Tag Archives: Social distancing

Freedom for whom?


East of Eden

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to drag on, one thing is emminently clear to politicians, scientisits, business leaders and the public at large: mass vaccination is the only way out of the pandemic, and thus the only way out of the cycle of restrictions that have been imposed on our lives. Most people can see this, and thus most people in Britain have already gotten vaccinated at this point. But of course, not every country is as fortunate to have vaccination rates as high as ours.

In Austria, which has among the lowest vaccination rates in Europe at 42%, has recently become the first country in Europe to make it mandatory for all eligible citizens to recieve the Covid vaccine. In the US, only about 59% of the population has been vaccinated, which sounds fine until you remember that a large and vocal part of the population resists the idea…

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Filed under Headlines - News, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Pan 1- Past Pandemics

It is nice to have an overview of some plagues, mankind had to struggle with and still has to face today.

Traveler's Tales

Black death:

Time period: 1346–1353
Deaths: 75-200 million
Disease: Bubonic plague
Organism: Yersinia pestis

Mode of spread:

Control measures:

That day Today
– Social Distancing, Quarantine, hospitalization, a change in domestic housing that excluded rats from human dwellings
( Reference-1 )
– Rubbing onions, herbs, chopped up snake on the boils or cutting up a pigeon and rubbing it over an infected body. ( Reference-2 )
– People who believed God was punishing you for your sin, ‘flagellants’, went on processions whipping themselves
– Antibiotics such as streptomycin, gentamicin, doxycycline, or ciprofloxacin are used to treat plague.
– Oxygen, intravenous fluids, andrespiratorysupport are usually also needed.
( Reference-3 )

Spanish Flu:

Time period: 1918–1920
Deaths:17–100 million
Organism:Haemophilus influenzae

Mode of spread:

Human to human transmission through infected person airborne respiratory secretion

Control measures:

That day Today
– Doctors were unsure what caused it or…

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Filed under Health affairs, History, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Ik luister

Een zeer grote groep mensen in onze maatschappij zijn de “vergetenen”, de vluchtelingen, daklozen, marginalen en armen.

De politici die het voor het zeggen hebben zijn met hun gedachten meestal zeer ver van de harde werkelijkheid en leven in hun eigen cocon, waarbij de wereld van de machtigen en rijken de r aarde prioriteit verkrijgt.

Velen moeten het weten te rooien zonder systemen die de parlementariërs wel voorzien. Maar een grote meerderheid valt tussen de mazen van het net.

Met deze periode van social distancing hebben ook heel wat mensen afstand genomen van de “andere” en hebben zij zichzelf prioritair gesteld. Het egoïsme is zienderogen versterkt. En als er mensen gingen samen klappen om 20 uur was dat toch niet zozeer uit medegevoelen doch eerder om zichzelf te laten zien aan anderen, dat zij toch nog mee telden in deze maatschappij.

Na alle afzondering, sluiting van winkels en bedrijven hopen zij hun werk terug te vinden, maar komen nu die “buitenlanders” nog meer als bedreiging van hun eigen stekje te zien.
Toch zullen zij moeten komen in te zien dat wij die toevloed van buiten Europa ook nodig hebben en dat wij maar beter dat mooie woord “blijveling” als een positieve meerwaarde voor onze maatschappij gaan zien.

Kirsten van den Hul, lid van de Nederlandse Tweede Kamer namens de Partij van de Arbeid, heeft zoals kamerleden in België heel wat portefeuilles in haar handen, namelijk Onderwijs, Wetenschap, Emancipatie, Media, Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking.

Volgens haar is de tijd gekomen voor een (enorme) verandering. Zij gelooft in een een (s)hevolution, waarbij mannen en vrouwen samen de wereld veranderen en de emancipatie van de vrouw voortzetten.
Niet omdat dat moet van de politiek, of van de feministen, of van hun partner. Maar omdat de economie, onze relaties en de hele maatschappij er aantoonbaar beter van worden als zaken tussen mannen en vrouwen beter zijn verdeeld dan nu.

Het kan misschien mogelijk zijn dat wij hier te maken hebben met een wat vreemde eend in de bijt, een politicus die zoals in de Belgische PvdA, echt begaan is met wat er onder de mensen leeft. Haar oog(merk ) mag dan misschien op de vrouw vallen die een revolutie kan veroorzaken, wat wij vandaag nodig hebben zijn mensen die hun stem willen verheffen om de gewone man en vrouw, jongens en meisjes van alle slag aan het woord te laten en hun een plaats te bezorgen in een voor hen leefbare omgeving.

Zij weet het zeker dat dit een eeuw voor de vrouw wordt, maar hopelijk zal zij ook inzien hoe die vrouw aan het roer het moet opnemen voor het algemeen welzijn van plant, dier en elk mens. Voorzeker mag het deel-tijddilemma, de loonkloof, huiselijk geweld niet ontbreken. Vooral dat laatste is kenbaar enorm toegenomen in deze corona tijd. Maar geweld onder kinderen is ook een enorm opvallend probleem geworden. De laatste maanden zijn wij overstelpt met moorden gepleegd door minderjarigen. Uit de hand gelopen pesterijen, met dood tot gevolg van ocharme 13 en 14 jarigen.
Onze maatschappij zit duidelijk met een groot probleem van normen en waarden.

Het is goed te merken dat zij inziet dat in onze huidige maatschappij wel genoeg ellende is voor nog minstens vijf boeken.

Zij sprak de afgelopen drie jaar vaak over ‘gelijke kansen‘. Als het ging om te lage schooladviezen voor kinderen met lager opgeleide ouders of (groot)ouders met een migratie-achtergrond bijvoorbeeld. Of over het lerarentekort, dat inmiddels door heel Nederland en België pijnlijk voelbaar is. Maar zoals in België voelen nog minder leerkrachten er iets voor om in scholen les te geven waar ‘minderbegaafden’, ‘minderheden’ of ‘allochtonen’ zitten. Niet veel leerkrachten staan te popelen om les te gaan geven in scholen met relatief meer leerlingen met risico’s op achterstanden. Van den Hul schreef er een initiatiefnota over en bestookte onderwijsministers Slob en Van Engelshoven geregeld met Kamervragen en moties.

Zij zegt

Maar de meeste indruk maakten niet de debatten, Kamervragen, of stemmingen (al blijft het natuurlijk best een bijzonder gevoel als een motie wordt aangenomen, zoals deze bijvoorbeeld😊). De meeste indruk maakten de gesprekken die ik had met de mensen die ik onderweg tegenkwam.


Gesprekken met leraren, over hun gigantische werkdruk en hun zorgen over de toekomst van ons onderwijs. Met ouders, die soms al jaren worstelden met het vinden van passend onderwijs voor hun kind. Met leerlingen in het Voortgezet Speciaal Onderwijs, die me vroegen om in debatten ook het VSO niet te vergeten. Gesprekken met vluchtelingen uit Congo en Soedan in een kamp in Oeganda, dat we bezochten tijdens een indrukwekkend werkbezoek aan Oost-Afrika. En vooral: de vele gesprekken met vrouwen in de vrouwenopvang, die me vertelden over hun pijn en hun dromen.

Want daarmee begon het allemaal voor mij, met een heel persoonlijke initiatiefnota over geweld achter de voordeur. Een onderwerp dat voor mij veel meer is dan alleen politiek: ik kan er helaas zelf als voormalig slachtoffer over meepraten. Best bloot voelde dat, jezelf zo kwetsbaar opstellen onder het oog van collega’s, pers en publiek. Maar ik ben blij dat ik zo een steentje heb kunnen bijdragen aan het bespreekbaar maken van dat hardnekkige taboe. {Waarom ik door wil als Kamerlid}


Met meer dan een jaar een proberen om te gaan met een ons zeer beperkende pandemie zijn er heel wat taboes boven water komen drijven die aangepakt moeten worden. Dus heel wat werk aan de winkel.

Wat gisteren nog opviel op het nieuws was hoe een Iraans leraar Engels hier een korte cursus had gelopen en zo de mogelijkheid kreeg om hier als bemiddelaar te kunnen optreden. Opmerkelijk was hoe goed die man in één jaar tijd Nederlands had geleerd. Tegenover veel Belgen en Nederlanders die een bepaalde job niet willen uitvoeren, omdat ze deze te min voor zichzelf vinden, heeft deze man de handen uit de mauwen gestoken, hogeschool gevolgd en op één jaar tijd een diploma behaald waarmee hij nu verder kan en in België ook zijn diensten kan aanbieden.

Overal in Europa hebben wij zulke moedige en hardwerkende durvers en blijvelingen nodig. Zij zullen binnenkort ook moeten meewerken om onze landen weer op de juiste weg te helpen na de coronacrisis.

Niet enkel politici moeten hun oor te luisteren leggen ook zeer vele mensen die het nog steeds niet geloven dat wij met een echte pandemie te maken hebben en dat wij ook nood hebben aan mensen van het buitenland om onze verouderde bevolking aan te vullen en op te vangen.



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Het gevaar om niets te doen tegen de oorzaak en de kwaal

Politici handig gebruik makend van immigranten en jihad angst

Gastvrijheid: een pijnlijke weg om anderen te verwelkomen



Hoe omgaan met huidige moeilijkheden

Politici die trachten het geloof in de privesfeer te duwen of uit de maatschappij te bannen

Met christenen flirtende politici

De politicus en schaamte

Wie of welke generatie verantwoordelijk

Democratische ondergang

Een tijd van plicht, verantwoordelijkheid en verantwoording


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Vluchtelingen, medemensen in nood: welkom!

Interview in Tertio: “Hopen is daden stellen”

Kamerlid in Coronatijd

Kirsten van den Hul

Verkiezingscampagnes gaan vaak over wie het hardst kan roepen. Wie het meest in het nieuws is, wie de concurrentie het best kan aftroeven, wie het meest gevatte antwoord geeft in debatten. Ik heb mijzelf een ander doel gesteld deze campagne. Ik wil vooral luisteren.

De afgelopen vier jaar heb ik mij als Kamerlid met veel liefde verdiept in veel verschillende onderwerpen. Van kansengelijkheid in ons onderwijs tot de aanpak van ‘huiselijk’ geweld, van eerlijke handel tot LHBT-veiligheid. De berichten, mails, brieven en telefoontjes die ik over al die onderwerpen kreeg waren daarbij vaak van onschatbare waarde. In aanloop naar de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 17 maart leg ik mijn oor dan ook graag te luisteren bij (ervarings)deskundigen in het land: studenten, professionals, onderzoekers, mensen die uit eigen ervaring kunnen spreken. Op zoek naar de meest prangende problemen, en wat daar volgens jullie aan gedaan moet worden.

Zo sprak ik vandaag met…

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Filed under Culturele aangelegenheden, Economische aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Nieuwsgebeurtenissen - Journaal, Politieke aangelegenheden, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Sociale Aangelegenheden

Happy New Year. SIGH.

Being chained for some more months we should be happy when we are still not infected by that terrible disease. Though we shall still have to be on the safe side, avoiding contact with too many people.

When staying in our little bubble, what do we want more. Today there are so many technological wonders that can bring people from all over the world to our doorstep.

We have the facility to be in contact with so many people all over the world and can share our thoughts with them. But we now have also much more time to read books and to watch films on our small or big screen.

So, let’s enjoy the life that we are privileged to have!

Coronavirus Diaries

It’s January 2021. We are way into the future and China has unleashed a whole load of hell into the world with Covid-19. We’re all still social distancing like mad, washing our hands, wearing masks, going nowhere, doing nothing, getting fat and lonely. No holidays, no hugs with friends, no eating in restaurants or going out dancing. We’re not even popping out for a cup of tea in a café. It’s a shitty life and I don’t see how it can change any time soon what with the new, ultra-transmissible mutation of the virus in rampant circulation.

But there is hope. Vaccines are being given. Snowdrop shoots are peeping out of the muddy grass, and I’ve bought a new armchair and sofa bed on a 0% finance deal from DFS. You’ve got to take happiness where you can get it. Plus:-

  • The children are healthy
  • I am healthy
  • We have…

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Filed under Announcement, Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

2020 a year of having more idols but also more personal problems

The Spring of 2020 brought something new to the world which made everyone and everything coming to a standstill but brought also many to having psychological problems. At first, it seemed incredible to hear certain churches calling for their members to come to church, even when the governments asked people to avoid contact with many. Some pastors dared to go so far as telling people that if they would become infected with Corona that would be because they had not enough faith. Such saying we can only call “criminal”. Several Christian groups, mainly in Holland wanted people to believe that as faithful people would come to the service they would not be harmed because they would do what God expected from them.

Lots of people got in problem with their mind, having become pulled away from their social contacts by the lockdown. Depression, bipolar episodes, and anxiety attacks were hindermost in the running.

Because depression isn’t often discussed in churches, a great deal of misunderstanding has popped up in this year when there were so many more people with a lot of psychological problems, who could not be helped by medical staff.

We want people to believe that the first step is realising what this disorder isn’t:

“It’s not a character defect, a spiritual disorder or an emotional dysfunction. And chief of all, it’s not a choice.”

Also we want Christians to be aware that it is not, like some Trinitarian preachers wanted their flock to believe

a penalty from God.

When you do not feel well in your skin it is not that God would be punishing you because you would have done something wrong or that you would not have enough faith in Him.

We also must be aware that just because someone seems “happy,” that doesn’t mean they’re healthy or that they really would be happy. Look at the very popular Flemish influencer. Social media seemed to take more people in its ban this year. The advertising flow is drying up, so professional users of social media tell more about their concerns and they seemed for many to provide some good information. After the death of that 21 year old boy more than ever, several influencers came to understand their role in the youthgroups and to realise that good mental health is important.

This way NokNok wants to teach young people that it is normal to not always feel perfect. Staff member Eline De Decker:

“Nobody walks on clouds every day. Sometimes you get up and immediately feel that it is going to be a terrible day. Sometimes you doubt yourself or feel insecure. Or are you stressed or disappointed with friends or family. That is normal.
And that’s all okay. ”

NokNok wants to convey that message clearly and shows young people between the ages of 12 and 16 what they can do to gain more self-confidence, have less stress and go through life as positivo.

Instagram has been around for ten years, and what the app has perhaps achieved best during that period is creating the illusion that users can “work independently” via the platform. Certainly influencers, people who live off sponsored photos on their Instagram profile, are an example of this bogus self-employment.
They live off Instagram, but much more for Instagram – they tweak their entire lives to create the best photos and videos. And once their Instagram goes down, they have nothing to fall back on.

With the rise of social media, the phenomenon of fanship has changed drastically. About ten or twenty years ago, an idol was someone you idolized by hanging posters on the wall, playing CDs, maybe watching movies or TV shows. The relationship fan-
Idol was pretty one-sided: the fan was occasionally thrown a treat – a new song, a TV appearance, a message about a wedding in a gossip magazine – and he or she had to settle for that.

But with digitization, the relationship between fans and idols has turned inside out,
British sociology professor Ellis Cashmore writes in his book Kardashian Kulture, in which he examines how celebrity culture has changed in the 21st century. No longer are fans from outside looking at the world in which their idol lives – they are right in the thick of it.

Certain churches used those idols also in church and wanted to attire people to their meetings by using a lot of music and disco settings. In 2020 we saw a continuation of the pulpits shrinking and even disappearing while bands and lighting have grown. But faith does not come from music, dynamic experiences, or supposed encounters with God. Faith is birthed through the proclamation of God’s Word (Rom 10:17).

Our assurance is threatened.
Whilst certain churches kept calling their flock to the church building, others tried to bring entertaining video presentations. All that attention or focussing on those idols and entertainement made many youngsters feeling even more alone, when there was no such church meeting any more. If we associate God’s presence with a particular experience or emotion, you can ask what happens when we no longer feel it.

We search for churches whose praise band, orchestra, or pipe organ produce in us the feelings we are chasing. But the reality of God in our lives depends on the mediation of Christ not on subjective experiences.

Musicians are given priestly status.
When music is seen as a means to encounter God, worship leaders and musicians are vested with a priestly role. They become the ones who bring us into the presence of God rather than Jesus Christ who alone has already fulfilled that role. Understandably, when a worship leader or band doesn’t help me experience God they have failed and must be replaced. On the other hand, when we believe that they have successfully moved us into God’s presence they will attain in our minds a status that is far too high for their own good.

Division is increased.
If we identify a feeling as an encounter with God, and only a particular kind of music produces that feeling, then we will insist that same music be played regularly in our church or gatherings. As long as everyone else shares our taste then there is no problem. But if others depend upon a different kind of music to produce the feeling that is important to them then division is cultivated. And because we routinely classify particular feelings as encounters with God our demands for what produce those feelings become very rigid. This is why so many churches succumb to offering multiple styles of worship services. By doing so, they unwittingly sanction division and self-centeredness among the people of God.

Scripture is full of exhortations to God’s people to sing and make music to Him. Our God has been gracious to give us this means to worship Him. But it is important to understand that music in our worship is for two specific purposes: to honour God and to edify our fellow believers. Unfortunately, many Christians tend to grant music a sacramental power which Scripture never bestows upon it.

Intense relationship
Those churches who by the years focused more on the show element of their services brought their members now in a situation where the lockdown is felt more as a restriction and limitation. Some even came to find that they could not serve God any more or did not give Him the full worship they had to offer Him. The fact they felt they could not serve their God any more made them feeling very bad. Instead of making them to understand they also could worship God in their own house in their own small bubble, some churches gave them even more a feeling of guilt by keeping to tell them they should not stop coming to the church building.

Against the lonely feeling they said what’s needed was the gathering and coming to feast again for God. But what is really needed is a loving community where people are encouraged to speak up and get help. And that speaking can be done by internet meetings and help can be giving by phone calls as well as by sending material by land mail.

People should know that when fear comes into their heart, they themselves can call to God. They not only should trust on the entertaining sessions of their church.

God Loves You

The fundamental message of the Gospel is that God loves you.
Do you understand?
God loves you. No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, God will always love you. Dr. Kenneth Hutcherson describes it like this,

No matter what kind of situation you may find yourself facing, don’t be afraid, because God will always be with you and have your best interests in mind since He loves you.  Whenever feelings of fear creep into your life, turn to God for the help you need to overcome them and successfully navigate your circumstances.  Whenever you sense God calling you to do something that requires taking a risk, move forward without fear because God will empower you to do whatever He calls you to do.

It’s Alright to Feel Sad

No one likes to feel sad. We frequently try to avoid feelings of pain, or bury them under the weight of our daily routines. But sorrow cannot and should not be ignored. Accepting our sorrow doesn’t mean we’re weak, or a failure, it means we’re human. Just look what Ethan McCarthy of Christianity Today had to say,

Our faith is predicated on sadness. As we grow in Christ’s service, we begin to recognize ourselves in Christ’s sad gaze in the icons. The sadness of Jesus exemplifies the sadness of Christians everywhere, and through it the whole world is redeemed. For the sadness of Jesus is not an ultimate sadness: the Bible also promises the end of sadness, and the wiping away of all tears: ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted’ (Matt. 5:4).

After bad times better times

2020 may not have been an ideal year, but we should know there have been lots more worse years in the past. When looking at those horrible years of illnesses, pains, horrible situations and wars, we should see that we did not have it as bad as some want us to believe.

Hope is a frail thing, but it’s hard to kill. If you’ve found yourself struggling in the valleys of life, please don’t give up. Surround yourself with friends who will comfort you and mourn with you. If you’re suffering from depression, have courage and make an appointment with a doctor. Above all, remember that God loves you, and that will never change.

2020 has been a year where a lot more people had psychological difficulties. The helplines got a lot more calls. Lots of people were struggling with depression.  More than 1 in 5 youngsters this year had difficulties with the isolation brought unto them. Christians should see signs and then should come to help.

Every suicide is a tragic end to a life that’s precious to God. If you’re willing, God can empower you to help save the lives of people he loves from ending their lives before they’ve completed the lifetimes he intends for them. Here’s how you can help prevent suicide by reaching out to struggling people you know:

Recognize warning signs.

The American Association of Suicidology says that people who are at risk of committing suicide often display warning signs such as: communicating a desire to kill themselves, looking for ways to kill themselves (like seeking access to guns or medications), expressing a lack of purpose or hope in life, demonstrating dramatic mood changes, behaving in significantly anxious or angry ways, sleeping too much or not sleeping enough, feeling trapped in a challenging situation, taking reckless risks, abusing alcohol or drugs, and withdrawing from relationships with family and friends.

Listen well and offer unconditional love, like God does.

Pay attention to the troubling thoughts and feelings that people share with you. Listen carefully to what they express, and ask them questions to clarify and seek more information. If suicidal people know that you’re genuinely interested in them and that they can trust you not to judge them, gossip about them, or avoid them when they tell you something disturbing, they’ll likely open up to you. Ask God to help you love suicidal people unconditionally – like He does – and that will give them hope they desperately need while struggling with embarrassment and shame.

Pray specifically.

Let people know that they can count on you to pray for them about every specific issue they’ve shared with you. Ask God to bring them the help and healing they need, and pray in Jesus’ name against any form of evil that may be attacking them spiritually.

Give people a fresh perspective on themselves and their problems.

Suicidal people often become so preoccupied with their own failures and the problems in their lives that they blow them out of proportion. When that happens, they feel overwhelmed and can’t see how they can ever find solutions to their problems or find relief from their suffering. Mistakenly thinking that there’s no hope for them to experience better lives, they then may choose to simply end their lives. If someone tells you that she hates herself or feels like a burden on others, you can encourage her by pointing out specific ways she has enriched your life. When someone you know is distraught about a problem that seems insurmountable, you can gently and respectfully point out other aspects of her life that are positive to help her gain a better perspective. Refrain from giving unsolicited advice, which can seem judgmental to someone who is struggling. But remind your friend that there’s plenty of good in her, and in her life, despite the bad aspects that trouble her. You can also point out that every problem – no matter how severe – is temporary, but suicide is permanent. Encourage suicidal people to give themselves time to see how their problems can resolve in unexpected ways, rather than prematurely ending their lives.

Strong churches don’t “fix” depression.

Even large churches may not have the framework currently in place to deal with mental disorders. So, what’s needed?

“Healing comes from a prayerful, loving community that seeks to truly understand major depressive disorder and related conditions, and one that develops a positive response.”

Depression can feel like a huge weight that keeps pulling a Christian down again and again. Breaking free from the clutches of this disorder may seem impossible, but Margaret Ashmore (of the Association of Biblical Counselors) says that one of the most important things a sufferer can do is “the next thing”:

“So ‘doing the next thing’ might mean getting right with someone you’ve wronged, making restitution on outstanding payments, putting away once for all that website or magazine which feeds a monstrous, lustful appetite, taking back a purchase of self indulgence whose only outcome was more debt – you will have your own list. I certainly have mine. But be assured, this principle alone can take you from a shrugging Atlas with the weight of the world on your shoulders to that of renewed vigor and reviving refreshment….”

“The choices we make to obey despite our feelings or to give in to the downward pull of a fallen world filled with fallen people – mean everything.”

If you suffer from anxiety of depression, you’re not alone.

The one true source of freedom: Jesus.

People who kill themselves are trying to break free from their pain. But suicide just makes people dead, not free, and it actually causes more pain by spreading grief around to deceased people’s loved ones. Tell struggling people you know that while suicide can’t make them free, Jesus Christ can. Jesus is the way to God. He is the mediator between God and man, and having been here on earth as a man of flesh and blood, he very well knows the pains man can have to face.

No matter how difficult, certain things may look for us, when we pray to God we may find solutions to get over those difficult situations.


(With parts of articles by a.o. Todd Pruitt, John UpChurch, Ryan Duncan, Whitney Hopler of Crosswalk.com)



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  8. Jesus Set Me Free
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  12. Encounter To Faith: Part I
  13. Encounter To Faith: Part II
  14. Then Jesus Danced for Me!
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  19. God is immeasurable
  20. Ultimate Happiness
  21. Crying out, “Abba! Father!”
  22. No one else!


Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Strikte regels voor reizen en terugkeer

Vorig weekend was het ongelofelijk druk op de luchthaven van Charleroi en konden wij massa’s mensen op elkaar gepakt zien. Ook in de luchthaven van Zaventem waren er heel wat reizigers die zich een niet-noodzakelijke verplaatsing veroorloofden. Eigenlijk is dat wel een beetje egoïstisch en zonder inleving of medegevoelen met al die gezondheidswerkers die alles in goede banen proberen te begeleiden.

Maar natuurlijk zijn er mensen waar een verplaatsing naar verre landen wel een noodzakelijk gebeuren is.

Laten wij allen we in acht nemen dat reizen ten stelligste afgeraden wordt. Voor personen die wel reizen worden de regels aangescherpt. Iedereen die >48 uur in een rode zone verblijft, wordt beschouwd als een hoogrisico contact. Bij terugkomst na een reis geldt een verplichte quarantaine van 7 dagen, met aansluitend een negatief testresultaat.

Bij de terugkeer van vakantie is het verplicht het Passenger Location Form (PLF) in te vullen. Er komt een verstrengde controle op het invullen van het PLF bij aankomst in België en op het naleven van de verplichte quarantaine.

Begin 2021 wordt er een nieuw PLF-systeem geïntroduceerd, waarbij er een onderscheid zal gemaakt worden tussen professionele en privéreizen. Zakenreizigers met een attest van de werkgever moeten dan niet langer in quarantaine indien uit hun PLF geen risico-gedrag blijkt. Alle andere reizigers moeten in alle omstandigheden wèl de quarantaine respecteren.

Alle niet-inwoners die vanuit een rode zone naar België reizen moeten vanaf 25 december 2020 verplicht een recent negatief testresultaat (48 uur) voorleggen.

Op dit moment is, op enkele uitzonderingen na, bijna heel Europa een rode zone. Check het reisadvies voor het land van bestemming op de website van Buitenlandse Zaken.



We herinneren aan het belang van het goed naleven van de bestaande contactregels, ook tijdens de feestdagen.

  • Maximum één knuffelcontact per gezin.
  • Voor samenkomsten buiten blijft de regel van vier gelden.
  • Op kerstavond of kerstdag mogen alleenstaanden hun beide contacten tegelijkertijd ontvangen.
  • Er geldt een algemeen verbod op het verkopen of afsteken van vuurwerk.
  • De avondklok blijft van kracht.:
    • in Vlaanderen: van middernacht tot 5u;
    • in Brussel en Wallonië: van 22u – 6u (uitgezonderd voor Wallonië op kerstavond, van 24 op 25 december, gaat de avondklok pas om middernacht in)
Naast deze maatregelen blijft het belangrijk om de maatregelen rond social distancing, hygiëne en het dragen van het mondmasker goed op te volgen. Enkel samen kunnen we de verspreiding van het coronavirus tegen gaan.

Stay safe!

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Filed under Aankondiging & Introductie, Gezondheid, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Nieuwsgebeurtenissen - Journaal

Social Distanced but Spiritually Close

To remember

  • moving farther & farther apart from one another > notion of distancing – social or physical – = embedded itself into every facet of our lives.


  • minyan – in empty sanctuary > first truly tactile experience in synagogue over entire duration of our social distancing.
  • Jewish religion sending message of comfort & consolation. > It’s OK – we got this.
  •  second paragraph of the Shema = metaphor for our relationship with nature + the environment.
  • nature = quixotic + capricious
  • It may be time to take a fresh look at the ancient ritual of tefillin.

Cantor Matt Axelrod

Over the last whatever number of months (I can’t even remember what day it is), we have been moving farther and farther apart from one another. The notion of distancing–social or physical–has embedded itself into every facet of our lives.

It’s hard to imagine that I haven’t actually shaken anyone’s hand since March. I haven’t seen over 95% of my congregation in person. When I’m out running, I have to interrupt being able to get “in the zone” as I remember to steer around other walkers and runners. If I’m out shopping, I reflexively recoil anytime I feel another person getting too close. I can’t even watch TV shows or movies now without looking at the scenes and thinking that people are standing way too close to each other.

The other day as I was preparing to lead minyan–in my empty sanctuary, standing at my podium (and I mean my

View original post 363 more words


Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

When 1 699 676 people worldwide are infected and the number of deaths had totalled 102 734 in 210 countries or territories

Thirty years old Gordon Bland who is a seminary student at Regent University, in his second year has a website called Agape Ministry on which he writes in his blogarticle Pandemic: Be Calm During the Storm:

We are living in a time that is certainly not the norm that we are used to, but is this unprecedented? If it is unprecedented, then is it totally unique or should our actions and emotions be similar to any other catastrophic event? The new Coronavirus that has spread globally, Covid-19, has caused over 13,000 deaths and over 300,000 illnesses. This is something that is affecting nearly every person in some manner, but is fear appropriate? Perhaps more importantly, is fear ever appropriate?

As of April 11, 2020, the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) had been confirmed in around 210 countries or territories. The virus had infected 1,699,676 people worldwide, and the number of deaths had totalled 102,734. The most severely affected countries include the U.S., Italy, and Spain.

Lots of people have signs of anxiety and fear that unseen enemy that had not previously been identified in humans. In February 2020, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses and the World Health Organization announced official names for both the virus and the disease it causes: SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, respectively. The name of the disease is derived from the words corona, virus, and disease, while the number 19 represents the year that it emerged.

There have been leaders of states who first downplayed or minimalised this virus as an ordinary virus resembling that of the common cold, with those infected often experiencing fever, coughing, and shortness of breath, and called it a “Chinese disease”, wanting to have people to believe it was the Chinese infecting others.

Soon that horrible virus infected the USA, where there are still people not wanting to see the importance of staying at home and when coming into public to stay far away enough from each other, on the 11th of April there were already 502 876 cases, leaving Spain far behind with its 158 273 registered infected people.
On the 11th of April over 376,339 people had recovered from the disease, while there had been 102,734 deaths.

Gordon Bland wonders:

We are living in a time that is certainly not the norm that we are used to, but is this unprecedented? If it is unprecedented, then is it totally unique or should our actions and emotions be similar to any other catastrophic event? {Pandemic: Be Calm During the Storm}

The world has had more very dangerous diseases bringing fear over this globe. One of the most devastating pandemics was the Black Death (also known as The Plague or Black Plague), which killed an estimated 75–200 million people in the 14th century. Other notable pandemics include the 1918 influenza pandemic (Spanish flu). Among the ten major virus outbreaks in the last 50 years, the Marburgvirus, genus of viruses in family Filovirida, caused severe disease in humans and other primates. One species has been described, Marburg marburgvirus (formerly Lake Victoria marburgvirus), which is represented by two viruses, Ravn virus (RAVV) and Marburg virus (MARV). The zoonotic disease that is characterized by high fever known as Marburg virus disease (MVD), with a malaise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, and hemorrhage (bleeding) gave a fatality rate as high as 80 to 90 percent.

How the Nipah virus spreads

Nipah, a type of RNA virus in the genus Henipavirus, followed in 1986 with a fatality percentage of 77,6.

ebolavirus; Ebola virus disease

Ebola, in full Ebola virus disease, formerly called Ebola hemorrhagic fever, contagious disease caused by a virus of the family Filoviridae that is responsible for a severe and often fatal viral hemorrhagic fever.

In comparison, the recent novel coronavirus, originating from the Chinese city of Wuhan, had a fatality rate of 2.2 percent as of January 31, 2020, whilst the so much feared Ebola in 1976 had ‘only’ a fatality rate of 40,4%.  As of early February 2020, the virus has spread to 24 countries with over 40 thousand confirmed cases.

The present virus came for many as a surprise. People should know it is because so many countries took such drastic measures there are no more casualties. Looking at the many deaths and so many illnesses. Bland wonders if this:

is something that is affecting nearly every person in some manner, but is fear appropriate? Perhaps more importantly, is fear ever appropriate? {Pandemic: Be Calm During the Storm}

It can be said it is normal that people are afraid for something they can not control; This time the world faces a pandemic they have a lot of difficulties to keep under control. Dangerous leaders of States, like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, brought their own population in danger and made that we now can see more deaths than there should have been with the knowledge scientists have to battle this disease.

we should not disregard actions to preserve life such as “social distancing.” We can learn from Jesus’ concern in the boat that He knew there was no reason to fear the storm for He was aware of the Father’s plan for His life. He knew it was not the time for His death. Instead, we can see that the storm was a trial for the disciples so that their faith may be tested. Jesus, with His sovereign control over all, controlled the storm and used it as a teaching moment regarding faith. {Pandemic: Be Calm During the Storm}

We all should know that it is God Who decides when our time to go comes. But we should not tempt Him by shouting we should not fear this diseases because we have God on our side. The Adonai has given the world people with brains, who can study diseases and can warn and help others to stay safe. I other people shall ignore those warnings and think all those scientists are fools they shall have to bear the consequences.

Bland urges you to

not sin through disregarding the life the Lord has given us. Do not take actions that cause you to endanger others, but instead, do what you can to ensure others are safe and provided for. We are to love our neighbor (Mark 12:31), so live your lives as such. It is not loving to needlessly risk other’s health for the sake of vain pleasure. Similarly, to disregard your own health is to sin against the Lord. If God gave us the gift of life, how foolish are we to live in a way to put it in danger? If a child is given a gift, is it not disrespectful to the giver of the gift to destroy it? How much more disrespect do we show to the Creator of life if we treat it as something to disregard. {Pandemic: Be Calm During the Storm}

Two days ago we could see how in White Rusland (White Russia) or Belarus, formerly known by its Russian name Byelorussia or Belorussia, for Good Friday people all gathered in churches and came to kiss a grand cross lying in the aisle. An ideal way for the virus to transmit from one person to another. Other pictures also entered in our living room from the United States of America, where so-called Christians said they had nothing to worry because they are Christians and God is with them, protecting them, and if their time would be there to die than it would be so. According to Pew Most White Evangelicals Don’t Think COVID-19 is a Medical Crisis. Several Protestants and Roman Catholics were calling their members to ignore the request for distancing and to come to the Easter celebrations. Also in Europe there are people who find the Easter egg hunt such an important family tradition that families should come together with their children in the houses of their grandparents to search for eggs. (Naturally one can wonder what eggs have to do with the death and resurrection of Christ!?!)
Such people ignoring the scientists their advice to stay at home and to avoid contact with others, are bringing other people in danger, but also themselves.

Many people are indeed showing respect for life by taking measures to protect the elderly and immune-compromised. This type of concern is something demonstrating how to love our neighbor, but how much more important that we show the same love for the unborn, who are but at the beginning of life. {Pandemic: Be Calm During the Storm}

We should not forget

The church has survived many pandemics like Covid-19. In fact, some were much worse, like the Black Death that killed 75 million deaths in Europe in the 14th Century. In 1918, the church saw the Spanish Flu ravage the world population, yet we are still here today. I will not say we should not have some concern, because we have a duty to both ourselves and others, but we shall not live in fear. Trust upon the Lord for his provision and protection. We will get through this together, all the whilst praising the Lord. If not, I’ll see you in Heaven, and we will praise the Lord! No matter what happens, we can have everlasting joy because of Jesus Christ, so that we may praise the Lord. I pray everybody will remain in good health, or recover quickly. God bless you all. {Pandemic: Be Calm During the Storm}



CoViD-19 warnings

Anxiety Management During Pandemic Days~

Hope on the Horizon: Pandemic Anxiety Management II~

Pandemic Anxiety Busters~

Mel Brooks saying “go home” to Max Brooks

Christian Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

So many being afraid – reason enough to step in the boat with Christ

“In The Midst Of The Storm”

Love in the Time of Corona

Why are you afraid?

Fear in your own heart or outside of it

Our life depending on faith

If you keep your faith and trust in God


Find also to read

  1. 2014 Health and welfare
  2. 2015 Health and Welfare
  3. The unseen enemy
  4. Making deeper cuts than some terrorist attacks of the near past
  5. Under-reporting the total number of coronavirus cases
  6. In denial, Donald Trump continues to insist that nothing serious is at hand and everything is in control
  7. India affected by Corona
  8. Coronavirus on March 11 declared a global pandemic on March 31 affecting more than 177 countries
  9. José Antonio Vergara talking in Esperanto about the outbreak of the epidemic
  10. Margaret Zaleski-Zamenho from Paris telling in Esperanto about the situation in France
  11. Using fears of the deadly coronavirus
  12. Europe in Chaos for a Pandemic
  13. Only a few days left before 14 Nisan
  14. Today’s thought “A night of watching” (February 5)
  15. Catholics facing a totally different Holy Week
  16. According to Pew Most White Evangelicals Don’t Think COVID-19 is a Medical Crisis
  17. Not able to see Jesus working wonders
  18. Observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal
  19. Christian values, traditions, real or false stories, pure and upright belief
  20. When Belonging to the escaped ones gathering in Jesus name


Further Related

  1. Holy Lament, Holy Suffering
  2. The Planet is On Fire and We’re Chilling Out — Mental Illness and the COVID-19 Crisis
  3. Is this over yet?
  4. Social Distancing Works, But What’s Next?
  5. COVID-19 Journal (Entry 12)
  6. The Stir Crazy Files – Episode 19
  7. 20,000: US death toll overtakes Italy’s as Midwest braces
  8. Facing the Coronavirus
  9. We’re All Behind Together
  10. Quarantine YA Recommendations
  11. On Easter
  12. The Wind of Prayer in Battle
  13. ‘We’re Catching It Double.’ Amid Coronavirus Lockdowns, Gun Violence Continues to Plague Chicago
  14. #trumpcovidfails more bedbuggery than features, Bret Stephens decides bigly government sucks
  15. kids and coronavirus, three weeks in
  16. COVID-19 Chronicles: Day 26
  17. Headlines promise Australia’s on the ‘cusp’ of defeating coronavirus. We’re not and it’s too soon to relax restrictions
  18. Easter is coming
  19. Isolation
  20. Gorgeous Rendition of Rise Again by the Choir of Women Physicians
  21. The Grim Reaper
  22. Today was full of panic
  23. staying connected during quarantine
  24. Update: Wilmington Now Has 155 Active Positive COVID-19 Cases — 65 In Community, 73 At Advinia, 17 At CareOne
  25. Couple celebrates milestone anniversary while keeping social distancing in mind
  26. The Cottages, Fayetteville PD enforce social distancing
  27. S . O . S . ~ Move Your Body
  28. Today I am going for a walk
  29. Words for the Way IV: Pastoral Notes for locked down times. Easter Sunday Who will Roll the Stone Away?
  30. Covid
  31. Draw in & Breathe – For me
  32. Easter 2020
  33. Easter Greetings from Mrs Daffodil
  34. Sew it Begins….Sew It is Finished
  35. ‘Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread’
  36. Easter Vigil
  37. The Longest Night of My Life
  38. Dak Prescott And Zeke Need To Be Suspended Until (At Least) 2022 For Violating Social Distancing Laws
  39. Dispatches from Covid-ville: Sunday is Coming
  40. Easter is coming


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Christian Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sometimes people have to be confronted by something terribly bad. At regular intervals, certain people come to struggle terribly and have to learn by a hard lesson, being pulled down by an accident or serious disease.

Several people at a certain moment in their life got struck. Suddenly they become confronted by a longer period that they can not do the things they normally do. During that time of not doing anything, they are given time to think about the past but also the future. Then they can take time to meditate and to really start to reevaluate the value of things.

Before they got sick or bounded to the bed by their sickness or paralysation, they can have the film of their life repeated over and over again for days. At that time they have hours and days to think about all those things that kept them busy. Then they also realize that they had and still have so many dreams that they’ve had over the years and projects that they wanted to do.

From people who previously had serious accidents and diseases, we do know several people came in confrontation with the matter of a godhead, and started examining the Scriptures, coming to one conclusion, that there is Only One True Divine God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Who is a loving God and not a cruel Being that would have His children being tortured or being burned forever.
It is then for them the time to recognise how so many churches or denomination lied to their flock and used fear to master them.

The devil, being spoken of in the Bible, is any or every adversary who walks on this planet. For sure there are many adversaries of God too, who would love people not to believe in the Divine Creator or have them keeping to the many false teachings, human traditions and heathen festivals.

But it are the real lovers of God who in such difficult times should show how they know for sure Who is behind everything and Who can be the helping hand in times of problems but also be a Guide in times when everything seems alright.

These days when there is a virus making many victims, those real followers of the son of God, should show the world how God has given the world a saviour and mediator, who paid the ransom for all the faults we as human beings have done.

Now is the time that all real lovers of God can show the world Who That real God is and how we as united lovers of God are not afraid of what comes upon this world but are willing to unite in prayer to protect all those around us, believers and unbelievers.

IMG-20161127-WA0018In the article of Janisha Jacobs, affectionately known as “Keela“,, the greatest hope is expressed that during this crisis more people will be drawn closer to Christ, the son of God. We only can hope and pray that more people shall come to see that in this time of fear there will be no other choice but for our faith to increase and to join hands spiritually. That in this time of not knowing what tomorrow holds we will learn to let God worry about tomorrow and focus on getting through today, with the knowledge that there shall come even worse days and even a more severe battle, with the third World War or Armageddon. Therefore we can look at this pandemic as a rehearsal for what still has to come and to make us stronger to be prepared for what is still to come.
Let us, therefore, pray not to false gods, like some many have taken themselves false gods, but learn also others to pray to the God Jesus also prayed too, namely his heavenly Father (and not himself) the One and Only True God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah.


To remember

  • facing global Pandemic of Covid-19 virus #CoronaVirus.
  • enough news surrounding panic > All across the world right now persons are facing panic, trauma & a lot of uncertainty because of the effects of Covid-19.
  • Persons afraid, lost loved ones, +  wondering if they will be next.
  • China, Italy, America, UK, etc. > unimaginable crisis.
  • biggest question right now =  “when will it end?”
  • for the church = also the question of “how do we react?”
  • to get us to close down churches > building =/= church
  • people = church
  • via Zoom = enjoyable + more intimate than “pulpit and pew”
  • try + prevent spreading virus => stay home
  • response/reaction to world crisis & pandemic = faith, wisdom, compassion, forward thinking, leadership + most importantly prayer.

Keela's Chronicles

As most of you know, we have all been facing the global Pandemic of the Covid-19 virus #CoronaVirus. Initially I had no intentions of blogging about it, figuring that there is enough news surrounding the panic and I didn’t want to be one more person adding fuel on an already blazing fire. But, if you read my latest post you know by now that I decided to change my mind

All across the world right now persons are facing panic, trauma and a lot of uncertainty because of the effects of Covid-19. Persons are afraid, many have lost loved ones, some may not even know if their loved ones are still alive in places like Italy, some persons are sick and many others are wondering if they will be next. And all of these emotions and feelings are completely understandable but so very heartbreaking.

View original post 492 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Health affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Prayers, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Mel Brooks saying “go home” to Max Brooks

93 years old Mel Brooks and 47 years old son Max sharing a comedic PSA video plea to the public to limit actions that could continue the spread of the #coronavirus.


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Social affairs, Video, Welfare matters

CoViD-19 warnings

There were and still are many governments that do not see yet or do not yet understand the severity of the current coronavirus spread.

We know by now lots of people shall have seen warnings in social media and on their television screen.

There are loads of video’s to warn the public. Underneath we present a video from Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell and one short animated video from Stanford Medicine, which has a long tradition of leadership in pioneering research, creative teaching protocols and effective clinical therapies and here illustrates how the novel coronavirus — the virus that causes the respiratory disease COVID-19 — is transmitted among people and how transmission can be prevented.

As the world copes with the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we know that several people, though bombarded with lots of information from their television channels but also from social media and national and local press, do not know any more what to believe or  have a lot of questions about what it means for them and the people they care about.

We advise all our readers to carefully follow the advice of their local governments but also to see what is going on globally, checking the state television channels and the World Health Organization. We all best can avoid as much as possible to have contact with other people, therefore distancing is essential.

Spreading primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, it’s important that people also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow) and when speaking to each other keep a reasonable distance, preferable of more than one meter (= 3 feet; but better more or best 1,5 meter). If you are too close, you can breathe in the invisible droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.

Another problem with viruses is that they can transmit when infected people have come in contact with objects. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to the eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter the person’s body and can make him or her sick.

Also in our community we love to hug and give kisses and everywhere when meeting or saying good bye hands are given. But for the moment we better live that aside and better salute or give elbows or feet.

What to do

To protect yourself and others from the new coronavirus (Covid-19), you should apply the following hygiene measures:

  • • If you have flu-like symptoms, stay at home.
  • • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
  • • Sneeze and blow your nose in a tissue handkerchief. Use each tissue only once and throw it away immediately in a covered rubbish bin.
  • • You don’t have a tissue? Sneeze or cough into your elbow.


Help us slow down the spread of the virus:

  • 1. Stay at home as much as possible
  • 2. Avoid shaking hands, kissing or hugging each other.
  • 3. Watch out for those most at risk, i.e. people over 65 years of age, people with diabetes, heart, lung or kidney disease, and people with weakened immune systems, among others.
  • 4. Contact between children and the elderly is not recommended. Children do not get seriously ill from the coronavirus but they can spread it easily.
  • 5. Keep enough distance (1.5 metres) when outdoors.

Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider

Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.


National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.


At Stanford Medicine, our highest priority is the safety of our patients, health care workers and our community. We follow protocols recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and we will continue to update our institutional guidelines and processes to respond to this evolving situation.

For more information, please visit https://med.stanford.edu/covid19.html




Please find also to read:

  1. Using fears of the deadly coronavirus
  2. Europe in Chaos for a Pandemic
  3. Making deeper cuts than some terrorist attacks of the near past
  4. The unseen enemy


Normally (because of so many negative reactions from the writers of such linked articles) we had decided not any more to show related articles, but in these circumstances, we would like to make an exception and again show you some other articles which might be interesting to read.


  1. Social media firms ‘morally responsible for tackling Covid-19 misinformation’
  2. COVID-19: Ex-Presdient Jonathan calls for action,solidarity and patriotism
  3. BetaNews: Facebook is doing more to promote reliable information about coronavirus
  4. Guest post: To control or be controlled by the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19)?
  5. Doctor Explains How to Safely Bring Groceries and Take Out Food Into Your Home
  6. Your Strategy During The Coronavirus
  7. Seven top tips to keep you motivated while you’re working from home
  8. Coronavirus: a tale of two states
  9. What is a coronavirus antibody test and how does the home test work?
  10. Coronavirus live updates: COVID-19 cases surge past 3,400, deaths at 35 in Canada
  11. Chinese Coronavirus in Kashmir: 152 people with undisclosed foreign travel history traced by Srinagar Control Room, put under quarantine
  12. It’s good to talk. But sometimes it’s easier to write, text, email or video call
  13. I might have already had Covid-19
  14. Pandemic life


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Headlines - News, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Pictures of the World, Video, World affairs