The Goal

elders used to ask “what do you wanna become when you grow up?”

we just want to be successful.

Many of us dream to be successful. Most of us think glory and being very well known will bring luck or prosperity. But they might be mistaken by that.

Those listed few people who are/were extremely successful in their life had many battles to win and not always had it very easy to reach the top or have the fame they may receive now. It is also impossible for us to know if they are really happy with their life and feel blessed and are feeling lucky.

Can we be sure they reached the dream or got what they hoped for? Perhaps they had other aspirations and many of them for sure still have much wider dreams and want to do so much more. For many of them their goal is not at all reached, though we may think they got at their end point or that they reached the unreachable.

Luck and successfulness should be investigated and questioned and not always go together. Many seemingly very successfully people where very unhappy and still found themselves not successful.

Brad Pitt in 2007.

Brad Pitt in 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do you think Bill Gates, Vladimir Putin, Shrikant Jichkar, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lionel Messi, Stephen HawkingCharles Babbage, Brad Pitt consider themselves successful and happy?

others who judged whether they are successful or not.

English: arnold schwarzenegger Deutsch: arnold...

Arnold Schwarzenegger (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What is it we want to strive for and how do we want to built up our successfulness. When do we consider ourselves successful? what is being successful?
Is having fame the same as being successful? Do know that television and showbiz people may at one moment being renown, but very soon their fame begins to tarnish when their name is not any more on the role. Many spectators look up at those people who they call famous or ‘world renowned’ though they even are not yet known by many in their own region. It is all relative. Celebrities may be in the picture a lot, but that does not secure their success nor their happiness. The local heroes or today’s celebrities or the forgotten ones of tomorrow.

Those working hard in the shade, all those unknown by many may be trying to make something of their life, and perhaps many of them are more successful in reaching their goal. Best is that they all try to be happy with what they have and can get and not loose their faith in their dreams.


Preceding articles:

Attitude of Unstopable Success

Gender connections

Getting fate in your change to positiveness

Helping to create a Positive Attitude

Material wealth, Submission and Heaven on earth


Find also to read:

  1. Happy International Happiness Day!
  2. Built on or Belonging to Jewish tradition #4 Mozaic and Noachide laws
  3. Engaging the culture without losing the gospel
  4. Looking for True Spirituality 2 Not restricted to an elite
  5. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  6. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places


Pattern$ oF R@nD0mNEsS

Disclaimer – Proceed only if you do not believe in “Everything is lust and mirage (Sab moh maya hai)”.

We all know how we are born (I know, they forgot to wear the protection), but for a moment let’s think about the “why” part – the meaning of life.

I don’t know if you remember it or not, when you were a kid, elders used to ask “what do you wanna become when you grow up?” and we used to say – Doctor, engineer, lawyer, bus conductor, blah blah. And the answer to the question changed with time. But one thing always remained constant – whatever it is, we just want to be successful. So the interim conclusion is “The goal of life is to be successful”. Success is something that everybody wants in life, but what is success? What are the parameters to measure success?

I have listed few…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Economical affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters