Tag Archives: to Understand

Invitation to the news platform that brings a view of the world

Dear Reader,

There is so much news — and too many voices — competing for your attention today.

Do you know that we provide a site where we present news from all over the world and do not mind going deeper into certain facets of facts everyone should know or should receive attention (according to us) .

Some view on the World”  does just that what the title of the website is called. It wishes to bring a view of world affairs. It wants to be a Journal for you and provides unbiased news and perspective to keep you well-informed and entertained.

In addition to general press reviews, you will be able to find articles that deal with environmental issues and take a closer look at how we, as human beings, must take responsibility, not only ethically and politically, but how we must behave towards other living beings and respect nature. Towards respecting other beings, racial discrimination comes to the fore, but also how we in the West sometimes look strangely at other cultures. We believe that getting to know other cultures and religions better can help to better understand and accept “that otherness of those people”. In today’s society, people do not like to talk about religion, but on “Some View on the World” we certainly do not shy away from that subject, and we even think it is important to talk about God and commandments.

As on this overview site, we believe it is important to let diverse voices have their say. Therefore, at that view of the world, you can find reports from several newspapers and writers from all kinds of directions or different political movements.

Today, we would like to invite you to feast your eyes on that website too, pay it a visit and (who knows) also subscribe to it to receive free daily news in your mailbox.

A warm welcome!


Filed under Announcement, Cultural affairs, Ecological affairs, Economical affairs, Educational affairs, Headlines - News, History, Lifestyle, Nature, Political affairs, Questions asked, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

As always God has a Plan

We should know in life the things that come around us can tackle us. Life at certain moments can look just plain hard! Life at certain moments may even look unfair.

Whatever we dream of, it does not always want to turn out like our aspirations and often we do seem to miss the goal.



There are those who know God and dare to argue with Him, because they do not understand His Ways, nor why such horrible things can happen in this world and such bad things happen to them who love God.

How many of us would not like like Gideon a proof from God, Him shoulder tapping us.

You would think an angel would be evidence enough. It’s not like seeing angels were common occurrences. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}

Whatever happens in our life, whatever directions we do have to go, we always should remember that we are just little elements in the creation of God. We also should remember that when we are wiling to give ourselves in His Hands, Jehovah God shall be willing to help us. He already showed many times to be there for His people. At all times, even when they were not so honest to God or when they had forgotten Him, He always was prepared to come close to them when they were calling Him, or even when they were not thinking of Him, to remind them of Him or to send them a prophet or messenger.

People had asked God several times for certain things, like food but also kings and judges, and He gave it them.


Gideon from Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum

Gideon seemed a shaky kind of guy for a judge. I always assumed these God-chosen Judges would be natural leaders of the super-hero type. Like Samson, a not so ordinary guy with a hot temper, and Hulk-type strength. Or Deborah the wonder woman whose wisdom was legendary, and to whom men submitted. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}


Deborah as portrayed in Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum (1553)

For us human beings we would like to have an easy comfortable life without any problems. Be sure, that shall be possible … but we shall have to work for it …

God never promised me comfort and ease on this earth. He never promised an immunity to change. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}

We should remember it was mankind itself which reposted against God. Man did not think God was honest to them and kept something precious behind. In their rebellion they ate from the forbidden fruit to get to know “Knowledge of good and evil” and as such came to know that evil. And that is what we have to feel more than once in our life. The bad things surround us. But we must not always think when there is something we do not like, like having to move places or to go on, that it means that would be bad. It can be a next step in our life which can bring us so much more goodness. Therefore we, when in doubt sometimes do good to switch our prayer like interior designer Loree Johns the wife of preacher Randy does

Ok, Ok, I get it. You are opening the floodgates to a new opportunity, new souls to love and nurture. So help me to find peace about this, because like Gideon, I needed proof you really want to uproot and upend me. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}

Asking Jehovah God for guidance and comfort He shall show the way and make sure the proofs of His nearness and His Plan shall become clearer. Coming to trust in Him and hoping to fit in His Way your anxiety shall ease.

The sick feeling abated. And I could feel excitement for a new chapter warring with my pain of leaving those I love. I could do this. So, I met with my other designer and staff, and we figured a way for me to work in OKC half of the time. I’m thankful for such a great team who will keep the business thriving when I am three hours away. {How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}


God in his infinite wisdom only reveals what we need to know in the here and now.

It seems like God’s plans are rarely our plans, at least not in my world.

As always God has a Plan.

It’s time for that wall to come down once for all, and for me to be real with you. I will share my joys along with my pain and sorrows. I will give you insight into what helps me kept it all together on the rocky road of a broken world. I will open my heart and soul to you so we can complete this hard journey on earth together.
What I have found on my journey so far:

-God is the only place I can find true Peace.

-He says “BE STILL AND KNOW I AM GOD,” for people like me who have a hard time sitting.

–Joy is a choice.

-His amazing Grace releases me from my mess and allows me to walk forever free.

–He loves me fierce and reckless.

{How to Be All In When Asked to do Hard Things}




What would you do if…?


Additional reading

  1. What is life?
  2. Monotomy of life
  3. Your life the sum total of all your choices
  4. When you don’t know what to do and hate yourself
  5. Struggles of life
  6. Good and bad things in this world
  7. Trouble is coming
  8. Profitable disasters
  9. Self inflicted misery #2 Weakness of human race
  10. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 3
  11. Out of the seed of Eve
  12. Suffering produces perseverance
  13. From pain to purpose
  14. From Despair to Victory
  15. Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life
  16. Only the contrite self, sick of its pretensions, can find salvation
  17. It is a free will choice
  18. Choose you this day whom ye will serve
  19. The business of this life
  20. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses
  21. Thirst for happiness and meaning
  22. Major challenges and great things happening in our life
  23. Looking to the East and the West for Truth
  24. The truth is very plain to see and God can be clearly seen
  25. Examining the world around us and of our own life, building up a legacyChange
  26. Leaving behind the lives we have touched.
  27. Inculturation today calling for a different attitude
  28. To create a great journey
  29. Power in the life of certain
  30. Created to live in relation with God
  31. We may not be ignorant to get wisdom
  32. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  33. Healthy life can be found in sacred books
  34. We should use the Bible every day
  35. Fragments from the Book of Job #1: chapters 1-12
  36. Fragments from the Book of Job #2: chapters 12-20
  37. Fragments from the Book of Job #3: chapters 21-26
  38. Fragments from the Book of Job #7 Epilogue
  39. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #4 Transitoriness #3 Rejoicing in the insistence
  40. Dealing with Disappointment
  41. Feeling Lost? Read This…
  42. Determine the drive
  43. Not holding back and getting out of darkness
  44. From Winterdarkness into light of Spring
  45. Life and attitude of a Christian
  46. Two states of existence before God
  47. Humility and the Fear of the Lord
  48. A Living Faith #8 Change
  49. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  50. Be happy that the thorn bush has roses
  51. Life in gratitude opens glory of God
  52. Not he who prays most or fasts most is the greatest saint



  1. The roles of Deborah, Gideon, and Jephthah
  2. Life: In Progress
  3. Mid-Year Realizations
  4. Goals without Plans are just wishes
  5. Living within a Battlefield
  6. Spiritual life or Spiritual Death and the Zombie Apocalypse!
  7. People leave
  8. Living Intentionally
  9. Ego vs Spirit
  10. 1061 Goodness
  11. 1062 Badness
  12. Pace
  13. When Childhood Isn’t Fun or Easy
  14. The Key to Successful Living
  15. Week 4: How You See Your Job
  16. Change for God
  17. Thought For The Day The Twelve Steps are foundation stones for the recovery process. Foundation stones are designed for building on.
  18. No Fear…
  19. Marching orders.
  20. God’s Way Works


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

The I Am to explore

When looking at the world man and animal can be seen moving around, sometimes men going about more than wild beasts.

In that universe where everybody in his worldly life is so busy with working and with earning money to be able to buy as many gadgets as they would like and to make their material dreams realised, lots of people consider those who have faith in a Supreme Being to be loosers or people who live in fantasy worlds. Lots of them do believe that when in faith you just have to accept everything blindly. For them and many faith is a mystery, where you need to ask any questions.

It is true that we mortals can not understand everything. We could even say that we should not even try to understand everything. Question is if you may look at faith on a rational way. Can you believe in a Higher Being Which or Who created everything. And do you have to approach all the saying about It/Him rationally?

Portrait of René Descartes, dubbed the "F...

Portrait of René Descartes, dubbed the “Father of Modern Philosophy”, after Frans Hals c. 1648 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The last few years focus has been on the rationale. René Descartes with many followers could say “I think, therefore, I am”, and we can only agree because when you are not in existence you can not “be“. When born and not able to think the being of that person is also like as if without life and can not do anything. To be able to do something a creature (animal or man) has to think or to use its/his/her brains. Without the use of the brain, without letting the ‘electricity’ go through the nerves, creature shall not be able to do much. It has to receive something, analyse it, act and react to it. But before it can go into action and reaction it has to have knowledge of the self. It has to have a working ‘I am‘ and has to feel as an ‘I am‘.

Though man faces some problems.
First there is the “I am”, the “Self” which it has to come to face and has to try to understand.
Secondly it has to come to see that the “I am” is only part of a bigger part of “I Am”. When it comes to know that it can go searching for that Bigger “I Am” and hopefully shall come to recognise the “I Am Who Is” without nothing can exist.
Thirdly each little “I am” has to recognise that manifesting the “I am” demands interaction, but that such interaction is never ending. One word only points to another word and never to reality itself. Having brains thinking, receiving interpretations and having to make interpretations itself, it shall have to come to the conclusion that no one interpretation can ever be regarded as final.

As in interpretation, so in life: everything becomes undecidable.

Now there is a difference between all who want to understand and try to approach the many “I ams” in this world. Into this decidedly undecided world, there are people who have opened their eyes and have come to see what is behind the ordinary “I am”. They have found The Bigger “I Am.” They might have found it by listening to their inner voice or by coming to read, see and hear the Word of God. For them the curtains have gone open and the biblical message as reasonable thinking person has come to them with common sense. They have come to see and understand that Faith and logic are not really opposites.

Genesis 1 tells us that man was created in God’s image (Genesis 1: 26-27).

“26  Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27 NAS)

Diagram from one of René Descartes' works.

Diagram from one of René Descartes’ works. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Being created in the image of God, means also each person we see around us has something which might be found also in God. Each person we do encounter can carry something from God with him or her and can share it with others. The person who has come into the faith, believing there is a Creator Deity, and who has seen the Works of that God (Source of knowledge) shall also come to the understanding of the importance of sharing the knowledge of that “I am” with others. For the one with faith it is like being with child, incredible exiting and giving lots of energy. It is as an extra breath given to you.

In the past many man of all sorts of professions have already felt the special awareness and consequences for them of having faith in the Elohim, Divine Creator of heaven and earth. The “I Am Who Is” or the “I Am that I am” is the Most Almighty God of gods, Who overshadows any other god or “I am”. He is also One God Who demands recognition for His important Pole Position. He does not like to see that His creatures do love other gods more than Him. Believers, man of faith, should recognise that and take it into account, worshipping only that One and Only One True God.

To help us to understand that Bigger “I Am” and our own “I am” This Eternal Being has given His Words and let it hem be notated by the many faithful men. All those writings about the “I Am” are bundled in the Book of books, the Bible, the infallible Word of God.

In the several books of the Bible we can find a.o. the Book of Psalms in which we can find the answers:

  1. God gave us the Psalms and other Books of the Bible
  2. as a prayer book for our lives.
  3. to show the friends of God.
  4. to learn through poetry and song.
  5. to experience the transcendence and the imminence of God at once
  6. to affirm the mystery of life
  7. to educate and to exhort ourselves
  8. to show us our sins
  9. to remind us of the brevity of life
  10. to remind us of the necessity to live the right way
  11. to show us the way to a better and easier life
  12. to express our heartfelt longings
  13. to discover God His Character
  14. to discover God His Will for our lives
  15. to learn to direct ourselves to the utmost important things in life
  16. to learn how to behave
  17. to learn to pray aright
  18. to reveal His sovereign grace to us
  19. to show us the Way to Salvation
  20. to show us and give comfort in finding the Way to the Kingdom of God

Created in the image of God, the image of the Big “I Am” this is not just an outward likeness, for God is Spirit, and is only for our understanding presented in a description which is derived from that of a human. Upon further reading in the Book of books, the Bible, we can see that God’s Word reveals that humans, unlike animals, are provided with rational. Man can think and reason logically, but above all he is able to know God; and the latter goes. An animal has no sense of higher values, let alone God, a man does. But that is also exactly what sets him apart. A man who does not have these capabilities, or does not use them, is indeed no more than an animal:

“Man in [his] pomp, yet without understanding, Is like the beasts that perish.” (Psalms 49:20 NAS)

In fact, it is precisely this ability to abstract reasoning that,

according to the apostle Paul, makes the infidel shall not go unpunished because when he looks around himself he should be able to see the many things God provided. It might be true that the invisible things of God can not be seen, but even his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived since the creation of the world are working with the mind, so that they are without excuse.

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20 NAS)
Preceding articles:


Additional readings:

  1. What is life?
  2. Looking at three “I am” s
  3. Creator and Blogger God 2 Image and likeness
  4. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  5. Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality
  6. Looking for True Spirituality 2 Not restricted to an elite
  7. Being Religious and Spiritual 1 Immateriality and Spiritual experience
  8. Being Religious and Spiritual 2 Religiosity and spiritual life
  9. Being Religious and Spiritual 4 Philosophical, religious and spiritual people
  10. Being Religious and Spiritual 5 Gnostic influences
  11. Being Religious and Spiritual 6 Romantici, utopists and transcendentalists
  12. Improving the world by improving the Faith
  13. Are you religious, spiritual, or do you belong to a religion, having a faith or interfaith
  14. Faith because of the questions
  15. A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
  16. Fear of failure, and fear of the unknown
  17. Looking for something or for the Truth and what it might be and self-awareness
  18. Leaving behind the lives we have touched.
  19. Only the contrite self, sick of its pretensions, can find salvation
  20. God won’t ask
  21. Pieces
  22. There is no true and constant gentleness without humility
  23. For those who make other choices
  24. Do you believe in One god?
  25. Revelation 1:8 – Who is Speaking?
  26. Use of /Gebruik van Jehovah or/of Yahweh in Bible Translations/Bijbel vertalingen
  27. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  28. Only worhsip Creator of all things
  29. A great man does not lose his self-possession when he is afflicted


  • Love: Reuniting the objective and subjective… (thosecatholicmen.com)
    The modern world has fallen into a dualism of body and soul in many ways. Descartes, a founding father of modern philosophy described the soul as a “ghost in a machine.” It is only too easy to focus on the body in an animalistic fashion, focused on pleasure and gratification. The opposite extreme is to fall into emotionalism or even a spiritualism that sees no compelling connection to the body.
  • Descartes and the Begining of Modern Philosophy (joshpcb.wordpress.com)

    n the 17th and 18th century Western philosophy was in strife – split between British empiricism (figures such as Locke and Bacon) and continental rationalism (such proponents as Leibniz and Spinoza), both camps disagreed with one another on the topic of epistemology and metaphysics.

    Important to add to the context is that in this time, scholasticism was the most prestigious method of education; it entailed Aristotelian values with a significant religion input. Scholasticism used logical methodology to deduce and then resolve contradictions. It was also qualitative, looking at objects and people and how they worked behaved, i.e., their qualities, and it was this manner in which Descartes was educated

  • Last lecture of the semester: Foucault and Derrida on Madness (foucaultnews.com)
    We need a history of that other trick that madness plays—that other trick through which men, in the gesture of sovereign reason that locks up their neighbor, communicate and recognize each other in the merciless language of non-madness; we need to identify this moment of that expulsion before it was definitely established in the reign of truth, before it was brought back to life by the lyricism of protestation. To try to recapture, in history, this degree zero of the history of madness, when it was undifferentiated experience, the still undivided experience of the division [of madness and reason] itself. To describe…[what] allows Reason and Madness to fall away, like things henceforth foreign to each other, deaf to any exchange, almost dead to each other. (my emphases)


Filed under Health affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs