Tag Archives: Hippie

What to change about modern society

Daily writing prompt
What would you change about modern society?

When we look at humanity‘s actions, we may well wonder if it wants to use its brain enough and would not be better off employing its ambitions and goals with more insight. We should not be proud of what mankind made into the 21st century, with an immensely growing wealth gap, social disparities, and systemic inequalities that exist in various aspects of society, such as income, education, and opportunity.

If we look around us we also see a lot of “fake people,” people who do not dare to be themselves but pretend to be this or that.

As the world begins to turn square, we see the far right gaining more ground in industrialised countries, with citizens clearly indicating that what matters most to them is their own self. For the majority, the law of the strongest applies but also the law of money, sparing nothing or no one. In the process, nature seems to be losing out for the common good. The industry is given priority over the general welfare of Mother Nature.

Sometimes we can seem like loners, yet I believe that several crazies like me, if we band together enough, can make a difference. Even if our voices sometimes seem to echo in thin air, the echoes will continue to reverberate and touch other souls.

Therefore, it comes down to those who believe that we should take more care of Mother Nature, to join hands and continuously push their representatives in government to work towards a better environment, where people are also allowed to live more equally with each other.

Many think they can do little to change what happens in the world. But if everyone thinks this way, not much will change. People must realise that no matter how small the change, no matter where it takes place, if more people work to create a better environment, it will become possible for more people.

In the area of human relations, there is also much to be done. Here we can only hope that we will gradually evolve into a more tolerant or more tolerant world where people will come to realise that the differences between them are an enrichment rather than an impoverishment.
My hippie years may be far behind me, but the reasons we protested then have not disappeared. In fact, today they have become even more important and high profile. Even more than then, people should now rise to the occasion and raise their voices to protect animals, plants and humans alike.




High time to show the way to peace



Additional reading

  1. Also small changes made by blogging can be useful
  2. A change to be made by a blog
  3. Capitalism and Inequality
  4. Poverty a European Issue
  5. Inequality, Injustice, Sustainability and the Free World Charter
  6. 2014 Human Rights
  7. How willing are people to stand up for their values and beliefs
  8. Involvement and implementation of European Pillar of Social Rights
  9. Subcutaneous power for humanity 1 1940-1960 Influenced by horrors of the century
  10. Subcutaneous power for humanity 3 Facing changing attitudes
  11. Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends
  12. An answer to gun violence according two American pastors



  1. What would you change about modern society?
  2. Modern Society: The change that should be required!
  3. Transforming Modern Society: Environmental Consciousness,
  4. What changes are required in modern society?
  5. Modern Society
  6. Change…in modern society…
  7. Prompt: Modernity
  8. ~modern society~
  9. The Modern Society
  10. Modern Society in a Simple Person’s Perspective
  11. Daily Prompt – There is A Lot of things I would change
  12. Change I want to bring to this modern society
  13. What would I change about modern society?
  14. WDP — FUD
  15. One change to affect all others – let’s ditch expectations
  16. A hopeful thought
  17. A Lack of Empathy
  18. Life energy and enthusiasm….
  19. After 1000 years human look …
  20. “Empowering Change: Unmasking the Hidden Injustices of Modern Society for a Progressive
  21. Where did Modern Women go wrong?| love factual
  22. The Limits of Reason & Necessity of Faith
  23. The Moses Generation
  24. So much…
  25. Get Woke, Go Broke?
  26. Balancing the Benefits and Drawbacks of Modern Society:
  27. Trapped in Society: Breaking Free and Chasing Your Dreams

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Cultural affairs, Ecological affairs, Economical affairs, Educational affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Political affairs, Questions asked, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Are School Curriculums Promoting Gender Stereotypes?

There is always a certain way of life associated with certain times. Each people have their own traditions and moral standards, which can also change a lot over the years.

A square quartered into four head shots of young men with moptop haircuts. All four wear white shirts and dark coats.

The Beatles in 1964, the awesome four whose hairstyle was considered much too long and not for boys.

In Western Europe, it was so unheard of in the 50s60s for girls to wear skirts shorter than calf height. Boys, on the other hand, were supposed to keep their hair very short. There were a lot of arguments when boys wished to wear their hair as long (if even still very short) as the Beatles’ hair.

As youngsters, we still saw our father walking in a swimming costume that covered the chest completely and came to half the thigh. Short bathing panties were also unheard of for us.

In our hippie years, we did a lot of work to change certain norms and values. But in certain areas, it still took years before society was open to valuing women and certain gender groups.


To remember

  • irrational body standards set by our institutions + how they influence our perception – of both societies as well as ourselves.
  • primary school played a huge role in making young girls feel uncomfortable in their bodies.
  • bothering of female students begins with onset of their menstrual cycle
  • unsaid mathematical equation > length of skirt = directly proportional to immoral attitude
  • access to sports was heavily shriveled
  • straight boys not spared
  • teachers insulting boys for wearing earrings to school
  • stereotyping = boys, on average, understand science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) better <> girls perform better in reading, writing + handicraft => classroom discourses > similar behaviour among kids – each student showing conformity to their respective gender roles.
  • National Curriculum Framework 2005 prioritizes gender-sensitive education = means of attaining quality education. CBSE, acting under NCERT’s directives> designed kit on gender sensitivity => practice gender-sensitive learning => journey towards a gender-sensitive culture



Gender, genderless, androgyny, bisexuality, cisgender and transgender

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Do the concepts of male and female need to have a formal official definition

Trans extremism, trans ideology, genderless a.o. categories and TERFs

The dilemma of gender neutrality

She/Her – They/Them – Person

The Concept of Gender Neutrality and You

The World of ‘Men’?

Gender Neutrality

For those who think there are no gender neutral people or that there is no reason to change gender


Additional reading

  1. Parenthood made more difficult
  2. Anniversary of the 19th Amendment still a long way to go
  3. 2014 Human Rights
  4. 2015 Human rights
  5. Added commentary to the posting A Progressive Call to Arms
  6. Gender equality and women’s rights in the post-2015 agenda
  7. Establishment of a European Pillar of Social Rights
  8. Living in this world and viewing it
  9. The focus of multiculturalism in Europe on Muslims and Jews
  10. Grow strong in weakness
  11. Happiness mapping and getting over gender mapping
  12. Need to Embrace People Where They Are
  13. Trusting present youngsters who are not necessary evil
  14. Secularisation and Assignments given for all people
  15. Going for sustainable development
  16. Today’s thought “The times of ignorance” (November 5)
  17. Intermarriage and Protecting the state of the Jewish and/or Jeshuaist family



  1. No Mates
  2. World Economic Forum Selects UAE Gender Balance Council As Knowledge Partner To Advance Gender Balance Globally
  3. Canadian dad rips school board for sexually explicit book available to young children, gender policies
  4. Rishi Sunak and Nicola Sturgeon set for months of legal battles over decision to block gender Bill
  5. Scotland vows to challenge UK in court over gender law veto
  6. Gender Recognition Veto Pulls Trans People Into Crisis ‘They Did Not Ask For’, MPs Warn
  7. Scotland’s gender recognition bill halted by U.K.: What to know
  8. UK Government Vetoes Scotland’s Law Makers: Reaction Roundup
  9. U.K. blocks Scottish gender ID bill
  10. Labour peer expertly explains why blocking Scotland’s gender bill is completely unjustified
  11. Mario Lopez Criticized For Transgender Remarks: A Christian Response to Cultural Backlash
  12. New WV Obscenity Bill Would Jail People For “Transgender Exposure” To Minors
  13. Gender Neutral Uniforms, Safe Washrooms: NCERT’s Manual for Schools on Transgender Students
  14. How & Why To Talk To Your Kids About Gender Identity
  15. New York Times admits that hundreds of ‘top surgeries’ are being performed on children:…
  16. American Girl publishes guidebook encouraging transgender puberty blockers
  17. Six Questions EVERYONE Should Answer About Sex (and 5 To Stop Asking Sexual and Gender Minorities)
  18. Agender – What does that mean?
  19. Is Non-Binary the Future of Gender?
  20. Practicing What You Preach
  21. Horse by Chase Twichell
  22. N.B. vintage clothing shop embraces gender neutrality and body positivity
  23. Competitiveness and gender
  24. South Africa commission for gender equality appoints new CEO
  25. The Future of Gender
  26. Framing Agnes, Chase Joynt’s Radical and Inventive Trans History Doc
  27. Never Criticize Everyone, Be Specific
  28. The Procrastinating Progress of Transnational Same-Sex Marriage Rights in Taiwan
  29. More Female Journalists Ensure Better Feminist Perspectives In Journalism


By – Arusha upadhyay

One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.

-Malala Yousafzai

Like a lot of us, the lockdown provided me with a chance to ponder over the irrational body standards set by our institutions and how they influence our perception – of both societies as well as ourselves.

My primary school played a huge role in making me and other young girls feel uncomfortable in their bodies. Like most educational institutions, my school associated shame with a spotted skirt or a short-length skirt and normalized the usage of sexist and homophobic slurs. Our sports teacher would often stop girls who wore “short skirts” from playing on the pretext of “what if a guy saw you in this skirt?” My school never had a female cricket or football team, and even the little access to sports was heavily shriveled. This led to an…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Educational affairs, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Gone away from the suntimes

The Boom children or Boomers knew very well how important our relationship with sun and earth was. Many of them, being called flower children or hippies, enjoyed the rays of the sun, letting them infiltrate on their bare skin, swimming naked in the wild rivers.

Mankind has evolved under the sun and at regular intervals had a very close and special relationship with it. It even became so bad that some people came to worship the sun. Others considered themselves the centre point of the universe and thought that everything circled around them.

Not everywhere on earth have people got the same cycles, though in fact there came to be counted 365 days, with short ones and longer ones (though now they know it is a 24-hour cycle). In some countries, the sun became too hot, in other regions they were pleased to get some warmth from the sun, whilst at other places, they were happy to have summer and winter. Though the dark winter period was not loved so much. For that reason, some brought more light in those darker days by fires and lights.

Summer, winter, hot and cold, we are part of it and can not escape it, even when we try to go to other places every time the season changes. Lots of elderly British overwinter in Spain. They move around like birds move around when the season changes. As such, we can not ignore that the cycles of nature have a profound effect on us and our health, even when we have evolved as humans to be part of this cycle.

Unfortunately, our modern world breaks these laws of nature. We don’t truly experience the sun, or true darkness, winter, or even hot and particularly cold. We have moved indoors with our artificial blue lit world and temperature control environment.

We are not going to bed to sleep, like the chickens go to sleep when it gets darker. Even if it gets dark, and we have to turn on lights to still see something, we want to continue our day, instead of laying ourselves to rest. Living this way, in a certain sense, we have brought our body (and soul) in imbalance with nature.

Instead of doing natural hunting to get to their food, the majority of mankind became a sedentary society. Sitting most of the day and not giving their body enough physical work to stay healthy. In the 20th and 21st centuries, they became aware they had to do something about physical fitness and as such created several systems for exercising their body.

Having lost the intense relationship with mother earth and the physical food, man also lost the spiritual food.
Throughout the centuries, humans did search for a relationship to be taken between the components of nature and its phenomena. He even went so far as to view natural phenomena as gods that could overpower him, because they were no match for that mother nature.

But with the advancing centuries and new knowledge, man came to understand natural phenomena better, but increasingly forgot who was actually behind them. To supplement what man lacked, he began to acquire more materialistic things that also took him further away from spiritual matters. Due to the fast pace of our lives, man lost control and lost the connection with his Creator, overlooking the necessity of spiritual food!



Being alive and living life don’t always go hand in hand

The Cares of Life

Looking at an Utopism which has not ended

Misleading world, stress, technique, superficiality, past, future and positivism

New form of body exercises gaining popularity

Everyday activities to keep you fit and healthy

Mini-MAX-malism: A Bigger Approach to Less is More


Additional reading

  1. 2015 Health and Welfare
  2. Religion and believers #4 Order of Nature and Polytheism on the way to monotheism
  3. the Bible – God’s guide for life #2 Needs in life
  4. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life
  5. Food as a Therapeutic Aid
  6. Consciously or unconsciously forming a world-view and choosing to believe or not to believe in God
  7. Melt the Ice of Form and Become a Blessing to the World
  8. The Garden Outreach Project: GOTYOURBACK Initiative
  9. Soar to Places Unknown
  10. Keeping healthy whilst not going to far away from home
  11. Brits have less access to green space than ever – and it’s getting worse
  12. Inner feeling, morality and Inter-connection with creation
  13. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  14. Reasons why Christianity is declining rapidly in America



  1. Beautiful Breathtaking Sunset And A Poem
  2. The Crone of Winter, by Molly Remer
  3. Full Cold Moon
  4. Last Full Moon of 2022
  5. Winter Solstice
  6. Orion On Relationship With The Beauty & Bounty of Mother Earth
  7. Mother Earth Within
  8. The Inlet
  9. God Has Competition
  10. With God on Our Side
  11. We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family
  12. Unsullied Minds
  13. Seven Deadly…Gyms?
  14. What Would it Take?
  15. How can I change My Lifestyle?
  16. Changing your source of motivation
  17. Surviving Winter: A Guide to Maintaining Your Fitness Levels
  18. How Stretching Can Improve Flexibility and Health
  19. How Physical Exercise Makes Your Brain Better?
  20. The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Loneliness in Older Adults
  21. Endurance Pilates-why we do Pilates the “correct” way!
  22. Self-Assessment, a Psychological exercise
  23. Right way at of living
  24. What is health and its importance?
  25. What Is The “Exercise Flu”?
  26. Feed the Body and Nourish the Soul this Thanksgiving – Eat with an Attitude of Gratitude!
  27. The Beauty of His Temple
  28. Five Ways to Accelerate Your Spiritual and Emotional Growth This Year: Adding a Spiritual Exercise
  29. More New Year’s Exercises
  30. See beyond our own time
  31. Taking care of Mother Earth like how I take care of myself
  32. Come Spirit, Come
  33. Prayer Life

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Ecological affairs, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Social affairs, Welfare matters

To the Freeworlders

With pleasure we want to let you know that we have been busy with building a place where people want to share with each other. For more than 27 years Marcus Ampe tried to bring the idea of sharing into our capitalist society. In 1995 he got a computer and started writing on the internet under different pen names, to spout his ideas and to ventilate his criticism on our squandering society. In the 1990ies, with some political activists it was tried to get some ideas in the Belgian political and economical system (further presented by Roland Duchâtelet his political movementVivant logo Vivant), like a standard income for every adult citizen and to bring more awareness about ecological matters. Logo Groen.svgOn that part he continued in the lines of the “Kabouters” (the Gnomes), the political green-party of the 1960ies of which he was an active member in the late 1960ies early 1970ies, and which promoted already the idea of sharing goods with each other to lessen the waste of consumption goods [long before Agalevfounded in 1979 and transformed into Groen (Green) in 2003].

A famous and controversial 1971 election poster, reading “Disarming”, giving a good impression for what the movements of which Marcus Ampe was involved with stood for and why their actions in the conservative Roman Catholic country got them and Marcus Ampe so much in trouble.

Because of his ideas of people having to share with each other and helping each other to build a peaceful multicultural society in an ecological respected environment, Mr. Ampe, as a flower-power person or hippie, was many times attacked and considered to be a communist, though he always claimed to promote the ways of Christ and considering his expressing disagreement with the principles and particular outcomes of capitalism plus considering himself more as utopist or by some called Utopian socialist. Because of his non-violence attitude, e.g. on animal rights, some considered him as pacifist,  a “politically homeless“, as progressive liberal (charismatic) Christian having contacts and friends with leftwing socialists, orthodox Marxists, anti-Stalinist Trotskyists, left communists, liberal pacifists and some anarchists, to be a weak and to naive stargazer to avoid. Mr. Ampe was clearly very much influenced by one of his favourite thinkers, Charles Fourier, and reformers as Robert Owen, going for utopian socialism, even when he got so much adverse wind of socialists, drawing from early communist and socialist ideas.

Today he is still convinced that our current systems of monetary, social, ideological and border divisions are not working and endangering our species. Having come aware that too many of his ideals are perhaps not for this world he still keeps to many of his old ideals and hopes once there may come a new generation again prepared to oppose our war-machine and consumer society. He is still looking at mankind as people allowed (by the Most High Power) to live on this planet as attenders who have to come to show their mutual respect for each other and our planetary home.

For him it must not be that every single one of us, rich or poor, born into life-long slavery and bondage from which there would be no escape under the current system. There is still to do a lot of work to have more people come to see that we can liberate ourselves. Most of us may know that the system we are born into does not serve humanity, but very few of us know what to do to change it or are even willing to look for some change which brings more peace in the hearts of the people.

We can no longer sit idly, watching the destruction of our people, our communities, our countries, and our human potential, by greedy corporations supported by governments with no remorse for their actions, or accountability to the people they are supposed to serve. It should not be allowed that certain people earn 300% more than those who do the dirty job.

Along all sites there are certain groups and movements trying to bring fear and restriction of liberty, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. If we are not careful a lot fro what so many fought in the previous centuries will be lost again soon.

We can no longer sit silently, hoping that someone will do something to stop the assault on our liberties and future prosperity. It has fallen on the shoulders of the common people, to unite and create a new way … a new system … a future filled with abundance and prosperity for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren. The individualist centralist ego has to be silenced.

We should go for creating a totally new system free from economic slavery … where we turn competition into collaboration …  a new social structure where we all benefit from our collective efforts and individual talents …  a new world where people are put before profits, and the resources & materials are used to enrich all our lives.

Every single one of us is born in the image of the Divine Creator with valuable and unique gifts and talents and should be happy that he or she can have such talents.  Tat what we received for nothing we also should share with others and should use it for those who do not have such talents. When each individual uses his own talents to improve the lives of everyone around them, these gifts would not be wasted in mundane week-long positions of servitude making profits for those wealthier than ourselves.

Everything you see around you are things which came into being by people who used their hands and brains, and should all be articles created by people for people. Therefore it can not be that there are many who have so little.

The people are the gifts, the people are the power, the genius, the brilliance, and the vision that has created everything we see around us. Without the workers no factory can produce. So why should the society receive most of the gains, the bricks do not need the money.

We are told all the problems facing us are inevitable, that war, hunger and poverty are symptoms of the human condition and we need governments to protect us from ourselves. As many of us now realize, this is simply a lie to disempower us! All the decay, hunger, fear, and lack surrounding us are the direct results of the parasites profiteering off of us, which includes the governments we are told are there to serve us, but just do not come to protect and help the citizens of their country.

Mr. Ampe says.

In the meantime all over the world we could find like-minded figures willing to promote the sharing of knowledge and materials.

In 2014 Robert Chatwin (robito) founded Wake Up World Education (WUWE) trying to collaborate with the world’s biggest global movements for change to help bring solutions into everyone’s life.  WUWE is contributing to this global movement for positive change by switching people on (or waking people up) to this solutions-focused reality so they feel energised, inspired and excited about the world we live in. They take Solutions Education into schools, workplaces, homes and communities, as well as providing a Free online course and offering the world’s biggest solutions to meet-up via their Weekly Circle.

The author of F-Day: The Second Dawn Of Man, a fictional account of humanity’s evolution into a society beyond money, and several video’s on YouTube, created a few years ago a Free World Charter, a social reform initiative that proposes 10 founding principles on which to grow an alternative moneyless society that is fair and sustainable, which Marcus Ampe also endorsed.

Colin Turner his work also includes the Freeworlder Free Sharing Network and HonorPay, a moneyless public awards system for expressing appreciation and gratitude. Many of the underlying concepts of his charter were originally inspired by Jacque Fresco’s Venus Project and Peter Joseph’s Zeitgeist film series – visionaries who, no doubt, would attribute their inspiration to many other historical influences too.

Freewolder Founder Colin Turner states:

“Imagine the power of billions of acts of unconditional free-sharing and the positive effect that could have both on our society and the environment. Imagine how much more peaceful and abundant our world could be without the limitations and injustices of trade.”

Freeworlder: the world’s first truly free sharing network! No exchange. No credits. No barter. Just everyone sharing their excess items and skills!

Can you imagine the power of free, unconditional sharing, mulitplied by millions and billions of people? What kind of world would that be?

Can you imagine the problems we could solve if we didn’t need to trade in order to survive?

Can you imagine if the only thing that governed people’s behaviour was not the money they had nor the laws they obeyed, but rather the knowledge, respect and appreciation they had for each other and their environment?

This is why we built Freeworlder.com – to facilitate online what we all do every day – except to bring that trust outside our immediate circles, friends and family and around the world.

We are changing the world in baby steps. Today, we can share our small excess items, skills and knowledge easily. Soon we will build enough trust and confidence in the idea of unconditional sharing, that we can begin to truly re-organise our society for the mutual benefit of all.

“The Freeworlder Network” will go online this coming May. (We’ll let you know when the site is ready)

Welcome to the world’s first free-sharing network!

Please join. Please support. Please share.




Freeworlder Features


Find also to read

  1. The Free World
  2. Freeworlder – Free Sharing Network
  3. The Free World Charter – A New Story
  4. Our World Is Free
  5. Ubuntu contrubitonism
  6. Pulling The Gum Out Of The Rug
  7. Free The Economy
  8. Universal Basic Serfdom – Freeworlder.com
  9. The Free World Charter: Let’s make everything free
  10. The Freeworlder Wall – see who’s here!
  11. Life In The Open Economy – Freeworlder.com
  12. The Flower of Life
  13. Access to a New Dream
  14. The mindful approach to animal connection
  15. Socialentrepreneurialism project. Collaborators wanted
  16. WUWE, can be contacted by email or signed up here to get involved and stay informed.
  17. Blogging In The Free World
  18. A Call to Calm, A Call to Reset


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Ecological affairs, Economical affairs, Headlines - News, History, Lifestyle, Social affairs, Video, Welfare matters, World affairs