Tag Archives: Poverty

Why choose? And can you choose?

Any adventure lies in a small corner. Sometimes, what begins as an adventure can turn into a disaster or a nightmare.

When there is no security or control, the adventure can become like a bowling game or Jeux de boulle.

We all are destined to make the best out of our life. Living in a certain way is for many already a sort of adventure. There is a guidebook for life, but lots of people do not want to know about that Book of books. Many also have difficulties following certain safe roads and dare to try out certain things that bring them more difficulties than bringing them in good, safe circumstances.



A bird’s eye and reflecting from within

The self and the other in times of insecurity

The Culture of Excesses- Losing Humanity

Silence: The language of Chaos


Additional reading

  1. God has not destined us for wrath
  2. Feeling-good, search for happiness and the church
  3. About the rate of confidence
  4. Loving adventure, but facing a fearful adventure
  5. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  6. The first boy to conquer my heart #2 The Russian boy’s upbringing

The Fallen Lady

Are you seeking security or adventure?

Sunday, July 16th. 2023

“Are you seeking security or adventure?”

I firmly be live that as humans we are programmed to seek both security and adventure, and that without security in our life the adventures turns into “trials!

Offcourse a positive mindset can
deceive you into thinking that, for an example “living in your car” is an
adventure, but if you don’t have the economic security to know where your next meal will come from, the adventurous “car-home” turns into hardship and the reality is that you are not on an adventure, you are homeless.

I speak from experience here.

I did live in my car for a while, and though it was fun to begin with,
the winter came and the fun part was replaced by freezing nights
and a body that did not function properly.

I love adventures, and I used to…

View original post 61 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

The Struggle Ends When Gratitude Begins

In these times of Coronavirus, we do find so many people in quarantine complaining, whilst they have now so much time for themselves.

For many, it should be the ideal moment to get their house cupboards and house cleaned and to put themselves at ease taking time for consideration and meditation.

Hopefully, lots of people shall now being able to find several little things of much pressure value and shall come to appreciate much more what is around them in the house as well as outside in nature.


To remember

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous

  • When things seem tough = easy for all positivity to lose its place in our heart.
  • consult life in a deeper way => find an endless amount of things to be grateful for.
  • get to endure life’s tiny pleasures > sunrise, sunset, water, food, shelter, peaceful walk in nature, comforting warmth of the sun or heathing in the house,

> realize that there are some people who don’t even have access to the simplest of things.



Many opportunities given by God

If you keep your faith and trust in God


Additional reading

  1. The unseen enemy
  2. In denial, Donald Trump continues to insist that nothing serious is at hand and everything is in control
  3. Zeman Chereisenu – the time of our freedom
  4. Thanksgiving wisdom: Why gratitude is good for your health
  5. 20 Best Gratitude Quotes
  6. Call to help others
  7. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #11 Prayer #9 Making the Name Holy

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous

When things seem tough, it is so easy for all the positivity to lose its place in my heart. But as I am beginning to consult life in a deeper way, I am starting to find an endless amount of things to be grateful for.

When I see homeless people from time to time, having to sleep on the streets all night, every night, I often think to myself, “What right do I have to show my frustration and complain about the tiniest of things that bother me?”

I live in a world where I get to wake up in the morning, breathe normally, and have a beating heart. I get to enjoy today, and hopefully wake up again tomorrow. I have the loveliest family, the most incredible friends, the yummiest food, that sometimes I feel like we take so many…

View original post 254 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

How to Go Forward without Fear

Lots of our brethren and sisters do not dare to come in the open. Most Jeshuaists prefer to stay in the darkness of this world hidden. They are afraid of being discovered or unmasked as Jew or Jeshuaist.

Many of our friends wonder how we live life when the world seems to be spinning in ways we did not expect it to be and where so many are against other religious people. Many Jews in Belgium and France are afraid. Several already left these regions, because they did not find it safe any-more for their kids to grow up here, and remembering what happened to those who wanted to leave Europe in the 1930ies too late.

Perhaps we should go to the Scriptures to find some advice, for being able to cope with our fear.

The first chapter of the book of Habakkuk is essentially a long complaint followed by God’s response. It then continues with yet another complaint and another response from God. The book concludes with a prayer or a Psalm from Habakkuk. This book was written, proceeding the fall of Babylon, yet the date of composition of the book cannot be guaranteed just by perusing the book itself. Most likely, individuals who lived after the fall Babylonia in 539 BCE understood much of this book is a meditation on life in an unjust world. They wondered how to relate to God when nations “slays nations without pity,” and “seize homes not their own.”

Today we can see many places in the world where nations are slain. We can see that political leaders do not mind what happens to those living in their country. Some even not having a blush on their face when they use gas-bombs on areas where many innocent people (inclusive many children) live.
We find lots of places where there are people who say they fight in the name of Allah (= God) but do the most atrocious things one can think of. Often they say it is the suffering people their own fault, not trusting in the right god.

What do we do when individuals do not place their trust in God, and how can a pious person deal with this unwieldy situation?

God responds that the answer is clearly written on tablets, perhaps as described in the book of Deuteronomy.

He then says:

הִנֵּ֣ה עֻפְּלָ֔ה לֹא־יָשְׁרָ֥ה נַפְשׁ֖וֹ בּ֑וֹ וְצַדִּ֖יק בֶּאֱמוּנָת֥וֹ יִחְיֶֽה׃

“Lo, his spirit within him is puffed up, not upright, But the righteous man is rewarded with life For his fidelity.” (Habakkuk 2:4)

This verse, initially describes a person whose life is swollen with not good things and who lives a twisted or unjust life. Perhaps it is one full of deception or one full of egotism. It then moves to a pious person whose faith is in God even under the most dire circumstances. Even though they must live life where justice is delayed or denied, that time according to God will be short-lived. Habakkuk goes on to draw a parallel with Isaiah chapter 11:9, that there will be a time when everyone will know God…

We agree today does not seem to be such a time, because not many are knowing God. Several people may say they believe in God, but they do not worship God, or many even believing in a three-headed god, they call the Trinity, and as such not believing in the God of Moshe, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Christ and his disciples.

Today sometimes it looks like we are living in a world where everything is permitted, as long as it is not a matter of religious expression. Then suddenly no religious symbols are allowed or persons are not allowed to wear what their religion demands. In several countries we can see demonic people offering themselves as the leader who shall make their nation great again. With the stroke of a pen those men think they themselves can play for god and decide what to do with other people and with other nations. Every occasion, be it even the national day they use for putting themselves in the picture and throwing hate words against others.

Today many people are confronted with difficulties to come around, not earning enough, but working hard enough to have not much time for the rest of the day. Several people in Europe are wondering and struggling, what can they could do to make this world a better place and to assure it to make Europe a safe haven for all sorts of people.

In a world of greed, where materialistic values often take first place, money or financial gain and pleasure have become the gods of today next to the many starlets and idols from entertainment and sports.

In this world today there seems not much place for integrity, the moral value that makes people the same on the inside as they are on the outside — with no discrepancy between what they say and what they do, between their walk and their talk. Many people around us prefer to wear a mask and present themselves differently on social media than they are in reality. that is also an important factor why so many in our community are so afraid to show themselves in public.

Though I believe we should not hide, but come out of our cocoon and show people that it might go different ánd better. The answer is that the most impact we will have is on those who surround us. It is their lives that we can make better. We can and should speak up when we see injustices, and we can remove blind spots by becoming more aware of the world around us and the systems that work in it – systemic poverty and racism for example. We need to focus our energies on walking in the footsteps of God as a community. The book of Habakkuk ends by saying:

“my Elohim Hashem Jehovah is my strength: he makes my feet like the deer’s and lets me stride upon the heights.” (Habakkuk 3:19).

You should know it is inside of us all  that God is found and when we unite our hands together we can bring the divine into this world through our very actions.

Those who believe in God should join hands and show the world their unity. It may not always be easy to live our lives full of tackling difficult and challenging issues, but let those experiences cause ourselves to grow and become better individuals and communities more focused on God and assisting those around us.


Additional reading

  1. If some of us do not feel safe
  2. Speciesism and racism
  3. Governments need to be more proactive to ensure racism is kept in check
  4. Christian fundamentalists feeding Into the Toxic Partisanship and driving countries into the Dark Ages… #1
  5. Faith related boycotts
  6. Rome mobilisation to say no to fascism and racism
  7. On French beach French police forces woman to undress in public
  8. Allowing dress code according liberty of religion
  9. Today’s thought “When approaching the battle against your enemies today” (May 03)
  10. Religious Freedom in a Multicultural World
  11. Jewish and Gentile Disciples
  12. Martin Luther King’s Dream Today
  13. God Our Refuge
Columbia hate crime

Racist tirade on Columbia’s university campus



  1. In The Grip Of The Politics Of Disimagination And The Pathologies Of Power
  2. Religious Freedom
  3. On religious freedom
  4. Christian values; Porn stars and religious freedoms
  5. The biggest difference between Israeli and American Jews
  6. Deconstructing Scotty
  7. Where Does It End???
  8. Lansman’s Extraordinary Attempt to Smear Anti-Semitism Whistleblowers
  9. The fight against anti-Semitism on the arena of international sports
  10. Critics who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones about anti-semitism. Chaos arrived at Labour HQ before Corbyn did
  11. Jeremy Corbyn’s time has run out to solve Labor’s anti-Semitism crisis
  12. The Bigotry Of The ‘Anti-Racists’
  13. Jennie Formby goes to Tom Watson’s home in union anti-Semitism
  14. Corbyn Criticizes the “Inaccuracies” of the BBC Concerning Labor Anti-Semitism | politics
  15. Jewish figures stubbornly resist Labor’s treatment of anti-Semitism charges | Policy
  16. Hopefully, the Labor nightmare will be over soon, for Jews and for the country
  17. “HATE: The Rising Tide of Anti-Semitism in France (and What It Means for Us),” by Marc Weitzmann
  18. Jewish German group says news article els fueled anti-Semitism ‘
  19. A Question of American Values
  20. “Who Is My Neighbor?” – Sermon on Luke 10:25-37: The Good Samaritan
  21. From Whence Anti-Semitism?
  22. Muslim Women Debate Anti-Semitism
  23. Abandon Ship!
  24. Snakes Slithering From ‘Neath The Rocks …
  25. Muslims seek voice in a changing Uzbekistan
  26. 25-Year-Old Woman Says She Was Kicked Out Of Golden Corral For Dressing ‘Too Provocatively’
  27. Normal, Odd, and Different
  28. Florida father wears ‘short shorts’ to teach daughter dress code lesson
  29. Black & Yellow for the festive ready at the office!!
  30. No Hats in School: This is Not a Bar-B-Que
  31. This School Now Has One Dress Code for All Genders — But Why Doesn’t Every School?
  32. Combating Racism, One Day at a Time
  33. After the Trump attack: “US President’s blatant racist attack” – Politics
  34. For Trump It Is About Skin Color
  35. Tuesday’s Quick Hits
  36. Quacks like a duck
  37. Trumpian Hypocrisy: Rep. Ilhan Omar Has Been A U.S. Citizen Longer Than Melania Trump
  38. Why the Republican silence talks about Trump’s racist tweets volumes – France 24
  39. Donald Trump: Graceless Under No Pressure
  40. Racial injustice in America
  41. Donald Trump branded ‘racist’ by Humza Yousaf over ‘hate crime’ comments about US Congresswomen
  42. Opinion: I learned a valuable life lesson at the barbershop. It takes courage to speak out against hatred.>
  43. Integrity Takes Effort
  44. Dignity Check


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Living in a world full of unrestricted wars

Do you get up?

Every day we hear and see on television a lot about conflicts and wars. How do you look at them? Perhaps you think you can not do anything about it, but what about your voice and the politicians in your country?

three wars

three wars (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What are you up to?

The world is on fire.
Far off
Poison attacks.
Washed ashore luck seekers or fortune hunters.
Unrestricted wars.
Close by and far away.
Rising poverty.
Less tolerance.
Almost no place for softness.
The world is on fire.
Far & close.

What moves you?
Do you get up?
Are you reaching a hand?

Are you willing to get up from your seat and do something against the injustice in this world?

What are you up to?
What do you do if someone calls near or far?

  • Marcus Ampe and Bond Zonder Naam (Movement Without a Name)


Preceding articles

Scattering of peoples who delight in wars

Preventing conflicts and war

When Tragedy Strikes…

A Prayer for 9-11


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Movement Without a Name, Political affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

Darkest just before dawn

Marcus Ampe when looking over the happenings of 2016 told his public that when we should have to choose a colour for 2016 it probably would be ‘black’. Even the darkest black colour you might find.

Certainly here in Belgium and neighbouring countries we have seen many black moments caused by people living very close to us. Hundreds of people who lived in cities like Brussels (Molenbeek district), Verviers, Charleroi, Mons, just to name some of the most mentioned living quarters of those who killed many in Paris, Brussels, Frankfurt and further away many cities in Syria. A so called liberation of human race was on their lips by causing so much agony in name for their sort of Islam which has nothing to do with real Islam, a religion which has ‘salam‘ or ‘peace‘ in its name.

2016 may have been the year where Bad came over Good and brought with it Hate over Love. Though many still may believe in

Good over Bad. Love over Hate. {When it looks like hate is winning}

May we really believe that

“Good always wins”?

When we look around us it seems just the opposite. Those who do not mind to swindle and do whatever they can to make themself rich without taking care of others, seem to win. Marcus Ampe warns us for the political scene which is changing drastically almost everywhere in the world, not for the good. He warns for the populism which is going over Europe and the United States as a virus. As a Christadelphian he likes to look at what is prophesied in the Bible and by looking at that sacred book is not at all surprised of what is going on. In his eyes we can follow the notated signs of those old writings and see that we are heading to a third World War, though it may still many years before us. He likes to compare the last few years with the 1920ies and showed us also how the present days are very much related to the 1930ies, which should sincerely worry us.

He does not speak of an apocalyptic change like certain Christians may do, but likes to warn us to prepare ourselves and our kids for the coming period where very right wing politicians may gain lots of votes and even come into power.

Perhaps Jyoti Chauhan Singh, an Indian lady who reads Tarot cards and came to live in the United States, perhaps thinks on similar lines, saying the same as Mr. Ampe that

it is happening in every corner of this world. People around the world are bringing this change by their votes, by their say, and by their actions. Be it Brexit or current US election, or stimulated political environment in my home country India. This change is too much. Too much for us to handle and accept, and to adapt to. {When it looks like hate is winning}

Is that not the danger we shall have to face in the coming months?

Are not many politicians going to make use of and are going to instigate people against others and nourish the fear many already have?

For Mrs. Chauhan Singh the present President elect in the States was

not elected against a virtuous leader. It was not the fight between good vs evil. It was just bad and worse fighting with each other. You guess which is worse and which is bad. But, it was never a winning situation for USA, no matter who would have won. {When it looks like hate is winning}

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I do not know why Clinton would have been so bad, because honestly her stupidity about the e-mails was not really a criminal act, like so many Americans would like us to believe. If they consider such stupidity already a crime or sin than the many frauds and bankruptcies of Donald Trump which many Americans never seemed to have remembered or noticed, would be “cardinal sins and death penalty crimes

We also may notice that many people seem to have some nostalgia to some times they had it better, though at those times they ware hoping for better times and for having more material richness. But as we could know beforehand all those modern gadgets they can have today are not making them more happy. The opposite today lots of people are more lonely and feeling poverty more harsh than years ago, though we may see less poverty stricken people. Less tramps on the streets.

With a smiling or is it a sarcastic face Mr. Ampe may tell us that many people would love to go back to a time they are imaging there was, but which has never been so. Mrs. Chauhan Singh alsy pointing to the same fact

With this election, Americans have spoken very clearly that they want to bring back ‘good old days’. Doesn’t matter if those good old days are going to be good for rest of us or not. They want to go back. They want someone with traditional values, traditional promises. Although seeing the lifestyle of elect president I hardly think he is an epitome of traditionalism. {When it looks like hate is winning}

Mr Ampe analysed some body language of Mr. Trump and showed us how clever that man must be playing with his public. This cleverness should make us even be more alert. He also compare certain tactics with the way how Erdogan managed to come in his dictatorial position today. How he was patient enough to go from mayor of Istanbul, even having spent some years in prison after his mayorship to come stronger and more radicalised out of it, imposing the traditional Muslim values and going in against the civil state of the old creator of a dream state Turkey.

We shall have to wait and see  to know how Donald Trump is going to use his power and how Marine Le Pen is going to drive her wedge through France which seem to be the under the spell of Muslim extremism and Islam fear.

Mr Ampe, like Mrs. Chauhan Singh seems to do also says we may not loose hope and contrary to how lots of people are concentrating on their own self, we should look more to others and try to come up for the weaker ones.
Mrs. Chauhan Singh writes

Losing hope is never an option. If we are given this result, we must be hopeful that there must be something good coming out of it. Give him a chance. He has already shocked all of us; he may surprise us too. Do not lose hope. Instead hope for him to change his ways, his words, and his actions, for the betterment of this country. {When it looks like hate is winning}

When it looks like hate is winning

One of Mr. Ampe his main teachings, also as a retired teacher of ballet history, is that we should learn from history and that we should make others aware of possible traps lots of people in the past did not notice but became victim of. According to him by knowing the past we can avoid the same mistakes, which have been repeated so many times, because people did not know their history.

We always shall look at things and would love to see things changed. Man is not easy satisfied.

One also can wonder when  our world evolves if/ when and how many people would be ready for such changes, and if they are for the better or for the worse. In most cases lots of people are just not ready for the changes taking place.

Problem is not in these major changes but our inability to accept them. {When it looks like hate is winning}

One might also ask whether we shall be able to find enough people who shall be really wanting to pursue peace. To find enough people who really want to “raise awareness that peace in itself,” and willing to take steps with which to motivate others to go that track of peace making is something we should go for. Too many may be very confused and may not be sure which dreams might be the best for them. Though according to Mr. Ampe we should come to work together towards mutual peace and to the broadcasting of hope and positive thoughts, trying to take away the confusion there is today and putting right the wrong ideas about some people, religions and ways of life. He believes the change must come from each of us and that we are responsible for the evolution of the day. According to him, we ourselves are to convey the message and have even to adopt a certain attitude and should form a shining example. According to him, there also should be peace as a base in our own daily lives.

This peace will also make the connection with the other and this will be like a snowball effect to be implemented on this world.

When it looks like hate is winning


Preceding articles about overviews for 2016

Donkere periodes en het uitkijken naar vrede

From Guestwriters 2015 in review

Pokémon craziness


Additional reading

  1. Knife-trust in democratic sore back
  2. Daesh hits heart of Europe
  3. What Associated Press released on Wednesday 23 March 2016
  4. Iranian media implicitly accuse Erdogan to have known of the Bruxelles’s attacks in advance
  5. Hard questions
  6. Terrorist attacks in brussels
  7. Social media, sympathy & shocks
  8. Europe unites to defeat terror
  9. Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists
  10. Declaration of war against Islam and Christianity
  11. Is Europe going to become a dictatorial bastion
  12. French authorities have shut down around 20 mosques and prayer halls
  13. State of emergency and respect for human rights
  14. Paris attacks darkning the world
  15. Trump brand of migrant demonization
  16. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  17. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  18. Muslim Grooming (Rape) Gangs and Sharia
  19. Amount of Muslims living in your country


Further reading

  1. Paris Attackers Had Already Appeared in the Islamic State’s Propaganda
    It has already been established that the on-the-ground leader of the Islamic State’s atrocities on Paris
  2. Belgium knew in 2012 already that Paris suspects were plotting attacks
    Belgian authorities knew as early as 2012 that terrorists linked to the bloodshed in Paris were plotting attacks in the West. But little was done to disrupt the build-up of a network that subsequently became a cornerstone …
  3. Fugitive Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam captured in anti-terror raid
    He was shot in the leg and arrested in a major police operation in the Brussels neighborhood of Molenbeek
  4. Paris Attacks Suspect Wounded, Arrested In Brussels Raid
    Salah Abdeslam, a suspect in the deadly Paris attacks, has been wounded and arrested, following a raid in the Belgian capital, Brussels, after four months on the run.
  5. Hollande Chairs Emergency Security Meeting — France Determining Next Move After Arrest of Suspected Terrorist Salah Abdeslam, a French…
  6. Muslims in Molenbeek are on the side of Salah against the belgian police. Take in more muslim immigrants so we enlarge the Salah’s Fan…
    The so called refugees are all muslims, I don’t see why we should let them in. Now that we know the destructive attitude of freemasonry we also know we mustn’t let them do what they ask.
  7. One Paris attacker buried just a day before his brother was captured in Brussels police raid
    Brahim Abdeslam, who blew himself up in November’s attacks, was laid to rest the day before his brother Salah was captured.
  8. Top Lawyers of Belgium, France in Suspected Terrorists Abdeslam Case — Focus on European jihadists
  9. How Recent European Terror Wins Led to Abdeslam’s Capture
  10. ISIS Launches Coordinated Attacks in Brussels Airport and Subway
    Early reports from Brussels are that two coordinated attacks have taken place with the first being at the Brussels Airport Departure Terminal and the second within the Brussels Subway system.
  11. J’accuse ! L’attentat que les services craignaient
    Avec colère suite aux événements de ce matin, j’accuse la Belgique d’avoir été attentiste depuis des années et de n’avoir jamais donné les moyens aux services de Renseignement de faire leur travail professionnellement pour tenter de prévenir ce genre d’attaques.
    … Outraged about the events of this morning in Brussels, I accuse Belgium of having endorsed a “wait-and-see” policy for years and having never giving to the intelligence services the means to do their job professionally to try and avoid this kind of attack. …
  12. Leighton: Terror cells are a lot bigger than Belgium authorities anticipated
  13. Terror attacks in Brussels kill at least 34, story developing
    Terrorist bombings at a subway station in Maalbeek and at Zaventem Airport have killed at least 34 people and injured another 170. Two bombs, at least one of which is believed to have been a suicide bombing, struck the …
  14. Bombing in Brussels!
    Today, once again, Islamic terrorists have attacked the west. This morning, Brussels became the latest city to come under attack with a bomb detonating on a metro train …
  15. Islamofoobikot pitävät terrorismin voimissaan
    Ennen kuin Brysselin terrori-iskuista oli kiirinyt tieto Suomeen, Helsingin Sanomat kirjoitti viime syksyn Pariisin iskujen tekijöiden jahdista. Belgiassa 18.3. kiinniotettu Salah Abdesalam piileskeli kuukausien ajan
  16. Islamofoobikot pitävät terrorismin voimissaan
    Ennen kuin Brysselin terrori-iskuista oli kiirinyt tieto Suomeen, Helsingin Sanomat kirjoitti viime syksyn Pariisin iskujen tekijöiden jahdista. Belgiassa 18.3. kiinniotettu Salah Abdesalam piileskeli kuukausien ajan …
  17. Het raadsel, Salah Abdeslam
    Op 13 november vorig jaar reed hij zijn vrienden naar de Parijse plekken om toe te slaan. Dood en verderf te zaaien, angst aan te jagen, het leven te vernietigen dat hij met hart en ziel haatte.
  18. Del estupor al sopor: atentados jihadistas, habituación europea, y jamais vu liberal-progresista
    Creo que estoy progresando. Esta noche, alrededor de las 3am, fui despertado por el zumbido de mi teléfono celular que se encontraba recargándose, apoyado sobre la mesita de luz.
  19. The Religion of Peace Strikes Again
    This morning we awoke to the news of a deadly terrorist attack in Brussels. Isis claimed responsibility for the bombings at the airport and the Metro station.
  20. Why Belgium?
    ISIS has claimed responsibility for separate explosions in Brussel’s Zaventem airport and a central metro station that killed 34 and wounded over 200.
  21. Don’t Blame Whitey!
  22. Belgium’s approach to immigration and security again under fire
  23. CAIR Cannot Be Trusted To Police Radical Muslims
  24. Brussels
  25. Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
  26. After Brussels, Europe must abandon its safe space and face reality
  27. Hidden in Plain Sight: Salah Abdesalam’s 120 Days on the Lam
  28. Waking Up to the Brussels Bombs
  29. Aboard the Eurostar to Brussels
  30. Two belgian politicians elected in Molenbeek committed themselves to legalize Sharia in Belgium. That’s how Islam destroys Democracy when…
  31. Molenbeek’s gangster jihadis – BBC News
  32. Europe’s Muslims hate the West
  33. CAIR Cannot Be Trusted!
  34. Belgian Terrorism Suspect Salah Abdeslam Has Agreed To Provide Police With Full Information on Other Terrorists — “Turns Supergrass”
  35. Brussels Suicide Attacks ‘Shocking But Not Surprising,’ Stanford Experts Say
  36. The Muslim Problem and How Not To Solve It
  37. Look at what I almost stepped in
  38. We Are AfraidMerci, Thanks !Revolution: Jesus loves Every Jihadist
  39. Perps of ‘Far-Right’ Hit-and-Run on Muslim Woman Were Muslims
  40. Why Belgium is Ground Zero for European Jihadis
  41. Een falend land, dát is het echte probleem, meneer JambonTerrorism From Brussels: A Report
  42. Molenbeek and its cultural and creative dynamism – a (small) press review
  43. A Close Look at Brussels Offers a More Nuanced View of Radicalization – The New York Times
  44. «Il reste encore des éléments à neutraliser»
  45. Europe: Suicide by Jihad
  46. How Many Molenbeeks in France?
  47. The truth about “no-go” Molenbeek
  48. Open brief aan Jan Jambon door Selma Benkhelifa (advocate)
  49. Getting Up Earlier.
  50. Two Police Officers Attacked With Knife In Belgium, Unhurt
  51. Knifeman attacks Brussels police
  52. Tent Cities for questionable dwellers
  53. L’Arc-en-Ciel presque au complet
  54. Dec 16,
  55. It has been an eventful year for me 2016
  56. The Politically Correct Right
  57. Bet you missed this #1
  58. 2016- A Reflection
  59. 2016 Recapped
  60. Summarising 2016-Энэ оныг дүгнэх нь
  61. 2016 in review
  62. Christmas Countdown Blitz 2016 ~ Day 12
  63. Not Goals. Plans.
  64. Book Review: The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
  65. What India Searched in 2016
  66. Saturday 17 December 2016 – Some famous people who’ve died in 2016
  67. My 2016: August.
  68. Movie Review: Rogue One (2016)
  69. Things That Need To End In 2017
  70. History tells us what may happen next with Brexit & Trump
  71. Look East and Watch for the Light
  72. Readjusting Expectations
  73. revolutionary reflections | The Crisis in German Politics and the Rise of the Radical Right
    2016 has been a year in which right –wing and authoritarian agendas have been in the ascendant. With the French and German elections next year we will see if this trend continues.
  74. Links for 16/12/16
    Black-White Earnings Gap Remains at 1950s Levels for Median Worker Donald Trump Should Know: This Is What Climate Change Costs Us How data maps are transforming the fight against malaria in Zambia South
  75. Populist right – the mass appeal of “strict father” framing
    George Lakoff’s book, Moral Politics, popularised the idea that ‘rightwing’ politics stem from a particular moral worldview, which Lakoff called “strict father framing”.
  76. What is Populism?
    Populism. It is everywhere in the news right now and it is one of those words that have so many vague meanings and yet describes itself so well. Populism is simply the revolt of the people against the political
  77. Who do Western Australian populist voters second preference?
    Most draw support from across the spectrum when compared to the remaining small parties.
  78. The Elites Are Fuelling A Backlash They Do Not Comprehend And May Not Withstand
    Accustomed to getting their own way and furious at being thwarted by mere democracy, the political elite are responding to recent setbacks by …The Future of Federalism in an Age of Populism
    Richard Eccleston, Helen Krever and Rick Smith explore the future of federalism in the 21st century.
    The two seismic political events of 2016, Brexit and the election victory …
  79. The 3 Layers of Authoritarian Thinking
    There are three layers to unfreedom or authoritarian thinking that is sweeping the world today.
  80. More than just populism: Renzi, the Italian Senate referendum and the perils of second chamber reform
    On 4 December Italians decisively rejected Matteo Renzi’s proposed constitutional reforms, which centred on reforming the Senate – leading to his resignation as Prime Minister.
  81. Times of Uncertainty: The Rise of Far-Right Populism
    Uncertain times lie ahead. People have had their fill of neoliberalism and they’re looking for alternatives. So far, they’ve found dreadful ones. Trump was elected president of the US, Marine Le Pen
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    People from Goldman Sachs, billionaires, top donors, Secretary of State from Exxon. It seems this is how the huge part of Trump’s administration will be established. What does it tell us about how Trump wanna
  83. Policy corruption, vote buying and double standards
    The Constitution Drafting Committee has been hard at work hamstringing political parties to prevent them from ever “ruling.” Apart from simply being anti-Thaksin Shinawatra, the law is based on beliefs …
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    As I stepped into the polling booth at a local church hall on the evening of 23rd of June and looked at the voting slip in my hands, the feeling that crossed my mind couldn’t have been further from the thought of
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    DENK’s main representers. From left to right: leader Tunahan Kuzu, TV personality Sylvana Simons and co-founder Selçuk Öztürk. More than once, the Netherlands proved to be first in Europe to
  87. The SNP is not like horror-show euro-populism. Mercifully.
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  88. On Populism
    It was Lord Acton who said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But as citizens of a country and a nation, we have civic duties such as addressing corruption in government and empowering
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  90. Brexit Britain turns against globalisation and modern technology, blaming it for low UK wages and inequality – The Independent.
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    ”Populism” is a loaded word and it is a rather strange one. It is used to express disapproval of certain forms of political activity, but unlike other such negative terms its basic reference would seem quite positive.
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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, History, Lifestyle, Welfare matters, World affairs

The twist of politics and expression

A retired public school administrator and history professor says political polls asked people all across the nation how they felt about issues and adds that hey have been publicized in the mass media and questions how minorities would not being protected?

He writes

Our laws call for equal justice for all. The problem is that certain segments of our society are in denial about some of the crimes committed in our country. For example, the Black Lives Matter supporters blame the police for the killing of a few black people some of whom had criminal records.  But they ignore the fact that the greatest killers of black people are other black people. In Chicago, the murder rate of black on black is greater than the casualties we suffered in Afghanistan. So why doesn’t the Black Lives Matter supporters focus on the greatest killer of young black men? {A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal}

That America where effectively a lot of killing goes on between the black population by their own skin-coloured compatriots, could once more shake Europe with something they never would have expected and would not have hoped for.

A great problem of the States and Europe is that they had to undergo a terrible stock market crash and a period with lots of job losses. Both parts of the world also had to face a lot of people becoming poorer.

He writes

According to federal government statistics, we have more poor people now than ever before in our history. Ever since Lyndon Johnson started to spend billions on welfare and food stamps through his War on Poverty, poverty has INCREASED not decreased. Under Obama, according to federal government statistics, our nation now has more people than ever before. Obviously throwing money at the problem has increased poverty, not decreased it. {A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal}

For him

ObamaCare is a total disaster.  Need I remind you that the Democratic Party politicians NEVER included Republicans in the drafting of the law. They refused to work with the Republicans.  So the high premiums and high deductibles which make ObamaCare unaffordable is entirely the blame of the Democrats. {A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal}

He seems to forget Obama Care could not really be worked out as envisioned, because the republicans worked against it. It also had to face the difficulty, that though the U.S.A. claims to be a Christian nation there is not much Christian love for sharing with the weaker and needy ones. A lot of American citizens seem to care most for their own self little cocoon and all the rest they do not bother how they can manage.

For Europeans all what is going on in the states should be a portent. We should be aware of the dangerous harbinger showing very similar situations we have already encountered with the Weimar republic. In the twenties and thirties of previous century there was also a nation where there was a big difference between those who had money and those who had to fight every day to have some bread on the table. Last century Europe also face a crisis which made them very much afraid of all that was foreign or different than the main stream. Also then we saw a man with a big mouth shouting load and promising a lot.

This time it was at the other side of the ocean that some bigger or larger man used similar rhetoric tricks to get the majority of people on his hands.

Those who had other viewpoints at that time were not tolerated and often considered traitors. Something we also found a man of the American senate calling Hillary Clinton and demanding her to be put on the electric chair. It is not because the U.S.A. is called the land of the free that they are really so free.

The man replies

Trump has done nothing to violate the freedom of people. He isn’t even in office yet.

though did he not give enough signals that he would love to limit the freedom of many?

It is the protestors who are either unwilling or unable to accept Trumps’s selection in a democratic process.  They are the ones who are creating the violence. When Obama won his elections, there were NO demonstration or violence committed against his supporters.

I agree with him that violence should not be permitted, in no circumstances, but to call Trump a full democratic process is to lay violent hands on the truth. In the U.S.A. people with not enough money never will make a chance to become a presidential candidate and once the are in, they have to count on people or worse organisations funding them. that the one with the biggest mouth can force them to step down, you can call part of the democratic system, so no objection to that. It is up to people to hear what a person is promulgating. It is up to the listeners to examine what that person in front of them is enunciating and if his or her words are filled with the truth or are distorting the truth. In the case of Donald Trump they seemed to be deaf for all the lies he told and for how he switched from one side to an other, turning like the wind. He could uncap whatever he wanted and they all wanted to take it in like sweet buns.

Hillary Clinton speaks to the press in New Ham...

Hillary Clinton speaks to the press in New Hampshire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The writer thinks we in Europe must be taken by all the propaganda, because most of us seem to have a distorted view of what is going on in America, and perhaps in the world.

What I find strange the writer of A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal does not seem to see the difference of what the bible-scholar Bijbelvorsers wrote and on what he reblogged, taking everything what was reblogged on the Stepping Toes article A Progressive Call to Arms as the writing of Bijbelvorsers though the reblog was of an article the bible-scholar wanted to lay in front of the readers to think about it. By doing so the reactor to that article also misses the point of such reblog, and also of such a writing on Stepping Toes, where I created a site where people should be able to come together to talk about controversial matters.

The second part the retired schoolmaster is referring and commenting to is a text written by theindependentthinker2016. I must commit it disturbs me we are not given more information who this can be, or which organisation may behind that name. But that does not make me to disagree with a lot that writer tells us.

I also would love to ask the readers on this readers digest and on the other lifestyle magazine to think about their way of going on with politics, willing to see what is going on or wanting to close an eye for certain things.

Niemöller, author of “First they came …” at The Hague’s Grote of Sint-Jacobskerk in May 1952

I too would like to call to remember what the ex-naval officer and commander of a German U-boat in World War I wrote. He also had faced a man who wanted to have control over everything, including the churches. Until his arrested by Hitler’s secret police, the Gestapo, he was not afraid to open his mouth and to defend those who had no voice. We as Christians should come up for the weaker ones in society and should look at what happens in the world, if it can endanger man, animal and flora.

Christians also should take care that we do not have a second generation to have a collective guilt. Lecturing widely, Martin Friedrich Gustav Emil Niemöller spoke freely in favour of international reconciliation and against armaments.

Like there has been given a call on the lifestyle magazine Stepping Toes, to remember his famous statement and provocative poem, I also would repeat that important saying here also:


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

-Martin Niemoller

Let us always be prepared to stand ready, to defend those without a voice and those who are oppressed.
I also express my hopes that we shall not have to face such cowardice of American intellectuals following the rise to power and subsequent purging of his chosen targets, group after group.


Please do find both articles

the original A Progressive Call to Arms

the repost A Progressive Call to Arms

the reaction A Progressive Anti-Trump View Point With My Rebuttal


Additional reading

  1. Expanding opportunities for more American families
  2. Where is the USA wanting to go with the freedom of their people
  3. Islamophobia Must be Fought and Defeated
  4. Stand Up
  5. God Isn’t a Republican
  6. American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder
  7. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  8. Walls,colours, multiculturalism, money to flow, Carson, Trump and consorts
  9. Scepticals of the Bible
  10. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  11. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  12. Looking at an American nightmare
  13. Fearmongering succeeded and got the bugaboo a victory
  14. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  15. Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office
  16. When so desperate to hold onto power
  17. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  18. A strong and wise fighter who keeps believing in America
  19. Brexit No. 2 Blow-up
  20. Voted against their system
  21. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’


Further reading

  1. Election Historic Tidbits
  2. President Trump. Why the surprise??
  3. When a Country Elects a Celebrity Populist
  4. Will The Whitelash Last?
  5. Trump v. Clinton
  6. Trump Thoughts
  7. Trump and the hidden racism inside us
  8. Ep.04: Sound The TRUMPet Of TRiUMPh 
  9. How the Atheists Rage That Donald Trump Triumphed in the President Election
  10. EU top dog: “We will need to teach the president-elect what Europe is and how it works”
  11. The Future of the Anglo-American Alliance?
  12. Anti-Trump Protesters March by Tens of Thousands Nationwide
  13. Presidential matters
  14. How Electoral College Cheats Democracy – Consortiumnews
  15. Trump the Puppet
  16. They Got It Backwards: Tell Tale Signs Of Blatant Hypocrisy
  17. Stand In Your Sovereignty
  18. Warding Against Hate
  19. Michael Moore Makes Another Prediction: Trump Voters In Michigan Are In For ‘A Rude Awakening’
  20. David Duke Calls Trump’s Victory ‘One of the Best Days of My Life’
  21. Wynwood Protesters Want Trump To Know They’re Watching Him Closely
  22. As many question if Trump will fully repeal Obamacare, Kellyanne Conway says his promise relies on this factor
  23. Mister Trump Goes to Washington
  24. Broward Republican Party Chairman Bob Sutton At Donald Trump Victory Rally
  25. On President-elect Donald J Trump, the Simpsons, and Leonard Cohen making sense of it all through the clarity of Erik Nielsen
  26. Donald Trump announces plan to deport three million immigrants
  27. Trump’s Family Plan to Cut Business Conflicts Falls Short, Experts Say



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Quotations or Citations, Religious affairs, Social affairs, World affairs

A charter for a truly free world and why we need it

Dear readers, for those who are new, we like to repeat our aims and about the idea behind our sharing.

Sharing Writings and linking

This website wants to bring an overview of interesting articles which were published on the worldwide internet and present some additional views on how we could come to a better world. Up until now we also wanted to bring additional literature in sight of our readers. For that reason we have, up until a few days ago, included several links into the articles, which opened automatically in a new window. But somehow WordPress changed the way to include url links and made it more difficult or time consuming, not allowing the enclosure feature to remember the previous used url codes and having each link to be separately indicated to open in a new window, instead of remembering it for all links on that page. This means we always have to look again for certain links and have to do much more work to include them. This makes writing our articles even more time consuming. For that reason we regret from a few days ago we did not include so many links any more and from today onwards you shall have to chose how to open the link. Until we do not find a solution to keep the fill in for the links remembering what we filled in previously, we shall have to limit such linking to tags and other articles than those of the particular website (in this instance From Guestwriter).

Secondly, we also received regularly complaints from people that we linked to their website or article and had to undo such links or write a letter first explaining why we included that link and asking what they wanted we did with it. Though most agreed then to have the link staying on the article, we had lost lots of energy writing back and controlling everything.
For that reason we are going to refer less to outside articles, but still use Zemanta for presenting some articles, but this time we are going to choose more those sites we do know and for other sites we are not always going to read them all, before placing the Zemanta link, and will withdraw them directly when a complaint or request for “why linking” is presented to us. (Simple as that.)

Now you know also why one or an other site shall be linked to more than others. Those who would also liked to be linked to, can always ask us to examine their website and to follow their writings, so that we can may have a choice out of their articles as well.

Authors sharing their writings

Concerning the writers on this platform, we still wait for more writers willing to share their ideas. Many who we have contacted wanted money to write or to help this site evolve.

We are very limited in funds and as such can not pay our staff. We also believe not everything has to be arranged by money. A money-free future is perhaps not possible, but lots of things could and should be done without money in the back of the head.

We still can do with people writing about the history of way of living, to show us how our lifestyle changed by the years of technological evolution. We also would love to find an author who want to talk about nature and show the world the beauty of it and/or can let our readers now what is important to look at at a certain moment in the year. (Parks to visit, special exhibitions, etc.)

A political and economical analyst is also welcome.

Because of our interest how human beings should try to make the best out of living with each other, we also could use some more writers who talk about keeping the family healthy, spiritually and health wise. Talks about marriage, brining up children are more than welcome.

Not everything for money

All That Money Wants

All That Money Wants (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We are convinced there are many benefits for not having everything in return for money. Most reasonable people will have no trouble accepting a money-free where people want to share with each other out of brotherly love. That will give better quality of life for all, less inequality, poverty, crime, greed, corruption, pollution and waste; greater health, education, trust, respect, awareness, sustainability, community values, technological advances, etc. Most people want these things, but are they convinced of the feasibility. How is a moneyless society possible?

I am convinced that there is a misconception about the need of money.

Imagining a world without money usually raises the following objections immediately, each of which is linked to a particular lifelong held belief (in brackets):

1. You need to have exchange (You can’t get something for nothing)
2. No-one would do anything (money motivates people)
3. People would take advantage (greed is human nature)
4. I will lose everything I have (fear of loss, ownership)
5. Chaos and violence would ensue (society requires control)
6. Society would stagnate or regress (markets fuel progress)

The good news is that all of these objections can be overturned quite easily using just plain common sense and basic observations.

Something for something or nothing for something

I do agree that most people want something for something else. For generations we people are brought up with that idea. Even worse, often people consider somebody not right in his head when he just wants to do something, not requiring anything in the place. Naturally we all need something to eat and we need a roof above our head, whilst we can not all have the same skill. Not everybody has enough competence to do the things he need. So we often are for many things dependent on others.

I am a believer in the Divine Creator and I am convinced He created all beings in His image and with the idea that all creatures are there for some good reason and to complement each other. Rabbi Jeshua, better known today as Jesus, reminded his listeners to look at the birds who have no money but manage to have their food and everything they need to live.
The master teacher and the prophets of God asked the people to look at nature where we can see what man came to call “symbiosys“. Everywhere in the creation of the Most High where man did not interfere there is balance. We can see that in nature two species benefit each other (the bee taking nectar while helping the plant to pollinate is the most obvious example), but there is no intentional transaction taking place. Both species are ignorant of the desires of the other. Some look at it as purely an accident of evolution that has caused both species to survive and flourish. In nature we can find many plants or animals which make use of each other, but not really demanding a return as such, and most of all not being repaid by something we can compare with money. We invented that idea of intentional exchanges as an essential ingredient to life or to community, to cope with scarcity in more primitive times, and with more complex needs.

Motivation by money not the best motivation

Serious Money

Serious Money (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The money / value system that we humans operate in has its origins in more primitive times, but which has now made us hell-bent on keeping score and accounting for everything in a numerical sense, and at the expense of common sense and sustainability. It is true that people are motivated by money, and that the communist system failed because of people being too egocentric and not willing to work together for a communal idea, building up a society where everybody could live on the same terms and being considered of equal value. We love to have a hierarchical system and I do agree somebody who is just lazy and does not want to co-operate in the system can not have the same advantages as somebody who works hard.

But like in nature those animals not having money, we as humans also do not nervelessly need a currency to provide payment, which proved not always to bring that luck hoped for.

We all have look at “Money” as a handy tool or a commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange. In industrialized nations, portion of the national money supply, consisting of bank notes and government-issued paper money and coins, provides a value or currency. Everybody expects everything  to be “prized” and  expresses the value of things in currencies or in money. In the so called “third world” or among less developed societies, we can see that currency encompasses a wide diversity of items (e.g., livestock, stone carvings, tobacco) used as exchange media as well as signs of value or wealth.

Human motivators Better values

We should come to see and understand that there are much better values than money. Think about the many other human motivators:

  • the desire to love and be loved, to meet people, to have children, to help others, to improve ourselves and our surroundings, to look good, to feel good, to learn, to challenge ourselves, to express ourselves, to innovate, to demonstrate our skills, etc.
    Every person alive is motivated by these desires to some degree. Because, after survival, these desires are what give our lives value and meaning.

Nature doesn’t keep score and why should we put everything in figures and balance it out to get even? Do you find it normal that people would seek exchange in their families or in their circles of friends? So why do we seek exchange in others? Among our loved ones, loving people shall tend to help each other out when they can and no-one will keep score.

Permitting exchanges between people having prices

Trying to get everything for yourself is not a natural instinct but a created attitude which can be transformed back to the innocent position we have a s a toddler. At the beginning of life the human being only asks and takes what it needs. Greed is not a basic element of human nature – it is even a deformed desire to stockpile something what the person may consider scarce and which he need to live, or a wrong attitude having come into the personality by the envy looking at others and comparing to others.

Like a squirrel collecting nuts, some may find greed makes good sense – because we don’t know what the future will bring. In a monetary world, the greatest scarcity is money itself, so it makes sense to accumulate it, and, since there is no upper limit to the money and property you can have, there’s no reason to stop accumulating it.

Map of the global distribution of economic and physical water scarcity as of 2006

Price systems may be considered the result of scarcity but for the first time in history, we have the technology to eradicate scarcity (or paucity) and to create an abundance of necessities for all humans on Earth with minimal physical effort. Primarily by coordinating the decisions of consumers, producers, and owners of productive resources people have taken refuge with their monetary system. Prices have become an acceptable expression of the consensus on the values of different things, and every society that permits exchanges between people has prices. Because prices are expressed in terms of a widely acceptable commodity, they permit a ready comparison of the comparative values of various commodities.

Machines to do the work of man

Normally we have enough technology to make work light for man. For lots of jobs the machines could do the work for man. What is going wrong today is that certain people, who do not do much work, can earn more than 300% than those who do the dirty work. And that is too much inequality. Such a difference should not exist. This way not having people being rightly paid according to what they do or which responsibility they take at a reasonable reward, prevents a nice way of living for everybody, as it intrinsically requires scarcity to perpetuate itself.


Throughout history mankind has tried out several systems which all failed in a certain way. I as a Christian am convinced no human system can bring the right solution, but until the return of the Messiah we have to find ways to make life as smooth as possible and to have the creation in balance, not demanding too much of nature and not destroying so many things around us, which we have in loan and do not own. And there is the difficulty of it all, too many people think they “Own” and want to possess more. It is their fear of loosing what they “own” which makes them behave this way and often makes them blind for the way others (other humans, animals and plants) have to live.

The whole notion of ownership should be revised altogether.

We all need privacy and a certain amount of exclusivity, right?

Who wants to share their toothbrush, or have strangers walking around their home, for example?

Our normalised belief tells us that we define who uses what through something called ‘ownership’. Our laws define and protect ownership, with the threat of punishment to those who disobey (ie. stealing).

But where does this concept of ownership came from in the first place? Did we own nothing before someone wrote the law?

Given in loan

We think we own something and that the earth is ours. Believers in God do know that it is a gift from the Divine Creator and that we have received this earth in loan. It is not ours, it is God’s.

Growing up we make things our own. We create our personality. Growing up we collect certain things we consider our own. But we should know that once we die, the breath of life goes out of us, and we shall be nothing any-more with those treasures we collected. We can’t take those treasures with us in our grave, to an other life. It shall be of no purpose in our death. We shall just decay and become dust like many of those goods also shall become dust.

The point is that most things in the community belonged to no-one. Whatever items within the community that were not morally or logically entitled to anyone were used and shared by all.

So without ownership, what stops people from stealing? What actually stops people from stealing from each other is that it is anti-social, disrespectful and invasive, and people who do so are liable to become deeply unpopular. This social incentive for certain behaviour is far stronger than any rule could ever be, as it is dictated by how we feel about ourselves and our position in society. Yet we commonly mistake the rule of law as being the only thing that governs this behaviour.

Crimes, violence and Respect, privacy and exclusivity

Value for Money

Value for Money (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If we understand that respect, privacy and exclusivity are, in fact, already hard-wired into our social psyche – not dictated by external controlling forces – then we can begin to move beyond the traditional inefficient limits of ownership and with it, any fear of loss.

Throughout history we can see that it was the desire of power and the greed of certain people that brought misery to others. The last few moths I encountered many who said religion is the base of violence. When they would look closer at what really happened in history they would see that most criminal acts where done by non-religious people for political reasons and on second place or by people who used a religion as an excuse for their war of conquest. Today we see this by ISIS who present a similar war as the crusaders and do the same atrocities as the inquisitors a few centuries ago. Their killing had a duration of more than one century, whilst ISIS is only busy for a few years. Their terror is as abominable as the terror other terrorists bring. They bring fear and terror in the hope increasing their power. But most crime and violence is driven by desperation through lack of basic requirements for living, ie. theft, armed robbery, burglary, etc. and by having a low moral. Almost all other crimes can be seen as the secondary effects of poor upbringing. ie. where parents are poor, over-worked, unemployed, frustrated, depressed or disillusioned, etc. – all factors that can contribute to an unstable and unloving environment for children, who may later turn to crime as a result of low self esteem or maladjustment.

No incentive for crime

When you succeed into taking away the inequality and create a world where everyone will have free access to good food, housing, education and technology, it still won’t be perfect or eliminate all crime, but if everyone has a good quality of life and free access, then crime will have little or no incentive.

Driven by passion

In our commercialised society we are so used that everything is valued by a currency and money. The economists or entrepreneurs look at the system we are used to and cite economic incentive and competition as good for progress. Have you ever wondered with what they compared their luxurious system? Might it not be that because they start of with a false key that they come to false conclusions?

Are we really to believe that all innovators, inventors and artists will down tools the moment someone calls time on money? Obviously not, since we all know so many creative people that never achieve financial success, it shows us that they are not driven by money, but rather by their passions and desire to innovate.

Sharing people

I would love to call onto people to come to think about sharing more.

Often I do meet people who are very much afraid of a sharing system and think we can not do without money, though they themself use lots of tools without paying for them.  We can find lots of people who are using Open Source Applications, which they take it for granted they can use them because everybody is using them. Often they do not see other large scale innovative projects which are becoming the optimum means of production without a monetary incentive.

Lots of people behind the screens try to invent things which can be used by others, and use themselves things others created. Lots of people do forget that many computer programs like Linux, Chrome and Android have been developed freely by enthusiasts in their spare time,. It ware those people who were willing to spend their precious free time to create something for the good of the whole community and not just for themselves or to gain lots of money. The computer industry has led the way on this, but of course, there is no reason why ‘open source thinking’ cannot be applied in agriculture, crafts, construction or education, etc.

Difficult to get people to share something which they consider of their own

The big problem we are facing today is that there has been created a generation of people who mainly think about themselves. Their ego comes on the first place and they look for gaining as much as they can for their own, often at the cost of others.

In the past the economical factor, being of wealthy parents of a having a privileged background was the creating facility for equanimity or for daring taking risks. Comfortable upbringing, access to good food and education, often provided the luxury of time – not labouring for their keep – but spending it on developing their ideas and skills instead. But we also find lots of creative minds who had no financial security, though created masterpieces.

Having money does not mean being smarter. If society can work better without money, then all potential young Einsteins and Mozarts will have the optimal opportunity to exercise and advance their talents.

If we create a society where talents are recognised and stimulated and people can receive equal opportunities, so much more can come off the ground.

Why not believing in a a moneyless future?

You can see that money does not bring that happiness many people hoped for. It is not a bad tool to be used in exchange for things, but we should not put all our hopes on it.

We should go back to the natives. We best dare to look at those living in the Amazon or other not yet by capitalism spoiled places. We too can learn from populations where money is not the key factor to order their way of living.

We should also come to understand that in our society we do have so many things we do not need or do not need any-more. Why not giving that stuff away that is filling your cupboards? If you have certain talents, why not sharing them with others and letting them also enjoy them?

In case a moneyless future seems something interesting to think about or when you like the idea, why not join “a movement of believers”?

Please have a look at the underneath brief introduction to the charter for a truly free world.

You are invited to show your support by reading and signing The Free World Charter.

Thank you.




Preceding articles

Being ‘broke’ a state of mind


Your position about materialistic desires having conquered the world

Learning that stuff is just stuff

Material wealth, Submission and Heaven on earth

Summermonths and consumerism

Less for more

Less… is still enough

Looking on what is going on and not being of it

Misleading world, stress, technique, superficiality, past, future and positivism

The Existence of Evil

Spring playing hide and seek

How to Find the Meaning of Life and Reach a State of Peace

Why “Selfishness” Doesn’t Properly Mean Being Shortsighted and Harmful to Others

Hoarding Relationships and Things

Forward ever backwards never!

Watch out

Stop and Think

A bird’s eye and reflecting from within

We all have to have dreams

Material gain to honour God


Additional reading:

  1. How we think shows through in how we act
  2. Greed more common than generosity
  3. Capitalism
  4. A look at materialism
  5. The business of this life
  6. Angry at the greedy state
  7. Intellectual servility a curse of mankind
  8. Detroit, A city not to be understood
  9. Catherine Ashton on the EU annual report on human rights
  10. Time to consider how to care for our common home
  11. Increasing wealth gap of immense proportions in the Capitalist World
  12. Democratic downfall
  13. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #6 Transport factor of immobilising financial growth
  14. A dangerous way of censorship
  15. Internet absurdities
  16. Changing screens
  17. Looking for Free Blogs and blogging
  18. Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends
  19. Inequality, Injustice, Sustainability and the Free World Charter
  20. Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #5 Mortality of man and mortality of the spirit
  21. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 3
  22. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 4
  23. The Question is this…
  24. True riches
  25. Count your blessings
  26. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  27. Bearing fruit
  28. Good to make sure that you haven’t lost the things money can’t buy
  29. The 2014 year coming to its end
  30. 2015 the year of ISIS
  31. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  32. In a world which knows no peace sharing blessed hope
  33. 30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.
  34. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Ecological affairs, Economical affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Less… is still enough

On the trash of the wealthy the poor try to survive – People who earn their living by collecting and sorting garbage and selling them for recycling, Payatas, Manila, Philippines.

Less… is still enough!

The facts.
The collective wealth of all the Belgian people is more than 2.000 billion euro (De Tijd). The 10 richest families together own almost half of all that wealth (Knack). Yearly in Europe – and you read it correctly – we throw away 590.000.000 ( five hundred and ninety million) tons of food. 20 % of all young people between 13 and 20 years of age  regularly think about suicide (Enquiry National Youth Service).

Are you still following?
Is each one of us not a prisoner of conventions, caught in material things and that what is on the surface? Are the energy we invest in production and the effort we make in order to consume, not out of proportion?

In the middle of progressive thinking the question arises about what proof we need to realise that some thing or other is getting out of hand? To put it in a different way: what else has to happen to us before we come to an insight ? Usually it is difficult to admit that to have ‘more’ and ‘property’ are addictive. With (a little) less it would become quite difficult for some. For the poor without doubt, because they always live with ‘less’.

Professions without borders
This is a televsion programme in which professional people from here go and cooperate with colleagues in far away countries. At the end of their trip, filled with experiences, each one of them nearly always has the same reaction:

Do we really realise what a good life we have in Belgium”?

Confronted with shortage and poverty, ‘people that have a lot’ get to know the inner side of ‘people with less’. The encounter is very emotional and touching. It is ‘enrichment’ that they receive from these ‘poor’ people. Who helps who?

Someone said it as follows:

“Since I live with less, I do not feel the shortage, but rather have the experience of ‘more'”.

Or less is more … or at least enough!


Translation from the Dutch / Nederlands origineel: Met minder is… nog genoegBzN-Mov Without a Name-Logo_EN


Additional reading:

  1. Capitalism
  2. Capitalism and economic policy and Christian survey
  3. Materialism, would be life, and aspirations
  4. Luxury
  5. Capitalism downfall
  6. Increasing wealth gap of immense proportions in the Capitalist World
  7. Self inflicted misery #1 The root by man
  8. European Year for combating poverty spurred mobilisation and commitment
  9. Yad Vashem: Remembering the Past, Shaping the Future
  10. Catherine Ashton on the EU annual report on human rights
  11. Looking to the East and the West for Truth
  12. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #1 Up to 21st century
  13. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #2 First two decennia of 21st century
  14. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #3 Right to Human dignity
  15. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #4 The Family pact
  16. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #5 Housing
  17. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #6 Transport factor of immobilising financial growth
  18. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #7 Education
  19. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #8 Work
  20. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #9 Consumption
  21. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #10 Health
  22. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #11 Participation
  23. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #12 Conclusion
  24. Poverty and measurement
  25. Poverty placed in history
  26. 1985-2012 Poverty in Europe
  27. 2014 Economics
  28. Poverty and conservative role patterns
  29. Ability for a community to come back from a crisis
  30. Bleak forecasts for children in the UK
  31. Violence against disabled children
  32. Anti-Crisis anger calling out
  33. A risk taking society
  34. Securing risks
  35. Green Claims in Europe
  36. A Snippet of Advice on Cultural Analysis
  37. The natural beauties of life
  38. Problems by losing the borders
  39. Migrants to the West #3
  40. US poverty worse than previous recessions
  41. Nearly 50 million poor North Americans
  42. Expanding opportunities for more American families
  43. Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends
  44. Depression Is and When
  45. High time to review the right to keep and bear arms
  46. Your struggles develop your strengths
  47. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  48. From Winterdarkness into light of Spring
  49. Reflect on how much idolizing happens
  50. Message of Pope Francis I for the 48th World Communications Day
  51. Pope Francis says Catholics must become evangelisers
  52. Full text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’
  53. When we love we do not need laws
  54. Catholicism, Anabaptism and Crisis of Christianity
  55. Being Religious and Spiritual 1 Immateriality and Spiritual experience
  56. Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious
  57. All I want is peace!!!


  • The Observer view on London’s wealth gap (theguardian.com)
    Striking new figures show that the proportion of households classified as either poor or wealthy has grown across the country in recent decades, leaving a shrinking middle. But it is in London that the trend is by far the most pronounced.

    London is now a city of contradictions. It is the richest part of the country, but also its most unequal, with the highest levels of poverty. It is home to some of the world’s most expensive real estate, but has the highest proportion of renters of any area of the country, many of whom are locked out of home ownership. It has some of the world’s best teaching hospitals, but suffers from profound health inequalities.

  • The Richest Have Never Been Richer: US Household Assets Rise To Record $97 Trillion (As The Poor Get Poorer) (infiniteunknown.net)
    In Q4 US household net worth jumped by $1.5 trillion to $82.9 trillion, driven by a rise in total assets to $97.1 trillion, even as the long awaited increase in “good debt”, that of mortgage debt, remains elusive and Mortgage debt hasn’t budged from $9.4 trillion in 8 quarters
  • In Europe, Parents’ Dismay as Syria Jihad Lures Troubled Teens (voanews.com)
    As Belgium braces for a verdict in Europe’s biggest trial of those accused of fostering Islamist violence in Syria, much attention is on poor Muslim immigrant communities’ struggle in a region blighted by youth unemployment.

    But for parents in Antwerp, a city on high alert since the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris and police raids on Belgian jihadists, Wednesday’s ruling by judges there may never explain why their two sporty teenagers, with no Muslim heritage, abandoned comfortable homes to take up arms in the Middle East.

  • Thousands of Belgians protest against austerity measures (worldbulletin.net)
    About 10,000 people have gathered in the Belgian capital of Brussels to protest against the center-right government’s “austerity” measures.

    Workers and labor unions said on Wednesday they had been angered by austerity measures being imposed by Belgium’s new center-right government, which include a two-year extension to the age of retirement, cuts in spending on healthcare and delays to the indexation of wages in relation to prices.

    Between 8,000 and 10,000 people attended the demonstration, local media reported, where protesters held banners reading “No Poverty” and fired smoke flares at a square in central Brussels.

    Belgium’s four-party coalition government under Prime Minister Charles Michel, which took office on October 11, has also pledged to cut corporation tax from 33 percent to 25 percent.

  • Poverty in Germany reaches a record high (counterinformation.wordpress.com)
    “Poverty in Germany has not only reached a new record high, it has also threatened the country with disintegration into disparate regions.” Thus begins the annual poverty report of the German Federation of Welfare Associations.

    Although the economy has grown slightly and unemployment is relatively low, the poverty rate in Germany has increased; it has been rising almost continuously since 2006 and now stands at 15.5 percent. This means that about 12.5 million adults exist on less than €845 per month as unmarried persons or less than €1,873 in a family with two children.

  • Many foreigners escape fines on Belgian roads (deredactie.be)
    Xpats.com’s Robyn Boyle says that at present more often than not it’s only motorists from France, the Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg that have to pay a fine, if they commit a traffic offence in Belgium.
  • 2 suspected Islamic recruiters arrested in Belgium (whitenewsnow.com)
    Belgium has been one of Western Europe’s nations to furnish the large numbers of foreign fighters in Syria relative to population size.
  • A Wealth Tax for California? (sandiegofreepress.org)
    California has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s main poverty measure, 16.8 percent of all Californians and 23.5 percent of the state’s children lived in poverty in 2013. Yet it also has the most billionaires  in the country: 111. The state’s 33,900 millionaire taxpayers  (just .2 percent of the state’s taxpayers) have combined incomes of $104 billion. According to the California Budget Project, California has the seventh widest income gap between rich and poor among the 50 states, ranking between Alabama and Texas.
  • Belgian coin spat awakens ghosts of Waterloo for the French (trib.com)
    Belgium is looking to change a commemorative Waterloo coin to an unofficial value of 3 euros ($3.18) to avoid what it called opposition from France. Coining unofficial values do not need backing from other countries in the 19-nation eurozone.
  • Microcredit Today: The Shift from Lending to Savings (mint.com)
    Increasingly, the world’s poor are able to securely borrow small amounts of money through microfinance institutes. This is proving to be an essential element of growth for poor or rural populations and their businesses.


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Economical affairs, Movement Without a Name, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters

All I want is peace!!!

How many in this world are not thirsting to peace? Those who may live in countries where there is no fighting going on, where there is no poverty, may count themselves lucky. They should try to get welfare also for the others and should try to get peace also in the other regions.

  • Peace (thisisyumnablog.wordpress.com)
    I have forgotten the meaning of peace / I used to know it, I used to feel it around me / But it slipped out of my mind
    Our grounds are not but our skies are definitely besieged / By people who say they’re fighting for peace / Oh. I wonder. will all these ever cease?
  • Prayers for Peace in Chocó (seedcolombia.wordpress.com)
    The need for peace in Chocó is not something abstract. The presence of armed groups, land exploitation through industrial mining, poverty, and a lack of basic resources for living impact the daily life of the people in this department. These are some of the answers by the people of Choco to the questions: How do you see peace in Chocó?
  • The Word in Peace, Third Sunday of Lent: For what do I thirst? (youngadultcatholics-blog.com)
    Have you ever noticed that no (sane) religious authority insists that its followers fast from water? Water is not a luxury (nor should it be), and it is suicide to go without it. Those in the ancient Middle East were keen to the many dangers of even one day without hydration. The only time that eschewing water carries any spiritual weight is when one sacrifices to save another. Otherwise, if you’re thirsty, drink, and don’t feel guilty about it!
  • a spirituality of resistance (sparrowsandsandcastles.wordpress.com)
    I define “spirituality” broadly as “a way of life,” your “sabeel,” which means there are many spiritualities. We are talking here about finding God as we resist empire, walking with Jesus as we resist empire, living in the Holy Spirit of faith, hope and love as we resist empire.
    While I was pondering the Sermon on the Mount, I saw Israeli warplanes swoop down over the Sea of Galilee on their way to bomb people in Lebanon. That experience of war at the Sea of Galilee changed my life. I’ve been trying to live out the Sermon on the Mount ever since as a call to faithfulness to the God of peace, resistance to empire and war, and an invitation to welcome God’s reign of peace and nonviolence here and now.
  • Peace brings no dividend to the poorest in the North (irishtimes.com)
    There has been no improvement in the day-to-day lives of a majority of people in Northern Ireland since the restoration of the power-sharing executive in May 2007. Instead, things have become worse. In broad terms, the poorer you are the harder you are likely to have been hit. This is one of the reasons for the continuing relative fragility of the Stormont institutions.
  • Peace, war and defence – all are feminist issues (thefword.org.uk)
    The women’s peace camp on Greenham Common, set up in 1981 by the group Women for Life on Earth, explicitly stated “we fear for the future of all our children and for the future of the living world which is the basis of all life”. The protesters highlighted their gender as a means of challenging assumptions that women should be at home.This tradition is carried on by the Aldermaston Women’s Camp, by projects such as Wool Against Weapons, and by campaigners with Action AWE – to name but a few of the groups involved with peace work in the UK.
  • Blood Thirst (divineincarnate.wordpress.com)
    Why do we want to punish each other? Husbands and wives, daughters and mothers, sons and fathers, coworkers, and even friends. We feel any slight and we give it back to them; we want them to experience pain and we rub their noses in it. No matter how big the hurt – or how petty and small.
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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs