Tag Archives: Kristos

Conocimientos esenciales para el candidato al bautismo #2 Sobre Jesús y nuestra posición

Photo by Andres Pu00e9rez Manjarres on Pexels.com

Si la gente quisiera unirse a los Hermanos en Cristo o a los Cristadelfianos, deben hacerlo para demostrar que quieren seguir a Jesucristo y que también aceptan todas las creencias bíblicas. Para convertirnos en miembro de pleno derecho de la comunidad cristadelfiana, pedimos a los candidatos que respondan algunas preguntas importantes para tener una idea clara de lo que realmente creen.

Una fe bíblica es esencial antes de poder ser bautizado. Los puntos principales conciernen a Dios. Para ello buscamos lo que el candidato piensa de Dios. También queremos ver si tienen una imagen clara de Quién o Qué es el Espíritu Santo.
Entonces queremos ver que el candidato bautismal se da cuenta claramente de quién es Jesucristo y de lo que esta persona ha hecho por la humanidad.

Sagrada Escritura o Palabra de Dios, inspirada en la Biblia

Esperamos que aquellos que quieren convertirse en christadelhianos crean que por la gracia de Dios aquí en la tierra él o ella puede ser un miembro de Su familia que quiere ser fiel a la Palabra de Dios, que sabemos encontrar en las Sagradas Escrituras.

“A los santos y hermanos fieles en Cristo que están en Colosas: Gracia y paz á vosotros de Dios Padre nuestro, y del Señor Jesucristo.” (Colosenses 1:2 RV09)

“16 Toda Escritura es inspirada divinamente y útil para enseñar, para redargüir, para corregir, para instituir en justicia, 17 Para que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto, enteramente instruído para toda buena obra.” (2 Timoteo 3:16-17 RV09)

“20 Entendiendo primero esto, que ninguna profecía de la Escritura es de particular interpretación; 21 Porque la profecía no fué en los tiempos pasados traída por voluntad humana, sino los santos hombres de Dios hablaron siendo inspirados del Espíritu Santo.” (2 Pedro 1:20-21 RV09)

Pecados del hombre y del hijo enviado de Dios

En ese libro inspirado podemos encontrar la historia del Pueblo de Dios y de Su hijo enviado, que se ha dado sus faltas para toda la humanidad, para que puedan salvarse y ofrecerse nuevamente a entrar en el Reino de Dios o en el Paraíso terrenal, aunque todos somos pecadores por naturaleza.

“A los santos y hermanos fieles en Cristo que están en Colosas: Gracia y paz á vosotros de Dios Padre nuestro, y del Señor Jesucristo.” (Colosenses 1:2 RV09)

“16 Toda Escritura es inspirada divinamente y útil para enseñar, para redargüir, para corregir, para instituir en justicia, 17 Para que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto, enteramente instruído para toda buena obra.” (2 Timoteo 3:16-17 RV09)

“20 Entendiendo primero esto, que ninguna profecía de la Escritura es de particular interpretación; 21 Porque la profecía no fué en los tiempos pasados traída por voluntad humana, sino los santos hombres de Dios hablaron siendo inspirados del Espíritu Santo.” (2 Pedro 1:20-21 RV09)

Sin deudas

Aunque todos somos personas pecadoras, hay una persona que no ha cometido ningún pecado. Nunca cedió ante el adversario de Dios (cualquier figura simbólica que mencione Satanás).

“Y yéndose un poco más adelante, se postró sobre su rostro, orando, y diciendo: Padre mío, si es posible, pase de mí este vaso; empero no como yo quiero, sino como tú.” (Mateo 26:39 RV09)

“Así que, por cuanto los hijos participaron de carne y sangre, él también participó de lo mismo, para destruir por la muerte al que tenía el imperio de la muerte, es á saber, al diablo,” (Hebreos 2:14 RV09)

“Porque no tenemos un Pontífice que no se pueda compadecer de nuestras flaquezas; mas tentado en todo según nuestra semejanza, pero sin pecado.” (Hebreos 4:15 RV09)

“Al cual Dios levantó, sueltos los dolores de la muerte, por cuanto era imposible ser detenido de ella.” (Hechos 2:24 RV09)

“Mas ahora Cristo ha resucitado de los muertos; primicias de los que durmieron es hecho.” (1 Corintios 15:20 RV09)

El amado hijo que se ocupó de la muerte

Si bien el pecado y la muerte han llegado al mundo a través de un hombre, nacido de una mujer, el pecado ha quedado expuesto y el castigo de la muerte ha sido anulado al dejar completamente de lado su voluntad de hacer la Voluntad de Dios. Debido a que Jesús era plenamente humano, también sabe cómo nos sentimos y actuamos y ahora puede defendernos mejor ante su Padre Celestial y el nuestro, Jehová, el Único Dios Verdadero, quien lo reconoció y escuchó como Su amado hijo.

“21  Y aconteció que, como todo el pueblo se bautizaba, también Jesús fué bautizado; y orando, el cielo se abrió, 22 Y descendió el Espíritu Santo sobre él en forma corporal, como paloma, y fué hecha una voz del cielo que decía: Tú eres mi Hijo amado, en ti me he complacido. 23 Y el mismo Jesús comenzaba á ser como de treinta años, hijo de José, como se creía; que fué hijo de Elí,” (Lucas 3:21-23 RV09)

“16 Y Jesús, después que fué bautizado, subió luego del agua; y he aquí los cielos le fueron abiertos, y vió al Espíritu de Dios que descendía como paloma, y venía sobre él. 17 Y he aquí una voz de los cielos que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado, en el cual tengo contentamiento.” (Mateo 3:16-17 RV09)

“Porque él había recibido de Dios Padre honra y gloria, cuando una tal voz fué á él enviada de la magnífica gloria: Este es el amado Hijo mío, en el cual yo me he agradado.” (2 Pedro 1:17 RV09)

“De consiguiente, vino la reconciliación por uno, así como el pecado entró en el mundo por un hombre, y por el pecado la muerte, y la muerte así pasó á todos los hombres, pues que todos pecaron.” (Romanos 5:12 RV09)

“Y yéndose un poco más adelante, se postró sobre su rostro, orando, y diciendo: Padre mío, si es posible, pase de mí este vaso; empero no como yo quiero, sino como tú.” (Mateo 26:39 RV09)

“Así que, por cuanto los hijos participaron de carne y sangre, él también participó de lo mismo, para destruir por la muerte al que tenía el imperio de la muerte, es á saber, al diablo,” (Hebreos 2:14 RV09)

“Porque no tenemos un Pontífice que no se pueda compadecer de nuestras flaquezas; mas tentado en todo según nuestra semejanza, pero sin pecado.” (Hebreos 4:15 RV09)

Hijo del hombre Jesús menos que Dios

Se espera que el candidato al bautismo crea que el hijo del hombre Jesús, que es menor que Dios, en realidad murió, resucitó de la tumba a través del Poder de Jehová y luego fue recibido en el cielo para sentarse a la diestra de Dios como mediador para a nosotros.

“Habéis oído cómo yo os he dicho: Voy, y vengo á vosotros. Si me amaseis, ciertamente os gozaríais, porque he dicho que voy al Padre: porque el Padre mayor es que yo.” (Juan 14:28 RV09)

“5 Haya, pues, en vosotros este sentir que hubo también en Cristo Jesús: 6 El cual, siendo en forma de Dios, no tuvo por usurpación ser igual á Dios: 7 Sin embargo, se anonadó á sí mismo, tomando forma de siervo, hecho semejante á los hombres; 8 Y hallado en la condición como hombre, se humilló á sí mismo, hecho obediente hasta la muerte, y muerte de cruz.” (Filipenses 2:5-8 RV09)

“Respondió entonces Jesús, y díjoles: De cierto, de cierto os digo: No puede el Hijo hacer nada de sí mismo, sino lo que viere hacer al Padre: porque todo lo que él hace, esto también hace el Hijo juntamente.” (Juan 5:19 RV09)

“Jesús entonces les dijo: Si vuestro padre fuera Dios, ciertamente me amaríais: porque yo de Dios he salido, y he venido; que no he venido de mí mismo, mas él me envió.” (Juan 8:42 RV09)

“Al cual Dios levantó, sueltos los dolores de la muerte, por cuanto era imposible ser detenido de ella.” (Hechos 2:24 RV09)

“Y habiendo dicho estas cosas, viéndo lo ellos, fué alzado; y una nube le recibió y le quitó de sus ojos.” (Hechos 1:9 RV09)

“Más él, estando lleno de Espíritu Santo, puestos los ojos en el cielo, vió la gloria de Dios, y á Jesús que estaba á la diestra de Dios,” (Hechos 7:55 RV09)

“Porque hay un Dios, asimismo un mediador entre Dios y los hombres, Jesucristo hombre;” (1 Timoteo 2:5 RV09)

“Por lo cual puede también salvar eternamente á los que por él se allegan á Dios, viviendo siempre para interceder por ellos.” (Hebreos 7:25 RV09)

“Porque no entró Cristo en el santuario hecho de mano, figura del verdadero, sino en el mismo cielo para presentarse ahora por nosotros en la presencia de Dios.” (Hebreos 9:24 RV09)

“Por el camino que él nos consagró nuevo y vivo, por el velo, esto es, por su carne;” (Hebreos 10:20 RV09)

“Mas ahora tanto mejor ministerio es el suyo, cuanto es mediador de un mejor pacto, el cual ha sido formado sobre mejores promesas.” (Hebreos 8:6 RV09)

“Y á Jesús el Mediador del nuevo testamento, y á la sangre del esparcimiento que habla mejor que la de Abel.” (Hebreos 12:24 RV09)

“Mas ahora Cristo ha resucitado de los muertos; primicias de los que durmieron es hecho.” (1 Corintios 15:20 RV09)

Jesús, el Mesías de la verdad que pagó el precio del rescate

El candidato al bautismo debe ser consciente de que sólo a través de Jesús el Mesías o Kristos, que se ofreció a sí mismo como precio de rescate a su Padre celestial, nos salvamos y podemos obtener la vida eterna.

“21  Y aconteció que, como todo el pueblo se bautizaba, también Jesús fué bautizado; y orando, el cielo se abrió, 22 Y descendió el Espíritu Santo sobre él en forma corporal, como paloma, y fué hecha una voz del cielo que decía: Tú eres mi Hijo amado, en ti me he complacido. 23 Y el mismo Jesús comenzaba á ser como de treinta años, hijo de José, como se creía; que fué hijo de Elí,” (Lucas 3:21-23 RV09)

“40 Era Andrés, hermano de Simón Pedro, uno de los dos que habían oído de Juan, y le habían seguido. 41 Este halló primero á su hermano Simón, y díjole: Hemos hallado al Mesías (que declarado es, el Cristo).” (Juan 1:40-41 RV09)

“25 Dícele la mujer: Sé que el Mesías ha de venir, el cual se dice el Cristo: cuando él viniere nos declarará todas las cosas. 26 Dícele Jesús: Yo soy, que hablo contigo.” (Juan 4:25-26 RV09)

“Díjole entonces Pilato: ¿Luego rey eres tu? Respondió Jesús: Tu dices que yo soy rey. Yo para esto he nacido, y para esto he venido al mundo, para dar testimonio á la verdad. Todo aquél que es de la verdad, oye mi voz.” (Juan 18:37 RV09)

“Cuanto á Jesús de Nazaret; cómo le ungió Dios de Espíritu Santo y de potencia; el cual anduvo haciendo bienes, y sanando á todos los oprimidos del diablo; porque Dios era con él.” (Hechos 10:38 RV09)

“Como el Hijo del hombre no vino para ser servido, sino para servir, y para dar su vida en rescate por muchos.” (Mateo 20:28 RV09)

“El cual se dió á sí mismo en precio del rescate por todos, para testimonio en sus tiempos:” (1 Timoteo 2:6 RV09)

“Al cual Dios ha propuesto en propiciación por la fe en su sangre, para manifestación de su justicia, atento á haber pasado por alto, en su paciencia, los pecados pasados,” (Romanos 3:25 RV09)

“Y él es la propiciación por nuestros pecados: y no solamente por los nuestros, sino también por los de todo el mundo.” (1 Juan 2:2 RV09)

“En esto consiste el amor: no que nosotros hayamos amado á Dios, sino que él nos amó á nosotros, y ha enviado á su Hijo en propiciación por nuestros pecados.” (1 Juan 4:10 RV09)



  1. A la espera de nuevos bautismos
  2. Conocimiento esencial para el candidato bautismal n.° 1 acerca de Dios


Ven a leer más

  1. A la espera de nuevos bautismos
  2. Sobre Jesús y nuestra posición


Filed under Asuntos espirituales y religiosos, Citas de la Biblia, Español, Religión y asuntos religiosos

Noodsaaklike Kennis vir die Doop Kandidaat #2 Oor Jesus en ons posisie

Photo by Andres Pu00e9rez Manjarres on Pexels.com

Wag op die komende doopfasiliteit

Sommige nuwe lede sal binne ‘n paar weke in ons ecclesia in Anderlecht gedoop word. Voordat hulle gedoop word, sal eers bepaal word of hulle met die Bybelse of noodsaaklike oortuigings saamstem. Daar is baie denominasies wat nie eintlik daardie Bybelse gedagtes volg nie en daarom is dit belangrik om te verseker dat hulle dieselfde glo as die eerste Christene en as die Broers in Christus, wat Jesus Christus navolg.

Vir diegene wat by die Christadelphians of Broeders in Christus wil aansluit, is dit belangrik dat hulle die leringe van die Bybel nakom wat duidelik beskryf wat ons moet glo en hoe ons ons geloof moet vervul.

‘n Doop in ‘n kerkgemeenskap is ‘n baie spesiale ding waarna ons met groot afwagting met alle lede van die ecclesia uitsien.

Ons reken op diegene wat by ons wil aansluit om duidelik te besef wie God is en wat die Heilige Gees is en hoe Jesus Christus en ons in die hele prentjie inpas.

Heilige Skrif of Bybel, geïnspireerde Woord van God

“Aan almal in Kolosse wat aan God behoort, getroue broers in Christus. Genade en vrede vir julle van God ons Vader!” (Kolossense 1:2 AF83)

“16 Die hele Skrif is deur God geïnspireer en het groot waarde om in die waarheid te onderrig, dwaling te bestry, verkeerdhede reg te stel en ‘n regte lewenswyse te kweek, 17 sodat die man wat in diens van God staan, volkome voorberei en toegerus sal wees vir elke goeie werk.” (2 Timotheüs 3:16-17 AF83)

“20 Dít veral moet julle weet: geen profesie in die Skrif kan op grond van eie insig reg uitgelê word nie, 21 want geen profesie is ooit deur die wil van ‘n mens voortgebring nie. Nee, deur die Heilige Gees meegevoer, het mense die woord wat van God kom, verkondig.” (2 Petrus 1:20-21 AF83)

Sonde van die mens en die gestuurde seun van God

In daardie geïnspireerde boek kan ons die geskiedenis van God se Volk en van Sy gestuurde seun vind, wat homself hul foute vir die hele mensdom gegee het, sodat hulle gered kan word en hulself weer kan aanbied om God se Koninkryk of die aardse Paradys binne te gaan, al is ons almal sondaars van nature.

“21 Van binne af, uit die hart van die mens, kom die slegte gedagtes: onkuisheid, diefstal, moord, 22 owerspel, hebsug, kwaadwilligheid, bedrog, losbandigheid, afguns, kwaadpratery, hoogmoed, ligsinnigheid. 23 Al hierdie slegte dinge kom van binne af en dit maak ‘n mens onrein.”” (Markus 7:21-23 AF83)

“13 ¶ Iemand wat in versoeking kom, moet nooit sê: “Ek word deur God versoek” nie; want God kan nie verlei word nie, en self verlei Hy niemand nie. 14 Maar ‘n mens word verlei deur sy eie begeertes wat hom aanlok en saamsleep. 15 Daarna, as die begeertes bevrug geraak het, bring dit die sonde voort; en as die sonde ryp geword het, loop dit uit op die dood.” (Jakobus 1:13-15 AF83)


Al is ons almal sondige persone, is daar een persoon wat geen sondes gepleeg het nie. Hy het nooit toegegee aan die teëstander van God nie (watter simboliese figuur Satan ook al noem).

“Hy het ‘n entjie verder gegaan en daar gekniel met die gesig teen die grond en gebid: “My Vader, as dit moontlik is, laat hierdie lydensbeker by My verbygaan. Moet nogtans nie doen soos Ek wil nie, maar soos U wil.”” (Mattheüs 26:39 AF83)

“Aangesien hierdie kinders mense van vlees en bloed is, het Hy ook net soos hulle mens geword. Dit het Hy gedoen om deur sy dood dié een wat mag het oor die dood, dit is die duiwel, te vernietig” (Hebreers 2:14 AF83)

“Die Hoëpriester wat ons het, is nie Een wat geen medelye met ons swakhede kan hê nie; Hy was immers in elke opsig net soos ons aan versoeking onderwerp, maar Hy het nie gesondig nie.” (Hebreers 4:15 AF83)

“Maar God het Hom van die smarte van die dood verlos en Hom uit die dood laat opstaan. Dit was immers vir die dood onmoontlik om Hom gevange te hou.” (Handelinge 2:24 AF83)

“Maar nou, Christus is opgewek uit die dood, as eersteling uit dié wat gesterf het.” (1 Korinthiërs 15:20 AF83)

Die geliefde seun wat die dood hanteer het

Terwyl sonde en dood in die wêreld gekom het deur een man, gebore uit ‘n vrou, is sonde ontbloot en die straf van die dood is nietig verklaar deur sy wil om God se Wil te doen heeltemal tersyde te stel. Omdat Jesus volkome mens was, weet hy ook hoe ons voel en optree en kan hy ons nou die beste verdedig voor sy en ons Hemelse Vader, Jehovah, die Enigste Ware God, wat hom as Sy geliefde seun herken en na hom geluister het.

“21 ¶ Toe al die mense hulle laat doop het, is Jesus ook gedoop, en terwyl Hy staan en bid, het die hemel oopgegaan 22 en het die Heilige Gees in sigbare gestalte soos ‘n duif op Hom neergedaal. Daar was ook ‘n stem uit die hemel: “Jy is my geliefde Seun. Oor Jou verheug Ek My.” 23 Toe Jesus met sy werk begin het, was Hy omtrent dertig jaar oud. Hy was, soos hulle gemeen het, die seun van Josef. Josef was die seun van Eli,” (Lukas 3:21-23 AF83)

“16 Jesus is toe gedoop en het dadelik daarna uit die water gekom. Meteens het die hemel bokant Hom oopgegaan, en Hy het die Gees van God soos ‘n duif sien neerdaal en op Hom kom. 17 Daar was ook ‘n stem uit die hemel wat gesê het: “Dit is my geliefde Seun. Oor Hom verheug Ek My.”” (Mattheüs 3:16-17 AF83)

“Hy het van God die Vader eer en heerlikheid ontvang toe die Allerhoogste Majesteit gesê het: “Dit is my geliefde Seun oor wie Ek My verheug.”” (2 Petrus 1:17 AF83)

“Verder nog dít: Deur een mens het die sonde in die wêreld gekom en deur die sonde die dood, en so het die dood tot al die mense deurgedring, omdat almal gesondig het.” (Romeine 5:12 AF83)

“Hy het ‘n entjie verder gegaan en daar gekniel met die gesig teen die grond en gebid: “My Vader, as dit moontlik is, laat hierdie lydensbeker by My verbygaan. Moet nogtans nie doen soos Ek wil nie, maar soos U wil.”” (Mattheüs 26:39 AF83)

“Aangesien hierdie kinders mense van vlees en bloed is, het Hy ook net soos hulle mens geword. Dit het Hy gedoen om deur sy dood dié een wat mag het oor die dood, dit is die duiwel, te vernietig” (Hebreers 2:14 AF83)

“Die Hoëpriester wat ons het, is nie Een wat geen medelye met ons swakhede kan hê nie; Hy was immers in elke opsig net soos ons aan versoeking onderwerp, maar Hy het nie gesondig nie.” (Hebreers 4:15 AF83)

Seun van die mens Jesus minder as God

Daar word van die doopkandidaat verwag om te glo dat die seun van die mens Jesus, wat minder as God is, werklik gesterf het, uit die graf opgestaan het deur die krag van Jehovah en later in die hemel ontvang is om aan die regterhand van God as bemiddelaar te sit. vir ons.

“Julle het gehoor dat Ek vir julle gesê het: Ek gaan weg, maar Ek kom weer na julle toe. As julle My liefgehad het, sou julle bly gewees het dat Ek na die Vader toe gaan, omdat die Vader groter as Ek is.” (Johannes 14:28 AF83)

“5 Dieselfde gesindheid moet in julle wees wat daar ook in Christus Jesus was: 6 Hy wat in die gestalte van God was, het sy bestaan op Godgelyke wyse nie beskou as iets waaraan Hy Hom moes vasklem nie, 7 maar Hy het Homself verneder deur die gestalte van ‘n slaaf aan te neem en aan mense gelyk te word. En toe Hy as mens verskyn het, 8 het Hy Homself verder verneder. Hy was gehoorsaam tot in die dood, ja, die dood aan die kruis.” (Filippense 2:5-8 AF83)

“Toe het Hy Hom verweer en vir hulle gesê: “Dít verseker Ek julle: Die Seun kan niks uit sy eie doen nie. Hy doen maar net wat Hy die Vader sien doen; wat die Vader ook al doen, doen die Seun ook net so.” (Johannes 5:19 AF83)

“Maar Jesus sê vir hulle: “As God julle Vader was, sou julle My liefhê, want Ek het van God af gekom, en hier is Ek nou. Ek het immers ook nie uit my eie gekom nie, maar Hy het My gestuur.” (Johannes 8:42 AF83)

“Maar God het Hom van die smarte van die dood verlos en Hom uit die dood laat opstaan. Dit was immers vir die dood onmoontlik om Hom gevange te hou.” (Handelinge 2:24 AF83)

“Nadat Hy dit gesê het, is Hy opgeneem terwyl hulle dit sien, en ‘n wolk het Hom weggeneem, sodat hulle Hom nie langer kon sien nie.” (Handelinge 1:9 AF83)

“Maar Stefanus, vol van die Heilige Gees, het opgekyk na die hemel en die heerlikheid van God gesien en Jesus wat aan die regterhand van God staan.” (Handelinge 7:55 AF83)

“Daar is immers net een God, en daar is net een Middelaar tussen God en die mense, die mens Christus Jesus” (1 Timotheüs 2:5 AF83)

“Daarom kan Hy ook dié wat deur Hom na God gaan, eens en vir altyd verlos: Hy lewe vir altyd om vir hulle by God in te tree.” (Hebreers 7:25 AF83)

“Christus het nie ingegaan in ‘n heiligdom wat deur mense gemaak is en net ‘n namaaksel van die ware is nie. Nee, Hy het in die hemel self ingegaan om nou ter wille van ons voor God te verskyn.” (Hebreers 9:24 AF83)

“en dit op ‘n weg wat nuut is en na die lewe lei. Hierdie weg het Hy vir ons gebaan deur die voorhangsel heen, dit is deur sy liggaam.” (Hebreers 10:20 AF83)

“Maar nou het Jesus ‘n voortrefliker priesterdiens gekry deurdat Hy Middelaar is van ‘n beter verbond wat op uitnemender beloftes gegrond is.” (Hebreers 8:6 AF83)

“by Jesus, die Middelaar van die nuwe verbond, en by die besprinkelingsbloed wat van iets beters getuig as die bloed van Abel.” (Hebreers 12:24 AF83)

“Maar nou, Christus is opgewek uit die dood, as eersteling uit dié wat gesterf het.” (1 Korinthiërs 15:20 AF83)

Jesus die waarheid-draende Messias wat die losprys betaal het

Die doopkandidaat moet bewus wees dat dit slegs deur Jesus die Messias of Kristos, wat homself as losprys aan sy hemelse Vader aangebied het, is dat ons gered word en eindelose lewe kan verkry.

“21  Toe al die mense hulle laat doop het, is Jesus ook gedoop, en terwyl Hy staan en bid, het die hemel oopgegaan 22 en het die Heilige Gees in sigbare gestalte soos ‘n duif op Hom neergedaal. Daar was ook ‘n stem uit die hemel: “Jy is my geliefde Seun. Oor Jou verheug Ek My.” 23 Toe Jesus met sy werk begin het, was Hy omtrent dertig jaar oud. Hy was, soos hulle gemeen het, die seun van Josef. Josef was die seun van Eli,” (Lukas 3:21-23 AF83)

“40 Andreas, die broer van Simon Petrus, was een van die twee wat dit van Johannes gehoor en Jesus gevolg het. 41 Daarna het hy eers sy broer Simon gaan soek en vir hom gesê: “Ons het die Messias gekry!” Messias beteken Christus.” (Johannes 1:40-41 AF83)

“25 Die vrou het vir Hom gesê: “Ek weet dat die Messias kom, Hy wat ook die Christus genoem word. Wanneer Hy kom, sal Hy alles aan ons bekend maak.” 26 Toe sê Jesus vir haar: “Dit is Ek, Ek wat met jou praat.”” (Johannes 4:25-26 AF83)

“”Dan is jy tog wel ‘n koning?” vra Pilatus. “Dit is soos u sê: Ek is ‘n koning,” antwoord Jesus. “Ek moet oor die waarheid getuienis aflê. Hiervoor is Ek gebore, en hiervoor het Ek na die wêreld toe gekom. Elkeen wat aan die waarheid behoort, luister na wat Ek sê.”” (Johannes 18:37 AF83)

“Julle weet van Jesus van Nasaret, dat God Hom met die Heilige Gees gesalf en met krag toegerus het. Hy het rondgegaan, oral goeie werke gedoen en almal gesond gemaak wat in die mag van die duiwel was, want God was by Hom.” (Handelinge 10:38 AF83)

“So is dit ook met die Seun van die mens: Hy het nie gekom om gedien te word nie maar om te dien en sy lewe te gee as losprys vir baie mense.”” (Mattheüs 20:28 AF83)

“wat Homself as ‘n losprys vir almal gegee het. Dit was op die bestemde tyd die bewys van die bedoeling van God.” (1 Timotheüs 2:6 AF83)

“(3:25-3:26) Hom het God gegee as offer wat deur sy bloed versoening bewerk het vir dié wat glo. Hierdeur het God getoon wat sy vryspraak behels: Hy het die sondes wat Hy voorheen in sy verdraagsaamheid tydelik ongestraf laat bly het, vergewe. Maar Hy het ook getoon wat sy vryspraak in die teenswoordige tyd behels: Hy oordeel regverdig deurdat Hy elkeen vryspreek wat in Jesus glo.” (Romeine 3:25 AF83)

“Hy is die versoening vir ons sondes; en nie net vir óns sondes nie, maar ook vir dié van die hele wêreld.” (1 Johannes 2:2 AF83)

“Werklike liefde is dít: nie die liefde wat ons vir God het nie, maar die liefde wat Hy aan ons bewys het deur sy Seun te stuur as versoening vir ons sondes.” (1 Johannes 4:10 AF83)


Noodsaaklike Kennis vir die Doop Kandidaat #1 Oor God


Filed under Aanhalingen uit Heilige Geschriften, Afrikaanse tekste, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Zitate aus der Heiligen Schrift

Religion and the essence of devotion

Necessary parts in the daily walk with God

A proud Christ-follower who believes that we are all on a journey in life writes:

Religion is the essence of devotion. Our religious activities are to be an outpouring our our absolute devotion to God. Religion and relationship are necessary parts in the daily walk with God. And in speaking of religion in this way we can get a better glimpse at Christianity in a global sense. There are many traditions throughout Christendom that seem quite strikingly different than what any one of us may be used to, but they are simply unique ways to express the relational devotion we have to God. {The R&R of Christianity}

In the previous two writings, we talked about people who have a very restricted view of what a Christian would or should be. Lots of Christians are convinced that people who do not believe the human doctrine of the Trinity may not or can not call themselves Christian. They forget that the word Christian is made up of “Christ” and the suffix” ian”, denoting a follower of Christ. Then they should come to see and know who Christ is. For non-Trinitarians Christ is the Nazarene Jewish master teacher (or rebbe) Jeshua ben Yosef, Jesus the son of Mary (Miriam) and Joseph, born in Bethlehem. The word Christian gives an indication that it is about a follower of Christ or Kristos, the anointed Messiah. Naturally, it depends on what or whom, one wants to accept as a “follower”.

Christians, Lutherans, Wesleyans, and other followers

Normally a follower is considered to be someone who believes in a particular system of ideas, or who supports a leader who teaches these ideas. In the case of Christians it are people who follow the opinions or teachings of Christ Jesus, in particular, those teachings notated in the Messianic Scriptures (or New Testament: the four gospels and writings of the apostles and the revelation of St. John).

As the world accepts a Lutheran is a follower of Luther or a ‘belonger’ or accessory and supporter of the Lutheran community or Lutheranism, around that what was started by the German theologian and religious reformer who was the catalyst of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther. When we speak about a Lutheran we think of a person of or relating to the religious doctrines of Martin Luther, or relating to the Protestant denomination adhering to these doctrines. especially the doctrine of Sola fide or justification by faith alone.

According to similar usage, a Christian is a follower or someone who has a strong interest or pays close attention to Jesus Christ and is willing to follow his guidance, command, or leadership. For that guidance of Christ the person must Not follow the rules of other human beings, but can follow the trusted Word like it is notated in the Holy Scriptures.

A Lutheran should follow the writings of Luther, but when we look at the Lutheran Church we can see there are a lot of changes in that church which would not be liked by Luther (take for example the role of the women in that church today.) With Christians we see a similar gross deviation from the teachings of the teacher Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus leading his followers out of a system of oppression

It should not be forgotten that Jesus came along to lead his followers out of the ungodly Roman system. He also wanted to show to Jews and non-Jews how important it is to come back to the Divine Creator and to worship only One True God instead of the many gods of that time. Jesus was a very devout Jew, who did not worship himself (as several name Christians want us to believe). Jesus remained faithful all his life to the God of Israel, Who is a Singular Eternal Omniscient Supreme Spirit Being. No man can see God, but Jesus wanted everybody to figuratively come to see God and to accept Him as their heavenly Father.

There was not only the Roman oppressor; there were also the priests, Pharisees and Sadducees, who wanted to have power over the people. Like many theologians today, they too wanted to make Scriptures more complicated than they really are. Jesus explained the scrolls and showed how people have to live more to the spirit of the letter, than to the interpretation of those temple workers. Jesus also preached an alternative form of government, speaking of a jurisdiction outside the Roman state, based on the perfect law of freedom, outside the tyranny of men who would rule over their brothers and neighbours. He first chose Jewish people who believed in One Singular God, (the God of the Jews), the God of Abraham, Who is One and not two or three. A real Jew never would agree with the Trinity. At first, the people who joined the Jewish sect (or group) the Way, were all Jehudiem or Jews who did not betray their Jewish faith. It was only later when goyim or people from other nations, cultures and other faiths started joining the group of followers of Christ, problems raised under the Jewish community, of which many did not want non-Jews in their ranks and in their synagogues or prayer houses.

First-century Christians

The Way to God

Jesus always said people had not to thank him but God. He always said he was less than God, but that he was the way for people to come to God and the way to life, and that people should believe in him and be in union with him, like he is in union with God.

“I am the door; by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” (Joh 10:9 KJ21)

“But if I do, though ye believe not Me, believe the works, that ye may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.”” (Joh 10:38 KJ21)

“Jesus said unto him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” (Joh 14:6 KJ21)

“9 Jesus said unto him, “Have I been so long a time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself; but the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me; or else believe Me for the very works’ sake.”

“12  Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth in Me, the works that I do he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto My Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

“15  “If ye love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever” 17 even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him. But ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

“18  “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while and the world seeth Me no more, but ye see Me. Because I live, ye shall live also. 20 At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 21 He that hath My commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me; and he that loveth Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will manifest Myself to him.”” (Joh 14:9-21 KJ21)

“that they all may be one, as Thou, Father, art in Me and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me.” (Joh 17:21 KJ21)

“by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” (Ro 5:2 KJ21)

“for through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” (Eph 2:18 KJ21)

“by a new and living Way, which He hath consecrated for us through the veil (that is to say, His flesh),” (Heb 10:20 KJ21)

Following teachings based on Jesus his teachings

In the first century of this common era, more and more people came to follow the apostles their teachings, which were based on those of their master teacher Jeshua (Jesus Christ). They all agreed with the teachings of Jesus and became unified, forming the early Christian church with a system of charity, hope and respect for the rights of each other, requiring that each person would love their neighbour as themselves in a system of mutual, not governmental support.
Those joining the movement of The Way did agree to those Jewish teachings of Jesus and his apostles. For them, it was also clear that Jesus was showing a way to untangle people from the captivity of the social contracts they had made with the state of Rome and Judea, and the tribute and obligations they had become snared by. He proclaimed to call no man “Father”, as they called their Roman benefactors, but stated that the One Who made them alive is their Father Who is in heaven. The perfect law of freedom indicated that man’s unalienable rights stemmed from God and nature, and not governments of men. This was a system of anarchy, by strict definition, without the complex system of tribute that led to the decadence and decline of society, and the corruptible force of the state to back it up.

Not believing in a different God than the Jews

The early Christian church was not persecuted for their belief in a different God or a Kingdom in Heaven, but for their opting out of the mutual taxation system and seeking to live apart from the kings and overlords, the gods many, who demanded their tribute.

Path to walk

For those early followers of Christ it was important to give worship to the same God Jesus worshipped and to leave all those other gods at the side, non touched and not glorified. For them, it was clear that all glory belonged to God. They knew they had not to bow down in front of graven images, and always had to keep their soul diligently, all the time loving Jehovah as their God of gods, and not somebody else. It was also clear they, like God’s People (the Jews), had to walk in God His ways and not following human traditions which were not according to God’s Will,  for they had to keep Jehovah God His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances. Their devotion should fully be for Jehovah God and not for any other god, be it the Caesar, Baal, Apollo, Zeus or any other.  Those who were drawn away, and came to worship other gods, and came to serve them, were turning aside from the way which Jesus and his God have commanded mankind. Though God warned already in the past that the world would turn away from God and shall have false worship. He warned that evil will befall mankind in the latter days; because they will do that which is evil in the sight of Jehovah, to provoke Him to anger through the work of their hands.

“”Only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life; but teach them to thy sons and thy sons’ sons,” (De 4:9 KJ21)

“16 in that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply; and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. 17 But if thine heart turn away so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away and worship other gods and serve them,” (De 30:16-17 KJ21)

“For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you. And evil will befall you in the latter days, because ye will do evil in the sight of the LORD to provoke Him to anger through the work of your hands.”” (De 31:29 KJ21)

“For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.” (Ps 96:5 KJ21)

“He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul, but he that despiseth His ways shall die.” (Pr 19:16 KJ21)

“Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God.” (1Co 7:19 KJ21)

A God demanding exclusive devotion

Today we see how lots of people have made or taken themselves other gods than the Only One True God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah. Even from those who call themselves “Christian” there are many who bow down in front to graven images or kisses books and pictures as a sign of their devotion. They should know that Jehovah God requires exclusive devotion.

“But I had pity for Mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen whither they went.” (Eze 36:21 KJ21)

“”Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Now will I bring back the captives of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for My holy name” (Eze 39:25 KJ21)

“God is jealous, and the LORD avengeth; the LORD avengeth and is furious. The LORD will take vengeance on His adversaries, and He reserveth wrath for His enemies.” (Na 1:2 KJ21)

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I, the LORD thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me,” (Ex 20:5 KJ21)

“For thou shalt worship no other god; for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God,” (Ex 34:14 KJ21)

“For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.” (De 4:24 KJ21)

“And Joshua said unto the people, “Ye cannot serve the LORD, for He is a holy God; He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins:” (Jos 24:19 KJ21)

“And further, my son, by these words be admonished: of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness to the flesh.” (Ec 12:12 KJ21)

“For as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription: ‘To the Unknown God’. Whom therefore ye worship in ignorance, Him I declare unto you.” (Ac 17:23 KJ21)

The God greater than Jesus

Jesus not able to do anything without God

Jesus, his talmidim and the apostle Paul declared The God Who is greater than Jesus and without Him Jesus could not do anything.

“Then answered Jesus and said unto them, “Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do; for what things soever He doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” (Joh 5:19 KJ21)

“Ye have heard how I said unto you, ‘I go away and come again unto you.’ If ye loved Me, ye would rejoice because I said, ‘I go unto the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I.” (Joh 14:28 KJ21)

Jesus submissive to his God

Jesus his disciples also knew and wanted others to know that even their master was submissive to God and also submitted to Him whom he beheld as the only True God.

“5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in the fashion of a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death—even the death of the cross.” (Php 2:5-8 KJ21)

“But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.” (1Co 11:3 KJ21)

“And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son Himself also be subject unto Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.” (1Co 15:28 KJ21)

The churches and gods of man

But today many have several gods, like “material possession” (Mammon) or find themselves under slothful tribute to an emperor and a system that is not for their benefit. For many, their eye and worship is on material goods or on people who can gloriously show off their acquired wealth. Many covet their neighbour’s goods in a vain pursuit of “free” health care, education, welfare, unemployment benefits, social security and government protection. They have traded their inalienable God-given rights through social contracts both implied and explicit. Their churches are not ordained by God, but are corporations granted status by the state. Many want even bigger churches and want to spread hate for those churches which do not want to align with them. In many of those main churches they denounce the followers of whom they consider an anarchist, because for them Jesus is God and all who contradict that are not just contradictors but objectionable individuals. Those Trinitarians do not want to see that real followers of Christ have to be like Christ, united with Jesus and be one with him the same way as Jesus is one with God.

God in Christians

For real followers of Christ, there is the belief that God is in all of them, and that they have to attract others to come also under Christ, to become children of God.

“3 Know ye not that as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, so we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6 knowing this: that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. 7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.” (Ro 6:3-7 KJ21)

“And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” (1Co 15:49 KJ21)

“But because of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who from God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption,” (1Co 1:30 KJ21)

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2Co 5:17 KJ21)

“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” (Ga 6:15 KJ21)

United in Christ serving the God of Christ

Those in Christ should be united and serve the same God Jesus served. They should fully be devoted to Jehovah God, having no other gods than Him. Real Christians are those willing to have only One God and to study His Word, His ordinances so that they too can do God’s Will, like Jesus did not his own will but did the Will of his heavenly Father and asked his followers also to do the Will of his heavenly Father, Jehovah God. In case Jesus is God he naturally would always have done his own will and then he was all the time misleading people and praying to himself.

Jesus not knowing many who call themself Christian

Several people, calling themselves Christian forget that at the end times, when they would be coming in front of Christ, there could be a possibility that Jesus shall say not to know them, because they did not do the Will of his Father. To call oneself Christian or to become part of the Body of Christ one has to do the Will of God and be as a brother or sister of Christ Jesus and those following him.

“But the field, when it goeth out in the jubilee, shall be holy unto the LORD, as a field devoted; the possession thereof shall be the priest’s.” (Le 27:21 KJ21)

“And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven. This sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.” (Ec 1:13 KJ21)

“”Not every one that saith unto Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father who is in Heaven.” (Mt 7:21 KJ21)

“For whosoever shall do the will of My Father who is in Heaven, the same is My brother, and sister, and mother.”” (Mt 12:50 KJ21)

“And He went a little farther, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.”” (Mt 26:39 KJ21)

“He went away again the second time and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if this cup may not pass away from Me, unless I drink it, Thy will be done.”” (Mt 26:42 KJ21)

“For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is My brother, and My sister, and mother.”” (Mr 3:35 KJ21)

“And He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto Thee. Take away this cup from Me; nevertheless not what I will, but what Thou wilt.”” (Mr 14:36 KJ21)

“And that servant, who knew his lord’s will and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.” (Lu 12:47 KJ21)

“saying, “Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Thine be done.”” (Lu 22:42 KJ21)

“Jesus said unto them, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work.” (Joh 4:34 KJ21)

“38 For I came down from Heaven, not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me. 39 And this is the Father’s will who hath sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the Last Day. 40 And this is the will of Him that sent Me: that every one who seeth the Son and believeth in Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the Last Day.”” (Joh 6:38-40 KJ21)

“but bade them farewell, saying, “I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem, but I will return again unto you, if God wills.” And he sailed from Ephesus.” (Ac 18:21 KJ21)

“Take them and purify thyself with them, and bear their charges with them, that they may shave their heads; and all may know that those things of which they have been informed concerning thee are nothing, but that thou thyself also walkest orderly and keepest the law.” (Ac 21:24 KJ21)

Picking and choosing like a kid

Lots of people who call themselves “Christian” not at all follow the teachings of Jesus and pick and choose texts from Sriptures how it soots them best.

But you don’t pay attention to that do you my little lambs? No, you pick and choose like a kid going through a candy store deciding what to spend his quarters on. You choose what fits your sick sense of morality, and then toss the rest like it never existed. The fact that you become utter hypocrites apparently doesn’t bother you. Neither does the fact that it doesn’t fit my morality. But you care just as much about my definition of morality as I do yours. The only difference between us, is I’m not forcing you to try to live by my morality. {Of Christianity and Modern Morality}

rightly remarks someone who calls himself The Bastards 2013 (Where The Bastards come to share the word!) He, like lots of atheists saw how a bunch of Evangelical pastors were laying hands on Donald Trump in the White House and how one prominent evangelical leader immediately tweeted out the image with the caption:

“President Trump is bringing God back to America.” {In God We Obfuscate}

This “Bastards 2013” also wrote:

You talk about love and tolerance and yet your actions speak of hate and seclusion. You talk about America needing to find it’s moral center and returning to respecting one another and finding joys in the diversity of America. Then you back a man who is none of those. Donald Trump is your reflecting God. He is the face of your fake bullshit religion and from this day forth you will be forever known as the frauds and charlatans you are. Your speeches about god and love will be laughed at and ignored. Your attempts to say that this is Christianity will be endlessly mocked by those of us who know better. More importantly, when your god falls, and his presidency is nothing but a pile of ashes, you will have nowhere to run. Your sins will be laid bare and the scarlet letter of hypocrisy will be forever tattoed onto your forehead. While you preach the word of a megalomaniac, he is busy mocking Puerto Ricans as they struggle to survive after back to back hurricanes. As you attempt to speak about love and kindness (which you know nothing about) your god calls black men who are peacefully protesting inequality “Sons of bitches” and “traitors.” Meanwhile he speaks in front of a group of neo nazis and homophobes and says “It’s so nice to be around friends. So many friends.” You are the lowest form of human. ISIS is evil and should be eradicated, but at least they own who they are. They make no false speeches about love and acceptance when they don’t believe in it. They don’t shake the hands of the people while silently prepping to stab them in the back. You are nothing but low level talentless snake oil salesmen. You prey upon those who have been stricken desperate by your shitty unethical policies. You sell them a cure and make them believe that you and only you can help them. Then you sit back in your six homes, watching the peasants stumble around trying to find some sort of relief. {The Reflecting God}

Traditions of man

Throughout the ages, mankind had several gods and had celebrations for them. The Roman Catholic Church willing to capture as many heathen as they could, integrated many heathen festivals in their system. Christmas and Easter are the two most important ones still celebrated by the majority of Christians.

Lots of human traditions entered the life of those who call themselves Christian, though not many of them seem to wonder if they would be all right in the Eyes of God. That way Christendom became totally different from first-century Christianity.

A Religion of a relationship

Bringing a “Thought from a Pilgrim of Truth”, , a father, husband, and a pastor writes

There is another thing that tends to happen when someone views Christianity as a relationship rather than a religion. The terms of the relationship begin to get a bit blurry. God and King, Master and Lord, get discarded for the much easier to handle Friend. When God becomes solely our friend, we lose the fear of the LORD, and our relationship with Him becomes unbiblical. Again, this is where religious devotion comes in. We are His servants, His children even. We must remember that God has been and will always be great, higher and holier than we are. {The R&R of Christianity}

Christianity should be a religion of a relationship with Jesus Christ and with Christ his God, Jehovah the God above all kings and gods, but also about the relationship with others and other things (human beings, nature – plants and animals).

Fear God

Many who have made Jesus as their god have lost the fear of God or fear for God. Our religion should be an expression of that fear for God. In the end it will be Him that preserves the faithful, and plentifully shall reward him that deals proudly with the Truth, having the courage to speak out and show the world That Only One True God, the God of the kings David, Solomon and Christ. Strangely enough Trinitarians are giving the word Christian an othe meaning than then “ian” to the “Christ” would suggest. They do not see the fundamentals connected to being a Christian, nor the need to know about the God of Christ, Who is the God of the Bible. Those Trinitarians minimalise the act of Christ and do not value Jesus his act of submission to God and his complete sacrifice for humanity. Strangely enough many who call themselves Christian but worship a three-headed god dare to say, like the pharmacy student Teni:

God wanted His people to stand out from the people around them.

The bible makes us understand that God Almighty the creator of the whole universe is the One and Only true God. That means, every other god, is actually non-existent and made up by people’s imagination and craftiness. {4 Mmisconceptions that need to be cleared about being a christian}

though they do not believe in that Only One True God.

Bringing honour to the Only Right God

Bringing honour to such false gods is at the same time dishonouring God and misusing God’s Name and God’s Title. those who call themselves Christian should witness to the goodness of God in a world that has ceased to acknowledge His existence, let alone His sovereignty over the Cosmos. It was God’s son, Jesus who gave his followers an assignment to tell those around them about the Divine Creator and His promises, the good news of the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God.

Those calling themselves Christian, should as followers of Jesus Christ, not only keep to his teachings, but follow the example of Christ, being servants of God, Jesus and others, and this even to their own peril. We should have a friendship realtionship with Christ as our brotherbut we are not to consider ourselves as equals with God, in the same way Jesus never considered himself equal with God. We owe only Jesus his God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, all of our devotion and allegiance.




Not About The Name Of The Godhead Of Jesus

Rhetoric and Biblical Truth

Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups

Religions and Mainliners


Additional reading

  1. People are turning their back on Christianity
  2. Blindness in the Christian world
  3. Not liking your Christians
  4. Not all christians are followers of a Greco-Roman culture
  5. Christian in Christendom or in Christianity
  6. Christianity is a love affair
  7. To be chained by love for another one
  8. Many forgot how Christ should be our anchor and our focus
  9. Jesus and God
  10. Only one God
  11. A Father Who begat a son
  12. Jahushua, Joshua, Jeshua or Jesus an Immanuel or God with us an incarnated God or a human being?
  13. The sent one from God
  14. Knowing Jesus Rabboni
  15. Jesus son of God or God the son
  16. Jesus son of God
  17. Jesus Christ the Messiah
  18. Seeing Jesus
  19. Reasons that Jesus is Not God
  20. God son king and his subjects
  21. Not saying Jeshua is God
  22. Sayings of Jesus, what to believe and being or not of the devil
  23. Jesus begotten Son of God #19 Compromising fact
  24. On the Nature of Christ
  25. The Son can do nothing of his own accord
  26. The son of man given authority by God
  27. The Nazarene master teacher learning people how they should behave
  28. Doctrine of Christ
  29. One Mediator
  30. Commandements of Christ
  31. Statutes given unto us
  32. Relationship with God, Jesus and each other
  33. Memorizing wonderfully – Additional verses: Psalm 34 Tasting and blessing Jehovah God
  34. Extra verses to remember by the reading of Psalm 45 A Great name to Praise God
  35. Not words of any organisation should bind you, but the Word of God
  36. A learning process for each of us
  37. Paul’s warning about false stories and his call to quit touching the unclean thing
  38. Matthew 15 Calvin’s view
  39. Matthew 20 It is never too late
  40. Matthew 20 Are you willing to work for Jesus?
  41. Matthew 25 Jesus ministry drawing to its dramatic conclusion and warning to be ready
  42. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  43. As brothers and sisters showing that you are followers of the real Jesus or being a Jeshuaist sharing responsibilities
  44. Demanding signs or denying yourself
  45. Attitude of a Christian
  46. As Christ’s slaves doing the Will of God in gratitude
  47. A heart full of love is a fundamental requirement
  48. Christianity without the Trinity
  49. Doubting and going astray
  50. Main churches losing population share
  51. How do trinitarians equate divine nature
  52. Europe and much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism becoming No God Zones
  53. Thought for today November the 6th: Indifference
  54. Is it a Jewish or a Christian faith
  55. Religious imagery used by pop artists
  56. Avoiding friction and distraction in the body of Christ
  57. Today’s thought “Fools despise wisdom” (March 23)
  58. False opposite true worship which exalts the God of Israel
  59. How should we worship God? #14 True worship
  60. In a time when we must remain in our place
  61. Memorizing wonderfully 18 Proverbs – Fear of God, Wisdom and instruction
  62. Symptom of tzara’at a white spot on the flesh
  63. Today’s thought “Folly and Wickedness of Men” (January 06)
  64. Today’s thought “Sound an alarm for the day of Jehovah that comes” (November 19)



Further related

  1. Pouring Into Others (comeawake.org)
  2. Being Christian
  3. Being Christian Takes Practice
  4. Being Christian On Day One
  5. What Does It Mean to be a True Christian?
  6. Being A Cultural Christian Is Not Enough
  7. The Quiet in the Land
  8. Martin Luther’s Seal
  9. ROFLMAO — what would Luther’s 95 Theses sound like in an corporate office email memo to all staff?
  10. Swedish Lutherans: Synodical and congregational minutes on baptism and membership in the 1850s
  11. A Bonhoeffer moment and a barstool conversation between Luther, Bonhoeffer and a Finnish theologian — links and quotes for future reference
  12. Lutheran Women and Their Impact on History
  13. Luther an’ Me
  14. Dear Church’: A tapestry of discipleship and a call for white folks to ‘do good white folk work’ to help dismantle racism
  15. Progressive Christianity
  16. Check Yourself, Christian
  17. Unchurched
  18. Come To Me To Have Life
  19. Sheep and Goats, Faith and Mercy
  20. Reformation 2020. The Righteousness of God at the Present Time
  21. It Matters
  22. Commitment to Christ Means Commitment to His Church (Blogs Revisited)
  23. What the Coronavirus Reveals about Protestant Piety
  24. Lutherans vs. Coronavirus
  25. Attitude is Everything
  26. Is the Trinity scriptural – or is it pagan nonsense
  27. Fully God and Fully Man
  28. December 11,2020: Finding the “O’s” in God’s message
    Satan’s Lie: You Can Become God
  29. Is Jesus God? – Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green
  30. Proof that the disciples did not preach the trinity!
  31. How the Trinity Debate has Influenced Our Reading
  32. A Trinitarian Christian claims he can explain the trinity…guess what happens next?
  33. Mohammed Hijab vs David Wood, Tawheed vs Trinity
  34. Is Jesus God? Debate between Pastor Stanley Sjoberg and Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
  35. Trinity vs Tawheed, Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green (Part 1)
  36. Trinity vs Tawheed – Adnan Rashid vs Samuel Green (Part 2)
  37. Of Christianity and Modern Morality
  38. 4 Mmisconceptions that need to be cleared about being a christian
  39. Matthew 20:26
  40. Heaven, work, and duty
  41. The Church – Body of Christ
  42. Funhouse God
  43. Our Heavenly Home 
  44. Listening While White: Respecting the Image of God in People of Color
  45. Deepening our Faith: 2nd Sunday of Advent 2020
  46. He is Faithful
  47. Catholicism – a False religion based on idolatry man made doctrines pagan traditions
  48. Completing the great commission
  49. Where is wisdom found?
  50. the high cost of not trusting God
  51. Above the voice of men
  52. Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
  53. Fear of God – Temor de Dios
  54. The Fear of God
  55. Fear Brings Contentment
  56. Pleasing and Not Pleasing People for the Glory of God
  57. You´ve overcome


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, World affairs