Tag Archives: Believes

Hillary Clinton Says Religious Beliefs About Abortion Have to be Changed

In reaction to what Hillary Clinton said at a recent Women in the World Summit on April 23:

“Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice – not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

It is a strange way of saying to have “Religious Beliefs About Abortion” to “Have to be Changed”. When one has a certain faith it is because those people belief in certain doctrines. When the rules of that faith were notated long ago there can only be a change in belief when one considers changes in interpretation.

It is a misunderstanding or mis-interpretation to think she demands a change of believes.

She clearly demands rights for women and want to see that they can get access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth. How can this be a demand of changing matters of faith when those who say they keep to a faith are following the rules of that so called faith?

If they call themselves Christian they should follow the teachings of Christ. But naturally they perhaps could call themselves better Methodist, Pentecostal, Evangelist or naming themselves to belong to an other denomination and not giving others the impression that all Christians would think like them.

Jesus never told anybody that a woman had no rights to her body and that others could decide for her.

In life every person has to decide for himself or herself. It is no different for female beings.

God gave permission to have judges and leaders to be installed and to have laws been written to organise a society. Hilary Clinton is right to say “Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will.”
When governments promise things they also have to keep their promises. When they want to respect their citizens they have to give them rights which are equal for all.

Though naturally those in charge can not demand that “deep-seated cultural codes can be changed when they are based on the Law of God. But in many societies we can see that lots of people have preferred to follow human doctrines and in such instance those deep-seated cultural codes are based on human doctrines, religious beliefs and structural biases which can and perhaps should have to be changed or to be looked at closer to see if they should not be accommodated.


Preceding articles:

Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion

My Choice (by Jezabel Jonson)

The Real ‘Choice’

“They Told Me What I Wanted To Hear” – Real Abortion Stories

The Things We Carry, by Penny


Further reading:

  1. “The Vital Fact that’s Been Lost in the Debate Over Those Planned Parenthood Videos” | History News Network
  2. “Empty the Uterus”
  3. Bodies that matter. Bodies that don’t.
  4. Crucial Abortion In Coppell TX Information That You Deserve To Know
  5. Vital Abortion In Grand Prairie TX Information That You Should Be Aware Of
  6. Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood
  7. Meat On Our Bones: The Next Four Years
  8. The Opportunistic Morality of a Nation
  9. New at Live Action: Pro-Abortion Republican Murkowski Carries Water for Planned Parenthood
  10. New at Live Action: The Most Blatant Pro-Abortion False Advertising Yet
  11. Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood
  12. Crucial Information On Abortion Options In Grapevine TX That You Need To Know
  13. A Lesson On The Heart . . . .
  14. From the Sidewalk Chronicles: Crime of the Unborn
  15. Same Logic, Same Result
  16. Move to defund Planned Parenthood only hurts Texas families
  17. God Fearing Women Do Not Kill Babies
  18. Texas cuts off Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood
  19. MSPs should hold abortion debate
  20. If we value life, we don’t get to choose which lives we value
  21. We Exist For Him
  22. The Church and violence
  23. Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood, Alleges Clinics Unsafe, Unsanitary
  24. Links for 10-19-2015
  25. Texas Cuts Planned Parenthood From Medicaid
  26. The Child I Didn’t Plan For
  27. Lawyer tried to keep pregnant refugee and rape victim in Australia, but government suddenly flew her out
  28. A False Choice
  29. A Revelatory Dream
  30. Missing Persons
  31. Why Should We Be Looking At The PP Defunding Debate? A Storify Assignment.
  32. How the investigation into Planned Parenthood affects student lives
  33. Can We Really Afford to Lose 700 Planned Parenthood Centers?
  34. Man Stabs His Pregnant Wife 17 Times to Try to Kill Their Unborn Child
  35. Abortion holocaust
  36. Shout Your Abortion
  37. Choices
  38. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
  39. Abortion and crime rates
  40. Support With Diagnosis
  41. Reading for Abortion in the Victorian Novel
  42. Planned Parenthood: another written question from the European Parliament – this time from a Socialist
  43. “But it’s Legal” – Does the legality of an act make it moral?
  44. What If Planned Parenthood Is Sincere?
  45. Republicans’ Love Hate Relationship With Waiting Periods



Filed under Health affairs, Juridical matters, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters