Tag Archives: God’s plan

Passover 7 days of meditation opening a way to conversion

Immanuel Verbondskind looks back at the lockdown period and the impact on the small Jeshuaist community and some Jewish communities. For Jews it has even been more difficult to undergo the lockdown, because many do have no television or internet and have been in a real-time strict isolation, not being able to have worship moments with brethren and sisters.

Those times of seclusion and restriction could be called a ‘reflection time‘ or retreat, where one had enough time to think about faith and religion. On the 15th of April this year (2022) it was 14 Nisan, the evening to remember the liberation of God’s People from the enslavement in Egypt, but also to remember the gathering of Jeshua and his disciples, where at the last supper Jesus talked about the blood being shed for the liberation of all people.

In Wintertime, many Christians celebrate Christmas and have some holiday, where they also can think about the light that came in the darkness. For true Christians and for Jews, 14-22 Nisan is the most sacred period of the religious year, where is remembered how the Elohim brought to light in the dark night by passing over the houses where there was the blood of the lamb, giving the opportunity for the Jews to flee their world of slavery in Egypt.

True Christians with Jeshuaists remember also the Passover lamb Jeshua (Jesus Christ) and show their gratitude for the salvation by the Grace of God, Him accepting that ransom Jesus was willing to pay for all people.

Last Supper 2


Since Friday night Jeshuaists and Christadelphians, like other true Christians, since some long time of isolation because of lockdown, could at some places get together (in restricted form) and make connections with other brothers and sisters, either in place or via the internet streaming. Many, the previous time in isolation got lots of opportunities to think about the value of such a connection or ‘fraternity‘. They had enough time in the lockdown period to think about their religious affiliation, and some also about their need to go over into a conversion. Because the last few months, more signs could be seen that we are entering a new period in the Time of Ages or in God’s Plan.

Because of those “Signs of the Times” there has come a certain pressure to know what to do and which direction to go. Now many more ask themselves who shall be part of the things going to be there after the big battle or great tribullation.

Several people have wondered in those Covid times if it would not be better to become part of a community. There also have been Jews by race or non-believing and non-practising Jews, who started to change ideas about the world and its Creator. The Jews from Middle European origin also started wondering by which denomination of Jews they would best join. Those people living here in Belgium, France, Holland and Germany wonder if they would convert to Judaism, if they then would be accepted as a Jew.

Anti-Zionists often claim that Ashkenazi Jews are white imposters, fake Jews who are entirely descended from European converts to Judaism. This is completely rebutted by genetic studies which have proven a Middle Eastern patrilineal origin for Ashkenazi Jewry. However, when the Anti-Zionists make the Apartheid accusation are Jews suddenly a single racial group. The notion that Jews generally constitute a racial group is Nazi in origin and is at the core of the Anti-Jewish Apartheid libel. {Why Many Ashkenazi Jews “Look” European}

There is a long history of the racialization of Jews. There have also been religious and non-religious Jews in several countries.

Racialization of Jews have a long pedigree in the history of Anti-Semitism. Racialization of Jews was practiced in Spain against the Anusim (“Marranos”), Jews who were involuntarily converted to Christianity during the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492. Racialization of Jews in Germany became prominent already in the second half of the 19th century when religious Anti-Semitism (Anti-Judaism) was increasingly supplanted by racializing Anti-Semitism. The third phase is the current racialization of Jews by the extreme left.

Racialization of Jews is intended to paint Jews as “genetic aliens” in a certain country (e.g. Spain, Germany or Israel). Of course painting any other people as “genetic aliens” is not socially acceptable beyond Nazi circles. But Anti-Semitic opponents of Israel systematically engage in discourse to stigmatize the Jews in the land of Israel as genetic aliens despite Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Mizrahim patrilineally being very very genetically similar to Palestinians due to common historical origin, with the genetic divergence accounted for by historical conversions to Judaism and by immigration to the land of Israel from other parts of the Middle East during the Islamic era.

Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Mizrahim are more similar to each other than to any other populations and are predominantly of Middle Eastern origin in genetically confirming the historical narrative of ancient Israelite origin. The Anti-Semitic accusation according to which Ashkenazi Jews are exclusively descended from European converts to Judaism despite that part of Ashkenazi ancestry accounting only for only 30% of the Ashkenazi gene pool with the remaining 70% being Middle Eastern in origin is used by Anti-Semites such as Palestinian-American professor of Columbia University Joseph Massad to libelously paint Israeli Jews as “European colonizers” and against the scientific consensus denying that most modern Israeli Jews are Levantine returnees to Israel. The false claim that Ashkenazi Jews are “European colonizers” is in fact one of the main claims involved in the Anti-Semitic racialization of Ashkenazi Jewry. {Jews are a Nation of Color}

After the covid pandemic several feel a greater need to come to connect with one or another Jewish or Jeshuaist denomination. Having been on their own, in their own living room, with nobody else to share the faith, was too lonely. Some, who were previously connected with a shul, lost contact but also interest to go to a prayer and study house. Though others have now, even more than ever before, felt the need to be connected to other fellow believers.

This Passover is for several an essential time to consider the way how God handled His People and how, also today, He is still willing to guide them through the desert of this (non-religious) world.

Some people take time to think about separation and isolation, and look at the lessons we get from the Scrolls that teach that the priests were deliberately separated from everyone else. They even couldn’t go to family funerals, like many could not in the Corona crisis. Their job was to remain separate from the people they served, which may sound strange. But their goal was to maintain their close connection with the Most High in purity or holiness.

To remain separate at all times isn’t healthy for anyone. All over the world many learned that all too well the last two years. this year many felt a great joy they were able again to come together with some friends to do like the apostles did, following up the permanent ordinance… a celebration for all of God’s people throughout all time, remembering Passover.


Find to read:

Times of seclusion, restriction, liberation, connection, religious affiliation and conversion



Measure of loneliness whilst time drags

Adar 6, Matan Torah remembering the giving of Torah


Additional reading

  1. Jewish diaspora
  2. December a joyful time for many
  3. Lenten Season and our minds and hearts the spiritual temple in which God seeks to live
  4. Remember the day
  5. Ransom for all
  6. A perfect life, obedient death, and glorious resurrection
  7. Redemption #4 The Passover Lamb
  8. Redemption #7 Christ alive in the faithful
  9. Atonement And Fellowship 8/8
  10. A strange thing might happen when you come under Christ
  11. Seeing or not seeing and willingness to find God
  12. Falling figures for identifying Christians
  13. What is happening in America to religion and to the language of faith
  14. Who is a Jew?
  15. Counting sands and stars
  16. We Count. We Just Weren’t Counted.
  17. Judaism and Jeshuaism a religion of the future
  18. Great tribulation and Armageddon
  19. Armageddon or the Great Tribulation
  20. Ashkenazi Jews are extremely inbred



  1. Passover Blessings – April 15th through 22nd, 2014
  2. Proselytism
  3. Jesus Became Our Passover Lamb
  4. How Jews look to non-Jews – Part 1
  5. Going back to shul
  6. Fighting ignorance


Filed under Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

Overcoming The Terror Of War

From the Bible we know that there will come certain times which shall not be pleasant, but shall be bringing much division and horror in this world.

We are not sure if those Times mentioned in the Scriptures have started now and shall bring God’s Plan into fulfilment. In case it will become that Third World War spoken of in Scriptures, we more than ever should know where our place is and which direction we want to go.
At that prophesied time, there shall come false Christs, and people trying to get people away from God, whilst many shall be suffering. But we should stay strong in our faith, living by the assured faith of hope in the Lord.

But it shall be also a time that we shall have to proclaim the Gospel, the message of Good News, even when many will not be willing to give their ear to it. It is for them and for all people in the world that our prayers should be directed to the Host of host, Jehovah our God, Who shall be willing to guide His people in those troubled times.

Let us be Good News Breakers in these troubled times and ask God to give strength to all who love Him.


Find also to read

  1. About suffering
  2. Suffering
  3. Seems no future in suffering
  4. Learning from suffering
  5. Choices to make in suffering
  6. Words from God about suffering
  7. Clear words from God about suffering
  8. Different words from God about suffering
  9. Is God behind all suffering here on earth
  10. God’s instruction about joy and suffering
  11. Suffering continues
  12. Problems in the world
  13. Times to come
  14. Armageddon or the Great Tribulation
  15. Great tribulation and Armageddon
  16. Predictions
  17. Gospel or Good News
  18. Good News Breakers
  19. God’s Promises
  20. God’s promises to us in our suffering
  21. Looking for the blessed hope
  22. Hope for the future
  23. Offer in our suffering
  24. Miracles in our time of suffering
  25. Surprised by time in joys & sufferings
  26. Peace of Mind
  27. God’s Hope and Our Hope
  28. True Hope
  29. Working Of The Hope
  30. God’s Salvation
  31. Jehovah strength, armour and refuge
  32. Faith
  33. Faith – Concerning Faith and the Gospel
  34. Refuge of the saints
  35. Peace of God
  36. God’s coming reign

Becoming the Oil and the Wine

Uplifting Bible verses during times of war

View original post 778 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Prayers, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Sudha Mehta looking at prophesies, False Prophets and Teachers #2 Toxic people and wars

Sudha Mehta thinks all around the world today people are seeing conditions get worse day by day, and many would like to know what is ahead and that is what he wishes to address in some of his writings on the net, in his One Way Studies.

The Book of books teaches us to be diligent and to acknowledge those who work hard among us, who care for us in the Lord and who admonish us. In a Christian community, there should be those who warn and kindly reprove and exhort those in the community. The apostles urged their followers already to be as brothers and sisters, warning those who are idle and disruptive, encouraging the disheartened, helping the weak, and being patient with everyone. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-20)

According to Mr. Mehta and us, this is a

Recipe for Christian living. No matter the time or the circumstance!

Do this and you will walk in a blessed life, again “No matter the time or the circumstance! 

Circumstances can be bad, sometimes really, really bad! Yet here is what Paul wrote:

1 Corinthians 10: 13 No temptation (trial) has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.(ESV) {Wolves and Sheep}

In the previous posting we mentioned already the danger of so called leaders or teachers, that hide amongst the people, and are not easily recognised by the general laity. For Mr. Mehta

they are just as, or even more dangerous than someone speaking false teaching overtly. These are the true wolves in sheep’s clothing. {Wolves and Sheep}

We can check how those preachers or pastors act and should be careful with murmurers (grumblers) who complain [of their lot in life], going after their own (evil) desires [controlled by their passions] trying to be in control.

False teachers and christs aim to misdirect people away from the revealed truth of the Bible. (Matthew 24:4,5)

False teachers and christs look to glorify themselves instead of God. Their only purpose is to take advantage of you. (Jude 1:16)

False teachers and christs are controlling and dictatorial. They will move to isolate you from others including family and friends if necesary in order to control you. (Jude 1:16) {Wolves and Sheep}

What should worry us most is how certain pastors use the name of God or the name of Christ to mislead people. Sometimes they even go so far as to tell they are chosen by God to do his work here on earth.

Mehta writes

False christs and teachers will want to control your children as well, seeking to indoctrinate your whole family in their way. They use the name of God to control every facet of your life, but their own life is not surrendered to God.  They are arrogant and follow in their own lusts. (Jude 1:16) {Wolves and Sheep}

Most striking are the news reports that we receive here in Europe of preachers in mega-churches who, without any shame, rip off money from less fortunate people and enrich themselves wonderfully with all kinds of luxury products, cars, and even aeroplanes.

Mehta continues

If you know the Bible, you will discover that these are toxic people and divide families, disrupt churches and mislead the weak and the vulnerable. As Jude says:

Jude 1: 16These men are discontented grumblers, following after their own lusts; their mouths spew arrogance; they flatter others for their own advantage.

17But you, beloved, remember what was foretold by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ 18 when they said to you,

“In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow after their own ungodly desires.”

19These are the ones who cause divisions, who are worldly and devoid of the Spirit.(BSB)

So, know the Word, follow the truth, pray for discerment and steer clear of such leaders, prophets, teachers and pastors. Gather together with others and study, get to know the One who created you. {Wolves and Sheep}

Concerning what happens in the world, Mehta writes

I think we all can agree that in all of human history wars have been happening since the beginning. In a rudimentary form, Cain waged a war against Abel, killing him. Left to his own devices, and indwelt by a sin nature that corrupts, man has an innate desire to push the limits and conquer. This desire stems from a number of things like pride, jealousy and covetousness which is a desire to own what belongs to someone else. It is a quest for power over others, a demonstration of a lack of contentment . . . in short all things that come from Satan, NOT from God.

According to sources such as Necrometrics, in the 20th Century wars took a toll as never before. While the numbers vary, deaths related to wars, and warring activities resulted in unimaginable loss of human life, young and old. {Wars and Rumors of Wars}

The last few centuries the world has undergone several battles. The seem to be part of humankind/ So how would we know when other times will start?

We have to know that man shall not be able to escape what is foretold in the Scriptures. In that Book of books there are prophecies given which shall be fulfilled whatever man shall try to do. It is written down in that Book of books, the Bible, that there will be terrible times in the last days. We shall be able to see how people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, lovers of material gadgets. Their interest shall go more to worldly things instead of to spiritual matters. But their character shall not be for the better, having to cope with boastful, proud, abusive and disobedient people. We also shall come to see that in that particular time people shall not be very grateful, and missing that so needed love. The world shall be full of unforgiving, slanderous people, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, but false, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.

But understand this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear].

For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane.

[They will be] without natural [human] affection (callous and inhuman), relentless (admitting of no truce or appeasement); [they will be] slanderers (false accusers, troublemakers), intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good.

[They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God.

For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them]. (2 Timothy 3:1-5 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)

God with his prophets asks us to look … and Jesus adds

“look up because redemption is coming?!”

We would love to see that redemption and the wonderful promised world coming soon.

Truth is all of us would love to live forever in a Utopian world where there is no war, or dissension of anykind, ever. We would all love to be at peace with our neighbors, and have the children play without fear outside, no matter where we live.

We would love to see an end to all rioting, and violence from the mobs. It would be great if no stray bullet ever hit and killed a loved one asleep in the bed or crib. No driveby shootings. {Wars and Rumors of Wars}

wars and rumors from grammertap.com

The World be so much better if there were no drug cartels ruling our inner cities, no mothers weeping over their child’s coffins whether the death occured from an overdose, a bullet or a knife.  We all want a place where children are not abused physically or sexually, where women are not beaten for causing some little displeasure to their husbands, where lives, young and old are not sold in underground makets for profit. {Wars and Rumors of Wars}

Lots of people think there shall come an end to the world, but they do not know God’s Plan. In that Plan there is no end to the world. No human being shall be able to destroy the earth totally. Its foundations can never be moved.

You laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be moved forever. (Psalm 104:5 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)

One generation goes and another generation comes, but the earth remains forever. (Ecclesiastes 1:4 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)

We should take the words of the Bible to our heart

Isaiah 2: 4b They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore.(NKJV)

The Bible tells us not even in the animal kingdom will there be a hint of danger:

1000 year reign child shall lead them from wildbranches

from wildbranches.blogspot

Isaiah 11: 6“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
The leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
The calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
And a little child shall lead them.
7 The cow and the bear shall graze;
Their young ones shall lie down together;
And the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8 The nursing child shall play by the cobra’s hole,
And the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper’s den.
9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,
For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord
As the waters cover the sea.(NKJV)

1000 year reign wolf and lamb

Photo from pinterest

I cannot imagine a more peaceful world. Can you?!

Weapons will be destroyed and there will be peace. An era without guns that so many of you long for will come. The above Scripture speaks in the language of the Old Testament assuring us of a time of peace in the future. The signs of turmoil today merely point to this time coming. Jesus said to look up, for in truth God is our only hope.  {Wars and Rumors of Wars}

What is happening the last few weeks is something we could have seen in a lesser threatening form in the period of the Cold War.

This is a war of a different sort and one that we see riseing quickly today. It isn’t that it hasn’t always been an issue all around the world all along, it has . . . but  where progress had been made to bring peace, it has been lost for the most part.

The word nation in this text derives from the word “Ethnos.” So, nation refers to ethnicity! This breaks it down to racial issues of the day. Ethnic hostility is growing around the world at a rapid pace. {Nation against Nation}

Rioting Photo by The Financial Express

photo from finacial express.

There is a simmering hostility just under the surface, trust is eroded in all sectors . . . no one wants to be called a racist and everyone is afraid to be labeled one. Truth be told most people aren’t racists, and yet fear makes everyone more suspicious of everyone else. There is a palpable tension in the air. More in the cities than in the country, but nonetheless, it exists. Whether it is the color of your skin, the shape of your nose, the size of your body, many find reason to take offense, and destroy someone’s life by shaming them in return, “canceling” them, and so much more. {Nation against Nation}

The intensity of emotions in politically charged discussions is hard to watch. Families are divided, brothers and sisters do not speak, parents are shunning children, friendships are ending . . . the list goes on. {Nation against Nation}

war in the heavens from pinterest

These race wars and rioting we see today are actually incited in good measure by those people who have no love for God and His creatures. They are the adversaries of God (Satan) who not only war amongst themselves for superiority, but also raise and incite trouble amongst other human beings and bring damage to nature (plants and animals).

Though wars have always been part of human history, the Scriptures tells us that they will increase near the end times and give enough warnings concerning the signs of such times.

Jesus adds to the list by telling His disciples (and us) that in this time we will also see a sharp increase in famines, pestilences, earthquakes. These will not be limited to one or two places but will be scattered throughout the world. If you have watched any news at all, you know these things are happening, and perhaps you yourself have been impacted as well.

There are famines in many countries today. People have seen famines through the centuries, it is not a new phenomena, but you will see more of this as time goes on. I just read a report that China is hoarding grain, and by now they are hoarding 52 percent of the world’s grain supply. Do they know something we don’t, or are they planning something we are yet unaware of?

Inflation is hitting virtually every country, prices are rising fast and people’s income is not going to keep up. Supply chains are faltering or breaking in different lands. The Bible tells us a time is coming when a day’s wages will barely buy you the day’s bread!

Revelation 6: 5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”(NKJV)

This verse 6 in today’s language describes conditions of famine for the masses. It also tells us the rich will not be impacted. In other words two classes of people will remain, the rich and the poor. It will be the poor that will work hard and suffer most. In Jesus time, a denarius was the average wage for a day’s work for a laborer. A time is coming when a full days wage will only be enough to buy one quart of wheat to make bread for one day for the family, or three quarts of barley (which was a cheaper grain at the time). So, if you have a small family, you may make wheat bread, but if you have a few children, better to buy barley.

The oil and the wine are luxuries the common man will no longer afford, but the rich will enjoy. Yes. for the common man it will be a famine.

Nothing breaks down a society like fear for their lives. So, what better to cause a breakdown than pestilence (a pandemic)? Add to that all the variants and questionable efficacy of the vaccines, and you have the perfect scenario for chaos.

Covid is a pestilence. It is Worldwide and is impacting virtually everyone in every nation. There will be more pestilences! This is not the only one. Get used to it, this is the “New Normal!” Rest assured life will never be what it was before Covid. You will have periods of relief, but they won’t last!

As for earthquakes, as I have said before there is a huge uptick in the number of earthquakes around the world. This also relates to volcanic eruptions, which impact the climate as well. Undersea earthquakes cause tectonic shifts that cause Tsunamis, that also affect the climate. So, yes! While the politicians are busy creating fear in the name of climate change, they are unaware of the real Climate Change that is coming soon. Addressed in Scripture . . . coming in the near future, it is not the result of man’s mismanagement of the planet, rather it is the wrath of God whose patience has nearly run out at this point. {Nation against Nation}

Natural disasters around the World shall augment.

Their intensity will grow, and they will come in quick clusters. Like labor pains when a woman is birthing a child.

Matthew 24: 8 All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. 10 And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. 11And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. 13But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.(ESV)

Even though we see a convergence of all kinds of natural catastrophies, wars, ethnic divisions, false messiahs and more, Jesus assures us that these are but a sign of end times, it is not the end itself yet. {Climate and Much More!}

Today, we have come into an era where

The leaders/ pastors and false prophets themselves have sold out to Mammon and in some cases debauchery and revelry. They have managed to reimagine Christ according to their own wanton desires for influence and power, and have misled many. So, the love of many has grown cold. They have lost all understanding and the power (2 Timothy 3: 5) of that Name, the Name forever to be lauded with ernest love for His sacrifice. {Climate and Much More!}

Real lovers of God do know that they should not give their heart to this world and to all those pagan holidays (a.o. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.) With the knowledge that we should never give our hearts to this world or to any of the things in it, we shall be able to look at the things of the world as something that passes, being limited in existence.

One of the many signs is that man shall love the world more than the heavenly Father. We can clearly see that the whole world system is based as it is, on men’s primitive desires, their greedy ambitions and the glamour of all that they think splendid, which is not derived from the Father at all, but from the world itself.

The world and all its passionate desires will one day disappear. But the man who is following God’s will is part of the permanent Who cannot die.

With peace of mind, full of trust in the Most High, we cannot but watch the world go round in a bad way. But we must not let this spoil our hopes for better times. For the One True God, Who is an Almighty Immortal or Eternal Spirit, will let those who practice the spiritual come to Himself and to His aid. True believers will be allowed to rest in Him.

Let us have faith in God’s promisses.

17 And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides (remains) forever. (1 John 2:17 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)



Sudha Mehta looking at prophesies, False Prophets and Teachers #1 Counterfeits


Additional reading

  1. Why believing the Bible
  2. Prophecies over coming days
  3. Today’s thought “Do not harm … until” (December 24)
  4. As you see the Day approaching
  5. To be prepared and very well oiled
  6. Looking into the Future
  7. Matthew 24 about temples or Houses of God and the end of the age
  8. Matthew 24 about temples or Houses of God and the end of the age
  9. Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled
  10. Matthew 24:29-35 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer Part Two – Sign 2: The Parousia. A Sign after the Great Oppression
  11. Matthew 24:42-51 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Stay Awake!
  12. Signs of the Last Days
  13. Signs of the last days when difficult times will come
  14. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #1 The Son of man revealing
  15. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #2 Wars, natural disasters, famine and false Messiahs
  16. Today’s thought “Disaster after disaster: behold it comes” (September 11)
  17. Towards a Third World War or not



  1. A Brief Look at NATO and Russia’s Push to Reform the Old Soviet Union
  2. The Salvation Of Israel
  3. War on the Arabian Peninsula? What are We to Make of It?
  4. The Mark
  5. We have no need to fear the things coming this year leading to the End of Years. But simply FEAR GOD and FOLLOW JESUS faithfully every day enduring to the End of the World (Matthew 24:1-36) (Revelation 11:18).
  6. When Will Jesus Come?
  7. How to Prepare for Persecution
  8. Wars and Rumors of War…Russia Moves into Belarus
  9. Do Not Fear the End Times Part 131: Be Christian or Be Roman
  10. 1st the tribulation and then the 2nd coming of Yahshua!
  11. Part 3; The End Times, The Book of Revelation
  12. Science infiltration on human race: end times invasion (part2)
  13. And Then the End Will Come
  14. The Day Of Judgment is the Day of the Lord, the Day of Christ, the Last Day of habitation of life on this earth, The End of the World (Matthew 24:36) (Revelation 11:18, 20:11-15).
  15. A Picture of Bible Prophecy from the Golan Heights
  16. Consumed with the Vision
  17. The ‘End Of Days’ is rising on the horizon: Be Prepared for the beginning of the End Of Years (Matthew 24:1-31)!
  18. False Christs, False Prophets
  19. Daniel’s 70th Week
  20. “HP Lovecraft & The War Of The Worlds” – November 3, 2021
  21. KTF News – China plans to have 1,000 nuclear weapons within 10 years
  22. Invading God’s Holy Temple: The human upgrade
  23. The Cost of Complaining


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, World affairs

Health Ranger apocalypse warnings already given in 2012

In 2012 several reports of scientists warned already for a coming epidemic and several natural disasters, as flooding, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute and the Global Challenges Foundation warned already several years ago that the human race was gravely threatened by out-of-control science. Science has already begun to reveal alarming unintended consequences across our planet. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, for example, still contains massive quantities of stored nuclear fuel rods — 85 times the radiation of the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power generation, 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe — and those rods are alarmingly vulnerable to an earthquake or repeat tsunami which could unleash another massive plume of radiation.

