Tag Archives: Conversion to Christianity

Not always easy to have a conversion

In life it is up to us to make the right choice. It is up to decide either to follow human doctrines or Biblical doctrines and to come following the real Jesus Christ (Jeshua ben Joseph), the son of God and our saviour



There exists no conversion without a crisis…
no resurrection without death.
‘You who find your life will lose it,
and you who lose your life for My sake will find it.’
~Matthew 10:39



When people have no faith in higher beings nor in gods, but come to hear about that special creature, about so many continue to speak and to debate, and want to know more about him, they shall start feeling counteraction. How closer they shall come to a point to consider about a conversion the thwarting shall become stronger.

Those who want to follow Christ shall come to feel that such a decision may bring opposition. Certainly when they decide they want to go for Jehovah as the Only One True God. Then hell breaks loose. Then the adversaries of Jehovah (the satans) shall jump high and do their utmost best to bring that person to other ideas.

Please do not worry when you start feeling such opposition when you talk about your will to follow Christ and to go for his heavenly Father Jehovah. It shall be a sign that you are on the right direction. Jesus is the way to God, but it does not mean it shall be an easy road. Jesus warns several times (in the parables) about the difficulty to go on the right track and to find the right and narrow gate to enter the Kingdom of God.

Do know at the end of the road it shall be worthwhile to have chosen for the right Jesus and for the right God.

Do know at the end the reward of God shall be great.


Find also to read

  1. We may not be ignorant to get wisdom
  2. This was my reward
  3. Matthew 10:40-42 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Reception and Reward
  4. Matthew 19:13-15 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Kingdom Belongs to Child-lik
  5. Matthew 19:16-24 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Difficulty of Rich Entering the Kingdom
  6. Matthew 19:25-26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Who Can be Saved
  7. Matthew 19:27-29 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: We Have Left Everything for You!

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Filed under Lifestyle, Quotations from Holy Scriptures, Religious affairs

Do those who want to follow Christ to be Jews

In these times when there are so many arguing about religion and about what faith would be the right faith or what would be the right way to worship God it is not bad to consider what the people at the time of the Jewish master teacher, Jeshua, thought.

Most of the time those seeing and hearing rebbe Jeshua belonged to the Jewish faith like the master himself. Though few belonged to Jeshua’s religious group because some considered the Essenes as a sect and several also came to see Jeshua his followers also as a sect. Being a child of Joseph and Miriam (Mary/Maria) from the tribe of David, Jeshua and his siblings where brought up in the very religious traditions of the Essenes, to which Miriam belonged. As such Jeshua received a strict thorough education in Torah knowledge and was very well aware what was written in all the different scrolls.

An other person very well educated in Jewish theology was Saul. As a devout worshipper of the God of Israel and connected to the synagogue and the priests in Jerusalem, he was convinced those teachings of that man where blasphemous and had to be stopped. He as a big fighter for Jehovah God went against those followers, until the day he was struck by lightening, feeling Jesus close to him and being blinded by the Power of God because he had become a satan or adversary of God, more than Peter who Jesus also had called a satan.

At first the majority of followers of Jeshua where Jews, but having many Romans around and travellers of other religions or not at all believing in a god or in God, some of them became attracted by the words of the rebbe and his talmidim. Several got in the ban of the doctrines of that man his group and wondered if they could join them. But having come at a certain age they did not like so much to undergo a circumcision. At the other hand lots of the Jews in the group where very concerned about the goyim entering their group and having them to allow in their synagogues. We can image the many discussions going on about the Jewish rules either to be followed by those who came into the group or having them to be free of those mitzvot. Doctor Luke tells about all the internal discussions and arguments in his book the Acts of the apostles.

In 330 CE “church father” Epiphanius of Salamis provided a detailed description of the new faith in Jeshua which started to spread over many regions, by the Netzerim in Panarion 29:

“We shall especially consider the heretics who call themselves Nazarenes; however they are simply complete Jews.
They use not only the New Testament but the Old Testament as well, as the Jews do…
They have no different ideas, but confess everything exactly as the Law proclaims it and in the Jewish fashion – except for their belief in Messiah, if you please! For they acknowledge both the resurrection of the dead and the divine creation of all things, and declare that God is one, and that his son is Yeshua the Messiah.

They are trained to a nicety in Hebrew; for they, like the Jews, read the whole law-Torah , then the Prophets. They differ from the Jews because they believe in Meshiach and from the Christians in that they are to this day bound to the Jews rites, such as circumcision, the Shabbat, and other ceremonies . Otherwise, this sect of the Nazarenes thrives most vigorously in the state of Berea, Coele-Syria, in Decapolis, around Pella, and in Bashan. After they departed from Jerusalem, they made their start from here, as all the disciples dwelt in Pella, having been warned by Meshiach to depart Yerushalayim and emigrate because of imminent danger”

Up to today the matter still bothers many, first of all because several are seriously concerned now about those who call themselves Christian but do not adhere to Jeshua his writings and even worship an other god than Jeshua, namely Jesus and his co-gods (god the father and god the holy spirit). For Jews wanting to accept Jeshua or Jesus as the Messiah this is a serious problem, because they would never want to be confused with polytheist Christians. Most of the Jews, even today, do not want to give up their Jewishness, certainly because they consider themsleves still to be part of the Chosen People of God, Israel Gods People. Thàt they do not want to give up. It would be stupid to give that up or to loose our identity with Gods People.

When we look at the history of Christianity we can see that, before the time it was transposed to Christendom and the dogmatic teachings of the trinity, already soon there came a major controversy in early Christianity concerning the role of Jewish law and traditions. As most of the first converts were Jews, some felt that the Mosaic Law and covenantal signs, such as circumcision, were still important. While others where convinced that their rebbe brought the message of God that from now on their religion had to be open to both Jews and Gentiles. Some contended that converts first had to become Jews in order to become Christians. Others considered the outward signs of Judaism to be unnecessary for Christian life.

It is known that at the beginning most of them, like Saul or Paul, how he further became known, that “Much in every way“ was the advantage of the Jew and the value of circumcision. (Romans 3:1). Several thought by allowing goyim to enter their community and not having them to subject to the same rules they where overthrowing the Law by that notion of faith? But for Paul that was by no means so. On the contrary, he felt that they upheld the Law” (Romans 3:31).

Everybody had to know that all those who just relied on works of the law were under a curse (Galatians 3:10), because we all should know that no one is justified before God by the law (Galatians 3:11).

The convert Paul went even so far to say that circumcision even did not count for anything, but that Jeshua had taken care of a new path and had opened the gates of a new creation which is everything. (Galatians 6:15). For him it had become clear that no human being will be justified in God’s sight by works of the law, since through the law comes knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20). But that does not mean that the Law would be sin. By no means (Romans 7:7).

All that want to become a follower of Jeshua, Paul argumented had to recognise that the Law is and shall stay holy, and that the mitzvah or commandment is holy and just and good for all of us (Romans 7:12). Though he also said that to the Israelites belongs the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the Law, the Temple, and the promises. To them belong the patriarchs and of their race, according to the flesh (Romans 9:4). Jewishness can not be taken away by man, because it is entitled by God, engraved in the hearts of those who descent from the tribes chosen by God and protected by God.

Today there are lots of people who think that God has rejected His own people but Paul already warned for such false thinking and said that the Elohim has not rejected His people (Romans 11:1) and told even that

“All Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26).

As such Jews still can bear that precious hope. When they accept Jeshua as the Messiah they do not have to give up their Jewishness, but they also shall have to accept that the goyim or those who where at first atheist, heathen or people from an other faith, that they now too can come to God by the way of Jeshua, and can call the Elohim Hashem Jehovah also their Father or Abba.

Those Jews at the time of the first followers of Jeshua came to accept the non-Jews and did not impose their laws unto them – which was not always an easy thing to do for them. In our time, we too have to be open for the non-Jews who come to accept the Nazarene rebbe Jeshua as their Saviour. But we too have to accept that those goyim become part of the Body of Christ without having to undergo all the obligations a Jew has to undergo.

Nobody may come to think the Law would have become opposed to the promises of God. Certainly not! (Galatians 3:21).

Although Paul preached justification on the basis of faith in Christ, he was himself a Pharisee and addressed the role of Jewish traditions and the status of Israel in the new covenant.

In “Paul’s Contradictions: Can They Be Resolved?” Princeton Professor John Gager looks at how Paul seems to be at war with himself on the subject of Israel. Is there a way out of his contradictions?
Yes, the author argues, but only if we first get past misconceptions about Paul that date to the earliest stages of Christianity — even to Paul’s own times.

Though when reading the book by John Gager, one must know that Paul is not the father of Christian anti-Judaism, like the great German historian Adolf Harnack wants Christians to believe. He writes:

“It was Paul who delivered the Christian religion from Judaism … It was he who confidently regarded the Gospel as a new force abolishing the religion of the law.”

Since the time of the early church fathers until recent decades, all interpreters of Paul have read him from the perspective of the triumph of Christianity, after the decisive break between Christianity and Judaism. The reigning Christian view of Judaism during this entire period has been that the Jews have been superseded as the chosen people of God by the Christians (or Christianity), that the Jews are no longer the bearers of God’s promise of salvation and that their only hope for salvation lies in becoming Christian. In this hermeneutic, it follows that Paul, too, with his canonical status, must have held to this dominant Christian view of Judaism. And this is exactly how Paul has been read throughout Christian history. Not just 80 or 90 or even 99 percent of the time, but 100 percent of the time, without exception — that is, until recently, when a few maverick scholars began not only to question that image but to reject it altogether. {Paul: Jewish Law and Early Christianity}

Biblical scholar Ben Witherington III counters the contradiction in “Laying Down the Law: A response to John Gager.” He questions Gager’s idea that Paul preached the gospel of Jesus Christ for Christians alone by asking whether his message was intended for both Jews and Christians.

Today we can see that there is a growing amount of Jews who are proud to be Jew but also want to be proud to be a follower of the Jew Jeshua, whom they often consider to be one of their own, a child of Israel. In Christendom we find that the majority are trinitarians, but may not forget that there are loads of non-trintiarian denominations as well. There are certain groups which have a similar name but differ from their belief in the trinity or in One True God. As such we can find the Nazarenes, of which some are tinritarians and others still believe the same doctrines as their first counterparts. The Nazarene Friends up to a few years ago where very active non-trinitarian Christians, but by becoming older and dying lots of ecclesiae saw their numbers reduce.

The most well known non-trinitarian groups may be the Bible Students and Jehovah’s Wtinesses, with all their teardowns or torn groups. Lots of those groups not so much respecting by God given days to celebrate or to remember certain events. Though it must be said several bible student groups and Jehovah’s Witness knowing very well that according to Jeshua and his heavenly Father, according to the Scriptures all people of God shall have to remember 14-15 Nisan or Passover (Pesach).

Some Christians also have come to the conclusion that perhaps not so many laws are abandoned as so many Christians do believe. They came to understand that Jeshua was a Jew and held to the Jewish traditions. Certain Jewish elements they now also want to see incorporated in their way of life, as a sign of being under that Jewish master teacher.
Christians who do not want to be looked at, as the same lot of trinitarian Christians, or who want to feel and show more a Jewish connection can as Messianic Christians show their love for Jeshua and his teachings by calling themselves also a Jeshuaist.

Jeshuaist do not expect converts to the faith in Jeshua to be or to become a Jew or to follow all the Jewish laws, though they want them to recognise the Jewish position of Jeshua and the Judaic followers of Jeshua, which means that certain ways of worship, songs and prayers and making church or having meetings shall be as in the first century or in the tradition of the early Christians, forming a brotherhood with acceptance of differences, but considering all as one part united under Christ and not a human organisation which would control and regulate everything.

For Jews who accept Jeshua as their Messiah and for those who prefer to see a Messianic Judaism the Jeshuaists offer a solution. With the title or name Jeshua-ist one can give honour to Jeshua and show the connection with the Jewish rebbe as well can one avoid the confusion with trinitarian Messianics or trinitarian Christians, making it clear to be a Messianic non-trinitarian Jew.



You may be interested in reading:

  1. Our life depending on faith
  2. As there is a lot of division in Christendom there is too in Judaism
  3. The Sabbatean Prophets
  4. Converso Involvement in the Sabbatai Zevi Movement
  5. Sabbatai Zevi (Jewish Convert To Islam)
  6. Forgotten History-The Jews from Geleen 1940-1944.
  7. Jewish and Christian traditions of elders
  8. Today’s thought “Ability to circumcise your heart” (May 13)
  9. Jeshuaists or Followers of Jeshua
  10. Who is a Jeshua-ist
  11. Who is or can be a Jeshuaist
  12. Why to become a Jeshuaist
  13. Availability of Jeshuaists on Facebook


Read the above mentioned articles from the Biblical Archaeology Society and more in the FREE eBook Paul: Jewish Law and Early Christianity. Featuring articles taken from Bible Review and Biblical Archaeology Review, this eBook considers the relevant writings of Paul and brings to light some of the difficult theological issues for Jews and Christians that persist to this day.

Paul: Jewish Law and Early Christianity


Download the Free eBook


Further reading

  1. Religions and Mainliners
  2. Israel must honor God or the Rule of Law is meaningless
  3. The Real Wall Problem: When Will Diaspora Jews Fight For Palestinians?
  4. “Qualitavely Jews are not a minority”
  5. Nazarene Jews Through Out History
  6. Who is Israel? And What Role, If Any, Does She Play in God’s Kingdom?
  7. The Temple Connection
  8. Where is the Church that Christ built?
  9. The Church & The Old Testament Law
  10. Christians Above the Law?
  11. Why The Bible Is Divine: Christology
  12. Jewish Halakha and the Rabbinic Authority in the Messianic World
  13. The Not Left, Not Right, but UP Movement
  14. From Rome to Corinth, and Back Again: Reclaiming What Was Taken from Us
  15. Eleven Steps to Live a Messianic Nazarene Jewish life
  16. The straight line connecting Donald Trump’s new tallit to “Christians for Islam,” and a best practices suggestion
  17. Something great is happening in Israel
  18. A sort of “sing along” songs with Messianic Jews in Israel
  19. Is It A “Sign”?
  20. Christ is risen! Kristus är uppstånden! Baruch HaBa Beshem Adonai!
  21. Books on examples of Jewish evangelism in Israel
  22. The great tree of Moreh
  23. Rabbinical court rules against Jewish marriage rites for Messianic Jews
  24. Sabbath as a Bride
  25. Shalom in Psalms
    End Times Series: Pastor Jimmy Evans
  26. Kiss the Son…
  27. On an Irish Cliff



Filed under Announcement, History, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs

What makes you following Christ and Facebook Groups

When we look at the world around us we do find an incredible amount of people who are flying each other in the hairs about controversial versions about their religion and faith.

After the Nazarene master teacher had experienced all of his trials on earth, his impalement and resurrection, we find one of his close friends writing words from above – a final message from Jesus his Father’s side in Heaven to those who are to follow him. Somehow we come to see that the curses in Eden on the earth and mankind are reversed by the end of Revelation and that the dreams and visions in the book of Daniel are confirmed and expanded upon.

  • Many of the signs and symbols in Revelation are in fact used in the rest of Scripture so you will find them de-mystified! This means that the message of the book becomes accessible and valuable to you as the Lord Jesus intended his servants to find it. {Revelation Steps}
Who Would Jesus Bomb?

Who Would Jesus Bomb? (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In recent times we have heard a lot about religious groups fighting against each other. All the news about bombings or terror acts, are not exactly a sign for us that there would be soon a condition of real peace. On several Facebook platforms one can find people calling each-other names and using a language which may belong to small frustrated kids and uneducated poor of mind adolescents, though seemingly it would be adults using such ordinary and awful words. Often those speaking at those many platforms or Groups do a lot of damage to the religious group they think they are defending. By their attitude they do so much damage to those groups because can come to believe that those Muslims and Christians are really such hate mongers.

It makes many wonder who might be those who follow the prophet Jesus and those who follow the prophet Muhammad. There are even guys who say the other have no right to claim Jesus, one part saying because he is a Christian and belongs to the Christians only, the other part saying he is a Muslim and belongs to the Muslims. Both groups seemingly to forget that the Nazarene Jesus his real name is Jeshua and was a devout Jew (belonging to the Essenes like his mother Miriam/Mary/Miryam/Maria) and not a Christian.

When those claiming that man from God use such abominable language one may wonder how they can call that man, who was s preacher of peace, as their example and their name bearer?

The Nazarene preacher also asked his followers to unite and to have peaceful fellowship, companionship, and a sense of belonging. One would think those claiming to be Christians to become part of a family, which works together, and looks after all members’ needs: spiritually, materially, and socially (1 Cor 12). When looking at what goes on on many Facebook Groups we do get the opposite impression. Instead of finding people who show their love for each-other and want to help each-other in building up their faith, we can find quarrelling (even nearly fighting) people who do not seem interested in forming a Christian family where it is a place of fun, friendship, and (as with all families) falling-out-and-making-up-again! It more often looks like one enters a battlefield.

Looking at those Groups we only can wonder what makes some of those people calling themselves Christian or Muslim. We also wonder what their real intention might be at such forums; If they think to converse others with the way they are speaking they are totally on the wrong site of the road, and do have no idea about preaching and trying to win people for their camp.

Hearing them speak it also seems to turn more around their own ego and we can not get the impression they ever would like to convince the other what the first and foremost benefit of following Jesus might be, because they concentrate most on blowing fire and showing their hate for the other. Perhaps they think it shall be of a personal benefit for them by threatening other thinkers and other believers!

Clearly lots of those on several Facebook Groups their life is not about surrender to a God-focused life, with all the sense of purpose that brings (1 Cor 10:31). But for outsiders and we should let insiders also know that, this allows Christians to recognise and, in a sense, embrace the futility of life (Ecc 2:11) but also how people behave, how they act and speak, should give others an impression how much they want to be a child of God and in how far they do succeed to become really under that Most High God His Wings.

Let us remember

Peace and forgiveness. Life can be troubling, and Jesus offers us safe harbour, forgiveness of sins, and certainty in an uncertain world (Psa 103:12, Isa 43:25, Col 1:13-14). {Weighing the costs and benefits of discipleship}

And let us know exactly where the boundaries of human decency are and how a person of God, be it a Jew, Christian or Muslim must stand and how to behave.

As human beings created in the image of God we should show to be a worthy image of That Most High Elohim. In case Christ would have still been in his grave he would probably would have turned around many times.

We should be aware how important it is to show others in which way we want to be under Christ and want to be under God. As human beings living in a mixed world, an amalgam of people of all sorts of races and ideas, we should know that there have to be certain rules and regulations to provide a sense of security and a way for living together in peace.
When Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive, offering a generous 7 times, Jesus’ response would have taken him aback I expect (490 times – Matt 18:22). Clearly, this wasn’t a quota of forgiveness – Jesus’ point is that our capacity to forgive should be without limit, just like God’s (Isa 43:25-26, 1 John 1:9). And to forgive so much there has to be a place for an open mind too, and today there are too many who show they are only willing to have a very limited mind with only place for their thought and no other visions.

When looking at several Christian Facebook Groups we can only question where where does all the teaching of that master teacher Jesus Christ leaves those so called Christians in living out their Christianity?

Are boundaries useful at all in terms of our fellowship, worship, and services? There is certainly some guidance in the Bible to suggest that boundaries can be useful in some of these areas – but where we choose to set them may be more a product of our cultural context than absolute ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. {Boundaryless God}

English: Copied from http://en.wikipedia.org/w...

Worldreligion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Please read also:



Daring to speak in multicultural environment

Several Christians fail to recognise the Chosen ones of God and are not taking on a Christian attitude


Additional reading

  1. Are you looking for answers and Are you looking for God
  2. Notification and news feed for Facebook users


Further reading

  1. Gods & religion
  2. Good Without God, or Elite Background
  3. Islamic State Answers Pope Francis: Ours Is a Religious War and We Hate You
  4. 10,000 church members leave the Church of Denmark in 3 months amid atheist
  5. ISIS wing claims responsibility for Minnesota mall attack in U.S.
  6. Assholes are Overrated
  7. Chechnya’s Jewish community is angry at Israel… but doesn’t seem to exist
  8. The Storms of Life
  9. no one can answer, but the Lord
  10. The Olympic Trials of Life…By Faith And Not By Sight by Ciera Rankin
  11. In All Things, Give Thanks
  12. After the Storm
  13. He Lifts Me
  14. Gladness in trials
  15. The list of wars
  16. Revelation: The Sixth Trumpet.
  17. Is a Religious War in Europe Imminent?
  18. Iraq: Suicide Bomber Strikes At Crowd at Prophet Mohammad’s Grandson Event (Arbaeen) — Islamic State Suspected
  19. Contention 62 (Eleventh Contentions)
  20. Honor Authority…
  21. The Whole Truth (Almost)
  22. Can we not be civil and simply disagree?
  23. Bias, and Disagreeing with Something
  24. How to respectfully talk about deep disagreements
  25. What, we agree? Compatible issues in a disagreeable world
  26. The more ignorant a person is the more his disagreement increases
  27. Reflections on ‘Why I am not an Atheist’
  28. How Should I View Others Who Serve the Lord Differently Than I Do? – CCC Discover




Filed under Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, World affairs

That what dwells in man

Converting to Christianity to have all problems solved is not the solution, like some might hope or think.

Though a conversion may help to bring lots of solutions to many problems. In the knowledge that we have to live with our lusts of flesh we can imagine how sin dwells in us. we should know that in us (that is in our flesh) dwells no good thing; for to will is present with us; but how to perform that which is good, we might find not.

We may know what we should do but therefore we do not yet manage to do what we should do.

We may know the Law of God and the Law of man, but like with many governmental laws there are laws we do not take so serious or just put aside because they do not sooth us at that moment. Law of sin is in many people’s their members.

Then you should ask yourself who shall deliver you from this body of death.

“I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but, with the flesh, the law of sin.”

Let us not forget that we can help each other to walk in the Spirit, so that we shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other; so that we cannot do the things that we would.


Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ

Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Let us now look at the works of the flesh — this good flesh — for we are asked now to believe that the flesh is a good thing. This is one of the most abhorrent features of this heresy. Here are the works of this good flesh:

“Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like” (vs. 19-21).

It is only those who sow to the Spirit that shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Those who sow to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. The flesh is weak, unclean, and sinful.

Now, what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God has done, in sending His own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh. Let us consider this. What about this likeness? Moses informs us (Gen. 5:3) that Adam begat a son in his own image and likeness. You would not say the word “likeness” means that Seth was, in any wise, different from Adam.

There is the word, “image.” Suppose the word “image” had been used in this remark of Paul’s: “sent His Son in the image of the earthy nature,” we should then have had this argument — “Ah, you see it is only the image; it is not the nature itself.” Whereas, what does Paul say concerning ourselves in 1 Corinthians 15:49: “We have borne the image of the earthy, and shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” Shall we say we have not borne the earthy? Do not we bear the earthy? Yes. Therefore in apostolic language “earthy” and “the image of the earthy” mean the same thing. Upon the same principle, sinful flesh and the likeness of sinful fiesh mean the same thing. And we shall find that the same they are.


Preceding articles

Different kinds of “things not seen”

Glued to the flesh



Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Religious affairs

Glued to the flesh

When converted to Christianity so many think they do not have to worry any-more about their acts, with the idea they are saved for ever. They know they are weak and in a certain way they should come to recognise that they are glued at the fleshy body.

Chaos in Flesh

Chaos in Flesh (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In The New Life, page 39, John Marshall wrote

There are only two states of existence before God:

the flesh and the spirit, darkness and light, death and life. The unbeliever walks

“according to the course of this world . . . according to the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience . . . fulfilling the desires of the flesh . . . and are by nature the children of wrath”.

This is a truth which must be courageously faced. However good, in the worldly sense, however gentle or loving, the unbeliever isdisobedient to God — and it is He who judges, not we ourselves. That is why Paul wrote:

“Do not unite yourself with unbelievers; they are no fit mates for you. What has righteousness to do with wickedness? Can light consort with darkness? Can Christ agree with Belial or a believer join hands with an unbeliever? Can there be a compact between the temple of God and the idols of the heathen? And the temple of the living God is what we are” ( 2 Corinthians 6:14-16, N.E.B.).



Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Religious affairs

Different kinds of “things not seen”

Do you feel that life in the Truth is a battle?

Lots of people before they come in the faith go through a big battle; They do hope all their worries would be over when they convert to Christianity. Some get surprised that all the problems are not over when having become a Christian. There are even people who get some newer worries, people trying to convince them that they have made a stupid choice.

English: Flying Rowan. Near Glede Howe. Attrib...

Flying Rowan. Near Glede Howe. Attributed with magical properties by the ancient Britons and a common sight to hillgoers. This one is famous for being used as a guide to the head of Truss Gap in a popular book on the lakeland fells by Bill Birkett. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In a exhortation on the March Bible readings Robert Roberts looks at how we all are ignorant at the start “ignorant of everything”.  In the knowledge that human memory is weak, and soon forgets, “especially with regard to the class of things that constitute the Truth” he reminds us of all the things “not seen”, whether past, present or future; and some of those things for which we have not much natural liking and therefore forgetfulness and consequent unbelief become very easy, unless we are on our guard.He writes

There are different kinds of “things not seen” ‹ different kinds of truth ‹ some unimportant ‹ some important. It is with the latter we have to do. It is the latter we desire to bring to mind. It is the latter which will enable us to overcome the mere bias of native ignorance, and walk as children of light.

“This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” This faith lays hold of things ‹ is persuaded of things that we cannot see, but which are true. It does so by the means God has given us for the purpose. We need to avail ourselves of these means in the amplest measure, or faith is liable to wither and die. We need strengthening in the fight or we may be overcome instead of overcoming.

In any case, for sure, god is One thing we can not see …. directly … but when we look around we should be able to see the glory of Gdo in all things of nature. Therefore we better take more time to look at the flowers, the trees, the insects and other animals in this world.

We best wonder more about “God and His works” and come to see His Hand behind everything.


Please read: Seasons of Comfort (Volume 2 ): Regarding God, and His works


Filed under Being and Feeling, Religious affairs