Looking at an American nightmare

It looks like the United States has awakened not from a bad dream but in a next night mare.

Having spent the majority of his adult life as a theatre artist throughout the Southeast, John Ellis as columnist of the American online media company PJ Media (originally known as Pajamas Media) an operator of an eponymous conservative news, opinion and commentary collaborative blog that was founded in 2004, has some good comments you should have a look at.

He knows

We are called to show our love for each other by surrendering our rights to each other. {4 Really Bad Reasons to Quit Your Church}

Running up to the 2016 election of the 45th president of the United States John Ellis found himself in a national nightmare which he taught would conclude on the 8th of November. At that time many were holding their breath in worried anticipation that an even worse nightmare was about to begin.

On November the 2nd he wrote

Sadly, the late hours of November 8 may very well find me in agreement that a new national nightmare is imminent. Unlike many, if not most, however, I believe that whatever nightmare is looming, it will be short-lived and may very well give way to a new and improved conservative movement. Strangely, my optimism is a product of Donald Trump. {Divisions Over Trump Reveal Integrity Within the Conservative Movement}


After it got know that the president elect was going to be Donald Trump in several places of the different states people came together on the streets to show their disgust and anger about the outcome of this election.

For many all over the world it looked really surreal and for some this Kafkan story was to be expected whilst others never thought it would be ever possible to have Donald J. Trump being the President-Elect of the U.S.A. Because of the unjust political system in the U.S.A., not giving those with not enough money the possibility to come up as presidential candidate and not taking into account the populist vote, but giving everything in the hands of the College of Electors, the one with the biggest mouth and making the people afraid most, got the victory. Trump with his vile words and vitriol gained the seat of presidency.

The man who does not dare to look a person straight in the eyes, not even the president of America, himself looked surprised with his victory and had calmed down for his first speech as presidentelect.

The President-elect met the current Awesome President Obama in the White House. It’s interesting to see a captured shot of a handshake between two wildly different men. One of stoic principle, defined career, grace, majesty and presence. The other, a man who can’t or won’t straighten his shoulders and who won’t look his President in the eye for the handshake. Obama, the pinnacle of underdog achievement in America stared straight into the face of the pillar of white, moneyed elitism and the latter closed his eyes and dropped his chin by an inch. {Acknowledgement} – Photo; AAP

The man who did not show any interest in decent morals, principles, compassion or empathy who managed to saw division and hate now got the stings in hand to lead one of the biggest nations of the world.

In The America where so many call onto their Constitution and Free Rights, lots of people call themselves Christian but do not seem to show a real Christian attitude. In the country which came big on the work of many slaves, from Africa (black people) and Europe (light coloured, Spanish, Italian and Polish people) those so called Christians do not seem to have a place in what they call “their country”, though they robbed it form the indigenous peoples, the “Red Indians“, for what they call foreigners and coloured people. Once more the U.S.A proved how the colour of skin is going to make it if you are liked or disgusted. When Hispanics, African-Americans, Latinos, tend to be more racist towards white people, for some, they have to look for the reason or the cause of this problem. When you look at the sheriffs or how police often treats Afro-Americans you can imagine how taken by fear such people  may be when they are pulled at the side of the road.

Some may think

the media dramatizes everything, playing it up, making it seem as if everyone is out to get the minorities. {To The Trump America (The Truth About Racism)}

but in the rest of the world enough awful stories are heard how people are still discriminated and what impression should we get when even a candidate, who now has become president elect, spoke about “monkeys” when he was talking about the “black people“, “jigaboos“, “niggers” or “Negroes“.

Naturally we may never generalise, but throughout the election campaign we heard so many sayings, so many statements that can not let us think otherwise that the discrimination is still deep seated in the heart of many Americans, also in many so called Christian Americans. Lots of those so called Christians also made it clear in “their country”, there is no place for an other religion than theirs. And for them Islam is something of the devil (by which they mean a sort of torturous being from beneath the earth or from outer space). For lots of white Americans all evil comes from those Muslims who dare to come to live in their sacred Christian country.

For many it was heaven to hear how Trump would make done by the threat of terrorism which became an opportunity for an extended global vision. But Americans do not need a global vision now. They are mostly concerned about their internal affairs and want to protect their own goods and make sure to earn as  much as they can, even if they have to use such things which are very demanding for the environment.

Trump brought for many the solution with the change he promises, making their country great again. How, Trump never clearly explained, but they will trust him because he is a good business man and knows how to handle things.

Though when we know that this election was all about ethnic nationalism and racial and religious intolerance we in the West wonder how the wounds now shall be mended.

A 29 year old African American male living in the United States, there since 1995 when his family and he immigrated to the US at the age of 9 years, wrote about this November 2016 election and Trump

His election was the work, almost entirely, of white people. More than 90 per cent of Americans who voted for Mr. Trump were white, and most white U.S. voters, both men and women, cast a ballot for him (even though his opponent got more votes over all). And at least 90 per cent of non-white Americans did not vote for him. This was a white riot – an angry, rejectionist turn by a deeply pessimistic majority within the white population against the far more hopeful and inclusive politics of the rest of the country. {The real reason Donald Trump got elected? We have a white extremism problem (Thanks To White Idiots)}

In that light all have to remember that not all white people are falling into political extremism and not all coloured people take aversion for the white people.

Those who are accepting the differences of skin colour, gender, religious beliefs, should now clearly let their voice be heard as well. But not by lowering themselves on the same level as Trump, by taking on an indecent attitude, using violence or awful words.

John Ellis, like many American Christians adamantly believes in two distinct genders.

We believe that God created men and women to reflect who He is in different ways. Telling women to “suck it up” or passing off jokes about sexual assault (which I don’t believe were mere jokes, for the record) as guys being guys and locker room talk lets them know that the liberal lie about gender being a social construct will be co-opted by Christian men when convenient. Men who defend Trump have abdicated their God-given role to stand up for and protect women. And for that, I am angry, almost sinfully so. Apart from God’s grace, it will hard for me to consistently live out Romans 13:1-2 these next four years. {There Are Some Important Tests Ahead for #NeverTrump Christians}

Many American Christians do not seem to see how denigrating Trump thinks about the woman being, so if Trump would be the right guy to defend women, we doubt. Many Americans also seems to forget that all human beings are created in the image of God and that we all should respect all sorts of people, from whatever gender they may be.

For Donald Trump, who told the press he even doesn’t trust his wife with her vote:

“The lines outside polling stations were much shorter when women weren’t allowed to vote.” {Donald Trump on many occasions}

Christians also should ponder about their place of diversity, on what it means to have a president who is endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan. They with us in Europe should be on our “quivive”, be alert, noticing that this election, both the campaign and the result, will make it harder to defend democracy when talking to authoritarians. the Capitalist world has a real problem. Though in the United States lots of the people may call themselves Christian, they have gone far away from the Biblical teachings and do not show that they are following the teachings of the man whose name they use for their group. The Nazarene rabbi, was a humble teacher of peace, who instigated a peace movement, what was called the sect the Way, and was not the founder of a hate carrying excluding community.

Today we do find a divided country where people who say they are Christian want to exclude those who are different from them. They may feel a man should copulate with a woman and have children, but do not want to accept two men or two women living together to have children. They want to feel good in their skin, but do not want others to feel good in their skin and want to forbid others changing their ‘outer’ looks or gender.

As Trump expressed he “loves the poorly educated”, “keep people dumb so that you can use them”, which also shall make it that Trump shall be able to do whatever he wants, with the knowledge that

“I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and I wouldn’t lose any votes.” {saying of Donald Trump}

Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fash...

Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fashion Show, New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We in the West could see a sexist, racist fascist, though got the impression in the States of America not many saw that. We also noticed that in the States many Christians promoted Trump instead Jesus or instead for calling good common sense and to go for the person who does not go in against the value of freedom and democracy.

In the land where so many hate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and so much hate the Word of Allah or God, and where there has to be a new scapegoat for all the troubles that come over America, because they cannot pick so much any more on the blacks, people could find some one who doesn’t give a rip about others nor about religion, who promised change and to push out that motley crew, and they thought he would be worth to vote for.

Now the dices cast, we shall have to see how it is going to turn out.

The democratic voice has to allow protesters to retort. The state shall have to show it allows riposting, but those who do not agree with the outcome should examine how it could come so far.

In case

Adding a taunting “us” versus “them” in regards to American politics drives an unbiblical wedge between the gospel witness of the Church and unbelievers. {Christians Should Be Promoting Jesus, Not Donald Trump}

English: Trump

Trump (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

American Christians should also examine their heart and check if they are prepared to take on such an attitude Jesus took on for those around him. are they (at last) willing to accept that there may be people who think differently than them, or who want to live differently than they? Should they also not give to the Caesar what belongs to the ruler and respect the regulations that ruler has taken to govern the country? Christians know, as long as they do not go in against the rules of God, they should respect and follow the rules of the country they are living in. They, who claim to be Christian should keep to the Christian laws, of which the golden rule is to love one another, no matter what he or she  has done or how he or she feels or want to be.

The last few moths we have seen many so called Christians who enjoyed the mud throwing Trump and joined him too. Now we also find other Christians who go on the streets fighting, instead of expressing themselves with respect for other man’s goods.

Instead of taking the opportunity to demonstrate love and grace by extending the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it appears that American Christians are instead kicking mud in the face of their vanquished foes. If this applies to you, fellow Christian, shame on you! {Christians Should Be Promoting Jesus, Not Donald Trump}


Preceding articles

On the 11th hour…

Children of Men

Freedom and amendments, firearms and abortions

Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

Entry 2. Unite our voices

Mountains of information, disinformation and breaking away

Max Lucado: I Had a Dream That Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Reached a Truce

Leaders in disguise

Looking at man’s closest friend

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Happiness mapping and getting over gender mapping

Gender connections


Additional articles

  1. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  2. Walls,colours, multiculturalism, money to flow, Carson, Trump and consorts
  3. Scepticals of the Bible
  4. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  5. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  6. Islamophobia Must be Fought and Defeated
  7. God Isn’t a Republican
  8. American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder
  9. Fearmongering succeeded and got the bugaboo a victory
  10. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  11. Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office
  12. When so desperate to hold onto power
  13. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  14. A strong and wise fighter who keeps believing in America
  15. Brexit No. 2 Blow-up
  16. Voted against their system
  17. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’
  18. Stand Up
  19. Gender roles and Multitasking parents
  20. Avoiding the big questions
  21. Gender Roles, What?
  22. Belonging to or being judged by
  23. Growing rift between observant parents and their children


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs