Tag Archives: Politicians

The scariest part of fall

It is very important that the American people come to see that their democracy is in great danger. There are several politicians and (so-called) Christian organisations who are undermining democratic principles and the necessity to tell the truth.

Jewish Young Professional

isn’t Halloween but election season -  
silk-voiced vampires masquerading as politicians,
politicians shuffling their constituents and dealing them 
like playing cards, smoking their principles like tobacco.
This country I call home feels ripped from its foundation
by an evil crow and I feel powerless.

From The Sunday Muse


dVerse, Shay’s Word Garden Word List, The Sunday Muse, TMP

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

Nicola Sturgeon on the problems of sexism and misogyny in politics


– Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon tells ITV’s Good Morning Britain she believes the problems of sexism and misogyny in politics are getting worse, arguing that social media is partly responsible.

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Filed under Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Social affairs

April 2020

The 50 year old poet

Flowers are still growing,

birds are still singing

but a darkness has come

which will mean the end for some.

In just a short while

the world has lost its smile,

people forced into isolation

with the hope it may save their nation.

Politicians try to offer hope

to those finding it hard to cope,

mankind can be changed for good,

but only if the reality is understood.

yellow daffodil flower in tilt shift lens photography Photo by David Cole on Pexels.com

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, World affairs


I do hope the author of the nice blog Reflections on Existence does not mind having my mind having gone wild by the dramatic photo on her site, bringing up a lot of thoughts in my whirling head. Often having to go over the edge, seeing many people not knowing where to jump over the stones lying on their path to somewhere in the future, I wondered.

Many may

skip and plummet into the void

Chasing the edge of an

Expanding universe.

Our lives are not agonizingly static,  stationary bike

Tires ceaselessly, maddeningly, spinning

Going nowhere. {When Words Fail}

Many roads in this world may be full of pitfalls and weeds growing everywhere. It looks like many do not want to go in the woods any more because it looking to dark for them and to much overgrown.

People have become afraid of taking risks or to show their inner being, letting know others what they really think or how they really feel. Lots of people do think they have to go with the mainstream and have to be popular, following the popularism of the present society where some politicians try to bring fear over the population, to enlarge their power and to exclude others to enjoy some of the welfare they might have.

Instead of trying to build up their own strongly funded future, many do hope others can do such building for them. Though those do not create the good pastures and many of those politicians have planted harmful weeds in the fields, infecting the wild and domestic horses. As such them jumping over the wild waters will not always bring them in the safe fields or bring them to good grassland.

Let us hope more people will have their eyes opened, not blinded by the low hanging sun of misleading politicians. That they take the risk jumping over the wild streams, daring to hang over the now and then, the between here and there containing all the risk
man could ever bear but has to do it for his own security and better life.

It is in the silent breaths between the lines we craft,

The mysterious space where words fail,

That our deepest truths are told, {When Words Fail}

that we may recover our deepest self and become pure again by a brighter light than the human being ever can present, making the grass grow and giving oxygen to the world, us being free again to run wild and to enjoy the life Allah has in mind for us, where all overs of God can be together in peaceful surroundings, giving each-other energy and hope to continue spreading the Good News of a coming Kingdom that shall be better than any human kingdom or republic.

Let us therefore look for words that may bring our heart to life, stirring our depths, carrying on the whisper of our clean breath. {read: Bread}






Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Seeds from the world creating division and separation from God

These days we can find more than one politician trying to sow division in his own country and in the world. The are very handy bullies who can keep their outlook unchanged like a good strong high quality wig. their periwig may be their trade mark, hiding what is underneath that peruke. Like postiches are fake people may not forget those words spoken by such politicians may also be fake.

We can hear those politicians, which claim to be Christians, picking on Jews, Muslims and immigrants, trying to hide the internal more important matters, and trying to please the people their tickling ears, who want to find a scapegoat for all the problems of their own country. The last few years our Jewish community already felt the pressure, having to face an increase of bullying, making that several Jews decided to leave Belgium and to go to Israel, where the violence seems to frighten them less than here in Belgium.

Shoebat asks why Christians, before they start ‘picking on Jewish, Muslim or immigrant dumpsters, are joining another dumpster instead of cleaning up the growing neopaganism in their own backyard?’

Fact is, so many, be they Catholic, Orthodox or Evangelical, are looking the other way, that for the sake of being anti-immigrant, they support the heathen. {The Greatest Abandonment Of Christianity In The West Is Happening And The Whole World Is Being Plunged Into Paganism As Biblical Prophecies Reveal}

He should know, like the whole world should know, that at this present day satan, the adversary of God, is throwing a lot of seeds on this globe which shall infect many other seeds wanting to grow up on this earth which is warming up for a less pleasant climate change and for bad times to come.

It are those seeds sown by the adversary of God, which are clearly no seeds of love, or seeds of peace, who by growing up, getting bigger than the slower growing seeds of godly people, that want to convince those who believe in the True God, that they are wrong and that they should believe in the god of the world, making that they shall have it much better than now as believing naive guys.

Those contemporary seeds want those who believe those very old books to come to see that the symbols they are carrying are the signs for better times. They are proud of their tattoos which should be a sign for the world that the world belongs to them. In a way, they are right. The world belongs to them. God has given the world in the hands of man. The adversary of God already for some time has the right to proof to the Divine Maker he can do it better than the Creator Himself.

In ancient times there where the idols of Egypt and it looks like we are gone back to them. We can see many carrying again those very well known symbols of the sun and pagan elements.

Europe and many of the slavs are veering away from Christ’s church returning back in masse to pre-Christian paganism, all with deities that honor “the sun” just as John predicted in Revelations. {The Greatest Abandonment Of Christianity In The West Is Happening And The Whole World Is Being Plunged Into Paganism As Biblical Prophecies Reveal}

At the closing times there will be division. People shall come to fight each other for many reasons, one of which religion shall taken as a point of discussion. The different religious groups fighting against each other, even Christians forgetting the agapé love of the preaching of Christ and his apostles, not willing to be open minded for people who have an other faith or come from other nations.

Isaiah 19 speaks of neopaganism spread from Egyptian mythology which will be the hallmark of the world prior to Christ’s coming. The ultra-nationalist movements from Europe all the way to slavic nations derive from Thor, the sun god in Norse mythology was also the Egyptian Osiris and Kneph, the Phœnician Bel or Baal, and it is accepted freely when slavic neopagans call upon the same God when they invoke Perun.

The American and European Alt-Right’s obsession with a mythical ancient Egyptian deity, Kek, is also Egyptian, while “the Hindus, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Celts have all yielded striking comparisons [to each other], and the Norse Gods display significant resemblances to members of other pantheons” (A History of the Vikings, Oxford University Press, P.p, 319). {The Greatest Abandonment Of Christianity In The West Is Happening And The Whole World Is Being Plunged Into Paganism As Biblical Prophecies Reveal}

In the previous years we could feel how the right wing movements became more into the light, not hiding any more, but shouting loud, wanting to get rid of Jews and Muslims. Again Christian churches where silent, in the same way a mosques did not come out to tell people ISIS and other  Muslim fundamentalists where not real Muslims but bringers of hate, not acting like a Muslim should do.

All over Europe we can see the right wing parties getting stronger, making people afraid of the Muslims, Jews and of those who come to look for refuge. The refugees and immigrants are not welcome for them. There is no place in their heart to foster for those in need or fleeing from the war regions in the East or South.


The Lambda. The symbol of identitarians and many neo-Nazis

Shoebat writes

The devil will use antisemitism, stupid, where every evil is blamed on the Jews. And this is currently brewing like never before since WWII. While critiquing Jews is valid, the evil is this unbalanced view that is sweeping western nations like a storm accusing Jews to supersede gentiles in doing mischief. And its coming from claiming Christians who do not consider that antisemitism in Christianity is a heresy, condemned by the church as mortal sin since it stems from ultra-nationalists leading their nations to commit genocide. Today, there is a tremendous rise in antisemitism. It has become a silent reality getting us ever closer to fulfilling Zechariah 12. {A Horrific Storm Of Evil Is Rising Up And Is Sweeping The World, It Is Leading Europe Into The Hands Of The Antichrist}

According to him

Saddam Hussein appearing in a courtroom after his capture, Baghdad, Iraq.

Saddam Hussein, also spelled Ṣaddām Ḥusayn, in full Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti whose brutal rule was marked by costly and unsuccessful wars against neighbouring countries.

The first phase began around three decades ago when the West declared war hailing Saddam Hussein as the major threat to the world. And when the true prophets warned “this is a bad idea” the prophets were burned alive. Then it took a decade or two to recognize the prophets were right all along.

Then the next evil phase began when a new spring gushed forth out of the bottomless pit declaring that Middle East dictators are the major threat to the world. The false prophets declare it “an Arab Spring” and they blessed it. And when the true prophets said “this too is wickedness” more true prophets were burned alive. The west then went full-throttle on pumping this Arab Spring to gush forth the waters which became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.

The west, as it turns out, commenced an evil plan. Germany aided the Islamist evil dragon Turkey which spewed a flood of Muslim immigrants, locusts if you will, into the heartland of Europe. Now the European masters did not have to convince the masses to aid in the ultimate evil plan, the third phase. Instead the masses on their own declared and complained to their masters that aided and abetted this wormwood shouting that the Muslim immigration is the ultimate major threat to the world. {A Horrific Storm Of Evil Is Rising Up And Is Sweeping The World, It Is Leading Europe Into The Hands Of The Antichrist}

We can clearly see how anti-Semitism was growing in Europe and now has reached the United States of America as well. It is stemming not just from the typical anti-Israel liberals, but according to Shoebath from western conservatives who do not heed Zechariah’s warning.

Today the rise of neopaganism reveals a disturbing trend becoming the fastest growing religion globally and is also virulently antisemitic and contra-believers of God, be it Jews, real or non-trinitarian Christians or real Muslims. We should be alert that there are also groups who may see what is happening to the Jews but want to blame the followers of the prophet Mohammed, making people afraid of those believers of One God.

We must be careful, for those who are trying to frighten people for the worshippers of Allah. First of all those making others afraid of the worshippers of Allah, is that they forget ‘Allah’ is a title which denotes a god and the God. In Belgium and many other countries ‘Allah’ does not pose so many problems because it is a general title being used to denote a god or God, Who gets also other titles over here like ‘Ene’ or ‘Enige’ (‘One’ or ‘Only One’), Elohim, Dieu and Gott, el (not for the girl of female ‘el’) and El Shadai. I got the impression on the net (for the short time I’m presenting there my own ‘Immanuel site’ or blog) that English speaking people want all others to use the same word for God as they do and how many say the Jews killed Jesus and therefore should be punished and done with. (It would be the same as Jews now saying to a Caucasian “you killed my forefathers so I have to kill you’, though perhaps it could well be that this Caucasian’s father or grand parent really has Jewish blood on his hands, though Christ was long ago put to death not by Jews but by the Romans, which many Christians seem to forget.). Some even want that we all would speak English and use what is according to them the only valuable Bible ‘The King James Version’ as if God would only want to reach His people in English. The other-way round in some Muslim countries there are leaders wanting to forbid Catholics and protestants to use the general term for god or God ‘allah’ because they claim ‘Allah’ is only the God of Muslims. Both should know that Allah is the God of all. They also should know that Allah or God  has a name which is even Holy or set-apart, and which should be known all over the world. That Holy Name is Jehovah and is the Name given to the Most High Almighty God of gods, Who is a Spirit and not a human being or a being of flesh, blood and bones, like Jesus Christ was. He is also a singular God and Being One He wants all to worship Him alone and not having people bowing down in front of graven images or making any pictures or sculptures of Him or any other gods.


Today we can see that the pagan rituals are very much increasing again and that lots of people prefer to take part in those human rituals and pagan festivals, instead of holding to the festivals the Most High Elohim has given or demands His people to keep.

By having gone so far away from the mitzvah or commandments of God, man became ‘bewildered’ and has lost the North. Not having a good compass any more man has chosen for the wrong and more attractive paths.

Walid Shoebat seems not to believe that his American compatriots are also infested with the same pesticide as the European evangelicals. He writes

Most Americans think that Evangelicals are the same universality, believing that these are ‘Israel flag wavers’ just like them. The American evangelical being unique is the most ill-informed. When it comes to this issue, they do not realize that the bulk of what identifies itself as European Evangelicals are quite the different breed. Germany is exploding with Odin worship with a church in kahoot with it, while in the U.S. Evangelicals don’t say much fearing to appear as pro-immigrant. {The Greatest Abandonment Of Christianity In The West Is Happening And The Whole World Is Being Plunged Into Paganism As Biblical Prophecies Reveal}

and continues

While westerners are made to focus on “creeping Sharia,” they forget how Christians in Germany welcomed “creeping Nazism”. The rise of Nazism in 1933 upheld “Christian values”. Just as the Next News Network, Gary Franchi Jr, the Evangelical supporting the Soldiers of Odin for their good deeds, likewise, during Nazi Germany, Germans were persuaded by the statement on “positive Christianity”:

“We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state’s existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good.” (from Article 24, 1920 Nazi Party Platform)

And just as these deceived Europeans during Nazism, they are doing it again. Everything repeats, there is nothing new under the sun.

And just as it was in WWII, what they all have in common is “antisemitism” “ultra-nationalism,” and a “racialized” understanding of morality.

Kirchenratswahlen am 23. Juli 1933: Wahlpropaganda mit SA-Unterstützung vor der St.-Marien-Kirche am Neuen Markt in Berlin

And if one thinks it is the Catholic, or the Orthodox who were the main players, I remind, it was the Evangelicals in Germany who were the bulk of the masses deceiving while being deceived in the 1930s. These comprised of 28 regional churches or Landeskirchen, the bulk of German churches, that included the three major theological traditions that had emerged from the Reformation: Lutheran, Reformed, and United. Most, the bulk majority, of Germany’s 40 million Protestants, were members of this church, although there were smaller so-called “free” Protestant churches, such as Methodist and Baptist churches that withstood Nazism.

Flag of the Deutsche Christen or German Christians 1934

During the 1920s, a movement emerged within the German Evangelical Church called the Deutsche Christen, or “German Christians.” The “German Christians” embraced many of the nationalistic and racial aspects of Nazi ideology, which is exactly what we see rising today. Once the Nazis came to power, this group sought the creation of a national “Reich Church” and supported a “nazified” paganized version of Christianity.

{The Greatest Abandonment Of Christianity In The West Is Happening And The Whole World Is Being Plunged Into Paganism As Biblical Prophecies Reveal}

Wandlung der DC-Embleme 1932 – 1935 – 1937

It is very clear for us in West-Europe that we can see a very similar situation as in the 1920ies1930ies and that we similar dictatorial right wing figures rising up and misleading the citizens of their country. America being the first country in the series where the right wing weapon lobby has won and is going to do everything to get other coloured and other believers out of ‘their nation’. Soon we might see Wilders in the Netherlands and Marine Le Pen following in the footsteps of the new dictator Donald Trump, who shall take care that all those who do not agree with him shall disappear from the stage of his theatre.

Europe and other countries should be aware how they should be careful not to fall in the trap of those bad seed, the weeds being sown all over America and Europe, not to become infested with a dangerous virus, which not only shall kill many of the ones not like by many, but worst of all, killing lots of innocent people and bringing horror all over the world.

We should be warned and better know our real enemy.



Seeds to be planted soon

Seeds of promise

Seeds, weeds and kingdoms

Unbelief, faith and mustard seed

Engagement in an actual two-way conversation with your deities

Solstice, Saturnalia and Christmas-stress



Additional reading

  1. Hamas the modern Philistines
  2. Religious Practices around the world
  3. Unprecedented violence against protesters and social protest
  4. Social media a destabilisation tool in the Middle East and Syrian conflict
  5. Protest against Tzahal concert in Antwerp
  6. Migrants to the West #6
  7. 2014 European elections
  8. 2015 In the Picture
  9. Israel the Oil and Gas Opportunity
  10. Foreign workers and immigrants
  11. Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists
  12. A world with or without religion
  13. Knife-trust in democratic sore back
  14. January 27 – 70 years ago Not an end yet to genocide
  15. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’
  16. 25 Orthodox rabbis issued a statement on Christianity
  17. The American clouds of Anti-Semitism
  18. French Muslims under attack
  19. Declaration of war against Islam and Christianity
  20. At the closing hours of 2016 #2 Low but also highlights
  21. Bible sayings about God
  22. Two states of existence before God
  23. Disobedient man and God’s promises
  24. How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice
  25. You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone
  26. Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #2 Pantheon of gods and celebrations
  27. Picking Stones
  28. Apple of Gods eye
  29. Have no other gods besides Me
  30. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  31. Bearing fruit
  32. Agape, a love to share with others from the Fruit of the Spirit
  33. Improving the world by improving the Faith


Further related articles

  1. An Another Way
  2. What Seeds Are You Planting? (365 Days of Daring Faith — DAY 293)
  3. Sowing the Wind
  4. We Do Not Save, Only Plant
  5. our words matter…
  6. Spread the Gospel
  7. ignite hope…
  8. The art of Love
  9. The Harvest
  10. The Apple Tree
  11. The Orchard of Your Life, Tom Moore
  12. Faith’s Checkbook: Pruning For Fruit-Bearing
  13. Matthew 21:18-22: Withering the Fig Tree
  14. Be A Fruitful Tree In Harsh Weather
  15. Planted to Bear Fruit
  16. You Shall Know Them By Their Fruits…But What is Fruit?
  17. Bearing Fruit
  18. Bearing Fruit for God – John 15:6-8
  19. The First Year of Marriage: Being Spiritual is Not in Tongues-Speaking
  20. The Thin Line Between Pride And Greed
  21. Psalms of the Salter: Some Thoughts on Really Living for the Lord (Psalm 92)
  22. Discernment and God – Philippians 1:9-11
  23. What! No Fruit?
  24. Cookie a day: Don’t Be A Tree That Gets Cut Down
  25. Sanctification by God – John 15:1-4
  26. Post-Truth Bears No Fruit
  27. 4 Keys To Pleasing God
  28. Through Christ – You Can Do All Things
  29. Our Fruit Is Found In Christ
  30. “Fruit Bearing”
  31. Unity: Wisdom is Justified by her Children
  32. Why Don’t You Feel Him With You?
  33. Abiding in the Lord
  34. Following the Leader
  35. rise up and resist…
  36. Restored faith in humanity
  37. Was It Worth It?
  38. What a “normal” day for God looks like
  39. Life Transformation~ Starts with the Seed, the Word of God
  40. Religious Pluralism and Common Sense on Trump’s Inauguration Day
  41. Hate Still Great as Trump Administration Begins
  42. Here’s What Dr. Seuss Thought About “America First”
  43. David Icke and the meaning of Jewish power
  44. To anyone who still supports Donald Trump
  45. Mario Silva: Persistence of anti-Semitism shows world has yet to learn lessons of the Holocaust
  46. What’s in a name? Identity in a reactionary age
  47. Defend The Jews: We Must Never Forget The Holocaust
  48. Tam Dalyell and anti-semitism
  49. London Mayor Sadiq Khan: We Must ‘Redouble Our Efforts’ to Stop Anti-Semitism
  50. Populism is breeding racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: UN chief
  51. Never Forget… Unless You Are The Russian Usurper Donald Trump
  52. Rachel Rozsa *************************** In memory of my grandmother on Holocaust Memorial Day
  53. Remember the Shoah, Not Just the Holocaust
  54. ‘You Get a Gold Star!’: Alt-Righters Celebrate Holocaust Remembrance Day
  55. Alan Dershowitz’ Long Reach
  56. After Trump orders entry ban, airlines bar Iranians from US-bound flights | The Times of Israel
  57. Trump’s Holocaust Remembrance Speech Doesn’t Mention Jews!
  58. Lobby: Trump’s ‘America First’ slogan is antisemitic!
  59. The anti-Semite with the Jewish wife
  60. Anti-American & Un-Jewish (Jared Kushner)
  61. Speak Out In Times of Great Moral Crisis
  62. Redemption is sweet
  63. Watch “What’s Holding the Arab World Back?” ~ PragerU
  64. Hasbara is Desperate to stop David Icke (video)
  65. Deepa Kumar: hating Israel, loving Hamas
  66. Know Your Enemy
  67. Nationalists’ approaches to Jews, Israel and Zionism: Complex relationships
  68. United in Idiocy: Milo Yiannopolous vs the University of Berkeley Students
  69. Next Week in Jerusalem
  70. A former skinhead explains why it’s a mistake for the US to stop targeting right-wing extremists
  71. United States Donald Trump news update


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, History, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs, World affairs

Seeds to be planted soon

Last month was perhaps cold for many, but when we look at the calendar to plant things we can see that it is a great time to start planning what vegetable varieties will be grown in the garden. Having the flue now I am remembered of those who should have planted them end of January. Loving lots of green and colours in the garden I also know that now is a great time to get your spring flowers germinating and ready for spring! There are many different varieties of annuals and perennials with different grow times, which need your attention to grow times so that your flowers are ready to be planted after last frost. Below are some good varieties to start in January for a last frost in March and April!

For those who want to plant vegetables February is the month, though the cold does not seem to invite us to come outdoors.

Beans at the CIAT gene bank in Colombia, which...

Beans at the CIAT gene bank in Colombia, which has just sent its latest consignments of seeds for conservation at the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, Norway. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When we choose our seeds or plants it is important that we look at them not being ‘festered’ with. Man has come to love to play for god and to create all new sorts of plants. Genetically manipulated plants are something we should avoid at all cost.

When people muddle with the plants we can see the disastrous consequences.  Last Summer the harvest did show her grim face in Dunklin County where conveyor belts teem with peaches inside the packing facility at Bader Farms, where fruit is prepared for shipment from its Bootheel source to stores across a nearly 500-mile radius were seriously worried.

Of the 900 acres of peach trees that fill Bill Bader his orchards, some have limbs that are almost entirely defoliated, while countless others have tufts of leaves that are crinkled and yellow, or remain green but are full of holes.

“That’s why you come out here and look at them early in the morning, ’cause you don’t wanna think about them at night,”

Bader said, surveying a field of peach trees.



Seeds of promise

A bird’s eye and reflecting from within

Commemorating the escape from slavery

You’re Lighter Than Air~


Additional reading

  1. World Agenda for Sustainability
  2. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 4
  3. Necessity of a revelation of creation 5 Getting understanding by Word of God 3
  4. Engaging the culture without losing the gospel
  5. Picking Stones
  6. Testify of the things heard
  7. Chemical warsite and Pushing king of the South


Further reading

  1. Missouri Peach Farmers Threatened by Pesticide Drift
  2. Dicamba may threaten Missouri peach farm
  3. When to Start Your Seeds
  4. Seed calendar – What to plant now
  5. Seeds… how do they grow?
  6. Vegetable Gardening Know-How : Germination Temperatures & Times
  7. How to grow heirloom tomatoes from seed
  8. The Secret of germination That No One is Talking
  9. AboutGermination shelf
  10. Germination table coming together
  11. Inventory of WIP seeds
  12. Efficient planting, or notEffects of plant growth regulators and NaCl on early developmental stages of Striga hermonthica -IJAAR
    Don’t bother washing the hatPerfect Partners: Oaks & SquirrelsTime to Bloom!
  13. Beautiful yellow daffodils
  14. Hoping against hope
  15. Lightness of being
  16. The perfect soil!
  17. Good Soil (by Gail Ramesh)
  18. Good Soil (by Table Field Farm)
  19. Good soil (by Tokyo Purple girl)
  20. Good Ground, Bad Ground
  21. The Forty-Second Letter: The Basil Metaphor
  22. Success
  23. The Little Things
  24. sometimes the seed falls into good soil…
  25. Ungrateful Me
  26. Organic Fruit: Sermon for June 26, 2016
  27. Produce a Huge Harvest
  28. Sowed on Good Soil—Parable of the Sower
  29. Thorny ground
  30. Die to sin and grow: Analogy between you and a seed
  31. Longing to Stay Thirsty
  32. Women are important to Jesus






Filed under Ecological affairs, Headlines - News, Health affairs, Nature, Religious affairs

Darkest just before dawn

Marcus Ampe when looking over the happenings of 2016 told his public that when we should have to choose a colour for 2016 it probably would be ‘black’. Even the darkest black colour you might find.

Certainly here in Belgium and neighbouring countries we have seen many black moments caused by people living very close to us. Hundreds of people who lived in cities like Brussels (Molenbeek district), Verviers, Charleroi, Mons, just to name some of the most mentioned living quarters of those who killed many in Paris, Brussels, Frankfurt and further away many cities in Syria. A so called liberation of human race was on their lips by causing so much agony in name for their sort of Islam which has nothing to do with real Islam, a religion which has ‘salam‘ or ‘peace‘ in its name.

2016 may have been the year where Bad came over Good and brought with it Hate over Love. Though many still may believe in

Good over Bad. Love over Hate. {When it looks like hate is winning}

May we really believe that

“Good always wins”?

When we look around us it seems just the opposite. Those who do not mind to swindle and do whatever they can to make themself rich without taking care of others, seem to win. Marcus Ampe warns us for the political scene which is changing drastically almost everywhere in the world, not for the good. He warns for the populism which is going over Europe and the United States as a virus. As a Christadelphian he likes to look at what is prophesied in the Bible and by looking at that sacred book is not at all surprised of what is going on. In his eyes we can follow the notated signs of those old writings and see that we are heading to a third World War, though it may still many years before us. He likes to compare the last few years with the 1920ies and showed us also how the present days are very much related to the 1930ies, which should sincerely worry us.

He does not speak of an apocalyptic change like certain Christians may do, but likes to warn us to prepare ourselves and our kids for the coming period where very right wing politicians may gain lots of votes and even come into power.

Perhaps Jyoti Chauhan Singh, an Indian lady who reads Tarot cards and came to live in the United States, perhaps thinks on similar lines, saying the same as Mr. Ampe that

it is happening in every corner of this world. People around the world are bringing this change by their votes, by their say, and by their actions. Be it Brexit or current US election, or stimulated political environment in my home country India. This change is too much. Too much for us to handle and accept, and to adapt to. {When it looks like hate is winning}

Is that not the danger we shall have to face in the coming months?

Are not many politicians going to make use of and are going to instigate people against others and nourish the fear many already have?

For Mrs. Chauhan Singh the present President elect in the States was

not elected against a virtuous leader. It was not the fight between good vs evil. It was just bad and worse fighting with each other. You guess which is worse and which is bad. But, it was never a winning situation for USA, no matter who would have won. {When it looks like hate is winning}

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I do not know why Clinton would have been so bad, because honestly her stupidity about the e-mails was not really a criminal act, like so many Americans would like us to believe. If they consider such stupidity already a crime or sin than the many frauds and bankruptcies of Donald Trump which many Americans never seemed to have remembered or noticed, would be “cardinal sins and death penalty crimes

We also may notice that many people seem to have some nostalgia to some times they had it better, though at those times they ware hoping for better times and for having more material richness. But as we could know beforehand all those modern gadgets they can have today are not making them more happy. The opposite today lots of people are more lonely and feeling poverty more harsh than years ago, though we may see less poverty stricken people. Less tramps on the streets.

With a smiling or is it a sarcastic face Mr. Ampe may tell us that many people would love to go back to a time they are imaging there was, but which has never been so. Mrs. Chauhan Singh alsy pointing to the same fact

With this election, Americans have spoken very clearly that they want to bring back ‘good old days’. Doesn’t matter if those good old days are going to be good for rest of us or not. They want to go back. They want someone with traditional values, traditional promises. Although seeing the lifestyle of elect president I hardly think he is an epitome of traditionalism. {When it looks like hate is winning}

Mr Ampe analysed some body language of Mr. Trump and showed us how clever that man must be playing with his public. This cleverness should make us even be more alert. He also compare certain tactics with the way how Erdogan managed to come in his dictatorial position today. How he was patient enough to go from mayor of Istanbul, even having spent some years in prison after his mayorship to come stronger and more radicalised out of it, imposing the traditional Muslim values and going in against the civil state of the old creator of a dream state Turkey.

We shall have to wait and see  to know how Donald Trump is going to use his power and how Marine Le Pen is going to drive her wedge through France which seem to be the under the spell of Muslim extremism and Islam fear.

Mr Ampe, like Mrs. Chauhan Singh seems to do also says we may not loose hope and contrary to how lots of people are concentrating on their own self, we should look more to others and try to come up for the weaker ones.
Mrs. Chauhan Singh writes

Losing hope is never an option. If we are given this result, we must be hopeful that there must be something good coming out of it. Give him a chance. He has already shocked all of us; he may surprise us too. Do not lose hope. Instead hope for him to change his ways, his words, and his actions, for the betterment of this country. {When it looks like hate is winning}

When it looks like hate is winning

One of Mr. Ampe his main teachings, also as a retired teacher of ballet history, is that we should learn from history and that we should make others aware of possible traps lots of people in the past did not notice but became victim of. According to him by knowing the past we can avoid the same mistakes, which have been repeated so many times, because people did not know their history.

We always shall look at things and would love to see things changed. Man is not easy satisfied.

One also can wonder when  our world evolves if/ when and how many people would be ready for such changes, and if they are for the better or for the worse. In most cases lots of people are just not ready for the changes taking place.

Problem is not in these major changes but our inability to accept them. {When it looks like hate is winning}

One might also ask whether we shall be able to find enough people who shall be really wanting to pursue peace. To find enough people who really want to “raise awareness that peace in itself,” and willing to take steps with which to motivate others to go that track of peace making is something we should go for. Too many may be very confused and may not be sure which dreams might be the best for them. Though according to Mr. Ampe we should come to work together towards mutual peace and to the broadcasting of hope and positive thoughts, trying to take away the confusion there is today and putting right the wrong ideas about some people, religions and ways of life. He believes the change must come from each of us and that we are responsible for the evolution of the day. According to him, we ourselves are to convey the message and have even to adopt a certain attitude and should form a shining example. According to him, there also should be peace as a base in our own daily lives.

This peace will also make the connection with the other and this will be like a snowball effect to be implemented on this world.

When it looks like hate is winning


Preceding articles about overviews for 2016

Donkere periodes en het uitkijken naar vrede

From Guestwriters 2015 in review

Pokémon craziness


Additional reading

  1. Knife-trust in democratic sore back
  2. Daesh hits heart of Europe
  3. What Associated Press released on Wednesday 23 March 2016
  4. Iranian media implicitly accuse Erdogan to have known of the Bruxelles’s attacks in advance
  5. Hard questions
  6. Terrorist attacks in brussels
  7. Social media, sympathy & shocks
  8. Europe unites to defeat terror
  9. Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists
  10. Declaration of war against Islam and Christianity
  11. Is Europe going to become a dictatorial bastion
  12. French authorities have shut down around 20 mosques and prayer halls
  13. State of emergency and respect for human rights
  14. Paris attacks darkning the world
  15. Trump brand of migrant demonization
  16. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  17. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  18. Muslim Grooming (Rape) Gangs and Sharia
  19. Amount of Muslims living in your country


Further reading

  1. Paris Attackers Had Already Appeared in the Islamic State’s Propaganda
    It has already been established that the on-the-ground leader of the Islamic State’s atrocities on Paris
  2. Belgium knew in 2012 already that Paris suspects were plotting attacks
    Belgian authorities knew as early as 2012 that terrorists linked to the bloodshed in Paris were plotting attacks in the West. But little was done to disrupt the build-up of a network that subsequently became a cornerstone …
  3. Fugitive Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam captured in anti-terror raid
    He was shot in the leg and arrested in a major police operation in the Brussels neighborhood of Molenbeek
  4. Paris Attacks Suspect Wounded, Arrested In Brussels Raid
    Salah Abdeslam, a suspect in the deadly Paris attacks, has been wounded and arrested, following a raid in the Belgian capital, Brussels, after four months on the run.
  5. Hollande Chairs Emergency Security Meeting — France Determining Next Move After Arrest of Suspected Terrorist Salah Abdeslam, a French…
  6. Muslims in Molenbeek are on the side of Salah against the belgian police. Take in more muslim immigrants so we enlarge the Salah’s Fan…
    The so called refugees are all muslims, I don’t see why we should let them in. Now that we know the destructive attitude of freemasonry we also know we mustn’t let them do what they ask.
  7. One Paris attacker buried just a day before his brother was captured in Brussels police raid
    Brahim Abdeslam, who blew himself up in November’s attacks, was laid to rest the day before his brother Salah was captured.
  8. Top Lawyers of Belgium, France in Suspected Terrorists Abdeslam Case — Focus on European jihadists
  9. How Recent European Terror Wins Led to Abdeslam’s Capture
  10. ISIS Launches Coordinated Attacks in Brussels Airport and Subway
    Early reports from Brussels are that two coordinated attacks have taken place with the first being at the Brussels Airport Departure Terminal and the second within the Brussels Subway system.
  11. J’accuse ! L’attentat que les services craignaient
    Avec colère suite aux événements de ce matin, j’accuse la Belgique d’avoir été attentiste depuis des années et de n’avoir jamais donné les moyens aux services de Renseignement de faire leur travail professionnellement pour tenter de prévenir ce genre d’attaques.
    … Outraged about the events of this morning in Brussels, I accuse Belgium of having endorsed a “wait-and-see” policy for years and having never giving to the intelligence services the means to do their job professionally to try and avoid this kind of attack. …
  12. Leighton: Terror cells are a lot bigger than Belgium authorities anticipated
  13. Terror attacks in Brussels kill at least 34, story developing
    Terrorist bombings at a subway station in Maalbeek and at Zaventem Airport have killed at least 34 people and injured another 170. Two bombs, at least one of which is believed to have been a suicide bombing, struck the …
  14. Bombing in Brussels!
    Today, once again, Islamic terrorists have attacked the west. This morning, Brussels became the latest city to come under attack with a bomb detonating on a metro train …
  15. Islamofoobikot pitävät terrorismin voimissaan
    Ennen kuin Brysselin terrori-iskuista oli kiirinyt tieto Suomeen, Helsingin Sanomat kirjoitti viime syksyn Pariisin iskujen tekijöiden jahdista. Belgiassa 18.3. kiinniotettu Salah Abdesalam piileskeli kuukausien ajan
  16. Islamofoobikot pitävät terrorismin voimissaan
    Ennen kuin Brysselin terrori-iskuista oli kiirinyt tieto Suomeen, Helsingin Sanomat kirjoitti viime syksyn Pariisin iskujen tekijöiden jahdista. Belgiassa 18.3. kiinniotettu Salah Abdesalam piileskeli kuukausien ajan …
  17. Het raadsel, Salah Abdeslam
    Op 13 november vorig jaar reed hij zijn vrienden naar de Parijse plekken om toe te slaan. Dood en verderf te zaaien, angst aan te jagen, het leven te vernietigen dat hij met hart en ziel haatte.
  18. Del estupor al sopor: atentados jihadistas, habituación europea, y jamais vu liberal-progresista
    Creo que estoy progresando. Esta noche, alrededor de las 3am, fui despertado por el zumbido de mi teléfono celular que se encontraba recargándose, apoyado sobre la mesita de luz.
  19. The Religion of Peace Strikes Again
    This morning we awoke to the news of a deadly terrorist attack in Brussels. Isis claimed responsibility for the bombings at the airport and the Metro station.
  20. Why Belgium?
    ISIS has claimed responsibility for separate explosions in Brussel’s Zaventem airport and a central metro station that killed 34 and wounded over 200.
  21. Don’t Blame Whitey!
  22. Belgium’s approach to immigration and security again under fire
  23. CAIR Cannot Be Trusted To Police Radical Muslims
  24. Brussels
  25. Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
  26. After Brussels, Europe must abandon its safe space and face reality
  27. Hidden in Plain Sight: Salah Abdesalam’s 120 Days on the Lam
  28. Waking Up to the Brussels Bombs
  29. Aboard the Eurostar to Brussels
  30. Two belgian politicians elected in Molenbeek committed themselves to legalize Sharia in Belgium. That’s how Islam destroys Democracy when…
  31. Molenbeek’s gangster jihadis – BBC News
  32. Europe’s Muslims hate the West
  33. CAIR Cannot Be Trusted!
  34. Belgian Terrorism Suspect Salah Abdeslam Has Agreed To Provide Police With Full Information on Other Terrorists — “Turns Supergrass”
  35. Brussels Suicide Attacks ‘Shocking But Not Surprising,’ Stanford Experts Say
  36. The Muslim Problem and How Not To Solve It
  37. Look at what I almost stepped in
  38. We Are AfraidMerci, Thanks !Revolution: Jesus loves Every Jihadist
  39. Perps of ‘Far-Right’ Hit-and-Run on Muslim Woman Were Muslims
  40. Why Belgium is Ground Zero for European Jihadis
  41. Een falend land, dát is het echte probleem, meneer JambonTerrorism From Brussels: A Report
  42. Molenbeek and its cultural and creative dynamism – a (small) press review
  43. A Close Look at Brussels Offers a More Nuanced View of Radicalization – The New York Times
  44. «Il reste encore des éléments à neutraliser»
  45. Europe: Suicide by Jihad
  46. How Many Molenbeeks in France?
  47. The truth about “no-go” Molenbeek
  48. Open brief aan Jan Jambon door Selma Benkhelifa (advocate)
  49. Getting Up Earlier.
  50. Two Police Officers Attacked With Knife In Belgium, Unhurt
  51. Knifeman attacks Brussels police
  52. Tent Cities for questionable dwellers
  53. L’Arc-en-Ciel presque au complet
  54. Dec 16,
  55. It has been an eventful year for me 2016
  56. The Politically Correct Right
  57. Bet you missed this #1
  58. 2016- A Reflection
  59. 2016 Recapped
  60. Summarising 2016-Энэ оныг дүгнэх нь
  61. 2016 in review
  62. Christmas Countdown Blitz 2016 ~ Day 12
  63. Not Goals. Plans.
  64. Book Review: The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
  65. What India Searched in 2016
  66. Saturday 17 December 2016 – Some famous people who’ve died in 2016
  67. My 2016: August.
  68. Movie Review: Rogue One (2016)
  69. Things That Need To End In 2017
  70. History tells us what may happen next with Brexit & Trump
  71. Look East and Watch for the Light
  72. Readjusting Expectations
  73. revolutionary reflections | The Crisis in German Politics and the Rise of the Radical Right
    2016 has been a year in which right –wing and authoritarian agendas have been in the ascendant. With the French and German elections next year we will see if this trend continues.
  74. Links for 16/12/16
    Black-White Earnings Gap Remains at 1950s Levels for Median Worker Donald Trump Should Know: This Is What Climate Change Costs Us How data maps are transforming the fight against malaria in Zambia South
  75. Populist right – the mass appeal of “strict father” framing
    George Lakoff’s book, Moral Politics, popularised the idea that ‘rightwing’ politics stem from a particular moral worldview, which Lakoff called “strict father framing”.
  76. What is Populism?
    Populism. It is everywhere in the news right now and it is one of those words that have so many vague meanings and yet describes itself so well. Populism is simply the revolt of the people against the political
  77. Who do Western Australian populist voters second preference?
    Most draw support from across the spectrum when compared to the remaining small parties.
  78. The Elites Are Fuelling A Backlash They Do Not Comprehend And May Not Withstand
    Accustomed to getting their own way and furious at being thwarted by mere democracy, the political elite are responding to recent setbacks by …The Future of Federalism in an Age of Populism
    Richard Eccleston, Helen Krever and Rick Smith explore the future of federalism in the 21st century.
    The two seismic political events of 2016, Brexit and the election victory …
  79. The 3 Layers of Authoritarian Thinking
    There are three layers to unfreedom or authoritarian thinking that is sweeping the world today.
  80. More than just populism: Renzi, the Italian Senate referendum and the perils of second chamber reform
    On 4 December Italians decisively rejected Matteo Renzi’s proposed constitutional reforms, which centred on reforming the Senate – leading to his resignation as Prime Minister.
  81. Times of Uncertainty: The Rise of Far-Right Populism
    Uncertain times lie ahead. People have had their fill of neoliberalism and they’re looking for alternatives. So far, they’ve found dreadful ones. Trump was elected president of the US, Marine Le Pen
  82. What is anti-establishment according to Donald Trump?
    People from Goldman Sachs, billionaires, top donors, Secretary of State from Exxon. It seems this is how the huge part of Trump’s administration will be established. What does it tell us about how Trump wanna
  83. Policy corruption, vote buying and double standards
    The Constitution Drafting Committee has been hard at work hamstringing political parties to prevent them from ever “ruling.” Apart from simply being anti-Thaksin Shinawatra, the law is based on beliefs …
  84. Cameron names his nemesis populism, but the Westminster set still refuses to accept that it was a rejection of self interest which was…
    As I stepped into the polling booth at a local church hall on the evening of 23rd of June and looked at the voting slip in my hands, the feeling that crossed my mind couldn’t have been further from the thought of
  85. Why Did Trump’s Anticorruption Rhetoric Resonate? Three Hypotheses
    OK, I know I said in last week’s post that I would eventually get back to blogging about topics other than Trump, but not yet. After all, Trump’s election—a political and moral crisis on so many dimensions—
  86. The Islamic and black populists of the Netherlands: a tyranny of the minority?
    DENK’s main representers. From left to right: leader Tunahan Kuzu, TV personality Sylvana Simons and co-founder Selçuk Öztürk. More than once, the Netherlands proved to be first in Europe to
  87. The SNP is not like horror-show euro-populism. Mercifully.
    THE liberal Left hasn’t had much to celebrate recently, what with Brexit, Donald Trump and the rise of the alt-right. So there was understandable jubilation over the defeat of the far-right candidate …
  88. On Populism
    It was Lord Acton who said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But as citizens of a country and a nation, we have civic duties such as addressing corruption in government and empowering
  89. Are France Next to Join the Nationalist Narrative?
    Last week saw Italy become part of the nationalist narrative in Europe after changes to their constitution were rejected. As a result the country’s Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi,
  90. Brexit Britain turns against globalisation and modern technology, blaming it for low UK wages and inequality – The Independent.
    Post-Brexit Britain is in the throes of a major backlash against globalisation, blaming dwindling wages and rife inequality on the opening of the world’s economy, an exclusive poll
  91. They Are All Populists
    ”Populism” is a loaded word and it is a rather strange one. It is used to express disapproval of certain forms of political activity, but unlike other such negative terms its basic reference would seem quite positive.
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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Welfare matters, World affairs

Words spoken too fast or too hard

In the previous article we mentioned the dangers of reacting to quickly and in a wrong way. Around us we always may have people who would love to see us to jaded, become angry or to be helpless. Some people will try to get us so on our nerves we act in an non-Christian way.

The words spoken too fast or too hard then can at their turn also evoke anger or sadness. The same we may have to hear our or others their words taken out of context. Those words also may be otherwise referred to, may even have a devastating effect.

Problem is that once said, once used certain words you can not alter them any more. The impact of speech and language is greater than we dare accept as true. Perhaps not meant to be hurtful or poisonous the can have a terrible effect like the bite of a scorpion.

In this world we do have learned to speak, but forgot to listen.
As old as politics, the question is asked:

“Please listen to the citizens!”.

Nederlands: foto. Deelnemers in de zaal luiste...

Participants in the hall listening to a speaker behind the conference table at the 26th Decentralistiecongres (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The conflict model used by politicians, makes it difficult to really be open to another. They discuss a lot, while of true listening is often not the case. Therefore, there is constant, abundant and widely needed rhetoric to convince the other.
Poor listening is a disease of our time. In the political world there is an increasing noticeably cramped of the fellowship. It results in a kind of lack of oxygen that “listening to each other ‘prevents’ ‘Listening’ starts where talking stops.
When we listen with half an ear we do not hear. It’s about making time, to empathize and give space to the other. It means to hear what the other person says or even more: to hear what the other will not say. You will share his or her experience.

Listening happens for 30% with our ears and 70% with our hearts. The right words can do wonders at the right time, because they can comfort, heal and help liberate. Who has mastered the art of listening, is able to find the right words.


Preceding articles:

An arm around the shoulder

Soft values? Needed heart- and- soul!

Disscusion Questions

For a Dutch version / Voor een Nederlandse versie: Wie luistert, ontwikkelt de gave van het spreken


Additional reading

  1. A tongue to speak slowly and well-considered
  2. A listening ear
  3. Think before you speak
  4. Be still and listen
  5. Listen, or thy tongue will keep thee deaf
  6. If we view the whole world through a lens that is bright
  7. Feed Your Faith Daily
  8. When we love we do not need laws
  9. Looking for wisdom not departing from God’s Word
  10. Get up in the morning and pray for the Lord’s blessings


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle

Wonderful dream

Luckily enough we have many people around us who can say that some of their dreams came through.

When you belief “Dreams never come true” it can well be that, so better to go for dreams that can come true.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Children of Men

It is very easy to find a scapegoat. When terrorists shock the population many politician get an extra weapon in their hand to help them in their particular course, to perform their already preconceived plan.

Islamic fundamentalists are not afraid to kill other Muslims and enjoy the fear they can bring over man. those giving in to that fear make the terrorists win in their aims.


Last Friday night, Paris attacked by three cells affiliated with the terrorist organization ISIS => country’s worst wave of violence since World War II.

Source: Gregorio Borgia/The AP

  • many GOP presidential candidates intensified their rhetoric for the U.S. => cease accepting Syrian refugees.
  • Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio + Ted Cruz called for a halt to accepting Syrian refugees.
  • leading GOP candidate Donald Trump told refugees could be ISIS >migration >Trump has seen > all men = all strong-looking guys > not that many women.

UN Refugee Agency, over half of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) registered Syrian refugees = female (50.2% as of this writing).

Nearly 40% of the refugees = under the age of 12.


  • Trump’s “take in 250,000 from Syria” = higher from 10,000 Syrian refugees White House would accept

That the United States has a far more superior security process in place than that of Europe may be that with such an amount of people entering Europe, it is nearly impossible to have straight ahead a thorough check. they must account or hope for a next and better control when those refugees enter their new domicile.

0111For United States of America: Before entering the country > refugees must have an in-person interview with a Department of Homeland Security representative, pass security checks + a medical exam (including testing for tuberculosis = can take possibly 8 weeks) => can take up to 24 months before process completed for a refugee to even be allowed in the .

very expensive screening procedures for all Syrian refugees who have come to the United States + very careful vetting process (including intelligence community, national Counterterrorism Center, Department of Homeland Security).

  • Dealing with people who’ve suffered horrors of war, women,children, orphans => can’t just shut our doors to those people => sort out how to focus on terrorists to keep out of the country


We can’t make the mistake of identifying refugees as very terrorist threat they are running from.



Preceding articles:

Paris Attack and Ranting

Problematic Or Patriotic? Two Ways To Talk About Muslims

Migration not something to fear

What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Real progress leaves nobody behind

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Don’t be Muslim


Additional reading:

  1. Between Alpha and Omega – The plan of creation
  2. Economic crisis danger for the rise of political extremism
  3. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  4. Europe and much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism becoming No God Zones
  5. Is ISIS a product of American in-action or a product of direct action
  6. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  7. Paris attacks darkening the world
  8. A sleeper cell of militants was said directing attackers sent back to France from Islamic State’s de-facto capital in Raqqa, Syria
  9. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  10. Islamic State pushing at an open door to divide Europeans
  11. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  12. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  13. Islamophobic hate crimes rise in UK following terror attacks
  14. Trump brand of migrant demonization #1
  15. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  16. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  17. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before
  18. Asylum seekers crisis and Europe’s paralysis


Further reading:

  1. How the terror attacks in Paris unfolded
  2. Paris attacks: Suicide bomber identified; ISIS claims responsibility for 129 dead
  3. The Paris attacks: What we know now
  4. Paris terror: Video captures terrified customers fleeing café amid fears of another attack
  5. Salah Abdeslam: Police stopped Paris attack suspect near Belgian border hours after killings – but let him go
  6. Salah Abdeslam: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
  7. After Paris attacks, fugitive slipped through police dragnet
  8. Brussels Connection Under Spotlight After Paris Killings
  9. The Nihilistic Assaults On Paris – OpEd
  10. Paris attacks: Anonymous launches its ‘biggest operation ever’ against Isis, promises to ‘hunt down’ attackers
  11. Paris attacks: How the minute’s silence was held around the world
  12. Socio-Political Ethics In Islam And The West: A Comparative Perspective
  13. Search continues for Paris attack suspect as France launches airstrikes on Islamic State targets
  14. Paris on edge as panic erupts among crowds of mourners
  15. Paris attacks: Isis threatens strike on US capital in ‘new video’ – live
  16. Suspected terrorist cells in 2 European countries raided; 2 killed
  17. US, French Defense Ministers Discuss Campaign Against Islamic State
  18. The Nihilistic Assaults On Paris – OpEd
  19. Ordinary peace-loving person tries to make sense of terrorism
  20. The Liberal Islam Problem
  21. The France theater Attacks
  22. Paris attacks: What we know so far about the victims
  23. In Photos: As France mourns, Europe holds moment of silence in honour of Paris victims
  24. Post About it, Be About it: thoughts on social media activism
  25. Terrorists Infiltrated Europe Disguised as Refugees
  26. The Islamic State’s trap for Europe
  27. Paris attacks could shift US presidential race
  28. Syria’s civil war now Europe’s war after Paris attacks
  29. US, French Defense Ministers Discuss Campaign Against Islamic State
  30. The Nihilistic Assaults On Paris – OpEd
  31. Ordinary peace-loving person tries to make sense of terrorism
  32. The Liberal Islam Problem
  33. The France theater Attacks
  34. Paris attacks: What we know so far about the victims
  35. In Photos: As France mourns, Europe holds moment of silence in honour of Paris victims
  36. Post About it, Be About it: thoughts on social media activism
  37. Terrorists Infiltrated Europe Disguised as Refugees
  38. Reuters: Islamic State threatens attack on Washington, other countries
  39. Making ☮ : Where does the peace symbol come from?
  40. Paris, Pussies And Pinterest
  41. A Moment of Silence
  42. Passport found near Paris suicide bomber shows few security checks exist for migrants in the Balkans
  43. Facebook defends using Safety Check after Paris attacks
  44. “We The People Speak” Marketing Campaign
  45. When Compassion Imperils our Security
  46. TV Quiberon 24/7 WORLD – Minute’s silence for Paris victims
  47. I’m with you
  48. Celebrities mourn Nick Alexander, merch manager killed in Paris attack
  49. Anonymous declares war on Islamic State after Paris attacks
  50. BidenJam Returns: Lame-Duck VP Brings L.A. Road Closures Monday & Tuesday
  51. A Message About The Paris Attacks, And Also Peace
  52. French fighter jets bomb ISIL capital in Syria as ‘massive’ retaliation for Paris attacks
  53. Make no mistake, the Paris attacks were a result of Religious Fundamentalism
  54. Paris attacks deepen Republican opposition to Syrian refugee influx
  55. On the attacks in Paris.
  56. Disturbing comparisons
  57. Investigation on Paris attacks continues as authorities look for suspects
  58. Feelings on Refugees, Post-Paris Attacks
  59. The other side
  60. So many women stand waiting behind fences…
  61. Hello from the other side…
  62. The Migration of the Irish to Newport in the 1800’s.
  63. America, the Not So Promised Land – The New York Times
  64. Walter Noteboom’s Emigration Record from the Netherlands
  65. San Marino and Paris
  66. Beach Bound
  67. Poll: Third of Jewish Israelis favor urging Arab Israeli emigration
  68. The Feld family – part two
  69. Dithane and Doodlebugs
  70. Jews Leave Europe as Arab-Muslims arrive
  71. Armenia’s independence generation
  72. Leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again!
  73. Moving Home, Moving On
  74. Looking for emigrants from the Rhineland?
  75. I Need to share…


Drinks and Wings

Last Friday night, Paris was attacked by three cells affiliated with the terrorist organization ISIS, resulting in the country’s worst wave of violence since World War II.

As we learn more of the tragic events and the perpetrators themselves, many of the GOP presidential candidates intensified their rhetoric for the U.S. to cease accepting Syrian refugees.

The candidates’ comments blur the line between what you would expect from a presidential nominee and memes your crazy uncle posts on Facebook.

1 meme

View original post 758 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Spring in sight





There was not much of Winter in Belgium and signs of the approach of Spring seem sparse.

Quiet keepers in Waiting for spring and in Keeping faith when spring is late let us know that the keepers of time tell us “Spring is here”.

We have passed that notch in the calendar when light and darkness are given us in equal measure. Winter is past and we can breathe a collective sigh of relief and begin to enjoy longer days and the sight and smell of things getting about the business of growing. For now, though, that is only a hope, and what we see is not quite what we’ve been awaiting. {Keeping faith when spring is late}

Wapen van Vlaams-Brabant / Coat of Arms of Fle...

Wapen van Vlaams-Brabant / Coat of Arms of Flemish Brabant (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For us it is like our seed is still in the clay of Flemish Brabant. We do feel the wetness and are eager to germinate. At last the sun has brought some warmth giving us the power and the spirit to come up. The landscape starts changing her palette of various hues of brown into green spots and since a few days the whites, yellows and other fresh colours shout for our attention. The sounds in the air start changing and are willing to come over lord auto-mobile. We also can not wait to bring an other sound.

Absorbed in this state of waiting, many of us are edgy, irritable, and anxious, even as we try to remind ourselves that spring must come eventually. We glance outside and then look at the calendar, counting the days until the equinox. Still bundled in our winter coats and scarves, we gaze longingly at spring merchandise in stores. We rejoice and celebrate the occasional mild day, even as our hopes are dashed by another snowstorm or cold front. {Waiting for spring}

The cold fronts in Western Europe are more brought by the politicians and the materialism people are caught by. Everybody very busy to earn as much as they can or having to work many hours to be able to survive in a country which has so many taxes, people more than half of the year just work to pay for the deficit of their country.

Many could have enough reason to dawdle over their food the government is offering them. Instead of picking at our food we tumble all the garbage of this spoiled world in the wasteland. We would have loved to start with a clean slate, but we are all born with the legacy of our previous generations. Living in an area were the battles of Europe were fought and being conquered by foreign troupes many times, we take an aversion to everything that may smell of trying to restrict us or to modify our free thought. We do not like to be confined to one set of rules or to one set of ideas an do not like to be talked into regulations or was of life. Some may like to be talked round, but we appreciate it that every body can talk freely and may utter different ideas than ours. We are not afraid of possible contradicting ideas or different ways of life. The variation of thought brings colour in life and we do not mind to discuss all those variations if time permits and when it cold be worth to consider matters.

Remains of a canal lock tower, quay and waterm...

Remains of a canal lock tower, quay and watermill in the fields in Weerde, Belgium. Weerde, Zemst, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We appreciate the variation in the world and consider it as a richness and not as a limitation or a shortcoming or fault of our society. We are aware of human shortcomings but do not want to be at a loss for words. We do not think words are no adequate to give some spirit and fire to life and give us joy in a world full of variation. We do not want a grey world where every body thinks and feels the same.

Problem for many in our society is that often people might have lots of expectations and being disillusioned not many come through. Then the question may arise “what do we do when life doesn’t work out as we had dreamed it”. We all want to reach a high point in our life. Who does not want to reach the top? But we often become limited because we do want so much to compare ourselves with others. What do we do when our status is inferior to that of others and the community around us including our family point this out to us?

On this site we do hope to have people to come to accept that every body has something good, but also can have something bad, but more important that every individual has his or her role and importance in this universe of variety and trial. We would like to avoid entering ourselves or having others entering a “winter of discontent”. We would love to show the world there is so much beauty in it and so much richness in it for every one to share in abundance.

Many people might also be tempted to cling to stories they heard from their ancestors, the world of their previous and ‘old dreams’, waste their talents on nostalgia, religious feeling, liturgical formalism, institutional activism, fundamentalism, nationalism, rationalism and more. Often they cling on to their dreams and eat their heart out with choking hopes of their ego placed in the centre of the world. By not accepting that others might have other ideas they  become goofy about bagatelles and scowl at mere trifles. Our of fear others might subdue them they go in counter attack.

We would like to offer some small notebook, where some ideas may be scrabbled in and where people can look at without having to look what others would think or without distress. You may find toddling and fluttering here this communal place, a joint property of different minds, people who feel themselves united by the forces of nature and by their open mind and willingness to share thoughts with each other without offending some one, but with concerted attempt to show the world the beauty of diversity.

Undismayed we would like to offer you a lucky bag or a bran tub where people are free to scramble. Any passer-by can rummage in what we do have to offer. Feel free to grope in the lucky dip. We hope every body who comes along shall be able to grope and find something of interest.

United States

United States (Photo credit: Moyan_Brenn)

Those interested in adding their words are very welcome to do so. In case they would like to regularly write some note or thought or would like to share a reflection, they may let us know and we will invite them to come a co-author. Our mother-tongue is Dutch, so do not worry you speak an other language than ours. We have chosen English to be the  language of communication because we ourselves are not so good in the other business languages Spanish and Mandarin. If you would prefer to write in your own language, and this would be one we can understand or speak ourself, like French, German, Afrikaans, you are welcome to write in those languages.

The main joint writers shall place their articles under their and this ‘guest signature’ in the lifestyle magazine Stepping Toes. We also do invite you to come and have a look there and to find also other co-authors.

May we give some incitement to join us, so that you could perhaps reach other people than on your own regular blog and that you with us can give incitement to others to share their thought in a community of people who are not afraid to be together with other minds.

We would like to offer our readers articles on social, spiritual, cultural, political and sometimes economical affairs. All matters could be spoken off here and all sorts of guest-speakers or guest-writers are welcome. If you would like to present us, at regular or irregular times, with some nice prose or poetry, you are very welcome.

We would be honoured to find writers to join us who could write like QuietKeepers, who writes:

Now is a time of preparation for what is to come, to gaze on the stark canvas around us before it begins to burst into color and growth. After all, when it does, life will get very busy, not only in the natural world, but in our lives. Activity will ramp up as schedules swell with graduations, weddings, and ball games. Homeowners will frantically pull out coolers and grills, uncover deck furniture, and fuel lawnmowers for the first of many cuts of the season. Gardeners will feel an urgency to ready their beds and plant even as the local greenhouses warn them to heed the frost-free date. {Keeping faith when spring is late}

With her and others we would love to see everything coming to life again and in full colours. So that we can be

enjoying the cacophony of chatter from a flock of blackbirds or the song of a single robin as the sun amazes … with yet another spectacular rising or setting.

We would love to see that many may join us on between the dawn and the dark of night to walk on the many roads who lead to the same point. As wise men, like closetoeighty can send words in the world, whilst trying to stay young and fresh in mind and share the beautiful pictures of a China Sojourner Randall Collis, who notes:

The wisdom of Jerry Garcia resonates with me as the wrathful fingers of winter turn into the chilly, wet hands of spring.  I search for my path.  A place to watch and dream from afar; to quietly witness the darkness of winter transform into the dawn of spring. {Dreams Between Dusk and Dawn}

It is this strange contradictory nature of dawn and maturity that makes life interesting.  In our youth, we revel in the late night/early morning hours.  Intrigued by the peace of a post-midnight sky and the eerily quietness of the streets and the wilderness.

Breathtaking to feel so alive with energy in the dead of night, as if this moment was created for the young: the world waiting to be explored.  All the action and chaos of the previous day and night comes to a crescendo and slowly unwinds in the peaceful stillness of darkness. {Dreams Between Dusk and Dawn}

Together we would love to take a closer look at

what appears to be nothing and am noticing the winter feathers of the male Goldfinches start to turn yellow, buds on the branches of an Elderberry bush, and the first leaves of Bee Balm at the base of the brown stalks from last year’s growth.

In the belief that anticipation is often the best part of a vacation or a happy event, {Keeping faith when spring is late}

we would like to fill our glasses and bring a toast to drink

in this time and appreciating it in its somewhat awkward adolescent phase because (we) know without seeing that it holds the promise of something quite wonderful that is yet to come. {Keeping faith when spring is late}

We would love to devote ourselves to the cause of allowing ourselves to grow by the wisdom of others and sharing our knowledge and experience, working at bettering others.  We want to find enough reason to be happy with what we have and with what we can share with others, without wanting something in return.

Why should we waste it on pleasurable pursuits alone?  We should be making this world a better place for our children.

In case we could bring other people in the picture who are also willing that we would grow into a world where every body can live next to each other in peace, though they may be from an other race, culture or religion, than we shall be pleased and could find we succeeded in fulfilling some of our dreams, seeing people all over the world united with each other.

May we welcome you as a guest and may we look forward to meet some more guest-writers as well?

Looking forward to sharing ideas and sharing lovely thoughts and love itself.

Peace Love Write


Join us as Bloggers for Peace

In case you would like to join the Bloggers for Peace
you are welcome to take contact with some of them.


Note: We do hope the writer of Waiting for spring and Keeping faith when spring is late does not mind we used some of her beautiful writing to bring over our own ideas. It is namely also our intention to bring some good bloggers into the attention of others, so that those visitors and we in our limited time can find something interesting to read and perhaps also can find some one they would like to follow.



Preceding articles:

Guestwriters for you

Welcome to “From guestwriters”

About Guestwriters


Additional reading:

  1. A new year with hopes and challenges
  2. 2nd Half 20th Century Generations pressure to achieve
  3. Economics and Degradation
  4. Our political systems and juggling with human laws
  5. Materialism, would be life, and aspirations
  6. Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality
  7. Time for global change
  8. Words to inspire and to give wisdom
  9. Reframing health
  10. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  11. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  12. Embracing the Body as a Spiritual Path
  13. Growth in character
  14. Wisdom lies deep
  15. Secrets of Wisdom
  16. Wisdom = Generosity
  17. Wisdom by A Schoonbee
  18. Wisdom from Matthieu Ricard
  19. Wisdom From Above
  20. The Value of Wisdom
  21. A Fool
  22. Live …
  23. A living change
  24. Preparedness to change
  25. A learning process for each of us
  26. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses
  27. Choices
  28. Always a choice
  29. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  30. Those who make peace should plant peace like a seed
  31. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness
  32. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  33. Only I can change my life
  34. Change from within
  35. We all are changed into the same image from glory to glory
  36. Character transformed by the influence of our fellowships
  37. Everything that is done in the world is done by hope
  38. Food as a Therapeutic Aid
  39. Input – Output effects on Physical Health
  40. Every moment, every thing is spiritual
  41. Living With(out) Regret and Negative Feelings
  42. Be happy that the thorn bush has roses
  43. There is no true and constant gentleness without humility
  44. Truth never plays false roles of any kind, which is why people are so surprised when meeting it
  45. Be like a tree planted by streams of water
  46. A time for everything
  47. Better loaves when the heart is joyous
  48. Joy is not in things, it is in us
  49. Joy: Foundation for a Positive Life
  50. Be kinder than necessary
  51. The thought of losing rekindles the joy of having
  52. Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  53. Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.
  54. Faith and trial
  55. A Living Faith #8 Change
  56. Can Faith Ever Be Rational?
  57. Cosmos creator and human destiny
  58. Feed Your Faith Daily
  59. Gloomy Thinking Can Be Contagious
  60. You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone
  61. The task given to us to love each other
  62. Unarmed truth and unconditional love
  63. Love turns one person into two; and two into one
  64. Love envieth not
  65. When we love we do not need laws
  66. Spread love everywhere you go
  67. Agape, a love to share with others from the Fruit of the Spirit
  68. Love and cultivate that which is pure
  69. If we love one another, God lives in us
  70. Love will cure more sins than condemnation
  71. Blessed are those who freely give
  72. Feed the Body and Nourish the Soul this Thanksgiving – Eat with an Attitude of Gratitude!
  73. Who are the honest ones?
  74. Greatest single cause of atheism
  75. What’s church for, anyway? (by Marcus Ampe)
  76. A Bad Reason for Thinking that Atheism is not a Religion
  77. Debating with theologians and preachers and their somewhat constricted views….
  78. #PreachersofLA: As Real as It Gets
  79. Why can’t I warm to street preaching?
  80. “Nicomachean Ethics” by Aristotle
  81. Political Correctness and “Bashing”
  82. Moderates, good deeds and religious fanaticism
  83. Julian Baggini – Can you be too intelligent?
  84. How To Avoid Spiritual And Mental Indigestion – Harold Herring
  85. Here’s to Your Health!
  86. What is the happiest person in the world saying?
  87. Caricaturing and disapproving sceptics, religious critics and figured out ethics
  88. Act as if everything you think, say and do determines your entire life
  89. Remember that who you’re being is just as important as what you’re doing
  90. How we think shows through in how we act
  91. When Your Actions Don’t Match with What You Have Underestood
  92. How To Set Rules for Your Life Without Becoming a Party Pooper
  93. If you want to go far in life
  94. Raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair
  95. People should know what you stand for
  96. “A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.” — Tom Stoppard
  97. You are not limited to who is in charge


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Filed under Announcement, Introduction, Lifestyle, Spiritual affairs