Tag Archives: November

At the start of November, facing the Autum storms

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Planting in a border to get a stunning showcase next year

Autumn is a time to reflect on the garden to remind ourselves of the successful ideas of the past year, as well as those areas in which we need to take a different tack. Although tulip bulbs have been in garden centres for a number of weeks, November is an optimum time to plant as the weather is colder, which deters the disease of tulip fire.

If you have suffered with tulip fire in the past, then would suggest that you avoid planting tulips in that area for a few years and grow your tulips in pots. After a few years, the fungus will die off due to a lack of a host, and then you can start tentatively to introduce tulip bulbs to your borders again.

Tulips are sun worshippers, so for the best results plant your bulbs in a sunny position, whether that’s in a border or container. Tulips detest a damp, waterlogged soil, so those of us with free-draining soil tend to be more successful at growing them in borders. If your soil is heavier and prone to winter waterlogging, then try growing them in containers where the soil can be controlled, as can the watering regime.

Read more top tips for planting in your border, getting the key to a stunning showcase next year, and follow these top tips and how to make your own tulip tiramisu.

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Filed under Ecological affairs, Lifestyle, Nature

In October-November People often too busy with death and the dead

At the end of October, begin November around cemeteries we can find lots of people on the streets and flower sellers who try to sell their chrysanthemums. Lots of people have their thoughts in this Autumn period by those who are not walking any more on this earth.

From Laura Cyrena‘s blogpost Graveyard Walk

You may not misunderstand us. We feel empathy, and we do understand their feelings, their point of view, their situation. We also know that each of us more than once shall be confronted with death in their life. Birth and death are two main factors in each being his or her life. Once born, nobody can escape death. It is part of life.

All of us shall have to walk a different path and shall have to find ways to make the best out of our own life. We also should know that we too may have an influence in the life of others. Each of us has to walk many miles to reach our goal. We shall have to crawl, walk, climb mountains and cycle many kilometres. Going from one place to another, growing up, we also shall meet a lot of people and become confronted with a lot of circumstances.

We often compare our life to that of others. We have a lot of expectations and sometimes by looking at others do not mind having some jealousy coming up in our minds, wanting things others have.

We put conditions on what we want … we reject things that doesn’t fit our expectations … we get distracted doing other things. {Are You Ready to Receive?}

The world offers us a lot of attractions and often we become blinded by its luring pictures. Most of the time we desire a lot from others and would like to receive even more from the one we call our god. When not receiving enough from one god many make themselves an other or even more gods. All over the world we find lots of people ‘taking care’ of many gods, whilst they forget that there exist A Singular Supernatural Spirit Being Who does not have to be cared for, because nothing can be given to Him what does not belong to Him. He is the Establisher and Master of life. He gives us all the possibilities to walk here on this planet.

When we realize all we have is from Him, when we realize we can’t do it own our on, then He will lift us up. James 4.10 {Are You Ready to Receive?}

Coming to realize Who That God is, does not seem to be so easy for mankind. Lots of people have difficulties to come to recognize that invisible God as the Most High Elohim and God of gods above any other god and above any being. Not many want to see or even look for Him, but that is what He hopes people would do, go looking for Him who is the Only One True God.

Seek Him. He delights when we look for Him and look for what ways He desires for us. We are to look for where He is already at work, and God will bless. Hebrews 11.6 {Are You Ready to Receive?}

Walking on this earth may not always so easy. Often we got a lot of mud on our shoes and clothes, getting wet and tired.

… we should realize that in our journey in life, our shoes get muddied. Life gets messy. Not only our life, but the life of others too. The mud gives insight to what we have gone through and where we have traveled. {Why the name, “Muddy Shoes”?}

Many people on their walk of life love to cling close to each other, and just hang out in one place. A lot of them are just happy where they are and what they do, as long as they do not have to bother about others. Many do not think about the task Jesus has given to his followers, to go out in the world and to tell the peoples about the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God. Many forget that they are to be going into the world, sharing the love, the hope, the grace of the Gospel.

Every year we see a lot of people who think of their beloved who are gone. But at that time when the days shorten they prefer to hold on to fantasies as people becoming stars in heaven, or going to have 77 virgins in heaven. Several parents let their children look to stars to find the proof of death, making their heads

forever fastened gazing up, while final breaths of skyward worlds eclipse with life our fleshly tomb and and fragile pulse. {To stars}

Others have even placed some ashes from the deceased in a teddy bear of their children.Some love to go on the eveningwalks many organizations provide around Halloween.

To have just a taste of the life they once had. Blood in their veins. Breath in their mouth. Tears in their eyes. {Waiting For The Dead On Halloween}


are told they might have the stench of the grave upon them. We are told their skin might slough off on our own. {Waiting For The Dead On Halloween}

Lots of people look forward to the Halloween marches and fires, giving them a kick and fanciful ideas they being stronger than those who died. Some of them might think the rotted clothes of the dead might fall from their bones, and they hope to see things to make them scream and at the same time frightening the ghosts as well. It is said by many


On Samhain many lay in wait for the dead.

We are told the fresh decay of our parents and uncles and aunts and grand folk will be the worse. They have had their year in the ground and are beyond any excuse to linger. They are the most reluctant. They have the clearest memories of what it is like to live. They, more than all the others, want it back. They might wish, if they can, to suck life right out of us and feel warm once again.

It is best we disguise ourselves from them.

It is best if we hide our faces with masks and wear clothes not our own. {Waiting For The Dead On Halloween}

Lots of people consider it more important to  honour the dead, because they are afraid they otherwise would do things to them, instead of honouring God Who according to many does not exist. Instead of thinking what really happens to somebody who dies or people having to face the end of their life, and after that life is finished, they not able to take anything into their grave to use it later. For them, as for animals and plants, there shall be just decay, they becoming dust.

All their life they may have thought they had lots of enemies. Now those enemies can not do anything to them. For those who depart us in death there shall be no tears any more. Whilst the living shall shed perhaps a lot of tears.

26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. (1 Corinthians 15:26 BRG)

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. (Revelation 21:4 BRG)

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. (Ecclesiastes 9:5 BRG)

29 All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul. (Psalm 22:29 BRG)

19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.

20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 BRG)

10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. (Ecclesiastes 9:10 BRG)

His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. (Psalm 146:4 BRG)

18 For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. (Isaiah 38:18 BRG)

Instead of spending so much time going to clean stones in a graveyard talking at another place than home, to those who died, should we not better use several moments of the year to remember those people, and perhaps even talk to them, though with the knowledge they can not hear us and cannot do something for us. But above there is SomeOne Who can hear and see us. Would we not better talk to Him?

Instead of having friendship with the world, should we not seek for friendship with Him? Instead of being from the world we better would be from God, with the knowledge that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. (1 John 5:19) We should not love the world and what it has to offer with all its gadgets and other attractive things, it being ready as a spider waiting for its prey to sting it to death.  We should know that for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh or physical gratification, and the lust of the eyes or greed, and the pride of life and extravagant lifestyles, are not of the Father, but are of the world. (1 John 2:15-16)


Bad choices, poor planning, and simply not paying attention. … we wing it, we keep,doing the same thing (thus getting the same outcome and wonder why), we don’t pay attention to what our people are going through and ignore the signs. {52 Hiker Mistakes by Backpacker … and by Worship Leaders}



Measure of loneliness whilst time drags

Facing daily events and exclaiming “Good grief!”

Family happiness and little things we do

The belief of one going to heaven

What traditions/rituals/routines do you have for welcoming Autumn?

Pagan Holidays

Halloween is Satanist Christmas


Find also to read

  1. What is life?
  2. A Mundane Existence
  3. Dealing with worries in our lives
  4. Concerning Man
  5. Dying or not
  6. October month of witches and spirits
  7. Halloween custom of the nations
  8. Autumn traditions for 2014 – 2 Summersend and mansend
  9. Autumn traditions for 2014 – 4 Blasphemy and ridiculing faith in God
  10. Autumn traditions for 2014 – 5 People, souls and saints in the news
  11. Autumn traditions for 2014 – 6 Bonfire night
  12. All Saints’ Day
  13. Thought for November 1: To the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
  14. All Souls’ Day
  15. Thought for today November 4th Going to graveyards and people going to dust
  16. A truth to face often to do with time
  17. An Escape Mechanism
  18. Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!
  19. Death
  20. Biblical Ambiguity on Death?
  21. How are the dead?
  22. Realities concerning Human Life and Death
  23. Where do we go when we die?
  24. Grave, tomb, sepulchre – graf, begraafplaats, rustplaats, sepulcrum
  25. Separation from God in death, the antithesis of life
  26. Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #1 Intro
  27. Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #2 Psyche, the word
  28. Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #3 Historical background
  29. Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #5 Mortality of man and mortality of the spirit
  30. Today’s thought “Death by being taken captive” (May 15)
  31. Today’s thought “nonsense surrounding the many gods” (July 28)
  32. Is there life beyond the grave?
  33. Decomposition, decay – vergaan, afsterven, ontbinding
  34. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  35. Being of good courage running the race


Where the Tye River meets the James. Unique in its right angle intersection as opposed to a Y-type of most merges. But something happened. It now lays horizontal on the floor of the forest. Photo from Killing a Legacy.


Glenwood Cemetery on Central Avenue Pike in Powell, a very old cemetery located next to a somewhat newer church. – Photo from Life in Every Limb article by Leslie Sholly {Glenwood Cemetery: A Post for All Souls Day}

  1. Life in a few Lines.
  2. Killing a Legacy
  3. You Snooze, You Lose
  4. Dreams of Vampires
  5. Yesterday … All My Trouble Seemed So Far Away (Our Story Through Music)
  6. Another favorite subject
  7. Where is the great Beyond?
  8. To stars
  9. Not Done Yet
  10. Farewell
  11. Death Death so we want are always greatly interested him.
  12. Dead.
  13. The Choral of DeathIn Death
  14. An afternoon at Père Lachaise cemetery.
  15. Why I stopped making up for the dead-Banke Meshida
  16. What would be the #meaning of a #limited #life which ends with #dead?
  17. Dead Before 40
  18. Graveyard Walk
  19. SciFriday: Day of the Dead
  20. Inktober 2019 Day 31: Ouija
  21. Hallow’s Evehappy halloween!
  22. Honoring the Dead on Halloween
  23. Waiting For The Dead On Halloween
  24. Factoid About Halloween
  25. [tonight we walk]
  26. Fences
  27. Twittering Tales – Lonely Girl.
  28. Decent Substitutes
  29. All Saints’ Day/Sunday C: Nov. 1 or 3
  30. Ghosts Await On The Day of the Dead / Dia de los Muertos
  31. November 2nd Day of the Dead
  32. Celebrating the deadChrysanthemums and All Souls’ Day
  33. Prayer for All Souls Day
  34. Remembering our loved ones – on “Mindszentek” (All Saints’ Day)
  35. All Saint’s Day – Visiting a Cemetery in Milan
  36. Glenwood Cemetery: A Post for All Souls Day
  37. Short Story: A Grave Time for A Cemetery
  38. 50 Word Story #25
  39. 170 – A glimpse of the quiet Varazdin and Zagreb streets
  40. Honoring family
  41. Parents honour son’s life with Halloween skeleton but cemetery keeps taking it down – National
  42. The All Saints Day
  43. Happy All Saints’ Day
  44. Cemetery Days
  45. Walking around a cemetery alone
  46. The Cemetery – Part 3
  47. A Few Words on Cemetery Problems
  48. The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome
  49. Halloween Celebration in the Local Cemetery
  50. The Embrace Of Thanatos
  51. Alex Williamson cemetery, revisited.
  52. Cherry Hill Cemetery
  53. A Trip to the West Point Cemetery
  54. Mexico City: Free for a Coffee desperate to see a cemetery since roaming through a city of the dead is one of my beloved pastimes.
  55. Cimetière de la Cité, Carcassonne, France
  56. Buenos Aires – October 2019 – La Chacarita Cemetery


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs, World affairs

Time to be strengthened, thankful and to be prepared

One of the remembrance days about gifts and giving is Thanksgiving which, in the United States, is always celebrated as a national holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. In many countries all over the world in several churches the believers in God look at the Summer and what it brought to them. They want to remember all the good things the earth gave them and want to give thanks for the bountiful blessings they received from God in the past season and previous years.

Having the days shortening we can not ignore the darkness around us. We not only have the sun which goes under earlier, but are also confronted with the darkness of this world, people having gone far away from their Divine Creator and having lost the sense to love each other. We do know that in the end more darkness shall come over the world, lots of people setting each other up against each other. But we do know that we must strengthen each other as brethren and sisters, giving each other hope for a better world to come.

These darker days of the year we want to show others that there is some great person to look for who is the way to God and the way to freedom and peace. People may feel the black matter coming closer to them seeing turbulent global events begin to make their mark on Jews and their allies around the world and seeing how certain so called religious group wants to press others into their beliefs and/or want to govern the world.

Several people became frightened by the things which happened that just did not make sense.

Overnight, our cherished institutions, our icons, have collapsed. We don’t understand it. People blame this one and that one. It’s not just in the United States, it’s all over the world, and we have so many natural disasters, and so much illness. What is happening?” {Esther Jungreis – Messiah Coming}

Rabbi Rebbetzin Jungreis says God is bringing the world closer to redemption in a process called “chevlei Mashiach” – the labour pains of the arrival of the Messiah.

From the Scriptures we know that there shall come a time of Great Trouble. We also know that when such time shall come, when religion shall fight against other religions, and when we shall have more natural disasters, the time shall be ready for the Messiah to come to bring order in all things and opening or closing the doors of the Kingdom for the people who have to come in front of his seat.

Based on the writings of ancient Jewish sages, Jungreis concludes that this generation is replete with the signs that are prophesied to hail the coming of the Messiah, including endemic impudence, follower-ship, idol worship, disasters, and war.

It’s going to be a generation that will abound in chutzpah

“All our [sages] agree…they do not want to be present for the chevlei Mashiach, the birth pangs, because the birth pangs are going to be very painful… It’s going to be a generation that will abound in chutzpah [audacity]. Chutzpah will be colossal. Families will be fragmented. Children will turn against parents, parents against children. The elderly will not be respected. Youth will be worshipped.

“… The generation will be like the generation of the dog.  What does that mean? The dog runs ahead but always looks back to see if the master is behind him. Similarly, people don’t have their own opinions today. What is the media saying? The media is controlling the world…” {Esther Jungreis – Messiah Coming}

Lots of people are glued to the screen of their smartphone and may have a lot of virtual friends or Facebook or other social media friends but not so many real friends. Most of all the majority of people around us do love the material goods of this world. According to Rebbetzin Jungreis, the greatest avodah zarah or idol worship of this generation is money, an obsession which causes the Western world to ignore the lurking danger posed by Islamist terror against Israel and the United States.

“We have been very blessed, perhaps there was never in history such a wealthy Jewish generation as ours was. But there was no Hakaras HaTov, no credit to Hashem. “My strength did all this”. We became arrogant, we became chutzpahdik, we forgot Hashem… Imach shemam [their names be obliterated], the sons of Ishmael, every minute it’s “Allah”. The sons of Esav, “the Lord,” every minute. Their leadership is always speaking the name of G-d. Am Yisrael … they heard the word of Hashem panim el panim, face to face – has forgotten its G-d.” {Esther Jungreis – Messiah Coming}

We not only find a very low spiritual state of the Jewish People that has caused God to hide His face from them. By Christians we also find a majority clinging onto human doctrines and worshipping several gods and saints. Lots of them even do not know the Name of the Most High God or are against people who use God’s set-apart or Holy Name. Many even go over to celebrate a so called “birth of God” (though God never was born nor shall he ever die, but they talk about the birth of God His only begotten son), on the festival of the goddess of light (December 25) instead of celebrating Jeshua’s birth on his real date of birth.

The majority of mankind choose to reject God and will not honour His majesty and shall not respect His rule over the earth. But real lovers of God take these darker days to praise Him and to be thankful that He is our light in the darkness.

The two holiday-weekends to remember the death (November 1 and 11) brought the darker side of life in the picture, remembering that it was 100 years ago that there really did not yet come an end to useless killing. We may cling to life despite the painful burden of dark memories. That is the message we should carry. It should also be days that we where thankful for those who survived and/or made it possible that others could come to live in peace for some time.

Many forget also to think about the smaller matters, like having a good night rest, waking up in the morning to the sound of birds chirping, being able to walk or drive along beautiful sites, feeling the sun caressing the skin and the wind pushing us forwards.

These coming weeks we shall have some time to think about our attitude to all those small things which make our life more beautiful. We are going to face days that we can sit in a nice warm living room, whilst many others shall stay out in the cold with not much food and not many clothes. For lovers of God it should be a time to think about all those matters and to be thankful for what we can enjoy and have around us. It is also a time we can find more time to read the Bible. It is a way of gratitude for the things we get, that we can make a home for the Elohim His Word in our hearts.

Thanksgiving DayFor those who shall be free on Thanksgiving day and shall come together to have a nice meal, do not forget what is behind the idea of the holiday. thank God for all the things you may have and for the blessings which may come over your family.

Let the day after Thanksgiving day not be a mad Black Friday where shopping is the greatest priority. Be not taken by the greed of this world, but stay sensible about what you really need.

More Americans seem to travel between the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Sunday after the holiday than at any other time of year. AAA estimates nearly 51 million Americans travelled 50 miles or more from home for the holiday in 2017. When going places remember how it is possible you can travel to all such places and do not forget to see around you how the nature is a witness of its Designer.

When looking at the coming festive days let us always be careful not to be carried away by heathen activities or pagan rites. Let us always be careful when we want some more lights in the house, not to bring in heathen elements.

Take all those moments of togetherness as a time to share the love of God and to show your thankfulness to Him and to those around you.



The Proper Place of Excess

Many opportunities given by God

The Gift of Giving


Additional reading

  1. Testify of the things heard
  2. I Only hope we find GOD again before it is too late !
  3. God wants to be gracious to you
  4. To Live Gratitude
  5. 2016 Thanksgiving and politics
  6. Hanukkahgiving or Thanksgivvukah
  7. A Meaningful Thanksgivukkah
  8. Thanksgivukkah and Advent
  9. Thanksgiving wisdom: Why gratitude is good for your health
  10. Of Grandchildren, Chanukah, and Christmas
  11. By counting our blessings we not only feel good, but we multiply our good
  12. 8 Reasons Christian Holidays Should Not Be Observed
  13. Germanic mythological influences up to today’s Christmas celebrations
  14. Your New Job Description — Bless!
  15. A season of gifts
  16. Be a ready giver
  17. Blessed are those who freely give
  18. God’s never-ending stream of much-needed mercies
  19. By counting our blessings we not only feel good, but we multiply our good
  20. A gift of 86,400 seconds
  21. Life in gratitude opens glory of God
  22. Thanking God by thinking of people
  23. A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice
  24. Being thankful
  25. Give thanks to the One Who gave much
  26. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name
  27. My God
  28. Give Thanks To God
  29. Bring praise to the Creator
  30. Praise Jehovah, ​You people


Holiday dinner

Further reading

  1. Illuminating the Darkness
  2. Preparing for the Holiday Season
  3. Happy Thanksgivukkah
  4. “How Excellent is Your Name” #1544
  5. The History of Thanksgiving
  6. A History Of The Holidays From Thanksgiving To New Years’
  7. Thanksgiving: a Tale of Two Tables
  8. five helpings of gratitude…#don’t forgetThanksgiving
  9. 5 Reasons to Get Your Sh*t Done Before Thanksgiving Break
  10. Staying Healthy During The Holidays
  11. Deck the Halls and Carve the Turkey…
  12. 17 Best Hanukkah Gifts: Your Ultimate List
  13. 13 Cute Menorahs You Can Actually Prime
  14. Have Yourself a Homespun Holiday
  15. The Seven Feasts and Their Prophetic Fulfillments
  16. Hanukkah at Epcot Is Getting a Whole “Latke” Tastier with a Pop-Up Jewish Deli
  17. Let the Word of God Dwell in You, Richly
  18. Things I’m Thankful For
  19. Giving Thanks – Day of Thanksgiving # 14
  20. Thankful Bible Verses {Free Printable}
  21. Top 10 Bible Verses on Giving Thanks
  22. Revelation 11:17


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Food, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Autumn is in the land

Last weekend there was a huge storm in a glass of water. Whilst in Paris several people found an end to their life by terrorist actions in Europe others found an end to their life by the season which reminds many of death.

Storm came over Europe and let us feel again why this season is called Autumn. Still today it is warmer than usual but we have the rain and wind to accompany us and even break our umbrellas. But it does not break our souls, for the warm glue of the changing colours overpowers us.

Autumn fields, Leefdaal, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, European Union

Autumn fields, Leefdaal, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, European Union

Considered the last month of autumn it looks like only now the season got from the ground swept up by the first heavy winds.
Some may never been a fan of this November or Autumn month. For lots of people November is the month of the dead, and used allusively with reference to the short, damp, cold, or foggy days regarded as characteristic of the northern hemisphere. For those fearing the cold winds of Canada and the warm breezes of the South fighting with each other, around the Great Lakes, may find themselves left in such misery. For those who are having migraines regularly they very well know when it is going to storm or when snow is going to come. That is not a very pleasant feeling and if one has to work it is a very (damn) nuisance.

We have entered a season which may be even more unique than Spring Season. We also may see more different shades of colours than in Spring.

It should not make us sad but should get us up onto our feet, going out to show the winds that we are stronger than they. Though I do agree I am not an hero to go out in the bad weather, and was it not for the dog, I perhaps waited sometimes a bit longer before having a stroll.

I am not a good photographer, so for looking at nice photos I would recommend to go and look at Cindy Knoke and Chae H. Bae their site and some other photographic WordPress sites. But this is the time I use my eyes to linger and to bring a fantasy world to life. No wonder so many writers found enough inspiration in this season and for crime or who-dun-it authors this season is a gold mine.

