A last note concerning civil rights

Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Atheism in spe do not discriminate.

Human beings so much love the world to turn around themselves. The other human species which look different than them or act differently than them are often considered as a possible threat to their own individuality. They want to protect their own personality and consider another race as an infringement of their own being. All those who are not like the mainstream, showing other sexual feelings than the majority, are for lots of people elements which have to be avoided in their society.
They forget that all human beings are created in the image of God and that we should allow all creatures in existence to be here on earth because God allows them to be here.

Being different makes so many afraid. Not enough people are willing to know more, the why and how about certain matters, which makes that so many are excluded from our general society.

Much too often we hear that religion is the cause of the many problems and discrimination on this earth, but we should see that even when nobody would believe in a higher being, sexism, and all other forms of discrimination would still be social constructs born of fear and ignorance. Fundamental groups, when they would not be religious will still exist as has proven history where we can find enough examples of exclusions, torture and killing by others, not for religious but for political and for economical reason and most of all for getting the power, and that is it where it turns mostly around: Power.
It our those people who can reason who should be willing to use their brains and knowledge to open the eyes of others so that they would not in to the appeal of extremism.

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Find also to read:

  1. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  2. Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism
  3. Gender connections
  4. Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ in Europe
  5. Full text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’
  6. Discrimination in Black Country
  7. Consequences of Breivik’s mass murder
  8. Idaho wedding chapel to either perform same-sex weddings or face jail time and up to $1,000 in fines
  9. Stand Up


  • Unbelief in an angry god (futurehistoryx.wordpress.com)
    Sin-consciousness is false consciousness. It is a world of illusion separated far from truth.
  • Here is the test (angryarab.blogspot.com)
    If Westerners insist on the right to mock Islam and its prophet, then they should tolerate Muslim mocking of Judaism and Christianity is they wish; similarly, if Muslims object to mocking of Islam and its prophet, they should then refrain from mocking Judaism and Jews–qua Jews.
  • Very often we can find articles like Religion: Not the cause of violence (meta.ath0.com) where they want to believe their readers that the Christian Bible is full of exhortations to stoning, burning, slavery and slaughter. They do not see the whole picture what is going over the whole Book of books and do not listen to the words given in those books about the law, which makes them to consider that “most people you know would qualify for the death penalty” and come to say “The same can be said of the Quran. The same can be said of the Torah. Believers who claim that Islam or Christianity or Judaism is a religion of peace are speaking a half truth—and a naive falsehood. »
  • Franklin Graham on the US: ‘Christians Are Being Pushed to the Back of the Room (gunnyg.wordpress.com)
    The Rev. Franklin Graham, head of Samaritan’s Purse and son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, feels that other religions are being brought to the forefront in the U.S. while Christianity is being pushed back. Graham appeared on WNCN News to discuss his recent comments on Duke University’s decision to end its policy on having an Islamic call to prayer at the campus’ Christian chapel.
  • In one sense, Islam is Judaism, minus the sense of humor. But Charlie Hebdo alone can’t help them….. (thecatholicthing.org)
    The Christian faith does not hold that in a perfect world we would all be monks or nuns – such that marriage, business, and politics are a sad compromise with sin. Many clergymen have taught that over the centuries – and have been rightly mocked by raucous laymen. Let’s give John Henry Newman credit for understanding this. When he was asked by Bishop Ullathorne whether the Church needed the laity, he quipped: “the Church should look foolish without them.”
  • Fundamentalism is Never Legitimate (bishopcraig.com)
    The recent terrorist attack in France adds yet another exclamation point to the truth that fundamentalism is never a legitimate expression of any of the great historic religious traditions. It is always a perversion of the original teachings, most often twisted in a desperate attempt to achieve some political end antithetical to the tradition itself.
  • The Importance of Blasphemy By Daniel Greenfield (ruthfullyyours.com)
    As a deeply religious person, I don’t like blasphemy. My religion and its holybooksare sacred to me. And I understand perfectly well why a Muslim would not care for a cartoon of a naked Mohammed.But the debates over freedom of speech andthe sensitivity of religious feelings also miss the point.For non-Muslims, the right to blasphemy is also the right to believe. While we may think of blasphemy in terms of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, each religion is also mutually blasphemous.
  • Isis releases about 250 Yazidis from captivity (kmov.com)
    Dozens of people who were being held captivebyIslamic militants in Iraq for months are now free.Officials in Iraq say Isis released about 250Yazidis without explanation.Many of them are children and elderly people.
  • Town Hall Discussion on Islam: Is There a ‘Moderate’ Branch of Islam? (ambrosekane.com)
    Muslim activist, Anjem Choudary, addresses the question of whether muslims can be ‘moderate’ when it comes to Islam. Credit goes to him for pointing out that muslims are either being faithful to the Quran or they’re not. There’s no middle ground, and he does a good job of shaming Daisy Khan, a ‘moderate’ muslim woman who absurdly declared that “Islam is a religion of pluralism.”


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