Tag Archives: Biblical teachings

4 Reasons to Pursue Humility

People like people to obey human teachings, this over spiritual teachings or those presented in the Bible. For that, people find it much more important to stick to what their church community teaches them. As a result, they do not have to take responsibility for choosing a particular doctrine themselves.

Many people forget that it takes a form of humility to accept Biblical Truth for what it is and to start living according to Biblical teachings instead of going along with the majority of people who have joined some majority church.

As believers in God, we should rather seek what we really want. Do we want to follow Christ or rather follow a church?

We should dare not to go for the easy answers, whereby church fathers say we do not have to think about it much, because we would not understand. For centuries many churches have presented their answers to take, without wanting to let you wonder and question them. Coming closer to important times it shall become even more important to question everything, and certainly the church and faith.

Coming to faith requires humility to admit scriptural knowledge and daring to set aside dogmas proposed by men.

Marcus Ampe

Our culture constantly tells us to build our self-esteem and think highly of ourselves.

Yet the Bible urges us to do the opposite. To pursue humility. It’s actually a glorious pursuit. And we have plenty of reasons to be humble. Here are a few:

We can’t control anything. We like to think we are in control. We make plans, write out our lists, book our flights, mark our calendars. Yet we can’t control a single thing.

Come now, you who say,

“Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”

— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say,

“If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13–15

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. We don’t know what the next hour will bring. Or the next 5 minutes for that matter. One little artery in our brain could burst. We could get a phone call with news that will alter our lives permanently. I don’t live in fear of the unknown, but it is humbling to contemplate our lack of control over our lives.

We are only here for a tiny blip of time.

“What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

This is humbling. We are nothing great. In the blink of an eye we’ll be gone. We can’t keep our own hearts beating or maintain our breathing. We can’t keep ourselves alive. We can exercise and eat well, and that has some value, but it won’t add a single hour to our lives. God has determined the number of our days.

We are limited in our self-knowledge.

“Know thyself”

said a philosopher. We can know a lot about ourselves, yet there is much we don’t. We can’t fully know our own hearts and motives. We can’t fully know our own weaknesses and sins or see them as others can. Proverbs 12:15 says,

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”

So often my first reaction to correction is to think the other person is wrong and that I’m right — right in my own eyes. That’s why we need brothers and sisters to help us, as it says in Psalm 141:5:

“Let a righteous man strike me — it is a kindness; let him rebuke me — it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it.”

It is a kindness when a brother or sister points out a sin or weakness. In our pride we are tempted to “refuse it.” But a humble person receives correction because he knows he is limited in self-knowledge.

Pride has terrible consequences; humility brings blessing. Proverbs 18:12 says,

“Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.”

I’d rather have honor than destruction. So I must guard against pride, which is always lurking in my heart.

“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (JA 4:6).

I don’t enjoy it when people oppose me, but definitely don’t want God opposing me. Really good reason to be humble.

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.” (PR 11:2).

Destruction, the opposition of God, disgrace — pride has serious consequences.

“Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (LK 14:11).

Humility will keep us from sin. A humble person knows he has fallen in the past in many ways and is capable of any sin. A humble person knows that if God doesn’t deliver him from temptation and evil, he is helpless to stand against it. A humble person doesn’t think that he is strong enough to expose himself to sin and not be affected, so he flees temptation. A humble person knows that God is working in him, yet he isn’t perfected yet.

These are but a few of many reasons to pursue humility. May we all seek to be lowly in spirit, like the most humble man who ever walked the earth, our Savior.

Mark Altrogge has been senior pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Indiana, Pennsylvania, since 1982. He has written hundreds of songs for worship, including “I Stand in Awe” and “I’m Forever Grateful.” Mark and his wife, Kristi, have four sons and one daughter. Find out more on his blog, The Blazing Center.



Don’t Harden Your Heart

Willing to be little


I is for Incompleteness

Learning from ourselves

Your Life: Habit or Freedom?

The Grace of Humility

More on Grace and Spiritual Fruit – Abide in Me, and I in you

Spiritual growth expansion of self-awareness


Additional reading

  1. A Book to trust #8 Father of the universe wanting His creatures to know Him
  2. Necessity of a revelation of creation 11 Believing and obeying the gospel of the Kingdom of God
  3. Created in the image of the Elohim to use their likeness properly
  4. Man enticed to long for more
  5. the Bible – God’s guide for life #8 Looking to Jesus #1 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus
  6. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God
  7. Do we know the right things
  8. A heart full of love is a fundamental requirement
  9. Matthew 7:1-11 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Neighbor Love Continued 8: Matthew 7:6-11 Giving and neighbor love
  10. Matthew 18:1-6 Reborn and pliable as a child
  11. Matthew 23:1-12 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Prominence and Humility
  12. Unless I wash you, you have no part with me
  13. Faithful Are the Wounds of a Friend
  14. Today’s thought “He humbled himself by becoming …” (April 8)
  15. An Appeal in Troubled Times
  16. Failing Man to make free choice
  17. Full text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’
  18. Learn how to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News of the coming Kingdom
  19. There is no true and constant gentleness without humility
  20. Humility and the Fear of the Lord
  21. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  22. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  23. A Living Faith #4 Effort
  24. When a person looks for or has the need to Choose the Right Church
  25. When seeing a biblically sound church



  1. Bragging rights…or not
  2. i believe – Christianity is not for the faint of heart.
  3. i believe – beliefs that come from hours of conversations
  4. Don’t Forget Humility
  5. Humbled
  6. C. S. Lewis on Humility
  7. Of Humility & Humiliation
  8. Humility and Faith
  9. Apr 28 Teach me to be humble
  10. Christians Behaving Badly and How to Change That
  11. Be Humble Like A Little Child
  12. I Want Jesus, Not Religion
  13. Two Characteristics of Christian Identity
  14. Practical Proverbial, from Matthew, 27 April 2023. Today’s topic: Bob Dole Humility
  15. The Insignificance of Our “Grand” Existence
  16. Be Careful How You Arrive
  17. The Guy in the Back

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs

3 Doctrinal Areas I’m Struggling with Right Now

Going further in exposing those who insist that the doctrines of the Catholic Church are the correct ones, we would like to point out that no human being, not even Jesus, is perfect. Jesus could have sinned but did not. Jesus could get angry, which he did on certain occasions, once even knocking over tables in a temple.

The Catholic Church as well as Jehovah’s Witnesses attribute infallibility to their church leaders, but that is contrary to the thought or teaching of the Bible.

Papal infallibility, in Roman Catholic theology, the doctrine that the pope, acting as supreme teacher and under certain conditions, cannot err when he teaches in matters of faith or morals.

The Pope isn’t infallible, the same as the Watchtower and Tract Bible Society is not infallible.

The writer of this reblogged article should be aware that there are many good reasons not to convert to the Roman or any other Catholic faith, or even to come under the authority of any Church he or she can find on this globe. Churches are only means, no necessity, to come to God.

I think there is something to be said of being willing to come under authority, even when it would require you to submit areas of your life and belief that you haven’t completely worked out yet.

Good that the writer can’t accept the doctrines the Catholic Church has of Mary and the Saints, because the God of the Bible is very clear, that He has to be considered the Only One True God above all gods and that He as the only Eternal Spirit (i.e; having no birth and not death) Who no man can see (Jesus and all other gods were seen). One does not have to be “ready to dive into those deep theological waters” because the Bible speaks very clear logical language. “Those deep waters” many people encounter or see by several denominations are just there because those denominations do not keep to the Biblical teachings but have set their own human teachings above the Biblical teachings.

The best thing to have your faith grow is by going from the first book of the Bible to the last, by just letting the Words of the Bible speak to you, forgetting for a while the words of many churches who most often claim for themselves that they are the only true church.



Biblical inerrancy and the Catholic Church


Literature of interest

  1. The Almighty Lord, God above all gods
  2. Only One God
  3. God is one
  4. 1.253 billion Catholics worldwide
  5. Rumours of problems in Roman Catholic Church
  6. Two synods and life in the church community
  7. Different assessment criteria and a new language to be found for communicating the faith
  8. Youngsters, parents and the search to root in life
  9. 25 Orthodox rabbis issued a statement on Christianity
  10. Anti Jehovah sites
  11. Belonging to or being judged by
  12. Dave Norris and his writings on the Belgian Bible Students
  13. Jehovah’s Witnesses Circuit Assembly and a Pillar to freedom
  14. French Catholic church covered up abuse of 330,000 children
  15. Indulgence still offered by roman Catholic Church
  16. Evangelicalism in France on the rise



  1. Doctrines of the Bible
  2. The Foundation Of Sound Biblical Doctrine
  3. Thinking through Biblical doctrine
  4. Reading the Bible in a Year: Things to Note Before You Begin
  5. Youth Group: Teaching Doctrine
  6. Freedom and Order
  7. The Church Is Holy
  8. Reading from a different bible
  9. Verbum Catechism Collection Giveaway
  10. False Prophets of Capitalism
  11. It’s most opposed to the Christian spirit
  12. Where are Catholic Teachings in the Bible?
  13. Why Does the Catholic Church Teach That Contraception Is Wrong?
  14. Following Jesus requires you to grow up
  15. Octave of Christian Unity – Vine and branch
  16. Catholic Action
  17. The Christian Church solemnly condemned slavery 500 years ago
  18. Why the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary?
  19. Discipleship | Forming the Believer
  20. Beware
  21. The Foundation Of Sound Biblical Doctrine
  22. The Making of Images
  23. A Common Misunderstanding Among Christians Todays
  24. What is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
  25. The Fallacy of the “Old Testament God”

Running to Rome

Change is never easy.

Especially when that change is in a foundational area of your life.

Like faith.

That is why I want to be totally upfront with those that read this blog. The change that is taking place in me isn’t easy. I’ve been a Protestant Christian since I was 8 years old, and my whole life has revolved around it. That means for the better part of 32 years I have followed, been involved in, and worshipped as a passionate Protestant Christian. I have raised my family here, worked here, and served here.

It has been home for myself, and my family.

It’s never easy to change something that is so deeply entrenched in your life, and the life of your family.

That is why I am taking my time with this transition. This isn’t something where you blow up old foundations to lay new ones. You must…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?

In our previous article, we looked at one of the great possibilities of diversity in Christendom and Christianity, many ‘theologians‘ interpreting the bible and introducing human doctrines into their religious groups or churches.

In every church, we can find preachers telling the flock to do this or that and to believe this or that. In all those churches their clergy claims that they are showing the only One God, though many preach about a Triune or three-headed god, in contradiction to the Biblical teaching that there is Only One True God Who is a Singular Spirit Being no man can see.

When we hear the question

Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?

we would say that each individual in a church or in a community of believers always should investigate what is really said in their community and always should compare the teachings of their leaders with what they can find in the Book of books, the Holy Scriptures or the Bible. To the above mentioned question, we would add

Who or what do you want to believe most, the Word of the Bible or the sayings of the priest, pastor or preacher of your church?

It is not cultural Christianity that “often suffocated authentic faith and facilitated superficial religion“, but it were those who went with the schism of 313 and the Nicene Creed, preferring to go for a triune god instead of keeping to the God of the Bible. First it was the Roman Catholic Church who ‘suffocated’ the real followers of Christ and even went after them to burn them at the stake. Later the protestants, instead of going back to the Biblical teachings continued in the tradition of the Catholic Church instructing their members the human doctrines instead of Biblical doctrines. They created rules and regulations which are not at all in the Bible. Some of them teach about dispensationalism, by which the seven dispensations and very names of the dispensations are also manufactured. Several protestant churches bring forth a system that contradicts the Scripture.

The System says the age of the Law lasted until the Day of Pentecost. The Bible says the Law and the prophets were until John – not Calvary. Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. {The Scriptures Versus the System}

Many churches also created a hierarchy and gave a special position to their leaders which is not described nor encouraged to have, according to the Scriptures. Some even go so far to place themselves in the place of the Jews, calling themselves the Chosen People of God, then forgetting that the Jews for ever will be the People of God.

Lots of churches do not spend much attention to what is really written in the bible. They seem to forget that divine illumination shall come to those who read the Bible and are willing to listen to God’s Voice. Though this requires are right attitude and our faith in those Sacred Writings. If we believe the Bible is the Word of God, and that the Bible is the ultimate authority over our lives then our eyes shall be opened and we shall come to see and understand what others are telling is according to the bible or not.

We always should trust God more than human beings and should refer to their sayings with the material we can find in the Holy Scriptures.

Theologians may do a lot to have you to believe that you would not be able to understand what is written in the Bible. Those implying that those without a PhD aren’t qualified to speak or write publicly about religion, are misleading the people and are wanting people to believe that God is partial and only wants to give insight to those who are learned. Those people who have gone to a theological college are closing ranks.

“It looks like clericalism… This kind of elitism may be more subtle than language of schisms and wounds and splits, but it has its own unpleasant implications.” {Who is qualified to write theology?}

However, one should know that God does not exclude anyone. Anyone can come to God, and Jehovah God is ready to nurture and provide insight to anyone who is open to receive His Wisdom.

The traditional goal of Christian theology might have been to develop a better understanding of God so that we could think and speak rightly about God within the context of a life governed by our faith in Christ and our discipleship to him in community with other Christians, but already for centuries the study of theology has concentrated more on the many writings of human beings who were priests, bishops or theologians, but only a few hours a week are given to the Word of God.

Under Christendom, politicians mouthed pieties they didn’t believe, and persons attended church for business contacts and socialising. Whilst in those churches those present did not hear so many words from Scripture, but got to hear lots of words written and said by human beings.

Lots of those speaking in church count more on those writers from the past instead of going by the anointed ones from God. They rely on the knowledge of their predecessors without questioning their words or comparing them with what is really in the Bible.

A bible student, Shawna N. writes

Some are so set on their interpretation that to suggest any new insight or different perspective will get you shot down pretty quick usually with scriptures that remind you that only God is God and we are not.

That we are but mere serveants who should not make ourselves out to be more than that. That we should not add or take away from the scriptures, that we should repent etc.etc.etc. and I think it has caused many to retreat and to isolate.

Many believe they have the Bible figured out. That their interpretation of the scriptures is the right interpretation and any challenge of it is to add to it or take away from it or that perhaps you are thinking you are higher than God.

The attitude and saying of certain preachers made people think about their church. This way lots of people left their church for what it is. Many do not attend church anymore, not because they cannot find one that worships the God of the Bible but because they cannot find a church of the Bible.

Shawna N. writes

I believe that it is crucial in studying Gods word to meditate on the scriptures. To slow way down and to meditate on every word in every scripture and to pray for God to help us to understand it .To know that our ways are not His ways our thoughts are not His thoughts .

Many of us grew up being taught that Jesus is going tocome crashing through the sky one day and thatbChristians will just vanish one day though the bible says that we are to Live by Faith Not by Site we are to expect a physical rapture and as long as we do and as long as we expect Jesus to show up in the physical to save the day the day will not be saved Is He not already with us and in us are we not His hands and feet?

Michael Hickenbotham, member of the Church of Jesus Christ for over 65 years the above first mentioned question a good question. He writes

I believe we all, even the most devoted disciples, lean to our own understanding most of the time. The phrase is found in Proverbs 3:5:

5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3

Notice that the verse starts with “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart”. If we always do that first, the second part of the verse will take care of itself. Trust or faith in the Lord needs to the primary guiding principle in all the important decisions in our lives.

In order for us not to lean to our own understanding, we need to be influenced by and follow the inspiration of Lord through the Holy Spirit all the time. For most of us, that seems to be more a goal than a commandment.

Not relying on the arm of flesh (Jer. 17:5; 2 Cor. 5:7; 2 Nephi 4:34; D&C 1:19) is another way of saying the same thing.

Benson’s Commentary indicates that we should

“Wholly and securely rely upon God’s wisdom, power, and goodness, and upon his providence and promises, for direction and help in all thine affairs and dangers. Lean not to thine own understanding

— Think

And that thinking is what a lot of people prefer not to do. They expect others to think for them and to take action for them. In many churches we can find lots of passive members, just sitting quiet, following the Sunday service, never reacting to what is said in church by that one who is standing in front or on the pulpit.

Michael Kern, B.A. Applied Linguistics & Biblical Languages, Moody Bible Institute replies affirmative to the question if we should question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible

Absolutely! The pastor’s first and foremost responsibility is to lead his congregation. If he is leading them down the wrong path, then he is failing at his job. Those in positions of great authority are held greatly accountable for their leadership.

I will say this, though: he may be teaching something that is biblical, even if you don’t see it. Some Scriptures are very difficult to interpret, and we have multitudes of different doctrines and denominations to prove it.

Before you challenge your pastor, take the time to research the subject yourself. You may find that he knew what he was talking about. If you find that the subject doesn’t align with Scripture in any way that you can see, then there is a likely chance that he is leading you astray.

If that’s the case, I would advise approaching your pastor one-on-one and asking him how he came to the doctrine in question. Maybe his explanation will make sense, maybe it won’t. Have a discussion with him and try to reach a consensus on the issue regarding what he has been teaching.

If he absolutely refuses to listen to biblical proof that he is wrong, and can provide no satisfactory answer for his teachings, then you move on to the last resort: bring your findings to the elders of the church, and ask them to speak with him. If all else fails, disciplinary action may need to be taken.

Sheryl Powell replies

If they are lovers of truth and they come across scripture that contradict what they have heard something is wrong. Now they may have it wrong and need to be adjusted with proper scriptures. If that is not the case and the ideology of the Pastor is wrong, perhaps it is time to seek love elsewhere.

The Catholic Sister Julie Distel her idea is that

church members of any denomination should free to question, in my opinion. I would suggest questioning in the proper environment – perhaps an appointment – not challenging the preacher during a service!

Now be mindful that some Christian groups, particularly the Catholic Church, has always honored tradition as a valid and rich source for our faith. Many condemn this and will quote Scripture about “no source but the Bible.” That is their belief and God bless them. We believe differently – and God bless us too.



If the Bible tells us not to lean upon our own understanding, are preachers, and Bible professors, leaning upon the theirs’?

When looking for God or wanting to relate to the Most High Divine God

Rhetoric and Biblical Truth

7 Ways To Become A Better Christian


Additional reading

  1. Looking to the East and the West for Truth
  2. Concern needed for the one who has no questions
  3. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  4. Have you also been deceived
  5. Why is it that Christians don’t understand Muslims and Muslims do not understand Christians?
  6. Challenging claim 1 Whose word
  7. Divine revelation mediated by Moshe and other selected people
  8. Vital importance of reading and following the Kitvei Hakodesh
  9. Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading
  10. One of the most important Truths
  11. Bible Inspired Word of God
  12. Everything from the Bible is useful for humans
  13. Importance to read the Bible regularly and gain understanding
  14. Bible exceptional Book of books where nothing can be taken away or added
  15. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #1 Pre King James Bible
  16. Deep sense of consciousness of the brokenness of our system
  17. Face to Face
  18. Preparing for the Kingdom
  19. Good or bad preacher
  20. Looking for a primary cause and a goal that can not offer philosophers existing beliefs
  21. An unbridgeable gap
  22. Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #2
  23. Constantine a brutal sociopath getting the believers in a God man on his side and creating a Christian church
  24. Mental Enslavement and Sins Syndrome (MESS)
  25. Redemption #8 Righteousness by Faith
  26. Different wineskins
  27. Not many coming out with their community name
  28. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  29. When seeing a biblically sound church
  30. As a small church needing encouragement
  31. Invest in Faith working together arm in arm



  1. On Religion
  2. Celebrating Christendom’s Demise?
  3. The Scriptures Versus the System
  4. Who is qualified to write theology?
  5. Theology as Discipleship
  6. The Shifting Paradigms of the Gospel
  7. Father, Holy Spirit, & Son: When the Trinity is Out of Order
  8. three times a day
  9. what’s in the Bible?
  10. The Struggle to Believe the Bible
  11. Fitting The Right Pieces
  12. Five Reformation Principles
  13. In the Midst of Every Plague, God is Still A Mighty Fortress
  14. They Dreamed a Dream
  15. It is Easier to Change the Local Church than the Bible
  16. The Polarizing Effect Of Truth
  17. What I Love About the Bible Despite My Misgivings About It.
  18. To Show God’s Truthfulness
  19. The Christian’s Struggle to Be Good


Filed under Questions asked, Religious affairs

If the Bible tells us not to lean upon our own understanding, are preachers, and Bible professors, leaning upon the theirs’?

In our world, there are lots of people who consider themselves the only appropriate people to talk about the Bible, because they have studied at the university of theology and/or philosophy. The clergy with their priests and pastors in a variety of denominations all try to convince those coming into their church, that their church is the only true one.

Though we can find lots of denominations in Christendom, of which there are many where the clergy are not exactly behaving like Christ Jesus instructed. In Why there are so many denominations in Christendom we tried to give a short answer to a question many times posed. What is striking about many denominations in Christianity (or better: in Christendom) is that often not much attention is paid to the biblical texts. It is as if the Bible is only a small faits divers within religion.

The absence or minimisation of biblical content means that by paying more attention to human doctrines, more conflicts have also arisen, leading to splits in groups and thus to the emergence of multiple denominations.

So the question may be asked, why is it that the clergy of these denominations do not resort to the Book of Books, which can indeed give them the best information and teachings?

At the question:

If the Bible tells us not to lean upon our own understanding, are preachers, and Bible professors, leaning upon the theirs’?

We think that is the whole problem in Christendom, people leaning upon their own understanding, following more the philosophical and theoretical theologian writings of human beings instead of going by what is written black on white in the Holy Scriptures.

Profile photo for D. Paul Walker D. Paul Walker, An Elder with many years in the faith, writes

Many reject the teaching of the Bible based on their own faulty belief such as that something is impossible when the Bible says there is nothing impossible for God.

According to Theodore Tsistinas

the understanding of the bible is plain to those who read it with the purpose of not challenging it. That’s why the language has been changed from time to time because people wanted their own opinion to be expressed. The entire bible is the history of the people of God from the Jews to the Christians. There is one god spoken of in the bible. Its people and their personal interpretation that has challenge the understanding spoken very clearly in scripture. But then stupid is what stupid does and the mass of humanity would rather listen to the opinions of men rather that the wisdom of God.

Michael Ballai writes

There’s a certain amount of, hopefully, Biblical understanding that a student of the Bible can readily bring to a given text of scripture or how the Bible explains an appropriate worldview. I know stuff after more than three decades that are bedrock to the Bible and I have no intention of putting my personal two cents in on what God says.I revisit passages regularly and seek to consider them afresh each time because I know there is more in there than I have seen previously. People who are lazy simply deprive themselves of the depth of treasure.God is perfectly ok with how an individual preacher chooses to explain something in their own style as long as it doesn’t get in the way of the message.A preacher is called to cut it straight. It lines up with God’s understanding. The reason we do it is to tell it according to the way God sees it. And that is how God wants to sanctify us in getting us to line up our understanding with Him.

Scott Bissell sees one of the difficulties in what we think is a major issue in many churches, namely when they quote half a verse, or as we would add, take just part of a verse and use it out of context. In case people would check more what is taught at their church with was is written in the Bible, more people would grow closer to a unity of Bible-reading people.We may not forget that the attitude to the Bible is of paramount importance.Robert Hoge reacts to this by writing

Scripture is subject to endless interpretation, some of which is purely tendentious. I recently got a comment from someone who was gushing over the Bible as the greatest collection of symbolism in the world, or something to that effect. My own principle when reading and teaching the Bible comes out of a book I read long ago but no longer own:“When the literal meaning makes sense, seek no other meaning.”Not only does this save a lot of effort, it also ensures that we don’t add or take away anything. Rev. 22:18–19 says,“18 I warn every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,19 and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”For all I’m concerned, these last words of the Bible apply to the whole of the Bible, not just to its last book, Revelation.

That warning may make it very difficult to teachers of the Word of God, preachers and/or pastors, having them to be very careful what they say and how they say it. They always should control if their teaching is in accordance with the teaching of the Bible.For those who read the Scriptures, there is the danger that they got into the trap of their church to which they belong and that they cannot do away of their own indoctrinations or doctrines of their own church. They are so used to think in the same way as their church teaches that it has become very difficult to read the words like they are written in the Bible. For example when there is written in the bible about Jesus “the son of God“, many read “god the son“, which is something totally different from what there is written and from what God said on several occasions when He declared Jesus to be His only begotten beloved son.According Michael Abernathy

most people approach the Scripture with a certain bias. Before they even open their Bible, they have creeds and denominational positions that they force upon a text. On the other hand, most of the preachers I know spend a great deal of time searching the Scripture and praying for God’s enlightenment. Yes, they use their minds to help them understand what God has written. But anyone who says they don’t do that is either lying or deluded.

Profile photo for Matthew HeadyMatthew Heady likes to extend the above question and asks

Does not everyone, including the questioner “lean” on others? Why restrict the question to just preachers and professors?What the biblical teaching refers to is not facts and conclusions which are known to or drawn from the minds of humans. The biblical teaching refers to how a person is actually informed about the Triune God of the Bible.

Here in his answer already gives a big sign of how he himself fell for the human doctrinal teaching, because in the Bible there is no such information on a Trinity, though there is a clear teaching we may have no other gods than the Divine Creator God, Who is a Singular eternal (= having no birth + no death) all-knowing Spirit Being Who is the Almighty God above all gods.Heady continues

There is nothing a sinful human being with a corrupt (and limited) understanding and reason of all things may do. There is not any thought, word, or action, that will allow a person to recognize the Triune God, they may only realize that a god is, but not the Triune God.

People when willing to give their full attention to the Words of the Bible, shall come to see clear and understand that there is no such thing to worship as a three-headed god. There may be many gods in the world but people should only keep to that Only One True God God of gods of the Bible, Jehovah, Who is the God of Israel.

It is this knowledge of God, revealed in His Word, the Holy Scriptures, that is what a person must “lean” on. Not the thought and practices of humans. They will get us nowhere. Our minds come into play after we are gifted by faith in Christ and are then able to properly understand and explain to others Biblical teaching and practices.

writes Matthew Heady.


Continues with: Should church members question preachers about the doctrine that is not in the Holy Bible?


Confrontation by people telling lies to force others to avoid the targetted groups

Daring to speak in multicultural environment

Many opportunities given by God

Christian denominations as pots in the desert

Having to learn and benefit from other Christian denominations

Preaching as Public Speaking

Maybe it is About Me

Hitler and Christianity: Some Trends in Interpretation


Additional reading

  1. A world with or without religion
  2. Science, belief, denial and visibility 2
  3. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  4. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  5. Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians
  6. Digging in words, theories and artefacts
  7. Catholicism, Anabaptism and Crisis of Christianity
  8. Protestant denominations of the Low Countries and Abraham Kuyper
  9. Counterfeit Gospels
  10. Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26
  11. Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water
  12. Denominationalism exists because?
  13. Why the church keeps losing it’s grounds.
  14. Why there are so many denominations in Christendom
  15. Tri-union gods and Pagan, Christian, Muslim and Jewish views on the Creator God
  16. Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading
  17. Literalist and non-literalist views
  18. From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah
  19. Exceptionalism and Restricting Laws
  20. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritualy
  21. Pastoral discipline and dissent from papal teaching
  22. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  23. Good or bad preacher
  24. Many churches
  25. Religion and believers #7 Independent and organised form of existence of a religion
  26. Looking for a biblically sound church
  27. In all circumstances preaching Christ
  28. You Are The Truth
  29. The Most Appropriate teacher and Scoffers in our contemporary age
  30. From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name
  31. A Book to trust #1 Background book for debate
  32. Challenging claim 1 Whose word
  33. Divine revelation mediated by Moshe and other selected people
  34. Vital importance of reading and following the Kitvei Hakodesh
  35. Reading to grow and to become wise concerning the most important thing in life 1 Times of reading
  36. One of the most important Truths
  37. Bible Inspired Word of God
  38. Everything from the Bible is useful for humans
  39. Importance to read the Bible regularly and gain understanding
  40. Bible exceptional Book of books where nothing can be taken away or added
  41. Bible in the first place #1/3
  42. Where to learn the truth
  43. Lovers of God, seekers and lovers of truth
  44. Engaging the culture without losing the gospel
  45. By the closing down of the Association for Biblestudy
  46. Challenging claim 4 Inspired by God 3 Self-consistent Word of God
  47. Different wineskins
  48. Manifests for believers #5 Christian Union
  49. The Bible: is it contradictory?
  50. Those willing to tarnish
  51. Follower of Jesus part of a cult or a Christian
  52. Those who call the Christadelphians a cult
  53. Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews
  54. Jeshuaists, Carrying the name of Christ
  55. About Three-in-Ten U.S. Adults Are Now Religiously Unaffiliated
  56. When there is secrecy involved




  1. What is faith and is it the only thing required
  2. What Do We Mean by the Word Christian?
  3. Variations of Christianity
  4. Religious Population Is Growing
  5. The Problem with Christianity
  6. One Body
  7. TRUTH – I believe that God’s greatest disappointment in the Christian Church is our lack of solid unity
  8. Catechesis 101 | Church: Did Jesus intend one Church or many denominations?
  9. Which Church Would Jesus Choose?
  10. A Call for Unity
  11. Unity
  12. This is Church Unity?
  13. Simple Difference
  14. About the different denominations
  15. Division Among Christians
  16. From One Religion To Another
  17. Christian denominations (sects)
  18. Denominations 2 We are divided on the question of authority
  19. Denominations 3 It seems there are some Catholics who feel free to discard the teachings of their Church when they conflict with their lifestyle.
  20. Denominations Part 3.
  21. Denominations part 4
  22. Denomination’s 5..Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  23. The Difference in Denominations
  24. Are Different Denominations Okay?
  25. Do Denominations Divide Us?
  26. Are denominational differences a blot on the church?
  27. Does Denominationalism Blind You to the Truth?
  28. Denominational ABC’s: Advantages, Burdens and Controls (Part One)
  29. Putting Denominational Disagreements in Perspective for the World and the Church
  30. Denominational Dialogue
  31. Denominations Losing Internal Influence
  32. Bethel, the BGC, and the Decline of Denominational Financial Support for Christian Higher Education
  33. We’re All Heretics Now
  34. Roger Olson on Denominations and Christian Unity
  35. Faith/Belief
  36. Is religious faith madness?
  37. Declining Denominational Support for Evangelical Colleges?
  38. Charlottesville and storms
  39. thoughts on the death of the Church
  40. By What Authority? – A Non-Denominational Response
  41. Rethinking Scripture
  42. Please don’t call me a Christian
  43. Why My Family Is Changing Churches (and Denominations)
  44. Are Pastors Lying to You?
  45. There are many Trinities!
  46. Christianity vs. Catholicism
  47. Baptists, Catholics, and the Protestants
  48. Are you a “hypenated-Christian”?
  49. Embrace diversity by embracing tribalism. It’s okay to be different
  50. Being Religious Is Not The Way
  51. Deceived
  52. Can Christians now remain in the Methodist Church?
  53. Why are there so many splits in the Presbyterian Church? Here’s an Explanation
  54. Self Deception Part III – Wolves Among Us
  55. On the Intersection of Differences and Unity in the Body of Christ
  56. Throwing Away The Wrong Thing
  57. Christianize Christianity (6)
  58. Isolation of the Church
  59. My church History (Part 2)
  60. Is There Life After Leaving Church?
  61. If I Were Starting A Denomination From Scratch
  62. Nuanced beliefs
  63. Many Christians Are Known for What They Are Against…Unfortunately
  64. The Holy Struggle
  65. Brand Ambassador or Christ’s Ambassador?
  66. Can I attend an InterVarsity Christian Fellowship instead of a church while at college?
  67. What Does It Mean To Be Non-Denominational?
  68. Am I angry at Christianity?
  69. Letter to a Friend (2o3)
  70. How to Avoid Being a Lazy, Arrogant Christian
  71. After I was lost in sin, I was lost in church…
  72. Experiencing More of the Church
  73. I Am Not A Denomination – Episode #101
  74. Can you find your religious practices in the Bible?
  75. How Many Gods?
  76. Swiss Cheese Theology
  77. Unity (Ephesians 4:1-10)
  78. On belongingSo whose right?
  79. Warning! Get Out of Her – My People!
  80. The American Gospel


Filed under Questions asked, Religious affairs, Vragen van lezers

Rhetoric and Biblical Truth

Nathan Carter Johnson a 9th generation Tennessean, descendent of first landowners who settled in Middle Tennessee in the early 19th century, who is by trade a Professor of Moral Philosophy at New College Franklin in Franklin, holds a B.A. in English Literature and master’s degrees in Biblical Studies, Theological Studies, and Liberal Arts; currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Humanities, and teaches rhetoric to 11th graders, says it has become apparent that some of his students believe that we should not spend so much time studying rhetorical devices and tropes.

Either it’s a waste of time or, worse, it’s a form of manipulation and deceit. {Rhetoric as a Trinitarian Discipline}

For him it is

somewhat more surprising that so many of them feel that the time and attention spent learning about ethos, pathos, and rhetorical tropes is at its core a way of teaching them how to manipulate their audience. “Why can’t we simply speak the truth?” they ask. {Rhetoric as a Trinitarian Discipline}

Speaking the truth has become for many very difficult or not something to strive for. The majority of people prefer to please others and to keep to human ideas and teachings instead of choosing for following Biblical teachings. Lots of people also do not feel well when they would be seen as outsiders, and therefore they prefer to walk with the main stream.

The writer of the above mentioned article further writes:

Rhetoric is at its essence, to quote Quintilian, “the art of speaking well,” particularly in the context of persuasion. As Aristotle said, rhetoric is “the faculty of discovering in any particular case all the available means of persuasion.” But for many students, all this focus on “art” and “means of persuasion” is simply a deceptive way to cover up the truth. While this notion is misguided, I’m thankful they are voicing it, because it enables all of us to think more deeply about how to answer their question: Why can we not simply speak the truth? The answers to this reveal many things about the nature of truth, language, and our God. {Rhetoric as a Trinitarian Discipline}

In this day and ages of lots of fake news and false messages people often forget that certain groups of people have advantages not to tell the truth. As such for centuries the Roman Catholic Church told many lies making it easier for them to frighten people and to get more followers from them and more money.

Lots of institutions used their power for persuading common people to follow them and to become a member of their church.

Mr. Johnson agrees that there is no such thing as “neutral speech.”

To speak is to persuade. Even the simple statement, “I like lilies,” is an attempt to persuade one’s audience to believe this fact and to believe it for a specific reason. We cannot speak without selecting which information we want to say and which information we want to refrain from saying. We cannot speak without selecting how we want to speak: whether that is our tone of voice, our vocal modulation and inflection, the use of figures of speech, or how we string our words and sentences together. So the question is not whether we should use our speech to persuade, but whether we are using persuasion with honesty, integrity, and artistry: or, if you will, with Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. {Rhetoric as a Trinitarian Discipline}

We all should be fully aware that for many, to persuade by means of artistry seems like an attempt to cover up (or supplement) the truth because they don’t believe the truth is persuasive enough on its own. That idea made many people willing to give their own ideas more strength by calling themselves theologians, and even telling the world that ordinary people can not understand the Bible because it would be too complicated for them. People started believing their words and did not dare to question if God would ever make His Word so complicated that only studied people could understand it.

The reason why for many the Bible looks so difficult to understand and even seems to contradict itself at certain places is, because the false human doctrines made it so complicated eand by the first doctrine had to come a second, and then  a third and once more some other doctrines people just had to accept, so-called because they would not be able to understand it.

It are those human doctrines which made the Bible to complicated for many people; In case people would just take the words for what they say it would be So Easy!

When they would read “son fo God” and think “son of God” when it is written in the Scriptures already the main problem will be solved. But for many that seems too easy.

The danger of a good rhetorician is like a musician or any other theatrical performer who by his artistry can bring people into a different world, which is not always the world of truth, like Mr. Johnson wants us to believe. About a good rhetorician he says:

His artful speech ends up communicating truth in the way intended by God, because truth is meant to be embraced. His artful speech, by being more persuasive, leads the audience to embrace a truth they wouldn’t have if they were merely listening to someone speak accurate words. {Rhetoric as a Trinitarian Discipline}

He is forgetting the Bible can speak for itself and has the Words from God written in it. The Bible is the infallible Word of God Which always tells the Truth. And people should know that God is no liar. Often people also forget that God knows everything, whilst the prophets, Jesus and his disciples did not know everything; Jesus even did not know when he would return or when the End Times would be. In case he would be God, like so many want us to believe, than God would be lying and deceiving as well, because God also told us that no man can see God, whilst many have seen Jesus.

Those who claim to be Christian should be believing those Words of God Who says He is Only One (and not two or three) and take the warnings from God at heart:

“And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram and said unto him, “I am the Almighty God. Walk before Me, and be thou perfect.” (Ge 17:1 KJ21)

“”Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.” (De 6:4 KJ21)

“”‘See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god besides Me. I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal; neither is there any that can deliver out of My hand.” (De 32:39 KJ21)

“one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Eph 4:6 KJ21)

“Concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but One.” (1Co 8:4 KJ21)

“God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent. Hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?” (Nu 23:19 KJ21)

“Once have I sworn by My holiness that I will not lie unto David.” (Ps 89:35 KJ21)

“in hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised before the world began,” (Tit 1:2 KJ21)

“that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we, who have fled for refuge, might have strong consolation to lay hold upon the hope set before us.” (Heb 6:18 KJ21)

“And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent; for He is not a man, that He should repent.”” (1Sa 15:29 KJ21)

“And He said, “Thou canst not see My face, for there shall no man see Me and live.”” (Ex 33:20 KJ21)

“1  “Thou shalt not raise a false report. Put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. 2 Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause, following many, to divert judgment. ….. 7 Keep thee far from a false matter, and the innocent and righteous slay thou not; for I will not justify the wicked. 8 And thou shalt take no bribe, for the bribe blindeth the wise and perverteth the words of the righteous. … And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect; and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. ….. 20  “Behold, I send an angel before thee to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. 21 Have regard for him, and obey his voice. Provoke him not, for he will not pardon your transgressions, for My name is in him. 22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries. 23 For Mine angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites and the Hittites, and the Perizzites and the Canaanites, the Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will cut them off. 24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their works; but thou shalt utterly overthrow them and quite break down their images. 25 And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and He shall bless thy bread and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. 26 None shall cast their young nor be barren in thy land; the number of thy days I will fulfill. … 32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. 33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against Me; for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.”” (Ex 23:1-33 KJ21)

“No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.” (Joh 1:18 KJ21)

“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (1Ti 1:17 KJ21)

“who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen nor can see, to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen.” (1Ti 6:16 KJ21)

Though no man can see God, does not mean He would not exist or would not have the Power to reach people so that they can come to see the Truth.

People should know that the decisions of Jehovah God are true and that God can be found by man if they are willing to hear His Word and to place it above the words of man.

“The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever; the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.” (Ps 19:9 KJ21)

“It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, who stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in,” (Isa 40:22 KJ21)

“For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” (Ro 1:20 KJ21)

“There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.” (1Co 15:40 KJ21)

“He that hath received His testimony hath set his seal to this: that God is true.” (Joh 3:33 KJ21)

“God forbid! Yea, let God be true, though every man a liar. As it is written: “That Thou mightest be justified in Thy sayings, and mightest overcome when Thou art judged.”” (Ro 3:4 KJ21)

“He that believeth in the Son of God hath the witness in himself; he that believeth not God hath made Him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son.” (1Jo 5:10 KJ21)

It is that believe in the son of God which is so important but so many Trinitarians overlook. People namely have to believe that Jesus is the sent one from God and that he is God’s only begotten beloved son.

“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law,” (Ga 4:4 KJ21)

“And lo, a voice came from Heaven, saying, “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.”” (Mt 3:17 KJ21)

“Jesus said unto them, “If God were your Father, ye would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of Myself, but He sent Me.” (Joh 8:42 KJ21)

Those words seem so simple and clear, though the majority of people who call themselves Christian do not want to accept those words and even go so far to say that people who believe those words are no Christians. Though some would agree to say

it is not enough to to see yourself as a cultural Christian; you should be a Christian by heart as well. {Being A Cultural Christian Is Not Enough}

Though that concept of being a Christian by heart might be different by those Trinitarians because for them, it is more important to keep to the human dogma’s instead of to the Biblical dogma. Strangely enough most of those Trinitarians would agree with the theorem

In the first place, being a Christian presupposes that you believe in God. And in fact, a Christian does not only believe in God, he or she also believes in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. {Being A Cultural Christian Is Not Enough}

Though at the same time they say:

“Jesus is God”


“Jesus is god the son”

something totally different than

“the son of God.”

Some Trinitarians say the Father and son are not equal personally, they say they are just equal in office, when they also say they are two persons but the same God. They forget how Jesus tells his disciples to Whom he is going and by Whom he can do things.

“17  But Jesus answered them, “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.” 18 Therefor the Jews sought the more to kill Him, because He not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God. 19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, “Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do; for what things soever He doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. 20 For the Father loveth the Son and showeth Him all things that He Himself doeth; and He will show Him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. 21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom He will. 22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son, 23 that all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son honoreth not the Father who hath sent Him. 24 Verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth My Word and believeth in Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life. 25 “Verily, verily I say unto you, the hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live. 26 For as the Father hath life in Himself, so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself, 27 and hath given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man. 28 Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice 29 and shall come forth—they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. 30 “I can of Mine own self do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I seek not Mine own will, but the will of the Father who hath sent Me.
31  If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true. 32 There is Another that beareth witness of Me, and I know that the witness which He witnesseth of Me is true. 33 “Ye sent unto John, and he bore witness unto the truth. 34 But I receive not testimony from man, but these things I say, that ye might be saved. 35 He was a burning and a shining light, and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. 36 But I have greater witness than that of John; for the works which the Father hath given Me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of Me that the Father hath sent Me.” (Joh 5:17-36 KJ21)

“Jesus said unto them, “If God were your Father, ye would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of Myself, but He sent Me.” (Joh 8:42 KJ21)

“27 “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 28  Ye have heard how I said unto you, ‘I go away and come again unto you.’ If ye loved Me, ye would rejoice because I said, ‘I go unto the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I. 29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that when it is come to pass, ye might believe. 30 “Hereafter I will not talk much with you, for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me. 31 But that the world may know that I love the Father, as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.” (Joh 14:27-31 KJ21)

“Jesus said unto her, “Touch Me not, for I am not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say unto them, ‘I ascend unto My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’”” (Joh 20:17 KJ21)

“But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.” (1Co 11:3 KJ21)

“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more; and I will write upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from My God, and I will write upon him My new name.” (Re 3:12 KJ21)

Mr.Johnson with many other Trinitarians want people to believe that artful speech is in fact truer than bland speech and truer that the black on white letters of Scriptures. We should check their speech with what those words tell us black on white and if it is consistent not with its message, but with the Bible message.

Truth’s telos is to be believed — and to bear fruit in virtue and worship, people should follow the Word of God and not that of man. We may not forget that The Bible can speak for itself and that it embodies within itself power and beauty, because Truth finds its source within the Pure Word of the Only One True God and not in the Trinity. In this way, the manner in which we speak must reflect the nature of Truth itself. Artful speech is truer because it embodies more than simple truth: It is Trinitarian.

People should come to see that there might be many roads, but no all leading to God. For sure Jesus is the way to God and not to himself. Jesus, his disciples and their followers are paving the road leading to God.

Be sure that when you are willing to look for the Truth, you shall not be alone. Many who love Christ are willing to strive for

Maintaining unity of Spirit in the bond of peace becoming one with God

Mr.Johnson knows that truth that does not reflect the beauty and goodness of God is important. Nut than it is important to know “Which God” one wants to honour.  One should not go for the “truth of man” that does present itself as worthy of admiration, but should go for God’s Truth.

A  truth that does not have moral weight, is hardly a truth worth telling.

Please let us always remember to have no gods besides the Only One True God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, and to keep to the Biblical Truth.




Not About The Name Of The Godhead Of Jesus

To find ways of Godly understanding

Fully God Or Only A Part Of God?

Daring to speak in multicultural environment


Additional reading

  1. Blindness in the Christian world
  2. Christian in Christendom or in Christianity
  3. Is Christianity a Greedy Religion?
  4. Seeking and finding God
  5. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  6. People Seeking for God 4 Biblical terms
  7. Sayings around God
  8. Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #4
  9. Jahushua, Joshua, Jeshua or Jesus an Immanuel or God with us an incarnated God or a human being?
  10. The sent one from God
  11. Knowing Jesus Rabboni
  12. Jesus son of God
  13. Jesus Christ the Messiah
  14. Seeing Jesus
  15. Bible writings telling us there is only One True God
  16. The way of looking at the Scriptures and the people in this world
  17. The One Who divinely inspired the writers of the Bible can also preserve it
  18. Bible exceptional Book of books where nothing can be taken away or added
  19. Do you believe what Christ’s Apostles taught?
  20. With the Bible, honour should be given to God and not to people
  21. Jesus and God
  22. Knowing God
  23. A Father Who begat a son
  24. Sayings of Jesus, what to believe and being or not of the devil
  25. Jesus begotten Son of God #19 Compromising fact
  26. On the Nature of Christ
  27. Entrance of a king to question our position #1 Coming in the Name of the Lord
  28. Entrance of a king to question our position #2 Who do we want to see and to be
  29. The Son can do nothing of his own accord
  30. God of gods (Relating to God)
  31. God of gods
  32. Real God
  33. Only One God
  34. God the Father
  35. Greatness of God
  36. Uniqueness of God
  37. Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #2 Pantheon of gods and celebrations
  38. Have no other gods besides Me
  39. Today’s thought “nonsense surrounding the many gods” (July 28)
  40. Trinity
  41. Trinity matter
  42. Trinity – the Truth about God
  43. Trinity – history
  44. Constantine a brutal sociopath getting the believers in a God man on his side and creating a Christian church
  45. Behind a False doctrine – the Trinity
  46. The Biblical contradiction of the Trinity creed
  47. Babylon, counterfeit Church
  48. Going away from Babylon
  49. The Almighty Lord God of gods King above all gods
  50. Believe in One God
  51. Jehovah Host of hosts
  52. A 1st reply to the 4th Question Who is God 2 A Singular Supreme Spirit Being
  53. Today’s thought “No silence so that everyone will know that there is only one Supreme Ruler all over the earth” (February 17)
  54. Omniscient God opposite a not knowing Jesus
  55. A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it
  56. The “I am” statement
  57. Concerning the saying: I and the Father are one
  58. A way to look for Christ, the Bible, Word of God
  59. Believe in One God
  60. God’s Self-Revelation
  61. God is one
  62. Attributes to God
  63. Character of God
  64. Doctrine of Christ
  65. Reasons that Jesus is Not God
  66. God son king and his subjects
  67. Not saying Jeshua is God
  68. One in God’s Hand
  69. Ambassadors for our faith in Jeshua
  70. From nothingness to a growing group of followers of Jeshua 5 What’s in a name
  71. Difference between a Messianic Gentile, a Messianic Jew and a Christian
  72. Jews and Christians against Messianics and Jeshuaists
  73. Judaism and Jeshuaism a religion of the future
  74. Today’s Thought “The servant, His chosen one, whom God supports and in whom God takes pleasure.” (June 18)
  75. Today’s Thought “To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like? ” (June 22)
  76. Additional verses to memorize Philippians 2:6-9 + Luke 22:42 Jesus not regarding equality with God
  77. TD Jakes Breaks Down the Trinity, Addresses Being Called a ‘Heretic’
  78. False teachers and false prophets still around
  79. Faith – Concerning Faith and the Gospel
  80. Hardships for choosing to follow the real Christ
  81. One Mediator
  82. Commandements of Christ
  83. Christianity without the Trinity
  84. Worshipping God
  85. Attitude of a Christian
  86. Nurturing a Close Relationship with God
  87. Relationship with God, Jesus and each other
  88. Abiding in God’s Love


Further related

  1. “The Trinity and Missions” John 20:19-23
  2. Come To Me To Have Life
  3. Being A Cultural Christian Is Not Enough
  4. The Trinity
  5. Tri-Unity
  6. The Trinity Ain’t a Puzzle–It’s Life!
  7. Why Every Christian Should Read Augustine’s Book on the Trinity
  8. Tuesday Tea-ology, 12/08/20
  9. #17 St Nicholas and Why I Accepted the Trinity
  10. What Trinity are You Worshipping?
  11. The Unholy Trinity
  12. The Relationship Between Jesus and God the Father
  13. Who Do You Say That I Am?
  14. Baby Jesus Grew Up – Do You Hear the Voice Crying: Prepare the Way of the Lord?
  15. Luke Chapter 3
  16. Beloved Son
  17. One With The Father
  18. Always On Your Heart
  19. No G-D But OneONE
  20. Daily Service: ONE
  21. Day 134, “One God”
  22. There’s Only One God”
  23. ONE GOD
  24. Good morning message: 1 Timothy 2:5-6
  25. The Significance of One
  26. The Mystery of One
  27. Creator of All
  28. November 29, 2020: God is the Living God
  29. Deity Identified #1953
  30. Why are only Christians acceptable to God -1505a
  31. One God: Supreme, Eternal, Transcendent, Universal, Immanent
  32. Debunked – One god in Catholic theology
  33. Tell me nothing but the truth – Part 1
  34. A Trinitarian Christian claims he can explain the trinity…guess what happens next?
  35. Proof that the desciples did not preach the trinity!


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Welfare matters

Israeli leaders delight in Europe’s cruelty toward refugees

Many people in the capitalist countries are afraid the asylum seekers will be able to conquer their countries and impose their religion onto them.

English: The Ethnic composition of Muslims in ...

The Ethnic composition of Muslims in the United States, according to the United States Department of State based on the publication of Being Muslim in America as of March 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In case they would strongly believe in One True God they should not have to fear the Muslims, because they also believe in the same One God of Abraham.
Though many Christians and Muslims have gone far away from the teachings of the Holy Writings and have given preference to human philosophical writings and human traditions.

Hungarian right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban saying, what many so called Christians also think, that Muslim refugees must be kept out of Europe “to keep Europe Christian,” does not understand that when those Christians would be really following the teachings of Jesus Christ, they should have nothing to fear. Then they also would be able to show the Muslims that they share the love of Christ and worship the same One God of Abraham. But the majority of so called Christians do not believe at all or do not do much with their faith. The majority also has gone far away from the real faith and worships, when they do that, a triune god instead of keeping to that One True God, Jehovah, the divine Creator of heaven and earth.

It is true that the that the people who are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture, but when we can let them feel welcome and show them they do not have to fear our culture and our believes and let them know that in our regions we allow freedom of thought and freedom of religion and that those who come to live here shall have to give those rights of freedom to all people as well, than there should be no problem.
Those who do not want to have others the freedom of thought should know they are not obliged to stay here and can go to other places.

Problem only can arise when the states give in too much and would allow restriction to certain people, like wearing limiting clothing in public, or having imposing of certain religious traditions on others, like allowing sounds coming out of loudspeakers to call everybody to prayer, than others could come to be annoyed or bothered with those Muslims, the same as they can be angry with the bells in the morning of churches, making them awake when they want to sleep.


Protesters from far right organisations hold a banner which reads, “Stop the Islamization of Europe” during their protest against refugees in Krakow (Image: Reuters)

Europe and European culture have Christian roots and nothing should be against it to protect those. but our Judeo-Christian values should be grounded in our faith and be presented by the real Judeo-Christian attitude the God of Abraham would like us to show.

The xenophobic and anti-Muslim views that appear to lie at the heart of current Hungarian government policy and the negative reactions all over Europe clearly show how many so called Christians are missing the lesson of the Samaritan, Jesus told.

The people who call themselves Christian should know they do not have to fear man or other religions, but God. when they really would stand firm in their shoes of faith, they should not have to worry at all about a Muslim invasion, because then they would be able to convince Muslims of their faith. Problem with many Christians is that they went the wrong way, believe in a triune god in stead of the Only One True God and like several sorts of Muslims are carried away by human teachings and traditions instead of keeping themselves to the Biblical teachings.

Perhaps this is a good time for many Christians to consider which way they want to go in this world and how they want to treat other people, in the light of that what God wants from His people.

Let us show our good heart and help those in need, but let them also feel that we do want to help them without them having to rule over us. They should be welcome but have to know they cannot impose their laws over our world. It are they who should adapt to our culture and not we to theirs. When every body makes this clear and when they really got to know this from the beginning there should be no problem. Then they do know what to expect and then they still have the choice to stay or to leave. Nobody of the asylum seekers is obliged to come and live here.


Right-wing demonstrators gather on a square in the old town of in Warsaw (Image: AFP)


To take note of:

worst refugee crisis since the Second World War

some Israeli officials are quietly reveling in the chaos

Dore Gold, director general of the Israeli foreign ministry, expressed optimism > refugee influx will shift Europe to the right, making it more sympathetic to Israel’s “security” justification for its ongoing colonization of Palestine.

European perspective beginning to sound a little bit more like Israel’s perspective on security issues, compared to what it was in the past

Images of refugees corralled in trains, tracked with numbers on their forearms, locked away and fed like zoo animals in overcrowded camps and blocked with razor wire fences from entering Hungary = recall memories of Europe’s darkest chapter

right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban provoked most widespread revulsion

Orban’s ruling party, Fidesz, smitten with Israel, particularly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party

Orban declared “Likud is our natural ideological partner.”

deaths = direct consequence of European border policies designed to make migration as unsafe as possible

Orban launched a Hungarian Birthright program for North Americans of Hungarian descent => sends young Jews on free trips to Israel in hopes they will immigrate

Fidesz deepened ties with far right + openly anti-Semitic Jobbik party

in Israel, fans of the Maccabi Tel Aviv football team unfurled a giant banner that read, “Refugees not welcome!

Netanyahu announced construction of a wall along the Jordanian border to block a potential influx of Syrian refugees => Israel will be entirely walled off.

Of the five states that border Syria, Israel = only one that has not taken in any Syrian refugees for reasons identical to Hungary’s.

Israel barred Palestinian refugees from returning and labeled those who tried to come back as “infiltrators.”

millions of Palestinians continue to languish in squalid refugee camps scattered across the Middle East nearly 70 years later + longest running refugee crisis in modern history


leaders in Poland appealing to widespread anti-Muslim sentiment among the populace

people have suggested reopening Auschwitz and sending the refugees there

right-wing protesters clutching the national flag assembled on the streets in the capital of Warsaw + chanted slogans including “Today refugees, tomorrow terrorists!“ and ”Poland, free of Islam!“

Lech Walesa, leader of the Solidarity freedom movement in the 1980s, pledged to host refugees at his home

Gniewino, a county near the Baltic Sea coast =first place in the nation to offer to offer jobs to three Syrian families, with parishioners in the western city of Poznan showing support by collecting over 24,000 zlotys (£4,186) to help accommodate refugees.


Signs reading ‘Refugees welcome’ and ‘No one is illegal’ in Warsaw (Image AFP)

All the Jews should take the words of the leader of the opposition Zionist Union, Isaac Herzog, at heart

“You’ve forgotten what it means to be Jews. Refugees. Persecuted. The prime minister of the Jewish people does not close his heart and the gate when people are fleeing for their lives from persecution, with their babies in their hands.”

And the European citizens should remember the 1st and 2nd World Wars and that what Jesus Christ thought.


Preceding articles:

Still Hope though Power generating long train of abuses

Daring to speak in multicultural environment

Refugees At The Border- A Blessing Or Burden?

Poster: Please Help The Refugees

The World Wide Refugee and Migrant Crisis and a possible solution for it

Social media and asylum seekers


Additional reading:

  1. Concerning gospelfaith
  2. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  3. Do you believe in One God
  4. Epitome of the one faith
  5. Faith moving mountains
  6. Full authority belongs to God
  7. God is one
  8. God’s design in the creation of the world
  9. God’s promises
  10. God’s measure not our measure
  11. God’s promises to us in our suffering
  12. God of gods
  13. God’s hope and our hope
  14. God’s salvation
  15. Hope for the future
  16. Incomplete without the mind of God
  17. Is God hiding His face when He is seemingly silent
  18. Israel in God’s purpose
  19. Life with God
  20. Looking for blessed hope
  21. Meaning of life
  22. Miracles in our time of suffering
  23. Moving mountains
  24. Not sure there exist a God
  25. Nurturing a close relationship with God
  26. Only one God
  27. Our relationship with God, Jesus and eachother
  28. Our way of life
  29. Plain necessary food of the gospel
  30. Reasons that Jesus was and is not God
  31. Sayings around God
  32. Second exodus
  33. Sects, why so many
  34. Suffering
  35. Suffering through the apparent silence of God
  36. Suffering continues
  37. Suffering leading to joy
  38. Surprised by joy
  39. Surprised by time in joys & sufferings
  40. Words from God about suffering
  41. Working of the hope
  42. Seems no future in suffering
  43. Vatican against Opponents of immigration
  44. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #1
  45. Meeting to focus on humanitarian issues for Syria
  46. Men of faith
  47. Built on or Belonging to Jewish tradition #4 Mozaic and Noachide laws
  48. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  49. Cognizance at the doorstep or at the internet socket
  50. Faith related boycotts
  51. Mocking, Agitation and Religious Persecution
  52. Economic crisis danger for the rise of political extremism
  53. Americans wrongly informed about situation in Europe
  54. Fitting the bill in the North and in the East
  55. The Protester named Person of the Year 2011 by Time Magazine
  56. Cool Person of the year 2011
  57. 2014 Social contacts
  58. Rampaging, demolishing sacred sites and cultural heritage
  59. Continues Syrian conflict needing not only dialogue
  60. Can We Pay The Price To Free Humanity?
  61. Public not informed enough about Jihad terrorism in Belgium
  62. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  63. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for
  64. State of Europe 2015 – Addressing Europe’s crises
  65. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before
  66. Europe’s refugees just follow the ancient routes for the peopling of Europe in the Neolithic
  67. Why Russia backs Assad: a view from Russia’s anti-imperialist left
  68. Propaganda war and ISIS
  69. African misery and women inequality
  70. Because of doing too much social work put to silence


Further reading:


Dispatches from the Underclass

Crossposted from The Electronic Intifada

As most of the world looks on in horror at Europe’s atrocious response to refugees escaping war and persecution in the Middle East and Africa, some Israeli officials are quietly reveling in the chaos.

Dore Gold, director general of the Israeli foreign ministry, expressed optimism that the refugee influx will shift Europe to the right, making it more sympathetic to Israel’s “security” justification for its ongoing colonization of Palestine.

“Israel always faced the problem in the past that its national security perspective was completely out of sync with how Europeans were viewing the emergence of the European community and the borderless world that was emerging,” the American-born hardliner told The Jerusalem Post.

“In the European models that existed 25 or 30 years ago, it is kind of difficult to hear an Israeli argument. But now things may be beginning to change a little,”…

View original post 1,756 more words


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