Aurora borealis by permus by Chae H. Bae

After the Summer holiday most people are back at work and the retired folks who took their Summer vacation at a sunny place somewhere further from home, it is time now to sit at home cosy warm and enjoying some music, film or documentary or entertaining program on television. Hopefully they also will take some time to enjoy the biggest life show on earth. The ever changing colours the big kaleidoscope of nature world.

Behind the glorious red, yellow and orange of the seasons’ leaves many may find a message of death, but often they forget it is all a message of an abundant life where water was taken from deep under the ground and the warmth of the sun was enjoyed and had caressing the tree-trunk, making it grow and glow.

Trees are telling us after all that sun and pleasure it is time to meditate on what went on and on where to go. They are calling to come to a stand still in our rushing world which does not seem to have much space for the wonders of nature. This time the red and yellow are the screaming colours which ask for attention whilst the wind shouts it out load. We can’t ignore the call of our surrounding nature.

At certain places where there are still enough trees in Europe, the elk makes sure that we can hear it is time to find a renewal of intimacy. It is time to come closer to each other again. Be it by the fireplace or by some extra light in the darkness of this season.

Winter is coming. More and more older people are running away from it and going to spend their Wintertime in the South of Europe. But the coldest season of the year does not frighten many youngsters who love to go skying or snowboarding. For many the “old man wrapped in cloak” may bring an invitation to go outdoors again after all the storms and heavy rain of the Autumn months. After that season that looks forward to barrenness and bleakness, the white eiderdown will attract many to go out again to brave the cold.

At moments this season may also be a moment to be in tears for seeing how certain North Americans boast so much they killed a huge bull elk.

A new video with a recent elk hunt in Utah shows how hard work this work may be and how it pays off for some.

From the video maker:

“After years and years of trying, plenty of opportunities and hundreds of miles hiked, I was finally able to fill my over the counter, general season, archery elk tag. This has proven to be one of the most challenging hunts I have ever been on. He is my biggest bull to date by a country mile and I couldn’t be happier with him. Not a lot of action in this video, it has mostly my reaction to the incredible situation I found myself in. All Kuiu, all the time.” {Video: Bowhunting for Bull Elk in Utah}




Dan Agnew killed a bull in Columbia Co., Wash., after making an impressive 250-yard shot

I agree to be able to have enough winter-meals prepared, for man living in this world, we need hunters and we have to agree some may be hunted. And meat from animals living in the wild always taste better than from farm-animals. As long as those people who want elk antlers to hang on a wall, hunt respectfully for those forest kings it is acceptable and will keep some balance in the forest as well.

We are so closed in, that those animals able to run in the wild, may remind us what man has sacrificed for more comfort and material gadgets they do not always need. So many people have become a slave of their materialism they even do not notice it any more. Now the gusty winds are calling them to remind them that there is life there outside they are missing.

The swaying trees whistle and tell the stories of the past Summer but also of the things to come, calling animals to shelter for the coming Winter.



Preceding articles:

Looking at Autumn


Autumn Verses

A Virginia Autumn

The Elk are Bugling~

An Autumn Ramble

You’re Lighter Than Air~

Family happiness and little things we do

Your position about materialistic desires having conquered the world


Further reading

  1. A Lovely Day Trip
  2. Moose
  3. the elk
  4. RMEF Tops $1 Billion in Total Value of All-Time Conservation Efforts
  5. More on the Bob Marshall Wilderness Trip
  6. A Dozen Elk at Crystal Mountain, WA
  7. Different Types of Camping – What is your Preferred Style?
  8. [Build an Ecosystem] Rain Gardens
  9. Elk Cranberry and Cheddar Meatballs
  10. Video: Bowhunting for Bull Elk in Utah
  11. Video: Bowhunting for Big Colorado Bull Elk
  12. The Top 40 Typical and Non-Typical Elk Records
  13. Great Smoky Mountains
  14. Elk Crossing
  15. Elk Camp – What’s a Beta mom to do?
  16. Bits and Bobbs, of a beautiful Autumn
  17. Singing Round 203 – November
  18. Autumn Farm Scene
  19. Macro Photography : fallen leaves by ShinichiSaeki
  20. New on 500px : Light on the Grove by gjim9beam by gjim9beam
  21. New on 500px : Mating Call by lanremakele by lanremakele
  22. New on 500px : Fall colors by jfzhang by jfzhang
  23. New on 500px : Sun Valley by MAPhoto
  24. New on 500px : Into the unknown by SelahattinNizamPhotography by SelahattinNizamPhotography
  25. New on 500px : Autumn by Parkddoven
  26. New on 500px : Autumn roads by argiriouvasiliki by argiriouvasiliki
  27. New on 500px : Autumn by picspassion by picspassion
  28. Basildon Park
  29. autumn dusk
  30. Autumn leaves have no hiding place from me and my assistant
  31. Autumn Poems and Songs for Young Children
  32. Willow moon
  33. Autumn Reflections – Day 19
  34. One day of November
  35. Winter Squash and Apple Soup
  36. Turkey Vultures?
  37. Flowers of autumn
  38. Oak Grove in Autumn



Filed under Being and Feeling, Ecological affairs, Nature, Video

Autumn Verses

In Belgium the last few days, in day time, have shown higher temperatures (17°C) than normal for the time of year, but the leaves colouring and falling off tell us that it is really autumn.


looking at

  • summer idles soon dissolve
  • October’s captured insects > spiders all well fed
  • woodyard debris,
  • frosty days arrive with each November,
  • dense cloud of leaves.
  • Unfazed by promise of mortality
  • comfort in the silence and stillness.

Mortality, and the confrontation we have with it, does force us to pay attention to those details.{lazarusdodge}


Preceding articles:

Looking at Autumn


An Autumn Ramble

Waiting in the mist

The Elk are Bugling~

During Wind and Rain


Further reading

  1. Changing over…
  2. Changing seasons…
  3. The Colors of Autumn
  4. The Comfort of Mortality
  5. Macro Photography : IMG_9616.jpg by mciampin
  6. morning autumn by soriniko
  7. Already Late
  8. Change
  9. Misty Autumn by sysaworld
  10. beauty
  11. Liberated Quilting
  12. Takayama Autumn Festival (秋の高山祭)2
  13. New on 500px : Autumn bustle by h_shirasaki by h_shirasaki


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by | 2015/11/06 · 12:53 pm

In Flanders Fields II – a new poem in response to the original

Each year in Europe first they have November 1 and 2 and then 11 when suddenly graves have to be cleaned , flowers to be put on the graves and services are held to remember the deceased.

November the 11th takes a special place because then not only the dead are remembered but also those who nearly lost their life or those whose life came to a standstill or got broken for ever, though not many are conscious about that damage done in the deepest of their heart.

On Remembrance Day or Armistice day we want to remember that war came to an end, but many forget war is still going on in many countries. Many families all over the world are torn by grief. A never ending sorrow has come over humanity.

100 years after the beginning of the Great War we should seriously reconsider how we want to solve the world problems and would seriously work for getting peace to be something everybody in the world can share.

Who we take the time to reflect on the cost of our freedom is around that time the issue of the day, but for the rest of the year, we largely take that freedom for granted.

Bryan Ens reacted on the current situation with the original poem, by penned by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae in 1915 the day following the death of his friend, Alexis Helmer, in his mind.


Preceding articles:

Reflections on the Great War #1 100 years on

Reflections on the Great War #2

On Veteran’s Day

Janice Brittain’s music version of In Flanders fields

On the 11th hour…

Remembrance isn’t only about those who fought, but also those who refused

Too Young To Fight?

Royal British Legion poppy

Royal British Legion poppy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


  • Soldiers’ real stories are the best defence against Remembrance Day conditioning | Paul Daley (theguardian.com)
    This year, yet again, the keepers of our national myths will tell us that the soldiers of the “Great War” have passed from life into our collective memory.Some of us knew a first world war soldier. But, a century after the war began, for most of us who’ll stop today to mark a minute’s silence for Remembrance Day, the soldiers of the first world war long ago passed into – or always have been part of – our imaginations rather than our memories.

    Good men, all, and brave too, we have long been assured, were those who were “lost” to the war. The fog of hindsight has inaccurately rendered them a rarefied, almost saintly, generation, whose terrible experiences have become cloaked in benign euphemism and cliché.

  • Remembrance Day (wattlerangenow.com.au)
    From a population of under five million; 417,000 enlisted, 332,000 served overseas, 152,000 were wounded and 61,000 never came home.
    It was sacrifice on a stupendous scale.
    After the Armistice, we vowed never to forget and today, we renew that vow.
  • Palmer dismisses Lambie over Remembrance Day Coalition snub (sbs.com.au)
    The Tasmanian Senator has urged the public to turn their backs on any Coalition politicians speaking at Remembrance Day commemorations, as a protest against a wage offer made to Australian Defence Force members.”This Remembrance Day I invite all Australians, including our Veterans, to turn their backs on Government members if they are silly enough to give speeches, pretending that they care for our military families,” she said.

    “Their actions regarding defence pay clearly show that they don’t care or they are cowards.”

  • Final Tower of London poppy ‘planted’ on Armistice Day (onenewspage.us) (video)
    A young army cadet lays the final poppy at the Tower of London as Britain marks an especially poignant Armistice Day, 100 years since the start of the First World War.
  • Jessica Murphy – DC honours Great War, Remembrance Day (sunnewsnetwork.ca)
    The brainchild of the British Embassy in the U.S. capital, a Sunday service to commemorate Remembrance Day at the Washington National Cathedral brought together countries on both sides of the First World War.”On the centennial it seemed appropriate to try to do it on a bigger canvas and bring in as many and to involve as many of the nations who had a key role in the war as possible,” said British Major General Buster Howes.

    “As much as anything it’s in the spirit of reconciliation, those who fought in 1914 are now, largely speaking, allies and friends.”

  • Former PM Howard to mark Remembrance Day (news.com.au)
    Liberal MP Sharman Stone, whose Victorian electorate of Murray had six Victoria Cross recipients in WWI, has encouraged people to pause at 11am and remember those who suffered or died during wars. “It is just as important to think about those who are serving our country overseas now. We still have troops in Afghanistan who are helping the Afghan army and we have troops on advise-and-assist roles in Iraq,” she said.
  • Remembrance Day across Quebec (cbc.ca)
    “I’m glad to see so many people turn out,” said Jason MacCallum, a former military reservist. “I think it’s the largest crowd I’ve seen in years actually out today.”In St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, about 1,500 soldiers and observers took part in an emotional commemoration.

    More than 650,000 men and women from Canada and Newfoundland served in the war.

    Approximately 66,000 died and 172,000 were wounded.

  • Lest We Forget (collinesblog.com)
    During my first year in in the city, I never understood why people wore red flowers on the lapels of their coats. It was only after a few years that I came to understand. The moment of understanding was definitely the case of children teaching the adult: my children were able to explain to me why they came home bringing the imitations of the red flowers with them as they had been taught the reasons at school.
  • Australia Marks 96th Anniversary Of The End Of World War One (realnewsone.com)
    When the Great War started Australia had a population of under five million. 417,000 Australians enlisted, 332,000 served overseas, 152,000 were wounded and 61,000 never came home.
    In related news Clive Palmer has criticised Jackie Lambie for wanting to use Remembrance Day as a political protest against the Government for the appalling wage offer and stripping back of the army’s conditions. Mr Palmer has said “All Australians, particularly politicians, should show the utmost respect on RemembranceDay. It is never a day for political actions”
  • Remembrance Day (edwardbrainblog.wordpress.com)
    If you are grateful for the freedoms we enjoy in Canada, thank a veteran.
    Canada remembers the sacrifices of all our military personnel, especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.  Your duty and sacrifice will not be forgotten.


  • In Flanders Fields II – a new poem in response to the original
    One of the great poems. We honor the great Poets by reading their words.

    A Sergeant Joyce Kilmer poem and one of my poems.

Quest for Whirled Peas

In Flanders Fields by John McCrae
Is heard on each Remembrance Day
And on that day, with heads bowed low
We think of those who fought the foe
“We will remember”, we all say

Yet in that pose, we do not stay
And soon enough we walk away
To let forgotten poppies blow
In Flanders Fields

Those young men died, so that today
In freedom we can work and play
They paid a hefty price, and so
Let’s not forget the debt we owe
To those who will forever stay
In Flanders Fields


The original poem, by penned by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae in 1915 the day following the death of his friend, Alexis Helmer.

In Canada, his poem is read at Remembrance Day services (November 11) each year.  My poem was written in response to the fact that for one day out of each year, we take the…

View original post 331 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, World affairs

Earth’s Unwinding

At the time of Elul and entering a new academic year it is good, looking forward to a new season, the transition time should make us to relax, unwind and take time to resource, certainly now the nature is going over to the time of sleep, where plants shall change colour and let us think of death and life, past and future.


Friends, a poem from a year ago that seems fitting today.

This is the season of earth’s unwinding – finding
soil’s Sabbath.
You can hear terra firma
exhausted, she
sleeps and with sleep
comes a dreaming –finally
ease frees earth’s form to reframe:
subliminal luminosity obtains.
The sun lays low and so
bestows on the earth – that I am –
a softer glow
a kind of light that sees shade
not as harbinger of dark dangerous design
but as foreshadows of my resolve:
I will stop. I will pray. I will stay distraction.
I will dare that dying
that is life, that is wealth, that is
repose, reward, renewal.
I will be late Autumn.
I will be November.

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Filed under Nature, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs