Tag Archives: Course of life

Dealing with Disappointment

A writer who has three teenage sons and one teenage daughter, all of them were born about seventeen months apart has a family life like any other in which good and bad things may happen. Having been immersed in diapers, runny noses, and sticky fingers full on in those years this writer looks at what disappointment may be.


Grief (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

She has loved with as much vulnerability as she could, but have wonders if she trained them well. When facing the day again many thoughts may come up in our head and questions may whirl around our head.

Do they know where to turn when the battle around them rages on. When their hearts are hurt, when there is fear or remorse? Do they know how to forgive and how to extend grace?

As parents we try to prepare our children. We try to make them strong enough so that they , at their turn, shall be able to look at the world, go into it and accomplish many things. Hopefully not having to suffer to much and hopefully not to end up to be disappointed.

For sure they too shall have to face ‘Disappointments’, but what would they be?


To remember

  • It looks different for everyone…it is deeply personal.
  • Maybe … describes an unmet need, a missed opportunity,…a loss > cut deeply, become hard to move through + settle deep in the spirit, festering… leaving holes in beating hearts. => rob the heart fibers of joy.
  • Disappointments left untended => create bitter roots reaching deep…souring the soul and poisoning the body.

She felt that kind of life-threatening disappointment. The kind that will suck the very breath from your lungs.

  • the climb too hard + the terrain too exhausting = journey seems impossible.

What is your mountain? A failing marriage…children running from home or faith…a body broken with sickness…a heart crushed with grief? Betrayal from a friend?

  • Our life will be messy + take place among the brokenness in the world.
  • Brokenness around us…brokenness living within us =  living among the weeds. 
  • when we feel empty > dull, lonely heartache

The writer has learned not to let her fleeting feelings rule + reign her thoughts about a current circumstance.

  • God has given an entire range of emotional experience to explore = freedom bring great joy + excruciating heartache.


Please concerning the last part of the text we want to say that we best pray to God. We also may be thankful to Jesus and give him praise, but we may only give the highest praise and worship to the heavenly Father of Jesus.


Preceding articles


Our existence..

Facing our existence every day

Facing daily events and exclaiming “Good grief!”

Reminding myself!!

Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!

Ruth having reason to grief

A look at the Poet’s corner’s grief basket

Some Thoughts On Bitterness From Various Authors




Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs

Those steady drips, those small steps!



“Just as steady drips will always fill a bucket;
small steps will always change the course of our lives.
We can’t predict when the tipping points will come
but we can trust that those breakthrough days will happen
just as long as we do our part and keep taking those small steps.”

Photo & text credit: “Begin with Yes” https://www.facebook.com/beginwithyes/?fref=nf

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Filed under Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Just be yourself…

The problem with the present society is that most people do not want to be themselves, but try to be like the stars and media personalities present themselves.

Most people want to live in a ‘would be’ or ‘wish it were like this’ fantasy world, were they can enjoy all material luxury, but forget the spiritual values which are more important.

To be oneself is often not appreciated by contemporary society, which already prescribes tranquillisers to babies kids and puppies. Yes the beloved pets do not seem to escape the rage of defining Adhd, Asperger and other syndromes.

Many have forgotten that those who dare to wear their own clothing how they want it, use the gadgets they prefer, because they personally like them, do not run with all the others to follow the mainstream, are those who are the strongest.

They are the ones who may be the strangers in our society, but who are the real individuals with their own value to stand strong in the storms, not changing like the wind blows from one or the other site.

It is by just being yourself, not minding what all the rest may do, that you will be able to go through your life finding satisfaction and getting to the point where you want to be. Getting at the goal is by knowing what you want and what you can achieve, no matter how others may disappoint you or try to get you on other ideas.

Know what you want, where to go, and continue according to your own stubborn ideas, hoping to reach the goal worth aiming at.


Do you want to face yourself being the one who dares to build up and to destroy the self? Are you willing to accept your independent soul, which may be stubborn and headstrong, trying to live with a self-governance? Are you willing not to loose the sense of self, not having to mirror your preferences instead?

Let yourself be inspired to guide yourself to grow, sometimes blindfolded to the edge of the cliff, where  many may be looking from high up, wanting to laugh with you.

Remind than one of Amy’s texts:

You stood at the edge and watched unaware,

amazed at the efficiency of your plunder of me.

Arms crossed, a smug look of satisfaction

crept prematurely across your face,

and the winds stirred and protested,

the earth shook and groaned,

and a deluge burst forth beneath your feet

and that false security was washed away.

When did the emptiness and despair

that dwelled within burn and crumble

and give way to hope,

a yearning to be free?

– from The Art of Diametrical Opposition


I hope and think this girl has perhaps found strength in her real ‘me’ that was hidden under the surface. She might, like several other people, women and/or men, have their life been impacted by  insidious, cruel, and merciless terror regardless of their education, finances, ethnic and religious background, gender, age, and sexual orientation.

Whatever happens in our life, how much others would like to destroy us. From the Inner-power we have, all having been created in the image of God, we can find the cornerstone to build on and the Guide to help us through life. All of us in search for the self can find the own inner being and the Helper ready to give His Hand.

Even when other humans may get on your nerves sometimes and you can’t understand why they insist on doing the same stupid things, over and over again, then you shall not have to worry you went your own way willing to follow that inner voice. When you want to give an ear to the Strongest Voice in you, silence shall be broken and light will shine in the dark, a Securing Voice calling you. Then you shall not have to get tired of the repetitive stupidity of human behaviour. Better imagine what it must be like for God. He’s been watching this parade a lot longer than many have.

Thankfully He is infinitely patient and able to see our higher selves far better than we are. Sometimes  people manage to forget we even have higher selves. God never forgets and He is in it for the long haul. { in The World}

Be it a raging misogynist who is grateful but is convinced that some have utopian visions for a perfect society, let us always do hope that if we start in our own little surroundings and by making more strong personalities who keep believing in their self, we can come closer to a nicer world where we can become respected as our own personality, worth being here.

The ‘I AmJehovah God created us. In Him we should listen more to the ‘I Am’ in us.


  • Lesser-known things about Asperger’s syndrome (bbc.co.uk)
    While there are similarities with autism, people with Asperger’s syndrome have fewer problems with speaking and don’t usually have the associated learning disabilities.They sometimes call themselves aspies for short. In recognition of the fact that their brains are wired differently, people with autism and Asperger’s say that they are “neuro-untypical”. They call people who don’t have either disability “neurotypicals”, or NTs.
  • Democracy, Policy, and the Experts (pacificbullmoose.com)
    The Internet has been accused of many things. It has been condemned as a destroyer of value. It has been reviled as the hiding place of gangsters and perverts. And now, in the pages of The Federalist, self-styled social science and public policy expert Tom Nichols accuses it of destroying expertise.Nichols’ point, brutally summarized, is that by appearing to make everyone’s opinion of equal value, the Internet is slashing the value of an expert’s opinion to essentially zero. That’s dangerous, he says. To kill expertise is to reject knowledge and how we gain it. It is to raise the value of the opinions of people like Jenny McCarthy over those of doctors.
  • Female power, influence, and privileges: 1835 (avoiceformen.com)
    The supremacy of the weak over the strong is a very remarkable phenomenon, and it is as mischievous as it is it is remarkable. Whatever nature or law may have denied women, art and secret sway give them all: they are influential to a degree perfectly unguessed, and men are possessed by, not possessors of them.
  • Had I but a voice…whisperings of Aspergers (aspergersgirls.wordpress.com)
    We believe we are never going to be good enough, right enough, or enough. No matter how much we read, decipher and figure out. No matter the conclusions pondered and information transmitted, the puzzles seemingly solved, or ideas seemingly mastered. We remain somewhat in awe of ourselves and the world. Our bodies and brains, and everything, unwinded and dissected, and nonetheless remaining singularly tangled and unmanageable. Our brains were made to conquer and conquest, and yet, we are the ones conquered in the endless ways in which to surmise our reality and exponential experience in life. Through our ability to mesh objectivity with subjectivity, we are made into a conundrum of possibilities; ourselves delivered to the world through a large scope of outward introspection, as if the audience is the All of everyone, and we the victim of circumstantial evidence.
  • I Am Perfect, Why Aren’t You? (youllsoonbeflying.com)
    Words of I AM first become our armor, eventually becoming our skin, and by adulthood, they are our soul. Every time we hear or say I AM, we become exactly what follows.I was always told from a young age that I am stubborn, headstrong, bold, daring, thick-skinned, strong-willed, precocious, creative, wordy, spacey, disorganized,
    I began to find that the more I embraced the I AMs I was given as a child, the more confusing it felt to display the opposite characteristics without often questioning their authenticity. One big one for me was discovering that I AM in fact, not thick-skinned, tough or head strong, as I had been told countless times in my youth.
    Somehow one day, after a time of living the I AMs I thought I was, I woke up and realized that I felt compelled to try something different. I had a need to start listening to the genuine I AMs buried somewhere down in there. The ones I had been ignoring about myself in all those quiet moments with only my thoughts, when my guilt and shame and feelings of disconnect would rise up just a tiny bit and say, “Hey, you know you’re not really any of the things you claim to be by living out right?
  • falling down the same hole (mobilisedbygod.wordpress.com)
    God hates self-righteousness. He doesn’t cause us to sin, but when we do he uses it to remind us our weakness, and to keep us from pride. This helps us to be less judgmental of others and more understanding of their failures.
  • Why can’t I hate you? (astreetnamedworld.wordpress.com)
    The first time I met you I felt wariness because society, etiquette and common sense dictate that when you meet a stranger you treat them with caution and be suspicious of their every word and actions but I decided to ignore the forces that control human thinking and under two days you had spun a web over me and I was all yours.
  • Myths, Lies and Suspicious Minds – Debunking the popular misconceptions that surround the lives of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome (seventhvoice.wordpress.com)
    those living with Asperger’s Syndrome often find themselves having to battle against a sea of erroneous professional and social misconceptions (myths) which leave them wide open to a consistent stream of criticism and suspicion as to who they truly are, their levels of ability, and the validity of their ‘unusual’ ways of being the world.
  • Happy 68th Independence Day (heta1311.wordpress.com)
    The great warriors like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Lala Lajpat Rai and many others fought for our country’s freedom, toiled and went through many difficulties at the stake of their own lives.
    When is this country going to be free from the caste discrimination! To say, we all are Indians but, there are different castes and religions residing here. We are free from Britishers but, when are we going to be free from this discrimination’s done where one Indian will kill another, in the name of a religion! Where has the humanity evaded. Many accused are still freely roaming outside and in search of their next prey, many victims are still awaiting their day of justice today!
  • Coping with Autism: My Perspective, Part 2 (2yearbackblog.wordpress.com)
    It may sound insensitive to those much worse off than I, but sometimes I’ve found myself wishing that my symptoms were a little more obvious. If they were more obvious, surely they’d be easier to understand? Well, even if that were true, it’s not exactly a healthy thing to wish for. The fact is that people on different points of the Autistic Spectrum face different sets of challenges. One of my personal challenges, for a long time, was the fear that I was lying to myself and others.

Beatriz Esmer

Are we ever going to fully know ourselves? Aren’t we always changing, always becoming someone new? I think when we start to search for categories to fit in and names to call ourselves is when we really get messed up. Why do we need to be anything at all? I don’t think we really find ourselves, I think we create ourselves. You are a collection of everything that you have ever heard, read, seen, felt, thought, touched… There is no finding, only becoming. Don’t grab at things for no reason hoping it will be something that can define you. Aren’t there things that pull at your soul? Anything at all. Go to those things. Try them and look into them and do whatever you want to do. You are becoming yourself all of the time. Accepting yourself is accepting change. It’s inevitable. You will never be one thing. You are…

View original post 20 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Winter, Growing up and different life

***Growing up***

Life was different
from then to now.
You can get away
with things easily.

Now were older and more mature,
we do more and bigger stuff that goes around.
And sometimes people don’t get away with
things fast like they used to.

I do more stuff now,
than when I was little.
When your younger less stuff
go on in your life, you barely do chores,
homework, or even dealing with stress.

We get stressed a lot about
school, especially homework.
It ruins your fun day.

Decisions are more complicated,
sometimes it can be a big deal for people,
because they don’t know what to do.

You have more feelings about everything,
about your family,
aunt’s uncles.

Why does this world half to be
so big for us?
Why can’t it stay the same?

I don’t want to grow up fast,
I want my life to be the same as it was
when I was younger.

When your little your parents
basically did all the work for you,
rocked me to sleep,
read me stories,
tells me about my future.

But now I can do all that,
I’m a big kid and I can prove it
to the world, and the world coming to me.

Why can’t it all be the same,
instead of changing everyday or even every year?

Why can’t we all go back in
our own little world, with our own little rules.

– RiRi S…
Sunrise 2 @ Indian Creek Recreation Area, Wood...

Sunrise 2 @ Indian Creek Recreation Area, Woodworth, Louisiana (Photo credit: finchlake2000)

  • Laugh Everyday (totravelandbeyond.wordpress.com)
    Laughing is truly the best medicine. I have been contemplating getting a tattoo of the word laugh because it means a lot to me. The best way to make me feel better when I am upset is to make me laugh. Laughing reminds me of all of the great times in my life, and makes me reminisce about the great memories I have with such wonderful friends and family. For the letter L, I am going to post one of my favorite stories, one that I continue to laugh at for hours and reminds me of one of my favorite people.
  • After A Harsh Winter, Salvage Your Plants And Gardens With These Tips (athomesense.com)
    With the arrival of spring — at least on the calendar, even in places where snow has barely melted — one of the first outdoor chores for home gardeners is to assess winter damage to their gardens. Some plants will no doubt have mushy or brittle stems, discolored leaves, or burned buds, leading many to ask: Is that plant dead?Looks can be deceiving. Just because stems and foliage are unsightly doesn’t mean the entire plant is kaput.
  • No Guilt (witchsjourney.wordpress.com)
    My parents wanted us to respect them, to listen to them, but we’d never had to call them that. So there was no way in hell that this woman, who me and my sister despised, was going to get us to call her ‘ma’am’, no matter what she tried. Luckily that got nixed. But then she started in with other rules. Like when I was supposed to take showers (every morning, 6am – no other time according to her), what I was supposed to eat (I’m vegetarian – she thought I should go on a diet – the one that limits how much fruit you can eat), when and how I was supposed to do my homework. Basically, like I said, she’s psychotic.
    I could have saved myself a lot of trouble by doing what my sister did. My sister survived this psychotic woman’s nightmare mentality by playing nice. She would be nice, get the woman to take her shopping for clothing, go out and get manicures, do pottery at a shop…generally just playing a game. I can’t do that. I don’t play games. I get in your face, I scream, I don’t do lying and shadow-games. We’re different, my sister and I. The truth is – I don’t understand normal social interactions or dynamics. I can’t play the kind of games my sister did. There’s just no way for me to do it. I never could understand how my sister could play the games and get along the way she did, I still don’t.
    After all, I’m not going to feel guilt over some other person’s stupid choices. I’m going to be happy that I’m free.
  • Holy Week hostage (rappler.com)
    As the country comes to a grinding halt on account of the annual Holy Week, I am transported back to an incident that may have sparked my fervent call for secularism, especially where government and public service are concerned.An incident that took place several decades ago (OK, the fact that I can say this means I am officially old) was brought back to my consciousness while Art and I were thinking of our schedule for the upcoming Holy Week. 
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems

See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory

In life we encounter many people and between work and taking care of the household we do have to find time for reading interesting things. On television and in the printed media we can find lots of flashy or attracting things, but not always worth to spend our precious time.

Man thinking on a train journey.

Man thinking on a train journey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We can watch hours to the little screen, with or without being bombarded with loads of commercials. When we are not at work we can meet lots of people and choose or choose not to have a conversation with. How many times did we not loose precious time trying to explain what we mean or to bring over our thoughts.

Marc Chernoff from Marc and Angel Hack Life tells us never to waste our time trying to explain ourself to people who have proven that they are committed to misunderstanding you. He ads:

And don’t define your intelligence or self-worth by the number of arguments you have won, but by the number of times you have said, “This needless nonsense is not worth my time!” {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

Marc and Angel are the authors of 1000 Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently.

With over 95 million page views to date, the articles at Marc and Angel Hack Life speak for themselves in terms of the quality and value.

you could say.

Who would not like to discover their life purpose and embark on a life path they can be proud of? On this platform we would also look into these matters. We would love to find writers who do not mind sharing with others how they found their purpose in their life and how others can find their purpose. We are convinced we can and should help each other to find our purpose in this universe and to take action on our goals and dreams.

Therefore we would like to send a message in the world of the message of peace that was given the world, but also of the matters we have in our own hands as well. Because e we all have much more in our own hand than we think. We all can realise more if we only would believe more in our selves. We also could do more in case others would not mind to help us and to stand ready to bring others in action as well to make a better world for us all. As an individual we might be not much , but with many we might be of more value and more heard by others.

Therefore we we would love to invite others to come and contribute and to pursue what they truly love.

The Way to Happiness

The Way to Happiness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By coming here with many we should be able to learn how to cultivate our own happiness and to learn and apply productive goal achievement strategies that work. Not the same shall be able to work for an other, but when more people show more paths, more ways to reach something, there will be something to choose from the diversity of propositions.

Looking at what others believe and want to strive for this might give others also inspiration and have them thinking about things they did not before. Bringing life-stories, meditations and texts to pounder, we shall be able to examine the many thoughts but also the fears, limitations, and emotions that are getting in our way. As such we shall be able to become more productive, effective, and efficient.

In this world there are already enough bad thoughts, messages of violence and pictures which bring horror in front of our eyes. Why would we not try to get more positive news in the picture? Why would we not dare to come forwards with more positive things and hope giving news?

We are convinced that by eliminate negative thoughts and emotions we can much easier go forwards, enjoy life and become a more positive thinker, who can produce better. By quitting bad habits, cultivating new habits, we can bring a positive train going and revamp our lifestyle in a positive way.

We would love to find here people you also might enjoy, who love and appreciate you, and who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways. They are the ones who make you feel more alive, and not only embrace who you are now, but also embrace and embody who you want to be, unconditionally. We better are part of such a group of people who would like to share their wisdom with each other and build up something constructive for all.

Here we do not mind that we face our problems or that others may face our inefficiencies. We know that it are not our problems that define us, but how we react to them and recover from them. Problems will not disappear unless we take action. We can try it on our own, but we can also use the knowledge of others to help us. On this website we do hope to find more people who would not mind helping others to find inspirational thoughts and to direct them to interesting articles which possibly also could help or contribute to our being capable enough to grow strong in this world. We only can do what we can, when we can. But we also should acknowledge what we’ve done. It’s all about taking baby steps in the right direction, inch by inch. These inches count, they add up to yards and miles in the long run.


Sadly, some people just won’t be happy until they’ve pushed your ego to the ground and stomped on it.  What you have to do is have the nerve to stand your ground.  Don’t give them any leeway.  Nobody has the power to make you feel small unless you give them that power. {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

That is a fact. But being in the minority we might feel pushed in the corner and let the others trample over us. Sometimes we might feel as if we have to face and overcome some of life’s biggest obstacles. Many think that they are alone. They should know that many, many, face the same problems and has to overcome the same obstacles. Defeat can be in front of our eyes. Deep in ourselves we do have to see the conquest and believe that we can  gain the victory over that what is put in front of us.


Many of us should dare to reconnect with our true self and our inner genius. We should accept that nobody is infallible and that we all can have something good but also have something bad. By helping each-other, letting see our own dreams and sharing our thoughts, we can become more confident and break away from limiting beliefs.

If someone fools you once, shame on them.  If someone fools you twice, shame on you.  If you catch someone lying to you, speak up.  Some people will lie to you repeatedly in a vicious effort to get you to repeat their lies over and over until they effectively become true.  Don’t partake in their nonsense.  Don’t let their lies be your reality.  {20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You}

Surviving the ups, downs, and lightning storms of other people’s moodiness can be quite a challenge.  It’s important, though, to remember that some moody, negative people may be going through a difficult stage in their lives.  They may be ill, chronically worried, or lacking what they need in terms of love and emotional support.  Such people need to be listened to, supported, and cared for (although whatever the cause of their moodiness and negativity, you may still need to protect yourself from their behavior at times). {7 Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People}

Here we want to give a listening ear and would love to find more people who want to share how they got rid of the negative influences. We would advice to delete toxic people from your environment. You shall see by putting away all negative thoughts and by avoiding negative people you shall find it easier to breathe and also to meet more interesting people who can ad something positive to your life.

About those who bring negativeness in the air, we would say like Marc Chernoff:

If the circumstances warrant it, leave these people behind and move on when you must.  Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough!  Letting go of toxic people doesn’t mean you hate them, or that you wish them harm; it simply means you care about your own well-being. {7 Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People}

We have to dare to break away from relationships that have been holding us back. It is very important in our life whom we want around us. We should be fully aware it is also important where we want to preside in which company. Others will also judge us on what they can see and on what they can hear from those around us.

A Good Dog Can Bring Happiness to Your Life

A Good Dog Can Bring Happiness to Your Life (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So we better  enter new relationships with dependable, honest people who reflect the person we are and the person we want to be.

Choose friends you are proud to know, people you admire, who show you love and respect – people who reciprocate your kindness and commitment. And pay attention to what people do, because a person’s actions are much more important than their words or how others represent them. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

some may say

“It is all lies, darling.”

Well, it is up to you to find out. When it are lies, you should say so. When it is something you or we do not understand, you should say so too. Some may say a coin has two sides, we would say “it has three sides”. And we also would like to look at that third side of life. The layer between ‘head and tails’.

We would love to find more people who want to be honest about what’s right, as well as what needs to be changed. who do not mind to open their mouth and to speak out. Even when he or she may be considered a ‘loony” or a “noop” or that others say he or she is a “nerd”. The ones who stay quiet, seated on their ass, shall not be able to do much wrong but also not much good. We prefer to find people who undertake something. It may not always be successful, but better to see something happening instead of letting the world go on like now.

Be honest about what you want to achieve and who you want to become. Be honest with every aspect of your life, always. Because you are the one person you can forever count on. Search your soul, for the truth, so that you truly know who you are. Once you do, you’ll have a better understanding of where you are now and how you got here, and you’ll be better equipped to identify where you want to go and how to get there. Read The Road Less Traveled. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

On the site of Property investment hack you may find very beautiful photographs. Have a look at the article: {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.} and think about it, considering also what you might signify for somebody else.

Do you really have nothing positive to share? Do you really think you can not contribute something positive?
If you think so keep at least following us and do find inspiration to get more positive ideas and fulfilment.

In case you think you can also contribute positive messages, why would you wait to join us? Why hesitate? Do it now! Do contact us. Dare to offer your services to us and our readers, why not? Why not be  a person bringing Helping words?

The mind must believe it Can do something before it is capable of actually doing it. The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful. Listen to your self-talk and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Regardless of how a situation seems, focus on what you Do Want to happen, and then take the next positive step forward. No, you can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react to things. Everyone’s life has positive and negative aspects – whether or not you’re happy and successful in the long run depends greatly on which aspects you focus on. Read The How of Happiness. {30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.}

Everybody who is willing to contribute something positive is welcome.


Find also to read:

  1. Helping words
  2. Spark of Positivism
  3. We all have to have dreams
  4. Wisdom not hard to find nor hiding in remote places
  5. Wisdom lies deep
  6. Happiness is like manna
  7. Fear knocked at the door
  8. 8 fears caused by the fear of Man
  9. How do you keep people from stealing your joy?
  10. Suffering produces perseverance
  11. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
  12. A Living Faith #5 Perseverance
  13. Everything that is done in the world is done by hope
  14. Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.
  15. Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  16. Hope does not disappoint us
  17. The work I do, let it be done good
  18. Be an Encourager
  19. Bloggers For Peace




Become a co-author of “From Guest-writers” and join the Bloggers for peace
and find 5 Steps to Peaceful Resolution, plus
striving for happiness
regardless of material conditions, relationship status, or past history,
Re-hydrating Your Spirit,
sharing the miracles of everyday life to inspire, instruct, and supporting others and ourselves,
as one big family of this universe.
Friends and Enemies: The Malleable Keys to Peace


peace not warWe Can Make a Difference–Right Here, Right Now
Letting others know that
The Universe Is All of Us


  • AOL Revamps Homepage To Highlight Video Content (jeremiahtillman.wordpress.com)
    AOL.com is getting a new look today. It’s not a dramatic change, but it brings one big addition to the homepage, a carousel of videos from AOL (which owns TechCrunch) and content partners like Condé Nast Entertainment, ESPN, E!, HSN, WWE, and The Wall Street Journal.
    “People wanted more and more video,” AOL.com and AOL Lifestyle President Maureen Sullivan told me. “We weren’t doing a good job of putting video front and center.”
    While there were videos on AOL.com before, they weren’t really highlighted in the same way. The new video carousel sits right under the top stories on the homepage, and clicking on a video opens up a new video player. The content comes from existing partnerships, new distributions deals, and from across the sites that AOL owns. As part of the revamp, AOL is creating creating new programming around “experts” like Tim Gunn, Tiki Barber, Molly Sims, and Rachel Zoe.
  • How To Make A Plan Work For You (peanutbutterplank.com)
    If you are about to start a new workout plan, do not go into it thinking you can get away with “kind of” following the plan. Half the time you do what you want and half the time you do what the plan says. Wrong. Have faith in the fact that someone took the time to sit down and think about what’s in your best interest to get you to your goals. Stick to the plan 100%.
  • 12 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Get Focused on What Really Matters (thehealersjournal.com)
    The irony of attempting to simplify your life is that it can end up being quite complicated.  It should be easy right?  Just let go of what is not important and doesn’t contribute positively to your quality of life.  However, we tend to have emotional attachments to many things in our lives that keep us bound to them far longer than is necessary or even beneficial.  There is a saying that people will work harder to keep from losing something than they will to gain something new.  This is often the case with simplifying your life– you are (in a sense) losing something that you once valued or felt like you needed that has now outlived its usefulness.
  • Moving Forward – Dare To Soar (jscicchitano.wordpress.com)
    If you want to Dare To Soar and move on to better things, you have to give up the things that weigh you down – which is not always as obvious and easy as it sounds.
    Starting today, give up…
  1. Letting the opinions of others control your life.
  2. The shame of past failures.
  3. Being indecisive about what you want.
  4. Procrastinating on the goals that matter to you.
  5. Choosing to do nothing.
  6. Your need to be right.
  7. Running from problems that should be fixed.
  8. Making excuses rather than decisions.
  9. Overlooking the positive points in your life.
  10. Not appreciating the present moment.
  • 7 things you need to stop doing… (snickerdoodles.ca)
    Try as you might, you can’t do it all.   I work so hard to keep things simple and mellow but life is complicated…things can get heavy.
    I know we are all busy and burdened by the complications life throws at us I thought I would share as a wee little way of showing I am thinking of you all.  This is all stuff we have most likely read and heard before but sometimes we just need a little reminder….a helping hand to grab hold of ours  and pull us out of surging spring streams as we are getting washed away in our own chaos.
  • How Buffer’s Blog Posts Get Shared Thousands of Times (contently.com)
    the trick was to tell stories that struck a nerve with people who had an audience. This new approach led to posts about psychology, creativity, and general life hacks. Some examples include:

    After the shift in strategy, Buffer’s blog posts quickly quadrupled their social reach from 250 shares per post to more than 1,000 shares per post.

    Guest blogging was another important factor driving Buffer’s early growth. Widrich wrote approximately 150 articles for other blogs in less than a year. The result? They acquired around 100,000 users during that time, according to Widrich.

    Over the past two years, many businesses and agencies have tried to use guest-posting to gain more back-links and improve their search engine rankings; as a result, it’s tainted the practice, turning guest-posting into a borderline-gray-hat SEO technique. “Back in the day, guest blogging used to be a respectable thing, much like getting a coveted, respected author to write the introduction of your book,” wrote Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team. “It’s not that way any more.”

    But for Buffer, guest blogging was more about reaching a larger audience than looking for back-links. “Relationships are hard to track, but are actually the most valuable things that you gain from guest posting. At the end of the day, if you do a lot of guest posting you simply make a lot of friends,” Widrich told Search Engine Watch.
    “If you are writing something that’s unique that people might have a feeling of otherwise missing out on, then this is a fantastic trigger to get people interested in your content,” wrote Widrich.

  • Let Me Love You (imperfectionismybeauty.com)
    I truly feel like at this point it is so much more fun being me and true to myself. And that I may be broken inside, but I will not let it break me. I often feel like no one (outside of my small circle) will ever be able to love the person I really am. I know that I am a perfectly imperfect person, but will someone really accept that? Will they accept the scars, the sadness, the pain I carry sometimes and even the scary that is my brain? I have no idea, but I know that the right person should. I at least believe in my heart that love is bigger that perfection and the perfect love is one where two people have accept each other as is. Because you have to take me at my worse to deserve my best. And let’s be honest, my best is pretty darn amazing and I would love to have someone to share it with, but I also want to know that they won’t run when they realize that my worst is worse…
  • New Beginnings (velinapetrova.wordpress.com)
    For months, I was just passing throughout life. All my days were alike – filled with painful memories. I wanted to forget everything and everyone and just disappear from the face of the Earth. And just before you ask – No, I did not break up with a guy. It had nothing to do with it.
    I came back for more and more posts. As the days started to pass I found myself filled with more and more positive thoughts. I was slowly healing myself, preparing myself to face the world that I have left behind.Ultimately, I managed to get my life together. But the turning point that changed everything for me was Marc and Angel’s Blog.
  • More Than Conquerors (johnathondavis.wordpress.com)
    When confrontation(s) arise(s) with those of  whom present themselves as an enemy, let us not assume the same manner or nature or status, of their hearts. But let us remain, in and with, the heart of Christ. Being much more, inclined toward reconciling, peacemaking and peacekeeping, rather than a warring heart. Let us first (and always) seek understanding and forgiveness, remaining compassionate and gentle, before all else. If there must be a battle, allow God to fight it, if it must be fought. Allow God to prevail as Christ goes before us with perfected, reason, judgment and discernment.
  • 5 Ways to Increase Your Online Marketing ROI Today (callrail.com)
    Social networking has grown in leaps and bounds – and in recent times, become one of the most reliable online marketing channels. Using different social media platforms such as Foursquare, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, you can easily create a steady stream of traffic to your company’s online hub – your website. In return, you can achieve a strong online and marketing presence.
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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs