Tag Archives: Maker God

O God, How Long? ~ Psalm 74

In this godless world there are also people who think they think they can ask their god or gods for things to happen. There are also people who call themselves ‘Christian‘ and wonder why God does not answer their prayers, though they do not see they have not taken them the right God of gods but pray to a man made god, a god son, and to people they call saints. Though the Elohim Hashem Jehovah is very clear that we should only have and worship the One True God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Jesus and his disciples, Who is an eternal Spirit God and not a fleshy god.

If you feel as though God is not watching or that He does not care you are perhaps better to search your heart, to see if you are really worshipping the right god, and not for example Jesus or any other human being or idols.

Today we can find lots of people who make a mockery of the God of Israel, also not willing to see the Biblical Truth. They most often see the false teachings of human ‘spiritual’ leaders or theologians, be it from Islamic or Christian groups, who destroy everything on their path, leaving nothing but pain and misery in their wake.

More people should follow Asaph his example, coming to look up at the real Only One True God, Jehovah the Elohim Hashem Divine Creator, and to cry out to that God of the universe, the Maker of heaven and earth, summer and winter. We all should know that it is That eternal God Who is prepared to be our rock and refuge, to defend Himself and those who really love Him and worship Him alone, that no matter what the enemy would love to do. They shall always come to know that This One True God is always the Most Mightiest god of all.

– Note: a pity the guest-writer of today, who calls herself a Born-again believer in Christ, wife, mother, teacher, artist, poet, blogger, pianist, singer, telling us she has praised God with her music ever since 1980, makes a strange twist at the end of the article, writing

“Then boldly make your requests known to Him, praising His name and trusting Him for the answer in His time.”

as if she thinks Jesus is God, and as such is forgetting that Jesus is the son of God and the Way to God.
But all the rest of the article, when you keep that only One God Who is One, in your mind is a worthy collection of words to remind people of that greatness of the Most High and how in the ancient times people looked up at Him.


To remember

  • Asaph felt lonely + alone > God silent => remembered days of old + God redeemed Israel from out of the hand of the enemy in Egypt, + brought them to Canaan, +gave them land for an inheritance, + established His name in their midst.
  • enemy had attempted to wipe out religion of Israelites by destroying their places of worship > temple + synagogue destroyed by the enemy
  • we can trust Jehovah God to know when enough is enough <=  God = never early, never late; always right on time, not limited by our calendar or clock.
  • God’s purposes are ever so much bigger than anything we can imagine.
  • Asaph did not ask God to defend His people, but His own holy and righteous name => to be preserved holy and blameless in the eyes of the enemy.
  • Asaph wanted deliverance, not for his own sake, or for the sake of his countrymen =  for the testimony of the God of mercy and grace.
  • not forget that God = still in control in affairs of men.
  • elements of Asaph’s prayer in psalm 74 should be present in all of our prayers
  • our guest writer compares Psalm 74 to the Model Prayer as recorded in Matthew 6:9-13.
  • When you pray > do not be afraid to let God know how you feel <= He already knows anyway
  • When you pray > Praise Him for who He is + for His will to be done, + for provision + forgiveness, deliverance


Additional reading

  1. Are you looking for answers and Are you looking for God
  2. The truth is very plain to see and God can be clearly seen
  3. God of gods
  4. God is One
  5. Attributes to God
  6. God should be your hope
  7. The Almighty Lord God of gods King above all gods
  8. God Helper and Deliverer
  9. Gods promises
  10. Belief of the things that God has promised
  11. God’s never-ending stream of much-needed mercies
  12. Gods salvation
  13. Believing in the send one and understanding that one does not live by bread alone
  14. Today’s thought “They did as Jehovah God commanded Moses” (April 17)
  15. Today’s thought “nonsense surrounding the many gods” (July 28)
  16. Have you also been deceived
  17. Walking alone?
  18. Does God hear prayer?
  19. Work with joy and pray with love
  20. Give your worries to God
  21. Praying For What We Want or Don’t Want
  22. Genuine prayer
  23. Does God answer prayer?
  24. People who know how to pray to move God to take hold of our affairs in a mighty way
  25. Gods measure not our measure
  26. God showing how far He is willing to go to save His children
  27. Extra verses to remember by The Name to be proclaimed
  28. Listening and Praying to the Father
  29. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #6 Words to feed and communicate
  30. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #4 Transitoriness #2 Purity
  31. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #7 Prayer #5 Listening Ear
  32. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #10 Prayer #8 Condition
  33. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #16 Benefits of praying
  34. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #18 Fulfilment
  35. God Feeds The Birds
  36. Displeasures and Actions of the Almighty God
  37. Prayer, important aspect in our life
  38. Worship and worshipping
  39. Praise and give thanks to God the Most Highest
  40. Praise the God with His Name
  41. Gods non answer
  42. Faithful to the leastening ear
  43. Wishing to do the will of God
  44. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  45. Golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters obedience
  46. Happy who’s delight is only in the law of Jehovah
  47. Rest thy delight on Jehovah
  48. 7000 to 20000 words spoken each day
  49. Biblical Prayer at Tabernacle Site Shilo
  50. Own Private Words to bring into a good relationship
  51. Old Man of Prayer
  52. Sometimes we face trials
  53. Being sure of their deliverance
  54. Prayer for the day

The Abundant Heart

sunset-over-lake God rules the day and the night, and He can be trusted with the details of my life too.

Does it seem as though this world could not get any more debauched than it is already? Do you feel as though God is not watching? that He does not care? I can assure you that He is, and He does. But perhaps He is waiting for His people to cry out to Him in humble prayer.

Asaph felt the same way. The enemy was having a heyday, making a mockery of the God of Israel and destroying everything in their path, leaving nothing but pain and misery in their wake. Asaph did the one thing he could do—he cried out to the God of the universe, the Maker of heaven and earth, summer and winter, to defend Himself in the presence of the enemy.

from Psalm 74
Maschil of Asaph

View original post 1,587 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, World affairs

First man’s task still counting today

Today many people do forget their role to play in our society and which position of responsibility they have to take in this universe of living creatures. Too many years human beings have found themselves superior to all other beings and did not have much interest for their well being, neither for the safeguarding of the environment.

