Anxiety Management During Pandemic Days~

When living in Lockdown places, even in cities when still able to go some kilometres away from home, even if it has now become more limited in several places, those not limited by (1-1-1 or 1 person 1 meter from home at a time) may be happy to count themselves to the lucky ones who may still move around and should be enjoying to see all those things for which they previously had not taken enough time to notice them.


To remember:

  • shrieking headlines > increasing anxiety, worry, sleep disruption, feelings of helplessness, panic, and/or depression.
  • some ideas that can help:
    • a customized anxiety toolbox to pick and choose
    • looking at positive images = objective + powerful anxiety reducer.
    • Self Talk Reframing (Cognitive Therapy)
    • Guided Imagination/Visualization
    • Exposure Management
    • Progressive Relaxation
    • Distraction in Action
    • Self Soothing
    • Spiritual Meditation/Prayer
    • Second Voice
    • Exercise, Diet & Good Health Practices
    • stay well informed + safe >> constant media onslaught = psychologically overwhelming + add to an unhealthy level of anxiety => reduce exposure to news.
    • Look for positive imagery +  Write blogs + stories.


Continue reading: Hope on the Horizon: Pandemic Anxiety Management II~


CoViD-19 warnings


Please find also to read:

  1. Using fears of the deadly coronavirus
  2. Europe in Chaos for a Pandemic
  3. Making deeper cuts than some terrorist attacks of the near past
  4. The unseen enemy

Cindy Knoke

Many of us are experiencing emotional distress from the pandemic which can affect each of us in different ways, but often presents as increasing anxiety, worry, sleep disruption, feelings of helplessness, panic, and/or depression.

The shrieking headlines don’t help do they? So what can we do to manage these feelings and feel stronger emotionally and psychologically as we prepare ourselves to face the difficult days ahead?

As a psychotherapist who has practiced for many decades, I have some ideas that can help. So if you are interested, read on.

We are going to make a customized anxiety toolbox. One approach doesn’t work for everyone, pick and choose what feels right for you. Of course I’m including relaxing photos intermixed in this post because looking at positive images is an objective and powerful anxiety reducer. What you perceive influences how you think and feel.


Self Talk Reframing (Cognitive Therapy)

View original post 627 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Pictures of the World, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs