Tag Archives: Nuclear war

Sanctions are crippling the economy of ‘Fortress Russia’

March 4, 2022

A shuttered stock market, close to default, business boycotts and a rush to the cash machines: the Russia economy is on its knees just eight days into the invasion. The scale of the looming economic collapse has clearly alarmed Russia’s business elite following a tidal wave of Western sanctions with oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin breaking cover to criticise the invasion. JPMorgan warned on Friday that the country is facing a hit as great as Russia’s 1998 financial crisis, predicting an 11pc peak-to-trough GDP plunge. The Centre for Economics and Business Research expects a 14pc hit in lost output in Russia over two years.
Oil and gas is still flowing from Russia to Europe, keeping a vital revenue source for its economy and the Kremlin intact.  But shoppers and industries, including banking, shipping, aviation and retail, are already feeling the heat as the West severs economic ties and turn Russia into a pariah state.

In just over a week Russia has suffered an economic meltdown. And worse is too come. The Economist said this week that the sanctions introduced by the US / UK / EU on the 26th February are causing “financial mayhem” in Russia causing Putin to increase Russia’s nuclear alert level. With incredible foresight, Brother John Thomas wrote these words in 1848,

“Let the Russian treasury be as empty as it is said to be, and its expenditure exceed its revenue by double the alleged deficit, it will only operate as a pressure from within, causing her autocrat [Gog], to enter into countries, and to overflow and pass over, and to enrich himself with the spoil of those he is destined to subdue.”

Ezekiel wrote

And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords (Ezekiel 38:4)

The hook in the jaws is the lure of spoil in Israel (gas/oil) required by Gog to replace lost revenues in Europe…

Andy Walton

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Looking at a “Man from the North” endangering the world


Additional reading

  1. 2022 Political hotchpotch
  2. Ukraine Crisis Reading List
  3. Nuclear-War Risk Minimized in Rare Statement by Weapon States
  4. Putin puts Russia’s nuclear force on high alert
  5. US insight from the Independent for the first week of March 2022



  1. What is really at stake?
  2. Is A Third World War Likely?
  3. The end is here
  4. Is this how the End of the World begins?
  5. Kooks with nukes
  6. Nuclear War and unaskable questions
  7. When did national leadership become synonymous with global destruction?
  8. Prominent Russian Journalist Quits, Says She Fears ‘We’re On The Brink Of A Nuclear War’
  9. Should using nuclear weapons be a war crime?
  10. The World Failed To Take Adolf Hitler Seriously And Paid The Price, We Would Do Well To Take Putin Seriously And Get Prepared For Nuclear War
  11. War and prejudice
  12. NATO is dead as is our leadership
  13. Dallas Professor: American Concern About Ukraine ‘Inexorably Intertwined With Nuclear Weapons’
  14. “Close the sky!”
  15. The Letters of Last Resort
  16. I do not believe that nuclear war will take place: Russian Foreign Minister informed
  17. Rescuing the Future | Me and (I hope) you vs The Apocalypse
  18. Why we don’t want a nuclear conflict
  19. Is Russia Intentionally Losing Soldiers So That Putin Can Convince His Generals To Unleash The Nukes?
  20. What if the nuclear missiles were to hit in 20 minutes?
  21. Frida Berrigan: Worried about nuclear war? You can actually do something to prevent it
  22. Stop chattering about nuclear war!


Filed under Economical affairs, Headlines - News, World affairs

Looking at a “Man from the North” endangering the world

From poetry and philosophy to political points of views. Pretty Much almost anything that can be blogged about will be eventually blogged about {About One Lifetime Blog}

at the One Lifetime Blog of . Like us he claims

not to be anything but fools in search of wisdom with the hope of eventually being less foolish and a bit more wise before our time is up on this blue planet. {About One Lifetime Blog}

and looks at matters we are confronted with regularly. For him it

Seems the world is full of anger, fear and distrust now days, Hard to know where to turn for the facts and truth. We have such a vast array of sources of information but unfortunately very few are reliable and the majority is opinion based far more than fact. {Random Thoughts 1-5-2022}

In this world of information overload but also disinformation, one of the difficulties is to distinguish truth from misinformation. There are certain people who are very adept at sending misinformation out into the world as true facts. Some years already, certain people leading a nation were not afraid to call others liars whilst they themselves did nothing more than sending one false message after the other and denying what others said about them. The term “Fake News” seemed to have become the new fashion word.

In the last few years, we could find political chaos happening across the globe. There were not only political unrest and disagreements that ran high; we in many countries could find the politicisation of almost every issue involved with the pandemic. In states where many are proud of the “freedom” racial tensions and all the conspiracy theories floating around caused nothing but trouble in a time when their president instead of uniting the country created more division than ever before.

 On top of all that you have the major super powers playing sabre rattling games on top of it, seems to be times of uncertainty to say the least. {Random Thoughts 1-5-2022}

We first had a health problem disturbing the world order.

The pandemic has had many side effects when dealing with society, it has caused much distrust in science, governments and amplified the social problems we were already facing in the world. Watching people argue over mask wearing, vaccinations, political policies and social values is very disappointing during a time we should come together to face the challenges before us as a world. {Random Thoughts 9-06-2021}

When that virus seemed to run on its last legs, we came to face an even more dangerous virus.

The virus of selfishness and lust for power {Marcus Ampe}

You would think that

Most of us take big and small risks in our lives every day. But COVID-19 has made us more aware of how we think about taking risks. {An ancient Greek approach to risk and the lessons it can offer the modern world}

But out of the North seems regularly to come certain danger. Marcus Ampe a few years ago had to suffer the consequences of such a “man from the North” and his organisation, who attacked his church community from the North. He spoke of the “Man from the North” at that time, not referring to the same “Man of the North” he refers to today. The one he refers to today is much much more dangerous than the previous one. This time it is also someone who might not be so clear in his head but bringing not only his nation and its neighbour land in danger but the whole world. By this man, like the other one from the North, it is also a problem of not being satisfied with the power he has. The ‘Aim for Power’ is a serious cancer that can spread very fast.

Watching a Superpower such as Russia invading their neighbor Ukraine seems like a high school fight between the Quarterback on the football team and the average-sized kid who doesn’t play sports. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

, like us, could

not see what Russia would have to fear {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

because it would have taken many years of debate and preparation for

“possibly joining N.A.T.O. or possibly the EU“. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

We can only hope that all the parties involved know the danger that looms behind the corner and how a person with a deranged mind could suddenly reach out unexpectedly.

Considering Russia’s Military strength and nuclear arsenal Mr. Barbier thinks that

Even if the U.S. were to go to war with them the use of nuclear weapons would be off the table (I would pray). Since there are no winners in a Nuclear war. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

File:Kernkraftwerk Saporischschja.JPG

Two power stations at Enerhodar, about 50 km from Zaporozhye in Ukraine, viewed from across the Kakhovka Reservoir on the river Dnieper. Photo taken from the “Nikopol” shore. The nearer power station is Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the biggest nuclear power station in Europe, consisting of two cooling towers (one largely obscured by the other) at the left and 6 VVER reactor buildings. The large building between the cooling towers and the reactors, and the two tall smokestacks, are at the Zaporizhzhia thermal power station about 3 km beyond the nuclear plant.

But it would be foolhardy as well as unwise to resign oneself to the fact that this “Man of the North” would not (mis)use his power to press the red button and start a nuclear conflict. That he is not even afraid of exposing his own people to atomic radiation he proved last week with the attack on two important nuclear power plants, the one in Chernobyl and on the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, in southern Ukraine’s city of Enerhodar, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

We got to see pictures of those attacks, but also stories from the other side, twisting the facts. At the same time, we should think:

What kind of things do they want you to think about what kind of people as a result of them telling you this??

What is their reason for sharing the story?” {Ask yourself why they’re telling you the story.}

From all sides, certain groups want to bombard the West with messages of doubtful content, by which they aim that bloggers and vloggers would use those messages to increase their attention and likes and as such spread fake news, but also would come to set up people against eachother.

All that disinformation is not helping at all. The other way around, it can help to give others reasons to attack other countries and to enter Europe in a new world war.

Barbier does believe though,

the 3 superpower nations and most nations, in general, do not desire a world war or the destruction of the planet we live on along with all life. Only if world leaders could put aside their differences long enough to work together on the things they all agree on, could you imagine how much as a species humankind could achieve? {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

He definitely dislikes war and does believe

there is always an alternative to war, though the parties involved would be required to be more understanding and be willing to find a compromise that is fair and balanced. The War or Military exercise as it’s been called by one side is decimating the poor civilians of Ukraine, be it intentional or unintentional they are getting caught in the crossfire. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

We can see how many beautiful buildings and art pieces are destroyed. Many artefacts gone for ever, only to be in our memories by pictures we have of them. However, that loss of artefacts does not outweigh the loss of human life.

Regardless of which side you are on or support, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and the loss of lives on both sides militarily should be enough of an incentive to find a peaceful solution to this conflict. Human Lives are a cost that is permanent, buildings, infrastructure, etc can be replaced and rebuilt but once a person dies it is gone. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

Before this awkward affair with Russia and Ukraine completely degenerates, we hope that common sense will prevail, and that diplomacy will be able to steer everything in the right direction in time to bring everything back to a peaceful situation.

But Putin with his language of war does not make it easy. He is saying that Western sanctions are equivalent to war, adding that he wants a neutral, “demilitarised” and “denasified” Ukraine, adding:

“These sanctions that are being imposed are akin to a declaration of war but thank God it has not come to that.”

It is to God that we may pray to ask Him to talk sense into those heads of world leaders.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

“The world is too big for Europe and America to isolate a country, and even more so a country as big as Russia. There are many more countries in the world.”

We can only hope those countries shall also point their finger at Russia, demanding it to be careful before taking actions that can not be turned back.

With Ray Barbier we

pray for peace, world stability, and the return to some form of normalcy. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

Like him, we are sure, that many

desire the peaceful, harmonious, and happy co-existence of all people on earth. {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

Together we should be united to aim for peace and brotherhood

Be Blessed, Be Safe and may you all find happiness and show compassion to one another {Random Thoughts 3-7-2022}

Photo by Katie Godowski on Pexels.com



US bolsters Europe with 3,000 extra troops

Make Ukraine A Buffer State Between Russia & the EU

The biggest ground offensive in Europe since World War II


Additional reading

  1. Putin plays dangerous poker game
  2. A useless but very dangerous challenge game
  3. Ukraine and Estonia taking further steps to intensify bilateral cooperation
  4. Russian bombers fly over Belarus as border crisis deepens
  5. Restrictions in Russia because of sanctions from the West for peace mission in Ukraine.
  6. Will Ukraine Escape Russian Domination?
  7. Will the Russian War in Ukraine reset World diplomacy?
  8. Ukraine keeps standing strong despite Russian predictions
  9. Russian forces fired at Europe’s largest Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
  10. Peace Takes You



  1. Geopolitics and War
  2. Russia-Ukraine war: the vulnerabilities of strategic thinking in Europe
  3. WATCH: Rubio Reveals the One Thing That Could Trigger World War III Amid Worsening Russia-Ukraine War
  4. The world is too big for Europe and America to isolate Russia – Peskov
  5. Propaganda of War… Czekmate
  6. Re-reading “Foucault’s Pendulum” in the Age of Q-Anon: Pt. 2 – Ur-Fascism and the Russia-Ukraine Connection
  7. The First Great Information War 
  8. Ukraine crisis: How to spot misleading information online | CBBC Newsround
  9. Misinformation
  10. Misinformation & Infographics
  11. Misinformation madness
  12. Debunking Misinformation: Images
  13. Debunking information on Ukraine’s war – An analysis of Russia’s false narratives
  14. Lies for Likes
  15. Unblurring the truth
  16. Audrey Watters on the technology of wellness and mis/disinformation
  17. Lose Money, Restore Humanity
  18. TikTok Suspended Live Streaming in Russia Due to its Fake News Law
  19. TikTok Never Signed Up To Be War Propaganda
  20. Twitter to show ‘Birdwatch’ community fact-checks to more users, following criticism
  21. Twitter Expands Birdwatch Pilot Program to US Users For Testing
  22. Twitter Banned Over 100 Accounts Spreading Pro-Russian Content
  23. Twitch will ban streamers who frequently share misinformation
  24. WE are the fake newsmakers
  25. Stamp out Fake News
  26. Ukraine: have we reached peak fake news?
  27. As Russia’s War Grinds On, Media Obsessed With “What Would Donald J. Trump Do?”
  28. Media, “Culture Wars” And Rural Voters
  29. Stop fake news: fake news destroys
  30. Is this fake news?
  31. Fighting misinformation in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – BBC News
  32. Resiliency Through Strength
  33. Teaching Students When to Believe What They Read on the Internet
  34. Ads join the resistance
  35. Watching War
  36. The ‘West’ as a whole suffers from a lack of credibility even as they unite in their opposition to war.
  37. Ukraine Crisis Shows Fault Lines of Multipolar World
  38. Communicators must sever ties with Russia
  39. Mental Health On Demand
  40. BBC Radio WM interview on social media and’fake news’ during Ukrainian conflict   
  41. Putin thinks he’s shooting fish in a barrel
  42. What is Putin Afraid Of?
  43. Backdoor Diplomacy: Russia’s Pivot to China and its Consequences for the Future
  44. Sanctioned Con Men
  45. Understanding India’s neutrality on Russia and Ukraine
  46. Ukraine war ǀ China feels uncomfortable with Putin’s methods — Friday
  47. Our So-Called Foreign Policy: Utterly Incoherent Polling on Ukraine
  48. The Screws Tighten on Russia. Might It Accept a Diplomatic Solution to Ukraine Crisis?
  49. Ukraine’s foreign minister confirms meeting with Lavrov – Politics –
  50. UK plots attack on Putin and Russian oligarchs
  51. Anti-NATO Activism: Is Now The Time?
  52. All the wars of the world…
  53. To Paraphrase President Kennedy: ”I am from Kyiv.”


Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Health Ranger apocalypse warnings already given in 2012

In 2012 several reports of scientists warned already for a coming epidemic and several natural disasters, as flooding, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute and the Global Challenges Foundation warned already several years ago that the human race was gravely threatened by out-of-control science. Science has already begun to reveal alarming unintended consequences across our planet. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, for example, still contains massive quantities of stored nuclear fuel rods — 85 times the radiation of the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power generation, 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe — and those rods are alarmingly vulnerable to an earthquake or repeat tsunami which could unleash another massive plume of radiation.

Bible students are not surprised at all, because the Book of books warns mankind of times to come and gives all the signals which mankind should come to recognise. Even when there may be several scientists who would deny global warming and the given signs from the Bible, believers in God do know God’s Plan shall be fulfilled.

Nuclear scientists had assured such disasters like Chrnobil or  Fukushima could never happen, but look nowand be aware of the amount of kilometres “no go” zone it created for decades.. Just like the scientists said “GMOs are perfectly safe” or that Roundup herbicide or medical antibiotics will never cause any unintended negative side effects. (Widespread Roundup use has now resulted in the rise of superweeds, just as medical antibiotics use has resulted in the rise of deadly drug-resistant superbugs.) (http://naturalnews.com/033195_superweeds_far…)

We should be aware that humanity has already some years ago, reached a tipping point of developing technology so profound that it can destroy the human race; yet this rise of “science” has in no way been matched by a rise in consciousness or ethics. In the light of what happens today, citizens should be aware that there are scientific people who operate with total disregard for the future of life on Earth. Several scientists scoff at the idea of balancing scientific “progress” with caution, ethics or reasonable safeguards. Unbridled experiments like GMOs have unleashed self-replicating genetic pollution that now threatens the integrity of food crops around the world, potentially threatening the global food supply.

and remarked:

brilliant scientists have obtained remarkable technical mastery but operate as hopeless infants in the realm of philosophy, ethics and wisdom.

Here’s the list of apocalyptic threats documented by Oxford scientists. Items in bold are ones he documented and published many years ago:

1. Global pandemic
2. Supervolcano
3. Artificial Intelligence
4. Extreme climate change
5. Synthetic biology
6. Asteroid impact
7. Ecological collapse
8. Nanotechnology
9. Nuclear war
10. Government collapse
11. Global economic collapse

His own list of apocalyptic threats posed by runaway science, as shown in the infographic below, was published as follows:

1. Nuclear power
2. Genetic pollution (ecological collapse)
3. Nanotechnology
4. Bioweapons (unleashing a global pandemic)
5. Atmospheric experiments (causing extreme weather)
6. Artificial intelligence
7. Particle accelerator physics experiments gone awry
8. Pollinator disruption chemicals (food supply collapse)
9. Weaponized vaccines (has already come true with covert infertility chemicals)
10. Antibiotics (rise of deadly superbugs)
11. Water pollution with deadly chemicals
12. Nuclear weapons

As you can see, the Oxford scientists left out of their list the risk of runaway superbugs caused by antibiotics, the risk of a food supply collapse caused by the loss of pollinators. Their inclusion of “ecological collapse” was focused more on pollution in general rather than genetic pollution caused by the unintended consequences of genetic engineering.

Read more:

S.O.S. – Stop Out-of-Control Science

Oxford University scientists confirm Health Ranger apocalypse warnings three years later


Filed under Ecological affairs, Nature, World affairs

Australia could be ‘nuclear war target’ in new Aukus defence pact

Without having discussed the matter of the previous standing contract for submarines, Australia broke the contract with France to arrange a new deal with the United States and Great Britain.

By the security agreement with the US and UK buying nuclear-powered submarines, Australia could become the target of a nuclear strike by China.

According to the Global Times, a daily tabloid newspaper viewed as a mouthpiece of the Communist Party in Beijing, Chinese military experts fear the vessels could be upgraded with a nuclear arsenal, despite assurances they will only carry conventional weapons.

Chinese military experts have supposedly warned of a potential strike on Australia. This is reportedly because it would be relatively easy for Washington and London to equip the vessels with ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads.

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Filed under Headlines - News, Political affairs, World affairs