Tag Archives: Islamophobia

Quiz questions, views, left- and right-wing anti-Semitism

An Orthodox Christian got confronted by a friend who recently posted a link to an article on anti-Semitism which claimed that anti-Semitism of the left was more dangerous than anti-Semitism of the right. He found the article biased and tendentious for several reasons and writes

For one thing, the author seemed to characterise “the Left” in much the same way that antisemites characterise the Jews — with stereotypes based on innuendoes. Just as for antisemites there is no need to substantiate any accusations against “the Jews”, so for those authors there is no need to substantiate any allegations against “the Left”, because those are something that “everyone knows”.

Anti-semitism from which site it may come in whatever country it may be uttered is also something which is wrong and should not be accepted. the writer of the article may have been writing about the “the Left” in the American sense, which means still a very conservative group, because the left for Americans can be a group which belongs to the Democrats.

Steve Hayes aged 9

The writer of Khanya, Steve Hayes considers himself a a liberal who believes that theological liberalism leads to political conservatism and vice versa. According to him there is primary an ascetic struggle as part of the training and discipline we need in order to engage in other aspects of the struggle. {Thoughts on Spiritual Warfare (synchroblog)}

The primary aspect of spiritual warfare, therefore, is the struggle against the passions leading to theosis (divinisation, godliness). {Thoughts on Spiritual Warfare (synchroblog)}

When we look at today’s society we can see al lot of ungodliness and it is just because so many people are so far away from God’s rules that there are so many problems in this world.

Soon after seeing the anti-Semitism article, someone posted one of those quizzes on Facebook that purport to show whether you are left or right. Hayes questions

Is it accurate? I don’t know, but I thought it would be interesting to do it to see what the quiz authors regarded as “left” or “right” characteristics, which can itself be revealing of social trends.

Funny to see I had exactly the same result as him, getting following result:

Your political views:


You can take the test here,and compare your results with ours.

I can assure you I am not for Tax-increases but I am for a better distribution of wealth and a better differentiation for the wages and a better performance related pay.

Hayes is anti-war, anti-abortion and anti-capital punishment and writes

Most of those who claim to be pro-life are less than solidly so, and are rather full-of-holes pro-life. If you want a more accurate test to take your political temperature, try the Political Compass.

Having tried it myself it showed my Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -6.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.67

personalised chart

My position plotted against the UK parties in the 2015 general election would be

UK Political Parties chart 2015 including Respect, Sinn Féin, Scottish Socialist Party, Plaid Cymru, Scottish National Party, SDLP, Green, Liberal Democrat, Conservative, UKIP, Labour, DUP, BNP

which I think would not be a bad picture.

Hayes remarks

Be that as it may, very few of the characteristics ascribed to the left, either in the test or in the antisemitism article, appeared directly in the quiz questions. There was nothing about intersectionality (whatever that may be) or “identity politics” (which sounds like a pretty right-wing thing to me). But there were quite a lot of questions about Christian values. One of a group of four that I opted for was “kindness”, because it came closest to the Christian value of love, though whether the test counted that as “left” or “right” I’m not sure, but I noticed that it does place the Christian value of forgiveness on the left. {Anti-Semitism, anti-leftism and anti-Christianity}

I consider Jesus a “communist avant la lettre” and have seen several tests where the agapè love is considered to be “leftish”. The Christian value of forgiveness is also many times placed on the left.

Though what shocks me and troubles me a lot is that several people in the U.S.A. who call themselves “Christian” or “Born again Christian” have not much feeling for other people and or not much interested in sharing with those around them. Many of them oppose anything what has a smell of socialism or systems where is demanded that people help each other or provide money in a fund or system like Obama Care to help others. Lots of those so called Christians have also a very averse attitude to true or non-trinitarian Christians, Jews and Muslims. All that worship the Only One True God and not their Trinity seem to be people they would like to see to “burn in hell”.

Clearly when hearing lots of North Americans talking on the little screen, they give an impression all those who do not belong to their Christendom are disgusting people which should be thrown out of the country. Some have such weird ideas about other faiths that we in Europe can wonder if they did not learn about them in their schools and if the media does not give any good advice. Looking at some TV-station , like Fox, we see lots of de-information and no objective information.

In the American media we see a lot of anti-black racism and a lot of Islamophobia, plus the choice of many to consider those with a “white” skin (I would say an light tainted orange skin) superior to those with an other coloured skin. As such the Jew comes into the picture as well, having not the Caucasian looks. Jews all over the world comes in all shades — from blonde to black. In Israel the conflict between Jews and Palestinians isn’t about race. Nor are the tensions between Jews from Europe and those from the Muslim world — though activists and academics sometimes import the terms “black” and “white,” in defiance of their lying eyes. But on many American platforms the looks of the Jews bring sayings against them which I would prefer not to hear in a civilised country.

Already in the preparation for the previous American election we could find several lies about Obama his origin and birthplace. This was for us already an indication that there was more brewing and that a significant portion of Americans felt horror that an Afro-American could become president.

Race is the most pervasive reason that some Americans believe they can discriminate against and despise others. When you see certain Jews their body clearly shows certain marks, which are good enough a sign for those so called Christians to call them murderers of Jesus and to hate them.

Some may think anti-Semitism just isn’t as bad as other forms of racism, but it is. Worse is it when there is an attitude of

Jews don’t count as a group worth protecting.
Jonathan TaubesJonathan Taubes, a student activist at Binghamton University who worked with progressive campaigns in Binghamton, on and off campus, writes
Jewish people face bigotry in this country, and the history of institutional anti-Semitism here is real, but today we find ourselves mostly free of persecution. We should recognize that privilege and use it to fight for the vulnerable. {Dear Allies, Don’t Downplay Anti-Semitism in Trump’s America}
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) showed at the beginning of this year that the number of anti-Semitic incidents remained significantly higher in 2017 compared to 2016. In addition to the significant bump in the first quarter of this year, there was also a distinct increase after the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., in August.
Since 1979, ADL has counted anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. and reported the numbers in its annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents. It can be said that also in the U.S.A. the amount of injustices to Jews became too high. New York State (267 incidents); California (197); Massachusetts (117); Florida (69) and Pennsylvania (58) incidents of crimes against Jews for their race.

In August, ADL recorded a “meta-event” rarely seen in America: the white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., which featured shocking and violent expressions of anti-Semitism and racism, including the display of swastika flags, chants of “Jews will not replace us!” and other overt anti-Semitic acts.

There seems such a fear that they would replaced by Jews and Muslims or that their world would become Islamic. Though then why do they not question their own religion and their own religious members. In case they would be strong believers there should be no fear that they would leave their faith. When they are standing strong in their faith they should even be able to come to witness to Muslims and Jews and have them to come to Christianity.

Anti-Semitic incidents spiked on and immediately following Charlottesville. Of the 306 incidents reported in Q3, 221 took place on or after the August 11 rally.

The Charlottesville rally was one of at least 33 public white supremacist events in the U.S. so far this year, which were supplemented with 188 incidents where white supremacists used fliers to spread their message to new audiences, especially on college campuses.

Police departments and human rights groups across the United States of America and all over Europe show that there is a dramatically rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes. When the president’s chief counterterrorism advisor, Sebastian Gorka, was found to support a violent anti-Semitic militia in his parents’ native Hungary, there showed a situation where the left talks about white supremacy as if Jews aren’t affected and anti-Semitism is just a distraction from real issues – when, in fact, anti-Semitism is at the core of the white supremacist ideologies today’s leftist movements seek to upend.

The anti-Semitism article Hayes encountered, also has a significant comment on the Christian worldview — How Anti-Semitism’s True Origin Makes It Invisible To The Left – The Forward:

In addition to the belief in a shadowy group with the power to affect large-scale outcomes, conspiracy theories also reflect a worldview in which reality is the product of a timeless and cosmic struggle between good and evil. These kinds of dualistic narratives are especially enticing to groups that view themselves to be under existential duress, and as Elaine Pagels has shown, this has profoundly shaped Western culture. Jews under Roman occupation and early Christians under Jewish ostracism and gentile persecution developed theologies of the oppressed in which the devil and his demonic host squared off with God and his angels.

Hayes believes that there is a cosmic struggle between good and evil,

though I’m not sure that it is timeless. The Christian take on it is that in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the decisive battle was won by good, and we live in the last days of mopping up operations.

That we live in a time close to the end-times we may see in the signs given in the bible, which we can recognise clearly. But that should not have to mean we should let everything happen like it goes now.

Hayes thinks that

Western Christianity tends to be legalistic, to share the values of the Right rather than the Left, preferring punishment to forgiveness, and justice to kindness (in the left-right quiz mentioned above).

but than he forgets to see what real Christians preach.The real lovers of God recognise what the Nazarene Jew has done and do now that there is no such place as a hell to torture people for ever. Real Christians keep to the bible teachings and not to the human doctrines and human fear-mongering to have their flock under control. though Hayes recognises the appalling falsehoods that several Christian denominations

smack of perversity even to attack its perverseness.[1] And the conclusion is altogether evil. {Love the sinner, hate the sin}

For him is in his Orthodox theology the Church a hospital where sinners can be healed rather than a courtroom where they are to be judged. He should know that it is also in other Christian denominations, like the Christadelphians for example. In the Christadelphian faith it is even so that we consider no man to judge others, except those in function as judge, but still it being up to Jesus to give the end verdict.

He rightly says

if we are Christians we must love the sinner but hate the sin.

We must

  • Love the oppressor but hate oppression

  • Love the corrupt politician and businessman, but hate corruption

  • Love the warmonger but hate war

  • Love the exploiter but hate exploitation

and I would add that we should protect all those who have no voice and should come up for all those who are discriminated or done wrong.

Lest it seems that Hayes is saying that the line between good and evil runs between Eastern and Western Christianity, making “us” superior to “them”, he quotes a Western Christian, G.K. Chesterton, on this:

The whole case for Christianity is that a man who is dependent upon the luxuries of this life is a corrupt man, spiritually corrupt, politically corrupt, financially corrupt.

There is one thing that Christ and all the Christian saints have said with a sort of savage monotony. They have said simply that to be rich is to be in peculiar danger of moral wreck. It is not demonstrably un-Christian to kill the rich as violators of definable justice. It is not demonstrably un-Christian to crown the rich as convenient rulers of society. It is not certainly un-Christian to rebel against the rich or to submit to the rich. But it is quite certainly un-Christian to trust the rich, to regard the rich as more morally safe than the poor.

A Christian may consistently say,

“I respect that man’s rank, although he takes bribes.”

But a Christian cannot say, as all modern men are saying at lunch and breakfast,

“a man of that rank would not take bribes.”

For it is a part of Christian dogma that any man in any rank may take bribes. It is a part of Christian dogma; it also happens by a curious coincidence that it is a part of obvious human history. When people say that a man “in that position” would be incorruptible, there is no need to bring Christianity into the discussion. Was Lord Bacon a bootblack? Was the Duke of Marlborough a crossing sweeper? In the best Utopia, I must be prepared for the moral fall of any man in any position at any moment; especially for my fall from my position at this moment.


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, History, Juridical matters, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

United Congregational Church plans to sell its brick Georgian-Revival style church to the Bridgeport Islamic Cultural Center

In Europe we find that many Christian Churches which have not enough members any more to fill their churches and to cover their costs for keeping those churches open have to close them down and sell them. Many Christian churches in Holland are sold to private owners to give them different apartments or shops, or are finding a new use as community centre, library or theatre.

Perhaps in the States the churches are also facing a similar problem. One of the oldest and historic Christian Churches in Bridgeport, CT, The United Congregational Church said Monday it plans to sell its brick Georgian-Revival style church, built in the 1920s, to the Bridgeport Islamic Cultural Center for $1 million.

The two groups will also form a partnership to provide community programs including soup kitchen and a homeless shelter from the site of the current church.

In recent years, more Muslim communities across the U.S. have begun to engage in the types of fundraisers and social-service projects that Christian congregations and Jewish synagogues often host or organize, said David Grafton, professor of Islamic studies and Christian-Muslim relations at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Conn.

“As the national landscape has become much more suspicious of Muslims, and as Islamophobia has become more common, Muslim communities have consciously engaged in the process to normalize—or become part of the religious landscape of organizing into voluntary associations that form the bedrock of American civil and religious life,”

he said.

The lineage of the United Congregational Church dates back to colonial days. It was first established in 1695 and called the Ecclesiastical Society of Stratfield. It later merged in 1916 with another congregation to form the United Congregational Church.
Rev. Sara Smith said the Bridgeport church had 3,000 members when the main structure was built, but the numbers have now dwindled to 300. She said it made financial sense for the congregation to look for a new home.


877 Park Avenue in Bridgeport, Connecticut – United Congregational Church: a historic large brick Georgian Revival structure designed by architects Allen & Collens and built in 1925-26 for a congregation with nearly 300 years of history

The United Congregational Church will be renting space in another part of Bridgeport till they find a new space to buy, Rev. Smith said.

“We are not dying, we are just moving,”

she said.

It has been a challenge for Muslim organizations to find real estate for mosques or other religious uses since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and that challenge has become more difficult in recent years, said Reza Mansoor, president of the Islamic Association of Greater Hartford.

“The Muslim community has had to reach out to places of worship to buy their properties in Connecticut towns and cities like East Hartford, Avon and New London,”

Dr. Mansoor said.

Ahmed Ebrahim, the leader of the Bridgeport Islamic Cultural Center, said his organization bought the church because it had the space needed for prayers and was zoned for religious use. About 1,000 families in the greater Bridgeport region are expected to use the mosque.

“It’s a perfect fit for our needs,”

Dr. Ebrahim said.

The main sanctuary will be used as a prayer space, Dr. Ebrahim said. The congregation from the United Congregational Church will help prepare the space by removing a cross from the altar and modifying the stained-glass windows in the church.

Ellen Carter from Fairfield, Conn., says her family has been a member of the church for 11 generations.

“It’s sad”

we are moving locations, Ms. Carter said.

“On the other hand, it’s necessary, and we are happy it’s again going to be used as a house of worship.”

The closing of the sale is scheduled for May 1. The church was designed by Allen & Collens, the architectural firm that also designed the Cloisters Museum in Manhattan and the Central Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. {Source: The Wall Street Journal}


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Filed under Economical affairs, Headlines - News, History

Enough with the Clothes Shaming of Muslim Women

Today’s guest-speaker seems to have a very wise grandfather, who refuses to call himself an expert. Instead, he calls himself a student, because he’s still learning. she considering herself as a student of all things related to sexual health, mental health, society, culture, and Muslims, looks at issues of race/racism, Islamophobia.


To remember

  • Muslims living in North America who have followed the Olympics know about Ibtihaj Muhammad > wears the hijab and covers her arms and legs = first American Muslim woman ever to compete in the Olympics in a hijab >  won a bronze medal.
  • Muhammad = inspiration for young Muslim girls => accomplishments + visibility should be celebrated.
  • Muslim women criticized detractors, rightly pointing out the normalcy of hijab in sports.
  • another Black American Muslim woman athlete who just won a gold medalDalilah Muhammad > does not wear the hijab and wears shorts
  • hardly talked about Dalilah > Ibtihaj has been celebrated all over Muslim social media for a long time > Dalilah barely been recognized.
  • discrepancy in celebration of these two women by Muslim community in the U.S., and Canada, has highlighted a very pervasive and disturbing problem within our community.
  • Clothes shaming.
  • misogyny + adherence to patriarchy => spiritual violence against women.
  • Muslim women who wear clothes that would be deemed ‘revealing’ constantly have their Muslimness doubted.
  • non-covering Muslim woman beginning to cover = celebrated, showered with praises, and told how beautiful she looks.
  • woman who covers decides to take it off = often experiences the opposite.
  • spiritual abuse = form of violence created by male-dominated, patriarchal discourses common within Muslim communities
  • live in a world in which Muslim women who wear the hijab and/or niqab = targeted by Islamophobic violence.
  • Muslim women need to protect each other from that form of oppression +  need to fight for the right of Muslim women to dress however they wish without threat of being targeted for being Muslim.
  • solidarity + resistance to Islamophobia does mean promoting + celebrating representations of Muslim women in hijab and niqab.
  • Too many mistaken that we cannot focus our energies on resisting both gendered Islamophobia from non-Muslims + spiritual misogyny from within our communities.


Preceding article: Enough already with the ridiculous “they used to be free” memes


Find also to read:

  1. Women’s Groups Say Gender Equality is a Must for Sustainable Development
  2. Gender connections
  3. Gender equality and women’s rights in the post-2015 agenda
  4. Is Europe going to become a dictatorial bastion
  5. On French beach French police forces woman to undress in public
  6. Women in France running with naked bosom all right but with covered bosom penalised
  7. France and the Burkini
  8. French showing to the whole world their fear and weaknesses
  9. Pew Research: How People in Muslim Countries Believe Women Should Dress
  10. Allowing dress code according liberty of religion
  11. The Dress Code for Women in the Quran
  12. Meditating Muslimah on “hijab to be a religious obligation”
  13. Coverings Worn by Muslim Women
  14. Does Banning Face Veils Help Us Fight Terrorism?
  15. Islamism Rises from Europe’s Secularism
  16. You are what you wear
  17. Where’s the Outrage Over Nun Beachwear? – The Daily Beast
  18. Not limiting others but sharing peace with all
  19. Meditating Muslimah on “hijab to be a religious obligation”
  20. Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists
  21. Secularism in France becoming dangerous for freedom of religion
  22. Christians, secularism, morals and values


Sobia Ali-Faisal

By now most Muslims living in North America who have followed the Olympics even tangentially know about Ibtihaj Muhammad, the first American Muslim woman ever to compete in the Olympics in a hijab. The American Muslim community has been celebrating her well before she went to the Olympics and won a bronze medal. And rightly so. There is no doubt that Muhammad is an inspiration for young Muslim girls. Her accomplishments and her visibility should be celebrated. Though much has been made about her wearing the hijab in the Olympics, Muslim women have criticized detractors, rightly pointing out the normalcy of hijab in sports.

Today, on my social media, I’ve seen the (relatively subdued) celebration of another Black American Muslim woman athlete who just won a gold medalDalilah Muhammad. However, an interesting (I’ll just use that word for now) contrast was noted by those posting…

View original post 1,008 more words


by | 2016/09/02 · 7:11 pm

Women in France running with naked bosom all right but with covered bosom penalised

Prudish people having put away their shame by causing shame to others

Years ago people had to fight hard against the prudish Catholic minds who opposed any naked flesh to be shown. Today the so called Catholic countries in West Europe seem to have chosen to have the women their tits out and finding it not okay to cover them up.

In the previous century there were many French and Belgians who did find it inappropriate to have some natural flesh of certain body parts to be shown in public. It was considered not done to have dresses which did not come under the knees. (We where brought up like that and got penalties when we had dared to show our bare/naked legs or upper arms.) Last century it was said we all had to listen to God and could not run naked in this world because God opposed such a thing.

Today their god must have changed idea and has come to prefer naked flesh, because in the present time the French seem not to look at those who want to cover their body as unworthy believers and even as people who are a danger for society.

Covering up for the Almighty

When we were young our Catholic mothers had to wear headscarf or hats when coming in public. In church they had to sit at the left hand site with their faces hidden behind a veil. In the previous century most people in Europe thought it was appropriate to dress decently and not having too much bare or naked. Mots parts of the body had to be covered with clothing or tissue.

Only around the turn of the century  less people came to make objections when some parts of the body were not covered. Today it looks like the world has got upside down. What for centuries was thought to be the moral way and according to Judeo Christian values, suddenly seems to be not acceptable any more.

People, like female Muslims, who now choose to cover up for God, are not allowed to do so by the French governement. Europeans should question such a decision taken by a governement in West Europe and see how human rights (freedoms established by custom or international agreement that impose standards of conduct on all nations) are  trespassed. Today we can see in France that many specific human rights are ignored. What happened to the the right to personal or individual liberty and Due Process of Law; to freedom of thought, clothing, expression, religion, organization, and movement; to freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, age, language, and sex?

Restrictions imposed

In West Europe we encounter more that certain social groups are confined to menial and despised jobs or even get no opportunity on the work-market. When somebody is called Mohammed he may be sure it will be much more difficult to get a job than when he would be called Jef. Arabic looking people shall find it more difficult to be able to rent a place or to buy property.

In Europe they say there does not exist a cast system (or caste) but if they are not careful it will come in existence or (better said) it will grow (because it is already here but denied). In our 21st century ‘Untouchability‘ and ‘Speciesism‘ have become a reality also in Western Europe. We can clearly see that more and more different values, rights, or special consideration is given to individuals solely on the basis of their species membership, origin and faith. There are many who are not minding positive discrimination and taking it up for one particular religious group (the Roman catholics). Today we may find the atheist caste wanting to direct the Christian-caste, Islamic-caste, and may we find different rejections of castes or groups of people.

It seems that France and Belgium are limiting the human rights laws for some groups in their population, which should give us the idea they are discriminating. By singling out a type of person or thing for special negative treatment or denial of equal treatment and to act in a prejudicial manner against someone or something, they have chosen the way of deprivation of individual liberty.


Lots of Caucasians seem to think that all those women are oppressed, but is it not they who know bring oppression and take away those women’s freedom to cloth themselves like they want? Clearly we could see several women being downtroddenmaltreatedhenpeckedbrowbeaten and subjugated or abused and tyrannized.

The country

which prides itself for liberté, égalité, fraternité, has unfortunately fallen short in recent times, with more social division and social prejudice arising within the country, due to the public suppression and rejection of religion; the consequent of which has led to violent eruptions.
It is also precisely through the social persecution of the wider Islamic community in such acts which aim to strip them of their beliefs, that it seems that the French government are validating individuals’ fears, rather than attempting to diffuse them. {France’s banning of the ‘Burqini’ is the rejection of its founding principles}


An image of a woman wearing a burkini

Forbidden: a burkini-clad woman on the beach

This iconic image of Peggy Moffitt modelling Gernreich’s monokini, which got a lot of controversy, was initially published in Women’s Wear Daily on June 3, 1964 and shows how one was still afraid to show a naked tummy.

What should people have against a full body swimsuit for any sort of woman, being Catholic or Muslim? (When we were child our parents had to wear full swimsuits or where fined.) Shall people, who went diving, have to take off their wetsuit before they come onto the beach? If they may walk on the beach with a wetsuit why not women in a full swimsuit?
Why are so many against wearing a swimming costume which covers the whole body with the exception of the face, hands, and feet, suitable for wear by Muslim women, which got the name bourkini/burkini/burqini, but has nothing to do with a bourka/burka/burqa or with the rider’s burka/burqa, which is long, thickpiled, nor with the traditional man’s coat made from felt or karakul, or with the Ukrainian traditional garment or Kobeniak, or with a two-piece bathing costume called bikini (or close-fitting bathing suit worn by men) and even less with a monokini, being just the opposite of it?

Women their freedom taken away

Are so many West Europeans so afraid women cannot stand up for themselves? And certain feminists do they not see there is much more at hand than just sexism?

We must be aware that there is so much more going on in our deranged world where Jihadi terrorist managed to get the fear burning hard over here in our regions that nobody seems to feel at ease when they see something that smells to Islamism. The politicians fell in the trap by creating laws in a hurry which limits the freedom of many women who have nothing to do at all with the faith of those terrorists, because they have chosen the path of God and a religion of peace or salam, hence the name Islam.


The Mayor of Cannes has prohibited access to the beach for those wearing clothing that disrespects secularism Reuters

By prohibiting the burkini the French state limits even more those they say would be oppressed. It is strange that lots of people do not understand those women wearing a burkini get just the freedom to go into the water or to lie on the beach like so many other women do.  By banning the burkini those women their freedom to enjoy a good day at the beach is taken away. By the ban also their children are targeted, because they also shall not be able to come to the beach and to go into the water to play with their mother.

The justification for the burkini ban is no longer about ‘liberating’ women, ….. but Arundhati Roy’s remarks about France’s earlier ban on the burka are still apt:

Arundhati Roy W.jpg

Suzanna Arundhati Roy , Indian author who is best known for her novel The God of Small Things (1997), which won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997

When, as happened recently in France, an attempt is made to coerce women out of the burka rather than creating a situation in which a woman can choose what she wishes to do, it’s not about liberating her but about unclothing her. It becomes an act of humiliation and cultural imperialism. Coercing a woman out of her burka is as bad as coercing her into one. It’s not about the burka. It’s about the coercion.

Arundhati Roy Capitalism: A Ghost Story, p. 37.

Armed police forcing women to remove their clothes on the beach is nothing other than an act of humiliation – humiliating women to punish a minority group for the actions of a few individuals. {France and the Burkini}

Huda Jawad, Community Coordinator at Standing Together Against Domestic Violence, wrote

Choosing to conflate a cultural and religiously inspired mode of attire – which women choose to wear to feel safe from the sexual gaze of society while partaking in a very ordinary pastime – with a terrorist group is a convenient ‘othering’ of fellow citizens in times of national crisis. {The burkini ban is misogynistic – and Western feminists are turning a blind eye}

Secularism, good attitude and proper values

You may wonder why those women in burkini would not wear appropriate swimwear and would not “respect good customs and secularism” whilst others with their bare poo and bare bosom would be an example how women should be clothed and are respecting the western values.

There exist already a lot of discriminatory treatment towards physically unattractive people. Now to that ‘Lookism‘ we have the discriminatory view of men who can not see enough naked flesh are can not find enough to look at by a woman.

Today people not only make judgements of others based on their physical appearance that influence how they respond to those people, when their clothes are not liked by French men such men may now demand those clothes to be taken off.

The announcement by David Lisnard, UMP Mayor of Cannes, that he is prohibiting access to the beach to anyone not wearing what the French would consider suitable bathing suits, did not make many French question, what right he had, to decide a woman had to wear on the beach and why he choose the more naked version of the feminine, instead of a more clothed, and what believers in God would call a more decent one.

Victims of ISIS, the scapegoat of the French nation

Lots of people consider themselves victim of ISIS but forget that the worst victims are Islamists or ordinary Muslim people all over the world. Europeans and Americans may not be blind and should see that the greatest causalities of Isis have been Muslims, and the banning of the burkini illustrates the extent to which France’s fundamentalist secularism is singling out the most visible and vulnerable group in society for blame.

The governement is giving in and has found its scapegoat and used the local Muslims to blame for the terror the security forces of the country could not avoid or obstruct. Like the Fascist in the past liked Scapegoating many Europeans and Americans now blame the refugees and Muslims for the many problems they have in their country. In the past Jews and immigrants were prominent among the groups that were demonized. In France the Jews got a sibling now in the Muslim community. Today it is not a “Judeo-Masonic-bolshevik” conspiraciy or left-wing agitation, but the presence of immigrants and the amount of active Muslims.

As in the past the governement points the finger to those ‘outcasts’ and originators of all sin. They go with the people and hope to gain popularity by taking measures against the Ummah or Muslim community, making their life so difficult that they hope those other believers will soon leave. Implication was that depriving these demons of their power and influence would cause the nation’s major problems to go away.

Lots of people are afraid that those Muslims would be able to convert many French and that the nation by those converts would be more and more becoming an Islamic state.

Limiting the liberty of Muslims and other believers

Now by limiting the liberty of the Muslims in their own country the governement hopes to please the rest of the population and to take the attention away from their own weakness and the blame they have it not in control.

The governement, because of all the discussions going on about the burkini’s and religious clothing, decided that when the schools will open again, no religious dress or symbol shall be allowed, and as such no head covering for Jews and Muslims or necklaces with religious symbols.

Education minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, a former government spokesperson who is politically more to the left than former interior minister Valls and disagrees with the burqini ban could not stop the measures.

For the start of the debate, concerning the burqini Huda Jawad  also questioned in the Daily Independent

Since when did wearing a burkini, in most cases a loose fitting nylon version of a wetsuit, become an act of allegiance to terrorist movements? Do Marks & Spencer or House of Fraser know that their attempt to raise profits and exploit a gap in the over-saturated clothing market is selling and promoting allegiance to Isis? {The burkini ban is misogynistic – and Western feminists are turning a blind eye}

She also remarks

What is it about French secularism’s blindspot to its own racism and misogyny? The obsession to the point of fetishism with Muslim women’s mode of dress and covering curtails the most basic of human rights – that of self-determination and freedom of expression. As Arundhati Roy so eloquently put it, coercing a woman out of the burka instead of enabling her to choose is an act of violence, humiliation and cultural imperialism. Instead of extending the hand of fraternité, Mr Lisnard and his supporters are excluding Muslims, if not pushing them into the arms of radicalisers. {The burkini ban is misogynistic – and Western feminists are turning a blind eye}

Making the Muslims stigmatised as the bogeyman, that scarecrow seems already frightening lots of French people. They are pushing the golliwog in the corner or throwing in front of the swines that in the end they shall have to defend themselves so strongly and make their faith and stance even stronger, so that a new religious revolt can take place. Perhaps than the French shall get their eyes opened and shall be awakened from their cauchemard (their nightmare) they are afraid of.

The ruling from the state council suspends a single ban in the southern town of Villeneuve-Loubet, near Nice, but is likely to set a precedent for other towns that have prohibited the full-body swimwear on their beaches.

According to a senior politician in Norway’s right-wing Progress Party (FrP) Norway also has to follow the lead of a number of French towns and ban the burkini. Third deputy, Aina Stenersen, claims the full-body swimsuits worn by some Muslim women are “a symbol of radical Islam” and is convinced that French cities did right to ban the burqini from their beaches. The Progress Party is in the process of formulating a new party manifesto, and the burkini ban is expected to be included.

The FrP does, however, believe the fine faced by those who wear burkinis in France is too lenient. Ms Stenersen intends to double the charge to around 500 kroner, which is equivalent to £57.

A story to be continued and démarche or kick-off to be followed up .

To welcome women wearing burqini’s and coming into public spaces

Marcel Michelson for Forbes writes

Yes, wearing a burkini on the beach, as wearing a burka in town, is an ostentatious sign of religious adherence, as is the wearing of full robes by priests and nuns in public or the traditional garments and hairstyles of orthodox Jews.

Yet a burkini is also a means of emancipation for Muslim women, allowing them to bathe despite the strict, male-dominated, rules under which they have to lead their lives.

In a way, we should welcome burkini’s and encourage Muslims to integrate more in French, or European, society. {Burkini Debate In France Shows Lack Of Tolerance And Understanding Out Of Fear For Strangers}



Please come to read:

  1. On French beach French police forces woman to undress in public
  2. Is Europe going to become a dictatorial bastion
  3. France and the Burkini
  4. Islamophobia or nah?
  5. Bitches, Puhleeeeze….
  6. The Burkini
  7. The Burkini Ban
  8. France’s top court to rule on burkini ban
  9. My Burkini and I
  10. Universal concern: not naked enough
  11. This gif sums up the whole ‘debate’ on #BurkiniBan
  12. Burkini must be banned, France’s Sarkozy says as he launches election campaign
  13. France’s War on the Burqini
  14. Dear white people of France: being forced to undress wasn’t exactly the liberation I was longing for
  15. Thoughts on Burqini
  16. Modest Swimwear: The Burkini
  17. Burkini and French Secularism
  18. France’s banning of the ‘Burqini’ is the rejection of its founding principles.
  19. 7 facts about France’s burkini ban that make outsiders very uncomfortable
  20. Planned ‘Burqini Day’ irks French far-rights
  21. The Swimsuit War of 2009: Year In Review 2009 (swimming)
  22. France’s highest court suspends burkini ban in test case
  23. Burkini ban: Norway’s right-wing Progress Party calls for full-body swimsuit to be outlawed


Further related articles

  1. French Web Round-Up: 5 Things That Made Me Smarter This Week
  2. Sea Water, Sweat and Tears
  3. Please exit calmly and quietly.
  4. Is EU discriminating against Israel by labeling settlement goods?
  5. Landlords Will Face Tougher Consequences For Discriminating Against (Most) Renters With Criminal Records: Gothamist
  6. U.S. House of Representatives’ Chaplain Accused of Discriminating Against Atheism, Judaism and other Minority Religions
  7. 3 Helpful Hints on Dismantling Racial Boundaries in the Classroom
  8. On My Mind (Vol. 4)
  9. I’m Gonna Dress Like a Charlie Brown Ghost Next Time I Go Swimming
  10. What does it mean to cover?
  11. Ban The Burka
  12. What women need is security
  13. Breaking News: France requesting to Saudi Arabia’s ‘Morality Police’ for training their police force!
  14. Islam, France, Burkini: A chit chat on FB
  15. Third French burqini ban after Corsica clashes
  16. Beach Party Outside French Embassy Protests The Burkini Ban On French Beaches
  17. East Essence: Shop Islamic Clothes For Your Whole Family!
  18. True life story- Two plastic sacks
  19. Waitress
  20. Yttrandefriheten: Opinion live?
  21. Di burkini e di diritti
  22. Burqini dan Islamophobia Prancis
  23. Τα Marks&Spencer, έβγαλαν και μπουργκίνι, μαγιό για μουσουλμάνες
  24. Τη θέση του μπικίνι παίρνει το … μπουρκίνι



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Fashion - Trends, Headlines - News, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

The Meaning of Paris

  • Paris already reeling from January’s attack on Charlie Hebdo + a Jewish deli  > most recent attacks > breaks proverbial camel’s back.
  • world’s fears come to fruition + Daesh (ISIS or Islamic State) claimed responsibility => French President François Hollande dubbed attacks an “act of war”
  • act of terrorism > forced to reconsider, by political forces at home and abroad, military strategy.
  • Will more airstrikes be a possibility? Will the President send more special forces? Will “boots on the ground” no longer be theoretical, but a reality?
  • geopolitical implications>  current refugee crisis = most pressing since World War II.
  • status of thousands of refugees = inexorably more complicated in wake of this attack.
  • surge in support among anti-immigrant, Eurosceptic parties across Europe + National Front in France.
  • broader societal implication of this terrible event in France = Islam
  • social media show 2 specific trains of thought: 1.use this attack as referendum on Islam in its entirety + 2. claim “terrorism has no religion.”
  • > both miss an important point.
  • Assigning collective responsibility to a diverse group of over 1 billion people the actions of one specific militant group = tremendous error in logical and moral reasoning
  • blaming this attack on Islam as a whole simply validates Daesh’s worldview of a battle between Islam and the West.
  • Awoefully unwise to evade a pointed criticism of very particular strains of Islam > Wahhabism and Salifism
  • call out these dangerous worldviews = brand of Islam Daesh dedicated to = outrageously antithetical to all the values of Western democracy.



Paris Attack and Ranting

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris

Solidarité: The Paris Attack and the Refugee Crisis

A husband’s heartbreaking tribute to his wife killed in the Paris attacks


Find also to read:

  1. Paris attacks darkening the world
  2. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  3. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  4. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  5. French Muslims under attack
  6. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  7. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  8. Human tragedy need to be addressed at source
  9. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for




Barbarism has once again descended on the French capital. Yesterday’s terrorist attacks in Paris, which have left 129 dead and hundreds others wounded, have unleashed a profound sense of panic as well as a mass mobilization of solidarity around the world for the victims that will – hopefully – serve as the antidote to the unprecedented terror that has now gripped the iconic city.

In events like these it is easy for well-intentioned individuals to want to avoid thinking about any broader social and political implications. But as these discussions will invariably appear, they must be considered.

Paris was already reeling from January’s attack on Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish deli but these most recent attacks – again on locations that define “normalcy” for most Parisians: the national stadium, a concert hall and restaurant – may ultimately be what breaks the proverbial camel’s back.

Now that the world’s fears have come…

View original post 1,068 more words


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Solidarité: The Paris Attack and the Refugee Crisis

To remember

  • great paradoxical absurdity > appalling violence in Paris > parts of media + certain individuals + groups = advocating denial of sanctuary to refugees – people who have experienced very same violence (at the hands of very same fundamentalists) = as a daily reality
  • one must empathise with those refugees fleeing violence and terrorism
  • exploiting anger + fear felt by so many people across the world in the aftermath of these horrible attacks, purely to further own Islamophobic + xenophobic narrative = misdirected anger + hatred = inexcusable + entirely unhelpful.
  • solidarité which must prevail
  • our obligations > kind of violence + terror from which refugees are fleeing
  • observe somewhat selective humanity + relative silence from same people in relation to events in Beirut + similar violence across the world
  • emergence of refugee crisis + displacement of millions of people = considered a consequence, in part, of failings of incoherent + ineffective foreign policy of certain Western countries



Paris Attack and Ranting

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris

A husband’s heartbreaking tribute to his wife killed in the Paris attacks


Find also to read:

  1. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  2. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  3. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  4. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  5. French Muslims under attack


Reflections on Human Rights and World Affairs


The great paradoxical absurdity is that, because of the appalling violence in Paris on Friday night, parts of the media and certain individuals and groups are now advocating the denial of sanctuary to refugees – people who have experienced the very same violence (at the hands of the very same fundamentalists) but as a daily reality. For such people to express moral outrage and horror at the actions of the terrorists in Paris whilst simultaneously proposing that we withhold protection from refugees fleeing such violence in their own countries, it is entirely contradictory. If one genuinely feels outrage at the death of 129 people and injury of many more on Friday night in Paris, and empathises with the families of those killed, then one must empathise with those refugees fleeing violence and terrorism. Anything less is simply moral hypocrisy.

However, such moral outrage is not authentic, but opportunistic – exploiting the anger…

View original post 649 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris

The attacks in Paris and the terror in Brussels made many finding themselves more justified to hate Muslims. Many forget that the attackers are radical Muslims but that many of the victims are also Muslims.

Between 2004-2013, the UK suffered 400 non Muslim terrorist attacks, mostly in Northern Ireland, and almost all of them were non-lethal. The US suffered 131 non-Muslim attacks, fewer than 20 of which were lethal. France suffered 47 non Muslim attacks. But in Iraq, there were 12 000 attacks and 8 000 of them were lethal. {BBC}

The easy thing is to say “Muslim did it”, but when we look at the majority of terrorist attacks all over the world they are non-religious related and not done by active Muslims or active Christians, but more by non-religious people and most important by anarchists.

When we look at the terrorist attacks from Muslim side it are the radical and fundamentalist Muslims who bring terror over non-believers, Jews, Christians but also over faithful Islamic believers. today we see many lashing out at the Muslims, but they were already hurt first and hove to face how their religion is used in a horrible degrading way by people who say they are Muslim, but are not real Muslims.

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris watch this incredible interview from a survivor of the attack. Cenk Uygur host of The Young Turks asks you not to give into temptation, stop and think about the Muslim victims before you lash out against the entire religion.



Please let us not generalise and be careful by whom we want to blame and how we want to react.


We are all inhabitants of this planet, by the Grace of the Divine Creator,
and we need to fight one for the other and help each other.


We are all in the same boat.


Preceding articles:

Paris Attack and Ranting

Problematic Or Patriotic? Two Ways To Talk About Muslims

Don’t be Muslim

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Tolerance Ends When There Is No Tolerance Shown Towards Us

Christians at War? Christians using violence?

Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

The World Wide Refugee and Migrant Crisis and a possible solution for it

Migration not something to fear

What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?

Social media and asylum seekers

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Real progress leaves nobody behind

Children of Men

My two cents on the refugee crisis

Listening for the Language of Peace


Find also to read:

  1. 2014 Religion: with a.o. Global war against Christians
  2. Syrian but also Belgian connection to French attacks
  3. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  4. Paris attacks darkening the world
  5. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  6. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  7. French Muslims under attack
  8. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  9. Propaganda war and ISIS
  10. ISIS cannot be presenters of the real Islam
  11. Do Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, ISIS and ISIL belong to true Islam
  12. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  13. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  14. Condemning QSIS or the self-claimed Islamic state ruler, al- Baghdadi their extremist ideologies and to clarify the true teachings of Islam 
  15. ISIL will find no safe haven
  16. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  17. Women their education and chances to become a parliamentary
  18. Christian clergyman defiling book which did not belong to him
  19. More Muslim children than Christian children growing up in our cities
  20. Being Charlie 10
  21. Being Charlie 11
  22. Do we have to be an anarchist to react



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Video, World affairs

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

anti-Muslim abuse + Islamophobia => attacks targetting followers of Islam.

Clips of incidents went viral on social media

Metropolitan police announced: anti-Muslim attacks in London had increased by 70% from July 2014 to July 2015

harassment usually occurs after “trigger events” like Charlie Hebdo or Woolwich murders

increase in Islamophobic hate crimes throughout London:

hate crimes targeting that faith community must be treated as seriously as those targeting Jews and other communities

In its attempt to root out radicals, the government authorized crackdowns on madrassas, mosque closures, + a surveillance program that monitors “radicalization keywords” among British schoolchildren.


Discover The Truth

Recent videos showing anti-Muslim abuse on public transportation in the UK have renewed conversations about Islamophobia, its consequences, and how to deal with a spike in attacks that target followers of Islam.

In mid-October, a woman on a London bus launched a profanity-laced tirade at a pregnant Muslim passenger, threatening to kick her in the stomach and harm her unborn child. In another incident, a 25-year-old man verbally abused an elderly Muslim passenger on a packed bus in north London and threw his walker onto the pavement.

Clips of these incidents went viral on social media just as Metropolitan police announced that anti-Muslim attacks in London had increased by 70% from July 2014 to July 2015. According to Tell MAMA, an organization that monitors Islamophobic attacks, Muslim women are most often the targets of this type of abuse, which often occurs online. Tell MAMA’s most recent report, “We…

View original post 359 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs

Don’t be Muslim

With everything what is going on in Europe and the Middle East many who want to worship only One True God may think it is better not to become or to be a Muslim. For non-trinitarian Christians this might be a good thing to be able to welcome those who love the Divine Creator, the God of Abraham.

But fear is not always the right or good reason to change faith. When it is fear for God than it is very good to make the right choice going on the right path, following Allah‘s commandments and coming to an understanding of the sent one from Him.

All those who dare to call themselves Christian should be worried about the recent of Islamophobic reactions. The Parisian attacks did not help, neither the refugee crisis nor the Muslim community or Ummah.

Lots of people do forget under the victims were also non-believers, Christians but also Jews and Muslims. From several sites we do hear Jews and Muslims who are bullied, or have witnessed, or have been victims of racial crimes. Racial slurs, violent confrontations, verbal abuse; the full spectrum of hate crime has been on show.

We condemn every terrorist act but we also should condemn every antisocial behaviour. We must warn others and be careful not to become blind ourselves for what is really going on and how some may try to get more power in our society.

People should remember that those who call themselves Jew, Christian or Muslim should follow the Holy Scriptures. Torah (Law), Nebim (Prophets), Kethubim aleph (First Writings) Kethubim Bet (Second Writings or Messianic Scriptures = New Testament) and Quran or Koran condemn such violence and hatred. Those who are terrorising lots of people in the name of Allah are abusing the God’s title and God’s Name.

Too many people seem to be blind and deaf about Islam which says no to terrorism, It is up to the Muslim teachers, imams, preachers and followers of the prophet Muhammad to show the world that those terrorists are not representable for Islam and that the real Muslim faith is a very peaceful religion.


the writer her mind turns to her mum worrying about her every time she sees a post about an attack or abuse.

heart aches > anything happening to her +  anyone harming her + looking at her as someone other than who she is <=== loving, caring, selfless + humble human

cycle of violence numbes

here + Middle East + Asia = affected by violence

know people who have lost relatives in Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan. Iraq, Pakistan etc. etc. etc.

More Muslims are killed + affected by terrorist’s attacks than any other group of people

> unenviable position of being part of a group which is labeled both victim and perpetrator.


Preceding articles

What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Real progress leaves nobody behind

Migration not something to fear

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Poster: Please help the refugees



Additional reading:

  1. A world with or without religion
  2. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  3. Migrants to the West #1
  4. Migrants to the West #5
  5. Migrants to the West #10 Religious freedom
  6. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  7. ISIS cannot be presenters of the real Islam
  8. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  9. Malaysia requires sole use of God’s title for Muslims
  10. Shariah and child abuse – Is there a connection?
  11. Where do we stand in the backdrop of Charlie Hebdo Massacre ?
  12. Public not informed enough about Jihad terrorism in Belgium
  13. Quran can convert to Christianity
  14. Muslims should also Fear God
  15. Al-Fatiha [The Opening] Süra 1: 4-7 Merciful Lord of the Creation to show us the right path
  16. Islam says it admires faith based on logic, what about the others




Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs