Tag Archives: Gender neutrality

2023 Celebrate Women’s History, International Women’s Month and International Women’s Day

In terms of women’s rights, there is still a lot of change to come in this world. The rich industrial countries are not exempt from the injustice and inequality that still takes place between men and women.

Next Wednesday, on the 8th of March we have our eye especially on women to honour the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements they made and to raise awareness about the challenges they face.

Such day having the focus on women provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress made towards gender equality and to renew our commitment to empowering women and girls around the world.

In some countries, such as the United States of America, we even notice a contrary trend, where certain fundamentalist so-called Christians, reduce the woman to an overly obedient docile housewife who has nothing to say or say, but must follow her husband in everything.

Many churches, too, do not go free and have cooperated for years in excluding certain people, be it because of their colour or race, their culture or gender.

Join us in celebrating Women’s History with the theme ‘Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.’ From print to the stage to the screen,  Encyclopaedia Britannica is spotlighting women who have made an impact in all forms of storytelling.

Learn about their achievements, engage with interactive media, and be inspired through articles, timelines, lesson plans, and more.



Celebrating Women in Film  Television  Literature Journalism Visual Arts Music Theatre

From social media influencers to activists, these modern-day heroes have already made their mark on history. Easily explore curated collections of Britannica School articles and multimedia featuring the following and many more.

Information sourced from Britannica School.

Reese Witherspoon


Amanda Gorman

Poet and Activist


Singer and Songwriter

Mindy Kaling

Actress, Comedian, and Writer

Malala Yousafzai


Annie Leibovitz



Find to read:

  1. Exceptionalism and Restricting Laws
  2. A new decade, To open the eyes to get a right viewMilestones for women orderedSolving the pay equity problem: Not that easyWomen, conservative evangelicals and their counter-offensivePoverty and conservative role patterns2014 Human Rights2015 In the Picture2015 Human rightsGender equality and women’s rights in the post-2015 agendaA busy 2017 #2 From hero to zeroAcademic intolerance for dissenting views is reaching new highsInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – with orange for a brighter futureInternational Women’s Day 2019
  3. Women’s History Month March 2023
  4. Controversial burkini issue in France not finished yet
  5. African misery and women inequality
  6. Synod of Bishops concerning minors
  7. Baptised sister not of higher status before God then an unbaptised young male?
  8. American social perception, classes and fear mongering
  9. Connection between women and environmental sustainability


  1. Need to reject an archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible and animosity against other believers
  2. The Concept of Gender Neutrality and You
  3. Somali women in the Somali society
  4. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  5. International Women’s Day: Celebrating ordinary women who play extraordinary roles!
  6. On Strike
  7. How To Spend the Women’s Strike & International Women’s Day



  1. Dictionary Women — and Men
  2. Who we are
  3. Dear White Christian Leaders, Don’t Do It.
  4. a proper response to privelege and inequality?
  5. On The Writing of Fairy Tales in the Real World
  6. Modern Women: A Partial History #WHM23 #WomensHistoryMonth #WomenInSTEM
  7. Empower the Future Women of America
  8. Dr. Shirley Jackson
  9. Shirley Chisholm – M.L. Childs Favorite Quote of the Month
  10. Women’s History Month 2023 Book List | Novelstorian Recommendations
  11. Women’s History Month off to a cringe-y start
  12. Breaking Barriers and Honoring Women’s History Month
  13. Unplugging for the Sisterhood: Why Women Need the National Day of Unplugging
  14. Hi There, As A Black Woman, I Belong Here!
  15. Mary Kenner
  16. Spotlight: Angela Bassett
  17. A new platform: female MPs and the quest for equal citizenship, by Abbie Tibbott
  18. 5 Women Who Changed the Game
  19. International Women’s Day 2023: Check Theme, History, Significance Here
  20. Women’s Day 2023: Surprise that special female in your life, visit these hill stations
  21. Celebrating Women’s Day: Honoring the Strength and Resilience of Women
  22. Why Do We Celebrate Women’s Day on March 8? A Brief History of International Women’s Day
  23. Celebrating Women of Northfleet – International Women’s Day
  24. Gloria Estefan Lainey Wilson Lead iHeart Women’s Day Celebration
  25. Mary Robinson
  26. Inspirational Quotes Every Woman Should Read
  27. 8 Meaningful Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day and Promote Gender Equality
  28. #BabyChakraWomenRising: 21 Inspirational Women Who Are Breaking Barriers And Driving Positive Change In Society
  29. Solh Talks : Season 1 | Leading Ladies | Solh Wellness
  30. International women’s day: Women in Wine
  31. Celebrate International Women’s Day – A Tribute to Strong Women Everywhere
  32. Title: Empowering Women: The Key to a Better World
  33. ‘Focus on what’s strong and what’s wrong’ this International Women’s Day
  34. Celebrating Women’s Health And Well-Being
  35. International Women’s Day 2023: Unique ways to celebrate this special day
  36. Here is how you can celebrate the women in your life, everyday!
  37. Celebrating Women
  38. Is it wrong for your mom or sister to lead prayers at home?
  39. Victoria’s testimony
  40. How Women Detox from Ministerial Significance
  41. Were women forbidden to speak in Corinth because they were prostitutes?
  42. Q&A: Women’s Roles, Head Coverings, When to Forgive, and more – Think Deeper
  43. A Heart To Serve
  44. Women’s Roles and Passover
  45. When gender inequality is good economics
  46. The Meaning and Origins of International Women’s Day on March 8th
  47. Introduction to Women’s History Month: Celebrating Women’s Contributions to WWII
  48. A woman in a man’s world


Filed under Lifestyle, Social affairs, Welfare matters

For those who think there are no gender neutral people or that there is no reason to change gender

Probably a 35 old female Dutch writer who follows her own path and seems to forget that other people also want to follow their own path which should not have to run like her path.

She doesn’t care what we or others want to tell her. She hates mainstream media, but also the sheep of this world, as well as the rich of this world, but she hates most of all people.

For her

its time to feel weird about everything we can think of. {There is no gender neutral}

and in one of her blogarticles she writes

We want respect for many things, but we do not get respect for many things. {There is no gender neutral}

She perhaps forgets that for receiving respect one also has to give respect. We can understand that there are things in her life that disturb her. But some of those things could perhaps disturb her because she does not understand them or does not know about other matters. It is clear that she has no idea about gender, and therefore asks

First how can you change your gender? Second how can you born gender neutral?

Biological its not possible to born gender neutral, and Biological it can not change during your life from men to woman or vice versa. {There is no gender neutral}

What we note there is a problem that also arises in conservative Christian circles, where it is assumed that in nature nothing can go wrong and that God created man and woman in His likeness and should therefore be “complete”. She seems to forget that there are human beings who are born without a body full of specific male or female elements. Though she seems to understand, some children may not feel happy with their own bodies, we think she still overlooks those who are born with half a male half a female body.  She writes

Children yes some children are uncomfortable in their own body because they are born boy, but are acting like girls. It is even possible to change them! {There is no gender neutral}

But for her, there is no reason for people to change their gender.

i find that heavy shit, and in sort of way i can not accept that. {There is no gender neutral}

For her it seems to be clear that there can be “no in-between”.

You are or boy, or girl, not both or gender neutral. {There is no gender neutral}

If life were that simple, it would also be very easy. But life is not always so black and white. Not every boy feels like a boy or wants to be a boy, the same as every girl in a girl’s body does not always want to be that girl she sees in the mirror. It is very difficult to be both, though it can always also be that one feels a sort of sympathy for both sexes.

If you find yourself happier as a woman, then you have my respect go for it! But you can not change definitions of genders, you are boy or girl, so you dress like a girl but you are still a boy. {There is no gender neutral}

She does not go in into the aspect of changing sex. Because why should a boy who feels he is a girl born in a boy’s body should not be allowed to have this bodily position corrected? And why should a girl who is confronted with her male body not be allowed to have that body reshaped in a female person?

Now these days we have gender neutrality, come on why do we make this word so freaking difficult?

People can not even begin to understand what the definition is of being naked or porno. All lessons by adults to children about sexuality is taboo! We make it for them now days very difficult to understand things. This world is so freaking crazy, that we are far away from being normal. {There is no gender neutral}

It is just making it so difficult for children when neutral nouns are introduced and when people may not be called for what they are and for what they feel. The world would be so much easier if we just could name the things as they are.

In an other blog she writes

In my point of view, children are most important so we have to learn them realistic thoughts, not fairy tails. {8: Children}

Therefore we should not be afraid to speak to children about different feelings human beings can have. And we should not push stereotypes on those children, having girls be in pink and playing with dolls and boys having to be strong and playing with cars.

She agrees we must

Stop over protecting children if you not even can protect your own citizens. {8: Children}

By not showing the world how it is and by telling ‘fairy tales’ about boys and girls in this world, we do not help the child to develop properly. We must have our ears and eyes open to the child and help it in the way how that child wants to develop, even if it is not like we would have preferred it. As such in case a girl talks about her will to become a boy, we should listen to her and talk about that matter. We should give it full serious thought.

She writes

Stop pressure children to perform, stop to steal there youth. Do see lot of over protecting that will not help children in the future, it will be a disaster for the future if you continue lying to your children. Children want to change gender? Then something must be wrong with your kid, you can not change your gender. Its unhappy because this world demands so much off them. The problem is not gender but this world, this capitalistic system. Children can only be happy if you free them form this capitalistic system. Children are not stupid and most of the time smarter then you. {8: Children}

But the inner feeling of a human being has nothing to do with capitalism. We totally would agree that in this world a lot goes wrong because of capitalism, but that is not the cause that boy or girls would want to change gender.

It is a pity that the female blogger looks at people who believe in religion as deeply indoctrinated people. According to her, religious people are living with an unrealistic image that makes their future more difficult than it really is. Though it are religious people who open their mind to those who are different than the mainstream. Real Christians, for example, also do not turn their head away from people who are feeling differently than they or than what society expects from those people. As such they are empathic with those who are confronted with the difficult situation of being born in the wrong body.

The blogwriter says

Generations of people are victims of a story that has circulated on Earth for thousands of years, and it is they who keep the story alive. {Manifest}

But believers in the Elohim Hashem Jehovah are not at all victims, and we even wonder if other religious groups, be they Hindu, Muslim or Jew would be victims. In many religious groups, there are many stories that may have circulated for thousands of years, but that does not make those stories not true nor not valid to build up a secure life. There are enough reasons why to keep stories alive, the same as there are enough reasons why to keep beautiful constructions or monuments preserved for the future.

The lady who hates so much, has a manifest against religion, sexuality, capitalism, communism, the destroying of capitalism, destroying of media, and probably looks forward to the destroying of religion in total, that we only can think she must be very frustrated. She writes

People must understand that religion is the cause of the biggest problems on earth, they must realize that this is serious! Who not accept will be terminated who do accept can learn others to accept. Lets say pure atheism itself will be teaches at schools and everywhere where you can learn. Religion in total forbidden, by all laws international Israel will be disband and prosecuted against crimes to humanity. All former presidents and military of Israel that has killed others will be sent to the death penalty. {Manifest}

She continues her manifesto

In socialism and in communism we share, we share so we can be all the same, we can help always each other with no better human logo then other humans. If we share we have everything we need and everyone can have this. Education, health care, must be free for everyone on this earth no matter the color, no matter the cost, all the same rights. {Manifest}

Totally forgetting that in communism is requested to have respect for each human being, no matter how it looks or feels like. If a person is born without a leg, arm, penis or vagina, in communism that boy or girl should not be excluded and should have the same rights as another person having all those things one expects a boy or girl to have. In communism there is a place for each human being, be it a man, woman or transgender or homo to develop properly and to be a partner in a system to build up together in respect to all other human beings, animals and plants. The female blogwriter seems to forget the important law of equality in communism.

Because her blog does not provide a space to reply to her writings, we thought this matter of equality, gender and religiousness too important to let go of and to have it not responded.

By writing

All people on earth deserve good education and health care no doubts about that! Only non religious people deserve this because religious people they have their God that will heal them. {Manifest}

shows how she misunderstands religion and does not know the God of the Bible at all. She forgets that the God of Israel has given the world in the hands of man, who has now to prove he can tackle it. Clearly, with her writing on the media, she claims to detest, she herself tries to indoctrinate people, like she accused others of indoctrinating through the media.

She then ends her discours:

Children want to change gender? Then something must be wrong with your kid, you can not change your gender. Its unhappy because this world demands so much off them. The problem is not gender but this world, this capitalistic system. Children can only be happy if you free them form this capitalistic system. Children are not stupid and most of the time smarter then you. {Manifest}

The child can effectively be unhappy with ‘its’ body because our society demands too much of it. By not using gender nouns we are not going to solve the problems children may have, because by it we are even going to confuse it more.

Our society must learn to face the fact that not everything can always turn out the way one would like, nor is there a god or God involved when things go wrong. It is people themselves who seek war. It is people themselves who expect patterns from others, in which they are then disgusted when they see those expectations unfulfilled. No form of government is going to bring relief to that anytime soon. It is people who need to change their mindset and be open to the diversity in society, as well as the differences between the sexes of human beings.

It is by not wanting to listen to a child that feels unhappy in its body, one shows the selfishness and the restriction of freedom for a child to go its own way in a world it can feel happy as how she feels and want to go through the world. Denying that right for a child to choose one’s own orientation makes that person who does not grant that child that right an “inhuman” and “callous person”.



Gender, genderless, androgyny, bisexuality, cisgender and transgender

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Do the concepts of male and female need to have a formal official definition

Trans extremism, trans ideology, genderless a.o. categories and TERFs

The dilemma of gender neutrality

She/Her – They/Them – Person

The Concept of Gender Neutrality and You

The World of ‘Men’?

Gender Neutrality


Filed under Being and Feeling, Educational affairs, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Questions asked, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Gender Neutrality

To remember

  • In patriarchal society = condition of women = very bad.
  • condition of a nation = looking at status of its women (Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru)
  • Mahatma Gandhi started struggle for equality for everyone no matter what gender
  • Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit = first women president of the United Nations General Assembly
  • Savitribai Phule  started first girls school in India
  • Indira Gandhi first +only female Prime minister of India
  • Sucheta Kriplani = first woman Chief Minister in India, gujrat
  • Justice Anna Chandy = first female judge in India + first women in India to become a high court judge
  • Rani Lakshmibai led a huge revolt against britishers in India.


  • Right to Equality in our constitution => equality must be in real terms
  • laws must be equally applicable to everyone irrespective to their gender
  • many of Indian laws are gender specific > protects only women => Men facing same problems > not backed by any law
  • Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex, religion, caste, place of birth and race.
  • In India > no particular law for a male victim of rape whether committed by a male or a female.


  • Crime>no sexual orientation + neither law ought to be sex explicit
  • words ”any man” utilized in the law=>  supplanted with word ”person”  => unbiased to permit a lady likewise to be rebuffed under it.
  • having laws only for women => lacking => improved leads us to a gender neutral society



Gender, genderless, androgyny, bisexuality, cisgender and transgender

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Do the concepts of male and female need to have a formal official definition

Trans extremism, trans ideology, genderless a.o. categories and TERFs

The dilemma of gender neutrality

She/Her – They/Them – Person

The Concept of Gender Neutrality and You

The World of ‘Men’?


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

The World of ‘Men’?


If I ask you to picture a CEO of a company or someone with high authority in a place, most of us would imagine a man, right?

A lot of people all around the globe are, conditioned this way to think that it’s a man’s job to lead a company or be in roles consisting of leadership, authority, and prominent positions.

Women are considered in many places to stick only to domestic chores or work that requires less physical power. Academically acclaimed work and jobs are thought of as only a man’s area, reasoning that women aren’t as intelligent as men. People seem to believe that women either are below the many potentials of men or just enough to be equal to them. Why the comparison? Why can’t women be capable or good at something? Why does society need to compare every action of a woman to a man’s?


View original post 246 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

The Concept of Gender Neutrality and You


To remember

  • saying mankind >be better to use humankind.
  • Saying the chair better than saying chairman,
  • Gender neutrality (adjective form: gender-neutral),= gender-neutralism or the gender neutrality movement > policies, language, + other social institutions (social structures, gender roles, or gender identity) should avoid distinguishing roles according to people’s sex or gender > in order to avoid discrimination arising from the impression that there are social roles one gender more suited than another.
  • Gender neutrality =/= synonymous with androgyny or anything of the sort.
  • Sexism =  prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender.
  • Sexism = linked to stereotypes + gender roles, => belief one sex or gender intrinsically superior to another.
  • Extreme sexism may foster sexual harassment, rape, + other forms of sexual violence.
  • Gender discrimination = encompass sexism = discrimination toward people based on their gender identity or their gender or sex differences => defined in terms of workplace inequality.
  • different labels tacked to foreheads
  • God created man in his own image > generic term =/= used to refer to both genders => to man > Book recognises  uniqueness of male & female
  • gender roles and gender discrimination > programmed into us silently + cleverly + as soon as binary is clearly marked => discrimination sets in.
  • steady erosion of gender roles + stereotypes in society
  • basic point of feminism, of most gender movements = we are all the same



Gender, genderless, androgyny, bisexuality, cisgender and transgender

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Do the concepts of male and female need to have a formal official definition

Trans extremism, trans ideology, genderless a.o. categories and TERFs

The dilemma of gender neutrality

She/Her – They/Them – Person

Ursy Rants

Someone posted in a WhatsApp group I’m in something he’d seen on Twitter. I could share it here but it is on my phone and I am a lazy human. Transferring is work. Anyway, the basic message of the text was to use gender neutral language in a bid to prevent gender bias. So, instead, for instance, of saying mankind, it would be better to use humankind. Saying thechair is better than saying chairman, etc. You get the idea.

It sparked a conversation. Technically, it wasn’t a conversation. It was one person hating the fact that such a post even existed. Gender neutrality had nothing to do with gender bias and on and on and on. This person didn’t see the need for gender neutrality and my brain didn’t see the need to stop yapping to me about it so it’s nearly two am and I’m…

View original post 1,839 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

The dilemma of gender neutrality

For centuries in our patriarchal society girls and women have been very much restricted in their movements, and opportunities on a social and professional level, having to protest a lot to have their say in politics.

Concerning the matter of relationships and body needs, both men and women did not get recognition for the differences that exist.

It is not God who created our society, but the selfish human that made a mess of the system of living.

The problem has also been the way people were educated and given stereotypical ideas about genders and their roles.


To remember

  • The Indian blog writer hates it when the person’s relation or gender is more important than the qualification or attitude or capability.
  • He wants to hate the other gender for stealing away his opportunities + positions because of policy of the firm or organizations
  • but he cant stay away from the fact that they had much more difficulty in being in the position where they are then a “general man”.



Gender, genderless, androgyny, bisexuality, cisgender and transgender

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Do the concepts of male and female need to have a formal official definition

Trans extremism, trans ideology, genderless a.o. categories and TERFs

Colours, men, women, genders, choices of words and political football

Personal Blog

When I think about women in the society, I always have an internal battle.

I see reservations given to the women both officially as a rule of law and unofficially as “boob quota”.
But then I also see people (even my friends) staring and discussing demeaning things about women and then, I can’t believe how difficult is the existence of a women or a girl is in this society.

I hate reservations because I am a General category, male and a middle class person who is born with a middle class family who cannot even get the economic reservation, recently introduced by the government because I am just a cut above the annual income category criteria (The discussion on why this income is not enough is a topic for future blog). Also, I hate when the person’s relation or gender is more important than the qualification or attitude or capability.

View original post 192 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs