Tag Archives: Jamaat-ul-Ahrar

Bringers of agony, Trained in Belgium and Syria

These days the west came to understand how seriously Islamic State group wants to launch “enormous and spectacular attacks,” as jihadis broaden their focus to target Western lifestyles.

The heart of Europe was severely hurt on the 22nd of March with up to 35 deaths and 396 wounded (as registered on the 31st of March).

The Paris and Brussels attacks have rightly caused outrage across the globe. However, while millions in the West took to social media to share their grief, there are numerous attacks across the world that go largely unreported in the mainstream media are which are forgotten or not remembered by lots of Westerners.

The “black flag of jihad” as used by jihadist militants since around the late 1990s

File:Régions naturelles de Belgique.jpg

Ardennes (in ‘darker’ green)

Our regions do know that IS is no longer content to simply radicalise people through propaganda, but is “trying to build bigger attacks.” for several months now that rebel group is also trying to bring jihadis trained in Syria into northern Europe to launch strikes, helped by those who are trained in West Flanders and in the Belgian Ardennes.

On 21 March, the Kurds celebrated the biggest cultural event of their year, Newroz or New Year, but once again they too were under attack by Turkey but also by groups of their own, namely the PKK.

Pro-Assad media hails recapture of ancient city as ‘strategic victory’ but others allege collusion between Damascus and retreating militants

A Syrian soldier looks at graffiti in Palmyra reading: “The Islamic State is staying’ (AFP)

Ruins of Palmyra

The ruins of Palmyra in 2010

The dramatic recapture of the ancient city of Palmyra by the Syrian army and its allies on Sunday prompted some commentators in the Arabic-language media to declare the beginning of the end for the Islamic State (IS) group, while others predicted a long and drawn out battle to come with regional and global consequences. {- See more at: Middle East eye}

Four days after the Brussels attacks the terrorists showed they were not at all only focussing on fakir Christians. At least 41 people were killed and 105 wounded when a teenage ISIS suicide bomber blew himself up at a small soccer stadium in the Iraqi city of Iskanderiyah, less than 30 miles south of Baghdad. The attack targeted the crowd watching an amateur soccer match on Friday evening in the mixed Sunni and Shiite town, and the city’s mayor, who was presenting awards to the soccer players at the time of the bombing, was among those killed. The BBC also reports that 17 of the dead were boys between the ages of 10 and 16. ISIS later claimed responsibility for the attack using its social media channels, according to the Site extremist monitoring group.


epaselect PAKISTAN SUICIDE BOMB BLAST AFTERMATHOn Sunday the 27th of March Pakistan got its share also with a bombing that killed 72 people and injured more than 350 at a crowded park on Easter Sunday. Though the violent Pakistani Taliban offshoot known as Jamaat-ul-Ahrar — which boasted that it targeted Christians in a crowded park in Lahore — once publicly declared support for ISIS, but has hit more Muslims and Hindy people than Christians.

Now it’s the subject of an intensive crackdown in the world’s second-most populous and only nuclear-armed Muslim nation. On dealing with the threat of Islamic State, Obama said he had invited participating nations to work on improving intelligence-sharing to prevent terrorist attacks.

“At our session on ISIL this afternoon there was widespread agreement that defeating terrorist groups like ISIL requires more information sharing,”

Obama said on Friday April 1, using an acronym for the militant group.

Pakistan, a country long considered an al Qaeda stronghold, feels more and more also the negative pressure of that group and similar related groups which want to govern lots of people, telling them what they can or not can do.

Those “cowardly” suicide attacks shall continue. And with them we can see the Biblical prophesies of having the religions coming up against religions, after the period when the people living in the land of Euphrates and Tigris would have fought against each other (Iran & Iraq).

Whilst US President Barack Obama called for a world without nuclear weapons yesterday after arriving in France for a Nato summit, where he won French endorsement of his new Afghanistan strategy, we should be fully aware that the war on terror continues and shall bring forth some other serious attacks form underground people or different cells which sprout up like ulcers.

It are those rebels who misuse the name of God and try to get religious people against each other. Believers in God should be very careful not to fall in the trap and going to one or another religious group. In Belgium, Holland, France and some other Western countries we can see movements from right as wall as extreme left wing organisations defiling the Muslim community.

Flag of Taliban

Flag of Taliban (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For sure the Western states do have to get a grip on rising violence by al Qaeda and Taliban militants driven from power in 2001 but never completely defeated. But Christians should be careful not to be carried away by hatred and should abstain from any violent action. They also should show their love for those who are different than them and who have an other faith than them, but who also sincerely believe in the Divine Creator.

We always should remember that those who rape and sell children, kill innocent people, burn Koran‘s, mosques and bring terror on so many places are all doing things which are against Koran teaching and as such against real Muslim faith.

They are not only misusing and defiling the Name of God, but they are bringing discredit to all those believers who belong to the Islam.


Attacks targeting civilians linked to or inspired by ISIS Since January 2015, outside Iraq and Syria.
Circles represent number of deaths of confirmed ISIS-related attacks.
Attacks by ISIS 2015-2016 March

Islamic State claimed responsibility for several explosions causing many deaths and severely wounded, creating lots of horror and pain


Preceding / Voorgaande

Tears for Belgium

A darker and stranger place

In tijden van gemeenschappelijk verdriet

Belangrijke onderbreking

Hoe te reageren op aanslagen in Brussel

peace not war



Find also to read:

  1. Daesh hits heart of Europe
  2. A Black day for Belgium – Brussels Airport ravage
  3. Knife-trust in democratic sore back
  4. ISIL will find no safe haven
  5. ISIS a product of American in-action or a product of direct action
  6. Condemning QSIS or the self-claimed Islamic state ruler, al- Baghdadi their extremist ideologies and to clarify the true teachings of Islam
  7. Al Qaeda regaining foothold in Middle East bubonic plague for American elections
  8. ISIS has released pictures of the destruction of St. Elian’s place in Homs and the Baalshamin Temple in Palmyra


Further related articles:

  1. Obama offers vision of world without nuclear arms
  2. Dundar: Turkish journalists are ‘freedom-fighters’ whose ‘fight has just begun’
  3. Suicide bomber kills dozens at football stadium in Iraq
  4. ISIS claims suicide attack on Iraqi stadium that kills 25

  5. IS Claims Suicide Bombing on Stadium in Iraq That Killed 29
  6. Suicide bomber kills 29 at football match near Baghdad
  7. Taliban splinter group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar forms in northwestern Pakistan
  8. Pakistan Militant Group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar Threatens Fresh Wave of Violence
  9. Lahore bombing: what is Jamaat-ul-Ahrar?

  10. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar: Group behind Lahore blast part of ‘saturated’ jihadist market
  11. Lahore Bombing Fuels Fears of ISIS Foothold in Pakistan
  12. ISIS Suicide Bomber Kills 41 at Soccer Game in Iraq
  13. Baghdad suicide attack: Death toll of Isis football stadium bombing rises to 41
  14. Where ISIS Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle