Tag Archives: Darkness

Celestial Metaphors: Moon, Stars, and Shooting Stars Unveiled


In the realm of the night, where dreams take flight,
The moon, a luminary queen, shines so bright.
Her celestial grace, a silver crescent gleams,
Guiding us through darkness with enchanting beams.

Oh, moon, your gentle glow, a soothing balm,
Casting a celestial spell, a tranquil calm.
A metaphor for hope, in the darkest of hours,
You whisper secrets in your tranquil showers.

And there, amidst your cosmic dance on high,
Stars twinkle like diamonds in the sky.
They form a tapestry, a celestial art,
A canvas of dreams that ignites the heart.

Each star, a metaphor for dreams we hold dear,
Guiding us, inspiring us, banishing all fear.
They paint the night with tales untold,
Stories woven in constellations of gold.

Together, moon and stars, a symphony they weave,
A celestial ballet that makes us believe.
In magic, in wonder, in infinite possibility,
They ignite our souls with celestial…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

Give Attention with the Heart and Light up the World

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels.com

To remember:

  • Darkness = opposing force to light + love.
  • darkness = force of illusion.
  • this world of illusion = physical world of “Assiyah.” =  False World.
  • In place of light = no more illusions
  • desires + fears = illusions
  • good deeds > light up the world + light up fire in your heart.
  • continue serving => light up the world =  our purpose in being here.

Walking the Bridge Books

We know about paying attention, like paying attention to the teacher in the classroom. There’s a difference between ordinary paying attention and offering loving attention.

Feel the difference for yourself.
We offer loving attention with our heart, not our mind.
It is the ability to connect with our heart, not with our mind.
Engage in loving attention and see if you can get a stronger feel for it.

Darkness is the opposing force to light and love. Our sages tell us darkness is the force of illusion. The biggest place to find it is in this physical world of “Assiyah.” In fact they call this the world of illusion, the False World.

But keeping your flame lit dispels illusion.

It’s like in the movie house, when there’s plenty of darkness, you see and engage with the drama on the screen. You think the movie is real.
But when light arrives…

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Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

Gone away from the suntimes

The Boom children or Boomers knew very well how important our relationship with sun and earth was. Many of them, being called flower children or hippies, enjoyed the rays of the sun, letting them infiltrate on their bare skin, swimming naked in the wild rivers.

Mankind has evolved under the sun and at regular intervals had a very close and special relationship with it. It even became so bad that some people came to worship the sun. Others considered themselves the centre point of the universe and thought that everything circled around them.

Not everywhere on earth have people got the same cycles, though in fact there came to be counted 365 days, with short ones and longer ones (though now they know it is a 24-hour cycle). In some countries, the sun became too hot, in other regions they were pleased to get some warmth from the sun, whilst at other places, they were happy to have summer and winter. Though the dark winter period was not loved so much. For that reason, some brought more light in those darker days by fires and lights.

Summer, winter, hot and cold, we are part of it and can not escape it, even when we try to go to other places every time the season changes. Lots of elderly British overwinter in Spain. They move around like birds move around when the season changes. As such, we can not ignore that the cycles of nature have a profound effect on us and our health, even when we have evolved as humans to be part of this cycle.

Unfortunately, our modern world breaks these laws of nature. We don’t truly experience the sun, or true darkness, winter, or even hot and particularly cold. We have moved indoors with our artificial blue lit world and temperature control environment.

We are not going to bed to sleep, like the chickens go to sleep when it gets darker. Even if it gets dark, and we have to turn on lights to still see something, we want to continue our day, instead of laying ourselves to rest. Living this way, in a certain sense, we have brought our body (and soul) in imbalance with nature.

Instead of doing natural hunting to get to their food, the majority of mankind became a sedentary society. Sitting most of the day and not giving their body enough physical work to stay healthy. In the 20th and 21st centuries, they became aware they had to do something about physical fitness and as such created several systems for exercising their body.

Having lost the intense relationship with mother earth and the physical food, man also lost the spiritual food.
Throughout the centuries, humans did search for a relationship to be taken between the components of nature and its phenomena. He even went so far as to view natural phenomena as gods that could overpower him, because they were no match for that mother nature.

But with the advancing centuries and new knowledge, man came to understand natural phenomena better, but increasingly forgot who was actually behind them. To supplement what man lacked, he began to acquire more materialistic things that also took him further away from spiritual matters. Due to the fast pace of our lives, man lost control and lost the connection with his Creator, overlooking the necessity of spiritual food!



Being alive and living life don’t always go hand in hand

The Cares of Life

Looking at an Utopism which has not ended

Misleading world, stress, technique, superficiality, past, future and positivism

New form of body exercises gaining popularity

Everyday activities to keep you fit and healthy

Mini-MAX-malism: A Bigger Approach to Less is More


Additional reading

  1. 2015 Health and Welfare
  2. Religion and believers #4 Order of Nature and Polytheism on the way to monotheism
  3. the Bible – God’s guide for life #2 Needs in life
  4. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life
  5. Food as a Therapeutic Aid
  6. Consciously or unconsciously forming a world-view and choosing to believe or not to believe in God
  7. Melt the Ice of Form and Become a Blessing to the World
  8. The Garden Outreach Project: GOTYOURBACK Initiative
  9. Soar to Places Unknown
  10. Keeping healthy whilst not going to far away from home
  11. Brits have less access to green space than ever – and it’s getting worse
  12. Inner feeling, morality and Inter-connection with creation
  13. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  14. Reasons why Christianity is declining rapidly in America



  1. Beautiful Breathtaking Sunset And A Poem
  2. The Crone of Winter, by Molly Remer
  3. Full Cold Moon
  4. Last Full Moon of 2022
  5. Winter Solstice
  6. Orion On Relationship With The Beauty & Bounty of Mother Earth
  7. Mother Earth Within
  8. The Inlet
  9. God Has Competition
  10. With God on Our Side
  11. We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family
  12. Unsullied Minds
  13. Seven Deadly…Gyms?
  14. What Would it Take?
  15. How can I change My Lifestyle?
  16. Changing your source of motivation
  17. Surviving Winter: A Guide to Maintaining Your Fitness Levels
  18. How Stretching Can Improve Flexibility and Health
  19. How Physical Exercise Makes Your Brain Better?
  20. The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Loneliness in Older Adults
  21. Endurance Pilates-why we do Pilates the “correct” way!
  22. Self-Assessment, a Psychological exercise
  23. Right way at of living
  24. What is health and its importance?
  25. What Is The “Exercise Flu”?
  26. Feed the Body and Nourish the Soul this Thanksgiving – Eat with an Attitude of Gratitude!
  27. The Beauty of His Temple
  28. Five Ways to Accelerate Your Spiritual and Emotional Growth This Year: Adding a Spiritual Exercise
  29. More New Year’s Exercises
  30. See beyond our own time
  31. Taking care of Mother Earth like how I take care of myself
  32. Come Spirit, Come
  33. Prayer Life

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Ecological affairs, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Abode of Light

Subliminal Landscapes

I set out to
explore the home
of light,
I wander
in the darkest of caves
and the densest of forests,
dark depths of the
relentless ocean
and the farthest end
of the pitch-black space.

Is it not where the
light dwells?
In bioluminescence
at the ocean floor,
fire of the stars
up above, shooting
in the night sky?

I am so small,
a speck,
barely visible in the
endless cosmos.
I am an assemble
of the fragments
of the same universe.
Fluid in my veins
keeps pulsating a
primeval song,
toward light.

The citadel of darkness
is invincible
and intimidating.
Some say to find light
one must
embrace darkness,
for it is the womb
which cracks open
to give birth
to light.

As I do that,
a torch
within me
to cut through
the dark bastion.

© Shalini Garg 2022

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Designing Dreams

Subliminal Landscapes

From the
ribbed, vaporous vaults
he descends,
jumping out
of a Gothic window
at an immeasurable height
in the tremulous castle
of the night.
There is stealth
and secrecy
in the cradle of his
somnolent arms.

What will you morph as
Will you give me your wings
to fly over the flying buttresses,
or leave me
on the eaves?
Gargoyles are frightening
so take me somewhere

Away from the noise
we shall scale
the mysterious peaks.
I want to go farther up
and jump off the loftiest ledge
covered with ice.
Glide down the
icy air with my arms
open wide,
and swim
like a skydiver.

Shelter me in your arms
for this world is a
ravenous beast.

© Shalini Garg 2022

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Existence in the non-existent and non-existence in the existence

When wondering about the existence, the why and how, there is the darkness around us in which we look for the light. There we find ourselves in a world that has shifted from the here and now. We, looking at the age that has shifted all emphasis to the here, there, yesterday, today and tomorrow, and thus brought about a demonisation of man and his world.

The many things that bind us to each other and to this world we want to curse, but they keep us under their spell. Who plays the game? Who has the strings of our body and soul?

Who is the player of this puppet cabinet, where we are the puppets of who in what world? It was not that we ourselves presented ourselves to be a glove puppet. And who is that One Who plays with the hand puppets of this world?

In this world, we see many who want to seize power and even manage to make money out of their dictatorial traits.  Then they take pleasure in having flocks of dictators around them, until the people wake up, when it is too late and the phenomenon of dictators has already caused great misery. Then people will have to admit with shame that they have allowed such foolishness to take place and to cause so much damage. Then they will have the nerve to admit that mankind has been robbed of his transcendence by the short-sightedness of the super-intellectuals, but also of the foolish followers who turned a blind eye while the others warned.

Many have fallen a victim to unconsciousness.

But then, at last, they come to see, man’s task is the exact opposite: to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious.

Neither should he persist in his unconsciousness, nor remain identical with the unconscious elements of his being, thus evading his destiny, which is to create more and more consciousness.

What is the sole purpose of human existence? Is it to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being?

What affects us? What affects him or her who is standing next to us?

For sure

the increase in our consciousness affects the unconscious. {Carl Jung}


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Questions asked, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Living in peace through restoration

In times of war, there exist the danger, people getting frustrated and angry, wanting to do the wrong things against others.

In wartime, the greatest need is for friends.
Here one should not forget Who is always ready to be the Greatest Friend and the Saviour in high need. In times of fear and suffering, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, the Most High and Only True God, is there to guide us through those dark times. Best we give Him our hand and let Him lead us through this darkness to light full of hope.

Susan Reimer

With everything that’s going on in our world the idea of living in peace might seem impossible. But what is impossible for man is possible with God.

2 Corinthians 13:11 says: “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.”

Restoration. I don’t think I’ve noticed that particular word before. Restoration means bringing back to a former position or condition. Rebuilding, reconstructing, renewing or recovering. What would restoration look like in your life? Forgiving a betrayal so that a friendship can begin again? Studying every night for an hour instead of scrolling social media to raise your grades? Sitting down with a counsellor to discuss a hurt that is preventing you from moving forward?

Only you know the answer to that question but restoration is possible and the end…

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Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters

Optimism or pessimism: Which is better for you?

If it would be up to us to say, we would assure you that optimism is the best way to live longer. We advise you to do away as much as you can from negative influences.

In these dark Corona days and time of Climate Change, we are pulled back and forth by the many changing reports and many feel very insecure. Today, for the umpteenth time in a row, the government is coming up with new tightening corona measures that will again restrict us in so many areas. (Positive thinkers will rather look at the new or renewed measures with an attitude of “ah, we can still do this!

Negatively you could say “what the heel, again a lockdown”. Positively you could say

“Is it only the fourth wave of the pandemic, or is it already the fourth lockdown?”

For many it almost has become part of their everyday life.

Somehow it is everyday life. This pandemic reminds us of what we like to ignore: life is unpredictable. Now it’s just being taken to the extreme. {Another Lockdown}

Thanksgiving Day and weekend is already behind us, but soon we shall get some other days of family gathering and happiness. For some Christian it is now Advent (peculiar to the Western churches) and a time to prepare for Christmas. In the old days that period was a time of fasting and meditation. For Catholics with November 30 (St. Andrew’s Day) it is the beginning of the liturgical year. So, when you think of starting a new year, hopefully, you would not do that with a grim, dark mind, but would look forwards with a lot of good ideas, positivism and hope. In many Eastern churches, the Nativity Fast is a similar period of penance and preparation that occurs during the 40 days before Christmas. Normally having a ‘Fast’ a person would take such action to clear the mind and to do away with all bad things. As such in that period a person should also do away with negative thoughts and come to see the good things in life, appreciating again all the tiny bits.

Those who believe in Jesus Christ have the advantage, that there is hope for them for better times. Therefore, there should be no reason for a Christian to run around with the chin hanging on the ground. Our faith provides the foundation of courage to assist us when we have to endure that difficult ‘walk of life‘. Even when the days are becoming shorter and darker, this does not have to make our mind darker and has to stop us from dreaming or going further with our bold adventure and directs our steps to greatness. The light in the darkness Christians may see, they can show also to others, to bring them some positive news in these darker days.

The coming of Christ in his Nativity was overlaid with a second theme, also stemming from Gallican churches, namely, his Second Coming at the end of time. Some people are convinced we have already entered that time of the end. For others, this interweaving of the themes of two advents of Christ gives the season a peculiar tension both of penitence and of joy in expectation of the Lord who is “at hand.”

In life it often goes the wrong way with people when they have too many expectations. We typically do demand too much from ourselves. At the same time, we create borders for ourselves thinking that we shall not be able to do this or that. By setting such limitations in front of us we collide with a bare wall. We should know our feelings have all to do with our attitude to ourselves and to others. But it also has to do with what we want from ourselves and how we want to project ourselves to others.

Some of us are afraid to have some dark thoughts or see such pessimistic ideas as a threat or danger to our well-being.

Studies suggest that around 80 percent of people have an optimism bias, or tendency to overestimate the likelihood of positive events. But does that mean they live happier lives?
Marnie Chesterton – accompanied by Hannah, a CrowdScience listener and self-proclaimed pessimist – investigates how we form our views on what the future holds, and whether it’s better to always look on the bright side of life.

‘If we think things are gonna be good for us in the future, we tend to put in the effort’

Can CrowdScience answer your question?

Let us not forget even when we are becoming restricted, we can use this time of more isolation, to think more about ourselves, what we have done and what way we shall continue to go. Now it is time to think of ways to go forward, even when we have to face certain times to draw back, and considering that tis moment may be totally different from the moment and time of someone else we know. Not comparing ourselves with others all the time shall make life much easier.

In this darkness, dare to step forward at your own speed and with your own capabilities!

Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com



In October-November People often too busy with death and the dead

Misleading world, stress, technique, superficiality, past, future and positivism

What kind of attitude do you have?

don’t look at me in that tone of voice!

Some Hope for 2021


Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself

Getting up to bring changes into your life

On Positivism

Benefits of Positive Thinking


Additional reading

  1. Unlikely silence
  2. CoViD-19 Curation
  3. No time yet to relax the CoViD-19 restriction measures
  4. Another Lockdown
  5. The importance of utopia and how to get there
  6. Utopian dreams
  7. Thoughts for the day (Our World) = Thoughts for the day (Some view on the World)
  8. Thanksgiving wisdom: Why gratitude is good for your health
  9. Good time to sort out your friends and contacts
  10. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement (Our World) = Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement (Some view on the World)
  11. Offering words of hope (Our world)Offering words of hope (Some View on the World)
  12. God, let me be a light in these dark times



  1. Punch Through: Harsh Life and the Problem of Positive Thinking
  2. When You Make A Mistake
  3. Seeds, Roots and Shoots
  4. Changing World
  5. Confidence in the Lord
  6. 🤗 A Better Life ~ Sing a Happy Song
  7. 👊 Today’s Power Thought ~ Yes, Good Things Are Headed Your Way
  8. 👊 Today’s Power Thought ~ You Have Undiscovered Potential
  9. Review of “The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist’s Guide to the Climate Crisis”
  10. Throwing of the Gauntlet: Quotes for Philosophical Dads
  11. The Walk down Memory Lane
  12. One Lesson From a 100 Day Tweet Challenge
  13. Dancing Lights 


Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters

Comforting Thought: Without darkness we wouldn’t see the stars


Content Catnip

Without darkness we wouldn’t see the stars, reach for them!

You might not grab them, but a least you won’t end up with mud on your hands.

Look for the beauty, it can be found in the most unlikely of places.

Googie McCabe

“Without darkness we wouldn’t see the stars, reach for them!” @googiemccabe

Comforting Thought: Without darkness we wouldn’t see the stars - Googie McCabe
Comforting Thought: Without darkness we wouldn’t see the stars – Googie McCabe

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Filed under Cultural affairs, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Reflection Texts

Point Taken?


World looks dark?
Lots of confusion? Conflict & division?
Isn’t it time for a little light?
To balance things out?
What if each of us has the power within…?
to shine bright?
Can you shine a little of your light today?


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, World affairs

Part of an anthem About Peace on the hill

We have no control over the mongers
nor can we bring back the wrongful dead.
We cannot change a bomber’s mission
whose eyes and heart
have long been dead.

We cannot halt a crime in progress,
nor stop a public servant
from breaking his public’s back.
We can only watch a mob turned frenzied,
burning down stores of hard working people.
We cannot choose when the lines are drawn
nor order our neighbor to stand on our side.

We will become discouraged
and question our God,
for we are only human
emotional, mortal beings.
And the darkness is a heavy burden
a worthy opponent indeed.

But if we stand together
each shining an individual light
peaceful protest, speeches given,
solutions sought, hate amended
or however our gifts illuminate,
even when we tire or become weary
or the dreaded voices return…

As long as we remember,
no matter how dark it gets
if we continue to contribute
regardless of how meek it appears,
the next time, or the one after that
when the darkness sees its chance,
and starts to fall across the land
the light will be prepared for battle
and good will halt the march of evil.
allowing PEACE to overtake the land.

From: The Anthem: Even PEACE has a hill

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Quotations or Citations, Social affairs, World affairs

Pictures from the clouds….

In these times where there is so much going on in the world, lots of people being tested by a sweeping illness, violent storms, heavy earthquakes, having to face killing soldiers, we should see the light in the darkness and know that there (up high) there is Someone to trust.

Let those who believe in the Highest, show others the light He has provided to the world.

Faith in God is priceless and can do, the totally amazing,


If you think God has forgotten us, it’s the greatest lie ever told, same as those who worship the demon, why,the demon doesn’t exist, that’s if you believe their blurb, they usually have interests that are very ungodly, why allow a little Spirit get in the way of their business, its our network, our territory, the good news, they have to deal now with the unthinkable, the all powerful God, who can do anything, a worrying thought,same as the anxiety about the atom bomb during the second great war, and as they say, we just about escaped that one, just about, even if we fight that threat daily, in a very unstable world.

So it’s the story of the vineyard, well, the messengers are sent, prophets appear, accompanied by signs. Jesus asked for miracles because he knew the hearts of men, they are children who need reassurance, so the miracles…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Is it really so?

Many nations in the world encounter difficult days in this time of CoViD-19. In many countries, the earth came to shake a lot and volcanos came to give a spectacular amount of smoke and ashes and magma flowing down.

(We would consider all that signs of the time.)

In many countries, nature shows that it conquers the virus and conquers man that destroyed already so much. But nature is the stronger one to man.

For sure

“We’re on the verge of something”

and we can feel it moving! Many deny that there is That Mightier Power which is above any man. Many try to fight against It or against His creation.

In these times of trials, we could seclude ourselves from all contact with all other humans. We could go in full lockdown and let the darkness pass, without having to interfere in our own house. But we should know that having to live in this present world, we can not ignore it. For those who believe in God and His sent one, it is high time to come out of the darkness and step into the light.


I heard it said that these are dark days for our nation. I wondered, according to who? why am I to agree? I do have free will and a choice, do I not? That is my decision, to embrace what is, and to choose to see it as my opportunity to infect my sphere of influence with the Love that has been so graciously been bestowed upon me.

Photo by Philippe Donn on Pexels.com

I am choosing to behold, observe and revere the mystery of the nature of things. In carrying on with the experience that if I am aware and honest, pausing to reflect upon the magnificence and miracle of living, I can experience the “Light infused darkness” that accompanies acceptance of uncertainty. I don’t know and don’t need to. Growth doesn’t occur in my comfort zone. Celebrate life and give thanks for the chance to make this a…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Where did we come from and who are we?

Having started a new year after one we probably all want to forget very quickly, we do hope soon to come out of the darkness.

At the beginning of all times there was also darkness and void. There was no form when everything came into being. In 2020 lots of things seemed to have lost form and meaning. Suddenly there seemed something wrong with the world. All over the globe people had become frightened by what one president smilingly called the Chinese disease. Many came to wonder:

What has gone wrong with the world? What can we do to fix it? How now shall we live?

2020 was a year that gave us enough time to think. Many were in isolation in their own home or were locked up in a care home. Lots of people suddenly got enough time for themselves and their own family. They got now some time to reflect on the response to the first and most foundational of these questions  –

where did we come from?


Where are we going to?

There are a limited number of answers at our disposal: We came about by chance (the naturalist contention), we don’t really exist (the Hindu response), or we were spoken into existence by God. Some believe mankind was placed here on earth by extraterrestrials.

For the Christian, the answer to

“Where did we come from and who are we?”

gives a foundation for thinking that no other answer gives. Because we were created, there is value in each person. There is meaning and purpose to every life. There is Someone above and outside our existence who stands over it as authority.

As human beings, all created in the image of God, somehow we all can carry something of God in us, even without knowing it or willing to know. Several people claim Jesus is God because there is written he was in the image of God. They forget that the first Adam was also created in God’s image like all the other human beings, but for sure they are not God, the same way as Jesus is not God.

Last month several Christians celebrated the birth of a man who changed the course of this world. They claim to be his followers though reject many of his words, his teachings and those values as a part of shaping our culture for the future. They look at a King, but forget that he came from the root of another king (King David).

Perhaps this world has gone “buzark” because people living in this materialist world have forgotten those important ethics and values. For centuries people were truthful to the teachings of Jesus, but they were always in the minority because their way of life was based on something not of this world that the world no longer recognizes.

After the darkness and isolation of the CoViD year there is some hope with the upcoming vaccines. Let us also hope more people would come to the realisation that we seriously have to do something to protect the animals and the nature around us. This so maniest coronavirus was a very serious one which had brought the economy and life to a standstill. It was a time to reflect and to think about the way we are treating mother nature.

With the opening of the “Newer Year” we do hope you and our other readers would find the way to make the best out of this life.

Stay healthy & All the best for 2021


Filed under Announcement, Ecological affairs, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

Happens to the Heart (Leonard Cohen)

I was always working steady
But I never called it art
I got my shit together
Meeting Christ and reading Marx
It failed, my little fire
But it spread the dying spark
Go tell the young messiah
What happens to the heart
There’s a mist of summer kisses
Where I tried to double-park
The rivalry was vicious
The women were in charge
It was nothing, it was business
But it left an ugly mark
I’ve come here to revisit
What happens to the heart
I was selling holy trinkets
I was dressing kind of sharp
Had a pussy in the kitchen
And a panther in the yard
In the prison of the gifted
I was friendly with the guards
So I never had to witness
What happens to the heart
I should have seen it coming
After all, I knew the chart
Just to look at her was trouble
It was trouble from the start
Sure, we played a stunning couple
But I never liked the part
It ain’t pretty, it ain’t subtle
What happens to the heart
Now the angel’s got a fiddle
The devil’s got a harp
Every soul is like a minnow
Every mind is like a shark
Me, I’ve broken every window
But the house, the house is dark
I care, but very little
What happens to the heart
Then I studied with this beggar
He was filthy, he was scarred
By the claws of many women
He had failed to disregard
No fable here, no lesson
No singing meadowlark
Just a filthy beggar guessing
What happens to the heart
I was always working steady
But I never called it art
It was just some old convention
Like the horse before the cart
I had no trouble betting
On the flood, against the ark
You see, I knew about the ending
What happens to the heart
I was handy with a rifle
My father’s .303
I fought for something final
Not the right to disagree

~ Leonard Cohen

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Filed under Audio, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Video

Leonard Cohen – Anthem

The birds, they sang
At the break of day
Start again, I heard them say
Don’t dwell on what has passed away
Or what is yet to be.

Yeah, the wars
They will be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
Bought and sold and bought again
The dove is never free.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

We asked for signs
The signs were sent:
The birth betrayed
The marriage spent
Yeah, the widowhood of every government
Signs for all to see.

I can’t run no more
With that lawless crowd
While the killers in high places say their prayers out loud
But they’ve summoned, they’ve summoned up a thundercloud
They’re gonna hear from me.

Ring the bells that still can ring …

You can add up the parts
You won’t have the sum
You can strike up the march
There is no drum
Every heart, every heart
To love, will come
But like a refugee.

Ring the bells that still can ring…

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in
That’s how the light gets in
That’s how the light gets in.

~ Leonard Cohen

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Filed under Audio, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Video, Welfare matters

Kindness Matters, Pass it on.

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Filed under Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Extending the soul to the hungry and satisfying the afflicted

Happy is the heart who offers the lonely a friend.



‘…If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul,
then your light shall dawn in the darkness,
and your darkness shall be as the noonday.’
~ Isaiah 58:10



Dear God, let me help those in need
and let me bring them some sparkle of hope.



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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Prayers, Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Coming to the end of 2018

The last day of 2018 presents itself.

Manny forget that there has been a time when there was no time. There was nothing to measure the passage of moments. Everything was in a space without time notation. Everything was empty and void in the darkness.

Only after the Voice of the Unseen spoke there came order in the chaos and everything came into being. The Divine Maker of all things created light and darkness so that time could be measured.

Today one can say

The experience of the passage of time is one of the most foundational experiences of being human. {Is Time Real?}

If we want it or not. The days pass in front of our eyes. We can not stop to become older. All that rest us is to remember past days.

We remember the past, we experience the immediacy of the present, and we imagine the possibilities of the future. {Is Time Real?}

Lots of people shall come together with friends and/or family and shall take moments to remember the previous months. And when the clock ticks 12 all shall bring their best wishes for a new year to those around them and to those further away. The distance may bring other hours, but also there the time comes and goes.

The notion of reality being beyond time has been challenged by different thinkers in different ages. At the end of the year we would like to stand still for a moment and think about that element: T I M E.

And what shall bring us Tomorrow?

> Please find to read: Is Time Real? by Jeff Carreira


Filed under Being and Feeling, History, Lifestyle, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

Time to be strengthened, thankful and to be prepared

One of the remembrance days about gifts and giving is Thanksgiving which, in the United States, is always celebrated as a national holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. In many countries all over the world in several churches the believers in God look at the Summer and what it brought to them. They want to remember all the good things the earth gave them and want to give thanks for the bountiful blessings they received from God in the past season and previous years.

Having the days shortening we can not ignore the darkness around us. We not only have the sun which goes under earlier, but are also confronted with the darkness of this world, people having gone far away from their Divine Creator and having lost the sense to love each other. We do know that in the end more darkness shall come over the world, lots of people setting each other up against each other. But we do know that we must strengthen each other as brethren and sisters, giving each other hope for a better world to come.

These darker days of the year we want to show others that there is some great person to look for who is the way to God and the way to freedom and peace. People may feel the black matter coming closer to them seeing turbulent global events begin to make their mark on Jews and their allies around the world and seeing how certain so called religious group wants to press others into their beliefs and/or want to govern the world.

Several people became frightened by the things which happened that just did not make sense.

Overnight, our cherished institutions, our icons, have collapsed. We don’t understand it. People blame this one and that one. It’s not just in the United States, it’s all over the world, and we have so many natural disasters, and so much illness. What is happening?” {Esther Jungreis – Messiah Coming}

Rabbi Rebbetzin Jungreis says God is bringing the world closer to redemption in a process called “chevlei Mashiach” – the labour pains of the arrival of the Messiah.

From the Scriptures we know that there shall come a time of Great Trouble. We also know that when such time shall come, when religion shall fight against other religions, and when we shall have more natural disasters, the time shall be ready for the Messiah to come to bring order in all things and opening or closing the doors of the Kingdom for the people who have to come in front of his seat.

Based on the writings of ancient Jewish sages, Jungreis concludes that this generation is replete with the signs that are prophesied to hail the coming of the Messiah, including endemic impudence, follower-ship, idol worship, disasters, and war.

It’s going to be a generation that will abound in chutzpah

“All our [sages] agree…they do not want to be present for the chevlei Mashiach, the birth pangs, because the birth pangs are going to be very painful… It’s going to be a generation that will abound in chutzpah [audacity]. Chutzpah will be colossal. Families will be fragmented. Children will turn against parents, parents against children. The elderly will not be respected. Youth will be worshipped.

“… The generation will be like the generation of the dog.  What does that mean? The dog runs ahead but always looks back to see if the master is behind him. Similarly, people don’t have their own opinions today. What is the media saying? The media is controlling the world…” {Esther Jungreis – Messiah Coming}

Lots of people are glued to the screen of their smartphone and may have a lot of virtual friends or Facebook or other social media friends but not so many real friends. Most of all the majority of people around us do love the material goods of this world. According to Rebbetzin Jungreis, the greatest avodah zarah or idol worship of this generation is money, an obsession which causes the Western world to ignore the lurking danger posed by Islamist terror against Israel and the United States.

“We have been very blessed, perhaps there was never in history such a wealthy Jewish generation as ours was. But there was no Hakaras HaTov, no credit to Hashem. “My strength did all this”. We became arrogant, we became chutzpahdik, we forgot Hashem… Imach shemam [their names be obliterated], the sons of Ishmael, every minute it’s “Allah”. The sons of Esav, “the Lord,” every minute. Their leadership is always speaking the name of G-d. Am Yisrael … they heard the word of Hashem panim el panim, face to face – has forgotten its G-d.” {Esther Jungreis – Messiah Coming}

We not only find a very low spiritual state of the Jewish People that has caused God to hide His face from them. By Christians we also find a majority clinging onto human doctrines and worshipping several gods and saints. Lots of them even do not know the Name of the Most High God or are against people who use God’s set-apart or Holy Name. Many even go over to celebrate a so called “birth of God” (though God never was born nor shall he ever die, but they talk about the birth of God His only begotten son), on the festival of the goddess of light (December 25) instead of celebrating Jeshua’s birth on his real date of birth.

The majority of mankind choose to reject God and will not honour His majesty and shall not respect His rule over the earth. But real lovers of God take these darker days to praise Him and to be thankful that He is our light in the darkness.

The two holiday-weekends to remember the death (November 1 and 11) brought the darker side of life in the picture, remembering that it was 100 years ago that there really did not yet come an end to useless killing. We may cling to life despite the painful burden of dark memories. That is the message we should carry. It should also be days that we where thankful for those who survived and/or made it possible that others could come to live in peace for some time.

Many forget also to think about the smaller matters, like having a good night rest, waking up in the morning to the sound of birds chirping, being able to walk or drive along beautiful sites, feeling the sun caressing the skin and the wind pushing us forwards.

These coming weeks we shall have some time to think about our attitude to all those small things which make our life more beautiful. We are going to face days that we can sit in a nice warm living room, whilst many others shall stay out in the cold with not much food and not many clothes. For lovers of God it should be a time to think about all those matters and to be thankful for what we can enjoy and have around us. It is also a time we can find more time to read the Bible. It is a way of gratitude for the things we get, that we can make a home for the Elohim His Word in our hearts.

Thanksgiving DayFor those who shall be free on Thanksgiving day and shall come together to have a nice meal, do not forget what is behind the idea of the holiday. thank God for all the things you may have and for the blessings which may come over your family.

Let the day after Thanksgiving day not be a mad Black Friday where shopping is the greatest priority. Be not taken by the greed of this world, but stay sensible about what you really need.

More Americans seem to travel between the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Sunday after the holiday than at any other time of year. AAA estimates nearly 51 million Americans travelled 50 miles or more from home for the holiday in 2017. When going places remember how it is possible you can travel to all such places and do not forget to see around you how the nature is a witness of its Designer.

When looking at the coming festive days let us always be careful not to be carried away by heathen activities or pagan rites. Let us always be careful when we want some more lights in the house, not to bring in heathen elements.

Take all those moments of togetherness as a time to share the love of God and to show your thankfulness to Him and to those around you.



The Proper Place of Excess

Many opportunities given by God

The Gift of Giving


Additional reading

  1. Testify of the things heard
  2. I Only hope we find GOD again before it is too late !
  3. God wants to be gracious to you
  4. To Live Gratitude
  5. 2016 Thanksgiving and politics
  6. Hanukkahgiving or Thanksgivvukah
  7. A Meaningful Thanksgivukkah
  8. Thanksgivukkah and Advent
  9. Thanksgiving wisdom: Why gratitude is good for your health
  10. Of Grandchildren, Chanukah, and Christmas
  11. By counting our blessings we not only feel good, but we multiply our good
  12. 8 Reasons Christian Holidays Should Not Be Observed
  13. Germanic mythological influences up to today’s Christmas celebrations
  14. Your New Job Description — Bless!
  15. A season of gifts
  16. Be a ready giver
  17. Blessed are those who freely give
  18. God’s never-ending stream of much-needed mercies
  19. By counting our blessings we not only feel good, but we multiply our good
  20. A gift of 86,400 seconds
  21. Life in gratitude opens glory of God
  22. Thanking God by thinking of people
  23. A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice
  24. Being thankful
  25. Give thanks to the One Who gave much
  26. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name
  27. My God
  28. Give Thanks To God
  29. Bring praise to the Creator
  30. Praise Jehovah, ​You people


Holiday dinner

Further reading

  1. Illuminating the Darkness
  2. Preparing for the Holiday Season
  3. Happy Thanksgivukkah
  4. “How Excellent is Your Name” #1544
  5. The History of Thanksgiving
  6. A History Of The Holidays From Thanksgiving To New Years’
  7. Thanksgiving: a Tale of Two Tables
  8. five helpings of gratitude…#don’t forgetThanksgiving
  9. 5 Reasons to Get Your Sh*t Done Before Thanksgiving Break
  10. Staying Healthy During The Holidays
  11. Deck the Halls and Carve the Turkey…
  12. 17 Best Hanukkah Gifts: Your Ultimate List
  13. 13 Cute Menorahs You Can Actually Prime
  14. Have Yourself a Homespun Holiday
  15. The Seven Feasts and Their Prophetic Fulfillments
  16. Hanukkah at Epcot Is Getting a Whole “Latke” Tastier with a Pop-Up Jewish Deli
  17. Let the Word of God Dwell in You, Richly
  18. Things I’m Thankful For
  19. Giving Thanks – Day of Thanksgiving # 14
  20. Thankful Bible Verses {Free Printable}
  21. Top 10 Bible Verses on Giving Thanks
  22. Revelation 11:17


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Food, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters