Gone away from the suntimes

The Boom children or Boomers knew very well how important our relationship with sun and earth was. Many of them, being called flower children or hippies, enjoyed the rays of the sun, letting them infiltrate on their bare skin, swimming naked in the wild rivers.

Mankind has evolved under the sun and at regular intervals had a very close and special relationship with it. It even became so bad that some people came to worship the sun. Others considered themselves the centre point of the universe and thought that everything circled around them.

Not everywhere on earth have people got the same cycles, though in fact there came to be counted 365 days, with short ones and longer ones (though now they know it is a 24-hour cycle). In some countries, the sun became too hot, in other regions they were pleased to get some warmth from the sun, whilst at other places, they were happy to have summer and winter. Though the dark winter period was not loved so much. For that reason, some brought more light in those darker days by fires and lights.

Summer, winter, hot and cold, we are part of it and can not escape it, even when we try to go to other places every time the season changes. Lots of elderly British overwinter in Spain. They move around like birds move around when the season changes. As such, we can not ignore that the cycles of nature have a profound effect on us and our health, even when we have evolved as humans to be part of this cycle.

Unfortunately, our modern world breaks these laws of nature. We don’t truly experience the sun, or true darkness, winter, or even hot and particularly cold. We have moved indoors with our artificial blue lit world and temperature control environment.

We are not going to bed to sleep, like the chickens go to sleep when it gets darker. Even if it gets dark, and we have to turn on lights to still see something, we want to continue our day, instead of laying ourselves to rest. Living this way, in a certain sense, we have brought our body (and soul) in imbalance with nature.

Instead of doing natural hunting to get to their food, the majority of mankind became a sedentary society. Sitting most of the day and not giving their body enough physical work to stay healthy. In the 20th and 21st centuries, they became aware they had to do something about physical fitness and as such created several systems for exercising their body.

Having lost the intense relationship with mother earth and the physical food, man also lost the spiritual food.
Throughout the centuries, humans did search for a relationship to be taken between the components of nature and its phenomena. He even went so far as to view natural phenomena as gods that could overpower him, because they were no match for that mother nature.

But with the advancing centuries and new knowledge, man came to understand natural phenomena better, but increasingly forgot who was actually behind them. To supplement what man lacked, he began to acquire more materialistic things that also took him further away from spiritual matters. Due to the fast pace of our lives, man lost control and lost the connection with his Creator, overlooking the necessity of spiritual food!



Being alive and living life don’t always go hand in hand

The Cares of Life

Looking at an Utopism which has not ended

Misleading world, stress, technique, superficiality, past, future and positivism

New form of body exercises gaining popularity

Everyday activities to keep you fit and healthy

Mini-MAX-malism: A Bigger Approach to Less is More


Additional reading

  1. 2015 Health and Welfare
  2. Religion and believers #4 Order of Nature and Polytheism on the way to monotheism
  3. the Bible – God’s guide for life #2 Needs in life
  4. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life
  5. Food as a Therapeutic Aid
  6. Consciously or unconsciously forming a world-view and choosing to believe or not to believe in God
  7. Melt the Ice of Form and Become a Blessing to the World
  8. The Garden Outreach Project: GOTYOURBACK Initiative
  9. Soar to Places Unknown
  10. Keeping healthy whilst not going to far away from home
  11. Brits have less access to green space than ever – and it’s getting worse
  12. Inner feeling, morality and Inter-connection with creation
  13. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  14. Reasons why Christianity is declining rapidly in America



  1. Beautiful Breathtaking Sunset And A Poem
  2. The Crone of Winter, by Molly Remer
  3. Full Cold Moon
  4. Last Full Moon of 2022
  5. Winter Solstice
  6. Orion On Relationship With The Beauty & Bounty of Mother Earth
  7. Mother Earth Within
  8. The Inlet
  9. God Has Competition
  10. With God on Our Side
  11. We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family
  12. Unsullied Minds
  13. Seven Deadly…Gyms?
  14. What Would it Take?
  15. How can I change My Lifestyle?
  16. Changing your source of motivation
  17. Surviving Winter: A Guide to Maintaining Your Fitness Levels
  18. How Stretching Can Improve Flexibility and Health
  19. How Physical Exercise Makes Your Brain Better?
  20. The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Loneliness in Older Adults
  21. Endurance Pilates-why we do Pilates the “correct” way!
  22. Self-Assessment, a Psychological exercise
  23. Right way at of living
  24. What is health and its importance?
  25. What Is The “Exercise Flu”?
  26. Feed the Body and Nourish the Soul this Thanksgiving – Eat with an Attitude of Gratitude!
  27. The Beauty of His Temple
  28. Five Ways to Accelerate Your Spiritual and Emotional Growth This Year: Adding a Spiritual Exercise
  29. More New Year’s Exercises
  30. See beyond our own time
  31. Taking care of Mother Earth like how I take care of myself
  32. Come Spirit, Come
  33. Prayer Life

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Ecological affairs, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Social affairs, Welfare matters

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