Tag Archives: Followers of Christ

Necessity to be cheerful to help yourself and others

Around Thanksgiving Day, in addition to showing gratitude,
it is not bad to take a moment to focus on the need to be cheerful and positive thinking.

At our other website which you also might not forget to visit now and then, we started also looking back at 2023.
Each time, we will highlight some highlights or happenings, or bring up a few things that may have escaped your notice and had not yet been mentioned on that site.

Being cheerful on the outside can help you – and others – feel it on the inside

Our chief preacher, Marcus Ampe, (during the course of this year, before his heart attack) emphasised how we need to ensure that we strengthen ourselves spiritually to keep us healthy and to energetically stimulate others as well.

He stressed that the inner man, the wellbeing of our soul, is the most important thing to help us and others move forward in life.
In these times of a shortage of real conversations, as everything is done fleetingly through social media, our society, according to him, lacks self-confidence and a healthy state of mind.

“The surest sign of wisdom is a constant cheerfulness,”

wrote the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne in the 16th century.

According to Mr Ampe, in the long run, we should ignore people who influence us badly and focus more on positive impulses we can get in life.

He also said there is no point if we are too preoccupied with the things that go wrong in our lives. We need to learn to worry less about all the things we see going wrong around us.

“Be cheerful,”

commands the fictional character and the protagonist (Prospero) of William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest – arguably the wisest of all of Shakepeare’s characters – in The Tempest. Yet the impact of cheerfulness – and the power it gives us to get through difficult moments in our lives – is hard to define and easy to disregard or dismiss, even as we strive to be happy.

Someone who is cheerful is happy and shows this in his behaviour and makes that person have or express a buoyant or self-confident air. With good humour we should try to spread God’s Word which is a message of joy and gladness, bringing the Good News of better times to come.

A group of performers in 1940s clothes, dressed warmly for a visit to northern Scotland

The ITMA cast at rehearsal during a visit to the Home Fleet at Scapa Flow, January 1944

Marcus Ampe also warns us, that we need to prepare spiritually for much more difficult times ahead. To get through those terrible times, we must have a sound mind that will not let itself be dragged into the depths by what is happening around us. He reminded us of the BBC’s wartime radio comedy It’s That Man Again – or ITMA – that kept British peckers up during the blitz. It was a morale-boosting cavalcade of wacky characters, cheeky catchphrases and proto-Goon sound effects, in which the recurrent character depressed charlady Mona Lott, played by Joan Harben, in the 1929–1949 BBC Radio series would drone the latest awful thing that had happened to her and then hit you with the devastatingly deadpan punchline:

“It’s being so cheerful that keeps me going.”

Let us not forget

Saint Paul had pointed to cheerfulness as the mediating affect that defines our relationship to the mystical body of Christ in the community of the new church”.

It is a learned discipline, to be taken perfectly seriously as something that promotes social cohesiveness and personal humility. He finds Friedrich Nietzsche to be a key figure in the history of modern cheerfulness. While not obviously Mr Cheerful, the philosopher was someone who rejected the idea of it as mere placid wellbeing.

Marcus Ampe is totally aware that it is not, or will not always be easy, to be ‘cheerful’ or to be friendly and receptive to everyone. It is something we shall have to learn and work on.

We should also remember that our face speaks volumes and no false facade should appear on it. As followers of Christ, we should always be honest and our faith in the future should radiate through our attitude. Even though we may be handicapped or in great pain, we should make the best of ourselves and always remain open to the pains and complaints of others, whom we should then relieve and give hope.

Cheers is also about a community spirit, or a kind of moral hospitality, a rejection of self-indulgence and a prioritising of the general mood.

“Cheerfulness is a psychological and emotional resource, a way of approaching actions and situations,”

says Timothy Hampton, a professor in the department of comparative literature at the University of California, Berkeley.

“I can say hello to you – but I can also say hello to you cheerfully. It’s not part of the saying ‘hello’, it’s some kind of colouring of what I am saying.”

And what we are saying and what we are doing as Christians is very important. We should be an example to others. An example of good spirit. According to Hampton, for whom getting through the day was very difficult is cheerfulness a resource

– you can make it, manage it and put it into action.
And that seemed to me to be a really precious and interesting thing that we don’t think about as much as we should.”

he says.

> Read more about it:

Being cheerful on the outside can help you – and others – feel it on the inside



  1. Something to Remember
  2. Accepting the gift of God’s peace
  3. Loving others when you don’t feel like it
  4. Laugh Often
  5. “Janice’s Attic: Giving Thanks” (Episode 4)
  6. Unhappy with Life? Thankfulness Produces Joy!
  7. Thought For The Day: Feb. 5, 2018 “Being Cheerful”
  8. Reasons to be or not to be cheerful, or not. Or something.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs

Loving One Another

Brian W. Johnson

Even though love for a particular person, or people, is sometimes easier than for others, followers of Christ are not called to ‘let love be genuine’ only to those for whom it is easy to love. Venturing outside biblically defined bounds of genuine love turns it into a squishy and nebulous force ushering from the seat of emotion.

Ill defined and emotionally driven love becomes fickle and empty. Not only is it a ill defined phenomena, it almost always becomes an ideal of romantic love. The notion of true love then becomes a one in a million incident only found by the fortunate. 

Love is so much more than romance. We are to let love be genuine and extend beyond the base level hormone response.

Followers of Christ are called to love their brothers in Christ, with great frequency. Loving brothers and sisters in Christ will not always come…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Who Am I That I Could Hinder God?

“For as much then as God gave them a like gift,
as he did unto us, when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ,
who was I, that I could let God?” (Ac 11:17 GenevaBible)

All of those who call themselves “Christian” need to ask themselves not only who they are, what they want to do, and what they want to reach, but also if they are following God’s path or even if they do not hinder God.

Often we find Christians praying for things which go against the Plan of God. So you could wonder how they look at God and really want His Plan to come into fulfilment.

We have Jews and Gentiles, or goyim having become under Christ, having become children of God.

God may have tried to tell Peter to not keep people out of the church that God has already welcomed. Though gentiles should not forget who are the first chosen People, and which rules or commandments are still to be followed by them if they want to enter that Body of Christ, the Church.

Too many people think they may “bypass all the rules” the church set up to determine who is in and who is out by providing the Spirit to the gentiles.

All important is that those who want to be part of the Body of Christ, should follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and should try to become like him, loving all people around them, whatever they might be.
We hear from John what is important to be truly a follower of Jesus, by how (and who) we love. And too many Christians do forget that we hear from James that belief is not enough, actions are what follows, by the faith belongs the works. One of those works or specific actions is the treatment of the underprivileged people around us with great care and generosity.

Too often Christians take an attitude to others, Christ unworthy. Certainly in the U.S.A. we can find lots of fundamentalist Christians who do damaging things to other human beings. Several Christians act improperly to people who are different than them. In several countries, homos and transgenders have difficulties walking around and being accepted in the community.

Many Christians would do well to look into their hearts to see how they really want, like Jesus, to be open to people who are different from themselves!

Abnormal Anabaptist

The title of this post is a question that I think all of us Christians need to ask ourselves when we gather in our communities for regular worship and practice. And it’s not a question that I just came up with off the top of my head. This is a Biblical question asked rhetorically to prove a point. And what is that point? I’ll tell you.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Questions asked, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

This is Church Unity?

At the beginning of the Christian church there was already the difference in the different Jewish families. Many had difficulties to come to read between the lines and come to grab the intention of certain words. Today there are still lots of people and church groups who have difficulties in interpreting the Scriptures. Today there are still the literalists as well as Pharisaic groups.

But the worst matter in Christendom today is still the schism of the 4th century when the majority wanted to go by the Greco-Roman traditions and the will of Constantine I. From the moment those leaders and false teachers agreed to make up creeds that were not in line with biblical teaching, making Jesus into their god, all problems started and made certain people and churches go for power and taking care with their false human doctrines that they could keep people under control.

Jesus never claimed to be God nor wanted to create a new religion. As a Jew he worshipped the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, and wanted all his followers to do the same.
Jesus did not want a restricting church. He came to liberate the people of all chains and especially of the curse of death.

Jesus wanted that people would come to know his God, the God of the Hebrews Who is One (and not two or three) and wanted a church true to his word and his way of life in accordance with the Will of God, in line with God’s Word.

We must grow towards this word of God as brothers and sisters in Christ, following the teachings of Christ and not particularly following the teachings of people, even if they call themselves theologians, bishops or popes.



Many looking for the church of the world instead of the Church of God

Christian denominations as pots in the desert

Having to learn and benefit from other Christian denominations


Additional reading

  1. Gates to different belief systems in this world
  2. Religion and believers #1 Lots of groups and forms of belief to be taken interest in
  3. Religion and believers #7 Independent and organised form of existence of a religion



  1. About the different denominations
  2. Christian denominations (sects)
  3. Are denominational differences a blot on the church?
  4. Denominations Losing Internal Influence
  5. Why are there so many splits in the Presbyterian Church? Here’s an Explanation
  6. Do Denominations Divide Us?
  7. Which Church Would Jesus Choose?

The #Heb10 Church

If you watched the series, The Chosen, then you’re familiar with the character of the Pharisee, Shmuel. This Pharisee did everything he could to create division within the synagogue and the Sanhedrin itself!

In the Sanhedrin, there were two schools of thought – the school of Hillel, which was the liberal wing of Judaism, and the school of Shammai, which was the more conservative side of Judaism.

Both schools observed the Law of Torah, but had differing interpretations. This is how the Oral Law came into being – this oral tradition became law based on which school had control of the Sanhedrin at the time. The rabbis would write their interpretation of a specific law, which would be added to the Talmud – taking 613 laws and creating thousands of laws that were required to be followed.

Growing up in this tradition, I’ve seen this firsthand.

Where did the prohibition…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, World affairs

Many looking for the church of the world instead of the Church of God

Looking for the church

Someone has said,

“I looked for the Church, and found it in the world. I look for the world, and found it in the Church.”

The word ICHABOD has been stamped on many a local church door, but only spiritual eyes can see that the glory of the Lord has departed. {It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible}

That is the problem of our world or the problem of our nation … human beings always looking for other human beings and believing in human beings more than in the Word of the Highest all-knowing eternal God above all gods.

Coming face to face with God

Mankind is afraid to come face to face with God. It is impossible for man to see God, though man wants to have something they can refer to, see and feel or touch. They also want to have a god who has similarities with them, and therefore they took themselves a godhead they can grab. Of that god they created for themselves, a male figure, they can take pictures and statues. Even when the Bible tells mankind that he may not make any graven image of God, man prefers to ignore such demands and has made himself many images of their god.

The Holy Scriptures or Infallible Word of God – Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Too many people do forget or do not want to see that God promises to work through His Word and that This Word of God gives all the knowledge that we need to come to find God and to come to know what God wants from us. God wants to have a relationship with His creatures. He did not create them to be against Him, in the same way, He did not give them commandments of which He knew man would be able not to keep them.

Sinful people

By the first sinful act of Adam and Eve, sin came into the world. All those coming after them were sinful people. Still today it is like that. It would be very difficult to find someone who is without something doing wrong or without having sinned. We are all taken up by sin.

“As by means of one man, sin entered into the world, and, by means of sin, death; and so death passed upon all the sons of men, inasmuch as they all have sinned: — ” (Ro 5:12 Murdock)

“If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.”” (Ge 4:7 KJ21)

“”If they sin against Thee (for there is no man that sinneth not), and Thou be angry with them and deliver them to the enemy so that they carry them away captives unto the land of the enemy, far or near;” (1Ki 8:46 KJ21)

It is that sinning that is standing in the way to have a good relationship with our heavenly Father. To come to a better relationship God provided means. One of those was by creating a possibility for man to show his submission to God and his desire to please God by offering sacrifices to God. Later in the history of mankind, there came special places to bring such offerings to God and as such temples came into existence, where also special people took care of the services for God. Those priests were at first anointed by God Himself, though later man took care of themselves to appoint priests and to decide for themselves how those services to God and sacrifices were to be carried out. In a way such services would later become churchservices.

Houses of worship for the Only One God Jehovah

At first Jesus and his apostles went to those houses of worship. In those temples, they praised not Jesus but the God of the Hebrews, the God of Adam and Eve, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who is the Only True God. Jesus and his apostle were very well aware of that Name of That God. They worshipped Jehovah as the Only One True God.

“that men may know that Thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth.” (Ps 83:18 KJ21)

“2 And God spoke unto Moses and said unto him, “I am the LORD. 3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob by the name of God Almighty, but by My name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.” (Ex 6:2-3 KJ21)

When Jesus was gone the apostle did not change their mind about Whom they had to worship and about Whom they had to pray to and call His Name.

“For “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”” (Ro 10:13 KJ21)

“and in that day shall ye say: “Praise the LORD! Call upon His name! Declare His doings among the people; make mention that His name is exalted.” (Isa 12:4 KJ21)

The way of worshipping did not change in the first century. It was customary for them to continue to go to the temple and to praise and glorify God there, as well as to continue to study the Hebrew Scriptures. They were convinced that such worship of God should come from deep within the heart and not be a mere passing fancy.

“God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”” (Joh 4:24 KJ21)

“yet to us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we in Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things, and we by Him.” (1Co 8:6 KJ21)

Yes, not Jesus was their god, but the Divine Creator of heaven and earth was their God. To them, it was as pure as a lump of sugar or clear as water, that this God is only one.

“”Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.” (De 6:4 KJ21)

One God and His beloved son opposite a god the son

They felt that they had become one in God by the sent one from God in whom they came to believe as that promised one from old times, who they now recognised as their saviour or that promised Messiah, by whom they now got the opportunity to get a new life.

“yet to us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we in Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things, and we by Him.” (1Co 8:6 KJ21)

It was several years after Jesus had died that certain people started taking Jesus as their god, forgetting the words Jesus himself had spoken.

“Jesus said unto her, “Touch Me not, for I am not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say unto them, ‘I ascend unto My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’”” (Joh 20:17 KJ21)

Today there are still many people who do not hear or want to understand those words of that son of man, who gave his life for many, so that we can have hope for receiving a new life in the Kingdom of God.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” (1Pe 1:3 KJ21)

Those who claim that Jesus is God, should better think about the fact that Jesus more than once prayed to Whom he called God. He did not pray to himself, neither cried to himself, or did not ask himself why He had abandoned him. (How would a person abandon or forsake himself?)

“And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is, being interpreted, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”” (Mr 15:34 KJ21)

“1  These words spoke Jesus and lifted up His eyes to Heaven and said, “Father, the hour is come. Glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee, 2 as Thou hast given Him power over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him. 3 And this is life eternal: that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” (Joh 17:1-3 KJ21)

The apostle Peter might be one of the first apostles who publicly professed who Jesus Christ was.

“16 And Simon Peter answered and said,

“Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

17 And Jesus answered and said unto him,

“Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Father who is in Heaven.” (Mt 16:16-17 KJ21)

A son of man as a way to God

It was such confession that the apostles required also from those who wanted to go in the footsteps of their master teacher. This way started of a group of followers of Christ. People who were convinced that Jesus was the way, like he more than once told others.

“Jesus said to him: I am the way, and truth, and life: no one cometh unto my Father, but by me.” (Joh 14:6 Murdock)

“Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.” (1Jo 4:15 KJ21)

The apostles also wrote down how they came to understand who Jesus Christ was and how the world had come to see that he is the son of man and son of God. By writing it all down, those writings should give a clear picture of Whom God is and about whom Jesus is.

“And the angel answered and said unto her,

“The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee. Therefore also that Holy Being who shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” (Lu 1:35 KJ21)

“And I saw and bore record that this is the Son of God.”” (Joh 1:34 KJ21)

“29 Jesus said unto him,

“Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.”

30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book. 31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing, ye might have life through His name.” (Joh 20:29-31 KJ21)

Accepting Jesus as son of God

That life which may come over us is by accepting who Jesus is, the son of God, and not by going all the fancies of the world. It are not the human doctrines we should take for the rules to follow, but the Biblical doctrines we should take for granted and to go by. It are those sacred writings that tell us that Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of God, being a mediator between God and us.

“5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,” (1Ti 2:5-6 KJ21)

For those who continued to follow the apostles of Jesus it is clear that there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and that newt to This God there is the one Who God Himself declared to be His only beloved son, Jesus Christ the Messiah. (1Co 8:6)

Followers of false teachings and false teachers

Up to today there are people who want to follow the teachings of those false teachers who claimed that Jesus would be an incarnated God. Some of the present teachers or pastors even want to twist the historical truth and come to say that it were the non-trinitarian preachers who would have followed Greco-Roman philosophy, though it are the Trinitarians who took all sorts of believes of those philosophers in their teaching, like incarnation, separate souls who would leave the body after death, hell as a burning place of eternal torture, etc. . Instead of bringing people on the right path to God, they mislead their churchgoers and having them worship a false god.

Already in the first century, the apostles warned against such false teachers who violated the Word of God and often came to deceive people with things they liked to hear. Such a God made flesh appealed to many, and still does. Hereby lots of people forget how often in the Bible is told that Jesus is the son of God (something totally different as “god the son”) and how Jesus himself spoke about his heavenly Father, from Whom he came and to Whom he went again.

“Jesus said to her:

Touch me not; for not yet have I ascended to my Father. But go to my brethren, and say to them: I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God.” (Joh 20:17 Murdock)

Those teachers claiming that Jesus would be God destroy the value of Jesus’ act of sacrifice and make God a great comedian who repeatedly told lies to deceive people, let alone called Himself a “God of no lies” when He did see mankind as lying creatures. Those Trinitarian preachers seem to neglect that The God of no lies said Himself that Jesus is His beloved son.

“And lo, a voice came from Heaven, saying,


“God forbid! Yea, let God be true, though every man a liar. As it is written:

“That Thou mightest be justified in Thy sayings, and mightest overcome when Thou art judged.”” (Ro 3:4 KJ21)

Not only minimalise those preachers the self-sacrifice of Jesus the also make the resurrection of Jesus as a joke, because God can not die (Him being an eternal Spirit) and when Jesus is God we are still left with no proof at all that man would be able to step out of the dead. As such those trinitarian churches take away our hope for a resurrection, because we can not become God and do like Him, but are then still bounded to the grave (sheol or hell). The real followers of Christ continued teaching the Gospel or Good News of the coming Kingdom of God, by which there is the hope in the resurrection of the man Jesus Christ, as an example of what can happen to us.

“Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, who in his great mercy hath begotten us anew, by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, to the hope of life,” (1Pe 1:3 Murdock)

Not a schizophrenic God

Jesus was or is not a schizophrenic God Who came to pray and cry to himself. Jesus prayed sincerely to his heavenly Father, Whom he considered to be the Only One True God.

“And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, and said: [Il, Il, lemono shebakthone;]that is: My God, my God; why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mr 15:34 Murdock)

“1  These things spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said: My Father, the hour is come: glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee. 2 As thou hast given him authority over all flesh, that he might give life eternal to as many as thou hast given him. 3 And this is life eternal, that they may know thee, that thou art the only true God, and whom thou hast sent, Jesus Messiah.” (Joh 17:1-3 Murdock)

It might have taken some time before the apostles really came to see who their master-teacher really was and how they should behave and go into the world as his disciples and workers for God. It can well be that the apostle Peter was the first one to recognise for the first time in public Jesus real position.

“16 Simon Cephas {Greek: Simon Peter} answered and said:

Thou art the Messiah, the Son of the living God.

17 Jesus answered, and said to him:

Blessed art thou, Simon son of Jonas; for flesh and blood have not revealed [it] to thee, but my Father who is in heaven.” (Mt 16:16-17 Murdock)

The religion of Old Testament not passing away

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

After that Jesus was taken into heaven by his heavenly Father and after Jesus promised helper came over the apostles they dared to come out in public again and started off their great preaching work.

Those who heard and/or saw Jesus preach and/or heard the apostles,  could not believe that the religion of the Old Testament, revealed by God Himself, should pass away. They indeed regarded Jesus as the Saviour of Gentiles as well as Jews. We could say that Judaism was for them considered the necessary introduction to their group (which we call today Christianity). Several people from all sorts of rang came to join the apostles. Their Jewish movement was called “The Way“.

But by joining more non-Jews the matter of circumcision and the observance of the whole Mosaic law came under discussion. The question was the sole condition of an interest in the Messianic salvation. And, offensive as Judaism was, rather than attractive, to the heathen, this principle would have utterly precluded the conversion of the mass of the Gentile world.  The apostles themselves were at first trammelled by this Judaistic prejudice, till taught better by the special revelation to Peter before the conversion of Cornelius.
But even after the baptism of the uncircumcised centurion, and Peter’s defence of it before the church of Jerusalem, the old leaven still wrought in some Jewish Christians who had formerly belonged to the rigid and exclusive sect of the Pharisees, to which the apostle Paul also belonged to.

Difficulties around gentile converts

The churches of Jerusalem and Antioch resolved to hold a private and a public conference at Jerusalem. Antioch sent Paul and Barnabas as commissioners to represent the Gentile converts. Paul, fully aware of the gravity of the crisis, obeyed at the same time an inner and higher impulse. He also took with him Titus, a native Greek, as a living specimen of what the Spirit of God could accomplish without circumcision. The conference was held C.E. 50 or 51 (fourteen years after Paul’s conversion). It was the first and in some respects the most important council or synod held in the history of Christendom, though differing widely from the councils of later times. It is placed in the middle of the book of Acts as the connecting link between the two sections of the apostolic church and the two epochs of its missionary history.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

In the beginning, the people from The Way, like all the Jews, went on the Sabbath to the gathering in the temple. But after more goyim or non-Jews had joined that movement which confessed that Jesus is the son of God (Lu 1:35 ), and as such also came to abide in God (1Jo 4:15), they were not so welcome anymore in the temples and synagogues. Those non-Jews by their baptism in Christ being taken up in the group, which grew fairly quickly, and made others look jealous at them but also did not want those non-Jews in their prayer houses. Therefore The Way started also to come together in private houses and as such creating the first house churches.

Seeing and not seeing the man of flesh and blood

The apostles had after some years got a very clear picture of Jesus and with them many others had seen this man of flesh and blood (remember that God can not be seen by man). They testified that their master is the Son of God (Joh 1:34) and never said that Jesus would have claimed such a position, to be God. The amount of false teachers grew and began to argue with the true followers of Jesus who held to the sonship of Christ Jesus and did not wish to enter into the false teaching of Jesus’ Godhead.

In ancient time people could see and hear Jesus. We do not have such an opportunity anymore, though we should go by the material which is handed over to us in the Books of the New Testament. They provide enough information to learn about the man Jesus from Nazareth and his disciples. In connection with the Books of the Old Testament one should clearly come to see what Jesus role is in the history of mankind. Not having seen Jesus Christ, there were loads of people who came to believe in the son of God, that man of flesh and blood. Not having been able to see Christ we have to believe in him and accept him as the mediator for us by his heavenly Father the Only One True God.

“29 Jesus said to him: Now, when thou hast seen me, thou believest: blessed are they, who have not seen me, yet believe. —  30 And many other signs did Jesus before his disciples, which are not written in this book. 31 But these are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God; and that when ye believe, ye may have life eternal by his name.” (Joh 20:29-31 Murdock)

“5 For God is one; and the mediator between God and men is one, [namely] the man Jesus the Messiah; 6 who gave himself a ransom for every man;  — testimony that arrived in due time,” (1Ti 2:5-6 Murdock)

Jerusalem consultation

The object of the Jerusalem consultation was twofold: first, to settle the personal relation between the Jewish and Gentile apostles, disciples and preachers, and to divide their field of labour; secondly, to decide the question of circumcision, and to define the relation between the Jewish and Gentile Christians. On the first point (as we learn from Paul) it effected a complete and final, on the second point (as we learn from Luke) a partial and temporary settlement. In the nature of the case the public conference in which the whole church took part, was preceded and accompanied by private consultations of the apostles.

Constantine period

In the fourth century the division between the real followers of Christ and the followers of those false teachers who mixed those teachings of Christ with other human teachings, had become so big that they called for a council to decide how the church would continue.

Constantine I (the Great) the founder of Constantinople and the Byzantine empire, and for someone of the most gifted, energetic, and successful of the Roman emperors, was the first representative of the imposing idea of a Christian theocracy, or of that system of policy which assumes all subjects to be Christians, connects civil and religious rights, and regards church and state as the two arms of one and the same divine government on earth. This idea was more fully developed by his successors, it animated the whole middle age, and is yet working under various forms in these latest times; though it has never been fully realised, whether in the Byzantine, the German, or the Russian empire, the Roman church-state, the Calvinistic republic of Geneva, or the early Puritanic colonies of New England. At the same time, however, Constantine stands also as the type of undiscriminating and harmful conjunction of Christianity with politics, of the holy symbol of peace with the horrors of war, of the spiritual interests of the kingdom of heaven with the earthly interests of the state.

He was the man who gave those preachers the choice to come with the world or to stay by their ideas of not being part of the world. The majority choose to be befriended and to walk in fellowship with the world.

Unquestionably every age produces and shapes its own organs, as its own purposes require and as such the Jewish movement of The Way had seen many people going astray and going their own way.  Constantine I did put himself at the head of the age, and was annoyed by the differences and discussions there were by those who claimed to be the followers of the Nazarene rebbe Jeshua ben Josef, Jesus Christ. He also clearly saw that idolatry had outlived itself in the Roman empire, and that Christianity alone could breathe new vigour into it and furnish its moral support.

Donatists and Arians

From the year 313 he placed himself in close connection with the ‘bishops’, made peace and harmony his first object in the Donatist and Arian controversies and applied the predicate “catholic” to the church in all official documents. The Donatists argueing that Christian clergy must be faultless for their ministry to be effective and their prayers and sacraments to be valid. Constantine, hoping to defuse the unrest, gave money to the non-Donatist bishop Caecilian as payment for churches damaged or confiscated during the persecution. Nothing was given to the Donatists; Constantine was apparently not fully aware of the seriousness of the dispute, which his gift exacerbated. The Donatists appealed to Rome for equal treatment; Constantine tasked Miltiades with resolving the issue, which led to the 313 commission.

Many non-trinitarians are often called Arians by Trinitarians, though often those Christians do not follow Arius his teachings but simply the Biblical teachings. The Christian priest Arius, whose teachings gave rise to a theological doctrine known as Arianism, also followed the apostolic teaching that God is One and that Jesus is His son and not God Himself. What makes Arainism so different with what many non-trinitarians are still following today, is that those real followers of Christ (including us) do not integrate Neoplatonism, nor are we inspired by Plato’s ideas or by pre-Socratics (who interpreted the world monistically in terms of nature as such), from the relativism of the Sophists, and from the correction of Platonism in a this-worldly direction carried out by Plato’s greatest pupil, Aristotle.

It is a very big misconception of Trinitarians that nonTrinitarians, or those who do not wish to accept Jesus as God, would be Arians, whereas they do not follow the teachings of Arius at all. The teaching those present non-Trinitarians follow is simply the teachings of Jesus and his apostles.

The only similarity in Arius and the present non-trinitarian denominations is Arius’s basic premise of the uniqueness of God, who is alone self-existent (not dependent for its existence on anything else) and immutable; the Son, who is not self-existent, cannot therefore be the self-existent and immutable God.

“”There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun [a poetic name for the people of Israel, meaning ‘upright people’], who rideth upon the heaven to thy help and in His excellency on the sky.” (De 33:26 KJ21)

“33  O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out! 34 “For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been His counselor?” 35 Or, “who hath first given to Him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?” 36 For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things, to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” (Ro 11:33-36 KJ21)

Because the Godhead is unique, it cannot be shared or communicated according to Arius. Because the Godhead is immutable, the Son, who is mutable, must, therefore, be deemed a creature who has been called into existence out of nothing and has had a beginning. Moreover, according to Arius the Son can have no direct knowledge of the Father, since the Son is finite and of a different order of existence. For the real followers of Christ there is the knowledge that Jesus was placed in the womb of that young girl and as such coming directly from God must have some DNA from God. Jesus was born in that very devout Essene family of the tribe of King David and had got a very thorough religious upbringing with the Word of God as an inspirational source.

Name change

Badly enough, most of the clergy wanted to come to an agreement with Constantine the Great in order to keep the peace and not to be persecuted anymore. This was done by the clergy to bring their religion more in line with the Greek Roman religion and their triple deity Zeus who was then the main deity worshipped by Constantine and his followers. In order to equate Jeshua (Yeshua) with that deity Zeus, his name was transformed from Jeshua to Issou or Yai_Zeus > Je-Zeus which means Hail Zeus. Since then, the false name (Jezus – Jesus – Chesu) has become fully accepted and in time it was also used by the non-trinitarians to make clear that they were talking about one and the same person as the Trinitarians.

Constantine was praised and censured in turn by the Christians and Pagans, the Orthodox and the Arians, as they successively experienced his favour or dislike, but the real followers of Christ saw in him a very dangerous despot who could easily subdue the false teachers and in unity oppose the true followers of Christ.

The ones coming under agreement with each other about the deity of Jesus and the wishes of Constantine, became the Roman Catholics, who claimed to be the only true church and continued to grow by making sure people from all sorts of tribes could find themselves at home, because many of their traditions were taken in or integrated into that religion.

The real followers of Christ Jesus did not like the name change but had to do with it. for many centuries they tried those who worshipped Jesus as their god to come to know the real Jesus from the Bible.

The groups which accented the absolute oneness of the Divinity as the highest perfection, with a literal, rationalist approach to the New Testament texts sought their way in the world. That point of view was publicized about 323 through the poetic verse of his major work, Thalia (“Banquet”), and was widely spread by popular songs written for labourers and travellers.

The non-Trinitarian aspect and the other Arian teachings (of Arius) and papal positions (Ursinus) brought forth further disputes and conferences, synods or councils. The Ursinians became established in Milan and rekindled their opposition to Damasus.

Damasus I presided over the Council of Rome of 382 that determined the canon or official list of sacred scripture. He encouraged the production of the Latin Vulgate Bible with his support for Jerome.
He spoke out against other groups of Christians that had grown in popularity and denounced several major heresies in the church (including Apollinarianism and Macedonianism). In two synods (368 and 369) the unorthodox teachings of Bishop Macedonius of Constantinople and of Bishop Apollinaris (the Younger) of Laodicea were condemned. Among Damasus’s literary remains are 24 anathemas against various 4th-century heresies.  Apollinaris The Younger and his father (Apollinaris the Elder) had reproduced the Old Testament in the form of Homeric and Pindaric poetry and the New Testament in the style of Platonic dialogues after the Roman emperor Julian had forbidden Christians to teach the classics.
Apollinaris the younger denied the existence in Christ of a rational human soul, a position he took to combat Arianism. Skilled in logic and Hebrew and a teacher of rhetoric, Apollinaris also lectured at Antioch c. 374. Their different ideas also brought forth several schisms.

Current Churches in a Torn Church World

It would not remain at all with these few schisms in the church community; in each century several schisms occurred. Today, many even regard certain breakaway groups as churches of the commons, such as the Lutheran, Calvinist and Anglican Churches. They now belong to the generally accepted Protestant churches.

Lots of churches sought ways to get as many followers as they could, claiming that they are the only church by which people can be saved. They forget that it are no other human beings, than Christ Jesus who saves people of all races and people of all persuasions or from all walks of life. They claimed and still claim that their sacraments, religious signs or symbols, are the way to be saved. Many of those churches are convinced that their liturgy is the best one to prepare people to receive those sacraments, as visible symbols of the reality of God, as well as a channel for God’s grace and helps to understand what they are doing. Their liturgy is used to give the sacraments context and is there to allow folks to see them in action. Outside of the liturgy, the sacraments lose direction and application. For some that is the reason why a private baptism or communion is a sacrament without purpose or meaning.

It is a sacrament that is cut off from its intended goal. {The Role of the Church}

For non-Trinitarians, like the Christadelphians, there does not have to be a set of liturgical rules and order. Each church service can be done in a different order or different way. but what is most important is that the service is built upon the Word of God, and as such most time of the service should be spent on that Word, or readings from the Holy Scriptures and not on readings from human beings. Next to that Word of God people should be able to find, feel and see, that love of God and love of Christ present and shown by those people of that church.

The church is tasked with loving the Lord and loving its neighbor. The church takes what it receives from God and shares it with the world. Taken together, this means God acts through even-broadening layers to bring His grace into the world. {The Role of the Church}

Receiving God and being united with His son

But to receive God and to be united with God and His holy son, people have to do away with pagan or heathen teachings and traditions. In the Church of God, there can be no place for pagan rituals and false worship, like praying in front of pictures or sculptures. So, there has to be no place for crosses, paintings or portraits and statues of gods and saints, no idolisation taking place in the liturgy. Done away with a “Hail Zeus” or calling unto “YaiZeus” or JeZeus – Jezus or Jesus as a figure that would be three in one, a God the Father, a god the son and a God the Holy Spirit.

In case we want to hold on to that changed name of Jeshua, namely Jesus, that hopefully would be not too bad and shall be accepted by the Elohim Hashem Jehovah (That we can only hope and pray for – that he forgives us to use that name so that we shall be able to get others to get to know the Name of Jesus his God.) Better would naturally be that by the years coming closer to the end-times, people shall come to use more the real names of the Biblical characters and especially of Jehovah God, Whose Name is holy, and of the son of God, Jeshua ben Josef.

Sin is the opposite of God’s will, so to be a sinner means to be one who is opposed to God, who is an offense to everything God is. Sin is intolerable to God and so God destroys it, even if that means destroying the one who commits it. {Face to Face with God}

Having idols and false gods is “sin” because it goes in against the Will and Commandments of God. Real lovers of God have to keep tp those Commandments of God and not to the commandments, human doctrines or will of human beings.

Active in the world

The Role of the Church

In this picture, from a Lutheran pastor his site, you might see how far the church is gone away from God’s Word that forbids such pictures or reflections of people they call their god.

It is true that the Church or the community of believers has to be active in both worship and in the world so that God’s grace can reach those who need it.

This becomes the central work of the church and everything God does for His people is designed to facilitate that work. {The Role of the Church}

Though that does not mean the church has to think and act like the world! It is totally wrong to think you should be part of the Church of the world, because people have to be part of the Church of God of which Jesus is the foundation. Jesus should be the man whom we follow and whom we take as the cornerstone of our community.

“Jesus saith unto them,

Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, The same was made the head of the corner; This was from the Lord, And it is marvelous in our eyes?” (Mt 21:42 ASV)

“being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief corner stone;” (Eph 2:20 ASV)

Loving Christ is not only loving his word, it is living by his word that one fully accepts as a truthful word. And as such that one does not think when Jesus says God is greater than him that he (Jesus) is the greatest and that he can do everything because he would be God. all the thing Jesus did, we should appreciate and understand why he did it and how he wanted to be a faithful servant for God the same as he requires from his followers to be servants for man and for God.

Servants not doing bad things

Those who call themselves servants of God have to do their best to live according to the Will of God. In the last few decades, people should have had enough opportunities to see how many in those so-called churches of God have gone astray. In several Trinitarian denominations, being them Catholic or Protestant, we have seen that there were priests who used little children (boys and girls) to have sex with. Some churches thought that they could cover those paedophile acts by transferring those paedophiles to another church in another village. For centuries the Catholic Church has been a male bastion where male domination and tyranny were giving opportunities to defile the Name of God.

They thought to clean up the cesspool of sin in that religious structure, but the roots have gone very deep.

Furthermore many churches do not dare to speak out about certain Rules of God.

Sung Mass with the ordinations of two deacons and seven priests by the Bishop of Stockholm, in St Nicholas’s Cathedral (Storkyrkan)

In Europe’s largest Lutheran denomination, hundreds of clergies, staff, and congregates of the Church of Sweden, have declared, in an open letter that it is now a trans-inclusive institution.
While the hearts of the faithful Christians are broken, while heaven weeps, while the demons of hell dance in delight, the modern-day church is changed. Why? Because it is easier to change the local assembly than the eternal Word of God, which lives and abides forever. {It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible}

After all those centuries the Catholic church did not change one hair.

In Rome, the Vatican is now home to a woke Pope, who allowed South American animistic religious rituals in the opening of the recent pan-Amazon Synod. Kathy Clubb writes in the conservative Catholic publication, The Remnant:

Idol worship was on full display in preparation for the Pan-Amazon synod, with the tacit approval of Pope Francis. Although the Synod hadn’t yet started, the celebration of pagan ceremonies added weight to the concerns being voiced by prominent prelates and laymen that the Synod will be a vehicle for apostasy.”

{It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible}

Strangely enough, when the Pope says something which comes closer to the Biblical truth, all the hairs of Catholic and Protestant (Trinitarian) priests raise up to heaven.

To embracing idol worship, Pope Francis is said not to believe in the eternal divinity of Jesus as the Son of God. Instead,

“Pope Francis conceives the Christ as Jesus of Nazareth, a man, not God incarnate. Once he took flesh, Jesus ceased to be a God and became a man until his death on the cross… {It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible}

Pope Francis has said to Eugenio Scalfari: ‘There is proof that Jesus of Nazareth, once he became a man, even a man of exceptional virtue, was in no way a God’.” (Mark Powell, CALDR@N POOL on the web; see also, Fatima Perspectives #1343) {It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible}

Several priest think wrongly that it would be changing Catholic dogma because the non-Trinitarians are gaining field in this world.

Why is the woke Pope Francis (b. Dec. 17, 1936), head of the Catholic Church, and sovereign of Vatican City, changing Catholic dogma?

Because it is easier to influence and change a vast religious institution than to change the Word of God, which says: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Ex. 20:3). {It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible}

Yes, the Bible is very clear about That! One may not have other gods before the Elohim Hashem Jehovah.

Lots of those learned people do not want to see how a person can be divine but not God. (Perhaps you might have a divine wife, though we hope you would not worship her as a god.)

There is no such verse in the letter of Paul to Timothy that would say

Concerning the eternal divinity of Christ, the Bible says, “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (1 Tim. 3:18). {It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible}

The Bible words are as follows in the last verses of that letter:

“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the spirit, Seen of angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory.” (1Ti 3:16 ASV)

giving an indication that Jesus is one way to come to “see and understand God“. Him being manifested in the flesh is the son of God who “gave himself for us.” Truly they are in harmony. The love of the infinite God could neither be created nor purchased but it could be and is been shown through the work of His son. The Spirit of the Father was manifest in Jesus and by the inspiration and power given by God, Jesus was able to speak wise words and to do many miracles.

All those things which are clearly notated in Scriptures are not to confuse us, but to bring us light. Jesus should be such a light for us, a beacon or a lighthouse in the surf.

When looking at churches we should check how those who call themselves leaders of that church, behave. We should check in which way a church has its teachings in accordance with the Bible and how the leaders of that church live according to those Bible Words.

For sure we should not choose for the church that wants to be fully in line with the world and its traditions. From the Bible, we can learn that most of those traditions are not in line with God’s commandments and as lovers of God we should want to go fully doing the will of God in the same way Jesus put his own will aside to do the will of God. (Naturally, in case Jesus would have been God he would never have put his own will aside. … Is it not?)

“And he went forward a little, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying,

My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” (Mt 26:39 ASV)

“And again he went away, and prayed, saying the same words.” (Mr 14:39 ASV)

It is not Christ his will that shall be done on earth as in heaven. Also, Jesus prayed and learned others to pray that this Will of his heavenly Father would be fulfilled.

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth.” (Mt 6:10 ASV)

Even in difficult times, Jesus asked his God that not his will was going to be fulfilled, but God His Will

“And he said,

Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; remove this cup from me: howbeit not what I will, but what thou wilt.” (Mr 14:36 ASV)

We should know that like Jesus could not do anything without God, we too cannot do the important thing without our heavenly Father. (Though in fact even the little things we are only able to do because God allows them to happen.) Let us therefore not do our will, but have the courage to do like Jesus, going for the One Who had sent him, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, God His Word, God His Will and for God His Chuch, doing God His Will.

“I can of myself do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is righteous; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” (Joh 5:30 ASV)

“For I am come down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” (Joh 6:38 ASV)



A vital question for believers

The rock on which we stand

As near to God as you want Him to be

Religion and the essence of devotion – Necessary parts in the daily walk with God + Christians, Lutherans, Wesleyans, and other followers

Seeds and weeds for being the greatest nation

After darkness a moment of life renewal

Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?

Christians saying Jesus is God giving food for atheists to prove there exist no God

Responsibility bigger than those who talk about worldly matters


Additional reading

  1. Christian in Christendom or in Christianity
  2. Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #1 Many gods
  3. Only One God
  4. God is one
  5. God spoke to our forefathers and speaks to us
  6. Bible Inspired Word of God
  7. Word of God
  8. A Book to trust #12 Archaeology confirming or denying claims of the Bible #3 Material evidence to survive
  9. Written and translated by different men over thousands of years
  10. The One Who divinely inspired the writers of the Bible can also preserve it
  11. Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 4 Words giving us wisdom and encouragement
  12. The Bible’s View of Itself
  13. Words of God to stand and to be followed and to believe
  14. Vital importance of reading and following the Kitvei Hakodesh
  15. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #1 Exclusive Divine Eternal Unseen Creator and Sovereign Spirit God with set apart Name Jehovah
  16. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #8 Some more attributes of God
  17. Today’s Thought “That they may know that there is none besides Jehovah ” (June 21)
  18. Today’s thought “Do not add anything to what God commands you, and do not take anything away.” (April 21)
  19. Bible exceptional Book of books where nothing can be taken away or added
  20. Today’s Thought “Idols are nothing against the first and the last God” (June 20)
  21. Importance to read the Bible regularly and gain understanding
  22. Everything from the Bible is useful for humans
  23. Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 4 Words giving us wisdom and encouragement
  24. With the Bible, honour should be given to God and not to people
  25. Deciphering Truth in Word and Concept – That we might see
  26. Objects around the birth and death of Jesus
  27. Spelling Yahshuah (יהשע) vs Hebrew using Yehoshuah (יהושע) (Our world) = Spelling Yahshuah (יהשע) vs Hebrew using Yehoshuah (יהושע) (Some view on the World)
  28. Altered to fit a Trinity (Our world) = Altered to fit a Trinity (Some View on the world)
  29. Jesus the “God-Man”: Really?
  30. Jesus son of God or God the son
  31. Jesus son of God
  32. The sent one from God
  33. Jesus Christ the Messiah
  34. One Mediator
  35. Americans really thinking the Messiah Christ had an English name (Our world) = Americans really thinking the Messiah Christ had an English name (some View on the World)
  36. False opposite true worship which exalts the God of Israel
  37. Behind a False doctrine – the Trinity
  38. The Trinity matter
  39. Trinity – history
  40. Living stones 4 Idols of wood and stone
  41. Iconoclast in the picture
  42. Today’s thought “Do not add anything to what God commands you, and do not take anything away.” (April 21)
  43. Displeasures and Actions of the Almighty God
  44. Paul’s warning about false stories and his call to quit touching the unclean thing
  45. A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it
  46. Different wineskins
  47. The Development of Differences
  48. False teachers and false prophets still around
  49. Devotees and spotters
  50. Disobedient man and God’s promises
  51. An unbridgeable gap
  52. God’s forgotten Word 6 Lost Lawbook 5 Heretics
  53. Not studying an abstract and arcane text of the ancient world
  54. Demanding signs or denying yourself
  55. Troubles testing your faith and giving you patience and good prospects
  56. Hardships for choosing to follow the real Christ
  57. Roads leading to God
  58. Words to bring into a good relationship
  59. Why not quoting more from well-known theologians
  60. Luther on Being a Theologian: Oratio, Meditatio and Tentatio
  61. Denominationalism exists because?
  62. Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water
  63. Living as a believer in Christ
  64. Jewish and Gentile Disciples
  65. Religion and believers #5 Transition to Monotheism
  66. Jeshuaists, Messianic Jews, Messianics and Christians
  67. Changes in the Remnant of Jewish Believers
  68. The belief of one going to heaven
  69. Framework and vehicle for Christian Scholasticism and loss of confidence
  70. Roman, Aztec and other rites still influencing us today
  71. Counterfeit Gospels
  72. Concluding thought by the article series “Key to the Bible”
  73. Certain Catholics claiming that the power of the priest is equal to that of Jesus Christ
  74. When found the necessary books to read and how to read them
  75. Looking for a biblically sound church
  76. Today’s thought “Using God’s words to justify actions” (April 1-2)
  77. Those Belonging to the called ones coming together
  78. Memorizing wonderfully 55 Exchanging the truth of God for a lie
  79. Extra verses to memorize Deuteronomy 4:15-16 Watching yourselves very carefully
  80. Deep sense of consciousness of the brokenness of our system
  81. Noahide Laws or Seven commandments incumbent upon all of humankind
  82. A Gentile and the Mosaic Law
  83. Face to Face
  84. Does God need you?
  85. Does God need your mitzvahs?
  86. Does God really care?
  87. Constantine a brutal sociopath getting the believers in a God man on his side and creating a Christian church
  88. Jewish and Christian traditions of elders
  89. a City full of the Pride of life
  90. Cyrus the Persian
  91. Today’s thought “A house of prayer” (March 27)
  92. Good or bad preacher
  93. 3 Reasons the Resurrection Matters
  94. One in God’s Hand
  95. Sacrifices in the Millennium
  96. Matthew 24 about temples or Houses of God and the end of the age
  97. Pope Benedict will hide (Our World) = Pope Benedict will hide (Some View on the World)
  98. ast day of Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI (Our World) = Last day of Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI (Some View on the World)
  99. Catholic church asking for forgiveness and promising to take action against child-abusers (Our World) = Catholic church asking for forgiveness and promising to take action against child-abusers
  100. French Catholic church covered up abuse of 330,000 children
  101. The decline of religion in the US continues unabated
  102. Matthew 12:1-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Something Greater than the Temple
  103. Inculturation today calling for a different attitude (Our world) = Inculturation today calling for a different attitude (Some View on the World)
  104. Male domination and tyranny giving opportunities to defile the Name of God
  105. Kler the Polish Spotlight on Poland’s Clergy Sexual Abuse
  106. Americans their stars, pretension, God, Allah and end of times signs #3 Cyberwars and prophesy
  107. Move ahead with the commitment against child sex abuse says Pope Francis I (Our wold) = Move ahead with the commitment against child sex abuse says Pope Francis I (Some View on the World)
  108. The abuses of priest make Catholics give up their religion 
  109. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  110. Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews



  1. Why does the Bible need 66 books? Part 2
  2. Exquisite Uniqueness of God
  3. “The Eve of Christmas,” Matthew 1:18-25
  4. In the Incarnation, Humanity Received a New Dignity
  5. The Incarnation
  6. Incarnation and all that…
  7. The Mystery of Godliness: The Transformative Power of the Incarnation
  8. Incarnate Love
  9. Truth-less “grace,” or grace-less “truth”?
  10. Mystery and Clarity
  11. John 1:1-14 Sermon: Love Incarnate, Love Divine
  12. Adoption, incarnation, and growing in grace and truth (Growing Deeper with John 1:6-18)
  13. John’s Gospel and the Word made flesh (Growing Deeper with John 1:1-5)
  14. The Word Became Flesh. II: The Word Was God
  15. God the son, Part 1
  16. Epistle Reading for Sunday, January 30, 2022
  17. Hebrews: Superiority of the Son
  18. Creed // Jesus God’s son (Hebrews 1:1-3)
  19. Today’s Scripture – November 15, 2021
  20. All that he is triune
  21. Trinity – Trilogy – Triplet
  22. Definition of the day: Trinity
  23. Trinity
  24. Why a Triune God?
  25. God Who Is—is Triune
  26. Beyond Belief – What the Heck is the Trinity? Is God Three or Is He One?
  27. There are certain Christian preachers who want people to believe that all Christians would believe in the Trinity. Why do Christians beleive in the Trinity? Such a question let us see that the writer of that article either is not aware of other Christians who only believe in a binary god and neglects the most important group which worship only the God of Jesus and not a god the son, namely the unitarians and non-Trinitarians.
  28. Your Divine D.N.A. [Sermon]
  29. Am I headed in the right direction? [Sermon]
  30. The Incarnation in the Life of the Church
  31. He Was, He Is, and Forever Shall Be
  32. “The Word became Flesh,” John 1:14
  33. “Simeon’s Song,” Luke 2:22-40
  34. Statue Of Zeus At Olympia
  35. False Gospels: On Blindness > Antics > Compromise
  36. False Gods by Graham McNeill
  37. Reenacting the Way of Jesus
  38. Loving Christ Really IS Loving His Word
  39. Poetic faith
  40. How can Jesus be considered sinless when the Bible describes his anger
  41. “Jesus in the Temple,” Luke 2:40-52
  42. “Jesus, the Son of God,” Luke 4:31-44
  43. Know Jesus, Know God
  44. Hebrews: The Fulcrum
  45. Direct Access to the Father
  46. Do Denominations Divide Us?
  47. Does Denominationalism Blind You to the Truth?
  48. Nuanced beliefs
  49. Deceived
  50. Throwback Thursday ~ Finding a New Church- Starting from Scratch
  51. Law; Is It For The Rich Or The Poor?
  52. Division Among Christians
  53. From One Religion To Another


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Religious affairs, World affairs

Is there faith enough to dare to speak about Jesus and his God?

A born-again believer and follower of Jesus asks “Where is your faith?” and looks at the Nazarene master teacher who, according to him, did not have fear (though in the four gospels you’ll notice there were moments that Jesus had a lot of fear and even came to call unto his heavenly Father asking why He had abandoned him.) But looking at the other moments of his life it is true we can find a person who has given himself totally in the hands of his heavenly Father. Even when he was so afraid he asked his God to make him strong enough to be able to do the Will of Him.

Jesus was not afraid to give himself in the hands of his God, the God of Israel. His fear for that God meant he respected the power that God had over him. As a sign of his respect, Jesus did everything to please his heavenly Father, Whom he recognised to be greater than him. He knew he could not do anything without this Great God Who has all the Power.

Charlotte Creamer on her blog writes:

As followers of Jesus, we also have the same capacity to live as fearlessly as Jesus did while on Earth. But what made Jesus so fearless? What enabled him to live his life without fear of anyone or anything?

The answer is rooted in Jesus’ complete faith and trust in God, and in his understanding of God’s Kingdom on Earth. As soon as Jesus came out as the Messiah – the king of the Jews – the Kingdom was established. Jesus knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was under the protection of God’s Holy Spirit and holy angels while he was in the Kingdom. This was the safe place promised by God to his people: No physical or spiritual harm can come to those who live in the spiritual Promised Land. The physical protection lasts until it’s time to go home (when it’s removed to enable physical death), but the spiritual protection remains as long as the person being protected is in right-standing with God. {Where is your faith?}

When people have enough faith in a certain matter, they are not afraid of it. The same for Jesus. He fully trusted the One who had sent him here on earth. He knew that he had to fulfil a task, but trusted his heavenly father for providing the means to succeed. By the authority of God Jesus spoke and acted in the midst of people who were curious to see that miracle worker, but who were also interested to hear what that man had to tell about the one many prophets had spoken. Even when they saw that there were several people not liking him, they were not afraid to be around him. (This at least until the moment he was imprisoned, because than the fear caught many who were close to Christ.)


What about today?

Have you become afraid to talk about Jesus and his God?

Do you dare to speak about Jesus and his heavenly Father, the Only One true God?

Charlotte Creamer writes:

Faith is the opposite of fear. If you have faith in God, then you know God’s Kingdom has been established on Earth, with Jesus as King. If you know the Kingdom has been established and that Jesus is your king, then you know you are protected both physically and spiritually. This should give you the same level of fearlessness that Jesus had while on Earth.

So, if you find yourself being afraid of anyone or anything in this Age of Fear, ask yourself “Where is your Faith?” Then do everything you can to deepen your faith and trust in God and get a better understanding of his Kingdom. {Where is your faith?}


Filed under Lifestyle, Religious affairs

A disrespected Father

In this world the majority of people is not interested in God and another part has made Jesus into their god and as such do not show respect to what Jesus has done and not to what God has done.

Jesus was very well aware that he could not do anything without his heavenly Father. But he also knew that the world would hate his real followers because of the Word of the Father that Jesus had given them.

“14 I have given them thy word; and the world hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them from the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world even as I am not of the world.
17  Sanctify them in the truth: thy word is truth. 18 As thou didst send me into the world, even so sent I them into the world.” (Joh 17:14-18 ASV)

Jesus had always put his own will aside, to do the Will of God and wanted his followers also to do the Will of his heavenly Father, the same as he wanted God’s Will to be done on earth.

“ Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth.” (Mt 6:10 ASV)

“ saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” (Lu 22:42 ASV)

“ I can of myself do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is righteous; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” (Joh 5:30 ASV)

It is that Father Who sent Jesus that we should give all honour and praise, like Jesus gave honour and praise to Him. By that Father accepting Jesus his ransom offering we are able to receive the grace of salvation. Only through the word of the Father is it that we can be born again and shall be able to enter into the kingdom of God.

The world hates us because Jesus has given us the Word of his Father, a word that he personally delivered and through the power of that word we are transferred to the eternal Kingdom of God. As a loving Father Jehovah is willing to welcome all the lost ones. Every human being that is willing to repent and turn to God is welcome in His heavenly pastures.

God and Jesus are aware that evil surrounds us, but they want us to overcome it and to prove to the rest of the world that there is a much better way than the one the world loves everybody to believe.

It is to those who are left on the earth to show the world that Jesus is the way, not to himself, but to his heavenly Father, Who wants to be the Father of all.

“ Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Joh 14:6 ASV)

By Christ, the sent one from God, we are able to come to the father. Jesus is the one who we can trust to show us the way to the most perfect Father of all. The One Who is the Father of King David and prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Jesus, is the One Who is looking at the earth in the hope more people shall come to Him. Those close to Him He wants to mould like clay so that they should be workers of faith, bringing more people to Him, Who is greater than Jesus.

“ He shall cry unto me, Thou art my Father, My God, and the rock of my salvation.” (Ps 89:26 ASV)

“ But now, O Jehovah, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” (Isa 64:8 ASV)

“ After this manner therefore pray ye. Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” (Mt 6:9 ASV)

“ And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? knew ye not that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Lu 2:49 ASV)

“ Ye heard how I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you. If ye loved me, ye would have rejoiced, because I go unto the Father: for the Father is greater than I.” (Joh 14:28 ASV)

Those who worship Jesus as their god, should come to learn and to see, that the God of Jesus is a much greater God than their god Jesus, and that He is the heavenly Father of Jesus but also of those who want to accept Jesus for whom he really is and for what he really has done, having given his life for the sins of all.

Jesus came to this world from heaven, him being placed in the womb of a young woman. Over here on earth, he talked about the One Who had sent Him to this world to convey people of his heavenly Father. For his words and actions he was hated and nailed on a stake to die. After his death he was taken out of the dead by his heavenly Father and then, forty days after he rose from the dead, he triumphantly ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

We who follow Jesus have chosen not to be of this world either. We are not of this world simply because there is nothing that this world can offer us that is better than what Jesus gives us. Jesus gives us life eternal.

Because of our faith in the work of Christ Jesus and believing that Jesus is the truth and the son of God, the world can’t handle that. But it is the truth that will set us free and shall not make us afraid anymore.

“11 And the witness is this, that God gave unto us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 He that hath the Son hath the life; he that hath not the Son of God hath not the life.” (1Jo 5:11-12 ASV)

When Jesus met with his disciples on the evening of the day of his resurrection he said to them,

“Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (John 20:21)

All those who love Jesus and wants to be known as disciples or followers of Christ should follow the Wishes of God and His only begotten beloved son, Jesus. The same way as God had sent Jesus, so Jesus sends us. We often think of our limitations as we go out into the world. The thing to focus on is the one who sent us. Jesus, our risen and ascended Lord is the one who sends us.

As Jesus tells his disciples in Acts 1:8

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

As brothers and sisters in Christ we are not ashamed to tell others we follow that Nazarene man. We are convinced we may believe what is written in the Holy Scriptures. This is what keeps us from being afraid of going out into the world. As God sent Jesus, Jesus sends us.

Like Jesus trusted his heavenly Father we too put our trust in him Who is the Almighty.

When several shall celebrate Father’s Day this month, we shall honour our worldly father but give even more honour and focus on our heavenly Father.

Please read: Prayer Theme for June 2021: Our Father

And let us give all honour to the One Who accepted the ransom price paid by His only begotten beloved son.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs

“Wisdom” and Wisdom (1 Cor 1:19,21)

When we call ourselves Christian it is very important that we keep an attitude a follower of Christ worthy and that we try to find godly wisdom.

We have to show the world that it is more important to go by godly than by worldly wisdom and that we should not cling to heathen festivals (like the in this article mentioned Christmas) but should keep to the holy or sacred days given by God.

We should get our wisdom from the Book of books, the Bible and show others how this Grand Work can enrich our ways of life.

Let us remember:

“16 All Scripture is God-breathed and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for readjusting everything, for disciplining in righteousness. 17 Thus, the man of God may be completely prepared for every good work.” (2Ti 3:16-17 mhm)


“For the world-order of humanity is going its way and its desire with it, but the person doing the will of The God will remain throughout that new Age to come.” (1Jo 2:17 mhm)

“Also, do not be conformed to this period of time, but rather, be transformed, by the renewing of your mind, proving to yourselves the good, acceptable and perfect will of The God.” (Ro 12:2 mhm)



Wisdom not hard to find nor hiding in remote places

Several quotes about wisdom

Truth, doubt or blindness

The Need to Understand Genre

On the Edge of Believing


Find also to read

  1. Looking for something or for the Truth and what it might be and self-awareness
  2. Not staying alone in your search for truth
  3. Blindness in the Christian world
  4. We may not be ignorant to get wisdom
  5. Answering a fool according to his folly
  6. Fools despise wisdom and instruction
  7. Looking for wisdom not departing from God’s Word
  8. Wisdom lies deep
  9. Increased in wisdom in favour with God
  10. Loving the Word
  11. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #5 To meditate and Transform
  12. Attitude of a Christian
  13. Attitude to others important for reaching them
  14. God’s Blog recorded in a Book
  15. Bible
  16. Bible, helmet of health, salvation and sword of the spirit
  17. Bible in the first place #1/3
  18. Bible in the first place #2/3
  19. Bible in the first place #3/3
  20. Creator and Blogger God 10 A Blog of a Book 4 Listening to the Blogger
  21. Words to inspire and to give wisdom
  22. An anarchistic reading of the Bible—(1) Approaching the Bible
  23. Thomas Aquinas on Wisdom by Robert M. Woods
  24. Happy who’s delight is only in the law of Jehovah
  25. Deliberately making choices
  26. Sharing the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge
  27. Actions to be a reflection of openness of heart
  28. A Living Faith #2 State of your faith
  29. Today’s thought “A Perfect World” (January 02)
  30. Today’s thought “That you be united in the same mind” (February 20)
  31. Today’s thought “In wisdom you have made them all” (February 28)
  32. Today’s thought “Fools despise wisdom” (March 23)
  33. Today’s thought “If you receive my words …” (March 24)
  34. Today’s thought “And the LORD heard it” (March 30)
  35. Today’s thought “Look carefully” (April 7)
  36. Today’s thought “The eyes of man are never satisfied” (April 17)
  37. Today’s thought “Worthy to suffer dishonour” (April 28)
  38. Today’s thought “It cannot be bought for gold” (December 21)
  39. Outflow of foundational relationship based on acceptance of Jesus
  40. This was my reward
  41. When having found faith through the study of the Bible we do need to do works of faith
  42. Memorizing wonderfully 2 Biblical Reasons to Memorize Scripture
  43. Memorizing wonderfully 4 Starter verses
  44. Memorizing wonderfully 18 Proverbs – Fear of God, Wisdom and instruction
  45. Memorizing wonderfully 19 Seasons and purpose Fearing God
  46. Preparation for unity
  47. Christians having the right heart to call others to go to God
  48. Truth never plays false roles of any kind, which is why people are so surprised when meeting it

Study like a Berean!

A dear sister in Uganda sent the above pic. of Zirobwe town, and also sent a number of verses and encouraging thoughts to me this morning and again this evening, regarding God’s love for His children and our responsibility to Him; As well as the joy of reading of the focus which she encouraged to consider, my attention was taken by a word in the verses: “wisdom”.

1 Corinthians 1:19”For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”… 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.”

God’s wisdom and His ways aren’t in any way like man’s earthly “wisdom”, which is foolishness, just as their ways are; God’s children should trust, rest and live…

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Filed under Knowledge & Wisdom, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Where did we come from and who are we?

Having started a new year after one we probably all want to forget very quickly, we do hope soon to come out of the darkness.

At the beginning of all times there was also darkness and void. There was no form when everything came into being. In 2020 lots of things seemed to have lost form and meaning. Suddenly there seemed something wrong with the world. All over the globe people had become frightened by what one president smilingly called the Chinese disease. Many came to wonder:

What has gone wrong with the world? What can we do to fix it? How now shall we live?

2020 was a year that gave us enough time to think. Many were in isolation in their own home or were locked up in a care home. Lots of people suddenly got enough time for themselves and their own family. They got now some time to reflect on the response to the first and most foundational of these questions  –

where did we come from?


Where are we going to?

There are a limited number of answers at our disposal: We came about by chance (the naturalist contention), we don’t really exist (the Hindu response), or we were spoken into existence by God. Some believe mankind was placed here on earth by extraterrestrials.

For the Christian, the answer to

“Where did we come from and who are we?”

gives a foundation for thinking that no other answer gives. Because we were created, there is value in each person. There is meaning and purpose to every life. There is Someone above and outside our existence who stands over it as authority.

As human beings, all created in the image of God, somehow we all can carry something of God in us, even without knowing it or willing to know. Several people claim Jesus is God because there is written he was in the image of God. They forget that the first Adam was also created in God’s image like all the other human beings, but for sure they are not God, the same way as Jesus is not God.

Last month several Christians celebrated the birth of a man who changed the course of this world. They claim to be his followers though reject many of his words, his teachings and those values as a part of shaping our culture for the future. They look at a King, but forget that he came from the root of another king (King David).

Perhaps this world has gone “buzark” because people living in this materialist world have forgotten those important ethics and values. For centuries people were truthful to the teachings of Jesus, but they were always in the minority because their way of life was based on something not of this world that the world no longer recognizes.

After the darkness and isolation of the CoViD year there is some hope with the upcoming vaccines. Let us also hope more people would come to the realisation that we seriously have to do something to protect the animals and the nature around us. This so maniest coronavirus was a very serious one which had brought the economy and life to a standstill. It was a time to reflect and to think about the way we are treating mother nature.

With the opening of the “Newer Year” we do hope you and our other readers would find the way to make the best out of this life.

Stay healthy & All the best for 2021


Filed under Announcement, Ecological affairs, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

Not About The Name Of The Godhead Of Jesus

“ He that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God,
and he shall go out thence no more:
and I will write upon him the name of my God,
and the name of the city of my God,
the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God,
and mine own new name.” (Re 3:12 ASV)


Since Rev 3:12 is Not About The Name Of The Godhead Of Jesus, It Must Be Referring To The Name Of The God Of Jesus. Proving Jesus Has A God.
We know it is undeniable that a Father begets his son so we see that the LORD (YHWH) is the Father who tells his son,
“you are my son, this day have I begotten you”.
Absolute proof, just be the fact this is speaking about Jesus being begotten by the LORD (YHWH), that LORD (YHWH) is the Father.
Psa 2:7
I will tell of the decree: the LORD(YHWH) said unto me: ‘Thou art My son, this day have I begotten thee.
When we know there is only one YHWH as per Zech 14:9, we know Jesus cannot be that same YHWH which is the Godhead because Jesus by himself is not the Godhead that is three persons, and must be a different YHWH than the Godhead which is three persons. When we know Jesus is not YHWH the Godhead and can’t be the same YHWH as the Godhead, that makes two who are YHWH if Jesus is also YHWH. Jesus being a different YHWH than YHWH the Godhead, this disqualifies him from being YHWH because he would be a second YHWH when scripture commands that there is only one YHWH. This then disqualifies the Godhead from being YHWH because it would then mean Jesus would also need to be YHWH to be God, as only YHWH is God. And therefore disqualifies the Godhead from being God, because the Godhead is not YHWH And only YHWH is God, proving the Godhead is not God. And because we have proven Jesus cannot be YHWH without there being two that are YHWH, thusly we prove the Godhead cannot be the one YHWH, in true belief, as that requires Jesus to be YHWH God and as already shown he cannot be YHWH God. This shows us there is not such thing as the Godhead or we would have seen that the only YHWH is the Godhead.
Zec 14:9 And the LORD (YHWH) shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD (YHWH), and his name one.
By this we know it is proven that the one YHWH is not the Godhead but the one YHWH is the Father, and since the only God is YHWH the only God is the Father.
Their claim is that the name of the Godhead is YHWH but it cannot be so. And since the YHWH turns out to be the name of the Father, and the Father is not the Godhead. We proved there is no such thing as the Godhead, and that shows us Rev 3:12 is Jesus speaking of the name of his God, which is his Father, and Jesus is not speaking of his Godhead. This then proves Jesus has a God. And that God is his Father.
Rev 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
Jesus the same yesterday, today and for ever only means he had a God in heaven before he descended, as he has a God today, and will have a God for ever. He was never God and will never be God.
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Joh 20:17 Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'”
After Ascension To This Very Day:
Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
1Pe 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

For Ever: Subject To God Who Put All Under Him. So That God Is All To All.

1Co 15:28 And when all things have been subjected unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subjected to him that did subject all things unto him, that God may be all in all.

Jesus been seen

The Glory Of Jesus, His Face, Was Seen, And the Apostles Did Not Die So Jesus Is Not God. God Himself Said
Man Cannot See My Face And Live.
We see that God says no man can see his glory and live, his glory being his face. Moses asked to see God’s glory. God replied that no man can see his face and live. He told Moses that he would block him with his hand so he did not see his face, but when his glory(face) passed by Moses, Moses could see God’s back parts.
With that face there must be a head the face is attached to, attached to shoulders underneath the head, attached to arms, attached to the hand that covers Moses, and back parts of his body, obviously with front parts to match. That is how God has a shape and body.
Exo 33:17 And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name.
Exo 33:18 And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.
Exo 33:19 And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.
Exo 33:20 And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
Exo 33:21 And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:
Exo 33:22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:
Exo 33:23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.
And Jesus would not say to the people he was speaking, you have never seen his shape if he didn’t have a shape. Jesus was speaking to his audience. Jesus saying “YOU” have never heard his voice or seen his shape to his audience, doesn’t mean nobody had heard his voice and seen his shape. And it proves that God has a voice and shape.
Joh 5:37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.
First let us mention the apostles were not dreaming and asleep, by the time they saw his glory they had awakened, and there was no mention of a vision. But we see Jesus was seen, his face was seen when the apostles saw his glory at the configuration. His glory must be the same glory as his Father, his face. Jesus was seen, his face as well, in all his glory in the transfiguration on the mount. So when we know the apostles saw his face in all his glory, and did not die we know Jesus is not God. No man can see the glory of God, his face, and live. We can see as they looked upon him he changed to his glorified state talking to Elijah and Moses.
And just as we cannot look on the glorified state of God we could not look on the glorified state of Jesus and live if he was God.
This shows us clearly even in his glorified state Jesus is not God.
Luk 9:28 Now about eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John, and James with him and went up on a mountain to pray.
Luk 9:29 While he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes turned dazzling white.
Luk 9:30 Suddenly, two men were talking with him. They were Moses and Elijah.
Luk 9:31 They had a glorified appearance, and were discussing Jesus’ departure that he would shortly bring about in Jerusalem.
Luk 9:32 Now Peter and the men with him had been overcome by sleep. When they woke up, they saw Jesus’ glory and the two men standing with him.


Find also

Daring to speak in multicultural environment

To find ways of Godly understanding

Fully God Or Only A Part Of God?


Additional reading

  1. When there is a God is it possible to relate to Him
  2. Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #1 Many gods
  3. Are you looking for answers and Are you looking for God
  4. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #2 Calling upon the Name of God
  5. 4th Question: Who or What is God
  6. The real God
  7. A 1st reply to the 4th Question Who is God 2 A Singular Supreme Spirit Being
  8. The habitual misreading of John 1 and the ‘Word being God’ #2
  9. Germanic mythological influences up to today’s Christmas celebrations
  10. A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it
  11. No man see the Almighty God and live
  12. Existence and difficult recognition of the Supreme Deity Being
  13. To come close to God we have to want to “see” Him
  14. Some one or something to fear #7 Not afraid for Gods Name
  15. God, the Father, the Sole Creator of Heaven and Earth
  16. Prayer theme for August 2019: God’s glory
  17. Today’s Thought “The whole earth is full of his glory” (May 16)
  18. Today’s thought “nonsense surrounding the many gods” (July 28)
  19. Today’s thought “On the eternity of God” (December 17)
  20. How do trinitarians equate divine nature
  21. From nothingness to a growing group of followers of Jeshua 4 Trusting the Right One
  22. Extra verses to memorize Deuteronomy 4:15-16 Watching yourselves very carefully
  23. Yeshua a man with a special personality
  24. 2 Corinthians 5:19 – God in Christ
  25. When you believe Jesus is God, do you think he died?
  26. To Glorify God and His Son
  27. To Glorify God and His Son #2 Governance and objectives of the ecclesia/charity
  28. Sayings of Jesus, what to believe and being or not of the devil


Further literature

(not all in accordance with our thinking or according to Biblical teaching)

  1. On the net there are many who claim real followers of Christ, who take him as the “son of God”, like is written in Scriptures, and do not accept Jesus is God, would not be Christians. Also VictorsCorner is one such place where is denied Christianship to those who really follow the Words of Christ Jesus and his heavenly Father. Find more about his view:Being A Cultural Christian Is Not Enough, where is thought that only the ones who follow the human dogma of the Trinity can call themselves Christian.
  2. A lot of Christian ministers claim non-trinitarians can be no Christian, though they forget the ‘ian’ behind Christ, indicates one is a follower of Christ, which implies one must believe in Jesus Christ, and as such accepts he is born, died and was resurrected. God has no birth, can not die and was also never taken out of the dead, because God is eternal (having no death).What Does It Mean to be a True Christian?
  3. There our thousands of ways to Being Christian, but one must know if one wants to be accepted by Christ Jesus one has to keep to his teachings, the Biblical teachings and to the laws of his heavenly Father, which implies that one should only worship One God and have no graven images of that God.
  4. Those Christians that claim that Jesus must be God because it is said “he is one with the Father”. At the same time they forget that we too have to be one with Christ and one with God. In the way of thinking of Trinitarians that would make us also to be Jesus and to be God, which is naturally ridiculous. When we have to be one with Christ and One With The Father, we should be one in spirit, being on the same line of thinking and handling, being in union or unity with each other, Christ and Jehovah God.
  5. Being Christian Takes PracticeBeing Christian On Day OneMany who call themselves Christian, keep insisting that Jesus would be God, instead of accepting that Jesus is the way to God. Many who do not want to accept the words from God and Jesus as written in the Bible should seriously think about Jesus saying: Go Away, I don’t know youWhat is it Like Being You? – Br. Jim WoodrumIt’s a privilege
  6. Straight and Narrow Pain – Br. Jack Crowley
  7. Luke 9:23-25 #WordSnippet
  8. Effective Christianity
  9. Rules for Discernment – Particular vs UniversalMan should know that Jesus as an example for all mankind showed people the way to his heavenly Father, and not to himself, in the same way that he did not pray to himself, but always prayed to the Only One God, the God of Israel. Real Christians should follow Jesus his words and should follow the commandments of his heavenly Father, Jehovah God Who is One. This is the Way, Walk in It – Br. James KoesterThe good mask
  10. Why Your Church Needs a Health Check Up!
  11. Christians at all times should wonder Am I worthy of you? and at the same time should question themselves if they are really worshipping the right god, namely the Unseen Eternal All-knowing Spirit Suprime Being. Many have forgotten who is behind it all and Calling all sinners, come home
  12. >How do you define your own identity?
  13. God Knows What He Is Doing
  14. god can do anythingWho am I?<
  15. Tri-Unity
  16. Funny that people can think God as a Trinity can sound pretty weird, but it is actually one of the most beautiful pieces of theology that people refuse to accept, namely God declaring ‘This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.’  Matthew 3:16-18 (NLT) What is the Trinity?  Lots of Christians call to listen to the voice of Jesus but do not listen to him nor his heavenly Father, though they write: Hear The Son, Believe The Father. They keep refusing to listen to God Who declared Jesus His only begotten beloved son.
  17. Is the Trinity scriptural – or is it pagan nonsense and My Confession give an idea how a person gets entangled in the false human doctrine, instead of really taking the words of the Scriptures like they are written down. So much relies on how one defines terms, and awareness of the filters used to define those terms, instead of keeping it all simple and not to build one theory on another theory of so-called theologians neglecting the Words of the Bible, which are simple to follow.
  18. Many Trinitarians bring up the unity of Christ with God but do not see how we too have to have God in us. sometimes they even say “For those who deny the presence of God in this world and who deny the work of Jesus on the cross, the Spirit is meaningless.” but they themselves do not see the wonderous act Jesus has done on that piece of wood, trusting fully his heavenly Father. It is in a way Unacceptable that they keep refusing to see the work Jesus has done for mankind.
  19. The Immaculate Conception and the Trinity
  20. What’s the Foundation Upon Which You Stand?
  21. #17 St Nicholas and Why I Accepted the Trinity
  22. Irenaeus on Theology and Christology 1
  23. Irenaeus on Theology and Christology 2
  24. Irenaeus on Theology and Christology 3
  25. Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
  26. The Creation of the New Testament, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Holy Trinity
  27. Is Jesus God? – Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green
  28. Proof that the disciples did not preach the trinity!
  29. How the Trinity Debate has Influenced Our Reading
  30. A Trinitarian Christian claims he can explain the trinity…guess what happens next?
  31. Mohammed Hijab vs David Wood, Tawheed vs Trinity
  32. Is Jesus God? Debate between Pastor Stanley Sjoberg and Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
  33. Trinity vs Tawheed, Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green (Part 1)
  34. Trinity vs Tawheed – Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green (Part 2)
  35. Beloved SonComing closer to the pagan festival of Christmas lots of Christians do forget how the Old Testament Scriptures point to the promised one his coming. We can see his incredible works and see that Father God sent him. Yet we must also answer the call to come to him for the life he offers…Come To Me To Have Life


Filed under Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs

A Quote on Kindness

“We may, if we choose, make the worst of one another.
Every one has his weak points; every one has his faults;
we may make the worst of these;
we may fix our attention constantly upon these.
But we may also make the best of one another.

We may forgive, even as we hope to be forgiven.
We may put ourselves in the place of others,
and ask what we should wish to be done to us, and thought of us,
were we in their place.

By loving whatever is lovable in those around us,
love will flow back from them to us,
and life will become a pleasure instead of a pain;
and earth will become like heaven;
and we shall become not unworthy followers of Him whose name is love.”


Arthur Penrhyn Stanley by John Watkins.jpgA Quote on Kindness from the The Lutheran Ladies Connection blog daily devotional. The author is A.P. Stanley(1815–1881) who was an English churchman and academic, Dean of Westminster, from 1864 to 1881, author of a number of works on Church History.



  1. Asking Questions
  2. Who Needs You?
  3. small Kindnesses and Big Impacts
  4. Pay It Forward
  5. Let kindness ripple
  6. How Can We Create a Culture of Inclusion at Church?
  7. Do Small Things with Great Love
  8. Be Generous
  9. Social media, the good and the bad… and a rant.
  10. Words to live by
  11. Lifes litte complications ~
  12. motivating with kindness
  13. Balak- Torah Portion
  14. Anger
  15. Love the Kindness, Hate Racism
  16. Led Of The Holy Spirit (Psalm 143:10)

1 Comment

Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Torah Portion – Pesach B

Christianity really came out the Jewish sect The Way, those people being Jeshuaists or followers of Jeshua gathered in the name of Jeshua to honour the Only One True God and to remember how their master teacher Jeshua gave himself as a ransom for the sins of many.

Messiah Jeshua was a devout Jewish man of flesh and blood who managed to have many followers. Though soon false teachers came unto the platform, entering Roman Greek philosophies, going as far as agreeing with the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great to make Jeshua into Jesus (Hail Zeus) and making a god of him. From then onwards we saw Christendom with the trinitarians but always have been there real followers of Jeshua, not going for that Trinity but keeping worship solely to the Only One True God of Israel, like every Jew should also worship Only One True God above all.

You consider the “resurrection of Messiah” as “an inherently Jewish event” but it was the proof for the whole world that from then onwards a man of flesh and blood could be taken out of the dead. (Those who say Jesus is God, naturally still have no proof that man can come out of death, and often forget that God even can not die, so would have faked His death, fooling also mankind considering His all knowing, because telling people he does not know when he would return.

With his own will putting aside Jeshua did fulfil the Will of God and gave himself to his heavenly Father as an offering, shedding his blood as a lamb, this time not only for liberating or bringing a passover of houses of Jehudi, but for all people, making it possible for Jews and goyim to have a restored relationship with the Most High God.

For sure the Elohim HaShem Jehovah demanded to celebrate the Passover of the with blood sprinkled houses in Egypt, and Jesus also did remember that on the Seder night, demanding also to remember from then onwards how he (Jesus) as presented himself as a Lamb of God and a Lamb for God, to pay for the sins of all people and to inaugurate the New Covenant. Therefore we all come together on 14 Nisan to have a Memorial Meal in remembrance of those two special acts of liberation.


To remember

over the years the Lord has taught the blog writer how to celebrate Jeshua’s resurrection in an authentic Messianic Jewish way.

  • In Messianic Judaism, the resurrection of Yeshua = one of our most treasured truths.
  • significance of the resurrection > celebration of miraculous event = merited + necessary.
  • > faith in Yeshua + belief in His resurrection sets us apart from the rest of the Jewish community.

The death of Yeshua = extremely sensitive subject to most Jewish people.

  • resurrection of Messiah > Messianic Judaism shares in common with Christianity.

customary meal very much like a Havdalah meal in our day > inaugurates each week with the beautiful symbols of a cup of wine, fragrant spices, and the luminescent glow of a multi-wicked candle.

Parasha With Passion - Weekly Torah Portions

Parasha With Passion – Weekly Torah Reading Cycle – Pesach B

This week, in Parashat Pesach Matzot-B, God instructs Israel to observe Passover
through the generations.

Deuteronomy 16:1:

“Observe the month of Aviv and keep the
Passover to
Adonai your God, for in the month
of Aviv[
b]Adonai your God brought you out
from Egypt by night.

Yeshua’s Resurrection In An Authentic Messianic Jewish Way

As a Messianic Believer, one of my biggest struggles was learning how to
celebrate Yeshua’s resurrection in a Messianic Jewish context. However, over the years the Lord has taught
me how to celebrate Yeshua’s resurrection in an authentic Messianic Jewish way.

Yeshua is ALIVE proclaimed his disciples as they gazed in an empty tomb (Mark
). The
resurrection of Yeshua is an event that Jewish believers experienced before
Christianity even existed. In Messianic
Judaism, the resurrection of Yeshua is…

View original post 441 more words


Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

The false prophets in the present world

When Marcus Ampe received (a few weeks ago) some e-mails from worried brethren living in Israel, fearing attacks from evangelist preachers he on the request of his brethren and in Jesus interested Jews, took away the mentioned articles on his blog “Our World“. Though nothing should have worried sincere people, because in the article was mentioned the good work done by and between Israelis and Palestinians who wanted to opt for peace and a way of living together.

Certain Zionist groups with fundamental christians oppose such a world were Jews, Muslims and Christians would live together in peace. In Israel, the Netherlands, as well as in the United States of America we can hear lots of voices who shout for the return of the Jews to Israel, but this at the cost of other people.

What people should notice by such preachers and by the mega churches which seem to pull more and more people to their church, is what those preachers say in their sermon often goes far away from the Biblical text.


Hannes Zegement Grove of Matthew101:disciples for Christ also questions

Did you ever watch some celebrity preacher on tv and thought by yourself, is this guy speaking truth or not? {False Prophets and their empty words}

also here in Belgium we can find on several tv-channels, mostly from the Netherlands, several preachers who are very capable to speak with fire  and with drama. We can not resist to think they are very good performers. But God does not require a priest, pastor or minister to be an actor. Everything what is said about God and His commandments should come out of the heart.

We can not ignore that the last few decades we have seen coming up many more preachers we would consider to be false preachers and even false prophets.

False prophets are becoming more prominent in today’s age of tolerance and rebellion against God. Not many people are interested in God, and the majority who feel something for a god or God love to see a god who fits most their idea of a god or does the best for them. In our days we find the majority of people who want to be religious, looking for an easy religion. They prefer that the religion fits their way of life and would not require to much effort and would offer no consequences. This generation more than any other wants to live however they’d like, without boundaries or authority. Unfortunately, there are plenty of teachers and preachers eager to give the people what they want to hear.

In this world full of adulterers we can say it is like in the ancient times at certain moments, when there was the force of man which was not right. In the past, even God could find profane priests their wickedness.

“11 “For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in My house have I found their wickedness,” saith the LORD. 12 “Therefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness; they shall be driven on, and fall therein; for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation,” saith the LORD.” (Jer 23:11-12 KJ21)

Also in the Messianic writings people are warned for the time that would come when people will not endure sound teaching, but would prefer to hear that what they would love to hear and what sounds good in their ears, suiting their own passions.

“3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts. 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned toward fables.” (2Ti 4:3-4 KJ21)

For many the Truth is something very hard to grasp or is something what takes away all their lovely myths and breaks with all their heathen traditions. that is why so many churches, like the Roman Catholic Church, always have adapted their rites to the common traditions of the regions where they tried to convert people to their faith. The Roman Catholic Church is one of the religious groups which succeeded most successfully to adapt their teachings to the wants of the people and providing them enough power to have everyone in their hold.

This culture is eager for an easy religion – one that requires no effort and offers no consequences.For them several protestant groups do have a solution. In the protestant churches of today there are plenty of teachers and preachers eager to give the people what they want to hear — and usually, they end up making a large sum of money off it.

In the last book of the bible (the most difficult one to fully understand), is given a picture of the dangerous evil coming into the time closer to the end of everything. We are told that at the time of the end the evil or the rebellious figure against God (satan) shall become stronger. From that book of revelation, we can learn that in a certain way it shall be those who are against God (the satans) shall have dominion over the earth, and a religious personality will arise and deceive the whole world by means of miraculous signs. This individual is referred to as “another beast” (Revelation 13:11), as well as “the false prophet” (Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 20:10).

For some people it may be strange to hear a person could sound like a dragon when he speaks, but that is what we do hear when those fiery preachers raise their voices and try to draw everyone into their story. Their mouths are like the mouths of a Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet the apostle John  could see.

It also might surprise us that the False Prophet is given supernatural power to do things like calling fire down from heaven (Revelation 13:13), and the signs he performs, combined with the demonic words he speaks (Revelation 16:13-14), will cause people to give their allegiance to — and even worship — the Beast. We can find lots of handy word-players and illusionists, using the magic they get from their inner powers in the aim to dupe earth dwellers, getting them to make an image of what they want to believe to be equal with their god and suitable for their way of life and worship. (Revelation 13:14)

From the very beginning the entire world and its cultures came in disobedience to God because of the influence of their own false thinking (evil way of thinking or being the satan). We should know that the world is in deadly antagonism against God, against the way of God, and the people of God because the spirit generated by the unseen prince of this world. It is essential that we stay awake and keep our guard up. Certainly coming closer to the end-times, a time were those who oppose God shall be in the majority, and seemingly stronger. Though we may not be mistaken. The true lovers of God shall recognise their seductive tricks and by keeping to the Biblical Truth shall find enough strength to resist their tempting talk. Even at times that those false preachers or false prophets will wield tremendous religious influence, and will successfully convince most of the world to commit idolatry (Revelation 13:12). Those false preachers shall manage to get enough people to worship the wrong god, also partly because partly people prefer to keep to human doctrines and partly because those preacher can come up with bigger churches and as such seem to be more credible.

The course of this world is combined with the “prince of the power of the air”, and these people who are caught by the attractive words of those false teachers, are seen as being disobedient to God’s Word, though often they think they know some verses and use them as the truth. And so it is gradually, slowly but surely, as we narrow it down, beginning to indicate more and more an evil system that is opposed to God. It is in this sense that it is used in those very famous scriptures there in I John 2:15-17.

“15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world — the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life — is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” (1Jo 2:15-17 KJ21)

Those who love God should be joining hands with others who also do not love the world’s ways. They know that love of the world squeezes out love for the Father and that is what we can see all over the world happening. At many places we also see preachers who strongly want to convince people that the Father and the son would be one and the same, so that their followers would worship an other god than the God of Jesus Christ and his pupils, who worshipped the God of Abraham, the God of Israel Who is Only One True God. Practically everything that goes on in the world, what we can see, is that most people are wanting it their own way, wanting everything for themself, wanting to appear important. This way we can see that several evangelist teachers are able to isolate people from God the Father and minimise the acts of Jesus, because they tell people no man would ever be able to do such thing as Christ did.

Too many people do forget that God spoke several times to the world by way of true prophets, who told there was going to come a sent one from God, a saviour out of the seed of David (so still had to be born or had to come into existence when they wrote down the Words from God). From the ancient Scriptures we can read there has also been a time that there were shepherds who deceived the flock of Israel and that God His wrath came upon them and the anger of God was not to return until He has executed the thoughts of His heart.

“1  “Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” saith the LORD. 2 Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed My people: “Ye have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not visited them. Behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings,” saith the LORD. 3 “And I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. 4 And I will set up shepherds over them who shall feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking,” saith the LORD. 5 “Behold, the days come,” saith the LORD, “that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch; and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. 6 In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely; and this is His name whereby He shall be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. 7 “Therefore, behold, the days come,” saith the LORD, “that they shall no more say, ‘The LORD liveth who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt,’ 8 but, ‘the LORD liveth who brought up and who led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them.’ And they shall dwell in their own land.”” (Jer 23:1-8 KJ21)

“The anger of the LORD shall not return, until He has executed, and till He has performed the thoughts of His heart; in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly.” (Jer 23:20 KJ21)

We should take that text from the Old Testament serious. It is also something we should remember in these days. Today we can see many preachers who claim to be workers for God, though present to the people another god than the God of the Bible, the One God of Moses, Who is the God of gods. The God of the Scriptures, Israel’s God, also speaks to those so called ‘shepherd-leaders’ who misled and still mislead His creatures. They should know that God not only keeps an eye on His people, but He is keeping His eye also on those who so called speak in His Name. We are told and they are warned, that God keeps track of their criminal behaviour.

For true lovers of God there is the hope and assurance that God shall take over and gather what’s left of His sheep, gather them in from all the lands where God has driven them and He shall bring them back where they belong, and they shall recover and flourish.

The world shall have to come to see that how closer we come to the end times, how more the world shall come to hear real lovers of God telling about the Biblical Truth and the coming Kingdom of God. Though there may be a growing number of false prophets, the Most High Elohim, Jehovah God, shall provide shepherd-leaders to protect His flock and to take good care of them. The world may do a lot for making them afraid, but those who are against such witnesses for Jehovah should know that they won’t live in fear or panic any-more.

God has established a truly righteous David-Branch, a ruler who knows how to rule justly. The followers of that sent one from God, can count on it that their master shall bring justice and keep people united and that in his time Judah will be secure again and Israel will live in safety. And many people shall not fall for those false teachers but dare to tell to the world

“Jehovah our righteousness.  {Or Jehovah is our righteousness } (Jer 23:6 ASV)

Therefore many false prophets will be angry against them, but true lovers of God and true followers of Christ Jesus shall keep telling the world that it is Jehovah


So the world has to watch for this. The time’s coming “GOD’s Decree”. and people shall come to see that God really did not sent those coaxers and prophets of deceit.

“ How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies, even the prophets of the deceit of their own heart?” (Jer 23:26 ASV)

How fearful it must be to fall in the hands of an angry God and this is what is happening, if God is against you, no one on earth and heaven can save you! therefore we should give heed. We should be very careful that we come to know the Biblical truth and are not carried away by the many false teachings and doctrines this world presents to us, and may look very attractive.

God will bring will bring upon those false teachers and their followers everlasting disgrace – everlasting shame that will not be forgotten. We must know that they even shall not be there to go in the promised Land when the Kingdom shall be restored.

“How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart,” (Jer 23:26 KJ21)

“therefore behold, I, even I, will utterly forget you, and I will forsake you and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and cast you out of My presence. And I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you, and a perpetual shame which shall not be forgotten.”” (Jer 23:39-40 KJ21)

We must open our eyes and see what is going on in this world and how false prophets are becoming more agitated when they hear biblical truth around them. It even brings them so far they want to attack people (like we could see and feel in Israel).

There are even churches who plays the roll of these prophets and like Jeremiah 23v1-8 will conclude that there are shepherds who destroy the flock of Israel and scatter them. The very same is happening in our day, there are false preachers and churches, missions, and teachers who is destroying the flock of Christ and who deceives the nation and whom is wicked. {False Prophets and their empty words}

If you are in doubt about certain preachers, please look at their way of life and check their words with those of the Bible. You may wonder why so many want to believe the words of man above the words of God

– God is truth man is not, but we reject the word of God and we believe the lying false messengers who proclaim falsely “I have dreamed” or “God came to me and said to me” {False Prophets and their empty words}

Or “I had a vision”. We rather want to believe every person’s vision and not the BIBLE. {False Prophets and their empty words}

What we encounter most in these days is that people do not want to take time to see what is really written in the Bible.

The most common and logical reason for persons to believe any new intriguing message especially if it is a vision etc. is because we do not study the Bible. We do not read it every single day. If we knew God and if we knew what the word of God is saying, we will not be so easily deceived. but our country is and there is one main reason: they do not study the word of God. if they did, they would not be deceived. {False Prophets and their empty words}

There is the big need to study and to listen to the Words of God.

we must observe the scripture and know the content, so we can discern about these things, that we can spot false teachings. That we must repent from our own ways.

We must test the spirit, not just believe anyone but compare them to the word of God. {False Prophets and their empty words}

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1Jo 4:1 KJ21)

The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity. (1Jo 2:15-17)



Ideas about Religiosity

Numbers 10:10 Make Your Rejoicing Heard

For Jews wanting to learn more about Jeshua and of other Jews following Jeshua

Need to reject an archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible and animosity against other believers

a Call to stop the growing anti-Semitism

Do those who want to follow Christ to be Jews


Additional reading

  1. Position and power
  2. Depression, Anxiety, Pressure and megachurches
  3. MegaChurch
  4. When there is secrecy involved
  5. Engaging the culture without losing the gospel
  6. Reasons why you may not miss the opportunity to go to a Small Church
  7. Germinating small seeds, pebble-stones, small and mega churches and faith
  8. Place for a fifth and sixth house in Christendom
  9. Displeasures and Actions of the Almighty God
  10. Shariah and child abuse – Is there a connection?
  11. Souls and Religions with Nirvana and light
  12. Matthew 7:15-20 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Disciple #2 False prophets and fruitage
  13. Matthew 7:13-23 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Disciple #3 Matthew 7:21-23 The ones Jesus never knew
  14. Signs of the Last Days
  15. Signs of the the last days when difficult times will come
  16. Teachings, prophets, wolves in sheep’s covering and a narrow gate
  17. Necessity of a revelation of creation 11 Believing and obeying the gospel of the Kingdom of God
  18. The Way of the LORD
  19. Memorizing wonderfully 30 False prophets and false teachers


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, World affairs

For Jews wanting to learn more about Jeshua and of other Jews following Jeshua

Many Jews prefer to stay in the background or in the shadow. Some Jews become curious in the Nazarene rebbe Jeshua and would love to come to know more about him and his followers.

In Israel, Great-Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands are Jewish brethren and sisters who would not mind to tell about this incredible master teacher. As followers of Jeshua or Jeshuaists, in the Netherlands also some calling themselves Jesjoeaansen or Jesjoeaist (from another Dutch way of writing Jeshua’s name: Jesjoea), are hoping to bring more people to see that Jeshua or Jesus Christ is the way to God and the long awaited promised sent one from God, the anointed or Messiah (the Moshiach = Kristos or Christ).

On the web you may find

From the Flemish part of Belgium and the Brussels region there is published the general website: Jeshuaisten / Jeshuaists Volgers van de Nazarener Joodse rebbe Jeshua – Followers of the Nazarene Jewish rebbe Jeshua

and additional two more personal sites of a Jeshuaist and of Immanuel Verbondskind

From the Walloon site of Belgium you may find: Jeshuaists (from Genvalin mainly in english and some French) and the site discussing Jeshuaism (from Genval in Dutch)

with its blog

with its blog

and both also with a Forum

Naturally both Jews and non-Jews are very welcome to those sites which want to shed a light on the set apart or Holy Scriptures and our way of life, in the prospect of our hope in the Messiah and the coming Kingdom of God.


Filed under Announcement, Religious affairs

Do you really know what you say you believe in?

In this world lots of people (not to say the majority) is caught up by human teachings. Be them atheists, christians or people to other religions, they mostly prefer to hold on human teachings and philosophies.

When they encounter people who believe the Biblical Truth, they often are so afraid of them and their teaching they want to avenge them and want to make sure others would not listen to those followers of the Bible.

Today’s Guestspeaker has tried in many articles to expose the truth behind our assumptions and belief systems that were created and pushed upon man for centuries.
He writes correctly:

“Every single one of our traditions has a beginning and most of the time those beginnings have nothing to do with the True God or his Son.”

By a lot of people who call themselves Christian we can clearly see that they do not follow the biblical Truth bu are caught up in the false human doctrines, like the one of the Trinity. We also can see that those who quote Scripture to people directly from the Bible that goes against the church theories they are considered to be a heretic even though they aren’t even using their own words.

Scripture directly from Christ own words in

John 20:17.

Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

show over and over again that Christ wanted his followers to know that he had a God and in his opinion that God was the Father for him and for us all.

It is that heavenly Father of Jesus Christ Who should be our Only One True God. It are His Words which we should show to the world and spread the gospel news of the coming Kingdom of God, where Jesus as the authorised one from God shall be king and be mediator between God and man.


Read also

  1. Human & Biblical teachings
  2. Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians
  3. God’s forgotten Word 6 Lost Lawbook 5 Heretics
  4. Follower of Jesus part of a cult or a Christian
  5. A participation in the body of ChristDo Christadelphians belong to Protestantism



While sitting talking to a friend something came up that I knew but I didn’t know how far it reached until today. The trinity concept that really is doctrine but not explained in churches to the membership for one reason or another is even misunderstood by those that refuse it. Above is a clear outline of the trinity doctrine( this is one the oldest shields of the trinity). Now don’t freak out if you don’t recognize it as a explanation taught to you, most don’t. The reason why is because down through the years the concept of the trinity has became a source of attacks so much that even the original followers have tried to step away from it in their attempt to explain it to others so much that its become forgotten even to their own believers. Most people will tell you the example of water, ice, and steam…

View original post 492 more words


Filed under Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

What is a Christian?

Lots of people do call themselves Christian but are not really real followers of Christ (what they should be when they call themselves Christian).

Being Christian should entail that the person is a follower of the Christ (Kristos) and would follow his teachings and worship the same God as him. Though in the Christian world we do find the majority worshipping another god than the God of Christ. Christ Jesus, born by the Power of God, was brought up in a very devout family who kept to the Torah and worshipped the Only One True God, the God of Israel, Who is also the God of Abraham.

A true Christian should also keep to that Unseen God and like Jesus should obey His Wishes and Commandments. As a follower of Christ a Christian should make sure to live according the rule of the God of Christ and according the teachings of Jesus Christ. Though in many denominations we see lots of so called believers who not take notion of all those things Jesus and God require from believers in God and from lovers of God. Many keep to the false teaching of the trinity (a three-headed god) and even do not mind having graven images of those gods (a blasphemy and an abomination in the eyes of God)
Lots of those calling themselves Christian also do not share the love of Christ and often are racist and not showing their love for others. Many also do not mind taking up weapons or to show aggressiveness towards others.

A real Christian is some one who really tries to live according the teachings of God and His only begotten beloved son Jesus, and like him shows respect and love to every creation of God (plants, animals and people).


Additional reading

  1. The Nazarene master teacher learning people how they should behave
  2. Words to push and pull
  3. Atonement And Fellowship 2/8
  4. As Christ’s slaves doing the Will of God in gratitude
  5. Not withholding the Good News
  6. Jehovah’s Witnesses Circuit Assembly and a Pillar to freedom
  7. Blogging in the world for Jesus and his Father
  8. Devotees and spotters
  9. Concerning the humans who are a warlike species
  10. ….a powerful way to put the universe on notice….
  11. Days of madness with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels and devils
  12. Living lives in total darkness by lack of understanding the times that lie ahead
  13. An atoneless religious system or a hope giving religious system
  14. Given opportunity to accept Christ as Messiah
  15. A House for God in our 21st century
  16. Torah hanging on two commandments and focussing on a Mashiach
  17. Ambassadors for our faith in Jeshua
  18. Biblical Yeshua/ Jesus or Another European Greco- Roman Jesus ??
  19. Not being saved by faith in Christ alone
  20. Today’s thought “A breach of faith against the LORD” (March 1)
  21. Today’s thought “Being made prosperous and numerous on conditions” (May 13)
  22. Today’s thought “… with all your heart” (May 09)
  23. a Strong Family doesn’t just happen
  24. Eagerness to learn and to teach others
  25. Division, diversity, unity and connection
  26. Jewish and Gentile Disciples
  27. Jews and Christians against Messianics and Jeshuaists
  28. The attitude of Christians to Jews
  29. Working with others behind the scenes
  30. The Most Important Point to be a Jeshuaist
  31. Christadelphian opposite Christian
  32. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  33. Living stones 5 Abraham’s seed and gentiles
  34. Living stones 7 The spiritual house
  35. Today’s thought “Forgive … from your heart” (January 16)
  36. Memorizing wonderfully 45 Living and bearing fruit by dying


Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs


Too many people who call themselves Christian do forget who Jesus really was and which tasks he had given to his followers. Today true Christians still should follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and should proclaim the hopeful message of the coming Kingdom.

Real Christians should be heralds of the Gospel, eager to tell the people about the Good News, of salvation and about the hope for mankind given by the Grace of God.

As forerunner or herald Christians should be portent or indicators of something important or calamitous about to occur, perhaps an omen in the eyes of many, but for others an insurmountable event to look forward even when it might bring lots of suffering and an incredible violence. therefore we should warn the people of that last and third world war which is insuperable.

By sharing the agape love and bringing more people to see that Jesus is the way to God and the way to life, the Christian herald shall be able to make many stronger and secured against the coming disaster. Out of love for others we should tell others about the love of God, about what Jesus has done, but also about the return of Jesus and what to expect of that time of his return.


To remember

  • Greek word most often translated as ‘preach’ is κηρύσσω – kérussó (Strong’s 2784) = Koine = ‘to be or act like a herald’ or ‘to proclaim’.
  • role of a herald or Old French heraut from Frankish via herewald, literally ‘war-ruler’, > martial or commander > 3 distinct contemporary meanings:
  1. A messenger
  2. A harbinger
  3. A steward (of heraldry -a rank/position at the College of Arms)
  •  ‘preacher’ of the Gospel, = entrusted (stewardship) with a message of coming of the Kingdom of God.
  • ‘to herald’ =  ‘sing the praises of’
  • idea that a Christian should ‘preach the Gospel’= frowned upon. >  conjures images of street corner evangelists ranting at passing ‘sinners’
  • Christian organisations involved in social action ministry > running night shelters, to discourage volunteers from speaking about Jesus – some even require a signed commitment to not proactively mention the Gospel.

What has gone wrong?  To paraphrase Peter (Acts 5:3), how has Satan so filled the hearts of Christians?  How is it that Christians feel confident enough to defy God and disobey the Great Commission?

Go into all the world and proclaim (kérussó) the gospel to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15)

‘preach’ is not:

  • convicting people of their sin and telling them they are bound for hell
  • talking down to people from a position of self-righteousness
  • a slick presentation, a hectoring declamation or a well-honed argument.

Preaching = heralding = speaking joyfully of Jesus, singing his praises; telling people of how people are transformed in Christ, and how they can be also, through faith.

best witnesses to Christ = demonstrate love +  speak of its origin, which is Jesus; perhaps the Great Commission was given as command because Jesus knew that it would be challenging.

If witness speaks from love about hope + declares that Jesus = source of hope => herald will have done his work faithfully.



Additional reading

  1. Two new encyclopaedic articles
  2. Breathing to teach
  3. “I Die Daily”
  4. To create a great journey




  1. What is meant by awareness, or witnessing?
  2. Witnessing the Destruction of Nature around the Planet.
  3. Man I sure wish I would’ve had one of my witnessing cards just now to send with a man.
  4. A witnessing prayer
  5. Witnessing the Secret Creator
  6. ” Witnessing “
  7. As the clock strikes 12…
  8. Hope is an anchor
  9. Reject And Correct Christian propaganda
  10. Families embrace their community for the gospel
  11. Bold to Witness
  12. Being a One Talent Church
  13. Come and see…
  14. Hold Up The Light
  15. Are You An Ambassador For Christ?
  16. Are You Ready for the Harvest?
  17. First Things First
  18. Talking About Jesus
  19. You Are Ready To Go – By Laurence Torr
  20. Christianity’s Most Essential Verse

God Breathed Words

raffaello-sanzio-da-urbino-st-paul-preaching-at-athens-cartoon-for-the-sistine-chapel.jpg Raphael’s depiction of Paul preaching in Athens

Surely you remember, brothers and sisters, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you.  (1 Thessalonians 2:9)

The Greek word that is most often translated as ‘preach’ is κηρύσσω – kérussó (Strong’s 2784).  The word in the Koine

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters

The Reformation shows us why we need expository preaching

In Christianity pastors or preachers should be followers of Christ Jesus and spread the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God. Their first and most important book in their preaching should be the Greatest Book of all, the Bible.

It is not bad to look back at the several people who also tried to be a servant of Christ or to be a servant of God. But the main focus of the preaching may not be on the words of those previous preachers, but always should focus on the Words of God. Too often that is forgotten in several churches, where they shout only a few quotes from Scriptures and fill the main service with their own words and with music, in the hope to entertain the people in their church.

Today we have to ask all those elders, presbyters, expositors to come to preach That Most Important Word. all those who hope to have some mega church running should better remember those who did their best to bring the Word of God to the people: The evangelists in the Second and First Great Awakenings and the Reformers who preached the Word, like the apostle Paul preached followed Jesus who also preached the Word, him following Isaiah, Ezra and so many man of God who where not afraid to preach the Word of God.


To remember

Martin Luther  = main spark to Protestant Reformation <=  95 Theses  > because the Word was unleashed.

William Tyndale, John Hus, + many others executed for translating or preaching the Word in people’s language.

Roman Catholic Church prevented Catholics from reading the Word themselves + from possessing a Bible > restricted for a thousand years.

Read word for soul’s health > solace

expository preaching > involves exposition, or comprehensive explanation, of Scripture => presenting meaning + intent of biblical text, providing commentary + examples => passage clear + understandable ==> expose meaning of the Bible, verse by verse.


Knowing the blood of the martyrs soaks the ground under thousands of stakes, how dare we insert our own words, opinions, fads, and stunts onto the pulpit? Men died for this Word to be preached. Jesus as the Word suffered and absorbed all God’s wrath for the elect so this word would go out and be preached.



Further related

  1. The Reformation shows us why we need expository preaching
  2. St. Luke: An Expositional and Devotional Commentary” by William Klock
  3. How Relevant is Your Church?
  4. 1810 5vols The Family Expositor or A Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament
  5. The Protestant Reformation and the Reformers: The Truth Restored
  6. Was the Reformers’ Gospel something new?
  7. A Swiss Reformer
  8. The Human Reformer: Martin Luther Struggled With Depression and Nightmares
  9. Scripture Alone, for the Reformers and us!


Related articles

With the 500th year anniversary of the Reformation coming upon us October 31, many people are looking to history and learning Martin Luther and his the men that came before him.

Martin Luther is generally acknowledged to have been a main spark to the Protestant Reformation. Protestant comes from the word protest, which Luther’s 95 Theses sparked against the Roman Catholic Church’s excesses of indulgences (sin absolution for hire) and other abuses.

The Reformation didn’t happen because Martin Luther put the 95 Theses on the door to Wittenberg Chapel. It happened because the Word was unleashed. ~Mark McAndrew, North Avenue Church

Here, John MacArthur explains in a 1:33 clip How unhindered access to God’s Word changed history.

William Tyndale, John Hus, and many others were executed for translating or preaching the Word in the people’s language. The Roman Catholic Church prevented the Catholics from reading the Word themselves and…

View original post 597 more words


Filed under History, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

A New Reformation

Lots of American churches have been caught by the American individuals aiming for capitalism and having their own self enjoying it as much as they can in as much wealth they can get.

The American people have forgotten where their ancestors came from and that they too are people which only can live in that wealth because their ancestors where finding themselves a place where they were not considered as unwanted immigrants.

Lots of Americans still do not see that their family has taken the ground of the indigenous people, the ones who lived on the pastures. Lots of Americans also have forgotten the main message of sharing agape love.They may be members of mega-churches, but those churches have nothing in common with the first ecclesiae or meeting places of the first followers of Jesus Christ.

The majority of Christians in the United States of America still do not understand how the devote Jew Saul (better known as Paul today) used also harsh language in denouncing the way the face of Christ was distorted by both false teaching and behaviour inconsistent with the Gospel. Today it is not better than in his time. Most people having taken Jesus as their god and also having made graven images of their gods. The majority has come to live like Roman Catholics not reading the bible any more and just hearing some verses often taken out of context.

All over the world we can see that the majority of people with their lifestyle are far off the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Already for that reason it is high time we shall get some awakening again.


To remember

American (Eastern Orthodox) theologian David Bentley Hart raises some thought-provoking questions about the American church that if raised by others would immediately be brushed aside as symptomatic of “anti-Americanism”.

open + troubling question whether American religiosity has resources to help sustain a culture as a culture >to create a meaningful future, or can only prepare for the end times.

can it cultivate kind of moral intelligence necessary to live in eternity and in historical time simultaneously, without contradiction?


American Christian Fundamentalism (ACF) made deep inroads into churches all over the world since the Second World War => influence magnified with rise of satellite TV + Internet.

decline of old-style European theological liberalism, ACF poses far bigger threat to global church than Islamist fundamentalism.

(1) ACF promotes religious hypocrisy > baptising consumerist “American dream” + right-wing political agendas

(2) ACF promotes mindlessness > demonizes whatever it doesn’t understand = Secularism, Evolution, Feminism, Islam + ancient Asian religions.

(3) ACF promotes divisiveness > preaching a private, individualistic “Gospel”, blinding its followers to scandal of Christian fragmentation, rivalry + separation. +  encourages “personality cults” disguised as “doctrinal distinctives.”

(4) ACF promotes Zionist views re the Middle East, reinforcing the apartheid practices of the Israeli state.

=> need a new Reformation among evangelical Protestants.


Find also to read: Followers, protestors and reformers


Vinoth Ramachandra

The American (Eastern Orthodox) theologian David Bentley Hart raises some thought-provoking questions about the American church that if raised by others would immediately be brushed aside as symptomatic of “anti-Americanism”. In an article (“The Angels of Sacré-Coeur”) first published in 2011, Hart writes:

“It is very much an open and troubling question whether American religiosity has the resources to help sustain a culture as a culture- whether, that is, it can create a meaningful future, or whether it can only prepare for the end times. Is the American religious temperament so apocalyptic as to be incapable of culture in any but the most local and ephemeral sense? Does it know of any city other than Babylon the Great or the New Jerusalem? For all the moral will it engenders in persons and communities, can it cultivate the kind of moral intelligence necessary to live in eternity and in historical time…

View original post 778 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

What makes you following Christ and Facebook Groups

When we look at the world around us we do find an incredible amount of people who are flying each other in the hairs about controversial versions about their religion and faith.

After the Nazarene master teacher had experienced all of his trials on earth, his impalement and resurrection, we find one of his close friends writing words from above – a final message from Jesus his Father’s side in Heaven to those who are to follow him. Somehow we come to see that the curses in Eden on the earth and mankind are reversed by the end of Revelation and that the dreams and visions in the book of Daniel are confirmed and expanded upon.

  • Many of the signs and symbols in Revelation are in fact used in the rest of Scripture so you will find them de-mystified! This means that the message of the book becomes accessible and valuable to you as the Lord Jesus intended his servants to find it. {Revelation Steps}
Who Would Jesus Bomb?

Who Would Jesus Bomb? (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In recent times we have heard a lot about religious groups fighting against each other. All the news about bombings or terror acts, are not exactly a sign for us that there would be soon a condition of real peace. On several Facebook platforms one can find people calling each-other names and using a language which may belong to small frustrated kids and uneducated poor of mind adolescents, though seemingly it would be adults using such ordinary and awful words. Often those speaking at those many platforms or Groups do a lot of damage to the religious group they think they are defending. By their attitude they do so much damage to those groups because can come to believe that those Muslims and Christians are really such hate mongers.

It makes many wonder who might be those who follow the prophet Jesus and those who follow the prophet Muhammad. There are even guys who say the other have no right to claim Jesus, one part saying because he is a Christian and belongs to the Christians only, the other part saying he is a Muslim and belongs to the Muslims. Both groups seemingly to forget that the Nazarene Jesus his real name is Jeshua and was a devout Jew (belonging to the Essenes like his mother Miriam/Mary/Miryam/Maria) and not a Christian.

When those claiming that man from God use such abominable language one may wonder how they can call that man, who was s preacher of peace, as their example and their name bearer?

The Nazarene preacher also asked his followers to unite and to have peaceful fellowship, companionship, and a sense of belonging. One would think those claiming to be Christians to become part of a family, which works together, and looks after all members’ needs: spiritually, materially, and socially (1 Cor 12). When looking at what goes on on many Facebook Groups we do get the opposite impression. Instead of finding people who show their love for each-other and want to help each-other in building up their faith, we can find quarrelling (even nearly fighting) people who do not seem interested in forming a Christian family where it is a place of fun, friendship, and (as with all families) falling-out-and-making-up-again! It more often looks like one enters a battlefield.

Looking at those Groups we only can wonder what makes some of those people calling themselves Christian or Muslim. We also wonder what their real intention might be at such forums; If they think to converse others with the way they are speaking they are totally on the wrong site of the road, and do have no idea about preaching and trying to win people for their camp.

Hearing them speak it also seems to turn more around their own ego and we can not get the impression they ever would like to convince the other what the first and foremost benefit of following Jesus might be, because they concentrate most on blowing fire and showing their hate for the other. Perhaps they think it shall be of a personal benefit for them by threatening other thinkers and other believers!

Clearly lots of those on several Facebook Groups their life is not about surrender to a God-focused life, with all the sense of purpose that brings (1 Cor 10:31). But for outsiders and we should let insiders also know that, this allows Christians to recognise and, in a sense, embrace the futility of life (Ecc 2:11) but also how people behave, how they act and speak, should give others an impression how much they want to be a child of God and in how far they do succeed to become really under that Most High God His Wings.

Let us remember

Peace and forgiveness. Life can be troubling, and Jesus offers us safe harbour, forgiveness of sins, and certainty in an uncertain world (Psa 103:12, Isa 43:25, Col 1:13-14). {Weighing the costs and benefits of discipleship}

And let us know exactly where the boundaries of human decency are and how a person of God, be it a Jew, Christian or Muslim must stand and how to behave.

As human beings created in the image of God we should show to be a worthy image of That Most High Elohim. In case Christ would have still been in his grave he would probably would have turned around many times.

We should be aware how important it is to show others in which way we want to be under Christ and want to be under God. As human beings living in a mixed world, an amalgam of people of all sorts of races and ideas, we should know that there have to be certain rules and regulations to provide a sense of security and a way for living together in peace.
When Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive, offering a generous 7 times, Jesus’ response would have taken him aback I expect (490 times – Matt 18:22). Clearly, this wasn’t a quota of forgiveness – Jesus’ point is that our capacity to forgive should be without limit, just like God’s (Isa 43:25-26, 1 John 1:9). And to forgive so much there has to be a place for an open mind too, and today there are too many who show they are only willing to have a very limited mind with only place for their thought and no other visions.

When looking at several Christian Facebook Groups we can only question where where does all the teaching of that master teacher Jesus Christ leaves those so called Christians in living out their Christianity?

Are boundaries useful at all in terms of our fellowship, worship, and services? There is certainly some guidance in the Bible to suggest that boundaries can be useful in some of these areas – but where we choose to set them may be more a product of our cultural context than absolute ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. {Boundaryless God}

English: Copied from http://en.wikipedia.org/w...

Worldreligion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Please read also:



Daring to speak in multicultural environment

Several Christians fail to recognise the Chosen ones of God and are not taking on a Christian attitude


Additional reading

  1. Are you looking for answers and Are you looking for God
  2. Notification and news feed for Facebook users


Further reading

  1. Gods & religion
  2. Good Without God, or Elite Background
  3. Islamic State Answers Pope Francis: Ours Is a Religious War and We Hate You
  4. 10,000 church members leave the Church of Denmark in 3 months amid atheist
  5. ISIS wing claims responsibility for Minnesota mall attack in U.S.
  6. Assholes are Overrated
  7. Chechnya’s Jewish community is angry at Israel… but doesn’t seem to exist
  8. The Storms of Life
  9. no one can answer, but the Lord
  10. The Olympic Trials of Life…By Faith And Not By Sight by Ciera Rankin
  11. In All Things, Give Thanks
  12. After the Storm
  13. He Lifts Me
  14. Gladness in trials
  15. The list of wars
  16. Revelation: The Sixth Trumpet.
  17. Is a Religious War in Europe Imminent?
  18. Iraq: Suicide Bomber Strikes At Crowd at Prophet Mohammad’s Grandson Event (Arbaeen) — Islamic State Suspected
  19. Contention 62 (Eleventh Contentions)
  20. Honor Authority…
  21. The Whole Truth (Almost)
  22. Can we not be civil and simply disagree?
  23. Bias, and Disagreeing with Something
  24. How to respectfully talk about deep disagreements
  25. What, we agree? Compatible issues in a disagreeable world
  26. The more ignorant a person is the more his disagreement increases
  27. Reflections on ‘Why I am not an Atheist’
  28. How Should I View Others Who Serve the Lord Differently Than I Do? – CCC Discover




Filed under Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, World affairs