Tag Archives: Flood

Could it be that we are living in the Last Days

Bill Rudge believes you and him are living at the most exciting time in the history of the world. He writes:

Our generation will witness the fulfillment of what the prophets foretold thousands of years ago. {Are We Living in the Last Days?}

We are well aware that throughout the times there have been many ‘prophets‘, ‘seers‘, ‘forecasters‘ or futurologists who claimed that people had to prepare themselves because the time of the end had come. Bill Rudge realises some of the signs we had to see or should be a warning for us to react, have occurred throughout history and many people wrongly concluded they were “the generation.” Though this time it could be totally different, we think as well.

Never before in history have we seen such an increase in both intensity and frequency of these indications. No other generation has had the potential, as our generation does, to witness the fulfillment of Revelation. {Are We Living in the Last Days?}

For several centuries there has been talk of times that would come. The writers or forecasters spoke of unmissable signals or signs that we as humans could begin to observe. It has taken already ages before man could really be sure the time came at last.

We just have to listen to the news and watch what changed in the last few years, concerning natural events.
Nowadays we don’t have to look to other countries to encounter natural disasters They happen in our backyard, so to speak.

Throughout the world we are seeing bizarre, record-breaking weather conditions – some of history’s fiercest hurricanes, tornados, volcanoes, fires, floods and mudslides. Nature seems out of control and is getting more extreme. It is heading in the direction Revelation indicates will occur during the Tribulation period, testifying that cataclysmic global events are on the near horizon. {Are We Living in the Last Days?}

But it is not only on the natural plane that we can observe a huge shift in recent years. At the political and economic level, as much is going wrong as at the ecological level.

There are earthquakes in diverse places, famines and wars and rumors of wars; increasing pollution of water, land and air; and widespread plagues and pestilence. {Are We Living in the Last Days?}

Iraq, Iran, Kurdistan, and Afghanistan were just an impetus to other battles in Egypt, Syria in which certain superpowers played a bizarrely bad role (think America and Russia).
Therefore, after the US withdrew from Afghanistan, it still did not diminish in those regions. Russia, on the other hand, had been practicing in Syria for har larger battle to re-establish the old Russian Soviet Empire and march south as described in the Bible that the King of the north would go and do this, when the time came.

But not only between superpowers would battles erupt. People would also go up against each other during the final days. We see the different faith groups going against each other, even with gun violence. It didn’t even stay with the adults. All over the world, we see youth violence increasing. Not only are they attacking fellow youth, they are going against their parents and government leaders. In several cities, rebellious groups regularly fight against police forces. People do invent all kinds of reasons to justify violence, even God is brought in, in many cases.

In addition to all the mental, sexual and physical violence, we cannot ignore the fact that the morals and ethics of our society are at a very low ebb. People today even agree to kill someone else for a trifle.

Revelation indicates that people in the last days, during the Tribulation, won’t repent of four things:

1) Sorcery occultism and demonic phenomena will be very prominent;

2) Sexual Immorality – the world given over to lust and every sexual perversion imaginable;

3) Murders – that means we will be living in a very violent world – ethnic conflict, terrorism, hijackings, kidnappings, bombings, assassinations, homicides, serial killers, mass murders, abortion, robbery, assault and riots; and

4) Thefts/Liesdeceit and corruption will be widespread. {Are We Living in the Last Days?}

People’s behaviour has not exactly improved. In recent years we see that behaviour is becoming more and more unreliable and corrupt, while people no longer even find it a shame to tell lies. Some even make it a sport to deceive and mislead others. There are even those who make a lot of money by making people believe in certain things that are not true. These influencers, as they are called, (or Internet celebrities) actually influence a lot of innocent victims.

Meanwhile, among the countries, many shifts, disconnections or amalgamations are again taking place, and we notice that things are very tense in the East.

Another “sign of the times” is Israel: for 2,500 years there was no independent nation of Israel. Yet the prophets foretold that events in the last days would focus in and around the tiny nation of Israel. {Are We Living in the Last Days?}

It is not just a small group of believers who recognize the remarkable predicted characteristics.

Many of the world’s political and religious leaders are saying,

“We are not merely dealing with national crises, we are facing global catastrophes, unless we unite for the common good of the world!”

However, the expected golden era of peace, prosperity and unity will become the darkest hour earth will ever know. {Are We Living in the Last Days?}

If we look at how things are going in the world today, it does not bode well. For many, Russia may be the biggest bogeyman in the game. And they could be right yet again. For the current Russian leader is an unaccountable person, who can still find like-minded and helping souls here and there.

The current wars between Russia and Ukraine could easily grow into a Third World War and spill over even further into the predicted times of the end of this life system.



Time to sit still or to pass on

When will it stop

Coming together in dark days

Darkest just before dawn

Signs of the times – As the Day approaches

Overcoming The Terror Of War

Looking at a “Man from the North” endangering the world

Ukraine war is veering fast towards a big power conflict

Yulia Tymoshenko: We are in World War Three already

How to Find the Meaning of Life and Reach a State of Peace

You Matter


Additional reading

  1. Is there a reason for you to experience a sense of brooding fear
  2. Fate, destiny, time and place
  3. Why are the End Times taking so long
  4. Prophecies over coming days
  5. Signs of the Last Days
  6. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #1 The Son of man revealing
  7. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #2 Wars, natural disasters, famine and false Messiahs
  8. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #3 Coming events revealed in the prophetic writings
  9. Today’s Thought “You haven’t heard, and you haven’t known; these things have not reached your ears before.” (June 23)
  10. Today’s Thought “A Race in the Last Days” (May 27)
  11. Today’s thought “I will bring distress …” (December 15)
  12. Today’s thought “Be strong and courageous, and do the work” (December 18)
  13. Matthew 16:1-4 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Signs of the Times
  14. Matthew 24 about temples or Houses of God and the end of the age
  15. Partakers and sons of the Realm
  16. Hamas the modern Philistines
  17. New articles for October 2011
  18. The 17th annual White Privilege Conference a militantly Christophobic conference held in Philadelphia
  19. Iranian preacher creating more hatred between religious groups
  20. This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #1
  21. Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled
  22. Matthew 24:29-35 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer Part Two – Sign 2: The Parousia. A Sign after the Great Oppression
  23. Separation of local judgment regarding 70 CE from the global ultimate-coming prophecies of the Second Coming and Final Judgment
  24. How do we know the coming of Jesus is very near?
  25. A watchman seeing the sword coming
  26. Honest-hearted people are losing faith in humanity and humanity losing faith in God
  27. Signs of the Times – War and anti-Semitism
  28. Televangelist Pat Robertson said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “compelled by God” in his decision to invade Ukraine
  29. Signs of the Times – A boost for Israel
  30. Sings of the times – Difficult moments at the borders of Europe
  31. Israel – A look at the land and people of Israel
  32. The Developments for the first half of April
  33. Reason to look excited about the coming future
  34. Sings of the times giving direction in life
  35. Doomsday
  36. Evangelizing in the “Time of the End”
  37. The Conclusion of the System of Things (Our World) = The Conclusion of the System of Things (Some View on the World)
  38. What Jesus Did – Misleading around the Messiah and the final assessment
  39. Living in faith
  40. Zion, Flames, Terror, Signs and Games of Peace
  41. Palestine, Israel, God’s people and democracy
  42. 70 years later
  43. Overpopulation not the cause of overusing our earth
  44. Signs of the Times – On manoeuvres
  45. Running the battle
  46. Watch Crisis in Crimea & Ukraine – talk from 2014!
  47. Are we shambling into WWIII?
  48. The peoples must prevent the outbreak of war in Europe
  49. Indy briefing for the second week of March 2022
  50. Russian army wants to make Ukraine the Syria from Europe
  51. Weekly World Watch March 13 – 19, 2022
  52. Bioethics after Ukraine
  53. Has Ukraine become a Symbol of ‘Freedom’
  54. Has Russia already started World War Three?
  55. Europe sucked into a war against Russia
  56. Ukraine War: Those who fail to call for negotiations, fail to understand the dangerous predicament that faces the planet!
  57. Ukraine war is veering fast towards a big power conflict
  58. ‘Desperate’ Vladimir Putin may use tactical nuclear weapons, warns CIA chief
  59. Putin threatens nuclear strikes if West intervenes
  60. Putin puts Russia’s nuclear force on high alert
  61. A useless but very dangerous challenge game
  62. Ukrainian Who doenit
  63. God’s wrath and sanctification
  64. The Rapture Wars
  65. Great Tribulation and Armageddon
  66. Armageddon or the Great Tribulation
  67. Called ones escape
  68. Making the time ready for Jesus to return
  69. Nations being Prepared for Christ’s Appearance
  70. Jesus … will come in the same way as you saw him go



  1. Increasing Hatred
  2. Fear, Anxiety, and Worry
  3. War, rumors of war, sickness and famine
  4. 1 Major Sign that we are living in the Last Days!
  5. Signs of the times
  6. Church, Worship, and Worshipers
  7. Christians—Are We Nearing Armageddon?
  8. Why The Concept Of The Rapture May Not Be Entirely Accurate
  9. These last days – Hidden facts found in plain sight
  10. These last days – Facts hidden in plain sight – Part 2
  11. Changing Our Paradigm Regarding the Last Days – Part 1
  12. Changing Our Paradigm Regarding the Last Days – Part 2
  13. Changing Our Paradigm Regarding the Last Days – Part 3
  14. The Hour of His Judgement Is Come
  15. Rapture
  16. The Rapture Part 1
  17. Understanding The Mark Of Beast Bible Verse And It’s Significance
  18. June 30, 2023: End Times
  19. Looters are not ashamed in France due to absence of police
  20. July 12, 2023: Get Full Context
  21. Pray harder…we are in dark days.
  22. Materialism and lawlessness at peak. 😔
  23. August 24, 2023: False Prophets And Lawlessness
  24. The Shock and Awe of Paul in the book of Hebrews
  25. Their Way Shall Be…


Filed under Headlines - News, Questions asked, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, World affairs

Flooding & Factions

What is striking about the aid provided to the victims of the July floods is that no one paid attention to any national character or religious group and that, without exclusion, help was offered to everyone from all over the country.

John Jr's Blog

I remembered at least three of my dreams, unfortunately I forgot to record two of them, and so now I only remember barely part of one dream.

This dream took place during the day, and there was a flood.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Flash Floods Are Proof That Climate Disaster Is Already Here

To remember:

Mary Dhonau is one of the leading flood risk experts in the UK, and says we all need to be concerned about the proliferation of so-called “super basements” in areas like Kensington and Chelsea.

“There are a lot of celebrities in those areas – Simon Cowell, Kate Garraway, Brian May – and they were all flooded,”

“A lot of them have these super basements, and when you stop and think of the earth that has been excavated to accommodate all these projects, that’s earth that would have absorbed water had it still been there.”


We will almost certainly not avoid climate emergency now. As the Met Office puts it:

“Even if we were to stop all emissions today, we would not prevent some changes. However, the sooner we cut emissions, the smaller the changes will be.”

There is no longer time to stop the process; that ship has well and truly sailed. But there is still time to mitigate the worst of its damage.


Perhaps the question of ‘what can we do?’ is not the right one to ask after all; a self-lacerating response engendered by a society that has gaslit us into believing that it’s our plastic straws that are to blame – rather than, you know, the 71 percent of all carbon emissions that come from just 100 companies.

“The onus is on the government to reduce emissions,”

Juliet Kinsman adds.

“That’s why they exist, to protect every member of society. We all have to think what we can do more, of course, but essentially this is on the government, private sector, and manufacturing to think of solutions.”

Matthew Neale

Credit: Twitter/Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images

On the evening of the 12th of July, bookseller Lynn Gaspard received a text from her mother, concerned that their west London bookshop would flood yet again. “We were really worried,” she says over the phone, “but thinking, ‘What can we do?”

It’s a desperate question that has reverberated around the world, perhaps this month more than ever. The floods that have swept across the southeast of England in July caused significant property damage, leading to evacuations in London – on the 12th of July and, remarkably, again on Sunday – and the cancellation of Standon Calling festival.

But they are not yet comparable to the devastation in Germany and Belgium, where over 180 people were killed in flash floods, nor the horrific scenes of submerged homes in India or flooded subway train carriages in China. In the UK, many are praying that it…

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Filed under Ecological affairs, Headlines - News, Nature, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, World affairs

Are the European floods linked to the climate crisis?

Almost certainly. Scientists have long predicted climate disruption will lead to more extreme weather, such as heatwaves, droughts and floods. Human emissions from engine exhaust fumes, forest burning and other activities are heating the planet. As the atmosphere gets warmer it holds more moisture which brings more rain. All the places that recently experienced flooding – Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, London, Edinburgh, Tokyo and elsewhere – might have had heavy summer rain even without the climate crisis, but the deluges were unlikely to have been as intense.

There has not yet been an attribution study for the latest floods in Europe because the analysis takes several days.

Please continue reading: What is causing the floods in Europe?


Investigating how climate affects intense rainstorms across Europe, climate experts have shown there will be a significant future increase in the occurrence of slow-moving intense rainstorms.

The scientists estimate that these slow-moving storms may be 14 times more frequent across land by the end of the century. It is these slow-moving storms that have the potential for very high precipitation accumulations, with devastating impacts, as we saw in Germany and Belgium.

Professor Lizzie Kendon, Science Fellow at the Met Office and Professor at Bristol University, said:

“This study shows that in addition to the intensification of rainfall with global warming, we can also expect a big increase in slow-moving storms which have the potential for high rainfall accumulations. This is very relevant to the recent flooding seen in Germany and Belgium, which highlights the devastating impacts of slow-moving storms.

“Our finding that slow-moving intense rainstorms could be 14 times more frequent by the end of the century under the high emissions RCP8.5 scenario, shows the serious impacts that we may expect across Europe if we do not curb our emissions of greenhouse gases.”

The study findings are relevant to climate mitigation and adaptation policy in Europe, with specific implications for future flooding impacts, the design of infrastructure systems, and the management of water resources.

Currently, almost stationary intense rainstorms are uncommon in Europe and happen rarely over parts of the Mediterranean Sea. Accurate predictions of future changes in intense rainfall events are key to putting effective adaptation and mitigation plans in place to limit the adverse impacts of climate change.

> Extreme Storms Will Be More Likely In Europe Research Shows


Filed under Ecological affairs, Headlines - News, Nature, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, World affairs

Heaving had too much rain

A Drop Of Rain” shall not harm, but the last few weeks here in Belgium we had enough water and could witness some very major cloudbursts that caused huge water and mudflows. In 262 villages the damage was horrible. In Wallonia the clean-up shall take several weeks but now mountains of rubbish start already towering above the horizon.

De ramp bovenop de overstromingen: hoe de hulpverlening in Wallonië volledig in het honderd loopt

Photo: Marc Gysen – Nieuwsblad

This year in several countries there is no reason at all to sing and dance in the rain.

Everyone will understand that the assistance and crisis management for one of the largest floods ever experienced in our country was and is a feat. Days (weeks) people did not get to see much help from the government, but luckily lots of citizens of this country showed to the government that this is not such a split country as many politicians want many to believe. While there appears to be a total lack of coordination, ordinary citizens have plucked up the courage to go miles away to offer help to the residents in the affected areas.

Many flood victims literally have nothing left. Only what they have on. Soon civic initiatives were launched. In several villages all over the country, there were collected warm blankets, sheets, non-perishable food, etc..

Dirt left behind by water in the July 2021 flood

In the face of this huge water disaster that has swept over Wallonia and West Germany, we have noticed a wave of great solidarity. The terrible thing also shows something very beautiful, namely the solidarity of ordinary people with their fellow man, while politicians sit around bickering and talking about setting up committees instead of rolling up their sleeves.

When there is a setback– a death, an accident, loss of job, or something of that sort – there is nothing funny. It doesn’t sound good to laugh at any of this. What looks appropriate in this condition is crying, cursing, expressing grief or all these expressions. {Finding Humour In Tragedy}

Belgium and West Germany are hit by an enormous disaster. Lots of families have lost close relatives and have seen their house and/or business seen destroyed by the strong mass of water which seemed to have had an unknown power.

It is difficult for anyone to move on without these expressions. The time taken for moving on depends on person to person and the degree of loss. Like everyone knows the bigger the loss, the more time it will take to heal. {Finding Humour In Tragedy}

But in the small details and by the many people who have come to help, several victims of this natural disaster were able to find some light in the dusk and occasionally got a smile on their face of satisfaction, that ordinary people had not abandoned them after all, as father state seemed to have done, or rather seems to be incapable of intervening with any real help.

Receiving some smile at several moments in the day of hard work getting rid of all the filthy gunk, makes saving the day. More often, crying is more near than laughing. But in these circumstances, we can see that laughing at a problem gives power and a sense of control over it. Otherwise, depression sets in and worsens the situation.

After the July flooding in Pépinster solidarity to clean-up, August 2021

Who would not be displeased and depressed to see a life’s work wiped off the map in a few minutes?

Much too often we hear voices expressing their thankfulness for those citizens from all over the country who came to help, though they also feel abandoned by the governement.

“Everything, everything, we had to do here ourselves. Where was the army? The police? Once we saw them. Then they came to save people. But they had already been rescued by family, by friends, by random people who came from everywhere. It’s fantastic, but it shouldn’t have been like this. There are also people whose job it is to help us,”

is a much-heard expression.

Wherever you go to ask in the villages where the Ourthe and the Vesdre suddenly seemed like the Amazon last week, so big, people speak highly of the volunteers. They were there as soon as they could be. They understood what was needed. They cooked, mopped, dragged, comforted. Some were young, others old. Sometimes they hardly spoke French, but Arabic, Dutch or Flemish. Everyone speaks of strangers who suddenly turned up with buckets and sponges, who cleaned whole houses from top to bottom and moved on without waiting for a ‘thank you’.

This is something “magical” and worth remembering how such a disaster brought so many people close to each other. The difficulty to cope with this situation was soothed by the helping hands. For years those traumatised people shall have to try to rebuild their life.

Not dealing with emotions or any kind of disaster will not get anyone out of that trauma. Instead, depression, anxiety and many more problems will arise in no time. {Finding Humour In Tragedy}

The coming days and months it shall be up to insurance companies and to the governments of the affected states or Länder, to do the restoration and healing work.

Wallonia is licking its wounds. Now that the water has receded everywhere, the devastation becomes clear and the living conditions for thousands of people have become very precarious.
After the drama of the floods, a second small disaster may now occur. It appears that many people are not insured, and will therefore not be able to claim financial support from the Walloon Disaster Fund. This appears to be the case in Verviers.

12 August: Cleanup Floods à Olne / Fraipont / Trooz ” grand nettoyage après les inondations ” Kan een afbeelding zijn van één of meer mensen, staande mensen en buitenshuisMoirivay, 4877 Olne, Belgique


A Pepinster des milliers d’habitants ont encore besoin d’aide
Les premiers bénévoles venus sur place nous ont dit avoir besoin de relève.
De très nombreuses personnes manquent encore de vivres pour se nourrir décemment chaque jour.

Vous pouvez faire un don, leur préparer un repas , des crêpes.
Un travail de nettoyage est encore nécessaire.


Duizenden inwoners hebben nog steeds hulp nodig in Pepinster De eerste vrijwilligers die ter plaatse kwamen, vertelden ons dat ze hulp nodig hadden. Heel veel mensen hebben nog steeds niet het voedsel om elke dag fatsoenlijk te eten. Je kunt doneren, een maaltijd voor ze koken, pannenkoeken Een schoonmaakklus is nog steeds noodzakelijk.



A dangerous turning point – Earth facing the collapse of everything

Europe’s catastrophic flooding was forecast well in advance – what went so wrong?

Europe Floods: Death Toll Over 110 as Rescues Continue

Kolkende watermassa’s doorheen de straten

Faalt de overheid in aanpak van de overstromingen?

Open Discussie Zomer 2021

Overstromingen in Limburg, Duitsland en België door extreem zware buien

Toename van de kosten van extreem weer mogelijk onderschat

Solidariteit en hulpgoederen

Fraipont na de zondvloed, tussen miserie en veerkracht

De medische nood blijft hoog



  1. Wateroverlast in het midden van de zomer
  2. Waterramp voor Wallonië, Vlaams-Brabant en Limburg
  3. Maas niet bevaarbaar door drijfhout en de te sterke stroming
  4. New Flooding Leaves Trail of Destruction in Dinant, Belgium
  5. Floods in Germany, Belgium Destroy Homes, Leaving Dozens Dead
  6. The flooding swept away homes and part of a castle in western Germany.
  7. Dark Stuff
  8. Cleanup efforts underway following deadly, disastrous flooding in Europe
  9. Rescuers race to prevent more deaths from European floods
  10. Climate disruption is not just the heat, it’s also the flooding
  11. Europe flood death toll tops 160, costly rebuilding ahead
  12. 07/17/21 BBC: Europe floods: Rescuers race to find survivors as hundreds remain missing
  13. German Of The Day: Kriegsgebiet
  14. Watch compilations Europe flooding (July 2021)
  15. Floods in Luxembourg
  16. Death toll from European flooding passes 180 as rescuers search debris
  17. What is causing the floods in Europe?
  18. German Wine Regions Devastated by Flooding
  19. Heatwave continues, flooding in europe and other parts of the world, “freedom day” has arrived.
  20. Parts of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany experienced devastating floods in… – MMF Social Media Hub
  21. Extreme Storms Will Be More Likely In Europe Research Shows
  22. Belgium Hit With Renewed Flooding
  23. Floodwaters inundate England
  24. Flash Floods Are Proof That Climate Disaster Is Already Here
  25. Germany flood loss near EUR 5bn, likely a single event for reinsurance: AIR
  26. How well is flooding managed where you live?
  27. After the deluge …
  28. Flooding & Factions


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Ecological affairs, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Nature, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs