Tag Archives: Awakening

Mind-messing stuff reason for things to change

Kan een afbeelding zijn van Afrikaanse lelie en , met de tekst LEARN TO BEND WITHOUT SNAPPING. "FLEXIBILITY HAS ITS OWN STRENGTH" RYAN HOLIDAY


Things change-
Conditions, facts, the weather etc. we must adapt or we make ourselves crazy.
We can’t manipulate the way life is to make it fit our agenda so, we need to learn to bend without snapping.

“Flexibility has its own strength” – Ryan Holiday

What if…
Instead of saying “I failed” we say, “I had an awakening.”

What would that look like?

What if – instead of chasing after someone else’s validation we made our own approval a priority?
And when we stop worrying about things that haven’t even happened – or what others are thinking of us, we are able to live in (and on) the path to liberation.
All that other mind-messing stuff simply gets in our way, like an avoidance of the real truth.

I know it isn’t easy, but to be free we have to stop expecting our mind to be the same as everyone else’s.
Change your mind, change your language, change your life, because you can.

– Debbie Lynn

Debbie Lynn is an artist, writer and owner on Facebook of 360 degrees of inspiration (full circle) and twisted 360. She is a dancer, a yogi, a mother, a grandmother…a lover of the arts, a patron of life, exploring every opportunity given.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Social affairs

Good morning . . . Serenity, beauty and blessings

* There is beauty calling to us every day, every hour, but we are rarely in a position to listen. The basic condition for us to be able to hear the call of beauty and respond to it is silence, ~ Thich Nhat Hanh * * * * Text and image sournce: The Garden of […]

Good morning . . . Serenity, beauty and blessings

After a night rest, we should best first take a moment to meditate and put all things in perspective. Starting the day with a positive thought is essential. By the end of the day we also best do away with all the negative things that came over us.

Mornings are a gift, a fresh start, and a chance to embrace the blessings that surround us. Starting the day with a heart full of gratitude and a desire to seek divine guidance can set the tone for a day filled with positivity, joy, and fulfillment.

Good morning blessings serve as a beautiful way to express our appreciation for the blessings in our lives and invite divine favour into our day.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

A New Reformation

Lots of American churches have been caught by the American individuals aiming for capitalism and having their own self enjoying it as much as they can in as much wealth they can get.

The American people have forgotten where their ancestors came from and that they too are people which only can live in that wealth because their ancestors where finding themselves a place where they were not considered as unwanted immigrants.

Lots of Americans still do not see that their family has taken the ground of the indigenous people, the ones who lived on the pastures. Lots of Americans also have forgotten the main message of sharing agape love.They may be members of mega-churches, but those churches have nothing in common with the first ecclesiae or meeting places of the first followers of Jesus Christ.

The majority of Christians in the United States of America still do not understand how the devote Jew Saul (better known as Paul today) used also harsh language in denouncing the way the face of Christ was distorted by both false teaching and behaviour inconsistent with the Gospel. Today it is not better than in his time. Most people having taken Jesus as their god and also having made graven images of their gods. The majority has come to live like Roman Catholics not reading the bible any more and just hearing some verses often taken out of context.

All over the world we can see that the majority of people with their lifestyle are far off the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Already for that reason it is high time we shall get some awakening again.


To remember

American (Eastern Orthodox) theologian David Bentley Hart raises some thought-provoking questions about the American church that if raised by others would immediately be brushed aside as symptomatic of “anti-Americanism”.

open + troubling question whether American religiosity has resources to help sustain a culture as a culture >to create a meaningful future, or can only prepare for the end times.

can it cultivate kind of moral intelligence necessary to live in eternity and in historical time simultaneously, without contradiction?


American Christian Fundamentalism (ACF) made deep inroads into churches all over the world since the Second World War => influence magnified with rise of satellite TV + Internet.

decline of old-style European theological liberalism, ACF poses far bigger threat to global church than Islamist fundamentalism.

(1) ACF promotes religious hypocrisy > baptising consumerist “American dream” + right-wing political agendas

(2) ACF promotes mindlessness > demonizes whatever it doesn’t understand = Secularism, Evolution, Feminism, Islam + ancient Asian religions.

(3) ACF promotes divisiveness > preaching a private, individualistic “Gospel”, blinding its followers to scandal of Christian fragmentation, rivalry + separation. +  encourages “personality cults” disguised as “doctrinal distinctives.”

(4) ACF promotes Zionist views re the Middle East, reinforcing the apartheid practices of the Israeli state.

=> need a new Reformation among evangelical Protestants.


Find also to read: Followers, protestors and reformers


Vinoth Ramachandra

The American (Eastern Orthodox) theologian David Bentley Hart raises some thought-provoking questions about the American church that if raised by others would immediately be brushed aside as symptomatic of “anti-Americanism”. In an article (“The Angels of Sacré-Coeur”) first published in 2011, Hart writes:

“It is very much an open and troubling question whether American religiosity has the resources to help sustain a culture as a culture- whether, that is, it can create a meaningful future, or whether it can only prepare for the end times. Is the American religious temperament so apocalyptic as to be incapable of culture in any but the most local and ephemeral sense? Does it know of any city other than Babylon the Great or the New Jerusalem? For all the moral will it engenders in persons and communities, can it cultivate the kind of moral intelligence necessary to live in eternity and in historical time…

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Before the Sun Rises

When single people get awake they might feel lonely in bed. They may feel emptiness in their life. They might think they are there in that huge world of enemies, standing on their own facing so many difficulties.

They should become aware of the small things which change every day and get to see the beauty of nature giving life every day over and over again.

Even when awakening when the birds are still voiceless while the streets are not yet in rhythm with the duties and desires of their denizens, we should come to feel the blood streaming and the forces which give life to so many living things around us, plants, animals and other human beings.

Whilst we sip from a nice cup of coffee, our minds should come ordered to believe we can do it again this new day.

Let us be ready to tackle the day again and move forward, in the knowledge we do have Somebody very close to us.

That many people their eyes may be opened and get to see the One behind all the beauty around us. that they come to recognise the Master Hand of the Divine Creator, Who gives life.


  • Selacia ~ Awakening of Divine Changemakers (shiftfrequency.com)
    When you realize that you are at the helm of your own life, everything changes. Just knowing that you are the one in charge is a major fundamental shift.

    The really huge shift, though, is the one that comes when you master skills that help you to act on what you know. These are tools that allow you to connect with your own empowerment and inner resources – in an ongoing way and with divine timing.

  • Meditation (warrenstagg22.com)
    If you knew how it feels to be the real the you, you would do it as much as you could. That fee;ling can’t be described it can only be felt, This feeling of oneness is what you feel when you just are, no thoughts, just a feeling of your energy which is the  I AM
  • Chapter 27: What Is: The Beautiful Land“There is a place beyond the ocean

    Whose land kisses the sea.

    Its beauty is in the many stones

    and the Sea of Galilee.

    A thousand and a thousand years have passed since 70AD

    Jehovah’s chosen people were scattered throughout the earth

    and the nation of Israel was no more.

  • In Bringing Heaven to Earth, be Yourself – A Message from the Angels, 21 July 2013 (bluedragonjournal.com)
    There are some among you that question the need for such transmissions. We continue to address these messages through this scribe and many others, simply because your fellow human beings are at various levels of their own journey. Some are still asleep. Some are awakening and becoming aware of the apparent injustices existing within the remnants of the old paradigm. Others are well-awake and coming into an awareness of their own inner connections. Still, many in the course of their transition from the limiting world of the third dimension and the soaring possibilities of the fifth and higher dimensions are struggling with day to day issues, moments of regret and disappointment, physical issues and issues of supply.
  • Wes Annac – Individual Fragments Of Source – Part 2/2 – 4 January 2014 (lucas2012infos.wordpress.com)
    However ignorant of the fact a man may be, his soul away in its dim consciousness knows this, and often in an emergency the “spark divine” asserts itself, and the man rises to the great occasion. It has been proved many times
  • Gentle Awakening (pathfinderscommune.com)
    “What if awakening is a process and not a goal?” He quietly nodded, and gave it a serious thought. “It could be,” he said. He has mentored me a great deal on many Eastern teachings and have learned his long time meditation practice. He didn’t explain to me anything at all, but his silence became a wise response. Anyhow, awakening does not really need words to convey its truth. It needs an authentic experience.
  • How Can a Mystery as Large as the Universe Connect to a Being Like Me? (findingourwayhomeblog.wordpress.com)

    Many human beings have also imagined that they can have a personal relationship with this divine Mystery. Most cultures have forms of prayer to entreat help from God, and forms of prayer to thank God for help given. Many people also directly experience the presence of the divine in their hearts, the intimate presence of the Mystery.

  • Trust (theelephantproject.wordpress.com)
    How can we abandon
    Hope for those we cherish
    And how can we receive
    From empty hands.
  • To awaken; lonely again (swirlsofmymind.wordpress.com)
    I’ve been awoken to the disdain
    I’ve awoken to a heavy heart
    I’ve been awoken back @ start
    I’ve awoken to yesterday’s pain

Merging Traffic

Each day, before the sun rises
I cast my lot with the believers–
those who have come to know
that there is a Source within
from which all things emerge,

which does not play
by our rules and constraints.
It is Mystery, sometimes
soothing mother, often
maddening jokester,
always larger than our vision
of what it should be.

When I awake, the birds
are still voiceless, the streets
not yet in rhythm with the duties
and desires of their denizens.
I sip from a steaming cup
to melt away the remnants
of the night’s lethargy and
burrow slowly into the stillness
of naked Being where
I listen and wait.

This is the place where
deeper meanings are discerned
and commitments are forged.
This is the place where healings
are announced and poems
are conceived. And for those
who would bow and surrender,
this is the grace of the Sacred

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