Tag Archives: Dreams

Being on the road in my dreams or with a Tin Can Traveler

In 2009 I was placed in retirement and had to find an end to my artistic dreams and (to be honest) also to my dreams to become someone. In the previous years, like I still do, I had worked under several names.  There was the choreographer, the teacher and the writer, plus the one who had many dreams, not having the money but in those dreams going to many places.

Like some American blogwriter

I used to inspire my students by giving them what I considered to be the ten most important two letter words for having a dream life. {About Annie How It All Started #1}

that blogger had decided it was time she granted herself permission to take on the power of the words:

“If it is to be, it is up to me” in living my own dream life. {About Annie How It All Started #1}

Would that be not marvellous if we all could do that, just going our own way, free in the world.

Limited by my health and by finances, I just seem to keep it to dreams only. Luckily on the net, we may find people who are able to travel a lot and do not mind sharing those lovely experiences they might have while going from one place to another.

For Annie who lives in a home on wheels (the Tin Can Cottage), a Winnebago Mini Motorhome, her dream life is:

living in a motor home aka recreational vehicle (RV), working at jobs around the country, and experiencing a never-ending journey of adventure and discovery via the open road. It entailed selling my house and furniture, walking away from my career, and in short, learning a brand new way of life..

Would that not be the dream of many:

having and learning to have a brand new life?

I would say, even if Omicron wants to waltz with us, let us keep far away from it, and though we might then be a bit isolated, let us enjoy the beauties of nature. That nature which has so much to offer, but is also, like us, in danger of a terrible disease, the “greed of man”, the bodies who do not mind destroying their own planet. But when we and each other individual making his ow bit to safeguard that nature, for sure we must be able to get some candle burning, shedding some light onto the necessity to do something against global warming.

We do not have to sell a home, sell all our belongings like Annie did, but we perhaps could use some similar mindset as she has.

The most unsettling list was the one with all the things I wanted to keep. I was delirious with materialistic greed, thinking I could still harbor all the flotsam and jetsam from 40+ years of pack rat proclivity.

Mentally, I had attached the stuff to me as so many outer coats that now had to be peeled away one by one. The only way to do it was to adopt a spirit of philanthropy. I saw most of my possessions off to good homes; only keeping what I thought I needed or would be useful.

It took me most of the summer and multiple parings but my home finally took on a cavernous look. {About Annie How It All Started #1}

This Annie is now living in an RV and travelling the country is her dream life, which is lovely she can build up such a dream life. We can enjoy her travels with a 26′ Winnebago, Class C which has been her home since 2007.  It’s 25 feet long with one slide-out.  Her tow car is a Subaru Impreza Outback with manual drive.

 It’s also my “toy hauler”  and totes my 10 foot kayak on the roof and my bicycle, Big Blue inside with the back seat down. {RV Living / Work Camping}

For 2022 I would advise you to have great days full of inspiration

enjoying the day and the road, autumn colors, beyond blue skies. {Bald Eagle’s Message (#755)}

let us have our eyes on the plants and animals around us, and yes … let us be carried away by a Bald Eagle who takes off into the air, flying off into the beckoning blue skies.

Many happy and pleasant dreams for 2022

feeling transported to another realm; spirit time; a time to walk with those on the other side of the veil.


Like this Annie Tin Can Traveler writes:

There is magic in immersing oneself in a personal reality without and within. It super-charges the soul, brings forth creative forces and that forever feeling of joy.

When I open myself to it, that is when I find the most incredible gifts only imagined in my mind’s eye. {Imagine Hearts… (#786)}

Hearts from Cape Cod

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Ecological affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

One day🙏


Try to get it!

In sha Allah

One day I will have a new start
One day all my sadness will depart
One day I will have a partener who is So smart
All my worries and interests he will adopt
One day I will achieve all my dreams
And I will have brand new routines
One day I will fly far far away
Until I reach my ultimate peaceful stay
One day I will restore myself



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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Flooding & Factions

What is striking about the aid provided to the victims of the July floods is that no one paid attention to any national character or religious group and that, without exclusion, help was offered to everyone from all over the country.

John Jr's Blog

I remembered at least three of my dreams, unfortunately I forgot to record two of them, and so now I only remember barely part of one dream.

This dream took place during the day, and there was a flood.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

A heart full of dreams in a world that has turned to stone

Nothing is more precious than a heart full of dreams
in a world that has turned to stone.

From a blog with very nice photographs with not always related long texts: The Island of Truth and Lies.

Above the hypnotic waves,
on a lingering cloud, the ghost of a rainbow appears.
A promise.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Quotations or Citations, Spiritual affairs, World affairs

Shades of Life

There are many different shades of life presented by the many experiences and influences brought into our surroundings.

We have one great expectation to grow in our life and to make it better all the time, looking forward to perhaps an unreachable dream. Those who believe in the Divine Creator know that life is fare-most the greatest gift and that life is sealed by the Grace of salvation making us able to live by a still greater expectation of a better world to come. With that hope by the Grace of Salvation we can nurture our personal choice to opt the option of living and enjoy every moment we receive from the Creator. For that life we should be thankful for each blessing in our present life and the other life still to come and hoped for.

In our life where may be the shadow of all those experiences and special moments of life?  The memories which can build up our life and make our book of life a great story-book to accompany us on paths still unknown.
We may not be any more the one we were when we were a child. All those experience , which we liked and did not like, have moulded us in an other child. The innocence of our childhood is gone. But by the years we become softer and perhaps less experimenting, putting much more in perspective.   When older the empty days can be filled with memories.

Life may be going on for no reason, but we can give a lot of reason to our life, and that is what we should do.


Find also to read:

  1. without any reason
  2. I have seen the real you
  3. Childhood Friend



During Wind and Rain

Our life depending on faith


Additional reading

  1. Looking forward for what is to come
  2. Looking for a spiritual new life
  3. Matthew 20 It is never too late
  4. A Tool to shed light over the qualities in our life 1 Inner feelings
  5. Life and an assembly of books



  1. Cheers To Life !
  2. Poem #193 we’ve placed burdens and shackles on love.


“Among infinite shades of life, you can’t claim any one shade as The best or The worst. Life is so unpredictable.

Soulmate life

Walks with me like my shadow Amalgamated life
Time flies likeblink of eyes, though
Unswayed life

Lives in the hope of living and pray
Aspired life
Lost in the memories of yesterday
Ignorant life

Freely savour the present moment
Pithy life
Cherish the future’s golden element
Relentless life

Resonates the music of laughter
Melodious life
Takes the shower of tears
Morose life

Butstillhowbeautiful, yet



साये की तरह साथ चलती ये
रहगुज़र जिंदगी
मेरे हाथों से छूटता वक्त है फिर भी कितनी
बेअसर जिंदगी

जीने के आस में हरवक्त रहती ये
अग्रसर जिंदगी
कभी कल की याद में खोई हुई ये
बेख़बर जिंदगी

कभी आज को खुल के जीती हुई ये
मुख़्तसर जिंदगी
कल के सुनहरे सपने सजातीे रहती

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters

The Mystical Tales of the 1001 Arabian Nights, Symbols of the Heart of Secrets

How many people do not chase a dream they allow mastering their mind? Lots of people are blind to what they should see but want to go looking for something which seems unavailable and far away, but often seems better than where they live, instead of searching the richness in their own habitat.

People should know the treasures are not hidden in a secret cave but are hidden in the own heart to which the own spirit and the set-apart or Holy Scriptures are the key to enter.

Kone, Krusos, Kronos

A Wisdom Tale

“We lay veils upon their hearts lest they understand it…”

Qur’an (17:46)

Many years ago in my youth when I meet my Spiritual Teacher, I heard someone ask him what were his favorite movies, to my surprise he said:

“I love those movies, about Sinbad the Sailor, Ali Baba, The thief of Bagdad, and that type of movies.”

I was floored, an avid movie fan at the time I couldn’t figure out a man of his Spiritual realization would care for such cheese B movies made on the fifties, and sixties, with second rate actors like Steve Reeves, and other perhaps more memorable, like Douglas Fairbanks earlier and many others, since Hollywood love for the exotic, an adventures has been a cash cow, and every so many years they bring to the screen the tales of the Arabian Nights in a new form, with little, or any artistic relevance, .

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Cultural affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

A positive attitude can really make dreams come true

A positive attitude
can really make dreams come true
– it did for me.
David Bailey

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Een positieve houding kan dromen echt waarmaken

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Welfare matters

Doubt kills more dreams than failure

Doubt kills more dreams than failure

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie: Twijfel doodt meer dromen dan mislukken


Filed under Being and Feeling, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts, Welfare matters

Not pushed by problems, but guided by dreams

Make sure you are not pushed by problems,
but you are guided by your dreams.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Niet geduwd door problemen maar geleid door dromen

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Welfare matters

Love, sleep and reality

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep
because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
― Dr. Seuss

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Verliefdheid, slaap en werkelijkheid

Ted Geisel, American writer and cartoonist, at...

Ted Geisel, American writer and cartoonist, at work on a drawing of the grinch for “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Filed under Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations

Keeping faith in youth dreams

” Stay true to the dreams of your youth. ”

Friedrich von Schiller

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Trouw blijven aan jeugddromen

Friedrich von Schiller Coloured Drawing

Friedrich von Schiller Coloured Drawing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Filed under Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations

To Endeavour to live the life which one has imagined

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment;
that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams,
and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined,
he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours..”
― Henry David Thoreau


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts

A Million Ways To Live: Al Muhyi (The One Who Gives Life)

When we start our life we do not have any specific dreams or aspirations; When we start seeing all those attracting things around us we want to get up from our four pats to stand up on two limbs and to come to conquer the world around us. We start having lots of dreams and lots of aspirations, but when we get older we encounter also lots of defeats and disillusions.

Somehow deep in our heart we may feel a certain call, a cry that there could be an Al Khaleeq (The Creator), but most people do not want to know about some One Who is Greater than they and has their life in His Hands. But without this Divine Creator man shall have to find that life is empty and time is restricted, coming to see that in this life we shall never get to that high point of total fulfilment.

When finding Allah the Exalted, or the God above all gods, we shall be able to grow and find peace in our heart, how much other people may try to destroy the good name of Allah and want to bring fear over the world, blaspheming Allah and besmearing the Muslim community.


To remember

dreams sketched in your duas  (= your very essence of worship) > visuals you created in your mind > voice out to Allah = like statues made of clay.


Preceding article

Reflections on Existence and Teaching

Engagement in an actual two-way conversation with your deities

Get up & Move on

Getting out of the dark corners of this world

Why “Selfishness” Doesn’t Properly Mean Being Shortsighted and Harmful to Others


Additional reading

  1. It is Today
  2. A time for everything
  3. A tongue to speak slowly and well-considered
  4. To whom do we want to be enslaved
  5. Old Man of Prayer
  6. Death


Further reading

  1. Looking For Grace: Al Lateef (The Subtle One)
  2. No Ordinary Shephard:Al Waasi (The All Encompassing)


Musings Corner

The dreams that you have sketched in your duas, the visuals that you have created in your mind about how that “moment” would look like, the imaginary rehearsal sessions in your washroom where you prepare for the “feeling” lest you dont feel silly- we all have these dreams. Getting that degree or that job, that dream marriage, that dream family, driving your dream car or unpacking at your dream home; all of us have so many things we want, wish for, ask for.
The wishes and duas we voice out to Allah are like the statues made of clay. In our limited capacities, thats the closest we can be to the reality we want to have. So we need Al Muhyi to give life to those statue like dreams, by making them real in flesh and blood. So ask Al Muhyi to give life to your duas by manifesting them…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Letting go


Letting go of the past does not involve checking up on it, or looking back at it and letting the memories fill you. No, you can do that years later once you’ve let go but never during the process.

Letting go shouldn’t involve talking, thinking, reminiscing, dwelling, crying, regretting, anything from the past.

Letting go means dropping everything. It means forgetting the bad and the good. Again, you can think about it all later if you want. But you probably won’t, you’ll forget it eventually.

Letting go is hard, especially if your past seems like it was better than your present. But sometimes in order to have a better future you need to think of your past as a dream. Let it go, imagine it as if you are just now waking up and you can faintly remember the dream you had but not really. Wake up and forget the…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Recollections of the Day From My Garden…

The semi-retired ex-professional Western Australian musician becoming a copywriter with one of Australia’s largest marketing companies for 10 years, Nia Maharg, spends most of time writing fiction, poetry and about topics that interest him, looking at lingering clouds which dance in wisps of tangerine softness {Sublimity…} but also dreames his soulgrew wings and took flight {Broken Night of Dreams!}


Nia Maharg


by Nia Marharg.

Darkness drapes itself over light

and drags another day to a close,

folds it away in a bank of distant dreams.

As if no rule, no-compass scheme lay before its eyes,

Good and evil people passed.

Good and evil people entered.

Someone said something profound at midday

forgotten by evening…

The sea pounded the shoreline with its massive waves.

The wind belted the lime stone face of Mount Snape.

First light of sun revealed

red rose blooms laden with dew,

petals with sun-lit crystals,

in my garden… delicate.

.Every flower is an honoured dinner guest

waiting to be invited to nature’s table…

shrubs and flowers healthily yielding their beauty and fragrance.

 Paths in the garden lead on to gravelled beaten tracks.

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Filed under Nature, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Wonderful dream

Luckily enough we have many people around us who can say that some of their dreams came through.

When you belief “Dreams never come true” it can well be that, so better to go for dreams that can come true.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Failures, mistakes and Initiatives for Excellence and success, Working towards turning a Dream of yours into reality

We all have to have dreams. Without dreams we shall not accomplish much in life.

Dr Austin Ejaife, [an Olorogun, the ‘Ugo’ of Agbon Kingdom] a Professional Tax, Audit, Accounting, Strategy and Global Corporate Governance Consultant, who also wants to be Motivational Speaker, Inspiration mover, Political Critic and Social Crusader with passion for good governance, advocacy and empowerment for Positive Change, reflects how he views and interpret real life issues, current news items from around the world and Nigeria in particular. But he has also some good food for thinking for those in the West as well.

He writes about are do’s and don’ts and knows we all make mistakes and have to live with them, but are better to look forward to the tomorrow which will come–and it is up to us how we choose to face the day ahead of us.

The mistakes of yesterday are in the past, and with the right attitude and some effort, today will find us making fewer. {Leave Yesterday’s Mistakes In The Past… And Bring The Lessons With You So That You Will Not Repeat Them}

English: Some APEX teen leaders were invited t...

Some APEX teen leaders were invited to a breakfast (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In our previous article we looked at some celebrities. Several highly placed people or those who are in the picture for a while may get a certain attitude. It is not weird or strange to find leaders filled with abnormal hubris lacking internal validation. Dr. Austin Ejajaife tells about some wonderful studies, that shows the corroding effects of ego and how leaders are more likely to suffer from disease of fixing fat compensation, acquiring other firms and engaging in other risky strategies to feed their egos. Leaders ought to cultivate humility. {Initiatives For Excellence: Avoiding Arrogance of Power}

Successful people are able to come into the danger zone, becoming a leader, or anyone in a position of power and authority, having to avoid the trap of arrogance of power.

Everything rises and falls on leadership,”

says Dr. John C. Maxwell,

“but knowing how to lead is only half the battle. Understanding leadership and actually leading are two different activities.” {Initiatives For Excellence: 12 Major Signs Of Leadership In Danger (I)}

Dr Austin Ejaife *(Ugo1)* writes

World leaders attending the Progressive Govern...

World leaders attending the Progressive Governance Conference 2009 in Chile. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The key to transforming yourself from someone who understands leadership to a person who successfully leads in the real world is character. Your character qualities activate and empower your leadership ability, or they can stand in the way of your success
Dr. Ted Engstrom  says that organisation succeed or fail for many different reasons.

Even the mature organization or nation is not without its hazards. In many ways the dangers that it faces are more subtle. They are often the result of success rather than failure. {Initiatives For Excellence: 12 Major Signs Of Leadership In Danger (I)}

We would say it is not only leadership in danger but also for our own success we have to be careful not to settle for the status quo. We also should know that new ideas shall bring with them a conflict of interest, and conflict of interest brings internal tension. We continuously have to work around those feelings and cope with that internal tension.

Quality is far more important than quantity. Size or quantity must always be secondary to the effectiveness. Discriminating between breadth and depth is not easy. That is why there is a real danger here. Leaders may have a great desire to expand throughout and beyond our community or to the rest of the world, but if the quality of our products or services is not being continually strengthened, then, we may discover that we have over-extended ourselves. {Initiatives For Excellence: 12 Major Signs Of Leadership In Danger (I)}

We always should know ourselves and have to be realistic about what we can do and what we can handle, never forgetting to listen to others and to look around us, noticing what is going on and how society reacts to certain things. One of those dangers when looking around is that we view a situation from a limited point of view.

The only failures that really exist are choosing to hold onto limiting thoughts such as, “There is nothing we can do to move beyond this situation.” Life is a series of decisions. If something didn’t work out in the past, accept what happened as being an incident from the past, and be willing to move on. If we are spending time trying to change the past, we have limited ourselves from moving forward. Please remind yourself that we cannot change what has already happened. We can change how we feel about past situations. {Turn Your Failure Into Accomplishment!}

Reality (Dream album)

Reality (Dream album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Lots of people look up at what they think may be the success or happiness of somebody else. They keep comparing themselves with others and get pulled down or frustrated. By doing so they often are limiting themselves.

Limiting beliefs always create limited outcomes. Limited thinking also keeps us stuck from moving beyond the imaginary walls known as our comfort zones. If we really wish to turn failure, disappointment, or frustration into something positive, we need to be willing to step out of the comfort zone arena. Whenever we approach any situation in a limited manner, it is because we are holding onto excuses and fear. When we feel limited or challenged usually also results in feeling discouraged.

Discouragement translates into more excuses; and eventually because of thinking from a limited point of view causes us to stop working on achieving our goal(s). By understanding that in order to experience disappointment or failure, if we can recognise that we made a decision to stop, quit or give up, is only a decision. This incredible insight suggests that if we were to make better decisions we can turn the whole thing around. {Turn Your Failure Into Accomplishment!}

We should remember

When working on goals, instead of approaching the situation as difficult, vague or impossible, let us begin by changing our point of view. By beginning to use positive intentions helps us to view tasks as being possible and manageable. We are changing what we are holding in mind. Instead of responding with,

“Maybe tomorrow… or giving yourself some other excuse,”

make a decision that focuses on easily completing the task. A better response would be,

“I can easily take care of this,”

and give yourself a reasonable period of time to accomplish the task (i.e. by the end of day, week, or month, etc.). By approaching tasks as easy, and also providing a reasonable timeframe, allows us to take the appropriate actions to accomplish the task without getting discouraged. {Turn Your Failure Into Accomplishment!}

The writer of the blog which we advise you to visit, is convinced that

We are marvellous and unique beings, created by a loving God for a purpose that is quite perfectly our own.

Who is to say that our dreams have to be like theirs, or anyone else’s in this world for that matter? Just because someone else dreams of amassing new things, more power, greater wealth, or more fame, does not mean we, too, share the same passion. Perhaps we just want to travel the world more, or dream of a simpler life with less stress and more peace. {Work Towards Turning A Dream Of Yours Into Reality}

Looking at what Douglas Everett says:

“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.”

Ejaife thinks there is more than simply realizing that we are in charge of choosing our own dreams in life.

We must also realize that within us, we possess the ability to turn those dreams into our reality, if we but dare to take the necessary steps to make them come true. What did you dream of as a child? Have you realized any of those dreams? What do you dream of today? How do you feel when you are focused on those dreams? As children, we often allowed ourselves to dream with the idea that any one of those dreams could come true. But as we grow older, we often times buy into what other people consider reality, and our dreams get pushed aside, packed away, and perhaps even forgotten. {Work Towards Turning A Dream Of Yours Into Reality}

When looking at the screen of your television and hearing about all those celebrities, remind yourself that all that fame is temporary and does not always bring that luck hoped for.

Ejaife brings questions to consider. We should think about what we want to do in our life and with our life. We should ask ourself why we are so often afraid to tackle certain issues.

Why do we often put our dreams on hold?

How can we go about turning our dreams into our realities?

What differences do you see between dreams and reality?

For further thought:

“Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.” ~ Anais Nin

> Please do read: Work Towards Turning A Dream Of Yours Into Reality and find more interesting articles by Dr Austin Ejaife


Preceding articles:

The Goal

Attitude of Unstopable Success

Gender connections

Getting fate in your change to positiveness

Helping to create a Positive Attitude

Material wealth, Submission and Heaven on earth


Find also to read:

  1. Why “Selfishness” Doesn’t Properly Mean Being Shortsighted and Harmful to Others
  2. Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends
  3. Opportunity!
  4. At first looking like a loss
  5. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  6. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places
  7. Fear of failure, and fear of the unknown
  8. Some one or something to fear #4 Families and Competition
  9. Failing Man to make free choice
  10. Let not sin reign in your mortal body



Filed under Being and Feeling, Economical affairs, Educational affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

From Guestwriters 2015 in review

From the start in 2014, April the 26th

On 2014 April 26 we started offering a readers digest to you. We wanted to have different writers presenting their selection of most interesting articles found on the net. We regret we did not find enough people interested in co-operating to create a free lifestyle magazine where people could find uplifting stories.

We started talking about the dreams we all have or have to have, because he who beams never walks in the dark, and looked at our position in this world and how positivism should enter this world more. Our invitation to you reader to share those read articles you liked is still counting. We would love to present more interesting articles people can find on the net. For this reason we started the Reblog section in 2014, when we looked if we or you have something to say or not.

At the opening of 2016 we would like to remind you that you too are invited to share with us. You too may be sharing your words with us and many more readers. You don’t have to stay in the shadow.

At this site we want to speak about feelings and started to look at the worst feeling, the one which pulls us down. Depression is when we can’t walk in the light of life any more. Our intention is to show that each of us matter in this world and that we can get fate in our change to positiveness. You and us we all can contribute and help to create a positive attitude. You have to get the right attitude of an unstoppable success, and once more we do bring a call to help to create a positive attitude.

You may consider your own journey in life but we dared to ask which kind of attitude you want to take. In 2014, when we started we asked our readers to begin their day by living their positive attitude and in started also to point out to look at the way to come to the truth. We went in defence of it. For that, we also started looking at Who should be your closest friend.

Though we may be lonely in the crowd we wanted to build up a place where many could find each other and could overcome hurt feelings. we do not ask people to be some one else, but would love to see you smiling and with a positive attitude or positive disposition.

Perhaps what we hope for is what you hope for. In September 2014 we repeated our call to come to write for us and to share what you think interesting. A year after our question what our readers are seeking we did not receive many answers. We expressed our love to find more contributors who could show ways of fulfilling our dreams. We do hope you could find inspiration here and follow your dreams.

In 2015 finishing our first year

On the first of January we, like many others looked back at the previous year and presented our first review: 2014 in review.

Our first year we got visitors from 71 countries in all. 13 countries were added in 2015 bringing the total to 84 countries in all, with most visitors again coming from The United States (2467). Netherlands (351) & United Kingdom (341) were not far behind. Based in Belgium we only could get the attention of 181 viewers in Belgium in 2015, which is not much, but which can be caused by not many writings being in Dutch, French or German. We are pleased we also got 141 viewers from Down Under.

Knowing that we need light on our path in life, near the end of 2015 we also started placing some reflections or meditations texts, which we shall continue to do. Because we did so often got questions why we referred to some ones website article, or got requests to take some listed article out of the list of “Further reading” we shall enter less references or note lesser further readings. Normally you would think people would be pleased when there is placed a link to their site, but at several of our websites we got an other impression, hearing people not being pleased they being mentioned on one of our sites. Not being appreciated we bringing others to their writings or commenting on their writings, plus they not understanding we are helping them to get more readers and to get higher on the Google ranking, whilst we take them away from our own website, we will not any more invest so much time in looking for appropriate articles worth mentioning. Therefore in the future you will find lesser links and we shall be pleased keeping you more to our own websites.

Treats, fear and discussions in 2015

2015 was again a year were many civil rights were tread under foot. The Syrian war continued for its fourth year and brought many war refugees into Europe, a region where many do not seem to know themselves very well because kindness to others seemed to be far off. Though we are born to shine, not to fear, lots of people got over-manned by fear. At a time where there is not much knowledge of the truth, but lots of doubt and/or blindness, we tried to convince that less is still enough.

While viral moments and trends or fads, that took up lots of people their time and their Twitter feeds included viral phenomenon The Dress, pizza rat, dad bods and adult coloring books we looked at the major refugee crisis in Europe as well as numerous instances of terrorism and mass shootings. Whilst July, Caitlyn Jenner made her big debut via a sexy and scantily clad Vanity Fair cover shot…and her new reality was officially underway we also look at how we human beings manage with birth, our being and our behaviour and acceptance or not of certain situations. Bringing articles around abortion and life we were pleased to have as our 5 most active commenter  Blackhorn33 who is Comanche – Irish and a half-breed that’s Full Blooded American, who with “Our Circle of Friends” met on Google and was willing to contribute about Child Abuse -The Facts, and show the world the importance of the unborn life.

A place for a Higher Being and for His Creation

Svenska: "Stockholmsfyrens" ungefärl...

“Stockholmsfyrens” ungefärliga utseende vid Ropsten med vy från hotell Forestas entréplan på Lidingö. Det runda 187 m höga tornet innehållande både bostäder och kontorslokaler är föreslaget att uppföras omkring 2014-2015. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With less for more we looked at one of the major discussed issues of the year, bringing global warming and climate change at the second place and the refugees at the first place as major topics for 2015. Pointing out that it is important that we do know that we have to find the meaning of life and reach a state of peace, of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something, we brought to the attention that we have our duties in this world and have to take our responsibility,making the right engagement in an actual two way conversation with your deities or more important to build up a good relationship with the Only One True God, the Divine Creator.

Throughout the year on this and our other sites we wanted to bring to understanding that we do have to come in a good relationship with others and with the Most High, even when we sometimes have to deal with the silence of God.

We asked not to forget that falsehood darkens the pure knowledge of God and that we should always turn to the Book of books, the Bible, to find the truth and Guidance. But to come to know the Creator and His creatures and creation, we do have to look with our eyes and to see with our heart. Some may think “God plays hide’n seek“, but He is always around us and sees everything we do.
The Almighty God above all other gods greater than all gods has given us His infallible Word, the Bible, helmet of salvation, God’s Words put in the mouth of prophets for perfecting, to reprove and correct. Searching or overlooking God’s presence more people do have to find His Word and take up that book that is Written by inspiration of God for our admonition, to whom it shall be imputed if they believe.

2015 once more showed to the world that human beings need a lot of correction. It was good to see that in France many nations also came to conclusion we have urgently to take care of mother earth. In this world were many have to learn that stuff is just stuff, it became time that man takes his position about materialistic desires.

The terrors which came over Europe should make those who call themselves Christian to think and have them remind and hear God’s voice, bringing them into the habit of dealing with God about everything.

Statistics for 2015

In 2015, there were 295 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 525 posts. On the 12th of January in total 534 articles have been published on this site. 

The busiest day of the year was October 19th with 175 views. The most popular post that day was Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion. But the most commented on post in 2015 was Bible, helmet of salvation, God’s Words put in the mouth of prophets for perfecting, to reprove and correct.

For 2016

We are thankful that you came along on this site and do hope to find you more than once at this and some other of our sites. We wish you all the best for 2016 and do hope you may be like a tree planted by streams of water.

Have faith in your faith…doubt your doubts and don’t throw a curtain across tomorrow… the star of its performance just may be you !

There still has to be done a lot before we shall have sustainable, green habits as a second nature, but at this site we do hope to bring incentives to work at it.

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,300 times in 2015. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.


Preceding: 2014 in review


Additional reading

  1. A look at materialism
  2. Our you taking a step back to think
  3. US must do more to protect its children
  4. A year coming to its end and our Spiritual Senses
  5. Summary for the year 2015 #1 Threat and fear
  6. Summary for the year 2015 # 2 Strewn with corpses and refugees
  7. 2015 In the Picture
  8. 2015 Human rights
  9. 2015 Health and Welfare
  10. 2015 Ecology
  11. Vatican against Opponents of immigration
  12. Greenpeace demands scale up of ecological farming
  13. Building a low-carbon world: the sixth industrial revolution
  14. Republican member of Congress from Arizona to boycott pope’s address over climate change
  15. Vatican meeting of mayors talking about global warming, human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  16. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #1
  17. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #2
  18. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #3
  19. 2015 Summit of Consciences for the Climate
  20. A Miracle of Unity at COP21
  21. Charlie Hebdo
  22. Belgian Bible Students review of 2015
  23. Bijbelvorsers Blogging annual report and 2015 in review
  24. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  25. Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris
  26. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  27. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  28. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  29. Hidden potential for helping others
  30. Only one person who has the power to cast the deciding vote that will kill your dream
  31. Have faith in your faith…doubt your doubts
  32. The inspiring divine spark
  33. Healthy life can be found in sacred books
  34. No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation
  35. A Bible Falling Apart Belongs to Someone who isn’t
  36. A heart in the right place and brightly burning faith
  37. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness
  38. If you want to go far in life
  39. Spread love everywhere you go
  40. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  41. The truest greatness lies in being kind
  42. Kindness
  43. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness
  44. Be kinder than necessary
  45. He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass
  46. Taking care of mother earth
  47. No curtain placed over tomorrow


Further about what happened in 2015

  1. MSN 2015 in review
  2. 2015 in review: Memorable Journeys on EP
  3. 2015 Wrap Up!
  4. My most difficult travel moments of 2015
  5. The 2015 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 2: The Hobbyists
  6. Stay within the lines – or not!
  7. coloring to de-stress; I’ve joined the craze!
  8. Art and the Holidays
  9. Whatever Is Lovely
  10. Intuitive Coaching 101–Zen & The Art of Coloring Books
  11. Adults Coloring Kaleidoscopic Creatures
  12. Unique Sugar Gliders Chinchillas Reptile Adult Coloring Books
  13. Adult Coloring Worldwide & Tangle With Jessica Palmers Hidden Treasures
  14. What Amazon’s 2015 Bestsellers Say About Us
  15. Winter 2015: The rest of the field…
  16. Grandad, I can smell you …
  17. Kaleidoscope of 2015
  18. Reflecting on 2015
  19. My 2015 In Year Review
  20. 2015 In Review… (adventuretimealpacamybag)
  21. 2015 In Review (ingridandjimmy)
  22. 50 Things that made me smile in 2015
  23. The Year That Was…2015
  24. Favorite-est things from #2015
  25. Be Looking at 2015 in review
  26. 2015 in Review: Paradise River, Dusk
  27. The Obsessive Viewer Podcast – Ep 148 – 2015 in Review – Best and Worst Movies of the Year and Viewing Stats
  28. Looking Back at 2015
  29. Year in Review
  30. New Zealand’s 2015: the year we hid from a world in need
  31. End of the Year Survey 2015!
  32. 2015 in transit
  33. A New Year: 2015 In Review and Plans for 2016!
  34. Bye bye 2015 and welcome 2016
  35. Start 2016 with a Backwards Slide
  36. Let’s Commence to Coordinate our Sights
  37. Flee from Idolatry



Filed under Aankondiging & Introductie, Announcement, History, Introduction, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Nature, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Holiday making and dreaming

We have entered a time when people go away from their own private environment and go into the wide world to enjoy their free time, hoping to have a marvellous Summertime. There is vacation time which can bring a “staycation” or bringing some time to go here and there or even further away, crossing boarders. For some it may be the maximising time for others the minimizing time.

When away from home many are not afraid to show their other ‘me’ and present themselves to others like they would not do in their daily working life. It is at their holiday time we often can see them more becoming like they really are. We can see then the man or the animal coming out of the person. Holiday time is the time that men can be seen as lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. Seeing such people we should know better and from such turn away (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

So rude and crass has our society become that there is little acceptance of personal responsibility for what anyone says to another, or even the sense or feeling that, “Wow, I wouldn’t want someone to insult what is sacred to me, so maybe I ought not approach another (especially someone I don’t even know!) in that manner just because I have a case of ‘screen rage’.” (If anything is thought of as sacred anymore, that is…) That’s like road rage – the perception that it’s OK to curse, or yell at, or insult someone just because you are encased in something the size of a Sherman Tank, so you feel safe. The other person cannot reach through your computer screen or the windshield of your big SUV to strangle you, so it must be OK. Not! {Proverbially Speaking / Chapter 21}

Already in the normal working hours, time at home, many people do not show interest in God, but when away we do hear some making jokes about believers, be it Christians, Jews or Muslims, and mocking at holy scriptures.

It is a time when we can see and hear more people scorn and shun the Bible and openly renounce it, although they have never actually read it.

Within The Holy Spirit looks at those people who do not want to have a connection with the Maker of this universe, and writes:

It would seem to me that they might be at least curious about it – enough to open up a copy and find out for themselves – even if simply from the perspective of a good whodunit, or as something controversial that you might want to check out. {Proverbially Speaking / Chapter 21}

Lots of holidaymakers do like to complain to others about their country, their government and want to let others know how better it is somewhere else.
In case belief comes on the tip of the tongue guests leave or do find a possibility to attack those who have faith in that what is not seen. Many deny the little piece of heaven within themselves which has a sparkle with Divine Radiance itself! Then we can find many who have forgotten that little attic in their own personal life, where many treasures are.

The holiday season may be for many the escape gate to heavenly dreams.

Making intuitive art, as far as I’m concerned, is a means of “dreaming while you’re awake.” The whole process acts like meditation or contemplation – it bypasses all the mental clutter [drifting thoughts,worries, obsessing, anxiety, negative emotions, and so forth] and takes you right into the Heart and Center of your Soul. It’s here that you may meet with your Higher Self, your Inner Creator and all the spiritual and life changing awarenesses you may be looking for. {The ART of Conscious Dreaming, or the ART of Dreaming Awake}

Holiday time is also the time of getting lots of impressions and experiencing lovely explorations. On holiday one is left with distinct impressions and with many different meetings, with perhaps making new friends. Having time to reflect and looking from a distance on the own life and at the house environment, the traveller “sees” his or her own meaning in the art of travelling and in the art of being.

Often these meanings can provide confirmation of such things as where you are in life, or where you need to move forward, or what on Earth is happening to you for “Heaven’s” sake, and other useful answers you may be seeking!  {The ART of Conscious Dreaming, or the ART of Dreaming Awake}

Surprisingly these meanings can be multi-layered, as the person becomes increasingly aware of him or herself as a far more expansive Being than he or she may have ever realized before.

It is possible to practice the art of dreaming awake wherever you may be – on a bus or plane, waiting in the doctor’s office, or just grabbing a quiet moment to retreat to the kitchen table with pen and sketch pad in hand, while the kids are doing their homework or watching their favorite television program.

However, I would recommend that if you desire to commit to taking this inner treasure hunt seriously, that you carve out some “sacred space” for yourself, and at least a half hour per day when you can distance yourself from routine concerns and commitments, and insist upon committing to this on your own behalf! {The ART of Conscious Dreaming, or the ART of Dreaming Awake}

With all the dreaming going on it is not bad to have your mind also going into higher spheres trying to reach higher goals. For this the Book of books, the Bible, the infallible Word of God can help.

Most people are sort-sighted, looking for the treasures on earth and not interested in treasures for much later in future.

There is no understanding or acceptance of the need to be saved, about the redemption through Jesus Christ, or its implications for mankind.

This is simply not a part of the program for so many people who are into “metaphysics” or what they like to call “spirituality”. The preference in these circles seems to be personal power and/or the attainment of what feels good. A birthright has been exchanged for a bowl of porridge! {The ART of Conscious Dreaming, or the ART of Dreaming Awake}

At our usual times, at home, at work, most people do not feel like it to take up the holy scriptures. Lots of people do not know that the Bible is a treasury. In that book they shall be able to find many answers to their many questions. Though often man prefers to ask their questions to other people.

One thing about human beings is that many of us have little natural inclination toward reading the instructions or asking directions. I’ve found this to be true of myself from time to time, I’ll be the first to admit. Although at the end of the day, after enduring a lot of frustration, I may succumb and surrender, humbling myself to opening a set of instructions on some “smart” device which has me baffled. A good example of this is the cellphone or other 21st century inventions which have become the mother of “need”. I may or may not open the book, read, and heed – depending on the degree of frustration I’ve experienced going about things by the seat of my pants. {Insurrectionists And Instructions}

Most people do know and want to do it the Frank Sinatra way, going for ‘my way’.

Humanity seems notoriously hands on when it comes to doing things “my way or the highway”, as we grapple with life and its challenges.

It’s been said that some think they have evolved beyond the “consciousness” where they need any guidance at all from any external Wisdom, especially that silly old Bible or God. No, we’re far too advanced for that. It’s irrelevant for our time, except maybe for the backward. Besides, all we have to do is “go within” where the font of all wisdom is to be found. One has to ask, what is the source of that sort of arrogance? {Insurrectionists And Instructions}

On holiday you may hear several people finding religion a dangerous business. Many think it is the cause of all wars. Others might find that religion is entertainment.

You know – the parlor games crowd. Dabbling with no commitments. Spiritual one night stands. Tarot readings, newspaper astrology, palm readings… reading everything but the Bible. Seances, visiting haunted buildings, dancing in circle under a full moon, spoon bending, retreats and workshops on how to discover or enhance your psychic abilities or see auras. This is the group that objects most vehemently to the word religion for some reason. No, we are spiritual. {Cross Purposes 30 / Reasons For Religion}

Summertime meeting time on the beach (2012 Art Belgian Beach exhibition)

Summertime meeting time on the beach (2012 Art Belgian Beach exhibition)

On the other hand it also a time where we can get others interested in the unseen. Several people do have a curiosity about the “unseen”. Away from home and work some might be more at ease to talk to strangers about those matters we so often do not understand. They might find it not such a bad time to involve themselves in metaphysical research.

The word itself simply means “beyond the physical”. There are many branches of metaphysical science. It’s essentially the study of how the unseen – “energy” – effects the realm of matter, what we can see. It is the study of the interplay of cause and effect of the unseen on the seen – prayer, positive thinking, science of mind, affirmations, and the like. Personally I do not actually regard this as a religion, except to add that paradoxically all religions have metaphysical practices and tools. Metaphysical science observes and theorizes how religious practices work, for example, how does prayer or ritual effect physical situations? Yet it would also include the effects of light or color (art and symbolism), sound or vibration (music), within integrative healing settings. {Cross Purposes 30 / Reasons For Religion}

Leaving behind the mess at home, people on holiday love to have the luxury of waiters and chambermaids taking care of them.

For the spiritual supply they have to take care themselves. They can go see places but next to it they need filling their mind with words from books.

One of the best books to supply necessary food is the Bible and now we can take much more time than at work-time.

… many things are written, spoken, and ruminated on today concerning what we think we don’t have, or what we’re afraid we’re going to lose… or all the awful things someone else is doing which violate our rights and the like. {Upbeat 1}

Lots of ideas are interchanged on holiday. Thoughts from many cultures. Lots of jokes may be made but lots of fears may be shared as well.

Listening to or reading many of these heavy gloom and doom reports, and political agendas, although they may be very informative, can have a real down and outer effect on us – especially if we’re sensitive and caring about what happens to our loved ones, other people in our life, and ourselves as well. I do in fact have to wonder if the propaganda mill has allowed some of the commentators to spill the beans as they do, because of the fearful effect it has on people. Being bombarded with fear tears down good moods, self confidence, creates apathy, anxiety, compromise, and the like. It can make your plate seem more full than it really is.

It really is a mind over matter issue in many ways.

Thus we find that we must really be very cautious about how much of this kind of thinking we partake of every day, or even how much we dwell on our own personal issues and problems. {Upbeat 1}

Summertime is the good time to fill in the absence of God and to take time to operate out of fear or turn to the source of love, the choice is and always has been yours.


Preceding articles:

Summerholiday season time to read the Bible

Psst! Spread The Good Word!

Next: Home-stayers and their to do list


Related articles:

  1. People Seeking for God 1 Looking for answers
  2. How we think shows through in how we act
  3. Knowing where to go
  4. Try driving forward instead of backwards
  5. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses


Find more about these subjects at other websites:


Filed under Being and Feeling, Cultural affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Forward ever backwards never!

All the materialism has brought in wrong hopes, wrong dreams. The dreams that can bring something valuable to us and those around us are often silenced by our greed to have more and to possess that what is around us.

Dreams and All That Stuff

Dreams and All That Stuff (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Let us never become disappointed by dreams which brings us hopes for something far better than what this material world can offer. Let us not be badly influenced by those who are happy by all the gadgets they may acquire and all their falls dreams they want to share on social media.

Let us look for positive constructive dreams which lead us further to the right path, bringing us to a world which shall endure much longer than man’s world ever could do.

The Most High Divine Creator has prepared us a Kingdom and a guide to show us the Way. That more people may find that leader and follow him, making the path, the trail, much clearer for others also to follow, so that they can come out of the darkness of this world and enter the light of Christ.


Additional reading:

  1. We all have to have dreams
  2. Move forward, not standing still
  3. Martin Luther King’s Dream Today
  4. Watch out
  5. 30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.
  6. little i
  7. Find Inspiration and Follow Your Dreams
  8. 2014 Bucket List Update
  9. A bird’s eye and reflecting from within
  10. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory
  11. You’re Lighter Than Air~


  • Do you know sin of omission? (yoursuccessinspirer.com)
    There are many things that we are supposed to do but which we fail to do.  Yet, we do not bother that we have failed to do them. We ought to bother because they are sins. By failing to do the good that we should have done we disobey God.
  • ‘Empire’ Star Terrence Howard Says It’s Time to Get Real About the N-Word on TV (thewrap.com)
    I believe if we’re gonna really tackle racism, if we’re gonna tackle bigotry, if we’re gonna tackle homophobia, we need to attack it dead on you don’t just sit up, you know let’s give a little Aspirin right here, no we need to take the sutures, open up the problem and reach in and grab it. And since n**** is used in almost every conversation in most black neighborhoods, why is it that we don’t hear it on TV anymore? Are white people afraid of it? Did they create the word? But if this is something that we use on a daily basis, then let’s address what it really means.”
  • Cal Thomas – Judge Moore is right (crescent-news.com)
    When government believes it can create or take away rights, it becomes a god unto itself and potentially endangers those rights. The only way to preserve them for ourselves and our posterity is to acknowledge they come from a higher place.

    The English jurist, William Blackstone, who once studied in American law schools, understood this. Blackstone was a contemporary of America’s Founders, who referred to him more than any other English or American authority. It wasn’t until the middle of the last century that the Supreme Court began repudiating Blackstone and started making law and creating rights.

  • Jessa Duggar’s husband Ben Seewald laments inaction in the face of so many injustices in the world (christiantoday.com)
    Ben Seewald, the husband of 19 Kids and Counting star Jessa Duggar, is sad that there are so many injustices in the world but people are not doing anything about them.
  • I Would Rather (anthonygoulet2014.wordpress.com)
    I would rather feel the weight of the world
    the sting of betrayal,
    hurtful venom spewed,
    doubts of others,
    dispensation of mockery,
    ridicule of lies,
    attempts of character assassination,
    and the vehement questioning of “Who do you think you are?!”
    than live one moment separated from my dreams
  • Sharing my dream (yoursuccessinspirer.com)
    Everyone has a right to their ambition. If you want to walk on the moon some day or on Mars, that is your right which you are free to achieve. Why not? Some people have already been to the moon; and they are humans like you and I.

    Our problem is often selling ourselves short; and the common reason is we want to please others. We do not want others to see us as being over ambitious.

  • 5 Ways to Recover from Caregiver Chaos (specialneedsparenting.net)
    Usually I review Bible memory verses for the first part of my walk and listen to an audiobook after that. But that morning I grabbed a small, yellow legal pad and a marker, determined to write down everything that needed doing. That way, I figured I might be able to capture the chaos and bring order to it. And do you know what? It worked.


Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs