Tag Archives: King of kings

To turn the world into a “vessel” receptive of God

At the end of the first weekly Shabbat of the seven weekly Shabbats, in between firstfruits and the Feast of Weeks the close friends of rabbi Jeshua had the shock of their life, having come to hear that their beloved master who was killed at the stake, now had disappeared from the grave. From the heavenly malach they heard that יהושע {Jeshua} was risen form the dead. Later they also had come to see him again, him also showing his wounds to proof to them he was not a ghost or spirit. Them knowing that God is a Spirit, came to hear from their beloved master teacher that he (Jeshua) was going back to Him and they saw him lifted in the air. When the moed of Shavuot was fully counted by the omer, they were all with one accord in one place. The talmidim knew they had to continue to study Torah and remember those Fifty days after Pesach and remembering how the Most High had revealed Himself and given the mitzvot to Moshe so that he could deliver them to the People of God.

For the talmidim and us it might be not a negligible fact that on the day of the revelation at Sinai they also remembered the death of of King David and the death of the successor of King David, the risen King of kings, from King David’s Tribe, the son of man and son of God, יהושע {Jeshua} (Jesus Christ). Their master had revealed the Words of God and made the mitzvot clear, so that they too could go into the world and explain them.

Today we remember that the entire people of Israel (600,000 heads of households and their families), as well as the souls of all future generations of Jews, heard God declare the first two of the Ten Commandments and witnessed God’s communication of the other eight through Moses. Following the revelation, Moses ascended the mountain for 40 days, to receive the remainder of the Torah from God.

At Sinai, the Elohim  rescinded the “decree” and “divide” (gezeirah) that had been in force since the 2nd day of creation separating the spiritual and the physical into two hermetic worlds; from this point on,

“the higher realms could descend into the lower realms, and the lower could ascend to the higher.”

Thus was born the “mitzvah” — a physical deed that, by virtue of the fact that it is commanded by God, brings Godliness into the physical world.

The deaths of two of the greatest figures in history serves as a reminder to us that revelation was not just a moment but a continuing process; that new faces of the infinitely meaningful Torah have always been revealed at the critical moments of our religious development; and that Sinai posed an immense challenge to the Jewish people to which we continue to try to rise.

English: King David, second king of Israel

English: King David, second king of Israel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

David, a descendent of Judah the son of Jacob as well as of Ruth, a Moabite convert to Judaism, was anointed King of Israel by Samuel in 878 BCE. All future legitimate kings of Israel were David’s descendants. Mankind was told it would be from him that the Moshiach or the messiah, would come, who will “restore the kingdom of David to its glory of old.”

These two figures stand at key points in the development of this response, and thus have a special relationship to Shavuot.

“lower (worlds) shall ascend to the higher, and the higher descend to the low.”

It is significant that though the Midrash quotes God as saying

“I shall take the initiative,”

and though the descent of God in fact preceded Moses’ going up, it still mentions the ascent of the lower worlds before the descent of the higher. This is because the ascent of the low was the ultimate purpose of the giving of the Torah, and the ultimate purpose is the last tobe realized. Though Moses’ ascent came after God’s descent, it was nonetheless of great importance. God’s initiating step was needed beforehand, before man could rise to meet Him.

Only by the liberation of the people from slavery man could become a free person able to aim for the promised Land and preparing themselves for entering the Kingdom of God. That entrance also made possible for the goy, they now also liberated from the curse of death like all people became liberated from death by the death of the descendant of King David, the long awaited Messiah, Jeshua who by the allowance of the Most High God, may now be seated next to God to be a mediator between God and man.

The Elohim had come down to the world to give His Word, in two senses, the stone tablet and the fulfilment of His promise in the Gan Eden, when man had rebelled against God. That Word spoken in that Royal Garden had become in the flesh and the talmidin had been close to it, feeling how it brought in them the Word also to live.

Like in the time of Moshe the effect of the giving of the Word was felt within the world, now that Word given also would have its effect unto many generations still coming after the talmidin.

The Midrash may say

“No bird called, no bird flew” and “the voice which came from G-d had no echo”

because it was absorbed into the very texture of the world. But from the Shavuot 30 CE change came over the world, several disciples of rabbi Jeshua having shaken by the sound from the shamayim as of a groaning Ruach, which  filled all the Bayit where those scaredy-cats had taken their refuge.

For those talmidin it was now clear that the Torah was no longer “in heaven,” but that the Word of God had descended to earth. For that reason, grasping that the world could face a new world, the beloved disciple of Jeshua, the apostle Jochanan (John)wrote about the word having come in the flesh.

John 1:1-5 OJB
Besuras Hageulah According to Yochanan

Bereshis (in the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem [Yeshayah 55:11; Bereshis 1:1], and the Dvar Hashem was agav (along with) Hashem [Mishle 8:30; 30:4], and the Dvar Hashem was nothing less, by nature, than Elohim! [Psa 56:11(10); Yn 17:5; Rev. 19:13]  (2)  Bereshis (in the Beginning) this Dvar Hashem was with Hashem [Prov 8:30].  (3)  All things through him came to be, and without him came to be not one thing which came into being. [Ps 33:6,9; Prov 30:4]  (4)  In him was Chayyim (Life) and the Chayyim (Life) was the Ohr (Light) of Bnei Adam. [Tehillim 36:10 (9)]  (5)  And the Ohr shines in the choshech [Tehillim 18:28], and the choshech did not grasp it. [Yeshayah 9:1]

There had been man like the baptiser John who tried to shed light, but the true light that could enlighten everyone was his cousin who came into the world by the Ruach of the Most High, but the talmidin could be witnesses that the world did not recognize him who was sent by God.

Moshe had received the stone tablets and given them to the people, who took a very long time to come to make out why they had to follow those mitzvot and how they had to follow them.

Only afterwards did the work begin of refining, sanctifying and raising the world in spiritual ascent. This was the worship of the Jewish people, to turn the world into a “vessel” receptive of God. The possibility of this achievement was created at Sinai; the actuality began later.

Just as the descent of God to the world began with Abraham and culminated in Moses, so the ascent of the world to God began after the giving of the Torah and reached its climax in the wise kings David and Shlomo (Solomon), his son, who in building the Temple took the Jewish people to a new apex in their upward climb to God. In line with the great kings the world received a high-priest who would not only be king of the United Monarchy, with the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah, but of the whole world with its seven continents (Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Oceania).

With the advent of David came two new developments. Firstly, he was the first king to rule over the whole of Israel (unlike Saul, who according to the Midrash {Bamidbar Rabbah, ch. 4.} did not rule over the tribe of Judah), and the dynasty was entrusted to him in perpetuity:

“The kingship shall never be removed from the seed of David.’ {1 Chronicles 29:2 ff.)

Jeshua being that seed has now taken over the dominion. the apostle John and his comrades could see that now the time for a special kind of monarchy had entered this system of things. Through the intermediary of kingship, Israel has an obedience to God which is both total and extending to every aspect of their being. Now the Kingdom of Israel shall have to come to witness their new king for ever. Though the world shall not want to recognise this sent one from God, many objecting such a position to a person who was once a man of flesh and blood. (Lots of Christians still take him as being their god and want to believe Jesus is God.) They all shall have to come to accept Jesus to be the mediator between God and man and the High Priest in the order of Melchisedec.

Thus we can see the difference between the acceptance of the Torah at Sinai and the obedience to God involved in the idea of Kingship, which David initiated and with the kingship of this King of kings, the sent one from God. The revelation at Sinai was an act of God:

“I shall take the initiative.”

It did not come from within the hearts of the people. And so it did not affect their whole being absolutely. But kingship does come from the people — their obedience is the source of the king’s authority. David’s reign signifies a new phenomenon: The voluntary, inward acceptance by the people of an absolute authority over them.

Ever since the Torah was given, the world was given a possibility to come into unity with God. Jeshua being revealed from above should be the eye opener for the world, him being the way to God, and the one who explained how we have to interpret the Law of God.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe urged that all children — including infants — should be brought to the synagogue on the 1st day of Shavuot to hear the reading of the Ten Commandments in re-enactment of the Giving of the Torah at Sinai. Our sages relate that when God came to give the Torah to the people of Israel, He asked for a guarantee that that they will not forsake it.

“The heaven and the earth shall be our guarantors,”

said the Jews, but God replied that

“they will not last forever.”

To this the people replied

“Our fathers will guarantee it,”

But the Elohim said that

“they are busy.”

It was only when we promised that

“our children will guarantee it”

that God agreed,

“These are excellent guarantors.”

therefore we should make sure that our children do come to hear the mitzvot and shall have the Word of God imprinted in their hearts.


Preceding articles

Looking at the time when the Torah was given

Elul Observances

9 Adar and bickering or loving followers of the Torah preparing for Pesach


Additional reading

  1. Matthew 1:1-17 The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
  2. Jesus is risen
  3. Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Matthew Chapter 28
  4. The Acts Of The Sent Ones Chapter 2
  5. Nazarene Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2 v1-13 Working Spirit
  6. Hebraic Roots Bible Book of The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2
  7. For those who believe Jesus is God
  8. God’s salvation
  9. Jesus Messiah


Further reading

Text of Book of Ruth and its connection to Shavuot


Filed under Knowledge & Wisdom, Religious affairs, World affairs

High time to show the way to peace

Vagabonds of the Western World

Vagabonds of the Western World (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The world has always known people who had problems with their relationship and even went to fight with each other because they wanted things of the other person. Wars have been a common thing for humanity. In the West we may be pleased after World War II the fighting was less than in previous centuries, but still lots of internal battles make many lives sour.

In the West, though, there are many who call themselves Christian and even say the Western World belongs to the Christians and Is or should be Christian. When they are afraid Muslims would take over they should more question themselves how it is possible that so many people do want to leave Christendom for that other religion.

This year we do remember that it is 2020 years ago that rabbi Jeshua, Jesus Christ, was born. At that special occasion we should better question what mankind made of that man and what they did with his teachings.

Rabbi Jeshua was a man of peace, who did not favour one for the other but thought and treated everybody likewise. For a good or even a bad person this rabbi had always an ear and was always ready to help. All his teachings were about an unmistakably Great Love. The great master teacher, who came to be known in the West as Jesus Christ, was a man of action and not of words only. His words were like balsam. In his words there was no place for hatred or jealousy. He was an example of humbleness, tenderness, full of love and kindness. He was not a bringer of war but a bringer of peace.

When people also would follow his teachings they would have less problems and there would be less friction or peevishness.

This image was selected as a picture of the we...

This image was selected as a picture of the week on the Malay Wikipedia for the 44th week, 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today, we have reached an era of which the Bible warns mankind. We too should take heed and see what is going on, as signs prophesied in the Book of books, the Bible. Noticing all those signs of coming troublesome times we should be fully aware that we best make work of those tidings Christ Jesus has brought to mankind.

When all those who say they are Christian, which should mean they are willing and doing what Jesus asks from them, following his teachings and his example, they should know that as all different body parts together they should make one strong healthy body, the Body of Christ.

When all Christians would start in their own surroundings already trying to create that peace of Christ, also trying to accept other Christians and willing to work together with them, the world would become a much better place.

Christians should show others that Jesus is not only the Way to God but also the Way to life and to  world peace. With Jesus we shall be able to find a (restored) kingdom, where there shall be no grudges, no jealousy, no fighting. One might be surprised how it could still be in reach.

Please do not wait any longer. Do not postpone. Tell others about that man born 2020 years ago and show them why we should put our eyes on him. Let others see why that Nazarene man was so important for mankind and let them understand he is the only working solution for mankind. Jesus is the way, and all should know it!

How more people shall come to Jesus how more people shall be sharing that similar love of Jesus with each other, and as brothers and sisters of each other in the Body of Christ they shall be able to bring soft gently swaying waves of peace. and that peace shall be much stronger than what others try to get with their fighting.

All will have to know that Jesus will conquer, and that he will become the new King of kings. In him we do have our mediator between God and man and our high-priest. He has ear and eyes for us and in him we should trust.

Let us proclaim who he is, what he has done and why the whole world need him. In him is our peace, which we should radiate so that others also become affected with it.

It is really “, plus “High time to go out telling the world about Jesus” and hight time to join hands for showing the world that those who love Jesus can come together in peace and co-operate with the best intentions to come to a better world, were peace shall reign.


Preceding articles:

High time to go out telling the world about Jesus


Additional articles

  1. In a few days time it will be 2020 years ago that the Messiah was born
  2. 2020 years since
  3. 2020 years ago, the road was opened
  4. When Bad Things Happen
  5. Redemption #1 Biblical doctrine of salvation
  6. Redemption #2 Biblical solution
  7. Redemption #7 Christ alive in the faithful
  8. Redemption #8 Righteousness by Faith
  9. Redemption #9 Only way
  10. The Right One to follow and to worship
  11. Knowledge of Christ and fear for God
  12. Through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe
  13. The stone of essential truth
  14. the Way to life
  15. Relating to God is it possible + Relation with God
  16. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  17. Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water
  18. Be humble like Christ
  19. Humbleness
  20. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  21. If you want to go far in life
  22. Kindness
  23. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  24. God let my compassionate affection be tolerant and kind
  25. Kingdom of God what will it be like
  26. True riches


Further reading

  1. God, Alone, Sovereignly Chooses His Eternal Family
  2. God’s Marriage: The Father And Son
  3. Unraveling Guilt With God’s Holiness
  4. Lent Day 23: I Declare My Ways Are Smooth, My Path Is Straight. I Will Not Stumble
  5. Only one way out
  6. The Way
  7. R.C. Sproul quote
  8. This is the way
  9. The Way home Psalm 56:3-4 Luke 13:22-30
  10. Discouraged? Run to Jesus!
  11. Jesus sees me as …
  12. Grace and Restoration
  13. “Flow through Me”
  14. “That They May Be One”
  15. Jew or Gentile: You Are All One in Christ Jesus
  16. Disciplinary Treatises—(4) The Communion of the Body, by Scott Cairns
  17. The Body of Christ
  18. The Body of Christ : God’s ultimate intention for our life
  19. Body of Christ: Nothing Will Be Wasted, by Francis de Sales Wagner
  20. The Living, Growing Body of Christ
  21. Becoming Community
  22. Who Runs the Church?
  23. Beware of a Spiritual Cancer in the Body of Christ
  24. Has the Church become a pathetic loser?
  25. The Apostasy
  26. Are We A Healthy Body?
  27. Measuring the Fullness
  28. Oneness of the Church
  29. Unify
  30. On marriage for priests.
  31. Sometimes, Instead of Bread, I Ask God for Stones
  32. What love is this?
  33. Until Christ Is Formed
  34. Standing in the Gap
  35. Prayer For Oct. 22nd
  36. “Do I have to pray, read the Bible, go to church, etc?”
  37. Revival, or something that looks like it
  38. Running Toward The Goal
  39. Ignatius of Antioch: “love incorruptible”
  40. The Perfect Wheel
  41. Spiritual Formation, Gossip and Presidential Campaigns
  42. October 26 – I Never Knew You
  43. Summing Up
  44. Horrendous Things are Under Authority
  45. Peace. Comfort. Love. Joy. Over coming the heartache.
  46. A Fresh Look at the Lord’s Prayer “Your Kingdom Come”
  47. No Matter
  48. Sunday Bun! At SAllome Point in the Future
  49. Religion vs Relationship
  50. Why Christianity Isn’t a Solo Act
  51. We have all the answers, we must go and answer all the questions!
  52. For the One whose name is higher than them all
  53. Kingdom???
  54. Thy Kingdom Come
  55. Know your saviour
  56. Kings and kingdoms
  57. 4 Shots From 4 Films: An Epic Birthday Salute
  58. Open Wide the Gates
  59. The Justice of God – Isaiah 33:22
  60. All Glory To Jesus
  61. Recapturing The Holy Awe






Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, World affairs

When will it stop

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity three core values of the democratic country France where remembered on the Day of the Bastille, the 14th of July, the national holiday of France.

Though the French values of liberty, equality and fraternity may be swiftly being trumped by a larger emphasis on laïcité, or the separation of church and state. In the last decade, the government has passed laws banning religious symbols — namely the hijab — in public schools and buildings and as such got some members of the Muslim community against them. It also got France looking at a series of riots in 2005 in the suburbs of Paris where many youngsters of North African origin feel disadvantaged and discriminated. The measure of the government giving in to the employers, making done with lots of received rights for work arrangements, created lots of protests which at times became very violently. Unemployment coupled with growing religious tensions across the country is an ideal seed-bed for anti government actions but also for trying to rib the nation apart and bring fear over it by a growing religious tension in the country.

The South of France has cities, like Marseille, which have different cultures. This can be well seen in Marseille which is more defined by the cultures of its Arab and Italian immigrants than by its French nationality. In the streets of Marseille, you’ll hear French, Arabic and Italian. In many of the city’s most popular restaurants, you’ll find Italian and Arab dishes rather than the French classics like escargot and frog’s legs. In Nice or Niçard Occitan you may the Niçois speaking Occitan or Niçard like the Nizzardo or Italian inhabitants of Nice and those who do are bilingual in French. Nicknamed Nice la Belle (Nissa La Bella in Niçard), which means Nice the Beautiful, in the town you may also find people from North African origin and several Muslims.

French, Belgians, English and lots of people from other countries where having leisure time enjoying the day of work or on holiday. On the morning of 14 July 2016 the French President François Hollande reaffirmed that the state of emergency put in place after the November 2015 Paris attacks would end after the Tour de France finishes on 26 July 2016. he could be pleased nothing had happened at the target European football championship. Held every four years since 1960, in the even-numbered year between World Cup tournaments, this year strong measurements of security were taken in France as well as in Belgium, this with the knowledge the ISIS Jihadists were aiming this event as an easy target. This year France was beaten by 1–0 at the final in Saint-Denis after extra time. The French got a blow by this, but were already hurt much harder by several terrorist acts the last few months. Several communities had their share of it, but the coastal reasort of posh and glamour with Cannes and Nice, the capital of the Alpes Maritimes département, as attractive poles were blessed with sunshine and good news. Soon the Jazz music would sound in the third busiest airport in France, bringing occasional extra swing.

Nice attack aftermath

The driver reportedly zig-zagged his way through the crowds along the promenade Credit: matrixpictures.co.uk

To watch the Bastille Day fireworks large crowds of people had gathered along the foreshore of Nice.
At approximately 22:40 local time (20:40 UTC), a Renault Midlum 19 ton cargo truck was driven at at high speed along the famed Promenade des Anglais towards the crowd of people, who had been watching a Bastille Day firework display; the truck travelled at least 100 m (330 ft) before it hit the crowd and then continued to drive two kilometres (1.25 miles) into the crowd. After being stopped by armed police, who fired bullets into the lorry’s windscreen, the so far unnamed man exchanged fire with officers using a 7.65 pistol, before being shot dead.

Though it was a French-Tunisian criminal well known to the police for armed attacks this man seemed not to be followed up and nobody of the intelligence force was able to foresee he could be doing this horrid killing.

Once again France was hit this year by a “cowardly and barbaric” atrocity making victims along the streets where people would think they could walk freely and peacefully. 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel on his track of evil killed at least 10 children and got 50 children treated in hospital with sever wounds, among the 84 or 86 dead and several fighting between life and death, in the Riviera city. Officials fear the death toll will rise.





As hundreds remained in hospital – including 18 fighting for their lives in intensive care – anti-terrorist judges opened an investigation into “mass murder” and investigators searched the home of the driver in the Abattoirs area of Nice.

The killer his identity card was found in the truck. He had French and Tunisian nationality. The fact that the killer was known to the authorities will be of grave concern to those trying to prevent terrorist attacks in France.

A recent Paris parliamentary investigation into last year’s attacks identified multiple failings by France’s intelligence agencies.

French President Francois Hollande said in an address to the nation in the early hours of Friday.

“France as a whole is under the threat of Islamist terrorism, and so under these circumstances we have to demonstrate absolute vigilance and show determination that is unfailing.”

“There’s no denying the terrorist nature of this attack of yet again the most extreme form of violence.”

For many heads of state it is clear Europe shall not bow down to those acts of terror, contrary all those attack will ad more oil on the fir and give them reason to continue their attacks on Syria and Iraq.

“Nothing will make us yield in our will to fight terrorism. We will further strengthen our actions in Iraq and in Syria. We will continue striking those who attack us on our own soil,”

Francois Hollande said, in reference to France’s involvement in a coalition of nations carrying out air strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group.

It seems clear that the driver wanted to mow down the maximum number of people. Nice Matin journalist Damien Allemand said

“I saw bodies flying like bowling pins along its route. Heard noises, cries that I will never forget.”

Photo Gaillard/Reuters

At the extra news screening last night, at 23.45 h, we already coverage of witness, declaring how they fled from the ‘unknown’ and how the crowd got in panic. Many bodies, blood and body parts could be seen all along the road. After ramming into the crowd with his lorry, the driver started shooting and created what looked like a battlefield. Several messages on social media by people present at the scene, described a sense of helplessness faced with the carnage.

Al Jazeera reporter David Coady was also at the scene.

“I was enjoying the Bastille Day fireworks just like thousands of other people at the promenade in Nice,” he said.

“I was just walking back after the fireworks had finished. I looked towards the truck and I thought it was a bit odd, because the roads were shut down and there were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people walking along. But then, from the direction of the truck, I started hearing screaming and then people started running. And so I joined all those people in running away from there.”

European Council President Donald Tusk said it was a “tragic paradox” that the victims of the attack in Nice were celebrating “liberty, equality and fraternity” – France’s motto – on the country’s national day.

Last night very soon French people offered a place to stay for those who could not return to their apartment or hotel, and a hashtag soon went viral. Leaders around the world responded to the attack, and Twitter users were using the hashtag #PrayForNice. President Barack Obama, standing in solidarity and partnership with France, also issued a statement offering

“any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice.”

He also said

“On this Bastille Day, we are reminded of the extraordinary resilience and democratic values that have made France an inspiration to the entire world, and we know that the character of the French Republic will endure long after this devastating and tragic loss of life.”

Tusk tweeted a photograph of himself and other European and Asian leaders standing in tribute to the Nice victims at an Asia-Europe summit in Mongolia.

France has had its share last year with the January 2015 attack on the Paris offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, linked to al-Qaeda’s Yemen branch, and the multiple attacks in the same city in November claimed by ISIS. People wonder when it is going to stop.

We are afraid we can not offer good news on that part. Followers of the Creator Redeemer God have received His Words of warning where we are told of what is going to happen after the Great War. Most people then thought it would not ever happen again, but only a few years later a second World War brought sorrow over the whole world. Today we can see many things happening which are foretold in the Holy Scriptures. As Brothers in Christ we are not surprised what happened after the start of the war between Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran. The internal conflict (1978–92) between anticommunist Muslim guerrillas and the Afghan communist government (aided in 1979–89 by Soviet troops) was a start for many battles between Muslim extremists and different states.  The September 11 attacks triggered a harsher reaction from Western countries, bringing it into a Afghanistan: anti-Taliban fighters [Credit: Reuters NewMedia Inc./Corbis]international conflict in Afghanistan. In 2001 that war got in a first phase toppling the Taliban (the ultraconservative political and religious faction that ruled Afghanistan and provided sanctuary for al-Qaeda, perpetrators of the September 11 attacks). [The joint U.S. and British invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001 was preceded by over two decades of war in Afghanistan.]

From then onwards it only seemed to escalate and certain groups America first helped and provided with ammunition, turned their back on to them and the West. More and more nations got involved and religious groups started getting creating amok between different groups. Religion stood up against religion like it is foretold in the Bible.  Many many signs foretold in the Holy Scriptures have become a reality.

So, for those who ask

“When would it end?”

We can only say that it all shall come to an end when World War III shall come to an end. No matter what people may try to keep or to bring peace we shall have to go to face a terrible war, which shall be even greater or more horrible than the previous two world wars. We do not want to be doom preachers, but lets face it, of all the prophesies in the Bible there are only a few which did not come true. all other prophesies, even told more than 2500 years before have come into being. They happened and the world continued like it was foretold.

Much too often people do forget that the ancient writers provided the world with the torch of civilization and liberty, a guide for life, for the believers but also for non-believers. All sorts of people can make use of the wise words which are provided in the 66 books which make up the Bible. Throughout the ages it influenced people for good. In society it has been recognized by the greatest statesmen to be a book of books that made a big change in their life and often helped them to come to decisions. We also do have to admit that certain holy scriptures have been looked at it through the various glasses of conflicting creeds and sometimes might unintentionally but woefully be misrepresented. Though now we have come in a time where intentionally people want to give false interpretation as the core of their business. different groups made it a sport to falsely interpret the Bible and the Quran.  Today we have certain groups which claim to fight for the cause of justice and to bring a war in the name of Allah/God. Others cannot put them on their place, because they themselves also do not know the true content of those holy books. they too live by many long-revered misconceptions of the truth of those books, received through the traditions of their fathers. Instead of putting the enemies to confusion by disarming them of their weapons, both groups become more agitated and call to the battle.

Man may look at himself and see or speak about an evil world. H should know that this “present evil world” in which man is permitted to try governing himself soon shall come to an end.

After a Jewish Age, or the period following the death of Jacob, during which all of his posterity were treated by God as his special charge — “his people” we can see that often that chosen people forgot Who was with them and Who had liberated them. For centuries the Most High Maker showed special favours, and declared,

You only have I known (recognized with favour) of all the families of the earth.” (Amos 3:2)

But the stubborn people had to come to see that God was willing to provide an opening for those who are willing to come to Him. Also goyim or non-Jews found a way to God by the send one from God, the Messiah rabbi Jeshua (Jesus Christ).  The promises made to the original People of God were typical of the “better promises” made to us. Having come in the Gospel Age, those who believe in God should know that they have the “better sacrifices,”  which do make atonement for the sins of the whole world. They know that the promised one shall return and not only take up his role or seat in the “royal priesthood,” composed of all those who offer themselves to God “living sacrifices,” holy and acceptable, through Jesus Christ, but to be the King of the coming Kingdom here on earth.

But before it comes so far that Jesus shall become the Chief or “High Priest of our profession.” (Hebrews 3:1) this world shall have to withstand the terrible times which were prophesied long before. Too all who are willing to take Jesus as their master is demanded to go out in the world and to warn it. Not only should they notify the peoples of what shall be coming, so that they can prepared themselves for those horrible times, they should look for the signs God has given mankind, to be alert and prepared. In that time of people warning and bringing Good News of the coming Kingdom, therefore called the Gospel age, we find the realities of which the Jewish age and its services and ordinances were shadows. (Hebrews 10:1)

The Gospel age, is the period during which the body of Christ is called out of the world, and shown by faith the crown of life, and the exceeding great and precious promises whereby (by obedience to the call and its requirements) they may become partakers of the divine nature. (Pet. 1:4) Evil is still permitted to reign over or rule the world, in order that by contact with it these may be tried to see whether they are willing to give up the human nature with its privileges and blessings, a living sacrifice, being made conformable to Jesus’ death, that they may be accounted worthy to be in his likeness in the resurrection. (Psalms 17:15)

Coming closer to the times of more disasters Jews, Christians, Muslims, other believers and non-believers shall have to think how they want to cope with the turbulence and shall have to find solutions to live themselves in a more protected environment. Their choices may not always bring the hoped for reactions, because those against God (the adversary or satan) are going to play more for devil.

Before Christ, with royal title and power, will be present as Jehovah’s representative, taking charge of all the affairs during this day of trouble, taking up his seat in the city of Jerusalem, many shall fight to get the power in Jerusalem and to be able to conquer the people all over the world. This battle for the power has already started. All those terrorist acts are not as such a matter of bringing people to Allah/God but to show the power of which everybody should be afraid and has to submit to.

The world shall have to endure that strive for power of false people. Meantime, as false and imperfect views and systems fall, the standard of the new King will rise, and eventually he shall be recognized and owned by all as King of kings. Thus it is presented by the prophets as Jehovah’s work to set up Christ’s dominion:

I will give thee the Gentiles for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.” (Psalms 2:8)

“In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom.” (Daniel 2:44)

The present evil times shall frighten us, but when we do not mind to take up the bible and use it as our indispensable guide we may have the hope in getting stronger, though more than once we shall also have to suffer and be taken by sorrow. But by looking at these times we can see that the “Ancient of days” shall come to sit on his throne. We can look at the bad things which are past, we may see lots of things happening around us and in front of us. All that may have en influence on our life is simply there for preparing us all for that grand family reunion hosted by our Father,” the Father of all (Ephesians 4:6), “of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:15).

Ephesians 3:14-19 (ESV)
14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith-that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

In the mean time we do have to build up patience, and should try to bring others also to see what time we are heading to and get them to unite under Christ.

The Divine Maker of all things is giving the world time. He requests from man that they come to see what man made of this world and how He  is a better “Gardener” for this world. Having received all this time from God we should come to realise that mankind is incapable of solving the world’s problems. This permission of evil has the very purpose of educating and preparing mankind for the promised times of restitution. At that time, they will begin to seek for God’s righteous kingdom under the rule of the great Messiah, who shall come at God’s time. They will be blessed with a full knowledge of God and a full opportunity for attaining everlasting life through their redeemer — the great restorer and life-giver.

Every sincere student of the Bible can see what is coming and should warn others.

In these times when honest-hearted people are losing faith in humanity, and humanity is losing faith in God, faithful lovers of God should reach out their hand to the community.

> Please do find to read: Honest-hearted people are losing faith in humanity and humanity losing faith in God



Families of Paris attacks hit out at government as intelligence

What We Know About the Attack in Nice

19 tonne lorry had zigzagged through crowds massing on the Promenade des Anglais on Thursday night, killing anyone he could

Nice terror attack: Lorry driver who killed 84 including 10 children during Bastille Day rampage was criminal well known to police

“Truck Attack in Nice, France: What We Know, and What We Don’t”.

“At least 74 killed as truck plows into crowd in Nice, France, on Bastille Day”. Jerusalem Post.

Chrisafis, Angelique; Dehghan, Saeed Kamali (15 July 2016). “Truck rams Bastille Day crowd in Nice killing at least 80”. The Guardian. Retrieved 15 July 2016.

Nice attack: At least 84 dead as lorry rams into crowd

Nice lorry attack: Scenes of carnage in French city

Photos: Bastille Day Terrorist Attack in Nice, France


Preceding articles

Of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something

Freedom and amendments, firearms and abortions

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris

The Meaning of Paris

From Guestwriters 2015 in review

A Secular Mindset

For those Christians who say they are the Victim

Tears for Belgium

A darker and stranger place

Il terrorismo è l’urlo di un bambino al buio

Remain lovingly = No path for softies

You Matter

Commemorating the escape from slavery

How to Find the Meaning of Life and Reach a State of Peace


Additional reading

  1. Human tragedy need to be addressed at source
  2. Migration not something to fear
  3. Don’t be Muslim
  4. Christians at War? Christians using violence?
  5. 2014 Religion: with a.o. Global war against Christians
  6. Back from gone #1 Aim of ungodly people
  7. Blood soaking the water at democracy’s beachhead
  8. Funding of ISIS
  9. French Muslims under attack
  10. Being Charlie 4
  11. Being Charlie 8
  12. Paris attacks darkening the world
  13. Syrian but also Belgian connection to French attacks
  14. A sleeper cell of militants was said directing attackers sent back to France from Islamic State’s de-facto capital in Raqqa, Syria
  15. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  16. 2015 the year of ISIS
  17. ISIL will find no safe haven
  18. Al Qaeda regaining foothold in Middle East bubonic plague for American elections
  19. For those who call the Brussels Airport attacks a fake or a conspiracy of the government
  20. Zion, Flames, Terror, Signs and Games of Peace
  21. 70 years later
  22. God’s wrath and sanctification
  23. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions


Further of interest

  1. Egalité and Fraternité are great, but we need to ask ourselves some very difficult questions about Liberté
  2. The South of France’s Melting Pot
  3. Fear is a weapon of mass destruction
  4. Terrifying Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees – Eagle Rising
  5. Here’s Where ISIS Horrifically Tortures Christians Till They Convert to Islam or Die
  6. Muslims and the West – September 18th, 2015
  7. Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’
  8. The New Threat from Islamic Militancy by Jason Burke review – important and impressive
  9. Imam to Muslim Migrants: Breed With Europeans To ‘Conquer Their Countries’
  10. Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions by Raymond Ibrahim
  11. Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees
  12. Buhari needs God-fearing, patriotic ministers – Iman
  13. Paris Attacks
  14. Some thoughts on the Paris attacks
  15. Editorial: Belgium Attacks Expose Biased Media Coverage
  16. The Brussels Attacks: A Paris Perspective
  17. Understanding ISIS’s evolution
  18. Terrorism
  19. Possible Signs of False Flag in Brussels Now Emerging
  20. Should Brussels Attacks Impact Your Travel Plans? Rick Steves Says No.
  21. Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Brussels Attacks
  22. Brussels, Europe’s jihadist breeding ground, now itself under attack
  23. Following terrorist attacks, Antwerp Jews told not to wear Purim masks
  24. Speaker Ryan: ‘Our Prayers Are with Brussels, as Is Our Solidarity’
  25. Terror attack in Brussels. You still don’t think Europe won’t burn this summer?
  26. Misunderstandings of Islam: Violence and Riots Break Out in Molenbeek
  27. The Daily Toast: Weaken The Nation State, Breed More Extremism
  28. France Makes Major Shift Toward Fascism in Wake of Paris Terror Attacks
  29. A Culture Comes Together From Paris Attacks
  30. Aftermath of the Paris attacks
  31. ‘It’s a criminal gang pretending to be a state’: Discontent grows in ISIS ‘caliphate’ as oil funds dry up
  32. The Great ISIS Recession
  33. The Long Fight Against ISIS
  34. Terror attacks inspired in Syria and made elsewhere in the world
  35. ISIS Losing Twitter War
  36. Islamic State Gang Forging Passports for Muslim Migrants
  37. Sydney: Muslim-convert teen wife of ISIS suspect arrested on terror charges
  38. Former Guantanamo detainee among 4 arrested in Spain, Morocco for Islamic State ties
  39. Europol: 5,000 Islamic State militants walk free in Europe
  40. U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists
  41. 5000 ISIS terrorists sneak into Europe disguised as ‘refugees’
  42. Governor of Yemen’s Aden Survives Al-Qaeda Suicide Car Bomb Attack
  43. Terror plot accused ordered to stand trial in Sydney
  44. Top European Law Enforcement Official Has Dire Warning About
  45. Islam and Presidential Politics
  46. The New Threat from Islamic Militancy by Jason Burke review – important and impressive
  47. Terrifying Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees – Eagle Rising
  48. Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees
  49. Huge Numbers of Muslim Males (‘Migrants’) Board Train in Croatia
  50. Buhari needs God-fearing, patriotic ministers – Iman
  51. Dallas Cair Director: “Muslims Are Above the Law of the Land.”
  52. Life as Usual
  53. Why the romanticising of Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani has to stop
  54. Hyderabad ISIS module busts myth that poverty, lack of education cause for terrorism
  55. Media supporting terrorists happens only in India: Former R&AW official
  56. Malaysia: Playing with Religious Extremism Fire
  57. On a Day Like Today
  58. Why is it always France?
  59. France Attack: More Than 84 Dead As Truck Filled With Bombs Crash Into Crowd.
  60. Terror attack in Nice!!!
  61. A Celebration ended with terror
  62. Hell is empty and all the devils are here
  63. This morning I grieve for Nice
  64. France reels as Bastille Day attack leaves 84 dead in Nice
  65. Tragedy in Nice latest in string of terror attacks in France
  66. France again; terrorism plunges world in chaos as 84 die in bus attack
  67. SitRep: Horror in Nice as Death Toll Rises to 84
  68. Nice Attack
  69. Nice Attack: The Story So Far
  70. Nice: A Day Of Horror
  71. Nice terror- French-Tunisian identific
  72. France: 80 dead in Nice terror attack
  73. Nice terror French-Tunisian identification papers found
  74. Nice Terror- “Keep Eiffel Tower Dark until ISIS conquers France”
  75. Move over guns and bombs; enter trucks, knives and rocks
  76. Run them over with your cars, ISIS had said in a 2014 video
  77. Nice truck attack leaves France and the world in shock
  78. The Damn Truck (Crushing People in Nice)
  79. Truck Crashes Into Crowd In Nice, France; Killing At Least 77
  80. Truck Plows Through Crowd In France, Killing At Least 84: Two Of Them Texans
  81. Video shows the chaos in Nice as gunshots rang out between police and a terrorist
  82. Harrowing video shows the final moments before the horror in France on Bastille Day
  83. Police sources: ID found in truck used in Nice attack
  84. Nice terror despite France being under state of emergency: “you asked for it”, says ISIS
  85. At least 84, including 2 Americans, dead after truck rams crowd in France
  86. Hollande Warns What Obama Won’t: Islamic Terrorism Is Real
  87. How You Can Support France Following the Terrorist Attacks
  88. #DontPrayForNice
  89. Alright, terrorists, you win
  90. A father and son from Texas are among the dead after the horrors in Nice, France
  91. This is not Nice, but….
  92. How to react on Nice attack?
  93. It’s time to get serious …
  94. Here’s How World Leaders Are Reacting to the Terrorist Attack in Nice, France
  95. Vatican Condemns Nice Terrorist Attack
  96. 15 July 2016. Vova on Terrorists
  97. Explaining Terrorism
  98. A few thoughts on Nice
  99. For Nice, Orlando, …
  100. Could More Pedestrianisation And Better Public Transport Be A Weapon Against Terrorism?
  101. I could easily have been there…
  102. As Long as There Are People
  103. Humans, but No Humanity
  104. Whack a Mole
  105. How far will we go to protect ourselves?
  106. Ignore the news
  107. Healing
  108. Should I love or should I hate
  109. Are All Lives Equal?
  110. The consequences of inequality
  111. Enough is Enough- The cause of Suffering is not a Mystery
  112. Why we should try to understand violence
  113. un câlin pour un allié (a hug for an ally)
  114. Panel Discusses Human Rights
  115. Combating terrorism [EU Legislation in Progress]
  116. Daily Takes: Unbridled Fanaticism
  117. Terror Is A French Word
  118. Who Wins the War on Terror? Love wins.
  119. We’ve got to find a way
  120. Profit in Peace
  121. L’amour c’est tout.
  122. Love. Above all.
  123. The reality of love
  124. Husband Of Jo Cox Issues Plea Asking For People To Unite Against Hatred
  125. #prayfor
  126. Prayer for Nice, France
  127. Pray For The World
  128. No Contingencies
  129. Our Amazing Brains
  130. God’s Guarantee to Adam’s Race
  131. A Limited Time?
  132. The Best Is Yet to Come
  133. God All-Powerful


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Pictures of the World, Religious affairs, Video, World affairs