Bible students are not surprised at all, because the Book of books warns mankind of times to come and gives all the signals which mankind should come to recognise. Even when there may be several scientists who would deny global warming and the given signs from the Bible, believers in God do know God’s Plan shall be fulfilled.

Nuclear scientists had assured such disasters like Chrnobil or  Fukushima could never happen, but look nowand be aware of the amount of kilometres “no go” zone it created for decades.. Just like the scientists said “GMOs are perfectly safe” or that Roundup herbicide or medical antibiotics will never cause any unintended negative side effects. (Widespread Roundup use has now resulted in the rise of superweeds, just as medical antibiotics use has resulted in the rise of deadly drug-resistant superbugs.) (http://naturalnews.com/033195_superweeds_far…)

We should be aware that humanity has already some years ago, reached a tipping point of developing technology so profound that it can destroy the human race; yet this rise of “science” has in no way been matched by a rise in consciousness or ethics. In the light of what happens today, citizens should be aware that there are scientific people who operate with total disregard for the future of life on Earth. Several scientists scoff at the idea of balancing scientific “progress” with caution, ethics or reasonable safeguards. Unbridled experiments like GMOs have unleashed self-replicating genetic pollution that now threatens the integrity of food crops around the world, potentially threatening the global food supply.

and remarked:

brilliant scientists have obtained remarkable technical mastery but operate as hopeless infants in the realm of philosophy, ethics and wisdom.

Here’s the list of apocalyptic threats documented by Oxford scientists. Items in bold are ones he documented and published many years ago:

1. Global pandemic
2. Supervolcano
3. Artificial Intelligence
4. Extreme climate change
5. Synthetic biology
6. Asteroid impact
7. Ecological collapse
8. Nanotechnology
9. Nuclear war
10. Government collapse
11. Global economic collapse

His own list of apocalyptic threats posed by runaway science, as shown in the infographic below, was published as follows:

1. Nuclear power
2. Genetic pollution (ecological collapse)
3. Nanotechnology
4. Bioweapons (unleashing a global pandemic)
5. Atmospheric experiments (causing extreme weather)
6. Artificial intelligence
7. Particle accelerator physics experiments gone awry
8. Pollinator disruption chemicals (food supply collapse)
9. Weaponized vaccines (has already come true with covert infertility chemicals)
10. Antibiotics (rise of deadly superbugs)
11. Water pollution with deadly chemicals
12. Nuclear weapons

As you can see, the Oxford scientists left out of their list the risk of runaway superbugs caused by antibiotics, the risk of a food supply collapse caused by the loss of pollinators. Their inclusion of “ecological collapse” was focused more on pollution in general rather than genetic pollution caused by the unintended consequences of genetic engineering.

Read more:

S.O.S. – Stop Out-of-Control Science

Oxford University scientists confirm Health Ranger apocalypse warnings three years later


Filed under Ecological affairs, Nature, World affairs

With Allah ❤️

Many human minds wish to fathom Allah and grasp His thoughts. However, man is not capable of this, and therefore he thinks that there is no logic with God. But God is all logic and is the purest form of logical thinking. He is the Source of wisdom and orderly formation.

He has had a plan with His creation and with mankind from the beginning of time, and we can rely on Him to accomplish His Plan.




Moral Patterns and Moral Decisions


Find also

Plan of salvation



  1. The death of logic
  2. Wittgenstein’s 1913 “On Logic, and How Not to Do It”
  3. There is no final truth…
  4. The Good and The Bad Within the Church Part-1 – Unleashed
  5. In need of Allah
  6. Jesus Christ’s True Teachings in Todays Wording Lesson-1 – Unleashed
  7. G-d Love 5(English-Poem) – Tanrı Sevgisi 5(Türkçe-Şiir)
  8. The Journey
  9. Allah and Death
  10. Bilal Philips: Words Written in Gold (6)

Try to get it!

With Allah there is no logic
With Allah the mind should stop judging
With Allah sensation play a song
A song of certainty all the path long
For Allah drew a plan
A plan Out of all We can
His plan is perfect
Away of all suspect
Enjoy your time
Allah rules the rhyme
Come on
Start singing
Doubt should be missing


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Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Romans 4 and the Sacraments

In our series looking at “Faith and works” yesterday (January 28) we looked at the letter from Paul to the Romans, chapters 3 and  4. the 4th chapter often being referred to to support the doctrine of justification by faith alone.

Luther’s work

In our previous posting we saw how the German theologian and religious reformer who was the catalyst of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation Martin Luther gave enough food for the Antitrinitarians. He is one of the most to go against their idea we still have to do works to be able to enter the Kingdom of God.


It is thanks to his marvellous work of translating of the Bible into the vernacular (instead of Latin) that so many more people could read and find out what was really written in the Holy Scriptures, which had a tremendous impact on the church and West European culture.

From 1510 to 1520, Luther lectured on the Psalms, the books of Hebrews, Romans, and Galatians. As he studied these portions of the Bible, he came to view the use of terms such as penance and righteousness by the Catholic Church in new ways. He became convinced that the church was corrupt in its ways and had lost sight of what he saw as several of the central truths of Christianity.

The most important for Luther was the doctrine of justification – God’s act of declaring a sinner righteous – by faith alone through God’s grace. He taught that salvation or redemption is a gift of God’s grace, attainable only through faith in Jesus as the Messiah.

Looking at Paul’s teachings

The blog “Washed, sanctified and justified” also looks at Paul’s teachings in the knowledge that lots of protestants refer to Romans 3:26-28 as their conclusion that a man is justified by faith. Some will say

Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from works. {Analysis of St. Paul’s Teachings on Justification and Faith}

Many Christians forget to notice “of the law” which indicates something more and something different than just the “Blood of Christ” or “the Blood of the Lamb“.  The Jewish scholar knew very much the importance of “The Law” or the “Torah” in God’s Plan. And these words are very important to the idea that the apostle Paul is expressing. In the previous articles we have seen that the apostle is speaking of works of the law because that is what he was speaking of in the last chapter.

He didn’t suddenly change subjects. However, he has omitted the words of the law at this point. {Analysis of St. Paul’s Teachings on Justification and Faith}

Some Catholics may say the Jews did not have ‘Sacraments’, but they had a Covenant and arrangements (or sarcaments in the wider interpretation), also having their own religious signs or symbols and practices as forms of worship.

Paul was very well aware how men of God were justified in the past. Abram (Abraham), born way before God made the covenant with the Israelites, had come in the faith. When he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed, and he went out, not knowing whither he went. Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. (Genesis 12:1-4; Hebrews 11:8; Romans 4:3) He also had not forgotten, like today many Christians do, that Abraham became the father of many, justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar. (James 2:20-22)

Covenants given to man

The Abrahamic Covnenant may have been interchanged with the Messianic or New Covenant this did not make done with The Law. Too many people forget the terms of the New Covenant.

De Maria in “Romans 4 and the Sacraments” looks further at the misunderstanding of Faith without works.


We remember from it:

Romans 4 = a dissertation on justification by the Sacraments.

  1. Abraham = our father, according to the flesh
  2. if Abraham > justified by works = he hath whereof to glory > not before God.
  3. if Abraham justified himself = more power to him => it is not of God.
  4. Abraham believed God => counted unto him for righteousness.

=>  that means.

  1. him that works = reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt > obey God’s voice + keep His covenant => a peculiar treasure unto God above all people
  2. to him that works not, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly > faith is counted for righteousness.
  3. Abraham was => did not work for debt
  4. Abraham did work for faith

He also looks at David, one of the circumcised =>  covenant of reconciliation

  • No one can deny David did many works <= all he did was believe in God’s mercy

reconciliation not only offered to Israelites (Abraham not an Israelite + not even circumcised yet) ===> God saw his faith at work => reckoned in uncircumcision to receive sign of circumcision=  seal of the righteousness of the faith

=> = prophecy which showed that even gentiles would be justified by faith.

=> We, like Abraham, believe and are imputed righteousness, in the Sacraments of Jesus Christ.


St. Paul contrasting Old Testament with New Testament.

  • Old Testament = the Law.
  • New Testament = the Faith.

no ministry of reconciliation in Old Testament. ~~~ David’s reconciliation exception = foreshadowing of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

=> Just as it is imputed to the Catholic, who believing the promises of God, approaches the font of grace and submits to the Sacraments, calling on His name.


Preceding articles

Luther’s misunderstanding

January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works

Our life depending on faith




 Romans 4 is frequently used to support the doctrine of justification by faith alone. But it is actually a dissertation on justification by the Sacraments.  Let’s go through it.

King James Version (KJV)
1 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?Abraham is our father, according to the flesh. The Apostle asks, “what has he found”?

2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.

Now, he asks, “did Abraham justify himself?” If he did, then more power to him, but it is not of God.

3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

Now, he quotes Gen 15:6Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

and he begins to explain what that means.

4 Now to him that…

View original post 1,559 more words


Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Our life depending on faith

Looking at the Bible reading for January 28

When we look at our bible readings of the day, we do find Genesis 46-47, Psalm 50 and Paul’s letter to the Romans chapter 3-4.

English: Apostle Paul in the apse

Apostle Paul in the apse (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Apostle Paul when he was called Saul had been full of zeal for keeping the law and saw the followers of Christ as appearing to have no respect for keeping the law so he persecuted them – until he was dramatically converted. After his conversion and the maturity gained by the experiences that followed, he wrote his remarkable letter to the Romans, a letter primarily to the Gentiles.

The apostle asks a valid question, which should bring us to wonder what the good might be us of difference between a non believer and a believer doing good works.

People trained in God’s ways

Throughout history we have seen that there have been many people who were so called trained in God’s ways and even got titles of universities, declaring them to be theologians. Lots of people look up at them and think they are the person who best know how everything is about God, gods, religion, man, life and death. Lots of people got frustrated with what they got to know from those scholars  who often said we just had to belief this or that, because it is incomprehensible for a human being to understand. As such lots of human doctrines were introduced in Christendom.

People also got annoyed with certain behaviour of those so called religious men. Some had relationships not only with different wives, but there have also been clerics who had intercourse with children.
On the other hand the world sees lots of unbelievers who are doing very good works and are always ready to help others, plus giving very good examples how we make the best of our life in a good relationship with others.

God not abandoning people

It is true that lots of non-religious people are also good people, but the apostle Paul tells us as it turns out, it makes a lot of difference who is a follower of Christ and a believer in the Only One True God.

In history there have been many people who tried to bring the Word of God to others and make it alive for the future. We had the Jewish scribes who were being put in charge of writing down and caring for God’s revelation, what we call the Holy Scriptures or the Bible. In the course of doing that, when some of those Jews abandoned their post, we can see that God didn’t abandon them.

Throughout the Book of books we can see how God always stayed with His People, even when they did bad things or had moments that they forgot Him. Even the most important of these men of God had one moment of doubt, that he questioned God why He (Jehovah God) had abandoned him (Jesus).

Jesus at one moment also cried to his heavenly Father saying

 Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? (Matthew 27:46)

being a call unto God questioning Him why he had forsaken or had deserted the son of man Jeshua (Jesus Christ), who was willing to do God’s Will instead of his own will. (In case Jesus is God he naturally would always have done his own will and could never have left himself.)

Not cancelling out Jehovah his faithfulness

Do you think Jesus and other men of God their faithlessness cancels out Jehovah the Almighty God His faithfulness?

We are told that God keeps his Word even when the whole world is lying through its teeth. Scripture says the same

“God forbid! Yea, let God be true, though every man a liar. As it is written: “That Thou mightest be justified in Thy sayings, and mightest overcome when Thou art judged.”” (Romans 3:4 KJ21)

We are given God’s Word which stand fast and true and is not given to confuse us or to.  We are given commandments in that book of books and are questioned if we make the law of none effect through faith.

The unbelievers can do good and bad like we too can do a lot of bad. But if our wrongdoing only underlines and confirms God’s right-doing, “shouldn’t we be commended for helping out?” remarks Paul. When having come into the faith we should be willing to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ (a work to be done) and should do our uttermost best to comply not only with his teachings but also with the ordnance of God.

Sayings we are saved and have to do no works

The people who do want us to believe we can do whatever we want because salvation is on us by the blood of Christ, must know that it is not by our bad deeds that God would come out better.  It’s simply perverse to say,

“If my lies serve to show off God’s truth all the more gloriously, why blame me? I’m doing God a favour.”

or to say

“The more evil we do, the more good God does, so let’s just do it!”

That’s pure slander. (Romans 3:7-8)

Same start for every one

It is not because we are Jews, Christians or Muslims that we would be we more excellent than the others and are getting a better break than the others. (Romans 3:9) Basically, all of us, whether insiders or outsiders, start out in identical conditions, which is to say that we all start out as sinners. Scripture leaves no doubt about it that there’s nobody living right, not even one, nobody who knows the score, nobody alert for God. They’ve all taken the wrong turn; they’ve all wandered down blind alleys.

It may sound harsh, but there is “No one’s living right”.

“9 What then? Are we better than they? No, in no wise! For we have before proved that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin. 10 As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one; 11 there is none that understandeth; there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They have all gone from the way; they have together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”” (Romans 3:9-12 KJ21)

Therefore every day we do have to be careful not to have our throats to be gaping graves,our tongues slick as mud slides. (Romans 3:13) With no tongues to deceit we should try to get others to know Jeshua, Jesus Christ, the son of man and the son of God. In him we did receive salvation, but in him we do have to grow (a work) so that we can run a good race, not for the honour of sinner-of-the-year, or for the one who made the most money on the back of others.

Afraid for those coming in

In our land littered with heartbreak and ruin, many of us do not want to know living with others. They are so afraid of the refugees coming into our nation. Are they afraid of them being able to get others to believe what they believe and to come to the same religion as theirs. Should they than not wonder how it comes that those immigrants not come to be surprised by the faith we are having and that they would become interested in the faith that lives in Europe? We think the greatest problem is that there is not so much faith in God living around in our regions. Most people never give God the time of day. This makes it clear, doesn’t it, that whatever is written in these Scriptures is not what God says about others but to us to whom these Scriptures were addressed in the first place! And it’s clear enough, isn’t it, that we’re sinners, every one of us, in the same sinking boat with everybody else?

For sure it is not our involvement with God’s revelation that will  put us right with God. There are also many unbelievers who write about our God and about religion. There are also people who are against God who try to bring others in doubt by throwing lots of discussions at them.

Should we not more question why there would be a danger of Muslims converting people from here unto the Islamic faith? In case there would be enough people standing strong in their faith we should not worry.

Did Jesus also not give the task to his followers to go out and preach? When Christians would do what Jesus Christ ordered them to do we should have enough preachers witnessing about the works of god and about the real faith we should follow.

Man incapable to govern

Throughout history man has proven to be incapable to come to good governments, or to be able to rule this universe. By the Word of God we are forced to face our complicity in our sins. By all our stupidities we do have to come to see we can only have a good government under the jurisdiction of Christ Jesus.

Because by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified in God His sight (Romans3:20) we should know that for by the Law comes the knowledge of sin and are we given the ways to handle sin. Now we also do not have any excuse because in our time something new has been added. What Moses and the prophets witnessed to all those years has happened. The God-setting-things-right that we read about in our Scriptures, has become Jesus-setting-things-right for us. And not only for us, but for everyone who believes in him. For there is no difference between us and them in this.

“20 Therefore by the deeds of the law, no flesh shall be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. 21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, which is by faith in Jesus Christ, unto all and upon all those who believe. For there is no difference, 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:20-23 KJ21)

“30  What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, who followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is by faith; 31 but Israel, who followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.” (Romans 9:30-31 KJ21)

Since we’ve compiled this long and sorry record as sinners (both us and them) and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, God sent us His only begotten son and accepted this man’s ransom offering to pay for our sins. did it for us. The action of God, out of sheer generosity, was taken for the recognizance of the humbleness of  the Nazarene Jew who was willing to put his own will aside for complying totally to God’s Will.

A Freebox in Berlin, Germany 2005, serving as a distribution centre for free donated materials, and where the gratis is really for free.

With Jeshua (Jesus Christ) the world has received a pure gift. With God it is not, like we can see so many times today, that there are offers to people where they say it is gratis, but then they still have to pay so much money. By God Gratis does really means for free. We do not have to pay anything for the Gift of Grace. Salvation is given to everybody in the world. But it is given at one point and then we have to continue from there onwards. And that is what a lot of people seem to forget.

The mess we are in & Setting the world in the clear

God by the action taken, or by the work done by His son, got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where God always wanted us to be. In His plan fits a righteous people. Jehovah, the God of gods, did it by means of Jesus Christ. It was God who sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin. Having faith in him sets us in the clear.

God decided on this course of action in full view of the public — to set the world in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins he had so patiently endured. For many that does not seem to be clear, but it’s now — this is current history! God sets things right. He also makes it possible for us to live in his rightness.

Working at a relationship

When we come to know that Jesus is the Way to God, we do have to respond (an action to be taken or a work to be done). Our response to what God does for us should create our willingness to do the right works to come to a very good relationship with Him. to come to such a good relationship our lives have to get in step with God.

Jehovah God is the God of outsider non-Jews as well as insider Jews and this God of Abraham should be the Allah, Adonai, Elohim or God of Israel and God of all Jews, Christians, Muslims but also of all those who wander in this world without knowing yet what the purpose and the goal of their life is.

The apostle Paul warns the world to know that there is only one God Who has set right all who welcome His action and enter into it, both those who follow the apostle’s religious system and those who have never heard of his and our religion.

“I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20 KJ21)

“in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him.” (Ephesians 3:12 KJ21)

“knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.” (Galatians 2:16 KJ21)

“And His name, through faith in His name, hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know. Yea, the faith which is by Him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” (Acts 3:16 KJ21)

“But the Scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.” (Galatians 3:22 KJ21)

“23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24 KJ21)

“30 seeing it is one God who shall justify the Circumcision by faith, and Uncircumcision through faith.” (Romans 3:30 KJ21)

Having stressed “the faithfulness of God” (verse 3) and having told that God reacts to what he sees – seeing “faith” and also faithlessness – we should be fully aware that it is important how we act. Our behaviour is an important factor to our faith-life.

Several people are cross with God and left faith because they did not see any difference between them and the unbelievers. Many do say it is not right God also “inflicts” trouble, pain and sorrow to those who believe in Him.
We must not say,
“God is unrighteous to inflict wrath” (verse 5) on the disobedience he sees in his creation.
What God looks to see, Paul says as he higlights the example of Abraham in the fourth chapter, is – faith, genuine belief and trust in God for “faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness” (verse 9) and it will be “counted” to us also.

“Cometh this blessedness then upon the Circumcision only, or upon the Uncircumcision also? For we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.” (Romans 4:9 KJ21)

English: Statue of Saint Paul at Bab Kisan, Da...

Statue of Saint Paul at Bab Kisan, Damascus, Syria Français : Statue de Saint-Paul à Bab Kissan, Damas, Syrie (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Paul stresses this was “the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. The purpose was to make him the father of all who believe … so that righteousness would be counted to them as well” (verse 11).

We read in Genesis earlier this month all the things Abraham did – through faith. Paul is stressing that

“For the promise that he should be the heir of the world came not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.” (Romans 4:13 KJ21)

Acting faithfully toward God in our lives is what matters most of all and Abraham is the key example for us to follow. In the past the Jews had a contract or covenant with God. With Christ there was made a new covenant. In the knowledge that a contract drawn up by a hard-nosed lawyer and with plenty of fine print only makes sure that you will never be able to collect, we have been offered a much better contract. Yes, we as human beings do need some contract or written rules. As  such those who follow Christ, believing in him, can live with the promise that God made to our forefathers. God’s promise, though, can not be broken. This is why the fulfilment of God’s promise depends entirely on trusting God and His way, and then simply embracing Him and what He does. God’s promise arrives as pure gift. That’s the only way everyone can be sure to get in on it, those who keep the religious traditions and those who have never heard of them. For Abraham is father of us all. He is not our racial father — that’s reading the story backwards. He is our faith father. Therefore Paul realized that “the law brings wrath” and

“15 because the law worketh wrath; for where there is no law, there is no transgression. 16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be given by grace to the end that the promise might be made sure to all the seed, not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all” (Romans 4:15-16 KJ21)

It depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace.

We should recall God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 17:4,5 and his life of faith beginning from when he left Ur. We must each reflect on our own acts of faith, for it is not just something we talk about! What things have we done, and are doing – that show our faith?

Our eternal future “depends on faith”.


Preceding article: January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works


Please do find also to read:

  1. Epicurus’ Problem of Evil
  2. Condemnation of the World and Illustration of Justification
  3. Elul Observances
  4. God’s wrath and sanctification
  5. A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it
  6. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  7. Outflow of foundational relationship based on acceptance of Jesus
  8. Back from gone #4 Your inner feelings and actions
  9. Being Religious and Spiritual 5 Gnostic influences
  10. Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious
  11. Being of good courage running the race
  12. A race not to swift, nor a battle to the strong
  13. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong
  14. To Soar In The Spirit You Have To Be Hard Core
  15. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  16. Cognizance at the doorstep or at the internet socket
  17. Good and bad things in this world
  18. Salvation and Righteousness
  19. Establish your hearts blameless in holiness
  20. Myth 12: The Hyper-Grace Gospel Makes People Lazy
  21. Faith Alone Does Not Save . . . No Matter How Many Times Protestants Say It Does
  22. A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
  23. A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice
  24. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  25. Faith and works
  26. Not making yourselves abominable
  27. The attraction of doing something
  28. Re–forming ourselves
  29. Humbleness
  30. Wired to Connect?
  31. Bearing fruit
  32. Our stance against certain religions and immigrating people
  33. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  34. Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion
  35. Daring to speak in multicultural environment
  36. As Christ’s slaves doing the Will of God in gratitude
  37. 2014 Religion
  38. Disobedient man and God’s promises
  39. Crisis man needed in this world
  40. From pain to purpose
  41. Unconditional love
  42. Relying on the Love of God
  43. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #17 Sorts of prayers
  44. God’s forgotten Word 5 Lost Lawbook 4 The ‘Catholic’ church
  45. Daily Spiritual Food To prepare ourselves for the Kingdom of God
  46. Evangelisation, local preaching opposite overseas evangelism
  47. When not seeing or not finding a biblically sound church


Further reading

  1. Faith (Heartfixxer)
  2. Embracing the Path
  3. To Soar In The Spirit You Have To Be Hard Core (the Inscribed heart)
  4. See Other with God’s Eyes
  5. Faith is the Key
  6. Wear Your Faith on Your Sleeve
  7. We Need to Water Our Faith
  8. A Date With God
  9. Where is the Church that Christ built?
  10. Actions are the Megaphone of Words
  11. We are justified by faith and works, in a manner of speaking.
  12. Luther’s misunderstanding
  13. Faith-Rooted Practice – Rev. Dr. King and Prophetic Evangelicalism
  14. Declaring what is not as though it is
  15. What is Right?
  16. Thankful Thursday: God’s Faithfulness
  17. Great Faithfulness
  18. Grace Makes All The Difference



Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Religious affairs

First man’s task still counting today

Today many people do forget their role to play in our society and which position of responsibility they have to take in this universe of living creatures. Too many years human beings have found themselves superior to all other beings and did not have much interest for their well being, neither for the safeguarding of the environment.

Today we are faced with the consequences of human beings their selfish attitude and have to find a solution for the global warming of which we are a victim because of our “own stupidity”.

oil on wood panel

oil on wood panel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We may not forget that when this universe was created the Maker of it had a purpose for the created elements. At that time of the beginning the first man and mannin (Adam and Eve) received a task. Though they went into rebellion against their Maker and were expelled from the Garden of Eden, their given task still counts for us. Our job and our identity as human beings is still to make sense of the world around us.

It is interesting to realize that in so many ways we are still striving to create a language to make order of the chaos of our experience of the world. {Naming the Naming Project: A Deep Look at Adam and the Human Project}

For centuries man has been looking for his purpose and for more insight in all the things around him. Several ideas were uttered and many sciences found their light.

It seems Adam’s job is hard-wired into who we are as human beings. We just need to name it that in a very deep way Adam is who we are striving to become. {Naming the Naming Project: A Deep Look at Adam and the Human Project}

writes Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow who wants to make the world a better place.

In arts and science man has always looked at man’s surroundings and the existence of things.

Children have the delight of discovery. As adults, we acquire a more organized way of learning and studying, but also lose the feel of the freshness of things. Because of that, most adults are – almost by definition – slightly dull. Creative ability is only found in those who retain a part of their childhood. The artist and the scientist both have this freshness of view. An apple falls from a tree: the child asks – why does it fall and not fly? –and such questions are the beginning of science. {What is the Purpose of Childhood}

Growing older lots of people do loose the innocence of the child and also loose the interest to ‘look beyond’. those who call themselves Christian should remember the one who they say they are following, rabbi Jeshua, and should also to take on that innocence that man had as an unselfish attitude. He went even so far that he gave up his only life for the betterment of all people. All people can learn a lot from him, who did not want to do his own will but always did the Will of his heavenly Father, the Only One true God, Hashem Jehovah.

Most of us should get red cheeks and be ashamed that they often do not manage to take on such an attitude as their master teacher. But every day we should work on it and go for it. Not one moment should be lost by not trying. As long as we do our best, it is not bad.

Lots of people do place themselves in the centre of the universe. Part of growing up and becoming older is that we should become wiser and be able to set ourselves more at the site and be forgiving for bad things that happened in the past. We can always look back at one of the best examples in the Holy Scriptures, though having had to face several bad years he opened his heart for his brothers and welcomed them again.

Yosef has matured. Looking into the pit Yosef sees how far he has come in his life. He no longer sees himself at the center of the universe. Yosef responds:Have no fear! Am I a substitute for God? Besides, although you intended me harm, God intended it for good, so as to bring about the present result–the survival of many people. (50:19-20) {What, Too Soon?}

Every day in our life we have to learn and to grow further. Some may think that learning is difficult or that

Learning should be hard, but not to hard and definitely not out of reach. {Getting Past the “How” of Torah: For the Love of Learning}

Being made in the image of God, we all inherited from the Source of Life, the inability to think and to use our brains and limbs to act and to create in the right way. There are people living in regions were it is also very easy to get a good education. Others live in regions where not such ideal conditions exist and where not many are helping others to get the right and good education.

In a certain way god provided enough material to get the right ideas and to make the best out of life. It is all there for everybody everywhere in the world. But many do not see it or want to be blind for it.

We can read about the reception of the Torah.

For this commandment which I command you this day, it is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say: ‘Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say: ‘Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it to us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it?’ (Deuteronomy 30:11–13)

For rabbi Avi Katz Orlow learning should not to hard and definitely not out of reach.

Here we see learning Torah depicted as some elaborate scavenger hunt. What zeal would we bring to trying to learn Torah if it was in fact hidden in the heaven or on the other side of the ocean? {Getting Past the “How” of Torah: For the Love of Learning}In our community there are many efforts to make Torah more accessible, but still people feel alienated. What are we missing? Perhaps we have made Torah too accessible? We have lost our zeal. Would we try harder if it was in heaven or across the sea? But I do not think that is all of it.We fail because we have not done a good job expressing the “why”? Yes I am Hassid of Simon Sinek.  And if you have not seen this TED talk please stop everything and watch it now. {Getting Past the “How” of Torah: For the Love of Learning}


Simon Sinek discusses the principal behind every successful person and business. A simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?”


Why is learning valuable? I have my thoughts on this, but for now I just want to put the question out there. In Sinek’s words,

People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And if you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.

As we prepare for the High Holidays it is interesting to think about your own “why”. And once we figure out our “why” it will not matter if learning Torah is in heaven or across the sea, that is just a “how”. {Getting Past the “How” of Torah: For the Love of Learning}


Preceding article: A little ray of sunshine.


Additional reading:

  1. Necessary to be known all over the earth
  2. Christian values, traditions, real or false stories, pure and upright belief
  3. Being Religious and Spiritual 4 Philosophical, religious and spiritual people
  4. An unbridgeable gap
  5. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  6. Atonement And Fellowship 7/8
  7. Shared inheritance plus integral and integrating vision
  8. Not many coming out with their community name
  9. To find ways of Godly understanding
  10. We are ourselves responsible
  11. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  12. What part of the Body am I?
  13. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  14. With the gift of Jesus comes an awesome responsibility
  15. Training for the kingdom
  16. From pain to purpose
  17. My 2 Words
  18. Teach children the Bible
  19. Beautiful feet of those who announce the good news
  20. The Greatest of These is Love



Filed under Ecological affairs, Educational affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Video, World affairs

Beautiful feet of those who announce the good news

Rom 10:13-15 MKJV  For everyone, “whoever shall call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  (14)  How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without preaching?  (15)  And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!”

For they who do not believe should come to hear and should receive an opportunity to get to know the grace given to all people. People can only call on the Name of God when they do believe. Only then when we call onto God’s Name, Jehovah, shall we be saved. This is a condition to become saved which too many do forget. Also they who do not believe the Gospel as the record which God has given of his Son are missing a lot, and those who do believe are responsible for that, when they do not make the effort of preaching. But those who go out into the world to tell the Good News are recognised as people doing beautiful work, because how can others hear without preaching? Naturally there can only be preached rightly by those who believe and by those who are sent, showing others their faith and gladly willing to share the Good News they themselves heard and got convinced of.

The apostle turns from the responsibility of the seeker after salvation to emphasize the role that believers are intended to have in God’s plan for preaching the gospel. Calling on the Lord is meaningless apart from some assurance that He is worthy of confidence and trust, that He has something to offer that guilty sinners need. Calling on Him and trust in Him are two sides of the same coin. The verse suggests that calling on the Lord continues to be a mark of the believer, not simply the first step in the direction of establishing relationship to him.

1Co 1:2 MKJV  to the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called out with all those in every place who call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.

One must hear the gospel before a person can be expected either to receive it or reject it. Without people preaching there can be no hearing. Without witnessing there can be no thought or consideration about what could be true or not, or people would not get to know. Certain King James Versions have “without a preacher” – which may be misleading, in that it implies (or it may be inferred there-from) that there is a special office of preacher. This is of course not the case at all: all God’s children are (or should be) preachers!

People do need to hear about Jesus, the son of God. They should come to know what that Nazarene man has done and who his heavenly Father is and for what that eternal Spirit is so important for mankind. Those who do believe should know the importance of their knowledge and out of love for the others they should want others to know that truth as well. When a person believes unto righteousness with the heart he shall be glad to be able to confess with with the mouth unto salvation not being put to shame knowing that when he calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Saint Peter preaching the Gospel in the Catacombs

Saint Peter preaching the Gospel in the Catacombs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The apostle Paul rightly observes that it all goes back to the preaching of the gospel, and preachers, those who profess the Word of God, must be sent – both by God and the Christian community at large. It does not have to be special university people, but men and women willing to share the Gospel in Jesus’ name. God’s “normal” way of bringing people to Jesus Christ is through the preaching of the gospel, which has to happen through faithful people who follow the example of Christ Jesus and do what he had demanded his disciples.

God’s cursing or blessing is upon us, also according to our faithfulness in preaching the Word. God has committed unto us, in our ministry, the word of His reconciliation.

2Co 5:17-21 KJV  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  (18)  And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;  (19)  To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.  (20)  Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.  (21)  For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

When we choose to become baptised in the name of Jesus we wanted to become in Messiah reborn, becoming a new creation. From then onwards our shyness in the world should be gone having the old things having passed away. Shyness refers to passivity, emotional arousal, and excessive self-focus in the presence of other people ( Jones, Cheek, and Briggs 1986). It also frequently involves negative self-evaluations, social avoidance, and withdrawal. (International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family, 2003). Being reborn we have received a new soul (being) not focusing as such on the self, but on the totality of union in Christ. Arousal and heightened self-consciousness in response to social threat can be put aside when one is confirmed about the truth and its value. The experiences of shyness are often sufficiently unpleasant to lead to withdrawal from or avoidance of many social situations, but they also compound the distress of shyness by distracting from skilled and self-confident social interactions. When a person his faith sits deep in him it will give him enough assurance to conquer that shyness to witness for Christ Jesus and for his heavenly Father, the only One God.

Facing all those new things which are from God we want to share with others that in Jesus Christ the Messiah Jehovah God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them; and He has entrusted the message of reconciliation to us.  We are by the baptism in spirit taken away from the doubt and fear from man and therefore should want to be ambassadors for Messiah, as though God were making His appeal through us.

The apostles and members of the first communities begged the community members on behalf of Messiah, to be reconciled to God and to share the Good News with others.  Though it was not easy, because many had seen what had happened to Christ Jesus, and knew that there were fierce opponents of the teachings of this master teacher. It was the Most High Almighty Elohim Who made the Sent One who knew no sin to become a sin offering on our behalf, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. By his offering we are bought and are now facing freedom, if we want. It is not by deeds of righteousness which we had done ourselves, but because of God His mercy. It is by the blessing of Jesus his offering that we can become saved through the mikveh of rebirth and renewing of the Ruach ha-Kodesh,  whom Jehovah abundantly poured out on us through Messiah Jeshua our Saviour, so that being set right by his grace, we might become heirs with the confident hope of eternal life!

Tit 3:5-7 MKJV  not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,  (6)  whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior,  (7)  that being justified by His grace, we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

The Messiah or Christ was a man who did not want to do his own will but preferred to do only the will of his heavenly Father. He love God’s ecclesia and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. (Ephesians 5:25-26). Like Jesus took care that the dirt of the earth was washed away by the Word of God we also should where we come try to wash away the dirt of this contemporary world.

At baptism the believer becomes a part of Christ’s new “creation” (Ephesians 2:10;  4:23-24; Collosians 3:10). That new creation is so incredible and presents such a magic future we do not want to keep it for ourselves alone. Real believers in Christ do want to become like Christ sharers of the Good News. Being washed… sanctified, we are prepared to do the work for God. It is the will to get to know the Word of God better which should bring us to read it more and to share it with others. It is not be going to a special college reading lots of human writings and philosophies that we shall get more knowledge to bring people to God. God has given everything we need in His Word. All is there in that Book of books, the Bible, God His infallible Word which says all.

Without the faith in Jesus we shall not be able to succeed. We need to have faith in Jesus so that we can call on Jesus. And we need to call on Jesus because calling on Jesus, searching for Jesus, crying out for Jesus is what brings us salvation. Through calling on Jesus, we are saved.
So why do we preach?
So that we may be saved.

We need to be saved from our own captivity. We all need to be set free from something that may keep us away from our loving heavenly Father, the Divine Creator.

The world has to know what God provided. they should come to know that there is a possibility of real peace. But they also should get to know that it will be God Who rules.

Isa 52:7-10 MKJV  How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, making peace heard; who brings good news, making salvation heard; who says to Zion, Your God reigns!  (8)  The voice of Your watchmen shall lift up! They lift up the voice together; they sing aloud. For they shall see eye to eye, when Jehovah shall bring again Zion.  (9)  Break out, sing together, waste places of Jerusalem; for Jehovah has comforted His people; He has redeemed Jerusalem.  (10)  Jehovah has bared His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

As in the time before Christ Jesus it was nice to see the messengers of God bringing good tidings. Now it is our time to bring such good tidings. We have hear them and we should be convinced of the importance of them.

English: 4 days of Evangelism Training in Sout...

4 days of Evangelism Training in Southern California provided by LivingWaters Ministry. Obeying the great commission of Jesus Christ. “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone” Mark 16:15 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Good Tidings publishes peace and brings confirmation about the sent one from God, who is the Messiah and fulfilled his duties here on earth. God reigns and has given Jeshua the authority to prepare His Kingdom and to reign on earth. We are looking for that Kingdom of God and belief that it is a reality which can be there for much more people than it is at the moment. Therefore we should be willing to show the way to Jerusalem, the physical but even more the spiritual Jerusalem. More and more we can see how the Plan of God gets shape and how we come closer to the execution of that Plan.

The freedom that awaits us has to be spoken off. But first we need to liberate us from our own weaknesses, bad things we are burdened with. We must see that we can make ourselves free from the bad things of this world first. There  may be things which are holding us captive. There  may be many things holding onto us.

Andy Burns, who believes the goal of life is to get so close to that light that we are breathing in the light and exhaling it out into the world, writes:

Maybe you’re dealing with a very real kind of captivity like addiction. Maybe you have an addiction to a physical substance-alcohol, drugs, those kinds of things-or maybe you’re addicted to something more abstract-your work, money, maybe you’re addicted to other people’s approval of you. And this addiction controls when you wake up, when you go to sleep, when you eat, where you work, where you go after work, how hard you work. You’re not free.

Or maybe you deal with an intensely personal problem like low self-esteem or self-doubt or depression. And maybe this controls you in ways that surprise you-you want a certain job but you don’t believe you can do it. You want to speak up but you don’t believe in yourself in enough to find the words. You want to get to know someone, but you don’t believe they could ever like you. You’re not free.

Or maybe you deal with some pain in your past. Maybe you’ve been seriously hurt-either physically or emotionally by their words or both. Maybe it was a parent, a friend, a spouse, a child. And maybe this old would is holding you captive, keeping you from enjoying life, making you avoid certain situations and people. You’re not free.

See, I think all need to be freed from something. We all need freedom and transformation in our lives. And according to Paul in our passage, this is the message that preachers are entrusted with. This is the reason we preach here. Preachers preach so that people can hear about Jesus. People need to hear about Jesus so that we may have faith in Jesus. People need to have faith in Jesus so that they can call on Jesus. And people need to call on Jesus so that we may be set free by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the message that we proclaim every week. This is what we all need to hear and what we all need to be reminded of, week in and week out. You can be free in Jesus Christ. {Stuff My Church Does I: Preaching}

People do have to hear about Jesus and each believer in Christ should take care of that. We do have to go out into the world and tell about the marvellous gift we received. We do have to invite others to share with us the grace which has been given to us.

What would it look like if we invited others here to hear the freedom of God proclaimed in the Word of God? What would it look like if we all brought this Word out into our community and saw it as our job to proclaim this freedom that everyone needs to those around us? Just think of the transformation that would happen. I think it would look pretty amazing. {Stuff My Church Does I: Preaching}

Let us all joining and be workers for the Lord, going into all the world and preaching the Gospel to everyone. (Mark 16:15 )


Preceding articles:

A Christian has to have eyes and ears and a tongue to use in good ways

Your position about materialistic desires having conquered the world

Looking for a shepherd for the sheep and goats

When believing in God’s existence and His son, possessing a divine legislation

Not making yourselves abominable

Where are the female writers

Perishable non theologians daring to go out to preach

Daring to speak in multicultural environment

Preaching by example

What Should I Preach ?


Additional reading:

  1. Where is the edge
  2. Remember the day
  3. Gospel = Good tidings, good news, a good message
  4. Counterfeit Gospels
  5. Seeing or not seeing and willingness to find God
  6. Not bounded by labels but liberated in Christ
  7. How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice
  8. Jehovah steep rock and fortress, source of insight
  9. Hearing words to accept
  10. Atonement And Fellowship 2/8
  11. Missional hermeneutics 4/5
  12. Missional hermeneutics 5/5
  13. The Right One to follow and to worship
  14. Many forgot how Christ should be our anchor and our focus
  15. Hope by faith and free gift
  16. Showing by the scriptures that …
  17. Salvation, trust and action in Jesus #3 as a Christian
  18. Proclaiming shalom, bringing good news of good things, announcing salvation
  19. Establish your hearts blameless in holiness
  20. Looking for True Spirituality 7 Preaching of the Good News
  21. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  22. Breathing to teach
  23. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritually
  24. Belgian Christadelphians 2013 & 2014 in review
  25. Stepping Toes 2014 in review
  26. Looking on what is going on and not being of it
  27. A prophet to restore
  28. Imitate prophets and Paul
  29. Oratory Style
  30. Counting sands and stars
  31. Which Christians Actually Evangelize
  32. Learn how to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News of the coming Kingdom
  33. Bringing Good News into the world
  34. Intentions of an Ecclesia
  35. Holland Week of billing
  36. Faith and trial
  37. Faith a commitment to the promises of Christ and to to the demands of Christ
  38. How should we preach?
  39. The Rapture Wars
  40. Not many coming out with their community name
  41. Writers needed to preach to non-believers
  42. Jehovah can make him stand
  43. Our openness to being approachable
  44. Different approach in organisation of services #3
  45. Glory of God appearing in our character
  46. A Society pleading poverty
  47. Good or bad preacher
  48. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #9 Prayer #7 Reason to pray
  49. How is it that Christ pleased God so perfectly?
  50. Rebirth and belonging to a church
  51. Of the many books Only the Bible can transform
  52. Character transformed by the influence of our fellowships


Also of interest


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs