Tag Archives: Quality

Quality and depth of friendship

Life is not about quantity,
the number of friends.
It’s all about the quality,
the depth of friendship.

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Filed under Positive thoughts, Social affairs

A to Zen of Life

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Filed under Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

Failures, mistakes and Initiatives for Excellence and success, Working towards turning a Dream of yours into reality

We all have to have dreams. Without dreams we shall not accomplish much in life.

Dr Austin Ejaife, [an Olorogun, the ‘Ugo’ of Agbon Kingdom] a Professional Tax, Audit, Accounting, Strategy and Global Corporate Governance Consultant, who also wants to be Motivational Speaker, Inspiration mover, Political Critic and Social Crusader with passion for good governance, advocacy and empowerment for Positive Change, reflects how he views and interpret real life issues, current news items from around the world and Nigeria in particular. But he has also some good food for thinking for those in the West as well.

He writes about are do’s and don’ts and knows we all make mistakes and have to live with them, but are better to look forward to the tomorrow which will come–and it is up to us how we choose to face the day ahead of us.

The mistakes of yesterday are in the past, and with the right attitude and some effort, today will find us making fewer. {Leave Yesterday’s Mistakes In The Past… And Bring The Lessons With You So That You Will Not Repeat Them}

English: Some APEX teen leaders were invited t...

Some APEX teen leaders were invited to a breakfast (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In our previous article we looked at some celebrities. Several highly placed people or those who are in the picture for a while may get a certain attitude. It is not weird or strange to find leaders filled with abnormal hubris lacking internal validation. Dr. Austin Ejajaife tells about some wonderful studies, that shows the corroding effects of ego and how leaders are more likely to suffer from disease of fixing fat compensation, acquiring other firms and engaging in other risky strategies to feed their egos. Leaders ought to cultivate humility. {Initiatives For Excellence: Avoiding Arrogance of Power}

Successful people are able to come into the danger zone, becoming a leader, or anyone in a position of power and authority, having to avoid the trap of arrogance of power.

Everything rises and falls on leadership,”

says Dr. John C. Maxwell,

“but knowing how to lead is only half the battle. Understanding leadership and actually leading are two different activities.” {Initiatives For Excellence: 12 Major Signs Of Leadership In Danger (I)}

Dr Austin Ejaife *(Ugo1)* writes

World leaders attending the Progressive Govern...

World leaders attending the Progressive Governance Conference 2009 in Chile. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The key to transforming yourself from someone who understands leadership to a person who successfully leads in the real world is character. Your character qualities activate and empower your leadership ability, or they can stand in the way of your success
Dr. Ted Engstrom  says that organisation succeed or fail for many different reasons.

Even the mature organization or nation is not without its hazards. In many ways the dangers that it faces are more subtle. They are often the result of success rather than failure. {Initiatives For Excellence: 12 Major Signs Of Leadership In Danger (I)}

We would say it is not only leadership in danger but also for our own success we have to be careful not to settle for the status quo. We also should know that new ideas shall bring with them a conflict of interest, and conflict of interest brings internal tension. We continuously have to work around those feelings and cope with that internal tension.

Quality is far more important than quantity. Size or quantity must always be secondary to the effectiveness. Discriminating between breadth and depth is not easy. That is why there is a real danger here. Leaders may have a great desire to expand throughout and beyond our community or to the rest of the world, but if the quality of our products or services is not being continually strengthened, then, we may discover that we have over-extended ourselves. {Initiatives For Excellence: 12 Major Signs Of Leadership In Danger (I)}

We always should know ourselves and have to be realistic about what we can do and what we can handle, never forgetting to listen to others and to look around us, noticing what is going on and how society reacts to certain things. One of those dangers when looking around is that we view a situation from a limited point of view.

The only failures that really exist are choosing to hold onto limiting thoughts such as, “There is nothing we can do to move beyond this situation.” Life is a series of decisions. If something didn’t work out in the past, accept what happened as being an incident from the past, and be willing to move on. If we are spending time trying to change the past, we have limited ourselves from moving forward. Please remind yourself that we cannot change what has already happened. We can change how we feel about past situations. {Turn Your Failure Into Accomplishment!}

Reality (Dream album)

Reality (Dream album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Lots of people look up at what they think may be the success or happiness of somebody else. They keep comparing themselves with others and get pulled down or frustrated. By doing so they often are limiting themselves.

Limiting beliefs always create limited outcomes. Limited thinking also keeps us stuck from moving beyond the imaginary walls known as our comfort zones. If we really wish to turn failure, disappointment, or frustration into something positive, we need to be willing to step out of the comfort zone arena. Whenever we approach any situation in a limited manner, it is because we are holding onto excuses and fear. When we feel limited or challenged usually also results in feeling discouraged.

Discouragement translates into more excuses; and eventually because of thinking from a limited point of view causes us to stop working on achieving our goal(s). By understanding that in order to experience disappointment or failure, if we can recognise that we made a decision to stop, quit or give up, is only a decision. This incredible insight suggests that if we were to make better decisions we can turn the whole thing around. {Turn Your Failure Into Accomplishment!}

We should remember

When working on goals, instead of approaching the situation as difficult, vague or impossible, let us begin by changing our point of view. By beginning to use positive intentions helps us to view tasks as being possible and manageable. We are changing what we are holding in mind. Instead of responding with,

“Maybe tomorrow… or giving yourself some other excuse,”

make a decision that focuses on easily completing the task. A better response would be,

“I can easily take care of this,”

and give yourself a reasonable period of time to accomplish the task (i.e. by the end of day, week, or month, etc.). By approaching tasks as easy, and also providing a reasonable timeframe, allows us to take the appropriate actions to accomplish the task without getting discouraged. {Turn Your Failure Into Accomplishment!}

The writer of the blog which we advise you to visit, is convinced that

We are marvellous and unique beings, created by a loving God for a purpose that is quite perfectly our own.

Who is to say that our dreams have to be like theirs, or anyone else’s in this world for that matter? Just because someone else dreams of amassing new things, more power, greater wealth, or more fame, does not mean we, too, share the same passion. Perhaps we just want to travel the world more, or dream of a simpler life with less stress and more peace. {Work Towards Turning A Dream Of Yours Into Reality}

Looking at what Douglas Everett says:

“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.”

Ejaife thinks there is more than simply realizing that we are in charge of choosing our own dreams in life.

We must also realize that within us, we possess the ability to turn those dreams into our reality, if we but dare to take the necessary steps to make them come true. What did you dream of as a child? Have you realized any of those dreams? What do you dream of today? How do you feel when you are focused on those dreams? As children, we often allowed ourselves to dream with the idea that any one of those dreams could come true. But as we grow older, we often times buy into what other people consider reality, and our dreams get pushed aside, packed away, and perhaps even forgotten. {Work Towards Turning A Dream Of Yours Into Reality}

When looking at the screen of your television and hearing about all those celebrities, remind yourself that all that fame is temporary and does not always bring that luck hoped for.

Ejaife brings questions to consider. We should think about what we want to do in our life and with our life. We should ask ourself why we are so often afraid to tackle certain issues.

Why do we often put our dreams on hold?

How can we go about turning our dreams into our realities?

What differences do you see between dreams and reality?

For further thought:

“Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.” ~ Anais Nin

> Please do read: Work Towards Turning A Dream Of Yours Into Reality and find more interesting articles by Dr Austin Ejaife


Preceding articles:

The Goal

Attitude of Unstopable Success

Gender connections

Getting fate in your change to positiveness

Helping to create a Positive Attitude

Material wealth, Submission and Heaven on earth


Find also to read:

  1. Why “Selfishness” Doesn’t Properly Mean Being Shortsighted and Harmful to Others
  2. Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends
  3. Opportunity!
  4. At first looking like a loss
  5. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  6. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places
  7. Fear of failure, and fear of the unknown
  8. Some one or something to fear #4 Families and Competition
  9. Failing Man to make free choice
  10. Let not sin reign in your mortal body



Filed under Being and Feeling, Economical affairs, Educational affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters