Tag Archives: Challenges

Straight roads can’t make you a good driver

Growing up we have to face different roads and more than once, need to make difficult choices which direction to take. That’s not always easy and sometimes we come to know much too late we took the wrong road.

Our path of life may be very bumpy and with a lot of difficult and even dangerous corners. Handling our own driving wheel we must learn from our experiences, but may never forget we can learn also from the experiences of others. Therefore, it is always also very important to have ear and eyes open for what others felt and did and to look back at historical facts.

Let us not only learn from own experiences but let us also from everything we can hear and see around us.


To remember

  • Life =/=  so easy >Every day facing new challenges + hardships => rarely a smooth + problem-free life.
  • always hurdles and difficulties in life +> making us stronger.
  • Life = challenge every passing day teaches us a new lesson.
  • Bumps in life, the problems, and challenges of life make us stronger to face every kind of situations.
  • Without these little hurdles, life would be meaningless for us.
  • Need to get out of your comfort zone + select a good milestone for your life.
  • Success requires to conquer many fields of difficulties.
  • For every problem in life, there is a solution
  • Difficulties in life make us learn that how much we are capable of facing those hard times in life.
  • After facing all challenges > feel proud of ourselves
  • Thoughts + fear in our mind > to tackle
  • Every day a new challenge to learn something new => will learn to live a life in a meaningful way.
  • Accept the challenges of life.
  • Always a positive + negative aspect of everything.
  • Negative parts of our lives teach us so many things that make us more sensible.
  • Hardships make us more mature to deal with the problems.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

What could happen when you follow your dream

Today we do not find many who can say they do the job for which they studied. Also a lot of people can not say they do what the had loved to do in first instance.


We would advice always to follow your dreams and to do only what you would love to do, but this always in respect to nature and into respect of the Will of the Divine Creator.

When following a dream, trying to make things as best as you can, this often requires to take measures and steps which are not always liked by others. Sometimes it also mean you have to leave place you love or where you have been born and grown up.

A wife and a mother of two boys, Nezel Yurong earned a degree in Business Administration but after more than a decade in the corporate world,  chose to freelance full time in writing and virtual assistant services and heed to her calling, with the knowledge that obstacles are inevitable, but

Whatever they may be, just have the faith and determination that you can overcome them. {The 5 Qualities You Need to Reach Your Biggest Goals}

She writes

I may not have gone to a faraway place, but I feel I’ve been to the deepest core of every human existence. This may sound weird, but yes, for more than a year, I’ve exposed myself to the ideas of what makes us who we are, why we do what we do.

Of course, I don’t have all the answers to all my questions because I feel I have only touched the tip of my beingness. But it’s enough to make me understand more of myself and more of others. {Home Again}

Life would be so much easier if we would know the answers. Everyday, we are confronted with questions and looking for answers and every day we shall have to face new challenges. Often it may loook like it has become too difficult for us or that we feel we have enough of it.

Be persistent. Strong successful people do not give up. Do not push too hard on people or on yourself. You may make it slow according to your capacity; just keep moving forward. {The 5 Qualities You Need to Reach Your Biggest Goals}

We want to do so much in our life. Getting older, reflecting on what we have done, we often see many failures or notice how many dreams were not fulfilled. It seem frustrating, is it not? Several times we also thought this or that way would be a good one. We took a new road or an other turn. Time passed … and once more it did not look  or did not turn up to what we had expected.

weekly photo challenge: satisfaction

How many times did we not look at the road and at the goal we wanted to reach. How many times we did not know to be patient.

According to Beverly Sills,

“there are no shortcuts to places worth going.”

Get into the mindset that the wait will be worth it. Always take massive action. And remember that great things take time. {The 5 Qualities You Need to Reach Your Biggest Goals}

In the end that’s all what we have to give ourself in life: time, endurance and being resilient.

Along your journey, especially if you are just starting, there are people who tell you you won’t make it. Those are just challenges that might want you to quit. Don’t listen to them. It’s your journey not theirs. You’re aiming for your success not theirs. Look for a support group or people who are willing to encourage you. Better yet, hire a coach or a mentor who is an expert in that area you want to excel in. {The 5 Qualities You Need to Reach Your Biggest Goals}

Nezel Yurong knows that

How liberating it is to allow others to lead us to take a peek of their perspective, of how they see things much differently from us. The greatest lesson I learn is, there’s no us versus them, there’s only we. {Home Again}

It is the “We” and the “I” we do have to face. Most important in the end you shall have to face the “I” of yourself and to look back at all the things you have done in your life. Then it shall be important that you can say

“i did it my way”

but also that you shall be able to say

“I did it in a right way”


“I did it in a way I would not have to shame myself for it”.

We all have to remember that

Life is short, we all know it. What is the best thing we could do to this short-lived existence? {What fuels your drive?}

seeing hearts 10: love in unexpected places.

It might well be (as said above) we had to leave something behind on our trip to the future life; something beautiful, something useful.

Many great and not-so-great souls had passed this way. The great ones left inspiration and hope. The not-so-great ones left fear and continuing cultural conflict. This is a sad reality. And it is up to us to do our fair share of legacy. {What fuels your drive?}

The above mentioned writer who calls herself a purposive ninja tells her readers

I thought I would stay there for long, but after learning some of the necessary lessons, I have to move on to another path. It’s what I feel I’m called to do. I also learned, discovering our passion can’t always be done in one step. We need to follow a series of steps before we’re finally ready to do that mission we’re called to do.

For this, I’m allowing the waters to take away what no longer serves me and to prepare me with a refreshed mind for the journey up ahead. {Home Again}


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Picking up suitcases of pride

“Every woman that finally figured out her worth,
has picked up her suitcases of pride
and boarded a flight to freedom,
which landed in the valley of change.”
― Shannon L. Alder

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Koffers van trots inpakken en wegwezen


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Facing our existence every day

Every day we are confronted with ourselves again. Every day again we are again confronted not only with ourselves but also with those around us. Everyday we do meet again new challenges, have to affirm again our values.

Attitude / Golden Gun

Attitude / Golden Gun (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This world which challenges us brings us day in day out some new adventures. We can try to tackle them or try to escape those things which we do not want to see. But covering our eyes is not helping us nor getting such things we do not want to see away. Living in this world we should be aware of what is going on in it. We can not stand at the side, not wanting to be involved or just letting everything happen. Those things which we consider wrong demand an action. And we should take action. Though there are several Christians who think we do not need to do any works, because we are saved, we should not let everything pass along like nothing wrong happens. That what is not according to the Law of God, that what cannot be justified demands reaction. We should open our eyes to what happens in the world and should react appropriate.

Having us to react will demand strength and courage. It shall also demand an attitude to be taken. And that attitude should always be in accordance to the attitude our master teacher Jeshua wants his followers to have.

Attitude (EP)

Attitude (EP) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Every day we do have to face our inner self and find the core of our own business, our own being, our own strive, our own goal. Every day again we do have to face how we are wanting to build up our own life and our own future. It is naturally so that in case we do nothing we cannot do something wrong (we think). Not doing anything, letting it all pass, is witnessing of taking an attitude, which is not the right attitude. Rabbi Jeshua and his disciples taught about the essence of taking action and doing things. The master teacher gave several examples how people lost their opportunity to take part of the celebrations, the wedding or the entrance to the Kingdom.

The grace of salvation has been given to the whole mankind, but each individual has to do something with it. When we are willing to receive that marvellous free Gift, we do have to be thankful for it and do something with it. When we just leave in the cupboard, untouched it shall be of no service for us.

It is an Immeasurable Grace bestowed on humanity but lots of people do not see or appreciate the value of it, or take it for granted that now they have received it they do not have to do anything any more. Oh, how are they mistaken.

Each day we are confronted again with many ideas … our mind wandering about. Even a baptised person can have thoughts which are not in accordance with God His Will. Though they may be convinced that they have done away with the old life, that old life simmers slowly and little tinkly lights may be very attractive. More than once in our life bitterness, wrath, and even anger, does want to come along our path. We also can have moments where clamour and evil speaking may be lurking around our own corner. All those things we are asked to put away from us, with all malice. And that requires an action, which is a work to be done.

There are also days that we wake up and feel as if we have a broken heart. Though we may know that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul. Each time we left our mind wandering in the wrong way we do know we can repent, i.e. take an action, making the effort to see that we were wrong and that we do have to ask for pardon. It demands an action to see what we did wrong (i.e. doing a work) and when we know what we have done wrong we have to repent about it (again doing a work).

Painting "Kampen for tilværelsen" (S...

Painting “Kampen for tilværelsen” (Struggle for existence”) by Christian Krohg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Often because we ourself do have to endure so much pain we want others also to have pain. Often we also want to have many good things others may have and desires others to have some of our bad things. Such desires are often around us to cause pain. We can have feelings which hurt others or can bring them into distress. Yes, we must be aware that we can get up in the morning with allowing to grow in our mind the

“intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse.”

This makes our own self the sick self. The self what needs healing. the healer is always around, but we have to come to him (which demands an action or work).  Without coming to the Saviour Jesus Christ we shall be nothing and will have it so much more difficult in our life. he is the Way to God and he is the one who can guide us through difficult times, putting our hands in the hands of his heavenly Father.

Every day we wake up we should know that God is willing to be close to us and that He is really concerned with what is going on in our heart and mind. Be aware, He knows much more than we allow others to see, hear or feel, what we think or want to do. Even when we do not carry out malicious acts against someone, but carry such thoughts in our mind, God knows it.

You ought not to secretly wish that something bad would happen to any person. Rejoicing in some misfortune that befalls someone else is also evidence of malice. And that is something God detests.

Harry Ironside.jpg

The dispensationalist Plymouth Brother Harry A. Ironside

The Canadian-American Bible teacher, preacher, theologian, pastor, and author Harry A. Ironside said every Christian has an obligation to put away all malice.

“If you do not live up to that, you are not living a real Christian life. This is Christianity lived in the power of the Holy Ghost.”

Gospel Light Society writes

You might feel like the malice in your heart is justified because of what someone did or said to you. But, you must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and bring your feelings under the authority of Christ. You must choose to put on the new man who will not walk in maliciousness, but in a spirit of love and forgiveness toward all. {How Not to Walk, Part 26 (Revive the Family, Revive the Church, Awaken the Nation, O Lord #272)}

Every day we have to face the new life lying in front of us. Having done away with the old life, we should try to do our utmost best to live in accordance to God His Wishes, not following man’s doctrines but following Biblical doctrines.

George Cuff wrote:

There are sins from the former life that simply must be denied,
Things the godless revel in, that a believer must sweep aside.
Immorality of every kind, impurity, lust and greed;
You will be bound to idolatry if scripture you fail to heed.

You must also rid yourselves of anger, malice and rage.
Watch your speech carefully. Do not in profanity engage.
You threw off the sinful man who reveled in foul deeds;
The new man is renewed in mind, empowered by Christ indeed. {How Not to Walk, Part 26 (Revive the Family, Revive the Church, Awaken the Nation, O Lord #272)}

Empowered by Christ Jesus we should find every day the fresh living water, empowering to continue in the right way, trying to finish the race, lying in front of us.


Preceding articles

Our existence..

You Matter

Running challenge and the City build by the Most High Maker

For mams and dads it is also back to ‘normal’

Benefits of Positive Thinking

What IF you’re only driven by stress?

Failures, mistakes and Initiatives for Excellence and success, Working towards turning a Dream of yours into reality

There can only be hope when there is a will to be and say “I am”

The Goal

Our life depending on faith


Additional reading

  1. Life is like a ten-speed bike.
  2. Suffering produces perseverance
  3. Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life
  4. If we view the whole world through a lens that is bright
  5. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  6. Thought for September 8 Weak but standing strong in the ground swell
  7. 30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.
  8. Choices
  9. Live …
  10. Luck
  11. Who are the honest ones?
  12. Being prudent – zorgvuldig zijn
  13. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  14. Not liking your Christians
  15. If there is bitterness in the heart
  16. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  17. Don’t Envy the World
  18. Blindness in the Christian world
  19. Blinkered minds
  20. Never making mistakes because never doing anything
  21. The Immeasurable Grace bestowed on humanity
  22. Infinite payment of sin by the son of God
  23. As Christ’s slaves doing the Will of God in gratitude
  24. Only I can change my life
  25. The inspiring divine spark
  26. If you think you’re too small to be effective
  27. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  28. Holiness and expression of worship coming from inside
  29. A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
  30. Grow strong in weakness
  31. Being aligned with above
  32. Points to remember of philosophy versus spirituality and religion
  33. It is a free will choice
  34. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  35. Your life the sum total of all your choices
  36. Believe and speak and act in ways which show we have life in Christ’s name
  37. Behold, My mother and My brothers!
  38. Saved through grace not through keeping rituals
  39. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  40. God’s will is that all sorts of men should be saved
  41. A goal is a dream with a plan
  42. Looking for a primary cause and a goal that can not offer philosophers existing beliefs
  43. Inculturation today calling for a different attitude
  44. Coming to the end of the year
  45. Dynamic goals must always rise out of authentic needs
  46. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  47. Faith antithesis of rationality
  48. Faith, storms and actions to be taken
  49. A Living Faith #2 State of your faith
  50. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  51. A Living Faith #12 The Love for Jesus
  52. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal
  53. Try driving forward instead of backwards
  54. Priority to form a loving brotherhood
  55. Discipleship to look at
  56. Don’t be the weakest link
  57. The Big conversation – Antagonists
  58. Reasons why you may not miss the opportunity to go to a Small Church
  59. Williamsburg Conference 2015 December 27-31 Joy and Gladness
  60. We should use the Bible every day
  61. Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water


Further related

  1. Grace
  2. Salvation – He [Jesus] entered Jericho and was passing through it
  3. Instantly Healed, Saved and Baptized
  4. “Looking For Jesus” – “Dead Works”
  5. (Part 2) Can A Christian Lose Their Salvation?
  6. A New Life of Righteousness
  7. saved to serve
  8. Breathe in, out!
  9. How Vulnerability Can Bring Us Beyond Ourselves
  10. The Power of a Grateful Heart – Weakness Gratitude
  11. Afraid Of The Unknown
  12. No Retreat, No Surrender!
  13. Excerpt from a novel
  14. FFfAW: Promises
  15. 100 Days of Happiness and 90 Days of Kicking Fear in the Face ….
  16. No Complain November
  17. The Sandbox Writing Challenge #50 — No fair peeking!
  18. Week 6: Opinions-Opinions-…oh No!
  19. He Tries
  20. If At First You Don’t Succeed
  21. What Fills Your Personal Lamp? Personal Gratitude Challenge-day 2
  22. “Start the daily practice of not letting the little things bother you! If the little things ruin you, what’s going to happen when the big things come along? Start practicing now for your big challenges in life.”
  23. Skirting the hard stuff
  24. Message from the Universe: Becoming the person you’ve dreamed about!
  25. A Night To Dismember
  26. Remembering to Pause
  27. First Things First…
  28. Easy
  29. Quote Notes
  30. Are you okay?
  31. True Power
  32. Bad Reaction
  33. Good Grief!
  34. Are You Ready?: Part 3
  35. When God gives up
  36. Daily Verse
  37. Sin Makes You Sick
  38. A Change In Perspective
  39. We Are Dust
  40. Daily Bread – Draw Nigh
  41. Daily bible passage – 11/3/16
  42. A Warning of God Concerning the Ungodly
  43. Ezekiel 28-30; John 10
  44. My hope is in the Lord
  45. Christ’s Blood Shed for All Men
  46. I cry for you 
  47. For God So Loved The world…
  48. Come to Me
  49. How Not to Walk, Part 26 (Revive the Family, Revive the Church, Awaken the Nation, O Lord #272)






Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Ecological affairs, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

For mams and dads it is also back to ‘normal’

English: Dads' Gates Station

Dads’ Gates Station (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When the Summertime has its last rays of sun taken out of the cupboard, fall presents itself sooner than expect. In Belgium the metrological autumn started the day before yesterday and the rain was this time present to proof it.

The last few weeks for many mothers and fathers may have been very hectic. After the first school day, September 1, they now may find some time for themselves, thinking this also could be a good moment to have a fresh start themselves.

Perhaps now it is time to start what one ever so wished to do right. And a school-year shall also present extra activities for the parents, bringing their kids from one place to an other. So better to keep a list or to put some mark on the calendar.

Something to think about:

  1. Using an agenda and not for getting to write down the important thinks.
  2. Not bad to write down your weekly/monthy goals
  3. Try to organise the house and to keep it tidy
  4. On the pc the e-mails may have piled up, so why not now to take some time to clean out your email inbox.
  5. Clear off your desk and vanity area.
  6. Without sufficient funds not much is possible. Check your bank account and make a budget.
  7. Find yourself also new interesting things to do
  8. Make a list of interesting books to read, music to hear, films to see.
  9. Why not going to study something new yourself? Go to learn new things.
  10. Go and follow some lectures.
  11. Visit exhibitions.
  12. After enjoying the sun, perhaps doing not much, except eating well, it is time to take care of your outlook
  13. Go to the fitness or gym.
  14. Last but not least: open your eyes for the many challenges
  15. And at the end of the day or at the end of the week, why not: Treat Yourself for having it together.



Filed under Educational affairs, Lifestyle, Welfare matters

Running challenge and the City build by the Most High Maker

Through the earth there runs a challenge
Clearer than the trumpet call:
“Oh, forsake your ancient folly,
Build the Brotherhood of all.
“Seek the city that God buildeth,
City of the heart and hand,
Not beyond the grave of shadow,
Here on earth, in your own land.”

Philip Britts

Philip Britts (1917 – 1949) joined the Cotswold Bruderhof in England
shortly before the Second World War. He had studied horticulture and loved
to work in field and garden. The depth of his thought and faith, his
dedication to the common life of peace and brotherhood, and his hope of the
Kingdom of Justice found expression in his poetry through his love for
nature and hard work.


Filed under Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Religious affairs, World affairs

You Matter

In our lives there might be things looking justifiable and sometimes unsubstantiated. Most people would love to see a perfect life. There does not exist something like total perfection. This for at least until the return of Jeshua, the Messiah. After the World War III, the biggest difficulty we shall have to face (according the Bible) we shall be able to put away our utopian vision, because than the prophesies of Isaiah would become a reality.

Those already aware of those very old writings may already look forward to the magical prospect of the Kingdom of God. In it they might find the hope and the reason to live positively.

Believers in the Only One True God should tell others about the works of this Divine Creator God and about the Good News His son brought into the world. The followers of the Nazarene man do have all the hope and can bare their difficulties, facing all the problems which are put in front of them. For them there is a Book of books which can guide them and give them assurance for that what shall come. They know that they shall have to prepare themselves and shall have to be ready for when the moment of the Big Struggle (Armageddon) comes.

Many people might think they can brake those positive looking persons, full of hope of the resurrection. Those adversaries of the One True God may have made themselves many gods, and spit on the lovers of that God of gods, but believers know that they can not do so much to them as God can do to us; Him we should fear, but what can man?

The bad is just a temporary thing we have to learn to cope with. Every day we live we can face every challenge and at times we may feel broken, but we should know it will only be temporarily.

As much as it may seem, there is definitely something waiting which is much much better. Therefore do not keep struggling with what you perhaps cannot cope on your own. Do not keep fighting to to mend the cracked. Let it be.

When we are facing darkness in our mind, let us look through the fog and see the sun-ray of the promises made to all in this world. Many do not want to see the Maker of those promises but he is the One Who created out of the void and takes away the void dwelling inside us.

That those who hear the Voice of That Holy One, the Most High, get others to hear Him too. That more people come to follow His son his teachings and spread the Gospel message. The Good News which should make so many people to look positively.


The original article is also reposted on Marcus’s Space with extra comment > Value Positivism

Kingdom of God what will it be like

Armageddon, har and megiddo, an action or a place

God of gods


  • Without Hindsight: A New Eye on Easter (bloodofinnocents.wordpress.com)
    The difficulty that his disciples were still having with his counter-cultural message was clear to Jeshua as he approached Jerusalem. Just days from his final confrontation with the governing powers of politics and religion John and James, two of the first disciples that he ever called, asked him if they could sit to his left and right (Mark 10:32-45) “when you are there in all your glory.”
  • “…To It Shall The Gentiles Seek:….” The Nazarene Part II (mjseymour1959.wordpress.com)
    Every Christian should study, and make themselves familiar with Isaiah Ch. 7, through 11. For within these chapters, the Christian will gain an understanding of the Messiahship, of Our Lord, and Redeemer, Yehoshua of Natser, Jesus Christ.  We are still living in, “The Day of the Nazarene!”  It is late in the Day, but not too late to gain a greater understanding of what God Almighty is doing with all of His Children then, and now.  This will give you a greater, and deeper insight to the Work of God, for both the Jew, and the Gentile!
  • Ascension Now: Ascension Steps According to Isaiah! An Invitation! (spiritualinsightsradio.wordpress.com)
    Ascension Steps According to Isaiah, An Invitation offers all of humanity an invitation to reunite with your Higher Self, that part of God in you. If your life is falling apart, this book may be for you. Many of us feel out of control, as if life has no purpose. We are all searching for answers. Ascension is happening NOW and it’s up to us to decide whether to struggle with it or embrace a more loving reality filled with purpose.
  • FFOZ TV Review: The Restoring the Kingdom (mymorningmeditations.com)
    Christian Pastors often criticize the ancient Jewish disciples for misunderstanding what Jesus taught. In the eyes of many modern believers, the Kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom, not a physical reality. But even today, devout Jews believe that one of Messiah’s major tasks is to restore the nation of Israel as a physical Kingdom on Earth, return all of the exiled Jews to their Land, and elevate Israel as the head of all the nations.This is one of the reasons why most Jewish people don’t believe Jesus could have been the Messiah. They don’t believe he was resurrected and that he died without restoring and redeeming physical Israel. Even from a believing Jew’s point of view, Jesus as Messiah left before completing his work. That means he must come back at some point to finish the job. Otherwise, he can’t be Messiah.
  • The Passion of the Messiah – The Anointed One – The Christos… (lamarzulli.wordpress.com)
    As a man He asked his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, If there is a way to let this cup pass from me so be it, nevertheless your will be done….As the Chosen one, the Messiah, He knew that without the shedding of His blood there could be no redemption from the sin that plagues and enslaves the human race.We are told that darkness covered the land for three hours as Jesus hung on the cross.  When Jesus uttered His last words, It is finished, and gave up His spirit, there was a great earthquake, the Temple veil was torn in two and people saw the dead walking in the streets of Jerusalem.
  • Easter without Hindsight, Resurrection: “We know this can’t happen, but this is what we saw.” (bloodofinnocents.wordpress.com)
    When the gospels use the word ‘resurrection’ the meaning is quite specific: a dead body coming back to life in this world. The concept of an ‘afterlife’ was quite different. There were also beliefs, like reincarnation, (not shared by Jews) in other cultures nearby. The Jewish belief (shared by the disciples, cf. John 11:24) was that ‘resurrection’ would only happen to righteous people at the end of the world. Hence the disciples’ initial assumption that they were seeing Jeshua’s ghost. Ghosts, whether or not one believes in them, are at least a known concept. The point is that none of Jeshua’s disciples expected him back from the dead into this world.
  • Legal Theory Lexicon: The Nature of Law (lsolum.typepad.com)
    Contemporary debates over the nature of law focus on a revised set of positions.  Legal positivism is represented by analytic legal positivists, like H.L.A. Hart, Joseph Raz, and Jules Coleman.  The natural law tradition is defended by John Finnis.  And a new position, interpretivism is represented by Ronald Dworkin.
    When the positivists articulated the theory they were criticizing, their articulations of natural law theory were neither charitable nor true to the natural law tradition.  When Holmes referred to a “brooding omnipresence in the sky” he was not offering a sympathetic or charitable reading of the natural law tradition.
    Inclusive legal positivism is the view that moral facts can play a role in determining legal content, but only if there are some social facts that give the moral facts this role.  For example, a constitution might include an clause that make a moral conception of human equality a legal rule.  This would give the morality of equality a role in determining legal rights, but this role would exist because a social fact (the Constitution) made it so.
  • Nihilism Cannot Be Disproved (Except by Positivism) (pensatwar.wordpress.com)
    Nihilism can only be disproved by Positivism. Its a purely democratic philosophical clash. There is no arguing against Nihilism, or for it. A nihilist shouldn’t argue for nihilism or they are not true nihilists. Why would a person who believes in no truth care if others do? Nihilism such as this tends to lead to hedonism instead, or any other form of belief. Sometimes it simply leads to Negativism, not a belief in no truth, but a belief that the only truth is that truth is bad. Its a paradoxical stance, but a popular one nonetheless.
  • Positivism and Utilitarianism (arulinside.wordpress.com)
    Positivism is related to Analytical Jurisprudence which its renown chief exponents in is Jeremy Bentham and John Austin. Bentham advocated an imperative theory of law which the key concepts are those of sovereignty and command. He expounded these ideas with far greater subtlety and flexibility than Austin. In addition, he illuminates aspects of law largely neglected by him. Sovereignty in Austin’s concept is postulated as an illimitable and indivisible entity, whereas in Bentham’s concept it is neither.
  • Difficult or Easy is a matter of our conscious choice. (bkanil.wordpress.com)
    Those who have succeeded in life were failure once upon time, before they got success. The history is full of such people like Thomas Edition, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and the list is unending….They could do it because they were courageous, determined, emotional, faithful,hopeful and  were willing to do. They kept trying till they reached their final destination.
    Impurity leads towards difficulty and difficulty creates failures, but purity leads towards easy and easy creates success. Failures leads towards loss of health, wealth and happiness but success leads towards gain of health, wealth and happiness. Loss and profit, good and bad are based on law of karmic action i.e as you sow so shall you reap.
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Benefits of Positive Thinking

How often do we hear ‘it is all in the mind‘? In a certain way we should find the truth in it that we ourselves do have a lot in our own hands by adjusting our own mind and making the right choices.

Everything in life for ourselves depend how we look at it ourselves and how we want to tackle it ourselves.

Once born and being in this world we have to face many challenges. When growing up we come to understand those opportunities in front of us demand us to make the choice either to be in this world but not part of it, or to prefer to do like most of the human beings and to be taken by the mainstream, putting aside the own personality to be part of the masses.
The majority does not want to see many things, but the positive person does not have close his eyes for the bad things that happen. Those can be challenged with a positive outlook. Instead of avoiding or ignoring the bad things, we should involve ourselves making the most of potentially bad situations, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing ourself and our abilities in a positive light. We should stimulate others also to put on the right glasses,which colour this world as a rainbow, with many various colours and brightnesses.


To take in mind:
  • give yourself and the other adequate credit for successful outcomes, when good things happen
  • do not blame outside forces for bad outcomes, but be realistic and knowing that not always one person has to be blamed and that everything can overcome
  • blaming yourself for events outside of your control makes no sense
  • do not take unfortunate events as a persistent part of your life
  • try to see the positiveness in everything
  • belief in yourself
  • belief and trust those around you
  • always stay realistic
  • always keep moving forward
  • do not stay with your thought in the past
  • put the bad things behind you
  1. Positive Thinkers Cope Better With Stress
  2. Optimism Can Improve Your Immunity
  3. Positive Thinking Is Good for Your Health
  4. It Can Make You More Resilient


  • Pump Up Your Happiness by Strength-Training Your Emotions (psychologytoday.com)
    Frustrated because you can’t get what you want? Has someone turned you down for a date, a work request, or just a favor? It can get pretty annoying if not breakdown-worthy for you to be blocked from one of your goals, either large or small. Fortunately, by applying these evidence-based tools of emotional strength training, you can turn down your stress meter and make the best out of bad situations.

    The cornerstone of emotional strength training is cognitive therapy, in which clients seeking to overcome depression, anxiety, or problems in relationships build mental toughness by recognizing their triggers and then turning off the switch that would normally lead them to meltdown. However, it’s not necessary to have a diagnosable condition in order to apply its basic principles to improve your own ability to tolerate life’s many annoyances and dilemmas.

  • Swimming in a Rainbow (socialbridge.wordpress.com)
    I thought of the inspirational words of Christy Brown, so full of hope, that my mother used to quote and often sent to me when she knew I was troubled about something:

    And there are rainbows

    There are and there always will be rainbows.  Be sure you appreciate them!

  • Emotional resilience: it’s the armour you need for modern life (telegraph.co.uk)
    Zen-like poses and deep breathing are no longer relics of the New Age. Instead, they’re being practised by today’s business leaders, celebrities and politicians.
    “Emotional resilience” is more hard-hitting than many of the other methods promising to keep us cool, calm and collected. Originally developed to help victims of natural disasters and massacres cope with catastrophe, it’s reached our shores and is slowly infiltrating offices, schools and communities.
  • Optimist Or Pessimist? Brain Scans Show Positive And Negative People Really Do Think Differently (medicaldaily.com)
    Some optimists will believe anything they hear, read or see as long as it goes along with their positive viewpoints on life. Granted this is probably a bit of an extreme, but it is feasible that an optimist can be taken advantage of because they wish to believe in the good they choose to see in everyone. This can lead to trouble if the optimist finds themselves in the wrong situation where their unwavering positivity meets with inevitable negativity that does exist in the world.
    While the optimist generally believes in the positive and favorable aspects of life, the realist will sometimes disagree taking the stance that we live in an unpredictable world that can be as bad as it is good. While the optimist realizes that there are situations, people, and incidents that are by definition bad, they tend to focus on what positive elements can be taken from those incidents. The realist will usually acknowledge (and accept) those positive elements but they will also focus on why bad things happen, i.e. – there are bad people in the world/stuff happens/life isn’t perfect, etc.
    “It’s the first time we’ve been able to find a brain marker that really distinguishes negative thinkers from positive thinkers,” Dr. Jason Moser, lead author and a researcher at Michigan State University, said in press release.

    The new study, which is published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, sought to investigate the difference between positive and negative brains by asking 71 female volunteers to put a positive “spin” on graphic images. For example, participants would be shown an image of a man holding a knife to a woman’s throat and asked to assign a better outcome, such as the woman breaking free and escaping. Moser and colleagues also conducted individual interviews to determine whether subjects were more likely to be positive or negative in everyday life.

    By monitoring each subject’s brain profile throughout the experiment, the team discovered that negative participants displayed much more activity compared to those with an overall positive attitude. “The worriers actually showed a paradoxical backfiring effect in their brains when asked to decrease their negative emotions,” Moser said. “This suggests they have a really hard time putting a positive spin on difficult situations and actually make their negative emotions worse even when they are asked to think positively.”

  • How Optimism Can Be Learned (psychologytoday.com)
    Optimism, it turns out, isn’t just defined as the tendency to expect things to turn out better than probability predicts, nor is pessimism defined only as the tendency to expect things to turn out more poorly. Both terms are also used to describe the way we think about the causes of adversity, pessimism in particular being defined as the tendency to think about them in a way that makes us feel powerless. A pessimistic self-explanatory style, then, describes the tendency to attribute the causes of adversity to forces that are internal (“This is all my fault”), universal (“This affects absolutely everything”), and immutable (“This isn’t changeable”).
  • The Successful Optimist (entrepreneur.com)
    Optimists make more money and are more loyal.
    The optimist with high reality testing is a gold mine.
    Pessimists are more accurate about reality than optimists.
    There is nothing wrong with being a pessimist.
    Pessimists are more likely to become depressed than their optimistic counterparts.
    Optimists keep moving forward because they believe there are options.
  • Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism (hayeskaufman.wordpress.com)
    While the optimist generally believes in the positive and favorable aspects of life, the realist will sometimes disagree taking the stance that we live in an unpredictable world that can be as bad as it is good. While the optimist realizes that there are situations, people, and incidents that are by definition bad, they tend to focus on what positive elements can be taken from those incidents. The realist will usually acknowledge (and accept) those positive elements but they will also focus on why bad things happen, i.e. – there are bad people in the world/stuff happens/life isn’t perfect, etc.
  • An easy way to change how you think (the1bigthing.com)
    In the past 15 years Psychologists have turned their attention to what makes us happy in life. The research is loud and clear, your thinking has a huge impact on this. This post looks at what the research shows is ‘good’ thinking, what is not and shows an easy way to change how you think.
  • Learned optimism personal_transformation3 (slideshare.net)
  • Which one is better: Optimist or pessimist? (umsenglish2011.wordpress.com)
    Human personality traits can be inherited and learned. Nativists believe personality traits are inherited and empiricists believe personality traits are experienced.
    Both nativists and empiricists still argue whether personality traitsare inherited or experienced.

    Being optimists are also taught in religion. For instance Islam, of course, our religion taught us to be optimists.
    As moslems, we are also taught that being positive can have big impact on our body and longevity.
    It has being said that positive thinking is not only broader our future but also prolong our lifespan. It is self-evident that being positive is not only for our health and well-being but also for our achievement in life.

    Finally, what should we choose? Either way could be disappointed depends on yourself.
    Then, I recommend you to be an optimist person because some researches, even our religion,
    have shown that being positive can reduce stress, increased immune system, prolong your life,
    and above all the very quality of your life.

Motivation & Inspiration

You have probably had someone tell you to “look on the bright side” or to “see the cup as half full.” Chances are good that the people who make these comments are positive thinkers. Researchers are finding more and more evidence pointing to the many benefits of optimism and positive thinking.Image

Such findings suggest that not only are positive thinkers healthier and less stressed, they also have greater overall well-being. Even if positive thinking does not come naturally to you, there are plenty of great reasons to start cultivating affirmative thoughts and minimizing negative self-talk.

Positive Thinkers Cope Better With Stress

When faced with stressful situations, positive thinkers cope more effectively than pessimists. In one study, researchers found that when optimists encounter a disappointment (such as not getting a job or promotion) they are more likely to focus on things they can do to resolve the situation. Rather than…

View original post 609 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

What IF you’re only driven by stress?

As first posting I come to present something which is not of my own, but which I would like to share with you, because it can be a good lesson for all of us, how bad previous experiences can lighten us up and can let us conquer many negative things , by helping others.

The writer of this reblogged article is Eman Kawas, who had a very nasty experience in her life. There were times when people disappointed her and let her down, but those were the times when she had to remind herself to trust her own judgement and opinions, to keep her life focused on believing in herself and all that she was and is capable of.

Every person in this world caries her or his own story with awful but also nice experiences. All of us will have to face challenges to make in their life. The outside world may put pressure on us with many things. We should know we always should be in charge to make our own choices and that we can not be called guilty for those things which happened to us, without our consent.

In our life we often let us be carried away by bad experiences or let others ‘kill our spirit’ because of bad things they have done to us or like to do to us. At work, in our neighbourhood, in our circle of friends and family, we may encounter many circumstances which would like to impress on us positively but also negatively.

To make the best out of our life we first of all have to know where we stand and where  we would like to be. Before we can go forward in our life we get to get rid of all the ballast and do away all the dirt lying in front of us.
We have to take care we do not have to face a negative emotion that can produce negative experiences. Because once negative experiences are present, they can take us in a negative spiral, downward on the road instead of upwards. Basic daily events or tasks at hand, may never going to suck the good energies from us and turn them into negative energies. We may never let it come to a point where that what we have to do or to tackle comes to look like impossible or seems not to be solved.
We always should take care that we are able to be ready to undertake the ‘battle of life’. We should take care we do not come into a situation where we think the only solution would be to take a flight. We should always remember that we have to choose to fight our given problems and that we never should fear so much man, or run away from them. (the only One we should really fear is the Divine Creator God. )

When we become aware of too much stress we should think about going into the defence by ‘becoming calmer’ and by using the flight of the ‘own personality’, making sure that you start to regain your full positive energy from your life.

Never may we get carried away by thinking our stress is a sign of weakness. It is up to us to make us stronger by putting all experiences up to the good and to relative many issues. Sometimes taking distance of what bothers us can help. Going for a stroll or a nice walk in the green nature, calming us down and taking care we come not so stressful that we do come in a circle of depression.

A little bit of stress or anxiety can help us to stay alert and to stimulate us to undertake certain actions. Let us use it for our advantage to create new things and to be very active. But let it not destroy our creativity nor our aim to continue that what we believe would be good.
Therefore always keep faith in yourself, believe in yourself and in your own family and always ‘stay your self’ whatever the circumstances may be. Always keeping your own personality shall already avoid much of stress taking you down.


To take in consideration:


  • whatever you achieve is not satisfying to you and something is always missing
  • constantly looking for something that you don’t know what it is


  • faced by “sink or swim situations”
  • driven by negative impulses or stress
  • dissatisfaction
  • not feeling to achieve
  • feeling bored
  • cynicism
  • strange reactions from your part
  • short answers
  • mistrust
  • feeling like running on our toes
  • overeating, heart disease, hypertension, stroke


  • exposing yourself to long- term stress > causing physical dysfunction
  • let it drive you
  • neglect of spiritual life
  • loosing hopes, loves, dreams, plans
  • to be taken by the maelstrom of the earthly experience
  • negative people
  • constant noise(background music)
  • uncomfortable clothing (too tight shoes, hosiery, itchy sweater)
  • too much stuff, a cluttered home or office
  • disorder around you


  • see challenges as opportunities to succeed
  • set smart goals for yourself => Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely goals
  • remain positive > ready for opportunities that rise
  • bring a sense of connection, renewal and  energy
  • dare to think things over and try to meditate on it
  • let it be useful > if it was a short-term stress
  • keep people from stealing your joy
  • keep optimistic
  • concentrate on the nice things around you
  • seek someone else’s love and assistance
  • talk with someone close to yo, whom you can trust
  • be ready yourself for others
  • bless different circumstances and bless others around you
  • concentrate on the people with positive thoughts
  • concentrate on the positive thoughts in yourself
  • focus on shifting what drives you from stress to performance – from negative to positive –
  • nurture yourself as any garden does
  • realize > what truly makes a difference = way you see things.
  • Do know what your driver is
  • Remember Which Source you can have with you

Additional reading:

  1. What is life?
  2. A philosophical error which rejects the body as part of the human person
  3. Materialism, would be life, and aspirations
  4. Searching for fulfillment and meaning through own efforts, facing unsatisfaction and depression
  5. Kitty Werthmann her account of growing up in Austria under Nazi regime
  6. Fragments from the Book of Job #7 Epilogue
  7. Fear knocked at the door
  8. 8 fears caused by the fear of Man
  9. Depression Is and When
  10. How do you keep people from stealing your joy?
  11. Seems no future in suffering
  12. Suffering
  13. Suffering – through the apparent silence of God
  14. Suffering continues
  15. Suffering leading to joy
  16. Surprised by time in joys & sufferings
  17. Words from God about suffering
  18. Working of the hope
  19. Getting out of the dark corners of this world
  20. Running away from the past
  21. Walking in the Light of Life
  22. Hope does not disappoint us
  23. If you do pray you shall not be disappointed
  24. Always a choice
  25. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  26. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  27. Aligned
  28. To Work Longer or Die Younger
  29. We all have to have dreams
  30. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  31. Peace Takes You
  32. Answering a fool according to his folly
  33. Feeling-good, search for happiness and the church
  34. Feel-good Factor?
  35. How to Feel Good About Yourself
  36. Ageing and Solidarity between generations
  37. Everything that is done in the world is done by hope
  38. Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.
  39. Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  40. Hope does not disappoint us
  41. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory
  42. Change should not be stressful
  43. Happiness is like manna
  44. Spreading good cheer contagious
  45. Spark of Positivism
  46. Thanksgiving wisdom: Why gratitude is good for your health
  47. Importance of parents 1
  48. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
  49. Depression, Anxiety, Pressure and megachurches
  50. Breathing and growing with no heir
  51. Come ye yourselves apart … and rest awhile (Mark 6:31)
  52. United people under Christ
  53. Commit your self to the trustworthy creator



Find also:

How to Relieve Stress. Stress. We all deal with it. Whether it be our jobs, family life, drama with friends, a relationship problem, or finances, stress is there.
How to Deal With Stress. Life can be stressful; sometimes you’ll have to deal with ongoing stress positively. Stress can have a variety of causes such as family …
Feeling stressed a lot? Having a way to relieve stress at your desk, in front of the TV, or wherever your health and one very simple way is to use a stress ball for …
wikiHow has Managing Stress how to articles with step-by-step instructions and photos.
How to Avoid Stress During the Holidays. Although the holiday season is supposed to bring joy and harmony to all, the many expectations that lay behind the …
How to Beat Workplace Stress. People in many professions work well over the usual 40 hour work week and end up bringing workplace stress home with them.
How to Avoid Stress on the Internet. Believe it or not, using the Internet can be a major source of stress for some people. This article will offer some tips of …
Identify the cause of your stress. Is your heart pounding because that idiot just cut you off on the freeway, or is it because of that presentation you have to give to …
How to Reduce Stress. Reducing the stress in your life will take a lot of reflection and action, but it will be worth it. If you’re less stressed, you’ll be able to sleep …
  • Tackling stress in a tough climate (hiscox.co.uk)
    Not surprisingly their biggest source of stress is the fear of losing their business (57%). But pressures in today’s tough business climate are also putting an increasing strain on them. Many worry about losing clients (54%) or feel the pressure of bringing in new business (52%). A tailored professional indemnity insurance policy may help to mitigate these risks.

    If the business they have worked so hard to build is under threat, it’s understandable that company owners will try to keep as much of a work/life balance as they can while doing everything possible to keep the business afloat. However on a positive, most (68%) say they try to keep a good work/life balance.

    Many entrepreneurs would say they thrive on stress, that they make better decisions under pressure and have some of their best ideas when up against the clock. But stress is meant to be a temporary condition. If it becomes the norm rather than the exception in your working day it can quickly lead to burnout. Chronic stress can lead you to make poor decisions causing your business to suffer.

    It’s important for entrepreneurs to take steps to tackle stress so you can stay at the top of your game. Eat healthily, take exercise, get enough sleep, but also get away from work once in a while. Spend time with your family and go out with your friends. Put it in your diary if you have to. You’ll appreciate it. And so will they.

  • What Is Stress (debatabletopicsx.wordpress.com)
    You are not the only one with either personal or collective problems, because rest of the human kind can have deep predicaments with great fears. On the other hand, stress can find you, with a repeated daily tasks. This involves your entirety of your life. Now you must analyse everything about yourself, and understand how you ended up in such condition. Then take the right action or confront your greatest fear and solve the problem there and then. This may not be easy but when you accomplish your goal, your entire life may outlook into more easy times. You see, problems are not assignments to deals with, but they are part of life, to teach you, one thing, and that is to gain higher experience in life. This leads to complete knowledge of a certain wisdom in life.
  • The Karma of Stress. ~ Beatrice Bachleda (elephantjournal.com)
    It begins with one thing, and when we don’t get right down to the cause and take care of it, it begins to sneak into other things. Eventually the small things that we would never think about twice become the reason why we suddenly burst into tears or begin snapping at people we love.The problem with stress lies in our conditioning. It’s in the “agreement” we made that stress is a negative thing and must be demolished instantly or else we are to blame for its existence. The agreement says we “shouldn‘t let stress get to us.”
  • Why stress might not be so bad (thelondonuniversity.com)
    Much of what we know about the physical and mental toll of chronic stress stems from seminal work by Robert Sapolsky beginning in the late 1970s. [Sapolsky, PhD,] a neuroendocrinologist, was among the first to make the connection that the hormones released during the fight-or-flight response—the ones that helped our ancestors avoid becoming dinner—have deleterious effects when the stress is severe and sustained. Especially insidious, chronic exposure to one of these hormones, cortisol, causes brain changes that make it increasingly difficult to shut the stress response down.
  • Owning our Health: Taking control of stress (blogs.vancouversun.com)
    Cynicism is that nagging, negative feeling of mistrust and doubt due to a build-up of life’s ups and downs; its hurts and betrayals. Viewing life through mistrustful lenses, we are constantly on the alert and on the defensive – our fight or flight reactor permanently switched on. This negative viewpoint can silently drain us for years, going undetected and unnoticed.
    To be healthier in every way, we need to consciously take care of this important part of us in a way that heals cynicism as well as other signs of stress. What’s needed is a rethink about how we view our world and our place in it.

    Understanding the circumstances that lead us to feel mistrustful, at risk, not valued or cared for and, thus, cynical is a great start. Often we find it is the continual remembering of a whole history of negative events that brings us to that stressed and cynical viewpoint. But we shouldn’t stop at just recognizing the problem.
    Nurturing a spiritual practice builds a stronger, more rooted sense of unity with the divine. And, this builds a sense of stability, safety as well as new perspectives. The prayers of Jesus, for example, show us that in communing with God we can find a safe place where we can learn to see ourselves from a more spiritual standpoint, which allows us to respond to difficulties more effectively. Even in our darkest of moments, this action can redefine how we see the world – lifting the mistrust, anger, and fear that breed cynicism.

  • How the stress of our “always on” culture can impact performance, health and happiness (scopeblog.stanford.edu)
    During a recent Café Scientifique event, Palo Alto-based organizational psychologist Jay Azarow, PhD, discussed how our “always on” culture can negatively impact your performance, health and happiness. In the video above, he provides an overview of science-based yet practical approaches to reducing and managing stress, increasing energy and enhancing focus and productivity.
  • Planetary Healing: Take a Break from Stress (wesannac.com)
    Everyone gets stressed out at times, and here on earth, a lot of things can bring us down and make it much harder to re-find a good vibration if we let them. Our emotions and expressions affect the vibration of the entire planet, and to heal this world, it’s essential that we situate ourselves on a good vibration as much and as often as possible.

    It’s more than easy to dip into stress and frustration when circumstances in our lives allow for it, and here, I’d like to offer five things we can do when stressful situations pile on and make it harder to be in a positive space.

    Remember that you’re never alone, and if you need to, take some time off from whatever’s stressing you out and ease into your unfolding higher-vibrational perception. In due time, stress will cease to bring people down like it has for so long, but for now, we have to be able to be here for each other when it gets the best of us.

    Stay strong, fellow seekers, because stress or no stress, our greatest work is just beginning.



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Quill Pen

images I am talking about when whatever you achieve is not satisfying to you and something is always missing, when you’re constantly looking for something that you don’t know what it is, then you still get things done but the motivation differs.
Those are signs that you are driven by stress, when you’re faced by “sink or swim situations” and that’s the only way that you would go above and beyond, then that’s when you realize you are driven by stress. A recent discovery took me to a place to see the reason I am dissatisfied, not achieved or maybe just bored.
Performance driven people are the ones that see challenges as opportunities to succeed; they tend to set SMART goals for themselves, no magic involved (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely goals) and remain positive to be ready for the opportunities that rise, on the other hand stress driven people perceive…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

Awards, prizes, Peace and Working together

On the 25th of April 2013 I wrote, on my personal pages, the page Bloggers for Peace. Over there on Marcus’s Space I wondered if it would still be possible to get several people come together to share like-minded thoughts of love and peace. Nearly a year later I must admit I am a little bit disappointed with the meagre result.  On the 29th of March 2014 there were only 4 likes and not one real response or reaction, though there were 9 Pingbacks.

Linking to peacebloggers

Give Peace a chance

Give Peace a chance by promoting it and by sharing your positive thoughts.

I myself did some search and placed links to several other “Bloggers For Peace”, but they never gave me a personal sign or contacted me further to really take further action. Perhaps because I placed it on my personal blog, nobody dared to join. So, I do try at this place. Perhaps a Club does not frighten them off and would give more people confidence enough they may say what they want and write when they want. Those who want to join the guest writers shall be able to publish when they want and how much they want, so they should not be so afraid of restrictions.

Awards givers and receivers

I do find it strange that I can find a lot of American blogs where they throw with all sorts of Awards and Prizes, and do seem to appreciate others writings on peace, spiritual and religious living. But I do never see them getting together and taking action with others or really sharing articles. To me it more often looks like an adventure of getting free advertisements for certain websites or blogs (the initiator of the award). Mostly they say to feel free to accept the Such or such Award, like the Inner Peace Award and to add it on your blog, asking you to keep to just one or two rules. The one to pass the award on demanding to share some kind words with that person, is not a bad rule and can help to spread some nice words, which this world for sure can use more. Some present other rules where we can question what it has to do with peace or happiness. We can see that by a lot of such awards the interest is more placed to the persons themselves, having them to tell about themselves, what they like to eat, read and watch on television or in the cinema. Not really about the project or telling more about their action how to bring peace to others and how to contribute so that people could live better together.

Altogether it looks like the maker of the award can receive more readers to his blog by all the links back to his or her blog.

We are not so much interested in awards, but we would love to see many more people coming together and sharing their ideas, bringing understanding joy and peace to people from all over the world.  This is the magnificent element of the new technology of internet.Everywhere in the world people can read and get to know people from everywhere in the world.

Big mess, noice and information overload

Xenon Halogen Lamp (105 W) with an E27 base, i...When we look at the world we may find one big mess. For many uncertainties about the future increase every year or even every month.
Our world has, to some degree, got used to living with uncertainties about the future – so much so nearly all plan for the present, for this year and maybe next, especially if they have children. There may be a lot of problems in the families and in the world, but every where may be living people who can shed some light in the darkness. When you would put all those little candles, those little light-bulbs together, you would find a major light attracting more people.

Internet offers a lot of noisy and spectacular things and tries to lure people into many adventures looking at certain things and buying lots of things. Insistent invitations to look at a picture, video, or the latest trend lots of people come to live in a sub-real world stuffing themselves with the junk food of audible and visual ‘noise’ and ‘information’.


No longer are there pockets of peace in the places we frequent.  Medical waiting rooms, once havens of quiet where the only sound might be the pages of a magazine turning, now have blaring televisions, sometimes competing with music from an overhead sound system. Even the relative silence of libraries is interrupted by clicking keyboards.  Places of worship, too, have become stimulating, noisy spaces in their congregations’ quest to become relevant. And, when was the last time you saw a sign that said, “Quiet. Hospital Zone”? {The need for quiet}

Instilling moments of silence and reflection

We would like to find more souls who do not mind sharing ideas with each other and getting others to know such blogs where time is taken to look into the soul of man, and to look at wonders of the world. Nature has so much to offer, and so many people are gifted to bring the beauty of nature closer to the heart. It would be lovely if we could have such persons who would not mind to bring their talents together on a place like this one, and enable those interested to go from here to the many proposed interesting sites.

Because time flies and we do not have much time it would be marvellous if we could have some people who present us with their selection of interesting material. Yes you perhaps could call it a “Readers Digest” of contemporary times. If you have qualities you would not mind sharing with us, why hesitate, and not join us? You may find here a place where you can place articles which could not find a place on your personal blog or which ad to or even may direct to your blog(s) and blogs you feel could be of interest to others. By presenting your selection you can help others to save time searching, but also wasting time reading less interesting blogs. Because of our limited time short presentations, reblogs of interesting articles will be more than welcome by many readers which can be build up, because there can be found several authors at one place.

Month of Peace

English: Image of the Oslo Business for Peace ...

Image of the Oslo Business for Peace Award (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In a few days time we are facing the month of April as “Peace Month”. Perhaps lots of activity shall take place in the press and in your neighbourhood. Perhaps more people also would like to look fro more information or would like to do something against all the controversy and  fighting which is going on in this world. Serious teen problems like bullying, violence, drugs, depression, and suicide shall be able to find some more attention. and this would be some subjects we would love to see spoken off on this site. But what also could be interesting is to hear personal experiences how people could cope in live and how they think they could make their live and that of others better.

Looking at the world and reaching to the world

Whilst my lifestyle magazine “Stepping Toes” is more concerned about the way we are spiritually living and looking at it all, from a more religious point of view, here at “From Guest-writers” all subjects can receive a place, seen from non-religious as well as from religious points of view. Most interesting can be also to find some writers, who would not mind to bring up political issues and show us different ways how a society could work, to become a better place to live for every body.

We would like to offer young and older writers the opportunity to reach more readers. The writers themselves shall also be able to ‘earn more’ from writers of every colour, ethnicity, religious faith, sexual orientation, political viewpoint, and country of residence or origin. The public finding more writers in one place, willing also to direct them to still more other writers, by presenting links and reblogs to interesting articles can enrich us all.

Speaker and audience

Here the writer may be the guest-speaker and the audience at the same time. As such he or she will have the responsibility to engage the audience (internetters from all over the world) and triggering the debate, discussions and conversations, this in a world where there is a lot of competition in a (virtual) world where it is not easy to engage the head and heart of the audience which has a short attention span.

By sharing each others work we also want to world to show that there is more unity in the universe than many think.

Our common goal will be to show that by increased focus on each of core areas of expertise we shall be able to give a broad spectrum to our public, and shall be able more successfully bring over our message of understanding and peace.

Getting our of comfort-zone

In order to collaborate, many of us will have to get out of our comfort-zones. Those of us working in the non-profit sector have to learn to operate effectively along side each other so we aren’t trying to “do it all”. We do have to trust that others can do that what they are best in. Each having an other speciality or an other main interest is best to concentrate on the subjects they are good at or which are not yet been tackled or spoken off. We need to focus deeply on our core capabilities and trust others to fill the gaps. But naturally there have to be others willing to come to full those gaps. Therefore we would like to ask all who come along this site and who read this article, to think about joining us and helping everybody to create a way to reach more people with our message for making a better world for all around us.

Better than giving awards and prizes we let others know those sites which could be of interest and do take actively part in spreading good news, up-building words, uplifting stories and designs or pictures, showing the world the beauty which is to find if we want looking for it and seeing it.

Caring people

All those who join us should be people who want to care or who have the right spirit to look and find the “unlimited loving kindness of others”. It should be people who carry the “caritas” in them, the philanthropy and charity, to help others and reduce inequity and suffering while in process becoming caring individuals.

I am convinced, though we may not know the persons individually, with our writings we can reach them and have something to bring to them which can relieve them. In the articles we can point out roots of problems and show solutions to problems. Seeing and recognising the problems in the world, lying them in the “open”, we do have no other choice than to act and react, to relieve the pain of our neighbours. Looking at giving chiefly through the lens of amount of money is inappropriate and belittles the efforts of those who are giving far more of themselves.

Giving is about helping humankind and becoming better people in ourselves; It is a willingness to know your own position and to be aware of the position of others. You shall always find people who are better off and also whoo are worse off. there also would always people you like more than the other. It even can well be there are persons you hate. there are many people in this world who loose a lot of energy hating someone. We would love to bend that energy in the positive sense. We do believe that the more you start to care for that person the more each of you will be growing to each other respecting for what you are.Showing love not hateShowing to the world that we care, this will in the end bring some changes. Every little change will be worth the effort. Whether or not they will react, if they are going to say something to you, and whether they actually feel something towards you.

Hate takes to much time out of your life. It destroys your relationships and makes you a person you don’t want to be. {Hate is for the Weak}

We would like to bring the message to the general public:

Why hate someone and show them that you care more than you say? Why put in all that time and energy for someone you don’t want apart of your life? {Hate is for the Weak}

We want as many people as possible to become part of our world. We would love to see a rainbow-nation, where many ideas may find their appreciation and may construct something nicely.

Nothing is wrong to have an own opinion and being passionate about it. We do hope more people shall be coming out of their shell, to be wanting to become more determined to come out on top and show people they have the right to be where they are or stand in their life.

Jukebox of positiveness

Saswata Mitra tries to bring a box full of shimmer, being fresh, imaginative and alluring, like a jukebox, their perhaps you may ask and get, but also here we would like to offer such a sort of jukebox. We do believe the best medicine is the positive thought. We would love to find more writers and photographers or plastic artists who can share their positive ideas and beautiful pictures to inspire others.

The blog “The Mystic Sandbox ” initiated by Saswata and Navneet, revolves around crisp and precise about stuff that you will be able to relate. We too would like to find writers who manage to offer enough material to which many could relate and get inspired from.

We do not mind presenting people here who may have notions that are contradictory to mainstream conjecture. We do not have to go along with the majority in life. We also could try to convince others they are not so strange or mad to have other ideas than the mainstream. We would like to show others they might have confidence in the way they are thinking and the way they want to go, though it is not how the majority wants them  to go.

Saswata wrote:

“In life, we come across many challenges. Some of them make us who we are while some tell us what we should be. Sometimes it is the opposite. There will be struggle, there will be bad days. Days which would never seem to end. Days which would go on and on, which would keep hurting us till the end. Many of us actually most would give up but the people who wont will be the ones to face the brighter side of the day. The night is darkest before dawn but how can we forget the rainbow after the rain? We understand to love, to give, to endure, to find pleasure, to please but what we do not understand is ourselves during all of this. Life can lie to us and no one will stop it, it can play all sorts of games with us without us even knowing because there is no one controlling it. But whatever happens in life happens for good. Good of all in it..” {Sorry For The Long Absence and What’s Been Going On In My Life!}

We would love to let others see that we all can learn from our own bad experiences and turn them into something good. By sharing each-others experiences we would like to show the love for our neighbours and allow them to have a peep in our own bad and good experiences so they might learn from them as well.

Internet enabling us to bring over a message of peace

Let us all always remember:

“Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
-Martin Luther King

and that: when we do not speak, we also give a voice or “speak”, and enable that good, but also bad things, can happen.

Therefore I do hope many will be willing to join and give a voice to spread nicer messages than all the violence we hear every day on the wireless. We also do hope some will like to share some nicer pictures than the awful images we every day get to see on the screens of television and computer.

A small word or many words

We invite everybody who would love to spread a thought of love and peace to join us. Even when they only would contribute once a year, with having twelve writers this would give once a month a thought bringing some positiveness to others. It might be telling about something positive that happened somewhere in the world. Not focussing on all the bad things that happen in this world but giving once attention to something positive, the media may forget or put it somewhere forgotten in a small corner of the so ‘maniest’ page. We sould love to find some facts, but also would appreciate some fiction as  well, that can make us dream or look at the world in a positive way. We would love to see stories that may have a human connection. A real life story. Please remember no story is big or small. Every story matters.

Every one may come forward to share their stories or pictures.  they may do it by acting or reacting on something what is published here or they may offer their services as a co-author. It is a free choice. We also offer a platform where people are invited to share ideas and to talk their heart out.

In case they would prefer to stay anonymous they are also welcome to send in material and we will publish it not disclosing their identity.

In the hope to find many people who would like to come along here to read and to share,

I do thank all those who came along and took some time to linger on this site, and do hope to see them coming back again.

Looking forward to find more people from all over the world willing to share their contributions and letting us know other interesting websites, writers and artists,

Yours sincerely,

Marcus Ampe

When-you-stand-and-shareBloggers For Peace BannerYou too may join a movement the world needs.

We are having a “membership drive” so-to-speak, and we would really love you participation.



Interesting reading:

  1. Inner Peace Award
  2. In A World of Balance There Is Peace and Justice
  3. Absolute truths and simple truths.
  4. February Post For Peace
  5. Poignant Imagine
  6. Peace Takes You
  7. Bloggers for Christ and Bloggers for Peace
  8. Mahatma Gandhi, the Missing Laureate
  9. Martin Luther King Jr. – Biographical
  10. The need for quiet
  11. The habit of being quiet
  12. Project Inspiration is Key: What Inspires Me
  13. Learning in Peace-Time?
  14. Migrants to the West #7 Religions
  15. Why I Am Praying for Putin–and Obama
  16. Disunity in Christ (Part 1)
  17. Disunity in Christ (Part 2)
  18. One Unholy Divided Church
  19. Friday Fruit (03/21/14)
  20. Nelson Mandela – By Their Strange Fruit
  21. In Mandela’s Own Words – By Their Strange Fruit
  22. Mandela the ‘Terrorist’ (Part 1) – By Their Strange Fruit
  23. Mandela the ‘Terrorist’ (Part 2) – By Their Strange Fruit
  24. Microaggressions – By Their Strange Fruit
  25. When discouraged facing opposition
  26. Several quotes about peace.
  27. Not to speak is to speak
  28. Be still and listen
  29. No More Awards Please
  30. Peace Action
  31. All I want is peace!!!
  32. Monthly Peace Challenge – We Are Family
  33. Monthly Peace Challenge: Peace Child
  34. Peace Child – A Bloggers for Peace post
  35. Pax Nation & Peace Child #B4Peace
  36. March B4Peace Post–A Peaceful Resolution
  37. Perspective
  38. Members of the ecclesia uniting and seeking God’s help in tribulation
  39. Unity a Sign of Spiritual Maturity
  40. Am I Crazy?
  41. I’m Confused About My Spiritual Beliefs.
  42. Looking for True Spirituality 1 Intro
  43. Looking for True Spirituality 2 Not restricted to an elite
  44. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  45. How Does One Measure True Spiritual Satisfaction?
  46. Determine the drive
  47. Bringing Good News into the world
  48. Testify of the things heard
  49. Trying to get the youth inspired
  50. Still, Small Voice
  51. In spite of insight
  52. Knowing where to go to
  53. Do No-Thing: The Power of Self Love.
  54. Crazy Messy Love: [Insert Faith Here.]
  55. Legacy of peace
  56. Its Never to Late
  57. I Was to write about love
  58. Peace Prevails
  59. Being At Peace!
  60. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness

Some Fellow February B4Peace posts:

  1. (everydaygurus.com) – The man behind the idea. Monthly Peace Challenge: Mad Men Plus another post
  2. (farawayinthesunshine.wordpress.com) – February post for Peace – help
  3. (professionsforpeace.com) – Happy Birthday to a Warrior for Peace
  4. (professionsforpeace.com) – loving february
  5. (fecthis.wordpress.com) – Please Empower A Compassionate Earth
  6. (ejjudge.wordpress.com) – Kindness — a Bloggers for Peace post
  7. (kmhubersblog.com) – I’ll take the unknown
  8. (taochildseye.wordpress.com) – Weekly Photo Challenge – Love
  9. (300dayjourney.wordpress.com) – Monthly Peace in a Poem
  10. (gloriousmettle.wordpress.com) – A Peaceful Goodbye
  11. (delusion247.wordpress.com) – The Secret to happiness
  12. (taochild.wordpress.com) – A true friend
  13. (heartflow2013.wordpress.com) – Living Love; Day 9 – Daring
  14. (picturesinlivingcolor.wordpress.com) – The Peace Garden
  15. (leazengage.wordpress.com) – one more person promoting peace
  16. (spiritualworldtravelerblog.com) – Peace & Love Are Eternal


 >>> This club of writers was initiated by Marcus Ampe founder of the Lifestyle magazine Stepping Toes. <<<


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