Tag Archives: Treasury

Holiday making and dreaming

We have entered a time when people go away from their own private environment and go into the wide world to enjoy their free time, hoping to have a marvellous Summertime. There is vacation time which can bring a “staycation” or bringing some time to go here and there or even further away, crossing boarders. For some it may be the maximising time for others the minimizing time.

When away from home many are not afraid to show their other ‘me’ and present themselves to others like they would not do in their daily working life. It is at their holiday time we often can see them more becoming like they really are. We can see then the man or the animal coming out of the person. Holiday time is the time that men can be seen as lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. Seeing such people we should know better and from such turn away (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

So rude and crass has our society become that there is little acceptance of personal responsibility for what anyone says to another, or even the sense or feeling that, “Wow, I wouldn’t want someone to insult what is sacred to me, so maybe I ought not approach another (especially someone I don’t even know!) in that manner just because I have a case of ‘screen rage’.” (If anything is thought of as sacred anymore, that is…) That’s like road rage – the perception that it’s OK to curse, or yell at, or insult someone just because you are encased in something the size of a Sherman Tank, so you feel safe. The other person cannot reach through your computer screen or the windshield of your big SUV to strangle you, so it must be OK. Not! {Proverbially Speaking / Chapter 21}

Already in the normal working hours, time at home, many people do not show interest in God, but when away we do hear some making jokes about believers, be it Christians, Jews or Muslims, and mocking at holy scriptures.

It is a time when we can see and hear more people scorn and shun the Bible and openly renounce it, although they have never actually read it.

Within The Holy Spirit looks at those people who do not want to have a connection with the Maker of this universe, and writes:

It would seem to me that they might be at least curious about it – enough to open up a copy and find out for themselves – even if simply from the perspective of a good whodunit, or as something controversial that you might want to check out. {Proverbially Speaking / Chapter 21}

Lots of holidaymakers do like to complain to others about their country, their government and want to let others know how better it is somewhere else.
In case belief comes on the tip of the tongue guests leave or do find a possibility to attack those who have faith in that what is not seen. Many deny the little piece of heaven within themselves which has a sparkle with Divine Radiance itself! Then we can find many who have forgotten that little attic in their own personal life, where many treasures are.

The holiday season may be for many the escape gate to heavenly dreams.

Making intuitive art, as far as I’m concerned, is a means of “dreaming while you’re awake.” The whole process acts like meditation or contemplation – it bypasses all the mental clutter [drifting thoughts,worries, obsessing, anxiety, negative emotions, and so forth] and takes you right into the Heart and Center of your Soul. It’s here that you may meet with your Higher Self, your Inner Creator and all the spiritual and life changing awarenesses you may be looking for. {The ART of Conscious Dreaming, or the ART of Dreaming Awake}

Holiday time is also the time of getting lots of impressions and experiencing lovely explorations. On holiday one is left with distinct impressions and with many different meetings, with perhaps making new friends. Having time to reflect and looking from a distance on the own life and at the house environment, the traveller “sees” his or her own meaning in the art of travelling and in the art of being.

Often these meanings can provide confirmation of such things as where you are in life, or where you need to move forward, or what on Earth is happening to you for “Heaven’s” sake, and other useful answers you may be seeking!  {The ART of Conscious Dreaming, or the ART of Dreaming Awake}

Surprisingly these meanings can be multi-layered, as the person becomes increasingly aware of him or herself as a far more expansive Being than he or she may have ever realized before.

It is possible to practice the art of dreaming awake wherever you may be – on a bus or plane, waiting in the doctor’s office, or just grabbing a quiet moment to retreat to the kitchen table with pen and sketch pad in hand, while the kids are doing their homework or watching their favorite television program.

However, I would recommend that if you desire to commit to taking this inner treasure hunt seriously, that you carve out some “sacred space” for yourself, and at least a half hour per day when you can distance yourself from routine concerns and commitments, and insist upon committing to this on your own behalf! {The ART of Conscious Dreaming, or the ART of Dreaming Awake}

With all the dreaming going on it is not bad to have your mind also going into higher spheres trying to reach higher goals. For this the Book of books, the Bible, the infallible Word of God can help.

Most people are sort-sighted, looking for the treasures on earth and not interested in treasures for much later in future.

There is no understanding or acceptance of the need to be saved, about the redemption through Jesus Christ, or its implications for mankind.

This is simply not a part of the program for so many people who are into “metaphysics” or what they like to call “spirituality”. The preference in these circles seems to be personal power and/or the attainment of what feels good. A birthright has been exchanged for a bowl of porridge! {The ART of Conscious Dreaming, or the ART of Dreaming Awake}

At our usual times, at home, at work, most people do not feel like it to take up the holy scriptures. Lots of people do not know that the Bible is a treasury. In that book they shall be able to find many answers to their many questions. Though often man prefers to ask their questions to other people.

One thing about human beings is that many of us have little natural inclination toward reading the instructions or asking directions. I’ve found this to be true of myself from time to time, I’ll be the first to admit. Although at the end of the day, after enduring a lot of frustration, I may succumb and surrender, humbling myself to opening a set of instructions on some “smart” device which has me baffled. A good example of this is the cellphone or other 21st century inventions which have become the mother of “need”. I may or may not open the book, read, and heed – depending on the degree of frustration I’ve experienced going about things by the seat of my pants. {Insurrectionists And Instructions}

Most people do know and want to do it the Frank Sinatra way, going for ‘my way’.

Humanity seems notoriously hands on when it comes to doing things “my way or the highway”, as we grapple with life and its challenges.

It’s been said that some think they have evolved beyond the “consciousness” where they need any guidance at all from any external Wisdom, especially that silly old Bible or God. No, we’re far too advanced for that. It’s irrelevant for our time, except maybe for the backward. Besides, all we have to do is “go within” where the font of all wisdom is to be found. One has to ask, what is the source of that sort of arrogance? {Insurrectionists And Instructions}

On holiday you may hear several people finding religion a dangerous business. Many think it is the cause of all wars. Others might find that religion is entertainment.

You know – the parlor games crowd. Dabbling with no commitments. Spiritual one night stands. Tarot readings, newspaper astrology, palm readings… reading everything but the Bible. Seances, visiting haunted buildings, dancing in circle under a full moon, spoon bending, retreats and workshops on how to discover or enhance your psychic abilities or see auras. This is the group that objects most vehemently to the word religion for some reason. No, we are spiritual. {Cross Purposes 30 / Reasons For Religion}

Summertime meeting time on the beach (2012 Art Belgian Beach exhibition)

Summertime meeting time on the beach (2012 Art Belgian Beach exhibition)

On the other hand it also a time where we can get others interested in the unseen. Several people do have a curiosity about the “unseen”. Away from home and work some might be more at ease to talk to strangers about those matters we so often do not understand. They might find it not such a bad time to involve themselves in metaphysical research.

The word itself simply means “beyond the physical”. There are many branches of metaphysical science. It’s essentially the study of how the unseen – “energy” – effects the realm of matter, what we can see. It is the study of the interplay of cause and effect of the unseen on the seen – prayer, positive thinking, science of mind, affirmations, and the like. Personally I do not actually regard this as a religion, except to add that paradoxically all religions have metaphysical practices and tools. Metaphysical science observes and theorizes how religious practices work, for example, how does prayer or ritual effect physical situations? Yet it would also include the effects of light or color (art and symbolism), sound or vibration (music), within integrative healing settings. {Cross Purposes 30 / Reasons For Religion}

Leaving behind the mess at home, people on holiday love to have the luxury of waiters and chambermaids taking care of them.

For the spiritual supply they have to take care themselves. They can go see places but next to it they need filling their mind with words from books.

One of the best books to supply necessary food is the Bible and now we can take much more time than at work-time.

… many things are written, spoken, and ruminated on today concerning what we think we don’t have, or what we’re afraid we’re going to lose… or all the awful things someone else is doing which violate our rights and the like. {Upbeat 1}

Lots of ideas are interchanged on holiday. Thoughts from many cultures. Lots of jokes may be made but lots of fears may be shared as well.

Listening to or reading many of these heavy gloom and doom reports, and political agendas, although they may be very informative, can have a real down and outer effect on us – especially if we’re sensitive and caring about what happens to our loved ones, other people in our life, and ourselves as well. I do in fact have to wonder if the propaganda mill has allowed some of the commentators to spill the beans as they do, because of the fearful effect it has on people. Being bombarded with fear tears down good moods, self confidence, creates apathy, anxiety, compromise, and the like. It can make your plate seem more full than it really is.

It really is a mind over matter issue in many ways.

Thus we find that we must really be very cautious about how much of this kind of thinking we partake of every day, or even how much we dwell on our own personal issues and problems. {Upbeat 1}

Summertime is the good time to fill in the absence of God and to take time to operate out of fear or turn to the source of love, the choice is and always has been yours.


Preceding articles:

Summerholiday season time to read the Bible

Psst! Spread The Good Word!

Next: Home-stayers and their to do list


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  1. People Seeking for God 1 Looking for answers
  2. How we think shows through in how we act
  3. Knowing where to go
  4. Try driving forward instead of backwards
  5. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Cultural affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters