Tag Archives: Positive mental attitude

Getting up early to meet best part of the day

Work hard,
stay positive,
and get up early.
It’s the best part of the day.
George Allen, Sr.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Vroeg opstaan omhet beste deel van de dag tegemoet te gaan


Filed under Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Welfare matters

Converting a negative stress into a positive one

Adopting the right attitude
can convert a negative stress
into a positive one.
Hans Selye

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Negatieve stress omzetten in positieviteit

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Welfare matters

Facing our existence every day

Every day we are confronted with ourselves again. Every day again we are again confronted not only with ourselves but also with those around us. Everyday we do meet again new challenges, have to affirm again our values.

Attitude / Golden Gun

Attitude / Golden Gun (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This world which challenges us brings us day in day out some new adventures. We can try to tackle them or try to escape those things which we do not want to see. But covering our eyes is not helping us nor getting such things we do not want to see away. Living in this world we should be aware of what is going on in it. We can not stand at the side, not wanting to be involved or just letting everything happen. Those things which we consider wrong demand an action. And we should take action. Though there are several Christians who think we do not need to do any works, because we are saved, we should not let everything pass along like nothing wrong happens. That what is not according to the Law of God, that what cannot be justified demands reaction. We should open our eyes to what happens in the world and should react appropriate.

Having us to react will demand strength and courage. It shall also demand an attitude to be taken. And that attitude should always be in accordance to the attitude our master teacher Jeshua wants his followers to have.

Attitude (EP)

Attitude (EP) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Every day we do have to face our inner self and find the core of our own business, our own being, our own strive, our own goal. Every day again we do have to face how we are wanting to build up our own life and our own future. It is naturally so that in case we do nothing we cannot do something wrong (we think). Not doing anything, letting it all pass, is witnessing of taking an attitude, which is not the right attitude. Rabbi Jeshua and his disciples taught about the essence of taking action and doing things. The master teacher gave several examples how people lost their opportunity to take part of the celebrations, the wedding or the entrance to the Kingdom.

The grace of salvation has been given to the whole mankind, but each individual has to do something with it. When we are willing to receive that marvellous free Gift, we do have to be thankful for it and do something with it. When we just leave in the cupboard, untouched it shall be of no service for us.

It is an Immeasurable Grace bestowed on humanity but lots of people do not see or appreciate the value of it, or take it for granted that now they have received it they do not have to do anything any more. Oh, how are they mistaken.

Each day we are confronted again with many ideas … our mind wandering about. Even a baptised person can have thoughts which are not in accordance with God His Will. Though they may be convinced that they have done away with the old life, that old life simmers slowly and little tinkly lights may be very attractive. More than once in our life bitterness, wrath, and even anger, does want to come along our path. We also can have moments where clamour and evil speaking may be lurking around our own corner. All those things we are asked to put away from us, with all malice. And that requires an action, which is a work to be done.

There are also days that we wake up and feel as if we have a broken heart. Though we may know that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul. Each time we left our mind wandering in the wrong way we do know we can repent, i.e. take an action, making the effort to see that we were wrong and that we do have to ask for pardon. It demands an action to see what we did wrong (i.e. doing a work) and when we know what we have done wrong we have to repent about it (again doing a work).

Painting "Kampen for tilværelsen" (S...

Painting “Kampen for tilværelsen” (Struggle for existence”) by Christian Krohg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Often because we ourself do have to endure so much pain we want others also to have pain. Often we also want to have many good things others may have and desires others to have some of our bad things. Such desires are often around us to cause pain. We can have feelings which hurt others or can bring them into distress. Yes, we must be aware that we can get up in the morning with allowing to grow in our mind the

“intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse.”

This makes our own self the sick self. The self what needs healing. the healer is always around, but we have to come to him (which demands an action or work).  Without coming to the Saviour Jesus Christ we shall be nothing and will have it so much more difficult in our life. he is the Way to God and he is the one who can guide us through difficult times, putting our hands in the hands of his heavenly Father.

Every day we wake up we should know that God is willing to be close to us and that He is really concerned with what is going on in our heart and mind. Be aware, He knows much more than we allow others to see, hear or feel, what we think or want to do. Even when we do not carry out malicious acts against someone, but carry such thoughts in our mind, God knows it.

You ought not to secretly wish that something bad would happen to any person. Rejoicing in some misfortune that befalls someone else is also evidence of malice. And that is something God detests.

Harry Ironside.jpg

The dispensationalist Plymouth Brother Harry A. Ironside

The Canadian-American Bible teacher, preacher, theologian, pastor, and author Harry A. Ironside said every Christian has an obligation to put away all malice.

“If you do not live up to that, you are not living a real Christian life. This is Christianity lived in the power of the Holy Ghost.”

Gospel Light Society writes

You might feel like the malice in your heart is justified because of what someone did or said to you. But, you must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and bring your feelings under the authority of Christ. You must choose to put on the new man who will not walk in maliciousness, but in a spirit of love and forgiveness toward all. {How Not to Walk, Part 26 (Revive the Family, Revive the Church, Awaken the Nation, O Lord #272)}

Every day we have to face the new life lying in front of us. Having done away with the old life, we should try to do our utmost best to live in accordance to God His Wishes, not following man’s doctrines but following Biblical doctrines.

George Cuff wrote:

There are sins from the former life that simply must be denied,
Things the godless revel in, that a believer must sweep aside.
Immorality of every kind, impurity, lust and greed;
You will be bound to idolatry if scripture you fail to heed.

You must also rid yourselves of anger, malice and rage.
Watch your speech carefully. Do not in profanity engage.
You threw off the sinful man who reveled in foul deeds;
The new man is renewed in mind, empowered by Christ indeed. {How Not to Walk, Part 26 (Revive the Family, Revive the Church, Awaken the Nation, O Lord #272)}

Empowered by Christ Jesus we should find every day the fresh living water, empowering to continue in the right way, trying to finish the race, lying in front of us.


Preceding articles

Our existence..

You Matter

Running challenge and the City build by the Most High Maker

For mams and dads it is also back to ‘normal’

Benefits of Positive Thinking

What IF you’re only driven by stress?

Failures, mistakes and Initiatives for Excellence and success, Working towards turning a Dream of yours into reality

There can only be hope when there is a will to be and say “I am”

The Goal

Our life depending on faith


Additional reading

  1. Life is like a ten-speed bike.
  2. Suffering produces perseverance
  3. Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life
  4. If we view the whole world through a lens that is bright
  5. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  6. Thought for September 8 Weak but standing strong in the ground swell
  7. 30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.
  8. Choices
  9. Live …
  10. Luck
  11. Who are the honest ones?
  12. Being prudent – zorgvuldig zijn
  13. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  14. Not liking your Christians
  15. If there is bitterness in the heart
  16. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  17. Don’t Envy the World
  18. Blindness in the Christian world
  19. Blinkered minds
  20. Never making mistakes because never doing anything
  21. The Immeasurable Grace bestowed on humanity
  22. Infinite payment of sin by the son of God
  23. As Christ’s slaves doing the Will of God in gratitude
  24. Only I can change my life
  25. The inspiring divine spark
  26. If you think you’re too small to be effective
  27. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  28. Holiness and expression of worship coming from inside
  29. A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
  30. Grow strong in weakness
  31. Being aligned with above
  32. Points to remember of philosophy versus spirituality and religion
  33. It is a free will choice
  34. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  35. Your life the sum total of all your choices
  36. Believe and speak and act in ways which show we have life in Christ’s name
  37. Behold, My mother and My brothers!
  38. Saved through grace not through keeping rituals
  39. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  40. God’s will is that all sorts of men should be saved
  41. A goal is a dream with a plan
  42. Looking for a primary cause and a goal that can not offer philosophers existing beliefs
  43. Inculturation today calling for a different attitude
  44. Coming to the end of the year
  45. Dynamic goals must always rise out of authentic needs
  46. Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one
  47. Faith antithesis of rationality
  48. Faith, storms and actions to be taken
  49. A Living Faith #2 State of your faith
  50. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  51. A Living Faith #12 The Love for Jesus
  52. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal
  53. Try driving forward instead of backwards
  54. Priority to form a loving brotherhood
  55. Discipleship to look at
  56. Don’t be the weakest link
  57. The Big conversation – Antagonists
  58. Reasons why you may not miss the opportunity to go to a Small Church
  59. Williamsburg Conference 2015 December 27-31 Joy and Gladness
  60. We should use the Bible every day
  61. Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water


Further related

  1. Grace
  2. Salvation – He [Jesus] entered Jericho and was passing through it
  3. Instantly Healed, Saved and Baptized
  4. “Looking For Jesus” – “Dead Works”
  5. (Part 2) Can A Christian Lose Their Salvation?
  6. A New Life of Righteousness
  7. saved to serve
  8. Breathe in, out!
  9. How Vulnerability Can Bring Us Beyond Ourselves
  10. The Power of a Grateful Heart – Weakness Gratitude
  11. Afraid Of The Unknown
  12. No Retreat, No Surrender!
  13. Excerpt from a novel
  14. FFfAW: Promises
  15. 100 Days of Happiness and 90 Days of Kicking Fear in the Face ….
  16. No Complain November
  17. The Sandbox Writing Challenge #50 — No fair peeking!
  18. Week 6: Opinions-Opinions-…oh No!
  19. He Tries
  20. If At First You Don’t Succeed
  21. What Fills Your Personal Lamp? Personal Gratitude Challenge-day 2
  22. “Start the daily practice of not letting the little things bother you! If the little things ruin you, what’s going to happen when the big things come along? Start practicing now for your big challenges in life.”
  23. Skirting the hard stuff
  24. Message from the Universe: Becoming the person you’ve dreamed about!
  25. A Night To Dismember
  26. Remembering to Pause
  27. First Things First…
  28. Easy
  29. Quote Notes
  30. Are you okay?
  31. True Power
  32. Bad Reaction
  33. Good Grief!
  34. Are You Ready?: Part 3
  35. When God gives up
  36. Daily Verse
  37. Sin Makes You Sick
  38. A Change In Perspective
  39. We Are Dust
  40. Daily Bread – Draw Nigh
  41. Daily bible passage – 11/3/16
  42. A Warning of God Concerning the Ungodly
  43. Ezekiel 28-30; John 10
  44. My hope is in the Lord
  45. Christ’s Blood Shed for All Men
  46. I cry for you 
  47. For God So Loved The world…
  48. Come to Me
  49. How Not to Walk, Part 26 (Revive the Family, Revive the Church, Awaken the Nation, O Lord #272)






Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Ecological affairs, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Getting fate in your change to positiveness

From all the previous writings on the subject of getting over bad thoughts and feeling depressed, coming to more positiveness in our lives, we could see the importance of the influence of circumstances and other persons in our life.

The Mind of Evil

The Mind of Evil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We should be aware that bad people can influence us very negatively and can bring decay in our life-world. Living in this world we shall more than once have to bite the bullet and have to see that we do not find a rotten apple which can spoil the whole barrel. every person in this world sends out some energy. This can be negative or positive energy. We best choose to have more contacts with those who send such positive energy.

Martina McGowan who tries to  help people transform their lives; some physically, many mentally, writes:

One of the best ways to achieve your goals is to surround yourself with positive people. The energy these people have to tap into never seems to let them down, and they are achieving the great goals in life that they desire and dream about.

Positive people can help you stay on track and energize you toward your own goals. Many times these successful people share the same goals that  you have and are happy to pass on their wisdom and their techniques. So how do you find these positive, like-minded people? {How to Surround Yourself with More Positive People}

In Attitude of Unstopable Success we and Anil Singh looked at some elements which can contribute for a common cause of humanism, like Purity, Peace, Power, Patience, Positivism and Perfection. Anil Singh likes to speak about F.A.C.E. as the index of our mind, which is not a bad idea.

In student’s perspective, FACE can be redefined as:
F- Focus… on what we want to do.
A- Awareness… of huge knowledge that may help us.
C- Concentration… on what we are getting.
E- Execution… of knowledge in the best possible way. {Check the fate of your FACE.}

We told you already a person first of all had to find the right focus, looking in him or her self and aiming for a goal. To be able to do this the person has to open his or her heart and listen to his or her inner soul. In case we would love to grow in a positive way we have to be willing to open our mind and hearth and to let streams of the world fertilise our ground. We should be prepared to listen to others their advice and to weigh the pros and cons. We should be willing to turn over many things more than once in our mind, avoiding we got stuck or glued on conservatism or chained to our past.

With the willingness to learn we should always try to have an open mind and be willing that nothing in this world is clearly “black and white”. We must accept all shades of colour. In that colourful world we should never want everything to turn around us, but on the other hand should reach out to others.

Reach out to people at your work, in your circle of friends, or even to people you don’t know well who seem to exemplify positivism. Ask them what it is that makes them continue to have such a positive outlook and persona while reaching their objectives. {How to Surround Yourself with More Positive People}

Opening ourselves to others does not implement that others should come to ‘eat us’ and ‘crush us’. those people who would love to break us, we best leave them soon at the side. they are not the right company for us. Life is too short to waste energy on such negative people who love to crush others.  Their attitude, the same as our attitude can make or break you.

It is virtually indisputable that your attitude determines how far you will go in life, and a positive mental outlook can help you achieve optimal success. {Your Attitude Is the Win!}

Life is too precious to let it ruined by others. do not give them a chance by being one line in front of them. Do not worry leaving them behind. But as we also warned, do not stay put. You do not have to give your place up, but you also should know you could also share places in this world where many thoughts could live next to each other. Respect all those around you and find ways to connect with them in a positive way. And those you do not think would fit in your cupboard, allow them to be there and tolerate them. Open your heart and network with good people showing to all your willingness to come forward.

Positive Mental Attitude 2012

Positive Mental Attitude 2012 (Photo credit: nme421)

Having a positive mental attitude helps you cope better with challenges. When you are put to the test, and you will be, you are much  more likely to find your inner strengths and overcome adversity. And that strength often rises from your winning attitude. Whether or not you believe that you have all of the right tools, skills, knowledge, or resources, your attitude can get you through the toughest of times and help you come out on top. {Your Attitude Is the Win!}

On the other hand, an attitude filled with negative overtones makes everything much harder to get through. You cannot win when you go into the contest if you go in with a mindset prepared to lose! If you expect to do well, your attitude will create positive, winning thoughts that will help you persevere. {Your Attitude Is the Win!}

Running the race does not have to be done on your own. It is much more fun to run with others. It also has not to be a race with a competition for life or death, in one way. We all should know we all shall end up in the same place. The sepulchre shall be waiting for us. One or the other day the light shall go out for us and for those around us; for each, on an other time. We should best always be ready. Prepared that in case the light-switch is turned over tomorrow we shall not have to regret we have not done something. When the moment come we should be able to say we are ready to face that death, and have not to fear for what we would have done wrong.
If death comes tomorrow, are you ready to face it?

Always make sure you are in the clear, having nothing to regret and without guilt.

No matter how discouraging things may get or how intently others may try to dissuade you, do not envy the others and always stay calm. Not let you be intimidated by those who have other goals in their life than yours. Do try to go for the most precious, but perhaps the goal where the least persons are interested in.

With your winning attitude firmly in place, you will be unstoppable.

A positive outlook helps you maintain your focus on your goals with a tunnel vision that eliminates many of the negative distractions and keeps you on a chartered course to success. {Your Attitude Is the Win!}

At the Lifestyle magazine Stepping Toes you might find different articles giving you advice to direct your goals and to find ways to make the best out of your life. There as here is given the advice to find the best goal for your life. There are the normal challenges offered to everyone in life, having to grow up, study, work, making a family, a.o., goals we are all presented. Those goals of the world change. At Stepping Toes and on this site you might find that there is also a better specific goal which does not change and is laid out in front of everybody in this world, but most people do not seem to see it. Though we do agree that that goal is also perhaps the most difficult one to reach, because we all do have to find the path to the very small gate. When we will be able to find it, we shall be able to see what the writer Isaiah saw already in a prophetic vision.

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping (Photo credit: sirwiseowl)

Before we shall be able to come to that gate we shall have to manage the play-field here in this world. Living in this universe we shall find many challenges which can enrich us but also which could be so dangerous, giving us an impression of being very luxurious, but making us more poor. Those challenges may bring us lots of material gain but make us spiritually empty.

We should build up our life looking for quotes and affirmations that better reflect our new path so that we can gain the inspiration to persevere in our new and right direction.

All the stress which may surround us we do have to put aside. Stress, tension and pressure are the negatives we should try to minimise in our lives. To do that we should be prepared to have a listening ear, a watchful eye, and a searching spirit, examining all things laid our in front of us. Prepared to continuously learning things we should be pleased we can go every day on a ‘challenge trip’ and enjoy every excursion life offers each day.

By recollecting the state of being, keeping an open mind willing to absorb knowledge, but what is very important at the same time having the willingness no only to learn but also to change, according the new knowledge is understood. Exercising the action plan we then should come to execute the mind power. {Check the fate of your FACE.}

Life may be like a ten-speed bike where we have to learn that suffering produces perseverance we should try to put aside our bad experiences and should try driving forward instead of backwards, trying to make our dreams with a plan whereby nothing can stop us to have the right mental attitude from achieving our goal. When we love and cultivate that which is pure and try to sow good seeds and harvests in the garden of our heart, we shall, when we try to nurture the goodness with patience, be able to succeed. But then there may be no bitterness in the heart.

We should not be afraid to fail, if we really try to do our best, because we should know that God doesn’t call the qualified and everybody receives a place in His heart. We do not have to fear human beings and should rest our delight on Jehovah, trying to find the inspiring divine spark by going to look for light and guidance in the Word of God, provided in the Holy Scriptures or the Bible. When we get up in the morning and pray for the Lord’s blessings he shall grant them.

When we do give ourselves in the hands of God and are willing to change ourselves, He shall mould us in a good shape like the best sculptor. For Him able to bring us in the good shape and coming to success in our life, we shall have to understand that such a change will demand an unending process, a continuous state and conditional approach that needs to be monitored at regular intervals for a greater change.

Time is the most powerful, dynamic and perfect change than any other change. It teaches us lot for a greater change in life. {Change for Gain….}

Anil Singh rightly says:

1. When we learn to change along with change, we survive.
2.When we do not change with change we die (fail).

The Supreme Being demands a change in our heart. to become successful in our life we do have to put away all the negative feelings, the ones we do have from our selves and the ones others try to impose on us. Getting older and wiser we normally should get more knowledge to change. In this world we do see that lots of people are afraid to change. Such fear is in a way ungrounded and build on distrust instead of on trust. therefore to be able to progress we not only do need the trust in ourselves, in our Maker, but in such situation we need more courage for change.

When we have learned the benefit of change but not changed, we need more education for change.
When we have experienced the change but not changed, we need more practice for change.
When we have suffered by change but not changed, we need more determination power for change. {Change for Gain….}

It is not bad to take in consideration what Mr. Singh writes further:

• People who will change before change will rule.
• People who will change after change will survive.
• People who will change with change will succeed.
• People who will cause the change will lead.
• People who will not change on change will fail. {Change for Gain….}

We do have to make the right choice if we would like to succeed in life. this will require regular change, a good attitude to change and a positive view in such change. Creating a positive view in ourselves we should not be afraid to have bigger dreams, and having greater ambitions.  We would have to like to climb higher on the ladder, not only with a greater belief in our selves, but also with a growing belief in the One Who can bring us much further than we would ever be able to do on our own.

Wanting to get some progressive change to positiveness our aim should be to look for the better, growing in knowledge, getting more wisdom by looking at the right places, willing to do more than we at the beginning would think we could do. Having the will to change and to commit our selves to that change, our commitment should be deeper, willing to go further than most people. Fro being able to reach our goal we should make our efforts wider and vigorous.

Anil Singh points out that those changes have to be made in our mind, for

If we can dream it we can do it,
If we can think it we can initiate it,
If we can visualize it we can create it,
If we can execute it we can complete it. {Change for Gain….}

to be able to dream we have to clear our mind of bad thought and frustration and liberate it so it can go on adventurous routes. We should allow ourselves to pounder around in a world where everything is possible.

If we can manage to do every thing with accuracy, attention, adjustment, belief, courage, cooperation, commitment, creativity, determination, devotion, discipline, egoless, emotional, enthusiasm, freedom, faith, forgiveness, greatness, hope, honesty, intimacy, intigrity, initiative, inspiration, justice, kindness, knowledgefull, leadership, lovefull, lawfull, learning, meaningfull, optimistic, openness, purity, peace, power, positivism, patience, perfection, quality, respect, responsible, simple, sensible, servicable, secrifice, truth, tolerance, temperament, unity, understanding, vision, values, willingness & attitude of gratitude then we can achieve highest level of success in life. {Our success in our hand}

In each of us, the Creato has implanted lots of possibilities; We do have to make them true. Being created in the likeness of God, we ourselves should allow ourselves to grow in that likeness, and allow ourselves to be changed by the Upper Hand of the Maker. then we are going to see that

Change is 100% possible by:
• Willingness to change,
• Courage to face the change,
• Determined mind to make change,
• Purity of thought power for a change.
• Continuously trying till change has occurred. {Change for Gain….}

Take on the good attitude from today onwards:

Make your mind up that from now on you are going to paint mental pictures of yourself that are successful and positive. Picture yourself as being successful in each task and mentally wipe out any thoughts of failure. You are the world’s number one product and you will become what you think. Have faith in yourself and believe that good is going to come your way. Don’t fill your head with discouragement; think of yourself as a strong loving, and helpful person who is in control. It will make it easier to sell yourself to others regardless of who you are trying to influence or for what purpose. Make peace with yourself and move forward to become a more complete person both at home at and your job. {Attitude spoken of by }


Find additional literature:

  1. Move forward, not standing still
  2. Food as a Therapeutic Aid
  3. Accommodation of the Void
  4. Not holding back and getting out of darkness
  5. A New Perspective
  6. Looking for True Spirituality 2 Not restricted to an elite
  7. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  8. How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice
  9. Searching for fulfillment and meaning through own efforts, facing unsatisfaction and depression
  10. A bird’s eye and reflecting from within
  11. How we think shows through in how we act
  12. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory
  13. A goal is a dream with a plan
  14. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  15. Running away from the past
  16. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  17. Let us not forget it was God who chose us
  18. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal
  19. A Living Faith #2 State of your faith
  20. A Living Faith #8 Change
  21. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  22. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  23. Be holy
  24. Love and cultivate that which is pure
  25. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  26. Try driving forward instead of backwards
  27. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits
  28. Control and change
  29. Control your destiny or somebody else will
  30. Only I can change my life
  31. Change
  32. How should we react against the world
  33. Whom can we trust to govern us?
  34. When discouraged facing opposition


  • Positivism (aroojbhattiblog.wordpress.com)
    Positivism, or positive philosophy, is a philosophical doctrine that denies any validity to metaphysics or speculation. It is sometimes associated with empiricism because it maintains that there is no answer to metaphysical questions and that scientific knowledge is the only knowledge. The works of English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Anglo-Irish philosopher George Berkeley (1685-1753), and Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) contain the basic tenets of positivism in an implicit form. However, the term is specifically applied to the system of French philosopher and social scientist Auguste Comte (1798-1857), who developed the coherent doctrine and is the acknowledged founder of positivism.
  • Whats luck got to do with it? (hiscox.co.uk)
    Dr Stephann Makri, a lecturer at London’s City University, likes to use the term “serendipity” for what is essentially self-made luck. He says it contains three key ingredients: unexpected circumstances, insightful “a-ha moments”, and a valuable unanticipated outcome.We can increase our chances of enjoying serendipity by making our minds more adept at having “a-ha moments”, and to take action to turn those unexpected circumstances into valuable outcomes, said Makri.
  • The Future Of Modern Marketing Is Human-Centered (business2community.com)
    Before the turn of the 20th century into the 21st century, a movement began. This movement called for a more user-centered approach, or also commonly referred to as human-centered, to designing products, software, digital interactions, and design concepts. It is rooted in the belief, which is by understanding human goals and behaviors; we can design concepts empathetic to the user – or humans. More than a decade later, these concepts are becoming increasingly important to marketing.
  • The Power of a Positive Attitude (tominvestor.wordpress.com)
    dopting a positive attitude is a matter of learning to acknowledge your abilities and conveying from within that you are more than capable of expanding on your talents. Once you achieve this powerful first step of self-appreciation, your renewed confidence in yourself will start to inspire others. I’ve found that others are very drawn to positive people, and the same is just as true for a positive person. I don’t want to be around those who are always negative, so I try to help by giving them tips that have helped me.
    A positive attitude will set the stage for thriving in the workplace, effectively dealing with challenges at home and be successful at keeping you healthy. When life throws you a curve ball, you will find yourself surrounded by a support network of those who have benefited from your positive attitude to help you through those hard days. Being a member of a group that strives to be uplifting and successful will offer you a front row seat to witness the ultimate power of a positive attitude.
  • Are You Mentally Tough? (therapypons.wordpress.com)
    One of the first descriptions of mental toughness was made by sports psychologist James Loeher. Based on his extensive work with elite athletes and coaches, he proposed seven dimensions of mental toughness that he argued are developed: self-confidence, attention control, minimizing negative energy, increasing positive energy, maintaining motivation levels, attitude control, and visual and imagery control.
  • Gov. Brownback Declares May Mental Health Awareness Month (wibw.com)
    ov. Sam Brownback wants the state to dedicate itself to increasing awareness for and understanding of mental illness as well as the need for services for people suffering from mental health conditions.“We are here today to remind Kansans that mental illness is a common, painful experience for many people and their families,” Governor Brownback said. “My administration is working to strengthen the community and institutional supports our state offers those in need of help.”On Thursday, he signed the proclamation declaring May Mental Health Awareness Month in Kansas.
  • Appreciate What You Have (robertjrgraham.com)
    The key to success in any endeavor starts with a positive mental attitude. There is a saying that goes ‘if you think you can you can and if you think you can not you are right’ and this is so true. Have you ever noticed that people with positive attitudes are always so upbeat and motivated? In fact it can be said that a positive mental attitude is the best motivation you can have since it is based upon believing in yourself. Whether it is business or personal your best chance to become successful at Anything begins with a strong inner belief you will succeed.
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts