Tag Archives: Problems

God never promised that we will not have any problems

God has never promised that we will not have any problems,
but he has promised that if we humbly bring problems to Him,
He will surely help us to solve incurable cases.

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy, and find grace
that helps us in time of need. (Hebrews 4v16)

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Filed under Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Welfare matters

Redeeming Our World

Man, created in the image of God, received the world to use it for the best and not the worst. The man had to take care of it, but has proven to make a mess of it.

All problems that come over man are created by man himself, him polluting his own living quarters and not respecting that what he has received in loan from His Creator, the God of heaven and earth.

Mother Earth cries for distress and signals that it is high time to do something to get better. Each individual has to take his or her own responsibility.

Let us not wait but take this pandemic to make a turnover and start to find a more respectful way of living for each living being.

Wouldn’t it be great if, along with learning from this world crisis how to take better care of ourselves, we also learned how to take better care of our world? {Earth Day Lockdown}

Mitch Teemley

“Then the LORD God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and watch over it.” ~Genesis 2:15

Reeem the Garden

As we return, post-lockdown, to the world around us, so does the pollution we create. If it is true, as some have said, that we ourselves are the disease (and there is truth in that), it’s also true that we hold the cure. But it seems those who focus habitually on what’s wrong with the world take little action to make things right with it, whether the world without or the world within, our souls. Yes, by all means, let us remove the toxins from the garden. But then let us go on to re-plant the garden.

“Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.” ~Henry David…

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Ecological affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

a Path to explore more

When I started with this website, I wanted to share common thoughts or give similar minds an extra open door to reach others, as well as to present a selection of websites, blogs and writings I thought (and think) worthwhile reading or looking at.

For years on all my websites I also presented a “Related” articles list, to give my readers other opportunities to find more writings on the subject. After the many complaints having linked to their article, and having to search for placed links I was asked to remove, from this year onward, I stop to invest time looking for related articles, investing time to read them for after approval, placing links after the posted articles. Now much more time shall come available to publish more articles which are in unison with my thoughts and not bringing readers away from my own sites. (From the statistics more readers from this site went looking at the mentioned site, than receiving readers from the linked site.) At the same time on my websites I shall not any more bringing people to websites which are against me or my beliefs.

After giving all my energy to the world of dance my body could not fit any more the physical world of exuberance and graceful unlimited mobility. Having reached a certain age where they consider a human being not able enough to give enough to the world, I was made redundant, considered to be part of the ‘third age’ group.
First having been very disappointed by the way I was treated, the first two years I did not want to do much with ballet or theatrical dance. Not having to work full time for our living, receiving retirement fund, I could spend more time to my church work. My religious activities started even taking so much time I had less time to write at my own personal blog. (Because pensions not enough to survive I still have a few days a month I work for my living.)

I feel blessed that I am allowed to work at three Bible translations, even when it might consume also a lot of time and lots of thinking-work, being it a seriously very faithful responsibility, not to add or change anything in the saying or purpose of the original words supplied by God. Therefore, those translations in Judaic Dutch (Yiddish Dutch or Flemish), with the eye of two (or three) different groups (namely a Jeshuaist, a Jewish and an Orthodox Jewish public) is and shall be a time-consuming job with lots of thought and consideration).

This does not take away that I would have lost my interest in humanity and how man treats other people, animals and plants. I even became more active, spending also time in meetings concerning our way of life, necessary political actions a.o..
I must admit at meetings and conferences I seem to belong to a minority who strive to get unity in Europe, with some liveable world for everyone. Convinced we have to do something against this capitalist greedy world which does not show respect to the gross of people, animals and plants, I keep going strong and letting my voice being heard.

From  the moment I got retired I did not stop to seek a connection of like minds, to share common positive beliefs, and to be able to learn from each other about how to live life to the fullest.

Jonathan Hilton seems also on such a track. He writes:

Even when things don’t go as we plan, we all know no matter how hard we plan, life will throw us curve balls designed to engender growth. Our lives are defined by the lessons we learn at this moment and the way we handle ourselves. {Mind Connections}

Raising his level of consciousness has become Jonathan Hilton’s passion in life.

and understanding that when I follow and focus on certain core principles in my life and live in alignment with them, things go well. {Mind Connections}

He writes on the opening of his blog Mind Connections, admitting:

When I fall off, and my focus isn’t so sharp, then things are not so pleasant. Conscious thought about where my attention goes allows all of my energies to flow in that direction. {Mind Connections}

With the knowledge that each viewpoint may bring a different set of emotions, a different thought process, and a different reality to the perceiver it only can be enriching to share thoughts and to get to know more people from all over the world and getting to know how they manage to make the best of their life.

We have little control over the perceptions of others, but we may not forget that when we utter our ideas, share our thoughts, we might bring others to other ideas too.

How often do we not wonder if what we are doing is or would be right? How often do we not wonder if we should openly write what we think or if we should write in ways and words others would love to hear? I always have been a bad one at that. By creating my ballets I did not mind criticising the way our society was moving. I never tried to be popular by my creative works. [Choreographing fashion shows was a totally different matter, there I tried to bring the customers to find a connection in a future world to form. (We always had to be seasons ahead, manipulating the fashion trends – and yes, there stimulating human desires of consumption.) There it was also part the business to know beforehand what others would love to wear and see. ] In such way I also kept busy to try to find out what others would like to see and read.

On the surface, it is a simple choice, but in reality, it is a constant battle, {Life is a Mirror}

Hilton notes.
According to him

story-of-your-lifeThere is only a short time allotted to each of us to write the story of your life and with that time, we are tasked with a lot of things to accomplish. You have really only one life to get things right and sing the song that you want to sing. {The Story of Your Life}

We can try to make our dreams so compelling, that we will that we can’t wait to work on them, because waiting to experience them, in reality, is too painful. Often it is that enthusiasm which gets us to be restless and gets us up in the middle of the night to scribble something down or even to write certain texts.

A difficulty might be to:

Tune your enthusiasm to the size of your goals and attack it like your story depends on it because it does. That is how you write the story of your life. {The Story of Your Life}

At this blog I want to give, as many people as possible, the opportunity to share their thoughts which they and I find interesting enough to think about. I keep chasing my dreams that we can find enough people all over the world willing to bring others to see how we have to be careful which way of life we want to choose. As a Christian I also would love to see more people sharing the faith in One God and in His Gift and Good News of the coming Kingdom.

Once more, I dare to invite people to join us to share positive thoughts, but also to bring warnings how to tackle ecological and other problems.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, for becoming a part of joining hands across this globe.


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Being and Feeling, Cultural affairs, Ecological affairs, Educational affairs, Fashion - Trends, Health affairs, Introduction, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Positive thoughts, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Our God is not a Laissez-faire Ruler

Too many people have forgotten what went wrong in the early days of our universe, how the first man rebelled against God and how God gave them the right to take care of the things themselves.

Now the same people often blame God for the difficult times they get, not seeing that they themselves are at the cause of most of the problems in this world.

Coming closer to the times of the Greater Agony, we should make sure that more people come to recognise how Jesus is the way to God and to salvation, him having it made possible to enter the small gate, to a better world where there shall be no hate or war, but only place for peace and happiness.


To remember

Habakkuk 1:3 Why make me look at injustice? Why tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction &  violence strife, & conflict

  • Who isn’t totally frustrated & deeply concerned by what we see & read in the news every single day?
  • How often do we begin to lose hope when we do not see immediate relief from our circumstances?
  • God commanding us to look around us to see where He is working.
  • God  controlling all things for the ultimate perfect good of His children.

Through Jesus' Love

Habakkuk 1:3
Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds.

In this passage, Habakkuk is crying out to God in frustration because of the things he is seeing in the society of his day. Doesn’t this passage sound as if it could have been written today? Who isn’t totally frustrated and deeply concerned by what we see and read in the news every single day?

Perhaps this frustration is carrying over into our own personal lives. Who among us hasn’t cried out to God for relief from the struggles of work, relationships, addictions, afflictions or even sin itself? How often do we begin to lose hope when we do not see immediate relief from our circumstances?

God has a response for us just as he had for Habakkuk when He said, “Look among…

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Trouble in my brain

Who does not want to be loved? Who is not longing for attention, recognition, acknowledgement and for being recognised as a human being, to be seen and heard and why not for receiving a hug?

E.T.'s blog

I’m so confused.
There’s a big mess in my head.
I don’t know where to start and where to end.
There’s no problem in my life.
The only problems are made by me.
I’ve got no big threats against my life.
Then why is my brain fried?
Problems are problems, if you give them the space to be problems.
Because the only one recognizing those problems, is you.
It’s your brain telling you there’s a problem, but when is it really one?
My brain is fried with problems.
Or aren’t they such things?
Are they just thoughts, which pass my mind too many at the same time, so that I can’t see which one is which anymore?
I can’t differentiate between them.
I want things but do I have the right to?
I’m aware of my past and my failures.
I try to stop myself from doing weird things.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Welfare matters

Solve the Right Problem

To remember

  • Define problem right = you’re halfway to a solution.
  • Define problem wrong = you’ll probably never solve it => You’ll waste all your time looking for a solution that doesn’t exist.
  • Flip side of defining the problem wrong = what computer programmers call GIGO: “Garbage in, garbage out.” >>> If assumptions are wrong = if your logic is flawless =your conclusions will be wrong.
  • social problems < base assumptions on optimism rather than realism => go straight from errors in their premises to errors in their conclusions.
  • When you start with incorrect information but make mistakes in thinking, then you might get the correct answer just by blind luck. (it does happen)
  • Why are the great monotheistic faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – chronically unable to fulfill their own self-professed goal of creating individuals infused with moral sensitivity and societies governed by the highest ethical standards? = seems to define problem incorrectly, based on an incorrect assumption about what religion can accomplish.
  • Judaism taught world about universal moral law under God, improving societies and people from ancient times to the present day.
  • Christianity added emphasis on individual conscience + individual rights, helping to develop Western ideals of freedom and personal dignity.
  • Islam = great improvement on earlier practices in the region where it developed, giving at least some rights to women + , in the medieval era, fostering a high civilization to which Jews contributed.
  • << cannot do = make all individuals + societies ethical all the time, + can’t do it because it’s impossible.
  • => limitation imposed by human nature, + fact people are not all alike
  • problem > message must be simple, clear, consistent, + realistic + achievable + allow occasional failures, providing a way to recover from them and get back on the right track.
  • solution = to talk to majority in the middle

The Thousand-Year View

Steve-JobsMy latest blog post for The Jewish Journal:

Define the problem right, and you’re halfway to a solution.

Define the problem wrong, and you’ll probably never solve it. You’ll waste all your time looking for a solution that doesn’t exist. That applies in every area of life, such as religion, relationships, science, and social problems. The best movie mystery of 2008 turned on mis-identifying the problem to be solved.

The flip side of defining the problem wrong is what computer programmers call GIGO: “Garbage in, garbage out.” If your assumptions are wrong, then even if your logic is flawless, your conclusions will be wrong. Garbage in, garbage out.

Ironically, it’s the best and brightest people who are most susceptible to GIGO errors when they think about social problems.

Their kind hearts make them want to believe the most optimistic things, so they often base their assumptions on optimism rather…

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Words of Jesus preached with authority and conviction and fishes to fry

In the 1970ies our Baptist church went with a motor-coach to a huge stadium to hear the American preacher Billy Graham. It was incredible how he could move the auditory. The audience was incredibly enthusiastic and weeks after we were still talking about what we got to hear and how that man could burn fire in the hearts of the listeners.

The ALS-patient of the blog “Unshakable Hope”, also has the picture in his mind of thousands of people at a Billy Graham crusade walking down to the front after hearing the words of Jesus preached with authority and conviction. Bill Sweeney writes

Even two thousand years after Peter and Andrew dropped their fishing nets to follow Christ, His words still have the power to change the hearts and minds of millions of people. {I’ve Got Bigger Fish To Fry}

At the beginning of our contemporary era, it must have been very special around Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and Palestine. That young man who could speak so well and who did such miraculous things, that many wondered how he could do that. Though he never claimed honour for himself. He knew very well that he could not do such things without his heavenly Father Who is much greater than him. He was happy that he received the power from God and that way could help people so that they too might come to know the Most High God.

“17  And it came to pass on one of those days, that he was teaching; and there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, who were come out of every village of Galilee and Judaea and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was with him {1 } to heal. {1) Gr that he should heal; Many ancient authorities read that he should heal them }18 And behold, men bring on a bed a man that was palsied: and they sought to bring him in, and to lay him before him. 19 And not finding by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went up to the housetop, and let him down through the tiles with his couch into the midst before Jesus. 20 And seeing their faith, he said, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. 21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this that speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone? 22 But Jesus perceiving their {1 } reasonings, answered and said unto them, {2 } Why reason ye in your hearts? {1) Or questionings 2) Or What }23 Which is easier, to say, Thy sins are forgiven thee; or to say, Arise and walk? 24 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath authority on earth to forgive sins (he said unto him that was palsied), I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go unto thy house. 25 And immediately he rose up before them, and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to his house, glorifying God.” (Lu 5:17-25 ASV)

“ Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father doing: for what things soever he doeth, these the Son also doeth in like manner.” (Joh 5:19 ASV)

“ Ye heard how I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you. If ye loved me, ye would have rejoiced, because I go unto the Father: for the Father is greater than I.” (Joh 14:28 ASV)

Though Jesus came to bring the Truth, lots of people did not want to know it. Also today lots of people refuse to accept the biblical truth and do not see that Jesus is the way to God. Lots of people have made Jesus into their god instead of accepting him as the mediator between them and the Only One True God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah.

“5 For there is one God, one mediator also between God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself a ransom for all; the testimony to be borne in its own times;” (1Ti 2:5-6 ASV)

Living on this globe with all its difficulties and our daily pains and problems we can see the light in the darkness by the hope that man has offered the world. With the knowledge that no single man can do what Jesus did, none bringing salvation to us, we can share that hope with those around us, showing that all other sent ones from God, the prophets, witnessed about him who is the Lamb of God and as such suffered also a lot and even gave his life as a ransom for many (including us).

“ To him bear all the prophets witness, that through his name every one that believeth on him shall receive remission of sins.” (Ac 10:43 ASV)

“ And in none other is there salvation: for neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, wherein we must be saved.” (Ac 4:12 ASV)

“ On the morrow he seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold, the Lamb of God, that {1 } taketh away the sin of the world! {1) Or beareth the sin } (Joh 1:29 ASV)

Bill Sweeney writes

Maybe we’re at our best, our most compassionate, our most empathetic and our kindest when we’re in the midst of these difficult times. Maybe this is when we are most like Christ. Yes, I am convinced that this is when we’re most like Christ.

Instead of trying to avoid thinking about these difficult times, I think we should purposely reflect on them and remember all of the things that seemed so trivial. Those things are still trivial in the good times. And, the things that still mattered to us in the hard times, are, I’m convinced, the very things that Christ wants us to build our lives around; these are the bigger fish.

Can you have joy and happiness building your life around these bigger fish?


Through all of my really difficult times, especially battling ALS for the last 21+ years, I’ve discovered that building my life around these things that matter, these “bigger fish,” is the secret to true and lasting joy.

But, I still leave room for sports, mindless movies and other little fish.

{I’ve Got Bigger Fish To Fry}



Filed under Being and Feeling, Positive thoughts, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Welfare matters

Xenophobia, sexism, and violence mixed together to distract people from the real problems

Throughout history xenophobia, sexism, and violence are mixed together to distract people from the real problems facing their lives. The more things change the more they stay the same. These forces of division are just out of sync.
–  Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow
Purim Today: Xenophobia, Sexism, and Violence

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Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Quotations or Citations

Not pushed by problems, but guided by dreams

Make sure you are not pushed by problems,
but you are guided by your dreams.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Niet geduwd door problemen maar geleid door dromen

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Welfare matters

Beautiful feet of those who announce the good news

Rom 10:13-15 MKJV  For everyone, “whoever shall call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  (14)  How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without preaching?  (15)  And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!”

For they who do not believe should come to hear and should receive an opportunity to get to know the grace given to all people. People can only call on the Name of God when they do believe. Only then when we call onto God’s Name, Jehovah, shall we be saved. This is a condition to become saved which too many do forget. Also they who do not believe the Gospel as the record which God has given of his Son are missing a lot, and those who do believe are responsible for that, when they do not make the effort of preaching. But those who go out into the world to tell the Good News are recognised as people doing beautiful work, because how can others hear without preaching? Naturally there can only be preached rightly by those who believe and by those who are sent, showing others their faith and gladly willing to share the Good News they themselves heard and got convinced of.

The apostle turns from the responsibility of the seeker after salvation to emphasize the role that believers are intended to have in God’s plan for preaching the gospel. Calling on the Lord is meaningless apart from some assurance that He is worthy of confidence and trust, that He has something to offer that guilty sinners need. Calling on Him and trust in Him are two sides of the same coin. The verse suggests that calling on the Lord continues to be a mark of the believer, not simply the first step in the direction of establishing relationship to him.

1Co 1:2 MKJV  to the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called out with all those in every place who call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.

One must hear the gospel before a person can be expected either to receive it or reject it. Without people preaching there can be no hearing. Without witnessing there can be no thought or consideration about what could be true or not, or people would not get to know. Certain King James Versions have “without a preacher” – which may be misleading, in that it implies (or it may be inferred there-from) that there is a special office of preacher. This is of course not the case at all: all God’s children are (or should be) preachers!

People do need to hear about Jesus, the son of God. They should come to know what that Nazarene man has done and who his heavenly Father is and for what that eternal Spirit is so important for mankind. Those who do believe should know the importance of their knowledge and out of love for the others they should want others to know that truth as well. When a person believes unto righteousness with the heart he shall be glad to be able to confess with with the mouth unto salvation not being put to shame knowing that when he calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Saint Peter preaching the Gospel in the Catacombs

Saint Peter preaching the Gospel in the Catacombs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The apostle Paul rightly observes that it all goes back to the preaching of the gospel, and preachers, those who profess the Word of God, must be sent – both by God and the Christian community at large. It does not have to be special university people, but men and women willing to share the Gospel in Jesus’ name. God’s “normal” way of bringing people to Jesus Christ is through the preaching of the gospel, which has to happen through faithful people who follow the example of Christ Jesus and do what he had demanded his disciples.

God’s cursing or blessing is upon us, also according to our faithfulness in preaching the Word. God has committed unto us, in our ministry, the word of His reconciliation.

2Co 5:17-21 KJV  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  (18)  And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;  (19)  To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.  (20)  Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.  (21)  For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

When we choose to become baptised in the name of Jesus we wanted to become in Messiah reborn, becoming a new creation. From then onwards our shyness in the world should be gone having the old things having passed away. Shyness refers to passivity, emotional arousal, and excessive self-focus in the presence of other people ( Jones, Cheek, and Briggs 1986). It also frequently involves negative self-evaluations, social avoidance, and withdrawal. (International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family, 2003). Being reborn we have received a new soul (being) not focusing as such on the self, but on the totality of union in Christ. Arousal and heightened self-consciousness in response to social threat can be put aside when one is confirmed about the truth and its value. The experiences of shyness are often sufficiently unpleasant to lead to withdrawal from or avoidance of many social situations, but they also compound the distress of shyness by distracting from skilled and self-confident social interactions. When a person his faith sits deep in him it will give him enough assurance to conquer that shyness to witness for Christ Jesus and for his heavenly Father, the only One God.

Facing all those new things which are from God we want to share with others that in Jesus Christ the Messiah Jehovah God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them; and He has entrusted the message of reconciliation to us.  We are by the baptism in spirit taken away from the doubt and fear from man and therefore should want to be ambassadors for Messiah, as though God were making His appeal through us.

The apostles and members of the first communities begged the community members on behalf of Messiah, to be reconciled to God and to share the Good News with others.  Though it was not easy, because many had seen what had happened to Christ Jesus, and knew that there were fierce opponents of the teachings of this master teacher. It was the Most High Almighty Elohim Who made the Sent One who knew no sin to become a sin offering on our behalf, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. By his offering we are bought and are now facing freedom, if we want. It is not by deeds of righteousness which we had done ourselves, but because of God His mercy. It is by the blessing of Jesus his offering that we can become saved through the mikveh of rebirth and renewing of the Ruach ha-Kodesh,  whom Jehovah abundantly poured out on us through Messiah Jeshua our Saviour, so that being set right by his grace, we might become heirs with the confident hope of eternal life!

Tit 3:5-7 MKJV  not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,  (6)  whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior,  (7)  that being justified by His grace, we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

The Messiah or Christ was a man who did not want to do his own will but preferred to do only the will of his heavenly Father. He love God’s ecclesia and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. (Ephesians 5:25-26). Like Jesus took care that the dirt of the earth was washed away by the Word of God we also should where we come try to wash away the dirt of this contemporary world.

At baptism the believer becomes a part of Christ’s new “creation” (Ephesians 2:10;  4:23-24; Collosians 3:10). That new creation is so incredible and presents such a magic future we do not want to keep it for ourselves alone. Real believers in Christ do want to become like Christ sharers of the Good News. Being washed… sanctified, we are prepared to do the work for God. It is the will to get to know the Word of God better which should bring us to read it more and to share it with others. It is not be going to a special college reading lots of human writings and philosophies that we shall get more knowledge to bring people to God. God has given everything we need in His Word. All is there in that Book of books, the Bible, God His infallible Word which says all.

Without the faith in Jesus we shall not be able to succeed. We need to have faith in Jesus so that we can call on Jesus. And we need to call on Jesus because calling on Jesus, searching for Jesus, crying out for Jesus is what brings us salvation. Through calling on Jesus, we are saved.
So why do we preach?
So that we may be saved.

We need to be saved from our own captivity. We all need to be set free from something that may keep us away from our loving heavenly Father, the Divine Creator.

The world has to know what God provided. they should come to know that there is a possibility of real peace. But they also should get to know that it will be God Who rules.

Isa 52:7-10 MKJV  How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, making peace heard; who brings good news, making salvation heard; who says to Zion, Your God reigns!  (8)  The voice of Your watchmen shall lift up! They lift up the voice together; they sing aloud. For they shall see eye to eye, when Jehovah shall bring again Zion.  (9)  Break out, sing together, waste places of Jerusalem; for Jehovah has comforted His people; He has redeemed Jerusalem.  (10)  Jehovah has bared His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

As in the time before Christ Jesus it was nice to see the messengers of God bringing good tidings. Now it is our time to bring such good tidings. We have hear them and we should be convinced of the importance of them.

English: 4 days of Evangelism Training in Sout...

4 days of Evangelism Training in Southern California provided by LivingWaters Ministry. Obeying the great commission of Jesus Christ. “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone” Mark 16:15 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Good Tidings publishes peace and brings confirmation about the sent one from God, who is the Messiah and fulfilled his duties here on earth. God reigns and has given Jeshua the authority to prepare His Kingdom and to reign on earth. We are looking for that Kingdom of God and belief that it is a reality which can be there for much more people than it is at the moment. Therefore we should be willing to show the way to Jerusalem, the physical but even more the spiritual Jerusalem. More and more we can see how the Plan of God gets shape and how we come closer to the execution of that Plan.

The freedom that awaits us has to be spoken off. But first we need to liberate us from our own weaknesses, bad things we are burdened with. We must see that we can make ourselves free from the bad things of this world first. There  may be things which are holding us captive. There  may be many things holding onto us.

Andy Burns, who believes the goal of life is to get so close to that light that we are breathing in the light and exhaling it out into the world, writes:

Maybe you’re dealing with a very real kind of captivity like addiction. Maybe you have an addiction to a physical substance-alcohol, drugs, those kinds of things-or maybe you’re addicted to something more abstract-your work, money, maybe you’re addicted to other people’s approval of you. And this addiction controls when you wake up, when you go to sleep, when you eat, where you work, where you go after work, how hard you work. You’re not free.

Or maybe you deal with an intensely personal problem like low self-esteem or self-doubt or depression. And maybe this controls you in ways that surprise you-you want a certain job but you don’t believe you can do it. You want to speak up but you don’t believe in yourself in enough to find the words. You want to get to know someone, but you don’t believe they could ever like you. You’re not free.

Or maybe you deal with some pain in your past. Maybe you’ve been seriously hurt-either physically or emotionally by their words or both. Maybe it was a parent, a friend, a spouse, a child. And maybe this old would is holding you captive, keeping you from enjoying life, making you avoid certain situations and people. You’re not free.

See, I think all need to be freed from something. We all need freedom and transformation in our lives. And according to Paul in our passage, this is the message that preachers are entrusted with. This is the reason we preach here. Preachers preach so that people can hear about Jesus. People need to hear about Jesus so that we may have faith in Jesus. People need to have faith in Jesus so that they can call on Jesus. And people need to call on Jesus so that we may be set free by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the message that we proclaim every week. This is what we all need to hear and what we all need to be reminded of, week in and week out. You can be free in Jesus Christ. {Stuff My Church Does I: Preaching}

People do have to hear about Jesus and each believer in Christ should take care of that. We do have to go out into the world and tell about the marvellous gift we received. We do have to invite others to share with us the grace which has been given to us.

What would it look like if we invited others here to hear the freedom of God proclaimed in the Word of God? What would it look like if we all brought this Word out into our community and saw it as our job to proclaim this freedom that everyone needs to those around us? Just think of the transformation that would happen. I think it would look pretty amazing. {Stuff My Church Does I: Preaching}

Let us all joining and be workers for the Lord, going into all the world and preaching the Gospel to everyone. (Mark 16:15 )


Preceding articles:

A Christian has to have eyes and ears and a tongue to use in good ways

Your position about materialistic desires having conquered the world

Looking for a shepherd for the sheep and goats

When believing in God’s existence and His son, possessing a divine legislation

Not making yourselves abominable

Where are the female writers

Perishable non theologians daring to go out to preach

Daring to speak in multicultural environment

Preaching by example

What Should I Preach ?


Additional reading:

  1. Where is the edge
  2. Remember the day
  3. Gospel = Good tidings, good news, a good message
  4. Counterfeit Gospels
  5. Seeing or not seeing and willingness to find God
  6. Not bounded by labels but liberated in Christ
  7. How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice
  8. Jehovah steep rock and fortress, source of insight
  9. Hearing words to accept
  10. Atonement And Fellowship 2/8
  11. Missional hermeneutics 4/5
  12. Missional hermeneutics 5/5
  13. The Right One to follow and to worship
  14. Many forgot how Christ should be our anchor and our focus
  15. Hope by faith and free gift
  16. Showing by the scriptures that …
  17. Salvation, trust and action in Jesus #3 as a Christian
  18. Proclaiming shalom, bringing good news of good things, announcing salvation
  19. Establish your hearts blameless in holiness
  20. Looking for True Spirituality 7 Preaching of the Good News
  21. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  22. Breathing to teach
  23. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritually
  24. Belgian Christadelphians 2013 & 2014 in review
  25. Stepping Toes 2014 in review
  26. Looking on what is going on and not being of it
  27. A prophet to restore
  28. Imitate prophets and Paul
  29. Oratory Style
  30. Counting sands and stars
  31. Which Christians Actually Evangelize
  32. Learn how to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News of the coming Kingdom
  33. Bringing Good News into the world
  34. Intentions of an Ecclesia
  35. Holland Week of billing
  36. Faith and trial
  37. Faith a commitment to the promises of Christ and to to the demands of Christ
  38. How should we preach?
  39. The Rapture Wars
  40. Not many coming out with their community name
  41. Writers needed to preach to non-believers
  42. Jehovah can make him stand
  43. Our openness to being approachable
  44. Different approach in organisation of services #3
  45. Glory of God appearing in our character
  46. A Society pleading poverty
  47. Good or bad preacher
  48. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #9 Prayer #7 Reason to pray
  49. How is it that Christ pleased God so perfectly?
  50. Rebirth and belonging to a church
  51. Of the many books Only the Bible can transform
  52. Character transformed by the influence of our fellowships


Also of interest


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs

How to Find the Meaning of Life and Reach a State of Peace

Lots of people wonder why they live and have to struggle so much. More people do think they can enrich their life with several gadgets and do think when they live without caring about the rest they may enjoy it most.

The materialistic mind shall not find peace and a state of peace is far away from those who only think about themselves.

We should not go to try to find meaning behind every bit and piece of the day. We should be aware that we do live in a time system which shall always be imperfect. No government shall be sufficient to bring everything all right for every body. Only the governing system that shall come after World War III or Armageddon shall bring relief. though we do not know when that final point of the world-system would come, at the time that the master rabbi Jeshua (Jesus Christ) will return, we can already work on a better system to take into account every creature and to give it the full respect it deserves.

The world is created out of chaos and the void but got turned over by mankind and filled with a lot of rubbish, trash defiling nature. In case we work at it to get again some order we also will find a better way of living.

Peace is in every bodies hand. It is there to make easily when the person wants to put aside his own individual egoism. when we let go of all the bothering things, the struggles we have in us and we do encounter each day, than we shall find ‘soulavement’ mitigation of all inner and outer pains, alleviation of ‘ourselves’.

It was material desire and greed which brought sin in the world. This materialism has grown unto unseen proportion; But this also means we are coming closer to the end times and to the point that some may think there is reached the point of no return, but at the other hand where is reached the point that more people their eyes shall be opened and who will find the way to a better life, making the relation of the in God’s image created human being back into a good relation with the rest of the creation.


Preceding articles:

Less… is still enough

Less for more


Additional reading:

  1. Fear, struggles, sadness, bad feelings and depression
  2. Finding Beauty Amongst the Trash
  3. Watch out
  4. What Are You Seeking?
  5. A bird’s eye and reflecting from within
  6. Walking in the Light of Life
  7. True happiness, love and perfection
  8. Getting fate in your change to positiveness
  9. Lose a little inner peace
  10. Not holding back and getting out of darkness
  11. We all have to have dreams
  12. Walking in the Light of Life
  13. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness
  14. Peace Takes You
  15. Humbleness
  16. Being Religious and Spiritual 4 Philosophical, religious and spiritual people
  17. Looking for True Spirituality 1 Intro
  18. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  19. Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  20. Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.
  21. The World framed by the Word of God
  22. Scripture about Creation and Creator Deity
  23. Coming to the creation of human beings in the image of God
  24. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 2
  25. God’s wisdom for the believer brings peace
  26. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #16 Benefits of praying
  27. Cry out to Yahweh
  28. Give your tears to God
  29. Looking forward to the return of Jesus
  30. Israel, Fitting the Plan when people allow it


  • A New Life (birdchirp.wordpress.com)
    The putting on the new man is the counterpart of the putting off the old man, and what that is Paul explains when he says, ‘that ye put off concerning the former conversation–that is, concerning your former way of life–the old man, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind’ (Eph. 3:22, 23). Our old ways and character are to be laid aside, and therefore to put on the new man is to assume a new character and new ways. To put on the Lord Jesus Christ is to make our own His character.” – Marcus Dods, D.D.

Let's Reach Success

I’ve heard many answers to the existential question about the meaning of life.

And as with everything else, each individual has his own view according to his beliefs and experience, things he wants and is going through right now.

But there is one problem – he puts meaning in every little detail of his average day and sometimes that affects his version of his mission in life, and eventually his actions.

Life is about more than the daily worries, fears, people that come and go, and things we pay too much attention to.

And in this – finding meaning in life – we’re all equal, because the goal is one.

Peace of mind.

Life is about finding peace inthe chaos, silence in the noise, meaning in every event and wisdom in hardships and grief.

Because peace is the highest happiness.

It’s hard to find with all the distractions around…

View original post 575 more words


Filed under Ecological affairs, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

A last note concerning civil rights

Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Atheism in spe do not discriminate.

Human beings so much love the world to turn around themselves. The other human species which look different than them or act differently than them are often considered as a possible threat to their own individuality. They want to protect their own personality and consider another race as an infringement of their own being. All those who are not like the mainstream, showing other sexual feelings than the majority, are for lots of people elements which have to be avoided in their society.
They forget that all human beings are created in the image of God and that we should allow all creatures in existence to be here on earth because God allows them to be here.

Being different makes so many afraid. Not enough people are willing to know more, the why and how about certain matters, which makes that so many are excluded from our general society.

Much too often we hear that religion is the cause of the many problems and discrimination on this earth, but we should see that even when nobody would believe in a higher being, sexism, and all other forms of discrimination would still be social constructs born of fear and ignorance. Fundamental groups, when they would not be religious will still exist as has proven history where we can find enough examples of exclusions, torture and killing by others, not for religious but for political and for economical reason and most of all for getting the power, and that is it where it turns mostly around: Power.
It our those people who can reason who should be willing to use their brains and knowledge to open the eyes of others so that they would not in to the appeal of extremism.

Become a Peaceblogger Click on the picture to know more

Become a Peaceblogger – Click on the picture to know more 


Find also to read:

  1. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  2. Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism
  3. Gender connections
  4. Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ in Europe
  5. Full text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’
  6. Discrimination in Black Country
  7. Consequences of Breivik’s mass murder
  8. Idaho wedding chapel to either perform same-sex weddings or face jail time and up to $1,000 in fines
  9. Stand Up


  • Unbelief in an angry god (futurehistoryx.wordpress.com)
    Sin-consciousness is false consciousness. It is a world of illusion separated far from truth.
  • Here is the test (angryarab.blogspot.com)
    If Westerners insist on the right to mock Islam and its prophet, then they should tolerate Muslim mocking of Judaism and Christianity is they wish; similarly, if Muslims object to mocking of Islam and its prophet, they should then refrain from mocking Judaism and Jews–qua Jews.
  • Very often we can find articles like Religion: Not the cause of violence (meta.ath0.com) where they want to believe their readers that the Christian Bible is full of exhortations to stoning, burning, slavery and slaughter. They do not see the whole picture what is going over the whole Book of books and do not listen to the words given in those books about the law, which makes them to consider that “most people you know would qualify for the death penalty” and come to say “The same can be said of the Quran. The same can be said of the Torah. Believers who claim that Islam or Christianity or Judaism is a religion of peace are speaking a half truth—and a naive falsehood. »
  • Franklin Graham on the US: ‘Christians Are Being Pushed to the Back of the Room (gunnyg.wordpress.com)
    The Rev. Franklin Graham, head of Samaritan’s Purse and son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, feels that other religions are being brought to the forefront in the U.S. while Christianity is being pushed back. Graham appeared on WNCN News to discuss his recent comments on Duke University’s decision to end its policy on having an Islamic call to prayer at the campus’ Christian chapel.
  • In one sense, Islam is Judaism, minus the sense of humor. But Charlie Hebdo alone can’t help them….. (thecatholicthing.org)
    The Christian faith does not hold that in a perfect world we would all be monks or nuns – such that marriage, business, and politics are a sad compromise with sin. Many clergymen have taught that over the centuries – and have been rightly mocked by raucous laymen. Let’s give John Henry Newman credit for understanding this. When he was asked by Bishop Ullathorne whether the Church needed the laity, he quipped: “the Church should look foolish without them.”
  • Fundamentalism is Never Legitimate (bishopcraig.com)
    The recent terrorist attack in France adds yet another exclamation point to the truth that fundamentalism is never a legitimate expression of any of the great historic religious traditions. It is always a perversion of the original teachings, most often twisted in a desperate attempt to achieve some political end antithetical to the tradition itself.
  • The Importance of Blasphemy By Daniel Greenfield (ruthfullyyours.com)
    As a deeply religious person, I don’t like blasphemy. My religion and its holybooksare sacred to me. And I understand perfectly well why a Muslim would not care for a cartoon of a naked Mohammed.But the debates over freedom of speech andthe sensitivity of religious feelings also miss the point.For non-Muslims, the right to blasphemy is also the right to believe. While we may think of blasphemy in terms of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, each religion is also mutually blasphemous.
  • Isis releases about 250 Yazidis from captivity (kmov.com)
    Dozens of people who were being held captivebyIslamic militants in Iraq for months are now free.Officials in Iraq say Isis released about 250Yazidis without explanation.Many of them are children and elderly people.
  • Town Hall Discussion on Islam: Is There a ‘Moderate’ Branch of Islam? (ambrosekane.com)
    Muslim activist, Anjem Choudary, addresses the question of whether muslims can be ‘moderate’ when it comes to Islam. Credit goes to him for pointing out that muslims are either being faithful to the Quran or they’re not. There’s no middle ground, and he does a good job of shaming Daisy Khan, a ‘moderate’ muslim woman who absurdly declared that “Islam is a religion of pluralism.”


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs

Disscusion Questions

It would be nice if “Everyone has at least one person available always to hear their problems, troubles, mistakes, secrets and even opinions. ” but we are afraid we can find lots of people who are feeling lonely and who do not find somebody around them to whom they can tell the ‘closest’ things to. Even many people who have lots of Facebookfriends today can not feel happiness because they do not really feel they can have a very close connection with somebody else. At the time when social Media is such a hype and everybody seems to be constantly busy with updating their social status, we see that a lot of it is a flush of air.

Having all the magical tools which can spread photo’s in a few seconds make it even worse in this world, because many people have found a weapon in it to tease and even worse bully others with their messages and photo’s been placed on the internet.

All tat social media action makes that lots of people have lost their trust in certain people around them.

But each of us can make a difference. Even when liking to use Facebook and other social gadgets we should be conscious not to misuse the modern tools to gossip, but using it more to show our good will to help others and to be ready for them.
We should do proof to others that they can rely on us, because we are trustworthy and standing ready to be helpful for those in need. People are right to fear the ‘Gossiping‘ which has increased so much, and we should give a clear sign to others who try to do such a thing, that we are not served by that and that we do not want to hear.

When we do hear somebody judging somebody else we should give a clear signal that it is not up to man to judge the other, and that before something is insinuated the person has to be very sure that what he or she wants to tell is founded on truth and not on gossip.



Power and determination = most important qualities => make you a good leader

leaders need to be strong so that they can be obeyed and followed but they also need to be flexible and friendly with other people so that they can have good relations, can be trusted by the members led and finally can be loved and defended no matter what happens.

A good leader = determined + has power + is also weak + sympathetic

good lives are made so by discipline.

=> keep the laws + law makers


Find also to read:

  1. If there is bitterness in the heart
  2. Do not be so busy adding up your troubles
  3. A small trouble is like a pebble
  4. God is my refuge and my fortress in Him I will trust
  5. Do the appropriate for a friend
  6. She who sows thistles will reap prickles
  7. A Breath for tomorow
  8. Voice for the plebs
  9. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  10. To mean, to think, outing your opinion, conviction, belief – Menen, mening, overtuiging, opinie, geloof
  11. The business of this life
  12. Determine the drive
  13. What Jesus did: First things first



  • 4 Tips On Social Media Use (brosix.com)
    Social media today is just as inescapable as the television had become after the radio. Everyone everywhere has access to Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the social networks that the Internet can offer. While social media use has brought a whole lot of good, it can also bring negativity, when used wrongly.
    It’s nice to express our thoughts, or to have an opinion, especially in causes that you feel strongly about. However, if your opinions have a tendency to be controversial or unpopular, and you don’t want to attract haters, it’s really best to keep them to yourself.
    for those interactions that will only sap your energy, it’s best to just ignore things.
  • Mark Hurd, Oracle’s CEO, Can Change the Internet Forever: Here Is How (seo-theory.com)
    The Internet doesn’t yet run on Oracle but it could, and I am strongly tempted to suggest that maybe it should. Not because Oracle software is the best solution available but because Oracle is large enough to weather all sorts of economic storms. The worst possible thing that can happen to the Internet has happened many times already: people develop software that is widely distributed and then suddenly they vanish, or they move on, and everyone who adopted the freeware is left vulnerable and exposed to the inevitable exploits that come along. I remember when I switched to Qmail because it could not be exploited by email spammers.
  • What I learned from my friendships (fourfeetnine.com)
    I did love attention when I was younger, whether from girls or boys and I’d do funny or cute things or talk a lot or tell jokes to get it. Ironically, that craving faded the older I am.  Nobody likes being ignored but I’m content to be on the sidelines or not be in the middle telling jokes.

    But I still always remember what she said.  And to that extent I consciously remind myself not to be too self-absorbed when I talk to friends (because I can be exactly that) and tell myself don’t talk so much about myself WTF and listen to them more.

  • 15 Ways To Be Nice In Social Media Posts [Infographic] (blogs.sap.com)
    Nice social media posts engage and build your audience, while spammy posts make you look stupid, ignorant, or just plan lazy. Spammy posts might also get you banned from social networks.
    Social media is a community. If you want something from someone, it’s best to start by giving them something. So, when you Follow someone on Twitter, RTing one of their posts increases the chances they’ll follow you back. Mentioning (or linking to) the great content produced by others makes them more likely to share your content.
    15 Ways to Be Nice in Social Media Posts
  • Letters to the Editor, October 3, 2014 (scmp.com)
    What I observed at the protest and through social media is a social contagion where one person shouts, “I hate the cops!” and many others follow.

    If you disagree with your government, non-violent organised protests and simply not participating in the system you disagree with (such as not going to work or school) are possibly effective actions to take.

    But hurling insults at individual police officers for hours on end and demonising them through generalised propaganda in news and social media will not help your situation or Hong Kong as a whole.

Explore the World

How could someone chose the person he trusts?

People can’t be lonely in this life, they always need someone to listen to them, understand them and help them. For example, if you have a problem that is personal but you are struggling to solve it, you will need someone to help you because if you stay hiding that problem you are going to hate life and feel bad about yourself and other people around you. That is why we form trust. We trust people who have time to listen and care about us. Often these people are close to us like a family member, a close friend, a teacher, etc. Everyone has at least one person available always to hear their problems, troubles, mistakes, secrets and even opinions. How to choose the person you trust is very important. You cannot just start telling a stranger all your secrets and personal information because…

View original post 897 more words


Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

What moves mountains? Trust!

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry near Montreal, Canada (May 1942)

Antoine de Saint Exupéry was a passionate searcher. He was passionate about life, about spirituality, the depth of mystery. But, for a long time, for him too the skies remained silent. Notwithstanding all his sustained trials, his prayers were not heard. Until one day he discovered that the biggest mercy of prayer consists in – not being heard.
Prayer itself  is mercy.
Every human being  sooner or later is confronted with sorrow, suffering, saying goodbye, and come across questions that are not answered or are confronted with problems that cannot be solved. We try everything, but nothing succeeds, nothing works, nothing moves – not through willpower, not through sustained prayer. Sooner or later we ask ourselves: why?

We want an answer.

Español: Interior del Museo Antoine de Saint-E...

Interior Museum of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in Tarfaya (Morocco) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A sign. In this way in spite of ourselves, we imagine what is good for us. We create an image  that we need to be helped and how and when this should happen. It is exactly at this point that de Saint Exupéry discovered that the answer to his prayer did not coincide with the images he had in mind. He realised that the answer to his prayer exceeds the image created by us. It does not allow to be steered, or the use of words and is only  to be understood by the heart. From a heart that exists through… trust.

Only belief that trusts completely can accept the holy ground of ‘not understanding’.
When we touch the bottom of  intense doubt with our problems – and yet trust – true belief surges. Something becomes visible and tangible which we would otherwise never see, feel or experience.

Then we may discover with surprise, with an inner certitude that does not need a rational explanation, that -in essence- we are inspired.

And stronger : right through the agony of doubt, paradoxally enough, we find inner peace.

BZN Movement Without a Name Proverb of the month


Additional reading:

  1. A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow
  2. Rejoice even though bound to grieve
  3. The soul has no rainbow if the eyes have no tears
  4. Trouble is coming
  5. Do not be so busy adding up your troubles
  6. Life’s challenges may not paralyse you
  7. A small trouble is like a pebble
  8. Remembering from times of trouble
  9. Anxiety is the gap between the now and the later
  10. If your difficulties are longstanding, try kneeling
  11. A problem not worth praying about isn’t worth worrying about
  12. Give your tears to God
  13. Crying and trusting ones do not get disappointed
  14. Call unto God so that He can answer you
  15. Let God’s promises shine on your problems
  16. Don’t put a question mark where God put a period
  17. Don’t wait to catch a healthy attitude
  18. Fearing the right person
  19. Trust the future to God
  20. Stick to one God
  21. Trust God to shelter, safety and security
  22. God is my refuge and my fortress in Him I will trust
  23. Be convinced that we are loved
  24. Love been perfected with us
  25. Faithfulness when most necessary
  26. Have a little talk with the Potter
  27. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  28. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses
  29. A Living Faith #1 Substance of things hoped for
  30. What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?
  31. Confidence
  32. Hope begins in the dark
  33. It is not try but trust


  • Secret ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (misssfaith.com)
    Throw away all the worries about being not perfect – you are perfect just the way you are and a big smile from a happy heart is much more worth than a fake laugh of a wrinkle-less face.
  • In Search of the Little Prince (kirkusreviews.com)
    A scene of Saint-Exupéry working on the manuscript for Le Petit Prince includes a peek at his imagined characters; the delightful back cover depicts the Little Prince and Tonio, shoes off, sitting in opposite chairs, apparently deep in speculative conversation.
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: The Little Prince (headbutler.com)
    When Robin Williams died, my Facebook screen lit up with one quote after another from “The Little Prince.”I didn’t understand why so many people responded with lines from this book.
  • Why Did “The Little Prince” Quotes Suddenly Appear After Robin Williams’ Death? (goodmenproject.com)

    One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

    You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

    All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.


    those Facebook friends mourning a grown-up who never lost his connection to the child within? They knew just where to look.
  • 7 Best Book Covers Of All Time (whytoread.com)
    Few stories are as widely read and as universally cherished by children and adults alike as The Little Prince. Richard Howard’s translation of the beloved classic beautifully reflects Saint-Exupéry’s unique and gifted style. Howard, an acclaimed poet and one of the preeminent translators of our time, has excelled in bringing the English text as close as possible to the French, in language, style, and most important, spirit. The artwork in this edition has been restored to match in detail and in color Saint-Exupéry’s original artwork. Combining Richard Howard’s translation with restored original art, this definitive English-language edition of The Little Prince will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.
  • The Little Prince And The Better Parts Of Javascript (greenido.wordpress.com)
    The little price“It seems that perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to subtract.”
  • It’s a Little Lonely (bronwendeklerk.com)
    “Where are the people?…It’s a little lonely in the desert…”
    “It is lonely when you’re among people, too”
  • Inspired by His Love (enteringthepromisedland.wordpress.com)
    Indwelt by the light of God that continually produces good works springing from that love God has poured into our heart before (Rom 5:5), we can experience that there is nothing greater in this world and beyond than His Love offers. God’s Love is better than being right, better than being successful, better than being known, and better than possessing all material things one could wish for.
  • Storytelling, Culture, and Revolution (goodmenproject.com)
    A story might simply be a story if it stands by itself — in a vacuum. Yet, a story rooted in our life experiences is not just a story. It is much more. In it we find revealed the particular relationship that we, the storytellers, have with our environment. Individual stories are part of the fabric that is our worldview. Stories, whether fictitious or true, spring forth from our values, believes, perceptions, dreams, imaginations or wishes, all of which are bound to our life experiences, which in turn are fundamentally shaped by our particular environment. The stories, then, that we tell ourselves are bound up in a feedback system whereby our lives find expression in stories which are in turn enacted by us. If, as Ishmael tells us, we believe that the world was made for man (i.e. man as the climax of the whole cosmic drama of creation) and that we are at odds with nature’s distasteful, dehumanizing elements (i.e. moving beyond the wretchedness of the animal condition), then the stories that we will write and enact are stories of conquest, progress, and an alienation from nature.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Movement Without a Name, Spiritual affairs

Alone in the cold and dark

  • Alone in the Dark (keithgarrettpoetry.com)
    Everyone Is gone, I look around, silence Is the sound,

    Where did they go, I do not know, I am somehow alone.

    A campsite of darkness Is a fun and peaceful place,

    A warm fire, friends, and laughter will liven up the night.

  • Not Going Back to Sleep (dhabitahzainal.wordpress.com)
    I’ve had less than three hours of sleep and I dreamt that I was chased by ‘something,’ overdosed on painkillers and later miraculously came back to life before I turned completely (dark) purple and choked myself to death.
  • God of Old Lonely Men (profarms.wordpress.com)
    Sorrow lurks
    Doubt lurks
    In the dark corners of my mind,
    Waiting to convince me
    That wisdom will fail.
  • The Lonely Heart (asopa.typepad.com)
    The lonely heart sits in the silence and whispers into the thing air
    A message only his heart carry’s
    A message of one heart but with many voices
    He looks to see if there’s anyone watching him
    But all he sees is darkness, grief, pain and emptiness
    His muscles shiver as his mind is bombarded with voices
    Fear begins to take hold of his strength
  • In silence we weep. (angrezikabutar.wordpress.com)
    In silence she wept,
    ‘It’s cold here’ she whispered.
    ‘It’s kinda lonely’ she murmured.
    ‘It’s sad’ she said.
    And for the lack of  anyone else,
    She wrapped her arms around herself.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Love and forgive this friday

Everyday again we should remember that some 2000 years ago a man was willing to do that what his Father in heaven wanted to be done, and offered himself as a lamb to wash the world of the gravity of sin by his blood.

Still every day we may have to face many struggles, pain, sorrow and many minor and big problems. Often we may see things around us which can annoy us, sometimes people may work on our nerves, but then we see that Light of the Lamb of God that showed us the way to treat others and to step over our boundaries of limitations.

Though living in this world we have decided not to be part ‘of this world’. From our inner soul the light of Christ Jesus, who died for us, is able to transpose us and to bring us to greater waters where we can swim forwards to to ‘isle of rescue’.

In the land prepared by Christ we are to be the example for others, so that they could see how we can be united in peace and show each-other brotherly love. We do have to show those around us that we are not the ones to judge. But we are the ones who are willing to forgive and to reach out our hand of loving-kindness and helpfulness, so that we with many can go together on the way to the opened gate of the Kingdom of God.


Find additional reading:

  1. Poetry of Peace
  2. Your struggles develop your strengths
  3. Pain and Suffering is inevitable but Misery is optional
  4. From pain to purpose
  5. Compassion and Discipline
  6. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  7. A Great Gift commemorated
  8. An unblemished and spotless lamb foreknown
  9. Servant of his Father
  10. The Seed Of The Woman Bruised
  11. The day Jesus died
  12. The Song of The Lamb #1 Visions, symbols and suggested meanings
  13. The Song of The Lamb #2 Sevens
  14. Kingdom Visions of a Man, Throne and Great crowd
  15. Kingdom Visions of Rainbowed angel, Lamb in Mount Zion
  16. Kingdom Visions of God’s judgements and Marriage of the Lamb
  17. 14 Nisan a day to remember #3 Before the Passover-feast
  18. Ransom for all
  19. In the death of Christ, the son of God, is glorification
  20. Ember and light the ransomed of Jehovah
  21. The Song of The Lamb #5 Revelation 5
  22. The Song of The Lamb #7 Revelation 15
  23. The Song of The Lamb #8 Revelation 15 Lessons for us today
  24. God’s Comfort
  25. Promise of a Comforter
  26. Give your tears to God
  27. Everything that is done in the world is done by hope
  28. Change
  29. Growth in character
  30. Breathing to teach
  31. Prayer has comforted us in sorrow
  32. A Living Faith #7 Prayer
  33. A New Jerusalem
  34. Judge not according to appearance
  35. Belonging to or being judged by
  36. Vengeance
  37. Forgiveness
  38. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #15 Exposition before the Creator
  39. Doest thou well to be Angry?
  40. Forgiveness always possible
  41. A man who cannot forgive others
  42. He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass
  43. Love is like playing the piano
  44. Forgiveness is a blessing for the one who forgives
  45. The Greatest of These is Love
  • Forgive? You’re Kidding Me, Right? (inspirationalchristiansfortoday.com)
    The concept of forgiveness can be a hard thing to digest.  If someone wronged us, granting forgiveness can feel almost as if we’ve been hit twice.  The first time when we were so generously issued the wrong-doing; the second when we struggled to set-aside our ill-feelings and extended the gift of forgiveness.  After all, he/she may have deserved anything but a gift.
  • A new identity (poetryjoy.com)
    God already sees us as perfected, beautiful and whole in Christ. The hard part is seeing, accepting and believing it for ourselves.
  • Un-forgiveness is the means by which we securely bind ourselves to that which we hate most. (lisconnect.wordpress.com)
    Free yourself, ask God for a forgiving heart.
  • How to Overcome a Bitter Spirit (familyencouragement.wordpress.com)
    There are devastating consequences in the personal life and relationships of a bitter person.   The Bible speaks about the development of bitterness in Ephesians 4:31 and the following verse deals with it’s consequences and solution.
    God tells us we are to be “forgiving one another”.    This is the key to dealing with being resentful over past hurts.   Our bitterness and disappointment in people can only be resolved through forgiveness.   Period.   A bitter person refuses to forgive the offender.
  • Forgiveness (po11ycheck.wordpress.com) Reposted from Courageous Christian FatherForgiveness it can be easier said then done. Do you easily forgive others when they do wrong to you? Have you ever had anyone not forgive you and you wished they did? What does it mean to forgive?
    Christ casted our sins into the sea of forgetfulness. Our sins were cast as far as the East is from the West. Our sins to be remembered no more. So where is the sea of forgetfulness? Well, it is a place that I wouldn’t want to know where it is. Because all is forgotten there. How far exactly is the East from the West? Well just think the Earth is round so, you can keep going and going. Just the same, God’s forgiveness keeps going and is everlasting. If God can forgive our sins, shouldn’t we? See Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13
  • Bible Verses to Comfort – It Hurts Me to Forgive – Forgiveness (darrellcreswell.wordpress.com)
    When we have been wronged by someone, a barrier is formed in our hearts. We put up a wall to the offense that hinders us from forgetting, letting go, and moving on.
    Jesus said we should forgive unconditionally. In contrast, humans put conditions on forgiveness.
  • The first to apologize is the bravest, the first to forgive is the strongest, the first to forget is the happiest. (pastormikesays.wordpress.com)
    Actually, forgiveness is not only about others, but also about our own spiritual growth. Love and forgiveness cannot be separated. If we choose to live out the love of God as the purpose of our life, then forgiving is an option that cannot be avoided.
  • Forgive Us Our Sins…… (coarpk.wordpress.com)
    Some sins are more easily forgiven than others.  We can forgive a lie, depending on how big it is.  We can forgive a false word, as long as it’s not said against us.  We can forgive a little anger, as long as we weren’t embarrassed by it.  But what happens when the sin that we’re called to forgive is more significant.  What if someone steals from us?  Breaks into our house?  Hits our car?  What happens if someone takes the life of someone we love?  How do we forgive them?
  • Does the Bible say that you should forgive someone who does not repent? (winteryknight.wordpress.com)
    “It is a common human assumption that the violator of the rights of others must ask for forgiveness before the wronged party can be expected to accept the apology and grant forgiveness…But Jesus here asks the person wronged to forgive the one responsible for the wrongdoing when when there is no confession of guilt… There is a voice from the cross that echoes across history to all saying ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do.’ Neither Pilate nor the high priest nor the centurion offered any apology to Jesus, yet he prayed for divine forgiveness…(p.125)”
    I think it is a helpful tool for people to insist on seeing some sort of repentance and restitution from someone who wrongs you before you trust them again. If they are not even sorry for what they’ve done, and they refuse to explain why what they did is wrong, then they can’t be forgiven, and you can’t trust them again.
    When I raise that with the unconditional forgiveness crowd, they want to insist that there is a difference, that the word “forgive” means different things. I’m not convinced.
  • pure and light (madelineranda.wordpress.com)
    I let the enemy convince me my sins are trivial and he lulls me into complacency. he whispers that I’m fine and dandy, that we all live in darkness together and that is a-okay. But this morning as light flooded through my window, over a warm cup of coffee, my lonely and impure heart was brought a beautiful reminder speaking to both lies.
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sheetal sharma


Sunlight slits open the dark clouds,
Crushing down my sins and bondage alike.
With Him we too were crucified that day –
Not as mere slaves or rebels but as Sons.

Forgiveness like a Balm to to my bruises,
My heart and soul now rejuvenated –
Speak – “Let the inner voice choose –
Forgiveness over vengeance !”

Harsh neighbors unite,
Arch rivals dialogue,
Nations come together –
As citizens of Humankind.

Judge Not ,nor be judged.
Condemn Not,nor be condemned,
But forgive and be Forgiven,
For Love is the only Balm for my pains.

View original post


Filed under Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

You Matter

In our lives there might be things looking justifiable and sometimes unsubstantiated. Most people would love to see a perfect life. There does not exist something like total perfection. This for at least until the return of Jeshua, the Messiah. After the World War III, the biggest difficulty we shall have to face (according the Bible) we shall be able to put away our utopian vision, because than the prophesies of Isaiah would become a reality.

Those already aware of those very old writings may already look forward to the magical prospect of the Kingdom of God. In it they might find the hope and the reason to live positively.

Believers in the Only One True God should tell others about the works of this Divine Creator God and about the Good News His son brought into the world. The followers of the Nazarene man do have all the hope and can bare their difficulties, facing all the problems which are put in front of them. For them there is a Book of books which can guide them and give them assurance for that what shall come. They know that they shall have to prepare themselves and shall have to be ready for when the moment of the Big Struggle (Armageddon) comes.

Many people might think they can brake those positive looking persons, full of hope of the resurrection. Those adversaries of the One True God may have made themselves many gods, and spit on the lovers of that God of gods, but believers know that they can not do so much to them as God can do to us; Him we should fear, but what can man?

The bad is just a temporary thing we have to learn to cope with. Every day we live we can face every challenge and at times we may feel broken, but we should know it will only be temporarily.

As much as it may seem, there is definitely something waiting which is much much better. Therefore do not keep struggling with what you perhaps cannot cope on your own. Do not keep fighting to to mend the cracked. Let it be.

When we are facing darkness in our mind, let us look through the fog and see the sun-ray of the promises made to all in this world. Many do not want to see the Maker of those promises but he is the One Who created out of the void and takes away the void dwelling inside us.

That those who hear the Voice of That Holy One, the Most High, get others to hear Him too. That more people come to follow His son his teachings and spread the Gospel message. The Good News which should make so many people to look positively.


The original article is also reposted on Marcus’s Space with extra comment > Value Positivism

Kingdom of God what will it be like

Armageddon, har and megiddo, an action or a place

God of gods


  • Without Hindsight: A New Eye on Easter (bloodofinnocents.wordpress.com)
    The difficulty that his disciples were still having with his counter-cultural message was clear to Jeshua as he approached Jerusalem. Just days from his final confrontation with the governing powers of politics and religion John and James, two of the first disciples that he ever called, asked him if they could sit to his left and right (Mark 10:32-45) “when you are there in all your glory.”
  • “…To It Shall The Gentiles Seek:….” The Nazarene Part II (mjseymour1959.wordpress.com)
    Every Christian should study, and make themselves familiar with Isaiah Ch. 7, through 11. For within these chapters, the Christian will gain an understanding of the Messiahship, of Our Lord, and Redeemer, Yehoshua of Natser, Jesus Christ.  We are still living in, “The Day of the Nazarene!”  It is late in the Day, but not too late to gain a greater understanding of what God Almighty is doing with all of His Children then, and now.  This will give you a greater, and deeper insight to the Work of God, for both the Jew, and the Gentile!
  • Ascension Now: Ascension Steps According to Isaiah! An Invitation! (spiritualinsightsradio.wordpress.com)
    Ascension Steps According to Isaiah, An Invitation offers all of humanity an invitation to reunite with your Higher Self, that part of God in you. If your life is falling apart, this book may be for you. Many of us feel out of control, as if life has no purpose. We are all searching for answers. Ascension is happening NOW and it’s up to us to decide whether to struggle with it or embrace a more loving reality filled with purpose.
  • FFOZ TV Review: The Restoring the Kingdom (mymorningmeditations.com)
    Christian Pastors often criticize the ancient Jewish disciples for misunderstanding what Jesus taught. In the eyes of many modern believers, the Kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom, not a physical reality. But even today, devout Jews believe that one of Messiah’s major tasks is to restore the nation of Israel as a physical Kingdom on Earth, return all of the exiled Jews to their Land, and elevate Israel as the head of all the nations.This is one of the reasons why most Jewish people don’t believe Jesus could have been the Messiah. They don’t believe he was resurrected and that he died without restoring and redeeming physical Israel. Even from a believing Jew’s point of view, Jesus as Messiah left before completing his work. That means he must come back at some point to finish the job. Otherwise, he can’t be Messiah.
  • The Passion of the Messiah – The Anointed One – The Christos… (lamarzulli.wordpress.com)
    As a man He asked his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, If there is a way to let this cup pass from me so be it, nevertheless your will be done….As the Chosen one, the Messiah, He knew that without the shedding of His blood there could be no redemption from the sin that plagues and enslaves the human race.We are told that darkness covered the land for three hours as Jesus hung on the cross.  When Jesus uttered His last words, It is finished, and gave up His spirit, there was a great earthquake, the Temple veil was torn in two and people saw the dead walking in the streets of Jerusalem.
  • Easter without Hindsight, Resurrection: “We know this can’t happen, but this is what we saw.” (bloodofinnocents.wordpress.com)
    When the gospels use the word ‘resurrection’ the meaning is quite specific: a dead body coming back to life in this world. The concept of an ‘afterlife’ was quite different. There were also beliefs, like reincarnation, (not shared by Jews) in other cultures nearby. The Jewish belief (shared by the disciples, cf. John 11:24) was that ‘resurrection’ would only happen to righteous people at the end of the world. Hence the disciples’ initial assumption that they were seeing Jeshua’s ghost. Ghosts, whether or not one believes in them, are at least a known concept. The point is that none of Jeshua’s disciples expected him back from the dead into this world.
  • Legal Theory Lexicon: The Nature of Law (lsolum.typepad.com)
    Contemporary debates over the nature of law focus on a revised set of positions.  Legal positivism is represented by analytic legal positivists, like H.L.A. Hart, Joseph Raz, and Jules Coleman.  The natural law tradition is defended by John Finnis.  And a new position, interpretivism is represented by Ronald Dworkin.
    When the positivists articulated the theory they were criticizing, their articulations of natural law theory were neither charitable nor true to the natural law tradition.  When Holmes referred to a “brooding omnipresence in the sky” he was not offering a sympathetic or charitable reading of the natural law tradition.
    Inclusive legal positivism is the view that moral facts can play a role in determining legal content, but only if there are some social facts that give the moral facts this role.  For example, a constitution might include an clause that make a moral conception of human equality a legal rule.  This would give the morality of equality a role in determining legal rights, but this role would exist because a social fact (the Constitution) made it so.
  • Nihilism Cannot Be Disproved (Except by Positivism) (pensatwar.wordpress.com)
    Nihilism can only be disproved by Positivism. Its a purely democratic philosophical clash. There is no arguing against Nihilism, or for it. A nihilist shouldn’t argue for nihilism or they are not true nihilists. Why would a person who believes in no truth care if others do? Nihilism such as this tends to lead to hedonism instead, or any other form of belief. Sometimes it simply leads to Negativism, not a belief in no truth, but a belief that the only truth is that truth is bad. Its a paradoxical stance, but a popular one nonetheless.
  • Positivism and Utilitarianism (arulinside.wordpress.com)
    Positivism is related to Analytical Jurisprudence which its renown chief exponents in is Jeremy Bentham and John Austin. Bentham advocated an imperative theory of law which the key concepts are those of sovereignty and command. He expounded these ideas with far greater subtlety and flexibility than Austin. In addition, he illuminates aspects of law largely neglected by him. Sovereignty in Austin’s concept is postulated as an illimitable and indivisible entity, whereas in Bentham’s concept it is neither.
  • Difficult or Easy is a matter of our conscious choice. (bkanil.wordpress.com)
    Those who have succeeded in life were failure once upon time, before they got success. The history is full of such people like Thomas Edition, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and the list is unending….They could do it because they were courageous, determined, emotional, faithful,hopeful and  were willing to do. They kept trying till they reached their final destination.
    Impurity leads towards difficulty and difficulty creates failures, but purity leads towards easy and easy creates success. Failures leads towards loss of health, wealth and happiness but success leads towards gain of health, wealth and happiness. Loss and profit, good and bad are based on law of karmic action i.e as you sow so shall you reap.
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Searching for fulfillment and meaning through own efforts, facing unsatisfaction and depression

Dark season to cope with

On “Voice, the Christian E-book blog” in Winning the War against Depression and Anxiety: An Interview with Perry Noble is given an interview about Depression and Anxiety is with Perry Noble, founder and senior pastor of NewSpring Church, a multicampus church whose mission is to reach 100,000 people in South Carolina with the gospel.

Mostly the Winter season is marked with people having a lot of difficulty to cope with depression. Spring brings more anxiety to people feeling sometimes pressed in a corner or not able to develop their own talent. Seeing everything coming up  in the parks and fields they become frustrated that nature looked death, but every year can recover so much and bring every time such new beautiful things, whilst they can not.

Today people are not concerned about God and His Creation, but they always will be confronted by that creation. In a way this may become a little bit frustrating for them and for the believers who would like to bring the unbelievers closer to the Creator. By those believers there also may rise a lot more questions when everything comes to live again, and they do not see Spring coming into their life, but see them getting older and less vibrant.


Spring brings also the Spring-cleaning and making us to confront the old things, deciding what to throw away and what to keep but brings also questions, how to continue, and what to do this year. More than the 1st of January people now get wondering what to do and how to succeed in this New Year.

For many, like us it might be the start of trying to meet more  people and getting them to see where they and we are and bringing them to where they and we need to be in a relationship with Jesus and his Father, which should be also Our Father, the Most High God.

People will always get offended—it’s inevitable. The question we have to ask is: would we rather offend religious people or lost people? When Jesus healed on the Sabbath, he offended the religious people at the same time he healed a lost person.  {Perry Noble}

Searching for fulfilment and meaning

Perry Noble thinks people are searching for fulfilment and meaning through their own efforts — jobs, money, cars, kids, hobbies— whatever the next big thing might be. The reality, though, is we’ll only be truly fulfilled when we have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Today we find a lot of people who become frustrated because they can not reach the goals they had set in front of them. Everywhere they seem to see negative elements, blocking their advancement. Lots of people do not feel they get recognition for what they do and having their work not being appreciated they start doubting in the quality of their work or in their ability to bring something others can appreciate.

Man who do not seem to get out of the darkness become struggling with depression. They do not dare to come to others with their problems and do not want to see they are depressed and perhaps need help from specialised people. They need to ask for help immediately.

Elements that can help

Noble who’s first book, Unleash! Breaking Free from Normalcy was a New York Times bestseller, also has struggled with depression. He says:

I was overwhelmed (in an awesome way) with an amazing amount of encouragement and support by my church when I shared my struggle with depression.

For so long, I thought I should be able to pray away how I was feeling or snap out of it and if I did tell anyone what was going on, they would think I was a bad Christian or didn’t really love Jesus. That’s just not true and only by speaking up and asking for help was I able to see this. I don’t think anything is wrong with medication if it’s something a doctor recommends. If you needed medicine to fix your heart you would take that, so why wouldn’t you take medicine to help fix your brain?

Our relationship with our brain and moods

English: Complete neuron cell diagram. Neurons...

Complete neuron cell diagram. Neurons (also known as neurones and nerve cells) are electrically excitable cells in the nervous system that process and transmit information. In vertebrate animals, neurons are the core components of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It looks like many people are afraid for their own brain. Certainly when their brain does things they themselves do not like it to do.

It’s often said that depression results from a chemical imbalance, but that figure of speech doesn’t capture how complex the disease is. Research suggests that depression doesn’t spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, depression has many possible causes, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems. It’s believed that several of these forces interact to bring on depression. {What causes depression? first printed in Understanding Depression, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical Schooll}

We got to know that the brain, and not the heart is the centre of our life and the place for all our emotions. We would love to control those areas of the brain which help to regulate mood, but we do not seem to be always in control of them.

Researchers believe that — more important than levels of specific brain chemicals — nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression. Still, their understanding of the neurological underpinnings of mood is incomplete.

Experts have long wondered why, if depression were primarily the result of low levels of neurotransmitters, people don’t feel better as soon as levels of neurotransmitters increase.

The answer may be that mood only improves as nerves grow and form new connections, a process that takes weeks. In fact, animal studies have shown that antidepressants do spur the growth and enhanced branching of nerve cells in the hippocampus. So, the theory holds, the real value of these medications may be in generating new neurons (a process called neurogenesis), strengthening nerve cell connections, and improving the exchange of information between nerve circuits. If that’s the case, medications could be developed that specifically promote neurogenesis, with the hope that patients would see quicker results than with current treatments.

Depression connections in the brain 5

Depression connections in the brain 5 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Regulating mood

Many of our brothers in our community believe that the ultimate goal in treating the biology of depression is to improve the brain’s ability to regulate mood.

We now know that neurotransmitters are not the only important part of the machinery. But let’s not diminish their importance either. They are deeply involved in how nerve cells communicate with one another. And they are a component of brain function that we can often influence to good ends.

Every part of your body, including your brain, is controlled by genes. Genes make proteins that are involved in biological processes. Throughout life, different genes turn on and off, so that — in the best case — they make the right proteins at the right time. But if the genes get it wrong, they can alter your biology in a way that results in your mood becoming unstable. In a genetically vulnerable person, any stress (a missed deadline at work or a medical illness, for example) can then push this system off balance.

Mood is affected by dozens of genes, and as our genetic endowments differ, so do our depressions. The hope is that as researchers pinpoint the genes involved in mood disorders and better understand their functions, treatment can become more individualized and more successful. Patients would receive the best medication for their type of depression.

But mood is also a lot influenced from outside, the people we meet, the activities we see developing around us, how people interact, etc..

View of the world and influential factors


sympathy|for|the|anxiety|explosion (Photo credit: massimo ankor)

Cognitive psychologists point out that your view of the world and, in particular, your unacknowledged assumptions about how the world works also influence how you feel. You develop your viewpoint early on and learn to automatically fall back on it when loss, disappointment, or rejection occurs. For example, you may come to see yourself as unworthy of love, so you avoid getting involved with people rather than risk losing a relationship. Or you may be so self-critical that you can’t bear the slightest criticism from others, which can slow or block your career progress.

How we look at the world can be influenced by many factors, but for sure the media are not helping to have a positive look on it. Therefore we on this site world love to have an other look at the world and see the positive aspects of the world. Therefore we would like to put some photographs , like the previous one published, more in the picture. When you see all those little flowers coming up and giving colour unto our world, we should also like to give colour to our world we are living in.

Many affected by stressful experiences

In the United States of America nearly 19 million adults each year are affected by depression and worldwide we may find more than 35 million people having problems with it. Many of them do not see any more the beauty of nature and do not see any more what marvellous things this world has to offer.

The depression they got in often followed stressful experiences. The brain interprets events and decides if they are threatening, then controls the behavioural and physiological responses to those events. The brain’s reaction to stress is useful in that it supplies extra energy to help a person act on or flee from dangerous situations. Sometimes, however, brain chemical levels that increase during stressful situations stay at high levels and cause problems such as depression.

Would it not better to avoid such route where we went to far on the wrong (site) track? And can we not see by people around us when they are floating away?

Some may think

This world is becoming More Wicked by the moment: and If We; the older men and women, do not speak up: Then How Will the Young Folks learn anything about history?

Knowing history, knowing how people reacted in the past, will avoid that people go again in the same wrong direction.

Depression is a very real issue and it has impacted everyone—either it’s happened to us or someone we know. I think the church needs to talk about this issue and help people understand what the Bible says about overcoming fear, anxiety, and stress. The church should be a place where people meet Jesus, find hope, and have the courage to ask for help! {Winning the War against Depression and Anxiety: An Interview with Perry Noble}

Having eyes for the other and helping each-other

Each of us can help a person not getting so far that he or she gets into a depression. We should see when people around us get more into a deep well or in a bottomless pit. By being positive ourselves we can radiate ourselves positiveness that can infect others, making them to see the bright site of life.

Depression is dark and lonely, and there is a misconception that Christians shouldn’t struggle with depression; if you love Jesus, you should just be able to pray it away. But that’s just not true!

Many times, if things are messy, the church doesn’t want to talk about it. {Winning the War against Depression and Anxiety: An Interview with Perry Noble}

Churches should also talk about this and other matters people do have to struggle with, also when they are Christian. It is not because we have accepted Jesus in our life that we are free of pain and struggle. Do not believe that. But be sure in our faith we can find guidance and lots of help to be able to cope better with those struggles.

In most cases, people will identify with your pain more than they will your success. Sharing stories of your past and where God has brought you from could help someone take the next step with Jesus. If God can use my pain for someone else’s progress, then I want him to use it! {Winning the War against Depression and Anxiety: An Interview with Perry Noble}

Believers and non-believers, people adhering a religion or not, have to see that depression, anxiety, and fear are very real struggles. They should know that they can help each other to overcome it. Every person in the community should take care he or she is no cause that an other shall come in problems or would feel bad.

To endure

Those who are Christian should remember the pains Jesus and his family had to endure. They should remember how Jesus his mother continued her life and how the brothers and sisters went on after Jesus was killed. One of his brothers got the strength to to continue the preaching of his brother, telling not about the negative point that he had lost his brother Jesus, but telling about the positive news his resurrection for us was.

In Christianity we can see how many overcome the many struggles they had to face. Also today we still can find many living proofs that it is possible to overcome being overwhelmed.

We should stop being held back by life’s everyday struggles, and learn to overcome stress and anxiety. And we should concentrate ourselves on the nice things this world may offer to all living people, religious and non-religious. Those who have faith in the Only One True God, should show others how they are and can be further blessed by the Magical Hand of the Divine Creator. So that others may see the marvellous things this world has to offer and how we may enjoy it all.

We all can do much more than we think. Because all people are created in the image of God theyall have received inner forces from the Creator. When we are willing to look in ourselves for those inner forces, we shall be able to use them. Even when you do not believe in God, you would be better to start looking for those inner forces which are implanted in your being. By opening your mind for the search of those inner forces you might well be able to find that what gets you stronger and shall enable you to recover much faster than synthetic medical drugs can do. Animals in the wild do not have the doctor and medicines with them, but they can help themselves by what nature is providing for them. Start seeing what is in nature to help you live a better and easier life.


English: Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions

Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Find additional reading:

  1. Meaning of life
  2. Feed Your Faith Daily
  3. My Christadelphian Faith



  • An Honest Christian Look At Depression: Perry Noble’s Book, “Overwhelmed” (johnweirick.com)
    “I wanted to kill myself.”Few people want to admit that, and even fewer pastors would.
    “Overwhelmed” is not for people who have it all together. It’s not for those among us who seem to glide through life, unaffected by tragedy or discomfort. This book won’t help someone who lives a conflict-free life. Anyone who’s got a perfect family, a perfect past, and no fears or doubts — just skip this book. And for those who expect to get everything they want out of life and never suffer resistance of any kind, this book will be completely useless.
  • My Opinion on Overwhelmed book by Perry Noble (chunton.wordpress.com)
    The book taught me that if you are in Christ Jesus He’s for you and if He’s for you He loves you and with all of things on your side nothing can hold you back and keep you down! No matter what you’re facing Jesus is greater and He wants you to overcome not be overwhelmed!
  • Blog on Perry Noble quote (chunton.wordpress.com)
    The church today needs to focus more on pointing people to Jesus and the fact that He’s alive! The fact that the resurrection happened should be a weekly topic on our church’s because that’s just not something one can simply get over if they truly love Jesus.
  • Three Resources by Perry Noble (resourcesforus.wordpress.com)
    Perry provides honest scenarios and practical solutions on how to win the war against worry.This is a book that can help you learn more about the character of God and His ability to help you through these difficult times in your life. You CAN overcome being overwhelmed!”
    Pastor Perry Noble challenges all followers of Christ to make a bold move by fully embracing the exciting adventure God has called us to. Are you ready to unleash all the life he has created you to live?
  • What Is Depression? Examining the Link Between The Physical and The Emotional (Part 1) (megsanity.com)
    People around you owe you more than, “It’s all in your head.” Because that simply isn’t true.
    Kramer notes that depressives may actually have more realistic views of the world, for example understanding that they aren’t likely to win the lottery or a poker game. However, they are actually less likely to listen to those instincts which leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom and reinforcement.
  • Is Depression Just Bad Chemistry? (scientificamerican.com)
    The general idea is that a deficiency of certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) at synapses, or tiny gaps, between neurons interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses, causing or contributing to depression. One of these neurotransmitters, serotonin, has attracted the most attention, but many others, including norepinephrine and dopamine, have also been granted supporting roles in the story.
  • Unraveling the Mystery of How Antidepression Drugs Work (scientificamerican.com)
    Depression strikes some 35 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, contributing to lowered quality of life as well as an increased risk of heart disease and suicide. Treatments typically include psychotherapy, support groups and education as well as psychiatric medications. SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, currently are the most commonly prescribed category of antidepressant drugs in the U.S., and have become a household name in treating depression.
    Everyone could use a little confession every now and again to get out what’s been eating them inside. The philosophical “black bile” seems like recalled memories that trigger episodes, and an inability to control the reaction. Who doesn’t engage in percussive maintenance when they encounter an embarrassing thought? Pills aren’t going to fix that unless they make you numb, which also means prevented growth.
  • 4 Quick Tips for Helping Someone With Depression (thereseborchardblog.com)
    Education is always the starting point because until a spouse or daughter or friend of a depressed person understands the illness, it is impossible to say or do the right thing to be supportive. Do your own research by going online to NAMI.org (National Alliance of Mental Illness) or dbsalliance.org (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance), by doing your own Google search, or by reading some of the articles about depression on this site.
  • Pastor Perry Noble Taking 2 Month Leave from Megachurch (blackchristiannews.com)
    The extended leave is not due to a marriage, family or church problem, he has clarified. Instead, Noble said he realized he needed to do “what sets me up for long-term success and sets this church up for the same way.”
    With 90 percent of people entering into ministry and not finishing and some pastors being worked too hard by their church, he noted, he decided to take a sabbatical.
    Noble made the announcement to his congregation, which draws around 16,000 people every weekend, last week. Attendees expressed their support of his decision.
  • Perry Noble on Modern Day Phariseeism (blackchristiannews.com)
    I became obsessed with religious rules and legalism and forgot all about the grace that God had poured out on me through Jesus. As I look back on that time in my life there are eight things that really defined me…

    #1 – I was way more obsessed with the sins and shortcomings of others and made it my obsession to point out their faults so that I did not have to deal with my own. (Matthew 23:27-28)
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs

Putting your feelings into words and sharing them

Beings with feelings

Let's Talk About Feelings

Let’s Talk About Feelings (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

All human beings have feelings. We have to cope with them. There are many ways to cope with them.
We also see lots of things happening around us. We are touched with what we notice, and we also want to give a voice to our feelings. We all want to be heard as well.

You too may find that putting your feelings into words and sharing them with a sympathetic listener will make it easier to deal with them.

Writing can also be a helpful release. Some who find it difficult to talk about their feelings may find it easier to express themselves in writing.

Looking at old writings

Most of the things today are not written for education, but we still should find time to look for writings that can edify us. We can take time to look at the old writings which were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. In the very old books we can find people who wrote down their thoughts so that others also could hear about them. But they also put their feelings in their writings to get freedom in their inner soul.

Following the death of Saul and Jonathan, the faithful man David wrote a deeply mournful song in which he poured out his sorrow. This emotional dirge eventually became part of the Bible book of Second Samuel.—2 Samuel 1:17–27.

Crying may also serve as an emotional release. “For everything there is an appointed time, even . . . a time to weep,” says the Bible. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4) To be sure, the death of someone we love is “a time to weep.” Tears of grief are nothing to be embarrassed about. The Bible contains many examples of faithful men and women who openly expressed their grief by weeping. (Genesis 23:2; 2 Samuel 1:11, 12) Jesus Christ “gave way to tears” when he neared the tomb of his dear friend Lazarus, who had recently died.—John 11:33, 35.

Working through grief takes patience, for you may feel that you are on an emotional roller coaster. Remember that you do not have to be ashamed of your tears. Many faithful individuals have found that shedding tears of grief is a normal and necessary part of the healing process.

Sharing is helping

Putting down words of feeling can help you but also can help others.

It is a matter of sharing love for each-other that we should share thoughts with each other. We, by bringing matters to attention, can bring others to think about that matter. By publishing our own story we might show others they are not alone having those feelings or having to go through the same struggle.

Social networking Web sites

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

The last few years several placed their little pieces   and their little stories on Facebook. Recently they added Twitter to give some shouts into the internet world, or they threw in a nod to Google+ or Circles. We may even find pets with Facebook pages and politicians’ Internet campaigns and etiquette for R.S.V.P.’ing to events and the best way to wish someone happy birthday without feeling like an exclamatory fool! Social networking Web sites are the latest and greatest way to interact with other users on the Internet. Thirty-five percent of adults on the Internet now have a profile on at least one social networking site, and 51 percent have more than one. Three-quarters of users between the ages of 18 and 24 have an online profile.

English: CrazyFriendz is the free online socia...

CrazyFriendz is the free online social networking service. The service allows users to make new friends and manage existing relationships. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Pew Research Center found that 89 percent of these people use the sites to keep up with friends, 57 percent to make plans with friends and 49 percent to make new friends.

There are articles that tell us that sharing is the most popular form of internet use today. But what is being shared and how? As the world of P2P file sharing grows and evolves, various torrent search sites distinguish themselves. Some bands don’t mind if you share their music, and they even encourage it. But what about reading material? Who wants to share interesting reading material? Who wants to let others know he  or she did find something interesting to read?

This UML diagram describes the domain of Linke...

This UML diagram describes the domain of LinkedIn social networking system. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, Urban Chat and Black Planet are just a few of more than 100 Web sites connecting folks around the world who are eager to share their thoughts and feelings. But just like in real life, there’s such a thing as sharing too much information (TMI). It’s easy to get caught up in the social aspects of sites like Facebook, but what you choose to share is there for all to see if you don’t limit who can view your information. The same study by Pew Research found that 40 percent of users have open access to their profiles, allowing anyone to view their information. The other 60 percent restrict access to friends, family and colleagues. Sharing personal information with strangers can be dangerous business, and there are some things you should definitely put on your “do not share” list.

Crossover, public and genres

With 51 percent of social network users taking advantage of more than one site, there’s bound to be some crossover from one to the other, especially if you have the sites linked. Sometimes we may find interesting bits or would like to talk or discuss matters not on our own private blog, because it could bring an other site of us in the forefront we do not want to be known directly, before our friends and bosses, or want to make sure no connection is made endangering our work.

Many do not mind sharing lots of things on Facebook, but are afraid to share real serious material on their blogs or on other blogs which reserve a place to contribute stories, like this site does.

Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace cater to a smorgasbord of users while people using sites such as Subeta and Neopets are mostly teens. Social networking sites can be very specific, too. For instance, you’ll find sites for just about every type of car, sport and sports team or music genre. And one of the largest groups of specialized social media sites is dedicated to parenting.

Many men and women will be, are or hope to be parents. That’s why social networking sites for parents are growing all over the Internet.

Communities and chit chat


Friendster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How many sites will you be able to find about the way of life, or how to help each other, working to get a better living together? You may find lots of “Communities” where is being chit-chatted about little things of the world or materials things, like puppets, cars, games, etc.. but who wants to take time to share something about the beauties of nature. Sharing about the beautiful ladies, we may find enough, but about the plants and animals we shall find less. Mothers, fathers, gamers, fun or entertainment-park users, all have some sites where they can meet each other. They all have their own social networking sites aiming toward connecting, like minded of from the same sort, online. Users on those sites can choose to navigate in different easy to use areas including Discussions, Groups, Things to Do, Photo, Video, Coupons, Marketplace and My Stuff.

Some do not mind to pay to have a “Family’s home” on the internet. Other sites, like Minti, ask to join discussions and offer advice to others in search of the answers to the perpetual questions that come with raising children, providing a forum for parents to share advice and network with parents with similar interests, problems or questions regarding parenting.

Focus of the writers

At those social network-sites the focus of the writers is mostly on themselves. From Guestwriters has no pretension to become also a social network site. It does not aim to bring the focus to particular writers. Instead of aiming themselves in the picture, the writers on this site do want to bring subjects and things they find interesting into the picture. The focus is on the material and not on persons or individuals. The material presented here wants to be undone from the writer, bringing thoughts which could be for everybody and should move many.

Here we want to confront issues and not so much persons. the aim is to give place to matters which should interest many and which should be of importance for human beings. The people joined here, do not want to put themselves on the first row. They want to approach others with sympathy and respect. They might approach the sharing of their or your thoughts and feelings with others. This they want to do with an attitude of respect for them-self with respect for yourself and for the other persons.

We are aware that not many people are interested to take time to read deeper going articles or poetry today. But we can only hope enough interested people would come along and would not mind giving their ‘contribution’. We would love to find a place where there may be created a healthy discussion atmosphere. But this site is not in the first place a discussion forum. No, it wants only to be a place where different thoughts may be uttered next to each other, without anybody taking a grudge or being disturbed or scandalized. We do not want feelings over the presented material to run high. We do not want to find polluting or poisonous words, but spiritual feeding words. We do not want to present destructive powers on this site. Contrary we would love to see building up material, presenting positive material.

Peace loving agreement to disagree

We would like to find all peace loving people over here. We may all want to have change, but we do not want to get change by violent actions. The general idea is to come to a place of peace with each other. We do know that peace at any cost is not peace and that we should work for it. We shall have to dare to put wounds open to be able to let them heal. We shall have to point the finger to the ulcers in our community. We shall have to face the illnesses in our community. Yes, to get on our way together, to find peace and a nicer world to live, we shall have to see the good and the bad things in the world, and be able to talk about them. It is over those good and bad things we would like to see writings on this site, by different people, who might have very diverse opinions. We want not restrict such divergent ideas nor a diversity of interests. Varied opinions may be sharply, but over here we do not want them to hurt any body. We all want to accept that each writer may present things from a different viewpoint. though we may differ from opinion we do not mind sharing together those different viewpoints and enjoying such a variety of ideas. (Imaging all wearing the same grey uniforms, all using the same words in the same order.)

We do not want to be blind for the different views there are in the world, but also do not want to ignore the different solutions which could be possible. In case a conflict would be shown it does not mean that such conflicting views would not allow a good relationship. It is not because we may have different opinions we do not like each other. We do not mind to admit there is conflict and consider the way we handle it more important and part of enjoying the peace in our relationship. Looking and discussion about the differences always keeping an open mind and having a willingness to work it out to come to a place of peace, shall give both parties fulfilment.

It may surprise you, but it should not, that we allow different opinions to exist next to each other. Presenting such different ideas also does not mean we would like to provoke argument nor agreement. We want to show that people can live together in peace even with different ideas and believing in agreement to disagree.

Willing to come together

Our hopes are that we may find enough people willing to share ideas and to taste the different flavours others might present here. It would be lovely if we can bring a pallet of different writers from all over the world. Perhaps it might be the nostalgic feeling of what we had in our children time, which was called in Dutch “poëzie”, an album of verses, little stories, uplifting texts and pictures.
The big differnce now being that in that album everything might have been centred to ourselves, now the focus goes to the others around us.

As adults we have come to see that the world doesn’t revolve around us and the world doesn’t revolve around the person. One of the keys to success in relationships is learning to yield to each other. Over here we would like to offer a place where everybody can come along and find material that can feed him or her to go on. In case many persons do not mind sharing positive ideas and inspirational thoughts, those who want to write on this site would be pleased to offer a source of inspiration and spiritual guidance.

Providing a warm, supportive environment

We all get some nice but also very unpleasant moments in our life. at the darker moments in life either we can get in our own little corner or look for a place where we can enjoy some light. We do hope this site might become such a place where many people shall be able to find some comfort, peace, tranquillity and find some inspiring notes, which can help them to get above the garbage they are feeling in.

We do not want to be pretentious squirts. We make no pretensions to expert knowledge. We have not the presumption we can solve all problems. But we do think we can help each other in different ways. The writers as well as the readers can find support in each other and build up a relationship of good feeling.

We want to offer stories of many people by showing an interest in their journey. We love it to share those voyages throughout the world. Not to walk alone is much nicer than staying in our recluse. We prefer not to be lone wolfs, but to find many people willing to live together in peace on this beautiful earth.


Join us today by becoming a reader or, why not a contributor as well?


Step in the van or in the bus and go on a nice voyage with us. (By Clicking on the picture you may find out more about the Bloggers for peace.

In case you have already your own blog, why not contribute now and then to this one and presenting some of your writings?
In case you also write regularly about love and peace, you might consider also to become a Blogger for peace.


Additional reading:

  1. Words in the world
  2. Helpful words
  3. Words to inspire and to give wisdom
  4. Spring in sight
  5. Hope
  6. Working of the hope
  7. Hope does not disappoint us
  8. The true hope of eternal life!
  9. Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  10. Hope as long as you live


  1. Living With(out) Regret and Negative Feelings
  2. Words are important
  3. Liberty-human-rights – article 10 – freedom of expression
  4. Twitter, Outrage, and Jesus
  5. 10 Powerful Tips For Sharing Thoughts and Feelings
  6. Did You Ever Wish for a Fast Way to End an Argument?
  7. Relationship Help–Allow Someone to Struggle to Get Strong


  • Make your readers do the weeping. (scribbledrevisions.com)
    Grief and pain are universal human emotions from which none of us are immune. You’re familiar with it. So am I. We all are.
  • Emotions and Faith – Part 1 (commentsonchristianity.com)
    Humans are emotional creatures. It’s one of the things that God gave mankind that He did not give to animals (or at least not on the same level we experience them). It’s what makes life beautiful, painful, joyful, sorrowful and meaningful. It’s a gift and a curse, a crutch and a burden.
    I feel an anger when I hear about violent or hateful acts. When I hear of murders, rapes, kidnappings, torture or even hateful speech I am disturbed. I cannot fathom the evil that is in this world.
  • Into The Blue (anupturnedsoul.wordpress.com)
    “Even as you suffer apparent defeats, you may discover that what you are losing is not really anything significant. You may learn that the needs of your ego are not your real needs at all.” – Robert Hand.

    It is sometimes said that our own suffering makes us more empathic towards others and their suffering. Because we know what suffering is, we see it, recognise it, understand it in others. We understand what they are going through, because we too go through it.

    Pain, sadness, grief, connects us. We all feel it, experience it, get to know it more than we would ever like to.

    Yet our own pain, sadness, grief, and suffering can disconnect us too. Especially when our mind and ego get involved in how we process our emotions.
    I feel blue and discouraged as things repeat themselves relentlessly and my efforts never materialize, never lead me to progress. My empathy is an obstacle as I keep thinking if I say how I feel it will hurt him and it makes me shiver; I have another pending situation with someone to whom I really need to make things clear and although she is the one who had pricking words for me, I feel guilty if I choose stand for myself.
    Do not fear the deep, dark, often seemingly bleak abyss of blue, breathe it in, breathe it out, let it flow and flow with it, see where it leads. We become stronger as we allow ourselves to embrace all of ourselves, all of life as it is. As we become stronger, how we experience life changes.

  • Journeys to Resurrection (improbableoptimisms.blogspot.com)
    “How could God let this happen?”
    We hear this question all the time: after shootings, after tragic car accidents and plane crashes, after typhoons and mudslides and earthquakes. During the seven years I volunteered as a lay hospital chaplain, I heard it often.
  • He Is Our Comfort In Times of Grief (csahm.com)
    grief is inevitable because death is inevitable. All of us must pass from this earth one day and leave loved ones behind.
    Everyone grieves differently, and at a different rate. We must learn that tears are okay; the feelings of isolation or emptiness are normal and will pass
  • The Knit Soul (1031lifeministries.com)
    There are hundreds of friendships and companionships in the Bible, but few compare to the perfect example of David and Jonathan. David was the captain of Saul’s bodyguard and a high ranking member of his army. He had slain Goliath and helped tear the Philistines to shreds; he had killed his ‘tens of thousands’ (1 Samuel 18:7). Saul attempted twice to kill David, and despite this Jonathan stayed by his side because “the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David,” (1 Samuel 18:1) and the two became as brothers, as well as brothers-in-law.
    stop spending any effort on unhealthy relationships because the ones that matter will be much more fulfilling. If there is somebody that you would weep and fast for then cherish that person and let them know how important they are to you.
  • Tender Love (essentialthingdevotions.com)
    What is the most moving film you’ve ever watched? I went to see Les Misérables last week and my husband was outraged that I didn’t cry! Needless to say he shed more than one tear himself. It wasn’t that I wasn’t moved, I was deeply. But I didn’t cry.
    For the record, there have been many films I have been moved to tears by – Message in a Bottle, Titanic, It’s a Wonderful Life, Pay it Forward to name but a few. And of course, the hopeless romantic in me cannot help herself from blubbing at films like PS, I Love You, Sleepless in Seattle, 50 First Dates and Love Actually! Cold-hearted? I think not :-).
  • It Stinks. (gillianbarr.wordpress.com)
    The Bible doesn’t shy away from death. In our culture, we do. We use euphemisms. Bodies are whisked away on gurneys to be cleansed by undertakers   We avoid the word “death”–we don’t say someone died. “He passed,” “she transitioned,” “he crossed over,” “she has gone to a better place.” We “celebrate their life” but go to great lengths to avoid the cold hard word “death.” We prolong life in hospitals, we avoid making wills or estate plans or advanced directives. We don’t tell our pastors when we are sick or in trouble because we “don’t want anybody to see us like that.” We may show death and gore in action and fantasy film plots, but we avoid talking about how it happens in real day to day life.
  • 10 More Hollwood Actors and Performers Who Are Bible-Believing Christians (theblaze.com)

    Last year, TheBlaze brought you a list of 10 notable celebrities who are openly Christian. While critics generally charge that there aren’t many “believers” or genuine religious adherents in Hollywood, some would argue against this claim, noting that there are certainly some in the entertainment industry who embrace Christ’s teachings.

    Regardless of the exact numbers, there are surely more than 10 celebrities who live by Christian doctrine, so we thought we’d bring you yet another round of Jesus-friendly singers and actors.

  • Pro-Faith Hollywood Power Couple Discuss Upcoming Mini-Series ‘The Bible’ on TheBlaze TV (theblaze.com)
    As society currently rewards reality television, violent YouTube videos and tends to portray people of faith as “cheesy” or “corny,” Beck pointed to the Emmy Award-winning actress, most famous for having starred in the the popular series “Touched by an Angel,” to showcase the best sides of faith and faith-centered entertainment.

    Downey, who has produced and starred in a myriad movies and television productions including “Monday After the Miracle” and “Borrowed Hearts,” and was honored as People Magazine’s “100 Most Beautiful People,” shared what faith means to her in an increasingly-secular world.

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Introduction, Lifestyle, Social affairs

See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory

In life we encounter many people and between work and taking care of the household we do have to find time for reading interesting things. On television and in the printed media we can find lots of flashy or attracting things, but not always worth to spend our precious time.

Man thinking on a train journey.

Man thinking on a train journey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We can watch hours to the little screen, with or without being bombarded with loads of commercials. When we are not at work we can meet lots of people and choose or choose not to have a conversation with. How many times did we not loose precious time trying to explain what we mean or to bring over our thoughts.

Marc Chernoff from Marc and Angel Hack Life tells us never to waste our time trying to explain ourself to people who have proven that they are committed to misunderstanding you. He ads:

And don’t define your intelligence or self-worth by the number of arguments you have won, but by the number of times you have said, “This needless nonsense is not worth my time!” {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

Marc and Angel are the authors of 1000 Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently.

With over 95 million page views to date, the articles at Marc and Angel Hack Life speak for themselves in terms of the quality and value.

you could say.

Who would not like to discover their life purpose and embark on a life path they can be proud of? On this platform we would also look into these matters. We would love to find writers who do not mind sharing with others how they found their purpose in their life and how others can find their purpose. We are convinced we can and should help each other to find our purpose in this universe and to take action on our goals and dreams.

Therefore we would like to send a message in the world of the message of peace that was given the world, but also of the matters we have in our own hands as well. Because e we all have much more in our own hand than we think. We all can realise more if we only would believe more in our selves. We also could do more in case others would not mind to help us and to stand ready to bring others in action as well to make a better world for us all. As an individual we might be not much , but with many we might be of more value and more heard by others.

Therefore we we would love to invite others to come and contribute and to pursue what they truly love.

The Way to Happiness

The Way to Happiness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By coming here with many we should be able to learn how to cultivate our own happiness and to learn and apply productive goal achievement strategies that work. Not the same shall be able to work for an other, but when more people show more paths, more ways to reach something, there will be something to choose from the diversity of propositions.

Looking at what others believe and want to strive for this might give others also inspiration and have them thinking about things they did not before. Bringing life-stories, meditations and texts to pounder, we shall be able to examine the many thoughts but also the fears, limitations, and emotions that are getting in our way. As such we shall be able to become more productive, effective, and efficient.

In this world there are already enough bad thoughts, messages of violence and pictures which bring horror in front of our eyes. Why would we not try to get more positive news in the picture? Why would we not dare to come forwards with more positive things and hope giving news?

We are convinced that by eliminate negative thoughts and emotions we can much easier go forwards, enjoy life and become a more positive thinker, who can produce better. By quitting bad habits, cultivating new habits, we can bring a positive train going and revamp our lifestyle in a positive way.

We would love to find here people you also might enjoy, who love and appreciate you, and who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways. They are the ones who make you feel more alive, and not only embrace who you are now, but also embrace and embody who you want to be, unconditionally. We better are part of such a group of people who would like to share their wisdom with each other and build up something constructive for all.

Here we do not mind that we face our problems or that others may face our inefficiencies. We know that it are not our problems that define us, but how we react to them and recover from them. Problems will not disappear unless we take action. We can try it on our own, but we can also use the knowledge of others to help us. On this website we do hope to find more people who would not mind helping others to find inspirational thoughts and to direct them to interesting articles which possibly also could help or contribute to our being capable enough to grow strong in this world. We only can do what we can, when we can. But we also should acknowledge what we’ve done. It’s all about taking baby steps in the right direction, inch by inch. These inches count, they add up to yards and miles in the long run.


Sadly, some people just won’t be happy until they’ve pushed your ego to the ground and stomped on it.  What you have to do is have the nerve to stand your ground.  Don’t give them any leeway.  Nobody has the power to make you feel small unless you give them that power. {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

That is a fact. But being in the minority we might feel pushed in the corner and let the others trample over us. Sometimes we might feel as if we have to face and overcome some of life’s biggest obstacles. Many think that they are alone. They should know that many, many, face the same problems and has to overcome the same obstacles. Defeat can be in front of our eyes. Deep in ourselves we do have to see the conquest and believe that we can  gain the victory over that what is put in front of us.


Many of us should dare to reconnect with our true self and our inner genius. We should accept that nobody is infallible and that we all can have something good but also have something bad. By helping each-other, letting see our own dreams and sharing our thoughts, we can become more confident and break away from limiting beliefs.

If someone fools you once, shame on them.  If someone fools you twice, shame on you.  If you catch someone lying to you, speak up.  Some people will lie to you repeatedly in a vicious effort to get you to repeat their lies over and over until they effectively become true.  Don’t partake in their nonsense.  Don’t let their lies be your reality.  {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

Surviving the ups, downs, and lightning storms of other people’s moodiness can be quite a challenge.  It’s important, though, to remember that some moody, negative people may be going through a difficult stage in their lives.  They may be ill, chronically worried, or lacking what they need in terms of love and emotional support.  Such people need to be listened to, supported, and cared for (although whatever the cause of their moodiness and negativity, you may still need to protect yourself from their behavior at times). {7 Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People}

Here we want to give a listening ear and would love to find more people who want to share how they got rid of the negative influences. We would advice to delete toxic people from your environment. You shall see by putting away all negative thoughts and by avoiding negative people you shall find it easier to breathe and also to meet more interesting people who can ad something positive to your life.

About those who bring negativeness in the air, we would say like Marc Chernoff:

If the circumstances warrant it, leave these people behind and move on when you must.  Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough!  Letting go of toxic people doesn’t mean you hate them, or that you wish them harm; it simply means you care about your own well-being. {7 Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People}

We have to dare to break away from relationships that have been holding us back. It is very important in our life whom we want around us. We should be fully aware it is also important where we want to preside in which company. Others will also judge us on what they can see and on what they can hear from those around us.

A Good Dog Can Bring Happiness to Your Life

A Good Dog Can Bring Happiness to Your Life (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So we better  enter new relationships with dependable, honest people who reflect the person we are and the person we want to be.

Choose friends you are proud to know, people you admire, who show you love and respect – people who reciprocate your kindness and commitment. And pay attention to what people do, because a person’s actions are much more important than their words or how others represent them. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

some may say

“It is all lies, darling.”

Well, it is up to you to find out. When it are lies, you should say so. When it is something you or we do not understand, you should say so too. Some may say a coin has two sides, we would say “it has three sides”. And we also would like to look at that third side of life. The layer between ‘head and tails’.

We would love to find more people who want to be honest about what’s right, as well as what needs to be changed. who do not mind to open their mouth and to speak out. Even when he or she may be considered a ‘loony” or a “noop” or that others say he or she is a “nerd”. The ones who stay quiet, seated on their ass, shall not be able to do much wrong but also not much good. We prefer to find people who undertake something. It may not always be successful, but better to see something happening instead of letting the world go on like now.

Be honest about what you want to achieve and who you want to become. Be honest with every aspect of your life, always. Because you are the one person you can forever count on. Search your soul, for the truth, so that you truly know who you are. Once you do, you’ll have a better understanding of where you are now and how you got here, and you’ll be better equipped to identify where you want to go and how to get there. Read The Road Less Traveled. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

On the site of Property investment hack you may find very beautiful photographs. Have a look at the article: {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.} and think about it, considering also what you might signify for somebody else.

Do you really have nothing positive to share? Do you really think you can not contribute something positive?
If you think so keep at least following us and do find inspiration to get more positive ideas and fulfilment.

In case you think you can also contribute positive messages, why would you wait to join us? Why hesitate? Do it now! Do contact us. Dare to offer your services to us and our readers, why not? Why not be  a person bringing Helping words?

The mind must believe it Can do something before it is capable of actually doing it. The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful. Listen to your self-talk and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Regardless of how a situation seems, focus on what you Do Want to happen, and then take the next positive step forward. No, you can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react to things. Everyone’s life has positive and negative aspects – whether or not you’re happy and successful in the long run depends greatly on which aspects you focus on. Read The How of Happiness. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

Everybody who is willing to contribute something positive is welcome.


Find also to read:

  1. Helping words
  2. Spark of Positivism
  3. We all have to have dreams
  4. Wisdom not hard to find nor hiding in remote places
  5. Wisdom lies deep
  6. Happiness is like manna
  7. Fear knocked at the door
  8. 8 fears caused by the fear of Man
  9. How do you keep people from stealing your joy?
  10. Suffering produces perseverance
  11. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  12. A Living Faith #5 Perseverance
  13. Everything that is done in the world is done by hope
  14. Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.
  15. Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  16. Hope does not disappoint us
  17. The work I do, let it be done good
  18. Be an Encourager
  19. Bloggers For Peace




Become a co-author of “From Guest-writers” and join the Bloggers for peace
and find 5 Steps to Peaceful Resolution, plus
striving for happiness
regardless of material conditions, relationship status, or past history,
Re-hydrating Your Spirit,
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as one big family of this universe.
Friends and Enemies: The Malleable Keys to Peace


peace not warWe Can Make a Difference–Right Here, Right Now
Letting others know that
The Universe Is All of Us


  • AOL Revamps Homepage To Highlight Video Content (jeremiahtillman.wordpress.com)
    AOL.com is getting a new look today. It’s not a dramatic change, but it brings one big addition to the homepage, a carousel of videos from AOL (which owns TechCrunch) and content partners like Condé Nast Entertainment, ESPN, E!, HSN, WWE, and The Wall Street Journal.
    “People wanted more and more video,” AOL.com and AOL Lifestyle President Maureen Sullivan told me. “We weren’t doing a good job of putting video front and center.”
    While there were videos on AOL.com before, they weren’t really highlighted in the same way. The new video carousel sits right under the top stories on the homepage, and clicking on a video opens up a new video player. The content comes from existing partnerships, new distributions deals, and from across the sites that AOL owns. As part of the revamp, AOL is creating creating new programming around “experts” like Tim Gunn, Tiki Barber, Molly Sims, and Rachel Zoe.
  • How To Make A Plan Work For You (peanutbutterplank.com)
    If you are about to start a new workout plan, do not go into it thinking you can get away with “kind of” following the plan. Half the time you do what you want and half the time you do what the plan says. Wrong. Have faith in the fact that someone took the time to sit down and think about what’s in your best interest to get you to your goals. Stick to the plan 100%.
  • 12 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Get Focused on What Really Matters (thehealersjournal.com)
    The irony of attempting to simplify your life is that it can end up being quite complicated.  It should be easy right?  Just let go of what is not important and doesn’t contribute positively to your quality of life.  However, we tend to have emotional attachments to many things in our lives that keep us bound to them far longer than is necessary or even beneficial.  There is a saying that people will work harder to keep from losing something than they will to gain something new.  This is often the case with simplifying your life– you are (in a sense) losing something that you once valued or felt like you needed that has now outlived its usefulness.
  • Moving Forward – Dare To Soar (jscicchitano.wordpress.com)
    If you want to Dare To Soar and move on to better things, you have to give up the things that weigh you down – which is not always as obvious and easy as it sounds.
    Starting today, give up…
  1. Letting the opinions of others control your life.
  2. The shame of past failures.
  3. Being indecisive about what you want.
  4. Procrastinating on the goals that matter to you.
  5. Choosing to do nothing.
  6. Your need to be right.
  7. Running from problems that should be fixed.
  8. Making excuses rather than decisions.
  9. Overlooking the positive points in your life.
  10. Not appreciating the present moment.
  • 7 things you need to stop doing… (snickerdoodles.ca)
    Try as you might, you can’t do it all.   I work so hard to keep things simple and mellow but life is complicated…things can get heavy.
    I know we are all busy and burdened by the complications life throws at us I thought I would share as a wee little way of showing I am thinking of you all.  This is all stuff we have most likely read and heard before but sometimes we just need a little reminder….a helping hand to grab hold of ours  and pull us out of surging spring streams as we are getting washed away in our own chaos.
  • How Buffer’s Blog Posts Get Shared Thousands of Times (contently.com)
    the trick was to tell stories that struck a nerve with people who had an audience. This new approach led to posts about psychology, creativity, and general life hacks. Some examples include:

    After the shift in strategy, Buffer’s blog posts quickly quadrupled their social reach from 250 shares per post to more than 1,000 shares per post.

    Guest blogging was another important factor driving Buffer’s early growth. Widrich wrote approximately 150 articles for other blogs in less than a year. The result? They acquired around 100,000 users during that time, according to Widrich.

    Over the past two years, many businesses and agencies have tried to use guest-posting to gain more back-links and improve their search engine rankings; as a result, it’s tainted the practice, turning guest-posting into a borderline-gray-hat SEO technique. “Back in the day, guest blogging used to be a respectable thing, much like getting a coveted, respected author to write the introduction of your book,” wrote Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team. “It’s not that way any more.”

    But for Buffer, guest blogging was more about reaching a larger audience than looking for back-links. “Relationships are hard to track, but are actually the most valuable things that you gain from guest posting. At the end of the day, if you do a lot of guest posting you simply make a lot of friends,” Widrich told Search Engine Watch.
    “If you are writing something that’s unique that people might have a feeling of otherwise missing out on, then this is a fantastic trigger to get people interested in your content,” wrote Widrich.

  • Let Me Love You (imperfectionismybeauty.com)
    I truly feel like at this point it is so much more fun being me and true to myself. And that I may be broken inside, but I will not let it break me. I often feel like no one (outside of my small circle) will ever be able to love the person I really am. I know that I am a perfectly imperfect person, but will someone really accept that? Will they accept the scars, the sadness, the pain I carry sometimes and even the scary that is my brain? I have no idea, but I know that the right person should. I at least believe in my heart that love is bigger that perfection and the perfect love is one where two people have accept each other as is. Because you have to take me at my worse to deserve my best. And let’s be honest, my best is pretty darn amazing and I would love to have someone to share it with, but I also want to know that they won’t run when they realize that my worst is worse…
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    For months, I was just passing throughout life. All my days were alike – filled with painful memories. I wanted to forget everything and everyone and just disappear from the face of the Earth. And just before you ask – No, I did not break up with a guy. It had nothing to do with it.
    I came back for more and more posts. As the days started to pass I found myself filled with more and more positive thoughts. I was slowly healing myself, preparing myself to face the world that I have left behind.Ultimately, I managed to get my life together. But the turning point that changed everything for me was Marc and Angel’s Blog.
  • More Than Conquerors (johnathondavis.wordpress.com)
    When confrontation(s) arise(s) with those of  whom present themselves as an enemy, let us not assume the same manner or nature or status, of their hearts. But let us remain, in and with, the heart of Christ. Being much more, inclined toward reconciling, peacemaking and peacekeeping, rather than a warring heart. Let us first (and always) seek understanding and forgiveness, remaining compassionate and gentle, before all else. If there must be a battle, allow God to fight it, if it must be fought. Allow God to prevail as Christ goes before us with perfected, reason, judgment and discernment.
  • 5 Ways to Increase Your Online Marketing ROI Today (callrail.com)
    Social networking has grown in leaps and bounds – and in recent times, become one of the most reliable online marketing channels. Using different social media platforms such as Foursquare, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, you can easily create a steady stream of traffic to your company’s online hub – your website. In return, you can achieve a strong online and marketing presence.
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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs