Tag Archives: Herewald


Too many people who call themselves Christian do forget who Jesus really was and which tasks he had given to his followers. Today true Christians still should follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and should proclaim the hopeful message of the coming Kingdom.

Real Christians should be heralds of the Gospel, eager to tell the people about the Good News, of salvation and about the hope for mankind given by the Grace of God.

As forerunner or herald Christians should be portent or indicators of something important or calamitous about to occur, perhaps an omen in the eyes of many, but for others an insurmountable event to look forward even when it might bring lots of suffering and an incredible violence. therefore we should warn the people of that last and third world war which is insuperable.

By sharing the agape love and bringing more people to see that Jesus is the way to God and the way to life, the Christian herald shall be able to make many stronger and secured against the coming disaster. Out of love for others we should tell others about the love of God, about what Jesus has done, but also about the return of Jesus and what to expect of that time of his return.


To remember

  • Greek word most often translated as ‘preach’ is κηρύσσω – kérussó (Strong’s 2784) = Koine = ‘to be or act like a herald’ or ‘to proclaim’.
  • role of a herald or Old French heraut from Frankish via herewald, literally ‘war-ruler’, > martial or commander > 3 distinct contemporary meanings:
  1. A messenger
  2. A harbinger
  3. A steward (of heraldry -a rank/position at the College of Arms)
  •  ‘preacher’ of the Gospel, = entrusted (stewardship) with a message of coming of the Kingdom of God.
  • ‘to herald’ =  ‘sing the praises of’
  • idea that a Christian should ‘preach the Gospel’= frowned upon. >  conjures images of street corner evangelists ranting at passing ‘sinners’
  • Christian organisations involved in social action ministry > running night shelters, to discourage volunteers from speaking about Jesus – some even require a signed commitment to not proactively mention the Gospel.

What has gone wrong?  To paraphrase Peter (Acts 5:3), how has Satan so filled the hearts of Christians?  How is it that Christians feel confident enough to defy God and disobey the Great Commission?

Go into all the world and proclaim (kérussó) the gospel to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15)

‘preach’ is not:

  • convicting people of their sin and telling them they are bound for hell
  • talking down to people from a position of self-righteousness
  • a slick presentation, a hectoring declamation or a well-honed argument.

Preaching = heralding = speaking joyfully of Jesus, singing his praises; telling people of how people are transformed in Christ, and how they can be also, through faith.

best witnesses to Christ = demonstrate love +  speak of its origin, which is Jesus; perhaps the Great Commission was given as command because Jesus knew that it would be challenging.

If witness speaks from love about hope + declares that Jesus = source of hope => herald will have done his work faithfully.



Additional reading

  1. Two new encyclopaedic articles
  2. Breathing to teach
  3. “I Die Daily”
  4. To create a great journey




  1. What is meant by awareness, or witnessing?
  2. Witnessing the Destruction of Nature around the Planet.
  3. Man I sure wish I would’ve had one of my witnessing cards just now to send with a man.
  4. A witnessing prayer
  5. Witnessing the Secret Creator
  6. ” Witnessing “
  7. As the clock strikes 12…
  8. Hope is an anchor
  9. Reject And Correct Christian propaganda
  10. Families embrace their community for the gospel
  11. Bold to Witness
  12. Being a One Talent Church
  13. Come and see…
  14. Hold Up The Light
  15. Are You An Ambassador For Christ?
  16. Are You Ready for the Harvest?
  17. First Things First
  18. Talking About Jesus
  19. You Are Ready To Go – By Laurence Torr
  20. Christianity’s Most Essential Verse

God Breathed Words

raffaello-sanzio-da-urbino-st-paul-preaching-at-athens-cartoon-for-the-sistine-chapel.jpg Raphael’s depiction of Paul preaching in Athens

Surely you remember, brothers and sisters, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you.  (1 Thessalonians 2:9)

The Greek word that is most often translated as ‘preach’ is κηρύσσω – kérussó (Strong’s 2784).  The word in the Koine

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters