Tag Archives: Belief system(s)

America’s current belief system has eroded her foundation

”Just as water rapidly eroded the banks of the mighty Colorado River
and created a vast Grand Canyon,
America’s current belief system (relativism) has eroded her foundation and created a moral void.
~ Shane Idleman in America Needs to Turn Back to God.”



Find also to read:

  1. How many innocent people have still to be killed before Americans are going to restrict the purchase of weapons through rules
  2. Let’s Think About Bullets: Bipartisan Legislation to Stop Gun Violence in America
  3. Rightwing MAGA Brooks gives us the real reason they’re so obsessed with guns
  4. Does America need to turn back to God
  5. Dan Foster on what he finds the Stupidest solution to school shootings presented by a Christian Pastor
  6. An answer to gun violence according two American pastors

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Quotations or Citations, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Do you really know what you say you believe in?

In this world lots of people (not to say the majority) is caught up by human teachings. Be them atheists, christians or people to other religions, they mostly prefer to hold on human teachings and philosophies.

When they encounter people who believe the Biblical Truth, they often are so afraid of them and their teaching they want to avenge them and want to make sure others would not listen to those followers of the Bible.

Today’s Guestspeaker has tried in many articles to expose the truth behind our assumptions and belief systems that were created and pushed upon man for centuries.
He writes correctly:

“Every single one of our traditions has a beginning and most of the time those beginnings have nothing to do with the True God or his Son.”

By a lot of people who call themselves Christian we can clearly see that they do not follow the biblical Truth bu are caught up in the false human doctrines, like the one of the Trinity. We also can see that those who quote Scripture to people directly from the Bible that goes against the church theories they are considered to be a heretic even though they aren’t even using their own words.

Scripture directly from Christ own words in

John 20:17.

Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

show over and over again that Christ wanted his followers to know that he had a God and in his opinion that God was the Father for him and for us all.

It is that heavenly Father of Jesus Christ Who should be our Only One True God. It are His Words which we should show to the world and spread the gospel news of the coming Kingdom of God, where Jesus as the authorised one from God shall be king and be mediator between God and man.


Read also

  1. Human & Biblical teachings
  2. Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians
  3. God’s forgotten Word 6 Lost Lawbook 5 Heretics
  4. Follower of Jesus part of a cult or a Christian
  5. A participation in the body of ChristDo Christadelphians belong to Protestantism



While sitting talking to a friend something came up that I knew but I didn’t know how far it reached until today. The trinity concept that really is doctrine but not explained in churches to the membership for one reason or another is even misunderstood by those that refuse it. Above is a clear outline of the trinity doctrine( this is one the oldest shields of the trinity). Now don’t freak out if you don’t recognize it as a explanation taught to you, most don’t. The reason why is because down through the years the concept of the trinity has became a source of attacks so much that even the original followers have tried to step away from it in their attempt to explain it to others so much that its become forgotten even to their own believers. Most people will tell you the example of water, ice, and steam…

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