Edited by Kitty Stapp



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Economical affairs, Educational affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

The Things We Carry, by Penny

When we go and look for help we also should look fro the priorities of that organisation by whom we knock at the door.

Having people giving endless lectures from puberty onward about the interests of boys, from a wrong viewpoint does not help either. Catholic institutions often did not help bringing up the children to be strong enough to be themselves and to be able to cope, resist and or communicate with persons of the other sex.

In many extreme religious countries we have seen fundamentalist groups and others terrorising the female sex. Often women were considered as the lower species to bring forth the next generation and to be a puppet ‘spiel’. Many boys who got that education as well used those of the other sex as their toy. They were brought up that way. Who can blame them?

At the beginning of this 21st century the West carries still many scars of the previous century where unwanted children or babies of young girls were considered as the bad in the world which had to be cast out and the girls punished. We would not like to think how many boys or man did got away unpunished, whilst they left an unhappy girl behind.

Shame and intimidation were the easiest tactics which could bring people down. But there were also many girls who came out of it much stronger and being much more aware of this precious life.
Some went looking for their child which was taken away from them at birth. Those who got an abortion had it more difficult facing the dark spot in their life. For many of them it was like an eating cancer making them rot away in grieve.

Several countries hoped to regulate and control abortions and help children who became pregnant. But shamefully we have to conclude that several organisations had other options than the well-care of those girls and looked more at the welfare of the community and politics, nor wanting to present them with some unwanted children or with children without loving parents or not being able to grow up in a stable family.

In certain groups of the community it looks cool when the man knows to dominate the woman. Certain man tiranise their partner and often use the children to set them up against the partner.

There that partner has to make certain choices and can avoid that there do come any more children. But as we can see sometimes the male part can be so dominant and so in control, that the partner still becomes pregnant. Others do find it normal to use the woman and have not the word ‘rape’ in their vocabulary.

For victims of such beings it becomes even more difficult to make certain choices. what we may not forget is that they sometimes also are forced to go to an abortion clinic. Other times they would love an abortion, but have no means or have lots of people who take care she doesn’t.

It is good to hear some witnessing from people who went through different stadia and not only became victim of rapists, wrong sex actions, but also victim of our societies attitude or certain organisations who want to regulate and control too much.

Let us not forget that those who are brought in a situation where they have to make a choice for what is inside them, it will never be an easy choice, and it will demand courage and it will demand perseverance and shall bring a turning point in the life of that person who shall never be able to be the same.


To remember:

  • On the sidewalk, the “antis” look at us
  • We all have reasons for being there, unique experiences we carry up and down the sidewalk.
  • bit the hand that assaulted me => scolded by the nuns for “unladylike” behavior + note sent home to parents
  • endless lectures from puberty onward that “men only want one thing – that’s how they all are, they can’t help it, and so you have to protect yourself.”
  • in order to receive any affection from men <=  to reduce myself to my body +  mind irrelevant in any romantic entanglements => took almost the rest of my life to unlearn this.
  • body only valuable thing > had little control over what happened to it
  • as sex worker > could pay my bills.
  • boyfriend “rescued”
  • went alone to a Planned Parenthood for an abortion
  • impotent rage of fighting my way through protesters, with no escorts to assist me
  • gain skills needed to survive in the nine-to-five world
  • never once doubted my decision, + don’t to this day ====> I do wish that I’d been brave enough then to confide in a friend, and that I’d had escorts to run me through the gamut of shaming
  • We need to draw a hard line here, because raising girls to believe that they are only their bodies – as blow up dolls, incubators, or punching bags – is dangerous
  • Make any choice you want, as long as it’s yours.
  • Stay brave, stay free, and may your pack be light.


Additional reading

  1. Happiness mapping and getting over gender mapping
  2. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  3. Eternity depends upon this short time on earth


Louisville Clinic Escorts

TW:  Violence, rape

On the sidewalk, the “antis” look at us, escorts as well as clients, and based on our ages, the vehicles we drive or don’t drive, the clothes we wear, the overheard snippets of friendly conversation, they’ll tailor the harassment to what they believe is the greatest effect.

“Does your mother know you’re here – you may be an outcast!”

“That’s what a real baby is supposed to look like.”

“You are not young, nearing the end of your life – repent now!” and memorably,

“Go home and put some decent clothes on!”

We immediately think through all the counter-arguments, the snappy retorts, the “you-don’t-know-me’s,” and sometimes a client or companion will voice them. Mostly we hope to avoid the added annoyance of them learning our names. I can’t help but cringe when this happens, because any acknowledgement feeds the antis. But it’s hard. It’s so hard not…

View original post 827 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Health affairs, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

Where are the female writers

When research shows that women, who are more than half of the population, write only a third of the stories, how does it come that not more women are taking up the pen and sharing their thoughts?

"Bon Ton Burlesquers - 365 days ahead of ...

“Bon Ton Burlesquers – 365 days ahead of them all.” Poster of U.S. burlesque show, 1898, showing a woman in outfit with low neckline and short skirts holding a number of upper-class men “On the string”. Color lithograph (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Did women still not become confident enough to have their voice sounding in the air? Or is the human world still being influenced by macho male world?

Media tells us our roles in society — it tells us who we are and what we can be.

The Women’s Media Center (WMC) released its yearly report on the status of women in U.S. media on July the 15th. This new report shows us who people think matters and what is important to media — and clearly, as of right now, for the American citizen it is not women.

Taken together, the 49 studies are a snapshot of women in media platforms as diverse as news, literature, broadcast, film, television, radio, online, tech, gaming, and social media.

In evening broadcast news, women are on-camera 32% of the time; in print news, women report 37% of the stories; on the Internet, women write 42% of the news; and on the wires, women garner only 38% of the bylines.

“We face the same issue here,” Women in Media (www.womeninmedia.net) National Patron Caroline Jones said. “While more than half of the graduates in our sector are women, women hold around 7% of management roles. That’s got to change.” {Media executives to tackle gender equality in Women in Media panel}

How Men Dominate The US Media Landscape

In my ecclesia and for my websites I also ask the female part of our society to contribute to our society, but it seems that they, like human male, keep quiet.

We may perhaps know that men do less than they ought (unless they do all that they can), but what about women?

The list of notable female writers may be huge and many ladies could get me carried away. It were not only story tellers or historicist but also article writers who got me tantalised.

Also looking at several followers of my different sites I am pleased to find several female writers and photographers who offer very nice articles or beautiful series of visual postings. Pity none of them offered them yet to join us and use the opportunity to get more readers to know them and to bring them also to their nice articles.

If you are writing on the net, why would you not share some of your ideas here and share some readings you encountered, when scrolling the many articles available on the net. It would be strange if you would not be able to find at least one article in a year worth sharing with others.  In case that would be the case, not able to find more interesting articles on the net, that others also should read, it would mean that too much rubbish is presented and that by the overload serious articles do not find a chance to be noticed.

When I see on social media, like Facebook and on Youtube what gets most interest and most likes, it either says a lot of the present generation and gives an impression that non-serious and shocking material gets most interest by the present viewers.

Why not distance us form all that under-the-belt material and from the voyeuristic articles, focusing on things which are important for our society?

I am perhaps very conservative and have some old fashioned ideas and gender role ideas, but that does not mean that people can not be conform or of total different vision and would not able to present opposites over here. the nicest thing would be when different visions can stand next to each other (in peace).

I may think women should be best at presenting articles about the female role in our society, and could bring articles on the household but also on women at work or the role of women in our community or in our ecclesia or church. but they also could bring ideas about living and arranging our living quarters, sharing architectural and interior design ideas.

Naturally also men could write articles about those subjects, and they are invited too.

I am still waiting for writers to present themselves? Please when you do feel called do not hesitate, but contact me straight ahead.

I welcome any interested serious writer, who is willing to share his thoughts and interesting thoughts he or she finds on the net.

Do not wait until tomorrow but act today.



  • Socialize Your Content Marketing Initiatives (socialnomics.net)
    Whether you write your own content, hire someone to do it for you or are a guest blogger for someone else, writing the content is actually only a piece of the pie.
    An important part of writing content is creating shareable material. Once it’s live, the sharing starts.

    And, yes, you want others to share it straight from the site, but it’s also a smart strategy for you to work on that sharing and promotion as well. Social media, among other strategies, will play a big role in this.
    If people like your content, they’ll want to see more. In your bio, you can include your social media sites and links to other pieces related to the one you’re sharing. Be careful not to link to too much; that can be overwhelming.


  • Top 4 Tips for Promoting Your Small Business On Social Media (hiscox.com)
    Most small business owners know by now that they need to have a presence on social media. You’ve probably set up a fan page on Facebook for your business, and you probably have a Twitter account. You may have a LinkedIn account, a Google+ page and even a YouTube channel. Those are great first steps toward promoting your business. Now you have to feed the beast.
    Post a ‘teaser’ or a promotion on each network, than include a link to your most recent blog post. If you have a special offer or promotion, describe it in the blog post as well as the social media posts, in case people come to your blog in some other way.
    Keep the quality of your content to a high standard. You’ll find that consumers are looking for different types of content like whitepapers and infographics. Make sure it’s useful and concise. Content that feature listicles such as our “10 Important Personal Characteristics of an Entrepreneur” piece are a great start. Social media has shortened our attention spans, so you need to grab the reader’s attention and hold it by providing information they can use. Don’t try to extend the length of your posts with ‘fluff’ – you’ll lose your audience.
  • 4 Alternative Social Media Platforms Every Marketer Should Be Using (thesuccess4life.com)
    you can build long-term relationship with your targeted audience .
    9 Simple Social Media Tips Even Amateurs Can Follow
    The core of a great social media page is not the number of followers, nor the engagement rate. It is all about the contents you share. Quality contents are integral part of social media to generate followers, and improve engagement. People tend to share topics that they find useful, so always provide them with these types of contents. But, keep in mind that you should not limit your updates to your website’s contents, you should also share useful posts from other websites.
  • Associate Yourself with Strong Social Media Initiatives (socialnomics.net)
    You can share news about your association, post pictures of association events, and keep followers updated on everything your association represents.
  • Maddie’s Must Reads for July – Social Media Edition (socialfish.org)
  • Media executives to tackle gender equality in Women in Media panel (mumbrella.com.au)
    The current numbers are bleak and going nowhere fast. And although there is a real and clear business imperative for diversity at the top of business in this country and globally — with compelling statistics to match, we can’t wait and hope for it to be worked out by those whose current self interests are tied to things remaining more or less the same. Quotas are the only certain pathway to gender equity.
  • How Men Dominate The U.S. Media Landscape [Infographic] (forbes.com)
  • Hot 97’s TT Torrez Talks Making It in The Radio Industry (madamenoire.com)
  • Literary Gaps: The Classic Books We Overlook (readerswritersjournal.com)
  • 11 Books By Women That Reached Cult Status (stylecaster.com)
    For some, the idea of reaching for a summertime book means frivolous beachside reading material. But this year, instead of letting the time pass by with fluffy chick lit, why not delve deep into the classic stories by women writers that have made it to cult status?


Filed under Aankondiging & Introductie, Announcement, Cultural affairs

Reactions against those of the other sex

Lust in the Dust

Lust in the Dust (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When you’re genuinely born of God, you’ll be growing to be an overcomer as you deal with the temptations around you — the world, the flesh, and the adversary.

When becoming a Christian you decided to become a child of God and to live according His statutes. You have put your old life aside and made the decision to take on an other life, one in accordance to God’s Law.

As a Christian you should try to please God and have your thoughts focused on the right things.

According to 1 John 5:4,

“Whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.”

The word overcome implies a struggle, getting over something. that what is not easy, that what tempts us, that what can bring us from our position and get us on the wrong path. Also having the wrong ideas like Peter had, can make us being called ourselves an adversary or satan.

Human race is a weak one. And men are for sure not the strongest of the humans. In many religions that is taken in consideration. In some Muslim cultures it goes so far that they say women have to hide their contours and faces for men, because otherwise they would tempt them too much and man is not able to be counted for his deeds in such instances.

In our western culture you would think men and women would respect each other. But still too often we hear stories of men going too far and taking women as a subject or just an object to be used. The previous posting is a good example of this.

"Idle Thoughts", 1898

“Idle Thoughts”, 1898 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It can well be when a man sees a woman that his mind goes off dreaming and fantasying. The same for women, when they see certain men, they also can have their thoughts going into fantasy world. In such circumstances it is important that we know how far we can have our thoughts linger away. For sure our physical reactions may not bring the other person in shyness or quandary.

Being confronted with ‘toppling thoughts’ we should come to our senses and remember the lesson about the eyes and fornication. We may look at the other sex, but how and how long we look in which way makes a difference

We’re faced with an adversary whom we must overcome. Our adversary is identified in 1 John 2:14 as the wicked one:

“I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.”

John went on in the next verses to say:

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. . . . For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world” (1 John 2:15-17).

Life has to offer a lot of lust. Daily we can be confronted with lust and temptation, of all sorts. How we cope with it is important.

You may not be victorious over every temptation every time, but you’ll make progress in gaining more victories and losing less battles as you grow stronger in Christ and in the power of the abiding Word of God.


Preceding article: Part of a great team but also of gender discrimination


Find also

  1. Because men choose to go their own way
  2. Epicurus’ Problem of Evil
  3. Satan the evil within
  4. What others think about the tree of knowledge of good and evil
  5. Object of first woe
  6. Gainsayers In Apostolic Days
  7. A look at materialism
  8. Material gain to honour God
  9. Summermonths and consumerism
  10. Savouring pictorial entertainment
  11. Belonging to or being judged by
  12. Male domination and tyranny giving opportunities to defile the Name of God
  13. Temptation in matrimony
  14. Subcutaneous power for humanity 2 1950-2010 Post war generations
  15. The Cares of Life
  16. Wondering
  17. A love not exempting us from trials
  18. When the wind blows hard on a tree
  19. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places
  20. Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
  21. It continues to be a never ending, exhausting battle for survival.
  22. Signs of the Last Days
  23. Salvation and Righteousness
  24. Hebraic Roots Bible 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 – Flee fornication and be joined to our Master
  25. Nazarene Commentary 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 – Flee from Immorality


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Social affairs

Part of a great team but also of gender discrimination

Isis Anchalee, a full-stack engineer at OneLogin was asked to be one of four others participating recruiting campaign that was hastily planned and executed in 1 day.

She keeps to herself most of the time and generally prefer when others mind their own business too, but she got pretty blown away at the amount of attention the ad with her has received.

She didn’t ask for any of this attention, and she is rather uncomfortable with all of it.

I’m just a human and I prefer to keep my life simple/reserved, but it blows my mind that my fully-clothed smiling face with unbrushed hair and minimal makeup on a white wall is seemingly more controversial in some communities than this simply because of my gender:

Today still to many women receive the wrong attention at certain jobs and often men think they can make ‘avances’ just like that. the female engineer notices that those who reacted in a manner which is not decent are both socially-accepted, “smart” and “normal” guys.

This illustrates one of the industry’s deep underlying issues. There is a significant lack of empathy and insight towards recognizing that their “playful/harmless” behavior is responsible for making others inappropriately uncomfortable. This industry’s culture fosters an unconscious lack of sensitivity towards those who do not fit a certain mold. I’m sure that every other women and non-male identifying person in this field has a long list of mild to extreme personal offenses that they’ve just had to tolerate. I’m not trying to get anyone in trouble, fired or ruin anyone’s life. I just want to make it clear that we are all humans, and there are certain patterns of behavior that no one should have to tolerate while in a professional environment.

Read more about it:
You May Have Seen My Face on BART


Filed under Lifestyle