Today we are faced with the consequences of human beings their selfish attitude and have to find a solution for the global warming of which we are a victim because of our “own stupidity”.

oil on wood panel

oil on wood panel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We may not forget that when this universe was created the Maker of it had a purpose for the created elements. At that time of the beginning the first man and mannin (Adam and Eve) received a task. Though they went into rebellion against their Maker and were expelled from the Garden of Eden, their given task still counts for us. Our job and our identity as human beings is still to make sense of the world around us.

It is interesting to realize that in so many ways we are still striving to create a language to make order of the chaos of our experience of the world. {Naming the Naming Project: A Deep Look at Adam and the Human Project}

For centuries man has been looking for his purpose and for more insight in all the things around him. Several ideas were uttered and many sciences found their light.

It seems Adam’s job is hard-wired into who we are as human beings. We just need to name it that in a very deep way Adam is who we are striving to become. {Naming the Naming Project: A Deep Look at Adam and the Human Project}

writes Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow who wants to make the world a better place.

In arts and science man has always looked at man’s surroundings and the existence of things.

Children have the delight of discovery. As adults, we acquire a more organized way of learning and studying, but also lose the feel of the freshness of things. Because of that, most adults are – almost by definition – slightly dull. Creative ability is only found in those who retain a part of their childhood. The artist and the scientist both have this freshness of view. An apple falls from a tree: the child asks – why does it fall and not fly? –and such questions are the beginning of science. {What is the Purpose of Childhood}

Growing older lots of people do loose the innocence of the child and also loose the interest to ‘look beyond’. those who call themselves Christian should remember the one who they say they are following, rabbi Jeshua, and should also to take on that innocence that man had as an unselfish attitude. He went even so far that he gave up his only life for the betterment of all people. All people can learn a lot from him, who did not want to do his own will but always did the Will of his heavenly Father, the Only One true God, Hashem Jehovah.

Most of us should get red cheeks and be ashamed that they often do not manage to take on such an attitude as their master teacher. But every day we should work on it and go for it. Not one moment should be lost by not trying. As long as we do our best, it is not bad.

Lots of people do place themselves in the centre of the universe. Part of growing up and becoming older is that we should become wiser and be able to set ourselves more at the site and be forgiving for bad things that happened in the past. We can always look back at one of the best examples in the Holy Scriptures, though having had to face several bad years he opened his heart for his brothers and welcomed them again.

Yosef has matured. Looking into the pit Yosef sees how far he has come in his life. He no longer sees himself at the center of the universe. Yosef responds:Have no fear! Am I a substitute for God? Besides, although you intended me harm, God intended it for good, so as to bring about the present result–the survival of many people. (50:19-20) {What, Too Soon?}

Every day in our life we have to learn and to grow further. Some may think that learning is difficult or that

Learning should be hard, but not to hard and definitely not out of reach. {Getting Past the “How” of Torah: For the Love of Learning}

Being made in the image of God, we all inherited from the Source of Life, the inability to think and to use our brains and limbs to act and to create in the right way. There are people living in regions were it is also very easy to get a good education. Others live in regions where not such ideal conditions exist and where not many are helping others to get the right and good education.

In a certain way god provided enough material to get the right ideas and to make the best out of life. It is all there for everybody everywhere in the world. But many do not see it or want to be blind for it.

We can read about the reception of the Torah.

For this commandment which I command you this day, it is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say: ‘Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say: ‘Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it to us, and make us to hear it, that we may do it?’ (Deuteronomy 30:11–13)

For rabbi Avi Katz Orlow learning should not to hard and definitely not out of reach.

Here we see learning Torah depicted as some elaborate scavenger hunt. What zeal would we bring to trying to learn Torah if it was in fact hidden in the heaven or on the other side of the ocean? {Getting Past the “How” of Torah: For the Love of Learning}In our community there are many efforts to make Torah more accessible, but still people feel alienated. What are we missing? Perhaps we have made Torah too accessible? We have lost our zeal. Would we try harder if it was in heaven or across the sea? But I do not think that is all of it.We fail because we have not done a good job expressing the “why”? Yes I am Hassid of Simon Sinek.  And if you have not seen this TED talk please stop everything and watch it now. {Getting Past the “How” of Torah: For the Love of Learning}


Simon Sinek discusses the principal behind every successful person and business. A simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?”


Why is learning valuable? I have my thoughts on this, but for now I just want to put the question out there. In Sinek’s words,

People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And if you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.

As we prepare for the High Holidays it is interesting to think about your own “why”. And once we figure out our “why” it will not matter if learning Torah is in heaven or across the sea, that is just a “how”. {Getting Past the “How” of Torah: For the Love of Learning}


Preceding article: A little ray of sunshine.


Additional reading:

  1. Necessary to be known all over the earth
  2. Christian values, traditions, real or false stories, pure and upright belief
  3. Being Religious and Spiritual 4 Philosophical, religious and spiritual people
  4. An unbridgeable gap
  5. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  6. Atonement And Fellowship 7/8
  7. Shared inheritance plus integral and integrating vision
  8. Not many coming out with their community name
  9. To find ways of Godly understanding
  10. We are ourselves responsible
  11. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  12. What part of the Body am I?
  13. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  14. With the gift of Jesus comes an awesome responsibility
  15. Training for the kingdom
  16. From pain to purpose
  17. My 2 Words
  18. Teach children the Bible
  19. Beautiful feet of those who announce the good news
  20. The Greatest of These is Love



Filed under Ecological affairs, Educational affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Video, World affairs

Great things, Voice of God and terrors

“32 “For ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one side of heaven unto the other whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it? 33 Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as thou hast heard, and live? 34 Or hath God deigned to go and take Him a nation from the midst of another nation by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by a stretched out arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the LORD your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? 35 Unto thee it was shown, that thou mightest know that the LORD He is God: there is none else besides Him. 36 Out of heaven He made thee to hear His voice, that He might instruct thee; and upon earth He showed thee His great fire, and thou heardest His words out of the midst of the fire.” (Deuteronomy 4:32-36 KJ21)

“Know therefore that the LORD thy God, He is God, the faithful God, who keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations,” (Deuteronomy 7:9 KJ21)

“And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great fearsomeness, and with signs and with wonders;” (Deuteronomy 26:8 KJ21)

“the great temptations which thine eyes have seen, the signs, and those great miracles.” (Deuteronomy 29:3 KJ21)

“Happy art thou, O Israel! Who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! And thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee, and thou shalt tread upon their high places.”” (Deuteronomy 33:29 KJ21)

“and in all that mighty hand, and in all the great terror which Moses showed in the sight of all Israel.” (Deuteronomy 34:12 KJ21)

“And I will stretch out My hand and smite Egypt with all My wonders which I will do in the midst thereof; and after that he will let you go.” (Exodus 3:20 KJ21)

“And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt.” (Exodus 7:3 KJ21)

“”When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, ‘Show a miracle for yourselves,’ then thou shalt say unto Aaron, ‘Take thy rod and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent.’”” (Exodus 7:9 KJ21)

“19 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, “Say unto Aaron, ‘Take thy rod and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone.’” 20 And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood. 21 And the fish that were in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.” (Exodus 7:19-21 KJ21)

“2 Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow from his neighbor, and every woman from her neighbor, jewels of silver and jewels of gold.” 3 And the LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt in the sight of Pharaoh’s servants and in the sight of the people. 4  And Moses said, “Thus saith the LORD: ‘About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt;” (Exodus 11:2-4 KJ21)

“And the LORD said unto Moses, “Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that My wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.”” (Exodus 11:9 KJ21)

“And the LORD said unto Moses, “How long will this people provoke Me? And how long will it be ere they believe Me for all the signs which I have shown among them?” (Numbers 14:11 KJ21)

“(I stood between the LORD and you at that time to show you the word of the LORD, for ye were afraid by reason of the fire and went not up into the mount), saying:” (Deuteronomy 5:5 KJ21)

“For who is there of all flesh that hath heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as we have, and lived?” (Deuteronomy 5:26 KJ21)

“the great temptations which thine eyes saw, and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, and the stretched out arm—whereby the LORD thy God brought thee out. So shall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid.” (Deuteronomy 7:19 KJ21)

“the great temptations which thine eyes have seen, the signs, and those great miracles.” (Deuteronomy 29:3 KJ21)

“10 and showedst signs and wonders upon Pharaoh and on all his servants and on all the people of his land. For Thou knewest that they dealt proudly against them. So didst Thou get Thee a name, as it is this day. 11 And Thou didst divide the sea before them, so that they went through the midst of the sea on the dry land; and their persecutors Thou threwest into the deep, as a stone into the mighty waters.” (Nehemiah 9:10-11 KJ21)

“yet Thou in Thy manifold mercies forsookest them not in the wilderness. The pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them in the way; neither the pillar of fire by night, to show them light and the way wherein they should go.” (Nehemiah 9:19 KJ21)

“The pillars of heaven tremble, and are astonished at His reproof.” (Job 26:11 KJ21)

“3 The voice of the LORD is upon the waters; the God of glory thundereth; the LORD is upon many waters. 4 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty.” (Psalms 29:3-4 KJ21)

“Marvelous things did He in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan.” (Psalms 78:12 KJ21)

“how He had wrought His signs in Egypt and His wonders in the field of Zoan,” (Psalms 78:43 KJ21)

“48 He gave up their cattle also to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts. 49 He cast upon them the fierceness of His anger, wrath, indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them. 50 He made a path to His anger; He spared not their soul from death, but gave their life over to the pestilence, 51 and smote all the firstborn in Egypt, the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham. 52 But He made His own people to go forth like sheep, and guided them in the wilderness like a flock. 53 And He led them on safely, so that they feared not; but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.” (Psalms 78:48-53 KJ21)

“They showed His signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.” (Psalms 105:27 KJ21)

“wondrous works in the land of Ham, and fearsome things by the Red Sea.” (Psalms 106:22 KJ21)

“20 who hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt even unto this day, and in Israel and among other men, and hast made Thee a name, as at this day; 21 and hast brought forth Thy people Israel out of the land of Egypt, with signs and with wonders, and with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm, and with great terror;” (Jeremiah 32:20-21 KJ21)

“And the sound of the cherubims’ wings was heard even to the outer court, as the voice of the Almighty God when He speaketh.” (Ezekiel 10:5 KJ21)

“6 on the day that I lifted up Mine hand unto them to bring them forth out of the land of Egypt into a land that I had espied for them, flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands, 7 then said I unto them: “Cast away every man of ye the abominations of his eyes, and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.” 8 But they rebelled against Me and would not hearken unto Me. They did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt. “‘Then I said, “I will pour out My fury upon them, to accomplish My anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.” 9 But I wrought for My name’s sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen among whom they were, in whose sight I made Myself known unto them in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt.” (Ezekiel 20:6-9 KJ21)

“He brought them out after he had shown wonders and signs in the land of Egypt and in the Red Sea, and in the wilderness forty years.” (Acts 7:36 KJ21)

“For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,” (1 Thessalonians 1:9 KJ21)

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,” (1 Peter 5:6 KJ21)



All Giza Pyramids in one shot. Русский: Все пи...

All Giza Pyramids in one shot. Русский: Все пирамиды Гизы на изображении. Español: Las Pirámides de Guiza (Egipto). Français : Les Pyramides de Gizeh (Egypte). Català: Les Piràmides de Giza, a Egipte. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Searching or overlooking God’s presence

Summerholiday season time to read the Bible

Holiday making and dreaming

Home-stayers and their to do list

Written by inspiration of God for our admonition, to whom it shall be imputed if they believe

Les épreuves, signes et prodiges de Dieu

Beproevende God heeft tekenen gegeven

Versuchungen, Zeichen, Wunder, Streit und eine mächtige Hand

The Aleppo Codex is a medieval manuscript of t...

The Aleppo Codex is a medieval manuscript of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), associated with Rabbi Aaron Ben Asher. The Masoretic scholars wrote it in the early 10th century, probably in Tiberias, Israel. It is in book form and contains the vowel points and grammar points (nikkudot) that specify the pronunciation of the ancient Hebrew letters to preserve the chanting tradition. It is perhaps the most historically important Hebrew manuscript in existence. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Additional reading

  1. God giving signs and producing wonders
  2. Written down in God’s Name
  3. The Almighty Lord God of gods King above all gods
  4. El-Shaddai God Almighty Who no-one may see and live
  5. Jehovah God Maker of the entire universe served by a well-trained army
  6. God’s will is that all sorts of men should be saved
  7. Scripture words written for our learning, given by inspiration of God for edification



Filed under Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Religious affairs

Almighty God above all other gods greater than all gods

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1 RWebster)

“And when Abram was ninety and nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said to him, I [am] the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. {perfect: or, upright, or, sincere}” (Genesis 17:1 RWebster)

“2 And God spoke to Moses, and said to him, I [am] the LORD: {the LORD: or, JEHOVAH} 3 And I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, by [the name of] God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.” (Exodus 6:2-3 RWebster)

“Who [is] like thee, O LORD, among the gods? who [is] like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful [in] praises, doing wonders? {gods: or, mighty ones?}” (Exodus 15:11 RWebster)

“Now I know that the LORD [is] greater than all gods: for in the thing in which they dealt proudly [he was] above them.” (Exodus 18:11 RWebster)

“And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.” (Exodus 33:20 RWebster)

“4 ¶ Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD: 5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. 6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart: 7 And thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. {teach: Heb. whet, or, sharpen} 8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thy eyes. 9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9 RWebster)

“Because I will proclaim the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness to our God.” (Deuteronomy 32:3 RWebster)

“Thine, O LORD, [is] the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all [that is] in the heaven and on the earth [is thine]; thine [is] the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.” (1 Chronicles 29:11 RWebster)

“And the house which I build [is] great: for great [is] our God above all gods.” (2 Chronicles 2:5 RWebster)

“Behold, God [is] great, and we know [him] not, neither can the number of his years be searched out.” (Job 36:26 RWebster)

“Be still, and know that I [am] God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalms 46:10 RWebster)

“«A Song [and] Psalm for the sons of Korah.» Great [is] the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, [in] the mountain of his holiness. {for: or, of}” (Psalms 48:1 RWebster)

“Thy righteousness also, O God, [is] very high, who hast done great things: O God, who [is] like thee!” (Psalms 71:19 RWebster)

“Blessed [be] the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.” (Psalms 72:18 RWebster)

“That [men] may know that thou, whose name alone [is] JEHOVAH, [art] the most high over all the earth.” (Psalms 83:18 RWebster)

“Among the gods [there is] none like thee, O Lord; neither [are there any works] like thy works.” (Psalms 86:8 RWebster)

“For who in the heaven can be compared to the LORD? [who] among the sons of the mighty can be likened to the LORD?” (Psalms 89:6 RWebster)

“O LORD, how great are thy works! [and] thy thoughts are very deep.” (Psalms 92:5 RWebster)

“3 For the LORD [is] a great God, and a great King above all gods. 4 In his hand [are] the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills [is] his also. {In…: Heb. In whose} {the strength…: or, the heights of the hills are his} 5 The sea [is] his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry [land]. {The sea…: Heb. Whose the sea is} 6 O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. 7 ¶ For he [is] our God; and we [are] the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice, 8 Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, [and] as [in] the day of temptation in the wilderness: {provocation: Heb. contention} 9 When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work.” (Psalms 95:3-9 RWebster)

“For thou, LORD, [art] high above all the earth: thou art exalted far above all gods.” (Psalms 97:9 RWebster)

“He sent redemption to his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend [is] his name.” (Psalms 111:9 RWebster)

“For I know that the LORD [is] great, and [that] our Lord [is] above all gods.” (Psalms 135:5 RWebster)

“Great [is] the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness [is] unsearchable. {and his…: Heb. and of his greatness there is no search}” (Psalms 145:3 RWebster)

“But the LORD of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness. {God…: or, the holy God: Heb. the God the holy}” (Isaiah 5:16 RWebster)

“And one cried to another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, [is] the LORD of hosts: the whole earth [is] full of his glory. {one…: Heb. this cried to this} {the whole…: Heb. his glory is the fulness of the whole earth}” (Isaiah 6:3 RWebster)

“Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and [let] him [be] your fear, and [let] him [be] your dread.” (Isaiah 8:13 RWebster)

“To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare him to?” (Isaiah 40:18 RWebster)

“I, [even] I, [am] the LORD; and besides me [there is] no saviour.” (Isaiah 43:11 RWebster)

“Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared [it]? ye [are] even my witnesses. Is there a God besides me? verily, [there is] no God; I know not [any]. {God; I: Heb. rock, etc}” (Isaiah 44:8 RWebster)

“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name [is] Holy; I dwell in the high and holy [place], with him also [that is] of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” (Isaiah 57:15 RWebster)

“Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain: forasmuch as among all the wise [men] of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, [there is] none like thee. {to…: or, it liketh thee}” (Jeremiah 10:7 RWebster)

“I will accept you with your sweet savour, when I bring you out from the people, and gather you out of the countries in which ye have been scattered; and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen. {sweet…: Heb. savour of rest}” (Ezekiel 20:41 RWebster)

“And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I [am] the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. {their: or, your}” (Ezekiel 36:23 RWebster)

“Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I [am] the LORD.” (Ezekiel 38:23 RWebster)

“The king answered to Daniel, and said, Of a truth [it is], that your God [is] the God of gods, and the Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret.” (Daniel 2:47 RWebster)

“And it shall come to pass, [that] whoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.” (Joel 2:32 RWebster)

“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. {language: Heb. lip} {consent: Heb. shoulder}” (Zephaniah 3:9 RWebster)

“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” (Matthew 6:9 RWebster)

“And Jesus said to him, Why callest thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that is], God.” (Mark 10:18 RWebster)

“For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy [is] his name.” (Luke 1:49 RWebster)

“God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24 RWebster)

“1  These words spoke Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3 And this is life eternal, that they may know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:1-3 RWebster)

“I have manifested thy name to the men whom thou gavest to me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them to me; and they have kept thy word.” (John 17:6 RWebster)

“25 O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. 26 And I have declared to them thy name, and will declare [it]: that the love which thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.” (John 17:25-26 RWebster)

“And it shall come to pass, [that] whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21 RWebster)

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: {so…: or, that they may be}” (Romans 1:20 RWebster)

“For whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13 RWebster)

“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable [are] his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” (Romans 11:33 RWebster)

“4  Therefore as concerning the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice to idols, we know that an idol [is] nothing in the world, and that [there is] no other God but one. 5 For though there are that are called gods, whether in heaven or upon earth, (as there are gods many, and lords many,) 6 Yet to us [there is but] one God, the Father, from whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him. {in: or, for}” (1 Corinthians 8:4-6 RWebster)

“According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.” (1 Timothy 1:11 RWebster)

“For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” (1 Timothy 2:5 RWebster)

“For Christ hath not entered into the holy places made with hands, [which are] the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:” (Hebrews 9:24 RWebster)

“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:16 RWebster)

“And the four living beings had each of them six wings about [him]; and [they were] full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. {rest…: Gr. have no rest}” (Revelation 4:8 RWebster)

“Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, who art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.” (Revelation 11:17 RWebster)

“And I heard another from the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous [are] thy judgments.” (Revelation 16:7 RWebster)

“Thy righteousness, O God, is very high, thou that doest great things: O God, who is like unto thee?” (Psalms 71:19 TRC)

“Blessed be the LORD God, even the God of Israel, which only doth wonderous things.” (Psalms 72:18 TRC)

“That they may know, that thou art alone, that thy name is the LORD, and that thou onely art the most highest {|hyest|} over all the earth.” (Psalms 83:18 TRC)

“Among the Gods {goddes} there is none like unto thee O Lord, there is not one that can do as thou doest.” (Psalms 86:8 TRC)

“For who is he among the clouds, that may be compared unto the LORD? Yea what is he among the gods, {goddes} that is like unto the LORD?” (Psalms 89:6 TRC)

“O LORD, how glorious are thy works, thy thoughts are very deep.” (Psalms 92:5 TRC)

“3 For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. {goddes} 4 In his hand are all the corners of the earth, and the strength of the hills is his also. 5 The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands prepared the dry land. 6 O come, let us worship and bow down ourselves: Let us kneel before the LORD our maker. 7  For he is our God: and {|<as for us>|} we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hands. 8 Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as when ye provoked in the time of temptation in the wilderness. 9 Where your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works.” (Psalms 95:3-9 TRC)

“For thou LORD art the most highest {|hyest|} over all the earth, thou art exalted far above all gods.” (Psalms 97:9 TRC)

“He sent redemption unto his people, he hath commanded his covenant for ever, holy and reverent is his name.” (Psalms 111:9 TRC)

“For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord {|LORDE|} is above all gods. {goddes}” (Psalms 135:5 TRC)

“Great is the LORD, and marvelous worthy to be praised, there is no end to his greatness.” (Psalms 145:3 TRC)

“But the LORD of Hosts, that holy God: shall be exalted and untouched, when he shall declare his equity and righteousness after this manner:” (Isaiah 5:16 TRC)

“They cried also each one to other on this manner: holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of Hosts. The whole world is full of his glory.” (Isaiah 6:3 TRC)

“but sanctify the LORD of Hosts, let him be your fear and dread.” (Isaiah 8:13 TRC)

“To whom then will ye liken God? or what similitude will ye set up unto him?” (Isaiah 40:18 TRC)

“I am only the LORD, and without me is there no Saviour.” (Isaiah 43:11 TRC)

“yea and that without any fear or stop. {stoppe} For have not I ever told you hitherto, and warned you? Ye can bear me record yourselves. Is there any God except me? or any maker, that I should not know him?” (Isaiah 44:8 TRC)

“For thus sayeth the high {|hie|} and excellent, even he that dwelleth in everlastingness, whose name is the holy one: I dwell high above and in the sanctuary, and with him also, that is of a contrite and humble spirit: that I may heal a troubled mind, and a contrite heart.” (Isaiah 57:15 TRC)

“Who would not fear thee? Or what King of the Gentiles would not obey thee? For among all the wise men of the Gentiles, and in all their kingdoms, there is none that may be likened unto thee.” (Jeremiah 10:7 TRC)

“I will accept your sweet savour, when I bring you from the nations, and gather you together out of the lands, wherein ye be scattered: that I may be hallowed in you before the Heathen.” (Ezekiel 20:41 TRC)

“Therefore, I will hallow my great name again, which among the Gentiles is evil spoken of: for ye yourselves have dishonoured it among them. And the Gentiles shall know, that I am the LORD, when I am honoured in you before their eyes, sayeth the Lord GOD. {|LORDE God|} {that the heathen may know that I am the LORD (saith the Lorde Iehouah) when I am sanctified upon you in their sight.}” (Ezekiel 36:23 TRC)

“Thus will I be magnified, honoured, and known among the Heathen: that they may be sure, how that I am the LORD.” (Ezekiel 38:23 TRC)

“The king answered Daniel, and said: Yea of a truth your God is a God above all gods, and Lord {|LORDE|} above all kings, and an opener of secrets: seeing thou canst discover this mystery.” (Daniel 2:47 TRC)

“And the time shall come: that whosoever calleth upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved. For upon the mount Sion and at Jerusalem, there shall be a salvation, like as the LORD hath promised: yea and among the other remnant, whom the LORD shall call.” (Joel 2:32 TRC)

“And then will I cleanse the lips of the people, that they may every each one call upon the name of the LORD, and serve him with one shoulder.” (Zephaniah 3:9 TRC)

“After this manner therefore pray ye. O our father, which art in heaven hallowed be thy name.” (Matthew 6:9 TRC)

“Jesus said to him: why callest thou me good? there is no man good but one, which is God.” (Mark 10:18 TRC)

“For he that is mighty hath done to me great things, and blessed {holy} is his name.” (Luke 1:49 TRC)

“God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must honour {worship} him, in spirit and verity. {trouth, or real fidelity of truth}” (John 4:24 TRC)

“1  These words spake Jesus and lift {lifted} up his eyes to heaven, and said: father the hour is come glorify thy son that thy son may glorify thee. 2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3 This is life eternal {|everlasting|} that they might know thee that only very God: {|that thou onely art the true God|} and whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ.” (John 17:1-3 TRC)

“I have declared thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world. Thine they were, and thou gavest them me, and they have kept thy sayings. {|word|}” (John 17:6 TRC)

“25 O righteous father the very world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. 26 And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it, that the love wherewith thou hast loved me, be in them, and that I be in them.” (John 17:25-26 TRC)

“And the time shall come {it shall be} that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21 TRC)

“For {So that} his invisible things (that is to say, his eternal power and godhead) are understood and seen, by the works from the creation of the world. So that they are without excuse,” (Romans 1:20 TRC)

“For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be safe. {|saved|}” (Romans 10:13 TRC)

“O the deepness of the abundant wisdom and knowledge off God: how incomprehensible {unsearchable} are his judgements, and his ways unsearchable. {past finding out.}” (Romans 11:33 TRC)

“4  To speak of meat dedicated unto idols, we are sure that there is none idol {|So are we sure now concerning the meats offered unto Idols, that an Idol is nothing|} in the world: and that there is none other God but one. 5 And though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth (as there be gods many and lords many) 6 but {yet} unto us is there {but} one God, which is the father, of whom are all things, and we in him: and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.” (1 Corinthians 8:4-6 TRC)

“according to the glorious gospel of the holy God, {the gospell of the glory of the blessed God} which gospel {gospell} is committed unto me.” (1 Timothy 1:11 TRC)

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and man, which is {|men, namely|} the man Christ Jesus,” (1 Timothy 2:5 TRC)

“For Christ is not entered into the holy places, that are made with hands, which are but similitudes of true things: but is entered into very heaven, for to appear now in the sight {|before the face|} of God for us.” (Hebrews 9:24 TRC)

“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love, and he that dwelleth {abideth} in love dwelleth {abideth} in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:16 TRC)

“And the four beasts had each one of them six wings about him, and they were full of eyes within. And they had no rest day neither night saying: Holy, holy, holy, Lord {|is the LORDE|} God almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” (Revelation 4:8 TRC)

“saying: we give thee thanks Lord God omnipotent: {allmighty:} which art and wast, and art to come, for thou hast received thy great might, and hast reigned.” (Revelation 11:17 TRC)

“And I heard another out of the altar say: even so Lord God almighty, true and righteous are thy judgements.” (Revelation 16:7 TRC)






Bible, helmet of salvation, God’s Words put in the mouth of prophets for perfecting, to reprove and correct

De Almachtige God der goden, groter dan en hoog verheven boven alle goden

Der Allmächtige Gott der Götter, größer und mächtiger als alle Götter

Dieu Puissant, Dieu unique des dieux plus grand que tous les dieux


  1. El-Shaddai God Almighty Who no-one may see and live
  2. No man see the Almighty God and live
  3. The Almighty Lord God of gods King above all gods
English: psalms in Aramaic

Psalms in Aramaic (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Filed under Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Religious affairs

Donkere tijden, droge plekken, hijgende harten, dorstigen, neergeworpenen en geduld

“18 {De eerstelingen van de Geest} Want ik ben ervan overtuigd dat het lijden van de tegenwoordige tijd niet opweegt tegen de heerlijkheid die aan ons geopenbaard zal worden. 19 Met reikhalzend verlangen immers verwacht de schepping het openbaar worden van de kinderen van God. 20 Want de schepping is aan de zinloosheid onderworpen, niet vrijwillig, maar door hem die haar daaraan onderworpen heeft, 21 in de hoop dat ook de schepping zelf zal bevrijd worden van de slavernij van het verderf om te komen tot de vrijheid van de heerlijkheid van de kinderen van God. 22 Want wij weten dat heel de schepping gezamenlijk zucht en gezamenlijk in barensnood verkeert tot nu toe. 23 En dat niet alleen, maar ook wijzelf, die de eerstelingen van de Geest hebben, ook wij zelf zuchten in onszelf, in de verwachting van de aanneming tot kinderen, namelijk de verlossing van ons lichaam. 24 Want in de hoop zijn wij zalig geworden. Hoop nu die gezien wordt, is geen hoop. Immers, wat iemand ziet, waarom zou hij dat nog hopen? 25 Maar als wij hopen wat wij niet zien, dan verwachten wij het met volharding. 26  En evenzo komt ook de Geest onze zwakheden te hulp, want wij weten niet wat wij bidden zullen zoals het behoort. De Geest Zelf echter pleit voor ons met onuitsprekelijke verzuchtingen. 27 En Hij Die de harten doorzoekt, weet wat het denken van de Geest is, omdat Hij naar de wil van God voor de heiligen pleit. 28 En wij weten dat voor hen die God liefhebben, alle dingen meewerken ten goede, voor hen namelijk die overeenkomstig Zijn voornemen geroepen zijn.” (Romeinen 8:18-28 HSV)

“1  {BOEK TWEE} {Verlangen naar God} Voor de koorleider, een onderwijzing van de zonen van Korach. (42:2) Zoals een hert schreeuwt naar de waterstromen, zo schreeuwt mijn ziel tot U, o God! 2 (42:3) Mijn ziel dorst naar God, naar de levende God. Wanneer zal ik binnengaan om voor Gods aangezicht te verschijnen? 3 (42:4) Mijn tranen zijn mij tot voedsel, dag en nacht, omdat zij de hele dag tegen mij zeggen: Waar is uw God? 4 (42:5) Hieraan denk ik en ik stort mijn ziel in mij uit: hoe ik meeging in de stoet en met hen optrok naar Gods huis, onder luide vreugdezang en lof liederen: een feestvierende menigte. 5 (42:6) Wat buigt u zich neer, mijn ziel, en bent u onrustig in mij? Hoop op God, want ik zal Hem weer loven voor de volkomen verlossing van Zijn aangezicht. 6  (42:7) Mijn God, mijn ziel buigt zich neer in mij, daarom denk ik aan U vanuit het land van de Jordaan en het Hermongebergte, vanuit het laaggebergte. 7 (42:8) Watervloed roept tot watervloed, terwijl Uw waterkolken bruisen; al Uw baren en Uw golven zijn over mij heen gegaan. 8 (42:9) Maar de HEERE zal overdag Zijn goedertierenheid gebieden; ’s nachts zal Zijn lied bij mij zijn, een gebed tot de God van mijn leven. 9 (42:10) Ik zeg tegen God: Mijn rots, waarom vergeet U mij? Waarom ga ik in het zwart gehuld, door de onderdrukking van de vijand? 10 (42:11) Met een doodsteek in mijn beenderen honen mijn tegenstanders mij, omdat zij de hele dag tegen mij zeggen: Waar is uw God? 11 (42:12) Wat buigt u zich neer, mijn ziel, en wat bent u onrustig in mij? Hoop op God, want ik zal Hem weer loven; Hij is de volkomen verlossing van mijn aangezicht en mijn God.” (Psalmen 42:1-11 HSV)

“1  {De HEERE is goed} Een lofpsalm. Juich voor de HEERE, heel de aarde; 2 dien de HEERE met blijdschap, kom voor Zijn aangezicht met vrolijk gezang. 3 Weet dat de HEERE God is; Híj heeft ons gemaakt-en niet wij-{en niet wij-Of: wij zijn van Hem.} Zijn volk en de schapen van Zijn weide. 4 Ga Zijn poorten binnen met een lofoffer, Zijn voorhoven met een lofzang; loof Hem, prijs Zijn Naam. 5 Want de HEERE is goed, Zijn goedertierenheid is voor eeuwig, Zijn trouw van generatie op generatie.” (Psalmen 100:1-5 HSV)

“16 houd ik niet op voor u te danken, als ik in mijn gebeden aan u denk, 17 opdat de God van onze Heere Jezus Christus, de Vader van de heerlijkheid, u de Geest van wijsheid en van openbaring geeft in het kennen van Hem, 18 namelijk verlichte ogen van uw verstand, om te weten wat de hoop van Zijn roeping is, en wat de rijkdom is van de heerlijkheid van Zijn erfenis in de heiligen, 19 en wat de allesovertreffende grootheid van Zijn kracht is aan ons die geloven, overeenkomstig de werking van de sterkte van Zijn macht, 20 die Hij gewerkt heeft in Christus, toen Hij Hem uit de doden opwekte en aan Zijn rechter hand zette in de hemelse gewesten, 21 ver boven alle overheid en macht en kracht en heerschappij en elke naam die genoemd wordt, niet alleen in deze wereld, maar ook in de komende. 22 En Hij heeft alle dingen aan Zijn voeten onderworpen en heeft Hem als hoofd over alle dingen gegeven aan de gemeente, 23 die Zijn lichaam is en de vervulling van Hem Die alles in allen vervult.” (Efeziërs 1:16-23 HSV)

“1  {De HEERE is mijn Herder} Een psalm van David. De HEERE is mijn Herder, mij ontbreekt niets. 2 Hij doet mij neerliggen in grazige weiden, Hij leidt mij zachtjes naar stille wateren. 3 Hij verkwikt mijn ziel, Hij leidt mij in het spoor van de gerechtigheid, omwille van Zijn Naam. 4 Al ging ik ook door een dal vol schaduw van de dood, ik zou geen kwaad vrezen, want U bent met mij; Uw stok en Uw staf, die vertroosten mij. 5 U maakt voor mij de tafel gereed voor de ogen van mijn tegenstanders; U zalft mijn hoofd met olie, mijn beker vloeit over. 6 Ja, goedheid en goedertierenheid zullen mij volgen al de dagen van mijn leven. Ik zal in het huis van de HEERE blijven tot in lengte van dagen.” (Psalmen 23:1-6 HSV)

“10 (46:11) Geef het op en weet dat Ik God ben; Ik zal geroemd worden onder de heidenvolken, Ik zal geroemd worden op de aarde. 11 (46:12) De HEERE van de legermachten is met ons; de God van Jakob is voor ons een veilige vesting.Sela” (Psalmen 46:10-11 HSV)




Filed under Aanhalingen uit Heilige Geschriften, Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Voelen en Welzijn

Born to Shine not to fear!

Though it may be a very small picture demanding zooming in, its like the things in life which seem so unnoticeable but are there. Often man thinks him to be superior to all those things around him. He even thinks he can create some things better. But those matters where there is The Hand of the Supreme Being Maker of all things, man is just nothing, small like the a grain of sand.

Lots of people in that multitude of human beings feel like a nothing or like dust. They forget that they too are created in the image of the Most High Being, Creator of all things, the One Who let be. Nothing can exist without Him.

This Grand Maker wants us all to shine brightly as the stars he placed on the outskirts of the earth, twinkling in the heavens. We all should and are twinkling here on earth and may be noticed by a fellow traveller.

Each human being, allowed to be here, should not be afraid of his or her fellow man, because they all should more fear That One Who creates and lets be. He is it Who is eternal and can give us eternity for life or for death. He is it Who wants us to shine and wants us to come to Him as His little children eager to learn from Him.

Going up to Him we should be pleased to find others, who are willing to get out of the darkness with us. Together we can do more than on our own. God does not want us to walk on our own. He also has given the world His only begotten son to guide us and to show us the Way to God His Kingdom, where all should come together to live in peace and tranquillity, shining unto glory of Christ Jesus,the son of God , and to the One Who is greater than Jesus, The Only One God, the Adonai, Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Giver of life.

Jesus has liberated the world of its chains to death. We all should be happy and make use of that what Jesus has done for us all. In him we should unite and put on his armour, like him not doing our own will but the Will of God and making His Name to be known all over the world, so that the light can be broken and the Glory of God can shine all over the universe.


Additional reading:

  1. What is life?
  2. Dying or not
  3. Creator and Blogger God 3 Lesson and solution
  4. Story of Jesus’ birth begins long before the New Testament
  5. Science, belief, denial and visibility 1
  6. “Before” and “after” the Big Bang


  • Psalm 77 (embodiedtorah.wordpress.com)
    We commonly speak about God with human characteristics and emotions. We talk about God’s fingers, hands, arms, eyes, ears, and even nose, even though God has none of the above. We also commonly speak of God’s happiness, enjoyment, desire for obedience, sadness, regret, and compassion and other such human emotions. The 12th century philosopher Maimonides believed that we should not use such language for God, because to do so places limits on a God who is by definition infinite. However, Biblical literature is rich with anthropomorphic and anthropopathic language for God because it is the only way we have to to communicate our our sense of the Divine.
  • Making Tough Decisions (curlychristians.com)
    It’s important to make the right choices, especially in the middle of hurt, discouragement, frustration and confusion when the right choice is the tough choice to make. When things are stressful, we naturally like to take the path of least resistance. But those are the very moments when you need to make the tougher choice. Because to reap right results in life, you have to do right when you don’t feel like it.
  • Five things you didn’t know about Jesus (refreshingnews99.blogspot.com)
    Science and archaeology offer insights into ancient artifacts that could be linked to Jesus Christ. “Finding Jesus: Fact. Faith. Forgery,” premieres Sunday Night, March 1 at 9pm ET/PT on CNN.
    With Lent beginning, and a new CNN series on Christ coming up.
  • It’s a Christian “Walk,” Not a Sprint (daviddflowers.com)
    The point of being a Christian is to become like Christ, the perfect human being.If you’ve been a follower of Jesus for any length of time you know that this process isn’t easy, and it takes much longer than any of us like. We don’t call it the Christian “walk” for nothing.

    So the Christian journey is a lifetime of inching closer to Jesus. Disciples know that this can be frustrating.

  • “What is lost by Letting Go of the “Happenedness” of the Gospel?” (dougskinner.wordpress.com)
    We are not beings of pure spirit who exist by entertaining big thoughts and inhabiting the realm of noble ideals.  We are people of flesh and blood who need to eat and sleep, who feel pleasure and pain, who get hungry, cold and sick.
    virtually everything Jesus Christ ever said as reported in the Gospels had been taught by the Hebrew prophets and sages long before Him.  As Paul put it, the Law is “holy, righteous and good” (Romans 7:12).  In other words, long before Jesus came we already had a more than adequate expression of what it was that God expected of us as human beings morally and spiritually.  The Law has been written on both tablets of stone and on the contours of our hearts.  If all it takes for us to get “right” and then to stay “right” with God is information, then by Exodus 20 we should have been set.  We got all the content we ever needed on Sinai.  But my core issue is not intellectual.  Salvation is not a sudden flash of insight, or the discovery of some cosmic truth that organizes my thinking and forever clarifies my understanding.  I’ve got bigger problems than that, much bigger.
  • We Have Hope (heartfixxer.wordpress.com)
    Before Jesus Christ there was only death. His resurrection broke the chains of death, and for the first time, infused hope into the world. Sure, everyone has a fear of the unknown. If we compare it to how God loves us, we can be sure heaven is an amazing place to call home. God tells us his thoughts and ways are far beyond our understanding. Like his love, it is far greater than we can comprehend.
  • Food for Thought-3 Things to Remember Before Starting a Lenten Bible Study (richardsfoodforthought.com)
    Scripture is sacred because it has been passed down to us as a functioning means of allowing God to speak to us today; not because it originates directly from God.
  • A Conversation About The Nature of God (thehardincrowder.wordpress.com)
    Yesterday I had a great conversation with someone about God that I thought was worth writing about briefly. This person was an ex-atheist who had (I assume) recently become a theist. He was on board with the idea of mono-theism, and believed there was a God out there, but he had some problems with the God I worshiped.We talked about morality, the nature of faith, the resurrection of Christ, the ultimate purpose of man, and the problem of evil. It was a great conversation, and we both managed to keep the dialogue respectful. It’s one of the few debates I’ve found myself in where I didn’t feel personally attacked or insulted at the end of it. I wish more debates ended that way.
  • No religion (catchjohnfischer.wordpress.com)
    The gospel is such a basic, simple thing. God created human beings in His image. Human beings sinned by disobeying God. God said if you sin you will die, which has proven to be true for every human being who ever lived, including us. But God provided a way out by becoming a human being Himself and dying in our place so that the punishment of sin for the whole human race He created can be met in Christ, and those who place their faith in Him, “though they die, yet shall they live.” That’s it. No more; no less. Anything more than this is religion, and God doesn’t accept it. He is not impressed by our religious activity, whatever it is; He is impressed only by His Son in us, and that comes by faith, not religion.
  • Reclaiming Piety (pietistschoolman.com)
    For some, piety connotes an intensely private kind of religiosity that detaches the Christian from concern for this world, leaving them “too heavenly minded to be earthly good.”But probably for more, piety connotes an intensely public kind of religiosity that is likely legalistic, hypocritical, and/or exceedingly emotional. To practice piety, in this view, is to do exactly what Jesus warned against in the Sermon on the Mount: “…whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others” (Mt 6:5, NRSV). To be pious in this way is to be pharisaical, to be “like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside look beautiful, but inside they are full of the bones of the dead and of all kinds of filth” (Mt 23:27).


Credit: Soul Inspiring on Facebook

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