Tag Archives: Convents

Laboring in the Vineyard or Sitting on the Hillside with Jonah?

The defender of both the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the young and the old is calling onto all and want to see that all the world may hear about His Name and His wonderworks.

In the previous centuries we have seen many monasteries being build all over the western hemisphere. Many convent groups were created and had so called religious people who segregate themselves from the country folks. Not all of those who detached themselves from ordinary day-life got to do some work for God that brought some positiveness and something extra to the Christian community.

To seclude oneself from the world does not resolve anything. It will not let the Christian community grow. They may pray a lot for expansion of that community but that is not what God requires from His children to repeat continuously the same words or prayers.

The son of God also did not demand to enisle oneself. To dissociate of the community not making efforts to reach them with the Word of God, will not bring more people to God.

We always have to remember what Jesus asked his disciples, to go out into the world to preach the gospel-message.

There may be those people who think isolation will bring them closer to God, but sharing the Word of God with as many as we can shall bring us even closer to God.

To get harvest there has to be the labour. Without labour no harvest.


SonShine's Journal -

prov 18 laboring vineyard2Just as there are two sides to a coin there are two sides to every story. Note vs 1 of Proverbs 18: “One who has isolatedhimself seekshis own desires;he rejectsallsound judgment.” (NET). Note this is self-imposed not God imposed as in the case of Moses (Ex 3:1), the plain for Ezekiel (Ezek 3:22), the wilderness for John (Luke 1:80), Arabia for Paul (Gal 1:17) and the wilderness for His Blessed Son (Mark 1). And that is where we find the two sides to every story.

There are those who seek isolation due to a need or desire to grow closer to God but vs 1 clearly indicates that this is not the case. These are people who have a “Jonah complex.” They fail to see the ramifications of their isolation and God’s plan and purpose for…

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs