Tag Archives: Living in peace

Living in peace through restoration

In times of war, there exist the danger, people getting frustrated and angry, wanting to do the wrong things against others.

In wartime, the greatest need is for friends.
Here one should not forget Who is always ready to be the Greatest Friend and the Saviour in high need. In times of fear and suffering, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, the Most High and Only True God, is there to guide us through those dark times. Best we give Him our hand and let Him lead us through this darkness to light full of hope.

Susan Reimer

With everything that’s going on in our world the idea of living in peace might seem impossible. But what is impossible for man is possible with God.

2 Corinthians 13:11 says: “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.”

Restoration. I don’t think I’ve noticed that particular word before. Restoration means bringing back to a former position or condition. Rebuilding, reconstructing, renewing or recovering. What would restoration look like in your life? Forgiving a betrayal so that a friendship can begin again? Studying every night for an hour instead of scrolling social media to raise your grades? Sitting down with a counsellor to discuss a hurt that is preventing you from moving forward?

Only you know the answer to that question but restoration is possible and the end…

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Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters

What we do

Man worships many things and often uses their religion to do what they want for themselves, having more power and control.

Temple of Hephaestus, a Doric Greek temple in ...

Temple of Hephaestus, a Doric Greek temple in Athens with the original entrance facing east, 449 BC (western face depicted). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bombs bringing fire and giving the attackers the mythological divinity of fire. They might think to become reborn and having their virgins around them but like Hephaestus, protector of blacksmiths, the Japanese Kojin, which protects the hearths and symbolizes the violence of the elements placed at the service of humanity they will not remembered for long but disappear in oblivion having become dust like their victims who died at this cowardly attack.

But for the living there is light and hands which reach to each other, showing unity which overcomes all sorrow and shows those who try to kill our values that humanity goes on looking forward aiming for a democratic place where many people of all sorts of races, cultures and religions can live together in peace.

Light up a little flame, and make others think, is what many love to do and which gives a sign to those outside who think they can hurt us. >  just think + wonder + ask questions, and maybe read up some author or historical character, or read a new book, or argue, or get angry, and light another flame…  One hopes to make think – and to keep thinking, even in the midst of all the terrible things.


I significati simbolici associati al fuoco sono numerosi, positivi e negativi: rinnovamento, purificazione, immortalità, iniziazione, sacrificio, forgiatura, distruzione… basta pensare al mito della Fenice che brucia e rinasce dalle proprie ceneri, a Prometeo che ruba il fuoco agli dei per emancipare almeno un po’ l’umanità, alle fiamme che custodiscono il sonno della valkiria disobbediente, alla colonna di fuoco che guida Mosè e i suoi nell’Esodo, al fuoco inestinguibile di Vesta, alle fiamme della dannazione eterna. {Fuoco!}

Italiano: Bandiera rosso e nera con tre fiamme...

Bandiera rosso e nera con tre fiammelle gialle al centro (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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Che Cosa Stiamo Facendo

A darker and stranger place



flameBW3I’ve posted something very similar on my Italian blog, yesterday, but I want to do it again here, because…

Well, because terrible things keep happening, and everything seems to indicate that they will keep happening for Heaven knows how long. I was musing about it yesterday, and thinking how small, how inadequate it feels in such moments to sit down and write of history, and theatre, and books…

Then I found on Karavansara a quote of Charles De Lint’s, saying how writers keep shining little lights in the gathering darkness.

And I thought: yes, this is it. This is what I want to do too. Light up a little flame, and hope it will make readers think. Not to make them think something in particular – that readers can agree or disagree with what they read is a given… just think. And wonder, and ask questions, and maybe…

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Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Spiritual affairs