Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Starting point of faith

“I believe that the starting point of faith is some doubt
– not being so full of yourself and so confident that you are right
and that God speaks only to us, and doesn’t speak to others,
that God only cares about us and doesn’t care about others,
that somehow we alone are in possession of the truth.”
~ Barack Obama

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Filed under Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs

Vakantietijd in 2022

Proclamaties, oudercontacten … Het was voor vele ouders de laatste dagen een drukke bedoening, maar hopelijk met alleen maar positief nieuws. Met dit achter de rug staan we aan de vooravond van de zomervakantie en de komkommertijd.

De televisiezenders zijn al enkele weken in die vakantiemodus aan het draaien en geven weer heel wat herhalingen met soms herhalingen van herhalingen. De nieuwsuitzendingen op televisie geven soms de idee dat er niet veel gebeurd in de wereld buiten fiets en tennis wedstrijden.

De regenboogvlag van de lhbt-beweging

Nu is het geen tijd meer voor mode of Miss beauty wedstrijden, maar sommige vrouwen gebruiken deze periode wel om te schitteren op het strand of rond het zwembad. Normaal gesproken gat het bij een schoonheidswedstrijd niet in zijn geheel om fysieke schoonheid van de deelnemers, maar in de zomerplekjes gaat het daar dan wel meestal over. Sommige mannen degraderen daar de vrouw naar een kijk en lustobject, en bekijken daar de vrouwen zoals zij vee zouden keuren. Doorgaans bestaan er ook wel misterverkiezingen waarbij de Mister Gay Belgium, Mister Gay Netherlands en de internationale Mister Gay World een apart maar speciaal plekje hebben gekregen. Voor die was er vorige maand de Pride-maand die sinds 2012 meer ingang begint te krijgen in meerder landen, onder meer doordat sinds 2012 de zoekmachine Google tijdens de Pride-maand juni een jaarlijks wisselende regenboogkleurige versiering bij lhbt-gerelateerde zoekopdrachten vertoont.

Gelukkig zijn wij al heel wat verwijderd van de Stonewall-rellen die eind juni 1969 plaats vonden in de wijk Greenwich Village in New York bij de ontruiming van de homobar Stonewall Inn door de Metropolitan Police. Na jaren van treiterijen en geweldplegingen door de politie besloot het bezoekende publiek van mensen binnen de lgbt-gemeenschap terug te vechten. Nooit eerder hadden homo’s en travestieten in de Verenigde Staten in zulke grote aantallen hardhandig weerstand geboden tegen de op hun gemeenschap gerichte vernederingen door de politie.

In 2013 durfde president Barack Obama Stonewall in zijn inaugurale toespraak als een van de belangrijke momenten in de strijd voor gelijke rechten te vernoemen. Nog geen tien jaar later zien wij die rechten weer in gevaar komen. Zeer conservatieve Christelijke gemeenschappen willen dat de staat mensen weer gaat bestraffen voor dingen die volgens hen niet door de beugel gaan. Hierbij gaat het om mensen die intiem zouden omgaan met anderen van het eigen geslacht.

In Nederland heeft men wel een ‘evangelische beweging‘, maar deze gaat gelukkig nog niet zo te keer als de Amerikaanse Evangelischen. In de States zijn die evangelischen die zogezegd Christus centraal zouden stellen en hun focus zouden leggen op het evangeliseren (vandaar hun naam), eigenlijk verder weg gegleden van de Bijbelse waarheid en heeft de politiek in die kerken heel wat invloed gekregen, of moet men het eerder anders zien, dat die kerken enorme invloed gekregen hebben bij het politiek gebeuren.

Hun sterke invloed in het politiek gebeuren heeft Donald Trump goed in zijn voordeel wegen om te buigen, door drie zeer conservatieve rechters een plaats voor het leven te gunnen in het hoogste gerechtshof van de Verenigde Staten, het Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) of Hooggerechtshof van de Verenigde Staten. Dat gerechtshof kan men moeilijk onpartijdig noemen. Dit jaar bleek ook hoe de conservatieve en fundamentalistische christenen daar hun slag hebben thuis gehaald.

Erg genoeg staan de beveiliging van de mensenrechten niet in hun agenda, en maakten het door de ontkrachting van de wet Roe v. Wade mogelijk om de evangelischen tegemoet te komen en mensen te bestraffen die abortus willen plegen of zelfs mensen willen helpen die dat wensen te ondernemen.

Wat heeft dit allemaal met vakantie te maken, zal u denken. Ik geef toe, niet veel. Maar het zijn dingen die in de komende maanden wel onze aandacht verdienen, want in tijden van afwezigheid van publiek, durven politiekers die dingen er wel door drijven die anders weinig kans maken.

Dit jaar moeten wij er ons ook bewust van zijn dat de vakantieperiode voor sommige mensen met kinderen wel een extra lastige periode zal zijn, doordat hun huishoudbudget dit jaar beperkt is door de economische crisis. Stijgende energie prijzen hebben een lelijke knauw in het budget gegeven. Terwijl in 2011 1 op de 8 Vlamingen in armoede leefde, zou dit volgens sommige analisten al 1 op 5 geworden zijn in het afgelopen jaar.

Door dat in vakantie tijd de mensen hun zorgen opzij willen zetten en de media ook niet veel aandacht vertoont aan wat er in de wereld gebeurt, kan er in die wereld zeer veel onopgemerkt voorbij gaan.

Om dat te vermijden wil ik u er nog graag aan herinneren dat mijn andere website “Some View on the World” blijft door gaan met een kijk op de wereld te brengen. Meerdere kranten worden uitgeplozen en met de voorlegging van die selectie, hoop ik wat leesvoer voor de vakantiedagen te mogen brengen, maar ook wat denkvoer te mogen aanbieden.

Hoe men het draait of keert, wanneer u uw vakantie zal hebben zal de wereld niet stoppen met doordraaien. De mensen zullen niet ophouden met zotte dingen te doen omdat het nu wat lekkerder weer zou zijn of omdat velen niet hoeven te gaan werken.

Wat er allemaal in de wereld gebeurt gaat ons misschien voorbij in die vakantie tijd wanneer wij geen krant lezen of niet zo veel het nieuws op radio of televisie volgen. Misschien is zulk een tijd dan wel ideaal om persoverzichten te lezen.

Soms vraag ik mij wel af of er wel een belang voor persoverzichten bestaat. Toch denk ik dat het belangrijk is om verschillende stemmen, lees verschillende uitvalhoeken, te aanhoren. Met niet naar slechts één krant of informatiebron te luisteren, hoop ik dat wij een duidelijker en juister beeld kunnen krijgen van het gebeuren. Vakantietijd is meestal ook een tijd van reflectie. Ook ik zal de komende drie maanden wat extra tijd nemen om over meerdere dingen, waaronder het te publiceren materiaal na te denken. Het vergt namelijk heel wat tijd, opzoekingswerk, schrijfwerk en lay-out werk voordat er iets gepubliceerd geraakt. Als men daarna de weinige bezoekers of lezers ziet en de weinige reacties kan dat namelijk soms wat  frustratie brengen. Maar toch blijf ik voorlopig de moed er nog inhouden.

Terwijl ik u een aangename vakantie toe wens, hoop ik langs één kant dat u toch hier en daar een gaatje zal kunnen vrij maken om enkele dingen te lezen en na te denken over de gebeurtenissen die ons zullen blijven omringen terwijl heel wat mensen het werk hebben neer gelegd voor enkele weken. Ja, de wereld zal blijven door draaien, en hoe men het draait of keert zullen Russen afgrijselijke wandaden in Oekraïne blijven uitvoeren. Hierbij zullen wij ons ook mogen, of eerder, moeten, afvragen wat die wereldleiders eindelijk eens gaan doen tegen die vele schendingen van mensenrechten en tegen die vele oorlogsmisdaden.

Indien u tijdens uw vakantie ook nog eens de wijde wereld gaat intrekken, hoop ik dat u van de mooie natuur en goed weer zal kunnen genieten.

Veel plezier!



De keuze van evangelicals zullen wellicht het verschil moeten maken voor de Verenigde Staten

Komende tijd om te drentelen, kuieren, slenteren, wandelen en te genieten van het landschap

Vakantie is… stilte in je hoofd

Gun jezelf een dagje lummelen

Zomervakantie 2020

De Belg wilt op vakantie gaan

Geen tijd om stil te staan bij het voorbije maar om te genieten van het nú



  1. Vierde Armoedebarometer tekent geen goed nieuws op
  2. De Evangelische voorganger in beeld
  3. Evangelischen drijven verder weg van Bijbelse waarheid (Our World) = Evangelischen drijven verder weg van Bijbelse waarheid (Some View on the World)
  4. Een kerk naar smaak en taal
  5. Nederlandse man vervrouwelijkt volgens Jaap Marinus
  6. Kleine gemeenschap in ongeïnteresseerde wereld
  7. De ‘achterdeur’ van de evangelische beweging
  8. 2019-2020-2021 Twee seizoenen vol veranderingen #3 Virtuele bijeenkomsten
  9. Is er wel belang voor persoverzichten – of Krijgt frustratie mij klein
  10. Uitgever zijn geloof en hoop – Mijn verwachtingspatroon – Wat ik fijn zou vinden
  11. Mijn geloof en hoop
  12. Doelstellingen van “Some View on the World” of “Een Kijk op de wereld”
  13. Blijf geïnformeerd
  14. Tot nu toe 4 105 artikelen geplaatst – een te grote hoeveelheid om ze nu van trefwoorden te voorzien
  15. Deur op een kier voor een kortere zomervakantie
  16. Zomervakantie
  17. Gedachte voor vandaag: Tijd voor God kunnen plaatsen
  18. Ver weg van huis
  19. Vakantie en reizen in coronatijden
  20. Ruimte voor gebed maken in zomervakantie



  1. Een Tropenkind gaat voor het eerst kamperen (met haar Oer Hollandse gezin)
  2. Zonsondergang
  3. Met kinderen naar het museum: 10 tips om het leuk en relaxed te maken
  4. Spielerei
  5. ECO logies: duurzaam en energieneutraal overnachten in Nederland en België
  6. Strand debuut
  7. Een wind waaiende middag
  8. Nadronk
  9. Dag 20: en weer naar huis
  10. Nog te zien tot 20 mei: tentoonstelling Shelter City
  11. Oekraïne: de hypocrisie als alibi
  12. Russische sporters en kunstenaars moeten zich publiekelijk tegen de Russisch- Oekraïense oorlog uitspreken
  13. De eerste dagen van de oorlogen in Irak en Oekraïne
  14. Den Haag 9-11: Webinar Heb jij weleens van intersekse of seksediversiteit gehoord?


Filed under Aankondiging & Introductie, Culturele aangelegenheden, Economische aangelegenheden, Juridische aangelegenheden, Kennis en Wijsheid, Levensstijl, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Nieuwsgebeurtenissen - Journaal, Politieke aangelegenheden, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Sociale Aangelegenheden, Voelen en Welzijn, Wereld aangelegenheden

De keuze van evangelicals zullen wellicht het verschil moeten maken voor de Verenigde Staten

De Verenigde Staten van America zullen voor enkel weken sterk in de kijker staan.

In die federale staten is godsdienst nog van sterk belang. Er zijn daar nog heel wat kerkgangers die geloof een belangrijk gegeven vinden om als onderdeel te zijn van de wetgevende en heersende macht. Als de presidentskandidaat te socialistisch of links mag overkomen kan deze het meestal vergeten. Zo kon Bernie Sanders wel zeer mooie voorstellen voor de natie hebben, weinigen wensten er gehoor aan te geven. Diegene die het meeste geld heeft en daarbij nog mooi kan praten maakt in de V.S.A. meestal de meeste kans om te slagen. Als mooiprater  kon Donald Trump in  2016 met nu en dan gezwaai van naar godsdienst verwijzende woorden liefst 81 procent van de Amerikaanse evangelischen bekoren. Of zij nu nog zo blij zijn met hun president die nu en dan toch ware onchristelijke steken heeft laten vallen en zelfs schijnigschennigachtig met de Bijbel wist te zwaaien is een andere zaak. Maar het zal heel belangrijk worden in  de komende verkiezingen, doordat Joe R. Biden nu niet echt als een sterk persoon kan aanzien worden.

De peilingen van het conservatieve Trump liefhebbende netwerk Fox News zitten er niet vaak naast en dat zou voor Trump een goede reden zijn om toch nog hevig te reageren tegen de conservatieve kandidaten, vooral tegen de voorgestelde vice-presidente. De meest recente uitslag laat zien dat 28 procent van de witte evangelischen van plan is om op Joe Biden te stemmen bij de presidentsverkiezingen komende november. De peiling laat zien dat Joe Biden 28 procent van de blanke evangelische stemmen veroverde. Dat is een sprong van 12 punten ten opzichte van wat Hillary Clinton in 2016 kreeg volgens Pew, en dat betekent dat 66 procent op Trump zou stemmen. Volgens sommige analisten zou dat de nederlaag van Trump vrijwel garanderen.


Bij de vorige keer dachten wij echter ook dat Trump het vast en zeker niet kon halen. Mis poes! Versteld en verslagen moesten wij toezien hoe deze bullebak toch aan het roer kwam te staan van die grote natie, waar hij nu zo verdeeldheid heeft gezaaid, al beloofde hij die natie “terug groot te maken”.

De huidige peilingen zijn daarom nog niets om te vrezen volgens de Trump aanhangers. Zij zijn er van overtuigd dat fake news Donald Trump graag onderuit zou willen halen, maar dat hun president dat zal overstijgen met grote trots. Het huidige resultaat van peilingen is dan voor de Trump getrouwen nauwelijks een reden om in paniek te raken of om zich door Democraten van de wijs te laten brengen.

“Eén enquête is slechts één enquête, en we hebben een lange weg te gaan tussen nu en november.”

En zoals we allemaal in 2016 hebben geleerd, is solide peilingen niet hetzelfde als stemmen. Trump heeft in het verleden lange kansen overwonnen en zou dat heel goed nog een keer kunnen doen. Met hem hebben wij al genoeg verrassingen gekregen en hij heeft al heel wat uit zijn hoed kunnen toveren.

Maar 28 procent van de blanke evangelischen is een nog hoger percentage dan president Barack Obama die in zijn historische overwinning van 2008 haalde, toen hij 26 procent van de blanke evangelische stemmen kreeg. De marges van Trump waren in 2016 mager en zullen dit jaar waarschijnlijk weer mager zijn. Dat alles maakt dat noch hij, noch Biden veel ruimte voor fouten hebben.


De DNC meeting ging virtueel door en leek een beetje op ons Europees songfestival wanneer de stemmen werden uitgebracht. Hierbij kwam duidelijk naar voor dat voor de democraten Joe Biden en zijn running mate senator Kamala Harris kwamen te steunen.
Voormalige concurrenten zoals burgemeester Pete Buttigieg en senator Bernie Sanders boden hun steun aan samen met het geheime wapen van de Democraten: een groep Republikeinse functionarissen onder leiding van gouverneur John Kasich die tijdelijk hun politieke meningsverschillen indienen om Trump aan de kaak te stellen en Biden te steunen.
Michelle Obama was maandag de keynote speaker en gaf duidelijk haar vroegere positie van First Lady alle eer aan te doen. Haar man zal later deze week zijn eigen adres inleveren, maar zij gaf al duidelijk aan dat Donald Trump nu al genoeg kansen heeft gekregen die hij niet heeft waar kunnen maken, zodat iedereen wel zou moeten te weten gekomen zijn dat Trump niet de juiste man voor het land is.

In haar indrukwekkende speech op de jaarlijkse conferentie van de Democratische partij in Amerika vermelde ze het belang van empathie wat Trump helemaal niet bezit en legt ze uit wat het betekent om één natie van God te zijn.

“We moeten een manier vinden om samen te leven en samen te werken ondanks onze verschillen”, vertelt de voormalige first lady.

Ondertussen bereidt de RNC hun eigen conventie voor, met namen als de gouverneur van South Dakota Kristi Noem, het St.Louis-echtpaar Mark en Patricia McCloskey die werden gefotografeerd terwijl ze BLM-demonstranten intimideerden met hun vuurwapens.


Filed under Geschiedenis, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Nieuwsgebeurtenissen - Journaal, Politieke aangelegenheden, Wereld aangelegenheden

From Guestwriters 2016 in review

English: The logo of the blogging software Wor...

Each day million articles are published, looking to find a reading eye. Every day thousands of new articles appear on WordPress. In 2016 one hundred seventeen billion nine hundred thirteen million one hundred forty-eight thousand three hundred fifty seven words got published on WordPress. {Automattic WordPress year-in-review-2016}

2016 in view

The year that David Bowie and Prince passed away, like several very well known figures of the arts world, it looked like some people who made it in their life did not want to stay here any longer. It was also the year of lots of terrorism and political correctness, where those who are different than the mainstream (disabled, transgender, refugees, extreme religious and non religious groups, jihad fighters,) got lots of attention.
In the United States of America Obama Care which at last had become a reality came back under threat. North America saw in Boston in November, the Disability Policy Consortium accepted proposals and held a Disability Intersectionality Summit. Presentations included topics on the intersections of being undocumented, being LGBTQ+, being a person of colour, having mental health disabilities, on #DisabilityTooWhite – the hashtag and movement around the the disability community’s failure to represent racially diverse voices – and more. Lots of things came on the American roller-coaster, having Michigan banned non-emergency restraint and seclusion for disabled students and Georgia’s governor speaking in favour of Employment First policies for disabled people in Georgia.

2016 Nice attack.png

Route of the attacker from west to east at the Promenade des Anglais, Nice

With the 15th anniversary of 9/11 the jihadi‘s made sure they would not be forgotten; ISIS/ISIL and BokoHaram being the new strongholders. In Europe the fear took so many people that politicians saw the opportunity to fuel the extreme right and come with absurd laws, like banning burkini‘s. All the fearmongering having fueled by the March 22 suicide bombings at Brussel’s Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station, leaving around 35 victims dead and 360 seriously injured, ISIS claiming responsibility.
America also got its portion of  ISIS-madness with a gunman claiming allegiance to the Islamic State opens fire at gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49, injuring 53 – one of the bigger mass shootings in the U.S.A.. September 17 a terror bomb in Chelsea, New York injured 29 people. Lots of Americans got so frightened of Muslim people, looking at them if they all would be terrorist, though they under their own white Christian population had more victims by weapon violence this year than by terrorism. Several times the world could see how racism is still a big problem in the States and how police can not keep themselves in control when arresting black people. (African American Alton Sterling shot by Louisiana police in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile shot by police in St Paul Black on July 6; American Keith Lamont Scott September 20)
The Islamic militants for sure where very active all over the world. Some events called for more attention worldwide, having foreigners also under the victims or by being considered the country’s worse terror attack for the year, like at a cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh, where a fighter killed 20 hostages and 2 police on July 1. The next day (July 2) a large lorry bomb in Baghdad killing at least 125 people and wounding 150, Islamic State claiming once more responsibility.  On December 11 a bombing at a chapel in Cairo, Egypt, killed 25 and wounded 45. December 19 again a truck was used to kill many people, like in Nice on the 14th of July now the target was a Christmas market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48.

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Aftermath of the 2016 Berlin attack

In the States of America on January 17 the Fourth Democratic presidential candidates debate showed how Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed over healthcare and gun control in Charleston, South Carolina, and gave us an idea that though perhaps the best candidate of all Bernie Sanders would not going to make it to president elect. Two days later Sarah Palin officially endorsed Donald Trump‘s presidential bid at a Trump rally in Ames, Iowa. What nobody thought possible occurred when this man made it to the preselections, then to the selection to finally become what nobody would ever dreamed possible, him becoming president elect. November 8 Republican Donald Trump became elected President of The United States of America, defeating democrat Hillary Clinton despite Clinton winning 2.9 million more votes. Europe fell on its back for the second time, the first one having been the vote for the Brexit (June 23), who nobody had thought would come through. These two unexpected events show clearly how careful we must be when we think it not necessary to spend time on such personalities and situations.


Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

For that reason we should much more react on what is going on on ecological level. The Paris Agreement on climate change signed in New York (on April 22) binding 195 nations to an increase in the global average temperature to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C is only the beginning of a long road to run. Global warming is not only blamed the cause of many people having to flee for the rising water-level. On August 1 there was an anthrax outbreak in the Russian district Yamalo-Nenets, Siberia killing one and infecting 8 others, also killing 2,300 reindeer. Indian government declared levels of air pollution in Delhi an emergency situation, closing schools and construction sites on November 6.

Though 2016 seemed to be the year that people where more concerned about the whereabouts and the look of their friends on Facebook and Twitter. Social media being the major interest gainer of the year. Most people more concerned about their outfit, fashion, style and strangely enough books and films again.

Astronaut Scott Kelly

Astronaut Scott Kelly

Lots of people running with their heads in the skies did not notice that US astronauts Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko returned to earth, on March the 2nd, after nearly a year (340 days), setting an ISS record. For the earthly matters it became time that the U.S.A. did something positive to restore the relations between them and Cuba. March 20 Barack Obama became the first US President to visit Cuba since 1928, arriving for a 2 day tour.

The ‘Big Joke of the year’ (in April) was to see how many politicians who said something had to be done against fraud and how people had to pay honestly their taxes, their names could be found on the 11.5 million confidential documents from offshore law firm Mossack Fonseca , the Panama Papers exposing widespread illegal activities including fraud, kleptocracy, tax evasion and the violation of international sanctions by the world’s elite in the world’s largest ever data leak.

On April 11 UN-backed ceasefire came into effect in Yemen conflict between Iranian-backed Houthis rebels and government forces.

June 7 with a car bomb attack on a police bus in central Istanbul killing 11 was just a beginning of a whole series of bombings in Turkey of which there is no clarity if they are orchestrated by some political forces to have Erdogan in an even stronger dictatorial position. June 28 presented again a suicide bombings and gun attacks, at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport killing 42 and wounding more than 200. We have no idea if the coup d’etat was something set up by Erdogan himself. It gave him way to hold a big clean up and to get rid of all those who stood in his way.

In Colombia more than 50 years of conflict came in its last stadium, the governement and Farc rebels signing a ceasefire agreement on June the  23rd, followed by many talks to have the rebels not being sued.

2016 for this platform

WordPress Administration

WordPress Administration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Of the 595,795,035 posts written on WordPress we only presented a mere 358 articles, hoping our humble little site could catch some interest by the many people who are scanning the worldwide internet for something interesting to read. From our tiny country not having any funds, not having serious backing and not able to afford much money on writers, designers or even having our own publishing space, just using the private limited funds of the editor and responsible publisher Mr. Marcus Ampe, we sincerely try to find some interesting literature on the net and present it to our readers and visitors. Because not having much GBites we are limited in re-blogging because pictorial content eats our internet data space, but when a must read is found with lots of photos we still do hope to be able to discuss it or to present it in one of our articles.

English: Stats on Cross-ideological Blogging

Stats on Cross-ideological Blogging (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We must confess that we did not catch many readers for the many work-hours we invest searching for additional and further reading material. Luckily this was the first year we did not very angry letters of people being onerous that we included their article in the listing. In 2016 for the first time we even got a letter thanking us for having brought 1000 readers to someone’s site. Though we put a lot of work in creating all the links in the articles and in the accompanying list of interesting articles, to our sense or liking not enough people make use of those links and referential titles. For that reason from now on we shall perhaps start putting less url-backgroundlinks to words or tags, but still shall continue to try to offer you a list of noteworthy article by other bloggers.

It is a pity we only could find 7 782 views of only 4 827 visitors coming along.
Officially opened to the public on 2014/03/2 we got 1 847 visitors the first year and 2 764 visitors in 2015, so we may be satisfied it is a line going upwards. Though published from Belgium in the European Union, our ‘home-country’ only delivered 269 views. The United States being at the top with giving us 3745 views, followed by the United Kingdom delivering 852 views and our northern neighbours the Netherlands offering us 532 views may encourage us to continue.

The home page caught 2 118 views, followed by 349 for the About page. Of the articles “Religious celebrations in May 2016” got the most views (only 103) and got only 4 likes.

People naturally have to find us. 1 437 do so by using search machines, whilst 783 use the WordPress facilities. 155 come along by Facebook. But we too are happy to find other WordPress users referring to us and bringing readers to our site. Naturally our own authors or own sites like our ecclesia site (9 views), the Belgian Biblestudents and the Bijbelvorsers (each 8) and Stepping Toes (7), but non connected writers like ridzerdvandijk.wordpress.com with 8 views and sneakytwistedlittlewildheart.wordpress.com (good for 6), entering the promissedland (5), discoveronething (5), eternalhunt (5) and some others bringing us each 4 or less viewers.

U.S. advertisement for the 11th edition from t...

U.S. advertisement for the 11th edition from the May 1913 issue of National Geographic Magazine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The most used search terms were ‘hoopvolle slogans’ and ‘bezinningsteksten zelfkritiek’ with each 3 hits.
We ourselves brought 110 readers to our other site “Our World” and for for other sources Wikipedia got 56 readers from us, whilst the Collins dictionary got 21 and the very good Encyclopaedia Britannica only 18 views. Abortion and crime rates by wordlifeandlight managed to get 6 views from us and Lizaborstlap received also 6 visitors, as far as we can see from our statistics.

imageThis last person who has always been a person with a to-do list is also one of the people who wanted to share some writing on this platform. But there were many days when she became a slave to her lists and she had to face that things don’t always happen as planned and that she would feel like a failure if she wasn’t able to cross out all the tasks that she allocated to a specific day.{a goal should scare you a little and excite you a Lot!}

She may perhaps had to become, like us, more specific and to be realistic in what she can (and can’t) achieve in one day; but we did want to reach so much and sometimes got frustrated not seeing our accomplishment for the day.

We are still looking for authors who would not mind to write about lifestyle, interior design, fashion, cooking, family life, gardening, nature and ecological matters and some persons who would not mind tackling the history and people who would love to write about education and health. There are so many subjects not covered yet by people who can tell more about it than we can.

From the end of 2016 onwards we added two viewpoints, namely two comparators, on one site the Muslim world and on the other site the Judaic world and traditions.

English: Monkeys Blogging Español: Simios blog...

English: Monkeys Blogging Español: Simios bloggeando (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We do know that certain subjects are not tackled here. Marcus Ampe would love to find some one talking about family matters, family life being one of the cornerstones of our society. To his regret he must also establish that in 2016 not enough regard was given to ecological matters. Man having to live in surroundings which are too polluted and which are filled with buildings and cars, but not given the freedom to have enough green to bring enlightenment and fresh air to people. It is really getting time that more people warn others about us, man, to take care of mother earth, before it is too late.

Whilst on WordPress in general 112 million posts were liked, we did not have many likes. 8 billion e-mails were send on WordPress, but in those there are not counted the very many e-mails we got in our own e-mail box, instead of reacting on the blog articles themselves. This is a pity, because other readers can not read the reactions and oh so often we have to reply to very similar questions, which is more time consuming than having a reply which can be read by thousands on the internet.

For 2017 may we hope that if there are even more articles written on the internet than the 595,795,035 posted on WordPress in 2016 and the huge amount of comments, making it up to 457,596,906 comments on WordPress, you shall be able to  find some very interesting articles and comments here too.

Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fash...

Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fashion Show, New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In 2016 we saw that it is possible that those with the biggest mouth and do not mind trampling over many can get their cause. 2016 may have been a disastrous year on several issues and lots of important issues where not even mentioned or got not the right attention. For this new year we love to repeat our call to get more people daring to come out for the poor and the maltreated. We also once more want to ask people to wake up the majority of the population who still keeps their eyes closed for what is really going on in this world. There is a need of more people who are willing to stand up to preserve and encourage the progress of humanity while resisting the forces that threaten to turn it backwards.

We have to be very cautious for what certain people try to do with their nation but also with the world. As citizen we should be aware that politicians are nothing without their people and that folks if they really want can be much stronger than those politicians, who dare to look away from the citizen who needs help and encouragement. Those who call themselves Christian should be there to give a hand to all that need help, not forgetting nature, plants and animals who do not have a voice. therefore we do hope to find more blogs tackling their problem, and would love to have an author on ecology writing for us from this year onwards.

Without you reader we are nothing and can do nothing. We thank you for being here with us and for the followers we are grateful and do hope we can please you with a varied menu.

Wishing everyone a great 2017.


Preceding article

2014 in review

In 2015 finishing our first year: From Guestwriters 2015 in review

Pokémon craziness

2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Children of Men

Max Lucado: I Had a Dream That Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Reached a Truce

Leaders in disguise

Looking at man’s closest friend

Looking at an American nightmare

The twist of politics and expression

Tribes Redux

Darkest just before dawn

Bruxelles Ma Belle

Mountains of information, disinformation and breaking away

Women in France running with naked bosom all right but with covered bosom penalised

An American Embassy to the Eternal Capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem

Humanity Quote for Pax Populi

When will it stop

Not limiting others but sharing peace with all

Not missing your appointment in 2017


Additional reading

  1. EU’s European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) asylum seekers and Eastern neighbours
  2. At the closing hours of 2016 #1 Looking down at terror
  3. At the closing hours of 2016 #2 Low but also highlights
  4. Suffering brothers and sisters in Malawi, Mozambique and surrounding areas
  5. Not much interest for English articles
  6. From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah
  7. 2016 American Bible survey
  8. On April 21 brother Nelson, in the world better known as Prince was lost
  9. Social media, sympathy & shocks
  10. Foreign workers and immigrants
  11. A stain of shame for the European Union
  12. Voted against their system
  13. A sleeper cell of militants was said directing attackers sent back to France from Islamic State’s de-facto capital in Raqqa, Syria
  14. Daesh hits heart of Europe
  15. Islamism Rises from Europe’s Secularism
  16. March 22 2016, attacks in Brussels at airport and metro
  17. A Black day for Belgium – Brussels Airport ravage
  18. Knife-trust in democratic sore back
  19. For those who call the Brussels Airport attacks a fake or a conspiracy of the government
  20. Terrorist attacks in brussels
  21. Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists
  22. US President, Barack Obama Condemns The Outrageous Brussels Attacks
  23. What Associated Press released on Wednesday 23 March 2016
  24. Mediterranean bloodshed
  25. Nice attack, terror everywhere and coup attempt in Turkey
  26. Is Europe going to become a dictatorial bastion
  27. French showing to the whole world their fear and weakness
  28. On French beach French police forces woman to undress in public
  29. France and the Burkini
  30. Secularism in France becoming dangerous for freedom of religion
  31. Christians, secularism, morals and values
  32. Listening to the lessons of the Bible and looking for ways to please God
  33. Where’s the Outrage Over Nun Beachwear? – The Daily Beast
  34. You are what you wear
  35. Does Banning Face Veils Help Us Fight Terrorism?
  36. Jews the next scapegoat for Donald Trump
  37. The American clouds of Anti-Semitism
  38. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  39. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  40. Trump has been buffetted by accusations of miscunduct
  41. Fearmongering succeeded and got the bugaboo a victory
  42. Are United States of America citizens going to show their senses
  43. When so desperate to hold onto power
  44. Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office
  45. Brexit and British business
  46. Brexit No. 2 Blow-up
  47. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’
  48. A strong and wise fighter who keeps believing in America
  49. Bosphorus bloodshed
  50. Belgian aftershock from the Turkish coup d’état


Other WordPress bloggers looking back at 2016

  1. 2016 Year In Review (by Hunter Bonner)
  2. 16 things i learned in 2016
  3. 2016 was lighting candles to mourn, but it was also carrying torches high
  4. 2016: Year in Review (by Angela Classen)
  5. Hasta La Vista 2016!
  6. Top 10 Moments of 2016
  7. 2016 in Review (by Pastor Zach)
  8. A year in review
  9. 2016 in Review: Your Favorites, My Favorites
  10. 2016 Review (by Pliable)
  11. Tater’s 2016 In Review
  12. Best and worst reads of 2016
  13. Reflections and Resolutions for 2017
  14. 2016 Year in review book tag
  15. V’s Reading Year in Review: 2016
  16. 2016 Recap and 2017 Goals
  17. A Look Back at 2016
  18. 2016 in Review (by amanda)
  19. 2016 in review (by Katrin Ilves)
  20. My 2016 Freelancing Report: 28 Pitches Disappeared into a Black Hole (but I’m okay with that)
  21. 2016 Year in Review (by Trip accomplice)
  22. Honorable Mentions 2016
  23. 16 in 2016: Results
  24. 2016 Year in Review (by Abby)
  25. Looking Back at 2016…
  26. 2016 in the books
  27. My 2016 in Books and Graphic Novels, Part 1 of 2
  28. 2016 in Review (by Sarah)
  29. Best and Worst of 2016
  30. Sara Reads No. 17
  31. Two Thousand and Sixteen
  32. So Long 2016!
  33. 2016: The Book Fight! Year in Review
  34. Year In Review: Variety Edition
  35. 216 of 2016
  36. 2016 Year in Review (by Becker)
  37. 2016 Year in Review: A Year in Outfits
  38. 2016 In Review (by Leigh)
  39. 2016; What a Year
  40. A Look Back at 2016 and a Peek Forward at 2017
  41. 2016: Year in Pictures
  42. 2016 Year in Review – The Five Most Thrilling Action Scenes
  43. Looking Back on 2016 (by sip of star)
  44. 2016: Year in Review (by James)
  45. 2016 Year In Review (by alex)
  46. My Top Ten Books from 2016
  47. Top Ten Blogs of 2016
  48. vCloud Air: 2016 Year in Review
  49. 2016: Running Year in Review
  50. 2016: My Year in Review (by lurking)
  51. Things that were not garbage even though 2016 was
  52. Adelaide Etc in 201
  53. Looking at 2016
  54. Blogging Lessons of 2016
  55. 2017 New Year’s Resolutions
  56. 2016 in Review (by dgobs)
  57. 2016 – A Year in Review (by comics)
  58. 2016 in Review (by the Cappucino traveler)
  59. Highlights from 2016
  60. Life of Lizzie: 2016 In Review
  61. Top 10 Tuesday: Best Books of 2016
  62. 2016 Year in Review (by Library cancuck)
  63. The 2017 Post
  64. The best 15 posts of 2016
  65. 2016 Year in Review – Book Stats
  66. 2016 by the Numbers (by Melissa)
  67. Five 2016 singles that I find myself enjoying in 2016
  68. Happy 2017 From Still Chasing Fireflies!
  69. The Best Albums of 2016
  70. My 2016 in Books and Graphic Novels, Part 2 of 2
  71. 2016: Year in Review (by Natalieinne)
  72. 2016 in Books (by Stories)
  73. Year In Review: Kpop Edition
  74. 16 Things I Learned In 2016
  75. My Year In Re(ar)view
  76. 2016: Year in Review (by Kai)
  77. Foursquare/Swarm Year in Review
  78. What i learnt in 2016
  79. My Top Five Blog Posts of 2016 (and other highlights)
  80. Dear 2017 (by Sophia van Gent)
  81. Top Posts of 2016
  82. 2016 Year in Review (by Styled by Summer)
  83. The End Of Year Survey For 2016
  84. 2016 Year in Review (by Angela Chau)
  85. 2016 Year in Review (by LJT Reads)
  86. 2016: A Year in Review (by Zaweebie)
  87. 2016: A Bookish Retrospective
  88. 2016: A Review (by Jazmin)
  89. Goodbye 2016
  90. The scariest post I’ve ever written: my favorite reads in 2016
  91. 2016 Year in Review
  92. The Ups and Downs of 2016 – The Year in Review
  93. 2016, A Year in Review: a yer of ups and downs
  94. My Year In Review. Mom Fashion Style
  95. One of My Favorite Things
  96. 2016 Year In Review (by Ashley)
  97. 2016, By the Numbers
  98. Alt-Right 2016: The Current Year in Review
  99. Year in review: 2016 Top Ten Conspiracies
  100. 7 Global Health Breakthroughs: A Year in Review
  101. ABC s of 2016
  102. 2016 #DiversityJC – Ian’s Year-End Review
  103. 2016 Year in Review-it was interesting
  104. “Reflecting on 2016” part 2 = My Biggest Disappointments
  105. 9 Reasons Why 2016 Was Pretty Great
  106. Top 6 of 2016
  107. 2016 in review (by BamBam)
  108. 2016 Year In Review: The Good, The Bad And The Deaths
  109. Breakaway 2016 – A Year In Review
  110. Trump, Prince, and Queen Elizabeth: 2016’s most-read Wikipedia articles
  111. 2016: Sustainable Nano Year in Review
  112. Quiz of the Year Response!
  113. Hello 2017! (by spina squared)
  114. 2016 in Review: A Year on Staff
  115. Looking Back on 2016 (by Melissa Burgess)
  116. 2016 – A Moment a Month
  117. My Blog in 2016 (by MS.L. Wheeler)
  118. 2016 Year in Review (by Ingrid Racine)
  119. My Year in Books 2016
  120. Best Books of 2016 (by Gwen)
  121. 2016 in Review by Ellie Pelto)
  122. 22: Books I read last year
  123. Comics Update: My Current Lineup and 2016 Pros & Cons
  124. 2016 #DiversityJC – Doctor_PMS’s Year End Review
  125. Top Ten Books of 2016
  126. Top 16 of 2016
  127. 2016 in Film
  128. Reader’s Room Winter Challenge
  129. My Tweets in 2016 #MTBoS
  130. 16 great things from 2016
  131. Jim Ryan: Looking Back At The Year in Music
  132. New Year : Noob Year
  133. My One Word for 2017: Onward
  134. New Year Blog – Revising 2016, and Looking Forward to 2017
  135. 2016 Year in Books
  136. 2016 Law Review
  137. 2016 – A Year in Review (by Rob P)
  138. Softimage mailing 2016 year in review
  139. Top 8 of 2016: Art Highlights
  140. Rowls- 2016 year in review
  141. Faves of 2016: Nonfiction
  142. 2016 My Year in Review:  My Top Ten Personal Lessons/Observations
  143. Goodbye 2016 (by Allison Anti Quotidian)
  144. 2016 Year in Review (by Kialtho)
  145. A Year In Review
  146. My goals for 2017
  147. Yeah, 2017!
  148. 2016 Year In Review (It Sucked But I Read A Lot)
  149. Tart ISBI: Year in Review, 2016
  150. 2017 A Year of Light in Action
  151. fifty things that made my year, 2016
  152. You are (20)16 going on (20)17
  153. 2016: Amazing Year in Review
  154. Goodbye 2016
  155. 2016 Book Archive
  156. 2016: Stronger Together
  157. a year in the life
  158. 2016 Was interesting
  159. 2016 Costuming Year in Review
  160. Learn How to Better Engage Your Child with a Year in Review Activity
  161. The Obsessive Viewer Podcast – Ep 199 – 2016 Year in Review – Best and Worst Movies of the Year and Viewing Stats
  162. Looking back at 2016
  163. 2016 in Music: Shock and Awe
  164. Look back, leap forward
  165. Were You Ready To Close Your Book?
  166. 2017 (by Andrew Reynolds)
  167. 2016 In Review (by Aaron Mallett)
  168. My 2016 at the Movies, Part 1 of 2: The Year’s Least Best
  169. Ten Moments in GH music: 2016
  170. Anime of the Year: CJ Hitchcock’s Top 5 Anime of 2016
  171. 2016 Reflections
  172. Year in Review/Shit for 2017
  173. 2016 Year in Review (by Dan Guido)
  174. January 9: Warmer Weather Ahead, Looking Back At 2016
  175. 2017 – a year in review
  176. Annual Statement of Goals, 2017 Edition
  177. 2016 Reading Challenge – final report
  178. New Year, New baby, new outlook
  179. 2016 Beer in Review
  180. Happy 2017
  181. NFL Year in Review
  182. Tag – Year-end Superlative Tag
  183. Yearly Wrap-Up! || 2016
  184. 2016 in Books
  185. End of Year Survey; 2016
  186. 2016 Year In Review (by Run Wright)
  187. 2016 Year in Review (a crazy year for bad literature)
  188. Some Days in 2016
  189. Twenty-sixteen: that’s a wrap
  190. 2016 in review (by Mara Thang)
  191. My 2016 at the Movies, Part 2 of 2: The Year’s Least Worst
  192. 2016: A Yer in review (all in one)
  193. My Writing Year – 2016 In Review
  194. Endings & Beginnings
  195. 2016 Year In Review! (by circling around the sun)
  196. The year of many firsts
  197. Goodbye 2016 – Hello 2017
  198. 2016 – A Year In Review
  199. Two Years Gone By
  200. translate.wordpress.com in 2016
  201. Welcoming the light
  202. My Bookish Year 2016
  203. 2016 Pop Culture Year in Review
  204. Short stories I read and loved in 2016
  205. Set It Off: My Writing Goals for 2017
  206. Goodbye 2016
  207. 2016 By The Numbers
  208. 2016 In review (the Mic is the message)
  209. 2016 in Review (by Cindy)
  210. Erin Blogs 2016 in Review
  211. High Five For 2016!
  212. 2016 Round up
  213. 2016: Year in Reading
  214. 2016: looking back
  215. So That Was 2016..Year in Review
  216. 2016
  217. Year In Review – 2016 (by atop the clouds)








Filed under Activisme & Vredeswerk, Announcement, Crimes & Atrocities, Ecological affairs, Economical affairs, Headlines - News, History, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters, World affairs

The twist of politics and expression

A retired public school administrator and history professor says political polls asked people all across the nation how they felt about issues and adds that hey have been publicized in the mass media and questions how minorities would not being protected?

He writes

Our laws call for equal justice for all. The problem is that certain segments of our society are in denial about some of the crimes committed in our country. For example, the Black Lives Matter supporters blame the police for the killing of a few black people some of whom had criminal records.  But they ignore the fact that the greatest killers of black people are other black people. In Chicago, the murder rate of black on black is greater than the casualties we suffered in Afghanistan. So why doesn’t the Black Lives Matter supporters focus on the greatest killer of young black men? {A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal}

That America where effectively a lot of killing goes on between the black population by their own skin-coloured compatriots, could once more shake Europe with something they never would have expected and would not have hoped for.

A great problem of the States and Europe is that they had to undergo a terrible stock market crash and a period with lots of job losses. Both parts of the world also had to face a lot of people becoming poorer.

He writes

According to federal government statistics, we have more poor people now than ever before in our history. Ever since Lyndon Johnson started to spend billions on welfare and food stamps through his War on Poverty, poverty has INCREASED not decreased. Under Obama, according to federal government statistics, our nation now has more people than ever before. Obviously throwing money at the problem has increased poverty, not decreased it. {A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal}

For him

ObamaCare is a total disaster.  Need I remind you that the Democratic Party politicians NEVER included Republicans in the drafting of the law. They refused to work with the Republicans.  So the high premiums and high deductibles which make ObamaCare unaffordable is entirely the blame of the Democrats. {A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal}

He seems to forget Obama Care could not really be worked out as envisioned, because the republicans worked against it. It also had to face the difficulty, that though the U.S.A. claims to be a Christian nation there is not much Christian love for sharing with the weaker and needy ones. A lot of American citizens seem to care most for their own self little cocoon and all the rest they do not bother how they can manage.

For Europeans all what is going on in the states should be a portent. We should be aware of the dangerous harbinger showing very similar situations we have already encountered with the Weimar republic. In the twenties and thirties of previous century there was also a nation where there was a big difference between those who had money and those who had to fight every day to have some bread on the table. Last century Europe also face a crisis which made them very much afraid of all that was foreign or different than the main stream. Also then we saw a man with a big mouth shouting load and promising a lot.

This time it was at the other side of the ocean that some bigger or larger man used similar rhetoric tricks to get the majority of people on his hands.

Those who had other viewpoints at that time were not tolerated and often considered traitors. Something we also found a man of the American senate calling Hillary Clinton and demanding her to be put on the electric chair. It is not because the U.S.A. is called the land of the free that they are really so free.

The man replies

Trump has done nothing to violate the freedom of people. He isn’t even in office yet.

though did he not give enough signals that he would love to limit the freedom of many?

It is the protestors who are either unwilling or unable to accept Trumps’s selection in a democratic process.  They are the ones who are creating the violence. When Obama won his elections, there were NO demonstration or violence committed against his supporters.

I agree with him that violence should not be permitted, in no circumstances, but to call Trump a full democratic process is to lay violent hands on the truth. In the U.S.A. people with not enough money never will make a chance to become a presidential candidate and once the are in, they have to count on people or worse organisations funding them. that the one with the biggest mouth can force them to step down, you can call part of the democratic system, so no objection to that. It is up to people to hear what a person is promulgating. It is up to the listeners to examine what that person in front of them is enunciating and if his or her words are filled with the truth or are distorting the truth. In the case of Donald Trump they seemed to be deaf for all the lies he told and for how he switched from one side to an other, turning like the wind. He could uncap whatever he wanted and they all wanted to take it in like sweet buns.

Hillary Clinton speaks to the press in New Ham...

Hillary Clinton speaks to the press in New Hampshire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The writer thinks we in Europe must be taken by all the propaganda, because most of us seem to have a distorted view of what is going on in America, and perhaps in the world.

What I find strange the writer of A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal does not seem to see the difference of what the bible-scholar Bijbelvorsers wrote and on what he reblogged, taking everything what was reblogged on the Stepping Toes article A Progressive Call to Arms as the writing of Bijbelvorsers though the reblog was of an article the bible-scholar wanted to lay in front of the readers to think about it. By doing so the reactor to that article also misses the point of such reblog, and also of such a writing on Stepping Toes, where I created a site where people should be able to come together to talk about controversial matters.

The second part the retired schoolmaster is referring and commenting to is a text written by theindependentthinker2016. I must commit it disturbs me we are not given more information who this can be, or which organisation may behind that name. But that does not make me to disagree with a lot that writer tells us.

I also would love to ask the readers on this readers digest and on the other lifestyle magazine to think about their way of going on with politics, willing to see what is going on or wanting to close an eye for certain things.

Niemöller, author of “First they came …” at The Hague’s Grote of Sint-Jacobskerk in May 1952

I too would like to call to remember what the ex-naval officer and commander of a German U-boat in World War I wrote. He also had faced a man who wanted to have control over everything, including the churches. Until his arrested by Hitler’s secret police, the Gestapo, he was not afraid to open his mouth and to defend those who had no voice. We as Christians should come up for the weaker ones in society and should look at what happens in the world, if it can endanger man, animal and flora.

Christians also should take care that we do not have a second generation to have a collective guilt. Lecturing widely, Martin Friedrich Gustav Emil Niemöller spoke freely in favour of international reconciliation and against armaments.

Like there has been given a call on the lifestyle magazine Stepping Toes, to remember his famous statement and provocative poem, I also would repeat that important saying here also:


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

-Martin Niemoller

Let us always be prepared to stand ready, to defend those without a voice and those who are oppressed.
I also express my hopes that we shall not have to face such cowardice of American intellectuals following the rise to power and subsequent purging of his chosen targets, group after group.


Please do find both articles

the original A Progressive Call to Arms

the repost A Progressive Call to Arms

the reaction A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal


Additional reading

  1. Expanding opportunities for more American families
  2. Where is the USA wanting to go with the freedom of their people
  3. Islamophobia Must be Fought and Defeated
  4. Stand Up
  5. God Isn’t a Republican
  6. American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder
  7. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  8. Walls,colours, multiculturalism, money to flow, Carson, Trump and consorts
  9. Scepticals of the Bible
  10. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  11. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  12. Looking at an American nightmare
  13. Fearmongering succeeded and got the bugaboo a victory
  14. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  15. Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office
  16. When so desperate to hold onto power
  17. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  18. A strong and wise fighter who keeps believing in America
  19. Brexit No. 2 Blow-up
  20. Voted against their system
  21. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’


Further reading

  1. Election Historic Tidbits
  2. President Trump. Why the surprise??
  3. When a Country Elects a Celebrity Populist
  4. Will The Whitelash Last?
  5. Trump v. Clinton
  6. Trump Thoughts
  7. Trump and the hidden racism inside us
  8. Ep.04: Sound The TRUMPet Of TRiUMPh 
  9. How the Atheists Rage That Donald Trump Triumphed in the President Election
  10. EU top dog: “We will need to teach the president-elect what Europe is and how it works”
  11. The Future of the Anglo-American Alliance?
  12. Anti-Trump Protesters March by Tens of Thousands Nationwide
  13. Presidential matters
  14. How Electoral College Cheats Democracy – Consortiumnews
  15. Trump the Puppet
  16. They Got It Backwards: Tell Tale Signs Of Blatant Hypocrisy
  17. Stand In Your Sovereignty
  18. Warding Against Hate
  19. Michael Moore Makes Another Prediction: Trump Voters In Michigan Are In For ‘A Rude Awakening’
  20. David Duke Calls Trump’s Victory ‘One of the Best Days of My Life’
  21. Wynwood Protesters Want Trump To Know They’re Watching Him Closely
  22. As many question if Trump will fully repeal Obamacare, Kellyanne Conway says his promise relies on this factor
  23. Mister Trump Goes to Washington
  24. Broward Republican Party Chairman Bob Sutton At Donald Trump Victory Rally
  25. On President-elect Donald J Trump, the Simpsons, and Leonard Cohen making sense of it all through the clarity of Erik Nielsen
  26. Donald Trump announces plan to deport three million immigrants
  27. Trump’s Family Plan to Cut Business Conflicts Falls Short, Experts Say



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

Looking at an American nightmare

It looks like the United States has awakened not from a bad dream but in a next night mare.

Having spent the majority of his adult life as a theatre artist throughout the Southeast, John Ellis as columnist of the American online media company PJ Media (originally known as Pajamas Media) an operator of an eponymous conservative news, opinion and commentary collaborative blog that was founded in 2004, has some good comments you should have a look at.

He knows

We are called to show our love for each other by surrendering our rights to each other. {4 Really Bad Reasons to Quit Your Church}

Running up to the 2016 election of the 45th president of the United States John Ellis found himself in a national nightmare which he taught would conclude on the 8th of November. At that time many were holding their breath in worried anticipation that an even worse nightmare was about to begin.

On November the 2nd he wrote

Sadly, the late hours of November 8 may very well find me in agreement that a new national nightmare is imminent. Unlike many, if not most, however, I believe that whatever nightmare is looming, it will be short-lived and may very well give way to a new and improved conservative movement. Strangely, my optimism is a product of Donald Trump. {Divisions Over Trump Reveal Integrity Within the Conservative Movement}


After it got know that the president elect was going to be Donald Trump in several places of the different states people came together on the streets to show their disgust and anger about the outcome of this election.

For many all over the world it looked really surreal and for some this Kafkan story was to be expected whilst others never thought it would be ever possible to have Donald J. Trump being the President-Elect of the U.S.A. Because of the unjust political system in the U.S.A., not giving those with not enough money the possibility to come up as presidential candidate and not taking into account the populist vote, but giving everything in the hands of the College of Electors, the one with the biggest mouth and making the people afraid most, got the victory. Trump with his vile words and vitriol gained the seat of presidency.

The man who does not dare to look a person straight in the eyes, not even the president of America, himself looked surprised with his victory and had calmed down for his first speech as presidentelect.

The President-elect met the current Awesome President Obama in the White House. It’s interesting to see a captured shot of a handshake between two wildly different men. One of stoic principle, defined career, grace, majesty and presence. The other, a man who can’t or won’t straighten his shoulders and who won’t look his President in the eye for the handshake. Obama, the pinnacle of underdog achievement in America stared straight into the face of the pillar of white, moneyed elitism and the latter closed his eyes and dropped his chin by an inch. {Acknowledgement} – Photo; AAP

The man who did not show any interest in decent morals, principles, compassion or empathy who managed to saw division and hate now got the stings in hand to lead one of the biggest nations of the world.

In The America where so many call onto their Constitution and Free Rights, lots of people call themselves Christian but do not seem to show a real Christian attitude. In the country which came big on the work of many slaves, from Africa (black people) and Europe (light coloured, Spanish, Italian and Polish people) those so called Christians do not seem to have a place in what they call “their country”, though they robbed it form the indigenous peoples, the “Red Indians“, for what they call foreigners and coloured people. Once more the U.S.A proved how the colour of skin is going to make it if you are liked or disgusted. When Hispanics, African-Americans, Latinos, tend to be more racist towards white people, for some, they have to look for the reason or the cause of this problem. When you look at the sheriffs or how police often treats Afro-Americans you can imagine how taken by fear such people  may be when they are pulled at the side of the road.

Some may think

the media dramatizes everything, playing it up, making it seem as if everyone is out to get the minorities. {To The Trump America (The Truth About Racism)}

but in the rest of the world enough awful stories are heard how people are still discriminated and what impression should we get when even a candidate, who now has become president elect, spoke about “monkeys” when he was talking about the “black people“, “jigaboos“, “niggers” or “Negroes“.

Naturally we may never generalise, but throughout the election campaign we heard so many sayings, so many statements that can not let us think otherwise that the discrimination is still deep seated in the heart of many Americans, also in many so called Christian Americans. Lots of those so called Christians also made it clear in “their country”, there is no place for an other religion than theirs. And for them Islam is something of the devil (by which they mean a sort of torturous being from beneath the earth or from outer space). For lots of white Americans all evil comes from those Muslims who dare to come to live in their sacred Christian country.

For many it was heaven to hear how Trump would make done by the threat of terrorism which became an opportunity for an extended global vision. But Americans do not need a global vision now. They are mostly concerned about their internal affairs and want to protect their own goods and make sure to earn as  much as they can, even if they have to use such things which are very demanding for the environment.

Trump brought for many the solution with the change he promises, making their country great again. How, Trump never clearly explained, but they will trust him because he is a good business man and knows how to handle things.

Though when we know that this election was all about ethnic nationalism and racial and religious intolerance we in the West wonder how the wounds now shall be mended.

A 29 year old African American male living in the United States, there since 1995 when his family and he immigrated to the US at the age of 9 years, wrote about this November 2016 election and Trump

His election was the work, almost entirely, of white people. More than 90 per cent of Americans who voted for Mr. Trump were white, and most white U.S. voters, both men and women, cast a ballot for him (even though his opponent got more votes over all). And at least 90 per cent of non-white Americans did not vote for him. This was a white riot – an angry, rejectionist turn by a deeply pessimistic majority within the white population against the far more hopeful and inclusive politics of the rest of the country. {The real reason Donald Trump got elected? We have a white extremism problem (Thanks To White Idiots)}

In that light all have to remember that not all white people are falling into political extremism and not all coloured people take aversion for the white people.

Those who are accepting the differences of skin colour, gender, religious beliefs, should now clearly let their voice be heard as well. But not by lowering themselves on the same level as Trump, by taking on an indecent attitude, using violence or awful words.

John Ellis, like many American Christians adamantly believes in two distinct genders.

We believe that God created men and women to reflect who He is in different ways. Telling women to “suck it up” or passing off jokes about sexual assault (which I don’t believe were mere jokes, for the record) as guys being guys and locker room talk lets them know that the liberal lie about gender being a social construct will be co-opted by Christian men when convenient. Men who defend Trump have abdicated their God-given role to stand up for and protect women. And for that, I am angry, almost sinfully so. Apart from God’s grace, it will hard for me to consistently live out Romans 13:1-2 these next four years. {There Are Some Important Tests Ahead for #NeverTrump Christians}

Many American Christians do not seem to see how denigrating Trump thinks about the woman being, so if Trump would be the right guy to defend women, we doubt. Many Americans also seems to forget that all human beings are created in the image of God and that we all should respect all sorts of people, from whatever gender they may be.

For Donald Trump, who told the press he even doesn’t trust his wife with her vote:

“The lines outside polling stations were much shorter when women weren’t allowed to vote.” {Donald Trump on many occasions}

Christians also should ponder about their place of diversity, on what it means to have a president who is endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan. They with us in Europe should be on our “quivive”, be alert, noticing that this election, both the campaign and the result, will make it harder to defend democracy when talking to authoritarians. the Capitalist world has a real problem. Though in the United States lots of the people may call themselves Christian, they have gone far away from the Biblical teachings and do not show that they are following the teachings of the man whose name they use for their group. The Nazarene rabbi, was a humble teacher of peace, who instigated a peace movement, what was called the sect the Way, and was not the founder of a hate carrying excluding community.

Today we do find a divided country where people who say they are Christian want to exclude those who are different from them. They may feel a man should copulate with a woman and have children, but do not want to accept two men or two women living together to have children. They want to feel good in their skin, but do not want others to feel good in their skin and want to forbid others changing their ‘outer’ looks or gender.

As Trump expressed he “loves the poorly educated”, “keep people dumb so that you can use them”, which also shall make it that Trump shall be able to do whatever he wants, with the knowledge that

“I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and I wouldn’t lose any votes.” {saying of Donald Trump}

Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fash...

Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fashion Show, New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We in the West could see a sexist, racist fascist, though got the impression in the States of America not many saw that. We also noticed that in the States many Christians promoted Trump instead Jesus or instead for calling good common sense and to go for the person who does not go in against the value of freedom and democracy.

In the land where so many hate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and so much hate the Word of Allah or God, and where there has to be a new scapegoat for all the troubles that come over America, because they cannot pick so much any more on the blacks, people could find some one who doesn’t give a rip about others nor about religion, who promised change and to push out that motley crew, and they thought he would be worth to vote for.

Now the dices cast, we shall have to see how it is going to turn out.

The democratic voice has to allow protesters to retort. The state shall have to show it allows riposting, but those who do not agree with the outcome should examine how it could come so far.

In case

Adding a taunting “us” versus “them” in regards to American politics drives an unbiblical wedge between the gospel witness of the Church and unbelievers. {Christians Should Be Promoting Jesus, Not Donald Trump}

English: Trump

Trump (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

American Christians should also examine their heart and check if they are prepared to take on such an attitude Jesus took on for those around him. are they (at last) willing to accept that there may be people who think differently than them, or who want to live differently than they? Should they also not give to the Caesar what belongs to the ruler and respect the regulations that ruler has taken to govern the country? Christians know, as long as they do not go in against the rules of God, they should respect and follow the rules of the country they are living in. They, who claim to be Christian should keep to the Christian laws, of which the golden rule is to love one another, no matter what he or she  has done or how he or she feels or want to be.

The last few moths we have seen many so called Christians who enjoyed the mud throwing Trump and joined him too. Now we also find other Christians who go on the streets fighting, instead of expressing themselves with respect for other man’s goods.

Instead of taking the opportunity to demonstrate love and grace by extending the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it appears that American Christians are instead kicking mud in the face of their vanquished foes. If this applies to you, fellow Christian, shame on you! {Christians Should Be Promoting Jesus, Not Donald Trump}


Preceding articles

On the 11th hour…

Children of Men

Freedom and amendments, firearms and abortions

Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

Entry 2. Unite our voices

Mountains of information, disinformation and breaking away

Max Lucado: I Had a Dream That Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Reached a Truce

Leaders in disguise

Looking at man’s closest friend

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Happiness mapping and getting over gender mapping

Gender connections


Additional articles

  1. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  2. Walls,colours, multiculturalism, money to flow, Carson, Trump and consorts
  3. Scepticals of the Bible
  4. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  5. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  6. Islamophobia Must be Fought and Defeated
  7. God Isn’t a Republican
  8. American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder
  9. Fearmongering succeeded and got the bugaboo a victory
  10. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  11. Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office
  12. When so desperate to hold onto power
  13. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  14. A strong and wise fighter who keeps believing in America
  15. Brexit No. 2 Blow-up
  16. Voted against their system
  17. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’
  18. Stand Up
  19. Gender roles and Multitasking parents
  20. Avoiding the big questions
  21. Gender Roles, What?
  22. Belonging to or being judged by
  23. Growing rift between observant parents and their children


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  4. 2016 Election Aftermath: Mending Relationships
  5. First thoughts on the election of Donald Trump
  6. Donald Trump: American Legend
  7. Pitiable and dangerous face of EU where is so-called civilization center of human kind
  8. Great American Harry Reid Says “Trump’s Election Does Not Feel Like America” — Where’s Hillary?
  9. Supporters to Trump: break campaign promises at your peril
  10. The real reason Donald Trump got elected? We have a white extremism problem (Thanks To White Idiots)
  11. Boss says employees who agree with Trump’s rhetoric should resign
  12. Spurs’ Popovich on Trump’s election: ‘That’s disgusting.’ (Good!!!)
  13. Elite vision
  14. To the Trump America (The Truth About Racism)
  15. Memo to Trump
  16. Clinton Wreckage
  17. Trump and Brexit Part Two
  18. The End???
  19. Identity Politics Doubles Down
  20. Acknowledgement
  21. The Civics Lesson: Voting Matters, yo!
  22. The 2010 Midterms And The 2016 Presidentials: The Lessons Not Learned
  23. Yo Donald! Please Deport Me, Too! (99 Word Blog #068)
  24. When Life Intervenes with Wrestling
  25. How will President-elect Donald Trump affect Obamacare?
  26. Bring In the Clowns
  27. Don’t give Trump so much credit, America
  28. Donald Trump: The Hypocritical-Narcissist Elect
  29. What Comes Next With President Trump
  30. Ku Klux Klan to Hold Donald Trump Victory Parade in North Carolina
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  34. First responders to Trump’s election
  35. Anti-Trump protests, racist attacks in the USA
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  37. Weekend Reading: November 11, 2016
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  39. White supremacists and EU far-right leaders praise Donald Trump election win
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  60. 2016 Post Election Prayer
  61. Trumpland: white women, why, and where to now
  62. Time to Act
  63. Can we talk about Gender on Sunday?
  64. Post Election: Daring to Hope?
  65. Is Trump bad for trans people?
  66. Day 1 of President of hate.







Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

When will it stop

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity three core values of the democratic country France where remembered on the Day of the Bastille, the 14th of July, the national holiday of France.

Though the French values of liberty, equality and fraternity may be swiftly being trumped by a larger emphasis on laïcité, or the separation of church and state. In the last decade, the government has passed laws banning religious symbols — namely the hijab — in public schools and buildings and as such got some members of the Muslim community against them. It also got France looking at a series of riots in 2005 in the suburbs of Paris where many youngsters of North African origin feel disadvantaged and discriminated. The measure of the government giving in to the employers, making done with lots of received rights for work arrangements, created lots of protests which at times became very violently. Unemployment coupled with growing religious tensions across the country is an ideal seed-bed for anti government actions but also for trying to rib the nation apart and bring fear over it by a growing religious tension in the country.

The South of France has cities, like Marseille, which have different cultures. This can be well seen in Marseille which is more defined by the cultures of its Arab and Italian immigrants than by its French nationality. In the streets of Marseille, you’ll hear French, Arabic and Italian. In many of the city’s most popular restaurants, you’ll find Italian and Arab dishes rather than the French classics like escargot and frog’s legs. In Nice or Niçard Occitan you may the Niçois speaking Occitan or Niçard like the Nizzardo or Italian inhabitants of Nice and those who do are bilingual in French. Nicknamed Nice la Belle (Nissa La Bella in Niçard), which means Nice the Beautiful, in the town you may also find people from North African origin and several Muslims.

French, Belgians, English and lots of people from other countries where having leisure time enjoying the day of work or on holiday. On the morning of 14 July 2016 the French President François Hollande reaffirmed that the state of emergency put in place after the November 2015 Paris attacks would end after the Tour de France finishes on 26 July 2016. he could be pleased nothing had happened at the target European football championship. Held every four years since 1960, in the even-numbered year between World Cup tournaments, this year strong measurements of security were taken in France as well as in Belgium, this with the knowledge the ISIS Jihadists were aiming this event as an easy target. This year France was beaten by 1–0 at the final in Saint-Denis after extra time. The French got a blow by this, but were already hurt much harder by several terrorist acts the last few months. Several communities had their share of it, but the coastal reasort of posh and glamour with Cannes and Nice, the capital of the Alpes Maritimes département, as attractive poles were blessed with sunshine and good news. Soon the Jazz music would sound in the third busiest airport in France, bringing occasional extra swing.

Nice attack aftermath

The driver reportedly zig-zagged his way through the crowds along the promenade Credit: matrixpictures.co.uk

To watch the Bastille Day fireworks large crowds of people had gathered along the foreshore of Nice.
At approximately 22:40 local time (20:40 UTC), a Renault Midlum 19 ton cargo truck was driven at at high speed along the famed Promenade des Anglais towards the crowd of people, who had been watching a Bastille Day firework display; the truck travelled at least 100 m (330 ft) before it hit the crowd and then continued to drive two kilometres (1.25 miles) into the crowd. After being stopped by armed police, who fired bullets into the lorry’s windscreen, the so far unnamed man exchanged fire with officers using a 7.65 pistol, before being shot dead.

Though it was a French-Tunisian criminal well known to the police for armed attacks this man seemed not to be followed up and nobody of the intelligence force was able to foresee he could be doing this horrid killing.

Once again France was hit this year by a “cowardly and barbaric” atrocity making victims along the streets where people would think they could walk freely and peacefully. 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel on his track of evil killed at least 10 children and got 50 children treated in hospital with sever wounds, among the 84 or 86 dead and several fighting between life and death, in the Riviera city. Officials fear the death toll will rise.





As hundreds remained in hospital – including 18 fighting for their lives in intensive care – anti-terrorist judges opened an investigation into “mass murder” and investigators searched the home of the driver in the Abattoirs area of Nice.

The killer his identity card was found in the truck. He had French and Tunisian nationality. The fact that the killer was known to the authorities will be of grave concern to those trying to prevent terrorist attacks in France.

A recent Paris parliamentary investigation into last year’s attacks identified multiple failings by France’s intelligence agencies.

French President Francois Hollande said in an address to the nation in the early hours of Friday.

“France as a whole is under the threat of Islamist terrorism, and so under these circumstances we have to demonstrate absolute vigilance and show determination that is unfailing.”

“There’s no denying the terrorist nature of this attack of yet again the most extreme form of violence.”

For many heads of state it is clear Europe shall not bow down to those acts of terror, contrary all those attack will ad more oil on the fir and give them reason to continue their attacks on Syria and Iraq.

“Nothing will make us yield in our will to fight terrorism. We will further strengthen our actions in Iraq and in Syria. We will continue striking those who attack us on our own soil,”

Francois Hollande said, in reference to France’s involvement in a coalition of nations carrying out air strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group.

It seems clear that the driver wanted to mow down the maximum number of people. Nice Matin journalist Damien Allemand said

“I saw bodies flying like bowling pins along its route. Heard noises, cries that I will never forget.”

Photo Gaillard/Reuters

At the extra news screening last night, at 23.45 h, we already coverage of witness, declaring how they fled from the ‘unknown’ and how the crowd got in panic. Many bodies, blood and body parts could be seen all along the road. After ramming into the crowd with his lorry, the driver started shooting and created what looked like a battlefield. Several messages on social media by people present at the scene, described a sense of helplessness faced with the carnage.

Al Jazeera reporter David Coady was also at the scene.

“I was enjoying the Bastille Day fireworks just like thousands of other people at the promenade in Nice,” he said.

“I was just walking back after the fireworks had finished. I looked towards the truck and I thought it was a bit odd, because the roads were shut down and there were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people walking along. But then, from the direction of the truck, I started hearing screaming and then people started running. And so I joined all those people in running away from there.”

European Council President Donald Tusk said it was a “tragic paradox” that the victims of the attack in Nice were celebrating “liberty, equality and fraternity” – France’s motto – on the country’s national day.

Last night very soon French people offered a place to stay for those who could not return to their apartment or hotel, and a hashtag soon went viral. Leaders around the world responded to the attack, and Twitter users were using the hashtag #PrayForNice. President Barack Obama, standing in solidarity and partnership with France, also issued a statement offering

“any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice.”

He also said

“On this Bastille Day, we are reminded of the extraordinary resilience and democratic values that have made France an inspiration to the entire world, and we know that the character of the French Republic will endure long after this devastating and tragic loss of life.”

Tusk tweeted a photograph of himself and other European and Asian leaders standing in tribute to the Nice victims at an Asia-Europe summit in Mongolia.

France has had its share last year with the January 2015 attack on the Paris offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, linked to al-Qaeda’s Yemen branch, and the multiple attacks in the same city in November claimed by ISIS. People wonder when it is going to stop.

We are afraid we can not offer good news on that part. Followers of the Creator Redeemer God have received His Words of warning where we are told of what is going to happen after the Great War. Most people then thought it would not ever happen again, but only a few years later a second World War brought sorrow over the whole world. Today we can see many things happening which are foretold in the Holy Scriptures. As Brothers in Christ we are not surprised what happened after the start of the war between Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran. The internal conflict (1978–92) between anticommunist Muslim guerrillas and the Afghan communist government (aided in 1979–89 by Soviet troops) was a start for many battles between Muslim extremists and different states.  The September 11 attacks triggered a harsher reaction from Western countries, bringing it into a Afghanistan: anti-Taliban fighters [Credit: Reuters NewMedia Inc./Corbis]international conflict in Afghanistan. In 2001 that war got in a first phase toppling the Taliban (the ultraconservative political and religious faction that ruled Afghanistan and provided sanctuary for al-Qaeda, perpetrators of the September 11 attacks). [The joint U.S. and British invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001 was preceded by over two decades of war in Afghanistan.]

From then onwards it only seemed to escalate and certain groups America first helped and provided with ammunition, turned their back on to them and the West. More and more nations got involved and religious groups started getting creating amok between different groups. Religion stood up against religion like it is foretold in the Bible.  Many many signs foretold in the Holy Scriptures have become a reality.

So, for those who ask

“When would it end?”

We can only say that it all shall come to an end when World War III shall come to an end. No matter what people may try to keep or to bring peace we shall have to go to face a terrible war, which shall be even greater or more horrible than the previous two world wars. We do not want to be doom preachers, but lets face it, of all the prophesies in the Bible there are only a few which did not come true. all other prophesies, even told more than 2500 years before have come into being. They happened and the world continued like it was foretold.

Much too often people do forget that the ancient writers provided the world with the torch of civilization and liberty, a guide for life, for the believers but also for non-believers. All sorts of people can make use of the wise words which are provided in the 66 books which make up the Bible. Throughout the ages it influenced people for good. In society it has been recognized by the greatest statesmen to be a book of books that made a big change in their life and often helped them to come to decisions. We also do have to admit that certain holy scriptures have been looked at it through the various glasses of conflicting creeds and sometimes might unintentionally but woefully be misrepresented. Though now we have come in a time where intentionally people want to give false interpretation as the core of their business. different groups made it a sport to falsely interpret the Bible and the Quran.  Today we have certain groups which claim to fight for the cause of justice and to bring a war in the name of Allah/God. Others cannot put them on their place, because they themselves also do not know the true content of those holy books. they too live by many long-revered misconceptions of the truth of those books, received through the traditions of their fathers. Instead of putting the enemies to confusion by disarming them of their weapons, both groups become more agitated and call to the battle.

Man may look at himself and see or speak about an evil world. H should know that this “present evil world” in which man is permitted to try governing himself soon shall come to an end.

After a Jewish Age, or the period following the death of Jacob, during which all of his posterity were treated by God as his special charge — “his people” we can see that often that chosen people forgot Who was with them and Who had liberated them. For centuries the Most High Maker showed special favours, and declared,

You only have I known (recognized with favour) of all the families of the earth.” (Amos 3:2)

But the stubborn people had to come to see that God was willing to provide an opening for those who are willing to come to Him. Also goyim or non-Jews found a way to God by the send one from God, the Messiah rabbi Jeshua (Jesus Christ).  The promises made to the original People of God were typical of the “better promises” made to us. Having come in the Gospel Age, those who believe in God should know that they have the “better sacrifices,”  which do make atonement for the sins of the whole world. They know that the promised one shall return and not only take up his role or seat in the “royal priesthood,” composed of all those who offer themselves to God “living sacrifices,” holy and acceptable, through Jesus Christ, but to be the King of the coming Kingdom here on earth.

But before it comes so far that Jesus shall become the Chief or “High Priest of our profession.” (Hebrews 3:1) this world shall have to withstand the terrible times which were prophesied long before. Too all who are willing to take Jesus as their master is demanded to go out in the world and to warn it. Not only should they notify the peoples of what shall be coming, so that they can prepared themselves for those horrible times, they should look for the signs God has given mankind, to be alert and prepared. In that time of people warning and bringing Good News of the coming Kingdom, therefore called the Gospel age, we find the realities of which the Jewish age and its services and ordinances were shadows. (Hebrews 10:1)

The Gospel age, is the period during which the body of Christ is called out of the world, and shown by faith the crown of life, and the exceeding great and precious promises whereby (by obedience to the call and its requirements) they may become partakers of the divine nature. (Pet. 1:4) Evil is still permitted to reign over or rule the world, in order that by contact with it these may be tried to see whether they are willing to give up the human nature with its privileges and blessings, a living sacrifice, being made conformable to Jesus’ death, that they may be accounted worthy to be in his likeness in the resurrection. (Psalms 17:15)

Coming closer to the times of more disasters Jews, Christians, Muslims, other believers and non-believers shall have to think how they want to cope with the turbulence and shall have to find solutions to live themselves in a more protected environment. Their choices may not always bring the hoped for reactions, because those against God (the adversary or satan) are going to play more for devil.

Before Christ, with royal title and power, will be present as Jehovah’s representative, taking charge of all the affairs during this day of trouble, taking up his seat in the city of Jerusalem, many shall fight to get the power in Jerusalem and to be able to conquer the people all over the world. This battle for the power has already started. All those terrorist acts are not as such a matter of bringing people to Allah/God but to show the power of which everybody should be afraid and has to submit to.

The world shall have to endure that strive for power of false people. Meantime, as false and imperfect views and systems fall, the standard of the new King will rise, and eventually he shall be recognized and owned by all as King of kings. Thus it is presented by the prophets as Jehovah’s work to set up Christ’s dominion:

I will give thee the Gentiles for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.” (Psalms 2:8)

“In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom.” (Daniel 2:44)

The present evil times shall frighten us, but when we do not mind to take up the bible and use it as our indispensable guide we may have the hope in getting stronger, though more than once we shall also have to suffer and be taken by sorrow. But by looking at these times we can see that the “Ancient of days” shall come to sit on his throne. We can look at the bad things which are past, we may see lots of things happening around us and in front of us. All that may have en influence on our life is simply there for preparing us all for that grand family reunion hosted by our Father,” the Father of all (Ephesians 4:6), “of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:15).

Ephesians 3:14-19 (ESV)
14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith-that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

In the mean time we do have to build up patience, and should try to bring others also to see what time we are heading to and get them to unite under Christ.

The Divine Maker of all things is giving the world time. He requests from man that they come to see what man made of this world and how He  is a better “Gardener” for this world. Having received all this time from God we should come to realise that mankind is incapable of solving the world’s problems. This permission of evil has the very purpose of educating and preparing mankind for the promised times of restitution. At that time, they will begin to seek for God’s righteous kingdom under the rule of the great Messiah, who shall come at God’s time. They will be blessed with a full knowledge of God and a full opportunity for attaining everlasting life through their redeemer — the great restorer and life-giver.

Every sincere student of the Bible can see what is coming and should warn others.

In these times when honest-hearted people are losing faith in humanity, and humanity is losing faith in God, faithful lovers of God should reach out their hand to the community.

> Please do find to read: Honest-hearted people are losing faith in humanity and humanity losing faith in God



Families of Paris attacks hit out at government as intelligence

What We Know About the Attack in Nice

19 tonne lorry had zigzagged through crowds massing on the Promenade des Anglais on Thursday night, killing anyone he could

Nice terror attack: Lorry driver who killed 84 including 10 children during Bastille Day rampage was criminal well known to police

“Truck Attack in Nice, France: What We Know, and What We Don’t”.

“At least 74 killed as truck plows into crowd in Nice, France, on Bastille Day”. Jerusalem Post.

Chrisafis, Angelique; Dehghan, Saeed Kamali (15 July 2016). “Truck rams Bastille Day crowd in Nice killing at least 80”. The Guardian. Retrieved 15 July 2016.

Nice attack: At least 84 dead as lorry rams into crowd

Nice lorry attack: Scenes of carnage in French city

Photos: Bastille Day Terrorist Attack in Nice, France


Preceding articles

Of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something

Freedom and amendments, firearms and abortions

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris

The Meaning of Paris

From Guestwriters 2015 in review

A Secular Mindset

For those Christians who say they are the Victim

Tears for Belgium

A darker and stranger place

Il terrorismo è l’urlo di un bambino al buio

Remain lovingly = No path for softies

You Matter

Commemorating the escape from slavery

How to Find the Meaning of Life and Reach a State of Peace


Additional reading

  1. Human tragedy need to be addressed at source
  2. Migration not something to fear
  3. Don’t be Muslim
  4. Christians at War? Christians using violence?
  5. 2014 Religion: with a.o. Global war against Christians
  6. Back from gone #1 Aim of ungodly people
  7. Blood soaking the water at democracy’s beachhead
  8. Funding of ISIS
  9. French Muslims under attack
  10. Being Charlie 4
  11. Being Charlie 8
  12. Paris attacks darkening the world
  13. Syrian but also Belgian connection to French attacks
  14. A sleeper cell of militants was said directing attackers sent back to France from Islamic State’s de-facto capital in Raqqa, Syria
  15. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  16. 2015 the year of ISIS
  17. ISIL will find no safe haven
  18. Al Qaeda regaining foothold in Middle East bubonic plague for American elections
  19. For those who call the Brussels Airport attacks a fake or a conspiracy of the government
  20. Zion, Flames, Terror, Signs and Games of Peace
  21. 70 years later
  22. God’s wrath and sanctification
  23. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions


Further of interest

  1. Egalité and Fraternité are great, but we need to ask ourselves some very difficult questions about Liberté
  2. The South of France’s Melting Pot
  3. Fear is a weapon of mass destruction
  4. Terrifying Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees – Eagle Rising
  5. Here’s Where ISIS Horrifically Tortures Christians Till They Convert to Islam or Die
  6. Muslims and the West – September 18th, 2015
  7. Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’
  8. The New Threat from Islamic Militancy by Jason Burke review – important and impressive
  9. Imam to Muslim Migrants: Breed With Europeans To ‘Conquer Their Countries’
  10. Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions by Raymond Ibrahim
  11. Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees
  12. Buhari needs God-fearing, patriotic ministers – Iman
  13. Paris Attacks
  14. Some thoughts on the Paris attacks
  15. Editorial: Belgium Attacks Expose Biased Media Coverage
  16. The Brussels Attacks: A Paris Perspective
  17. Understanding ISIS’s evolution
  18. Terrorism
  19. Possible Signs of False Flag in Brussels Now Emerging
  20. Should Brussels Attacks Impact Your Travel Plans? Rick Steves Says No.
  21. Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Brussels Attacks
  22. Brussels, Europe’s jihadist breeding ground, now itself under attack
  23. Following terrorist attacks, Antwerp Jews told not to wear Purim masks
  24. Speaker Ryan: ‘Our Prayers Are with Brussels, as Is Our Solidarity’
  25. Terror attack in Brussels. You still don’t think Europe won’t burn this summer?
  26. Misunderstandings of Islam: Violence and Riots Break Out in Molenbeek
  27. The Daily Toast: Weaken The Nation State, Breed More Extremism
  28. France Makes Major Shift Toward Fascism in Wake of Paris Terror Attacks
  29. A Culture Comes Together From Paris Attacks
  30. Aftermath of the Paris attacks
  31. ‘It’s a criminal gang pretending to be a state’: Discontent grows in ISIS ‘caliphate’ as oil funds dry up
  32. The Great ISIS Recession
  33. The Long Fight Against ISIS
  34. Terror attacks inspired in Syria and made elsewhere in the world
  35. ISIS Losing Twitter War
  36. Islamic State Gang Forging Passports for Muslim Migrants
  37. Sydney: Muslim-convert teen wife of ISIS suspect arrested on terror charges
  38. Former Guantanamo detainee among 4 arrested in Spain, Morocco for Islamic State ties
  39. Europol: 5,000 Islamic State militants walk free in Europe
  40. U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists
  41. 5000 ISIS terrorists sneak into Europe disguised as ‘refugees’
  42. Governor of Yemen’s Aden Survives Al-Qaeda Suicide Car Bomb Attack
  43. Terror plot accused ordered to stand trial in Sydney
  44. Top European Law Enforcement Official Has Dire Warning About
  45. Islam and Presidential Politics
  46. The New Threat from Islamic Militancy by Jason Burke review – important and impressive
  47. Terrifying Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees – Eagle Rising
  48. Video Shows Muslim Leader Admitting the True Purpose of the Muslim Refugees
  49. Huge Numbers of Muslim Males (‘Migrants’) Board Train in Croatia
  50. Buhari needs God-fearing, patriotic ministers – Iman
  51. Dallas Cair Director: “Muslims Are Above the Law of the Land.”
  52. Life as Usual
  53. Why the romanticising of Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani has to stop
  54. Hyderabad ISIS module busts myth that poverty, lack of education cause for terrorism
  55. Media supporting terrorists happens only in India: Former R&AW official
  56. Malaysia: Playing with Religious Extremism Fire
  57. On a Day Like Today
  58. Why is it always France?
  59. France Attack: More Than 84 Dead As Truck Filled With Bombs Crash Into Crowd.
  60. Terror attack in Nice!!!
  61. A Celebration ended with terror
  62. Hell is empty and all the devils are here
  63. This morning I grieve for Nice
  64. France reels as Bastille Day attack leaves 84 dead in Nice
  65. Tragedy in Nice latest in string of terror attacks in France
  66. France again; terrorism plunges world in chaos as 84 die in bus attack
  67. SitRep: Horror in Nice as Death Toll Rises to 84
  68. Nice Attack
  69. Nice Attack: The Story So Far
  70. Nice: A Day Of Horror
  71. Nice terror- French-Tunisian identific
  72. France: 80 dead in Nice terror attack
  73. Nice terror French-Tunisian identification papers found
  74. Nice Terror- “Keep Eiffel Tower Dark until ISIS conquers France”
  75. Move over guns and bombs; enter trucks, knives and rocks
  76. Run them over with your cars, ISIS had said in a 2014 video
  77. Nice truck attack leaves France and the world in shock
  78. The Damn Truck (Crushing People in Nice)
  79. Truck Crashes Into Crowd In Nice, France; Killing At Least 77
  80. Truck Plows Through Crowd In France, Killing At Least 84: Two Of Them Texans
  81. Video shows the chaos in Nice as gunshots rang out between police and a terrorist
  82. Harrowing video shows the final moments before the horror in France on Bastille Day
  83. Police sources: ID found in truck used in Nice attack
  84. Nice terror despite France being under state of emergency: “you asked for it”, says ISIS
  85. At least 84, including 2 Americans, dead after truck rams crowd in France
  86. Hollande Warns What Obama Won’t: Islamic Terrorism Is Real
  87. How You Can Support France Following the Terrorist Attacks
  88. #DontPrayForNice
  89. Alright, terrorists, you win
  90. A father and son from Texas are among the dead after the horrors in Nice, France
  91. This is not Nice, but….
  92. How to react on Nice attack?
  93. It’s time to get serious …
  94. Here’s How World Leaders Are Reacting to the Terrorist Attack in Nice, France
  95. Vatican Condemns Nice Terrorist Attack
  96. 15 July 2016. Vova on Terrorists
  97. Explaining Terrorism
  98. A few thoughts on Nice
  99. For Nice, Orlando, …
  100. Could More Pedestrianisation And Better Public Transport Be A Weapon Against Terrorism?
  101. I could easily have been there…
  102. As Long as There Are People
  103. Humans, but No Humanity
  104. Whack a Mole
  105. How far will we go to protect ourselves?
  106. Ignore the news
  107. Healing
  108. Should I love or should I hate
  109. Are All Lives Equal?
  110. The consequences of inequality
  111. Enough is Enough- The cause of Suffering is not a Mystery
  112. Why we should try to understand violence
  113. un câlin pour un allié (a hug for an ally)
  114. Panel Discusses Human Rights
  115. Combating terrorism [EU Legislation in Progress]
  116. Daily Takes: Unbridled Fanaticism
  117. Terror Is A French Word
  118. Who Wins the War on Terror? Love wins.
  119. We’ve got to find a way
  120. Profit in Peace
  121. L’amour c’est tout.
  122. Love. Above all.
  123. The reality of love
  124. Husband Of Jo Cox Issues Plea Asking For People To Unite Against Hatred
  125. #prayfor
  126. Prayer for Nice, France
  127. Pray For The World
  128. No Contingencies
  129. Our Amazing Brains
  130. God’s Guarantee to Adam’s Race
  131. A Limited Time?
  132. The Best Is Yet to Come
  133. God All-Powerful


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Pictures of the World, Religious affairs, Video, World affairs

Bringers of agony, Trained in Belgium and Syria

These days the west came to understand how seriously Islamic State group wants to launch “enormous and spectacular attacks,” as jihadis broaden their focus to target Western lifestyles.

The heart of Europe was severely hurt on the 22nd of March with up to 35 deaths and 396 wounded (as registered on the 31st of March).

The Paris and Brussels attacks have rightly caused outrage across the globe. However, while millions in the West took to social media to share their grief, there are numerous attacks across the world that go largely unreported in the mainstream media are which are forgotten or not remembered by lots of Westerners.

The “black flag of jihad” as used by jihadist militants since around the late 1990s

File:Régions naturelles de Belgique.jpg

Ardennes (in ‘darker’ green)

Our regions do know that IS is no longer content to simply radicalise people through propaganda, but is “trying to build bigger attacks.” for several months now that rebel group is also trying to bring jihadis trained in Syria into northern Europe to launch strikes, helped by those who are trained in West Flanders and in the Belgian Ardennes.

On 21 March, the Kurds celebrated the biggest cultural event of their year, Newroz or New Year, but once again they too were under attack by Turkey but also by groups of their own, namely the PKK.

Pro-Assad media hails recapture of ancient city as ‘strategic victory’ but others allege collusion between Damascus and retreating militants

A Syrian soldier looks at graffiti in Palmyra reading: “The Islamic State is staying’ (AFP)

Ruins of Palmyra

The ruins of Palmyra in 2010

The dramatic recapture of the ancient city of Palmyra by the Syrian army and its allies on Sunday prompted some commentators in the Arabic-language media to declare the beginning of the end for the Islamic State (IS) group, while others predicted a long and drawn out battle to come with regional and global consequences. {- See more at: Middle East eye}

Four days after the Brussels attacks the terrorists showed they were not at all only focussing on fakir Christians. At least 41 people were killed and 105 wounded when a teenage ISIS suicide bomber blew himself up at a small soccer stadium in the Iraqi city of Iskanderiyah, less than 30 miles south of Baghdad. The attack targeted the crowd watching an amateur soccer match on Friday evening in the mixed Sunni and Shiite town, and the city’s mayor, who was presenting awards to the soccer players at the time of the bombing, was among those killed. The BBC also reports that 17 of the dead were boys between the ages of 10 and 16. ISIS later claimed responsibility for the attack using its social media channels, according to the Site extremist monitoring group.


epaselect PAKISTAN SUICIDE BOMB BLAST AFTERMATHOn Sunday the 27th of March Pakistan got its share also with a bombing that killed 72 people and injured more than 350 at a crowded park on Easter Sunday. Though the violent Pakistani Taliban offshoot known as Jamaat-ul-Ahrar — which boasted that it targeted Christians in a crowded park in Lahore — once publicly declared support for ISIS, but has hit more Muslims and Hindy people than Christians.

Now it’s the subject of an intensive crackdown in the world’s second-most populous and only nuclear-armed Muslim nation. On dealing with the threat of Islamic State, Obama said he had invited participating nations to work on improving intelligence-sharing to prevent terrorist attacks.

“At our session on ISIL this afternoon there was widespread agreement that defeating terrorist groups like ISIL requires more information sharing,”

Obama said on Friday April 1, using an acronym for the militant group.

Pakistan, a country long considered an al Qaeda stronghold, feels more and more also the negative pressure of that group and similar related groups which want to govern lots of people, telling them what they can or not can do.

Those “cowardly” suicide attacks shall continue. And with them we can see the Biblical prophesies of having the religions coming up against religions, after the period when the people living in the land of Euphrates and Tigris would have fought against each other (Iran & Iraq).

Whilst US President Barack Obama called for a world without nuclear weapons yesterday after arriving in France for a Nato summit, where he won French endorsement of his new Afghanistan strategy, we should be fully aware that the war on terror continues and shall bring forth some other serious attacks form underground people or different cells which sprout up like ulcers.

It are those rebels who misuse the name of God and try to get religious people against each other. Believers in God should be very careful not to fall in the trap and going to one or another religious group. In Belgium, Holland, France and some other Western countries we can see movements from right as wall as extreme left wing organisations defiling the Muslim community.

Flag of Taliban

Flag of Taliban (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For sure the Western states do have to get a grip on rising violence by al Qaeda and Taliban militants driven from power in 2001 but never completely defeated. But Christians should be careful not to be carried away by hatred and should abstain from any violent action. They also should show their love for those who are different than them and who have an other faith than them, but who also sincerely believe in the Divine Creator.

We always should remember that those who rape and sell children, kill innocent people, burn Koran‘s, mosques and bring terror on so many places are all doing things which are against Koran teaching and as such against real Muslim faith.

They are not only misusing and defiling the Name of God, but they are bringing discredit to all those believers who belong to the Islam.


Attacks targeting civilians linked to or inspired by ISIS Since January 2015, outside Iraq and Syria.
Circles represent number of deaths of confirmed ISIS-related attacks.
Attacks by ISIS 2015-2016 March

Islamic State claimed responsibility for several explosions causing many deaths and severely wounded, creating lots of horror and pain


Preceding / Voorgaande

Tears for Belgium

A darker and stranger place

In tijden van gemeenschappelijk verdriet

Belangrijke onderbreking

Hoe te reageren op aanslagen in Brussel

peace not war



Find also to read:

  1. Daesh hits heart of Europe
  2. A Black day for Belgium – Brussels Airport ravage
  3. Knife-trust in democratic sore back
  4. ISIL will find no safe haven
  5. ISIS a product of American in-action or a product of direct action
  6. Condemning QSIS or the self-claimed Islamic state ruler, al- Baghdadi their extremist ideologies and to clarify the true teachings of Islam
  7. Al Qaeda regaining foothold in Middle East bubonic plague for American elections
  8. ISIS has released pictures of the destruction of St. Elian’s place in Homs and the Baalshamin Temple in Palmyra


Further related articles:

  1. Obama offers vision of world without nuclear arms
  2. Dundar: Turkish journalists are ‘freedom-fighters’ whose ‘fight has just begun’
  3. Suicide bomber kills dozens at football stadium in Iraq
  4. ISIS claims suicide attack on Iraqi stadium that kills 25

  5. IS Claims Suicide Bombing on Stadium in Iraq That Killed 29
  6. Suicide bomber kills 29 at football match near Baghdad
  7. Taliban splinter group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar forms in northwestern Pakistan
  8. Pakistan Militant Group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar Threatens Fresh Wave of Violence
  9. Lahore bombing: what is Jamaat-ul-Ahrar?

  10. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar: Group behind Lahore blast part of ‘saturated’ jihadist market
  11. Lahore Bombing Fuels Fears of ISIS Foothold in Pakistan
  12. ISIS Suicide Bomber Kills 41 at Soccer Game in Iraq
  13. Baghdad suicide attack: Death toll of Isis football stadium bombing rises to 41
  14. Where ISIS Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle

Clean Power Plan voorgesteld door president Obama

Het Clean Power Plan heeft haar eindversie gekregen en werd vandaag door president Obama voorgesteld op de Facebook pagina van het Witte Huis.

Op voorhand weten wij al dat de zeer conservatieve Tea party leden en Republikeinen zijn bedenkingen en oplossing zullen afbreken.

Terwijl klimaatmodellen ervan uit gaan dat bossen na een droogte onmiddellijk opnieuw CO2 uit de atmosfeer halen blijkt uit een nieuwe studie dat ze jaren nodig hebben om zich helemaal te herstellen, blijven velen toch ontkennen dat het afbranden van bossen voor landbouwgebied te winnen schade aan het milieu zou opleveren. Alsook zijn er mensen die halsstarrig blijven beweren dat het vele auto en vrachtverkeer niet voor een schadelijke vervuiling zou zorgen.

Op een bijeenkomst van de oliebroers Koch in Californië uitte senator Marco Rubio, een van de Republikeinse presidentskandidaten voor de verkiezingen van 2016, gisteren al kritiek. Door de plannen van Obama zouden de kosten van elektriciteit voor miljoenen Amerikanen omhoog gaan, stelde hij.

Zoals gewoonlijk gaan de maatregelen voor sommigen niet ver genoeg en voor anderen zoals de Republikeinse presidentskandidaat Jeb Bush zijn ze onverantwoord en gaan ze te ver. Alsook klaagt Jeb Bush er over dat zij  verscheidene besturen passeren in de verschillende staten, en zou het ten koste van meerdere banen gaan en een energieprijs opleveren.


BREAKING: On Monday, President Obama will release the final version of America‘s Clean Power Plan—the biggest, most important step we’ve ever taken to combat climate change. If you agree that we can’t condemn our kids and grandkids to a planet that’s beyond fixing, share this video with your friends and family. It’s time to #ActOnClimate.

English: A "family" photo at the G-8...

English: A “family” photo at the G-8 summit in L’Aquila, Italy, July 9, 2009. First rank: Silvio Berlusconi, Giorgio Napolitano (president of Italy), Nicolas Sarkozy, Barack Obama, Lula, Hosni Mubarak (back) and Muammar Gaddafi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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