Tag Archives: Antibiotic(s)

Health Ranger apocalypse warnings already given in 2012

In 2012 several reports of scientists warned already for a coming epidemic and several natural disasters, as flooding, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute and the Global Challenges Foundation warned already several years ago that the human race was gravely threatened by out-of-control science. Science has already begun to reveal alarming unintended consequences across our planet. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, for example, still contains massive quantities of stored nuclear fuel rods — 85 times the radiation of the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power generation, 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe — and those rods are alarmingly vulnerable to an earthquake or repeat tsunami which could unleash another massive plume of radiation.

Bible students are not surprised at all, because the Book of books warns mankind of times to come and gives all the signals which mankind should come to recognise. Even when there may be several scientists who would deny global warming and the given signs from the Bible, believers in God do know God’s Plan shall be fulfilled.

Nuclear scientists had assured such disasters like Chrnobil or  Fukushima could never happen, but look nowand be aware of the amount of kilometres “no go” zone it created for decades.. Just like the scientists said “GMOs are perfectly safe” or that Roundup herbicide or medical antibiotics will never cause any unintended negative side effects. (Widespread Roundup use has now resulted in the rise of superweeds, just as medical antibiotics use has resulted in the rise of deadly drug-resistant superbugs.) (http://naturalnews.com/033195_superweeds_far…)

We should be aware that humanity has already some years ago, reached a tipping point of developing technology so profound that it can destroy the human race; yet this rise of “science” has in no way been matched by a rise in consciousness or ethics. In the light of what happens today, citizens should be aware that there are scientific people who operate with total disregard for the future of life on Earth. Several scientists scoff at the idea of balancing scientific “progress” with caution, ethics or reasonable safeguards. Unbridled experiments like GMOs have unleashed self-replicating genetic pollution that now threatens the integrity of food crops around the world, potentially threatening the global food supply.

and remarked:

brilliant scientists have obtained remarkable technical mastery but operate as hopeless infants in the realm of philosophy, ethics and wisdom.

Here’s the list of apocalyptic threats documented by Oxford scientists. Items in bold are ones he documented and published many years ago:

1. Global pandemic
2. Supervolcano
3. Artificial Intelligence
4. Extreme climate change
5. Synthetic biology
6. Asteroid impact
7. Ecological collapse
8. Nanotechnology
9. Nuclear war
10. Government collapse
11. Global economic collapse

His own list of apocalyptic threats posed by runaway science, as shown in the infographic below, was published as follows:

1. Nuclear power
2. Genetic pollution (ecological collapse)
3. Nanotechnology
4. Bioweapons (unleashing a global pandemic)
5. Atmospheric experiments (causing extreme weather)
6. Artificial intelligence
7. Particle accelerator physics experiments gone awry
8. Pollinator disruption chemicals (food supply collapse)
9. Weaponized vaccines (has already come true with covert infertility chemicals)
10. Antibiotics (rise of deadly superbugs)
11. Water pollution with deadly chemicals
12. Nuclear weapons

As you can see, the Oxford scientists left out of their list the risk of runaway superbugs caused by antibiotics, the risk of a food supply collapse caused by the loss of pollinators. Their inclusion of “ecological collapse” was focused more on pollution in general rather than genetic pollution caused by the unintended consequences of genetic engineering.

Read more:

S.O.S. – Stop Out-of-Control Science

Oxford University scientists confirm Health Ranger apocalypse warnings three years later


Filed under Ecological affairs, Nature, World affairs

Pan 1- Past Pandemics

It is nice to have an overview of some plagues, mankind had to struggle with and still has to face today.

Traveler's Tales

Black death:

Time period: 1346–1353
Deaths: 75-200 million
Disease: Bubonic plague
Organism: Yersinia pestis

Mode of spread:

Control measures:

That day Today
– Social Distancing, Quarantine, hospitalization, a change in domestic housing that excluded rats from human dwellings
( Reference-1 )
– Rubbing onions, herbs, chopped up snake on the boils or cutting up a pigeon and rubbing it over an infected body. ( Reference-2 )
– People who believed God was punishing you for your sin, ‘flagellants’, went on processions whipping themselves
– Antibiotics such as streptomycin, gentamicin, doxycycline, or ciprofloxacin are used to treat plague.
– Oxygen, intravenous fluids, andrespiratorysupport are usually also needed.
( Reference-3 )

Spanish Flu:

Time period: 1918–1920
Deaths:17–100 million
Organism:Haemophilus influenzae

Mode of spread:

Human to human transmission through infected person airborne respiratory secretion

Control measures:

That day Today
– Doctors were unsure what caused it or…

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Coronavirus disinfectant use alarms scientists

Everywhere a lot of people want to use a lot of disinfectants, antibacterial products, Dettol, Alcohol, a.o..

Once people were confronted with the seriousness of the possible spread of the new 6th coronavirus they wanted to disinfect the surroundings. China, South Korea, France, Spain, and several other countries thought they best would be to spray copious amounts of disinfectant throughout densely populated urban areas. Fleets of trucks, drones, and even robots doused streets, parks, playgrounds, and other outdoor public spaces with virus-killing chemicals.

On television, we could see that in several countries government people even went into the houses spraying loads of chemicals.

China was the first country, in January 2020, to start sanitizing its cities — and as soon as it did, reports of poisoned animals started coming in. In February, an investigation by the Chongqing Forestry Bureau in Chongqing, a huge city in southwestern China, found that at least 135 animals across 17 species — including wild boars, Siberian weasels, and blackbirds — had died after exposure to disinfectants, according to Chinese news agency Xinhua.

Disinfectant ingredients, mostly sodium hypochlorite, chlorine, and bleach, are “acutely toxic to both terrestrial and aquatic animals,” says Dongming Li, professor of ecology at Hebei Normal University and co-author of the Environmental Research analysis, which was based solely on the Chongqing Forestry Bureau’s investigation. Li and his colleagues did not personally examine the dead animals to confirm what had killed them.

Even so, the animals’ deaths are concerning evidence, Li believes, that

“the overuse of disinfectants may contaminate the habitats of urban wildlife.” (Read more about how animals are moving into cities.)

Li’s team is now calling on world leaders to regulate the dispersal of disinfectants in urban areas, which they say is being done without input from the scientific community.

Furthermore, we also want to warn people antibacterial products are of no use against viruses, and an overdose of such products kills also the necessary and good bacteria we do need, whilst it makes the bad bacteria resistant. That will give a lot of problems in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections.

Antibiotics have been used since ancient times, but the last few years there was such an increase that many bacteria managed to resist those articles. The World Health Organization has classified antimicrobial resistance as a widespread

“serious threat [that] is no longer a prediction for the future, it is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone, of any age, in any country”. {Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance(PDF). The World Health Organization. April 2014. ISBN978-92-4-156474-8. Retrieved 13 June 2016.}

People should be fully aware that chemical disinfectants kill viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms by destroying their cell walls and damaging their proteins through oxidation. If inhaled or ingested by people or animals, these substances can irritate or corrode the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts. In extreme cases, exposure can lead to death.

We also may not forget that using all those disinfectants, also by washing our hands with such products they all come into our water system. Christopher J. Schell, professor of urban ecology at the University of Washington, in Tacoma, ways:

“If you put toxicants into a system, they are going to travel through the food web,”

While sanitizing frequently touched surfaces can help reduce the spread of the coronavirus, scientists now know that most people get the disease by breathing in droplets in the air from an infected person and not so much by coming into contact with a contaminated surface.

That’s why, in May, the World Health Organization advised against using disinfectants outdoors, both because streets and sidewalks

“are not considered as routes of infection for COVID-19”

and because spraying such chemicals

“can be noxious for people’s health and cause eye, respiratory or skin irritation or damage.”

The WHO didn’t mention the harm to wildlife as well, but many wildlife rangers and animal scientists warn people of the danger of those products contaminating the environment and endangering wildlife. Though with that knowledge there are still several countries which continue to spray disinfectants in public areas.

“The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused public fear in many countries. Many health agencies around the world may spray more disinfectants to ensure the virus is fully killed and to alleviate their worries of viral infection,”

Li says.

Politicians who dare to take the right measures, demanding restrictions to where people go, are not risking their popularity and therefore ordered going on the streets with spraying trucks or spraying agents, or drones, and even robots dousing streets, parks, playgrounds, and other outdoor public spaces with virus-killing chemicals, is more visible for many, who then would think their government does it best. Though it would be much better and safer for the environment if people would be encouraged to stay home.

“Rather than indiscriminately spraying high volumes of disinfectants in biodiversity-rich areas such as urban parks, wetlands, and green spaces,”

Dongming Li says,

“it would be preferable to suspend human activities in such places.”


Please find also to read:

  1. Why antibodies may not be the key to beating coronavirus
  2. Why COVID-19 will end up harming the environment
  3. Antarctica is the last continent without COVID-19. Scientists want to keep it that way.
  4. How Wild Animals Are Hacking Life in the City

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Filed under Ecological affairs, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Welfare matters, World affairs